Chemistry, Relationships and Trouble Shooting of Optical Media Electroforming Baths

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Chemistry, Relationships and Trouble

Shooting of Optical Media

Electroforming Baths
Document ID: EFMP2102

Introduction to Optical Media Stamper Electroforming

Electroforming is the production or reproduction of an article through electrodeposition
of metal ions over a mold or mandrel. Like its parent technology, electroplating,
electroforming employs direct current (DC) to transfer metal ions from an anode to a
cathode via an aqueous medium containing electrolytes. While both technologies share
vast similarities in process, chemistry and constituents, plating, whether functional
(corrosion resistance) or decorative seeks to permanently modify the substrate. In
contrast, the material deposited by electroforming must, by definition, be removable
from the substrate. It is this critical difference, removability, which has created a new
science and art which, in turn, has allowed for the advancement of many other

Historical Perspectives

Electroforming is perhaps the only technology that can deliver reproductions of great
complexity, maintain fidelity and dimensional tolerances of the original and achieve
detail at the submicron level by means of large scale production. From the production
of mirrors to optical disc stampers, electroforming has changed the world we live in.
The first seamless tubing was manufactured by electroforming around a core from
which the deposit could then be removed. It was this technology which allowed for the
production of rocket nozzles and jet engine components in which a seam would mean
certain failure. With the ability to control the shape of deposition, intricate shapes, such
as a radar wave guide, could be produced to change the way we saw the horizon. The
ability to control the characteristics of the deposit, such as profile, allowed for the
manufacture of items such as satellite telescope mirrors, ultimately changing the way
we saw the universe.

Perhaps the most significant development in electroforming was its application to

printing. Printing cylinders allowed for the detailed replication of print media on a scale
available to all society. This technology was soon adapted into stamping operations for
the manufacture of printing plates, phonograph recordings, holograms, and finally,
optical media where billions of pieces of information can be replicated as an exact copy
of the original in a matter of seconds.

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
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Why Nickel Sulfamate?

Sulfamate nickel chemistries have become the electrolyte of choice for electroforming.
While in and of itself nickel metal is ideal for producing the hard corrosion resistant
surfaces which will become optical disc stampers, sulfamate nickel is unique in that it
allows for greater control of the manner in which the nickel ions are deposited. This is
especially true when it comes to the flatness of the electroform. Deposits obtained from
sulfamate nickel solutions show a very small grain size without additives that may
otherwise impact the internal stress of the deposit. As such, the ability to make very flat
deposits that contain exceedingly fine details makes sulfamate nickel the ideal
candidate for electroforming optical disc stampers.


The operating conditions of the electroform bath are established in order to maximize
the control of the most significant characteristics. In the case of making optical disc
stampers, parameters are maintained which control stamper flatness (stress), minimize
finishing requirements, and maximize deposition rate. The following operating
parameters are recommended on the basis of an understanding of the chemical and
non-chemical relationships within the plating process, and the observed trends of optical
disc stamper electroforming baths.

Anode Nickel Boric Acid Temp. (°C) Surface Tension Internal Stress of Anode Grain
Material Metal (g/L) (g/L) (dynes/cm) Deposit Corroder * Refiner (as
{%/vol. E-liminate (g/L as E-Line
Pit} chloride) Refiner) **
Use only
sulfur 76 – 105 Saturation by 45 – 60 28 – 32 0 – 4000 PSI 1.5 – 3.0 0.02 – 0.15
depolarized temperature {0.2 – 0.4} Tensile % / volume

Components of Sulfamate Nickel Electroforming

The process of electroforming contains components which fall into two general
categories: the physical (which includes the chemicals and the equipment) and the non-
physical (such as temperature and solution flow). It may be argued that there is a third
hybrid component comprising pH (i.e. hydrogen ions), which will be included with the
physical for the sake of this discussion. Understanding the relationships between these
components allows for the development of operating parameters and, more importantly,
a means of controlling the process itself for ongoing reproducibility. In order to
understand the relationships between the various process components we must first
understand the function of the constituents themselves.

Optional Component for improving cathode efficiency and preventing anode passivation
Optional Component for improving back side finish, controlling stress and increasing hardness
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Nickel Anodes (Nickel Source):

Nickel anodes are the source of nickel ions for deposition in sulfamate nickel
electroforming. Electrical current from a rectifier is bussed to a titanium basket filled
with nickel anodes. Nickel ions are dissolved and carried by the current to the cathode
where they are deposited.

Several types of nickel anode materials are available, offering varying shapes and
sizes. Whatever the choice may be, only sulfur depolarized nickel anodes should be
used. All other anode material may be prone to passivation (polarization) in sulfamate
nickel electroforming operations. Passivation occurs when the outer surfaces of the
nickel anodes begin to lose their net positive charge. This may happen as the anodes
undergo oxidation or other means by which they gain electrons. When this happens the
nickel anodes are no longer dissolved by the input of current, causing the sulfamate
nickel in solution to decompose instead. Because the anodes must supply the nickel in
order to prevent breakdown of the sulfamate nickel electrolyte, it is essential that the
anodes be kept in an active state where they are electron deficient. By incorporating a
small amount of sulfur into the nickel during the manufacture of the anodes, the
resulting anodes, once activated, tend to remain active as the nickel is dissolved around
the insoluble sulfur. A second means of promoting anode activation, which will be
discussed in more detail later, is through the addition of halogen salts to the bath which
corrode the nickel.

Sulfur depolarized nickel anodes are available in two configurations: pellets and crowns
(also called rounds). Pellets are generally preferred in optical disc mastering because
their shape allows for ease of use and packing of the anode baskets. With regard to
performance, crowns provide a much better surface configuration for uniform dissolution
and, as a result, are less prone to passivation. A smaller version of the crown anode
(Falconbridge Micro-D Crown) has recently become available as an alternative to the
pellets1 .

Sizing of the anode basket is important as a 1:1 or greater anode to cathode ratio must
be maintained to insure maximum anode efficiency, current distribution, and activation.
The anode configuration should be positioned so that the baskets are parallel to the
mandrel. Deposit thickness uniformity is achieved by minimizing the distance between
the anode and cathode.

The anode basket must be bagged (Canton flannel inner bags and polypropylene outer
bags, or comparable material is recommended) or utilize a micro-screen to prevent
cathode nodule formation by anode particulates and to collect the sludge formed by the
insoluble sulfur. No anode bags or any other equipment should be used until properly
leached in a solution containing about 25% bath solution, 0.2% / volume wetting agent,
at a pH 2.0 – 4.0. Leach for a 1 - 2 hours, then rinse thoroughly with DI water.

The following anode materials are available from DisChem: INCO S-Rounds and S-Pellets, Falconbridge S-Pellets and Micro-D
DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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The anode material is maintained by adding crowns or pellets directly to the anode
basket, keeping the basket full at all times. If large amounts of new anode material is to
be added to a basket (i.e. > 10 kg.), the anodes should first be soaked in a 30g/L
solution of sulfamic acid (technical grade, minimum) and 0.2% / volume wetting agent
for one hour, then thoroughly rinsed with DI water. This procedure adequately activates
the anodes for use.

Anode passivation resulting from inactive or polarized material is characterized by a

steadily decreasing nickel metal concentration in conjunction with falling pH and
increasing compressive stress. The phenomenon of falling pH occurs as nickel is
plated from the solution rather than the anodes. As a result, oxygen is no longer
generated at the anodes while hydrogen continues to form at the cathode. Passivation
may occur through inadequate anode corroder, high pH, plugged anode bags/screens,
or poor electrical contacts. Low bath circulation or insufficient boric acid can cause the
formation of a pale green film on the anodes - nickel hydroxide. This can lead to
plugging of the anode bags while insulating the anodes themselves, ultimately causing
anode passivation. Should passivation occur, it is necessary to remove the anode
material and reactivate the crowns or pellets as described above with sulfamic acid.

Electroforming Solution (Bath Electrolyte):

Sulfamate nickel, Ni(SO3. NH2)2 , serves as the conductive electrolyte for carrying nickel
ions from the anodes to the cathode for deposition in electroforming. This solution has
a high efficiency (~ 98%) with few breakdown products resulting from normal use.
Because of this, sulfamate nickel replenishment is seldom needed. For make-up and
replenishment, the nickel metal is maintained by additions of liquid sulfamate nickel
concentrate. While available in a variety of nickel metal concentrations, 180g/L nickel
material is recommended for purposes of economy and storage. Use only OEM
approved suppliers as purity varies dramatically between manufacturers. DisChem’s
E-Form2 Electronic Grade Sulfamate Nickel is a highly purified concentrate, designed
and manufactured specifically for optical disc mastering. Enough material should
always be kept in stock for the worst case scenario: where all baths must be made-up
new at the same time. Additions of E-Form may be calculated as follows:
Addition volume (Liters) = g/L nickel metal needed X bath capacity (L)
180 g/L nickel metal (E-Form)
Gallons = Liters

The nickel metal concentration may be determined either through E.D.T.A. titration or
Baume’, with titration being the preferred method. If Baume’ is used, variables such as
dissolved boric acid and temperature must be considered. When analyzing for the
nickel metal concentration, it is important to note that bath level fluctuation may fluctuate

E-Form sulfamate nickel chemistries and additive are approved by all major optical media galvanics OEM’s, and are recommended
exclusively by Digital Matrix and ReynoldsTech.
DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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Chemistry, Relationships and Trouble Shooting of Optical Media Electroforming Baths Page 5 of 18

due to water evaporation, influencing the net result. For this reason, interpretations of
the analyzed nickel concentration should be based on trends, and not singular readings.
A sudden drop in the nickel concentration may indicate a loss of solution volume or
dilution of the bath. A steady trend of decreasing nickel concentration over time
suggests possible anode passivation, particularly if found in combination with declining
pH and increasing compressive stress of deposit. During passivation, nickel metal is
plated from the solution rather than the anodes. This causes a breakdown of the nickel
sulfamate into nickel ions, ammonium ions and soluble sulfur compounds:

Ni(SO3 .NH2 )2  Ni+ + 2NH4 + + SOxn-

The sulfur compounds will co-deposit and cause a significant increase in compressive
stress while the build-up of ammonium ions in the bath greatly lowers the efficiency,
eventually poisoning the system. This subject is covered in greater detail in the section
titled Internal Stress of Deposit. Heavy solution drag-out during mandrel removal may
also show up as a gradual decline in nickel concentration. A trend showing a steady
rise in the nickel concentration may indicate an excess of anode corroder, causing
chemical dissolution of the anode material, especially if observed in combination with
high tensile stress not readily reduced through carbon filtration.

Sulfamic Acid (pH Control and anode activation):

pH should be measured daily with an external temperature compensation probe at the

actual bath temperature. Under normal circumstances, the pH of the bath rises with
use. This occurs as oxygen (O2 ) generated at the anode couples with hydrogen (H2)
generated at the cathode to form water (H2O). The net reaction leaves uncoupled
oxygen, which in turn, forms hydroxides:

2H2 + 2O2  2H2 O + O2

O2 + H2  2OH (pH )

Changes in pH are one of the best tools for evaluating the health of the bath. It is
necessary to maintain the pH within the defined parameters for normal use: 3.8 - 4.4.
The effect of pH on the internal stress of deposit follows a parabola, with high and low
pH lending to increased tensile stress. pH provides the lowest stress of deposit at 4.0.

Bath trends showing a steady and gradual increase in pH over time indicate that the
normal reaction shown above is occurring. As the pH reaches the specified upper limits
for normal use (4.4), it is necessary to lower the pH using high purity sulfamic acid (E-
Line pH is a 99.9% high purity, low ammonium sulfamic acid available from DisChem).
It should be noted that using acids other than sulfamic acid can cause rapid breakdown
of the sulfamate nickel ion, producing detrimental ammonium and sulfur compounds.
Sulfamic acid may be pre-dissolved in DI water for easier bath mixing, though never for
more than twenty four hours prior to adding it to the bath, as sulfamic acid will undergo

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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NH2SO 2 + H2O Hydrolysis  NH 4 + SOxn-

Trends in falling pH tend to suggest anode passivation, as oxygen is no longer being

generated at the anodes to couple free hydrogen ions. Remedial action should be
taken to rectify the cause of passivation. Such actions include cleaning and re-packing
of the anode baskets and anode material, cleaning of the anode bags/screens, checking
electrical contacts, and analysis of the anode corroder concentration. Should the pH fall
below 3.8, it may be necessary to add nickel carbonate to the bath. As nickel carbonate
is slow to dissolve, it should be partially pre-dissolved in DI water prior to adding it to the
bath. Add the nickel carbonate slurry in small quantities, checking the pH after allowing
each addition to completely dissolve, so as not to over add and raise the pH too high.

Below a pH of 3.8, the rate of anode corrosion and efficiency is increased. While these
characteristics may be desirable in circumstances such as high-speed plating, they may
cause increasing nickel metal concentrations as a result of chemical dissolution of the
anodes. In addition, the increase of hydrogen ions (H+) at lower pH’s may lead to an
increase in pitting and burning of the electroform. A more serious problem that may
occur when excessive hydrogen is present in the bath is an accelerated rate of
hydrolysis of the sulfamate nickel ion, releasing ammonium and sulfur compounds into
the bath. Problems resulting from low pH may be minimized by increasing the pH within
the desirable range, running the bath at a higher temperature to increase cathode
efficiency (i.e. more oxygen), increasing the boric acid to saturation, or by increasing
cathode agitation to prevent localized pH changes.

High pH (> 4.4) should be avoided as it reduces anode dissolution and efficiency,
allowing anode passivation to occur. Where metallic contaminants are present, high pH
will also increase the likelihood of nodule formation as the contaminants are converted
to insoluble hydroxide forms.

Boric Acid (pH Buffer):

Boric acid is maintained at the point of saturation, by temperature, to buffer hydrogen

generated at the cathode during electrolysis. Without this buffering capacity, burning of
the electroform may occur and may also lead to pitting as gas builds up around the
cathode. The surest way to maintain saturation is to fill an anode bag (properly leached,
as described above) with boric acid and allow it to dissolve as needed in the dummy
compartment. A continuous drop in the boric acid concentration over the period of a
week indicates the need to check and refill the boric bags. Only use boric acid with a
minimum purity of 99.8%, such as DisChem’s High Purity Boric Acid.

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
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32 43 49 54 60

Note: Boric acid is operated at saturation by temperature to buffer pH changes. Temperature

fluctuations will affect the solubility of the boric acid so that decreases in solution temperature
will cause a precipitation or removal by filtration of the boric acid.

Wetting Agents (Pitting Inhibitor):

Wetting agents are organic surfactants added to the bath to help prevent hydrogen gas
bubbles from clinging to the cathode. If not removed from the electroform, nickel will
deposit around the gas bubbles, creating pits. While most CD electroforming baths
have excellent agitation and are not prone to pitting, wetting agents should be added to
the baths as preventative maintenance. The concentration of wetting agent in the bath
is determined through measurement of the surface tension (dynes/cm) with the use of a
tensiometer or stalagometer drop test. Organic wetting agents generally contribute only
slightly to tensile stress and are readily removed by carbon filtration. The wetting agent
concentration should be determined at least once a week, after carbon filtration, or
when pitting is evident on the work. It is important to select a low foaming wetting agent
because of the high rate of solution circulation used in stamper electroforming.

The choice of wetting agents should be carefully evaluated as they have typically been
designed for uses other than optical disc electroforming and may contain additives that
can deteriorate photoresist and NPR. Many of the proprietary wetting agents also use
carcinogenic formaldehyde as a preservative. DisChem’s E-liminate Pit was designed
to be 100% compatible with both positive photoresist and NPR and contains no
formaldehyde. In addition, specialty wetting agents, such as E-Liminate Pit, can help in
the removal of stubborn organic contaminants by acting as a “net” so that they are more
easily removed by carbon filtration.

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Chemistry, Relationships and Trouble Shooting of Optical Media Electroforming Baths Page 8 of 18

40 4
34 2.5

32.5 2
25 0

0.1 0.2 0.3 0.4 0.5 0.6 0.7 0.8

Comparison of wetting agent on surface tension. As can be seen, wetting agents tend to be
very effective in small quantities. The relationship shown in this graph is specific to DisChem’s
E-Liminate Pit optical media wetting agent.

Grain Refiners / Leveling Agents

Grain refiners are added in small quantities directly to the electroforming bath in order to
reduce the size of the crystalline structure of deposited nickel. Similarly, leveling agents
are added to affect the directional growth of the crystalline structures, from columnar to
laminar. While not new to the industry, grain refiners and leveling agents have
traditionally been avoided in optical stamper electroforming because of their impact on
stress. In addition, leveling agents containing certain sulfur compounds and organic
agents such as butyne diol are not readily removed from the bath so that detrimental
accumulation may occur with regular use. Still, the use of grain refiners can significantly
reduce finishing requirements, maintain low stress and, may even increase the life of
the stamper by increasing hardness.
With the developments of DVD and continuous groove recordable formats, such as CD-
R and DVD-R, new attention is being given to additives that can offer a finer grain
structure while increasing the life of the stamper.

DisChem’s E-Line Refiner was designed to address both the stress and removability
concerns of optical media electroforming, while refining the deposit grain structure for
reduced finishing requirements, maintaining low stress and increased stamper
hardness. Because grain refiners such as E-Line Refiner are deposited proportionally
to the nickel, it is possible to calculate replenishment on an ampere hour consumption
rate for consistent results.

Anode Corroder (Passivation Inhibitor):

Anode corroders, such as DisChem’s high purity E-fficiency Aid, are added in low
concentrations to the bath during make-up to inhibit anode passivation, particularly
DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Chemistry, Relationships and Trouble Shooting of Optical Media Electroforming Baths Page 9 of 18

where the frequency of operation is sometimes sporadic. The concentration of these

halogen salts should be maintained between 1.5 and 3.0 g/L (as chloride). Above this
concentration, the halogen can cause a significant increase in tensile stress of the
deposit, even though the chloride is not co-deposited with the nickel. Under these
circumstances, the stress will not be readily reduced by carbon filtration and the bath
will have to be diluted. This component needs to be analyzed only when passivation is
suspected (falling pH and decreasing nickel concentration) or when stress is not
reduced by carbon filtration. Liquid nickel salt solutions of nickel chloride and nickel
bromide may also be used when provided in sufficient purity.

Temperature (Cathode efficiency, rate of deposition):

The operating temperature of the plating solution ultimately determines the cathode
efficiency and the rate of deposition. At too low of a temperature (<30°C), cathode
burning may occur where as, at too high a temperature (80°C), the nickel sulfamate
begins to deteriorate. Temperature can be used as an effective tool in controlling
internal stress of deposit. An inverse relationship exists between stress and
temperature so that an increase in temperature will lower the tensile stress.

Filtration and Agitation

Adequate filtration and agitation are needed for high quality electroforming. Filtration
flow rate should be sufficient to turn over the entire bath volume three or more times an
hour. Filtration should be constant and involve pre and final filtration prior to returning
the solution to the plating tank. As filtration and agitation rates are almost always
specific to the equipment, especially with regard to the recent introduction of non-
rotational cathode heads, these parameters should be obtained from your equipment

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Chemistry, Relationships and Trouble Shooting of Optical Media Electroforming Baths Page 10 of 18


Understanding the relationships of the various constituents and components operating

within the electroforming process allows for the development and implementation of
process controls. Five basic components within the electroforming process: nickel
concentration, pH, temperature, cathode current density and halogen content (Cl-), can
be graphed to show their direct relationships to four major characteristics of the deposit:
internal stress of deposit, hardness, tensile strength and elongation.

Stress of

(Increasing )

(Increasing )

(Increasing )

Nickel pH Temperature Current Halogen

Concentration Acidic Increasing  Density Content
Increasing  Basic  Increasing  Increasing 

Internal Stress of Deposit:

Internal stress of deposit is a measurement of the relationship, or energy, between

nickel crystals. Crystal growth is both columnar (vertical) and laminar (horizontal)
during electrolytic deposition. The charge on the crystal groups, as well as their size
and shape, creates varying forces of attraction and repulsion between these groups.
Internal stress of deposit is a description of this phenomenon in terms of the net force
exerted. The total of these forces create an overall internal stress of the deposit which is
either neutral (zero stress / flat), tensile (positive: attracted crystals attempting to
contract to relieve stress / edges bending away from the mandrel, toward the anodes),
or compressive (negative: repelling crystals attempting to expand to relieve stress /
center pushing away from the mandrel, toward the anode).

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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Chemistry, Relationships and Trouble Shooting of Optical Media Electroforming Baths Page 11 of 18

Anodes Anodes Anodes

Current Flow Current Flow Current Flow

  

Glass Substrate Glass Substrate Glass Substrate

Tensile Stress Neutral Stress Compressive Stress

Internal stress of deposit is measured using a spiral contractometer. This instrument

deposits plating solution onto a calibrated helix. Depending on the stress of the deposit,
the helix will either contract or expand with the results typically expressed as pounds
per square inch (lbs/in2), tensile or compressive. Through the spiral contractometer
method, a quantitative analysis of these forces can be conducted within a reasonable
degree of error and reproducibility. This quantitative analysis, in turn, provides a
qualitative understanding of the expected stress of an electroformed deposit; in other
words, the overall flatness of the electroformed stamper. As all bath parameters may
influence fluctuations in stress, careful evaluation of bath trends must be done to control
the ultimate stamper flatness.

While Spiral contractometer testing is sensitive and tedious, it provides the best
understanding of the stamper flatness by manipulation of bath operating conditions.
Warped or flexed stampers may cause pressing problems with regard to mounting
and/or increased block error rate.

In general, the following results can be expected from manipulations in bath operating
conditions with regard to internal stress of deposit:

 Nickel Concentration: Slight inverse relationship; higher metal provides lower stress.
 (More compressive) stress.
 pH: U-parabola relationship; lowest stress provided at pH 4.0, with increased stress
above and below this point.
 Boric Acid: Negligible relationship.
 Wetting Agent: Negligible to slight increase in tensile stress.
 Temperature: Inverse relationship to stress; higher temperature provides lower
 Anode Corroder: Increases tensile stress.
 Grain Refiners / Leveling Agents: cause either tensile or compressive stress,
depending on composition.
 Current Density: Stress increases with current density. This is important in
establishing an optimum current ramp.
 Deposit Thickness: A thicker deposit will generally show reduced tensile stress.
 Soluble sulfur compounds: Significantly reduce stress.
DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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Under normal circumstances, the bath should provide a relatively consistent deposit
stress. Fluctuation may result from inconsistent use of the bath, contamination, and
changes in the operating conditions. Slight adjustments in bath temperature and pH are
all that is normally needed to control stress in terms of stamper flatness.

Common Contaminants and Their Effects

Most common contaminants that may be encountered in an optical media

electroforming bath are either metallic or organic. The acceptable limits on these
contaminants vary greatly, as do their effects on the internal stress of deposit. The five
most common metallic contaminants seen in stamper electroforming baths are Iron
(Fe), Copper (Cu), Chromium (Cr), Lead (Pb) and Zinc (Zn). The tolerable limits for
these elements, their effects on the deposit and possible sources of the contamination
are listed below:

Effects of Common Five Metallic Impurities

Metallic Maximum Effects on the Deposit Possible Sources of

Impurity Tolerable Contamination
Limit (ppm)

Iron (Fe) 0.15 Increased tensile stress (1000 psi / Impure sulfamic and boric acids,
300 ppm), increased hardness, impure sulfamate nickel
reduced ductility. concentrate, dissolution of
equipment and tooling
components, hard water, drag-in
of impure cleaning solutions.

Copper (Cu) 0.04 Increased tensile stress (1000 psi / Dissolution of copper bus bars
200 ppm), reduced cathode and electrical contacts, impure
efficiency, reduced ductility, sulfamic and boric acids, impure
darkening of the deposit. sulfamate nickel concentrate,
impure anode material.
Chromium (Cr) 0.02 Significantly increased tensile Drag-in of chrome based
stress (1000 psi / 1 ppm), reduced stamper passivation solutions,
cathode efficiency, reduced impure sulfamic and boric acids,
ductility, darkening of the deposit. impure sulfamate nickel
concentrate, impure anode

Lead (Pb) 0.02 Significantly increased tensile Dissolution or leaching of plating

stress (1000 psi / 2 ppm), reduced equipment, impure sulfamic and
hardness of the deposit. boric acids, impure sulfamate
nickel concentrate, impure anode

Zinc (Zn) 0.05 Increased tensile stress (1000 psi / Impure sulfamic and boric acids,
150 ppm), reduced cathode impure sulfamate nickel
efficiency, streaked looking concentrate, impure anode
deposits, reduced ductility. material.
DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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The effects of organic contaminants can vary significantly, but are usually characterized
by dark or stained deposits, deposits that appear to stain very easily with fingerprints,
solvents, etc., and increased tensile stress in the deposit. Fortunately, almost all organic
contaminants are easily removed by carbon filtration.

A third category of contaminants are inorganic breakdown products resulting from

hydrolysis and oxidation of sulfamate nickel and sulfamic acid. These include
ammonium ion and sulfur compounds. Unfortunately, both of these contaminants are
difficult to remove, with ammonium ion reduced only through dilution of the bath.
Soluble sulfur compounds may exist in a variety of forms and co-deposit to reduce
tensile stress (cause compressive stress) by as much as 1000 psi / 5 ppm. It should be
noted that sulfur contamination is also possible from impure carbon and failure to leach
any plastic components prior to use. Ammonium ion, while not the most drastic
contaminant in its effects, is certainly one of the most serious as it may deem the bath
unusable once the concentration approaches 2000 ppm. At 1000 ppm, high ammonium
ion will begin to exhibit a darkening of the deposit, a slight increase in tensile stress, and
a lowering of the cathode efficiency. These symptoms will continue to increase until the
bath efficiency is reduced to the point where it is not possible to plate deposits without
burning. Ammonium ion can not be removed from the bath and can only be treated
through dilution until the remaining concentration is at an acceptable level.

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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Trouble Shooting Sulfamate Nickel Electroforming Baths

Understanding the function of chemical and operational parameters within an
electroforming process provides a means of manipulating the relationships between
various constituents to influence the end product. In short, once the pieces that make
up the process are understood, it is possible to design and apply process controls.
Furthermore, and just as important, knowledge of the system provides a means of
systematically and logically solving problems, should they arise.

Below are listed the most common problems encountered during optical stamper
electroforming, presented in the order of frequency of cause and the appropriate
corrective action.

Trouble Shooting Common Problems

Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action

Pitting of the deposit Low wetting agent Analyze and replenish

Low boric acid Analyze and replenish. Maintain at point of
saturation by anode bag method.
High pH Lower with sulfamic acid
Organic contamination Carbon filter
Iron contamination Treat with peroxide and filter
Other metallic contamination Dummy plate
Dissolved air Check system for leaks

Roughness / nodules Insoluble matter in solution filter, check for holes in anode bags or
Iron hydrate filter
Iron contamination Treat with peroxide and filter

Burning Low boric acid Analyze and replenish. Maintain at point of

saturation by anode bag method.
Low pH Raise with nickel carbonate
Low temperature Check heating / chilling system, heat to
operating range
Low nickel content Analyze and replenish
Insufficient agitation Check circulation system
Ramp to fast Evaluate and reprogram
Current too high Reduce maximum current

Dark, stained or Metallic contamination Dummy plate

streaked deposits
Organic contamination Carbon filter
Low boric acid Analyze and replenish. Maintain at point of
saturation by anode bag method.

High tensile stress Organic contamination Carbon filter

Metallic contamination Dummy plate
Iron contamination Treat with peroxide and filter
High halogen content Dilute

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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Trouble Shooting Common Problems, continued

Problem Possible Cause Corrective Action

High tensile stress High ammonium ion Dilute. Check for signs of anode passivation.
High compressive Sulfur contamination Electrolyze solution at 3 – 5 amps / ft2 on
stress corrugated plate giving 1:2 anode to cathode
ratio. Dilute bath.
Anode oxidation products Remove anode material and reactivate with
(passivation) sulfamic acid. Use only sulfur depolarized
anode material. Use anode corroder, if

Poor initiation of Seed layer passive Activate by rinsing with solution of 10 g/L
premetallized (seed) sulfamic acid just prior to lowering into
layer electroform solution. Decrease transfer time
between premetallization and electroforming.

Poor efficiency / slow Electrical problems Check current flow

plating rate
Low pH Raise with nickel carbonate. Check anodes
for passivation.
Low nickel concentration Replenish with concentrate. Check anodes
for passivation.
Passive anodes Remove anode material and reactivate with
sulfamic acid. Use only sulfur depolarized
anode material. Use anode corroder, if
Metallic contamination Dummy plate
High ammonium ion Dilute bath. Check anodes for passivation.
concentration When pre-dissolving sulfamic acid, never
keep for more than 12 hours.

Nitrate contamination Dilute bath

Hydrogen peroxide in solution Heat to 65°C until removed

Falling nickel Anode passivation Remove anode material and reactivate with
concentration in sulfamic acid. Use only sulfur depolarized
conjunction with falling anode material. Use anode corroder, if
pH necessary.

Specialized Treatments and Corrective Actions

It is occasionally necessary to employ specialized treatments as a means of averting or

correcting problems within the electroforming system. The following treatments are
provided as a means of correcting specific problems that may occur outside of the
normal process control. It is important to note that it may not be possible to process
work as normal while these treatments are being conducted.

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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Removal of Solublized Sulfur Compounds

As stated earlier, anode passivation causes a breakdown of the nickel sulfamate. As

nickel is plated from the solution rather than the anodes, sulfur compounds and other
by-products are left behind to contaminate the bath. Soluble sulfur compounds are
extremely effective at reducing deposit stress (makes it more compressive). While
difficult to remove, sulfur contamination can be treated by a number of different

 Low pH High Current Density Oxidation: This method provides the fastest and most
complete removal of sulfur contamination, but requires altering normal bath
parameters and shutting down production. Lower the bath pH to 2.5 and dummy
plate at 150 ASF with a 15:1 anode to cathode ratio. This provides an excess of
oxygen to be generated to couple with the free sulfur compounds. Insoluble sulfates
may then be easily removed by filtration.
 Idle Oxidation: If the bath is allowed to stand idle for a period of time, natural
oxidation of the soluble sulfur will occur. This method is slow and may take several
days to weeks depending on the concentration of sulfur to be removed.
 Dummy Plating: As soluble sulfur compounds co-deposit with the nickel plate,
normal dummy plating at high current densities may be utilized for its removal. This
method can be slow but can be run where production can not be impeded and the
amount of contamination is minimal.
 Dilution: Remove a portion of the bath to reduce the concentration of soluble sulfur

Continuous Dummy Plating

Uncontrollable tensile stress may also result from metallic contamination, which is
usually easily removed through low current density dummy plating. The current density
on the dummy cathode should be run over an alternating range of 0.5 - 5.0 amps/ft2 for
a period of days, or until the stress is reduced. This procedure is also somewhat
effective at breaking down organic contaminants.

Hydrogen Peroxide Treatment

A hydrogen peroxide treatment will effectively convert problematic iron contamination

into insoluble iron hydrate. Once in this form, the iron contamination is easily removed
by normal filtration. This treatment will also convert hexavalent chromium to trivalent
chromium. Do not attempt to run production during this procedure.

1. If possible, pump the solution to a treatment tank or common sump.

2. Raise temperature to 55°C
3. Add 0.1 to 0.25% by volume of 30% hydrogen peroxide while agitating the solution.
The peroxide solution should be diluted in water (1 part peroxide, 10 parts water)
prior to adding it to the tank. Continue agitation for 1 – 2 hours.
DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
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Chemistry, Relationships and Trouble Shooting of Optical Media Electroforming Baths Page 17 of 18

4. Raise pH to 5.0 – 5.2 using a slurry of technical grade or better nickel carbonate.
Nickel carbonate dissolves slowly so it is important to add the slurry in small
quantities, monitoring the pH, so as not to over add. Good agitation is essential for
thorough mixing.
5. Raise solution temperature to 65°C and maintain at temperature for 1 to 2 hours to
drive off any excess peroxide.
6. Cool to 55 – 60°C and begin normal filtration. Filter for a minimum of 4 - 8 hours.
7. Cool to normal operating temperature and check solution level, replenishing any
water that may have evaporated during the treatment.
8. Lower pH to 3.8 – 4.2 using sulfamic acid. Filter for 1 to 2 hours before running

Back to Back Carbon Filtration

In order to remove stubborn organic, a back to back carbon filtration procedure may be
required. The back to back carbon filtration process uses two stages of carbon filtration
in combination with a peroxide breakdown process. Please note that the use of
hydrogen peroxide will not cause an appreciable increase in the ammonium ion content
as long as the peroxide is not used in quantities greater than list herein. This process
may also be used for the removal of stubborn organic contaminants, but is not
recommended as part of a normal bath maintenance procedure. Do not attempt to run
production during this procedure.

1. Carbon filter bath, 2 – 3 hrs, at normal operating temperature. All residual wetting
agent will have been removed when the surface tension is greater than 65 dynes /
2. Heat to 57°C (135°F) and change carbon filters.
3. Add 0.25 % by volume hydrogen peroxide (30%) and filter with agitation for 2 – 3
4. Heat to 65°C (150°F) and maintain temperature for 1 hour to drive off residual
peroxide. Caution: Exceeding 70°C for several hours may cause a breakdown of
the sulfamate nickel solution, releasing ammonium ion into the bath.
5. Cool to normal operating temperature. Remove carbon filters and replenish wetting

Important Note:

The information contained in this bulletin is provided for use in training and general guidelines for operation. Optimum results will be
obtained when using the mentioned product within the recommended parameters and with the consensus of the applicable OEM.
As final use of this information is beyond the control of the authors, we assume no responsibility for misuse of the information
provide herein, product applications discussed, or for use which may infringe upon third party patents.

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:
Chemistry, Relationships and Trouble Shooting of Optical Media Electroforming Baths Page 18 of 18

Products mentioned in this article available from DisChem:

 E-Form Electronic Grade Sulfamate Nickel

 E-Line pH Refined Electronic Grade Sulfamic Acid, 99.9%
 E-liminate Pit Wetting Agent
 E-fficiency Aid Anode Agent
 E-Line Refiner Grain Refiner / Hardening Agent
 DisChem Boric Acid, 99.8% Minimum Purity
 INCO anode materials

DisChem can optimize your optical disc electroforming solution through DisChem
Analytical Services. For more information on these and other DisChem products and
services, contact your DisChem representative.



Providing Optical Media Solutions for Your Success!

DisChem. Inc. is dedicated to providing innovation in technology and the highest quality
of products and technical support available to the photolithography industry. For more
information on our products and services, please call your DisChem representative.

Document ID: EFMP

Revision Level: 0908

DisChem, Inc. 17295 Boot Jack Rd, Suite A, PO Box 267, Ridgway, PA 15853 USA
Tel: (814) 772-6603 Fax: (814) 772-0946
E-mail: [email protected] Web Site:

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