User Satisfaction of Information Display On Mobile Devices and Desktop Computer: A Comparative Study
User Satisfaction of Information Display On Mobile Devices and Desktop Computer: A Comparative Study
User Satisfaction of Information Display On Mobile Devices and Desktop Computer: A Comparative Study
Abstract: Internet is a worldwide system with interconnected computer networks. Nowadays, mobile devices
and desktop computer are among the popular tools for the user to access the Internet. How the web page display
on the mobile devices and desktop computer screen will influence the user usability toward the website or the web
application. Therefore, this study aims to assess user satisfaction on the display of web page on mobile devices
and desktop computer. A total of 260 respondents were selected to answer the online questionnaire. The End
User Computing Satisfaction (EUCS) model was used to examine user satisfaction in terms of content, accuracy,
format, ease of use and timeliness. The findings show that the respondents are more satisfied with the display on
desktop computer compared to mobile devices. The results suggest that the web designer should improve the web
page display on mobile devices so that the user satisfaction can be improved.
The variable content consists of four questions In term of ease of use students found that it is
which represented by C1, C2, C3, and C4. The easier to get information from large display of
results as shown in Table 4 indicates that the desktop computer compared to mobile devices.
students are satisfy with the display on desktop The mean averages are 4.08 and 3.88
computer compared to display on mobile respectively.
devices with the average mean values 4.03 and
Table 7. Descriptive Analysis of Ease of Use
3.73 respectively.
Mean Score
Table 4. Descriptive Analysis of Content
Mobile Devices Desktop Computer
Mean Score
EOU1 3.78 4.09
Mobile Devices Desktop Computer
EOU2 3.97 4.06
C1 3.82 4.04
Average 3.88 4.08
C2 3.72 4.01
Table 6. Descriptive Analysis of Timeliness In term of timelines, this study shows that the
Mean Score display on desktop computer and mobile
devices does not give much effect on the
Mobile Devices Desktop Computer timeliness. In both desktop computer and
T1 3.84 3.95 mobile devices, students can get the same up-
to-date information from the web pages. The
T2 3.76 3.9
only constraint is that, on mobile devices
Average 3.80 3.93 students have to scroll to the bottom in order to
get the page update information.