01 02 Algorithms Assessment

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02 Algorithms assessment

Assignment Overview: This assignment has two parts.

Part One: Use pseudocode to design a program that simulates a conversation with an online
representative. For example, this could be UNICEF, a United Nations organization that promotes the
rights and wellbeing of children around the world. Because it is so important to always begin coding
using pseudocode, we have provided the pseudocode for this first assignment. Take a look at it now,
along with the expected output, to understand what your program will be doing.

Provided pseudocode:


Ask what their name is

Say hi (using their name)

Tell them something you know about

computational thinking (or a great programming idea to change the world)

Say bye (using their name)


Example of expected output: The output for your program should resemble the following screenshot.
Your specific results will vary depending on the choices you make about the conversation and the input
Translate the provided pseudocode to Python: Use the Python IDLE built into this course to code and
run your program. Your code must:

Run successfully and produce output similar to the example above.

Follow the Python style conventions regarding indentation and the use of white space in your
Use comments to include your name, today’s date, and a short description of the program. See
the example below:
# My Name
# Today's Date
# Program to simulate a conversation

My code:



#Program to simtulate a conservational

def main():

name = input("What is your name?")

print("Hi " + str(name) + "!")

print("Hey, did you know computational thinking is really important for this generation and that
you can create apps and websites with it?")

print("Bye " + str(name) + ".")


Part Two: Generalize & Assess with a Post Mortem Review

Complete the Post Mortem Review (PMR). Write thoughtful two- to three-sentence responses to all the
questions in the PMR chart.

Post Mortem Review Question Response

What was the purpose of your program? The purpose of my program was to interact with
the user and introduce to them, the concept of
computational thinking

How could your program be useful in the real It will educate the user about computational
world? thinking so that they might also try it

What is a problem you ran into, and how did you I ran into problems while printing statements. I
fix it? fixed them using the str() command and fixing
common grammatical errors.

Describe one thing you would do differently the I would go for a more advanced much useful
next time you write a program. program. I would create a program where the
user can alter the code by their response using
the for, loop, if and else command.

How could your program be generalized and It can be user friendly and be used to interact
useful in other areas? with users.

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