Chapter - 2 Highway Ii
Chapter - 2 Highway Ii
Chapter - 2 Highway Ii
Stresses in Pavement
Stress in flexible pavements
Stress in homogeneous mass
Stress in a layered system
Stress in rigid pavements
Stress due to vehicle loading
Stress due to curling
Stress due to friction
Vertical deflection w.
Figure 2-2: Vertical stress due to circular loading (Foster and Ahlvin, 1954)
Figure 2-3: Radial stress due to circular loading (Foster and Ahlvin, 1954)
Figure 2-4: Tangential stress due to circular loading (Foster and Ahlvin, 1954)
Figure 2-5: Shear stress due to circular loading (Foster and Ahlvin, 1954)
Figure 2-6: Vertical deflection due to circular loading (Foster and Ahlvin,
After the stresses are obtained from charts, the strains can
be computed from
r = the distance from the center point where the pressure is to be
q = the average pressure which is equal to the load divided by the
The exact case of a two layer system is the full depth asphalt
pavement construction in which a thick layer of hot-mix
asphalt is placed directly on the subgrade.
If the pavement is composed of three layers (e.g., surface
course, base course and subgrade) the stresses and strains
in the surface layer can be computed by combining the base
course and the subgrade into a single layer.
Similarly the stresses and strains in the subgrade can be
computed by combining the surface course and the base
Figure 2-8 shows the effect of pavement layer on the distribution of vertical
stress under the center of the circular loaded area when h1/a = 1 and v = 0.5.
Figure 2-9 shows the effect of pavement thickness and modulus ratio on
vertical stresses, σc, at the pavement-subgrade interface.
Figure 2-10: Vertical surface deflection factor for two layer system.
(Burmister, 1943)
Figure 2-11: Vertical interface deflection factor for two layer system,
E1/E2=10. (Haung, 1969)
Figure 2-12: Vertical interface deflection factor for two layer system,
E1/E2=50. (Haung, 1969)
Figure 2-13: Strain factor in two layer systems for single wheel. (Haung,
Figure 2-14 shows a three-layer system and the stress at the interfaces of the
axis of symmetry.
{Top of Layer – 2}
For radial strains
{Bottom of Layer – 1}
{Top of Layer – 2}
Due to temperature and moisture gradients
Influence charts
Westergaard’s assumptions
i. The concrete slab acts as homogenous, isotropic and
elastic solid in equilibrium
ii. The reactions of the subgrade are vertical only and they
are proportional to the deflection of the slab.
iii. The thickness of the concrete slab is uniform.
iv. The load at the interior and corner is distributed
uniformly over a circular contact area and the
circumference of the contact area at the corner is
tangent to the edge of the slab. The edge loading is
distributed uniformly over a semi-circular area, the
diameter of the semi-circle being at the edge of the slab.
P is the applied load
l is the radius of relative stiffness and
k is the modulus of subgrade reaction
a is the contact radius.
p is the reactive pressure (determined by means of plate loading test) and
∆ is the deflection of the slab. The value of k is determined.
Weight of slab
= + +
x σy σx σz
εy = + − v * ε x ( = −v * ) + − v * ε z ( = −v * )
is the strain in the x-direction due to the stress in the x- direction, σx.
is the strain in the x-direction due to the stress in the y- direction, σy.
α t ∆t
Where Cx and Cy are correction factor for finite slab in the x- & y-direction.
Similarly, the stress in the y-direction is:
∆L = joint spacing caused by temperature change & drying shrinkage of concrete.
αt = coefficient of thermal expansion of concrete, generally 9 to 10.8x10-6oC
ε = drying shrinkage coefficient of concrete, approximately 0.5 to 2.5x104
L = joint spacing or slab length
∆L = change in temperature
C = adjustment factor for friction layers, 0.65 for stabilized & 0.8 for granular base.
HIGHWAY II - Stress in Pavements
Stresses due to Friction
As = the area of steel required per width
fs = allowable stress in steel
The steel is usually placed at the mid depth and
discontinued at joints.
However, in actual practice the same amount of steel is
used throughout the length of the slab.
Tie bars are place along the longitudinal joint to tie the two
slabs together so that the joints will be tightly closed and
the load transfer across the joints can be ensured.
The amount of steel required for the tie bars can be
determined as:
As = the area of steel required per length
L’ = the distance from the longitudinal joints to the free edges where no
bars exist.
t = length of the tie bar
fs = allowable steel stress
d = diameter of steel bar
μ = allowable bond stress