International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management

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ISSN: 2456-9348

Vol (01) _Issue (05) Impact Factor: 4.520

International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management


Nasir Khan *1
Department of Mechanical Engineering, Amity University Madhya Pradesh, Gwalior ,MP
[email protected]

To compete effectively in the global marketplace of the twenty-first century, manufacturing companies are
trying to maintain a high level of flexibility and responsiveness to achieve agility and to remain competitive.
Manufacturers are under tremendous pressure to improve productivity and quality while reducing costs. The
new competition is in terms of reduced cost, improved quality products with higher performance, a wider range
of products and better services all delivered simultaneously to enhance value to customers. In such environment
providing good quality product at low cost for a medium scale industry has become very tough. To provide good
quality product at low cost, small industries need a formulation of some manufacturing approaches like agile
manufacturing to manufacture defect free products within their materials cost limit. Medium scale steel
manufacturing industries like Magnum steel limited (MSL), banmore are facing problems of higher rejections in
form of wastes so as to increase their cost. This paper aims to analyze the application of agile manufacturing in
magnum steel limited in order to reduce wastages through implementing lean tools and techniques. An agility
audit questionnaire is used for assessing the agility level of the company to identify the current level of
performance within the company with respect to the key elements of agility. MSL‟s agile experience is reported
including a list of recommendation for improving its competitiveness to offer solution alternatives not only to
the current problems but also to the ones that may be encountered in the future.

Keywords: Agile Manufacturing, Lean technology, medium scale industry, audit questionnaire, cellular

In the past, economies of scale ruled the manufacturing world and everybody knew that mass production and
full utilization of plant capacity was the way to make money. This style of manufacturing resulted in inflexible
plants that could not be easily reconfigured, and were associated with swollen raw materials, work-in-process
and finished goods inventories. Since the early 1980s, in pursuit of greater flexibility, elimination of excess in
inventory, shortened lead-times, and advanced levels of quality in both products and customer service, industry
analysts have popularized the terms `world-class manufacturing‟ and lean production‟ .
The aim is to generate a framework that will reduce wastes and subsequently increase the flexibility in
production. Customer Demand Uncertainty including lean and agile paradigms has been widely investigated so
far and there are available research studies regarding this area.
Gunasekaran (2002) [1] presents a case study conducted on agile manufacturing in the GEC Marconi
Aerospace (GECMAe) company. The study provides the reader with an insight into the company and its agility
level. An agility audit questionnaire is used for assessing the agility level of the company.
Nitin Upadhye, S. G. Deshmukh and Suresh Garg (2010) [2] discusses the issues of MSMEs and
presents a case to demonstrate the improvements achieved in an Indian mid size auto component‟s
manufacturing unit after the implementation of LMS.
Fawaz Abdullah (2003) [3] addresses the application of lean manufacturing concepts to the continous
production/ process sector with a focus on steel industry
Debra A. Elkins, Ningjian Huang and Jeffrey M. Alden (2004) [6] discuss two simple decision models
that provide initial insights and industry perspective into the business case for investment in agile manufacturing
systems. The models are applied to
study the hypothetical decision of whether to invest in a dedicated, agile, or flexible manufacturing system for
engine and transmission parts machining.

IJETRM ( [1]

ISSN: 2456-9348
Vol (01) _Issue (05) Impact Factor: 4.520

International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management

Kalpakjian and Schimd (2003) [14] define the agile manufacturing and suggests it need and importance
in global context.
Mahesh Pophaley and Ram Krishna Vyas (2010) present a classification, review and analysis of the
literature on Plant Maintenance Management Practices (PMMP) employed in Automobile Industries.

Once companies pinpoint the major sources of waste, tools such as continuous improvement, autonomous
maintenance, just in time, fishbone diagram and others will guide companies through corrective actions so as to
eliminate waste. Continuous Improvement is another fundamental principle of lean manufacturing. One of the
effective tools for continuous improvement is 5S, which is the basis for an effective lean company. Japanese
name of Autonomous maintenance is JISHU HOZEN. This pillar is geared towards developing operators to be
able to take care of small maintenance tasks, thus freeing up the skilled maintenance people to spend time on
more value added activity and technical repairs. Cellular manufacturing is one of the cornerstones when one
wants to become lean. The Fishbone Diagram is an easy to use and effective cause and effect technique
developed by Kauoru Ishikawa (1982).
This research work is carried out in Magnum steel limited (MSL) located at banmore industrial area near
Gwalior. The purpose is to perform an agility audit on the company using the questionnaire to identify the
current level of performance. So first of all lean philosophy is implemented in MSL in order to minimize the
wastages. As seen in industry, during production the maximum rejection occurs near about 14 % per month of
total production in these rolling mills. The data has been analyzed for year 2013 so as to find out the areas of
rejection. After analyzing the data, there are 10 areas are identified which contributes the maximum rejections
during the whole processes.

S.N Process Defects % Rejection

1 Raw Material Plastic, Claw etc 1.17

2 Casting Penal, Crack, Slag etc 1.28

3 Welding Piping, Clay, Slag, Balancing 1.76

4 Furnace Max Temp, Thermal Insulation etc 1.27

5 Peeling Popper, Overheating 1.26

6 Roller Gapping, Bearing Failure 2.93

7 Conveyor Jamming, Bearing Failure, Bending 5.71

8 Pushing Mishandling 1.79

9 Cutting Over cutting, Cracking 2.02

10 Inspection Gauge, Eye 0.80

Table 1: process wise rejection of leave spring in 2013

IJETRM ( [1]

ISSN: 2456-9348
Vol (01) _Issue (05) Impact Factor: 4.520

International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management

Change Team is formed within the plant. Change teams includes mill in charge, supervisors and maintenance
personnel. First of all, fishbone diagrams are drawn for each areas of rejection which are shown below:


UN trained rough surface

. Failure to follow procedures bending


Procedure not specific sudden power failure

Machine breakdown
Setup not effective
Limited maintenance Jamming

Figure 1: Fish bone diagram for conveyor rejection

Data collected for the past three months. The operation is based on one shift per day. Every shift is for eight
hours. The planned down time is 10 minutes per hour during shift for cooling and tiding up the work area. The
collected data is shown in given tables:
S. No Name of the process % Rejection in various months
Oct 13 Nov 13 Dec 13
1 Raw material 5.90 5.85 5.86
2 Casting 6.48 6.37 6.44
3 Welding 8.84 8.78 8.90
4 Furnace 6.38 6.44 6.34
5 Peeling 6.26 6.34 6.31
6 Roller 14.60 14.65 14.57
7 Conveyor 28.50 28.61 28.55
8 Pushing 8.96 8.88 8.99
9 Cutting 10.10 10.16 10.15
10 Inspection 3.97 3.91 3.88
Table 2: % Rejection in various processes from Oct 13 to Dec 13

The focus is on individual areas of rejections, finding causes and suggests solutions and implements lean
techniques in order to minimize wastages. After applying the adopted methodologies, providing the necessary
training to the workers, supervise them and strictly follow the work instructions, the defects are reduced

IJETRM ( [1]

ISSN: 2456-9348
Vol (01) _Issue (05) Impact Factor: 4.520

International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management


So after implementing lean tools and techniques on selected rolling mill (16”/10”), there is a reduction in
rejected pieces from 13.94 % to 11.26 % in the month of January and February 2014. This results in saving of
Rs. 891000 (per piece cost Rs 2700 at that time) due to reduction of defects in February month (368 more
pieces were produced in February 2014).
The detailed result is shown in tabulated form.
S. No Leave spring Before Lean After Lean

1 Month Oct 13 Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14

2 Total production 12245 11990 12176 12183 12211

3 Total defected pieces 1707 1677 1694 1440 1364

4 % of total Production 13.94 13.99 13.91 11.82 11.26

Table 3: Total production and % of defects after Lean from Jan 14 to Feb 14
S. No Leave spring Before Lean After Lean

1 Month Oct 13 Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14

2 No of rejected pieces 1707 1677 1694 1440 1364

3 Amount in rupees 4608900 4527900 4573800 3888000 3682800

4 Reduction in defects 254 368

5 Saving in terms of Rupees ( × Rs 2700 ) 685800 891000

Table 4: Total rejection in pieces and rupees after Lean from Jan 14 to Feb 14
S. No Type of Rejection Before Lean After Lean

Oct 13 Nov 13 Dec 13 Jan 14 Feb 14

1 Raw material Rejection 1.18 1.17 1.18 1.13 1.09

2 Process Rejection 18.82 18.83 18.82 15.88 15.00

3 Total Rejection 20 20 20 17.01 16.09

IJETRM ( [1]

ISSN: 2456-9348
Vol (01) _Issue (05) Impact Factor: 4.520

International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management

Table 5: Comparison chart for type of rejection (in %) before and after Lean


13.96 13.99 13.91

15 11.82 11.26
OCT' 13
10 NOV' 13
DEC' 13
JAN' 14
0 FEB' 14
OCT' 13 NOV' 13 DEC' 13 JAN' 14 FEB' 14

Figure 2: % of defects in various months

S. Process Types of Reason of Rejection Suggestion
No Defects
1 Row Plastic, Claw. Row Material is not as per Proper checked to be carried
Material etc order and specification. out before using the raw

2 Casting Penal, crack, slag Crack penal cannot be used Proper material to be used for
because of improper casting and correct heat
casting treatment to be given

3 Welding Piping, Clay, Due to improper welding As per the material correct type
Slag, minor because of unskilled of welding is to done
Crack technicians.

4 Pushing Bend, Bearing Material failure and Proper and specified material
failure, Patches, improper handling of work for a particular work to be used
Gear box failure causes the defects.

5 Furnace Temperature Improper temperature and Correct temp .and specified

maximum, incorrect insulation insulation to be incorporated
Insulation, Low

6 Peeling Popper Incorrect heat treatment Specificities temp. is to be

causes the defect. maintained.

7 Roller Gapping, Improper machining causes Rollers to be checked for

Bearing failure, gapping and bearing correctness of positioning.

IJETRM ( [1]

ISSN: 2456-9348
Vol (01) _Issue (05) Impact Factor: 4.520

International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management

8 Cutting Blades Imperfect handling of Machine to be checked for

deflection, Belt machine. proper maintenance
loosing, Gear
breaker stop,
Wheel Cracks,
Flat guide failure

9 Conveyor Jamming, Overloading and improper To be cheeked for maintained

Bearing failure, maintenance of bearing spiffed to be correct heat
Bending, Cracks causes its failure. While treatment
in conveyor roller fails due to sudden
rollers loading and rough surface
of the object to be loaded.

10 Inspection Gauge Inspection instrument Calibration of instrument

,Quenching should be maintained should be done regularly.
timely. Quenching should
be properly done.

Table 6: Defects, reason and suggestions for defects in various processes


After approaching towards lean mindset, the current level of agility is to be investigated with the help of a
standard audit questionnaire administered within the company studied, Magnum steel limited (MSL) with
respect to the five key elements of agility are Enriching the customer, Co-operating to enhance competitiveness,
Mastering change and uncertainty, Leveraging people and information and Manufacturing advancement and
Safety aspect.
Results for enriching the customer (MSL) (maximum possible score=12; current performance for enriching the
customer=6/12=50% agility index; suggested performance for enriching the customer=11/12=91% agility
Results for co-operating to enhance competitiveness (MSL) (maximum possible score=9; current performance
for enhancing competitiveness=4/9=44% agility index; suggested performance for enhancing
competitiveness=9/9=100% agility index)
Results for mastering change and uncertainty (MSL) (maximum possible score=8; current performance for
mastering change and uncertainty=2/8=25% agility index; suggested performance for mastering change and
uncertainty=(7,1/2)/8=94% agility index)
Results for leveraging people and information (MSL) (maximum possible score=14; current performance for
leveraging people and information =4/14=28.5% agility index; suggested performance for mastering change
and uncertainty=13/14=93% agility index)
Results for manufacturing advancement and Safety aspects (MSL) (maximum possible score=12; current
performance for leveraging people and information=(4,1/4)/12=35% agility index; suggested performance for
mastering change and uncertainty=12/12=100% agility index)

After analyzing the questionnaire, the some recommendations made for improving the agility level of the
company. One of the most important suggestion is to apply a cellular manufacturing approach to shop floor for
established products to reduces wastages, throughput time and hence unit cost. Consequently, cellular
manufacturing would go a long way towards improving the turn/around delivery times as well. A short attempt
is made to suggest the layout which is shown in given figure.

IJETRM ( [1]

ISSN: 2456-9348
Vol (01) _Issue (05) Impact Factor: 4.520

International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management

Figure 3: Proposed layout

The data collected from the questionnaire have led to the conclusion that cost is a key parameter for both
production (the company) and more importantly, the customer. As cost is the primary issue, one should be in the
mode of „thinking lean‟. To reduce costs, along with cellular manufacturing, adoption of other valuable concepts
and technologies should also be considered. The market for Magnum steel limited (MSL) is by no means as
turbulent, e.g. the mobile phone industry where there is a definite requirement to be agile and to remain so. This
is not to say that agility is only applicable to new products and the leanness should be purely applied to older
products. Quite the opposite, various enablers of agile manufacturing such as Lean manufacturing, Maintenance
management, Supply chain management, Integrated production, Information systems and concurrent
engineering are quite useful to employ in a company like MSL.Changes are being made in light of overall
business perspective and market, not necessarily to become more agile, but simply because it make sense to
We have made a number of recommendations to MSL with the objective of improving its overall business
competitiveness. Not all of them, however, need to be incorporated, or be implemented at the same time. Some
of the recommendation have been reviewed at MSL, bearing in mind the future opportunities and threats to the

IJETRM ( [1]

ISSN: 2456-9348
Vol (01) _Issue (05) Impact Factor: 4.520

International Journal of Engineering Technology Research & Management

[1] A.Gunasekaran (2002). “An investigation into the application of agile manufacturing in an aerospace
company” Technovation 22 (2002) 405–415.
[2] Nitin Upadhye, S. G. Deshmukh and Suresh Garg (2010). “Lean manufacturing system for medium
size manufacturing enterprises: an Indian case” International Journal of Management Science and
Engineering Management 5(5): 362-375, 2010.
[3] Awaz Abdullah (2003). “Lean manufacturing tools and techniques in a process industry with a focus
on steel” University of Pittsburgh, 2003.
[4] Debra A. Elkins, Ningjian Huang and Jeffrey M. Alden (2004). “Agile manufacturing systems in the
automotive industry” International Journal of Production Economics 91 (2004) 201–214.
[5] Kalpakjian and Schimd (2003). “Manufacturing processes for engineering materials” Prentice Hall,
4th edition, 2003.
[6] Mahesh Pophaley and Ram Krishna Vyas (2010). “Plant maintenance management practices in
automobile industries: A retrospective and literature review” Journal of Industrial Engineering and
Management, 3(3), 512-541, 2010.

IJETRM ( [1]

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