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JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19

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Original Article

Three-dimensional reconstruction of the

suborbicularis oculi fat and the infraorbital
soft tissue
T. Sandulescu, T. Blaurock-Sandulescu, H. Buechner,
E.A. Naumova, W.H. Arnold *
Department of Biological and Material Sciences in Dentistry, School of Dentistry, Faculty of Health, Witten/
Herdecke University, Germany


Article history: The aim of this study was to reveal the histomorphological con-
Received 6 December 2017 nections among the suborbicularis oculi fat (SOOF), the orbicularis
Accepted 14 January 2018 oculi muscle (OOM), the superficial musculoaponeurotic system
Available online 31 January 2018
(SMAS), the infraorbital fat and the skin.
Full graft tissue blocks of the infraorbital region with the skin,
SMAS, OOM and SOOF were collected post mortem from one female
Suborbicularis oculi fat
and two male formalin-fixed body donors. Serial histological sec-
SOOF plastic surgery
Subcutaneous musculoaponeurotic system tions were made, stained and digitized. Digitalization and three-
SMAS dimensional (3D) reconstruction of the histological meshwork were
3D reconstruction performed.
Infraorbital soft tissue SOOF was revealed as a fibro-adipose tissue underlying the OOM,
which was strictly separated from the intraorbital fat pad by the
orbital septum. SOOF, OOM and SMAS were connected by fibrous
septa derived from the SOOF, traversing the OOM with division into
multiple muscular bundles, continuing above the muscular plane
by forming the SMAS and ending with skin insertion. In the infra-
orbital region, two different types of SMAS bordering the infraorbital
fold have been recognized. Muscle cells have been demonstrated
in the SMAS fibrous septa of both SMAS types.
Together with the OOM, the SMAS and the skin, SOOF forms an
anatomical functional unit. Muscular contraction of the OOM could
be transferred by the SMAS to the skin level, producing periorbital

* Corresponding author. Department of Biological and Material Sciences in Dentistry, Alfred Herrhausenstrasse 44, 58455
Witten, Germany.
E-mail address: [email protected] (W.H. Arnold).

2352-5878/© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and
Aesthetic Surgeons. This is an open access article under the CC BY license (http://creativecommons.org/licenses/by/4.0/).
T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19 7

mimic expression. The 3D reconstruction facilitates the

comprehension of the morphological structure, its connections and
space correlations in the infraorbital area. The morphological and
topographical peculiarities of the infraorbital structures make it
possible to conclude that surgical interventions in this area need
to be elaborated and individualized.
© 2018 The Author(s). Published by Elsevier Ltd on behalf of
British Association of Plastic, Reconstructive and Aesthetic
Surgeons. This is an open access article under the CC BY license


The suborbicularis oculi fat (SOOF) was defined as a fat pad lying supraperiosteally beneath the
orbicularis oculi muscle (OOM) and below the lateral half of the infraorbital rim above the zygoma.1
The hockey stick-shaped head of SOOF is located at the inferolateral side of the orbit within a range
of +15 degrees medial and −87 degrees lateral to a caudal vertical mid-pupillary line.2 It has an average
horizontal length of 48 mm and an average vertical height of 27 mm.2
Previous studies described that the midfacial fat compartments (malar and SOOF) are connected
to the orbicularis oculi muscle and the facial bone by the superficial musculoaponeurotic system (SMAS).3
The lack of a clear definition of the SMAS structure allowed the authors to conclude that SMAS inserts
in the orbicularis oculi muscle (OOM) connection to the facial bone.3,4 Recent investigations de-
scribed the SMAS as a three-dimensional meshwork connecting the mimic musculature to the skin
with communicating fibro-muscular compartments enveloping fat pads.5
The anatomy of the periorbital fat pads, especially the SOOF, is well described, and the connec-
tion of these structures to the periorbital and cheek SMAS raised interest among oculoplastic
reconstructive and rejuvenating surgeons.1,6,7 The term SOOF was coined in clinical practice related
to the lower eyelid blepharoplasty, where it was resected to avoid contour defects.1 However, the SOOF
terminology has not yet been implemented in Nomina Anatomica.8
The surgical management of chronic facial palsy includes, among other problems, the reposition
of the SOOF, which helps elevate the overlying and the lower eyelid tissues because they are con-
nected to each other.9 SOOF lifting procedures are thus used as additional surgical maneuver in the
correction of the cicatricial lower eyelid ectropion, aging mid-face ptosis and chronic facial palsy to
achieve adequate corneal protection and improve the aesthetic facial affect.6,9 Furthermore, SOOF pli-
cation and suspension are well-described surgical techniques for midfacial rejuvenation.1,10 However,
these procedures have shown a better long-term effect in congenital cases than in facial palsy, where
the subsequent drop is greater due to the heavy tissue.6
Nevertheless, the lack of a clear definition of SOOF has allowed controversial opinions and inter-
pretation concerning the anatomical location and morphology of this structure.2,11
The aim of this study was to perform histomorphological analysis and three-dimensional (3D) re-
construction of the meshwork of the SOOF structure and its connection to the SMAS, the OOM, the
intraorbital fat and the skin. The hypothesis of this investigation was that SOOF is a fat pad with mor-
phological architecture that is similar to that of the SMAS underlying the OOM.


Full graft tissue blocks of the skin, SMAS, OOM and SOOF of the lateral infraorbital region were
collected post mortem from two male (61 and 80 years old) and one female (80 years old) body donors
and fixed in 4.5% formaldehyde. The cadavers were provided by the Department of Anatomy II, Friedrich-
Alexander-Universität Erlangen-Nürnberg and were official testamentary donations of volunteers to
the Department for the anatomical student course for medical and dental students and for medical
8 T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19

Figure 1. Body donors’ sides: a) female and b) male.

research purposes. The study was carried out according to the regulations of the WMA Declaration
of Helsinki in its present form from 2013. The donor sites showed no visible scars or tissue damage,
and the medical history revealed no surgical intervention or radiation of the head and neck area.
SOOF was localized macroscopically by the method described by Hwang et al. (2007), where the
tissue blocks were removed (Figure 1).2

Histological analysis

After fixation in 4.5% formaldehyde, the 1×2×1 cm3 tissue blocks were embedded in paraffin, and
serial histological sections in the vertical plane were cut with a thickness of 5 μm. Every section was
collected, and every 10th section was stained with Azan. Photomicrographs of the section were taken
using a Nikon D7000 camera (Nikon, Tokyo, Japan) with a resolution of 12 megapixels. In addition,
the sections were studied with a Leitz DMRB microscope (Leica, Wetzlar, Germany), and additional
micrographs were taken.

3D reconstruction

The 3D reconstruction and rendering were performed using AutoCAD 2013 (Autodesk, Munich,
Germany). The photographs of the male and female sections were consecutively imported into AutoCAD
2013 and superimposed according to the best fit method. The outlines of the relevant structures were
then digitized, each in separate layers. A total of 123 sections for the female and 106 for both male
body donors were digitized. Digitizing a single section required between 15 and 25 minutes, depend-
ing on the complexity of the traced structures. A 3D meshwork wire frame image was created from
each structure. By freezing or thawing single structures (electronic dissection),12 the 3D architecture
of SOOF structures and its relation to the OOM, the SMAS, the intraorbital fat and the skin were dem-
onstrated. The 3D wire-frame mesh was imported into the 3D Studio (Autodesk, Munich, Germany)
computer program, rendered into models and visualized from different angles. Additionally animat-
ed videos were rendered with 3D Studio.
T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19 9


Histological analysis

Macroscopically all three specimens (female: specimen one; male: specimen two and three) pre-
sented a prominent infraorbital fold (Figure 1). The histological analysis of the tissue blocks removed
from the tissue located at the inferolateral side of the orbit demonstrated the existence of SMAS and
SOOF tissue with different morphologies between the specimens (Figure 2).

SOOF was identified as a fat pad underlying the OOM. All three specimens had similar morpho-
logical SOOF architecture consisting of fibrous septa parallel aligned to the OOM fibers enveloping fat
pads (Figure 3). Microscopically, the cranial border of the SOOF did not cross the infraorbital fold level.
The bounding fibrous septa spread to the superficial lying OOM, dividing its belly into several mus-
cular tangles. The fibrous septa continued superficial to the OOM, forming the infraorbital SMAS fibro-
muscular septa (Figure 4). There was a direct connection between the SOOF and the SMAS. Compared
to the SMAS fibers, the SOOF septa were smoother and aligned parallel to the OOM fibers. The mi-
croscopic analysis of the SOOF architecture showed specimen-specific differences concerning its volume.
The SOOF fibers in all specimens showed similar microscopic architectures.

The histological analysis of the tissue blocks removed from the lateral infraorbital region demon-
strated the existence of the SMAS tissue between the OOM and the skin along the entire length of
the tissue block.
Microscopically, there were two different SMAS architectures cranial and caudal to the infraor-
bital fold (Figure 5). Caudal to the infraorbital fold, SMAS fibers showed a regular architecture with

Figure 2. Microphotographic overview of the histological section of the a) specimen one and b) specimen two. A = infraor-
bital area; B = lower eyelid area. The infraorbital fold is marked with an arrow. A change of the SMAS morphology cranial and
caudal to the infraorbital fold is visible.
10 T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19

Figure 3. Microphotographic overview of the histological SOOF section lying deep to the OOM from the a) specimen one and
b) specimen two. The arrow indicates the septum orbitale.

parallel-running septa connecting the OOM to the skin (Figure 5a and 5b). The fibrous septa of all three
specimens contained muscular fibers at the docking areas to the OOM and to the skin
(Figures 6 and 7).
Macroscopically and microscopically, the infraorbital fold was identified as a prominent cutane-
ous deepening marking the transition zone between the SMAS architectures (Figure 8). The infraorbital
fold in specimen two had a suspension to the OOM composed of fibrous septa embracing a multi-
tude of blood vessels (Figure 9). The OOM showed subcutaneous morphological changes without any
identifiable fibrous fixation.
Cranial to the infraorbital fold, the SMAS architecture changed, transforming into irregularly
aligned loose connective tissue (Figure 5c and 5d). The infraorbital fold marked the transition zone
between the morphological types of SMAS in the infraorbital region. Different SMAS morphologies
among all three specimens were observed superior to the infraorbital fold in the lower eyelid region.
The SMAS architectures were spotted with isolated muscular bundles. Proximal to the OOM, the
density of the muscular bundles increased, leaving the impression that they originated from the
OOM (Figure 10).

3D reconstruction

The 3D reconstruction simulated the morphological architecture of the tissue blocks of the inferolateral
region of the orbit, showing specimen-specific differences of the SOOF volume (Figure 11).
Processing with AutoCAD revealed that SOOF was a 3D meshwork forming interconnecting spaces
similar to SMAS (Figure 12). Similar to the histological analysis, SOOF septa were aligned parallel to
the OOM, and the SMAS septa were perpendicularly aligned to the space between the OOM and the
skin (Figure 13). The SOOF and SMAS meshwork were connected by fibrous septa perforating and di-
viding the OOM. There were no direct communicating spaces between the SOOF and the SMAS fat
T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19 11

Figure 4. Microphotographic overview of the connection between SOOF, the OOM and SMAS. The fibrous septa (arrows) divide
the OOM belly into several muscular tangles: a) specimen one; b) specimen two.


The results of this study showed that the SOOF is a 3D fibrotic meshwork of communicating spaces
enveloping fat pads suspended in the OOM and infraorbital SMAS. Therefore, it can act as a gliding
cushion for the OOM. Muscular contractions of the OOM are conducted to the skin by the SMAS while
simultaneously mobilizing the SOOF.
According to our results, the SOOF architecture showed fibro-fatty tissue located deep to the OOM,
differentiating it from the pure fatty nature of orbital fat and confirming former study results.2 The
fibrous septa form a 3D meshwork of fatty tissue-filled intercommunicating chambers, which might
explain the diffusion effect observed by Rohrich et al. after injecting methylene blue into the sub-
OOM plane to dye the SOOF blue.11 Rohrich et al. (2009) described a medial and a lateral SOOF
compartment.11 The 3D reconstruction method used in our study proved that the SOOF is a 3D fi-
brotic meshwork enveloping fat pads located beneath the OOM. To investigate the existence of the
two SOOF compartments, we propose injecting methylene blue into the sub-OOM space prior to the
application of the 3D reconstruction method.
These results are supported by recent investigations and demonstrate that the SMAS is the fibro-
muscular connective tissue enveloping fat pads connecting the mimic musculature to the skin. Therefore,
12 T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19

Figure 5. Microphotographic overview of the histological SMAS section of the infraorbital area: a) specimen one, b) specimen
two and lower eyelid regions: c) specimen one, d) specimen two showing the fibro-muscular SMAS septa connecting the OOM
fiber bundles to the skin.

it spreads in the cheek region lateral to the nasolabial fold superior to the mimic musculature plane
without any bony insertions.5 Previous studies have used different definitions and morphological de-
scriptions of the structure of the SMAS, which has facilitated the misunderstanding of its localization
and topographical anatomy.4,13
Our former study demonstrated the existence of two SMAS types bordering the nasolabial fold5:
SMAS Type I and Type II. SMAS Type I lateral to the nasolabial fold connects the mimic musculature
to the skin and consists of a three-dimensional meshwork of communicating fibro-muscular com-
partments enveloping fat pads. The parallel aligned fibro-muscular septa connect the mimic musculature
to the skin, inserting perpendicularly into the corium. SMAS Type II, which is medial to the NLF, rep-
resents a condensed irregular meshwork of connective tissue fibers with reduced fat pads and increased
fibro-muscular septal density and thickness.
At the infraorbital fold level, the infraorbital SMAS architecture showed similar changes to the na-
solabial fold. Beneath the infraorbital fold, the SMAS architecture was identical to the SMAS Type I
lateral to the nasolabial fold. The infraorbital fold marked the transition zone, where the SMAS mor-
phology was condensed, losing its regularity and transforming into fibro-elastic connective tissue in
the lower eyelid. Therefore, we concluded that there was an analogy between the infraorbital and na-
solabial folds, both marking the transition zone where SMAS changed its histological structure. Further,
we propose the morphological differentiation of a supplementary SMAS Type III covering the lower
eyelid region above the infraorbital fold. The lower eyelid SMAS has a different architecture than Type
I and Type II SMAS and can be described as SMAS Type III.
SMAS Type III covering the lower eyelid represents a fat-poor loose fibro-elastic connective tissue
with an irregular morphological architecture connecting the OOM to the skin cranial to the infraor-
bital fold.
T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19 13

Figure 6. Higher magnification of the fiber insertion inferior to the infraorbital fold into the dermis showing muscle cells in
the a) specimen one and b) specimen two.
14 T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19

Figure 7. Higher magnification of the fiber insertion inferior to the infraorbital fold into the OOM showing isolated muscle
cells in the SMAS septa of the a) specimen one and b) specimen two.
T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19 15

Figure 8. Microphotograph overview of the histological infraorbital fold of the a) specimen one and b) specimen two showing
deep cutaneous crinkles.

In our study, the infraorbital fold marked the transition zone between SMAS Type I and III. Similar
changes have been described in former studies, where the nasolabial fold noted the histological change
of SMAS morphology from the cheek to the labial side.5 In one specimen, there was a supplementary
fibro-vascular suspension of the infraorbital fold to the OOM, which supports the hypothesis of the
multifactorial genesis of the infraorbital fold. Nevertheless the absence of the fibro-vascular suspen-
sion in the other two specimen hypothesized the existence of high inter individual variability of this
SMAS and SOOF showed morphological similarities which supported our hypothesis prior to the
investigation. The lack of muscular fibers in the SOOF architecture presumed the different functional
interaction of the two tissues to another and to the bordering structures.
As an additional surgical procedure to the lateral tarsal strip, SOOF lifting represents a proper sur-
gical intervention for the rehabilitation of lower eyelid retraction and mid-face ptosis in patients with
congenital, Bell’s and acquired facial palsy.6 Contrary to these results, malar fat repositioning and face
lifting surgery have shown short-term success and poor long-term sustainability.14,15 A possible
16 T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19

Figure 9. Microphotograph overview of the histological fibro-vascular connection between the OOM and the infraorbital fold
(★) in specimen two.

explanation could be the thinner atrophic cheek tissue in congenital facial palsy, which could be easily
redraped.6 Our results have shown a close relationship among SOOF, OOM and the infraorbital SMAS
connected by elastic conjunctive tissue. In our opinion, the good long-term results after SOOF lifting
in patients with facial palsy are due to the palsy of the OOM, so there is no muscular traction on the
suspended SOOF after lifting. Otherwise, in malar, fat and SOOF subperiosteal repositioning
procedures,7,16–18 mimic muscular contractions are transferred via the connective tissue to the SOOF,
drifting it to the initial ptosis position.
The results of this study might be beneficial to the clinical practitioner in improving the long-
term postoperative effects for periocular surgical procedures and midfacial rejuvenation


SOOF is a fibro-fatty tissue pad on the inferolateral orbital border with variable size.
SOOF and SMAS have histomorphological and architectural similarities and are connected by fibrous
septa that divide the OOM into a variety of muscular bundles. The direct SOOF connection to the OOM
can be interpreted as the cause of the poor long-term results after SOOF lifting. SMAS Type III covers
the lower eyelid region superiorly to the infraorbital fold. The infraorbital fold originates due to a mor-
phological change of the SMAS architecture and a fibro-vascular suspension.

Conflict of interest

The authors declare that they have no conflict of interests.

T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19 17

Figure 10. Higher magnification of the SMAS fiber insertion into the OOM in a) specimen one and b) specimen two donors
showing muscular bundles along the fibrous septa.
18 T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19

Figure 11. The 3D reconstruction of the a) specimen one and b) specimen two tissue blocks of the inferolateral side of the
orbit. Color map: green—skin; violet—intraorbital fat; light blue—SMAS fibers; pink—OOM; red—SOOF; brown, yellow and orange—
SOOF fat pads; arrow—infraorbital fold. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred
to the web version of this article.)

Figure 12. 3D reconstruction of the a) specimen one and b) specimen two SOOF fat pads after freezing the shell surrounding
the SOOF, demonstrating the connections of the SOOF fat pads. Color map: pink—SOOF shell; brown, yellow and orange—
SOOF fat pads. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)


We thank Susanne Haussmann for her technical laboratory assistance in performing the serial his-
tological sections.

Appendix. Supplementary data

Supplementary data related to this article can be found at https://doi.org/10.1016/j.jpra.2018.01.001.

T. Sandulescu et al. / JPRAS Open 16 (2018) 6–19 19

Figure 13. The three-dimensional reconstruction of the a) specimen one and b) specimen two tissue blocks of the inferolateral
side of the orbit demonstrating the fibrous connection between the SOOF and SMAS septa crossing the OOM. Color map: green—
skin; violet—intraorbital fat; light blue—SMAS fibers; pink—OOM; red—SOOF; brown, yellow and orange—SOOF fat pads; arrow—
infraorbital fold. (For interpretation of the references to color in this figure legend, the reader is referred to the web version of
this article.)


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