Petro Crops (Plants) : Petroplants/petrocrops Can Be Grown

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A gasifier converts solid fuels into a The gas holder cuts off air to the
more convenient-to-use gaseous fuel digester (anaerobiosis) and collects the
called producer gas. gas generated.
Any biodegradable (that which can be
Uses of biomass decomposed by bacteria) substance can
In the developed world biomass is be fermented anaerobically (in absence Page
becoming important for applications of oxygen) by methane-producing
(methanogenic) bacteria. |3
such as combined heat and power
generation. Cowdung or faeces are collected and
Biomass energy is gaining significance put in a biogas digester or fermenter (a
as a source of clean heat for domestic large vessel in which fermentation can
heating and community heating take place).
applications. A series of chemical reactions occur in
the presence of methanogenic bacteria
Advantages of biomass energy (CH4 generating bacteria) leading to the
production of CH4 and CO2.
Burning of biomass does not increase
atmospheric carbon dioxide because to Petro crops (Plants)
begin with biomass was formed by
atmospheric carbon dioxide and the Recent researches suggest that
same amount of carbon dioxide is hydrocarbon producing plants can
released on burning. become alternative energy sources,
Biomass is an important source of which can be inexhaustible and ideal
energy and the most important fuel for liquid fuel.
worldwide after coal, oil and natural These plants called
gas. petroplants/petrocrops can be grown
Biomass is renewable and is on land which are unfit for agriculture
abundantly available on the earth in and not covered with forests. Jatropa
the form of firewood, agricultural curcas is an important petro plant.
residues, cattle dung, city garbage etc. Biocrude can be obtained by tapping
Bio-energy, in the form of biogas, which the latex of Jatropa curcas.
is derived from biomass, is expected to Biocrude is a complex mixture of
become one of the key energy resources liquids, terpenoids, triglycerides,
for global sustainable development. phytosterols waxes, and other modified
isoprenoid compounds.
Bagasse as biofuel Hydro cracking of biocrude can convert
it into several useful products like
Indian sugar mills are rapidly turning
gasoline (automobile fuel), gas oil and
to bagasse, the leftover of cane after it
is crushed and its juice extracted, to
generate electricity. Some potential Petro-crop species
belong to family Asclepiadaceae and
This is mainly being done to clean up
the environment, cut down power costs
and earn additional revenue. Geothermal Energy
Biogas plant
Geothermal energy is natural heat from
The biogas plant consists of two the interior of the earth that can be
components: a digester (or used to generate electricity as well as to
fermentation tank) and a gas holder. heat up buildings.


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