A Generic Microstructure-Explicit Model of Creep I
A Generic Microstructure-Explicit Model of Creep I
A Generic Microstructure-Explicit Model of Creep I
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This paper describes the development of a new type of creep A constraint factor K CF (I p ) has been incorporated to take
model in which the constitutive equations are explicitly expressed
account of the 3-D stress fields due to the close approach of
in terms of quantitative measures of the initial microstructural
cubical particles in high volume fraction alloys. Its magnitude has
features and their subsequent rates of evolution.
been calculated using a formulation by Pollock and Argon [15] re-
Basis of the Model expressed here as a function of particle volume fraction:
The classic theory of Ansell and Weertmen [12] represented creep K CF (I p ) 1 2I 1p/ 3 3 3S (1 I 1p/ 3 ) for I p t 0.3 and
in particle-strengthened materials as being due to a sequential K CF (I p ) 1 for I p 0.3 .
climb-glide movement of dislocations past the rigid particulate
obstacles, which inhibited free glide. Although the model clearly The above set of equations naturally leads to a decreasing creep
captures most of the physics that even now we recognise must rate with increasing strain (primary creep) until a steady state is
apply in particle-strengthened materials, it only predicts a linear reached at constant stress.
relationship between creep rate and stress for stresses below the
Orowan stress. Experimentally, particle strengthened alloys, such However, the microstructure of nickel-base superalloys is not
as superalloys, exhibit strong stress dependencies of creep with stable at elevated temperature. The model can be extended to
stress exponents of 8 or above, if mapped by a power-law account for the dynamic nature of the material. [16]
function. Attempts to rationalise this discrepancy by introducing i. The equilibrium volume fraction of Jc varies with
a threshold stress into the power-law equation leads to an temperature and is strongly dependent on the solvus
increasing stress exponent with decreasing stress, whereas
superalloys exhibit a decreasing stress exponent. temperature of the alloy under consideration Ts . Its major
influence is through the magnitude of the isotropic strength
Following earlier work by Dyson and Osgerby[13], Dyson [14]
parameter V 0 .
suggested that a geometrically random distribution of dislocation-
particle intersections will always have a small fraction of
ii. The particle-dispersion coarsens during service.
dislocations in a position to "escape" after a single climb event
Assuming Ostwald ripening to occur by volume diffusion
and then to glide until again being temporarily trapped at another
with a kinetic rate constant Kp, the coarsening rate can be
particle. The probability of a successful “escape”, followed by
viscous glide until each dislocation is again temporarily trapped at shown to be given by D p K p (1 D p ) 4 3 that modifies V 0
another particle, was shown to be a function of stress, temperature to V 0 1 D p where D p is an appropriately defined damage
and particle dispersion parameters. When the viscous glide rate is
fast, the model gives a shear creep rate, J that is a very strong state variable. [17]. Note that V 0 refers to the initial particle
(sinh) function of stress, temperature and inter-particle spacing. A configuration.
further departure from the Ansell-Weertman model is that it iii. As inelastic (creep) strain accumulates, dislocation
incorporates the suggestion of Ion et al [11] that the creeping sources will be activated leading to a progressive increase in
matrix progressively transfers load to the non-creeping particles, dislocation density. This effect has been represented by a
which are assumed in this case to deform elastically. The damage variable D d CH , where C is a constant and
proposal is that this is the sole mechanism of primary creep in
Dd U U i 1 . This leads to an increase in the pre-sinh term
precipitation-strengthened crystals far from athermal yield. For
the particular case where the microstructure of the material is by a factor of (1+Dd).
completely stable, the instantaneous uniaxial creep rate H and the
Thus the dynamic nature of the microstructure can be
normalised back stress caused by the particles H V b V can be
incorporated into the model, expressing the uniaxial creep rate H
described by the two coupled differential equations: as a function of three state variables (H, Dd and Dp) through its
expansion from two to the following four coupled differential
H H0 sinh V (1 H ) V 0 [1a]
H h V 1 H
H [1b]
Qd / j RT ª V (1 H ) º
There are four parameters in these equations, all of which are H H0 1 Dd e sinh « » [2a]
directly related to physical/ geometrical constants or quantitative «¬ V 0 (1 D p ) »¼
measures of the microstructure. These are the dislocation density
Qd , j H h V 1 H H
H [2b]
U, jog density cj, volume diffusivity Dv D0 e RT , particle
volume fraction Ip, the inter-particle (surface to surface) spacing, D d CH [2c]
Op, E the (assumed equal, matrix/particle) Youngs modulus and
K cp
the mean Taylor factor M , R is the Gas Constant and T is the
D p
1 D p 4 [2d]
temperature in K. :
This set of constitutive equations requires 10 parameters to be
determined in order to predict the full variable temperature/stress
H0 2U iI 1/ 2
p M 1
1 I >S 4@
1/ 2
I 1/ 2
p c D
j v H0 c e
d/ j
behaviour when the hardening and two types of damage are in
V0 K CF (I p ) MkT b O p 2 operation:
hc EI p
H0c , Qd / j , V 0 , 'H s , Ts , hc, H
, Q p , K cp , C .
2I p 1 2I p .
At this point, no consideration has been given to the effects of No creep curves have been analysed at this point of the model
grain boundary cavitation. Consequently, it is appropriate to calibration. It is of interest to compare the strain-time evolution
single- and directionally solidified crystals and to polycrystalline calculated using equation-set 2 and the optimised parameters.
alloys that deform to large strains where the life is not Figure 2 shows creep data for two tests at 850oC with a stress of
significantly affected by cavitation or cracking. Development of 170MPa, to indicate the experimental scatter, together with the
the model to account for so-called creep brittle polycrystalline model prediction. The general shapes of the creep curves, which
alloys will be described in the appropriate section below. is determined by the evolution of the state variables H,.Dd and Dp,
has been well represented. These variables are determined by
Application of the basic model material parameters that are known with reasonable accuracy. It
The model has been used to represent a creep database for the is the timescale over which the curve develops that has had to be
superalloy IN738LC in the directionally solidified form in which fine-tuned, and this depends on Ui and cj, which are very difficult
strain/time plots are available at 750oC, 850oC and 950oC for lives to estimate. It is important to note that the model is being
to over 20,000 hours. The first step in calibrating the model was assessed on a form of the alloy that has high creep ductiliy where
to estimate the various constants, physical and microstructural, creep cavitation can be ignored. In the conventionally cast form
appropriate to this alloy. These are listed in Table 1. Some of the of IN738LC, lower creep strains, shorter lives and higher
quantities are known with some accuracy, since this is an alloy minimum creep rates are observed as illustrated in Figure 2. This
that has been extensively characterised [18]. These include the will be discussed further below.
volume fraction, initial size distribution and the coarsening
characteristics of the Jc precipitate. Others, such as the dislocation
density and the jog formation characteristics are subject to some 700
uncertainty. Although the Jc distribution is bimodal in this alloy, 600
calculations indicate that it is the small particles that determine 500
the magnitude of the strength parameter V 0 . 750oC
The physical and microstructural parameters are then used to Stress (MPa)
evaluate the values of the operational model parameters 300
associated with equation- set 2. The a priori set of parameters
calculated from the information in Table 1 is shown in the first
line of Table 2. The coarsening parameter is determined by the
average particle size. Using these values as initial estimates, a IN738LC d.s. data
numerical optimisation procedure was used to fine-tune the model prediction
parameters to give an optimum fit to the rupture life data for the
entire database. The optimised values of the model parameters 100
are also shown in Table 2. The major difference is in the value of 100 101 102 103 104 105
the characteristic creep rate, which is a factor of 25 lower than the Lifetime (h)
initial estimate. However, this is the parameter that is dependent
on the dislocation density and jog density, neither of which is
known with any precision. A comparison of the measured and 1e-5
computed rupture lives and minimum creep rates is shown in
Minimum Creep Rate (s-1 )
Figure 1.
Table 1 Estimates of physical constants and microstructural
parameters appropriate to IN738LC. 1e-7 950oC
10 -2
Initial dislocation density 10 m
Burger’s vector 2.5u10-10 m 850oC
Jc Volume Fraction and mean size large 20%-/ 250nm 1e-9
small 25%-/90nm
Jog density (pre-exponential coefficient) 1 1e-10
-1 100 200 300 400 500 600 700
Volume diffusion (pre-exponential 1.9 u10-4 m2s
coefficient) Stress (MPa)
Volume diffusion activation energy 284kJmol-1 Figure 1 Comparison of IN738LC DS stress rupture and
minimum creep rate data with model predictions using the
Coarsening activation energy 305kJmol-1 optimised model parameters
Coarsening rate (pre-exponential 1.6 u10-14 m3s-1
Table 2 Macroscopic model parameters for IN738LC theoretically calculated from the data in Table 1 and optimised to give
the best fit to the creep data.
H0c Qd / j V0 'Hs Ts hc K cp Qp
H* C
1 (kJ/mol) (MPa)
(s ) (kJ/mol) (MPa) (K)
( s 1 )
Theoretical 1.01 x105 311 33 49.83 1394 7.2x104 0.47 67 106 305
3 4 6
Optimised 4.44 x10 316 33 49.83 1394 7.2x10 0.47 67 10 305
5 500
Stress / MPa 400
0 300
0 5000 10000 15000 20000 25000
Time (h) 200
Figure 2 Comparison of simulated and experimental creep
curves for IN738LC. Nimonic 90 data
IN738LC d.s. data
cavities develop on grain boundaries that are subject to a constrained and unconstrained cavity growth as stress increases,
mechanical traction; i.e. those normal to a tensile stress. making the approximations in equation-set 3 inappropriate.
Consequently, inelastic deformation within the alloy can become
highly spatially heterogeneous. The total strain in the Dyson [20] has modelled the transition between unconstrained
neighbourhood of such transverse boundaries is composed of and constrained cavity growth in terms of a two-bar structure
dilatory displacements due to stress-directed diffusional growth between sound, uncavitated alloy D and cavitated alloy E (see
of the cavities, inelastic displacements due to creep and spatially Figure 5). Region D of volume fraction ID is taken as being
heterogeneous elastic displacements due to stress redistribution. described by equation-set 2. The cavitated region, of volume
Remote from the transverse boundaries, displacements are fraction (1-ID), experiences two contributions to strain: inelastic
elastic plus inelastic. There are two extremes of behaviour: flow as in the D region, and a dilatory contribution due to the
diffusive growth of grain boundary cavities. Using the kinetic
a. Unconstrained cavity growth in which the creep equation derived by Speight and Beeré [21], it was possible to
displacement rates within the uncavitated regions are much model the transition between constrained and unconstrained
faster than the displacement rates due to cavity growth. cavity growth in a commercial aluminium alloy.
The cavities are then free to grow at the rate determined by
the (essentially applied) stress directed diffusion. This is Basoalto and Dyson [22] are currently improving and using this
equivalent to the Kachanov formulation where the approach to model stress rupture behaviour for conventionally
macroscopic creep deformation is unaffected by cavitation, cast IN738LC. Figure 6(a) shows the predicted variation of
but fracture occurs when the transverse grain boundaries ductility with lifetime and Fig.6(b), the corresponding stress/
are fully cavitated and link up to cause fracture. lifetime plot. The model’s prediction of an increasing failure
strain for short life tests, beyond a critical stress (due to
b. Constrained cavity growth occurs when the creep increasing loss of constraint) correlates with the stress/lifetime
displacement rates within the uncavitated regions are data of the two alloy-variants converging.
slower than those due to cavity growth. In this condition,
stress is off-loaded from the fast growing cavitated In Figure 6a the model overestimates the experimental ductility.
boundary regions to the uncavitated zones. This increases This is almost certainly due to the fact that it currently excludes
the creep rate by reducing the effective stress controlling the possibility of faster cavity growth rates in the unconstrained
creep and is thus more consistent with the proposal of regime due to matrix strain rate effects. [23,24,25]
Rabotnov. In previous versions of this [16] and other [5,6,7,8] models of
Dyson and Gibbons [19] proposed a simplified method for creep curve shapes, deformation has been terminated at a
dealing with the case when grain facets cavitate at a constant predetermined strain that has been obtained experimentally. We
rate (nucleation controlled) but with individual cavity growth believe that this is the first model that predicts failure strain
constrained. An additional damage term Dc that couples with the whuich varies with stress and temperature.
creep rate equation was introduced (Equation 3e). . The
geometrical constant kc|0.33 is for equiaxed grains and H f ,min is
the material-specific minimum creep failure strain. The 600
expanded equation set is given by Eq.3: 500 unconstrained
ª Qd / j º ª V (1 H ) º 400
H H0c (1 Dd ) exp « » sinh « »
¬ RT ¼ ¬« V 0 (1 D p )1 Dc ¼»
Stress / MPa
[3a] 300
hc § H · [3b]
H ¨1 ¸H
V © H
¹ 200
D d CH [3c] d.s. data constrained
c.c. data
Kp Upper bound predictions
D p (1 D p ) 4 [3d] Lower bound predictions
kc 100
D c H [3e] 100 101 102 103 104 105
Lifetime / h
Numerically integrating equation-set 3 with the optimised
Figure 4 Comparison of stress rupture lives for conventionally
parameter set determined for directionally solidified IN738LC,
cast and directionally solidified IN738LC with predictions for
together with values of kc =0.33 k = 0.33 and H f 4.9% (the constrained (Equation Set 3) and unconstrained cavity growth
lower bound to the creep strain found in IN738cc; see Fig.2), (Equation Set 2).
simulates the long term stress-rupture behaviour of the
conventionally cast alloy shown in Fig.4 very well. It is poor at
higher stress levels where conventionally-cast and directionally-
solidified data converge and which can therefore be modelled by
the original optimised parameter-set. The reason for this, as
shown below, is because there is a transition between
Application to Turbine Disc Alloys
The potential of representing the creep behaviour turbine disc
D alloys using the model described above has been investigated as
D D V f part as part of the DARPA Accelerated Insertion of Materials
(AIM) programme. [3] The work has been carried out in
E conjunction with GE Aircraft Engines, Pratt and Whitney and a
consortium of university research groups. Two representative
D D powder alloys have been investigated - Rene88DT with a
supersolvus heat treatment and IN100 with a subsolvus heat
E treatment. Since creep has not been perceived in the past as
being a problem for gas turbine discs, there is very little
D D information on their creep behaviour. Also, since these alloys
have been developed with optimum yield stress, they have quite
D different microstructures from the blade alloys discussed above.
The first stage of the investigation was to experimentally
characterise the microstructure and creep behaviour of the two
V f
The basic microstructural characteristics of the two alloys in the
as-heat treated condition are summarised in Table 3. The sub-
Figure 5 Schematic showing D and E grains unaffected and solvus IN100 has a grain size of about 5Pm and three distinct
affected by the development of grain boundary cavities populations of Jc particles with a combined volume fraction of
respectively. 0.56. Rene88DT has a larger grain size of 25Pm and a smaller
volume fraction of Jc particles of 0.36 distributed as a bimodal
distribution with none of the primary Jc particles present in
(a) 24 IN100. However, in both cases the grain sizes are much smaller
22 IN738LC c.c. data than in turbine blade alloys. Although the particle sizes can be
IN738LC d.s. data measured with some precision, there are no reliable techniques
20 model prediction
available for measuring the volume fractions of the tertiary
Failure Strain / %
900 0.8
700 0.6
Stress / MPa
600 0.4
500 0.2
400 0.0
IN100 - 704°C
Rene88 - 704°C
IN100 - 649°C 0 100 200 300 400 500
300 Rene88 - 649°C
model prediction for IN100 Time / h
model prediction for Rene88
Figure 9 Comparison of the initial stages of creep curves
10 100 1000 10000 obtained in tension and compression for IN100 tested in constant
load at 704oC and 400MPa. The curve computed from the
Lifetime / h
Thermal ageing of the alloys has two important effects:
Figure 8 Comparison of creep lives in tension as a function of
stress for IN100 and Rene88DT at 649 and 704oC. a. The volume misfit between particle and matrix can be
relaxed by a combination of loss of coherency and mass
The diagnostic tests undertaken were: transport. Complementary to the matrix compressive stress, the
particle will be in tension. The initial value of H in the model
i. Creep specimens were monitored in the absence of an
will no longer be zero, and will evolve with both accumulated
applied stress at 704oC. Both alloys exhibited progressive linear
creep strain and with recovery of the internal stress. In the
shrinkage strains of |0.1% over periods of several hundreds of
present analysis we assume that the stress is relaxed only by
hours. Henry [27] has shown that the density of Rene88DT
increases during heat treatment.
diffusional mass transport. The effect of relaxation of the stress with increasing temperature, which is determined by the slope of
will be to attenuate the tension/compression asymmetry. the solvus. In the present analysis we assume that at elevated
temperatures the dissolution of Jc is entirely accommodated by a
measured tensile strain and twice the axial contraction in the
reduction in the volume fraction of the tertiary precipitate. The
absence of stress is shown for comparison.
temperature dependence of volume fraction is calculated using
The model has been expanded to take this effect into an empirical relationship for the J-Jcequilibrium in nickel-base
consideration giving the expanded set of Equations: superalloys. This allows the model to be used to calculate the
intrinsic creep behaviour associated with the secondary and
H Hcreep Hthermal [4a] tertiary particles to be determined. Sondhi et al. [26] have
ª V (1 H ) º
calculated the values of V0 associated with each population as
H0 1 Dd e
Qd / RT
Hcreep j
sinh « » [4b] function of temperature (Table 4) and the other parameters are
¬«V 0 (1 D p ) ¼» listed in Table 5. As the tertiary particles coarsen, the relative
contributions of the different populations of particles to the
Hthernal Ae RT
V in [4c] creep resistance will change. This leads to the stress-rupture
plots having a sigmoidal shape, the two bounds corresponding to
H h V 1 H
H Hcreep EHthermal [4d] the creep performance associated with small and the large
precipitate particles. The separation of these bounds depends on
D CH [4e]
the values of V0 for the two populations and the transition
K cp between them will be determined by the coarsening kinetics of J'
D p
1 D p 4 [4f] at that temperature.
The Jc will coarsen, particularly the finest particles, and this will
affect the creep properties in both tension and compression.
This is complicated by the reduction in volume fraction of Jc
2.0 5
IN100 704°C 738 MPa
IN100 704°C 738 MPa - Compression
4 As Received
1.5 Aged 600h at 704oC
Strain / %
Strain / %
As received - Tension
Aged - Tension
0.5 As received - Compression
Aged- Compression 1
0.0 0
0 5 10 15 20 0 20 40 60 80
Time / h Time / h
Figure 10 Effect of prior heat treatment on (a) initial stages of compression and tension creep curves and (b) longer term
compression creep curves for IN100 tested at 704oC and 738MPa.
Table 3 Summary of the microstructural characteristics of the turbine disc alloys studied..
Table 4 Calculated values of V 0 associated with each version of the model will incorporate the effects of particle-
cutting but suffice to say here that it weakens the alloy in creep
population of Jc particles as a function of temperature. relative to the performance of an alloy containing non-shearable
V0 (MPa)
Alloy T (°C)
Secondary Tertiary
Strain / %
Model prediction
704 39.50 42.79 6
The model captures the principal features of the complex creep
behaviour of the disc alloys:
x A comparison of experimental and simulated creep curves
(Figure 11 ) shows that the model represents the unusual shapes 0
of creep curves for turbine disc alloys. In particular, a period of
negative creep is predicted for the longer-term test at 704oC and 0 200 400 600 800 1000 1200
400MPa. Time / h
x Figure 12, which shows simulations of tension and 8
compression creep with and without prior heat treatment, should o
IN100: 850MPa / 649 C
be compared with Figure 10. Elimination of the initial internal
stress by ageing has removed the initial tension/compression
asymmetry. However, coarsening of the tertiary J' has reduced 6 Data
Model prediction
the creep resistance both in tension and compression.
Strain / %
x Calculated rupture lives for the two alloys are shown with
the experimental data as continuous curves in Figure 8.
The reason that IN100 shows a greater fall in creep strength
with increasing temperature than Rene88DT is not due to it
being less stable microstructurally. Rather, the secondary J' 2
in Rene88DT, being significantly finer, provides
significantly greater creep resistance than in IN100.
Consequently, as the tertiary precipitate coarsens and 0
dissolves, the sigmoidal limits in the stress rupture
0 200 400 600 800 1000
behaviour are close together in Rene88DT.
Time / h
Although the model appears to represent the creep behaviour of
Figure 11: Model predictions of individual creep curves for
the disc alloys reasonably well, the original assumption of
IN100 at two different test conditions, compared with the
plastic deformation being restricted to the matrix is not valid in
experimental data.
these materials. There is ample evidence of extensive cutting of
the J' by dislocations [28] particularly as the short-term yield
stress is approached in peak-aged or under-aged alloys. A future
Table 5 Model parameters used to simulate the creep behaviour of IN100 and Rene88DT.
H0c Qd / j A 'Hs Ts hc K cp Qp
H* C
1 (MPa)-1 (MPa)
(s ) (kJ/mol) (kJ/mol) (K)
(s 1
) (kJ/mol)
Rene88DT 200 310 16035 49.83 1394 2.0x104 0.20 0.4V 106 280
IN100 2.6 x103 310 16035 49.83 1394 2.0x104 0.20 0.05V 106 280
5. A.Graham, and K.F.A. Walles, J. Iron Steel Inst., 179
(1955) 105-120.
s. 6. R.W.Evans, J.D.Parker, and B.Wilshire, An extrapolation
8 Procedure for Long-Term Creep Strain and Creep Life
704°C 738 MPa Prediction with Special Reference to 1/2Cr1/2Mo1/4V
As Recd - Tension Ferritic Steels, Recent Advances in Creep and Fracture of
Aged - Tension Engineering Materials and Structures, Wilshire, B., and
6 As Recd - Comp
Aged - Comp
Owen, D.R.J., eds., Pineridge Press, Swansea, p. 135-184,
Strain / %