Oral Report Story Review PT Guide in English FINAL

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Oral Report Story Review PT Guide in English

Group A - 8 Peace Member Name: ________________________


The Group A’s Story Review about The Alamat ng Islang Rosas (Title Slide)

I. Introduction
The Alamat ng islang Rosas tells about a mermaid named Helena and a human girl named Lisa, it tells of
how they came to meet each other, the time they’ve been together and the misunderstanding that they
will face.The story was created by Group C of Grade 8 Peace. It tells us on how “Islang Rosas” or Rose
Island got its name. It talks about values of appreciation, trust, helpfulness and friendship.
Characterization: There are three characters in the story. Helena, Lisa and the man or Lisa’s friend. First is
Helena. Helena is a mermaid that loves to collect things that seemed and looked valuable to her. She loves
to collect red corals. She lives in a small island at the south of the Lungsod ng mga Bulaklak or the City of
Zamboanga. She lived there all alone with her corals. Until one day she saved a girl from a strong wave.
She is Lisa. Lisa was a tourist who visited the island. She had curly hair with skin that shined like gold. She
was afraid when she woke up because she saw Helena the mermaid. But in the end, her fear turned into
trust and the two became close friends.
The man or the friend of Lisa. His name was not stated and he was not introduced properly, but it was said
that he was Lisa’s friend. His character played an important role in the climax of the story.
Settings: The story happened a long time ago in an island at the south of the Lungsod ng mga bulaklak or
the City of Zamboanga.
Plot: The “Alamat ng Islang Rosas” happened a long time ago that took place in an island at the south of
the “Lungsod ng mga Bulaklak”. The story is about an appreciative mermaid, named Helena, who loves to
collect red corals and things that seemed beautiful and valuable to her. Then one day, she saved Lisa, who
was a tourist visiting the Island, from a strong wave while Lisa was swimming. At first Lisa was scared of
Helena because she is a mermaid but Lisa’s fear turned into trust and they soon became close friends.
Theme: The theme of the Alamat ng Islang Rosas is about Friendship.
II. Personal Reflection

1. What are the things that you liked about the story? (slide)
We love how the story and the characters were creatively made and written. We like that they paid
attention to detail on how Helena would feel and respond to certain events specifically talking about the
ending and we also like on how they described the events and characters vividly which helped the readers
easily see and imagine in their mind what’s happening. Examples are how they described Lisa’s appearance
and how they pertained to the rough and red corals that Helena loves to collect. Their vivid description of
the events and characters helped in expressing what the writers had in mind and helped the readers
picture out the story. The story also contains moral lessons that anyone of any age can learn from. The
author of the story was also successful in achieving the purpose of having a mythical friendship between a
human and a mermaid.
2. What are the things that you didn’t like about the story?
The thing that we did not like about the story was that the character of the friend of Lisa was not
introduced properly. His name, why was he there and what was he and Lisa talking about was not stated
which leaves a blank space and many questions to the reader. They should have told and specified who
was he and what was his connection to Lisa because he plays an important role in the climax of the story.
There were also times when certain events that happened without any reason which creates big plot holes
and gives disappointment to the readers. An examples of these are how did Helena learn the name of Lisa
in the beginning of the story if they didn’t meet yet and if no one was with Lisa that time and why is the
island called the Islang Rosas if not a single rose was mentioned in the story? Another thing that we did not
like was that the climax wasn’t suspenseful enough because there were things that were not well
developed and lacks to show depth in the story like the character of the friend of Lisa. We really wished
that he was introduced properly because he is the main reason for the climax and the end of the story.

III. Conclusion
To sum it up, in our opinion, the story is great and we recommend it especially to young girls because the
story has a mermaid character which will surely appeal to their liking. The story serves as a good example
to children and it contains lessons that should be taught to the young ones. The story teaches good morals
like trust, appreciation, helpfulness and friendship which everyone could apply to their daily lives. We
believe that the authors are trying to express that we should be mindful to the things that we do because
we may hurt and affect the feelings of others unknowingly. We should also be helpful to others without
hesitation even though no one is watching just like how Helena saved Lisa. In all, the Alamat ng Islang
Rosas is an entertaining story. We really liked the story and we give it an 8 out of 10. - BOTH

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