Art Education
Art Education
Art Education
VSA 322
Education according to White Head (1962) is the acquisition and utilization of knowledge. The
the major aim of education is development, this is done through training the mind of the student
whilst equipping them with the necessary skills to help them compete, live and also contribute
positively to society.
Art education relates to imparting knowledge to students with the aim of letting the students tap
into their creative side. According to Oje E. A. & Igbinoba J. O. art education is the study and
method of learning and teaching of visual and performing Art in Primary and Secondary Schools
as a means of stimulating, cognitive, affective psychomotor activities of pupils or students. Art
education is a renowned method of teaching complex subjects to growing toddlers and teenagers.
Aims are what one hopes to achieve and objectives are the steps and measures taken in order to
achieve the aims.
Elementary school is for children between the ages of 4 and eleven, it is usually the child’s first
point of contact with formal education.
Secondary school on the other hand it the next level of education after the elementary school
learning and before college or university education.
Identifying the aims and objectives art education in elementary and secondary school will be
narrowed down to visual arts. (Rephrase)
Elementary school is for children between the ages of 4 and eleven, it is usually the child’s first
point of contact with formal education. According to Viktor Low Enfield, a child’s artistic
abilities is developed through various stages. Some of these stages includes the scribbling stage,
the pre-schematic stage, the schematic stage, the stage of dawning realism and the Pseudo-
naturalistic stage. These stages are from the child’s earliest drawings to the stage where the child
shows growing interest in their environment. To encourage the child’s artistic sense in these
stages, they are taught basic painting skills, patterns, clay molding, printing with food (potato,
yam, leaves, etc.) through art education.
Secondary school on the other hand it the next level of education after the elementary school
learning and before college or university education. At this stage, education becomes more
structured. The students become more critical of themselves, and strive to learn and improve. At
this stage, the students need to be equipped with all the skills they need to make a proper
transition into society.
At this stage, the students are encouraged to express themselves in a creative manner rather than
copy and pasting what they see. The students are exposed to complex and structured areas of art
such as drawing, painting, music, drama and collage depending on the school’s ability to provide
the teachers for the various fields.
In an interview with Mr. Olubayo, a visual arts teacher with over 30 years of experience, we
were able to learn more on the aims and objectives of art education in secondary schools. From
being a freelance teacher at both private schools like Dansol High school, to public schools, to
now being the proprietor of his own school, Salem Schools, he termed his journey in teaching art
education as “very interesting yet challenging.
When asked of his opinion of what art education is, he defined it as the foundation and basis of
education which cuts across all other subjects. Without art education, the ability of students to
properly comprehend other subjects and develop their own concept of aesthetics would be
difficult. From this brief interview, some objectives of art education were extracted.
• To develop students’ ability to relate artistic ideals to societal, historical and cultural
• To enable students identify the difference between tactile and non-tactile textures
• To impart students with the knowledge on identifying various subject matters, categories
and motifs found in works of art (e.g. still life, landscape, etc).
• To teach students on how to use various shading techniques
• To help students identify the difference between fine and applied arts.
• To help students identify the difference between two-dimensional and three-dimensional
• To train the eye-hand coordination of the students
• To develop the students’ ideas on improvisation
• To conduct exhibitions of the students’ artworks
• To develop the spirit of exploration in students through homework
In summary, Art Education is targeted at attainment of all round domains of ethics, intellect,
physique, social skills and aesthetics according to their own attributes so that he/she is capable of
life long learning, critical or exploratory thinking, innovating, adapting to change.
Enamhe, B. B. (2013). The Role of Arts Education in Nigeria. African Journal of Teacher
Education, 3(1).
Harland, J., Kinder, K., Lord, P., Stott, A., Schagen, I., Haynes, J., … Paola, R. (2000). Arts
Education in Secondary Schools: Effects and Effectiveness. National Foundation for Educational
University of Florida| Online Master of Arts in Art Education. (2021, August 1). The Importance
of Art Education in the classroom.