Exemplary Battles in The Age of Darkness - The Burning of Ohmn-Mat

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The Burning

of Ohmn-Mat

Exemplary Battles of

The Age of Darkness

Exemplary Battles of the Age of Darkness
The Burning of Ohmn-Mat
A s the Age of Darkness ground ever onwards, the fires of war would spread throughout the entire galaxy,
consuming everything in their path. Armies and worlds were reduced to nothing more than ash, in many
cases leaving no one alive to bear witness to the sacrifices made or the atrocities committed. Plunged into a war
of unprecedented scale, the hosts which fought during the Horus Heresy were forced to employ new formations
and weapons out of desperation or pragmatism, foes unlooked for demanding a new paradigm of warfare. Many of
these formations would be lost during the dark years of the Horus Heresy, their traditions wiped out and the last
stockpiles of their weapons exhausted, but their memory is preserved in these records.

A lesser Forge World in the

northern Ultima Segmentum,
Ohmn-Mat served as a resupply
point for Expeditionary fleets
pushing out towards the Eastern
Fringe during the mid to late
Great Crusade. As the expanding
frontiers of the Imperium
overtook the world, its efforts
were redirected, with most of the
planet’s industrial output feeding
the stockpiles of the nearby
fortress world of Stromhelm and
the stellar infrastructure needs of
local sub-sectors.

By the time the vanguard of Horus’ Dark Empire This duty fell to Captain Jharran Deygen of the XVIth
encroached upon the region of space around Ohmn-Mat Legion. Still bedecked in laurels earned during the fierce
midway through 008.M31, it was a world already gripped boarding actions at Port Maw, he was dispatched at the
by war. Word of the atrocities committed by those who head of an armada of thousands of Sons of Horus and
had turned against the Emperor, carried by panicked Word Bearers Legionaries, with millions of Solar Auxilia
Chartist Captains and a warband of Dropsite Massacre and Traitor Militia troops following behind. Spearheaded
survivors, had reignited long-simmering disputes among by Deygen’s own 84th Company, ‘The Strife Bringers’, this
the Forge World’s ruling synod, plunging the planet into fleet was assigned to bring the Warmaster’s so-called ‘Dark
open conflict before the Warmaster had even departed Compliance’ to the warp routes between Cyclothrathe
the Isstvan system. A victim of the Martian Mechanicum’s and Honorum, cowing planets into subservience with
capricious politics, Ohmn-Mat had been stripped of much mass executions and seeding overseer cadres to facilitate
of its value once the Great Crusade’s Expeditionary fleets the extraction of tithes of both materiel and flesh for the
had passed it by, the resources and personnel of entire Cyclothrathe Mechanicum.
forge-fanes transplanted wholesale to provender sectors
far from Ohmn-Mat’s barren corner of space. Almost two Upon Ohmn-Mat itself, Captain Deygen bestowed a
years of internecine conflict had eroded the Forge World’s purpose far greater than mere carrion for the forges
wealth even further, reduced in the eyes of the Traitors of Cyclothrathe, the scale of death already unleashed
to little more than a wasteyard to be pillaged as they drew upon the world making it a perfect offering for the
up plans in preparation for the conquest of the Ultima dark benedictions of his assigned Esoterists – once the
Segmentum’s northernmost reaches. appropriate preparations had been made. For two years,
Deygen let the misery and despair produced by Ohmn- Alone in the void, the Sons of Horus fleet deployed
Mat’s ongoing civil war reach ever greater heights as for a full combat drop above the Loyalist forge-fane of
his fleet orchestrated a campaign of surgically-precise Thyaetira, marked by Ohmn-Mat’s bloodiest battles as
butchery on the surrounding systems in accordance the perfect altar for the Traitors’ unfolding ritual. As a
with schema laid down by his lodge masters and Word volley of assault claws spiked downwards into the skies
Bearers Diabolists. The already brutal and opportunistic of Ohmn-Mat, Thyaetira’s defence lasers began to align
battle doctrines of the 84th Company were transformed skyward with perilous haste, their ill-suitedness for
into something altogether more sinister, resembling intercepting such small and manoeuvrable craft briefly
ritual killings on a mass scale as recalcitrant worlds were mitigated by the density of targets as the incendiary
rendered into charnel tributes to the Traitors’ glory. veil of atmospheric entry blinded the assault claws’
sensors. Warnings signalled from the fleet above drove
At the close of 010.M31, the spearhead of Jharran Deygen’s the senseless landing craft apart as the defence lasers’
fleet breached realspace at the edge of the Ohmn-Mat first blasts lit the skies, a dozen heavier Kharybdis assault
system, over two years of ritual culling producing such claws proving too slow to scatter, obliterated in an instant
turmoil in the æther that only a handful of Traitor by a coruscating beam of energy. A handful more of
Navigators could guarantee local warp transit with any the Dreadclaws would be caught in the defence lasers’
degree of certainty. With the Ohmnian shipyards and apocalyptic glare, but the Sons of Horus’ attack had
local fleet devastated early in their civil war, Deygen’s fleet, weathered the most dangerous stage of the orbital drop;
bearing his 84th Company alone, moved unchallenged into each kilometre gained bringing them further inside the
orbit of Ohmn-Mat. Here they gazed down upon a world lasers’ minimum effective targeting range.
wracked by four years of internecine war, a blasted orb
pock-marked with the carcasses of forge-fanes annihilated Of almost two hundred assault claws loosed upon
in atomic barrages and ravaging phosphex wildfires, the Thyaetira, nine in every ten thundered home intact,
handful of forge-fanes and redoubts which had endured melta cutters blasting through layers of ablative ceramite
standing vigil over the graves of billions. Desperate vox- and hardened ferrocrete as they smashed through the
hails were broadcast to the Strife Bringers’ fleet from the upper levels of the forge-fane’s superstructure. Despite
surviving enclaves only to be met with silence; Captain puncturing almost half a kilometre into Thyaetira’s bulk,
Deygen immediately dismissing what paltry aid any bypassing much of the forge-fane’s outer defences, each
Traitor-aligned hosts might lend to their cause, valuing assault claw’s complement of Legionaries faced a frantic
only the pain they would suffer in the hours to come. battle in isolation as they fought through a warren of
tangled ducts and corridors to regroup. Alarm claxons
blared into life as the work designations of servitors
were suddenly overridden, sending the half-living drones
juddering into the path of the invading Legionaries who
tore through them with chainblade and bolt pistol; the
servitors’ lives spent for the simple purpose of buying time
for the encroaching forces of the Thyaetiran Taghmata.
Maniples of Scyllax Guardian-automata were the first The hidden agenda which drove the 84th Company
military presence encountered by the Strife Bringers, onwards, utterly inscrutable to their foes, served as one
swarming up through transit shafts and maintenance of the few factors in the Traitors’ favour, now buried
ducts or awoken in pockets as Sons of Horus squads intractably within the Loyalist forge-fane and bereft of
stumbled upon slumbering garrison-cloisters seeded support. Logic told the Thyaetiran synod that the Sons
throughout the forge-fane’s workings. Whirling of Horus would push down into Thyaetira’s innermost
mechadendrites and point-blank bolt rounds chewed into districts, either seeking to sabotage the forge-fane’s
ceramite, but these sporadic counter-attacks could do atomantic reactor array or seize control of their defence
little to stall the Sons of Horus, whose upbringings in the laser’s command locus. Instead, the Strife Bringers’
suffocating underworld of Cthonia had shaped them into Esoterists dictated a route following their own occult
some of the most brutal tunnel fighters in the galaxy. auguries, drawn towards an amalgamation of seething
ætheric energy concentrated in Thyaetira’s depths.
Reaching the lower levels of outer Thyaetira, the Strife
Bringers regrouped first in clusters of one or two squads As the 84th Company advanced further, scattered reports
but soon as scores of Legionaries, overwhelming the from seeker and recon squads screening their flanks
sparse defences as they amassed before one of the vast told of a slow but inexorable mass of Battle-automata
ingress-portals to the inner forge-fane. While the 84th welling up from the forge-fanes’ heart. While the Traitors’
Company’s core of line troops had survived to reach unexpected route avoided the bulk of this host, those
the rendezvous relatively intact, the Strife Bringers’ units which formed the Strife Bringers’ rearguard suffered
heavy assets had fared far worse, the greater portion of heavy casualties to a force of Arlatax Battle-automata,
their number embarked upon the wing of Kharybdis clearly intended to encircle the Sons of Horus should
assault claws which had burned in the skies above. they have pursued the route predicted by the Thyaetiran
Mustering his company’s remaining strength, Captain defence. A trio of the Traitors’ diminished reserve of
Deygen gestured forth the Strife Bringers’ lone surviving Contemptors were grudgingly assigned to hold back
Leviathan Dreadnought to rupture the seals into the inner the Arlatax, freeing their main host to press onwards.
Thyaetiran domain, its cyclonic melta lance blasting apart Increasingly drawn-out skirmishes ensued as the Strife
the ingress-portal’s mechanisms to send the vast blast Bringers’ skirted the edge of the main Taghmata force,
doors crashing to the ground. As the amassed Legionaries the Sons of Horus leveraging their brutal fighting
crossed the threshold into Thyaetira’s inner depths, lodge discipline to encircle and hew apart assaulting Thyaetiran
masters chanted profane litanies, promising their brothers automata, though for every Castellax or Domitar dragged
boons of arcane strength and resilience that would in turn down, several Legionaries fell in kind, crushed under
bring them the Warmaster’s favour as, below, Thyaetira crackling shock chargers or scythed apart by screeching
roused to action like the hive of some insectoid swarm. power blades.

Waves of Adsecularis Tech-thralls were driven into At length, the Strife Bringers resorted to collapsing
the Traitors’ path at the cybertheurgic instigation of tunnels and intersections with breaching charges to
their Lacyraemarta masters, fusillades of las blasts only cut off routes of approach, abandoning entire squads in
succeeding in bringing down a handful of already- delaying actions against the relentless Cybernetica as
wounded Legionaries while the volleys of precise bolter they sought to avoid being drawn into a protracted battle
fire unleashed in response made a bloody ruin of the that would delay their advance. Such efforts allowed
crudely augmented thralls. Falling back on doctrines Captain Deygen’s assault force to reach their target almost
mastered during the years of the Great Crusade, the Sons three hours into their descent, the sacrifice of over two
of Horus employed flame, volkite and chainblade to clear hundred Legionaries forging a path into Thyaetira’s vast
a path forwards, only stymied when sudden openings in Lacyraemarta harvesting precincts; every fallen warrior
the Adsecularis horde spewed forth maniples of ferocious paving the way for their brothers’ promised exaltation.
Vorax Battle-automata, hewing open great clefts in the Here was found the nucleus of the ætheric disturbance
Traitor line before they could be brought down with detected by Deygen’s Esoterists, the Lacyraemarta’s
krak grenades and melta blasts. Captain Deygen knew domain of torturous fleshworks governing the processes
these would be but the forerunners of the Thyaetiran of thrall-conversion, servitor assembly and biomass
Taghmata’s elite, its swiftest and most numerous agents reclamation; all of which had leached the pain and
sent to harry and bleed the Sons of Horus. Whatever the torment of entire generations of Mechanicum helots
nature of the greater counter-attack he assumed was yet into the Warp. This miasma of suffering had reached
to come, the Strife Bringers’ mauled heavy reserve would new heights during Ohmn-Mat’s civil war, as whole hosts
have to be deployed sparingly should they reach the of captured enemies had been cast into the harvesting
destination where Deygen intended to play his final hand. precincts, either subjected to involuntary cyber-surgery
and mind-caging to join the ranks of the Adsecularis or
rendered apart into nutrient slurry. Magnified by the continued to harry the Mechanicum forces, Nemesis
ætheric tumult unleashed by the Traitors’ ritual campaign bolter fire felling a handful of Tech-Priests and lesser
over the past two years and the pall of death which Magi to deprive the surrounding automata of direction,
loomed over Thyaetira and Ohmn-Mat at large, this aura but soon Myrmidon Destructor covenants who could not
of anguish stretched the veil which divided the Warp from be so easily dissuaded were pressed forward, burning the
realspace perilously thin, marking it as a perfect locus for Legionaries from their cover with torrents of fire. Pinned
the profane invocation around which the entire Traitor between the two forces, the Strife Bringers reformed into
effort revolved. a defensive posture, Captain Deygen committing the very
last of his heavy assets against the Thyaetiran Taghmata,
But the Strife Bringers’ dark ritual would not go while the 84th Company’s Breacher squads formed a
unopposed, for even as the Sons of Horus cut down the shieldwall mirroring the Iron Hands’ own line. Between
last dregs of Adsecularis cast from the Lacyraemarta’s these rapidly established front lines, the Sons of Horus
thrall-silos, a phalanx of blackened gunmetal approached lodge masters and Esoterists began to prepare their final
from the far reaches of the harvesting precincts, their ritual, hastily assembling a half-dozen altars from the
reinforced augmetics a breed apart from the crude industrial debris scattered across the mag-lev loading bays
cybernetics grafted onto the dying thralls. Some four where the Warmaster’s own would make their stand.
hundred Iron Hands Legionaries marched to meet
the Traitors, slab-faced shields marking them out as Reaver squads launched sudden assaults via jump packs
death-sworn Medusan Immortals, the tell-tale signs wherever the Medusans’ shieldwall buckled or broke,
of effaced iconography also borne by the handful of chainaxes sparking against hardened plate and power fists
Dreadnoughts and Inducted automata which walked crunching through flesh and bone. Every time they were
among their number. Leading this ominous host strode thrown back, the Reavers dragged severely injured and
Warleader Durante Osch, once a scion of Clan Lokopt and near-dead Loyalist Legionaries with them, commanded
Thaumaturge of the Legion’s shuttered Librarius, long- to gather sacrifices to fuel the unfolding invocation.
repressed psychic senses having forewarned him of the Several such attempts were stymied as the would-be
Traitors’ target. No words of parley were passed between captives clutched detonating grenades to their chests,
Captain Deygen and the Warleader, the barked death- while Warleader Osch, recognising the Traitors’ grim
oaths of the Medusan Immortals and howled Cthonian intent, prowled the front line, countering the Reavers’
war cries the only greeting given as the hated foes’ lines assaults with great swings of his thunder hammer and
erupted in bolter fire. directing the Medusans to deliver the Emperor’s mercy
to their fallen brothers rather than see them captured.
Even as the vanguard of the 84th Company crossed blades Nevertheless, several Iron Hands were too injured or
with this fresh foe, the pursuing Thyaetiran Taghmata insensate to effectively resist, carried back within the
pressed forward relentlessly. Recon squads deposited Traitors’ defensive cordon towards makeshift ritual sites
as pickets in the wake of the Strife Bringers’ advance even now being anointed with blood.
At the opposite front of the Traitors’ defence, the full Across the length of the battlefield, his Iron Hands
force of the Thyaetiran Taghmata was finally levelled attempted several times to reach their captive brothers, a
against the Sons of Horus, barrages of super-heated single blasted Contemptor managing to power through
plasma unleashed by Myrmidon Covenants and the throng of Traitor Legionaries to obliterate one of
Thanatar Siege-automata blasting craters in the mag-lev the ritual sites with a half-ruined conversion beamer, its
embankment adopted by the Strife Bringers as an ad-hoc atomantic reactor breaching at the same moment to erupt
defence line. Sheets of bolter fire hammered against the in sympathetic annihilation. A second invocation was also
approaching automata from hundreds of Legionaries, overrun before reaching its wretched culmination, falling
and while maybe one in ten Cybernetica fell under the victim to a force of Thallax and Ursurax which descended
onslaught, most marched on unperturbed, mass reactive from one of the loading bays’ ceiling vents; some lingering
rounds glancing off hardened ceramite or detonating pre- human instinct perhaps driving the lobotomised cyborgs
emptively as they were caught in crackling energy fields. to destroy the accursed ritual out of sheer revulsion. Even
Against this seemingly unstoppable tide of iron charged as these two ritual sites burned, the dark liturgies echoing
forth the Strife Bringers’ last remaining Dreadnoughts, a from their surviving counterparts reached fever pitch;
pair of Contemptors thundering into the Battle-automata each barked syllable painful to hear and every shadow
moments before the following trio of Castraferrum writhing with nightmarish forms, the actinic glare of
Dreadnoughts and single accompanying Leviathan. Brutal the loading bays’ flood lights seeming to retreat from
weapons smashed through actuators and crushed limbs, the invocation.
toppling Domitars to the ground and leaving the Castellax
in sparking ruin, their torsos caved in by crushing fists or Half-veiled by the encroaching darkness which shrouded
shredded asunder by whirring claws. For two minutes, the lodge masters’ gruesome altars, forms began to
the Thyaetiran Taghmata were halted, the six Sons of tear themselves from the corpses of the Strife Bringers’
Horus Dreadnoughts outnumbered perhaps a hundred brutalised captives, flesh distending and snapping as
to one by the Loyalist automata which slowly enveloped daemonkind fashioned the still-twitching cadavers into
them, inevitably cast down one by one as point blank gateways to realspace. From between the parting ranks
melta blasts turned limbs to molten slag and graviton of the Sons of Horus surged creatures which stood taller
hammers pulped ancients inside their sarcophagi. The than a Terminator, monstrous horrors of immaterial
single Leviathan which had survived the Strife Bringers’ sinew and twisted bone, dredged from nightmare and
orbital assault held out the longest, immolating a trio of bound to the will of the Traitors. Howling in voices at
Arlatax Battle-automata in its death throes as it pushed its once painfully unnatural and nauseatingly familiar, the
cyclonic melta lance beyond tolerances, its torso rammed first trio of Daemons charged forth into the onrushing
through by a half-dozen screeching power blades. Iron Hands with a detonation of ceramite and gore,
hurling Legionaries aside as immaterial blades and teeth
Amidst the fighting, the first signs of Captain Deygen’s carved ragged wounds into the Immortals’ panoply.
unfolding invocation began to manifest, the sensor-ghosts
of strange figures registering on augur systems and vox Throughout the battlefield, Sons of Horus Esoterists
channels filling with barely-audible chanting. Sheltered ushered forth dozens of brutish Daemons into realspace,
between the Strife Bringers’ two parallel defensive lines, each ritual completed allowing more of their daemonic
clusters of lodge devotees encircled a half-dozen ritual kin entry into the material realm. Each stood alike in
vivisections in progress, lodge masters and Esoterists stature, hulking beings conjured forth to overpower
extending the dying agonies of their Iron Hands and the Loyalist Space Marines and their automata
Tech-Priest victims to tempt forth the denizens of the counterparts, though none were truly uniform; some
warp. To Warleader Osch, this surge of tainted ætheric formed from weeping, putrid flesh, some were chased
energy pressed down like a leaden weight, his every sense in dancing balefire and others manifested in a dizzying
warning of impending catastrophe. array of horrific configurations besides. Regardless of
their appearance, all were equally lethal, hewing apart
Legionaries and Cybernetica both with daemonic
weapons fashioned in the likeness of vicious blades and
hammers, seemingly uncaring of anything but the carnage
they wrought.
As the wave of Daemon Brutes poured forth from the Burning out his augmetics to propel his mauled body
Strife Bringers’ host into the enveloping Loyalists, the forward, the Warleader lurched upwards as Captain
already ragged lines of battle began to dissolve into Deygen turned back to gloat once more, one remaining
a frenzy of sprawling melees, the Iron Hands almost arm swinging his thunder hammer backhanded with
overrun and the overpowering host of Thyaetiran inescapable force. Captain Deygen’s head was caved
automata suddenly stalled. At the centre of the carnage, inwards mid-sneer, but even as the Cthonian’s vengeful
Jharran Deygen stood exultant, the profane runes scored retinue moved to butcher the downed Iron Hand, the
into his ceramite now slick with freshly-spilled viscera. Captain’s body remained disturbingly upright, a mass
Over the course of two long years he had acquiesced to of black flame flickering in vague approximation of a
the obscure demands of the warrior lodges, redirecting his skull atop his shoulders. The thing which had once been
fleet and reshaping his company’s doctrines to fulfil the Jharran Deygen turned to regard Warleader Osch, uttering
needs of a ritual which promised to deliver not only the one fateful invocation before it reshaped the Captain’s
entirety of Ohmn-Mat into his hands, but which would flesh into a form which had haunted the nightmares of
also endow him and his warriors with arcane power. Even humanity for millennia: “Samus is here”.
lacking psychic potential, Deygen could feel the Warp
seething around him as the ritual took hold, but before his At the exact moment in which the Daemon Beast known
promised reward, it seemed one last trial would be laid at to those party to such fell knowledge as ‘Samus’ tore
his feet. itself into realspace through the ruined flesh of Captain
Deygen, hell was unleashed upon Ohmn-Mat’s entire
Warleader Osch, his armour rent in a half-dozen places surface. Scores of immaterial rifts sprang into being
and his thunder hammer slick with daemonic gore, across the Forge World, spewing forth endless tides of
staggered forward from the nearest throng of fighting. daemonkind in every form imaginable, as if shaped by the
With a bloodlust born of desperation, Osch unshackled essence of death which stained the world. Upon the rad-
powers he had held in check since the Edict of Nikaea, suffused wastes east of Thyaetira, a horde of cadaverous,
scything through Deygen’s Chieftain retinue with a volley hunched figures crawled forth, their skin sloughing
of howling, immaterial shards even as contact with the off and their eyes weeping blood. Within the cramped
Warp’s tumult wracked his body with pain. Spitting curses, arcology-manufactora at the heart of the Akkaron forge-
Osch bellowed his challenge to Captain Deygen, who fane, twisted flesh-metal beings clawed apart everything
gestured for his surviving bodyguards to withdraw as the within reach, while the bastion wall of Sardys was overrun
battered Iron Hand approached. Deygen raised his ornate by monstrous cavalry caparisoned in brass and bone.
blade in mocking salute, meeting Osch’s faltering charge Unlike the summoned daemonkind which battered the
with complete surety of his own martial supremacy and defenders of Thyaetira, these Warp-born horrors played
convinced that the arcane liturgy inscribed across his plate no heed to the allegiance of those they fell upon, sparing
would ward off whatever sorcery the weakened psyker nothing living as they poured across Ohmn-Mat in an
could muster. The duel lasted for less than a minute, apocalyptic tide. Even Samus, a creature of hateful and
with Osch left kneeling upon the pitted decking at its perfidious malice, remained bound to the will of the
conclusion, Deygen’s longsword lodged in his abdomen. Sons of Horus thanks to the efforts of the 84th Company’s
With all the swagger of a Cthonian pit fighter, Deygen Esoterists and the binding wards intended to contain
postured for his brothers, relishing his victory over a foe Captain Deygen’s apotheosis, but those Daemons which
he laughingly declared ‘twice-broken’, a final insult which manifested freely about Ohmn-Mat followed no purpose
perhaps gave Osch the ire-fuelled strength for one final, but their own.
killing blow.
Whether an expected consequence of the ritual intended As the desperate reality of what was unfolding across
to apotheosise Deygen and his Strife Bringers or simply Ohmn-Mat became clear to Osch’s last enclave of
the result of its ultimate failure upon the Captain’s death, Loyalists, the host of Traitor Legionaries and conjured
this was the true culmination of the invocation which Daemons closing about them like a noose, they turned
had determined the 84th Company’s path for the two to their own well of accursed lore to deny the Traitors
years previous, the fathomless horror of the Immaterium their victory. Sequestered within Thyaetira’s depths
unleashed upon Ohmn-Mat wholesale. For the Loyalists, was a device that had once rested within one of the
all hope of defence or survival was extinguished in an myth-shrouded Vaults of Mimir, repositories of techno-
instant, though those embroiled in the fighting within arcana deemed by the slain Primarch Ferrus Manus too
Thyaetira’s core would be unable to determine the truth perilous for any within the Imperium to possess. As
of what was occurring above for three more hours as a Samus and its coterie of bound Daemons breached the
handful of their number escaped into the depths of the inner defences of the Loyalists’ sanctuary, the weapon
forge-fane. For many this knowledge would have likely was activated, immolating the air within the forge-fane
made little difference, the battle for Thyaetira itself all but instantaneously and initiating a conflagration which
lost as fresh waves of lumbering Daemon Brutes wrought spread beyond Thyaetira to ignite Ohmn-Mat’s very
havoc among the Loyalist forces. Clusters of Myrmidon atmosphere, shrouding the Forge World in fire within a
priests fought and died back-to-back amidst the chaos, matter of minutes. All but the very bedrock of the planet
data-feeds cataloguing the efficacy of every weapon was immediately set ablaze, the atomantic reactors of the
in their arsenal against the daemonic horrors even as surviving forge-fanes adding their own detonations to
they were torn apart. Cybernetica flailed erratically at the inferno as oceans were flash-boiled away and cities
creatures which registered as half-formed anomalies dissolved into seas of molten slag.
upon their sensors, increasingly shorn of direction as the
Strife Bringers’ remaining Seekers and Recon Legionaries In moments life itself was erased from Ohmn-Mat, but
hunted down the Thyaetiran Magos. The Iron Hands, even with the entire planetary orb set alight, the fire still
facing the same unforeseen annihilation which had spread. Impossibly, every voidcraft, planetary outpost
doomed their brethren upon Isstvan V, cast aside their and space-bound installation with an active vox-link
boarding shields and drew their blades, resolved to deliver to Ohmn-Mat at the time of the inferno was engulfed
spiteful, personal deaths to as many of the Sons of Horus in the same blaze, a hundred pyres igniting across
as they could. the solar system simultaneously and transmitting the
conflagration further via their own web of active vox-
Samus, now fully manifested in its hideous, lupine form, links. The 84th Company’s fleet detonated as the Traitor
prowled along the periphery of the slaughter, chasing Ohmnian enclaves’ desperately transmitted pleas for aid
down pockets of Loyalists as they attempted to escape doomed them, first setting the flagship Grand Cruiser
into Thyaetira’s warren of ducts and serviceways, every Admonisher ablaze, with the fleet-wide vox-net ensuring
part the nightmarish hunting beast its immaterial flesh her accompanying ships immediately followed.
seemed to mock. The only force which managed to slow
its bloody pursuit was a trio of Iron Hands Contemptors This conflagration burned across the void until every
that blocked the Daemon’s path as Warleader Osch’s active vox-link was spent, the gulf of space at the system’s
somehow still-living body was carried from the field by edge the only effective firebreak against its spread. Only
the Taghmata’s surviving Magi, the vile instincts which when the weapon could proliferate no more did the
drove Samus to relish in every kill likely all which spared infernos raging across the system gradually begin to gutter
the Loyalists as they withdrew into the forge-fane’s last and die, the intensity of their heat ensuring nothing
holdfast. Encased in adamantium-chased ceramite, touched by the accursed flame persisted. For Ohmn-Mat
each of the three Dreadnoughts was a masterwork of itself no such end to the destruction was forthcoming,
the Xth Legion’s artificers, but against a being of such the planet forevermore fixed in the void as a ball of
unfettered hate as Samus, little could stand and yet live. unquenchable fire, denied in its immolation to the hands
Lascannon blasts tore at the Daemon’s sinuous hide of both human and daemonkind alike.
and power fists hammered into its wolfish maw, but the
beast’s unnatural flesh re-knit and jagged bone cut at
the Dreadnoughts even as they struck. In response, the
blades of Samus parted ceramite effortlessly, shearing off
limbs and hacking through torsos, the Daemon slowly
and deliberately butchering each Dreadnought in turn to
reveal the entombed Legionary within, delivering a final
death with its ravenous jaws.
The Ceaseless Pyre
Brought to the Forge World by Durante Osch’s warband in the aftermath of the Dropsite Massacre, the archaeotech
device which set the Ohmn-Mat system aflame bears some resemblance to a handful of other weapons encountered
during the Great Crusade and chronicled in the bleak histories of Old Night. According to the nature of the
devastation it unleashed and the vector through which this destruction was spread, the device can be broadly
classified as belonging to a class of heretek known as ‘mimetic annihilators’. Why Warleader Osch brought such a
weapon to the backwater Forge World can only be guessed at, whether intending Ohmn-Mat a target for its power
or simply seeking a refuge to conceal it from the hands of the Traitors. Indeed, it cannot be assumed that the
Warleader even understood the device’s capabilities, those artefacts concealed in the Vaults of Mimir being esoteric
devices of wildly varying natures. Regardless, its activation ended the daemonic incursion upon the planet and
ultimately prevented the Warmaster’s forces from unearthing the truth of what had occurred upon Ohmn-Mat,
impeding the refinement of the Traitors’ ritual into a form that may have granted access to daemonic apotheosis far
earlier in the war.

Due to the weapon’s potency and its use of vox networks as a delivery method, little record of Ohmn-Mat’s death
survived to indicate what occurred at its end, this account being primarily drawn from two intact sources as well as
later examination of the Ohmn-Mat system. The first such source was a damaged Ohmnian kill-sat, its vox interlink
destroyed early in the war but its sensor arrays and data-stacks having remained intact and active throughout the
events described. The second source was a lone Magos who had fled the slaughter in Thyaetira’s depths and reached
orbit via an improvised escape craft, modified from an atomic missile and secreted away in anticipation of the forge-
fane’s destruction, albeit at the hands of other Ohmnian Magi.
“The dead cannot judge your SUPPLEMENTARY LIST
crimes, for the generations
you annihilated are long gone, The following section presents rules for using Bound Daemons in games of
their like never to be seen Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Age of Darkness.
again. These cultures which
endured since before you These rules are treated as a separate Army List with the Faction Agents of the
crawled from the primordial Warmaster and Sub-faction Bound Daemons, and must be used to compose Allied
ooze will hold no tribunals Detachments of that Faction and Sub-faction.
and render no verdict over
your twisted empire of death. The following additional rules apply to Detachments of this Sub-faction:

Instead I must take solace in The Bound Unit Sub-type

the fact that your end will and Bound Malefica Special Rule
be as cruel and uncaring The units presented here represent Daemons called forth from the Warp and bound
as you. There is no better to the service of a summoner through the use of some esoteric ritual, rather than
mirror for your hate than those manifested spontaneously from the Immaterium. To better represent this
those that dwell Beyond, and specific nature, many of the models in this Supplementary List have the Bound
they draw closer with every Sub-type and the Bound Malefica special rule, which modify the Daemon Unit
passing moment. You thought Type accordingly.
yourselves the greatest beings
in the Galaxy, but to Them
you are merely livestock, and
the feast is past due.”

Suppressed address of the

last Apostate Philosopher
of Somnium IV, prior to
their execution
Bound Sub-type
Whether conjured into realspace through arcane pacts New Warlord Trait:
or occult deception, successfully Bound Daemons are Malefic Supplicant
sublimated to their summoner’s will, though their anchor This Warlord Trait is available to any Character
in the material world – and their obeisance – lasts only as model selected as an army’s Warlord, regardless
long as this summoner can endure. of Faction, but that model must have the
Traitor Allegiance.
The following rules apply to all models with the
Bound Sub-type: Malefic Supplicant
Some warlords turned to dark powers during the bloody
• Models with the Bound Sub-type do not modify their battles of the Horus Heresy in order to gain advantage
Strength and Toughness values according to the current over their foes. Few of these warriors truly understood
Game Turn as detailed in the Daemon Unit Type. the price they would pay, having only the few scraps of
• While there are no models from the same army with knowledge they could discover in ancient tomes and
both the Psyker Unit Sub-type and the Independent xenos archives to make their bargains. Most would pay
Character special rule on the battlefield or Embarked for these bargains with their soul, but for those that it
upon a unit with the Transport Sub-type that is on brought victory, it was a pact worth the price.
the battlefield, models with the Bound Sub-type
suffer a penalty of -1 to their Strength and Toughness A Warlord with this Trait gains the Psyker unit
characteristics to a minimum value of 1. Sub-type, but does not gain any Psychic Disciplines,
• During deployment, in order for units entirely Psychic Weapons or Psychic Powers. However, they
composed of models with the Bound Sub-type to may make Psychic checks in order to deploy Bound
be deployed on the battlefield, a model from the Daemon units at the start of the mission or to bring
same army with the Psyker Unit Sub-type and the Bound Daemon units into play from Reserves (see
Independent Character special rule which is already the Bound Unit Sub-type). In addition, an army
deployed (or Embarked upon a unit with the Transport whose Warlord has this Trait may make an additional
Sub-type which is already deployed) must make a Reaction during their opponent’s Assault phase
Psychic check for each such unit, one at a time. For each as long as the Warlord has not been removed as
successful Check a single unit containing models with a casualty.
the Bound Sub-type may be deployed as normal, but
once a Psychic check is failed, that and all further units
containing models with the Bound Sub-type must be Bound Malefica
placed in Reserves. The controlling player may choose Units entirely composed of models with the Bound
not to make a Psychic check for any unit containing Malefica special rule are considered to be part of the
models with the Bound Sub-type, instead placing it Ruinstorm Daemon Army List for the purposes of any
directly into reserves and allowing Psychic checks to special rule which allows Ruinstorm Daemon units to
be made to deploy any further units containing models be included in a Detachment drawn from a different
with the Bound Sub-type. Note that failing a Psychic Army List, or which grants Ruinstorm Daemon units
check in this manner does not inflict Perils of the Warp. an alternative method of deploying from Reserves, such
• Units placed in Reserves which are entirely composed as the Legion Esoterist’s Breach the Veil Psychic Power
of models with the Bound Sub-type do not have Reserve or High Chaplain Erebus’ Harbinger of Chaos special
rolls made for them, instead the controlling player rule (see page 321 of the Liber Hereticus: Traitor Legiones
may have a model with the Psyker Sub-type and the Astartes Army Book). Units selected in this manner
Independent Character special rule make a Psychic retain the Agents of the Warmaster Faction and Bound
check when Reserves rolls would be made in order Daemons Sub-faction.
for them to enter play from reserves as normal. Note
that this only applies when deploying units containing
models with the Bound Sub-type from Reserves, and
does not affect special deployment types such as Deep
Strike Assaults and the Breach the Veil Psychic Power.
The Ætheric Dominion (X) Special Rule
Though mortal man might see the forces of the Warp as a unified host of monsters, this was far from the truth. Within the
depths of the Warp there stirred a number of powers, each with its own agenda and desires, and each with its own hosts. While
those daemonic incursions spawned from the nightmare of the Ruinstorm might align to one particular immaterial host, for
even the most practised summoner, the intricacies of the Warp’s byzantine power structures were utterly unknowable. As a result,
summoned Daemons were often unwittingly drawn from across the vast multitudes of daemonkind, inscrutable allegiances
subsumed by the binding rituals that drew them together.

Each Ætheric Dominion represents one of the innumerable hosts of daemonkind, and any unit with the Ætheric
Dominion (X) special rule will have a number of additional special rules and abilities specific to their Ætheric Dominion.
A unit which includes models with this special rule may only have one variation of the Ætheric Dominion special rule,
e.g., Ætheric Dominion (Encroaching Ruin), and no model with this special rule may join a unit which includes any
models with a different variation of the Ætheric Dominion (X) special rule. A unit which includes models with this
special rule without a specific Ætheric Dominion listed in brackets must select one Ætheric Dominion from the list
below during the army selection process (before the start of a battle) for no additional cost and is thereafter treated as
having that variation of this special rule – unless specified otherwise, a Detachment may contain units with different
variations of the Ætheric Dominion (X) special rule.
Ætheric Dominion (Encroaching Ruin) Ætheric Dominion
Chaos in its purest form is a terror that few can stand before (Formless Distortion)
and remain sane. It hungers only for destruction, that all Even as Daemons manifest as obscene parodies of mortal
things mortal meet their predestined end and crumble into forms, the true essence of Chaos is endlessly shifting and
dust to be forgotten. To this singular end it moves inexorably, unknowable, twisting, changing and perverting everything it
driven by a nightmarish purpose which subsumes the petty touches. Some Daemons who crossed the veil into realspace
divisions of daemonkind. embodied this ceaseless distortion to its fullest extent, shaping
themselves into roiling agglomerations of immaterial flesh
When a unit entirely composed of models with this and bone, for whom death was simply one component of
special rule and the Daemon Unit Type fails a Morale the eternal metamorphosis they would inflict upon the
check, it only suffers a single automatic Wound with material world.
no Saves of any kind allowed instead of D3 Wounds as
specified in the Daemon Unit Type. In addition, models When selecting a combat at the beginning of the Fight
with this special rule gain the Move Through Cover sub-phase, roll a D3 for each unit entirely composed of
special rule. models with this special rule that is locked in combat.
All close combat attacks made by models in the combat
Ætheric Dominion with this special rule gain additional special rules
(Heedless Slaughter) corresponding to the D3 roll until the end of that
The dark fury of battle and the red joy of life’s final end. For combat phase:
some among the hordes of the Warp, the only goal was to
fight and to die – it mattered not where or why as long as D3 Result
blood flowed. Such vile entities would appear garbed in the 1 Coruscating Ectoplasma: Concussive (1), Lance
trappings of conquerors and executioners, caring only for 2 Lashing Pseudopods: Reach (1)
the tally of skulls and death they might reap from the mortal 3 Vorpal Talons: Shred, Sunder
world, irrespective of such concerns as ‘friend’ or ‘foe’.
Ætheric Dominion (Putrid Corruption)
A unit entirely composed of models with this special rule A slow corruption, rotting away body and soul, with no
must declare a Charge if able when they begin the Assault final release in death. Among the hosts of Chaos there were
phase within 8" of an enemy unit. If there is more than those who cared nothing for victory or defeat, only that
one eligible target, the controlling player chooses the suffering was spread to as many as possible. Such creatures
target of any Charges made so long as that target is within were ushered forth into the material world in a miasma of
8". Note that this does not allow models with this special disease and filth, content to spread their vile gifts to the world
rule to Charge a different unit to one that they made a of mortals.
Shooting Attack against in the previous Shooting phase,
even if they have made Shooting Attacks against a unit Models with this special rule gain the Heavy Unit Sub-
which is further than 8" away and there are eligible targets type and may make a special Corrupted Resilience roll
for a Charge within 8". to avoid being Wounded (this is a Damage Mitigation
roll which is made after unsaved Wounds are suffered).
Additionally, a unit entirely composed of models with Corrupted Resilience rolls may not be taken against
this special rule adds +1 to the score used to determine if unsaved Wounds that have at least one of the following
they win a Combat in the Assault phase (this modifier is special rules: Instant Death, Psychic Focus or Force. To
cumulative with other modifiers to Combat Resolution) make a Corrupted Resilience roll, roll a D6 each time an
and adds +1 to the value of any rolls made to determine unsaved Wound is suffered. On a result of 6+, the unsaved
the result of a Sweeping Advance. Wound is discounted – treat it as having been saved. On
any other result the Wound is taken as normal.
Ætheric Dominion Ætheric Dominion
(Ravenous Dissolution) (Malevolent Artifice)
Such is the hatred that swirls within the Warp that it Just as Chaos reflects back a twisted mockery of humanity’s
encompasses all things, and like the dragon of eternity that every facet, so too is the very drive to create perverted into
feasts upon its own tail, this hatred extends even to itself. To a malevolent and destructive force within the Immaterium.
expect rational and sane logic from creatures such as these Conjured forth into realspace, such daemonkind harnessed
would be foolish, for Chaos was both its name and nature. the works of mortals as a vector for their own annihilation,
Yet, in its self-destructive hatred there was no ally to be found, their monstrous machine-entity forms at once a mimicry of
only a new and more unpredictable foe. flesh and artifice, every action made to demonstrate their
supremacy over both mortal beings and everything they
Any model with this special rule adds +1 to all To Hit rolls deigned to create.
during the first round of any close combat where they
are locked in combat with a unit containing at least one Models with this special rule may re-roll all failed Armour
model with either the Daemon Unit Type, Corrupted Saves taken against any Wounds resolved at a Strength
or Psyker Unit Sub-type, or the Independent Character value lower than their Toughness Characteristic. This
special rule. special rule has no effect on Cover Saves or Invulnerable
The effects of this special rule only apply when a unit
which has it begins an Assault phase not locked in combat Ætheric Dominion (Infernal Tempest)
and then either Charges or is Charged by an enemy unit. Some hosts of daemonkind brought forth a maelstrom of
If an enemy unit Charges this unit when it is already raw warpstuff with them, manifesting the energy of the
locked in combat then that does count as a new ‘first’ turn Immaterium as sheer elemental power. Around these entities
of combat for the effects of this special rule. roiled tempests of prismatic balefire, the air riven with
crackling arcs of unreal lightning as the earth twisted into
Ætheric Dominion (Rapturous Sensation) fragments of shimmering crystal. To these Daemons there was
A maddening screech of sensation and wild impulses. For no higher purpose than the promulgation of that power and
some among the numberless tide of Chaos the ends of violence of its profligate use on the battlefields of the material realm.
truly mattered not, merely that they were there to take part
and to experience its vicissitudes, inflicting overwhelming Models with this special rule gain the Hammer of Wrath
pain and gorging on mortals’ fear. These daemonkind revelled (1) special rule or, if they already have a version of the
in the sensory overload of war, bounding over shell-sundered Hammer of Wrath (X) special rule, they increase the value
battlefields to deliver blissful death as they exulted in each in brackets by +1. All wounds inflicted by any variant of
blinding flash and deafening blast. the Hammer of Wrath (X) special rule possessed by a unit
with this special rule also gain the Deflagrate special rule.
On a turn in which they make a successful Charge, unless
that Charge is Disordered, models with this special rule Additionally, models with this special rule gain a Shooting
make their attacks in an assault at one Initiative step Attack with the following profile:
higher than normal – after any Initiative modifiers from
other special rules have been taken into account. Units Weapon Range Str AP Type
entirely composed of models with this special rule also Elemental Eruption 8" User 5 Assault 2,
gain a bonus of +1" to the distance they can move as part Deflagrate,
of all Run moves, Charge moves and any move they make Retaliation
as part of a Reaction.
Retaliation: Attacks may only be made using weapons
Additionally, units entirely composed of models with with this special rule as part of a Reaction and
this special rule must re-roll all failed Initiative tests to automatically hit the target unit without needing to roll
determine if they suffer the effects of the Blind special rule To Hit.
as well as all failed Leadership tests to determine if they
suffer the effects of the Concussive (X) special rule.
Bound Samus................................................380 points
The End and the Death, Daemon Prince of the Primordial Annihilator

Bound Samus 8 6 5 8 7 7 7 4 9 3+
A constant presence in
the legends and history of Unit Composition Unit Type
Sixty-Three Nineteen, the • 1 Bound Samus • Daemon (Bound, Monstrous,
malignant whispers of Samus Character, Unique)
were said to have driven entire Wargear
civilisations insane with • Blades of Samus Special Rules
paranoia and fear. Capable of • Ætheric Dominion
possessing any but the most (Encroaching Ruin)
warded of souls, the Daemon • Bound Malefica
Prince took great pleasure in • Æthereal Invulnerability (4+)
turning its host upon their • Empyrean Avatar
companions, slaughtering • Whispers of Madness
those who moments before • Fleet (2)
had been comrades-in-arms, • It Will Not Die (5+)
friends or even family. • Rage (3)
• Bulky (7)
A blight on those loyal to the • Move Through Cover*
Emperor during the Horus • Traitor
Heresy, little is recorded • Warlord: The End and the Death
regarding the Imperium’s
first encounter with Samus This is included as part of the Ætheric

as a bound servant of one of Dominion (Encroaching Ruin) special rule

many enemies vanquished
during the Great Crusade.
Throughout the Age of
Darkness, Samus would wreak Warlord: The End and the Death
a trail of devastation across Death and bloodshed are drawn to Samus like crows to carrion.
the wounded Imperium,
encountered in a form bound Samus may always be selected as an Army’s Warlord even if it is not part of the
to the will of the Traitor hosts Primary Detachment or a HQ choice. If chosen as the army’s Warlord, Bound
as well as manifested fully of Samus replaces the Empyrean Avatar special rule with the Eternal Warrior
its own volition, the advent special rule and automatically has The End and the Death as its Warlord Trait
of the Ruinstorm letting it and may not select any other.
plague the worlds of Mankind
once again. The End and the Death – When fighting in a Challenge, successful Invulnerable
Saves taken against Bound Samus’ attacks must be re-rolled. In addition, an
army with Bound Samus as its Warlord may make an additional Reaction during
the opponent’s Movement phase as long as Bound Samus has not been removed
as a casualty.
Æthereal Invulnerability (X)
As creations of congealed warp-stuff, the manifested forms of Daemon entities seemed at times to all but ignore the damage
caused by mortal weapons.

A model with this special rule gains an Invulnerable Save equal to the value listed in brackets. This Invulnerable Save
cannot be taken against attacks made with weapons with the Force special rule.

Empyrean Avatar
The manifested forms of the greatest among the Daemon hordes were all but impervious to mortal weaponry, consuming
their destructive energies or regenerating grievous wounds within moments.

When a model with this special rule suffers an unsaved Wound with the Instant Death special rule, it is not
immediately removed as a casualty, but instead loses D3 Wounds instead of one for each unsaved Wound with the
Instant Death special rule inflicted on it.

Whispers of Madness
With treacherous whispers from within the Warp, Samus sows mistrust and paranoia among its foes. Once it has torn its
way into realspace, these whispers become a cacophony of maddening gibberish and hateful chatter.

The Whispers of Madness special rule grants the following benefits:

• If Bound Samus has been placed in Reserves and has not yet arrived on the battlefield, Reserves rolls made by an
opposing player to bring units into play from Reserve are modified by -1. This modifier does not stack with any
other negative modifiers to Reserves rolls – use the highest single modifier instead.
• Any model within 18" of Bound Samus must reduce its Leadership by -2 when making Psychic checks. This
modifier is cumulative with other effects that reduce Leadership for the purposes of making Psychic checks.
• While locked in combat, Bound Samus increases the value of its Fear (1) special rule to Fear (2).

Blades of Samus
Samus cared not for which implement it wields to spill blood and end lives. All blades are worthy tools of murder in the
hands of the End and the Death.

In combat, this is counted as a single weapon and is considered to be a ‘Daemonic’ weapon for those rules that affect
such weapons:

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Blades of Samus - User 2 Melee, Armourbane (Melee), Murderous Strike (5+)
Bound Daemon Regent............................. 130 points
HQ Bound Daemon Regent 8 5 3 5 6 4 5 4 8 4+
Bound Daemon Attendant 8 4 3 5 5 3 5 3 7 4+
While many might assume
Daemon Brutes are simple Unit Composition Unit Type
creatures by dint of their • 1 Bound Daemon Regent • Bound Daemon Regent: Daemon
loping stature and brutal (Bound, Character)
mass, as with much of Wargear • Bound Daemon Attendant:
the Warp’s intricacies the • Regent blade (Daemon Regent only) Daemon (Bound)
labyrinthine hierarchies of • Brute armaments (Daemon
daemonkind exist beyond Attendants only) Special Rules (Daemon Regent)
the ken of most sane mortals. • Ætheric Dominion (X)
Among these Daemons named • Bound Malefica
‘Brute’ in a futile attempt at • Hammer of Wrath (1)
classification exist dominions • Æthereal Invulnerability (4+)
all of their own, the constant (Daemon Regent only)
turmoil embodied by the • Æthereal Invulnerability (5+) (Daemon
Warp’s denizens giving rise Attendants only)
to ever-changing networks • Chosen Warriors (Daemon
of power. Attendants only)
• Bulky (3)
The most powerful among • Traitor
the Daemon Brutes are the
Regents, bellicose enforcers for Options
greater entities or capricious • The unit may take:
overlords in their own right, - Up to 2 Bound Daemon Attendants..................................................... +45 points each
swollen with power and often
accompanied by daemonkind
of similar stature. For those Æthereal Invulnerability (X)
capable of summoning and As creations of congealed warp-stuff, the manifested forms of Daemon entities
binding Daemons to their seemed at times to all but ignore the damage caused by mortal weapons.
will, such figureheads prove
valuable for securing the A model with this special rule gains an Invulnerable Save equal to the value
obeisance of larger hosts of listed in brackets. This Invulnerable Save cannot be taken against attacks made
Daemons, chains of fealty with weapons with the Force special rule.
ensnaring other Neverborn
within a Daemon Regent’s Daemonic Armaments
sphere of influence. Variously forming colossal blades, cudgels or hammers, the monstrous weapons
wielded by these Daemons were alike only in their cruelty and the devastation
they wrought.

All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Daemonic’ weapons for those rules that
affect such weapons.

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Brute armaments - User 3 Melee, Two-handed,
Murderous Strike (5+),
Rending (6+)
Regent blade - User 2 Melee,
Murderous Strike (5+)
Bound Daemon Brutes..............................135 points
TROOPS or Bound Daemon Brute 8 4 3 5 5 3 5 3 7 4+
Unit Composition Unit Type
Hulking creatures of twisted • 3 Bound Daemon Brutes • Daemon (Bound)
muscle and sharpened
bone, Daemon Brutes are Wargear Special Rules
manifestations of sheer • Brute armaments • Ætheric Dominion (X)
brutality, called forth to break • Bound Malefica
the fragile ranks of mortal • Æthereal Invulnerability (5+)
armies as animate weapons • Hammer of Wrath (1)
of war. Each of these brutish • Bulky (3)
monsters towers over even • Traitor
the enhanced warriors of
the Legiones Astartes and is Options
capable of shrugging aside the • The unit may take:
mass reactive projectiles of - Up to 3 additional Bound Daemon Brutes...........................................+40 points each
boltguns as though they were
mere irritations.
Æthereal Invulnerability (X)
Thundering forth from the As creations of congealed warp-stuff, the manifested forms of Daemon entities
depths of the Warp in a seemed at times to all but ignore the damage caused by mortal weapons.
charge that shakes the earth
upon which they tread, a A model with this special rule gains an Invulnerable Save equal to the value
phalanx of these terrifying listed in brackets. This Invulnerable Save cannot be taken against attacks made
monsters can sunder any with weapons with the Force special rule.
formation and break any line
set against them. Worse yet, Brute Armaments
these beasts exhibit the same Variously forming colossal blades, cudgels or hammers, the monstrous weapons
twisted cunning common to wielded by Daemon Brutes were alike only in their cruelty and the devastation
their ilk, ever devising new they wrought.
ways to torment their foes
and confound the efforts of All weapons listed here are counted as ‘Daemonic’ weapons for those rules that
Mankind to stand against the affect such weapons.
Daemon and its fel masters.
Weapon Range Str AP Type
Brute armaments - User 3 Melee, Two-handed,
Murderous Strike (5+),
Rending (6+)
Bound Ka’bandha........................................ 525 points
Daemon General of Signus

Bound Ka’Bandha 8 8 5 8 8 8 6 7 9 3+
Of all the dark legends
spawned by the nightmarish Unit Composition Unit Type
incursions that would hit • 1 Ka’Bandha • Daemon (Bound, Character,
the Imperium during the Gargantuan, Unique)
Age of Darkness, that of Wargear
Ka'Bandha would cast a vast • The Armaments of Ka'bandha Special Rules
shadow across history. This • Incarnadine Wings • Ætheric Dominion
bat-winged terror, clad in (Heedless Slaughter)
impenetrable bronze plate • Bound Malefica
and capable of cleaving a • Æthereal Invulnerability (4+)
dozen men with each swing • Adamantium Will (3+)
of its talons and hell-forged • Eternal Rivalry
weapons, would bring about • Hammer of Wrath (D3)
the end of dozens of worlds, • Hatred (Sanguinius)
scouring them clean with fire • It Will Not Die (5+)
and with fury. • Rampage (D3+1)
• Scythe of Hatred
Of those worlds and armies it • Traitor
appeared before, none would • Warlord: Skull Keeper
survive as anything other
than burnt-out ruins and
blackened corpses or ritually
stacked bones – none, except Warlord: Skull Keeper
for the Blood Angels and their Ka’bandha may always be selected as an Army’s Warlord even if it is not part
angel-winged sire. It would of the Primary Detachment or an HQ choice. If chosen as the army’s Warlord,
be Ka'Bandha’s battle against Ka'bandha automatically has Skull Keeper as its Warlord Trait and may not
the IXth Legion that would select any other.
define it and shake the very
foundations of the Imperium, Skull Keeper – All models with the Daemon Unit Type and the Ætheric
from the bloody plains of Dominion (Heedless Slaughter) special rule within 12" of Ka'bandha gain the
Signus Prime to the gates of Rage (3) special rule. In addition, an army whose Warlord has this Trait may
the Imperial Palace on Terra. make an additional Reaction in the Movement phase as long as Ka'bandha has
By its clawed hand would a not been removed as a casualty.
Primarch be brought low and
a Legion branded with a curse Ka’bandha may be selected as part of a Lords of War Detachment for any army with
born of a Daemon’s hatred the Traitor Allegiance, subject to the restrictions on Lords of War and Primarch
and their own hubris. points totals. However, if selected as part of an Army List which does not include any
models with both the Psyker Unit Sub-type and the Independent Character special
Whether conjured forth in a rule, Ka’Bandha will be unable to be deployed on the battlefield or enter play from
lesser form by a particularly Reserves, as per the Bound Unit Sub-type.
ambitious summoner or torn
free from the Warp of its
own volition, time and again
Ka’bandha loosed fury and
hatred upon the Imperium,
and though repulsed each
time, the cost in lives and
ruined worlds would never
be cheap.
Æthereal Invulnerability (X)
As creations of congealed warp-stuff, the manifested forms of Daemon entities seemed at times to all but ignore the damage
caused by mortal weapons.

A model with this special rule gains an Invulnerable Save equal to the value listed in brackets. This Invulnerable Save
cannot be taken against attacks made with weapons with the Force special rule.

Incarnadine Wings
At the start of the controlling player’s Movement phase, or when entering play from Reserves or via the Breach the
Veil Psychic Power, a model with Incarnadine Wings may set its Movement Characteristic to a value of 14 for the
duration of the controlling player’s turn (sometimes referred to as ‘activating’ this special rule). This allows a model
with Incarnadine Wings to move up to 14", regardless of the Movement Characteristic shown on their profile and
gain any other benefits of a Movement Characteristic of 14 (including the bonus to Charge distance). In addition,
models with Incarnadine Wings that have been activated ignore terrain while Moving and Charging, but must take
Dangerous Terrain tests as normal when beginning or ending their Movement in Dangerous Terrain. A model with
Incarnadine Wings that has been activated treats all Difficult Terrain as Dangerous Terrain and may move over both
friendly and enemy models or units without penalty – but must end its Movement at least 1" away from any model
from another unit.

A model with Incarnadine Wings may still Run if it would normally be able to Run (this does not allow units
that include any models with the Heavy Sub-type to Run). When making a Run move for a model with activated
Incarnadine Wings, add the Initiative Characteristic of the model to 14 to determine how far it may move – the
model ignores terrain and models from other units while making a Run move with Incarnadine Wings as previously
noted, but may not make Shooting Attacks or declare a Charge in the same turn in which it has Run as per the
normal rules for Running.

During a Reaction made in any Phase, a player may not choose to activate a model’s Incarnadine Wings to gain any
bonus to its Movement Characteristic.

Eternal Rivalry
If any enemy army includes Sanguinius, the following Secondary Objective comes into effect:

Eternal Rivalry: If Sanguinius is removed as a casualty while fighting in a Challenge against Ka'bandha, Ka'bandha's
controlling player scores 2 Victory points – this is in addition to any points scored for Slay the Warlord. However,
if Ka'bandha is removed as a casualty while it is fighting in a Challenge against Sanguinius, Ka'bandha's controlling
player instead loses 1 Victory point.

Scythe of Hatred
At the end of any Assault phase, after the results of any combats have been worked out and Sweeping Advances and
Consolidations have been completed, Ka'bandha may make a special Scythe of Hatred attack. To resolve this attack,
the controlling player places a Hellstorm template with the narrow end in contact with Ka'bandha’s base. Any unit
with models underneath the template suffers a number of automatic S6, AP- Hits equal to the number of unsaved
Wounds caused by Melee Attacks made by Ka'bandha during the preceding Assault phase (this does not include any
modifiers to the score used to determine who won a Combat).

The Armaments of Ka’bandha

This weapon has two profiles – the first is used only when locked in combat (counting as a single weapon) and the
second is only used during Shooting Attacks. This is considered to be a ‘Daemonic’ weapon for those rules that
affect such weapons:

Weapon Range Str AP Type

Armaments of Ka'bandha (Melee) - User+4 2 Melee, Two-handed, Sunder
Armaments of Ka'bandha (Ranged) 6" 6 2 Assault 7
This unit includes two new Unit Sub-types. These Unit Sub-types are presented here for easy reference and operate
under the rules established for Unit Sub-types in the Horus Heresy: Age of Darkness rulebook:

Gargantuan Unit Sub-type Unique Unit Sub-type

The following rules apply to all models with the The following rules apply to all models with the
Gargantuan Unit Sub-type: Unique Sub-type:

• Models with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-type have the • An army may not include more than a single instance
Eternal Warrior and Fearless special rules. of a unit with this Sub-type. For example, if Unit A and
• Models with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-type are not Unit B both have the Unique Sub-type then a single
affected by special rules that negatively modify their army could include one of Unit A and one of Unit B, but
Characteristics (other than Wounds). no more than one of either unit.
• Models with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-type are not • A model or unit composed entirely of models with the
slowed by Difficult Terrain and automatically pass Unique Sub-type may not select any options other than
Dangerous Terrain tests – but may not pass through or those included on its Army List Profile (this includes
end their move in Impassable Terrain. Legion specific Wargear for models with the Legiones
• Models with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-type count as ten Astartes (X) special rule).
models for the purposes of determining if the model is
outnumbered by another unit.
• Models with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-type may only
make Reactions triggered by models with the Armiger,
Dreadnought, Primarch or Vehicle Unit Type, or any
model with a Wounds Characteristic of 8 or more.
• Successful Wounds scored by attacks with the Poisoned
or Fleshbane special rules must be re-rolled against
models with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-type.
• A model with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-type may attack
with all weapons they have in each Shooting Attack
they make, including as part of a Reaction.
• A model with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-type may
make Shooting Attacks with Heavy and Ordnance
weapons, counts as Stationary even if it moved in the
preceding Movement phase, and may declare Charges
as normal regardless of any Shooting Attacks made in
the same turn.
• No model that does not have the Gargantuan Unit
Sub-type may join a unit that includes a model with the
Gargantuan Unit Sub-type.
• A model with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-type ignores all
effects (both detrimental and beneficial) of all Psychic
Powers and cannot be Wounded or affected by any
Attack with the Psychic Focus special rule. Weapons
with the Force special rule that are used to make
Attacks against a model with the Gargantuan Unit Sub-
type are not affected and are resolved normally.
The Burning of Ohmn-Mat Legendary Mission

Disrupt the Ritual

F acing defeat within the depths of the Thyaetiran forge-fane, the Sons of Horus turned to rituals long in the making to
summon daemonic forces to their aid, each bloody invocation drawing the denizens of the Warp closer to manifesting.
Against such profane arts, the Loyalists resorted to destroying as many of the Traitor ritual sites as they could, victory still
within their grasp should they stem the tide of Daemons long enough to cut down the remaining Sons of Horus.

In this mission, one player will be the Defender, representing the Traitor forces attempting to unleash a daemonic host
upon Ohmn-Mat, and the other will be the Attacker, representing the Loyalists attempting to disrupt the ritual so they
can destroy their enemy.

Victory Conditions: Selecting Armies

Accursed Invocation Both players should select armies with a points
This mission uses five Ritual Site Objectives, all of which limit of 3,000 points and using the Crusade Force
have different effects on the Victory point total of both Organisation chart – the Defender’s army must include
players, as well as having other in-game effects: an Allied Detachment drawn from the Bound Daemons
Supplementary List. The Defender may not include any
• If the Defender controls a Ritual Site Objective at the units with the Lords of War or Fortification Battlefield
end of their player turn, they score 1 Victory point. Role as part of their army.
• If the Attacker controls a Ritual Site objective at the
end of their player turn, they destroy the Objective and Setting up the Mission
remove it from play, scoring D3 Victory points. The battlefield terrain should be set up to represent the
• If the Attacker causes an enemy unit to be entirely mechanical sprawl around the mag-lev loading bays, with
removed as casualties (units that Fall Back off the ruins, industrial clutter and buildings.
battlefield count for this purpose) before the Defender
performs a Deep Strike Assault, they score a Victory Objectives
point. If the enemy unit was also an Elites choice or a Before any models are deployed onto the battlefield,
HQ choice, then an additional Victory point is gained. the Defender must place three Ritual Site Objectives
• If the Defender successfully performs a Deep Strike anywhere in their Deployment Zone. Following this,
Assault, they score 5 Victory points. the Attacker must place two more Ritual Site Objective
markers anywhere on the battlefield that is not within any
At the end of the battle, if the Defender has a higher total player’s Deployment Zone.
of Victory points then the ritual succeeds, summoning a
tide of Daemons and securing victory for the Defender. If All Ritual Site objectives must be placed at least 6" from
the Attacker has a higher total of Victory points then the any battlefield edge, at least 12" from any other Objective
ritual fails and the Attacker secures victory. marker and not within any area of Impassable Terrain.

Players may not score Victory points for any Secondary

Objectives, or any special Objectives granted by other
special rules, Warlord Traits or Rites of War.
Deployment Mission Special Rules
This Exemplary Mission uses the Ambush Deployment This Legendary Mission has the Ritual Calling,
Map from page 303 of the Warhammer: The Horus Heresy – Daemonic Reinforcements and Æther Surge
Age of Darkness Rulebook. special rules.

Prior to Deployment, the Defender must assign at • Daemonic Reinforcements: Four units in the
least 25% of their army’s total points value to a Deep Defender’s army gain the Deep Strike special rule for no
Strike Assault, but may not make a Flanking Assault, additional cost. When selecting which units from their
Subterranean Assault, Drop Pod Assault or other similar army list gain this special rule, the Defender must first
special deployment from Reserves. The Attacker may select any units with the Daemon Unit Type. Once any
not make a Deep Strike Assault, Flanking Assault, units with the Daemon Unit Type have been selected,
Subterranean Assault, Drop Pod Assault or other similar any units with the Infantry Unit Type may be selected
special deployment from Reserves. to gain Deep Strike if any of the four selections remain.
• Ritual Calling: When the Defender makes a Reserve
Once all Objectives have been placed, the Defender roll for units assigned to a Deep Strike Assault, the roll
deploys their entire army in the Side B Deployment required is 6+ instead of 3+. For each Ritual Objective
Zone, after which the Attacker deploys their entire army controlled by the Defender when they roll for Reserves,
in the Side A Deployment Zone. Once both players have the value required by this roll is decreased by -1, to a
deployed all of their units, the first turn is begun. minimum required roll of 2+. When the Defender rolls
for Reserves as part of a Deep Strike Assault, the value
The First Turn of their roll may not be modified by any other special
The Attacker takes the first turn, unless the opposing rule or effect.
player can Seize the Initiative. • Æther Surge: Once the Defender has successfully
performed a Deep Strike Assault, all models with the
Game Length Infantry and Cavalry Unit Types in their army gain
The battle lasts for four Game Turns. At the end of the the Corrupted Unit Sub-type for the remainder of
fourth turn the player with the highest total of Victory the battle.
points wins – if both players have the same total of Victory
points the Attacker is considered to have won.
Permission to download/print for personal use only.
© Copyright Games Workshop Limited 2023

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