21 March Report - Navroz K Dubash

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Organized by the Department of Political Science, Lady Shri Ram College For Women


● Date: March 21, Tuesday

● Time: 4:30-5:30 [ECA]
● Venue: Room 8, Old building
● Speaker: Navroz K Dubash

Introduction of the speaker:

Navroz K Dubash is a Professor at the Centre for Policy Research, where he conducts research
and writes on climate change, energy, air pollution, water policy, and the politics of regulation in
the developing world. He has been actively engaged in the climate debate as a scholar, policy
adviser and activist for 25 years.
He is currently a Coordinating Lead Author for the Intergovernmental Panel on Climate Change
(Sixth Assessment), advises the UNEP Emissions Gap Report Steering Committee and has been
a member of the Scientific Advisory Group of the UN Climate Action Summit. In 2015, he was
conferred the 12th T N Khoshoo Memorial Award for his work on Indian and global climate
change governance.
His recent work includes an agenda-setting edited collection of papers on Varieties of Climate
Governance in Environmental Politics supplemented by a policy forum article in Science ; India
in a Warming World: Integrating Climate Change and Development (Oxford University Press,
2019) and a co-edited book entitled Mapping Power (Oxford University Press, 2018).
The session focussed on the impact of climate change on the world and the measures taken by
various nations to prevent it .

Minutes of the event:

The session began with a brief introduction of the speaker Navroz K Dubash with a huge round
of applause from the audience including students and faculty. The speaker started with the topic
in a very interactive and engaging way including powerpoint presentations with innovative data
slides. The first issue he discussed in detail is how climate change is a wicked problem due to its
scale and scope, conflicting interpretations of its various aspects, the scientific complexity etc.
there was a very good posture in one slide which was of the time of protest claiming that “There
is no planet B” pointing to the fact that we have to protect mother earth.
Then he presented a nice picture of a drama of global politics which was showing the “Great
Regrouping, Durban, 2012”, explaining it with great detail and making a sense of humour among
the audience. He also came up with the issue of the Paris climate summit, presenting that with a
heading and flow chart as “Hard choices at Paris: The climate Trilemma.”

The session became more engaging when people started asking questions in between leading to
further discussions. Then towards the middle of discussion, he started with some of the
international relation concepts such as “Regime complex for climate change” by Keohane and
Nye (2011), “Global regime and National change” by Xiaohui Dai. He gave a very nice term
called ‘Environment colonialism.’

Towards the conclusion, he built up a small discussion on the future of India. He also gave
names of some of the books he himself wrote. This was a very insightful session from which we
got to know many new things. The session ended with a good vote of thanks and the speaker
being honoured with a small sapling by Prof Snehil Kacker.

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