HM Group Chemical Restrictions Textile Products Accessories Footwear Belts and Bags 2022

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Textile Products, Accessories, Footwear, Bags and Belts

Valid for all brands in H&M Group.
Group Compliance and Global Sustainability Department

General Information
Table of Contents
General .............................................................................................................................................................................................................................................. 3
1. Chemical Restrictions – Production........................................................................................................................................................................................... 5
2. Chemical Restrictions – Products .............................................................................................................................................................................................. 5
3. H&M Group – Additional Requirements ................................................................................................................................................................................... 6
4. More Information and Guidelines ........................................................................................................................................................................................... 10

General Information
H&M Group Chemical Restrictions – Textile products | Accessories | Footwear, Bags and Belts
Valid for all brands in H&M Group

H&M Group Chemical Restrictions consists of 12 parts:

i. Aerosol Dispensers
ii. Textile products, Accessories, Footwear, Bags and Belts (including ZDHC MRSL 2.0 and AFIRM RSL)
iii. Candles
iv. Chemical Products
v. Cosmetic Products
vi. Electrical and Electronic Products and Batteries
vii. Food Contact Products
viii. Furniture
ix. Hardline
x. Medical Devices
xi. Non-Commercial Goods (NCG), Construction and Packaging
xii. Toys

Please note: If other requirements than those listed in H&M Group Chemical Restrictions exist for the same substances and product groups in ZDHC MRSL or AFIRM RSL,
the requirements specified in H&M Group Chemical Restrictions takes precedence.

Please read more about H&M Group Chemical Management here.

Group Compliance 3 (10)

February 2022

General Information
H&M Group Chemical Restrictions – Textile products | Accessories | Footwear, Bags and Belts
Valid for all brands in H&M Group


By accepting H&M Group Standard Purchase Conditions, the Supplier commits to comply with H&M Group Chemical Restrictions. The Supplier is responsible to assure
compliance and to inform all their upstream suppliers and subcontractors about its content.
By accepting H&M Group Standard Purchase Conditions, each Supplier acknowledges that H&M Group reserves the right to:
➢ Inspect and test any product, any part of production and/or packaging, by any listed or appropriate method, at any time or at any stage of production.
➢ Cancel the Order, or, if the products are already delivered, return the products to the Supplier if the product, production and/or packaging do not correspond to the
H&M Group Chemical Restrictions.
➢ Hold the Supplier responsible for any damage caused by the ordered product if the product, production and/or packaging do not correspond to the H&M Group
Chemical Restrictions.
➢ Receive Safety Data Sheets (SDS) for all substances and preparations (dyes, colorants, solvents, chemicals, etc.) used in the production of a specific Order.
➢ Request the Supplier to change substances and preparations (dyes, colorants, solvents, chemicals, etc.) used in the production to comply with H&M Group Chemical
In case of contradictory test results, H&M Group’s test results will prevail.

Ban The substance must not be used in production and it must not be added to the product 1.
Concentration limit The substance must not be present in the product at concentrations above this limit.
Homogeneous Uniform composition throughout, i.e. a material that cannot be mechanically disjointed into different materials.
Not detected The substance must not be present in the finished product at concentrations above the analytical reporting limit.
Reporting limit Describes the level of detection times a safety factor selected by the laboratory that ensures repeatability and
Safety Data Sheet (SDS) All chemicals used for H&M Group products shall have Safety Data Sheets (SDS) that meet current GHS requirements, please
see AFIRM Toolkit Appendix H for guidance.

1 Impurities at low concentrations of these substances may be accepted only if technically unavoidable due to e.g. raw materials, formation in the manufacturing process, storage or packaging.

Group Compliance 4 (10)

February 2022

General Information
H&M Group Chemical Restrictions – Textile products | Accessories | Footwear, Bags and Belts
Valid for all brands in H&M Group

CAS no Chemical Abstracts Service number, identification number for chemicals.
cl Centilong
Percentage Part weight by weight, % w/w.
ppm Parts per million, which is the same as mg/kg.
REACH Registration, Evaluation, Authorization and Restriction of Chemicals
SVHC Substances of Very High Concern

1. Chemical Restrictions – Production

For Textile and Leather supply chains, manufacturing shall comply with the Zero Discharge of Hazardous Chemicals Manufacturing Restricted Substance List 2.0 (ZDHC MRSL
2.0), found at //

Compliance to ZDHC MRSL is now a Minimum Requirement (MR) in 2022. Therefore, if the production unit is found to intentionally use chemicals listed on ZDHC MRSL in
production process, it will result in MR Violation.

2. Chemical Restrictions – Products

Products within the scope of H&M Group Chemical Restrictions Textile products, Accessories, Footwear, Bags and Belts shall comply with AFIRM’s Restricted Substances List
(RSL), found at

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General Information
H&M Group Chemical Restrictions – Textile products | Accessories | Footwear, Bags and Belts
Valid for all brands in H&M Group

3. H&M Group – Additional Requirements

Table 1. H&M Group additional requirements.

Substances and/or materials CAS Limit/Requirement Test/Compliance method Reporting limit

For products: Biocide-treated articles according
to definition in European Biocidal Products
Regulation (BPR, Regulation (EU) 528/2012), 1. Input control
Biocidal compounds and biocidal claims Various including biocidal claims “antimicrobial”, 2. Some biocidal substances are restricted in -
“antibacterial”, “anti-odour”, etc. ZDHC MRSL and AFIRM RSL; test methods for
those are specified there.
General ban for class of chemicals/treatments
used for this function and their claims.
Bisphenol A (BPA) 80-05-7 For all products, total content: 1 ppm. Total content, all materials: 1 ppm each
In polycarbonate (PC) plastics, extractable Extraction: 1 g sample/20 ml THF,
content: 1 ppm. sonication for 60 minutes at 60
degrees C, analysis with LC/MS (same as
Bisphenol B (BPB) 77-40-7 For all products, total content: 200 ppm each. AFIRM RSL).
Bisphenol S (BPS) 80-09-1 BPA, extractable content (only PC): Extraction
Bisphenol F (BPF) 620-92-8 with artificial sweat solution ISO 105 E04 and
LC/MS analysis.
Bisphenol AF (BPAF) 1478-61-1
In production process: General usage ban.
Finishing treatments with chlorinated bleaching
Chlorinated bleaching agents - agents can only be used in denim production. Input control

According to AFIRM RSL and input control.

For products and in production process: General
Dimethylformamide (DMFa) 68-12-2 For polyurethane (PU) materials, follow 5 ppm
usage ban.
Verification routine for Better PU.
Flame retardants
All flame retardants Various General ban for chemicals used for this function. Input control
Flame retardants in AFIRM RSL Various Not detected
Product testing according to methods 5 ppm
Tri-o-cresyl phosphate 78-30-8
specified in AFIRM RSL
Triphenyl phosphate (TPhP) 115-86-6

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General Information
H&M Group Chemical Restrictions – Textile products | Accessories | Footwear, Bags and Belts
Valid for all brands in H&M Group

Substances and/or materials CAS Limit/Requirement Test/Compliance method Reporting limit

In addition to the flame retardants listed in
AFIRM RSL, these substances are also included in
Tris(1-chloro-2-propyl)phosphate (TCPP) 13674-84-5
H&M Group testing protocol.
Not detected
Leather tanned products
Chromium-free tanned leather 7440-47-3, • 500 ppm2 total chromium According to AFIRM RSL
• For products for children aged 0-3 years: Total content according to EN ISO 17072-22
chromium-free from S3 2020
• 100% of linings/skin contact are chromium-free
from S3 2020
Metal-free tanned leather 500 ppm3 total metal content For metal-free and vegetable-tanned leather: Total content
according to EN ISO 17072-23
“‘Nanomaterial’ means a natural, incidental or
manufactured material containing particles, in an
unbound state or as an aggregate or as an Various For products: General usage ban. Input control (e.g., BVE3)
agglomerate and where, for 50% or more of the
particles in the number size distribution, one or
more external dimensions is in the size range 1 nm-
100 nm.”4
Per- and polyfluorinated compounds (PFC/PFAS)
All per- and polyfluorinated compounds Various Usage ban Input control (e.g., BVE3)
Per and polyfluorinated compounds in AFIRM RSL Not detected Product testing according to methods specified in AFIRM RSL.
Appendix A.
Perfluorobutane Sulfonate (PFBS) 29420-49-3 For FTOH: 1 ppm

EN 15987 defines chromium-free tanned leather. At H&M Group a leather containing <500 ppm is considered as chromium-free tanned leather. The standard EN ISO 17072-2 is applicable to determine chromium in
chromium-free tanned leathers.

EN 15987 defines metal-free leather (Cr, Al, Ti, Zr, Fe). At H&M Group metal-free leather containing <500 ppm is considered as metal-free leather. The standard EN ISO 17072-2 is applicable to determine the
content of tanning metals. EN 15987 defines vegetable-tanned leather. At H&M Group using vegetable tanning agents containing <500 ppm metals (Cr, Al, Ti, Zr, Fe) is considered as vegetable-tanned leather. The
standard EN ISO 17072-2 is applicable to determine the content of tanning metals.
4 European commission recommendation on the definition of nanomaterial (2011/696/EU), Official Journal of the European Union, 20.10.2011.

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General Information
H&M Group Chemical Restrictions – Textile products | Accessories | Footwear, Bags and Belts
Valid for all brands in H&M Group

Substances and/or materials CAS Limit/Requirement Test/Compliance method Reporting limit

Perfluorohexane Sulfonate (PFHxS) 3871-99-6 In addition to the PFC/PFAS listed in AFIRM RSL Extraction: ISO 23702-1;
Perfluoroheptane Sulfonate (PFHpS) 375-92-8 Appendix A, these substances are also included Analysis: GC/MS/MS, GC/MS or LC/MS.
in H&M Group testing protocol.
Perfluorodecane Sulfonate (PFDS) 335-77-3 or All others: ISO 23702-1
For products: not detected.
2806-15-7 or
Perfluorobutane Acid (PFBA) 375-22-4
Perfluoropentane Acid (PFPA) 2706-90-3
Perfluorohexane Acid (PFHxA) 307-24-4
Perfluoroheptane Acid (PFHpA) 375-85-9
Perfluorononane Acid (PFNA) 375-95-1
Perfluorodecane Acid (PFDA) 335-76-2
Perfluoroundecanoic Acid (PFUnA) 2058-94-8
Perfluorododecanoic Acid (PFDoA) 307-55-1
Perfluorotridecanoic Acid (PFTrA) 72629-94-8
Perfluorotetradecanoic Acid (PFTeA) 376-06-7
Perfluoro-3,7-dimethyloctanoic Acid (PF-3,7-DMOA) 172155-07-6
7H-dodecanefluoroheptane Acid (HPFHpA) 1546-95-8
2H,2H-perfluorodecane Acid (H2PFDA) -
2H,2H,3H,3H-Perfluoroundecanoic Acid (H4PFUnA) 34598-33-9
1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorooctylacrylate (6:2 FTA) 17527-29-6
1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluorododecylacrylate (10:2 FTA) 17741-60-5
1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluoro-1-hexanol (4:2 FTOH) 2043-47-2
1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluoro-1-oktanol (6:2 FTOH) 647-42-7
1H,1H,2H,2H-Perfluoro-1-dodecanol (10:2 FTOH) 865-86-1
2-(N-methylperfluoro-FASE 1 octanesulfonamido)- 2448-09-7
ethanol (MeFOSE)
Polyvinyl chloride (PVC), polychloroprene (e.g. For products and in production process: General
Various Input control
Neoprene) and other similar chlorinated polymers material ban.
Potassium permanganate 7722-64-7 From order placement date (OPD) 1 January 2023: usage ban will be implemented for potassium permanganate (PP).

Group Compliance 8 (10)

February 2022

General Information
H&M Group Chemical Restrictions – Textile products | Accessories | Footwear, Bags and Belts
Valid for all brands in H&M Group

Substances and/or materials CAS Limit/Requirement Test/Compliance method Reporting limit

For & Other Stories, Weekday, COS and Arket the potassium permanganate usage ban is already valid.
REACH SVHC Various For products: General restriction of 0.1% (w/w) Input control (e.g., BVE3)
and Substances defined as hazardous due to for all substances included in either of these. If
intrinsic properties Criteria for hazardous as specified elsewhere in H&M Group Chemical
defined in REACH Article 57. Restrictions, stricter limits apply.

Recycled natural and synthetic textile materials

RSL exceptions for products made of 100% mechanically recycled fibers. Provided that no additional restricted substances, as listed below, have been used after the collection of the waste,
the restriction of the chemicals are as follows:
Nonylphenol Ethoxylates (NPE)
Various Total 1000 ppm According to AFIRM RSL.
Octylphenol Ethoxylates (OPE)

Input control
For textile products: Some substances are included in ZDHC MRSL
UV absorbers/stabilisers/filters Various 2.0. -
General ban for chemicals used for this function.
Some substances are included in AFIRM RSL
and can thus be product tested.

Additional Requirements – Cosmetic Accessories

Table 2. Additional requirements Cosmetic Accessories.

Restricted substance/property CAS Limit/Requirement Test method Reporting limit

Face/Body/Nail and Hair stickers-/decorations
A CR (RSL) 2022 Amendment will be published during 2022.
Cotton swabs and pads
Plastic materials - Usage Ban
Fluorescent brightening agent - Usage Ban UV-lamp -
Total viable count of yeast and mold - < 300 CFU/g EN ISO 16212 / European Pharmacopeia (Ph. Eur.),
2.6.12. “Microbiological examination of non-sterile
Total viable count of aerobic mezophilic - < 300 CFU/g EN ISO 21149 / European Pharmacopeia (Ph. Eur.),
bacteria 2.6.12. “Microbiological examination of non-sterile

Group Compliance 9 (10)

February 2022

General Information
H&M Group Chemical Restrictions – Textile products | Accessories | Footwear, Bags and Belts
Valid for all brands in H&M Group

Restricted substance/property CAS Limit/Requirement Test method Reporting limit

Metals extractable amount
Antimony (Sb) 7440-36-0 30 ppm EN ISO 16711-2 0.1 ppm
Arsenic (As) 7440-38-2 0.2 ppm
Barium (Ba) 7440-39-3 1000 ppm
Cadmium (Cd) 7440-43-9 0.1 ppm 0.02 ppm
Chromium (Cr) 7440-47-3 1 ppm 0.1 ppm
Lead (Pb) 7439-92-1 0.2 ppm
Mercury (Hg) 7439-97-6 0.02 ppm 0.02 ppm
Selenium (Se) 7782-49-2 460 ppm 0.1 ppm

Additional Requirements – Carpets and Mats (all materials)

Table 3. Additional requirements Carpets and Mats

Restricted substances CAS Limit/Requirement Test method Reporting limit

4-Phenylcyclohexene 4994-16-5 ≤ 0.050 mg/m2/h GB 18587-2001 As specified in test standard
Formaldehyde 50-00-0 ≤ 0.050 mg/m2/h Grade B (products qualified in respect of limitations of emitted
harmful substances)
Styrene 100-42-5 ≤ 0.500 mg/m2/h
Volatile Organic Compounds, Total (TVOC) - ≤ 0.600 mg/m2/h

4. More Information and Guidelines

The AFIRM Group Chemistry Toolkit shares valuable information about RSL compliance, RSL failure resolution, chemicals management, SDS and other online educational
resources. More information about substances in AFIRM RSL can be found in AFIRM Chemical Information Sheets:

Group Compliance 10 (10)

February 2022

General Information

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