AGAROSE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS - Assignment (AutoRecovered)
AGAROSE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS - Assignment (AutoRecovered)
AGAROSE GEL ELECTROPHORESIS - Assignment (AutoRecovered)
1. After staining, the gel is placed under UV light in a gel
documentation system or transilluminator. The DNA
fragments appear as bands that can be visualized and
2. It's important to wear protective glasses and handle the
stained gel carefully to avoid exposure to UV light, which
can be harmful to both the eyes and the DNA.
3. Staining can also affect the downstream applications of
the DNA, such as cloning or sequencing. For this reason,
it's important to choose a staining method that is
compatible with the intended application and to
carefully control the staining conditions to avoid
potential interference.
Factors Affecting Electrophoresis