Petronas Technical Standards: Operator Training Simulator (Ots) System Itb and Fds Document Technical Specifications

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PTS Circular


PTS Title: Operator Training Simulator (OTS) System
ITB And FDS Document Technical Specifications

This new PTS – Operator Training Simulator (OTS) System ITB and FDS Document
Technical Specifications (January 2011, Revision 0) has been developed to ensure effective and
consistent OTS System project execution throughout PETRONAS Groupwide to ensure quality
OTS system implementation, on time delivery and as budgeted cost.

This PTS also includes PETRONAS Lessons Learnt and PETRONAS Best Practice for the subject
matter Operator Training Simulator (OTS) System ITB and FDS Document Technical

PETRONAS Technical Standards (PTS) publications reflect the views, at the time of publication,of

They are based on the experience acquired during the involvement with the design, construction,
operation and maintenance of processing units and facilities. Where appropriate they are based on, or
reference is made to, national and international standards and codes of practice.

The objective is to set the recommended standard for good technical practice to be applied by
PETRONAS' PROJECT OWNERs in oil and gas production facilities, refineries, gas processing plants,
chemical plants, marketing facilities or any other such facility, and thereby to achieve maximum
technical and economic benefit from standardisation.

The information set forth in these publications is provided to users for their consideration and decision
to implement. This is of particular importance where PTS may not cover every requirement or diversity
of condition at each locality. The system of PTS is expected to be sufficiently flexible to allow individual
operating units to adapt the information set forth in PTS to their own environment and requirements.

When Contractors or Manufacturers/Suppliers use PTS they shall be solely responsible for the quality
of work and the attainment of the required design and engineering standards. In particular, for those
requirements not specifically covered, the Principal will expect them to follow those design and
engineering practices which will achieve the same level of integrity as reflected in the PTS. If in doubt,
the Contractor or Manufacturer/Supplier shall, without detracting from his own responsibility, consult
the Principal or its technical advisor.

The right to use PTS rests with three categories of users:

1) PETRONAS and its affiliates.

2) Other parties who are authorised to use PTS subject to appropriate contractual arrangements.
Contractors/subcontractors and Manufacturers/Suppliers under a contract with users referred to under
1) and 2) which requires that tenders for projects, materials supplied or - generally - work performed
on behalf of the said users comply with the relevant standards.

Subject to any particular terms and conditions as may be set forth in specific agreements with users,
PETRONAS disclaims any liability of whatsoever nature for any damage (including injury or death)
suffered by any company or person whomsoever as a result of or in connection with the use,
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disclaimer shall inure in all respects to PETRONAS and/or any company affiliated to PETRONAS that
may issue PTS or require the use of PTS.

Without prejudice to any specific terms in respect of confidentiality under relevant contractual
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The copyright of PTS vests in PETRONAS. Users shall arrange for PTS to be held in safe custody and
PETRONAS may at any time require information satisfactory to PETRONAS in order to ascertain how
users implement this requirement.

1.INTRODUCTION ................................................................................................................................. 1
1.1 SCOPE ....................................................................................................................................... 1
1.3 DEFINITIONS............................................................................................................................. 1
1.4 CROSS REFERENCES ............................................................................................................. 2

2.EXCEPTION ........................................................................................................................................ 2

3.BACKGROUND .................................................................................................................................. 3

4.INVITATION TO BID DOCUMENT ...................................................................................................... 3

4.1 GENERAL ................................................................................................................................... 4
4.1.1 Scope of Work..................................................................................................................... 4
4.1.2 Terminology ........................................................................................................................ 4
4.1.3 List of abbreviation .............................................................................................................. 4
4.1.4 Extent of Supply .................................................................................................................. 4
4.2 GENERAL REQUIREMENTS ...................................................................................................... 5
4.2.1 Environmental Requirements .............................................................................................. 5
4.2.2 Power Supply ...................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.3 System Cables .................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.4 Diagnostics.......................................................................................................................... 5
4.2.5 Security Provision ............................................................................................................... 5
4.3 DOCUMENTATION ..................................................................................................................... 5
4.3.1 PROJECT OWNER Documentation .................................................................................... 5
4.3.2 CONTRACTOR Documentation .......................................................................................... 6
4.3.3 Functional Design Specification .......................................................................................... 6
4.3.4 CONTRACTOR Drawings and Documents ......................................................................... 6
4.3.5 CONTRACTOR Manuals .................................................................................................... 7
4.4 TECHNICAL SPECIFICATION .................................................................................................... 7
4.4.1 Introduction ......................................................................................................................... 7
4.4.2 Overview ............................................................................................................................. 7
4.4.3 Definitions ........................................................................................................................... 8
4.4.4 Hardware ............................................................................................................................ 9
4.4.5 Software ............................................................................................................................ 11
4.4.6 Simulator Features ............................................................................................................ 13
4.4.7 Functionality Test .............................................................................................................. 22
4.5 CONTRACTOR’S SERVICE ..................................................................................................... 22
4.5.1 Project Plan ....................................................................................................................... 22
4.5.2 Project Time Schedule ...................................................................................................... 22
4.5.3 Test and Certifications....................................................................................................... 22
4.5.4 OTS Room ........................................................................................................................ 25
4.5.5 Packing ............................................................................................................................. 25
4.5.6 Training ............................................................................................................................. 25
4.5.7 Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning ........................................................................... 26
4.5.8 Warranty ........................................................................................................................... 26
4.5.9 Annual Maintenance Service Contract .............................................................................. 27

5.FUNCTIONAL DESIGN SPECIFICATIONS ...................................................................................... 28

5.1 PROCESS SIMULATOR ARCHITECTURE AND FUNCTIONALITIES ..................................... 28
5.1.1 Process Simulator Architecture/Organization .................................................................... 28
5.1.2 Tagging Philosophy ........................................................................................................... 28
5.2 HARDWARE CONFIGURATION AND SPECIFICATION .......................................................... 29
5.2.1 Simulator Hardware Specification ..................................................................................... 29
5.3 PROCESS DESCRIPTION........................................................................................................ 30
5.4 PROCESS MODEL REQUIREMENT ........................................................................................ 30
5.4.1 Scope of Simulation/modeling ........................................................................................... 30
5.4.2 Simulation Assumptions .................................................................................................... 30
5.4.3 Configuration Data ............................................................................................................ 30
5.5 DATA DOCUMENTATION REQUIREMENT ............................................................................. 32
5.6 MALFUNCTION LIST ................................................................................................................ 32
5.7 GRAPHICS DISPLAY/ARCHITECTURE/FUNCTIONALITIES .................................................. 33
5.1.1 Graphics Interface ......................................................................................................... 33
5.1.2 Instructor Functionalities................................................................................................ 33
5.1.3 Operator Access Level .................................................................................................. 34
5.8 GRAPHICS COUNT LIST.......................................................................................................... 35
5.9 TRAINEE EVALUATION SYSTEM REQUIREMENT................................................................. 35
5.10 DATA HISTORIAN .................................................................................................................... 35
5.11 SECURITY/ACCESS LEVEL ..................................................................................................... 36
5.12 OPERATING PROCEDURES LIST ........................................................................................... 37
5.13 BATTERY LIMIT CONDITION LIST .......................................................................................... 37

REFERENCES ..................................................................................................................................... 37
Figure 5- 1: Simulator Structure ...................................................................................................................... 28
Figure 5- 2: Simulator Hardware General Arrangement .................................................................................. 29

Table 4- 1: OTS Hardware Specification ........................................................................................................... 9
Table 4- 2: Software Specification .................................................................................................................. 11
Table 4- 3: Function of Instructor System ....................................................................................................... 13
Table 4- 4: Function of Trainee System .......................................................................................................... 18
Table 4- 5: System Software Specification...................................................................................................... 21
Table 4- 6: Acceptance Tests Requirements .................................................................................................. 22
Table 4- 7: List of Training to be Provided ...................................................................................................... 25

Table 5- 1: General Simulation Assumptions .................................................................................................. 30

Table 5- 2: List of Equipment size and technical specification ........................................................................ 30
Table 5- 3: Example of Malfunction List .......................................................................................................... 33
Table 5- 4: Typical Instructor Functionalities ................................................................................................... 34
Table 5- 5: General Requirements for Trainee Evaluation System ................................................................. 35
Table 5- 6: Data Historian Application ............................................................................................................. 35
Table 5- 7: Summary on Security/Access Level for an OTS System............................................................... 36
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This PTS provides guidance on the technical specification section for the ITB and FDS document for the
Operator Training Simulator (OTS) System project execution.


Unless otherwise authorized by PETRONAS, the distribution of this PTS is confined to companies forming
part of PETRONAS or managed by a Group company, and to
Contractors nominated by them.

This PTS is intended for use in oil refineries, gas plants, chemical plants, exploration and production
facilities and where applicable, supply/marketing installations. When PTSs are applied, a Management of
Change (MOC) process should be implemented. This is of particular importance when existing facilities
are to be modified.

If national and/or local regulations exist in which some of the requirements may be more stringent than in
this PTS, the Contractor shall determine by careful scrutiny which of the requirements are the more
stringent and which combination of requirements will be acceptable as regards to safety, environmental,
economic and legal aspects. In all cases the Contractor shall inform the Principal of any deviation from the
requirements of this PTS which is considered to be necessary in order to comply with national and/or local
regulations. The Principal may then negotiate with the authorities concerned with the object of obtaining
agreement to follow this PTS as closely as possible.



The Contractor is the party that carries out all or part of the design, engineering, procurement, construction,
commissioning or management of a project or operation of a facility. The Principal may undertake all or part of
the duties of the Contractor.

The Manufacturer/Supplier is the party that manufactures or supplies equipment and services to perform the
duties specified by the Contractor.

The Principal is the party that initiates the project and ultimately pays for its design and construction. The
Principal will generally specify the technical requirements. The Principal may also include an agent or
consultant authorized to act for, and on behalf of, the Principal.

The word shall indicates a requirement.

The word should indicates a recommendation.


OTS Operator Training Simulator

DCS Distributed Control System
SOW Scope of Work
KOM Kick-Off Meeting
FDS Functional Design Specification
TP Technical Professional
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ITB Invitation to Bid

MAT Model Acceptance Test
FAT Factory Acceptance Test
SAT Site Acceptance Test
PC Personal Computer


Where cross-references to other parts of this PTS are made, the referenced section number is shown in
brackets. Other documents referenced by this PTS are listed in (4).

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OTS system is a computer based training system aimed to provide “Live” training to the Panel Operators
and other operation personnel by replicating the actual plant dynamic behavior and DCS interface. The
system is utilized to familiarize the panel operators with the plant’s Startup and Shutdown sequences as
well as to train the operators on the proper mitigation responses when certain plant upsets or emergency
condition arises in the plant’s operating condition. Due to increased plant stability, longer runtime
between Turnaround and the implementation of Advance Process Control (APC) system, the panel
operators and operational personnel have lesser exposure and reduced experience on Plant Startup and
Shutdown and more importantly, plant upsets. This can lead to loss of process control knowledge,
improper response to plant condition and longer response time to plant upsets.

The OTS Project execution will require both documents below to ensure the implemented OTS system will
satisfy the PROJECT OWNER’s requirement:

a) ITB Document Scope of Work (SOW) Preparation

b) FDS Document Development and Approval
Please refer to PTS on OTS Project Execution (PTS number


The Invitation To Bid (ITB) is a document that ensures the vendor supplies a system that can deliver the
required OTS. ITB covers the design, supply, development, procurement, testing, installation and
commissioning of necessary software, hardware and services for either emulated or direct connect
Operator Training Simulator (OTS) system.

The document should broadly address the OTS requirement below:

a) The simulator shall be used to train operators on various aspects of the plant operations and to
provide dynamic modeling capabilities and process control modeling capabilities. The vendor
shall provide the integrated Operator Training Simulator based on the client DCS system.

b) The training simulator shall be used for analyzing the “real-time”/actual behavior of the proposed
plant processes and for training operators to use the DCS at the plant, under the design and
operating conditions specified by the client. The simulator shall consist of a Computer System
which includes Trainee Stations, Field Operator Station, Instructor / Engineer Station and
Simulation Server.

c) A custom or tailor-made OTS system shall be First Principal during stable condition and Pseudo
First Principle when the simulator reaching mathematical instability/transient conditions. A generic
or off the shelf OTS system may be Pseudo First Principle.

d) It shall incorporate thermodynamic property techniques that have accuracies equivalent to

rigorous equations of state over the entire range on anticipated operating conditions. The process
models shall incorporate sufficient detail to represent the actual performance of each unit
operation such as tray-by-tray calculation in distillation column. Ultimately the process models will
be required to match the steady-state conditions of the plant as well as the transient behavior
over the entire anticipated operating conditions.
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e) The simulator shall integrate hardware & software to realistically simulate the operation of the
plant under transient & steady-state conditions. The simulator design shall include Equipment,
Instrumentation, Controls and Process Models.

PROJECT OWNER need to develop the OTS ITB Scope of Work (SOW) document which covers but not
limited to the following items:


4.1.1 Scope of Work

The scope of work (hereinafter called "WORK") defines the requirements for the design, implementation,
installation, supply, testing, commission, services and CONTRACTOR's (hereinafter called
"CONTRACTOR") warranty of the necessary equipment, license, application software and documentation
for the Operator Training Simulator System (hereinafter "the Simulator" or “OTS”) to be provided for the
PROJECT OWNER at a site specified by the PROJECT OWNER.

Any deviation to the technical requirement shall be initiated by the CONTRACTOR or PROJECT OWNER
subject to approval by PROJECT OWNER. The Simulator shall be able to emulate PROJECT OWNER
Plant DCS and all control systems.

It is emphasized that this specification provides the minimum requirements and does not relieve the
CONTRACTOR from his responsibilities concerning proper design and reliability of the supplied

Moreover it is stressed that the Simulator and all its auxiliary equipment shall be supplied as a Turnkey
System, i.e. the CONTRACTOR shall include in the supply all what is required to deliver a fully working

4.1.2 Terminology
For the purpose of this document, the following definitions shall hold:
“Shall” the word “shall” is to be understood as mandatory.
“Should” the word “should” is to be understood as strongly recommended.
“May” the word “may” is to be understood as indicating a possible course of action.

4.1.3 List of abbreviation

Define all available abbreviation in the document.

4.1.4 Extent of Supply

The CONTRACTOR shall, as a minimum, supply fully functional equipment and full documentation with
the features and performance listed in this specification.

The CONTRACTOR shall be responsible for the design of the Simulator based on the information
furnished in this specification.

Deviations from the requirements of these specifications shall not be permitted unless itemized in the
CONTRACTOR's quotation and subsequently approved by PROJECT OWNER prior to the purchase
order being issued. Failure to clearly identify specific deviations will be assumed by PROJECT OWNER to
imply total compliance with the specification.

Omission of any item from this specification that is essential for the correct functioning of any part of the
specified equipment shall be brought to the attention of PROJECT OWNER. It is the responsibility of the
CONTRACTOR to inform PROJECT OWNER of any errors, ambiguities, inconsistencies or discrepancies
which may be found to exist in any document, specification or drawing. Failure to do this shall not absolve
the CONTRACTOR from supplying the appropriate equipment, complete in every respect.
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Where alternatives are offered, they shall be fully described and must be accompanied by all pertinent
engineering information, to facilitate evaluation of the proposed alternatives.

The CONTRACTOR shall supply fully assembled, wired, configured, tested, documented, and operational
OTS system.


4.2.1 Environmental Requirements

Equipment will be installed in air conditioned building; however the CONTRACTOR shall
declare for each equipment the worst ambient condition at which the system can operate
without being damaged in terms of temperature and relative humidity.

4.2.2 Power Supply

CONTRACTOR shall ensure all the equipment shall be powered according to PROJECT
OWNER power supply specifications and plug style configuration.

It shall be CONTRACTOR's responsibility to provide any DC source, which may be

necessary to support the OTS at voltage levels other than the stated levels. The
CONTRACTOR shall clearly indicate in the quotation any particular requirement of power.

UPS unit(s) shall be supplied by the CONTRACTOR to guarantee power supply for 20
minutes during loss of power. Each unit of the supplied UPS shall have at least 4 power

4.2.3 System Cables

The System shall include comprehensive computer diagnostic routines as per
CONTRACTOR standard.

4.2.4 Diagnostics
The System shall include comprehensive computer diagnostic routines as per
CONTRACTOR standard. CONTRACTOR shall propose diagnostic tools required and
PROJECT OWNER shall give approval prior to implementation.

4.2.5 Security Provision

The System shall be secure against unauthorized use by means of key locks, passwords
or equivalent methods; the CONTRACTOR shall detail the System security provisions and
the number of access levels.

The System configuration and loading shall be done by the CONTRACTOR considering
that all the information to the operator shall be given in English language.


4.3.1 PROJECT OWNER Documentation

PROJECT OWNER shall supply the documents listed in Section 5 to the CONTRACTOR
according to the schedule defined by PROJECT OWNER. It shall be CONTRACTOR's
responsibility to configure and load the System, based on the information received from
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4.3.2 CONTRACTOR Documentation

The CONTRACTOR shall prepare and supply, as a minimum, the following technical
documentation in the number of copies and on the dates indicated by PROJECT OWNER.
• Project Time Schedule
• Functional Design Specification as per Section 5
• System hardware architecture
• Software modules architecture
• Equipment dimensions & weight
• Equipment list
• System cable list & System drawings
• System Configuration
• Operating System Software
• Computer Standard manuals
• Installation manuals
• Maintenance & Start-up manuals
• End User Manual
• Exercise Book
• Model , Factory and Site procedures

All the documents shall be sent to PROJECT OWNER; PROJECT OWNER will approve
the documents; in parallel one additional copy (soft copy only) shall made available to
The final documentation shall be delivered to PROJECT OWNER on the date indicated by
PROJECT OWNER, after the completion of final satisfactory "Factory Acceptance Test".
All the documents produced by CONTRACTOR shall follow the standard CONTRACTOR

4.3.3 Functional Design Specification

The CONTRACTOR shall prepare, revise and further develop a detail “Functional Design
Specification” for approval by PROJECT OWNER.

The CONTRACTOR shall discuss the requirements with PROJECT OWNER and obtain all
information necessary to perform the work. The Functional Design Specification shall be
revised by the CONTRACTOR in accordance with PROJECT OWNER comments and
submitted to PROJECT OWNER for approval. The approved Functional Design
Specification shall act as a working guideline for the detailed engineering and
implementation of the Simulator.

The Functional Design Specification content is listed in Section 5.

4.3.4 CONTRACTOR Drawings and Documents

The drawings shall be prepared using AutoCAD; for the documents Microsoft Word shall
be used. Both shall be submitted in three different revisions (Preliminary, for FAT and As-
built); comments shall be marked on as required by PROJECT OWNER at the approval

The CONTRACTOR shall made available drawing and specification final documentation
supporting in hardcopy and softcopy.

Note: PROJECT OWNER approval of CONTRACTOR drawings does not absolve the
CONTRACTOR from his responsibility to produce a working system complying with
the intent of the specification and attached documentation.
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4.3.5 CONTRACTOR Manuals

The CONTRACTOR shall supply:

Manuals for the Hardware and Software. The Hardware and Operating Software Manuals
shall be in English.

PROJECT OWNER Specific Manuals: These specific manuals are the Manuals tailored for
PROJECT OWNER Project. These manuals shall be in English language and in Word as
electronic format. The PROJECT OWNER Specific Manuals shall contain the following in-
formation’s as a minimum:

a) Installation Manuals: The Manual shall describe all the installation procedures of
the Hardware on site and System power up.

b) Maintenance & Start up Manuals: The Manuals shall describe the procedure for
Maintenance and System Start-up including System Configuration download
and procedure for Back-up Copy.

c) End User Manuals: These Manuals shall be customized for PROJECT OWNER
Plant and shall be a detail guide for the Training Simulator use. The End User
Manuals shall provide detailed descriptions for Plant Models and provide
reference at the PROJECT OWNER Start-Up & Shutdown procedures.

d) Exercise Book; the Book shall include detail description of the PROJECT
OWNER predefined malfunction and scenario exercises as described in Section

All the modifications - provided during the FAT - shall be included in the final manuals.


4.4.1 Introduction
This specification covers the design, procure, develop, implement, install, test and
commission an Operator Training Simulator encompassing necessary equipment,
license, application software and documentation for PROJECT OWNER.

The simulator shall be used to train operators on various aspects of the plant operations
and to provide dynamic modeling capabilities and process control modeling capabilities.
The CONTRACTOR shall provide the integrated Operator Training Simulator based on
PROJECT OWNER DCS Systems (i.e. Yokogawa, Foxboro, Honeywell and Emerson).

4.4.2 Overview
The training simulator shall be used for analyzing the “real-time” behaviour of the proposed
plant processes and for training operators to operate the PROJECT OWNER plant, under
the design and operating conditions specified by PROJECT OWNER.

The simulator shall consist of a computer system which includes the instructor system,
trainee system, field operator system, ESD system and DCS emulation system that consist
of PROJECT OWNER plant specific process models.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that all these functions or systems are available in a single
software platform to facilitate smooth configuration and maintenance activities.

A custom or taylor made OTS system shall be First Principal during stable condition and
Pseudo First Principle when the simulator reaching mathematical instability/transient
conditions. A generic or off the shelf OTS system may be Pseudo First Principle.
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The process models shall be Pseudo First Principal based models and shall incorporate
thermodynamic property techniques that have accuracies equivalent to rigorous equations
of state over the entire range of anticipated operating conditions. The process models shall
incorporate sufficient detail to represent the actual performance of each unit operation such
as tray-by-tray calculation in distillation column and heat transfer calculation in heat
exchangers and furnace. Ultimately the process models will be required to match the
steady-state conditions of the plant as well as the transient behavior over the entire
anticipated operating conditions.

The simulator shall integrate hardware & software to realistically simulate the operation of
the PROJECT OWNER plant under transient & steady-state conditions. The simulator
design shall include Rotating and Static Equipments, Instrumentations, Controls and
Process Models.

The simulator shall be designed to allow PROJECT OWNER engineers to easily modify
and maintain the process models to account for changes made in the PROJECT OWNER
actual plant and the plant DCS. This shall be accomplished by modifying the process units
& configuration of the process models using the graphical user-interface available under
the simulation software without the need for source code.

CONTRACTOR shall ensure that the process models described in Section 4.5.1 shall be
independent models and integrated into one model (Model 4) for determining overall plant
time lag characteristics.

A training management system shall be incorporated in the design features of the

Simulator. The system shall be designed to allow PROJECT OWNER training coordinator
to track progress information on trainee performance and shall be made available and
easily accessible.

4.4.3 Definitions


The restoration of a simulation to a previous set of condition which has been automatically
recorded at a designated time interval or a manually saved snapshot.


A simulation of a digital instrumentation system providing display and keyboard functions

which are the same of those at the actual system.


A condition where by the dynamic simulation will be interrupted & all simulation variables
remain unchanged until such time as simulation is taken of the “freeze” mode. At this time
all simulation variables will be consistent with actual plant conditions for the given state.

Initial condition

A previously established plant condition stored in the simulator selectable by the instructor
at the time.


The person who trains operators utilizing simulator as a tool.

Instructor station
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A workstation used by the instructor to control the training session, perform remote
functions and evaluate the performance of an operator.

Field Operator Station

A workstation used by trainees or the instructor to perform the functions the role of the field
operator for those devices not under the control of the DCS.


An equipment failure or process disturbance initiated by the instructor or simulator.

Malfunctions may be discrete, analog or continuous.


While the simulator is running.


The person who trains in DCS & process operations on the operator training simulator in
this document.

Trainee Station

A workstation used by the trainee to participate in the training session on the Operator
Training Simulator in this document.

4.4.4 Hardware
The hardware for the Trainee Station will be using the emulated DCS systems used in
PROJECT OWNER Plant. The hardware and capacity for both the Trainee Station &
Instructor Station shall be upgradeable to cover future requirements of PROJECT OWNER
*Note: The specification for the hardware should follow the latest computer
specification available in the market.

Table 4- 1: OTS Hardware Specification

Station Minimum Specification
1 Instructor Station • 21” LCD Colour Display Monitor
• Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz Intel
Processor or better
• 4 GB DDR2-RAM or latest
• 2 x 180 GB SATA Hard Disc
• 8x DVD RW/Writer
• 10/100 Base Ethernet Card
• 4 slot USB port
• Graphic (dual display) & sound card
• Keyboard, Optical Mouse & standard
computer necessity
• HP Colour Laserjet printer
2 Trainee Station • Exact replica of current PROJECT
OWNER panel operator console installed in
• One standard keyboard
• One keyboard emulating actual DCS
operator keyboard embedded in the console
• Relevant accessories as required for
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Station Minimum Specification

DCS emulation (Optical Mouse, cables, etc)
• 16x DVD ROM driver
• Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz Intel
Processor or better
• 4 GB DDR2-RAM or latest
• 180 GB SATA Hard Disc
• 10/100 Base Ethernet Card
• 4 slot USB port
• Suitable graphics accelerator
• Graphic & Sound Card
• Speaker
• Shall replicate current PROJECT
OWNER audible alarm and annunciator.
3 ESD Emulation • 21” LCD Colour Display Monitor
Station and • 16x DVD ROM driver
Switchboard • Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz Intel
Processor or better
• 4 GB DDR2-RAM or latest
• 180 GB SATA Hard Disc
• 10/100 Base Ethernet Card
• 4 slot USB port
• Suitable graphics accelerator
• Graphic & Sound Card
• Speaker
• Shall replicate current PROJECT
OWNER audible alarm and annunciator tone.
• Keyboard, Optical Mouse & standard
computer necessity
• Relevant accessories as required for
touch screen function

CONTRACTOR shall supply separate Emulated

ESD Switchboard and annunciator in the top
deck of trainee station with touch screen
functions. CONTRACTOR shall also ensure
design appearance and functionality of bypass
switches, trip, reset buttons are as per current
DCS configuration.

The emulated ESD Switchboard shall also

produce exact DCS and annunciators alarm
tones as per PROJECT OWNER current DCS.
4 Field Operator • 21” LCD Colour Display Monitor
Station • 16x DVD ROM driver
• Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz Intel
Processor or better
• 4 GB DDR2-RAM or latest
• 180 GB SATA Hard Disc
• 10/100 Base Ethernet Card
• 4 slot USB port
• Suitable graphics accelerator
• Graphic & Sound Card
• Speaker
• Able to replicate current PROJECT
OWNER audible alarm and Enunciator.
• Keyboard, Optical Mouse & standard
computer necessity
5 Emulator Station • Intel Core 2 Duo 3.0 GHz Intel
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Station Minimum Specification

(For emulation Processor or better
software) • 4 GB DDR2-RAM or latest

4.4.5 Software
Table 4- 2: Software Specification
Scope Requirements
1 Process Unit The Operator Training Simulator system (OTS) shall be
provided with customized simulation program for each of the
process section required by PROJECT OWNER.

The simulation program for each section shall have the

option to be operated independently or combine (inter-
related) among the process sections.

Each model section shall include but not limited to all the
equipments as identified by PROJECT OWNER. All these
models shall include all associated utilities and redundant
2 Process Model Process simulation models shall be constructed for each
process unit described in the previous section by using actual
process flow diagram or P & ID’s including material & heat
balance, and shall be accurate and resemble the actual unit.
The process simulation model shall also include, but not
limited to the following:

1. The simulation model shall be designed to represent

actual process characteristics (time lag or lead
characteristics, etc) based on the actual plant layout
and piping volume.
2. The simulation model should include start-up and
shut-down by pass lines, preparatory lines & other
lines which are used or not used during the normal
operation of the units.
3. The simulation model for each process unit shall be
able to contain all of actual DCS control loops, DCS
calculation blocks, DCS control algorithms, DCS
monitoring loops (indicator/recorders) &
4. Anti-surge controls for the main compressors shall be
modeled based on vendor’s correlation.
5. All field indicators such a pressure, temperature &
level gauges shall be included in the simulation
model as a Field Operation Device.
6. ESD emulation based on PROJECT OWNER ESD
system, shutdown interlock logic, as designed for
units, shall be incorporated in the simulation system
including override functions.
7. Advance process control (APC) shall not be
incorporated in the model. The system, however,
shall be provided with the capability of adding APC,
Real Time Optimisation and thermal efficiencies in
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Scope Requirements
8. Response to malfunction shall be realistic and
comparable to actual plant response.

The Operator Training Simulator shall calculate plant process

variables corresponding to particular operating condition,
display these variables on the Trainee Station and simulate
proper alarm and/or protective system actions as configured
in the PROJECT OWNER DCS. The process models fidelity
shall satisfy the following criteria:

1. Steady-state accuracy of the predicted process

variables shall be:
a) Critical flow, temperature and pressure
parameters within +/-2 % reading values
b) Other process variables within +/- 5% of the
reading value
2. Transient response accuracy shall have:
a) Proper trending direction
b) Representative appearance
c) Key process variables at any point in time
shall remain within +/- 5% for critical plant
process variables
d) Other plant process variables shall remain
within +/- 10% of actual condition
e) Time required for the model to return to
steady state after a disturbance shall be
within +/- 10% as that noticed for the plant to
return to steady state after the same type of

3. Static accuracy will be a key acceptance parameter

and shall be checked at the starting conditions of
steady state models with reference to the values
shown in the material and energy balance, supplied

The Static accuracy is defined as:

(A - B) x 100
SA = ---------------------------
SA = Static accuracy
A = Result of Vendor’s steady state model
B = Result of PROJECT OWNER’s material and
energy balance
C = Range of full scale instrument

The simulator shall also be capable of performing in the

following manner:
1. The OTS shall be capable of providing steady-state
results on request & transient “real-time” result for
those operating conditions outlined in this
January 2010
Page 13

Scope Requirements
2. The OTS shall be capable of simulating behaviors
that accurately reflect normal & transient conditions.
3. The response of the OTS models resulting from
operator action, no operator action, improper action,
automatic process control action, and inherent
operator characteristics shall be realistic to the extent
that, within the limits of the specified performance
criteria, the operator shall not observe a meaningful
difference between control room indications of the
simulator & that of reference process.

A list of the variables to be checked with the corresponding

expected values and static and dynamic acceptance
accuracy will be made available by the CONTRACTOR
before the Model Acceptance Test (MAT).
3 Model Application The system shall able to simulate a minimum of 30
malfunction scenarios, include but not limited to the following
cases of operations, as result of utilizing the functions

1. Normal operations, covering all modes of

2. Start up operation
3. Normal/Emergency shutdown operation
4. Emergency/Abnormal operation
5. Load Changes
6. Composition Changes
7. Utility failures
8. Equipment changeovers

These scenarios shall be finalized and agreed by both parties

as part of the FDS. The model should be able to run at least
at 5x speed at the minimum on the integrated model.

4.4.6 Simulator Features Function of Instructor System (IS)

Table 4- 3: Function of Instructor System

Function Requirement
1 Operation interface The system shall be provided with menu-driven Windows XP
displays operation displays for ease-of-use by graphical user interface
rather than cryptic command entries.
2 Model/Program The instructor shall be able to predefine general operation
selection mode or make scenario selection. The instructor shall also be
able to initiate automated training exercise and predefine
specific scenario selection for each specific unit. The system
shall be able to select, load and run one of the available
models using the keyboard and the mouse (at Instructor

The instructor shall be capable of selecting different

preconfigured exercise for each of the trainee station. As
such, there shall be a maximum of three (3) different
preconfigured exercises running at one time.
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Page 14

Function Requirement

The instructor station should be capable of being operated

without the instructor being present, hence the trainee will
use special logon to the IS and present the trainee with the
pre-configured training exercises.
3 Selections of The system shall be provided with the following two operation
operation modes commands:
a. operate
b. freeze / unfreeze

The “operate” command will enable instructors to initiate the

training session with a given initial condition.

The “freeze / unfreeze” command will enable instructor to halt

the simulation training session at the current operating
condition and also to the resume the session.
4 Initial Conditions The instructor shall be able to define initial simulation
condition, induced malfunction settings and induced new
scenarios on the simulation. At least and the following three
(3) conditions shall be pre-programmed before delivery i.e.
cold startup & normal startup. These initial conditions shall be
finalized and agreed by both parties as part of the FDS.
All pre-programmed initial conditions to be fully
5 Variable time scale The system shall be provided with simulation time scaling
The typical values for time scale shall be as
- 0.5 x (real time)
- 1.0 x (real time)
- 2.0 x (real time)
- 5.0 x (real time)
6 Remote setting of The instructor station shall also have the same functionality &
field operated operability as the field operator station. The instructor, at the
devices beginning of the training session, shall be able to select field
operated devices to be changed in the simulation program,
among those which are programmed, and to specify
occurrence timing of the status change.

The system shall be able to generate status change of all

field operated devices which are necessary for the panel
operator training.

Examples of field operated devices but not limited

to, are:
- heat exchanger bypass valves
- control valve bypass valves
- manual block valves
- auxiliary pump start/stop
- air fin cooler driver start/stop
- local control panel
7 Instructor Variables The instructors shall be able to specify simulation condition
parameters at the beginning of the training session, among
those which are programmed in the simulation program.

Instructor shall have the capabilities to introduce the

variables as following but not limited to:
- fuel heating values
January 2010
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Function Requirement
- fouling factor of heat exchangers
- number of air fin cooler running
- ambient temperature drop/increase
- feed gas composition changes
- Boundary conditions such as pressure &
- Errors on any instrument (Measured and Output
8 Process variable The instructor shall be able to specify variables to be
monitoring & monitored and logged during the session up to 50 or more
trending items at the beginning of training session.

The simulator shall provide the Instructor with two

options for trending simulation variables:
1. A trend of any process variable shall be activated by
clicking on that variable’s digital display in the IS
schematic. Any number of trends may be active at
once and positioned, scaled, and sized
independently on the display.

2. Groups of simulation variables may be trended within

one trend window. These multi-variable trends shall
be configured off-line and accessed from an IS
menu. The instructor shall be able to zoom in or
zoom out on the range of each trend.

9 Snapshot The instructor shall be able to store all related operations

data of arbitrary instance and periodical instance of the
training session into the snapshot files up to 20 cases at
least, and to recall these files later by file name for reviewing
the training session and for initial conditions if selected.

Snapshot shall have two modes, automatic and manual. The

automatic mode shall allow the instructor to request that the
system automatically takes snapshots at fixed intervals or at
fixed absolute simulation times. A display shall be available
to list the snapshot setting and to allow the user to change
the setting

The entire simulation database shall be recorded during each

snapshot. The snapshot shall be used to reset the simulation
back to a previous point in time.

Snapshots shall be collected in a background mode and shall

be invisible to the instructor and student. The snapshot
activities shall not have a noticeable effect on the simulation
model performance.

The snapshot interval shall also be selectable using an

interval slider. Clicking an active button shall begin automatic
snapshot recording. The instructor shall be capable of
resetting to any snapshot.
10 Live Event Log The instructor shall be able to view live event log as and
when the trainee is using the OTS. The live log should list
down all actions taken by the respective trainee throughout
the training session.
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Page 16

Function Requirement

The system shall be able to produce logs of selected process

variables at a selectable interval, screen prints of instructor’s
displays and event logging. The event logging shall include
trainee’s events and also instructor’s events.
11 Replay & Event This function replay snapshots automatically recorded at
Recording instructor selected time interval. This function will enable
instructors to view past process data and event, including
both trainees’ actions and instructors’ actions, on the screen
display and also to replay the training session using the
collected event logging data or from a specific state stored in
the file.
12 Remote control It shall be possible to manipulate the control loops from the
Instructor Station by the instructor.
13 Backtracking During a simulation session, it shall be possible for the
instructor to reset the simulation exercise to a prior set of
conditions to allow the instructor to go to another point in time
and to re-do the training session, perhaps with some
variations in conditions. The instructor may return to same
point several times to try several alternative operating
14 Process Graphics The instructor station shall be able to view the DCS graphics
Display display as per operator station. It shall have the capability to
view respective operator trainee’s station window.
15 Import and The instructor station shall be able to import PROJECT
Configure OWNER DCS graphics (both old and new graphics) in
Capabilities controller and sequence logic. It shall also be able to
configure new controllers, DCS graphics, and sequence

The CONTRACTOR shall provide the PROJECT OWNER

the translator software used for the controller and sequence
logic. CONTRACTOR shall include as part of the
administrative training on how to use these translators. This
is for future models/graphics modification.
16 Preconfigured The OTS shall be provided with preconfigured training
Training Exercise exercise capability. The OTS shall also support “free play”
(the ability to change operating condition during simulation).
Preconfigured training exercise shall reduce the instructor’s
commands to the simulation by issuing commands based on
a simulation time, a specific value, or events.

OTS shall provide a scripting capability with a rule – based

visual programming environment that can be used to
generate preconfigured training exercise templates for use
during training sessions. The script shall also control all
aspects of the training session from initialization through
lesson selection, scoring, analysis, and archival or
performance data. In addition, a random preconfigured
training exercise feature shall arbitrary select and execute a
session from a prepared list of scripts. Templates shall
consist of rules that can control any aspects of the simulation.
The templates shall provide capability to initiate variable
changes, insert and remove malfunction condition, and
control remote functions.

While a preconfigured training exercise session is active, a

status window shall show progress through the template. The
January 2010
Page 17

Function Requirement
status window shall display pending rules or steps, as well as
information about the rules that have been executed.

This preconfigured training exercise shall provide the

capability to affect any simulation variables, thereby providing
autonomous operation.

A student shall be able to begin a training session by starting

a preconfigured training exercise script without instructor
being present.

The capability to generate and modify this preconfigured

training exercise scripts shall be available at any time during
a simulation, and in an off-line environment.

There shall be no limited to the number of preconfigured

training exercise scripts that may be created.

The contractor shall configure a minimum of 30 preconfigured

training exercises. These exercises shall be defined by
PROJECT OWNER during the functional design specification
17 Session History A session history capability shall be provided to log instructor
and student actions during a training session. Each action
taken by the instructor shall be time-stamped with the
simulation time and logged to a session history file.

Examples of the types of instructor’s actions recorded but not

limited to are:
- Instructor-initiated malfunction
- Instructor-initiated remote functions
- Simulation mode, run, freeze, and reset.
- Model selection
- Free play, Pre-configure exercise selection
- Initial Condition (IC) set selection

In addition, student actions shall be recorded. Examples but

not limited to, are shown below:
- Alarm acknowledgement
- Controller mode change
- Controller set point change.
- Manual controller output change
- Discrete output change
- Field operator device change

Simulator events that are generated by the models shall also

be recorded. Examples but not limited to, are:
- Points entering alarm
- Discrete input or output changes
- Pressure-controlled vents opening/closing
- Fidelity alarms

The list will be further discussed during project kick-off and

detailed design review.

Colour shall be used to distinguish between instructor,

student, preconfigured training exercise, or simulation
generated events. The display window shall be scrollable,
January 2010
Page 18

Function Requirement
and the recorded date shall be presented in chronological
form. In addition, a specific time may be entered and the
record shall automatically scroll to that time. Hardcopy output
shall also be provided.

All this historian data will be stored and used as part of the
operator performance database.
18 Operator A students scoring capability shall be provided to record
Performance simulation date, evaluate the data, assess an overall
Evaluation System performance score, support students/instructor debriefs, and
perform record keeping and archival functions. It has to be
able to keep an audit trail of the respective trainees.

A historian database shall keep all information with regards

to the trainee performance and shall be made available and
easily accessible by the instructor. The historian database
should have the sort capabilities for the following, but not
limited to:
• Trainee
• Results
• Session
• Performance summary

The student scoring capability shall provide an objective

performance score based on the student’s ability to maintain
selected process variables within instructor-defined operating
ranges. The student scoring capability shall monitor and track
process or simulation variables that are used to derive a
quantitative performance metric. Monitored variables shall
also be displayed as trends or shall be provided in hardcopy
tabular or strip chart forms. Students scoring records shall be
permanently saved.

Scoring for each training exercise shall be specified by a

scoring/rating template that can be created and modified by
the instructor by the using a menu-driven forms editor to
select process variables and specify scoring criteria which
can include Nominal values, Normal Operating Ranges and
Not-To-Exceed limits.

The instructor shall be able to replay the recorded simulation

data at any time. Each monitored variable shall be displayed
as a trend graph. Nominal values, Normal Operating Ranges,
Not-To-Exceed limits, and actual variable values shall be
displayed in different colours.

Students scoring limits shall be independent of DCS alarm

limits. The instructor may set any Normal Operating Ranges
or Not-To-Exceed limits desired.
19 On-line Help The simulator shall provide on-line access to user and
operator manuals.
20 Security CONTRACTOR shall make provisions for security of the
instructor system by providing login capability or via key lock. Function of Trainee System

Table 4- 4: Function of Trainee System
Function Requirement
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Page 19

Function Requirement
1 DCS database The system shall use the real plant DCS configuration
(database and graphics) and replicates exactly all DCS
mimics as currently installed in PROJECT OWNER DCS HIS
including but not limited to:
• Real time indication changes e.g. alarms, equipment
on/off, open/close, faulty, level
• DCS trip logic as per current functionality (Cause &
Effect Diagram)
• Alarm tones in DCS and ESD alarms must be
identical to the current actual alarm sound in

2 Control algorithm and The control algorithm and loop configuration of the OTS
loop configurations system shall be same as those used in the actual plant DCS
system to the maximum extent. The simulation computer
shall have the capability to execute all the same algorithm
and loop configuration as the real plant controllers.
3 Graphic display Graphic display of the system shall be same as those used in
the actual plant operations to the maximum extent, therefore
provide the same environment as the real plant.

The graphic display shall be an exact duplicate of the real

plant DCS graphic display in terms of appearance, unit
number, equipment numbers and location, line colour etc.
The system shall also be provided with standard display
function of PROJECT OWNER DCS operator work station.

The following capabilities and information shall be made


• Dynamically update displays from real-time

simulation data. Such dynamic graphic updates
include status, alarm and shutdown indications such
as flashing and colour change, both for the
alphanumeric information and the related process
symbols and interconnections.
• The ability to issue controls by selecting areas on the
• Status of DIs (digital inputs, in particular for pumps,
motors, on-off/motorised valves etc.) and alarms
both for AIs (Analog Inputs) and DIs.

The graphic pages shall be built by CONTRACTOR on the

basis of DCS operator interface and graphic displays, both
delivered by PROJECT OWNER during the detailed
engineering phase.
4 Logging The system shall be provided with logging function to print
out alarms/event and trainees actions.
5 Trends The Trainee Station shall be capable of displaying graphic
trends for the complete duration of each exercise. Following
data related to the trends shall appear on screen:
Process parameter identification
Engineering units
Present value
Alarm status
January 2010
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Function Requirement

CONTRACTOR shall also build group/trend display as per

what is currently available in the PROJECT OWNER DCS.

Trend recording time and sampling period shall be

recommended by CONTRACTOR. This should be agreed by
both parties during FDS.
6 Operator keyboard The trainee keyboard should be exact replication of current
with custom keys PROJECT OWNER DCS HIS keyboard. Custom keys shall
be made available on the operator keyboard to directly call
up predefined pages (graphic displays, overviews, alarm
pages, trend displays and whatever is needed); also,
interchangeable keyboards covers shall be supplied with
different custom keys labels for each process unit (both
customized and standard).
7 Preconfigured The trainee station shall be able to begin a training session
Training Exercises by starting a preconfigured training exercise independently
without the instructor station.

Each trainee station shall be able to select and run a pre-

configured exercise independently of each other without the
instructor station. Therefore, three (3) trainee stations shall
be able to run three (3) different pre-configured exercises

While a preconfigured training exercise session is active, a

status window shall show progress through the template. The
status window shall display pending rules or steps, as well as
information about the rules that have been executed.

The Simulator shall be able to record all usage information of

the trainee system without instructor station and made easily
accessible by the instructor for record tracking. The
information required are as follows but not limited to:-
Trainee Station No
Trainee User Name
Login Time
Usage Time
Pre-configured Exercise Selection
8 ESD Emulation Annunciator panel, emergency Push-button and bypass
switches panels will be not physically replicated. They will be
simulated by touch screen graphic displays imitating panels’
appearance in each Trainee station.

This emulation may be displayed on several pages where

trainee can switch between respective pages using a touch
screen based menu.
9 Others CONTRACTOR shall also ensure the following performances
for the standard and custom displays:
-page call-up time at minimum is 1 second
-page refreshing time at minimum is 1 second
-all standard displays available (detail, overview, etc).
10 Security CONTRACTOR should make provisions for security of the
instructor system by providing login capability or via hard
January 2010
Page 21 Function of Field Operator Station (FOS)

The FOS shall be based on a P&ID mark up supplied by PROJECT OWNER as the minimum
requirement. The CONTRACTOR should also be able to replicate the location of field operated
devices by using isometric drawings of the plant or any graphical interface subject to agreement by

All field indicators such a pressure gauge, temperature, level & product analyzer report shall be
included in the simulation model as a Field Operation Device (FOD). Examples of field operated
devices includes but not limited to:
• Heat exchanger bypass valves
• Control valve bypass valves
• Manual block valves & bypass
• Auxiliary pump start/stop
• Air fin cooler driver start/stop
• Local control panel

These FOD shall be pre-programmed with varying time restriction to reflect actual FOD location in the
field and also virtual field operator location. This feature shall be made modifiable in the future.

Field Operator trainer shall be able to change the status of all FOD. The system shall be able to
generate status change of all field operated devices up to which are necessary for the operator
training. System Software

Table 4- 5: System Software Specification

Function Requirement
1 Instructor system The instructor station shall be provided with all necessary
system software to ensure fully functional IS and shall
include the following, but not limited to:
- Operating system software (Windows Based)
- Simulation Programming software
- All necessary Communication software
- Online help library for simulation system
- Application simulation software for model
- Antivirus software
- Latest Microsoft Office
2 Trainee system The trainee system shall be provided with all necessary
system software to ensure its function as a trainee system
and shall include the followings, but not limited to:
- Operating system software
- Standard functions software
- Communication software
3 Emulation Station The emulation station shall be provided with all necessary
system software to ensure its function as an emulation
station and shall include the followings, but not limited to:
- Operating system software
- Standard functions software
- Communication software
- Antivirus software
4 FOS The FOS system shall be provided with all necessary system
software to ensure its function as a FOS and to include the
followings, but not limited to:
- Operating system software
- Standard functions software
- Communication software
January 2010
Page 22

Function Requirement
5 Importing Plant Data The Simulator system shall be capable of importing plant
data to be replayed and simulated on the Simulator. This
may be able via an OPC.

The Simulator shall be provided with the necessary system

software or hardware to ensure it is capable of this function
including the followings, but not limited to:
- Standard functions software
- Communication software
- Communication cable
- Communication hardware if necessary

CONTRACTOR shall detail out the Simulator requirements

and the extent of its capability to perform the function above.

CONTRACTOR shall provide this system feature as an

option to PROJECT OWNER.

4.4.7 Functionality Test

CONTRACTOR shall conduct functional test of the system before the MAT and FAT session to meet
the guaranteed performance as stipulated in the MAT and FAT documents.


4.5.1 Project Plan

The CONTRACTOR shall complete the project within the allocated time by PROJECT
OWNER upon issuance of Letter of Award (LOA) until SAT Acceptance Issuance. The
Project Plan will be discussed and agreed by both parties during the Kick Off Meeting

4.5.2 Project Time Schedule

The CONTRACTOR shall constantly review the project schedule to include any change
which can affect the project progress and shall report to PROJECT OWNER on these
changes, also indicating the latest acceptable date of resolution; the above revisions shall
eventually be agreed upon with PROJECT OWNER. The Project Time schedule will be
discussed and agreed by both parties during the Kick Off Meeting.

4.5.3 Test and Certifications

Table 4- 6: Acceptance Tests Requirements
Test Requirement
1 Acceptance Criteria The WORK shall be deemed to have been completed when all
related items have been installed, tested and commissioned.
The acceptance criteria shall include but not limited to the
a) In-house inspection program.
b) Material certificates and/or supporting documents.
c) Model Acceptance Test. During the course of the MAT,
all aspects of the model functionality shall be demonstrated to
PROJECT OWNER, following the agreed Acceptance Test
d) Factory Acceptance Test. During the course of the
FAT, all aspects of the system functionality shall be
demonstrated to PROJECT OWNER, following the agreed
Acceptance Test Procedure.
January 2010
Page 23

Test Requirement
e) Visual inspection - correct installation of all materials
as required.
f) Site Acceptance Test (SAT). During the course of the
SAT, all aspects of the system functionality shall be
demonstrated to PROJECT OWNER, following the agreed
Acceptance Test Procedure.
g) As-built drawing and project brief report.

The CONTRACTOR shall record all tests performed and

witnessed by PROJECT OWNER. CONTRACTOR shall submit
the procedure prior to testing for review and approval by

PROJECT OWNER reserves the right to reject any part of the

MATERIALS or WORK, which does not comply with the
specification. For any defects found a check lists shall be
prepared and signed by the PROJECT OWNER inspector
stating all 'pending' items. Copies of these lists shall be sent to
the PROJECT OWNER to enable their subsequent checking.
2 Model Acceptance Test The Model Acceptance Test is intended to verify that the
(MAT) process model acceptance. Acceptance phase of the Process
Model; two main groups of tests shall be performed:
- Accuracy of simulated values in steady state conditions
- Qualitative dynamic behaviour in accordance with operating

Static accuracy will be a key acceptance parameter. Static

accuracy shall be checked.

A list of the variables to be checked - with the corresponding

expected values and acceptable accuracy - will be made
available by the CONTRACTOR before the MAT and it will be
included in the test procedure. MAT will include also the check
of the consistency between data provided by PROJECT
OWNER and the data implemented. The data (about 10%) will
be random selected.
3 Factory Acceptance The Factory Acceptance Test is intended to verify that the
Test (FAT) System and its components function properly, that all
manufacturing, assembly, and software generation have been
performed correctly and completely, and that the System
performance is, in all respects, in compliance with the criteria of
the agreed procurement specifications.

CONTRACTOR shall provide all necessary tools and

equipment to conduct the Test. PROJECT OWNER can forbid
the shipment of equipment that, during inspections, appeared
not to meet the contractual requirements.

Expected duration of MAT / FAT will be defined by the


The Test activities shall include but not limited to:

Visual Inspection
- Documentation check: the purpose is to check that
standard and project documentation meet the order and
specification therein mentioned.
- Visual and dimensional check: the purpose is to check
January 2010
Page 24

Test Requirement
that layout, dimension of the System, nameplates and general
arrangement meet the drawings.
- Check of certificates of computer manufacturer
- Check of CONTRACTOR's certificates of internal tests.

Hardware tests
- Power supply System check
- Hardware test of CPUs: the purpose is to demonstrate
the CPU capacity to perform all of the functions required; to this
aim it will be acceptable to use standard test routines proposed
- Check of interactions between systems.

Functional test
The test will be witnessed. The purpose is to verify that the
requirements of this specification (mainly the requirements
showed at the topic 3 including start-up/ shut-down procedures,
malfunctions and predefined exercises) have been correctly

CONTRACTOR shall provide the cost breakdown for the MAT

and FAT.
4 Site Acceptance Test CONTRACTOR shall provide field and system assistance to
(SAT) conduct the SAT. All the equipment shall be checked on site to
verify the System integrity after shipment and installation. The
checks shall include as a minimum:

a. Visual and mechanical check.

b. Power/earthing connections check.

After electrical installation and wiring is completed by the
PROJECT OWNER, the CONTRACTOR's supervisor(s) shall
check that power supply and earthing connections are
executed in a correct way, according to CONTRACTOR
recommendations, before switching-on the power supplies.
After hardware inspection is completed, the CONTRACTOR's
supervisor(s) shall check/complete the software loading of the

c. Equipment functionality check.

The purpose is to check that all the equipment is working

d. Clearance of FAT punchlist items

The purpose is to resolve all the pending items identified in the

PROJECT OWNER will take over the System from the

CONTRACTOR after the final Site Acceptance Test.

After this period any malfunctioning of the System components

as well as of software shall be detected/replaced/repaired as
required during all the warranty period as per purchase order.
Please refer to PTS on OTS System QA/QC (PTS number
January 2010
Page 25

4.5.4 OTS Room

The Simulator will be installed in an appropriate rooms located in the Main Control Building.

CONTRACTOR shall include in the scope of work as an option, the Interior design proposal
for the Simulator room. The option shall require the CONTRACTOR to furnish the OTS room
to provide hi-tech aesthetic appearance and fully furnished before hardware installation
activity starts. The proposal shall include a design drawing and bill of quantity of the OTS

The final room arrangement shall be subject to PROJECT OWNER approval.

4.5.5 Packing
Considering that the OTS transportation and installation activities are included in the
CONTRACTOR scope of work, the packing will be in accordance with the CONTRACTOR

However the CONTRACTOR shall pack and adequately protect all equipment for
transportation to site; packaging must provide full protection against physical damage and
atmospheric attack during transit, and for loading. Spare parts shall be separately packed.

No equipment shall be packed unless all the requirements of the Contract as to Testing
and Inspection at the Factory have been completely satisfied and PROJECT OWNER has
approved dispatch in writing or until otherwise authorised by the PROJECT OWNER.

The CONTRACTOR shall provide a detailed packing list, identifying for each case its
contents. The CONTRACTOR shall ensure that a copy of this packing list is received by
PROJECT OWNER in advance of the dispatch of the goods. A second copy of the list shall
be fixed inside a weatherproof cover in a prominent position on the outside of each case.

4.5.6 Training
The CONTRACTOR shall provide the following training courses in English with adequate
training days for the following, but not limited to, as follows:

Table 4- 7: List of Training to be Provided

No Propose Training Module Proposed Location Proposed Time
1. Simulation software for engineers; PROJECT OWNER Before SAT
Basic and Advance course (Site)
2. OTS Maintenance Training: PROJECT OWNER Before SAT
• Model maintenance (Site)
• Translator Software

3. Instructor training on the PROJECT OWNER After SAT (To be

station functionality and (Site) conducted on the
effective utilization of installed system)
training simulator.

4. User Training on the PROJECT OWNER After SAT (To be

Trainee and Field Operating (Site) conducted on the
Station installed system)

Training instructors shall be the credible instructors with appropriate certificates and
qualifications with at least 5 years experiences and shall be approved by PROJECT
OWNER prior to start of any training program.
January 2010
Page 26

Training schedule, contents, program, material, requirements and manuals shall be

provided and submitted for PROJECT OWNER approval prior to start of training.

4.5.7 Pre-Commissioning and Commissioning

CONTRACTOR shall perform pre-commissioning and commissioning activities of
the WORK.

CONTRACTOR shall submit a procedure for pre-commissioning and commissioning

inclusive of the relevant checklist after approval at least one (1) weeks in advance
prior to commencement of such activities.

CONTRACTOR shall provide equipment, tools and sufficient manpower for the pre-
commissioning and commissioning activities, which shall be clearly planned and
monitored so the WORK can be completed within the agreed schedule.

Pre-commissioning shall include cleaning and tightness test of the WORK where as
commissioning shall include functional check which is inclusive of loop test on all
field instrument. The result shall be fully functional and ready for operation.

CONTRACTOR shall provide adequate personnel during start-up of the system

consisting of relevant discipline.

4.5.8 Warranty
CONTRACTOR shall warrant and guarantee that the WORK will be performed in a
professional manner, in accordance with sound industrial practices, executed to the highest
quality of workmanship, free from defect and fault as well as fully comply with the
requirement stipulated herein.

Without prejudice to any other rights whether implied by statutes or otherwise which
PROJECT OWNER may have, the CONTRACTOR undertakes at PROJECT OWNER 's
option either to repair or replace or refund the cost of any of the materials and assemblies
which fail or are found to be defective within a minimal period of twelve (12) months (1
year) from the date work is accepted by PROJECT OWNER i.e. The completion of SAT
Acceptance Issuance (SAT).

CONTRACTOR shall also provide extended warranty for a period of six (6) months for any
defect on the work if a defect is detecting during the warranty period from the date defect is
repaired. CONTRACTOR’s warranty shall cover provision of materials, products, services
and engineering work.

Failure of any item within the warranty period shall be identified, rectified, tested and re-
commissioned by CONTRACTOR. All costs associated with such a rectification exercise
shall be borne by CONTRACTOR.

CONTRACTOR shall responsible should the new system fails to meet the specification and
the cost to re-perform the work will be borne by CONTRACTOR.

CONTRACTOR to submit a principal guarantee, if applicable, from its principal company to

ensure a smooth implementation of the OTS project in PROJECT OWNER site.

CONTRACTOR shall guarantee the support and spare parts for newly installed system are
available for the next TEN (10) years upon completion of SAT.

Final Acceptance shall be conducted upon expiry of warranty period.

January 2010
Page 27

4.5.9 Annual Maintenance Service Contract

CONTRACTOR shall describe and specify detail scope of CONTRACTORS Annual Maintenance
Contract and Program. These programs shall include the followings but not limited to:
- Local focal person
- Help Desk or Hot Line Assistance
- Support responsibilities
- Service provided
- Simulator Update
- Contract Validity
- General On-Site Services Housekeeping
CONTRACTOR should specifically assign adequate number of personnel to carry out
cleaning, clearing and housekeeping works daily. These personnel shall be responsible to
inform PROJECT OWNER, Project Co-ordinator on completion of daily housekeeping

At the end of each working day, CONTRACTOR is to clear the WORK SITE and dispose off
all rubbish's and debris in properly tied rubbish containers and transport them to a location
within the WORK SITE designated by PROJECT OWNER.

At the end of the WORK, a joint inspection between CONTRACTOR and PROJECT
OWNER will be held to determine the completion of housekeeping exercise. Schedule of Price

The CONTRACTOR shall provide bill of quantity, break down price and specify additional
information to clarify each of the following topics:
• Main price schedule i.e hardware, services & maintenance
• Optional items & services

The draft ITB SOW shall be reviewed by GTS Process Simulation TPs before it can be issued to potential
bidders to ensure adequate technical content.

Typical Duration = 1 month

PTS 20.00..10.39
Januaryy 2010
Pagge 28

5.1 PROC

5.1.1 Process Simulator

S Arcchitecture/Organization
Proceess simulator architecture/o organization needs
n to be specified
s at th
he beginning of
o the project e.g.
the prrocess area iss divided into units and sheeets. The sim
mulator architeecture/organiz
zation is a use
aid in the design and developme ent of the sim
mulator as welll as providing
g manageablyy sized piecess for
the deevelopment process.

e 5.1 below are
a the examp
ple of simulato
or architecture

Figure 5- 1: Simulator Stru


The innteractive functions/malfunnctions betweeen the divided sections of simulator sha

all be defined
d in
the baattery limits be
etween thosee sections. Alll these abnorm
mal operation
n could be moodeled in the
batterry limits betweeen those sec
ctions. The teemperature, pressure
p and the composittion could be
changged based on the performa ance of the otther section

P Mod s level will be represented by a simulato
del Area: This or.

Unit: This level will be represen

nted by a shee
et. Its only rolle is to ensure
e communicaation between
sheets as well as enabling
e a quick and coherrent access to o any part of the model. Alll sheets will be
label as
a per respecctive unit labe

Proceess sheets: This

T level is th
he P&ID levell. Each P&ID will have its oown dedicated sheet with
coherrent tagging. Inside
I the she eet, the releva
ant objects will be used in order to build
d the process
modeel. All process sheets will be label as per respective P&ID.

5.1.2 Tagging Philosophy


The aim
a of this parrt is to standaardize the nom
menclature of all the unit op
perations present in the
appliccation(s) of the project. In general, equiipment, instru
ument tags shhown on P&IDD shall be follo
in the simulator.
PTS 20.00..10.39
Januaryy 2010
Pagge 29

Assocciated elemen nt used in sim

mulator such as
a transmitter (connected tto indicator), valve
v actuator,
pump p motors and etc.
e shall be tagged
t using the associateed equipmentt complete tag g with prefix in
order to optimize th
he graphic Hu uman Machin ne Interface an
nd Field Operrator Device and
a instructorr


S Harddware General Arrangement

The fo
ollowing is the
e typical simu
ulator hardware arrangeme
ent that has b
been impleme
ented in

Figure 5- 2: Simulator
S Ha
ardware General Arrange

5.2.1 Simulatorr Hardware Specification

As the Personal Computer
C speecifications arre very volatiile, the follow
wing provides a guideline of the
Persoonal Computeer hardware to
o be used. Th he final speciffications will b
be frozen at the time of ord
der so
as to comply with the
t project req
quirements and use the lattest technolog gy available.

Pleasse refer to Sec

ction 4.4.4 in this documen
nt for details of
o the Hardwa
are Specificattions.
January 2010
Page 30


Process description for each unit (as divided in the process Simulator Architecture/ Organization) shall
be provided by PROJECT OWNER which includes: general information, process description,
operating pressure and temperature, basic chemistry equation/chemical reaction equation, equipment


5.4.1 Scope of Simulation/modeling

Scope of simulation/modeling shall be defined during the Kick Off Meeting (KOM) to ensure the OTS
cover the purpose of development

5.4.2 Simulation Assumptions

Simulation assumptions shall be defined during the Kick Off Meeting (KOM). The list of equipment
should be categorized according to the types of equipment in order to simplify the simulation

The following are the general simulation assumptions as reference:

Table 5- 1: General Simulation Assumptions

No. Type of Equipments Simulation Assumptions
1. Compressor Shall be modeled with compressor performance curves
(from vendor)
2. Pump Shall be modeled with pump performance curves (from
3. Air Cooler
4. Heat Exchanger
5. Distillation Column
6. Adsorption Column Should be simulated as component splitter in the
simulation software
7. Reactors
8. Separator Vessels Configured with the heat loss to the environment
The rate of heat loss is dependent on the vessel
temperature, the ambient conditions and overall heat
transfer coefficient.
This will allow the cooling of vessel contents during
9. Control Valve Control valve characteristics should be included
10. Check valves The check valve functionality may be represented as a
stand-alone check valve in the simulation or
incorporated in the functionality of a control valve
located in series with the actual check valve
11. Process line losses Pressure drops are lumped into control valves
throughout the units to satisfy the steady state pressure

5.4.3 Configuration Data

The information about Equipment Size & Technical Specifications used for simulation should cover at
least the following list:

Table 5- 2: List of Equipment size and technical specification

No. Type of Equipments Technical Specifications
1. Distillation Column
a. Columns ƒ Diameter
ƒ Height
ƒ Number of theoretical trays
January 2010
Page 31

No. Type of Equipments Technical Specifications

ƒ Inlet position (tray number)
ƒ Outlet position (tray number)
ƒ Tray section
ƒ Top pressure
ƒ Weir height
b. Column bottoms ƒ Diameter
ƒ Height
ƒ Level nozzle elevation (used for LT
c. Packed Columns ƒ Diameter
ƒ Number of theoretical trays
ƒ Height
ƒ Packing height
ƒ Level nozzle elevation (used for LT
2. Absorption Columns ƒ Diameter
ƒ Number of theoretical trays
ƒ Height
ƒ Packing height
ƒ Level nozzle elevation (used for LT
3. Vessels/Separator ƒ Diameter
ƒ Height
ƒ Elevation
ƒ Level nozzle elevation (used for LT
4. Heat Exchanger ƒ Heat exchanged
ƒ Shell diameter
ƒ Tube Diameter
ƒ Surface of heat exchange
ƒ Number of tubes
ƒ Shell side calculated pressure drop with
corresponding flow rate
ƒ Tube side calculated pressure drop with
corresponding flow rate
5. Compressors ƒ Nominal volumetric flow (m3/s)
ƒ Nominal speed (rpm)
ƒ Compressor curve
6. Pumps
a. Centrifugal ƒ Nominal volumetric flow (m3/s)
Pumps ƒ Head at zero flow
ƒ Pressure versus volumetric flow curve
ƒ Nominal speed (rpm)
ƒ Running and stopping time
b. Volumetric ƒ Volumetric flow (m3/s)
Pumps ƒ Discharge pressure
ƒ Cylinder diameter and stroke length
ƒ Nominal speed (rpm)
ƒ Running and stopping time
7. Reactors ƒ Diameter
ƒ Height
ƒ Elevation
ƒ Level nozzle elevation (used for LT
ƒ Reactions and catalyst packing information
8. Valves (Control Valves) ƒ Characteristic (linear, equal%, curve)
ƒ Nominal Cv (gal/min)
ƒ Description
January 2010
Page 32

No. Type of Equipments Technical Specifications

ƒ Opening time
ƒ Closing time
ƒ Safety position (FC, FO, etc…)
ƒ Reset mode (manual or automatic)
9. Pressure Safety Valves ƒ Size
(PSV) ƒ Opening pressure
ƒ Closure pressure
10. Transmitters ƒ Description
ƒ Range
ƒ Alarm threshold values (HH, H, L, LL)
11. Controllers ƒ Description
ƒ Set point
ƒ Lower range
ƒ Upper range
ƒ Alarm threshold values (HH, H, L, LL)
ƒ Tuning parameters
12. ESD Bars ƒ Reset mode (manual or automatic)
ƒ Inhibitions (global inhibition, individual alarm
13. Battery Limits ƒ Pressure
ƒ Temperature
ƒ Composition

Note: All data shall be provided by PROJECT OWNER.


The requirements for Trainee Evaluation System are as but not limited to below: -
i. Process Description
ii. Process Design Basis
iii. Heat & Mass Balance
iv. Battery Limits Condition
v. Operating Procedure (Startup & Shutdown)
vi. Equipment drawing
vii. Equipment datasheet
viii. Control/ESD Valves Datasheet
ix. Sequence Logic
x. Interlock Logic
xi. Complex Control Configuration
xii. Instrumentation I/O List
xiii. Control Narrative
xiv. Alarm Trip Setting
xv. Cause Effect Matrix
xvi. DCS Graphics
xvii. List of Malfunctions


Malfunction list are the list of upset scenario that the instructor should introduce as part of trainee
training sessions. These malfunctions for the training session will be selected by PROJECT OWNER.
The following list contains the generic malfunctions that should be developed:
January 2010
Page 33

Table 5- 3: Example of Malfunction List

Item Deviation/Upset
1 Failure of transmitters
2 Failure of alarms
3 Failure of on/off valve actuators
4 Failure of control valve actuators
5 Failure of electrical motor
6 Failure of pumps (from motor failure and strainer choked)
7 Failure of heat exchangers (clogging)
8 Failure from utility
ƒ Instrument air
ƒ Power
ƒ Steam
ƒ Cooling Water
ƒ Plant Air
ƒ Demin Water


5.1.1 Graphics Interface

The graphic displays will be developed for the OTS simulator as a replica of the plant displays
supplied by PROJECT OWNER. Non simulated equipment, lines, will be represented as dark
grey shaded. All graphic display shall be 100% the same as per current PROJECT OWNER
graphic display provided.
The following graphic displays will be emulated:
• Process graphic displays
• Overview graphic display
• ESD graphic displays
• ESD panels in the control room (Access to action will be tactile and via touch screen)
• DCS logic graphic display
• Alarm summary
• Group/Trends
• Some specific Fire & Gas graphics will be provided, as well as Fire & Gas overview

All graphic display provided by the PROJECT OWNER shall be made available on the simulator
even though there are no emulated lines or equipment.
The human machine interface is achieved using the standard SIMULATION SOFTWARE graphic
facilities, configured and programmed to emulate functionalities related to process operation of
the respective plant.
The «Process display layout» section gives an overview of the displays that will be available on
the operator and instructor screens.
These displays will be configured and modified to allow users to interface with the simulator as an
instructor, a DCS operator or a field operator.

5.1.2 Instructor Functionalities

The Instructor has all the Trainee functionality, with some additional features. The instructor
specific features allow the control of the simulator, the access to battery limit mode, the access to
failure mode and the access to FOD (Field operated Device) mode. The instructor functionalities
description can be divided into: -
• Control of the simulator
• Access to Instructor specific operating modes
• Process variable monitoring and trending
January 2010
Page 34

• Live event log

Table 5- 4: Typical Instructor Functionalities

Simulation Menu Run/Freeze allows instructor to continue or pause the simulation.
Step by step to run the simulation one calculation step at a time.
Most of the functions used to Acceleration rate of slow, real time and fast are available for the
manage the simulation are simulation.
located in Simulation Menu. Record toggle to record simulated diagram data values at the
defined sampling pace.
Replay feature to start running the simulation from the desired
record condition.
Scenario function allows instructor to create and execute
Exercise can be created by instructor for trainee evaluation.
Evaluate/stop evaluate function allows selection of trainee
evaluation parameters and to start/stop the evaluation.
Connect network displays a dialog box allowing the simulator to
be connected to the postmaster for networking in order to
manage the remote Simulator viewers.
Access Mode Menu This menu allows to manage the access level to the simulator
and to switch between usage and environment. All level change
is checked by a password except for the trainee level.
View Menu This menu allows managing the layout of Simulator workspace.
Loading Initial Conditions The first step to run the simulator is to load a set of initial
There can be as many initial conditions files as needed.
Saving new set of Initial Condition obtained after running the simulator can be saved as
Conditions new initial condition.
The simulator specific FOD mode
functionalities available to the Failure mode
instructor Simulator battery limits data
The instructor shall be able to specify variables to be monitored and logged during the session up
to 50 or more items at the beginning of training session.
The simulator shall provide A trend of any process variable shall be activated by clicking on
the Instructor with two options that variable’s digital display in the IS schematic. Any number of
for trending simulation trends may be active at once and positioned, scaled, and sized
variables independently on the display.
Groups of simulation variables may be trended within one trend
window. These multi-variable trends shall be configured off-line
and accessed from an IS menu. The instructor shall be able to
zoom in or zoom out on the range of each trend.
A live event logger shall be Live event log shall be available for viewing as and when the
available for the instructor on trainee is using the OTS.
instructor console. All the actions shall be listed down in the live log.
The system shall be able to produce log of selected process
A text file with all actions variables at a selectable interval, screen prints of instructor’s
made on the simulation displays and event logging, for both instructor’s and trainee’s
session shall be available events.
after the training session.

5.1.3 Operator Access Level

The Operator access via HMI is limited to:

• Change of set point.
January 2010
Page 35

• AUTO/MANUAL/CASCADE mode change.

• Change of manipulated output in manual mode.


The list of graphics includes in emulation scopes shall be provided by PROJECT OWNER to the


The requirements for Trainee Evaluation System are as but not limited to below: -

Table 5- 5: General Requirements for Trainee Evaluation System

Requirement Description

Automatic Training Exercises a. A series of actions, generally failures, that aims at

(ATE) influencing the normal operation of a simulator.
b. Executes series of actions following the programming
order in the 'Scenario Configuration' window for training
Exercise/model selection Instructor shall be capable of selecting different preconfigured
exercise for each of the trainee station.

Student Scoring Several pieces of information used for student scoring. E.g.
time out of bound, criticality and global scoring.
Operator Performance A students scoring capability shall be provided to record
Evaluation System simulation date, evaluate the data, assess an overall
performance score, support students/instructor debriefs, and
perform record keeping and archival functions.


The applications of data historian in OTS system are as follows: -

Table 5- 6: Data Historian Application

Features Description

Session History A session History capability shall be provided to log instructor

and student actions during a training session. Each action
taken by the instructor shall be time-stamped with the
simulation time and logged to a session history file.
Examples of the types of instructors actions recorded but not
limited to, are:
- Instructor-initiated malfunction
- Automated Training Exercise (ATE)
initiated malfunctions
- Instructor-initiated remote functions
- Simulation mode, run, freeze, and
- Model selection
- Free play, ATE selection
- Initial Condition (IC) set selection

In addition, student actions shall be recorded.

Examples but not limited to, are shown below:
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Page 36

Features Description

- Alarm acknowledgement
- Controller mode change
- Controller set point change.
- Manual controller output change
- Discrete output change

Simulator events that are generated by the models shall also

be recorded.
Examples but not limited to, are:
- Points entering alarm
- Discrete input or output changes
- Pressure-controlled vents
Backtrack/Snapshot/Replay The entire simulation database shall be recorded during each
snapshot. The snapshot shall be used to reset the simulation
back to a previous point in time.

Snapshots shall be collected in a background mode and shall

be invisible to the instructor and student. The snapshot
activities shall not noticeable affect simulation model
Replay and Event Recording The replay is snapshots automatically recorded at instructor
selected time interval. This function will enable instructors to
view past process NS and event, including both trainee’s
actions and instructors actions, on the screen display up to
60 frames and also to replay the training session using the
collected event logging data or from a specific state stored in
the file.
Logging The system shall be able to produce logs of selected process
variables at a selectable interval, screen prints of instructor’s
CRT displays and event logging. The event logging shall
include trainee’s events and also instructor’s events.
Backtracking During a simulation session, it shall be possible for the
instructor to reset the simulation exercise to a prior set of
conditions to allow the instructor to go to another point in time
and to re-do the training session, perhaps with some
variations in conditions. The instructor may return to same
point several times to try several alternative operating


A security system for the OTS system is required to manage the access level to the simulator and
to switch between usage and environment. All level change is checked by a password except for
the trainee level.

Table 5- 7: Summary on Security/Access Level for an OTS System

Different mode provides a. Maintenance mode has full access to the simulation configuration,
different level of access network management, models variables access and tuning and
to the user. password configuration.
b. Engineer mode has similar access to Maintenance mode except
for password configuration and maintenance variables.
c. Instructor mode allows user to manage the simulation using a
configured simulator.
d. Trainee mode provides access to Mimic Displays.
e. Passwords shall be only accessible from Maintenance mode in
January 2010
Page 37

which the passwords configuration for various modes can be



Operating procedure covering start-up and shut down for all units within OTS system scope shall
be provided by PROJECT OWNER. These procedures shall be used and tested on the OTS
system during the Factory Acceptance Test and Site Acceptance Test.


The list of all inlet and outlet stream shall be determined by the modeling scopes. The list shall
include the details of each inlet/outlet stream i.e. temperature, pressure, flowrate and composition
at specified condition e.g. design, actual or initial condition.


1. PASB OTS Project Documentation

2. EMSB OTS Project Documentation

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