A Research Presented to
the faculty of Hagonoy National High School
Senior High School
Yssabella G. Soriano
Altheia Nicole P. Beldera
Marjhon Van C. Estrada
Shamel Simeon
Ithia Guel M. Cuaton
Alvie Jane F. Sotaviento
Jon Ervin O. Cortez
Prince Carl N. Lanutan
Mark Joven C. Camillo
March 2023
classes half of the day. A typical school week for Zace would mean that he
has to wake up early in the morning so that he has a time to prepare for
school. He has to take a bath, eats his breakfast after which he needs to walk
for almost 30 minutes to reach the main road where can take a vehicle, a
classes is an efficient way to make the most of school resources while still
ensuring that students like Zace receive the education they need. However,
National High School double-shift system. And also this system has a big
issues such as a lack of facilities, a short learning contact time, and poor
scheme frequently face difficulties as students, which can make it difficult for
schools around the world but lack of facilities for all of the students.
while avoiding serious strain on the budget and also controlling the number of
students. This is the reason why the DepEd implemented the Double-Shift.
However, the impact of the double-shift class on some students is not well
In the local context, senior high school students who experienced of having
a double-shift class has affecting their daily lives. For example: it affects the
loads of school works that can lead emotional stress. Moreover, dealing with a
lots of school works and home duties can have a profound impact to them as
Our personal experiences also play a critical role on students who undergo
find commuting difficult especially for us whose home is far from school.
Double-shift schemes really eat up our time as students. In this kind of set-
up, we still manage our time by organizing our schedules and trying our best
to catch up on time. We still manage to balance our studies and home duties.
the key challenges faced by students who attend double-shift classes and to
related literature. This study will assist the researchers in understanding the
National High School, the researchers want to know the experiences towards
Research Questions
2. What are the lived experiences of senior high school students in the
3. How do senior high school students cope with the challenges under
double-shift scheme?
Theoretical Lens
proposed that a person will behave or act in a certain way because they are
theory was used in this study to explain the motivational factors that
students are motivated in this kind of set-up if they know that their extra effort
Department of Education (DepEd) This result of this study will assist DepED
Teachers This result in this study may help them understand their students
Parents The results of this study can assist parents in understanding and
of their children.
Students The result of this study can serve as a reference for how students
organize their time, particularly when they have free time. This study also
for future research, as they seek to build upon existing knowledge and make
new contributions.
This study focuses on the experiences of the senior high school students to
the double shifting class schedule in Hagonoy National High School in the
year 2020-2023. The participants will grade 11 and 12 in any strand will be
both used.
Definitions of Terms
entirely separate group of students. The first group of student usually attends
school from early morning until midday, and the second group usually attends
the students in the double-shift class globally nationally, and locally. Chapter
Chapter II
This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies of the
research proposal.
Double-Shift Schooling
Double-Shift session enables two groups to use one set of facilities (Bray,
2000). Moreover, Harper (1982:67) stated that Double Shift session is defined
same teachers, one group in the morning session and the second group in the
afternoon session. Distinct student groups use classrooms in the morning and
order to improve social fairness (Bray, 2008). In addition, policy makers and
Order (DO) No. 62, series (s). 2004 and further reiterated in DO No. 54 s.
2008. the double shifting policy becomes a systemic method to alleviate the
Public schools have been suggested since 2004 to implement the double-
shifting session, especially for schools which had or had ongoing issues with
schools, for instance, here in Hagonoy National High School. Since it takes
new structure, double shift schools were created. Keeping senior high school
students enrolled while their classrooms are being built is another factor
alleviate the classroom shortage and reduce class sizes in the public schools
teacher shortage and to keep them engaged in academic work (Bray, 2000:
achievement. Due to the time given, it might also have an impact on the
economically and socially more than others.” This demands for concern about
of Mexico's double session system run by the schools. The study examined
from various educational eras. The conclusions showed that teachers working
longer hours has a negative impact on pupils' performance during all shifts.
points: first, he finds little empirical evidence about the double shifting
between shifts. Teachers may need to rush through classes or cover fewer
topics when they only have half a day to teach, which could lower the quality
of instruction. This might affect how well students learn and perform.
In a double-shift system, the school day is split into two separate groups of
students. Students in the first group typically attend school from early in the
morning until midday, whereas students in the second group typically attend
from midday until late in the day. Each group makes use of the same
structures, tools, and other resources. The two groups are taught by distinct
teachers in some systems while being taught by the same teachers in others
scheduled in daily, weekly, or monthly rotations, but this is not very common.
The school day must start and end earlier and longer overall in order to
accommodate all kids. Classes are shorter even with this. When they are in
the building for fewer hours, students take less time to complete activities
(Sherwood, 2017)
members may be encouraged to teach in more than one session where there
pressure on sports facilities, libraries, school canteens, etc. (Bray, 2000: 12)
activities when pupils attend school at various times. There may not be space
groups when everyone is available. The double sessions may also cause
that take part in extracurricular activities like band, and drama also suffer from
this disadvantage. Also, older kids who attend year-round education may find
Insights Gained
canteens, and etc. For some reasons, due to lack of facilities there is also a
half of the day, first group of pupils attend classes in morning, and the second
this kine of system may affect the students’ performances due to the negative
Chapter III
Research Design
the essence, and the veracity of phenomena. Similarly, it will attempt to learn
Research Participants
This study will use the Grade 11 and Grade 12 senior high school students
in Hagonoy National High School who take double-shift classes for academic
Data Sources
Data for qualitative research could also come from a variety of sources,
the current study's research paper. Data for this study will be gathered from
Data Collection
analyzed. To learn more about how students deal with the difficulties of
studying during double shift classes, as well as their opinions on the benefits
will provide the participants with a letter of consent and letter of assent. The
interview will take place at a location and time chosen by the participants. The
and to eliminate the participants' and researchers' biases. The questions are
written with potential biases in mind and in such a way that the participant
Data Analysis
analysis using a more structured approach. (Van Manen, 1990), the purpose
of this present study is to identify the data analysis steps used in hermeneutic
researcher must fulfill and treat the participants with respect, sensitivity,
ensure the credibility of this study. These techniques will help in validating the
findings and increasing the research's credibility. This study will make use of
Lincoln and Guba’s Trustworthiness to be both specific and realistic with the
use of four categories. Credibility establishes that this research findings are
is use in this study to make it reliable and certain of this research findings, so
that researchers wants to make sure that their findings match the raw data
they collected. Confirmability assures that the data are verifiable and
provable throughout data collection and analysis to ensure results would likely
be repeatable by others.
Ethical Considerations
The goal of the researcher is to ensure that the research is carried out in
consent and a letter of assent to be the part of the study and participate in the
gender, or age.