Wax-Tape #2: Self-Firming Anticorrosion Wrap

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Wax-Tape #2 ®

Self-Firming Anticorrosion Wrap

Typical Applications:
 Aboveground pipe
Wax-Tape® #2 anticorrosion wrap has a proven history over three decades
of successful field applications. It is used with Trenton primers, profiling
The Wax-Tape® anticorrosion
wrap system is particularly
 Belowground pipe
mastics and outerwraps to create the Trenton Wax-Tape® System. effective in situations where it
is difficult to abrasion blast.  Bridge spans
Trenton Wax-Tape® #2 anticorrosion Features:  Irregular surfaces such
wrap is unique in that it is soft as valves or fittings
and pliable then firms up to form  Quick and easy to apply, with
a long-lasting, highly effective minimal equipment requirements  Structural steelwork
protective coating. The wrap is  Readily conforms to irregularly
 Areas where blasting
composed of microcrystalline waxes, shaped surfaces
or painting may be
plasticizers, corrosion inhibitors  Requires minimal surface impractical
and other ingredients saturated preparation (SSPC SP2 or ISO St2)
into a nonwoven, nonstitch bonded  Can be applied over wet surfaces
synthetic fabric. There are no at “in-service” temperatures
siliceous mineral fillers.  No cure time, so ready for immediate backfill after application
Trenton Wax-Tape® Primer or  Non-toxic, non-carcinogenic, low Volatile Organic Components (VOCs)
Temcoat™ Primer is required prior  May be used aboveground or belowground (UV resistant)
to applying the Wax-Tape wrap. The  Resistant to acid, salts, and other soil organics over a wide
primer acts as a surface conditioner range of pH
by filling the pores of the metal,  High dielectric strength
penetrating any rust and displacing
 Excellent resistance to cathodic disbondment
any moisture. Trenton Fill-Pro™
profiling mastic can be used to fill in  Compatible with most other coatings
large voids. For further mechanical  Can be painted after firming up
protection, Trenton MCO™ moisture-  Cost effective, especially considering it does not require abrasion
cured outerwrap is available. blasting and is much longer lasting than paint
Wax-Tape #2 ®

Anticorrosion Wrap
Application Procedures:
 Wire brush and scrape the surface clean of dirt, loose
coating and loose rust.
 Apply a thin film of primer. If the surface is wet, cold or
rusty, further rub and press on the primer to displace
moisture and ensure adhesion.
 With a downward-facing starting point, wrap on Trenton
Wax-Tape® #2 wrap, using a 1” overlap. On straight pipe, Trenton Wax-Tape® brand anticorrosion
apply slight tension to ensure contact with surface. wraps, such as Wax-Tape® #2 self-firming
On irregular surfaces, allow slack so the wrap can be anticorrosion wrap, excel in limited-access
molded into conformity. In either case, press and form situations, such as vaults, where surface
the wrap so there are no air pockets or voids under the preparation is difficult.
it. Also, press and smooth out the lap seams to ensure
they are sealed. Specifications:
 After wrapping, rub the entire surface of the wrap to Color: Brown, aluminum, white *
remove any air bubbles and to smooth the surface. Thickness: 70 – 90 mil (1,8 – 2,3 mm)
Press the overlap seams to ensure they are sealed and Dielectric strength: 170 V/mil (6,7 kV/mm)
tapered, especially on each end of the wrap application. Application temp.: 0 – 110°F (-17 – 43 °C)
 Wax-Tape® #2 wrap does not require curing or drying Operating temp.: -50 – 140°F (-45 – 60 °C)
time, so it can be backfilled immediately. Saturant pour point: 115 – 125°F (51.6 – 57.2 °C)
 If ambient work site temperatures are below 50°F, keep Trenton Wax-Tape #2 anticorrosion wrap meets AWWA C217 2016 standards
the wrap warm before application.
 For belowground pipes that are 10” or larger, apply
a Trenton outerwrap, such as MCO Outerwap. For *Also available in purple, yellow, red, blue and green
aggressive soil conditions, a Trenton outerwrap, a rock
shield, or select backfill should be considered.

Wax-Tape® #2 anticorrosion wrap rolls are packed in
cardboard cartons, approximately 35 lb (15.8 kg)/case.
2” x 9’ (5 cm x 2.7 m) rolls (48 rolls/case)
4” x 9’ (10 cm x 2.74 m) rolls (24 rolls/case)
6” x 9’ (15 cm x 2.7 m) rolls (16 rolls/case)
6” x 18’ (15 cm x 5.5 m) rolls (8 rolls/case)
9” x 18’ (23 cm x 5.5 m) rolls (6 rolls/case)
12” x 18’ (31 cm x 5.5 m) rolls (4 rolls/case) Wax-Tape® #2 anticorrosion wrap is available in many colors. This pipe
is wrapped in purple tape, often used in the water industry. Wax-Tape #2
wrap meets AWWA C217 2016 standards.

For some exposed applications, or applications requiring additional

mechanical protection, Trenton recommends the use of an outerwrap.
Trenton MCO™ moisture-cured outerwrap (shown above) provides
excellent mechanical strength and quick curing times.

© 2016 Trenton Corporation PRINTED IN USA 20011E REV4 02292016 ENG

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