Hayes, S. C. & Hayes, L. J. (1992) - American Psychologist, 47, 1383-1395

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Hayes, S. C. & Hayes, L. J. (1992). American Psychologist, 47, 1383-1395.

Verbal Relations and the Evolution of Behavior Analysis

Steven C. Hayes

Linda J. Hayes

University of Nevada


Key terms: behavior analysis, language, verbal behavior, verbal relations, cognition, stimulus

relations, behaviorism, Skinner

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For many years, much of the behavior analytic research done with humans assessed the

viability of the continuity assumption: the premise that research with nonhumans would yield

principles of direct applicability to human subjects. Although human subjects often showed

performances that differed in important ways from those of nonhumans, these differences were

regularly minimized and rationalized. Over the past decade many behavior analysts have

concluded that much of the difference between human and nonhuman performance is due to

human verbal behavior. Much of the human behavior analytic research has evolved into the study

of the nature of verbal events. New and exciting research methods, findings, and theories have

emerged that are quite unlike stereotypical views of behavior analysis. The present paper reviews

this literature, especially the work on stimulus equivalence, and describes relational frame theory --

a behavioral perspective that distinguishes direct and derived stimulus functions at the level of

psychological process. We argue that at least one new behavioral principle--verbal or relational

control--has been uncovered. We apply this analysis to issues of verbal meaning and rule

following, and claim that these developments demonstrate the vitality of contemporary behavior

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Verbal Relations, Cognition, and the Evolution of Behavior Analysis

The viability of research paradigms is not decided on entirely rational grounds. The history

of science is littered with approaches that died not as a result of their intellectual inadequacy, but

by virtue of their failure to develop new and exciting research questions (Lakatos, 1965). A

scientific area not busy being born is busy dying.

Behavior analysis has long been on many psychologists' list of dead or dying areas in

psychology. Few would deny that for the last 30 years basic behavioral perspectives have been

muscled off the center stage of psychology. Yet behind the scenes, out of view of all but the most

behaviorally-oriented, the Skinnerian tradition has evolved. It has identified new and exciting

research questions and has witnessed an explosion of research interest in these areas. While some

key assumptions have come into question, the core of the position seems remarkably intact. It

shows every sign of an area that is busy being born.

Early Behavior Analytic Research with Humans

and the Problem of Instructional Control

It wasn't long after the onset of behavior analysis as a distinct area that researchers began to

turn their attention to human subjects (e.g., Holland, 1958; Hutchinson & Azrin, 1961). Much of

this work was predicated on a core assumption of behavior analysis: the continuity assumption.

Behavior analysts assumed that principles identified with nonhumans would apply, more or less in

whole cloth, to the actions of human organisms. This assumption justified the research program of

behavior analysis, which relied heavily on studies with nonhuman organisms. Skinner made clear

from the beginning (1938) that he was not so much interested in animal behavior in its own right as

he was interested in it as a convenient and potentially worthwhile preparation for the identification

of basic processes common to human behavior.

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The continuity assumption invited criticism from outside the field in part because it was not

clear to others that this assumption was strategic and not fundamental (Hayes, 1987). There is

nothing in evolutionary or behavioral theory that ensures continuity of this sort.

Evolutionary continuity might be expected in the sense that "new contains old" but it is not

necessarily true that "old contains new." Evolutionary continuity moves forward in time, not

backward. Nonhuman species are not older versions of humans. Investigations across phyla are

examinations of tips of branches, not rungs of a ladder. As such, these investigations always

involve connections both from new to old (from the present to common ancestors) and from old to

new (from common ancestors to the present). Similarity of psychological processes across species

thus cannot be assumed.

The continuity assumption was an issue of research strategy, however. Skinner and his

followers bet that the same basic processes would prevail across species, and that they would be

revealed more readily by studying relatively "simple" nonhuman behavior in relatively "simple"

environments, than by studying human complexity directly. We will term this strategy the

continuity strategy. If the continuity strategy had turned out to be fruitless behavior analysis could

still have continued more or less intact -- empirical examinations could simply have proceeded

with the human species as the focus. Behavior analysts were always aware that the strategy might

turn out to be useless in particular areas (Skinner, 1938, p. 442; cf. Skinner, 1957).

The continuity strategy turned out to be even more useful than expected. In many

situations humans respond very similarly to nonhumans. Perhaps most important at the time was

the great success of practical interventions based on basic behavioral principles. This success

buoyed the behavior analytic community, and strengthened their commitment to the continuity

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From the beginning, however, research in the basic laboratory with humans presented

problems for behavior analysts. Although humans often behaved similarly to nonhumans, it was

also true that human behavior often did not show the same effects of behavioral manipulations

(e.g., effects due to simple schedules of reinforcement) despite the fact that these effects were nearly

ubiquitous in the rest of the animal kingdom (e.g., Leander, Lippman & Meyer, 1968; Lippman &

Meyer, 1967; Weiner, 1964, 1965, 1969).

In addition, powerful effects were shown for a variable that could not be studied with

nonhumans in any obvious fashion: instructions. For example, Lippman and Meyer (1967)

examined the effects of instructions on performance on a fixed-interval (FI) 20 seconds schedule.

Some subjects were told that reinforcement depended merely on the passage of time; others were

told that the consequences were response produced. Subjects given the time instructions

responded at low rates. Subjects given the response instructions showed high rate performance.

Subjects given minimal instructions responded with one or the other of these two patterns, but not

the FI performance characteristic of nonhumans.

Weiner (1970) examined the effects of instructions during extinction. Some subjects were

told they could earn up to 700 pennies in the experiment, others that they could earn 999 pennies,

while were told nothing about the pennies they could earn. After 700 pennies had been earned all

subjects were exposed to a two-hour extinction period. Responding in extinction was greatest for

those subjects given no instructions, was less for those subjects told they could earn 999 pennies,

and was the least for those subjects told they could earn only 700 pennies.

Some behavioral researchers seemed surprised at the powerful effects of instructions,

especially when compared to direct contingency control. Early reports termed these effects

"remarkable" (Kaufman, Baron, & Kopp, 1966). Others explained instructional effects as simple
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instances of stimulus control (e.g., Ayllon & Azrin, 1964). The dominant view seemed to be that the

effects of instructions were based on remote sources of control in the history of the individual that

were inaccessible to the experimenter. They were not perceived by behavior analysts to threaten

the continuity strategy. Most notable by its absence was the failure to consider instruction

following as an essentially verbal event, despite occasional references to its unique features (e.g.,

Schoenfeld & Cumming, 1963).

Skinner's Approach to the Listener

This approach to instructions was heavily influenced by Skinner's approach to verbal

behavior. Skinner formulated his analysis of verbal behavior from the point of view of the speaker

rather than the listener in a speaker-listener interchange. He defended this action on multiple

grounds, among which were that a complete account of the speaker implies an account of the

listener, that an analysis of the listener is unlikely to be empirically productive, and perhaps most

importantly, that "the behavior of a man as listener is not to be distinguished from other forms of

his behavior" (Skinner, 1957, p. 34). That is, in Skinner's view the behavior of the listener is

ordinary operant behavior under the discriminative control of speech (for a more complete review

of the plausibility of Skinner's three claims about the listener, see Hayes & Hayes, 1989). This idea

did not ascribe any special importance to the analysis of instructional control and it explicitly

rejected the idea that instructional control was a type of verbal event.

Skinner later drew a useful distinction between contingency-shaped behavior and rule-

governed behavior, but his analysis of the listener limited the utility and clarity of this distinction

(Parrott, 1987a, 1987b). Skinner defined rule-governed behavior as behavior controlled by

contingency-specifying stimuli (1966, 1969). He never defined what he meant by "specify."

Instead, he simply provided examples. Recently some behavior analysts have read "specify" to
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mean "specify verbally" but Skinner himself did not say this until shortly before his death, and then

apparently not in writing.1 In his early presentations of the concept of rule-governed behavior,

Skinner did not distinguish between verbal rules and regularities drawn from other complex

antecedents, such as modeling stimuli (e.g., see Skinner, 1969, p. 163).

These characteristics made it difficult at first for behavior analysis to deal effectively with

the topic of verbal rules. Based on Skinner's analysis, the concept of "verbal rules" is

incomprehensible because he had no behaviorally sensible account of verbal stimuli. For Skinner, a

"verbal stimulus" was merely the stimulus product of verbal behavior (Skinner, 1957, p. 34). In this

usage, a "stimulus" is an object or entity, not a psychological function. In most behavior analytic

accounts, including those provided by Skinner, categories of stimuli (discriminative, eliciting,

reinforcing, etc.) are organized in accordance with the functional relations they sustain with

behavior. Given Skinner's analysis of verbal stimuli, it makes about as much sense to view control

by verbal rules as a distinguishable category of stimulus control as it would to claim that a pigeon

responding to an electric light was engaging in "Edison-governed behavior." Without a functional

category to examine, behavior analysis was delayed in its attempts to deal with instructional


Verbal Control and Contemporary Behavior Analysis

Basic human operant research entered a period of stagnation in the late 1960's and most of

the 1970's. Much of the research continued to be driven by the continuity strategy, and discussion

sections focused largely on the similarities between human and nonhuman performances, not on

process accounts of the increasing number of identified differences. A basic analysis of

instructional effects was not pursued.

Non-behavioral authors often argued that instructional effects undermined the validity of
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behavior analytic principles as applied to adult humans. In a well known chapter entitled "There is

no convincing evidence for operant or classical conditioning in adult humans," Brewer (1974)

attacked the idea of conditioning in adult humans when it is defined as an entirely automatic and

unconscious process -- that is, a process without significant verbal involvement. For example,

effects due to the self-formulated hypothesis "Every time the red light comes on I get shocked,"

were held by Brewer to be a function of cognitive processes (1974, p. 2), not conditioning. The

various behavior analytic studies showing the overriding effects of instructions were, in his eyes,

clear evidence for cognitive theory.

The behavior analysts' failure to provide a process account of the impact of verbal rules may

be partially explained, then, by two major sources. First, the continuity strategy mitigated against

it, especially when combined with the idea that verbal control was simply a complex form of

ordinary stimulus control. Based on Skinner's continuity strategy, if a researcher wanted to study

stimulus control, it would make little sense to study the impact of a complex stimulus (e.g.,

instructions) on a complex organism with an unknown history. Second, the rise of cognitive

psychology and its ready explanation of instructional effects via process concepts like awareness

and insight may have further dampened behavior analysts' enthusiasm for a basic analysis of

verbal control.

In the late 1970's things began to change. Some behavioral researchers began to conclude

that some of the differences between human and nonhuman performances could be traced to the

effects of verbal events on human action: The so-called "language hypothesis" (Lowe, 1979).

Skinner's concept of rule-governed behavior provided an avenue for this hypothesis, in part

because of his lack of clarity about it. Skinner himself had entertained the possibility that verbal

events involved new principles: "the only differences I expect to see revealed between the behavior
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of rat and man (aside from enormous differences in complexity) lie in the field of verbal behavior"

(1938, p. 442).

Human research began to assume a new role within basic behavior analysis. No longer

simply a means of confirming the generality of findings with nonhumans, it has become a means

for constructing an empirically-based behavior analytic account of verbal behavior itself. This

change has had a profound effect on basic behavior analysis. For example, its flagship journal, The

Journal of the Experimental Analysis of Behavior, has gone from a small fraction of human studies in

the early 1970's, to nearly an even split in the current volume. The new human research tradition

has led to an increasing openness to new principles, preparations, and findings, and to more

diversity within the field on the question of the continuity strategy. It has also yielded an

interesting collection of empirical findings and theoretical suppositions that are both relevant to

other versions of human psychology (e.g., cognitive psychology) and virtually unknown outside of

behavior analysis.

Schedule Control

The role of verbal behavior is being studied, identified and explained in a variety of ways.

A popular preparation, early in the move toward more human research, was the FI schedule. This

schedule was of particular interest because it is a well established finding that human FI

performance differs significantly from that of other organisms (e.g., Leander, Lippman & Meyer,

1968; Lippman & Meyer, 1967; Weiner, 1964, 1965, 1969). There are ways, however, to reduce this

effect and they all seem to turn on the issue of verbal behavior.

For example, human temporal schedule performance is more like that of nonhumans when

steps are taken to reduce counting. Procedures have included concurrent verbal tasks such as

mental math or reading aloud (e.g., Laties & Weiss, 1963; Lowe, Harzem, & Hughes, 1978) or a
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response-produced clock (Lowe, Harzem, & Bagshaw, 1978; Lowe, Harzem, & Hughes, 1978).

Similarly, if verbal events are involved in schedule control differences, then pre-verbal

humans should show patterns more characteristic of nonhumans. Lowe, Beasty, and Bentall (1983)

tested responding on FI schedules with two human infants, ages 9 and 10 months, respectively.

Their performances were more like those of nonhuman subjects than like those of adult humans.

Developmental studies have shown a gradual transition (especially from about age 2 to age 6 or 7)

in performance from the animal-like performances of infants to the pattern of adults, both in

schedule performance (e.g., Bentall, Lowe, & Beasty, 1985) and in the effects of self-instructions

(Bentall & Lowe, 1987).

Research on verbal rules has examined whether instructed subjects respond differently than

uninstructed subjects to changes in environmental contingencies. In general, instructions alter the

impact of contingency manipulations. For example, Shimoff, Catania, and Matthews (1981)

compared shaped to instructed performance with interval and ratio schedules, each with a

superimposed differential reinforcement of low rate (DRL) contingency. For both schedules when

the DRL contingency was relaxed, response rate increased for most subjects whose original

behavior was shaped but not for those who were instructed. Shimoff et al. concluded that this type

of insensitivity is a "defining property" of instructional control (p. 207). Other researchers have

since shown that this effect diminishes with time (Michael & Bernstein, 1991) and that instructions

can produce more control by programmed contingencies than no instructions under some

circumstances (Hayes, Brownstein, Zettle, Rosenfarb, & Korn, 1986; Joyce & Chase, 1990).

The changes in responding to programmed contingencies produced by verbal instructions

result from at least two different effects (Hayes, S. C., Zettle, & Rosenfarb, 1989): (a) instructions

alter the range of responding available to make contact with programmed contingencies, and (b)
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instructions establish additional socially-mediated contingencies for responding in accord with

verbal rules. Several studies have shown these separate influences (e.g., Barrett, Deitz, Gaydos, &

Quinn, 1987; Hayes, Brownstein, Haas, & Greenway, 1986; Hayes et al, 1986; Joyce & Chase, 1990;

Shimoff, Matthews, & Catania, 1986; see Hayes, Zettle, & Rosenfarb, 1989 for a review). For

example, Hayes et al., (1986) had subjects press buttons to move a light through a matrix according

to a multiple fixed ratio (FR) 18 / DRL 6 s schedule to earn chances on money prizes. These

schedules were chosen because they control different rates of responding (high rate with the FR

and low with the DRL). An instruction to "Go Fast" was associated with one of the lights presented

to the subject and "Go Slow" with a different light. In one condition, only the Go Fast light was on;

in a second condition, only the Go Slow light was on; and in a third, the lights alternated within

each component of the multiple schedule. Thus, in all cases the instruction light in each condition

was accurate only half of the time, but the accuracy/inaccuracy was distributed differently across

the three groups. Those who always saw "Go Fast" earned points in the FR component, but not the

DRL component. In the "Go Slow" condition, the reverse was true. Those who had the instruction

lights rapidly alternated contacted the contingencies in both components.

While the instruction lights were lit the subjects behaved according to them regardless of the

actual schedule. For half the subjects the instruction lights were then unexpectedly turned off .

Subjects with alternating instructions immediately showed schedule-appropriate behavior.

Subjects with consistent instructions generally did not, since the restricted range of behaviors

produced by these instructions did not foster contact with the actual contingencies in both

components. Implicit social contingencies maintained instructional compliance while the

instructional lights were lit, but when they were turned off, only subjects with alternating

instructions emitted a range of behaviors that effectively contacted the underlying schedule. Thus,
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instructions either increased or decreased schedule-appropriate behavior, depending upon the

specific instructions and specific schedules.

The general findings in behavior analytic studies of this kind are remarkably consistent (see

Hayes, S. C., 1989a for a review): On one hand, verbal rules or instructions interact with many

common behavioral procedures and preparations to produce behavioral patterns in humans not

commonly seen in nonverbal organisms. On the other, when unexplained differences between

human and nonhuman performances are studied carefully they often seem to resolve into

differences produced by the impact of verbal rules.

In effect, some of the conclusions reached by Brewer (1974) now make sense within a

behavior analytic account, but with a twist. Verbal processes often interact with other basic

behavioral processes in normal adults and it is indeed difficult to obtain unequivocal evidence for

operant or classical conditioning uncontaminated by verbal involvement. Rather than abandon

concepts like operant or classical conditioning, though, behavior analysts are busy examining the

nature of these verbal (or one might say, "cognitive") processes from a behavioral point of view.

Contemporary Behavior Analytic Research on Derived Stimulus Relations

It is one thing to document the involvement of verbal events in complex human behavior. It

is another to explain why verbal events have these effects, or even more basically, to explain what

verbal events are. While Skinner did not have a functional definition of verbal stimuli, behavior

analysts are identifying functional processes that seem to provide one.

This area of research is among the most rapidly developing in the behavioral analytic

tradition. Although there are several preparations of importance to the issues involved, by far the

most researched is that of stimulus equivalence.

Stimulus Equivalence
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When humans are taught a series of related conditional discriminations, the stimuli that

enter into those discriminations can often become connected to each other in new ways, not

explicitly taught. The phenomena involved are typically investigated in a matching to sample

format. Suppose a person is taught, given a novel visual form (the sample - call it X1), to choose

another visual form from an array (the comparisons - call them Y1, Y2, and Y3). We could say that

the person learns "given X1 pick Y1, not Y2 nor Y3." The person is then taught to select another

unfamiliar visual form from another array of forms, given the same sample, or "given X1 pick Z1,

not Z2 nor Z3." So far we have two simple discriminations. In the presence of other samples,

however, what was correct is now incorrect and vice-versa. For example, the person would learn

"given X2 pick Y2, not Y1 nor Y3." In the typical study, all comparisons are correct and incorrect

equally often but the discriminations involved are conditional: a given comparison is correct only

given a certain sample (in the rest of the paper we will describe discriminations of this kind with

the shorter phrase "given X1, pick Y1" but it should be remembered that we are speaking of

conditional discriminations). With this kind of training, the person probably will select X1 from

an array of comparisons (not X2 nor X3), given Y1 or Z1 as samples, and Y1 (not Y2 nor Y3) from

an array given Z1 as a sample, and Z1 (not Z2 or Z3) given Y1 as a sample (e.g., Sidman, 1971;

Sidman, Cresson, & Willson-Morris, 1974). The same performances would be seen for the "2s" and

the "3s." While the relation between, say, X1 and Y1 is directly trained, that between Y1 and X1 is

derived. It has no direct history of training within the experiment and yet emerges only after the

trained relations have been established.

This set of phenomena is called "stimulus equivalence." The basic phenomenon was

acknowledged by the ancient Greeks, and has had several incarnations in modern psychology. S-R

learning theory struggled with the topic from the 1930's (e.g., Hull, 1934) until its disintegration in
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the 1960's (e.g., Osgood, 1953; Jenkins & Palermo, 1964). Indeed, part of the reason for the collapse

of S-R psychology was the failure of S-R models of response and stimulus mediation (Jenkins &

Palermo, 1964). In its modern behavior analytic incarnation, however, the concept is associated

both with a more robust experimental methodology, and with behavioral theorizing unburdened

by S-R associationism and mediationalism.

In contemporary treatments, an equivalence class is usually said to exist if the trained

stimulus-stimulus relations show the three defining derived properties of reflexivity, symmetry,

transitivity, and combinations of these (Sidman & Tailby, 1982). In matching-to-sample

procedures, reflexivity is usually inferred from generalized identity matching. For example,

without explicit training, given X1 the person picks X1 and not X2 nor X3 from an array. Symmetry

refers to the functional reversibility of a trained relations: When "given X1 pick Y1" is trained,

"given Y1 pick X1" emerges in the absence of direct reinforcement (Sidman, Rauzin, Lazar,

Cunningham, Tailby & Carrigan, 1982). To evaluate transitivity, at least three stimuli in two linked

relations are required. If after "given X1 pick Y1" and "given Y1 pick Z1" have been taught, "given

X1 pick Z1" emerges without additional training, transitivity has been demonstrated. Although it

is somewhat confusing, the derived relation "given Z1 pick X1" is often termed simply an

equivalence relation (Fields, Verhave, & Fath, 1984) and is viewed as evidence that the trained

relations have the properties of symmetry and transitivity. These defining properties of stimulus

equivalence are shown in Figure 1.

Insert Figure 1 About Here

Stimulus Equivalence as a Working Model of Semantic Relations

A major source of interest in stimulus equivalence is the apparent correspondence between

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the stimulus equivalence phenomenon and language phenomena. For example, in normal verbal

training, word-object relations are symmetrical. If a child of sufficient verbal abilities is taught to

point to a particular object among several given a particular written word, the child may, when

later given the object, point to the specific word among an array of words without specific training

to do so. Natural examples can readily be given for transitivity as well.

Such preparations have been used in several studies, and stimulus equivalence has readily

emerged (e.g., Dixon & Spradlin, 1976; Sidman, 1971; Sidman & Tailby, 1982; Sidman, Kirk, &

Willson-Morris, 1985; Spradlin & Dixon, 1976; Yamamoto, 1986). Some behavior analytic

researchers have established successful language training or reading programs using equivalence

and equivalence-like procedures exclusively (e.g., de Rose, de Souza, Rossito, & de Rose, 1992).

This kind of overlap suggests that the equivalence phenomenon may provide a new avenue for the

empirical investigation of verbal events. For some behavior analysts, it has become a kind of

working empirical model of semantic relations (e.g., Hayes & Hayes, 1989).

If stimulus equivalence provides a preliminary behavior analytic model of verbal

stimulation, one would expect to see it emerge readily in humans, but not so readily (or perhaps

not at all) in nonhumans. This expectation assumes only that humans have a relative facility with

verbal behavior and thus, if equivalence is in some way a model of verbal stimulation, humans

should also have a facility with equivalence. This has turned out to be the case. Stimulus

equivalence has been shown with a wide variety of human subjects using a wide variety of

stimulus materials (e.g., Dixon, 1977; Dixon & Spradlin, 1976; Gast, VanBiervliet, & Spradlin, 1979;

Hayes, L. J., Tilley, & Hayes, S. C., 1988; Mackay & Sidman, 1984; Sidman, 1971; Sidman et al.,

1974; Spradlin, Cotter, & Baxley, 1973; Sidman & Tailby, 1982; Spradlin & Dixon, 1976;

VanBiervliet, 1977; Wulfert & Hayes, S. C., 1988). Even children as young as two years old will
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display such performances (Devany, Hayes, S. C., & Nelson, 1986). Stimulus equivalence has not

been shown with nonhuman organisms, however. While conditional discriminations are readily

demonstrated in a large variety of animals, including dolphins (e.g., Herman & Thompson, 1982),

rats (e.g., Lashley, 1938), and monkeys (e.g., Nissen, 1951), these have not resulted in stimulus

equivalence. To date, no unequivocal demonstration of stimulus equivalence in nonhumans has

been shown (D'Amato, Salmon, Loukas, & Tomie, 1985; Dugdale & Lowe, 1990; Kendall, 1983;

Sidman et al., 1982; Lipkens, Kop, Matthijs, 1988. As for McIntire, Cleary, & Thompson, 1987 and

Vaughan, 1988, see Hayes, S. C., 1989b and Saunders, 1989). Whether this is simply due to

methodological problems is not clear, but it is clear that nonhumans at least do not show

equivalence readily. In humans, performance on equivalence tasks seems to be correlated with

verbal performance, as would be expected if equivalence is a type of verbal relation (Barnes,

McCullagh, & Keenan, 1990; Devany, et al., 1986; Dugdale & Lowe, 1990).

Conditionality is also necessary for equivalence to serve as a preliminary model of verbal

stimulation, because it provides for the necessary precision seen in language. For example, the

meaning of the word "gay" could be either "happy" or "homosexual," depending in part on the

context in which it occurred. Conditional equivalence relations, in which elements are related to

others only in certain contexts, have been demonstrated (e.g., Bush, Sidman, & de Rose, 1989; Gatch

& Osborne, 1989; Kennedy & Laitinen, 1988; Wulfert & Hayes, S. C., 1988). Words themselves also

function as contexts in which equivalence class membership is reconstituted (Kohlenberg, Hayes, S.

C., and Hayes, L. J., 1991). This corresponds nicely to natural language. For example, compare the

different meanings of the word "bat" in the following sentences: "Babe Ruth held the bat" and

"Dracula held the bat." In this example, "bat" is in an equivalence relation with a piece of wood or a

flying mammal, depending upon other words ("Babe Ruth" or "Dracula," respectively) as
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contextual stimuli.

The Challenge of Stimulus Equivalence

To understand why stimulus equivalence is having a major impact on behavioral

researchers one should note that it is not readily predicted from a direct contingency formulation.

If an organism selects Y1 over Y2 given X1, and selects Y2 over Y1 given X2. The probability of

reinforcement for selecting Y1 is greater in the presence of X1 than in the presence of, say, X2. We

would say that X1 is functioning as a conditional discriminative stimulus in the presence of which

Y1 is functioning as a discriminative stimulus for a selection response.

This does not mean, however, that the probability of reinforcement for selecting X1 is

greater in the presence of Y1 than in its absence. Consider a natural example. A monkey may look

for and find a snake (and not, say, a cloud) given a rustling sound, but not listen for a rustling

rather than some other sound given a snake. We could think of this as a trained relation: given

rustle find snake. Such a contingency arrangement provides few grounds to suppose that reversing

the functions of the stimuli will be reinforced: given snake find rustle.

In the natural environment of nonverbal organisms, trained sequential or other relations

between two events cannot be assumed to reverse. Most commonly, if the functions were reversed

the consequences would be neutral. Often they would be negative or even life-threatening. Thus it

is not clear why operant contingencies should be functionally reversible. Respondent conditioning

also provides a no clear process to account for the equivalence results, especially when we move

beyond simple symmetry (Hayes, S. C. & Hayes, L. J., 1989).

The development of theoretical accounts of stimulus equivalence is still in its infancy in

behavior analysis. Some researchers view stimulus equivalence as a primitive which cannot be

analyzed into component processes (e.g., Sidman, 1990). In behavior analysis, primitives such as
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reinforcement or stimulus control can only be described in terms of the conditions in which they

are seen. They are not "explained" psychologically. If more of an explanation is demanded,

usually only an evolutionary one will be attempted. For example, it has been said that conditional

discriminations may lead to equivalence in humans (at least) simply because humans have evolved

that way (Sidman, 1990).

A second alternative has been to explain equivalence on the basis of verbal mediation (e.g.,

Dugdale & Lowe, 1990; McIntire et al., 1987), much as earlier S-R learning theorists did. These

analysis have so far either failed to be demonstrated empirically (e.g., see Hayes, 1989b) or appeal

to derived relations between stimuli and names that are of the same sort as the derived stimulus

relations they mean to explain.

Another alternative, the relational frame account, has appealed to the historical

development of relational responding (Hayes, S. C., 1991; Hayes, S. C. & Hayes, L. J., 1989). This

view will be discussed in some detail for three reasons. First, it shows how fairly traditional

behavior analytic concepts are leading to quite different views of verbal events. Second, it will be

important for other reasons later on to argue that equivalence might itself be learned, and relational

frame theory describes one plausible way this might happen. Finally, the analysis shares obvious

similarities with contemporary cognitive network theories of meaning, and thus might be of more

general interest to non-behavioral readers.

Arbitrarily Applicable Relational Responding

The relational conception of stimulus equivalence starts from a fairly conservative stance:

How can equivalence be explained via traditional contingency concepts? Relational frame theory

draws upon two central ideas. First, a variety of experimental findings (for example, transposition,

Reese, 1968) show that humans and nonhumans can respond to formal or non-arbitrary relations
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between stimuli. Perhaps some organisms can take an additional step and bring relational

responding under the control of context rather than the form of the relata. Such abstracted

relational responding would then be arbitrarily applicable to any events, needing only contextual

cues to do so. Second, the behavior analytic account of generalized imitation (e.g., Gewirtz &

Stengle, 1968), grammatical frames (Skinner, 1957), and other phenomena draws upon the idea that

organisms can learn overarching behavioral classes containing virtually unlimited numbers of

members. Although equivalence and similar phenomena seem to show novel performances,

perhaps this performance is in actuality learned. That is, the action of relating two arbitrary stimuli

itself has a history.

Take the case of a young child learning the name of an object. A child is oriented toward

several objects. The parent points to one and asks "What's that?" At first parents do not expect a

response and after a pause, they say the name. If the child shows any sign of acknowledgement

(e.g., a smile when the name is given), the child is tickled, praised, or otherwise rewarded.

Sometimes incorrect names will be said deliberately, and the child will be expected to show that it

is not correct. Later only actual correct vocalizations by the child are rewarded. Incorrect

responses result in additional prompting of the name.

Eventually, the child learns "given object X, say name X, not name Y" (object → name.) But

the child is also asked "Where is (name)?" Picking the named object from among others is

rewarded with tickles, play, or verbal consequences ("That's right! That's the (name)"). We can say

that the child learns "given name X, point to object X not object Y" (name → object.) Bi-directional

training of this kind occurs only in certain contexts. There are a variety of cues to indicate that this

is a naming context, including the use of phrases such as "What's that?" and the juxtaposition of

objects and words.

Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 19

As with generalized imitation, we might suppose that with enough instances of such

training the child will begin to learn to derive name → object given only object → name and vice

versa. In short, with enough instances of directly trained bi-directional stimulus relations in a

given context, bi-directional responding of a more general sort may arise in that context. The

process here might be similar to that discussed by Skinner in explaining the speaker's ability to

mand events never before manded (1957). On the basis of a history of reinforcement for specific

mands, the speaker is thought to learn the mand relation as a frame into which novel events may

be incorporated. The capacity to abstract the frame in the case of the mand, or with the kind of

stimulus relations we are discussing, may simply require a sufficient history of bi-directional

training or it may also require that a particular species be involved (i.e., humans). Beyond such an

historical or evolutionary appeal, behavior analytic theory does not ordinarily attempt an account

of such processes, either for the present topic or in other areas such as generalized imitation.

Once abstracted from a particular history, the derivation of stimulus relations is not based

solely on the formal properties of the relata. It is arbitrarily applicable in the sense that it may be

brought to bear on any stimuli in the presence of appropriate contextual cues. If, for example, a

person is told "X = Y > Z" the bi-directional relations between all possible pairs of X, Y, and Z (e.g.,

Z < X) can be stated, not based on the form of these related events, but on the arbitrarily specified

and derived relations among them brought to bear by cues such as = and <.

Arbitrarily applicable relational responding involves responding to one event in terms of

the other and vice versa based on contextual cues to do so. As such it is a pattern of the

transformation of stimulus functions. It has three characteristics (Hayes, S. C., 1991; Hayes, S. C. &

Hayes, L. J., 1989):

Mutual entailment. If X is related to Y in a given context, then Y is related to X in that

Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 20

context. The specific relations involved need not be literally identical. If X is better than Y, then Y

is worse than X. The second relation is entailed by the first -- it is not possible to have a relation of

"better" without one of "worse." We may describe mutual entailment this way:

Crel { X rx Y ||| Y ry X }

That is: when a contextual event brings to bear upon the current situation a history of a particular

kind of relational responding ("Crel"), such that a relation of a particular kind (" rx ") is specified

between two events X and Y, then a second relation (" ry") is necessarily entailed ( "|||") between

Y and X.

Combinatorial entailment. If in a given relational context X is related in a particular way to

Y and Y is also related to Z, then some kind of relation must be entailed from X to Z and from Z to

X. More formally:

Crel { X rx Y and Y rz Z ||| X rp Z and Z rq X}

Combinatorial entailment differs from simple mutual entailment in more than mere complexity. In

mutual entailment, the specified relation between X and Y entails a relation between Y and X at the

same level of precision. In the formula above, however, the X-Z and Z-X relations ("rp" and "rq")

may not be specified to the same degree as that between X and Y, and Y and Z ("rx" and "rz" ). For

example, if X is different than Y and Y is different than Z, we cannot say what the relation is

between X and Z and between Z and X. This lack of precision, however, is specified by the nature

of the relation of "difference" that applies to X and Y, and to Y and Z. We can say that we cannot

say what the relation is. This is part of what distinguishes a psychological from a merely logical or

mathematical relation. A verbal relation of "no relation" is a relation psychologically speaking

because it requires responding to one event in terms of another. It is not a logical or mathematical

relation, however, which are more limited subsets of psychological stimulus relations.
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 21

Transfer of functions. It is this last characteristic of arbitrarily applicable relational

responding that provides the general psychological importance of such events. If an event X has a

psychological function, and that event is placed into a relation with another event Y, under certain

conditions Y may acquire a new psychological function based on the function of X and the relations

between X and Y. Because if all functions of one stimulus transferred to another and vice versa,

there would no longer be two separate psychological stimuli, which functions transfer must be

under contextual control. We can represent the transfer of functions this way:

Cfunc [ Crel { Xf1 ||| Yf2r and Zf3r } ]

That is, given the presence of contextual cues that select particular psychologically relevant, non-

relational stimulus functions ( "Cfunc"), that adhere in event X ("f1"), events Y and Z will show these

functions, transformed in terms of the derived relations between these events and event X, ("Yf2r

and Zf3r"). Because the transfer of functions is thought to be under contextual control, under some

conditions with some functions no transfer may be seen. In the relational frame conception,

however, all arbitrarily applicable stimulus relations enable some forms of such transfer.

Transfer of functions is a definitional aspect of relational frames in part to denote their

psychological nature, but it is more than that. Mutual entailment and combinatorial entailment are

themselves interpretable as transfer of functions in a limited sense. For example, in the traditional

equivalence study done using a conditional discrimination procedure, the trained conditional

function of a sample transfers to the related comparison if symmetry is shown--by definition. Is it

possible for only relational stimulus functions to transfer and for no non-relational stimulus

functions to transfer? It seems unlikely. For example, suppose a person learns a relation between

X and Y and is then asked to "picture what is related to Y." If the person has derived a strong

relation between Y and X, then presumably at least the perceptual functions of X will be available
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 22

to some degree with regard to Y. That is, the person will probably picture X. Transfer of these

perceptual functions is enabled by the property of mutual entailment, but it is distinct from it.

Thus, transfers of functions seem to be a definitional aspect of relational frames. Arbitrarily

applicable relations are patterns of the mutual transformation of both relational and non-relational

stimulus functions.

As a practical example of a transfer of functions, suppose a child is trained that the written

word DOG is called "dog" and that the word DOG goes with actual dogs. We may say that the

child has had two relations directly trained: DOG → dog and DOG → "dog." Later the child plays

with a dog for the first time and enjoys it. We may say that dogs have directly acquired various

functions by virtue of the play. Now, upon hearing his mother say "dogs" from another room the

child may smile and go to the other room even though a dog is not visible and the child has no

direct history of reinforcement for any of these activities in response to the word "dog." Based on

the relational frame account, we might say that dogs have become discriminative stimuli for

approach or eliciting stimuli for emotional responding directly through play. The word "dog" has

acquired similar functions not through a direct history, but indirectly through its participation in a

derived relation with dogs.

The literature on the transfer of functions across equivalence relations would support the

basic outlines of such an analysis. Transfer of discriminative functions have been shown across

simple equivalence relations(e.g., Hayes, S. C., Brownstein, Devany, Kohlenberg, & Shelby, 1987;

Kohlenberg et al., 1991), and conditional equivalence relations (Wulfert & Hayes, S. C., 1988), and

across symmetrically related stimuli (e.g., Catania, Horne, & Lowe, 1989; de Rose, McIlvane, Dube,

Galpin, & Stoddard, 1988; Lazar, 1977; Lazar & Kotlarchyk, 1986; Gatch & Osborne, 1989). In

much the same way, consequential functions transfer through equivalence relations (Hayes, S. C.,
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 23

et al., 1987; Hayes, S. C., Kohlenberg, & Hayes, L. J., 1991), as do conditioned emotional responses

(Augustson & Dougher, 1991).

Relational frame. The term "relational frame" was coined to designate particular kinds of

arbitrarily applicable relational responding (Hayes, S. C. & Hayes, L. J., 1989). A relational frame is

a type of responding that shows the contextually controlled qualities of mutual entailment,

combinatorial entailment, and transfer of functions; is due to a history of relational responding

relevant to the contextual cues involved; and is not based on direct non-relational training with

regard to the particular stimuli of interest. If a relation is a pattern of mutual transformation of

stimulus functions, a relational frame is the name for that particular pattern. It is a noun because

the structure of English demands it, but it is a situated action. A relational frame is always

"framing relationally."

In a relational frame view, stimulus equivalence is a special case of arbitrarily applicable

relational responding based on a "frame of coordination" or sameness (Hayes, S. C. & Hayes, L. J.,

1989). A variety of evidence fits with the relational frame view of equivalence (see Hayes, S. C.,

1991; Hayes, S. C. & Hayes, L. J., 1989), and it makes several predictions that differ from most other

accounts (e.g., derived relations should show developmental trends, equivalence is only one of

many such phenomena, equivalence relations can be reconstituted in ever more subtle ways based

on cues to do so, new kinds of relations can be trained, conditional discrimination procedures are

only one of many that should lead to derived stimulus relations). The strongest support for the

theory so far has been the demonstration that a variety of relations can be applied to arbitrary

matching-to-sample tasks, and give rise to equivalence or non-equivalence depending upon the

relations applied (Steele & Hayes, 1991). In the Steele and Hayes experiments subjects' responses to

three non-arbitrary stimulus relations (sameness, oppositeness, or difference) were first brought
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 24

under contextual control. For example, given a contextual cue (background color on a computer

screen) for "same," a subject shown a short line as a sample earned points for picking a short line

from a set of comparisons. Given a contextual cue for "opposite" and the same sample, picking a

long line was rewarded. Given the "different" context, selecting any comparison other than one

identical to the sample was reinforced. Subjects were then exposed in the presence of these same

contextual cues to matching-to-sample training in which the trained stimulus relations were

between arbitrary visual forms that reliably shared no formal properties. In two experiments it

was shown that derived performances were consistent with relational responding brought to bear

by the contextual cues. In contexts relevant to the relation of sameness, stimulus equivalence

emerged. Other kinds of relational networks emerged in the other contexts. For example, when

arbitrary stimuli were related in the presence of the opposite cue, derived relations of sameness

and oppositeness alternated with each interceding stimulus (e.g., an opposite of an opposite was

treated as the same, but an opposite of an opposite of an opposite was treated as opposite).

Why Equivalence May Involve a New Behavioral Principle

The behavior analytic work on the derivation of stimulus relations seems to be opening up

behavior analysis to a new behavioral principle. Behavioral principles are admitted into the

armamentarium only very slowly within behavior analysis, but both of the major interpretations of

stimulus equivalence and similar phenomena seem to lead to it.

On the one had, equivalence may be a primitive process which cannot be analyzed into

component processes (e.g., Sidman, 1990). If this is true, equivalence instantiates a new behavioral

principle by definition, since what is meant by a behavioral principle is a basic process. The

transfer of functions through equivalence classes would also be considered a new phenomenon, if

only because it is based on this new behavioral processes.

Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 25

Conversely, equivalence and other derived stimulus relations may be learned. The

relational frame account is one such learning-based interpretation, but others seem possible. In this

case, neither equivalence per se nor higher-order concepts such as relational frames involve new

behavioral principles because the processes appealed to are known. At most they are new

behavioral outcomes, much as generalized imitation may be a new behavioral outcome.

If the derivation of stimulus relations is learned, however, the transfer of functions through

such relations apparently instantiates a new behavioral principle. Behavior analysts distinguish

between stimulus functions on the basis of history and current context. For example, conditioned

and unconditioned reinforcers are distinguished on the basis of the particular histories that give

rise to each. When, as in the example earlier, the child approaches upon hearing the word "dog,"

we cannot say that "dog" is a discriminative stimulus. A discriminative stimulus is a stimulus in

the presence of which there has been a greater probability of reinforcement for a given behavior

than in its absence. In the example (and in actual studies of such phenomena, e.g., Kohlenberg et

al., 1991), there is no such history for the word "dog." Its function is only discriminative-like, based

on a transfer of control through a derived stimulus relation. In behavior analytic accounts the

control exerted by any given discriminative stimulus is learned, but discriminative control per se is

not. If the discriminative-like functions of "dog" are based on a learned pattern of the derivation of

stimulus relations, then this seems to be a new kind of stimulus control in which the underlying

process responsible for the effect is itself learned. The same conclusion would be reached for all the

other functions that transfer through derived relations (reinforcing, eliciting, establishing, and


It may still be possible to interpret equivalence and similar relational phenomena in a way

that does not suggest a new behavioral principle. If our logic above is correct, though, such an
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 26

interpretation would require both that equivalence is learned and that transfer of functions through

equivalence does not depend on the learned nature of equivalence. It is not obvious how that

could be done.

If there is a new behavioral principle, it is not clear what it should be called. Although it

may cause confusion because of its broad use both in lay language and psychology, we (Hayes, S.

C. & Hayes, L. J., 1989) have previously used the word "verbal" as a technical term to qualify

functions that depend upon derived stimulus relations. We have argued that verbal events are

simply those that involve relational frames. Thus, the new general principle might be termed

"verbal control" and the specific terms could include such things as "verbal reinforcers" (e.g.,

stimuli with reinforcing functions based on the transfer of functions through derived stimulus

relations), "verbal antecedents," "verbal motivation" and so on. Unfortunately, the term "verbal" is

often used to refer to events based on their form and not their function. For example, if the word

"good" increases behavior when it is used contingently as a consequence, some may call it a "verbal

reinforcer" simply because it is a "word," not because of any specific psychological processes that

led to its reinforcing functions. If behavior analysts concluded (as is suggested by our analysis)

that verbal functions are distinct at the level of psychological process, perhaps this topographical

use would cease, to be replaced by functional distinctions such as the ones we are making. If not,

perhaps "relational control," "relational reinforcers," "relational antecedents," and so on, could

provide an alternative.

Linking Control by Verbal Rules to Derived Stimulus Relations

Previous behavioral analyses of verbal meaning and of rule control have attempted to

reduce these phenomena to outcomes of simple and direct operant and classical conditioning

preparations. The analyses that have resulted seem cumbersome and have had a difficult time
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 27

accounting adequately for verbal effects.

The literature on semantic generalization and conditioned meaning provides a useful

illustration. Staats and Staats (1957), for example, directly paired nonsense words with emotionally

laden words and found a transfer of emotional functions to the nonsense words as measured by a

semantic differential even in subjects "unaware" of the stimulus relation. Applying this model of

verbal meaning to everyday language runs afoul of two difficulties. First, it is difficult to suppose a

history of repeated pairings in most or all such circumstances in the natural linguistic environment.

Secondly, Staats and Staats' conclusions do not explain why there was a correlation between

measures of verbal awareness of the stimulus relation and the emotional ratings given to the

nonsense words (e.g., Cohen, 1964). From a relational frame point of view, such a correlation

should be expected, not because verbal awareness is necessary to conditioning, but because when a

subject can describe a stimulus relation it is certain to have been derived (cf., Skinner, 1945; 1966).

Similarly, early behavioral accounts of rule-governance appealed to direct processes of

discriminative control (e.g., Galizio, 1979). This account too supposed a history that is difficult to

imagine, in which the discriminative effects of all verbal rules must be learned directly.

The behavior analytic literature on derived stimulus relations provides alternatives both for

the meaning of verbal formulae and for their effects as rules. A detailed analysis of these issues

would take us too far afield (see Hayes, S. C., & Hayes, L. J., 1989 for some of our efforts in these

areas), but a brief outline might help show how the research on derived stimulus relations opens

up new ways of approaching old problems and how it is reflecting back on the literature on

instructional control and rule-governance.

Verbal meaning. The literature on derived stimulus relations suggests that when a person

hears a word, some of the functions of that word may depend on the derived stimulus relations
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 28

sustained between it and other events. When a sentence is presented, a variety of new relations

may be derived, under the contextual control of the words themselves, their sequence, the

nonverbal context, paralinguistic cues, and other events.

Verbally understanding the meaning of a word or sentence might thus be a psychologically

distinct action that is based on the act of a listener deriving stimulus relations (e.g., forming

equivalence relations, relations of difference, if ... then relations, and so on). For example, I may

"understand" the word "fire" in the sense that its functions depend in part upon derived relations

between it and other events (e.g., words like "hot" or "oxidation"). This would represent a different

kind of "understanding" than that based on functions of the word that are directly trained (e.g., if

"fire" had reliably preceded being burned and thus elicited emotional reactions via classical

conditioning). These two types of meaning -- verbal meaning and direct meaning -- seem based on

different psychological processes.

The same kind of interpretation could be applied to the meaning of a sentence. Suppose a

person is told "when the bell rings, there is a fire." While the verbal meaning of "bell" or "fire" may

be based on pre-existing equivalence relations, the sentence provides cues for the listener to derive

an additional dependency relation (if ... then) between the bell and fire. This network of stimulus

relations and their resulting functions could be considered the verbal meaning of the sentence.

This view differs markedly from Skinner's view (1957) in which the verbal meaning and direct

meaning of a sentence are not distinguishable at the level of psychological process -- both are

simply forms of stimulus control. Skinner developed this analysis before equivalence had been

incorporated into behavior analysis, which may account for much of the difference between his

view and ours.

Rule-following. When defined this way, following a rule as a rule requires an

Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 29

understanding of it (although more than that is involved: see Hayes, Zettle, & Rosenfarb, 1989). A

dog might be taught to get slippers when the master says "slippers" but the command is not

functioning as a rule for the dog, since it has no verbal meaning. Rather, the evocative functions of

the word depend solely on direct training. Conversely, consider a person who is told "when the

bell rings, there is a fire" and now runs at the sound of the bell. In this case, the action of running

could be interpreted as a form of rule-following that is dependent upon derived stimulus relations.

"Fire" might have some of the functions of actual fires via a transfer of such functions through of

relations of coordination, and now "bell" has acquired the function of an actual fire about to

happen. Because "bell" has these functions and is in a coordination relation with actual bells, when

the bell rings, the person may run, much as would have occurred had an actual fire been seen.

This interpretation of rule-following is speculative, but does not stray far from what is

already known. Even if relational frame theory is incorrect, the empirical phenomenon of

equivalence alone would support much of the analysis above.

The properties of derived stimulus functions and verbal rules. If rule-governance is

dependent upon derived stimulus relations and the non-relational functions that transfer through

them, then the findings in the instructional control literature make sense behaviorally. Derived

stimulus relations seem to be specific, indirect, and arbitrary, among other characteristics (Hayes, S.

C. & Hayes, L. J., 1989; Parrott, 1984), and the qualities of behavior guided by verbal rules seems to

correspond with these properties.

There seems to be a difference in the specificity of derived stimulus functions, one that may

come from their relative independence from form as a source of behavioral functions. A normal

discriminative stimulus cannot easily come to control a specific response and only that response for

two reasons. First, the form of the stimulus establishes some functions directly. A key light, for
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 30

example, is not only a stimulus in the presence of which pecking is reinforced, it is also a stimulus

that allows the bird to look at things in an otherwise darkened chamber; it may elicit an orienting

response; it may provide sensory stimulation for glances in its direction; it may make eye

movements more likely, and so on. It cannot "mean" just one specific thing. Second, all co-present

or proximal events are potentially relevant to a non-arbitrary stimulus function. Thus, it is difficult

to avoid multiple stimulus functions otherwise present in the environment from adhering to any

part of that environment.

When arbitrary stimuli gain their functions based on their relations to other stimuli and not

to their forms, these stimulus functions can be narrowed and broadened by the network of derived

relations, without significant contamination from functions based upon formal properties or co-

present events. Such verbal stimuli "mean" the transformed functions of events that participate in

derived relations with them. This also prevents intrusions in meaning from random event sources.

For example, if a person heard "I'll meet you next Wednesday at noon" and shortly thereafter

stepped on a tack, the phrase would be unlikely to become a powerful cue for careful walking.

Much of the impact of verbal rules is due to a change in the range of behaviors available to

contact with the world (Hayes et al, 1986; Joyce & Chase, 1990). If derived stimulus functions are

more specific than direct stimulus functions it would help to explain how such a change can be

produced and manipulated.

Because of the arbitrariness of derived stimulus relations the verbal community can alter the

derivation of stimulus relations via social convention. For example, if the verbal community agrees

that a given event is "good" or "bad," the derived relation between that event and these evaluations

may significantly alter the function of these events for members of the verbal community. This

may help explain the sensitivity of rule-governed behavior to social context (e.g., Barrett et al.,
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 31


We have already explained how the stimulus functions that transfer through equivalence

relations are indirect. This might help explain how rules can compete with control by programmed

contingencies. For example, a person might have been taught to relate sex to "immorality." The

direct effects of sexual contact may differ completely from the indirect effects that come from this

relation. Perhaps it is sensitivity to such indirect effects that helps produce the apparent

"insensitivity" to the direct effects of events that is seen in the rule-governance literature (Hayes, S.

C., 1989a).


Skinner rejected the notion that "certain basic linguistic processes [are] common to both

speaker and listener" (Skinner, 1957, p. 33) but this is precisely the position we are led to consider

when we try to extend the equivalence literature into the areas of verbal meaning and rule-

governance. Ideas present in the mind, however, are not the common ground between speaker and

listener. In the present view, derived stimulus relations sustained by social convention constitute

that ground.

The trend in behavior analysis to grapple with derived stimulus relations suggests a merger

of behavioral and cognitive research areas and interests. Although equivalence and relational

frames do not seem to have a place in the cognitive literature as yet, the phenomena involved seem

central to contemporary cognitive interests in such areas as stimulus class formation or semantic

meaning. Other types of derived stimulus relations, such as those involved in stimulus exclusion,

are being actively studied both by behavior analysts (e.g., McIlvane, Kledaras, Munson, King, de

Rose, & Stoddard, 1987) and by cognitive psychologists (e.g., Markman & Wachtel, 1988). The

network theory of meaning implied by relational frame theory overlaps considerably with
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 32

contemporary cognitive theories of meaning (e.g., Reese, 1991). If the underlying relational frame

conception is correct many of the cognitive findings shown with semantic networks (e.g., priming

effects) should apply to equivalence classes (or other relational networks) and vice versa. In short,

behavior analysis is now a field actively studying "cognition."

What, then, is the difference between the present kind of analysis and mainstream cognitive

psychology? In part, the answer is to be found in the most fundamental premises of the two

positions. While much of cognitive psychology -- especially that driven by computer metaphors --

seems mechanistic, the present analysis is self-consciously contextualistic (Hayes, Hayes, & Reese,

1988). One implication of this philosophical difference is that cognitive psychologists are interested

in developing models that correspond to the real world and are assessed by predictive verification,

while contextualistic behavior analysts focus on theories that help accomplish their pragmatic goals

of prediction and control. As a result, while cognitive theories embrace mediational accounts on

the grounds that they model mental machinery well, behavior analysts reject them on the grounds

that they are unhelpful to their goals (Hayes & Brownstein, 1986). Deriving stimulus relations, for

example, is conceptualized in relational frame theory as historically and contextually situated

actions of whole organisms, not as a mediational process or mechanism occurring in the brain or

mind. Some within the cognitive tradition have begun to argue for a similar approach (e.g.,

Watkins, 1990).

An explosion of research in stimulus equivalence and rule-governance has occurred since

the late 1970's. Too little time has passed for the assimilation of these new data into

characterizations of the behavioral perspective by those outside that perspective--indeed, the

assimilation within behavior analysis is still underway. It is clear, however, that behavior analysis

is actively studying many topics that were once considered outside its purview. It is also clear that
Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 33

although the position is evolving and some of Skinner's theoretical suppositions are being

abandoned or transformed, it is still behavior analysis--alive and doing well.


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Author Notes

Requests for reprints should be addressed to Steven C. Hayes, Department of Psychology,

University of Nevada, Reno, NV 89557-0062.

Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 44


1. In a draft chapter Skinner wrote for a book edited by the first author (Hayes, 1989) he described

rule-governed behavior as "verbal stimulus controlled behavior." He later edited it out, but

its appearance shows that he was beginning to deal with how rules could be defined as

"verbal rules" within his system.

Verbal Relations and Behavior Analysis - Page 45

Figure Captions

Figure 1. A diagrammatic presentation of the trained and derived relations in a typical stimulus

equivalence network. The solid arrows indicate trained relations; the dotted arrows indicate

derived relations. For the sake of clarity, only the trained relations among one set of stimuli

are shown, but in the typical study the need for conditionality in the trained relations would

require trained relations among two or more sets of related stimuli.

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