Direction: Analyze The Play "Dinhi Nalang Kutob Ug Daghang Salamat." Using The Following Criteria: 5 Points Each

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Full Name: Paul Ian Olayvar

Class Schedule: Monday & Wednesday Yr. & Sec: 11 –

Activity Name.: Infer Literary Meaning from Literal Language Based on
Teacher: Ms. Galeon Date: SCORE

Direction: Analyze the play “Dinhi nalang kutob ug daghang salamat.” using the following criteria: 5
Points Each

1. Language: Pay attention to the setting, characters, and plot of the text. These factors can provide
clues as to what the language is trying to convey.

The use of stage magic and the representation of what happens behind closed doors are two indications
that may assist analyze the language in this work. Mr. Kenneth Lagus portrays the main character, Fidel,
admirably, while the supporting actors who represent Julia and Efren do an excellent job of conveying the
qualities of their characters. Nonetheless, I feel that some falling action was omitted to make the plot more

2. Literary Devices: Authors often use literary devices such as metaphors, similes, and symbolism to
convey deeper meaning. Identify these devices and consider what they may be trying to express.

The Bisaya play has a strong message, and I can see the reason why it utilizes numerous representations.
For example, the pluase "mura ka'g" signifies "very much like" in English, and I deciphered that as
addressing Fidel's vulnerability and his readiness to give up.

3. Tone and Mood: The tone and mood of a text can provide insights into the author's intentions and
the underlying themes of the work. Consider how the language contributes to the tone and mood of
the piece.

The play's tone was bright and funny, with occasional moments of melancholy. It had a lighthearted tone
and alternated between emotional and cheerful moments.

4. Word Choice: The specific words an author chooses can reveal deeper meaning. Pay attention to
connotation (the emotional or cultural associations of a word) and denotation (the literal meaning of
a word).

The utilization of Bisaya-English road talk and shoptalk in the exhibition was a super expansion to the
presentation. The way that it's anything but a conventional play requests to the crowd in general, not
simply to me Yet, one change to the text persuaded me to get it. You can as of now let or predict know the
play's message all along, and that is the utilization of gay talk. The words were painstakingly decided to stay
away from gay watchers from getting protected.
5. Historical and Cultural context: Literature is often shaped by the historical and cultural context in
which it was written. Consider how the language used reflects the beliefs, values, and cultural
practices of the time and place in which it was produced.

A piece of writing is habitually formed by the verifiable and social climate in which it was made. The
language utilized in a play, for instance, may address the social practices, thoughts. Furthermore,
convictions of the overall setting in which it was composed. The play's beginning gives a sensational
difference to society today, where LGBT+ and same-sex organizations are broadly acknowledged, as
confirmed by Efren's response to Fidel's emerging as gay and Fidel's way when Julia convinced him to
emerge as gay. Be that as it may, the delightful consummation, where we see Fidel, who has a sweetheart
and has accommodated with Julie, and Efren, who has his own family, is a magnificent portrayal of where
our general public is at the present time.

6. Make connections: Look for connections between the language used and other elements of the text,
such as plot, characters, and themes. These connections can help you infer meaning and develop a
deeper understanding of the work.

The utilization of language in a text in association with its different parts, for example, topics and characters
As well as the plot these associations assist you with finding importance and gain a superior comprehension
of the work. The language utilized, as well as the tones, imageries, and representations, all work together to
pass on the play's message in a clever way. The parts of the play, as well as the entertainers and every
other person participated in the creation, worked really hard of introducing the play's message to us in a
strong and powerful way.

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