Manchester Campus - Map

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Campus Map

A 45 Centre for the History of E 34 Higher Education Careers M O 13 Sport, Trading and
Science, Technology and Service Unit Residential Services
78 Academy Medicine (CHSTM)† 52 Earth Sciences 67 History 77 Management and Leisure 38 Occupational Health 69 Sports Directorate
32 Access Summit Disability 1 Centre for Manufacture 6 Echoes Day Nursery 74 Holy Name RC Church 26 Manchester Business 23 Oddfellows Hall 13 Staff House Sackville
Resource Centre 1 Centre for Process and 57 Eddie Newcomb Student 80 Horniman House School East 10 Optometry and Street
30 Accommodation Office Integration Services Centre 64 Howarth Room 29 Manchester Business Neuroscience
63 Staff House Burlington
31 Accounting and Finance 5 Chandos Hall 1 Electrical and Electronic 77 Human Communication School West 48 Owen's Committee Room Street
60 Age and Cognitive 14 Chemical Engineering and Engineering and Deafness 30 Manchester Centre for P 35 Staff Training and
Performance Research Analytical Sciences 20 E&EE High Voltage 48 Human Resources Healthcare Management Development Unit
70 Economic Studies 39 Manchester Computing 7 Paper Science
Centre 61 Chemistry 35 Humanities Bridgeford 38 Strategic Corporate
29 Eddie Davies Library 12 Pariser Building
37 Ambrose Prayer Room 90 Chisholm Building Street 11 Manchester Conference Relations Office
77 Education Centre 43 Pear Lecture Theatre
53 Applied Social Sciences 58 Christies Building/Bistro 77 Humanities Devas Street 66 Stephen Joseph Studio
1 Engineering and Physical 41 Manchester Dental 47 Pharmacy and
76 AQA (formerly NEAB) 12 Civil and Construction 30 Humanities Faculty Office 79 Stopford Building
Pharmaceutical Sciences
79 ARC Epidemiology Unit Engineering Sciences Faculty Office 67 Humanities Lime Grove Education Centre
(MANDEC) 70 Philosophy 64 Stopford Room
35 Archaeology 67 Classics and Ancient 1 Engineering Doctorate
History Centre I 31 Manchester Institute for 54 Physics and Astronomy 38 Student Health Centre
35 Architecture and Planning 48 Planning and Academic 48 Student Records
42 Cosmo Rodewald 67 English and American 48 Income Office the Deaf
* Armitage Centre, Moseley Services 48 Student Recruitment and
Concert Hall Studies 81 Incubator Building 16 Manchester Indisciplinary
Road, Fallowfield (not on 35 Planning and Landscape Admissions
main campus) 67 Combined Studies 23 English Language Courses 4 Incubator Company Ltd Biocentre
49 Communication and 52 Environment Centre 44 Manchester Museum 63 Police Liaison Office 57 Student Services Centre
35 Art History 40 Information Technology
Marketing Services 49 Estates Building 4 Manchester Science and 56 Postgraduate Society 9 Students' Union
48 Association of University 31 Precinct Library
39 Computer Science 67 European Studies 30 Institute for Development Enterprise Centre 68 Students' Union
Administrators (AUA) 48 President and Vice
63 Concourse Cafe Policy and Management 75 Manchester Science Park 22 Sugden Sports Centre
69 Athletic Union F Chancellor’s Office
13 Conference Office (IDPM) 47 Manchester University
73 Avila House 4 Fairbairn Building 30 PREST T
75 CONTACT (Manchester 81 Intellectual Property Ltd Press
(RC Chaplaincy) 3 Fairfield Hall 40 Prospect House 48 Teaching, Learning and
Science Park) 53 International Centre for 39 Manchester Visualisation
B 35 Cordingley Lecture 19 Faraday Building Labour Studies Centre 79 Psychiatry Assessment Office
Theatre 18 Faraday Tower 48 International Office 65 Mansfield Cooper 43 Psychology 1 Textiles
9 Barnes Wallis Building
86 Core Technology Facility 20 Ferranti Building 69 International Society Building 49 Public and Government 14 The Mill
49 Beyer Building
1 Council Chamber 48 Finance 67 Italian Studies Relations 36 Tuer Street Depot
55 Bindery 42 Martin Harris Building
(Sackville Street) 67 French Studies 25 Materials Science Centre R
79 Biological Sciences J U
51 Council Chamber 45 Maths Tower†
14 Biomolecular Sciences (Whitworth Building)
G 38 Japan Centre
30 Race Relations Resource 23 University Language
54 Blackett Lecture Theatre * Gateway House, Piccadilly 21 Maths and Social Science Centre Centre (Oddfellows Hall)
68 Council Chamber 48 John Owens Building 64 Refectory
27 Bowden Court (not on main campus) Building
(Student Union) 55 John Rylands Main 67 University Language
54 Bragg Lecture Theatre 65 Geography 17 Mechanical, Aerospace 48 Registrar and Secretary's
31 Counselling Service Library Centre (Humanities Lime
and Civil Engineering Office
56 Burlington Society 43 Coupland Building 1 52 Geology 42 John Thaw Studio Grove)
35 Media Centre 67 Religions and Theology
31 Business, Careers and 47 Coupland Building 3 17 George Begg Building 1 Joule Library V
60 Medical and Human 8 Renold Building
Community Division 31 Crawford House 67 German Studies
K Sciences Faculty Office 58 Research Office 72 Vaughan House
C 33 Crawford House Lecture 67 Goethe Institute 28 Ronson Hall
35 Kantorowich Library 79 Medicine 51 Visitors Centre
Theatres 70 Government 53 Roscoe Building
48 Car Park Permit Office 51 Keepers Room 79 Medical School
30 CRIC (ESRC Centre for 35 Graduate Development 67 Russian Studies W
31 Careers Research and Innovation Scheme 48 Ken Kitchen Committee 71 Michael Smith Building
70 Cathie Marsh Centre for Room 67 Middle Eastern Studies 54 Rutherford Lecture 38 Waterloo Place
and Competition) 53 Granada Centre for Visual Theatre
Census and Survey 39 Kilburn Building 64 Moberly Hall 11 Weston Hall
48 Curriculum Innovation Anthropology
Research (CCSR) 50 Knowles Committee 67 Modern Languages S 84 Whitworth Art Gallery
D 35 Graphics Support Workshop
52 Central Academic Room 10 Moffat Building 32 St Peter's House and 50 Whitworth Corridor
35 Greater Manchester
Advisory Service 87 Denmark Road Building Archaeological Unit 15 Morton Laboratory Chaplaincy 50 Whitworth Hall
41 Dental School and
34 Central Services Unit 52 Greater Manchester 54 Moseley Lecture Theatre 1 Sackville Street Building 82 Whitworth Park Halls
77 Centre for Continuing Hospital 89 Lamb Building 56 Schunk Building of Residence
Geological Unit 42 Music
Education 47 Dental School Annexe 2 Lambert Hall 54 Schuster Building 69 William Kay House
64 Greenwood Room N
77 Centre for English 58 Development and Alumni 52 Law 30 Shopping Centre 52 Williamson Building
83 Grove House
Language Studies in Relations 67 Leamington Rooms 52 National Primary Care 59 Simon Building 31 Workers' Educational
24 Grosvenor Halls of
Education (CELSE) 30 Devonshire House 30 Legal Advice Centre Research and 53 Social Anthropology Association North West
77 Centre for Occupational 79 Diagnostic Radiology 70 Lewis Library Development Centre 52 Social Work Region
and Environmental Health 48 Disability Support Office H 79 Life Sciences Faculty (NPCRDC) 53 Sociology 9 Wright Robinson Hall
79 Centre for Integrated 70 Dover Street Building 30 Harold Hankins Building Office 88 Newman Building 67 Spanish and Portuguese
Genomic Medical 42 Drama 38 Health and Safety 46 Linac Building† 47 Nursing, Midwifery and Studies Z
Research (CIGMR) 62 Dryden Street Day Nursery Services 67 Linguistics Health Visiting 77 Speech Pathology 60 Zochonis Building

Relocating January 2005

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