Reverse Delete Algorithm For Minimum Spanning Tree

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6/22/2019 Reverse Delete Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree - GeeksforGeeks

Reverse Delete Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree

Reverse Delete algorithm is closely related to Kruskal’s algorithm. In Kruskal’s algorithm what we do is
: Sort edges by increasing order of their weights. After sorting, we one by one pick edges in increasing
order. We include current picked edge if by including this in spanning tree not form any cycle until
there are V-1 edges in spanning tree, where V = number of vertices.

In Reverse Delete algorithm, we sort all edges in decreasing order of their weights. After sorting, we
one by one pick edges in decreasing order. We include current picked edge if excluding current
edge causes disconnection in current graph. The main idea is delete edge if its deletion does not
lead to disconnection of graph.

The Algorithm

1) Sort all edges of graph in non-increasing order of

edge weights.

2) Initialize MST as original graph and remove extra

edges using step 3.

3) Pick highest weight edge from remaining edges and

check if deleting the edge disconnects the graph
or not.
If disconnects, then we don't delete the edge.
Else we delete the edge and continue.

Let us understand with the following example: 1/3
6/22/2019 Reverse Delete Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree - GeeksforGeeks

If we delete highest weight edge of weight 14, graph doesn’t become disconnected, so we remove it.

Next we delete 11 as deleting it doesn’t disconnect the graph.

Next we delete 10 as deleting it doesn’t disconnect the graph.

Next is 9. We cannot delete 9 as deleting it causes disconnection.

We continue this way and following edges remain in final MST.

Edges in MST
(3, 4)
(0, 7)
(2, 3)
(2, 5)
(0, 1)
(5, 6) 2/3
6/22/2019 Reverse Delete Algorithm for Minimum Spanning Tree - GeeksforGeeks

(2, 8)
(6, 7)

Note : In case of same weight edges, we can pick any edge of the same weight edges. 3/3

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