Rameez Ahmed Ifs Individual Assignment (54471)

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Subject: Introduction to Future Studies

Instructor: Ms Mehwish Umair

Submission Date: 13th September, 2022

Final Paper Submission

Personal Domain, Strategy, Strategic Plan, & Action Plan for your Preferred Future Career:
September 13, 2022- September 2032
Your Personal Framework
Life Stage: Young Adult

Domain High High Personal Personal

Sub-Forces Probability Impact Goals, Values
Events Events Plans

Activities first, I want to I want to work in To be promoted Focus and mental

School, training, complete my steel mills as a as a regional for my chosen
Career, Work, BBA and then a supply chain supply chain career.
Sports, Hobbies, master's in the manager. manager.
Religion supply chain from
Finances Have a five-digit Invest in different Save money for To be
Income, salary. businesses like the uncertainty. independent.
Investments, stock market or
Expenses, real estate.

Health Get insurance for Minimum health Invest money in I will try to do a
Condition health. expense. life insurance for healthy lifestyle it
Medication, unexpected makes my life
Care incidents. happier.

Housing Having own To save money Making a well- To be stronger in

Home, house for the for my difficult furnished house. decision making.
Community, future family. times when I will
Country, try to buy my
Region house.

Social Have more time Help people in I want to become To become more
Family, with my family our society with more social so responsible for
Friends and friends. social work. that I can be close my society as
to society well.

Transportation Investment for the Buy a car for Use the car for To learn driving.
Mobility car. personal use. office and home
Personal, use.
Auto Public
Strategic Plan for Young Adult stage, ending the year 2032 Adult
Vision: Reduce a company’s operating expenses.
Mission: Improve trust among supply chain partners.
Preferred Future for this stage

Events Achievements

Keep track of logistics and Track all logistics and update

update the company’s the inventory.
Activities inventory.

To become more determined Promotions, bonuses, and

Finances towards my work so that my holidays.
employers will start liking my
work and support me a lot.

Gyming, cycling, and healthy Mentally fit and disease-free

Health eating. life.

Invest in different businesses A well-furnished facelifted

Housing like the stock market or real dream house.
estate for my future house.

To become more determined Mental peace and satisfaction.

Social for my social work and

Work hard at my workplace Bigger and more respectable

Transportation for a respectable position. positions come up with lots of
facilities and rewards like cars.
Strategy for Achievement and Contingency: September 15, 2022- September 15, 2032

Domains Achievement Avoidance or

Reduction of impact
Strategies Strategies
Focus on studies and complete Avoid social media and
my master’s in the supply Netflix also avoid fake people.
Activities chain.

To become more focused on Avoid pressure and conflict.

Finances my work so that company like
my work and get a promotion
and bonuses and a handsome
amount of salary.
Eat healthy food and invest Avoid junk food and
Health money in life insurance. overspending money.
Personal time for myself.

Invest in a different business Avoid unnecessary expenses.

Housing that can help me to get a well-
furnished house

Short courses and social Avoid unnecessary conflicts

Social activities help a lot in making and avoid professional
a good relationship with the pressure with family.
society and community and
spending a good time with

Investments in the stock Avoid learning to drive license

Transportation market and saving money and unnecessary expenses and

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