Teaching Diverse Population Syllabus - University of Florida

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Teaching Diverse Populations

EDF 2085: Section 1318, Class

(3 Credit Hours)
Spring 2023
Instructor: Elizabeth Garis, M.Ed.
Instructor Email: egaris@ufl.edu
Faculty Supervisor: Nancy Waldron, Ph.D.
Faculty Supervisor Email: waldron@coe.ufl.edu
Class Schedule: Monday & Wednesday– 11:45AM-12:35PM (Period 5) live lecture; Friday- Online
discussions and readings
Classroom: NRN-1013
Office Hours: By Appointment.

Course Description
A survey of educational demographics, foundations of prejudice, elements of culture, political
and philosophical roots of diversity and commonality, and barriers to culturalunderstanding and
diversity in the classroom.

Designed for the prospective educator, this course provides the opportunity to explore issues of
diversity, including an understanding of the influence of disabilities, culture, family, gender,
sexual orientation, socioeconomic status, religion, language of origin, ethnicity, and age upon
the educational experience. Students will explore personal attitudes toward diversity.

Student Learning Outcomes

By the end of this course, students will:
• Describe factors contributing to student diversity and inequalities in education
associated with ability, gender, language, race, and social class
• Identify the elements of inclusive classrooms and schools that accommodate and
respond to the diverse learning needs of all students
• Increase awareness of cultural identity and factors that contribute to inter-cultural

Required Texts
Cushner, K., McClelland, A., & Safford, P. (2019). Human diversity in education: An
intercultural approach (9th ed.). New York: McGraw-Hill.
Sensoy, O., & DiAngelo, R. (2017). Is everyone really equal? An introduction to key concepts
in social justice education (2nd ed.). New York: Teachers College Press.

*Supplemental readings will be assigned periodically and are available on the course Canvas

Face to Face:
We will have face-to-face instructional sessions to accomplish the student learning objectives
of this course. In response to COVID-19, the following policies and requirements are in place
to maintain your learning environment and to enhance the safety of our in-classroom
• You are expected to wear approved face coverings at all times during class and within
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• Sanitizing supplies are available in the classroom if you wish to wipe down your desks
prior to sitting down and at the end of the class.
• Follow your instructor’s guidance on how to enter and exit the classroom. Practice
physical distancing to the extent possible when entering and exiting the classroom.
• If you are experiencing COVID-19 symptoms (https://www.cdc.gov/coronavirus/2019-
ncov/symptoms-testing/symptoms.html), please use the UF Health screening system
who-do-i-call-if/) and follow the instructions on whether you are able to attend class.
• Course materials will be provided to you with an excused absence, and you will be
given a reasonable amount of time to make up work.

Recording Policy

Students are allowed to record video or audio of class lectures. However, the purposes
for which these recordings may be used are strictly controlled. The only
allowable purposes are (1) for personal educational use, (2) in connection with a
complaint to the university, or (3) as evidence in, or in preparation for, a criminal
or civil proceeding. All other purposes are prohibited. Specifically, students may
not publish recorded lectures without the written consent of the instructor.
A “class lecture” is an educational presentation intended to inform or teach enrolled
students about a particular subject, including any instructor-led discussions that
form part of the presentation, and delivered by any instructor hired or appointed
by the University, or by a guest instructor, as part of a University of Florida
course. A class lecture does not include lab sessions, student presentations,
clinical presentations such as patient history, academic exercises involving solely
student participation, assessments (quizzes, tests, exams), field trips, private
conversations between students in the class or between a student and the faculty or
lecturer during a class session.

Publication without permission of the instructor is prohibited. To “publish” means to

share, transmit, circulate, distribute, or provide access to a recording, regardless of
format or medium, to another person (or persons), including but not limited to
another student within the same class section. Additionally, a recording, or
transcript of a recording, is considered published if it is posted on or uploaded to,
in whole or in part, any media platform, including but not limited to social media,
book, magazine, newspaper, leaflet, or third-party note/tutoring services. A
student who publishes a recording without written consent may be subject to a
civil cause of action instituted by a person injured by the publication and/or
discipline under UF Regulation 4.040 Student Honor Code and Student Conduct

Course Requirements

1. Participation and Professionalism: Each student is expected to participate and

demonstrate professionalism by attending all classes on time, completing all
readings/assignments before class meetings, turning in all assignments on time, and
participating in class activities and discussions. Sensitive topics will be discussed in class, and

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participation in these discussions is encouraged. Creating and maintaining a respectful
classroom environment is of the utmost importance. Please consider how your comments will
contribute to or detract from this environment. Class participation is defined to broadly to
• Class attendance,
• Participation in small group discussions/activities during class.
• Contributions and responses to online discussions (on the class Canvas site),
• Professional conduct.
Please be prepared to participate meaningfully by reading assigned materials,
completing any writing assignments, and coming to class prepared to participate in
class discussions and take notes. Reading assigned chapters and materials is vital to
class/online participation, and we will reference the textbooks regularly during class.
Please refrain from using cell phones or other electronic devices not directly related to
class material (e.g., class PowerPoints/readings).

2. Attendance: Attendance is mandatory and will be taken during the first 10 minutes of
class. You are allowed two (2) “free” absences, to be used at your own discretion. Five points
will be deducted from the total points for the course for each absence after two absences are
incurred. However, given the ongoing COVID-19 pandemic, I understand that some students
may miss class due to COVID-19 exposure. If this situation arises, please contact the instructor
and accommodations will be made. Furthermore, exceptions to this policy may apply if
unexpected life circumstances (i.e., such as a family emergency or funeral) require you to miss
class. In these situations, please contact the instructor as soon as you can. Tardiness: Students
arriving to class after the attendance has been taken will be counted as absent. In the event of an
absence, it is your responsibility to obtain any missed materials. Please see the instructor if
health or other personal issues prevent you from attending class, as accommodations may
be possible with the appropriate documentation. It is your responsibility to obtain
documentation of your health or personal issue. Requirements for class attendance and make-up
exams, assignments, and otherwork in this course are consistent with university policies that can
be found at: https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/regulations/info/attendance.aspx

3. Exams: Understanding of course readings and topics will be assessed with two exams
worth 50 points each (100 points total). Students are required to complete each exam
individually. Exams will consist of short answer and/or essay questions that cover material
from class activities, discussions, PowerPoint presentations, and readings. Please be aware
that material not discussed in class but provided in assigned readings or Canvas
resources (e.g., chapters in textbook, recorded lectures) will be covered on the exam.
Make-up exams will only be given in case of an emergency and if the circumstances constitute
an excused absence according to university policies. The student should notify the instructor
prior to the exam, or as soon as possible and provide appropriate documentation of the reason
for the absence. If there are questions about what qualifies as an emergency, please consult the

4. Online Discussions: Students are expected to contribute and comment on the course
website to the discussion topics. There will be a total of five (5) online discussion topics worth
ten (10) points each (50 points total). Students will be assigned to small discussion groups to
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encourage rich and meaningful contributions. Note that groups are likely to change
throughout the course to allow students to work with different students and see multiple
perspectives. Discussion topics and specific requirements will be posted to the course website.
Discussion topic due dates are within the course calendar on the syllabus, as well as on the
course website. It is your responsibility to check the course website for updates to discussion
topics and due dates. Original responses to the discussion topics for the week are due by
Wednesday night at 11:59pm. Each student must, in addition to their own original post,
respond to at least 2 of their peers’ discussion posts. Responses to 2 peers’ posts are due
Friday by 11:59 pm. Late contributions on the discussion board will not be accepted.

5. Cultural Autobiography: Each student is required to write a cultural

autobiographypaper (25 points for first draft, 50 points for final draft; 75 points total).
The paper should be between 3-5 double-spaced pages (excluding references) with one-
inch margins in12 point, Times New Roman font. However, feel free to write more than 5
pages if you need to. The cultural autobiography is designed to encourage students to
critically think about their cultural identity within a continuum of roles and categories
within society. The first draft will be submitted in the middle of the course, and the final
draft will be submitted at the end of the course with responses to instructor comments. Please refer
to course documents on the Cultural Autobiography assignment formore information.

6. Ethnography Project: Students will work in groups to complete a semester-long

project focused on engaging in an in-depth learning experience about a cultural group to which
you do not belong. Students will choose from a list of topics provided and will be responsible
for learning about their group throughout the semester. The ethnography project has various

a. Completion of an interview with a member of the chosen group along with a

one-page summary of what was learned from the interview.

b. A one-page summary on what was learned about the group through one video resource
(i.e. a documentary or TED talk about the group) and one scholarly journal article.

Demonstration of learning through at least one interview, one video resource, and one
scholarly journal article are required for full credit (25 points).

**The interview summary and resource summary will be submitted as one larger document.
The first section will be the interview summary and the second section will be the resources
summary. The summaries should be in APA formatting, include a title page with both
partners names, be in 12-point Times New Roman, single spaced, and interview
questions included on a separate page. Sources should be cited and referenced
appropriately. Submission of Consent Form is also required.

c. A final presentation (i.e. video, PowerPoint with voiceover) about the group you have
learned about will be shared with the class at the end of the semester. The presentation
should include information learned about the group, a discussion of your intercultural
understanding about the group, and a reflection about your experience as related to
concepts and topics discussed in class (50 points). You will post your final presentation on
a CANVAS discussion forum so that you and your partner can share (upload) your
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presentation and get feedback from other groups.

Canvas E-Learning site

Each student is required to check the course E-Learning website for course updates. Students
may access the site through http://elearning.ufl.edu. You may also find the site by going to
https://education.ufl.edu/coe-online/. Log into the Canvas section by using your Gatorlink
username and password. This website will have a copy of the course syllabus, online class
discussions, volunteer forms, and useful information. Students are responsible for viewing
class announcements posted on the site by the instructor. Each student is responsible for
accessing class videos and PowerPoints.

Accommodations for Students with Disabilities

Students with disabilities who experience learning barriers and would like to request academic
accommodations should connect with the Disability Resource Center.
https://disability.ufl.edu/students/get-started/. It is important for students to share their
accommodation letter with their instructor and discuss their access needs, as early as possible in
the semester.

Honor Code
UF students are bound by the Honor Pledge, which states, “We, the members of the UF
community, pledge to hold ourselves and our peers to the highest standards of honor and
integrity by abiding by the Honor Code. On all work submitted for credit by students at UF, the
following pledge is either required or implied, “On my honor, I have neither given nor received
unauthorized aid in doing this assignment.” The Honor Code
(http://www.dso.ufl.edu/sccr/process/student-conduct-honor-code/) specifies a number of behaviors
that are in violation of this code and the possible sanctions. Furthermore, you are obliged to
report any condition that facilitates academic misconduct to appropriate personnel. If you have
any questions or concerns, please consult with the instructor in this class.

Online Course Evaluation Process

Students are expected to provide feedback on the quality of instruction in this course based by
completing online evaluations at https://evaluations.ufl.edu. Evaluations are typically open
during the last two or three weeks of the semester, but students will be given specific times when
they are open. Summary results of these assessments are available to students at

Campus Resources
University support services are available to students who are experiencing distress and/or
personal emergencies.

Health and Wellness

U Matter, We Care:
If you or a friend is in distress, please contact umatter@ufl.edu or 352-392-1575 so that a team
member can reach out to the student.

Counseling and Wellness Center:

http://www.counseling.ufl.edu/cwc/Default.aspx, 352-392-1575.

EDF 2085 Section: 1318
Sexual Assault Recovery Services (SARS) Student
Health Care Center, 352-392-1161.

University Police Department, 392-1111 (or 9-1-1 for emergencies)


Field and Fork Pantry: Provides free food for students experiencing food insecurity.

University support services are also available to students to support their academic success.
Academic Resources
E-learning technical support, 352-392-4357 (select option 2) or e-mail to Learning-
support@ufl.edu. https//lss.at.ufl.edu/help.shtml.

Career Resource Center, Reitz Union, 352-392-1601. Career assistance and counseling.

Library Support, http://cms.uflib.ufl.edu/ask. Various ways to receive assistance with respect to

using the libraries or finding resources.

Teaching Center, Broward Hall, 352-392-2010 or 352-392-6420. General study skills and
tutoring. http://teacingcenter.ufl.edu/

Writing Studio, 302 Tigert Hall, 352-846-1138. Help brainstorming, formatting and writing
papers. http://writing.ufl.edu/writing-studio/

Student Complaints Campus:

On-Line Students Complaints: http://www.distance.ful.edu/student-complaint-process

Grading Scale

282-300 points, 94.0-100% A 222-230 points, 74.0-76.9% C

270-281 points, 90.0-93.9% A- 210-221 points, 70.0-73.9% C-
262-269 points, 87.0-89.9% B+ 201-209 points, 67.0-69.9% D+
249-261 points, 83.0-86.9% B 192 -200 points, 64.0-66.9% D
240-248 points, 80.0-82.9% B- 180-191 points, 60.0-63.9% D-
231-239 points, 77.0-79.9% C+ <179 points, <60.0% E

Course Grades: Incomplete

A grade of Incomplete “I” will only be given in extreme circumstances (i.e., illness) and must be
pre-approved by the instructor. If approved, a contract will be drawn up with the student
specifying assignments and due dates. According to University policy, all incomplete work must
be completed by the following semester, or the student will receive a punitive incomplete (i.e.,
the same as an “E”).
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UF Grading Policies
See https://catalog.ufl.edu/ugrad/current/regulations/info/grades.aspx for more information about UF
grading policies.

Assignments and Points Values

Exam 1 50 points
Exam 2 50 points
5 Online Discussions (10 points each) 50 points
Cultural Autobiography 75 points
Part I - First draft (25 points)
Part II - Final draft (50 points)
Ethnography Project 75 points

Interview, video resource, and article summaries (25 points)

Final presentation (50 points)
Total Points 300 points

Course Schedule
The schedule is tentative; changes may be made at the discretion of the instructor. Each student
is responsible for ensuring they are aware of any changes. Changes will be announced in class
and posted on the class e-learning Canvas site.

Please use this table as the main schedule for assignments in this course and notify your
instructor of any inconsistencies between dates in this table and dates on canvas.

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Unit 1: Education in a Changing Society and Multicultural Education

REMINDER: All initial discussion posts are due WEDNESDAY of
that week and responses are due FRIDAY
Week # Date Class Topics Readings Assignments Due
Mon 1/9 No class in person Please familiarize yourself
Week 1 with the Canvas modules
and Syllabus

Introductions & Module *Cushner, McClelland & *Introduction

Wed 1/11 1: Education in a Sanford (2019) Chapter 1 Discussion
*Sensoy & DiAngelo Post
Changing Society
(2017),pg. 103 *Inventory of
Fri 1/13 Module 1: Education in Sensitivity
a Changing Society (ICCS)
Mon 1/16
Week 2 NO CLASS (Martin Luther NO CLASS (MLK
King Jr. Day) Day)

Wed 1/18 *C, M, & S (2019),

Module 2: Chapter 2
Multicultural Education *S & D (2017), Preface,
Prologue, Chapters 1 & 2
Guest Lecturer

Fri 1/20 Module 2: *C, M, & S (2019), Discussion 1

Multicultural Education Chapter 2
*S & D (2017), Preface,
Prologue, Chapters 1 & 2

*Optional Reading: Busey,

C. L. (2020).

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Unit 2: Culture, Classrooms, and Intercultural Development

Week # Date Class Topics Readings Assignments Due
Mon 1/23 Module 3: Culture and
Week 3 the Culture Learning
Process *C, M, & S (2019),
Chapter 3
*S & D (2017), Chapter 3

Wed 1/25 Module 3: Culture and Choose

the Culture Learning *C, M, & S (2019), ethnography
Process Chapter 3 group/topic
*S & D (2017), Chapter 3
Fri 1/27 Module 3: Culture and *Optional Reading: Busey,
the Culture Learning C. (2018)
Mon 1/30 Module 4: *C, M, & S (2019),
Week 4 Classrooms and Chapters 4
Schools as Cultural *S & D (2017), Chapter 4

Wed 2/1 Module 4:

Classrooms and
Schools as Cultural

Fri 2/3 Module 4:

Classrooms and
Schools as Cultural
Mon 2/6 Module 5: Intercultural *C, M, & S (2019),
Week 5 Development Chapters 5
Wed 2/8 Module 5: Intercultural
Fri 2/10 Module 5: Intercultural *Discussion 2
Development *Cultural
Part 1 Due

EDF 2085 Section: 1318

Mid-Term Exam Week

Week # Date Class Topics Readings Assignments Due

Mon 2/13 Exam 1 Review Study for Exam
Week 6
Wed 2/15 Exam 1
Fri 2/17 Exam 1

Unit 3: Race/Ethnicity, Oppression, Power, and Privilege

Week # Date Class Topics Readings Assignments Due

Mon Module 6: Oppression
Week 7 2/20 and Power *S & D (2017), Chapters 5
Module 6: Oppression
Wed and Power
Module 6: Oppression
Fri 2/24 and Power
Mon Module 7: Race & *C, M, & S (2019),
Week 8 2/27 Ethnicity/ Chapter 6
Racism and *S & D (2017), Chapter 6
Privilege *Privilege: McIntosh Article
Module 7: Race & *Optional Readings:
Ethnicity/ -Busey, C. L., & Cruz, B. C.
Wed 3/1 Racism and (2017)
Privilege -Busey, C. L. (2018)
Fri 3/3 Module 7: Race & *Discussion 3
Racism and *Ethnography
Privilege Part1: Summaries
(1- page for
interview & 1-
page for video
& article)

EDF 2085 Section: 1318

Cultural Autobiography Meetings

Week #
Optional Individually
Week 9 Scheduled Meetings
Mon 3/6-3/10

Cultural Autobiography Meetings

Week #
Week 10 Rest and Recharge!

Unit 4: Inclusive Practices: Social Stratification and Ability/Disability

Week # Date Class Topics Readings Assignments Due

Mon 3/20 Online Pre-Recorded *C, M, & S (2019),
Lecture—No In- Chapter 13
person Class
Module 8: The Role of
Social Stratification in
Week Teaching and Learning
11 Module 8: The Role of
Wed 3/22 Social Stratification in
Teaching and Learning
Module 8: The Role of
Social Stratification in
Fri 3/24 Teaching and Learning
Mon Module 9: Ability & • Inclusive Practices *Discussion 4
Week 3/27 Disability Videos by Dr.
12 Wed Module 9: Ability & Waldron
3/29 Disability • Forber-Pratt, Minotti,
Fri Module 9: Ability & Burdick, Brown &
3/31 Disability Hanebutt (2021).

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Unit 5: Inclusive Practices: Language, Religion, and Gender Diversity

Week # Date Class Topics Readings Assignments Due

Mon 4/3 Module 10: Global *C, M, & S (2019),
Week Communities and Chapters 7 & 8
13 Language

Wed 4/5 Module 10: Global Continued

Communities and
Holiday *Cultural
Fri 4/7 Module 10: Global Autobiography
Communities and Continued Part 2 Due
Module 11: *C, M, & S (2019), Chapter
Week Mon 4/10 Religious Pluralism 9
14 in Secular *Dweck Article
Module 11: Religious
Wed 4/12 Pluralism in Secular
Module 11: Religious
Fri 4/14 Pluralism in Secular

Unit 5: Inclusive Practices: Language, Religion, and Gender Diversity

Mon 4/17 Module 12: Gender *C, M, & S (2019),

and Sexual Diversity Chapter 10.
Week 15
Wed 4/19 Module 12: Gender GLSEN School Climate
and Sexual Diversity Executive Summary (2019).

Fri 4/21 Module 12: Gender

and Sexual Diversity *Discussion 5
Project Part 2 Due

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Putting it all together

Week # Date Class Topics Readings Assignments Due

Mon 4/24 *S & D (2017), Chapter
Putting it All together *Gloria Ladson-Billings
Week (2007)
*Inventory of Cross
Wed 4/26 Putting it all Together/Exam Review Cultural Sensitivity

Final Exam

Reading Days
4/27 & 4/28
Exam Opens: 4/29 at 8:00 A.M.
Exam Closes: 5/3 at 5:00 P.M.

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EDF 2085 Section: 1318


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