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Phân biệt thì hiện tại đơn (Present Simple) và quá khứ đơn (Past Simple)
Thì hiện tại đơn Thì quá khứ đơn
- Diễn tả hành động được lặp đi lặp lại, một - Diễn tả hành động đã kết thúc tại thời điểm
thói quen ở thì hiện tại cụ thể trong quá khứ
- Dấu hiệu: every day/ week/ month/ year,
- Dấu hiệu: yesterday, then, when, last night/
usually, often, always, rarely, never,
week/ month/ year, a week/ month/ year ago,
sometimes, in the morning/ evening,
two days ago, in 2019, ….
afternoon, at night, …
II. Bài tập luyện tập
Exercise 1: Put the verb in brackets into the present simple or past simple
1. We _________ (go) to the beach last weekend.
2. My cousins _________ (not/ visit) us every weekend.
3. ___________ (your mum/ make) a chocolate yesterday?
4. I _______ (send) Jessica an email yesterday afternoon
5. The children always ______ (do) their homework yesterday afternoon.
6. Last year, I ___________ (travel) to Japan.
7. ___________ you ___________ (have) dinner last night?
8. He ___________ (arrive) from the airport at 8:00, ___________ (check) into the
hotel at 9:00, and met the others at 10:00.
9. I ___________ (receive) three messages two minutes ago.
10. She ___________ (work) at the movie theater after school.
11. Yesterday she ___________ (go) to the cinema and ___________ (watch) a
horror movie.
12. Carlos always ___________ (eat) spaghetti but two days ago he ___________
(eat) soup.
13. We seldom ___________ (drink) alcohol during the forenoon.
14. Somebody ___________ (take) the flowers from the graves in the morning
15. When ___________ your grandpa ___________ (come) home after war?
16. Some girls ___________ (not/ read) the book yesterday
17. When ___________ (be) they in London the last time? - I think in 2002
18. Why ___________ you ___________ (help) your brother with the homework?
- Because he ___________ (be) rather lazy all the time
19. My dog sometimes ___________ (catch) a mouse and ___________ (bring) it
to the front door.
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Exercise 2: Choose the correct answer
1. Dad doesn’t buy/ didn’t buy a new car.
2. I don’t watch/ didn’t watch TV last night.
3. Do you like/ liked chips?
4. Mary leaves/ left for Italy last month.
5. Did John come/ came to the party?

Exercise 3: Put the verbs in the present simple or the past simple
1. A: ___________________ (you/ go) to work yesterday?
B: No, I __________. I ___________ (never/ work) on Saturdays.
2. A: _______________ (you/ see) Charles yesterday?
B: Yes. We ________ (have) lunch together.
3. A: ____________ (Colin/ work) at a bank?
B: No, he ____________. He __________ (work) at a post office
4. A: ____________ (you/ do) anything exciting last Sunday?
B: No, not really. I _____________ (watch) TV and _________________ (read) a
book. It was a boring weekend.
5. A: What __________ (you/do) at weekends?
B: We usually ___________(go) to the beach.
Exercise 4: Complete the sentences with the time expressions from the list
at the moment always Yesterday last night every week last summer
1. We watched a really good film at the cinema __________.
2. He is upset because he failed his driving test __________.
3. She ____________ brushes her teeth before she goes to bed at night.
4. I am working _____________ I can’t come with you.
5. My mother does the shopping _______________.
6. I went to a beautiful exotic island ____________. The weather was very hot.
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Exercise 5: Choose the correct item
1. My grandmother _______ me a present yesterday.
A. buys
B. bought
C. doesn’t buy
2. Peter _______ basketball yesterday.
A. doesn’t play
B. didn’t play
C. plays
3. Tony always ________ his cousins on Fridays
A. visited
B. didn’t visit
C. visits
4. I _____ my bike in the park every weekend.
A. ride
B. didn’t ride
C. am riding
5. _____ they _____ to the beach last Saturday?
A. Did, goes
B. Do, go
C. Did, go
6. Who ______ penicillin?
A. discovers
B. discovering
C. discovered
7. I usually ______ a bowl of cereal for breakfast.
A. eat
B. eats
C. eating
8. Mum ______ very happy today.
A. was
B. is
C. are
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Exercise 6: Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the past simple
1. Tommy Brown ________ (like) making up stories. No one ______ (believe)
what he ______ (say) because he always _____ (tell) lies. He ________ (live) in a
small village and _____ __ (work) on a farm just outside the village. One night last
week, Tommy ______ (finish) work late. It _________ (be) dark and cold.
Suddenly, he _______ (hear) a strange noise, so he _________ (look) up. It
__________ (be) a UFO bright flashing lights. The UFO ________ (come down)
towards him and he ________ (see) two green men looking him from outside. He
___________ (scream), ___________ (drop) his bag and ______________ (run
away). When he ______________ (arrive) in the village, he ______________
(run) into some villagers and ______________(start) telling them about the aliens
but they all ______________ (laugh) at him. No one ______________ (believe)
2. Steven’s friends _____________ (come) to his birthday party last night and
_____________ (give) him wonderful presents. His parents _____________
(cook) a special dinner for him. His girlfriend _____________ (promise) to come,
but she _____________ (not be) there. He _____________ (try) to phone but he
couldn’t get through. He _____________ (be) really upset. Only she
_____________ (not wish) him a Happy Birthday.
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Exercise 7: Put the verbs in brackets into the present simple or the past simple
Ling: Hi Amy. ___________ (1. you/ be) at home last weekend?
Amy: No, I ___________ (2. not/ be). My family and I ___________ (3. go) to the
beach. We often ___________ (4. go) to the beach at weekends.
Ling: You’re lucky. ___________ (5. you/ have) a nice time?
Amy: Oh, yes! I ___________ (6. have) a great time!
Ling: Where ___________ (7. you/ stay)?
Amy: We ___________ (8. stay) at my grandparents’ house
Ling: Oh. ___________ (9. they/ live) near the beach?
Amy: Yes, they do. Their house ___________(10. be) right by the beach.
Ling: Wow! That’s cool. And what did you do there?
Amy: We ___________ (11. walk) along the beach and ___________ (12. swim)
in the sea.
Ling: That sounds like a lot of fun.
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Exercise 8: Put the verb in brackets into the present simple or past simple
1. “Romeo and Juliet” ______________ (write) by Shakespeare
2. These pictures ________________ (take) during our last Christmas
3. All the reports ________________ (type) by secretary
4. The garbage ________________ (collect) every day.
5. The email ________________ (send) to you two hours ago.
6. When ________________ your mother ________________ (get up) in the
7. I ________________ (not/ know) how to drive a car.
8. Tom always ________________ (eat) breakfast. Yesterday he
________________ (not to eat) breakfast because he ________________ (get up)
9. He never ________________ (shout) at his students. He ________________
(be) a wonderful teacher, I remember.
10. Who ________________ (ring) you up an hour ago?
11. I ________________ (have) dinner with my family yesterday.
12. She ________________ (know) all the works of Chopin. She
________________ (enjoy) listening to his waltz last night.
13. Queen Elizabeth II ________________ (be) born in 1926. She
________________ (become) Queen of England in 1952.
14. - ________________ you always ________________ (get up) at seven
- No, sometimes I ________________ (get) up at half past seven.
15. Her friends ________________ (be) ready at five o’clock.
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Exercise 9: Fill the gaps with the verbs in brackets. Put them in the correct
I don’t usually ____________ (go) to the cinema but yesterday I ____________
(go) to see a film. It ____________ (be) fantastic. I ____________ (cry) a little
because the film ____________ (be) very romantic.
Mellisa ____________ (be) with me. She never ____________ (cry) at the cinema
so she ____________ (not cry) yesterday but she also ____________ (enjoy) the
film very much.
Now I ____________ (write) to my friend Peter to tell him about it. Peter usually
____________ (live) here in London, like me but this week he ____________
(live) in Bristol with her aunt because his parents ____________ (be) in Italy.
They ____________ (go) there last week on business. Peter is one of my best
friends. He ____________ (be) fourteen years old and we go to the same school.
Last summer Melissa, Peter and I ____________ (go) to Amsterdam on holiday for
a week. We really ____________ (have) a nice time there. We ____________
(visit) lots of interesting places. We ____________ (not stay) in a hotel. We
____________ (stay) at my uncle’s house. His name is George. He ____________
(be) an engineer. He is always very busy but that week he ____________(be) on
holidays and he ____________ (take) good care of us. He ____________ (show)
us the city and we ____________(like) it very much. I must study now. I
____________ (learn) French this year as I would like to ____________ (visit)
Paris next summer.
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Exercise 10: Choose the correct answer
1. How often …………….. to the cinema?
A. did you go
B. did you went
C. do you go
2. He ……………….. his best friend last week.
A. meets
B. meet
C. met
3. Sally always …………. her parents.
A. helped
B. helps
C. help
4. They ………….. their room yesterday.
A. didn’t tidy
B. doesn’t tidy
C. don’t tidy
5. I ……… her a question, but she …………..
A. ask, doesn’t reply
B. asked, didn’t reply
C. asks, didn’t reply
6. What time ………… you usually ………………?
A. do, wake up
B. does, wake up
C. did, wake up
7. He ……………. good last week.
A. didn’t felt
B. didn’t feel
C. doesn’t feel

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