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MATRIC: 16/27BA/645





AUGUST, 2020

This is to declared that Talabi Yusuf Abiodun, with Matric Number 16/27BA/645 carried
out this research work titled ‘Effect of employees commitment on organizational
performance’ under my supervision and that this research work has not been previously
submitted for the award of any degree in this or any other Institutions.

Talabi Yusuf Biodun Sign/Date


It is hereby certified that this research was undertaken by Talabi Yusuf Abiodun with the
matric no: 16/27BA/645 and that the research is based on his original study, under the
supervision of DR.Nurudeen Bello. The Ideas and views of this research work are
products of the original research undertaken by him and the views of other researchers
have been duly expressed and acknowledged.

________________ ______________
DR.Nurudeen Bello Date Supervisor

_________________ _______________
Dr. Abu Zekeri Date
Head of Department

External Examiner Date


This research work is dedicated to Almighty Allah for His mercy on me all these while.

Also to My Parent may Allah reward you all accordingly.


My thank goes to almighty Allah that has made this possible, despite all odds within and

outside the system. I just cannot thank YOU enough for sparing my life to witness the

completion of this laborious and one roust ask. I equally want to appreciate with gratitude

all the helps, encouragement and assistance, miscellaneous critiques and assorted material

I received within and outside KWASU system in the process of writing this research


Special thanks to my supervisor: Dr Nurudeen Bello for taking his time to read through

the pages and make corrections where necessary despite his tight schedules; May Lord

reward you. I will obviously thank my parents (AlhajiandAlhajaTalabi) for their

unflinching financial and moral support from my childhood till now, and I wish them

nothing but the opportunity to reap the fruit they have laboured for.

The following people are helpful in various ways: Dr.A.Issa, Dr.A.OMustapha,

Dr.AbuZekeri, Dr Mrs Ilori, Dr.Ismail Yusuf, Mr.Adebola and Mr.Ibrahim lawal, for

their moral and multi-dimensional supports, long you shall all live to reap the fruits of

your hard labour.

I will also want to appreciate the effort a father late Alhaji Ibrahim Nda and my big

brother from another mother Mr.Kayode aka Sir Kay and also Mr.Ibrahim Alabi aka IB,

Mr AbdulRasheed, Mr Yusuf Gidado(Standard). My appreciation goes to my Friends

Olokoba, Denis, Akeem, Seun, Dayo, Simbiat, Sherifat, Ika99, Pelumi, Rukayat, Praise,

Iradat, Break, Abdul Mumeen, Alfa Qudri, Olamide Debora who has helped me during

the course of this work.

My sincere appreciation goes to my Siblings, Course mates and my girls Abiodun Fatia

and Temitope Sarah Idowu for standing and believing in me even when No one seems to

listen to my problems and difficulties during the period, I love you so much.


Human Resources are the greatest assets to face this business world competition in an
organization because how the employees behave at work contributes either positively or
negatively to the success of their organization. Presently, the business world has a big
competition and in the competitive world, every organization is facing new challenges
regarding creating a committed workforce into the organization. The main aim of this
research is to determine the impact of employee’s commitment on organizational
performance (a case study of GTB, Taiwo Iloirn). The case study method was adopted
with particular focus on GTBAnk, 80 respondents were sampled, 70 copies of the
questionnaire were distributed out of which 64 was correctly filled and returned. The data
was analyzed with the use of Statistical package for social sciences (SPSS 2.0).The study
revealed that employees commitment has an effect on its output significantly in the past
years and this has brought continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the
organization as a result of the adoption, the study also revealed that serious attention
commitment of employees is crucial as its helps in building stability in the service of an
organization towards its efficiency. The study concludes that employees’ commitment
does affect the effectiveness of the organization. The study recommends that GTBank
and other organizations should also align employees’ commitment with the efficiency of
the organization in order to assist the organization performance generally, they should
also step up the level of employees commitment as this enhance and also motivates
employees to work more and in return, this will help increase the effectiveness of the of
the organization.











1.1 Background to the Study………………………………………………1

1.2 Statement of Research Problem……………………………...…………….….3
1.3 Research Questions……………………………………....………….3
1.4 Research Objectives……………………………………………………4
1.5 Research Hypotheses…………………………………………………4
1.6 Significance of the Study………………………………………….…4
1.7 Limitations of the Study………………………………….…………5
1.8 Scope of the Study…………………………………………………..5
1.9 Chapterization ………………………………………………………6
1.10 Operationalization of Variable……………………………………...….6
1.11 DefinitionofOperationalTerms…………………………………………7


2.0 Preamble………………………...………….............………9

2.1 Conceptual Clarification…………………………….……………………..9

2.2 Theoretical Review………………………………………….……………21

2.3 Empirical Review…………………………………………………………24

2.4 Gap in Literature……………………………………………………….…28


3.1 Preamble……………………………………………….……….29

3.2 Research Strategy…………….…………………………………....29

3.3 Research Philosophy……………………………………………....29

3.4 Research Design….………………………………………………..30

3.5 Source of the Data……….…………………………………………30

3.6 Population of the study……..……………………………..30

3.7 Sample Size Determination ……………………………………….31

3.8 Data Collection…………………….…………………………...…32

3.9 Research Instrument………………………………………………32

3.10 Method of Data Analysis………………………………………..33

3.11 Validity of Research Instrument……………………………...…33

3.11 Reliability of Research Instruments…………………………….33

3.12 Ethical Consideration…………………………………………...34


4.1 Preamble………………………………………………………35

4.2 Questionnaires Response………………………………………..35

4.3 Analysis of Questionnaire…………….…………………………35

4.4 Test For Hypothesis……………………………………………..49

4.5 Discussion of Findings……………………………………………..57


5.1 Preamble.……………………………………………………..58

5.2 Summary of Findings…………………………………………...58

5.3 Conclusions……………………………………………………..59

5.4 Recommendations………………………………………………60

5.5 Suggestions for Further Findings……………………………….60

5.6 Contributions to Knowledge…………………………………….61

Reference……………………………………………………………………..62- 63

Appendix……………………………………………………..…..…………….. 64



1.1 Background to the Study

Human Resources are the greatest assets to face this business world competition in an
organization because how the employees behave at work contributes either positively or
negatively to the success of their organization. Presently, the business world has a big
competition and in the competitive world, every organization is facing new challenges regarding
creating a committed workforce into the organization. Human Resources are the greatest assets
to face this business world competition in an organization. Because the employees behavior at
work contributes either positively or negatively to the success of their organization. While some
employees behave, in ways that may be described as constructive and helpful, others embark on
acts that may be described as destructive and harmful to their organization. The employee’s
Constructive, Workplace behaviors can view the employee’s Organizational Commitment, which
is defined by Mowdray (1974), as consisting of three components; “an identification with the
goal’s and values of the organization, a desire to belong to the organization and a willingness to
display effort on behalf of the organization. Committed employees are characterized as loyal,
productive members of work organization (Porter,1974).

Employee Commitment is highly valuable. Studies have highlighted that employee’s

commitment has a great impact on the successful performance of an organization. This is
because a highly committed employee will identify with the goals and values of the organization,
has a stronger desire to belong to the organization and its willing to display greater
organizational citizenship behavior i.e., willingness to go over and beyond their required job
duties and if human resources are said to be an organization’s greatest assets, then committed
human resources should be regarded as an organization’s competitive advantage (Mowdray,
1974). In fact, a vast number of studies have found positive relationships between organizational
commitment and employee behaviors such as a greater effort exerted by the employee in
performing tasks, better work attendance, increased willingness to engage in citizenship behavior
and higher delivery of service qualities. Most organizations have realized that the performance of
their workers plays a vital role in determining the success of the organization (Zheng, 2010; Ajila
and Awonusi, 2004). As such, it is important for employers and managers alike to know how to
get the best out of their workers. Committed employees are highly motivated to contribute their
time and energy to the pursuit of organizational goals are increasingly acknowledged to be the
primary asset available to an organization (Hunjra, 2010). They provide the intellectual capital
for many organizations, and they have been regarded at most critical asset (Hunjra, 2010).

Furthermore, employees who share a commitment to the organization and their collective well-
being are more suitable to generate the social capital that facilitates organizational learning. It is
therefore important for organization to know the aspects that play important role or have big
impact in boosting the commitment of their employees.
As it is known that an organization does not achieve anything on its own except the
cumulative achievements of the employees that make up the organization. In Guaranty Trust
Bank(GTB) for instance, its achievement is an expression of the percentage of market share
acquired, level of employee retention as well as the extent of recognition within and outside the
country amongst other indices. Employee commitment as an individual attitude could be elicited
through several factors but how it bears on organizational performance is worrisome. Given the
banking environment with its concomitant employees lay off consequent upon unexpected
performance as it were, it therefore, becomes necessary to investigate the effect commitment of
the employees of Guaranty Trust Bank(GTB) particularly the Taiwo, Ilorin branch. The idea is to
investigate whether employee commitment significantly affects acquisition of larger market
share, pursuance of international recognition and employee retention in Guaranty Trust
Bank(GTB) in Taiwo, Ilorin.

1.2 Statement of Problem

Employee’s commitment has no general agreement to how it can be influenced in an

organization since every organization differs from one another. High commitment, lean
production and employee involvement are used with managing jobs effectively (Wang, 2010).
Employees engagement is an important part of driving organization performance as engaged
employees are satisfied, and willing to go an extra mile to ensure timely delivery on the
organization’s objectives (Gonring, 2008).
Various studies have been carried out to know the reason why some employees are not
being committed to their job assigned to the in an organization (Ibrahim, 2017). And it has been
identified that lack of motivation, conducive environment, peer to peer relationship, lack of good

management style and organization structure are one of the few problems employees are facing
which is causing them to feel reluctant to engage themselves in their assigned jobs and duties in
an organization. When there is less commitment from employee in an organization there is a
tendency of recording low sales turnover, little or no profit, reduced market share e.t.c. It is on
this note that this research topic titled the impact of employee’s commitment on organizational
performance is been embarked on and also to suggest various means on how this issue can be
solved and if possible to be reduced to a minimum.
1.3 Research Questions
The following questions guide the study and some of which are.
i. To what extent does leadership style affect the Effectiveness of employee in GTB Ilorin?
ii. TowhatextenthasLeadershipstyleaffectstheEfficiencyofemployeeinGTBIlorin?
iii. TowhatextenthasConduciveenvironmentaffecttheEffectivenessofemployeeinGTBIlorin?
iv. HowhasConduciveenvironmentaffecttheEfficiencyofemployeeinGTBIlorin?

1.4 Research Objectives

The aim of this research is to investigate the impact of employee’s commitment on

organizational performance (a case study of GTB, Taiwo Iloirn), while other objectives are to;

i. Explore the impact of Leadership style on the Effectiveness of employee in GTB Ilorin.

ii. Determine the extent at which Leadership style affect the Efficiency of employee in GTB
iii. Examine the extent at which Conducive environment affect the Effectiveness employee in
GTB Ilorin
iv Identify how Conducive environment affect the Efficiency employee in GTB Ilorin.

1.5 Research Hypothesis

The following research hypothesis will be formulated for the study.
H01: Leadership style does not affect the Effectiveness of employee in GTB Ilorin.
H02: There is no significant effect of leadership style on the Efficiency of employee in GTB
H03: Conducive environment does not affect the Effectiveness of employee in GTB Ilorin.

H04: Conducive environment does not affect the Efficiency of employee in GTB Ilorin.

1.6 Significance of the Study

The study will be providing suitable suggestions to the impact employee’s commitment on
organizational performance. This research work is suitable for management of GTB Taiwo,
Iloirn to understand the effect of employee’s commitment on organizational performance to both
staff and management towards the set goals of the organization. It will also be significant to
managers and academicians in the various ways;

Managers of companies- can benefit from the findings of this study by adopting proper
employees relational and motivational tools to ensure efficiency and effectiveness towards the
performance of the organization. The study will also enable managers and directors of companies
to appreciate the importance employee commitment on the overall performance of the
Academicians and researchers – The researchers and academicians have a chance of
sharing new ideas obtained from the study. They can use the knowledge gained to advance in
their fields of interest. Academicians and scholars will benefit from the study in that it will
provide a useful basis upon which further studies on employee’s commitment on organizational
performance. The study will also add to the ever expanding literature. Researchers will also
benefit from this study, since the study will inform on some of the best ways of adopting the best
tools on how employee can get committed to their work and ensuring efficient utilization of
resources. This can lead to improved performance of companies.

1.7limitations of the Study

This study is limited to the issue of impact of employee’s commitment on organizational
performance using GTB Iloirn as the case study The reason for this restriction is due to the
limitation time and unavailability of resources.

1.8 Scope of the Study

This research work, the impact of employee’s commitment on organizational
performance using GTB Ilorin as the case study. This work also tends to know if management of

GTB, Ilorin has been taking the issue of employee’s commitment serious in an organization.
This research decides to make use of GTB Ilorin as the case study because of the easy access of
data and they are as well known to the general public, this research work will be covering from
the last four years i.e. 2016-2018 of this organization for proper planning.

1.9 Chapterization
This research work is mainly concerned with the impact of employee’s commitment on
organizational performance using GTB Ilorin as the case study. The overriding objectives of this
research are to investigate the impact of employee’s commitment on organizational performance
using GTB Ilorin as the case study. To achieve this, this study is divided into five chapters.
Chapter one; dealt with the Background of the Study, Statement of the Problem, Objectives of
the Study, Questions of the study Justification of the Study, Limitation of the Study, Scope of
the Study, chapterization, Operationalization and Definition of Terms.
Chapter two: Literature Review, Conceptual Clarification, Theoretical Clarification,
Empirical Clarification and Gaps in literature and

Chapter three: focused in Introduction, Research Design, Population of the study, sample
size determination, Research Method, Sampling Techniques, Method of Data Collection,
Research Instruments, Validity of Research, Reliability Test, Method of Data Analysis, and
Ethical consideration.

1.10Operationalization of Variable

Topic: Impact of Employee’s Commitment on Organizational Performance (A Case Study of GTB


The two construct include:

1. Employees Commitment
2. Organizational Performance

Y=f (X)

Where Y = Dependent Construct (Variable)

Where X = Independent Construct (Variable)


Y (Dependent Variable) X (Independent Variable)

Employees Commitment Organizational Performance

1. Leadership Style 1. Effectiveness
2. Conducive Environment 2. Efficiency
3. Wages and Salary 3. Increased Market Share
4. Organizational Structure 4. Increase Profit

Selected Variables
Training and Development Performance of Tax Collection Agencies
1. Leadership Style 1. Effectiveness
2. Conducive Environment 2. Efficiency

1.11Definition of Operational Terms

There are different definitions depending on the perspective to which individual author views it,
but for the purpose of this study, I would like to use interpretations that best fits into the subject
EMPLOYEE COMMITMENT: Commitment to work or work commitment is defined as the
level of enthusiasm an employee has towards his/her tasks assigned at a workplace. It is the
feeling of responsibility that a person has towards the goals, mission, and vision of the
organization he/she is associated with.

LEADERSHIP STYLE: A leadership style is a leader's method of providing direction,

implementing plans, and motivating people.

PERFORMANCE: The free online business dictionary defines this as the accomplishment of a
given task measured against preset known standards of accuracy, completeness, cost, and speed.

In this study, performance is deemed to be the fulfillment of an obligation, in a manner that
releases the performer from all liabilities under the contract.

Chapter Two
Literature Review
2.0 Preamble
This chapter examines previous literature related to the relationship between employees
commitment and organizational performance. It reviews the past studies that help the researcher
to understand and identify the problem being studied more appropriately. This chapter also
explains empirical review i.e past research on commitment, theories and gaps in literature.

2.1 Conceptual Clarification

2.1.1 Employee Commitment

Akintayo (2010) has defined employee commitment as the degree to which the employee feels
devoted to their organization. According to Hamed (2007), employee commitment is the
affective response to the whole organization and the degree of attachment or loyalty employee
feel towards the organization. Zhenget (2010), has simply defined it as employees’ attitudes to

Employee commitment is a crucial factor in achieving organizational success, employees with

low level of commitment will only do not put their hearts into their work as well as to the
mission of the organization they are more concerned with their personal success rather than
organizational success employees who have less commitment are also more

likely to look at themselves as outsiders, they always seek alternative jobs once they get better
jobs, they resign and go. Employees with high commitment to an organization see themselves as

an integral part of the organization such employees become creatively involved in their works as
well as in the organizational goals and mission they also work for the organization as if the
organization belongs to them the relationships between employee commitment and their
performance and productivity has been studied by various scholars.

According to the Porter (1974), it is necessary for every organization to have full level of its
employee commitment in order to have outstanding performance on long term basis. Mowday
(2012), defines currently employees act like entrepreneurs when they work in a team and every
member of the team tries his level best to prove themselves to be one of the best amongst all
others. Increase in commitment level of employees in organization increases the performance of
their employees ultimately. Abelson (1976)stated, in past, organizations provide job security to
its employees to improve their commitment level in the organization and to improve their
productivity. Higher level of employee commitment in the organization for individual projects
or to the business is assumed as a major reason for better employee performance that leads to
organizational success. Also, the employee performance can be increased when the employees
are more satisfied with their job and duties as well Mowday (2012), has shown that mostly
employee satisfaction depend on the rewards system, the organizational culture and employee
knowledge sharing.

Hamed (2007), expressed that continuous research on employee commitment and its effect on
employees, efficiency and organizational performance are being done since four decades.
Mowday (2012), investigated and classified employee commitment into three groups namely:
(a) affective commitment; (b) continuance commitment; and (c) normative commitment.
Employees who have a strong affective commitment continue to do work with the organization
because they are willing to do so, employees with continuance commitment remain with the
organization because they want to do so, employees with a high level of normative commitment
stay with the organization because they believe they ought to remain it. Whitener and Walz
(1993), have studied and proved that affective commitment is positively connected with
employee commitment. according to Pric and Mueller, (1981) where there is a high level of
employee commitment, there will be low turnover and that employee will perform better with
less absenteeism. there are certain things that can really affect employee commitment like: work

load, less acknowledgement and less compensation. commitment as the enhanced functional and
operational performance includes quality as the main principal.

2.1.2 How Employee Commitment affects the Performance in an Organization Employee Dedication and Employee Turnover
Turnover can be described as the process by which employees leave a certain company for
another and must be replaced by others. Turnover is like truancy or absenteeism as far as
employee commitment is concerned. Excess turnover can cost the organization lot because it has
a big effect on performance as well as productivity. According to Tumwesigye (2010), it is
important to also note that cost is not the only reason making employee turnover such an
important subject. Interrupted plans and schedules, extra overtime, not having knowledgeable
staff in place, long training times and other mistakes are just a few of the problems associated
with high turnover levels whose major cause is lack of staff commitment.

Normal company operations are disrupted by high levels of employee turnover hence poor
motivated employees and these acts as an extra cost for replacing old employees. Employers do
whatever possible to reduce turnover, motivating employees which encourages them to be more
committed and also want to stay. Loyalty of employees prevents withdrawal of employees.
Some workers cannot imagine themselves being employed elsewhere, however uncommitted
they are in their current job. Worker commitment is greatly reduced by other opportunities for
work (Van & Adonisi,
2008). Employee Commitment and Productivity

Employees ‘being dedicated to their work brings about Productivity. Performance and
commitment are two variables that are independent on each (Akintayo, 2010). The two possible
reasons for this is that one, jobs vary and commitment does not lead to productivity variations.
The first reason is that if different jobs vary, dedication towards work cannot lead to production
varying. Second, both factors are associated with other factors. Both Commitment and
productivity have separate casual routes: one group of factors (investment in technology)
determines productivity; another group (perceived equity in rewards) will produce employee
commitment (Akintayo, 2010))

Productivity increases as an organization becomes more innovative in using fewer resources to
produce more. Productivity is important in a business long run in a business setting. When
productivity is high managers get more profits, reduces costs and saves scarce resources. Better
profits in the organization often translates to better wages, good working environment and other
benefits. This in turn leads to a more motivated workforce hence loyalty and committed
employees (Zheng, 2010).

2.1.3 Organizational Factors That Influence Employee Commitment

Ramayah and Min (2009), states that organizational factors are affected by, the climate of the
organization, its dependence and social processes effectiveness. According to Bhavn and Swati
(2012), other factors impacting on employee commitment are the company’s structural design,
its ability to meet employee expectations and leadership behavior Wages
An employee's salary affects his level of commitment to the company. Employees who are paid
a minimum wage or a small salary usually want to earn more money, either through getting
promotion or pay increase by their employer, or by looking for work elsewhere where they can
earn more. They are likely to be less committed to the company and this is because they believe
the company has not invested as much money in them through their salary as it has in other
employees. According to Bhavn and Swati (2012), highly paid employees will not easily leave
the organization for fear of losing their “big” salary. Company Success

The organization’s performance or success also has an impact on employee's commitment to the
company. A company that is not performing as per expectations of the board will likely loses its
employees to other organizations, who perceive that it may not exist for long in the competitive
market. However, those companies that are successful also affect employee morale. Employees
usually take pride in the company and the work they do individually in order to help it succeed
(Hausknecht et al, 2012).

xx Training
According to Kabir (2011) training improves employees’ skills and enhances their personal
development as well as their ability to perform duties better.Better skilled workers are more
dedicated to their work as compared to less skilled employees. (Abdullah & Djebavni, 2011).
Employees development is brought about by trainings hence more competent workers (Hunjra et
al., 2010). Through training programs, employees are more confident and will perceive their
company more positively (Kabir, 2011). According to Hunjra et al (2010), the main objective of
conducting these training programs is to improve employees’ skills Career development, an
important aspect of human development, is the process through which an individual's work
identity is formed. It spans throughout one's entire lifetime. Career development begins with a
person's earliest awareness of the various ways in which people are able to make a living,
continues as he or she explores occupations and ultimately decides what career to pursue in the
future, prepares for it, applies for and gets a job and advances. It may, and most probably will
include, changing careers and jobs. If the organizational leaders help core employee set their
career path well, that is a weapon to retain them and have them more committed. Leadership Style

Leadership is defined as behavior of an individual that results in non-coercive influence when
that person in directing and cooperating the activities of a particular group towards the
accomplishment of a shared goal (Kabir, 2011). One of the most important factors that have
impact on commitment is the relationship between a core employee and a supervisor. Leaders
are the “human face” of an organization.

A committed leadership willing and able to drive the desired change within the organization and
one that can reduce fear and anxiety gives confidence and morale to the employees and hence
improving organizational performance (Iqbal, 2010). Having leaders who are committed is very
crucial in forging a common vision, marshalling all resources in pursuit of that vision as well as
ensuring commitment to the vision from across the organizational functions and departments
(Chawla & Renesch, 2006). Good leadership will much depend on the availability of loyal and
responsible followers. A leader will not be able to implement a decision or plan if others who are

in a position to influence the successful outcome do not support him/her. According to
Farrington (2009), this cooperation will be possible by ensuring employee commitment to their
organization. Conducive Environment

Another factor having a great impact on organizational commitment is the working environment
(Janet, 2008). Partial ownership of a company affects organizational commitment positively.
Ownership of any kind always gives employees a sense of importance and they also feel part of
the decision-making process. This very concept of ownership which includes participation in
decision-making on new developments and changes within in the working practices, helps create
a sense of belonging of the employees. A study that was conducted by Petra (2011). also
indicates that managers who participate in the budget decision-making tend to have a high level
of organizational commitment.
Another reason within the working environment that affects commitment of employees is work
practices as connected to performance measurement, career growth and management systems
and selection and recruiting. Padmakuma and Gantasala (2011) in their study argues that “the
low level of organizational commitment of constables could be attributed to inappropriate
selection and promotion which lead to the perpetuation of managerial style and behaviour which
has a negative effect on organizational commitment of the subordinates”. Team Cooperation

When employees work as a team, it is a guarantee that every work related activity will be
harmonious. Team work is also an important factor influencing work place commitment by
employees. Team work satisfaction can be explained from the following angles; one, being loyal
and trustworthy in the sense of a leader’s willingness and ability to offer respect towards each
other and offer guidance to the subordinates. Two, it is satisfaction that is based on employees’
cooperation with their colleagues. Employees will display understanding towards each other,
good team work, support and friendly relationships with his/her workmates. Three, it is the
team’s main responsibilities and confluence of knowledge, ideals and as well as value
orientation. Finally, it is how clear the information exchange media and channels are (Yahui &
Hung, 2010).

xxii Organizational structure
Organizational structure is a significance factor that influences employee commitment. Excess
bureaucracy always stifles organizational commitment. Flatter organizations and a more
flexible organization structure will influence the level of employee commitment in terms of
being loyal and loving their organization. (Padmakumar & Gantasal, 2011). When employees are
provided with better and less beuracratic structures, more guidance and lead by example there
will be an increase in level of employee commitment (Padmakumar & Gantasal, 2011) Management style

Muhammad (2011) states that in order to improve employee commitment then demotivates such
as styles of management should be eliminated . A management style that goes ahead to
encourage employee involvement can help to satisfy employee's desire for empowerment and
demand for a commitment to organizational goals. Muhammad (2011) strongly argues that
“having more flexible and participatory management styles can strongly and positively enhance
the organizational commitment”. Organizations therefore need to ensure that their management
strategies are aimed at improving employee commitment rather than compliance Job redesign.
A very important issue that employees fear is change due to their inability to cope with new job
responsibilities. The employees normally have a phobia that their duties will change much. The
new responsibilities can either be qualitative or quantitative. Quantitative always means more
duties while qualitative ones mean individual employees being assigned to different
responsibilities and duties. Employees often perceive the new environment as more threatening
rather than one filled with opportunities. Employees who cannot put up with new assigned tasks
will definately have a negative response towards change . According to Ans et al (2006), they
are often more likely to show less commitment to their companies.
2.1.4 Individual Factors That Influence Employee Commitment Personal advancement Opportunities
Opportunities to advance in the future through career growth makes employees get more
committed to the company. An employee who seriously wants to become a manager will try and
work harder to show leadership skills and impress the people in charge of giving promotions in
order to get the managerial job. However, on the other hand, if there is no room for

advancement for the employee, he might start to look for work elsewhere when he becomes
bored or unsatisfied with his current role and this will transfer into lack of commitment (Agarwal
& Swati, 2012). Personal Factors

A number of various personal factors also affect the level of employee commitment to a
company. For example, employees who are married and have kids are usually more likely to be
committed to a company; this is because they have people who look up to them based on their
salaries. Single employees on the other hand might not be as committed to the company because
they are not committed to any relationship in their personal lives. Similarly, employees who own
a house near their workplace are likely to be more committed to a company. Homeowners in
most cases commit themselves to the geographic location where they live, and their places of
work are more important in that regard than to those employees who rent and move around
(Waleed, 2011). Job Satisfaction and Commitment

It is true that job satisfaction is one of the very most regularly measured organizational variables
and is frequently referred to as an employee’s global attitudinal or affective response to their job.
Waleed (2011)explained that job satisfaction to him was basically the way individuals thought
and felt about their multifaceted work experience. Loui in 1995 examined the relationship that
exists between job satisfaction and organizational commitment among 109 workers and went
ahead to report after the study that there was positive relationship between organizational
commitment and job satisfaction. A different study by Coleman and Cooper in 1997 outlined
that job satisfaction has a significant relationship with both affective and normative commitment.
A study by Sriyan (2010) also went ahead to show the same result that is, job satisfaction has a
positive influence on affective and normative employee commitment. Job Involvement and Commitment

Agarwal and Swati (2012) define job involvement as a belief descriptive of an employee’s
relationship with his or her present job. Kazi and Sisi (2011) suggested that job involvement
describes how interested, enmeshed, and engrossed the worker is in the goals, culture, and the
tasks of a given company. A study carried out by Uygur and Kilic (2009) involving employees

working in the central Organization of the Ministry of Health showed that there is a positive
correlation between organizational commitment and job involvement. Job-related factors

job-related outcomes such as turnover, absenteeism, job effort, job role and performance or visa
versa has an impact on organization commitment at an individual level. An employee who is not
aware of their assigned roles may lead to lack of commitment. Promotional opportunities can
promote or inhibit level of employee commitment (Jyotsna, 2007)

2.14.6 Increased stress.

Changes in the structure of an organization causes employees to get stressed hence their morale
and dedication towards work changes. Change is inevitable but its inability to cope to the new
ideas bring about stress. However its being noted that during employee retrenchment the most
skilled employees leave their jobs voluntarily. Retrenchment activity is a night mare to an
organization and is brings about stressful conditions. Stress symptoms differ a lot.

2.1.5 Model of Employee Commitment

According to Meyer & Allen (2010) commitment “is a psychological state that characterizes the
employees’ relationship with the organization and has implication for the decision to continue
membership in the organization.” Affective commitment dimension

This represents the individual’s emotional attachment to the organization. According to Meyer
and Allen (2010) affective commitment is “the employee’s emotional attachment to,
identification with, and involvement in the organization”. Organizational members, who are
committed to an organization on an affective basis, continue working for the organization
because they want to link closely with the same organization (2010). Members who are
committed on an affective level stay with the organization because they view their personal
employment relationship as congruent to the goals and values of the organization, The
organizational commitment model of Meyer and Allen (2010) indicates that affective
commitment is influenced by factors such as job challenge, role clarity, goal clarity, and goal
difficulty, receptiveness by management, peer cohesion, equity, personal importance, feedback,

participation, and dependability. Affective commitment development involves identification and
internalization. Continuance commitment dimension

The second dimension of the tri-dimensional model of organizational commitment is
continuance commitment. Meyer and Allen define continuance commitment as “awareness of the
costs associated with leaving the organization”. It is calculative in nature because of the
individual’s perception or weighing of costs and risks associated with leaving the current
organization Meyer and Allen (2010), further state that “employees whose primary link to the
organization is based on continuance commitment remain because they need to do so”. This
indicates the difference between continuance and affective commitment. The lateen tails that
individual’s stay in the organization because they want to. Continuance commitment can be
regarded as an instrumental attachment to the organization, where the individual's association
with the organization is based on an assessment of economic benefits gained. Organizational
Affective Commitment
members develop commitment to an organization because of the positive extrinsic rewards
obtained through the effort-bargain without identifying with the organization’s goals and values.

Normative NormativeCommitment
commitment dimension OrganizationalPerformance
The last dimension of the organizational commitment model is normative commitment. Meyer
and Allen (2010) define normative commitment as “a feeling of obligation to continue
employment”. Internalized normative beliefs of duty and obligation make individuals obliged to
sustain membership in the organization. According to Meyer and Allen (2010) “employees with
normative commitment feel that they ought to remain with the organization”. In terms of the
normative dimension, the employees stay because they should do so or it is the proper thing to
do. Lee (2012) found that employee commitment will go up when they feel affiliation with the
organization and also when organization recognizes them as a part of organization. Recognition
as a part of organizational success story will increase the commitment level and also the
individual and organizational productivity.

Conceptual model:

Source: Researchers View, 2019

2.2 Theoretical Review

Three theories are the basis for this paper, namely; the Social Exchange Theory, Leader–Member
Exchange Theory and Social Identity Theory.

2.2.1 Social Exchange Theory

The Social Exchange Theory (SET) was developed by scholars such as Homans (1958) and Blau
(1964) to explain what influenced social behaviour. Homans in an essay entitled “social
behaviour” was interested in the psychological conditions that induce individuals to engage in
exchange. Homans stated that social behaviour is an exchange of both material goods and non-
material ones. Homans explained that persons that give much to others try to get much from
them, and persons that get much from others are under pressure to give much to them. This
process of influence tends to work out at equilibrium to balance the exchanges. In an exchange,
what one gives may be a cost, just as what one gets may be a reward. Blau was interested in
exchange as the elementary particle of social life, in which social structures are rooted. Blau
analysed exchange processes as the micro-foundation of macro-sociological phenomena. Blau
stated that mutual bonds emerge in social interaction as persons who incur obligations
reciprocate. Marescaux, Winne and Sels (2013) explains that SET proposes that HRM practices
initiate a positive exchange relationship to which employees reciprocate with positive attitudes
and behaviour towards the organisation and/ or job.
Geetha and Mampilly (2012) argue that the basic principle with SET is that employees view
satisfying HRM practices as an organisation’s commitment towards them. Employees thus

reciprocate this through positive behaviours like employee commitment. They are thus more
likely to exchange their commitment for resources and benefits provided by their organisation.
For example, when individuals receive economic and socio-emotional resources from their
organisation they feel obliged to respond in kind and repay the organisation. SET argues that
obligations generate through a series of interactions between parties who are in a state of
reciprocal interdependence. The core belief in SET is that relationships evolve over time into
trusting, loyal, and mutual commitments as long as the parties abide by certain “rules” of
exchange. The rules of exchange usually involve reciprocity or repayment rules such that the
actions of one party lead to a response or actions by the other party. Studies such as the study by
Chew and Chan (2008) have SET as their theoretical basis. In summary, the propositions of SET
indicate that social exchanges employees obtain from organizations such as HRM practices may
lead to employee commitment.
2.2.2 Leader–Member Exchange Theory
The Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) theory was developed by Dansereau, Graen and Haga
(1975) to describe the dyadic process by which roles and expectations are developed for a leader
with each subordinate. They explained that approaching leadership as an exchange relationship
which develops within the vertical dyad over time during role making activities leads to high
exchange relationships. Accordingly, in the relationship, the degree of latitude a superior granted
to a member to negotiate his/ her role is predictive of subsequent behaviour on the part of both
superior and member. They expounded that in LMX, superiors employ both leadership and
supervision techniques within their units. With a select subset of their members, superiors
develop leadership exchanges (influence without authority), and with others, superiors develop
only supervision relationships (influence based primarily upon authority). Yukl, O’Donnell and
Taber (2009) indicate that The Leader–Member Exchange (LMX) propounds that high-exchange
relationships characterise high-level of trust, liking, and respect (employer-employee
relationships) and involve expectations of mutual exchange.

The leader provides outcomes desired by subordinates, such as interesting tasks, additional
responsibilities, and larger rewards and the subordinates reciprocate with commitment to work
and loyalty to the leader. In low-quality exchange relationships, subordinates only perform the
formal requirements of their jobs, and the leader does not provide extra benefits. Exchange

relationships develop gradually over time and reinforced by the behaviour of the leader and the
subordinates. Studies such as the study by Eisenberger, Karagonlar, Stinglhamber, Neves,
Becker, Gonzalez-Morales and Steiger-Mueller (2010) have used LMX as their theoretical basis.
Overall, LMX proposes that organisational characteristics relate to employee commitment. In
this paper, LMX is the basis for appraising organisational characteristics that relate to employee

2.2.3 Social Identity Theory

The Social Identity Theory (SIT) was advanced by Tajfel (1978) and Tajfel and Turner (1979) to
explain the psychological basis for intergroup discrimination. Tajfel propounded that individuals
assign emotional values to themselves based on their knowledge of themselves within groups
and they compare their groups with other groups. On their part, Tajfel and Turner proposed that
individuals concerned define themselves and are defined by others as members of a group.
Accordingly, a collection of individuals who perceive themselves to be members of the same
social category, share some emotional involvement in this common definition of themselves, and
achieve some degree of social consensus about the evaluation of their group and of their
membership of it. Boroş (2008) indicates that social identity was explained as that part of an
individual's self-concept which derives from one’s knowledge of his/ her membership of a social
group (or groups) together with the value and emotional significance attached to that
According to Haslam, Jetten, Postmes and Haslam (2009), SIT proposes that our sense of who
we are is enhanced by knowing not only that we belong to certain groups, but also that we are
different from members of other groups. Jones and Volpe (2010) suggests that according to SIT
individuals classify themselves and others into various social categories such as organisational
membership, gender, race, age cohort, or religious affiliation and view their membership in
particular groups based on social roles and role relationships. Previous studies such as Todd and
Kent (2009) examined determinants of employee behaviour basing on SIT. Generally, SIT
postulates that in organisations people classify themselves in social categories such as personal

characteristics and this gives them identity leading to positives implications such as commitment.
In this paper, this theory was the basis for relating personal characteristics on employee

2.3 Emperical Review

In research conducted in Borno Nigeria, by Peace & Mohammed, (2014) which is directed to
examines the Effect of Employee Commitment on Organizational Performance with special
interest in Coca Cola Nigeria Limited. Much of the interest in analyzing employee commitment
stems from concern for the behavioural consequences that are hypothesised to result from it. This
paper focuses on the influence of employee commitment on Organizational Performance and
Employees’ turnover. Both descriptive and explanatory research methodologies were adopted in
this study. A five point numerically scaled Likert-Type questionnaire was constructed and
administered among selected Staff of Coca Cola Nigeria Limited. The research hypotheses were
tested using the Pearson Correlation Coefficient. The result shows that: the level of employee
commitment of the Staff of Coca Cola Company Plc is very high; there is a fairly high
relationship between employee commitment and organizational performance; there is also a very
high relationship between employee commitment and employees’ turnover etc. Some of the
recommendations made are that: the management should hire employees who are likely to
become linked to the organization; management should create clear and realistic job and
organizational previews.

Ahmad, Rizvi, & Bokhari, (2017), conducted a reesarch which is to identify the impact of
employee voice mechanism on employee effectiveness factor in the corporate sector of Karachi.
The three effectiveness factors under study are employee commitment, employee engagement,
and employee motivation. Although the impact of employee voice has been researched by
numerous scholars, yet it has not been explored in the context of Pakistani market. A sample 172
employees belonging to a diverse set of corporate sectors was studied for this research. Primary
data was gathered with the aid of a questionnaire. Regression analysis revealed that employee
voice had a positive impact on the three effectiveness factors thus indicating that it plays an
important role in influencing employee commitment, engagement, and motivation.

Bandula & Lakmini, (2016), through their research noticed that employee commitment has
become one of the popular work attitude of studying by the researchers of the modern era.
Therefore, in this research it has focused on how the employee commitment influence on the job
performance based on leasing companies in Sri Lanka. Totally 115 employees were surveyed
and its representing employees of Licensed finance companies (LFCs) and specialized Leasing
companies (SLCs). The tool used for measuring employee commitment in terms of affective
commitment, normative commitment, and continuance commitment has been developed by
Allen and Meyer (1991) and the tool used for measuring job performance has been developed by
the Williams and Anderson (1991). The Data was analyzed by using the SPSS software package
and it shows the result of the research which is primary and secondary research findings. The
primary finding was express about the relationship between employee commitment and the job
performance of the employees. According to the correlation test employee commitment was the
influence of the employee job performance and hence it is proved that employee commitment is
significantly correlated with the job performance. Furthermore, the analysis of data describes that
employee commitment has significantly impacted on job performance. Furthermore, in this study
continuance commitment is the most affected element of employee commitment to job
performance. Finally, this study can be concluded that employee commitment has significantly
impacted on job performance and it has a positive relationship between employee commitment
and job performance of the employees.

Janes (2018), opines that employee relations is one of the key fundamental elements of
organizational performance, prosperity and sustainability. Good employee relations results in a
highly committed, motivated and loyal employees in the organizations. The aim of this paper is
to examine the effect of employee relations on employee performance and organizational
performance and at the same time identify various employee relations practices used by small
organizations in Tanzania. The study adopted a cross-sectional survey research design and used a
stratified random sampling technique to select a sample size of 387 respondents from selected
small organizations in Tanzania. Data was collected using structured questionnaires and
interviews and analyzed using descriptive statistics and correlation analysis and the results
presented using tables. The findings of the study show that small organizations in Tanzania are
aware of the benefits of maintaining good employee relations and correct remedial actions taken

to minimize poor employee relations in the organization. The findings further indicate a positive
significant relationship between employee relations and employee performance as well as
between employee relations and organization performance. Moreover, the findings reveal the use
of unfair labour practices in small organizations in Tanzania. The study recommends that small
organizations in Tanzania should focus more on implementing fair labour practices and building
effective and sustainable employee relations that will ensure their growth and survival.

In the view of Kofand, (2015) he founf out that today, almost all businesses are aware of the
significance of employee commitment and its role in inspiring employees. The main aim of this
study is to investigate the relationship between employee commitments and sustained
productivity in agricultural businesses in Erbil. A quantitative method used to analyze the current
study. A questionnaire was developed and distributed in 12 feed plants in Erbil. The sample size
of the study was 71 participants. The researcher has taken affective commitment, normative
commitment and continuance commitment as independent factors and sustained productivity as
dependent variable. The findings revealed that three independent factors (affective commitment,
continuous commitment and normative commitment) are positively related with sustained
productivity. But the continuous commitment had the highest value, which indicates that many
feed plants’ employees are committed to their job because of remuneration and lack of
alternatives. Also, the results revealed that all three independent factors are correlated with
sustained productivity. The results can be used as a guiding method for the feed plants
management to increase their employees’ commitment.

Shastri, (2010) examined the relationship between charismatic leadership and employee
commitment in Indian organization with a sample of 147 employees from Eastern and Northern
India and found that the two major antecedents (Charismatic leadership and job satisfaction)
exert strong effect on employee commitment of the employees of Indian organization in the
study sample. This finding indicates that people tend to be more satisfied if their leader displays
charismatic behavior which makes them to be more committed to their organization. Since it was
found that leader’s sensitivity to member’s needs is related to employee commitment, then
managers need to be clear about the goals and values of the organization so as to align them with

the needs of the workers. This will help to reduce the high turnover rates being experienced in
today’s Industrial World.

Akintayo (2010) investigated the impact of work-family role conflict on employee commitment
of Industrial Workers in Nigeria using linear regression analysis and t-test and found that there
was a significant but negative contribution of work-family role conflict to employee
commitment. Based on this finding, Akintayo(2010) recommended that organizational support
programme needs to be introduced and provided for all levels of workers in order to reduce the
burden of work-family role conflict interface and virtually induced commitment to their jobs. He
further stated that the level of family responsibilities of the workers need to be considered during
recruitment, in assigning responsibilities and placement process in order to foster employee

2.4 Gaps in literature

This research work the effect of employee’s commitment on organizational performance tends to
cover the gap of lack of employee commitment on organizational performance in GTBank Ilorin.
This research work will be useful and will also help to bridge the gap between employee’s
commitment and performance of an organization, since it has been identified that lack of proper
welfare package wages, training, leadership style, personal factors, increased stress, job
satisfaction and commitment leads to the failure of efficiency, sales growth, effectiveness and
market share of the organization. With the identification of this variables, it will be in the
advantage of the organization to cover this gap by implementing these variables towards the
goals and objective of the organization.

Chapter Three


3.1 Preamble

This section presents the methodology that will be employ in this study. The methodology of this
research consists of different sections including research method, research design, research
population, sample size, sample techniques, data collection and analysis techniques.

3.2 Research Strategy

For the purpose of this study, the researcher will be employ the use of census strategy in order to be
able to touch the whole components of the case study and to arrive at an appropriate result of study.
Hence, this method considered the employees of the selected case study (GTB., Ilorin, Kwara
State). This is also in line with what will be adopting (Mento et al., 2012; Olajide et al, 2012).

3.3 Research Philosophy

This research study will be anchor on epistemology philosophy. Epistemology is concerned with
addressing the fact by asking what the acceptable knowledge is most commonly used in
scientific research as it searches for fact and information that can be proved without doubt. In
this study however, the researcher’s interest is to study the impact of change management on
organizational performance. Hence, with the relationship between the research concept and the
philosophical ideology of epistemology, the researcher deems it fit to adopt it as it best explains
the concept.

3.4 Research Design

For research design of this study, this researcher shall adopt quantitative approach, as it is a
formal and systematic process used to test the relationships among variables, the quantitative
method will also be solicited to help categorize relevant subset information for the research

purpose, the research design will also be supported with exploratory and survey to analyze the
definite answer to the research question and primary data will be collected from primary source,
the primary sources entails collecting information directly from the respondents using a well
structured closed ended questionnaire. This style of research design was adopted by Udeh and
Igwe, (2013) Igwe (2014) in their study hence making it appropriate to be adopted by this study.

3.5 Sources of data

Data for this study shall be collected using the primary source. Hence, the primary source was
firsthand data and this shall be gathering during the course of the study. A well structured closed
ended questionnaire will be distributed to the staff of GTB Plc., Ilorin Branches as the case
study. The source of data collection will be targeted at staff at all levels in the selected case
study. However, for reliability sake, the adoption of this type of data source corroborates with the
previous studies on change management (i.e. Olajide, 2014; Igwe, 2014; Kitur, 2015).

3.6 Population of the Study

Asika (2006) describes population to be made up of “all conceivable elements, subject or

observations relating to a particular phenomenon of interest to the researcher” for the purpose of
this study; the population of interest consists of employees of GTB in Ilorin, Kwara State
Nigeria. The population of the study was given to be 86

3.7 Sample Size Determination

Since the population is a finite one, application of statistical formula becomes imperative in
determining the sample size. To study the entire population is not usually feasible due to some
hindering factors such as limited time frame, financial limitation, scarce resources and other
holding back factors.

Using scientific measure in arriving at the sample size. The researcher adopts Taro
Yamane Formula:- Hence the formula entails a 95% confidence level at a point of 5%

n = N

1 + N (e) ²
Where n = Sample size
N = Population of the study
e = Level of precision or Sampling Error or Tolerable error (5%) is assumed

For example n= 86
1 + 86 (0.05) ²

n= 86
1 + 86 (0.0025)
n= 86
1 + 0.215

n = 86 = 70

3.8 Data Collection

Steligaz, (2007) states that the framework through which data is being collected for the purpose
of research is known as source of data. Hence, every research work has a framework for
collecting data. In this study however, the primary data will be adopted. Primary data are those
which are fresh and for the first time, and thus happen to be original in character (Kothari, 2004).
To obtain the required data, a detailed questionnaire will be prepared and administered to staff of
GTB Ilorin. This method of data collection was also adopted in the study of Kitur, (2015)
making it suitable to be adopted for this study.

3.9 Research Instrument

The research instruments that shall be adopted in this work will be questionnaire in drawing
responses from the identified respondents. The questionnaire consists of a number of questions
printed in a definite order on a form or set of forms distributed to the respondents. The

questionnaire shall be divided into two sections A and B with section A consisting of the
demographical data of the respondent, consisting of question ranging from marital status, age,
level of education qualification, in addition section B took care of statements relating to change
management etc. of the questionnaire will be structured to generate responses on questions
relating to data on relevant variables, such as, transitional change, transformational change
among others. Hence, it shall be based on a 5-point Likert scale. Each level of the scale will be
represented as 5, Strongly Agree, 4, Agree, 3, Undecided, 2, Disagree and 1, Strongly Disagree.

3.10 Method of Data Analysis

For the purpose of this study, the collected data shall be analyzed and presented in tables
showing the frequency of the demographic questions and research statement as aligned with the
adopted variables derived from the major construct of the study. Hence, in testing the set
hypotheses, the study adopted the Simple Regression Analysis in analyzing the gathered data in
the study.

3.11 Validity of Research Instrument

Test of validity is ability of the various instrument propose in this study to measure what will
have designed in order to answer the question and hypothesis. It also represents the degree to
which this work measures what we said in statement of problem, research question and that were
formulated into hypothesis. Consequently the instrument will be subjected to expert validation in
the department and researcher equally compared the instrument with previous empirical research,
thus statistical evidence support the correlation between research question and outcome of
investigation on variable. It will be evidence and validated with both face to face and content
validity (some element in the questionnaire were change from expert in the content) this work
could not use concurrent and predictive validity.

3.12 Reliability of Research Instrument

Reliability has the distinctiveness to ensure stability or consistency of measurement (Otokiti,

2007) the instrument precisely the questionnaire only has subject to test retest method to ensure
the constant and steadiness of respondent’s answers. Hence, for the purpose of this study, the

respondents will be subject to a test re-test method of reliability in order to test the consistency in
the response of the respondents.

3.13 Ethical Consideration

The work considered highest level of confidentiality on reasonable level from management of
questionnaire to enveloping disclosure therein. Thus, information shared during the
administration of questionnaire to the respondents was presented and analyzed using the
appropriate statistical package without any bias or interference from the researcher. Similarly we
ensure that the interpretation was divorce of personal interest.

Chapter Four

Data Presentation, Analysis and Interpretation of Results

4.1 Preamble
This chapter focuses on data presentation, analysis and interpretation, and hypothesis testing.

The various questions in the questionnaire are analyzed using simple percentage and the

hypotheses are tested using the ordinary least square regression with the use SPSS 20


4.2 Questionnaire’s Response
The responses from the questionnaires were very encouraging, that is to say out of Seventy (70)

copies of questionnaires administered and distributed to the employees of Guaranty trust bank,

Taiwo, Ilorin. Sixty four (64) was correctly filled and returned to the researcher, this is recorded

as Ninety percent (91%) success rate while Six (6) of the questionnaires were not returned to the

researcher, which is recorded as (9%). The questionnaires collected were deductively analyzed

and represented in tables, percentage, and linear regression and co-efficient used for hypothesis


4.3Analysis of Questionnaire
For clarity and avoidance of possible ambiguities, tables are used to present the results drawn

from each of the questions administered.

Table 4.3.1 Response Variable

Questionnaire Frequency Percentage

Returned 64 91%
Not Returned 6 9%
Total 70 100%
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020

For the purpose of this study, 70 questionnaires were printed for distribution. The table above

indicated that a total number of 64 questionnaires were returned and 6 questionnaires were not


Table 4.3.2 Summary of Respondents’ Demographic Information

S/N Items Frequency Percentage(%)

1. Sex

Male 47 74.1

Female 17 25.9

Total 64 100.0

2. Age

20-30yrs 11 16.7

31-40yrs 52 81.0

41-50yrs 1 2.3

Total 64 100.0

3. Marital Status

Single 25 38.5

Married 39 61.5

Total 64 100.0

4. Educational Background

OND/NCE 22 35.1

B.S.c/HND 40 62.6

MBA/Msc 2 2.3

Total 64 100.0

5. Years of Operation

2 - 5yrs 45 70.7

6-9years 19 29.3

Total 64 100.0

Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020

Table 4.1 above is a representation of the summary of the demographic information of the
sampled questionnaire where the gender column presented that 47 respondents amounting to
74.1% are male and 17 with 25.9% are female respondents which means that the study has more
male respondents covered in the cause of the administration of questionnaire. Also, the age
column has 11 respondents with 16.7% between the ages of 20-30years, 52 respondents of
81.0% are between the ages of 31-40years, 1 of the respondents with 2.3% are of 41-50yeras,
this implies that the study has more respondents between the ages of 31- 40yrs sampled. In
addition, the educational background column discussed that 22 respondents amounting to 35.1%
are OND/NCE holder, 40 of the respondents are B.S.c/HND holder amounting to 62.6% while 2
respondents with 2.3% are MBA/Msc holder.

Also, for the marital status which illustrates that 25 respondents with 38.5% are single, 39
respondents with 61.5% are married. The implication is that the study has more of married
respondents sampled in the process. The years of operation from the range 2-5yrs comprises of
45 respondents with 70.7% while the range of 6-10yrs comprises of 19 respondents with 29.3%
this implies that there are more respondents in the range of 2-5yrs.

4.3.3 There is an increase in the performance of employees as a result of the

leadership styles implemented.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 48 75.3 75.3 75.3
Agree 10 15.5 15.5 90.8
Undecided 6 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0

Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that there is an increase in the performance of employees as
a result of the leadership styles implemented indicates that 48 respondents with 75.3% are for
strongly agreed, 10 respondents with 15.5% are for Agreed and 6 respondents with 9.2% are for
Undecided, this statement indicates that strongly agreed has the highest respondents of 48
(75.3%) and undecided has the lowest respondents of 6(9.2%).

4.3.4 Employees tends to work towards the increase in market share base on the
leadership style applied.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 22 35.1 35.1 35.1
Agree 34 52.9 52.9 87.9
Valid Undecided 2 2.9 2.9 90.8
Disagree 6 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above illustrate the question which state that Employees tends to work towards the
increase in market share base on the leadership style applied, depicts that strongly agree consist
of 22 (35.1%) respondents, agree consist of 34 (52.9%) respondents undecided consist of
2(2.9%) respondents and Disagree consist of 6 (9.2%) respondents this table indicates that agree
has the highest respondents of 34 (52.9%) and Undecided has the lowest respondents of 2 (2.9).

4.3.5 The total submission of employee in my organisation is as a result of the

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Valid Strongly Agree 15 23.0 23.0 23.0
Agree 40 62.6 62.6 85.6
Undecided 9 14.4 14.4 100.0

Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that The total submission of employee in my organisation
is as a result of the leadership indicates that 15 respondents with 23.0% are for strongly agreed,
40 respondents with 62.6% are for Agreed and 9 respondents with 14.4% are for Undecided, this
statement indicates that agreed has the highest respondents of 40(62.2%) and undecided has the
lowest respondents of 9 (14.4%).

4.3.6 Proper measures are been taken by the organization to make sure that the
leadership style use on the employees are not rigid.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 1 1.1 1.1 1.1
Agree 53 82.2 82.2 83.3
Valid Undecided 2 2.3 2.3 85.6
Disagree 9 14.4 14.4 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above illustrate the question that proper measures are been taken by the organization
to make sure that the leadership style use on the employees are not rigid, indicates that strongly
agree consist of 1 (1.1%) respondents, agree consist of 53 (82.2%) respondents undecided consist
of 2 (2.3%) respondents and Disagree consist of 9 (14.4%) respondents this table indicates that
agree has the highest respondents of 53 (82.2%) and Strongly agreed has the lowest respondents
of 1(1.1%).

4.3.7The leadership style rendered by the organization has help increase the sales
traffic in my organization.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Valid Strongly Agree 30 46.6 46.6 46.6
Agree 16 25.3 25.3 71.8

Undecided 18 28.2 28.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state thatthe leadership style rendered by the organization has
help increase the sales traffic in my organization.indicates that 30 respondents with 46.6% are for
strongly agreed, 16 respondents with 25.3% are for Agreed and 18 respondents with 28.2% are
for Undecided, this statement indicates that strongly agreed has the highest respondents of 20
(46.6%) and agreed has the lowest respondents of 18 (25.3%).

4.3.8 Conducive working environment has been the key to higher employee’s
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 45 70.7 70.7 70.7
Agree 10 14.9 14.9 85.6
Valid Undecided 3 5.2 5.2 90.8
Disagree 6 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above illustrate the question which state that Conducive working environment has been
the key to higher employee’s performance,depicts that strongly agree consist of 45(70.7%)
respondents, agree consist of 10(14.9%) respondents undecided consist of 3(5.2%) respondents
and Disagree consist of 6(9.2%) respondents this table indicates that Strongly agree has the
highest respondents of 45 (70.7%) and Undecided has the lowest respondents of 3 (5.2%).

4.3.9 Better working environment has been an advantage for this organization over
its competitor.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Valid Strongly Agree 19 29.3 29.3 29.3
Agree 39 60.9 60.9 90.2

Undecided 6 9.8 9.8 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that better working environment has been an advantage for
this organization over its competitor indicates that 19 respondents with 29.3% are for strongly
agreed, 39 respondents with 60.9% are for Agreed and 6 respondents with 9.8% are for
Undecided, this statement indicates that agreed has the highest respondents of 39(60.2%) and
undecided has the lowest respondents of 6 (9.8%).

4.3.10 The attention given to conducive environment in my organization has a high

rate of effect on the performance of employees.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 35 54.0 54.0 54.0
Agree 15 23.0 23.0 77.0
Valid Undecided 9 13.8 13.8 90.8
Disagree 6 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that the attention given to conducive environment in my
organization has a high rate of effect on the performance of employees, shows that
35respondents with 54.0% are for strongly agreed, 15 respondents with 23.0% are for Agreed
and 9 respondents with 13.8% are for Undecided, 6 respondents with 9.2% are for Disagree, this
statement indicates that strongly agreed has the highest respondents of 35 (54.0%) and Disagree
has the lowest respondents of 6 (9.2%).

4.3.11 Conducive working environment has enable the organisation achieve delivery
of adverse services

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 11 17.8 17.8 17.8
Agree 44 69.5 69.5 87.4
Undecided 8 12.6 12.6 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above illustrate the question which state that conducive working environment has
enable the organisation achieve delivery of adverse services, depicts that strongly agree consist
of 11 (17.8%) respondents, agree consist of 44(69.5%) respondents undecided consist of 8
(12.6%) respondents this statements indicates that Agree has the highest respondents of 44 (69.5
%) and Undecided has the lowest respondents of 8 (12.6%).

4.3.12 Employees tend to get more secured at work when there is a conducive
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 13 20.1 20.1 20.1
Agree 37 58.0 58.0 78.2
Valid Undecided 7 11.5 11.5 89.7
Disagree 6 10.3 10.3 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020

The table above which question state that employees tend to get more secured at work when
there is a conducive environment. shows that 13 respondents with 20.1% are for strongly agreed,
37 respondents with 58.0% are for Agreed, 7 respondents with 11.5% are for Undecided, and 6
respondents with 10.3% are for Disagree, this statement indicates that Agreed has the highest
respondents of 37 (58.0%) and Disagree has the lowest respondents of 6 (10.3%).

The commitment of employee’s allows the best use of the organizational resources.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 12 19.0 19.0 19.0
Agree 46 71.3 71.3 90.2
Undecided 6 9.8 9.8 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that the commitment of employee’s allows the best use of
the organizational resources. indicates that 12\(19.0%) respondents are for strongly agreed, 46
(71.3%) respondents are for Agreed and 6 (9.8%) respondents are for Undecided, this statement
indicates that agreed has the highest respondents of 46 (71.3%) and undecided has the lowest
respondents of 6 (9.8%).

4.3.14 The commitment of employees towards jobs help to reduce production cost in
my organization
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 24 36.8 36.8 36.8
Agree 34 53.4 53.4 90.2
Valid Undecided 1 .6 .6 90.8
Disagree 6 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that the commitment of employees towards jobs help to
reduce production cost in my organizationindicates that 24(36.8%) respondents are for strongly
agreed, 34(53.4%) respondents are for Agreed 1(.6%) respondents are for Undecided, and
6(9.2%) are for Disagree this statement indicates that agreed has the highest respondents of 34
(53.4%) and undecided has the lowest respondent of 1 (.6%).

4.3.15 Sufficient commitment of employees is the best strategy to resolve lack of

organizational efficiency in an organization.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 47 74.1 74.1 74.1
Agree 10 16.1 16.1 90.2
Undecided 6 9.8 9.8 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that sufficient commitment of employees is the best
strategy to resolve lack of organizational efficiency in an organization shows that 47respondents
with 74.1% are for strongly agreed, 10 respondents with 16.1% are for Agreed, 6 respondents
with 9.8% are for Undecided this statement indicates that Strongly Agreed has the highest
respondents of 47 (74.1%) and Undecided has the lowest respondents of 6 (9.8%).

4.3.16 Re-occurrence of weak efficiency is due to poor commitment of employees.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 44 69.5 69.5 69.5
Agree 4 7.5 7.5 77.0
Valid Undecided 9 13.8 13.8 90.8
Disagree 6 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that re-occurrence of weak efficiency is due to poor
commitment of employees indicates that 44 respondents with 69.5% are for strongly agreed, 4
respondents with 7.5% are for Agreed, 9 respondents with 13.8% are for Undecided and 6
respondents with 9.2% are for Disagree this statement indicates that strongly agreed has the
highest respondents of 44 (69.5%) and agreed has the lowest respondents of 6 (7.5%).

4.3.17 The level of an organizational efficiency increases engagement with customers.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 11 17.8 17.8 17.8
Agree 44 69.5 69.5 87.4
Undecided 8 12.6 12.6 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above illustrate the question which state that The level of an organizational efficiency
increases engagement with customers, depicts that strongly agree consist of 11 (17.8%)
respondents, agree consist of 44(69.5%) respondents undecided consist of 8 (12.6%) respondents
this statements indicates that Agree has the highest respondents of 44 (69.5 %) and Undecided
has the lowest respondents of 8 (12.6%).

4.3.18Employees commitment has a significance impact on achieving the

organization performance
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 24 36.8 36.8 36.8
Agree 34 53.4 53.4 90.2
Valid Undecided 1 .6 .6 90.8
Disagree 6 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that employees commitment has a significance impact on
achieving the organization performanceindicates that 24(36.8%) respondents are for strongly
agreed, 34(53.4%) respondents are for Agreed 1(.6%) respondents are for Undecided, and
6(9.2%) are for Disagree this statement indicates that agreed has the highest respondents of 34
(53.4%) and undecided has the lowest respondent of 1 (.6%).

4.3.19Absolute usage of commitment of employees assist in attaining the general

performance of an organization

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 11 17.8 17.8 17.8
Agree 44 69.5 69.5 87.4
Undecided 8 12.6 12.6 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above illustrate the question which state that Absolute usage of commitment of
employees assist in attaining the general performance of an organization, depicts that strongly
agree consist of 11 (17.8%) respondents, agree consist of 44(69.5%) respondents undecided
consist of 8 (12.6%) respondents this statements indicates that Agree has the highest respondents
of 44 (69.5 %) and Undecided has the lowest respondents of 8 (12.6%)

4.3.20Sufficient commitment of employees in an organisation has been the approach used

in carrying out and solving lack of efficiency whenever employees are demoralized in my
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 11 17.8 17.8 17.8
Agree 44 69.5 69.5 87.4
Undecided 8 12.6 12.6 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above illustrate the question which state that Sufficient commitment of employees in
anorganisation has been the approach used in carrying out and solving lack of efficiency
whenever employees are demoralized in my organization, depicts that strongly agree consist of
11 (17.8%) respondents, agree consist of 44(69.5%) respondents undecided consist of 8 (12.6%)
respondents this statements indicates that Agree has the highest respondents of 44 (69.5 %) and
Undecided has the lowest respondents of 8 (12.6%).

4.3.21Goodwill of your organization has improved as a result of high level of effectiveness.

Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 44 69.5 69.5 69.5
Agree 4 7.5 7.5 77.0
Valid Undecided 9 13.8 13.8 90.8
Disagree 6 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that goodwill of your organization has improved as a result
of high level of effectiveness indicates that 44 respondents with 69.5% are for strongly agreed, 4
respondents with 7.5% are for Agreed, 9 respondents with 13.8% are for Undecided and 6
respondents with 9.2% are for Disagree this statement indicates that strongly agreed has the
highest respondents of 44 (69.5%) and agreed has the lowest respondents of 6 (7.5%).

4.3.22 Better working environment enhances organization to achieve their set target
through employees efficiency.
Frequency Percent Valid Percent Cumulative
Strongly Agree 35 54.0 54.0 54.0
Agree 15 23.0 23.0 77.0
Valid Undecided 9 13.8 13.8 90.8
Disagree 6 9.2 9.2 100.0
Total 64 100.0 100.0
Source: Author’s Field Survey, 2020
The table above which question state that better working environment enhances organization to
achieve their set target through employees efficiency, shows that 35respondents with 54.0% are
for strongly agreed, 15 respondents with 23.0% are for Agreed and 9 respondents with 13.8% are
for Undecided, 6 respondents with 9.2% are for Disagree, this statement indicates that strongly
agreed has the highest respondents of 35 (54.0%) and Disagree has the lowest respondents of 6


4.4.1 Test for Hypothesis 1

H0 Leadership style does not affect the Effectiveness of employee in GTB Ilorin.

Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate

1 .588a .922 .342 1.04629

a. Predictors: (Constant), Leadership style
The model summary as indicated in table shows that R Square is 0.92; this implies
that 92% of variation in the dependent variable (Leadership style) were explained by the
Independent variable (Effectiveness of employee) while the remaining 8% is due to other
variables that are not included in the model. This mean that the regression (model formulated) is
useful for making predictions since the value of R2 is close to 1

Model Sum of df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 99.667 1 99.667 91.043 .000b
1 Residual 188.293 62 1.095
Total 287.960 63
a. Dependent Variable: Effectiveness of employee
b. Predictors: (Constant), Leadership style

The table above summarized the results of an analysis of variation in the dependent variable with
large value of regression sum of squares (99.667) in comparison to the residual sum of squares
with value of 188.293 (this value indicated that the model does not fail to explain a lot of the
variation in the dependent variables. However, the estimated F-value (91.043) as given in the
table above with significance value of 0.000, which is less than p-value of 0.05 (p<0.05) which
means that the explanatory variable elements as a whole can jointly influence the increment in
the dependent variable (Effectiveness of employee).

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .618 .282 2.192 .030
1 Leadership
.613 .064 .588 9.542 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Effectiveness of employee


The dependent variable as shown Effectiveness of employee. This was used as a yardstick to
examine the impact between the two variables (i.e. Leadership style and Effectiveness of
employee). The predictors is Leadership style, it is obvious that there is a direct relationship
Leadership style and Effectiveness of employee. This means that an utmost adoption of the
satisfying employee by the sampled organization can help to increase Effectiveness of employee
for the organization.

According to the result in the table above Leadership style t-test coefficient is 9.542 and the P-
value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 (i.e. P<0.05). This means that these variables are
statistically significant at 5% significant level.

Decision Rule

As a result of the outcome, the Null Hypothesis (H O1) is rejected on the basis that the p-value is
less 0.05. Hence the alternative hypothesis is accepted, that Leadership style has significant
effect on Effectiveness of employee among GT Bank employees.. Hence, it explains how
significant hypothesis one is to be recommended to Organization Performance.

44.4.2 Test for Hypothesis 2

H0 There is no significant effect of leadership style on the Efficiency of employee in GTB Ilorin

liii Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .788a .620 .618 1.04369
a. Predictors: (Constant), leadership style
The model summary as indicated in table above shows that R Square is 0.62; this implies
that 62% of variation in the dependent variable (Efficiency of employee.) were explained by the
Independent variable (Leadership style) while the remaining 8% is due to other variables that are
not included in the model. This mean that the regression (model formulated) is useful for making
predictions since the value of R2 is close to 1 ANOVAa
Model Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 305.953 1 305.953 280.875 .000b
1 Residual 187.357 62 1.089
Total 493.310 63
a. Dependent Variable: leadership style
b. Predictors: (Constant), efficiency of employee.

The table above summarized the results of an analysis of variation in the dependent variable with
large value of regression sum of squares (305.953) in comparison to the residual sum of squares
with value of 187.357 (this value indicated that the model does not fail to explain a lot of the
variation in the dependent variables. However, the estimated F-value (280.875) as given in the
table above with significance value of 0.000, which is less than p-value of 0.05 (p<0.05) which
means that the explanatory variable elements as a whole can jointly influence the increment in
the dependent variable (Efficiency of employee.). Coefficientsa

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) .737 .256 -2.877 .005
1 leadership
1.138 .068 .788 16.759 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Efficiency of employee.


The dependent variable as shown above is efficiency of employee.. This was used as a yardstick
to examine the impact between the two variables (i.e. leadership style and Efficiency of
employee.). The predictors is Leadership style it is obvious that there is a direct relationship
between leadership style and Efficiency of employee.. This means that an utmost adoption of the
satisfying employee by the sampled organization can help to increase efficiency of employee.
for the organization.

According to the result in the table above leadership style t-test coefficient is 9.542 and the P-
value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 (i.e. P<0.05). This means that these variables are
statistically significant at 5% significant level.

Decision Rule

As a result of the outcome, the Null Hypothesis (H O1) is rejected on the basis that the p-value is
less 0.05. Hence the alternative hypothesis is accepted, that leadership style has significant effect
on efficiency of employee. among GT Bank employees. Hence, it explains how significant
hypothesis two is to be recommended to Organization Performance.

4.4.3 Hypotheses 3

H0TConducive environment does not affect the Effectiveness of employee in GTB Ilorin

lv Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Square Std. Error of the
1 .680a .563 .460 .96659
a. Predictors: (Constant), Conducive environment

The model summary as indicated in table shows that R Square is 0.563; this
implies that 53% of variation in the dependent variable (Effectiveness of employee) were
explained by the Independent variable (Conducive environment) while the remaining 8% is due
to other variables that are not included in the model. This mean that the regression (model
formulated) is useful for making predictions since the value of R2 is close to 1 ANOVAa
Model Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 138.473 1 138.473 148.210 .000b
1 Residual 160.700 62 .934
Total 299.172 63
a. Dependent Variable: Conducive environment
b. Predictors: (Constant), Effectiveness of employee

The table above summarized the results of an analysis of variation in the dependent variable with
large value of regression sum of squares (138.473) in comparison to the residual sum of squares
with value of 160.700 (this value indicated that the model does not fail to explain a lot of the
variation in the dependent variables. However, the estimated F-value (148.210) as given in the
table above with significance value of 0.000, which is less than p-value of 0.05 (p<0.05) which
means that the explanatory variable elements as a whole can jointly influence the increment in
the dependent variable (Effectiveness of employee). Coefficientsa
Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.

B Std. Error Beta
(Constant) 1.528 .221 6.906 .000
1 Conducive
.681 .056 .680 12.174 .000
a. Dependent Variable: Effectiveness of employee


The dependent variable as shown is Effectiveness of employee. This was used as a yardstick to
examine the impact between the two variables (i.e. Conducive environment and Effectiveness of
employee). The predictors is Conducive environment, as depicted, it is obvious that there is a
direct relationship between Conducive environment and Effectiveness of employee. This means
that an utmost adoption of the satisfying employee by the sampled organization can help to
increase Effectiveness of employee for the organization.

According to the result in the table above welfare package t-test coefficient is 12.174 and the P-
value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 (i.e. P<0.05). This means that these variables are
statistically significant at 5% significant level.

Decision Rule

As a result of the outcome, the Null Hypothesis (H O1) is rejected on the basis that the p-value is
less 0.05. Hence the alternative hypothesis is accepted, that Conducive environment has
significant effect on performance of staff in GT Bank. Hence, it explains how significant
hypothesis three is to be recommended to Organization Performance.

4.4.3 Hypotheses 4

Ho Conducive environment does not affect the Efficiency of employee in GTB Ilorin.
Model Summary
Model R R Square Adjusted R Std. Error of
Square the Estimate
1 .645a .523 .520 1.00185

a. Predictors: (Constant), Conducive environment
The model summary as indicated in table shows that R Square is 0.523 this implies
that 52% of variation in the dependent variable (Efficiency) were explained by the Independent
variable (Conducive environment) while the remaining 8% is due to other variables that are not
included in the model. This mean that the regression (model formulated) is useful for making
predictions since the value of R2 is close to 1

Model Sum of Df Mean Square F Sig.
Regression 122.839 1 122.839 122.385 .000b
1 Residual 172.638 172 1.004
Total 295.477 173
a. Dependent Variable: Efficiency
b. Predictors: (Constant), Conducive environment

The table above summarized the results of an analysis of variation in the dependent variable with
large value of regression sum of squares (122.839) in comparison to the residual sum of squares
with value of 172.638 (this value indicated that the model does not fail to explain a lot of the
variation in the dependent variables. However, the estimated F-value (122.385) as given in the
table above with significance value of 0.000, which is less than p-value of 0.05 (p<0.05) which
means that the explanatory variable elements as a whole can jointly influence the increment in
the dependent variable (Efficiency).

Model Unstandardized Coefficients Standardized t Sig.
B Std. Error Beta
1 (Constant) 1.686 .155 10.887 .000

.465 .042 .645 11.063 .000
a. Dependent Variable: efficiency


The dependent variable as shown is efficiency. This was used as a yardstick to examine the
impact between the two variables (i.e. Poor Conducive environment and efficiency). The
predictors is Poor Conducive environment, as depicted, it is obvious that there is a direct
relationship between Conducive environment and Efficiency. This means that an utmost
adoption of the satisfying employee by the sampled organization can help to increase Efficiency
for the organization.

According to the result in the table above Poor Conducive environment t-test coefficient is
11.063 and the P-value is 0.000 which is less than 0.05 (i.e. P<0.05). This means that these
variables are statistically significant at 5% significant level.

Decision Rule

As a result of the outcome, the Null Hypothesis (H O1) is rejected on the basis that the p-value is
less 0.05. Hence the alternative hypothesis is accepted, that poor Conducive environment has
significant effect on Efficiency of the organization at GTBank, Taiwo, Ilorin. Hence, it explains
how significant hypothesis four is to be recommended to Organization Performance.


This study examines “Effect of employee’s commitment on organizational performance” (a
case study of GTBANK Ilorin). The X construct is Employees commitment in which two
variables were to demystify the concept of Employees commitment which includes two variables
which are Leadership style and conducive environmentwhile Y construct which is Organisational
performanceof small startup business also consists of two variables which include Sustainability
and Survival. The study tries to examine whether employees commitment affects the
Organizational performanceof GTBank, Taiwo, Ilorin. The findings however shows a linear
relationship between variables used to measure the two constructs after the postulation of four
hypotheses which invariably declares that employees commitment plays an important role in

contributing to organisational performanceof GTBank, Taiwo, Ilorin also from information
gathered through questionnaires distributed within the staffs of this organization. It was
detected that employee’s commitment plays a pivotal role in the Organisational performanceof
GTBank, Taiwo, Ilorin.

Chapter Five

Summary of Findings, Conclusions and Recommendations

5.1 Preamble

This chapter is the final part of this study and it is divided into summary of findings, conclusions
made in the course of this study, recommendations made to the case study, sector, regulating
body and other interested bodies. In addition, this chapter addresses the areas in which further
studies can be conducted.

5.2 Summary of findings

This section presents the summary of the study as related to the set hypotheses; hence, the
following are the summary of the findings.

1. The study revealed that leadership style has an effect on its output significantly in the past
years and this has brought continuous improvement in the effectiveness of the organization
as a result of the adoption. In addition, the Satisfaction embedded in the policy of GTBank,
Taiwo, Ilorin has helped enhanced the general effectiveness.
2. The study also revealed that serious attention to leadership style is crucial as its helps in
building stability in the service of an organization towards its efficiency. In addition,
leadership style has helped in assisting the organizational networking which in turn affects
the efficiency of the organization. Therefore, the study found that organizational efficiency
may be affected by the strategies implemented in increasing leadership style adopted. This
study supports the findings of Islam (2012) and Jenkins (2014).
3. The result then revealed that conducive environment adopted by higher institution in Kumasi
assists in improving the effectiveness of it service and also, the output of an organization is
often influenced by the organizational effectiveness adopted. In addition, the study revealed
that increase in student’s performance is as a result of conducive work environment. This
study also aligns with the study of Asemah, Okpanachi, and Edegoh, (2013) where it was

revealed that one of the most effective tools used in enhancing organizational effectiveness is
conducive environment.
4. The study also revealed the organizational continuous improvement in conducive work
environment is influenced by the strategies employed. Also, organizational tends to have a
stable customer base due to the implementation of proper attention to the issues of conducive
work environment. In addition, conducive work environment often positively influence the
stable increase in organizational efficiency. Hence the study found that conducive work
environment may significantly affect the organisation efficiency. This supports the findings
of Omubo-Pepple and Briggs-Kamara, (2014).

5.3 Conclusions

For the purpose of this research, the study concludes that;

Leadership style does affect the effectiveness of the organization. Also, the study concludes that
continuous improvement in organization efficiency is as a result of the adoption of strategies in
improving leadership style .

Organizational efficiency may be affected by leadership style. Furthermore, it was concluded

that strategies use in enhancing leadership style often assist in building stability for the service
provision of the organization.

Conducive work environment significantly affects the effectiveness of the organization. Also that
the output of an organization is often influenced by the package put in place for a conducive
work environment.

Conducive work environment may significantly affect the organization efficiency of GTBank,
Taiwo, Ilorin.

5.4 Recommendations

In relations to the above findings and conclusion, the study recommends that;

1. Leadership style should be further intensified as finding has shown how significant it is to
GTBank, Taiwo, Ilorin. This will eventually tell on the effectiveness of the organization.
2. GTBank and other organizations should also align leaderships style with the efficiency of
the organization in order to assist the organization performance generally.
3. GTBank, Taiwo, Ilorin and other organization should step up the level of conducive work
environment as this enhance and also motivates employees to work more and in return,
this will help increase the effectiveness of the of the organization.
4. GTBank, Taiwo, Ilorin should increase the mode of the conducive work environment as
this affects the efficiency of the organization.

5.5 Suggestions for further studies

The study contributed to knowledge by explaining what employees commitment is all about and
how it should be manage in an organization to improve efficiency and effectiveness and also will
suggests further studies be expressed towards improving this study by looking at other industry
of their choice as this will assist the field of study in getting more empirical findings. Also,
employees commitment is mostly attached to big organization, future study can look at it from
the Small businesses aspect for improvement in the field.

5.6 Contribution to Knowledge

The study contribute to knowledge by explaining what employees commitment is all about and it
should be manage in an organization to improve efficiency and effectiveness. Hence, it was also
noticed that majority of these studies have investigated the roles of employees commitment and
it benefit to the organization performance and some also investigated the rising trend in
organizations among the employer and the employee. However, the impact of employees
commitment on Organizational performance has not been well focused on by researchers in the

above empirical review, and more emphasis has not been laid on how conducive environment to
inspire the performance of employees.


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Department of Business and Entrepreneurship,

Faculty of Humanities, Management and

Social Sciences.

Kwara State University, Malete.

Dear Respondent,


The bearer, Talabi Yusuf Biodun with matriculation number: 16/27b/645 is a student of Business
and Entrepreneurship Department, Faculty of Humanities, Management and Social Sciences.
Kwara State University, Malete, Nigeria.

He is currently conducting his search study titled Effect of employee’s commitment on

organizational performance (a case study of GTBank, Taiwo Ilorin)”. This study is channeled
towards examining how employee’s commitment affects the performance of GTBank, Taiwo

Hence, were quest your support in helping him fill this questionnaire attached there in order to
make him carry out this research work objectively. Please note that the information supplied
shall be treated with utmost confidence and use purely for academic purposes only.

Thanks for your cooperation.

Yours faithfully,

Dr Nurudeen Bello


. Gender: Male ( ), Female ( )
. Age bracket: 18-25 ( ), 26-35 ( ), 36-45 ( ), 46- above ( )
. Religion: Christianity ( ), Islam ( ), Others ( )
. Marital Status: Single ( ), Married ( ), Divorced ( ), Widow ( )
. Educational Qualification: SSCE ( ), OND ( ), HND/B.SC ( ), Others ( )
. Level of Staff: Lower Level Staff ( ), Middle Level Staff ( ), Top Level Staff( )


Effect of employee’s commitment on organizational performance (a case study of GTBank,
Taiwo Ilorin)

Instruction: Kindly indicate the extent of your agreement with the statement below by
ticking {√} one of the space provided. Where: Strongly Disagree (SD) Disagree (D), Agree
(A), Undecided (U), Strongly agree (SA)

LS1 There is an increase in the performance of employees as a result of

the leadership styles implemented.

LS2 Employees tends to work towards the increase in market share base
on the leadership style applied.

LS3 The total submission of employee in my organization is as a result

of the leadership.

LS4 Proper measures are been taken by the organization to make sure
that the leadership style use on the employees are not rigid.

LS5 The leadership style rendered by the organization has help increase
the sale a traffic in my organization.


CE1 Conducive working environment has been the key to higher

employee’s performance.

CE2 Better working environment has been an advantage for this

organization over it's competitor.

CE3 The attention given to conducive environment in my organization

has a high rate of effect on the performance of employees.

CE4 Conducive working environment has enable the organisation
achieve delivery of adverse services.

CE5 Employees tend to get more secured at work when there is a

conducive environment.


EFF1 The commitment of employee’s allows the best use of the

organizational resources.

EFF2 The commitment of employees towards job shell to reduce

production costin my organization.

EFF3 Sufficient commitment of employees is the best strategy to resolve

lack of organizational efficiency in an organization.

EFF4 Re-occurrence of weak efficiency is due to poor commitment of


EFF5 The level of an organizational efficiency increases engagement with



EFFT1 Employees commitment has a significance impact on achieving the

organization performance

EFFT2 Absolute usage of commitment of employees assist in attaining the

general performance of an organization

EFFT3 Sufficient commitment of employees in an organization has been the

approach used in carrying out and solving lack of efficiency
whenever employees are demoralized in my organization

EFFT4 Good will of your organization has improved as a result of high

level of effectiveness.

ERT5 Better working environment enhances organization to achieve their
set target through employee’s efficiency.

Thank You


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