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Company Name- Great Fashion

Business plan


Contact Information Business Address

Name Last Name Address line – 13456, 108street
Bhathal City, Surrey
Email Province, British Columbia
[email protected] Postal Code: -V5V V7XCA
Table of Contents
Executive summary.................................................................................................................5
Project objectives............................................................................................................................................................ 5
Businnes description....................................................................................................................................................... 5
Products and services..................................................................................................................................................... 5
Financing need............................................................................................................................................................... 6
Key people...................................................................................................................................................................... 6
Risk assessment and contigency plan............................................................................................................................ 6

Business overview...................................................................................................................7
Business description....................................................................................................................................................... 7
Mission, vision, values.................................................................................................................................................... 7
Industry overview and trends.......................................................................................................................................... 7
Technological trends....................................................................................................................................................... 8
Government regulations.................................................................................................................................................. 8
The market...................................................................................................................................................................... 8
Overview of market trends........................................................................................................................................ 8
Target market........................................................................................................................................................... 8
Products and services.............................................................................................................................................. 9
The competition.............................................................................................................................................................. 9
Competitors and types of competition...................................................................................................................... 9
Competitors’ strengths and weaknesses.................................................................................................................. 9
Competitive advantage and differentiator................................................................................................................. 9

Sales and marketing..............................................................................................................10

Customers..................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Suppliers....................................................................................................................................................................... 10
Advertising and promotion............................................................................................................................................ 10
Pricing and distribution.................................................................................................................................................. 11
Customer service policy and warranties....................................................................................................................... 11
Operating plan........................................................................................................................12
Business location.......................................................................................................................................................... 12
Equipment..................................................................................................................................................................... 12
Technology requirements and investment needs.......................................................................................................... 12
Environmental compliance............................................................................................................................................ 13

Description of the management team........................................................................................................................... 14
Description of advisory team......................................................................................................................................... 14
Key employees............................................................................................................................................................. 14

Action Plan.............................................................................................................................16
Project objectives.......................................................................................................................................................... 16
Ressources required..................................................................................................................................................... 16
Action plan.................................................................................................................................................................... 16
Risk assessment and contingencies............................................................................................................................. 16
Executive summary
Create unique clothes and design for the women with different colors. I will use stuff from others countries also
to make clothes and best fabric for all the stuff. I will also help women’s how they can develop ideas for their
own unique style. I will also upload the feedback system for my company from women’s.

Project objectives
What to include here:
Nature of your project
Production of new clothes with unique fashion
Opportunity you want to capture.
The buyer from my company will improve lifestyle by wearing clothes.
Purchase online from different applications (H&M,Shein, Fashion)
What are the timelines and revenue targets for your project?
1.The need of the market
2.Develop the business plan
3.Target the audience

Business description

What to include here:

What solutions do you provide to your customers?
1.Always see your comfort rather than prices
2.Low prices clothes are also better
3.Build your interest
How does your company fit within the current market?
1.I have technology skills.
2.Advance advertisement
3.promtion by celebrities
Where is your company located?
1.In Canada
2.Different locations in the India also

Products and services

What to include here:
What products or services are you currently selling?
1.Clothes and unique fashion products for women’s
What portion of overall revenues does each product or service represent?
I will provide the good service to the customers and 80%percent will like it.

Financing need
What to include here:
What is your current sales level?
Its around $4567.99 in the end of the year
How much money do you require for your project?
It will be around $250000 will be good for my project.
How do you plan on investing the money?
I will invest monthly for my business.

Key people
What to include here:
Who are the main executives/advisors in your business?
The most advisor for my company will be celebrities and sportswomen.
What experience do they bring to the role?
I Have the good experience of marketing and sale products.
What are their current responsibilities within the company?
To maintain good environment.
Risk assessment and contigency plan
What to include here:
What are your company’s weaknesses, (internal), or threats, (external), that could unhinge your business
I am fail to follow the trend which is American company follow.
Are you facing a skilled shortage?
No, I have good skilled workers.
Is there a risk of a competitor taking over your customers?
I think there are some companies which may become the competition for me. Like in my neighbor countries
there are so many fashions shops and malls available which is big competition for me in the current time.
Are there changes to laws or regulations that may affect your business?
I don’t think so there are any laws which may affect my business.
Business overview
Provide a concise description of what you do and who you serve. Use this section to highlight your competitive
position; include the size of the market, competitors, market and technological trends, and identify laws that
regulate your industry.

Business description
What to include here:
What solutions do you provide to your customers?
Answer: - the Select clothes by choosing comfortable rather than prices it is beneficial for women.
How is the company trending? Where do you fit within the industry or market?
Answer:- It is trending because of the unique style of my clothes and the soft stuff.
Where is your company located?
I will open my fashion shop in many countries, but my main branch will be there in Canada.
How long have you been around, and what’s changed since you first started?
The company will be going well, but the if there any problem I will check the production of the company.

Mission, vision, values

What to include here:
Mission statement. What does your organization do? What solution do you offer customers?
I want to target other fashion shops companies which are my competitors, and I will check the solution for this.
Your vision statement describes where you want to go/future goals.
I want to see my great fashion company in every corner of the world.
Your values describe your company culture and offer a glimpse into what customers can expect when dealing
with you.
My value for company is like be on time for every employee and be productive. Moreover, I want to see the
international customers for my company great fashion.

Industry overview and trends

What to include here:
What’s happening in your industry, or in the market where you’re selling, that could have a positive or
negative impact on your company?
There will be only positive impact on my company because I have all he advancement of technology which I
can use for my company to sell my all products and accessories.
Have you seen an uptick in demand for a product or service?
There will be the product like clothes and accessories of my company for ladies which will be good and long-
lasting usage for them so that product will be always in demand.

Is the population changing? Are you customers getting older?

I will be update the products and clothes for customers regarding their age to age group like year to year the
customer will get their favorite items, I also upload the online application for customers who are old age so they
take that advantages.
Is your current product or service at risk of becoming obsolete, forcing you to change?
There so many products which is very good and long lasting.
Have new competitors emerged?
In the fashion company there are so many competition in the way.

Technological trends
What to include here:
Are new technologies disrupting your industry?
The technology era, is more in hobbies to use the internet whether the old generation is using it sometimes the
young people. There are so many applications which they can use for online shopping with images of products.
What is your plan to deal with emerging technological trends in your industry?
The trends of technology will be beneficial for my company which will help to enhance productivity of my
What technology are you using and how do you maintain it?
I will maintain the technology for people who will use technology for buying clothes from my company.
How do your suppliers and customers use technology? Is that changing?

Technology can affect your core business as well as back-end processes, hiring, supply chain and customer
purchasing behavior.

Government regulations
What to include here:

Have you seen anything highlighted in the news about free trade agreements or environmental protections, for
I think my company will be ecofriendly for the environment, so there will be no negative for the environment .
Do you work in an industry that’s highly regulated, like healthcare?

Tip: Industry associations often have a list of recent or impending regulatory changes that affect their members.

The market
Overview of market trends

What to include here:

What group of customers do you serve?
I will serve every group of customers like any age so they can buy clothes.
What is the size of that customer group? Is this number growing or changing?
I will upload every size of the customer from kids to older ladies.
Are there new products or services that have emerged?
The products and services will provide good for all the customers so they can take advantages.
Has the supply chain changed?
The supply chain of production of company is changed for customers.
Target market

What to include here:

Describe your ideal customer.
My ideal customer will be all ages from kids to older women age group people.
What are their needs?
The needs of the customers according to their age is changed by new-to-new year.
Is their purchasing behavior changing?
Sometimes, the purchasing behavior is also changed by age is also very important because of the best lifestyle
of the women.

My direct competitors are mostly the other fashion shop because some shops like American companies are so
many competitors.
Who sells similar products or services in your market?
Some people used to sell the same products like in my company so they may become the competitors for my

Sales and marketing
Identify your key customers and suppliers, how you communicate with them, (sales, web, promotions, ongoing
support), how you price and distribute your product or service, and customer support. You use BDC’s
marketing plan template further detail your sales and marketing efforts. Include highlights of your marketing
plan here.

What to include here:
List and describe your key customers.
Answer: - from all age groups.

Tip: Include sales terms and the products or services you provide.
Name Address Terms Product/Service
1 Sim Ranjeet Kaur 67886street Vancouver 12 cloches
2 Madu Shikha 7789,137st Absurdo 22 Cotton
3 Ahmed 889,78ave halesia 8 Best haires
4 Hawa 990 st ,889ave 99 White tone
Additionna information

What to include here:
Do you rely on one or two primary suppliers?
Yes, I will rely on the primary suppliers which they can take for advantages.
For example, you are dependent on a supplier to run your business successfully, identify it here.

Tip: If operating a web-based or virtual consulting service, you may want to include internet service providers
and third-party web security providers.
Name Address Terms Product/Service
1 Anjali 445, st 137 Vancouver 88 Coton
2 Devanshika 3334house no, Ahmed 09 Silicon
3 Meena 998road,main st Mainland 11 Resham
Additional information

Advertising and promotion

What to include here:
How are you reaching and selling to customers?
By advertising through celebrities and different sportswomen.
What technology and staff resources do you have in place to support your advertising?
By technology like showing adds between the videos on YouTube, television shows , billboards also useful
for advertising the products.
Customer service policy and warranties
What to include here:
What kind of service or product guarantee does your company offer?
Answer: - I will give the discount to the customers and it will help customers to buy anything which they
want fro my company.
Do you have a warranty?
Answer: - I will customers warranty to customers because it will help customers to more rely on my product.

Operating plan
Detail how and where you get your work done. Include equipment and technology required to serve your
customers, anticipated financial requirements to maintain and operate your business, and external environmental
regulations or laws that govern your business or industry.

Business location
What to include here:
List your business’s locations (stores, offices, production facilities)
Answer: - Most of the work will be done in Canada, there are so many locations in Canada as well as U.S.A so where
I can sell.
Does the location affect your operations and sales?
Answer:- Yes, I think it is affect the operation because some location are famous and specific which are very beneficial
for customer.

What to include here:
What kind of equipment do you rely on to conduct business?
Answer: - The mobile and television I think most usable for companies.
Will you have to purchase new equipment or replace/upgrade existing equipment soon?
Answer: - No, because due to mobile phones everything is possible so I will upload things on the mobile phones like
videos and photos.

Technology requirements and investment needs

What to include here:
Do you need to purchase new technology to remain competitive and serve your customers?
Answer: - I don’t think so I don’t need to purchase anything new because mobile phone and laptop with attach wifi is very
important for customers.

Environmental compliance
What to include here:
Are you subject to hazardous waste compliance, pollution monitoring or packaging regulations?
Answer: - I will not damage the environment from my company because my company will only work like eco friendly which
is very good for the business and other work also.

Identify key people within your organization, along with external advisors that you rely upon to conduct your
business successfully.

Description of the management team

What to include here:
Include name, title, short bio and itemized responsibilities of the management team.
The great fashion, which is the brand-new clothes for the customers which they can wear and have to go for the better
lifestyle of women’s.

Description of advisory team

What to include here:
Do you have lawyers, accountants, financial advisors, trade /distribution consultants, or external sales representatives
that you engage regularly to offer advice and support your business?
Answer:- I will not use anything from outside for my company.

Key employees
What to include here:
Are there non-managerial employees who are integral to the business.
Can you think of an employee whose absence is greatly noticed.
Is there an individual or team of people who must be consistently present in order to ensure smooth running of the

Name or title Key responsibilities Qualifications

1 Sim Ranjeet Kaur lawyer Paralégal training
2 Sarabjit Singh Accountant Markéting
3 Manjeet Singh Financial Advisor Financial dégrée
4 Jobanpreet Distribution consultant Sales marketing
Additional information

Action plan
Outline the goal of the project, resources required, (people and money), key milestones (including dates and
measurable outcomes), and an end-date. Identify key individuals or teams responsible, external dependencies
and risk management and contingencies, (Plan B).

Project objectives
What to include here:
What is your goal and your target completion date?
My goals is to extend my business more and more as much possible for me in all over the world.
Resources required
What to include here:
How much money will you require to complete the project?
My project will require $5678.99 to complete the project.
How much will you finance yourself?
I will finance my self by investing the money.
Will you require new equipment or real estate?
I think the mobile phone and laptop is enough for me.
Do you need to hire new people?
If I have the opportunity I will hire new people but not too much.

Action plan
Action Key Milestone/metrics Person resposible
1 New technologie To enchante business Business
2 Strates Qualifie Brand
3 Good vibes Good qualités Communication
4 Positive attitude Energy Good stuff
Additional information

Risk assessment and contingencies

What to include here:
Identify any internal or external events that could trigger an adjustment in your timetable.
Answer: - internal or external events can trigger the adjustment because I will be good for the company because
I will develop unique designs.
Do you have the right employees and leaders in place?
Answer: - Yes, I trust on people to whom I will give the jobs in my company.
Could there be delays in product development or delivery?
Answer:- No, I like punctuality so I will do every work on time so the people don’t have any complaint for my
Is there anything that could affect your cash flow?
Answer: - I think the low productivity of sale can effect the flow of my company.
How will you monitor and mitigate these risks?
Answer: - I will monitor these risks because if I had any problem, I would solve it by m experience and hard
What is your Plan B?
My plan B will be for the company because, if I have any problem in the business so I will also run small shops
of my same business so I will not be showing any difficulty in the future regarding money and anything else
which is very important to make a balance.
Business Plan
[email protected]

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