FILE - 20230402 - 191008 - Unit 1 GMF2

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- Name of some sports and actions

- Grammar:present continuous.

- IPA:

- Sentence structures:

1. What sports do you play? I play (tennis). I go (rollerblading).

2. Do you go (skateboarding)? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

3. He (throws) the ball. He (catches) the ball.

4. Present continuous.

LESSON PLAN 1 Unit 1-GMF 2-Vocabulary and grammar

Aims of the lessons:

1. Identify and name different sports

2. Sing a song

3. Do a matching activity

4. Say a vocabulary chant

Time: 7:15-8:45 Date: 21.3

Number Activity Time Contents

1 Warm up 5 Quiz game: List of clothes (hot seat)

2 Review Unit 8 10’ • Vocabulary: clothes

Check how many words do students remember? (They can read and write)

• Sentences: I’m wearing …. He/ She is wearing…

She/ He is playing the guitar.

3 Review Unit 1 10’ - Review words and sentences from unit 1: Ready for school!

Ready for school! -Words: book, pen, rubber, pencil, ruler, crayon, sharpener, computer, school bag, pencil case.

-Structures: Where is my pen? à It’s here. / It’s in / on / under the book.

4 Game 10’ Board race

How to play:

● Split the class into two teams and give each team a colored marker.

● If you have a very large class, it may be better to split the students into teams of 3 or 4.

● Draw a line down the middle of the board and write a topic at the top.

● The students must then write as many words as you require related to the topic in the form of a relay race.

● Each team wins one point for each correct word. Any words that are unreadable or misspelled are not counted.

5 Teach 20’ ● New words: football, basketball, tennis, baseball, skateboarding, cycling, volleyball, rollerblading, hockey, swimming

● Sentence: I go rollerblading.

Do you play tennis? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

6 Teach 10 Present simple for daily routines and practice.

7 Practice 20’ Students do worksheets by using the navio app.

8 Check homework/Review 5 Total

LESSON PLAN 2 Unit 1 GMF 2 - Story and Conversation

Aims of the lesson:

1. Read and listen to the story

2. Watch the animated story

3. Give your opinion on the story

Time: Date: 23.3

Number Activity Time Contents

1 Warm up 5 Listen and dance.

2 Review 15’ Review Unit 9: Day and night-lesson 1

● Review words: football, basketball, tennis, baseball, skateboarding, cycling, volleyball, rollerblading, hockey,


● Sentences: I go rollerblading.

Do you play tennis? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

3 Review Unit 2 15’ Review words and sentences from unit 2: Happy birthday

-Review words: ball, train, car, doll, kite, robot, scooter, teddy, dinosaur, computer game.
Happy birthday!
-Review sentences:- What is it? à It’s a bike.
- Is it a train? à Yes, it is. / No, it isn’t.

4 Teach 20’ • Vocabulary: •sports center, swimsuit, tennis racket, football boots, rollerblades, bat.

• Sentences:

- Does she play any sports?

+ She plays tennis on Sunday.

- What’s your favorite sport?

+ My favorite sport is ... .

Listen a story=>Read a story: The very busy week. Use NAVIO app=>Answer questions.

Questions: up to the teacher.

5 Presentation 45’ Introduction: name, old, feeling, address, school.

Body: Today I want to talk about sports. I play sports everyday.

On Monday, I go swimming. On Tuesday, I play badminton. On Wed…

Thanks for listening.

LESSON PLAN 3 Unit 1 GMF 2-Vocab and grammar

Aims of the lesson:

1. Learn actions

2. Use Present continuous.

3. Sing a song

4. Play a game

Time: Date: 28.3

Number Activity Time Contents

1 Warm up 5 list some daily routines.

2 Review 15’ • Vocabulary: sports center, swimsuit, tennis racket, football boots, rollerblades, bat.

• Sentences:

- Does she play any sports?

+ She plays tennis on Sunday.

- What’s your favorite sport?

+ My favorite sport is ... .

3 Game 15’ Game: Slap the Board/Floor

● Teacher lays out the flashcards on the floor
● Teacher calls two students come to the board to play at a time
● When the teacher shouts out a word, students should hit it with their hand.

4 Teach 20’ ● New words: •bounce, catch, jump, kick, throw, hit, athletics, ballet, gymnastics, karate, climbing, fishing, sailing,

badminton, table tennis, golf.

● •Sentences:
● - He throws the ball.
● - She bounces the ball.

5 Game 10 Game: Musical cards

● Teacher arranges flashcards / pictures in a circle on the floor.
● Teacher organizes the children, so they are making a circle outside the flashcard circle.
● Teacher plays some music and encourages the children to walk around the circle of flashcards.
● Teacher stops the music. 
● The children should stop and stand at the flashcard in front of them.
● Teacher asks children what their flashcard is, e.g “It’s a horse”, “It's A leaf”, etc.

6 Presentation 40’ Introduction: name, old, feeling, address, school.


Today I want to talk about sports

On Monday, I play football. I kick and bounce the ball. It’s fun.

On Tuesday, I play tennis. I use a tennis racket to hit the ball.

On Wednesday, I go swimming. I need a swimsuit.

On Thursday,...

Thanks for listening.

7 Review 5 Total

LESSON PLAN 4 Unit 1-GMF 2- IPA Cambridge Practice Exam

Aims of the lesson:

-Review sports

-Teach IPA [eɪ]

-Teach grammar: present continuous.

Time: 17:45-19;15 Date: 04.04

Number Activity Time Contents

1 Warm up 5 List some sports

2 Review 10’

● Review words:•bounce, catch, jump, kick, throw, hit, athletics, ballet, gymnastics, karate, climbing, fishing, sailing,

badminton, table tennis, golf.

● •Sentences:
● - He throws the ball.
● - She bounces the ball.

3 Game 10’ Game: Slap the Board/Floor

● Teacher lays out the flashcards on the floor
● Teacher calls two students come to the board to play at a time
● When the teacher shouts out a word, students should hit it with their hand.

4 Teach IPA 20’ ● IPA: [eɪ]:snail, play, rain, day

● List all words have [eɪ]

5 Practice IPA 20’

6 Practice 20’

7 Review 5 Total

LESSON PLAN 5 Unit 1-GMF 2 Extra grammar

Aims of the lesson:

-Review sports and actions

-Teach grammar: present continuous tense.

Time: Date:

Number Activity Time Contents

1 Warm up 5 List some actions

2 Review 10’ ● Review words:•bounce, catch, jump, kick, throw, hit, athletics, ballet, gymnastics, karate, climbing, fishing, sailing,

badminton, table tennis, golf.

● •Sentences:
● - He throws the ball.
● - She bounces the ball.

3 Game 10’ Game: Slap the Board/Floor

● Teacher lays out the flashcards on the floor
● Teacher calls two students come to the board to play at a time
● When the teacher shouts out a word, students should hit it with their hand.

4 Teach IPA 20’ ● IPA: [eɪ]:snail, play, rain, day

● List all words have [eɪ]

● Review words: football, basketball, tennis, baseball, skateboarding, cycling, volleyball, rollerblading, hockey,


● Sentences: I go rollerblading.

Do you play tennis? Yes, I do. No, I don’t.

5 Teach Grammar 20’ present simple tense.

6 Practice 20’

7 Review 5 Total

LESSON PLAN 6 Unit 1-GMF 2-British culture

Aims of the lesson:

1. Listen to children talking about the Tooth Fairy

2. Learn about the Tooth Fairy in Britain

3. Think about what happens to teeth where you live

Time: Date:

Number Activity Time Contents

1 Warm up 5 Remember game

2 Review 10’ ● Review words: get up, wash my face, brush my teeth, comb my hair, have a shower, get dressed, make my bed, go to

school, go to bed, sleep, daily routines, do my homework, get undressed, have a bath, put my pyjamas on, read a book, wake up.

Sentence: I get up in the morning.

3 Game 10’ Game: Slap the Board/Floor

● Teacher lays out the flashcards on the floor
● Teacher calls two students come to the board to play at a time
● When the teacher shouts out a word, students should hit it with their hand.

4 Teach 20’ • Vocabulary: •chocolate, flour, pancake, olives, sandwich, bowl, cook, make, mix, put, toss, first, then, now, finally.

- First, ... . Then, .... . Now, ... . Finally, ... .

Listen a story =>Read a story (use Navio app)=> Answers questions



5 Teach Conversation 30’

A.Hello. My name is…

B.Hi. Nice to meet you. My name is …
A.I want to know your daily routines. What do you do in the morning?
B. I get up and wash my face.
A. What do you do in the afternoon?
B.I go to school and play games.
6 Review 5 Total

LESSON PLAN 7 Unit 1-GMF 2-Literacy

Aims of the lesson:

1.Listen and read a poem “morning time”

2. Present about daily routines

Time: Date:

Number Activity Time Contents

1 Warm up 5 Remember game

2 Teach 20’ ●

● Listen to a poem and read.

3 Game 10’ Game: Slap the Board/Floor

● Teacher lays out the flashcards on the floor
● Teacher calls two students come to the board to play at a time
● When the teacher shouts out a word, students should hit it with their hand.

4 Review Unit 3 10’ Review vocabulary: head, legs, feet, toes, arms, ears, mouth, eyes, nose, fingers, long hair, short hair, blonde hair, brown hair,

black hair, red hair, curly, spiky, straight, wavy.

At the circus

• Review sentences:

- What have you got? à I’ve got big eyes.

-What does she look like? à She’s got long hair and green eyes.

5 Presentation 40’ Listen a video about sports

Students use a mindmap to present

Introduction: name, old, feeling, address, school.


Today I want to talk about sports

On Monday, I play football. I kick and bounce the ball. It’s fun.

On Tuesday, I play tennis. I use a tennis racket to hit the ball.

On Wednesday, I go swimming. I need a swimsuit.

On Thursday,...

Thanks for listening.

7 Review 5 Total

LESSON PLAN 8 Unit 1-GMF 2-Review

Aims of the lessons:

1.Review words and structures from unit 1

2. Review grammar “present simple tense”

3. Presentation “daily routines”

Time: Date:

Number Activity Time Contents

1 Warm up 5 Listen and dance.

2 Review 15’ ● Review words: bounce, catch, jump, kick, throw, hit, athletics, ballet, gymnastics, karate, climbing, fishing, sailing,

badminton, table tennis, golf, football, basketball, tennis, baseball, skateboarding, cycling, volleyball, rollerblading, hockey,


● Sentence: I go rollerblading.

Do you play tennis? Yes, I do. No, I don’t

3 Game 10’ Game: Slap the Board/Floor

● Teacher lays out the flashcards on the floor
● Teacher calls two students come to the board to play at a time
● When the teacher shouts out a word, students should hit it with their hand.


5 Review Grammar 20’

6 Presentation 20’ Introduction: name, old, feeling, address, school.

Today I want to talk about my daily routines. In the morning, I get up and get dressed. Then I have breakfast…In the afternoon, I

play games…

Thanks for listening.

7 Review 5 Total



1. Stander test:

Audio test:

● Nhận xét:

- Syllabus của Unit chưa ghi cụ thể như: theo form trung tâm đã thống nhất,

+ Lesson 1: nội dung học trọng tâm là gì ví dụ là học vocab + grammar

+ Lesson 2: nội dung học trọng tâm là gì

+ …

+ Lesson 9 : học sinh làm đc những gì ở bài test

- Nội dung của từng lesson còn dàn trải cần tập trung vào trọng tâm của mỗi lesson , game hơi nhiều, phần thuyết trình thời gian hơi ngắn, cần bổ xung thêm cả phần hội thoại để học sinh luyện tập

nhiều hơn khả năng ngôn ngữ, không nhất thiết buổi nào cũng phải thuyết trình hay hội thoại, nhưng khi đã cho thuyết trình đảm bảo 100% học sinh đc thuyết trình, hội thoại đc cô nhận xét và đc sửa nên tăng

thời gian của bài này lên.

- chưa review các chủ đề đã học trước kể cả từ vựng sách Eagle và 1 2, mở rộng cấu trúc câu nhiều hơn trong lesson học ngữ pháp mở rộng,

- Mỗi lesson để ở đầu trang để dễ nhìn, kết thúc lesson cũ sang lesson mới là sang trang mới


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