Labour Law - 2 Syllabus and Important Questions

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Labour Law-2
Unit-I : Constitutional Dimensions of Industrial Relations and Labour.

Constitution and Labour welfare - The Bonded Labour System Abolition Act, 1976-The Equal
Remuneration Act, 1976-the Inter-State Migration of Workers Act, 1979- the Sexual Harassment of
Women at Workplace (Prevention, Prohibition and Redressal) Act, 2013.

Unit II – Wages, Bonus and Gratuity

Concept of Wages - Theories of wages and Kinds of wages. The Minimum Wages Act, 1948- Definitions
appropriate government, employer, employee, Scheduled employment, etc. Fixation of Minimum rates
of wages - Methods - Regulation of working conditions - Payment of Wages, Working Hours, etc.

Bonus Context -a clfinfor share in profits even after payment of wages according contract of
employment? Is it a breach of contract or an implied term of the contract? - concepts of bonus and right
to share in profts - The payment of Bonus Act, 1965- definitions - provisions relating to payment of
bonus-judicial interpretations and constitutionality of the provision relating to Govt's power to exempt

Gratuity Context - reward for long drawn loyal service employers' liability or good gesture? Historical
developments.The payment of Gratuity Act, 1972 definitions judicial interpretation and parliamentary
amendment of the definition of employee.- payment of gratuity -determination of the airiount of

Unit III- Protection of Child Labour and contract labour

Child labour practice and reasons for child labour competing views on necessity and feasibility of
abolition of child labour - Human rights perspective and constitutional provisions for the protection of
child the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986 definitions provisions relating to
prohibition of child labour in certain establishments and

processes-regulation of conditions of work - penalties-judicial interpretations. Amendments made

through The Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment Act, 2016 and Criticisms. Abolition
and regularisation of contract labour, regulation of contract labour under the Contract Labour
(Regulation &Abolition) Act 1970-judicial decisions relating absorption of shampractice of contract
labour-evaluation of the working of the Act in the present days.

Unit-IV Social Security

The Employees' Provident Fund (Family Pension Fund and Deposit Linked Insurance Fund) Act, 1952-
Definitions- contribution,employee, employer, factory, fund, etc. Provident Fund Scheme, Family
Pension Scheme, Eployees' Deposit Linked Insurance Scheme - Scope, Contributions- Benefits-
Authorities under the Act- Powers.

Latest judicial pronouncements.

The Maternity Benefit Act, 1961- Object and Scope of the Act, Definitions - appropriate govemment,
employer, establishment, factory, maternity benefit,wages,etc. Benefits under the Act-Inspectors.

Unit -V Protection of unorganised labour

Features and scheme of protection of workers in unorganised sector under the Unorganised Workers'
Social Security Act, 2008

Necessity of protection of unorganised labour in shops and establishments by regulating their working
conditions the Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961 application of the Act, Hours
of work, annual leave with wages- wages and compensation - employment of children and women-
authorities and penalties.

Globalisation, Privatisation and Open Economy- Effects of Globalisation on Industry and Labour-
Constitutional Mandate of Welfare State and effectiveness of Social Security and Social welfare
legislations in India under new economic policy Review of laws to meet new challenges Legislative and
Judicial response/trend towards application of Labour laws-

Emergence of laws relating SEZs, etc.


1."The Fundamental Rights and Directive Principles of State Policy are the backbone of the Industrial
Jurisprudence in India". Elucidate.

2. Explain the objectives of the Equal Remuneration Act,

3.Write a short note on International Labour Organization

4. Write a note on Duties of the District Magistrate and Vigilance Committees under Bonded Labour
system (Abolition)Act 1976

1. Articles 23 and 24 of lndian Constitution are wide enough to encompass various aspects of rights of
labourers -Discuss.

2. Write a note on Equal PaY for equal work"

3. Explain the provisions reiating to registration of establishment employing inter-state migrant

workmen under The lnter-State Migrant Workmen Act, 1979.

4. Write a note on Constitution of lnternal complaints committee.

1. Discuss the provisions relating to extinguishment of liability to repay bonded debt.

2. Explain employers responsibility under Protection of Women Against Sexual Harassment Act,.

3. Explain the salient features of The Equal Remuneration Act, 1976.

4. State objectives of Bonded Labour System (Abolition)

1. Articles 23 and 24 of the Indian Constitution are wide enough to encompass various aspects of rights
of labourers -Discuss.

2. Explain the provisions relating to the registration of establishments employing Inter-state migrant
workmen under the lnter-State Migrant Workmen Act, 1979.

3. Write a note on equal pay for equal work.

4. Employers responsibility under Protection of Women Against Sexual Harassment Act, 2013.

Unit -2
1. Define the term minimum wage and explain the procedure for fixation of minimum rates of wages
laid down under Minimum Wages Act,1948.

2. Explain the concept of Bonus. How it is calculated?

3. The Gratuity amount ofa workman was not paid by his employer on the ground that he has caused
great loss to the management due to his negligent activities. Can the workman recover his gratuity
amount? Advice.

4. A was employed in an industry and regular wages were paid to him.The industry got heavy profits
during the year. A and others demanded Bonus. Advice A & Others.

1. What is minimum wages? Explain the procedure for fixation of minimum wages.

2. Compulsory insurance under payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.

3. Explain the provisions relating to eligibility for bonus and disqualification for bonus under the
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.

4.'X"-an employee has been paid puja bonus before he is found guilty of the act oi misconduct. whether
the employer can recover that amount on the ground that he had a right of adjustment under the Act

Nov -21
1. Discuss the provisions relating to payment of Gratuity under the payment of Gratuity Acl, 1g22. Marks
: 10

2. Nomination under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.

3. what is wage ? Explain the procedure of claims under theMinimum Wages Act, 1g48.

4. some workmen who were dismissed for misconduct in December 2015 claimed bonus for the
accounting year 2014-15. The management denied their claim on the ground that they were dismissed
for misconduct. Decide

1. Discuss the provisionsrerating to the payment of gratuity under the Payment of Gratuity Act, 1972.

2. What is minimum wages ? Explain the procedure for fixation of minimum wages.

3. write a note on the provisions relating to eligibility for bonus and disquarification for bonus under the
Payment of Bonus Act, 1965.

4. 'A'.was emproyed in an rndustry and regurar wages were paid to him. The Industry got heavy profit
during the year, 'A'and others demanded bonus. advise, A,and others.


1. Elucidate the objectives of Child labour Prohibition & Regulation ACT 1986
2. Write the essential features of Contract Labour Regulation and Abolition act 1970
3. Write a note on Regulation of condition sof work of children
4. Write a note on the advisory Boards under contract labour (Regulation anAd AboliACtion Act


1. Elucidate the human rights perspective and constitutional provisions for the protection of child.

2. Registration of Establishments employing contract labour.

3. Salient features of Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970. Marks : 10

4. Discuss the amendments brought through the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Amendment
Act, 2016.


1. Elucidate the objectives of the Contract Labour (regulation and Abolition) Act, 1970.

2.Write a note on Central Advisory Board under Contract Labour (Regulation and Abolition) Act,

3. Discuss the salient features of the various schemes formulated under the Employees Provident
Fund Act, 1952.

4. The occupies of the factory which was covered under Employees Provident Fund and
miscellaneous Provisions Act has refused to pay the contributions to the "Provident Fund" on the
ground that the number of persons employed in the factory has been reduced to below the
statutory number.


1. Elucidate the objectives of the Contract Labour (Regulationand Abolition) Act 1970.
2. What are the objectives of the Child Labour (Prohibition and Regulation) Act, 1986.
3. Write a note on the Advisory Boards under the Contract labour(Regulation and Abolition) Act,
4. Write a note on causes of child labour in lndia and how it can be prevented ?

Unit -4

1. 1.Define Contribution. Examine the law relating to contribution by the employer and
employees provident fund Act,1952.
2. 2.Discuss the mode of recovert of money due from the employer under th EPF ACT,1952.
3. 3.Write a short note on Object and scope of the maternity benefit act 1961.
4. 4.Write a note on Maternity Leave Under the maternity Benefit Act 1961


1. Explain the provisions relating to mode of recovery ofmoney due from employer underThe
Employees'provident Funds and Miscellaneous Provisions Act, 1952.

2. A woman suffering from illness arising out of pregnancy claims additional leave for a period
of one month. She produces the proof of her illness certificate issued by the certified
medical practitioner. Decide whether she can be given additional period of Ieave under the

3. objectives of tMaternity Benefit Act, 1961 and its application

4. Powers and duties of inspeetors under the Employees Provident Funds and miscellaneous
Provisions Act, 1952.


1. Discuss the salient features of the various schemes formulated under the Employees Provident
Fund Act, 1952.
2. The occupies of the factory which was covered under the Employees Provident Fund and
Miscellaneous Provisions Act has refused to pay the contributions to the "Provident Fund" on
the ground that the number of persons employed in the factory has been reduced to below the
statutory number. Decide.
3. Explain the benefits available to women under Maternity Benefit Act, 1961
4. Employees under the Provident Fund Act, 1952


1. Explain the benefits available to women under Maternity Benefit Act, 1961.

2. Definecontribution. Examinethelawrelatingtocontribution by the employer and employees under the

Employees Provident Fund Act, 1952. Marks : 10

3. Write a note on'Maternity Leave'.

4. Write a note on "Employees" under the Provident Fund Act, 1952.



1. Explain the various Central Government Schemes provided under the Unorganized Workers
Social Security Act, 2008 to strengthen the unorganized workers.

2. Explain the registration procedure and authorities under the Karnataka Shops and Commercial
Establishments Act, 1961.

3. Write a note on objectives of Special Economic Zones Act.

4. Write a note on hours of work and annual leave with wages under the Kamataka Shops and
Commercial Establishments Act, 1961.


1. Social welfare legislations in lndia under new economic policy" Discuss.

2. Effect of privatisation on lndian lndustry.

3. Write about the Composition of National Social Security Board for unorganised workers under
the Un-organised Workers Social Security Act, 2008.

4. Objectives of Karnataka Shops and Commercial Establishments Act, 1961


1. Effects of Globalization on lndian lndustry.

2. Special Economic Zone.

3. Explain provisions relating to regulation of working conditions under Karnataka shops and
commercial Establishments Act, 1961.

4. Objectives of Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008



1. Discuss the "social Welfare Legislations in lndia under new economic policy".

2. Write a note on the composition of Nationalsocial Security Board for unorganised

workers under the Unorganised Workers Social Security Act, 2008.

3. Effects of privatisation on lndian lndustry.

4. objectives of Karnataka state shops and commercial Establishments, Act, 1961 .

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