This document contains a list of 47 students who are taking exams for various subjects at Vidyavardhini's B V Polytechnic in Vasai, Mumbai. It includes each student's enrollment number, seat number, name, program/scheme, subject, original marks, reassessment marks, and whether the case was for change or no change. For some students, the reassessment resulted in a change to their marks, while for others there was no change. The list shows the results of an online reassessment of exams taken in the Winter 2022 term.
This document contains a list of 47 students who are taking exams for various subjects at Vidyavardhini's B V Polytechnic in Vasai, Mumbai. It includes each student's enrollment number, seat number, name, program/scheme, subject, original marks, reassessment marks, and whether the case was for change or no change. For some students, the reassessment resulted in a change to their marks, while for others there was no change. The list shows the results of an online reassessment of exams taken in the Winter 2022 term.
This document contains a list of 47 students who are taking exams for various subjects at Vidyavardhini's B V Polytechnic in Vasai, Mumbai. It includes each student's enrollment number, seat number, name, program/scheme, subject, original marks, reassessment marks, and whether the case was for change or no change. For some students, the reassessment resulted in a change to their marks, while for others there was no change. The list shows the results of an online reassessment of exams taken in the Winter 2022 term.
This document contains a list of 47 students who are taking exams for various subjects at Vidyavardhini's B V Polytechnic in Vasai, Mumbai. It includes each student's enrollment number, seat number, name, program/scheme, subject, original marks, reassessment marks, and whether the case was for change or no change. For some students, the reassessment resulted in a change to their marks, while for others there was no change. The list shows the results of an online reassessment of exams taken in the Winter 2022 term.