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Affirmative * Negative Interrogative Permanent Situations - I live in Évora.

I travel I don´t travel Do I travel? Habits and routines - We usally go aboard on our holidays
You travel You don´t travel Do You travel? General facts - summer is hotter than autmn.
He travels He doesn´t travel Does he travel? Feelings and opinions - I don´t like big cities.
She travels She doesn´t travel Does she travel? timetables or something fixed in the future- The train
It travels It doesn´t travel Does it travel? leaves at 5 pm.
we travel We don´t travel Do we travel? * with verbs ending in - o,s,sh,ch and x add es
You travel You don´t travel Do you travel? * with verbs ending in consonant and y add ies
They travel They don´t travel Do they travel?

I am reading i'm not reading am i reading? ACTIVITIES HAPPENING NOW- Paula is sleeping.
You are reading you aren´t reading are you reading? Future plans- Antonio is going to a new school next term.
He is reading he isn´t reading is he reading? Temporary actions - Filipa is Working in Algarve for the
She is reading She isn´t reading is she reading? next two weeks
It is reading it isn´t reading is it reading? * with verbs with one syllable ending in consonant,vowel,
We are reading we aren´t reading are we reading? consonant, double the last consonat before adding ing
You are reading you aren´t reading are you reading? example sitting
They are reading they aren´t reading are they reading?
Affirmative * Negative Interrogaive
I went i didn´t do did i go?
you went you didn´t go did you go? IT IS USE FOR:
he went he didn´t go did he go? actions in the past- I met john in 2008
she went she didn´t go did she go? present or future hypotheses- i wish i could see you next
it went it didn´t go did it go? week
we went we didn´t go did we go? * with regular verbs add d or ed example lived , stayed.
you went you didn´t go did you go?
they went they didn´t go did they go?


affirmative * negative interrogative continuous actions in the past- everyone was paying
i was reading i wasn´t reading was i reading? attention.
you were reading you weren´t reading were you reading? something that happened before and after another action-
he was reading he wasn´t reading was he reading? my sisters were doing their homework when i got home.
she was reading she wasn´t reading was she reading? wishes for the present- i wish we were travelling first class.
it was reading it wasn´t reading was it reading? * with verbs with one syllable ending in consonant, vowel,
we were reading we weren´t reading were we reading? consonant,double the last consonant before adding ing
you were reading you weren´t reading were you reading? example sitting
they were reading they weren´t reading were they reading?
affirmative negative interrogative Something that started in the past and continuous in the
i have read i haven´t read have i read? present - she has lived in Manchester all her life .
you have read you haven´t read have you read? talking about our experience up to the present- she has
he has read he hasn´t read has he read? written three books and she is working on an other one.
she has read she hasn´t read has she read? something that happened in the past but is important in
it has read it hasn´t read has it read? the present - Teresa can´t get in the house . She has lost her
we have read we haven´t read have we read? her keys.
you have read you haven´t read have you read? * time adverbials : since, for , just , already, yet, ever, never,
they have read they haven´t read have they read? recently . Normally we find this words when we use the
present perfect.

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