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gl5600 08p User Manual

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Gett ing Started Operat ion

Getting Started Operation

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Contents ............................................................................................................................... 4

Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch .............................................................................. 5

1.1 Set up Configurat ion Environment via Console Port ................................................ 5
1.2 Set up Configurat ion Environment t hrough Telnet .................................................... 6
1.2.1 Connect PC to Et hernet Sw itch t hrough Telnet .......................................... 6
1.2.2 Telnet Et hernet Sw itch t hrough Et hernet Sw itch ......................................... 7
Chapter 2 Command Line Interface .................................................................................. 9
2.1 Int roduct ion of Command Line Interface................................................................... 9
2.2 Command Line Configurat ion M ode .......................................................................... 9
2.3 Feat ure and Funct ions of Command Line ............................................................... 11
2.3.1 Help of Command Line .............................................................................. 11
2.3.2 Displaying Characterist ics of Command Line .............................................. 12
2.3.3 Show history Command of Command Line ............................................... 13
2.3.4 Common Command Line Error M essages .................................................. 13
2.4 Symbols in Command ............................................................................................... 13
2.5 Parameter in command ............................................................................................ 14
Chapter 3 M anage Users................................................................................................. 14
3.1 System Default User .................................................................................................. 15
3.2 User ’s Aut hent icat ion ................................................................................................ 15
3.3 Local Aut hent icat ion Configurat ion ........................................................................... 15
3.3.1 Add Users .................................................................................................. 15
3.3.2 Change Password ....................................................................................... 16
3.3.3 M odify User's Privilege Level ..................................................................... 16
3.3.4 Delete User ................................................................................................ 17
3.3.5 Show Users ................................................................................................ 17
3.4 Remote Aut hent icat ion Configurat ion ....................................................................... 18
3.4.1 Configure RADIUS to Be Remote Aut hent icat ion Server ........................... 18
3.4.2 Configure TACACS+ Remote Aut hent icat ion ............................................... 19

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Chapter 1 Logging in Ethernet Switch

This chapt er describes how to connect t o t he sw it ch and do t he configurat ions. There are w ays
as via console port and t hrough t elnet . It cont ains follow ing sect ions:
† Set up Configurat ion Environment via t he Console Port
† Set up Configurat ion Environment t hrough Telnet

† Telnet Et hernet Sw itch t hrough Et hernet Sw itch

1.1 Set up Configuration Environment via Console Port

St ep 1: As show n in t he figure below , t o set up t he local configurat ion environment , connect t he
serial port of a PC (or a t erminal) t o t he Console port of t he Et hernet sw it ch w it h t he Console

RS-232 Serial port

Console port

Console cable

Figure 1-1 Set up t he local configurat ion environment via t he Console port
St ep 2: Run t erminal emulat or (such as Hyper Terminal on Window s 9X/ 2000/ XP/ Vist a) on t he
Comput er. Set t he t erminal communicat ion paramet ers as follow s: Set t he baud rat e t o 9600,
dat a bit t o 8, parit y check to none, st op bit t o 1, flow cont rol t o none and select t he t erminal
t ype as aut o-det ect ion.

Figure 1-2 Set up new connect ion

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Figure 1-3 Configure t he port for connect ion

Figure 1-4 Set communicat ion parameters

Step 3: The Et hernet sw itch is powered on. Display self-test informat ion of t he Et hernet sw itch
and prompt you to press Enter to show t he command line prompt such as < > after you have
entered t he correct username and password. The init ial username is admin and t he matched
password is admin. It is suggested modifying t he init ial password after t he first logging in. Please
remember t he modified password. If t he password is forgotten, please contact us as soon as
possible. M odify password refers to Change password.
Step 4: Input a command to configure t he Et hernet sw itch or Configurat ion M ode t he operat ion
state. Input a “?” to get an immediate help. For details of specific commands, refer to t he
follow ing chapters.

1.2 Set up Configuration Environment through Telnet

1.2.1 Connect PC to Ethernet Sw itch through Telnet
After you have correct ly configured IP address of a VLAN interface for an Et hernet Sw itch via
Console port (t he way to configure sw itch via console refers to Set up Configurat ion Environment
via t he Console Port ; t he way to configure ip address of sw itch refers to 03 using ip address
command in VLAN interface mode), and make sure PC can ping t he sw itch, t hen you can telnet
t his Et hernet sw itch and configure it .

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Step 1: Aut hent icate t he Telnet user via t he Console port before t he user logs in by Telnet .
Step 2: To set up t he configurat ion environment , connect t he Et hernet port
of t he PC to t hat of t he Et hernet sw itch via t he LAN.


Ethernet port

Serv er Workstation PC ( for configuring the switch

via Telnet )

Figure 1-1 Set up configurat ion environment t hrough telnet

Step 3: Run Telnet on t he PC and input t he IP address of the VLAN connected to t he PC port .

Figure 1-2 Run Telnet

Step 4: The terminal displays “Username (1-32 chars):” and prompts t he user
to input t he login username and password. After you input t he correct username and
corresponded password, it displays t he command line prompt (such as < >). If t he prompt “ Too
many users! ” appears, it indicates t hat too many users are connected to t he Et hernet t hrough t he
Telnet at t his moment . In t his case, please reconnect later. At most 5 Telnet users are allowed to
log in to t he series Et hernet Sw itches simultaneously. Default username is admin and t he
password is admin. If t he default password has been modified, it requires t he modified password.
Step 5: Use t he corresponding commands to configure t he Et hernet sw itch orto monitor t he
running state. Enter “?” to get t he immediate help. For details of specific commands, refer to t he
follow ing chapters.

& Note:
When configuring t he Et hernet sw it ch via Telnet , do not modify t he IP address of it
unnecessary, for t he modificat ion might cut t he Telnet connect ion.

1.2.2 Telnet Ethernet Sw itch through Ethernet Sw itch

The sw itch can be bot h t he Telnet server and client . After a user has telnet to a sw itch from PC,
he or she can configure anot her sw itch t hrough t his sw itch via Telnet . The local sw itch serves as
Telnet client and t he peer sw itch serves as Telnet server. If t he ports connect ing t hese t wo

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sw itches are in a same local net work, t heir IP addresses must be configured in t he same net work
segment . Ot herw ise, t he t wo sw itches must establish a route t hat can reach each ot her.
As show n in t he figure below, after you telnet to an Et hernet sw itch (t hat is Telnet Client in Figure
2-1 ), you can run telnet command to log in and configure anot her Et hernet sw itch (that is Telnet
Server in Figure2-1 ).

PC Telnet Client Telnet Server

Figure 1-1 Provide Telnet Client service

Step 1: Configure IP address for t he sw itch (t hat is Telnet Client in Figure 2-1 ). The way to
configure sw itch via console refers to Set up Configurat ion Environment via t he Console Port ; t he
way to configure ip address of sw itch refers to 03 using ip address command in VLAN interface
Step 2: The user logs in t he Telnet Client (Et hernet sw itch). For t he login process, refer to t he
sect ion describing “Telnet PC to Et hernet Sw itch ”.
Step 3: Perform t he follow ing operat ions on t he Telnet Client :
#telnet A.B.C.D (A.B.C.D is t he IP address of t he Telnet Server.)
Step 4: Enter t he preset login password and you w ill see t he prompt such < >. If t he prompt “ Too
many users! ” appears, it indicates t hat too many users are connected to t he Et hernet t hrough t he
Telnet at t his moment . In t his case, please connect later.
Step 5: Use t he corresponding commands to configure t he Et hernet sw itch or Configurat ion
M ode it running state. Enter “?” to get t he immediate help. For details of specific commands,
refer to t he follow ing chapters.

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Chapter 2 Command Line Interface

This chapter describes command line interface (CLI) w hich you may use to configure your sw itch.
It contains flow ing sect ions:
† Int roduct ion of CLI
† CLI mode

† Feat ure and funct ions of CLI

† Symbols in command

† Parameters in command

2.1 Introduction of Command Line Interface

Et hernet Sw itches provide a series of configurat ion commands and command line interfaces for
configuring and managing t he Et hernet sw itch. The command line interface has the follow ing
characterist ics:
Local configurat ion via t he Console port .
Local or remote configurat ion via Telnet .
Hierarchy command protect ion to avoid t he unaut horized users accessing Et hernet sw itch.
Enter a “?” to get immediate online help.
Provide net work test ing commands, such as Tracert and Ping, to fast t roubleshoot t he
net work.
Provide various detailed debugging informat ion to help w it h net work troubleshoot ing.
Log in and manage ot her Et hernet sw itch direct ly, using t he Telnet command.
Provide FTP/ TFTP/ Xmodem service for t he users to upload and dow nload files.
The command line interpreter searches for target not fully matching t he keywords. It is ok for you
to key in t he w hole keyword or part of it , as long as it is unique and not ambiguous.

2.2 Command Line Configuration M ode

Et hernet Sw itches provide hierarchy protect ion for t he command lines to avoid unaut horized
user accessing illegally.
Commands are classified into t hree levels, namely visit and monitoring level, configurat ion level
and management level. They are int roduced as follows:
V isit and monitoring level: Commands of t his level involve command of net work diagnosis
tool (such as ping and tracert ), command of sw itch bet ween different language environments of
user interface (language-mode ) and telnet command etc and including t he display command and
t he debugging command, are used to system maintenance, service fault diagnosis, etc. The
operat ion of saving configurat ion file is not allowed on t his level of commands.
Configuration level: Service configurat ion commands, including rout ing command and
commands on each net work layer are used to provide direct net work service to t he user.
M anagement level: They are commands t hat influence basis operat ion of t he system and
system support module, w hich plays a support role on service. Commands of t his level involve
file system commands, FTP commands, TFTP commands, Xmodem dow nloading commands, user
management commands, and level sett ing commands.
At t he same t ime, login users are classified into t hree levels t hat correspond to t he t hree
command levels respect ively. After users of different levels logging in, t hey can only use
commands at t he levels t hat are equal to or lower t han their ow n level.
In order to prevent unaut horized users from illegal int rusion, user w ill be ident ified when

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sw itching from a lower level to a higher level w it h username username [ privilege level]
{ password encrypt ion-t ype passw ord } command. For t he sake of confident ialit y, on t he screen
t he user cannot see t he password t hat he entered. Only w hen correct password is input for t hree
t imes, can t he user sw itch to t he higher level. Ot herw ise, t he original user level w ill remain
Different command configurat ion mode is implemented according to different requirements.
They are related to one anot her. For example, after logging in t he Et hernet sw itch, you w ill enter
user mode, in w hich you can only use some basic funct ions such as displaying t he running state
and stat ist ics informat ion. In user mode, key in enable to enter privileged mode, in which you can
key in different configurat ion commands and enter t he corresponding configurat ion modes.
The command line provides t he follow ing configurat ion modes:
User M ode
Privileged M ode
Global Configurat ion M ode
Interface Configurat ion M ode
VLAN Configurat ion M ode
AAA Configurat ion M ode
RADIUS Configurat ion M ode
Domain Configurat ion M ode
VLAN-interface Configurat ion M ode
SuperVLAN-interface Configurat ion M ode
RIP Configurat ion M ode
OSPF Configurat ion M ode
PIM Configurat ion M ode
The follow ing table describes t he funct ion feat ures of different Configurat ion M odes and t he
ways to enter or quit .
Table 2-1 Funct ion feat ure of Command Configurat ion M ode


Configurat ion Funct ion Prompt Command to enter Command to exit

M ode

Show t he basic
informat ion
Ent er right aft er exit disconnect s
User M ode about Sw it ch>
connect ing t he sw it ch t o t he sw it ch
operat ion and
st at ist ics
Show t he basic
informat ion
exit ret urns t o
Key in enable in user user mode; quit
Privileged mode operat ion and Sw it ch#
mode disconnect s t o
st at ist ics and
t he sw it ch
manage t he
syst em
exit and end
Global Configure Key in configure ret urns t o
Sw it ch(conf
Configurat ion syst em terminal in privileged privileged mode;
M ode paramet ers M ode quit disconnect s
t o t he sw it ch
Key in interface exit ret urns t o
Int erface Configure Sw it ch(conf
ethernet 0/ 0/ 1 in global
Configurat ion Int erface ig-if-et hern
global Configurat ion configurat ion
M ode paramet ers et -0/ 0/ 1)
M ode mode and end
VLAN Configure Sw it ch(conf Key in vlan 1 in syst em ret urns t o

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