UBA Quick Reference

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JCM Products

Quick Reference Guide

UBA® Units
NOTE: Due to advancements in related
industry technologies and future product
development, the information in this guide
is subject to change without notice.
For more information product set-up, use, testing procedures and
troubleshooting methods, please contact the Technical Support
Division of Customer Service via the email addresses listed below:

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© 2018 JCM Global Corporation

Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7
UBA® Units
Table 1 UBA Troubleshooting Descriptions

Description Probable Cause Possible Solutions

Verify that the +12 Volt power
No external power and Ground cables are
properly connected.

Corrupted Software Download the current Software

Bill Acceptor is Test and/or replace the CPU
Not Working CPU Circuit Board Failure
Circuit Board.
ICB Sensor Circuit Board is Remove and reinsert the ICB
not inserted into the CPU
Circuit Board Sensor Circuit Board.

The EPROM is inserted Remove the EPROM and

backwards (UBA-11) reinsert it again correctly.
Clean the Drive Belts and
Drive Belts are dirty
Pressure Rollers.
Apply finger pressure to check
A Pressure Roller Spring is all Pressure Roller Springs for
proper tension.
missing or loose
Replace a missing Pressure
Roller Spring,

Frequent Bill Foreign material is in the

Acceptor’s Banknote path Clean the Banknote path,
or in the Cash Box
Re-seat the Acceptor Unit.
The Acceptor is not seated Ensure that the Release Lever
properly in the Frame Latches securely lock into the
The Banknote is wider than Use only Banknotes of the
85 mm or narrower than 62 correct Specification size for
mm use with a UBA.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 2 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Table 1 UBA Troubleshooting Descriptions (Continued)

Description Probable Cause Possible Solutions

Dirt and/or stains on the Clean the Banknote path in the
Rollers, Belts and Lenses Acceptor.
The UBA Unit was Run the Calibration Procedure.
disassembled and Refer to the latest revision of
reassembled, but not the UBA Series Operation and
calibrated following Maintenance Manual (Part No.
Low Acceptance reassembly 960-000097R).
Check Software Information on
The wrong Software or an
old version of Software is www.jcmglobal.com for the
being used in the Unit current version of Software
and download it into the Unit.
Sensor Lenses are loose or Replace or reinstall Sensor
missing lenses.
Download the correct Software
Incorrect Software for the Currency Type being
Ensure that the Banknote
Banknotes are not being denominations are included in
accepted by the Software the Software Specifications
being used.
Enable all denominations
Incorrect DIP Switch
settings disabled by DIP Switch
All Bills are being settings.
Rejected Banknote acceptance is
being inhibited by the Host Enable all acceptance modes
at the Host Controller.
Change the Upper/Lower
Upper/Lower Sensor
Sensor Circuit Board with a
Circuit Board failure
known good Board.
The Unit was disassembled
and reassembled, but was Re-calibrate ALL UBA
not calibrated after Sensors.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 3 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Table 1 UBA Troubleshooting Descriptions (Continued)

Description Probable Cause Possible Solutions

Turn the power OFF, then ON
again. This action should reset
the Acceptor and cause the
centering mechanism to return
Upper Guide
Centering guides are not at to its Home position.
cannot be their Home position
opened If power cannot be applied,
use a 2.5 mm Hex Nut Driver
to manually move the
centering mechanism to the
open position.
Upper Guide is open Firmly close the Upper Guide.
Open the Upper Guide and
A foreign object or a
jammed Banknote is stuck remove the foreign object or
Motor continues in the transport path jammed Banknote. Close and
re-latch the Upper Guide.
to run
Run the Forward/Reverse
Motor Rotation Test. If the test
Motor Drive Failure
fails, replace the Motor and/or
CPU Circuit Board.
Incorrect DIP Switch Set DIP Switch No. 8 to ON,
settings and reapply power to the UBA.
Run test No. 9 - “DIP Switch
Cannot enter the DIP Switch Failure Test” If the test fails, replace
Test mode the CPU Circuit Board.
Exchange the CPU Circuit
CPU Circuit Board Failure Board with a known good

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 4 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Table 2 UBA Diagnostic Tests

Test Test Name Function Where Used

Transfer Motor
Runs the Motor in a When errors indicate a
1 Forward/
Reverse Test forward/reverse direction Motor problem

Stacker Tests the operation of the When a stacking error is

2 Mechanism Test Stacker indicated

3 Running Test Repeatedly cycles the When the Unit has

entire Unit intermittent errors

4 Anti-Pullback Tests the operation of the When Anti-Pullback errors

Mechanism Test Anti-Pullback Mechanism occur
Centering Tests the Centering When Centering
Mechanism Test Mechanism Mechanism errors occur

6 Solenoid Test Tests the Solenoid and When errors indicate a

Sensor Solenoid problem exists
General Sensor Tests Various Acceptor When indicators report a
Test Sensors Sensor error
Performs a Banknote Starting point for
8 Acceptance Test acceptance with or without troubleshooting the
a Cash Box installed Acceptor
When Switch settings do
9* DIP Switch Test Tests DIP Switch Block not yield their programmed
function correctly
* See Table 5 for further Test Switch settings.

How to Initiate the Standard Tests

Perform the following steps to initiate the Standard Tests:
1. Set DIP Switch #8 to the ON position, and set all remaining
switches to the OFF position.
2. Attach the Power Connector. This action puts the Unit into
Test Mode, as indicated by the lit RED & GREEN LEDs.
3. Select a Test Mode from the Table 3 List and set the DIP
Switches accordingly. (Refer to Table 3 on Page 6).

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 5 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
4. Move DIP Switch #8 to the OFF position. This action
activates the selected Test Mode.
5. Move DIP Switch #8 to the ON position to end the test.
Table 3 Standard Test Initiation

DIP Switch
Test an “X” = Switch ON
No. Test Name
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Transport Motor - Forward
Test X
Transport Motor - Reverse
Test X
2 Stacker Mechanism Test X
3 Running Test X
Anti-Pullback Mechanism
Test X
5 Centering Mechanism Test X X
6 Solenoid Test X X
7 General Sensor Test* X
Banknote Acceptance Test
without a Cash Box X X X
Banknote Acceptance Test
with a Cash Box X X X X

9 DIP Switch Test † X X X X X X X

* See Table 4 for further Test Switch settings.
† See Table 5 for further Test Switch settings.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 6 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Table 4 Head Sensor Sub-Test DIP Switch Settings

DIP Switch*
Test LED an “X” = Switch ON
Sensor Name Color
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8
Entrance Sensor Green
Centering Timing Sensor Red
Anti-Pullback Timing Sensor Green
Exit Sensor Red
Anti-Pullback Home Sensor Green
Centering Home Sensor Red
Transport Encoder Sensor Green
Stacker Encoder Sensor Red
Stacker Home Sensor Green
Cash Box Sensor Red
* During these tests, Dip Switch No. 7 can stay ON as each Sensor Test is selected.

Table 5 DIP Switch Test DIP Switch Settings

DIP Switch LED Status

Step an “X” = Switch ON
1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 Green Red

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 7 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Malfunction Error Codes
Table 6 Initialization Error Code Table

LED Status
Error Cause and Solution
Red Green
Flashes Steady
1 ON Boot ROM Error
Corrupted External
2 ON ROM / No Program in
External Flash ROM Change CPU Circuit Board.
3 ON Internal RAM Error
4 ON External RAM Error
5 OFF No Calibration Error Calibrate the Unit.

Table 7 ICB Initialization Errors

LED Status
Error Cause and Solution
Red Green
Flashes Steady
3 Flashes OFF ICB Disabled ICB is Disabled/Cash Box is Active.

11 Flashes OFF ICB Module Intelligent Cash Box (ICB)

Failure Type 2 Communications Error.

ICB Module Intelligent Cash Box (ICB) Check

12 Flashes OFF Failure Type 7 Sum Error. Memory partially

ICB Module Intelligent Cash Box (ICB) Installed

13 Flashes OFF Failure Type 8 containing data from another
Machine (i.e., data not cleared).

ICB Module Intelligent Cash Box (ICB) not

14 Flashes OFF
Failure Type 9 initiated.
Memory was not properly

ICB Module Intelligent Cash Box (ICB) Module

15 Flashes OFF
Failure Type AF Error.
No ICB Module detected
present on Validator.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 8 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Reject Error Codes
Table 8 Reject Error Codes

LED Status

Green Error Cause and Solution

OFF 1 Slant Insertion Re-insert Banknote.
Magnetic Sensor Check for dirt on Magnetic
Pattern Error Head and Rollers.

OFF Paper Detected in

3 Clean - Check for debris.
Acceptor at Standby
OFF 4 Sensor Adjustment Clean all Sensors.

Banknote Feed Error 1 Check

OFF and clean all Belts
and Rollers.
Banknote Identification
Clean Sensor Lens.

OFF 7 Barcode Error Clean Barcode Sensor /

Upper Sensor Board Error.

OFF 8 Double Banknotes Clean Sensor Lens - Check for

Detected double Banknotes.
Check DIP Switch Settings
OFF 9 Inhibited Banknote
and/or Game settings.

OFF Banknote inhibited by Host

10 Return Banknote
OFF 11 Reserved N/A

OFF Banknote detection Check all Banknote path

Error Sensors.

Banknote Length Error Check

and clean all Belts and
OFF 13
Check for dirty/clouded
OFF 14 Photo Pattern Error Lenses; Upper/Lower Sensor
Circuit Board failure.
UV Optical Sensor Check and clean the UV
OFF 15
Error Sensor and White Block.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 9 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Ticketing Error Codes
Table 9 Ticket Error Codes

LED Status

Green Error Cause and Solution

Barcode Function Not
OFF 1 Ticket Acceptance is Disabled
OFF 2 Format Unknown Incorrect Barcode Format
OFF 3 Character Length Improper Character Length
OFF 4 Start Character Could not find Start Character
OFF 5 Stop Character Could not find Stop Character
OFF 6 Barcode Type Error Barcode Format Error
OFF 7 Reserved N/A
OFF 8 Ticket Transparency Double Ticket Detected
OFF 9 By DIP Switch Check DIP Switch #1
OFF 10 Photo Level Barcode too light
OFF 11 Upside-down Ticket Index Mark on the wrong side
OFF 12 Reserved N/A

OFF Ticket length is too long or too

13 Ticket Length
OFF 14 Reserved N/A
OFF 15 Reserved N/A

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 10 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
UBA Error Codes
Table 10 UBA Error Codes

LED Status

Red Condition Possible Causes

(Flashes) LED
1 OFF Cash Box Full Full Cash Box/Stacker Encoder
Stacker Pusher
2 OFF Stacker Motor, Stacker Assy
3 OFF Transport Jam Exit Sensor/Jam at Exit Sensor
Stacker Encoder/Jam Jam in Acceptor/Stacker
in Acceptor Encoder
5 OFF Transport Motor Speed Transport Motor Encoder
6 OFF Transport Motor Fault Motor/CPU Board

7 OFF Sensor Upper/Lower Sensor Board

8 OFF Communications Error Upper Sensor or CPU Board

9 OFF Anti-Pull Back Jam at Pull Back
Reseat Cash Box/Cash Box
10 OFF Cash Box not seated
11 OFF ICB Module ICB Module/CPU Board
Sensor Detect Wrong
12 OFF Debris/Cheat attempt
Centering Mechanism
13 OFF Solenoid/Upper Sensor Board
Jam in Centering Assy/
14 OFF Centering Mechanism
Centering Sensor
15 OFF Reserved N/A

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 11 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
To maintain the UBA Unit properly, JCM recommends a Preventive
Maintenance procedure at approximately 70,000 acceptance cycles.
Observe the following precautions and correct these conditions as
• Replace Belts if they become frayed, slick and/or worn.
• Keep the Bill Path, Rollers and Belts clean.
The Sensor lenses are transparent and made of a Polymer material.
Handle them carefully! To clean the Sensor lenses, use a clean,
dry, lint-free, Micro-fiber Cloth. If necessary, a mild, non-abrasive
detergent mixed with water can be used to clean the Sensors. Wipe
off any excess moisture from the UBA Unit’s surfaces.
WARNING: Do NOT use Alcohol, paint thinner,
solvents or citrus based cleaning solutions to
clean ANY surfaces!

IMPORTANT NOTE: After wiping Lenses, inspect them

to ensure that they have not been moved out of
position, and are flush with the transportation path.
The JCM UBA Cleaning Card can be used to clean the UBA
Sensors and Bill Path.

Cash Box Preventive Maintenance (P/M)

Conduct the following Preventive Maintenance checks as part of a
regular product maintenance routine:
• Perform periodic preventive maintenance on the Cash Boxes to
ensure proper operation.
• Use a pressurized can of Compressed Air or an Air Compressor jet
to blow out paper fibers and other debris that may have built up
over time.
• Clean the Stacker Feed Rollers (“O” Rings) with a clean, lint-free,
Micro-fiber cloth containing a mild soap/water solution.
• Check the Belts and all moving parts for wear and proper
positioning. If this assembly does not operate properly, it can
cause Banknote jams.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 12 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Sensor Calibration
Calibration sets a starting reference point for all Optical Sensors
within the UBA Unit. The calibration procedure should be completed
after any repair, replacing Sensors, CPU Board or any disassembly of
the UBA Unit. To calibrate the UBA Unit, proceed as follows:
1. Using a Male A to Male B USB cable, connect the UBA Unit to a
PC with the JCM Tool Suite™ Software Application installed.
2. Ensure all DIP Switches are switched OFF.
3. Apply Power to the UBA Unit.
4. Launch the JCM Tool Suite Application.
5. From the Service Mode drop-down menu, click on Sensor
6. Click on Start to begin calibration, then follow the screen
NOTE: If a UBA 14/24 Unit is being calibrated, a
popup window will be displayed. Select the correct
option for the Unit being calibrated.
Refer to the “UBA Series Operation and Maintenance
Manual” (JCM Part No. 960-000097R) for detailed
Calibration Error Code descriptions and causes are listed in Table 11
below and on page 14.
Table 11 Calibration Error Table

Error Message
Code Displayed
Light receiving Adjustment Error.
4-A Gain Error ‘Over 4.3V’ Check dirty or wrong calibration
Sensor Light Quantity Adjustment
4-B Adjustment Error Error. Replace either Upper or Lower
Sensor PCB.
Sensor Light Quantity Adjustment
4-C Black Level Error Error. Ensure Black Reference Paper
is inserted.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 13 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Table 11 Calibration Error Table (Continued)

Error Message
Code Displayed Description/Cause

Light receiving Adjustment Error.

4-E Gain Error Clean Sensors. Replace Upper or
Lower Sensor PCB.
Triggering Sensor Light receiving
Error. Clean the Sensor. Wrong
Front/Back/Pbin/Width calibration paper used during UV
Level Error Sensor adjustment. Replace the Exit
Sensor. UBA must be installed in a
Frame during Calibration.
Light Receiver Circuit Abnormality.
6-B Offset Error Clean Sensors. Replace either the
Upper or Lower Sensor PCB.
Adjustment Error
MAG Magnetic Sensor Adjustment Error.
Adjustment Error Under Replace the Upper Sensor PCB.
Sensor Abnormality. White Reference
Gain Max Limit Over Error Paper not inserted correctly. Ensure
current calibration program is used.
Sensor Abnormality. UBA 1x, Replace
Bar Gain Max Limit Over
Error Upper Sensor PCB. UBA 24 Replace
lower Sensor PCB.
Sensor Abnormality. Clean UV
UV Gain Max Limit Over Sensor and White Reference Block.
Error Ensure UV Reference Paper is
inserted with the label up, covering
NO CODE the White Reference Block.
Light Receiving Level Error. Ensure
A/D Data Level Error White Reference Paper is inserted
completely and correctly.
Triggering Sensor Adjustment Error.
Pbin/Width D/A Error Clean PB In Sensor or Reference
Paper is not inserted correctly.
Motor Speed Error Transport Motor Speed Error.
Adjustment value Writing Error.
EEPROM Write Error
Replace the Processor PCB.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 14 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Stand Alone Test Mode
NOTE: Banknote/Ticket Acceptance Testing can only
be performed with the Acceptor Head installed in a
Frame. Testing can be done either with or without a
Cash Box installed. The following procedure is for
testing without a Cash Box.
Proceed as follows:
1. Power off the UBA Unit.
2. Set DIP Switches #1, #2, #3 and #8 to the ON position.
3. Apply power to the UBA Unit.
4. Turn DIP Switch #8 OFF.
The UBA Unit should cycle briefly. It is now ready to run a
5. Insert a good quality Banknote/Ticket. The Banknote/Ticket
will either be accepted by the UBA Unit, or will be rejected.
If it is rejected:
– Clean ALL of the Sensors.
– Check the condition of the Banknote/Ticket.
6. If the UBA Unit still rejects, there may be a Sensor problem
or an incorrect Software Version installed. Note the Error
Code, and locate it in the “Reject Error Codes” Table on Page
9 of this Guide.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 15 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Using the JCM BlueWaveDX Tool
NOTE: Refer to the "BlueWaveDX Tool Operator
Guide" (JCM Part No. 960-100942R) for detailed
SD Card Setup
1. Insert a standard SD Memory Card (SDHC acceptable) into
the BlueWaveDX Tool.
2. Create a UBA System folder in the SD Card’s root directory.
3. Place up to (20) Firmware files in the UBA System folder.
NOTE: Change the suffix in the Firmware name to
.com (e.g., change UBA Firmware version
u10_23044_id003.usa to u10_23044_id003.com).

WARNING: Do NOT delete or modify the

BWDXFW0xxx.hex files! These operating
system files must remain in the root directory.

Functions Available for UBA

• Firmware Update
• Statistics
• Version Check
To use the BlueWaveDX Tool:
1. Connect the BlueWaveDX Tool to the UBA Unit using a
Standard Male A to Male B USB Cable.
2. Slide the BlueWaveDX Tool Power Switch to ON.
3. Press the UP or DOWN Arrow keys to display the desired
function from the Menu.
4. Press the OK button to select the function.
5. Press the CLR button to return to the previous screen.
6. Disconnect the USB cable and reset the UBA Unit to its
normal operating state.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 16 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units
Using the JCM BlueWave-2 Download Tool
NOTE: Refer to the "BlueWave 2.0 Download Tool
Operator Guide" (JCM Part No. 960-000924R) for
detailed instructions.
Perform the following procedure to initiate a Software Download:
1. Copy the required Software File to be downloaded into a
"DOWNLOAD" Folder on a Standard SD Memory Card.
2. Insert the SD Memory Card into the BlueWave Tool.
3. Ensure that Power is applied to the UBA Unit.
4. Turn the BlueWave Device’s Power ON, and confirm that the
Battery Life LED is illuminated GREEN.
5. Confirm that the SD Memory Card Status LED initially lights
ORANGE, and then turns GREEN.
6. Connect the BlueWave Device to the PC using a Male-A to
Male-B USB Cable.
7. The uppermost BlueWave Device Status LED will light
GREEN when the BlueWave is communicating with the
UBA Unit.
8. Press the “Load” Button on the BlueWave Device to begin
the required Software Download.
9. The BlueWave Device Status LED will display the following
LED States:
a. ORANGE while the UBA Memory is being erased, then
b. Alternates between GREEN and RED while the Software file is
being transferred to the UBA; then
c. ORANGE during the CRC verification check. When the upper-
most BlueWave Device Status LED (Top) and the center SD
Memory LED (Middle) BOTH light GREEN, the download
successfully completed.
d. Turn the BlueWave Power Switch to OFF; disconnect the USB
Cable, and reset the UBA Unit to its Normal Operating State.

The BlueWave Tool Software Downloading process is complete.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 17 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7
UBA® Units
NOTE: To perform this procedure, make sure that:
1. The JCM Tool Suite Standard Edition
Application (available at www.jcmglobal.com)
has been pre-loaded onto the PC.
2. The USB Device Drivers have been installed
on the PC.
3. The UBA Software is available for download
on the PC.
Use the following procedure to initiate a PC Download:
1. Make sure power is applied to the UBA Unit.
2. Connect the PC to the UBA unit using a Male-A to Male-B
USB Cable connection.
3. Click on the JCM Tool Suite icon to start the program
4. Use the Download Arrow (located to the right of the
“Service Mode” block), and click on the “Download”
Screen Button.
5. Use the “Browse” Screen Button to select the Program Data
File to be downloaded into the UBA Unit.
6. Click on the “Download” Screen Button.
When the “Target file has been Downloaded
Successfully” dialog box appears on the PC Screen,
disconnect the USB Cable. The download is complete.
7. If the UBA Unit does not accept the download, place the
UBA Unit into Forced Download mode. To do so:
– a. Set DIP Switches 6, 7 and 8 to ON.
– b. Cycle Power to the UBA Unit.
The RED and GREEN LEDs will alternate flashing.
– c. Repeat Steps 3-6 of the PC Download procedure.

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation 18 Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units

JCM International
Europe, Middle East, Africa & Russia
JCM Europe GmbH
Müendelheimer Weg 60
D-40472 Düesseldorf Germany
Phone: +49-211-530-645-60
Fax: +49-211-530-645-85
Email: [email protected]
UK & Ireland
JCM Europe (UK Office)
Unit B, Third Avenue
Denbigh West Business Park
Bletchley Milton Keynes
Buckinghamshire MK1 1DH, UK
Phone: +44 (0) 1908-377-331
Fax: +44 (0) 190-837-7834
Email: [email protected]

UBA® Units
Quick Reference Guide

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

UBA® Units

JCM International
JCM American
925 Pilot Road, Las Vegas, NV 89119
Phone: +1-702-651-0000
Fax: +1-702-644-5512
Email: [email protected]

Asia and Oceania

JCM Gold (HK) Ltd.
Unit 1-7, 3/F., Favor Industrial Centre
2-6 Kin Hong Street, Kwai Chung,
N.T. Hong Kong
Phone: +852-2429-7187
Fax: +852-2929-7003
Email: [email protected]


2-3-15, Nishiwaki, Hirano-ku
Osaka 547-0035 JAPAN
Office: +81-6-6703-8400
Fax: +81-6-6707-0348
Email: [email protected]

UBA® Units
Quick Reference Guide

© 2018 JCM Global Corporation Part No. 960-000131R_Rev. 7

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