Business Studies Mock Paper 20

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Mock Paper - 1 December - 2017

II PUC – Business Studies (27)
Time: 3 Hours 15 Minutes Max. Marks: 100
I. Answer all the questions
1. State any one importance of management.
2. Who introduced differential piece rate system?
3. State a type of plan.
4. What is meant by departmentalisation?
5. What is training?
6. Name the theory evolved by Maslow?
7. Give the meaning of deviation in controlling.
8. What do you mean by financial decisions?
9. State any one method of sales promotion.
10. Name any one consumer grievances redressal agency.
II. Answer all the questions
11. What is meant by co-ordination?
12. What is scalar chain principle of management?
13. What is a procedure?
14. What is functional structure of an organisation?
15. What is organising process?
16. What is transfer?
17. Define motivation.
18. State any two importance of controlling.
19. Write any two money market instruments.
20. What is product?
21. What is marketing mix?
22. List any two importance of consumer protection.
III. Answer all the questions
23. Explain any five fayol’s principles of management.
24. Compare between responsibility and accountability.
25. Explain the different methods of on-the-job training.
26. Explain briefly the importance of supervision.
27. Explain the importance of controlling.
28. Explain any five factors which may influence the amount of working capital requirements in a
29. State any ten depository services offered by a depository.
30. Explain briefly the channels of distribution.
31. State the features of District forum.
IV. Answer all the questions
32. Explain the functions of management.
33. Explain the importance and limitations of planning.
34. Explain the various steps followed in staffing process.
35. Explain the factors which may influence the amount of fixed capital requirements in a business.
36. What do you mean by marketing mix? Explain briefly the elements of marketing mix.
Practical oriented questions
V. Answer all the questions
37. State ant ten fayol’s principles of management.
38. Bring out the steps involved in planning while establishing a new business unit.
39. Draw a neat diagram of Maslow’s hierarchy of needs.

Mock Paper - 2 December - 2017
II PUC – Business Studies (27)

I. Answer all the following questions
1. Name any one dimension of management.
2. Where is gang plank used?
3. Mention the first step in planning process.
4. Give the meaning of centralization.
5. What is promotion?
6. State one element of direction.
7. What do you mean by Standard in controlling?
8. Expand NASDAQ.
9. What is market?
10. State one consumer right.
II. Answer all the following questions
11. What is Management?
12. Differentiate between Authority and Responsibility.
13. Mention any two types of Plans.
14. Define Organizing.
15. What is Decentralization?
16. Define Selection.
17. What is Supervision?
18. Define Controlling.
19. What are Treasury Bills?
20. Give the meaning of Publicity.
21. Mention any two channels of Distribution.
22. Define Consumer.
III. Answer all the following questions
23. Explain the features of Management.
24. Explain the elements of Delegation.
25. Briefly explain any five types of selection Interviews.
26. Explain the ways to overcome Barriers of Communication.
27. What do you mean by Standard in Controlling? State the requirements of good standard.
28. Explain the importance of financial planning.
29. State any ten depository services offered by a Depository.
30. What are the features of Personal Selling?
31. State the features of National Commission.
IV. Answer all the following questions
32. Explain the Objectives of Management.
33. Explain any five types of Plan?
34. Briefly explain the different methods of on-the-job training and off-the-job training.
35. Explain the different functions of Stock Exchange.
36. What are the qualities of a Successful Salesman?
Practical Oriented Questions
V. Answer all the following questions
37. Draw a neat diagram of the levels of Management.
38. As an advertiser, what essentials do you expect in a good advertisement copy?
39. As an aggrieved consumer, write a complaint to District Forum seeking redressal.

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