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International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017 134

ISSN 2250-3153

Study of Diverse Religious Belief of Filipino College

Students ---- Based on the Research Conducted at
Bulacan State University
Cui Ye

Confucius Institute, Bulacan State University, Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan

Abstract- It is no doubt that Philippines has undergone an ruled the Philippines and spread the Protestant Christianity. Also,
immense diversification all over the world. As a country where the Philippines have been influenced by ancient Chinese through
the religious belief that reigns is Catholicism, the researcher profound Confucianism, Buddhism, Taoism, and other Chinese
focused on the college students at Bulacan State University. The folk religion from a large number of Chinese immigrants in
researcher conducted this research through the dissemination of modern China.
questionnaires among students, induction and statistics, analysis
and summary, to understand the religious psychology and
behavioral characteristics of Filipino college students in the new II. IDENTIFY, RESEARCH AND COLLECT IDEA
age. Also, the perceptions of diverse religious beliefs and the Undeniably, Philippines has undergone a lot of ups and
view about the development of Catholicism in Philippines are downs during the entire time of history. The current policy on the
given strong emphasis. In the end, the researcher aims to separation of church and state has offered an open environment
extrapolate the religious values of Filipino college students under for religious beliefs. It has an era significance of the research of
the background of diversification. the Philippines about religious ideology development. The
Philippine college students represent a group of high quality of
Index Terms- Bulacan State University, College Students, the cultural, economic. This group’s religious belief also
Diversification, Philippines, Religion represents the national belief strength and belief direction in the
future. It has important social significance of the research on the
present college students’ religious belief in the Philippines. The
I. INTRODUCTION writer focused on the college students at Bulacan State

T he culture, history and religion of Philippines

Philippines is one of the archipelagic country of Southeast

University, through the questionnaire, induction and statistics,
analysis and summary, to understand the religious psychology
and behavior characteristics of Filipino college students in new
Asia. It is recorded that there are many times of trade age, to analyze their religious behavior and change, and try to
communication between ancient China and Luzon (the northern discuss the future direction of religious belief.
area of Philippines) and Sulu in ancient Chinese history books. The table below represents three Philippine domestic
The Arab established the regime in the 15th century, the Dutch religious official inquiry statistics in recent years, to reflect the
discovered the island. The Spanish invaded Luzon in 1565, and variation of religious belief.
named the Philippines by King Philip Ⅱ of Spain, which began
three hundred years of colonial experience. After the Spanish- Table: Main Religious Belief in Philippines
American war in 1898, the Philippines have been ruled by the
United States, and were occupied by Japan during the Second Religion 1960s 2000s 2015s
World War. After World War Ⅱ, with several domestic political The Roman Catholic 83.8 80.9 80.58
struggling, finally the independence country of the republic of Church
the Philippines has been established. (Callao Man’ Could Protestant Christian 6 11.6 12.63
Redraw Filipino History: Discovery News. DNews.) denominations
As the collision and communication of race, religion, and, Islam 4.9 5 5.57
culture in long history, the Philippines also become the most Buddhism 0.1 - 0.05
volatile place in Southeast Asia. Until today, there is still conflict
with Islamic group in Mindanao (the southern area of the
Philippines). Most population of the country comprises Malay, Philippine Independent 5.2 - 0.15
Chinese, Arabs, Spanish, Indians, Americans, etc. Due to many Catholic Church
times of colonial experience, this Southeast Asian country has Primitive Religion 2.1 - 0.19
been influenced by western countries deeply.
The Arabs first brought Islam in the country, and then the
Spanish colonizers brought Catholicism, which makes the The research of religious belief of college students at
Philippines become the biggest Catholic country in Asia. The US Bulacan State University
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017 135
ISSN 2250-3153

The Bulacan State University located in Malolos, Bulacan religions (11%) (2%)
in Philippines, is a comprehensive university funded by the (13%)
national government, is founded in 1904. During the school year believe in 25
2016-2017, there are 25,403 students, including the Philippines more than 2 (12%)
local students 25,390, 11,663 boys and 13,727 girls, 13 religions
international students. (Bulsu, mis.Dept.)The non-Missionary
school is good for the justice of the survey, and the object of the It can be seen that 75% which are153 students believe in 1
survey is all Filipino. In view of the undergraduate students, religion, the Catholic or Protestant Christian. 13% which are 27
divided by the major, are the average distribution in pedagogy, students believe in 2 religions, and 23 students of this group
management, literature, economics, and law. Sampling to issue believe in both Catholic and Protestant Christian, 4 students
255 questionnaires, 253 taken back, recovery is 99%. Including believe in both Catholic and other religions. 12% which are 25
62 boys, accounted for 25%, 191 girls, accounting for 75%. students believe in more than 2 religions, students of this group
The Questionnaire topic mainly embarks the students' believe in Catholic as the first belief, and still believe in other
subjective feeling, covers the uncertain item selection, uncertain religions. Although single religious belief still accounts for most
option and free answer. The survey focuses on the college college students in the Philippines, but in the view of the
students’ understanding and feeling of religion in new era, from religious exclusivity, the 25% of multiple beliefs should not be
their own status, psychological feelings, future development ignored.
aspects, to reveal the religious values of the Philippines’ college
students. Table 3: The variety of religious belief of college students

The basic situation of the religious belief of college students What is your religion? Total
The Roman Catholic 183(72%)
Table 1: The proportion of religious belief of college students
Protestant Christian 67(26%)
Do you believe Believer None Total
in religion? believer
I believe in 240 0 240 Islam
religion (94%) Philippine Independent 3
Catholic Church
I don’t believe in 11 2 13 Primitive Religion
any religion (6%) Agnosticism 1

In the survey, 72% which are 183college students believe

In this survey, there is 94% which are 240 college students in Catholic, 26% which are 67 students believe in Protestant
believe in religion, 6% which are 13 college students do not Christian, and few other religious beliefs. Visibly, the Catholic
believe in any religion. The religious belief coverage rate has Church is still a major religion for college students in the current
reached more than 90% in college students of the Philippines. time, and the Protestant Christian is the second. The Catholics
The Philippines is still a universal religious country. However, and the Protestant Christians are all from Christianity in the
few students do not believe in any religion, there are only 2 beginning, the Filipino people’s religious belief which is mainly
students who are not religious believers. It seems that most influenced by western religions.
college students both religious believer (those who believe in
religion from the heart) and even some of the students who do 1. The comparison of the way of becoming a believer of
not believe in any religion are still practical believers because of college students
the familial religious tradition.
Table 4: The familial situation and religious belief
Table 2: The multiplicity of religious belief of college students
How do The Protestant Others Total
How many The Roman The Roman The you attain Roman Christian
religions do Catholic Catholic Roman your Catholic
you believe? Church or Church and Catholic religion?
Protestant Protestant Church Born in 170 47 4 221
Christian Christian and religious (88%)
denominations denominations other family
religions Self 14 15 1 30
believe in 1 153 choice (12%)
religion (75%) afterworld
believe in 2 23 4
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017 136
ISSN 2250-3153

In the survey, 88% which are 221 college students are Bad body situation 17 (5.2)
born in a religious family and become innate religious believers,
12% which are 30 college students choose the religion by This is a multiple choice question, we can tell from the
themselves in the acquired environment. The innate religious options, nearly 30% of students, 102 specifically, think that they
factors accounted more than self-choice religious belief. In the have social problems, 17% of students which constitutes 57,
group of believers between the Catholics and Protestant exactly, think they cannot be independent, 15% which
Christians, the rate of inherent religion of the Catholics is higher constitutes to 54 students have too much school work, 14%
than the Protestant Christians. The heritage of the Catholics which constitutes to 47 students have family problems. Around
mainly depends on the following generation of religious 94% of the total students believe in religions, most of them are
traditions, differently; the Protestant Christians has attracted still in their interpersonal ability, study pressure, life pressure,
more and more people actively to choose it in the acquired and familial discord in real trouble, and there are also mental
environment. depressed pessimism problems. Since the rapid economic
development of 20th century has brought social negative
Table 5: Inner demand of religious belief of college students influence, including interpersonal emotional indifference,
conflicts of sharp, life pressure increasing, the spirit world
Reason you Born in Self choice Total collapse, etc. Visibly, both the Catholic and the Protestant
believe in religious afterworld Christian, cannot obscure the earthly pain of believers, religion
certain religion family cannot completely fill the spiritual emptiness and anguish.
Worship for 164 21 185
God 2. The basic situation of the religious experience of college
Influence from 14 2 16 students
education Table 7: The subjective feelings of the religious belief of
For happiness 13 1 14 college students
in future world
For happiness 12 3 15 Attitude to religion Selections
in present life
For spiritual 7 2 9 Adore 171(68%)
Rely on 39(16%)
Due to the help 8 - 8
from religion Revere 18 (7%)
community Mysterious 17 (6.77%)
Due to a big 5 1 6 Not interested 5 (2%)
suffering in life Reject 1 (0.23%)

As the survey reveals, whether the innate religious or self- From the options ratio, most students’ religion emotion is
choice belief in the acquired environment, most students, 185 adore, accounted for 68% which constitutes 171 students,
specifically, believe in religion worship for God from the heart. followed by 16% of students which numbers to 39 is rely on.
Visibly, students have a strong faith for supernatural power, and Evidently, like other religious groups, college student also
longing for the power of God to bring the satisfaction of spirit worship the strength of religion, and the comfort of religious
which is all the final pursuit of their religious belief. Besides, the belief, yearning for the religion from the heart.
surrounding environment also plays an important factor that
influence college students' in their religious belief. Table 8: The Existence of religion

Table 6: What problems you think you have in life? How do you think Believer Non- Total
the existence of believer
Selections religion?
God’s creation 186 5 191
Social problems 102(30%) Human being’s 52 8 60
Cannot be independent 57(17%) creation
Too much school work 54(15%)
Family problems 47(14%) With the group of students who do not believe in any
Disappointment with the 25 (7%) religion, the number of them who think religion is a human
future being’s creation is more than the number of them who think
Bad situation in love 22 (6%) religion is God’s creation. Only 22% of the respondents, which
constitutes to 52 students, think that religion is the creation of
Always feel lonely 20 (5.8%)
human beings. Human being’s creation is the atheism of religion,
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017 137
ISSN 2250-3153

religion is the product of the human being thought development Table 11: How do you practice your religious activities?
in a certain stage.
The The Others
Table 9.1: The comparison of belief in multiple religion Catholics Protestant
How do believer believer believer Non- By yourself 95 20 1
you think of 1 of more of 2 believer (44%)
religion religion than 2 religions of any With religion 59 37 2
influence religions religion groups (28%)
yourself? At home 47 14
Strong 115 11 12 1 At school 13 5
Common 64 13 15 7 Contrasting the two religions, the religious activities of the
Catholics which practiced by themselves accounts for 44% of
respondents which constitutes to 95 students. However, students
Less 6 1 4
who join in religious group activities account to 28% or 59
students. On the other hand, most Protestant Christians who
practice their religious activities by themselves accounts to 20
students; students who join in religious group activities account
Table 9.2: Comparison of belief in the Catholicism and the
to 37 students. Visibly, the Protestant Christians is more inclined
Protestant Christianity
with religious group activities than the Catholics.
From the above data, in the group of believers in 1
religion, more than half of students which accounts to 115 think
that religion has a strong impact on them, and the more religions How do you Catholicism Protestant
they believe, the less impact inflicted on them. Secondly, in the think religion Christianity
group of believers in 1 religion, to contrast it with the influence
Catholicism and the Protestant Christianity, it is found that most yourself?
the Catholics which constitutes to 75 students think that religion Strong 75 46
has less influence on them, but most the Protestant Christians Common 82 14
which constitutes to 46 students think religion has strong
Less 6 5
influence on them.
Table 12: How frequent do you join religious activities?
Table 10: Are you willing to spread your belief?
The The Others
The Catholics The Protestant
Catholics Protestant
Very much 108 55
Usually 36 37
(58%) (81%)
(20%) (56%)
May or may 74 13
Sometimes 117 23
not (40%) (19%)
(64%) (34%)
No 3 -
Rarely 29 7 3
(16%) (10%)
From the subjective intention, 81% of the Protestant
This question aims to investigate the enthusiasm of
Christians which constitutes to 55 students are willing to spread
participating in religious activities. From the table, most of the
their religion very much, the ratio is greater than 58% of the
Catholics only participate in religious activities sometimes,
Catholics which constitutes to 108 students, and nearly half of
accounting for 64% which constitutes to 117 students. With the
the Catholics which constitutes to 74 students take a vague
Protestant Christians, students attend religious activities in the
attitude of spreading belief.
majority – 56% which constitutes to 37 students. From the point
of actual religious experience, the Protestant Christians line
3. The participation of the religious activities of college
power is higher than the Catholics.
4. The attitude of the diverse religion of college students.
4.1 The attitude of the religion different from own
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017 138
ISSN 2250-3153

Table 13: Will you join different religious activities? Hinduism 2

Scientology 1
The The Others
Catholics Protestant The Orthodox Eastern 1
Christians Church
Yes 66 30 Confucianism 1
Japanese Shinto 1
No 41 24 3
Not sure 58 14 Atheism 1

It can be seen from the table, whether Catholics, 60 From the above three tables, it can be seen that both the
students, or Protestant Christians, 30 students, will choose to Catholics and the Protestant Christians, most students which are
participate in other religious activities. It is a big premise that the 140 students and 48 students still admit other religions, and there
Catholics and the Protestant Christians both practice exclusivity are 113 students and 40 students who think that the coexistence
from joining religious activities. From the feedback, the students of various religions in a country is conducive to society
do not subjectively feel obvious sense of constraints with and development. Secondly, about less than half of total number of
restrictions of religion. students which constitutes to 74 are interested to touch other
religions. In proportion, the Protestant Christian denomination
Table 14.1: How do you think of the coexistence of many becomes the most popular religion, which constitutes to 102
different religions in a country? students. It is more than triple the number of the Catholic
Church. The main reason why they choose is that they think that
The The Others the Protestant Christian faith is more strong and pure. The third is
Catholics Protestants the Buddhism, which has 20 student respondents. They think
Christians Buddhism spirit has strong universality and can meet the needs
Should be mono- 24 18 1 of people's lives in the current time.
4.2 The attitude of the development of Catholicism in
Harmful to social 29 5 1
new time
Beneficial to 113 40 3
Table 15: Do you think you change your religion?
The The Others
Catholics Protestant
Table 14.2: How do you think of the religion different from
Yes 9 3
The The Others No 140 60 4
Catholics protestant Not sure 31 6
Admit its 140 48 3 From the point of students' subjective view, both the
existence Catholics and the Protestant Christians, the vast majority of
It should not 4 4 students which constitutes to 140 students and 60 students,
exist respectively, do not think of changing their existing religious
Interested in 35 13 1 belief. Evidently, religion has stability, permanent and
internalized influences on the part of the believers, hence,
Table 14.3: Which religion you may have more interest to students have a firm faith for their beliefs.
Table 16.1: Has Philippines been influenced by globalization?
Protestant Christian 102
denominations Yes 196
The Roman Catholic 33
Church Less 51
Buddhism 20 None 6
Islam 8
All of the religions 4
Taoism 2
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017 139
ISSN 2250-3153

Table 16.2: How do you think of the future of Catholicism? Atheism

The contradiction
The The Others between the church 3 3
Catholics Protestant and the government
Optimistically 140 35 2 According to the characteristics of most Catholic people
developing in the Philippines, the researcher designed the problem to
Suffering 16 12 investigate the opinion of college students about the development
attacks of Catholicism in the Philippines. Comprehensively, most
Declining 19 24 2 students whose number accounts to 196 think that the Philippines
gradually has been influenced by globalization. Even there are differences
in religious beliefs, most of the Catholics, 140 students, and the
Protestant Christians, 35 students, believe that the development
Table 16.3: Do you think Catholicism need innovation? of Catholicism in the Philippines is positive, but there are 98
Catholic students and 37 Protestant Christian students who
The The Others generally believe that the Catholic Church needs to be reformed.
Catholics Protestant However, there are also a significant number of students who
Christians believe that Catholicism is declining, and the ratio of the choice
Yes 98 37 4 of the Protestant Christians, 24 students significantly, is higher
No 33 7 1 than the Catholics which constitutes to 19 students.
From the answer of students in objective questions, they
Not sure 40 23 think that the biggest 3 problems of the Catholics which all
constitutes to 28 students is that its doctrine has deviated from
Table 16.4: What is the insufficiency of Catholicism you the original meaning of the Bible and do not abide by the
think? classical spirit of Christ. For the Catholics, their inner beliefs are
becoming weakened, have lack of internal unity and mutual
The assistance, and are unsatisfactory both in spirit and operation.
Protestant total Moreover, there is a disadvantage of a loose management,
Christians internal corruption and influence reduction in church. Many
Deviated from the students point out that in religious meetings, the church is always
original meaning of 23 5 28 autocratic, does not consider the views and demands of believers,
the Bible pushes the believers to accept the claim by rigid thinking, and
Weakening religious causes the believers to have psychological disgust.
23 5 28
faith inside
The lack of religious
22 6 28
The decline of gospel A. Bits and Pieces together
19 3 22
spread business 1.1 The Catholic is still in the dominant faith
The closed and From the survey, most of the college students are
exclusive character of 18 4 22 Catholics, and do not think of changing their religion. In the
the Catholics historical aspect, the Spanish religion, politics, language policy
The decline of the of rule has carried on the three hundred years of preaching to the
17 17
church activity Philippines. During the time of new air route, the Spanish royal
The absolutism of the family has a big enthusiasm on the spread of religion, the
doctrine of 16 1 17 imperial power, the church, the priest, the absence of effort on
Catholicism religious rule and the spread the Gospel, which laid a solid
The corruption of the foundation to the Catholic development in the Philippines. In the
13 5 18
Catholic church practical aspect, the spread of Catholicism is mainly by
The lack of generation to generation, the family blood is the main link of
communication 10 2 12 religious belief. This kind of form is stable. Also, Catholicism
between Catholics belongs to western religions, it is easier to understand and accept
The reduce of the western ideas and system from the Catholic Church. The
8 8
congregations support political and economic system in the Philippines as well is based
Also worship for God on the pattern of the west. The religion aims to give thought to
and the virgin Mary 5 4 9 the political and economic system; the political and economic
besides Jesus system is to give the support to religion. In the psychological
The shock from aspect, the reason of most of the Catholic students who believe in
5 5
Rationalism and religion is the worship for God, and adore for the Catholicism.
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017 140
ISSN 2250-3153

Visibly, the believers absolutely get the demand and satisfaction number of students choosing to touch the Protestant Christianity
from Catholicism. is the most, almost twice of the number of the Catholics. Above
Under the action of these three aspects, both in reality and all, we can tell the great influence of the Protestant Christianity.
subjectivity of the Philippine Catholicism, all have steady
foundation and the power of continuation. So, until today, the
Philippines is still the biggest Catholic country in Southeast Asia. IV. GET PEER REVIEWED
1.2 An open attitude to religion of college students
As can be seen from the survey, the majority of students V. IMPROVEMENT AS PEER REVIEWER
does not reject other religions, are interested to touch and admit COMMENTS
the existence of other religions, and are open to take part in other
religious activities. Based on the gathered data, college students VI. CONCLUSION
respect the existence of personal freedom to believe in religion.
Some believes in Catholicism, some commits themselves to
The prospect of religious belief of Filipino college students
being Protestant Christian, and quite a number of students
believe in 2 or more religions. Students choose their own religion
1. The Philippines’ Catholics has been suffering
in acquired environment. But in either case, they generally
challenges in the new period
believe that the coexistence of various religions is conducive to
Just like the independent Catholics of the Philippines,
the development of the society. Furthermore, with the progress of
national revolution and the campaign against the church in the
social system and technological civilization, especially after
later, it is the need of era and people to reflect the local religion.
World War Ⅱ, there was the rise of the idea of global atheism Since 20th century, with the influence of globalization,
for a period of time, leading more and more Filipino college information are becoming more and more profound. On October
students began to admit the atheism of religion. 11, 1962, it is a Catholic modern revolution that the second
The reason is that the Philippines have been influenced by Vatican council meeting has made greatly revised about the basic
western liberal ideas, especially American culture and thought. doctrine and practice according to the new period. According to
The United States aided the Philippines after World War Ⅱ. In the survey, the majority of college students think that the
terms of higher education, the United States has offered a chance Philippines has been influenced by globalization, the Philippine
for study, communication, and access. There were Americans Catholicism necessarily will go through the conflict and
who came to the Philippines to teach, in the same way there were adaptation under the new period.
Filipinos who went to the United States to enjoy American In conclusion, the frequency of Catholic college students
education, which lead to the rise of Protestantism in the participating in religious activities is less. To practice religious
Philippines since almost all of the teachers from the U.S. are activities by themselves often and to have less contact with
Protestant Christians. A large number of reserved American religious groups, most of them also think that less influence of
culture and thought has filling the Philippines higher education religion to themselves, leads to little enthusiasm to spread their
community. Because of the age characteristic and economic religion. The most important is, it can be seen that the big
characteristic, college students become the most vulnerable and deficiency of the Catholics from the answer of other students.
the most direct reaction groups of the free and open attitude of There is a declining trend of church management, spread of
religious belief. Gospel, religious beliefs, and a normal phenomenon of the
erosion of the Catholic priests – a large number of priests and
1.3 The Protestant Christianity becomes the majority option of monks give up the career as a result of the reluctance to accept
college students the Catholic tradition, single pledge and obey the pledge, and the
The Philippines is actually an immigrant country, many weakness of unproductive and authoritarian doctrines of the
college students are multinational half-blood, and there are Catholic church, most believers think the Catholics need to
resident population of diversity and complexity. In the 19th reform to more to match the needs of the Filipinos in life and
century, Americans adopted a policy of religious extrusion; it has beliefs.
made a part of the Philippines converted to Protestant Christians. Visibly, the Philippines’ Catholicism is in the period of
After World War Ⅱ, the Philippines entirely depends on the bottlenecks, and it is inevitable that the globalization influences
economic and political assistance of the United States. By social the Catholicism in the Philippines.
system working, the Protestant Christians naturally enter the
Filipino college students' choice of religious belief associated 2. The diverse religious values of Filipino college students
with the culture and thought of the United States. Since the 50s of the 20th century, the whole world of
From the surveys, the Protestant Christians are strong; the mainly western countries has developing fast in economy,
believers have risen to 25% in recent years. The Protestant science and technology, and culture. Some countries have even
Christians are more enthusiastic to spread their religion. They entered the “modernization.” Religious diversity, is a namely
participate in religious activities by joining religious groups religious phenomenon by the modern period. Diversification, is
which is conducive to internal unity and mutual assistance, and decentralization and secularization, no longer abide by a
strengthens the relationship among believers. Protestant sectarian, the religious beliefs has gradually, slowly, long-term to
Christians participate in religious activities more often than the become socialization. There are developments in multiple
Catholics. Protestant Christians also has stronger line power both religions, different sects, and different religious beliefs and
in psychological belief and religious experience. Therefore, the
International Journal of Scientific and Research Publications, Volume 7, Issue 2, February 2017 141
ISSN 2250-3153

behaviors that communicate to each other and keep the balance. To Professor He Zi Zhang in Confucius Institute, a million
(Ma Rong 2011) thanks for giving me a hand in modifying my English grammar
Globalization has weakened regional differences and with the questionnaire format.
ideological differences, diversity provides a variety of channels To the local teacher Miss Josephine Bayonilo who gave
and the possible of religious belief, secular give people the me suggestions where to publish my research paper.
freedom to choose religious belief and practice it. From the To Jeffrey Asuncion and Rick Kevin Lopez, the students
feedback of students, most of the believers still have social in College of Education, warm thanks for helping and guiding
difficulties and family and economic troubles, so the tendency of me to correct my grammar and format issues!
secularization of religion is also in order to meet the needs of During my time in BSU, I made friends with many
people in real life. Most students admit that the rationality of students and teachers as well. I learned the independent ability
other religions, will take part in other religious activities, and are and communication skills. Thanks to my Alma mater Northwest
interested in touch other religions, some students believe in University and I wish it will getting better and better!
multiple religions, that is the religious diversity for real. Finally, I want to acknowledge the warm acceptance and
Huntington described the religious diversity: “this is a hypothesis welcome of Filipino students who gave their time, effort and idea
that exists in the religion, above the ‘real’, therefore the religious in writing my paper. Thanks for the lovely Filipino students!
coexistence is a fundamental basis, to transcend self centralism Thank you!
and superiority, also transcend the compatible.”
College students hold a tolerance attitude for the religious
exclusiveness, regional and antagonistic, whether the Catholics REFERENCES
and the Protestant Christianity or other religions, it can be coexist [1] “Callao Man’ Could Redraw Filipino History,” Discovery News, DNews.
peaceful. The external constraint of the church and family is [2] Л·Л·Tai Fan and Shi Chunmou, “The religious
weakening, instead of the pure belief in the heart of the believers belief of Filipino,” Study of Southeast Asia, 1985.
in definition. As shown in the survey, most of the students [3] “Philippine Statistics Authority,” Philippines in
believe in religion in worshipping God. It can be seen that Figures, 2014.
Filipino college students presents a rational and modern religious [4] “Household Population by Religious Affiliation
diversity values in the new period.
and by Sex,” Philippine Statistical Yearbook, 2015.
[5] Philippine Independent Catholic Church. Independent of the Roman
Catholic church in the Philippines, was founded by SaWeiLuo De los Reyes
during the Philippine national revolution in 1902, also known as Gayle, the
ACKNOWLEDGMENT new church regards the national hero as a saint.
[6] Rodney Stark and Roger Finke, “Acts of Faith: Explaining the Human Side
This paper becomes possible with the help of the of Religion,” In proc. Renmin University of China press, 2003, pp. 342-344.
following people who shared their time and effort. In line with [7] Ma Rong, “Thought on the phenomenon of Religious diversity,” Journal of
these, I would like to extend my gratitude and sincerest thanks to Chifeng University (Science & Education), 2011.
all the people behind the success of this paper. [8] Samuel P·Huntington, “The Clash of Civilizations And The Remarking of
Special thanks to director Wei Shui Li in Confucius World Order,” In proc. Xinhua Publishing House, 1999, pp.44-50.
Institute for helping me to modify the English grammar problems
and discussed the specific implementation of the questionnaire.
He is very supportive in my research study. AUTHORS
Thanks Doctor Cecilia Geronimo, the vice-president in
First Author – Cui Ye, Confucius Institute, Bulacan State
BSU, for helping me to review the content of the questionnaire University, Guinhawa, City of Malolos, Bulacan
and allowing me to make a survey to students.

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