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Exploring the Experience of Senior High Students On the

Implementation of the Double Shift Scheme

In Hagonoy National High School

A Research Presented to
the faculty of Hagonoy National High School
Senior High School

In partial fulfillment of Practical Research I

Yssabella G. Soriano
Altheia Nicole P. Beldera
Marjhon Van C. Estrada
Shamel Simeon
Ithia Guel M. Cuaton
Alvie Jane F. Sotaviento
Jon Ervin O. Cortez
Prince Carl N. Lanutan
Mark Joven C. Camillo

March 2023


Zace, a senior high school student is part of a double-shift scheme

implemented by Hagonoy National High School, which requires him to attend

classes half of the day. A typical school week for Zace would mean that he

has to wake up early in the morning so that he has a time to prepare for

school. He has to take a bath, eats his breakfast after which he needs to walk

for almost 30 minutes to reach the main road where can take a vehicle, a

common mode of public transformation to arrive at school.

Zace’s daily activities highlight the student’s experiences and difficulties,

particularly in schools that use double-shift class schedules. Double-shifting

classes is an efficient way to make the most of school resources while still

ensuring that students like Zace receive the education they need. However,

present difficulties such as transportation issues and potential disruptions to

student’s schedules. This study intends to student perspective on Hagonoy

National High School double-shift system. And also this system has a big

impact towards student’s academic performances and their time managing.

As a global challenge, the double-shift scheme is dealing with a variety of

issues such as a lack of facilities, a short learning contact time, and poor

student performance. These difficulties are exacerbated in areas such as

Hagonoy, where students are not accustomed on having a double-shift in their

previous learning. Furthermore, students who participate in the double-shift

scheme frequently face difficulties as students, which can make it difficult for

others in a global situation. In additional, there’s so many enrollees in every

schools around the world but lack of facilities for all of the students.

In the Philippines, The Department of Education (DepEd) launched the

double-shift class to address the shortage of classrooms, to decrease the

overcrowding in every schools and to increase the supply of school places

while avoiding serious strain on the budget and also controlling the number of

students. This is the reason why the DepEd implemented the Double-Shift.

However, the impact of the double-shift class on some students is not well

good because of how it affects on their daily lives.

In the local context, senior high school students who experienced of having

a double-shift class has affecting their daily lives. For example: it affects the

student’s academic performances, not enough time to learn at school, and

loads of school works that can lead emotional stress. Moreover, dealing with a

lots of school works and home duties can have a profound impact to them as

well as their mental and physical health.

Our personal experiences also play a critical role on students who undergo

Double-Shift Class in Hagonoy National High School. For example, the

mentioned scheme our performances in school and also our attendance.

Furthermore, we sometimes cannot eat breakfast due to lack of time, and we

find commuting difficult especially for us whose home is far from school.

These are some challenges we faced in the implementation of the double-shift


Double-shift schemes really eat up our time as students. In this kind of set-

up, we still manage our time by organizing our schedules and trying our best

to catch up on time. We still manage to balance our studies and home duties.

However, some students find it difficult to adapt this kind of set-up.

Despite the importance of double-shift class in the Philippines, there is a

scarcity of research on students’ lived experiences. This study aims to identify

the key challenges faced by students who attend double-shift classes and to

investigate ways for them to overcome those challenges through a review of

related literature. This study will assist the researchers in understanding the

challenges faced by students under double-shift classes as well as their


Purpose of the Study

The purpose of this study is to explore the experiences of senior high

school Students in implementing double-shift scheme to the school since this

is the first time that the double-shifting schedule is implemented in Hagonoy

National High School, the researchers want to know the experiences towards

Senior High School Students in Hagonoy National High School.

Research Questions

The purpose of this study is to explore the experience of Senior High

School Students on implementing the double-shift scheme. This seeks to

answer the following questions:


1. What are the views of senior high school students on the

implementation of the double shift scheme?

2. What are the lived experiences of senior high school students in the

implementation of double-shift scheme?

3. How do senior high school students cope with the challenges under

double-shift scheme?

Theoretical Lens

This research is based on Vroom’s (1964) Expectancy Theory. which

proposed that a person will behave or act in a certain way because they are

motivated. According to the Expectancy Theory, students will be motivated if

they believe that putting in a lot of effort even though double-shifting is

implemented, it will still result in good grades. As a result, the expectancy

theory was used in this study to explain the motivational factors that

influenced students' perceptions of the double shifting scheme. In addition,

students are motivated in this kind of set-up if they know that their extra effort

and excellent performance will result into positive outcomes.

Significance of the Study

Department of Education (DepEd) This result of this study will assist DepED

in allocating resources such as funding, facilities, and teaching materials to

support the implementation of the double shifting scheme.


Teachers This result in this study may help them understand their students

preferences in terms of their schedules. Instructors will be able to find out

whether a student has trouble learning from double-shifting classes.

Parents The results of this study can assist parents in understanding and

knowing the impacts of the double-shift system on the academic performance

of their children.

Students The result of this study can serve as a reference for how students

organize their time, particularly when they have free time. This study also

enables and assists students who will engage a double-shift schedule in

making decisions and managing their time.

Future Researchers The findings of this study can be a vulnerable resources

for future research, as they seek to build upon existing knowledge and make

new contributions.

Limitations and Delimitations of the Study

This study focuses on the experiences of the senior high school students to

the double shifting class schedule in Hagonoy National High School in the

year 2020-2023. The participants will grade 11 and 12 in any strand will be

both used.

Definitions of Terms

To be able to present the study clearly, the following term is defined


Double-Shift Scheme- this refers to school in a double-shift system cater two

entirely separate group of students. The first group of student usually attends

school from early morning until midday, and the second group usually attends

from midday to afternoon.

Organization of the Study

Chapter 1, introduces the study, present the research gaps, urgency,

purpose, research question, theoretical lens, significance, limitations, and

definition of terms. Chapter 2, reviews the literature on the challenges face by

the students in the double-shift class globally nationally, and locally. Chapter

3, described the research design, including the methodology, sample size

data collection, and analysis procedures. Chapter 4 presents the findings of

the study. Chapter 5 concludes the study by summarizing the findings,

highlighting the implications, and suggesting future research.


Chapter II

Review of Related Literature

This chapter presents the review of related literature and studies of the

sub-topics of this research to provide a clearer view of what is studied in this

research proposal.

Double-Shift Schooling

It is important to comprehend the various terms being used to describe the

double-shift session. "Sometimes the difference in terminology implies a

difference in meaning," claims Bray (2000, p. 11). When utilizing terminology

in various contexts, this requires care.

Double-Shift session enables two groups to use one set of facilities (Bray,

2000). Moreover, Harper (1982:67) stated that Double Shift session is defined

as "teaching two different groups of students in the same classroom by the

same teachers, one group in the morning session and the second group in the

afternoon session. Distinct student groups use classrooms in the morning and

afternoon, is no longer novel and is frequently used in numerous nations

throughout the world. Moreover, due to a lack of teachers and educational

resources, several developing nations, like Vietnam, Argentina, South Africa,

Brazil, India, and Russia, have already embraced a double-shift schooling


Due to the continuing lack of teacher and material resources, this

educational system is primarily seen in developing nations (Ashong-Katai,


2013; Sagyndykova, 2013; Kurebwa & Lumbe, 2015). Double-shifting

sessions are frequently used as a response to the rising enrollment rate by

implementing more pertinent and accommodating educational regulations in

order to improve social fairness (Bray, 2008). In addition, policy makers and

school administrators developed the double shift policy to accommodate more

students by implementing various teaching sessions (shifts) during the school

day in order to overcome the inadequate educational facilities. Sadly, in some

instances, particularly in heavily urbanized areas, the policy makers and

school administrators in some countries first established a temporary solution

that was intended to be transitory ended up becoming a permanent policy.

Implementation of Double-shift Scheme

Considering the Philippines' rising enrolment each year,ongoing financial

difficulties, difficulties with school construction, and the issue of insufficient

classrooms persists. As stated in the DepEd or Department of Education

Order (DO) No. 62, series (s). 2004 and further reiterated in DO No. 54 s.

2008. the double shifting policy becomes a systemic method to alleviate the

classroom shortage and reduce class sizes in the public schools.

Public schools have been suggested since 2004 to implement the double-

shifting session, especially for schools which had or had ongoing issues with

a lack of classrooms and growing class sizes (Department of Education,

2004). Additionally, this order is relevant to disaster-affected communities

where school structures have been damaged, if not completely destroyed.

This technique is not only transient but is eventually mainstreamed in some


schools, for instance, here in Hagonoy National High School. Since it takes

longer to develop new classrooms or repair broken ones.

The Purpose of Double-shift Schooling

To accommodate additional students without having to build an entirely

new structure, double shift schools were created. Keeping senior high school

students enrolled while their classrooms are being built is another factor

( Quintas, 2016). The double shifting policy becomes a systemic method to

alleviate the classroom shortage and reduce class sizes in the public schools

(Department of Education, 2012).

Extracurricular activities ought to be increased in order to assist double-

shift schools. Schools could encourage parents, senior students, or

community members to supervise extracurricular activities as a solution to the

teacher shortage and to keep them engaged in academic work (Bray, 2000:


The Performance of the Students On Different Sessions

Changes in class schedules may have an impact on students’ academic

achievement. Due to the time given, it might also have an impact on the

pupils’ learning effectiveness. According to Sharma (2005 p.67), “Academic

performance is a necessary evil because on kind of ability is rewarded

economically and socially more than others.” This demands for concern about

factors that are commonly connected to academic achievement.

In a continent-wide study, Sagyndykova (2013) examined how it affected

of Mexico's double session system run by the schools. The study examined

the Heckman selection model to determine academic performance of students


from various educational eras. The conclusions showed that teachers working

longer hours has a negative impact on pupils' performance during all shifts.

However, the majority of the impact of the morning hour on academic

performance is related to the student traits. Cardenas (2011) conducted a

thorough analysis of the DSS literature. He summarizes it in three general

points: first, he finds little empirical evidence about the double shifting

schedule. He finds that students and instructors encounter various challenges

at every turn; second, he draws conclusions about variations in performance

between shifts. Teachers may need to rush through classes or cover fewer

topics when they only have half a day to teach, which could lower the quality

of instruction. This might affect how well students learn and perform.

The Drawbacks of Double Shifting Scheme

In a double-shift system, the school day is split into two separate groups of

students. Students in the first group typically attend school from early in the

morning until midday, whereas students in the second group typically attend

from midday until late in the day. Each group makes use of the same

structures, tools, and other resources. The two groups are taught by distinct

teachers in some systems while being taught by the same teachers in others

(Bray, 2008 cited by IIEP-UNESCO Learning Portal, n.d.). Shifts can be

scheduled in daily, weekly, or monthly rotations, but this is not very common.

The school day must start and end earlier and longer overall in order to

accommodate all kids. Classes are shorter even with this. When they are in

the building for fewer hours, students take less time to complete activities

(Sherwood, 2017)

The Advantages of Double Shifting Scheme

Several factors are discussed by Bray (2008) as justifications for double-

shift scheduling; In order to best utilize limited human resources, staff

members may be encouraged to teach in more than one session where there

is a teacher shortage, To reduce overcrowding class size and alleviate

pressure on sports facilities, libraries, school canteens, etc. (Bray, 2000: 12)

Extra Curricular Activities Issues

According to (Sherwood, 2017), challenges arise for extracurricular

activities when pupils attend school at various times. There may not be space

for extracurricular activities in a building that is already overcrowded. Classes

may be disrupted by activity noises, such as music, if there is space. Another

problem is with attendance. It might be quite difficult for administrators to book

groups when everyone is available. The double sessions may also cause

teachers who manage groups or coach teams to be overworked. Students

that take part in extracurricular activities like band, and drama also suffer from

this disadvantage. Also, older kids who attend year-round education may find

it challenging to maintain a part-time work (Magloff, 2022).

Insights Gained

The purpose of implementing double-shift schooling is to reduce

overcrowding class size and alleviate pressure on facilities, libraries, school

canteens, and etc. For some reasons, due to lack of facilities there is also a

big class-size, and mostly the population of students.. Implementing the

double-shift session enables two groups of pupils to use one facilities. In a

half of the day, first group of pupils attend classes in morning, and the second

group of pupils attended classes in afternoon to control class size. However,

this kine of system may affect the students’ performances due to the negative

impact of implementing the double-shift scheme.


Chapter III


Research Design

This study will be conducted using qualitative research methods

particularly the phenomenological hermeneutic approach. This approach will

be analyzed by means of the most complex aspects of human life. Husserl

(1998) defines it as a paradigm that attempts to explain the nature of things,

the essence, and the veracity of phenomena. Similarly, it will attempt to learn

about the various effects on their way of life.

Research Participants

This study will use the Grade 11 and Grade 12 senior high school students

in Hagonoy National High School who take double-shift classes for academic

year 2022-2023. The chosen five participants had the opportunity to

participate in the study by the use of purposive sampling to select the

participants. Also, respondents are entitled to provide their perspectives on

this phenomenon that students regularly encountered.

Data Sources

Data for qualitative research could also come from a variety of sources,

including primary and secondary sources, in-depth interviews, journals, and


the current study's research paper. Data for this study will be gathered from

both participants and sources.

Data Collection

Students' perspectives from in-depth interviews were thematically

analyzed. To learn more about how students deal with the difficulties of

studying during double shift classes, as well as their opinions on the benefits

and drawbacks of such classes. As a request for permission, the researchers

will provide the participants with a letter of consent and letter of assent. The

interview will take place at a location and time chosen by the participants. The

interviews will be recorded on a phone and then transcribed verbatim.

Researchers' suggestions were avoided in order to keep the study unbiased

and to eliminate the participants' and researchers' biases. The questions are

written with potential biases in mind and in such a way that the participant

feels accepted regardless of the response.

Data Analysis

This study aims to understand the phenomenon and derived from

participants' perceptions and experiences, regardless of the researcher's

interpretation. The researchers must be neutral and objective in dealing with

the data. As Moustakas(1994) has indicated the steps in phenomenological

analysis using a more structured approach. (Van Manen, 1990), the purpose

of this present study is to identify the data analysis steps used in hermeneutic

phenomenology to illustrate those steps with a qualitative study of the


sustained effects of a double-shifting classes. It will encourage qualitative

researchers to examine this alternative to hermeneutic phenomenology that

has been identified as one of the major traditions in qualitative research.

Role of the Researcher

Researcher's role is to discover or confirm evidence-based knowledge

that can benefit the students in a responsible manner. Participants will be

encouraged to discuss their experiences as researchers listen intently.

Researchers will take a brief look at the many responsibilities that a

researcher must fulfill and treat the participants with respect, sensitivity,

compassion, and true care throughout our time together.


The researchers will use various techniques, such as member checking, to

ensure the credibility of this study. These techniques will help in validating the

findings and increasing the research's credibility. This study will make use of

Lincoln and Guba’s Trustworthiness to be both specific and realistic with the

use of four categories. Credibility establishes that this research findings are

credible from the participants' perspectives. Transferability will be

demonstrated by evidences that the findings of this research study are

applicable to other contexts, situations, times, and populations. Dependability

is use in this study to make it reliable and certain of this research findings, so

that researchers wants to make sure that their findings match the raw data

they collected. Confirmability assures that the data are verifiable and

provable throughout data collection and analysis to ensure results would likely

be repeatable by others.

Ethical Considerations

The goal of the researcher is to ensure that the research is carried out in

accordance with ethical standards. All participants will be given a letter of

consent and a letter of assent to be the part of the study and participate in the

research. The participants will be remained confidential as a respect on the

respondent’s privacy in doing an interview. In this study, we will remain the

beneficence, non-maleficence, justice, confidentiality, and equality of the

participants. Researchers shall not exclude individuals from the opportunity to

participate in research on the basis of attributes such as culture, language,

religion, race, disability, sexual orientation, ethnicity, linguistic proficiency,

gender, or age.

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