Kangaroo Math Grey-2019-S

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United Kingdom
Mathematics Trust

Grey Kangaroo 2019


1. D It is known that any diagram with at most two points where an odd number of lines meet can be
drawn without lifting your pencil off the page and without drawing along the same line twice.
Any diagram with more than two such points cannot be drawn in this way. Of the options given,
only diagram D has more than two such points. Hence the diagram which cannot be drawn is D.
2. B Since 2 + 0 + 1 + 9 = 12 and by inserting brackets only + or − signs are possible between the
numbers, no value greater than 12 may be obtained. Also, 2 − (0 − 1 − 9) = 2 − 0 + 1 + 9 = 12 and
hence a result of 12 is possible. Therefore the largest possible value that can be obtained is 12.
3. C Kerry uses the digit 0 five times and hence the value of n is smaller than 60. She uses the digit 9
six times and hence the value of n is at least 59. Therefore the value of n is 59.
4. D The largest grey square is a quarter of the large square. The smaller grey squares are each one
ninth of the size of the largest grey square. Hence the fraction of the large square which is shaded
is 14 + 97 × 14 = 41 × (1 + 79 ) = 14 × 16
9 = 9

5. A The information in the question tells us that Lotar finished before Manfred who finished before
Jan who finished before Victor. Since Eddy also finished before Victor, it was Victor who
finished last of these five runners.
6. D Each of the five friends gave a cake to the four other people. Therefore the number of cakes
given away and then eaten was 4 × 5 = 20. Since this decreased the total number of cakes they
had by half, the total number of cakes they had at the start was 2 × 20 = 40.
7. A The required sum can be written as shown below, with a, b and c as the missing digits:
1 2 4 3
2 1 a 7
+b c 2 6
1 0 1 2 6
The sum of the digits in the units column is 16 and hence there is a carry of 1 to the tens column.
Therefore, when we consider the tens column, we have 4 + a + 2 + 1 = 2 or 2 + 10. Hence
7 + a = 2 or 12 and, since a is a positive single-digit integer, a = 5 and there is a carry of 1 to the
hundreds column. Similarly, when we consider the hundreds column, we have 2 + 1 + c + 1 = 1
or 11 and hence c = 7 and there is a carry of 1 to the thousands column. Finally, when we
consider the thousands and ten thousands columns, we have 1 + 2 + b + 1 = 10 and hence b = 6.
Therefore the missing digits are 5, 6 and 7.
8. C Let the number of apples Andrew had be 6n. When Boris divided the same number of apples
into five piles, each pile contained two more apples than each of Andrew’s piles. Therefore
6n = 5(n + 2) and hence 6n = 5n + 10. This has solution n = 10. Therefore the number of apples
Andrew had was 6 × 10 = 60.
9. B Since PQ = QS, triangle PSQ is isosceles and hence ∠PSQ = 20◦ . Since the angles in a triangle
add to 180◦ , we have 20◦ + 20◦ + ∠SQP = 180◦ and hence ∠SQP = 140◦ . Since PQ = PR,
triangle PRQ is isosceles and hence ∠PRQ = ∠RQP. Also ∠PRQ + ∠RQP + 20◦ = 180◦ and
hence ∠RQP = 80◦ . Since ∠RQS = ∠SQP − ∠RQP, the size of ∠RQS is 140◦ − 80◦ = 60◦ .
10. E When the two given pieces are joined together, any resulting square must have on its outside one
row and one column, each of which have alternating black and white squares. Therefore tile E
cannot be made. The diagrams below show how the tiles in options A, B, C and D can be made
by combining the given pieces, confirming E as the only tile which cannot be made.

11. B Since Dora shook hands four times, she shook hands with all the other four people. Hence, since
Alan only shook hands once, it was with Dora. Since Claire shook hands three times and did not
shake hands with Alan, she shook hands with Bella, Dora and Erik. Hence, since Bella only
shook hands twice, it was with Dora and Claire. Therefore Erik shook hands twice (with Dora
and Claire).
12. C Since Jane had a success rate of 55% after her first 20 shots, the number of times she had scored
out of 20 was 0.55 × 20 = 11. Similarly, since her success rate had increased to 56% after 5
more shots, the number of times she had scored out of 25 was 0.56 × 25 = 14. Hence the number
of shots she scored out of the last five was 14 − 11 = 3.
13. C When Cathie cut the paper as described in the question, her cuts
1 2
divided the original paper as shown in the diagram. It can then
be seen that the five pieces shaded are squares. 3 fold
cut line
4 5

14. D Michael has 24 pets. Since 18 of them are dogs, he has 3 dogs. Since 34 are not cows, 14 of them
are cows and hence he has 6 cows. Similarly, since 32 are not cats, 13 of them are cats and hence
he has 8 cats. Therefore, the number of kangaroos he has is 24 − 3 − 6 − 8 = 7.
15. B Since the length of five identical rectangles is 10 cm, the length of one rectangle is 2 cm. Similarly,
since the height of four rectangles is 6 cm, the height of one rectangle is 1.5 cm. Therefore the
total area of the 14 rectangles is 14 × (2 × 1.5) cm2 = 42 cm2 . Hence the area of the shaded
region is equal to (42 − 12 × 10 × 6) cm2 = (42 − 30) cm2 = 12 cm2 .
16. C First note that the factorisation of 2331 into prime numbers is 2331 = 3 × 3 × 7 × 37. Note
also that 3 × 37 = 111. Since Claire’s three-digit integer has all its digits different, and both
3 × 111 = 333 and 7 × 111 = 777 have repeated digits, the factors of Claire’s integer do not
include both 3 and 37. However, since 3 × 3 × 7 = 63, which is not a three-digit integer, the
factors of Claire’s integer must include 37. Therefore Claire’s integer is 37 × 7 = 259 and hence
the number of pieces of paper Peter picked is 2331 ÷ 259 = 9.
17. C Let the original heights of the first and second candles be x and y respectively. Since the first
candle lasts six hours, after three hours its height is 12 x. Similarly, since the second candle lasts
eight hours, after three hours its height is 58 y. After three hours the two candles have the same
height and hence 12 x = 58 y. Therefore xy = 54 and hence the ratio of their original heights is 5 : 4.
18. C Since each 1 × 1 square has four sides of different colours, there is a green B B Y
stick along the side of each square. Also, since any stick is part of at most R G R B
two squares four green sticks could only contribute to at most eight squares. Y Y G
Therefore at least five green sticks are needed. The diagram on the right B B Y
shows that such an arrangement is possible with five green sticks. Hence G Y G B
the smallest number of green sticks she could use is five.

19. B Since the integer 7 is joined by a diameter to the integer 23, we can deduce that there are
23 − 7 + 1 = 15 integers between them on each side. Therefore there are 2 × 15 + 2 = 32 integers
in total round the circle. Hence the value of n is 32.
20. B Liam spent 50 × £1 = £50 buying the bottles. After selling 40 bottles he had £(50 + 10) = £60.
Therefore he sold each bottle for £60 ÷ 40 = £1.50. Hence, after selling all 50 bottles, he then
had 50 × £1.50 = £75.
21. A Since no two circles that are joined directly are painted the same colour and circles 2, 5 and 6 are
joined to each other, they are all painted different colours. Similarly circles 2, 6 and 8 join to
each other and hence are painted different colours. Therefore circles 5 and 8 must have been
painted the same colour. It is easy to check that, given any other pair of circles in the diagram, it
is possible for them to be coloured differently.
22. C The original ratio of the amounts of money in Ria’s and Flora’s savings accounts was 5 : 3 = 25 :
15. After Ria withdrew 160 euros, the ratio changed to 3 : 5 = 9 : 15. Since Flora’s savings
have not changed, the 160 euros Ria withdrew represented (25−9) 25 = 25 of her original savings.
Therefore 10 euros represented 25 of her original savings and hence she originally had 250 euros.
23. E Let the largest number of teams that can enter the tournament be n. Hence there would be 3n
players in total. Each player in a team will play a game against every player from all other teams
and hence the total number of games played is 3n×(3n−3)
2 = 9n(n−1)
2 . Since no more than 250 games
can be played, we have 2 ≤ 250. Therefore n(n − 1) ≤ 9 = 55 59 . Since 8 × 7 = 56 > 55 59 ,

we have n < 8. Also, since 7 × 6 = 42 < 55 59 , n = 7 is a possible solution. Therefore the largest
number of teams that can enter the tournament is 7.
24. E Label the intersection of WQ and X P as V and the midpoint of W X as Z R Y
U. Let the side-length of the square be 1 unit. The area of triangle W X R
is 12 × 1 × 1 units2 = 12 units2 . Consider triangle W X P and triangle U XV.
These two triangles have the same angles and hence are similar. Since U X V
is half of W X, it follows that VU is half of PW and hence has length 14
unit. Therefore the area of triangle W XV is 12 × 1 × 14 units2 = 18 units2 .
 W U X
Hence the shaded area is ( 12 − 18 ) units2 = 38 units2 . Therefore the fraction
of the square that is shaded is 38 .

25. D Let n be the total number of passengers in the middle two carriages. These are the ninth and
tenth carriages and so, since there are 199 passengers in any block of five adjacent carriages,
the total number of passengers in the sixth, seventh and eighth carriages is 199 − n. There
are 199 passengers in total in carriages 1 to 5 inclusive, in carriages 9 to 13 inclusive and
in carriages 14 to 18 inclusive. Since there are 700 passengers in total on the train, we have
199 + 199 − n + 199 + 199 = 700. Therefore 796 − n = 700 and hence n = 96. Therefore there
are 96 passengers in total in the middle two carriages of the train.

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