MC & FR Questions For The AP Chemistry Examination (Part 3)

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Free-Response Questions

26. The following observations, A-D, are made about reactions of sodium hydroxide,
NaOH. Discuss the chemical processes involved in .each case. Use principles from
acid-base theory, oxidation-reduction and bonding and/or intermolecular forces to
support your answers.
(A) When a few drops of 3 M NaOH solution are added to 10 mL of 0.50 M
aluminum chloride, A1Cl3 , a white precipitate forms. When excess NaOH
solution is added to the mixture containing the precipitate, the precipitate
(B) When pellets of NaOH are added to water, there is substantial increase in the
temperature of the system as the pellets dissolve.
(C) When 15 mL of 1 M sodium hydroxide, NaOH, is added to 10 mL of 1 M
hydrochloric acid, HCl, the resulting mixture has pH greater than 7. When
15 mL of 1M NaOH is added to 10 mL of 1M phosphoric acid, H3P04, the
resulting mixture has pH less than 7.
(D) When a solution of 0.10 M NaOH is exposed to the atmosphere for several
days, both its volume and its pH decrease.

27. A student is given samples of five separate solutions, each containing equal
molarities of one of these salts:
AgN0 3
KMn0 4

The samples are unmarked. The student is assigned to identify each solution. No
external devices or additional materials are allowed. Using observations of the
individual solutions and by mixing them in pairs, describe a strategy that permits
identification of each solution. Tasting is not permitted.
28. Explain each observation in terms of chemical reactions.
(A) Solid Zn(OH)2 will dissolve in concentrated HCl or in concentrated NaOH.
(B) Bubbles and heat are generated when sodium metal is added to water at room
temperature but neither is observed when aluminum is added to room
temperature water.
(C) A dilute solution of Cu(N03) 2 is a light blue color but addition of a solution
of ammonia causes a dark blue solution.
(D) A sample of solid CuS0 4 · 5H2 0 is blue initially but turns white after being
heated in a crucible for five minutes over a Bunsen burner.

Section I - Multiple Choice

Questions 1-5: The set of lettered choices is a list of the oxides of five different elements.
The numbered statements immediately following refer to that list. Select the one lettered
choice from the list that best fits each statement. A choice may be used once, more than
once, or not at all.

(A) Na20
(B) MgO
(C) Al203
(D) S02
(E) CbO

Identify the oxide

1. of the element that exhibits the highest oxidation number
2. that is most soluble in water, forming a strong base
3. that is most closely associated with acid rain
4. that dissolves in water to form a weak molecular monoprotic acid
5. whose Lewis structure indicates the existence of resonance structures

Questions 6-10: Each question below refers to a mixture prepared by adding 100 mL of
0.10 M AgN0 3 to a 500 mL beaker containing 100 mL of 0.10 M Na2Cr04. A precipitate
forms in this mixture.

6. Which describes the contents of the beaker before and after the mixture is prepared?
before after
(A) colorless solution red precipitate
(B) yellow solution red precipitate
(C) yellow solution yellow precipitate
(D) colorless solution yellow precipitate
(E) colorless solution white precipitate


7. What is the formula of the precipitate?

(A) Ag2 0
(B) Cr203
(C) NaN03
(D) Ag2Cr04
(E) NaN03

8. What is [Na+] in the liquid phase of the mixture?

(A) 0.040 M
(B) 0.050 M
(C) 0.060 M
(D) 0.10 M
(E) 0.20 M

9. What is the number of moles of Ag+ in the precipitate?

(A) 0.010
(B) 0.0050
(C) 0.0025
(D) 0.0010
(E) 0.00050

10. Which series lists the three ions, chromate, sodium and nitrate, in order of
increasing concentration in the solution after the precipitation reaction has
(A) Cr04 2- Na+ No3-
(B) Cr04 2 - No3- Na+
(C) N03- Na+ Cr04 2 -
(D) Na+ Cr04 2- No3-
(E) Na+ No3- Cr04 2-

11. Adding some substances to water causes large amounts of energy to be liberated.
All of the following substances illustrate that behavior EXCEPT
(A) pellets of KOH
(B) concentrated H2S04
(C) metallic Na
(D) crystals of NH4N03
(E) anhydrous CuS04

12. Which is the correct comparison of the Cl0 atom to the Cl- ion?
I. The radius of the Cl0 atom is greater than the radius of the
cl- ion.
II. The mass of the Cl0 atom is about 1 amu greater than the
mass of the cl- ion.
III. The Cl0 atom contains fewer electrons than the Cl- ion.
(A) I only
(B) III only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

13. What is the number of shared pairs of electrons in a molecule of propyne, C3H4?
(A) three
(B) four
(C) six
(D) seven
(E) eight

14. In which series are the elements listed in order of increasing atomic radius?
(A) 3sBr, 17Cl, gF
(B) uNa, 19K, 37Rb
(C) 35Kr, 1sAr, 10Ne
(D) uNa, 12Mg, 13Al
(E) 34Se, 158, sO

15. What is the number of occupied orbitals in the third principal energy level of a
manganese atom in the ground state?
(A) three
(B) four
(C) five
(D) eight
(E) nine

16. The electron configuration of an atom of element X is 1s 2 2s 2 2p5 . Which is the best
electron dot diagram for an atom of this element?

(A) • X

(B) •X

(C) ·X·

(D) • X •

(E) ·X:

17. The term "weighted average atomic mass" refers to a calculated atomiC mass that
takes into account
(A) ionization energy
(B) number of positive valences
(C) charge on the monatomic ion
(D) mass defect in the nucleus
(E) naturally-occurring distribution of isotopes

18. Which set of quantum numbers matches the spectographic notation, 3d4 ?
(A) 3, 3, 4, -!
(B) 3, 2, 3, -~
(C) 3, 2, 1, +~
(D) 4, 3, 0, -~
(E) 4, 3, 1, +~

19. What is the number of possible isomers of the complex ion, [Co(Hz0)4(NH3) 2 ]2+?
(A) two
(B) three
(C) four
(D) six
(E) eight

20. Which classifies all the bonds in a molecule of rp_ethyl methanoate, HCOOCH3?
(A) 3 sigma bonds and 1 pi bond
(B) 4 sigma bonds and 2 pi bonds
(C) 5 sigma bonds and 2 pi bonds
(D) 6 sigma bonds and 1 pi bond
(E) 7 sigma bonds and 1 pi bond

21. Which of the following is closest to the measurement of the 0-C-0 bond angle in
methyl methanoate, HCOOCH3?
(A) 60°
(B) 90°
(C) 109°
(D) 12Q0
(E) 180°

22. Which is the most likely formula for hydrogen arsenide?

(A) HAs
(B) HAs2
(C) H2As
(D) H3As2
(E) H 3 As

23. The symbols, i H, iH and rH, represent three different

(A) homo logs
(B) isotopes
(C) isomers
(D) allotropes
(E) conformations

24. Which element has the greatest difference between its first and second ionization
(A) bromine
(B) calcium
(C) germanium
(D) potassium
(E) scandium

25. In the methyl ethanoate molecule, CH3COOCH3, for which other bond angle is its
measurement closest to the measurement of its 0-C-0 bond angle?
(A) H-C-0
(B) C-C-0
(C) H-C-H
(D) H-C-C
(E) C-0-C

26. All of the following apply to bonding in the PF 5 molecule EXCEPT

(A) d 2 sp 3 hybridization
(B) F-P- F bond angles of 90°
(C) F- P- F bond angles of 120°
(D) expanded octet of electrons
(E) trigonal bipyramidal geometry

27. Which pair of formulas is most closely associated with the Law of Multiple
(A) CuCl and CuCb

(C) CuBr2 and Cul2

28. Which term completes this unbalanced nuclear equation?

~~Pu + 2 6n--+ _?- + -~e
(A) 237N
93 p

(B) 239Np

(C) 239

(D) 24oNp

(E) 240 Am

29. What is the best description of the species found at the lattice points of the mineral
calcite, CaC0 3 ?
(A) CaC0 3 molecules
(B) Ca2+ ions and C0 3 2 - ions
(C) Ca atoms, C atoms and 0 atoms
(D) Ca2+ ions, c4+ ions and 0 2
- ions
(E) CaO molecules and C0 2 molecules

30. +
beam of alpha particles

Which describes the behavior of a beam of alpha particles as it passes through the
electric field between two charged plates as shown above?
(A) The beam passes through unchanged.
(B) The beam is destroyed by the electric field.
(C) The beam is deflected back toward its origin.
(D) The beam is deflected toward the negative plate.
(E) The beam is deflected toward the positive plate.

31. Which property is the same for any two samples of S0 2 c9 ) and S0 3 c9 ) at the same
(A) critical temperature
(B) number of molecules
(C) average kinetic energy
(D) pressure-volume product
(E) average molecular velocity

32. The molar mass of an unidentified gas is 68 g. Assuming ideal behavior, its density
in grams per liter at STP is closest to
(A) 1.0
(B) 1.5
(C) 2.0
(D) 2.5
(E) 3.0

33. Consider a sample of gas confined at constant temperature and pressure in the
piston system shown below. If more of this same gas is added to the piston at
constant temperature, what effect is observed on volume and average molecular

(A) Both volume and average molecular velocity increase.
(B) Both volume and average molecular velocity remain the same.
(C) Volume remains the same and average molecular velocity increases.
(D) Volume remains the same and average molecular velocity decreases.
(E) Volume increases and average molecular velocity remains the same.

34. Consider the three sealed identical flasks represented below, each containing 0.100
mole of the gas specified at 1 atm and 273 K.

A B c
0.100 molAr 0.100 mol Kr 0.100 mol Ne

Which is a correct comparison of the contents of the flasks?

I. The mass of the contents of flask B is the greatest.
II. The number of molecules in each flask is the same.
III. The density of the contents of each flask is the same.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

35. A system is prepared by sealing a flask half-filled with 1.0 m solution of NaCl. The
system is kept at constant temperature. Which description applies to the processes
of condensation and evaporation of water in that system?
(A) Both evaporation and condensation occur continuously.
(B) Since the flask is sealed, neither evaporation nor condensation occurs.
(C) Only evaporation occurs, which stops when equilibrium is achieved.
(D) Only condensation occurs, which stops when equilibrium is achieved.
(E) Both evaporation and condensation occur, stopping when the air above the
solution is saturated with H 2 0(g).

36. The van der Waals equation of state for real gases is

( na) (V- nb) = nRT

P + V2

where the values for the g_ and b. coefficients have been determiped experimentally.
Which property of the molecules in a sample is most closely related to the value of
the g_ coefficient?
(A) the mass of the molecules
(B) the volume of the molecules
(C) number of molecules in the sample
(D) forces of attraction between molecules
(E) the root mean velocity of the molecules

37. Which applies to a dilute solution of sodium chloride in water?

I. Adding sodium chloride lowers the freezing point.
II. Adding sodium chloride decreases the vapor pressure of the
IlL Adding sodium chloride decreases the density of the solution.
(A) II only
(B) III only
(C) I and II only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II, and III

Questions 38 and 39: The phase diagram below represents a hypothetical substance.

1.0 ------- f - - -

5 10 15 175
Temperature, Celsius

38. Which temperature range includes the boiling point of the substance at an elevation
5,000 feet above sea level?
(A) greater than 175°C
(B) 100° to 175°C
(C) 15°C to 100°C
(D) -5° to 15°C
(E) less than -15°C

39. Which gives correct information about the substance as represented in the phase
I. The vapor pressure of the liquid phase at 15°C is less than
0.5 atm.
II. At any pressure less than 0.2 atm, the solid undergoes
III. The density of the solid phase is greater than the density of
the liquid phase.
(A) II only
(B) III only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

40. All of the following are colligative properties of a solution EXCEPT

(A) boiling point elevation
(B) freezing point depression
(C) molar conductance
(D) osmotic pressure
(E) vapor pressure

41. Consider the list of nitrogen-containing species below.

N3-, NH 2-, NH2-, N03-, N02-, NH3, NH4+
Which answer includes all of the species from the list above that cannot behave as
Lewis bases?
(A) N3 - only
(B) NH 4 + only
(C) NH3 only
(D) N0 3- and N02- only
(E) N 3 -, NH 2 - and NH 2- only

42. Which observations support the claim that Al(OHh behaves as an amphoteric
I. The solid present in a suspension of Al(OHh dissolves upon
the addition of HCl(aq).
II. The solid present in a suspension of Al( OHh dissolves upon
the addition of NaOH(aq).
III. No change is observed when NaCl is added to a suspension of
Al(OH) 3 .
(A) I only
(B) I and II only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

43. A quantity of liquid solution, specified as 20 mL, is to be added to a reaction

mixture. Which vessel provides the most precise measurement of the volume of that
(A) 25 mL volumetric flask
(B) 25 mL graduated cylinder
(C) 25 mL volumetric pipette
(D) 50 mL buret
(E) 50 mL Erlenmeyer flask

Questions 44-47: Consider the electrochemical cell represented below using the following
reduction half-reactions and their E 0 values:

Fe3+ + e- ---+ Fe2+ E0 = 0. 77 volts

Pb + + 2e-
---+ Pb 0 Eo = -0.13 volts


Salt Bridge

Pb metal Pt foil

44. Which describes change in concentration of Pb 2 + and the movement of charge in

this electrochemical cell as the cell undergoes discharge?
movement of movement of
electrons in the positive ions in change
external circuit the salt bridge in [Pb 2 +]
(A) toward the cathode toward the cathode increases
(B) toward the anode toward the anode increases
(C) toward the cathode toward the anode decreases
(D) toward the anode toward the cathode decreases
(E) toward the cathode toward the anode increases

45. Which expression gives the change in mass expected at the lead electrode after this
cell has produced 150 milli-amps for 2.0 hours?
3,600 X 207
0.150 X 96,500

0.150 X 3,600 X 207

2 X 96,500

2 X 0.150 X 207

3,600 X0.150 X 207


2 X 0.150 X 3,600 X 207


46. Which expression gives the voltage for this standard chemical cell?
(A) 0.13 + 0.77 volts
(B) -0.13 + 0.77 volts
(C) 0.13 + (2 x 0. 77) volts
(D) (2 x 0.13) + (2 x 0.77) volts
(E) (2 x (-0.13)) + (2 x 0.77) volts

47. A similar electrochemical cell is assembled using standard electrodes except that the
concentration of Pb2+ is changed to 0.010 M. Which is the best comparison of the
voltage of the original standard cell to this non-standard cell?
(A) No difference is expected.
(B) The voltage increases by about 0.06 volts.
(C) The voltage decreases by about 0.06 volts ..
(D) The voltage increases by about 0.12 volts.
(E) The voltage decreases by about 0.12 volts.

48. How many moles of methanol should be added to 6.0 moles of water to produce a
solution that is 0. 75 mole fraction in methanol?
(A) 2.0
(B) 8.0
(C) 12
(D) 15
(E) 18

49. Which is the best descriptionof the change that occurs when Na20(~) is dissolved
in water?
(A) The oxide ion accepts a share in a pair of electrons.
(B) The oxide ion donates a share in a pair of electrons.
(C) The oxidation number of oxygen increases.
(D) The oxidation number of sodium increases.
(E) The oxidation number of sodium decreases.

50. Which species is present at the lowest concentration in a 0.10 M solution of KHS0 4 ?
(A) K+
(B) HS04-
(C) 804 2 -
(D) H3o+
(E) HzS04

51. Compared to the value of L1Hj for H 2 0(s), the value of L1Hj for HzO(e) has the
(A) opposite sign and the same absolute value
(B) same sign and smaller absolute value
(C) same sign and greater absolute value
(D) opposite sign and greater absolute value
(E) opposite sign and smaller absolute value

52. In an ordinary alkaline flashlight cell, zinc metal is oxidized to Zn 2 + as an

electromotive force (Eo) of 1.5 volts is produced. The value for l1G 0 in kilojoules per
mole of Zn oxidized in this cell is closest to
(A) 300
(B) 150
(C) 0
(D) -150
(E) -300

53. Consider two sealed flasks with different volumes each containing 0.10 mol of gas at
the same temperature as shown below.

0.10 mol Ne 0.10 molAr

Which is a correct comparison of the contents of these flasks?

I. The mass of the contents of each flask is the same.

II. The number of molecules in each flask is the same.
III. The average molecular velocity of the molecules in each flask
is the same.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II and III

54. Which of the following oxides of nitrogen has the greatest percent oxygen by mass?
(A) NO
(B) N02
(C) N20
(D) N204
(E) N20s

55. 2Na20 2 + 2H20 -+ 4NaOH + 0 2

Which expression gives the mass of 0 2 produced when 15.0 g Na202
(molar mass: 78 g) reacts with water, according to the equation above?

78 1 32
(A) 15.0 X T X 2X T
1 1 32
(B) 15.0 X 78 X 2X T
1 1 1
(C) 15.0 X
X 2X 32
1 2 1
(D) 15.0 X 78 X I X 32
78 1 32
(E) 15.0 X T X 2X T

Questions 56 and 57: Nitrous acid ionizes according to the equation below:

HN02(aq) ~ H+ (aq) + N02- (aq) Ka = 7.2 X m- 4

56. Which occurs as more water is added to an equilibrium system of nitrous acid at
constant temperature?
total number percent
of cations ionization of
and anions HN02 molecules
(A) decreases increases
(B) decreases decreases
(C) decreases remains the same
(D) increases increases
(E) increases remains the same

57. Which occurs when equal volumes of 1.0 M NaN02 and 1.0 M HN02 are mixed
together in a suitable container?
total number of percent ionization of
[HN0 2] ions in solution HN0 2 molecules

(A) decreases increases decreases

(B) remains the same increases remains the same
(C) decreases increases remains the same
(D) remains the same decreases decreases
(E) remains the same decreases increases

58. Given Ka = 1.8 X ro- 5 and [H+] = 4.2 X ro- 3 for 1.0 M CH3COOH at 298 K. As
temperature increases, the percent ionization increases. Which describes the
corresponding effects on pKa and pH?
pKa pH

(A) remains the same increases

(B) remains the same decreases
(C) increases increases
(D) decreases decreases
(E) decreases increases

59. The Ksp for Agi at 25°C is 8.3 x 10- 17 . Which expression is closest to the molar
solubility of Agi?
(A) 9 x 10- 8
(B) 9 X 10- 9

(C) ~J~ x 10- 9

(D) ~~~ X 10-

(E) 8.3 X 235 X 10- 8

60. Ksp = 1 X w-lO

Which range includes the minimum number of moles of BaC12 that must be added
to 1.0 liter of a saturated solution of BaS04 to change [80 4 2 -J to 5 x 10- 10 M?
(A) less than 0.1 X w- 10
(B) from 1 X 10- 10 to 6 X 10- 10

(C) from 6 X 10- 10 to 6 X 10- 6

(D) from 6 X 10- 6 to 6 X 10- 3

(E) more than 6 X w- 3

61. Which of the following has the least effect on the rate of a reaction in the gas phase?
(A) adding a solid surface catalyst
(B) adding inert gas at constant volume
(C) decreasing the volume of the reaction system
(D) increasing the temperature of the reaction system
(E) decreasing the concentration of one of the reactants

62. In any first order reaction, as the reaction proceeds at constant temperature, which
describes the corresponding effects on k (the rate constant) and rate?
k rate
(A) remains the same decreases
(B) remains the same remains the same
(C) remains the same increases
(D) decreases decreases
(E) decreases remains the same

Questions 63 and 64: The steps below represent a mechanism proposed for the reaction
of nitrogen(II) oxide with hydrogen.

NO(g) + N0c 9 ) ~ N202(g) fast equilibrium

N202(g) + H2(g) ~ N20(g) + H20(g) slow
N20(g) + H2(g) ~ N2(g) + H20( 9 ) fast

63. Which rate law is consistent with this mechanism?

(A) rate= k[NOJ2
(B) rate= k[NOj2[H 2]
(C) rate= k[N20][H 2]
(D) rate= k[N202][H2]
(E) rate= k[N20 2] [H 2 ] [N0] 2

64. Which is the equation for the overall reaction?

(A) NO(g) + NO(g) -----+ N 2(g) + H20(g)
(B) 2N0c 9 ) + 2H2(g) -----+ N 2(g) + 2H2 0( 9 )
(C) NO(g) + N20(g) + H2(g) -----+ N2(g) + H20(g)
(D) 2N0c 9 ) + 2H2(g) + N20 2(g) -----+ N20(g) + N 2(g) + 2H20(g)
(E) NO(g) + 2H2(g) + N202(g) + N20(g) -----+ N20(g) + N202(g) + N2(g) + 2H20(g)

65. Which characteristic of a closed reaction system is most affected by the presence of
a catalyst?
(A) free energy change
(B) enthalpy of reaction
(C) standard entropy of formation
(D) time required to reach equilibrium
(E) percent conversion to products at equilibrium

66. Which describes the direction of changes in enthalpy and entropy for an endothermic
dissolving process of an ionic solute in water at constant temperature?
(A) Enthalpy increases and entropy decreases.
(B) Enthalpy decreases and entropy increases.
(C) Both enthalpy and entropy decrease.
(D) Both enthalpy and entropy increase.
(E) Enthalpy decreases and entropy remains the same.

67. Which of the following is most closely associated with relatively slow rates of
chemical reaction?
(A) low enthalpy of reaction
(B) low energy of activation
(C) the presence of a catalyst
(D) high concentration of reactants
(E) strong bonds in reaction molecules

68. Which applies to any changes in entropy and enthalpy associated with the
vaporization of any liquid at any temperature?
(A) Both entropy and enthalpy increase.
(B) Entropy increases and enthalpy decreases.
(C) Entropy remains the s~me and enthalpy increases.
(D) Entropy remains the same and enthalpy decreases.
(E) Entropy increases and enthalpy remains the same.

69. Consider the reaction system for the endothermic decomposition below at
equilibrium in a 2.0 liter sealed rigid flask at 298 K.
Keq = 3.5 X w-z
When the vessel containing the system is immersed in an ice bath, all of the
following occur EXCEPT
(A) The total pressure decreases.
(B) The volume of PH3 (g) decreases.
(C) The total number of all molecules decreases.
(D) The partial pressure of PC1 3 c9 ) decreases.
(E) The number of molecules of PH3 PCh(s) increases.

70. Which process is accompanied by a decrease in entropy?

(A) melting of a metallic solid
(B) dissolving of an ionic solid
(C) evaporation of a molecular liquid
(D) increase in volume of a confined sample of gas
(E) formation of a crystalline solid from a supersaturated solution

71. In an experiment to determine the concentration of a solution of hydrochloric acid,

a worker placed precisely 25.0 mL of the unknown acid solution in a beaker that
contained about 50 mL of water and 4 drops of phenolphthalein solution. The
worker then filled a 50 mL buret to the zero mark with 0.300 M NaOH solution and
began titration immediately. Which describes a mistake in this procedure?
I. Because phenolphthalein does not change color until [H+j is about 10- 9 ,
this substance is not a suitable indicator for this experiment.
II. Because the worker added the unknown acid solution to an unmeasured
quantity of water, the concentration of the unknown acid solution cannot
be determined.
III. Because the worker did not fill the tip of the buret before beginning the
titration, an accurate measurement of the volume of base used cannot be
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II, and III

72. Which compound of potassium is a colored solid?

(A) KBr03
(B) KAl(S04) 2
(C) K2PtCl6
(D) K2Se03
(E) K2Si205

73. Which is the best description of the concentration of ions in solution when 0.050 mol
OH- (aq) is added to 1.0 liter of 0.10 M solution of NaH 2P04? (Assume no change
in volume.)
[H2P04-] [HP04 2-] [P0 43 -]
(A) negligibly small 0.050 negligibly small
(B) negligibly small negligibly small 0.050
(C) 0.050 0.050 negligibly small
(D) 0.050 negligibly small 0.050
(E) 0.075 negligibly small 0.025

74. The essential elements in every amino acid include each of the following EXCEPT
(A) carbon
(B) oxygen
(C) nitrogen
(D) hydrogen
(E) phosphorus

75. When 10 mL of 3.0 M NH 3 (aq) is added to 100 mL of a colorless solution, the change
in pH is observed to be less than 0.10 of a pH unit. The colorless solution could have
III. 3M NaCl
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II, and III

Section II
Section II - Free Response Total Time - 90 Minutes
(Multiple-Choice Questions are found in Section I.)

Part A: Question 76
Question 77 or Question 78
Time: 40 minutes

Access to calculators, Periodic Table, lists of standard reduction potentials, and

Equations and Constants
(2004 Examination directions) Clearly show the method used and the steps involved in
arriving at your answers. It is to your advantage to do this, because you may obtain
partial credit if you do and you will receive little or no credit if you do not. Attention
should be paid to significant figures. Be sure to write all your answers to the questions
on the lined pages following each question in the booklet with the pink cover. Do not
write your answers on the green insert.
Answer question 76 below. The Section II score weighting for this question is 20 percent.

76. Methylamine, CH3NH 2 , is an organic base, accepting a proton from water to form
the methylammonium ion. The value of Keq for this system is 4.0 x 10- 4 at 298 K.
(a) Write the chemical equation for the equilibrium as described above.
(b) Calculate the concentration of hydroxide ions in a 0.25 M solution of
(c) How is the equilibrium affected when solid NaOH is added to a solution of
methylamine? Calculate the [CH3NH3+] when 0.020 mol OH- is added to
500. mL of 0.25 M methylamine, CH3NH 2 . (Assume no change in volume.)
(d) A buffer solution is prepared that is 0.20 M in CH3NH3+ and 0.25 M in
CH3NH 2 . Calculate the pH of this solution.
(e) Calculate the number of moles of H+ that must be added to 200. mL of the
solution in part (d) in order to change the pH to 10.00.

Answer either question 77 or question 78 below.

(2004 examination directions) Only one of these two questions will be graded. If you
start both questions, be sure to cross out the question you do not want graded.

The Section II score weighting for the question that you choose is 20 percent.

77. Answer the following questions about a chromium/hydrogen electrochemical cell.

(a) Make a labeled sketch of an electrochemical cell using a standard Cr/Cr3+ half
cell connected to a standard hydrogen half-cell. Your labels should include
• anode
• cathode
• chemical components and concentration(s) in the chromium half cell
• direction of electron flow in the external circuit
• path for ion migration.
Include a labeled voltmeter in the external circuit.
(b) Write the half reactions and the balanced overall equation for this cell.
(c) Calculate the voltage for this standard cell.
(d) Calculate the voltage when the concentration of Cr3 + is 0.050 M.

78. Answer all four questions below about the samples of gases described. Consider
separate samples of H 2S gas and S0 2 gas. The mass of each sample is 10.0 g.
(a) What is the ratio of the number of sulfur atoms in the sample of H 2S(g)
compared to the number of sulfur atoms in the sample of so2(g)?
(b) What is the volume occupied by the H 2S gas, when measured at 25°C and 745
(c) Calculate the ratio of the average velocity of H 2S gas molecules to that of S0 2
gas molecules when both samples are measured at the same temperature.
(d) Separate sources of H 2S(g) and S0 2(g) are placed in opposite ends of a 100 em
tube. When these gases meet, they react to form solid sulfur. At what distance
from the so2 end will the gases meet and the deposit of solid sulfur first be

Part B: Questions 79, 80, 81 and

Question 82 or Question 83
Time: 50 minutes

Access to Periodic Table, lists of standard reduction potentials

and Equations and Constants
No access to calculators

Answer question 79 below: The Section II score weighting for this question is 15 percent.
79. (2004 Examination directions) Write the formulas to show the reactants and
products for FIVE of the laboratory situations described below. Answers to more
than five choices will not be graded. In all cases a reaction occurs. Assume that
solutions are aqueous unless otherwise indicated. Represent substances in a solution
as ions if the substances are extensively ionized. Omit formulas for any ions or
molecules that are unchanged by the reaction. You need not balance the equations.
(a) Excess hydrochloric acid. is added to a solution of sodium hydrogen
(b) A sample of solid lithium oxide is added to water.
(c) Hydrogen peroxide solution is added to a solution of iron(II) chloride.
(d) A solution. of potassium iodide is electrolyzed.
(e) A strip of copper is immersed in dilute nitric acid.
(f) A few crystals of calcium fluoride are added to hot concentrated sulfuric
(g) A sample of ethanol is ignited in excess oxygen.
(h) Solutions of ammonium thiocyanate and iron(III) chloride are mixed.

(2004 Examination directions) Your responses to the rest of the questions in this part of
the examination will be graded on the basis of the accuracy and relevance of the
information cited. Explanations should be clear and well organized. Examples and
equations may be included in your responses where appropriate. Specific answers are
preferable to broad, diffuse responses.
(2004 examination directions) Answer both Question 80 and Question 81 below.
Both questions will be graded.
The Section II score weighting for these questions is 30 percent (15 percent each).
80. Periodic Relationships
(a) Ionization Energies Ionization energies, kJ mol- 1
Na Mg AI
First Ionization Energy 496 738 578
Second Ionization Energy 4,560 1,450 1,820
Third Ionization Energy 6,917 7,730 2,750

(i) The second ionization for each element is greater than the first
ionization energy for that element. Explain.
(ii) The difference between first and second ionization energies is
much greater for N a than for Mg. Explain.

(b) Atomic/Ionic Radius

1ss 16 S

Atomic/ionic radius, nm 0.104 0.184 .197 0.099

(i) The radius of 16 S is less than the radius of 16 S -. Explain.
2 2
(ii) The 16 S - and 20 Ca + are isoelectronic species. However, the
radius of 16 S2 - is greater than the radius of 2oCa2+. Explain.

81. Answer all four questions about the laboratory procedures below.
The questions below are related to the exothermic dissolving of CaC12 (s) in water.
(a) Describe the energy changes that occur as CaC12 (s) dissolves.

(b) Describe how to use 0.50 mol (55.5 g) of CaCl2 (s) to make each of the aqueous
solutions specified below. For each, specify the mass or volume of the solution
produced and specify how the amount of liquid solvent or solution is to be
(i) a quantity of 1.0 molar (1.0 M) solution
(ii) a quantity of 1.0 molal (1.0 m) solution

(c) Describe how to use solid CaCb to determine its heat of solution in kJ mol- 1 .
A styrofoam cup is available to use as a calorimeter. A thermometer, a
balance, water and ordinary lab equipment are also available. Specify the
procedure and the measurements to be recorded. (Calculation or description of
calculation is not required.)

(2004 examination directions) Answer either question 82 or question 83 below. Only one
of these two questions will be graded. If you start both questions, be sure to cross out
the question you do not want graded. The Section II score weighting for the question that
you choose is 15 percent.
82. Answer all four questions about the burning of octane.
CsHls(£) + 202(g) ----+ 8C02(g) + 9H20(g) +heat

The combustion reaction above is the source of the energy produced by the burning
of octane in an automobile engine. This reaction is spontaneous at 298 K.
(a) Predict the sign of AS in the reaction. Explain.

(b) Predict the sign for AG for this reaction at 298 K. Explain.

AH J,co 2 (g) = -393.5 kJ mol- 1 ; AH t,co< 9 l = -110.5 kJ mol- 1

0 0

If some of the reactants were converted to CO rather than C0 2, how would the
total amount of energy produced be affected? Explain.

(d) If this reaction were carried out at a temperature greater than 298 K, for which
of the three parameters, AH, AG or AS, would the change in value have the
greatest magnitude? Explain.

83. Answer all three questions below about this reaction:

A(g) + B(g) ---+ AB(g) +energy
The rate of the reaction above is known to be first order in A and first order in B.
The rate increases when a suitable catalyst is added.
Use the axis below for the answers to part (a) and (b).


Reaction Coordinate
(time, progress of the reaction)

(a) On the labeled axes above, draw a diagram of potential energy versus reaction
coordinate for the uncatalyzed reaction. Use a line labeled (A) to show the
progress of this reaction. On the diagram, label:
(i) relative potential energy of the
• reactants
• activated complex
• product
(ii) the intervals that correspond to
• heat of reaction, AH
• activation energy for the forward reaction, Ea,f
• activation energy for the reverse reaction, Ea,r

(b) On the set of axes, use a line labeled (B) to show the change or changes in the
values in part (a) (i), above, that result from the addition of the catalyst.

(c) At ordinary conditions, RATEr is much greater than RATEr. The symbols k1
and kr represent the rate constants for the forward and reverse reactions
. kf
respectively. How does the value of the ratiO kr change, when temperature
increases? Explain.
No testing material printed on this page.

Section I - Multiple Choice

Questions 1-5: The set of lettered choices below is a list of chemical elements .. The list
refers to the numbered statements immediately following it. Select the one lettered choice
that best fits each numbered statement. A choice may be used once, more than once or
not at all.
(A) silicon
(B) phosphorus
(C) nitrogen
(D) magnesium
(E) bromine

1. the element whose oxide is a molecular solid at ordinary conditions

2. the element with the lowest melting point

3. the element that is best conductor of electricity

4. the element that is a molecular solid at ordinary conditions

5. the element whose oxide is an ionic solid

Questions 6-10: The set of lettered choices below is a list of formulas for chemical
compounds. The list refers to the numbered questions immediately following it. Select the
one lettered choice that best answers each question. A choice may be used once, more
than once or not at all.
(A) (NH4) 2S04
(B) K2S
(C) C02
(D) CaCl2
(E) NaCl04

Which formula represents or includes

6. a cation that precipitates from aqueous solution when a solution containing
carbonate anion is added

7. an atom with an oxidation number of -3

8. a molecule that contains two sigma (0') and two pi (rr) bonds

9. a species which, when heated along with a catalyst, yields a salt containing a halide
in addition to oxygen gas.

10. a gas, when measured under standard conditiona


Questions 11-16: The set of lettered choices below is a list of categories of hydrocarbon
derivatives. It refers to the set of numbered structural formulas immediately following.
For each structural formula select the one lettered choice that identifies the category of
hydrocarbon derivative illustrated. A choice may be used once, more than once, or not
at alL
(A) secondary alcohol
(B) tertiary alcohol
(C) organic acid
(D) ketone
(E) ester

11. -c-c-c- 14. -e-c-c-e-


0 0
12. -e-c-c-e- 15. -C-C-0-C-

0 0
13. -C-C-C-OH 16. g-C-OH

17. All of the following are polar molecules EXCEPT

(A) H2S
(B) NH3
(C) PCl3
(D) PFs
(E) HN03

18. Which distribution of electrons in hybrid orbitals is associated with the structure of
the sulfur tetrafluoride, SF4 , molecule?
(A) sp
(B) sp 2
(C) sp 3
(D) dsp 3
(E) d2 sp3

19. When each member of the following pairs of solutes is dissolved in separate
containers of water, each member of the pair of solutions has a different color
EXCEPT for the pair
(A) ZnS04 and CaCl 2
(B) CoCl2 and CrCl3
(C) K2Cr04 and Na2Cr207
(D) Ni(N03) 2 and CuBr2
(E) AlCl 3 and KMnO 4

20. An atom with the electron configuration ls 22s 22p6 3s 23p6 4s 23d5 has an occupied but
(A) 2s sublevel
(B) 3s sublevel
(C) 3p sublevel
(D) 3d sublevel
(E) 4s sublevel

21. The correct name for the compound (NH 4)2CuC14 is

(A) diammine copper(IV) chloride
(B) diammine tetrachlorocopper
(C) diammonium copper chlorate
(D) ammonium tetrachlorocopper
(E) ammonium tetrachlorocuprate(II)

22. What is the charge on the anion of the compound potassium hexachloroferrate(II)?
(A) 1-
(B) 2-
(C) 3-
(D) 4-
(E) 6-
23. Which forms cations with charge 1+ and 2+?
(A) Zn
(B) Sn
(C) Fe
(D) Sc
(E) Cu

24. In the nitrite anion; N0 2 ...;, the 0-N-0 bond angle is slightly less than 120° .. Which
hybridization of orbitals around the central atom, nitrogen, provides the best
explanation for this bond angle.
(A) sp
(B) sp 2
(C) sp3
(D) dsp 3
(E) d 2 sp3

Questions '25 and 26: A mixture of gases is prepared by placing 00.20 mol NO and
0.20 moi N02 in a 2.0 liter flask at 300 K. (Assume 'no chemical reaction Occurs.)
25. Which range of values includes the total pressure of the system?
(A) 1.5 atm to 3.0 atm
(B) 3.0 atm to 6.0 atm
(C) 6.0 atm to 12 atm
(D) 12 atm to 24 atm
(E) 24 atm to 48 atm

26. Which comparison correctly describes this system?

I. The partial pressure of NO is the same as the partial pressure
of N02.
II. The number of molecules of NO is the same as the number of
molecules of N02 •
III. The number of nitrogen atoms is the same as· the number of
oxygen atoms.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

27. Carbon-14 decays by the emission of a particle to form nitrogen-14. What is the
missing particle?
--+7 + .....

(A) alpha
(B) beta
(C) gamma
(D) positron
(E) neutron

28. According to the Kinetic Molecular Theory, all of the following apply to a mixture
of gases EXCEPT
(A) All gas molecules travel at the same speed.
(B) The collisions of the gas molecules are perfectly elastic.
(C) The forces of attraction between the gas molecules are negligibly small.
(D) The gas molecules exert pressure on the wall of the container of the system.
(E) Compared to the volume of the system, the absolute volume of the gas
molecules is negligibly small.

29. Consider two identical flasks under identical conditions of temperature and pressure.
One is filled with carbon monoxide, CO, while the other contains nitrogen, N 2 •
Which of the following characteristics is the same for each sample?
I. molar mass
II. average molecular velocity
III. average kinetic energy
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

30. Relatively high values for all the following physical properties are associated with
strong intermolecular forces EXCEPT
(A) viscosity
(B) boiling point
(C) melting point
(D) vapor pressure
(E) critical temperature

Questions 31 and 32: Refer to the phase diagram for carbon dioxide given below.


rt:J 5

-78 -56 31
Temperature, Celsius

One sample of C0 2 is held at 10 atm and heated from -60°C to 30°C. A second
sample of C02 is held at 1 atm and heated over the same temperature range.

31. Which of the following describes the expected properties of these samples?
I. The melting point for the first sample is observed at a
temperature between -78°C and -56°C.
II. No melting occurs in the second example.
III. The boiling point for the first sample is greater than the
sublimation point for the second sample.
(A) I only
(B) III only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II and III

32. At 25°C and 1 atm, solid carbon dioxide does not melt but undergoes sublimation.
Which information from the phase diagram supports the statement?
(A) The pressure at the triple point is greater than 1 atm.
(B) The boiling point at 1 atm is less than 25°C.
(C) The pressure at the critical point is greater than 1 atm.
- (D) The temperature at the critical point is greater than 25°C.
(E) The boiling point at 73 atm is greater than the boiling point at 5 atm.

33. The radionuclide, 32 P, is used to trace metabolic pathways. A 1.00 gram sample of
32 P decays to 0.50 grams in 14.3 days. Over the period of time of its use, the half-
life of the nuclide
(A) increases as rate of nuclear decay in grams per day increases.
(B) increases as rate of nuclear decay in grams per day decreases.
(C) remains unchanged as rate of nuclear decay in grams per day increases.
(D) remains unchanged as rate of nuclear decay in grams per day decreases.
(E) decreases as rate of nuclear decay in grams per day remains unchanged.

34. Which expression gives the density predicted for PH 3(g) (molar mass: 34 g) at 740
mmHg and 20°C? (Assume ideal behavior.)
22.4 X 740 X 293

34 X 740 X 293

34 X 740 X 273
22.4 X 760 X 293

34 X 740 X 293
(D) 22.4 X 760 X 273

34 X 760 X 273
22.4 X 740 X 293

35. When excess HCl reacts with 0.250 mole of NH3, a total of 11.0 kJ of heat energy
is released. What is the value of ~H in kJ per mol NH3 consumed?
(A) -44.0 kJ
(B) -11.0 kJ
(C) -2.75 kJ
(D) +11.0 kJ
(E) +44.0 kJ

Questions 36 and 37: Information about NaCl at 298 K is given below:

NaCl(s) ~Hj = -410 kJ mol- 1 ~Gj = -384 kJ mol- 1

NaCl(aq) ~Hj = -407 kJ mol- 1 ~Gj = -393 kJ mol- 1

36. According to the information above, which characteristics apply to the dissolving
process for NaCl(s) at 298 K?
(A) spontaneous and endothermic
(B) spontaneous and exothermic
(C) not spontaneous and endothermic
(D) not spontaneous and exothermic
(E) equilibrated at standard conditions

37. If the temperature is increased to 50°C, the value of ~G for the dissolving process
(A) decreases as the value of T~S increases
(B) decreases as the value of T ~S decreases
(C) decreases as the value of T ~S remains the same
(D) remains the same as the value of T ~S increases
(E) remains the same as the value of T~S decreases

38. Which 0.1 m aqueous solution has the lowest freezing point at 1 atm?
(A) CaCl2
(B) NaN0 3
(C) CH 3 0H
(D) C5H1206
(E) (NH4) 3 P04

39. What mass of H3 P0 4 should be added to 800 grams of water to produce a solution
that is 20% H 3 P04 by mass?
(A) 150 g
(B) 200 g
(C) 900 g
(D) 1,800 g
(E) 2,400 g

40. A solution of HCl of unknown concentration is analyzed using a solution ·of

Ba(OH)2. Exact neutralization occurs after 15. mL of 0.30 M Ba(OH)2 has been
added to 30. mL of HCl. What is the concentration of the unknown HCl solution?
(A) 0.075 M
(B) 0.10 M
(C) 0.15 M
(D) 0.17 M
(E) 0.30 M

41. Many sedimentary rocks include the carbonate ion, a remnant of the shells of
ancient sea creatures. A geologist tests for the presence of carbonate ions by placing
several drops of concentrated acid on the rock, then waits to see if bubbles occur.
Which property accounts for this behavior?
(A) Calcium carbonate is an ionic solid.
(B) Carbonate ion is a strong proton acceptor.
(C) Acidic groundwater acts as a dehydrating agent.
(D) In acid solution, carbonate reacts with oxygen.
(E) In acid solution, carbonate is reduced to oxalate.

42. C2H50H(f:) + 30 2(g) ~ 2C0 2(g) + 3H20(£)

Which expression gives the volume of oxygen measured at 1 atm and 273 K that is
consumed when 50 g C 2 H 5 0H burns in excess oxygen according to the equation
(A) 50 X 3 X 22.4

50 X 22.4
3 X 46

50 X 3
46 X 22.4

50 X 22.4
(D) 46

50 X 3 X 22.4

43. According to the Bronsted-Lowry theory of acid-base behavior, HP04 2 - is classified

as amphiprotic because
(A) it reacts with OH-
(B) it reacts with H 3 0+
(C) its ionic charge is 2-
(D) its parent molecule is polyprotic
(E) it can accept and donate protons

44. 2Al(s) + 3Clz(g) ---+ 2AlCl3(s)

A mixture containing 0.40 molAl in contact with 0.75 mol Cl 2 is ignited in a closed
container. Assuming complete reaction, which gives the maximum quantity of AlCl 3
produced and the quantity of unconsumed reactant?
(A) 0.40 mol AlCl 3 and 0.15 molAl unreacted
(B) 0.40 mol AlCb and 0.15 mol Cb unreacted
(C) 0.40 mol AlCl3 and 0.35 mol Cl 2 unreacted
(D) 0.50 mol AlCb and 0.10 molAl unreacted
(E) 0.50 mol AlCl3 and 0.15 mol Cl 2 unreacted

45. How many of the halide salts listed below have percent halogen by mass that is less
than 50%?
Agi BaF 2

(A) one
(B) two
(C) three
(D) four
(E) five

46. What is the final concentration of chloride ion when 50 mL of 0.20 M MgClz(aq) is
mixed with 100 mL of 0.10 M KCl(aq)?
(A) 0.10M
(B) 0.15M
(C) 0.20M
(D) 0.30M
(E) 0.40M

47. At 50°C, the vapor pressures of carbon tetrachloride and chloroform are
approximately 300 mmHg and 500 mmHg, respectively. Which expression gives the
vapor pressure, in mmHg, of a solution that is 0.20 mole fraction carbon
tetrachloride in chloroform?
(A) 0.20 x (300 + 500)
(B) 0.20 x (500- 300)
(C) 0.20 X 300
0.80 X 500
0.20 X 500
(D) 0.80 X 300
(E) (0.20 X 300) + (0.80 X 500)

48. Which is the best net ionic equation for the reaction between a solution of sodium
sulfite and excess phosphoric acid solution?
(A) S03 2- + 2H+ _, H20 + so2
(B) 3Na+ + P04 3- _, Na3(P04) 2
(C) Na2S03 + 2H+ _, Ca2+ + H20 + S02
(D) 3803 2- + 2H3P04 _, 3H20 + 3S02 + 2P04 3-
(E) 3Na2S03 + 2H3P04 _, 2Na3P04 + 3H20 + 3S02

49. . .. H2S(aq) + ... I03- (aq) _, ... l2(aq) + ... S03 2- (aq) + ... H20 + ... H+ (aq)
When the reaction above is balanced and all of the coefficients are reduced to their
lowest whole-number values, how many moles of electrons are transferred?
(A) 4
(B) 6
(C) 8
(D) 12
(E) 30

50. Which of the following is least likely to behave as a Lewis base?

(A) H20
(B) Cl-
(C) BF3
(D) oH-
(E) NH3

51. Acid pKa

H3P04 2.1
H2P04- 7.1
HP04 2- 12.3

A buffer prepared by mixing equimolar solutions of H 3P04 and NaH2P04 and

Na2HP0 4 will have a pH closest to
(A) 2
(B) 4
(C) 7
(D) 10
(E) 12

52. Consider the equilibrium

H2(g) + I 2(g) ~ 2HI(g)
In a closed system, the initial partial pressure of hydrogen is 1.25 atm and the initial
partial pressure of iodine is 1. 75 atm. At equilibrium, the partial pressure of
hydrogen is 1.00 atm. Which expression gives the value of Kp for this system?
(0.50) 2
(A) (1.00)(1.75)

(0.50) 2
(1.50) 2

(0.25) 2
(C) (1.25)(1.75)

(D) (0.50)
(1.00) (1.50)

(0.25) 2
(E) (1.00)(1.50)

53. The pH of 0.10 M solution of NaHS0 4 is closest to

(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 7
(D) 11
(E) 14

54. H30+ + NH2- ~ NH3 + H20

In the proton transfer shown in the equation above, all of the following are correct
(A) NH 3 acts as a Bronsted acid.
(B) The value of K is greater than 1.
(C) The H-NH 2 bond is weaker than the H-H20 bond.
(D) One of the conjugate acid/base pairs is H 30+ and H 20.
(E) NH 2- and H 2 0 have the same number of unshared electron pairs.

55. Which value is closest to the molar solubility of Ca(OH)2?

Ca(OHh(s) ~ Ca2 + (aq) + 2 OH- (aq) Ksp = 8 x 10- 6

(A) 1 x w- 2
(B) 2 x w- 2
(C) 3 x w- 3
(D) 2 X 10- 6
(E) 8x w- 6
56. Approximately what minimum quantity of charge, measured in coulombs, is needed
to produce 0.15 moles of chromium metal in an electrolytic cell that contains
0.75 M solution of Cr(N03) 3 ?
(A) 5,000 coulombs
(B) 15,000 coulombs
(C) 25,000 coulombs
(D) 45,000 coulombs
(E) 225,000 coulombs

57. Ag+ + e- --+ Ag0 E

= 0.80 volts
Cd2+ + 2e- --+ Cd 0 E = -0.40 volts 0

Which expression gives the voltage produced in a standard chemical cell using the
half-reactions above?
(A) 0.80 + 0.40
(B) 0.80- 0.40
(C) 0.40- 0.80
(D) 0.80 + (2 x ( -0.40))
(E) (2 x ( -0.80)) + 0.40
58. Cu(s) + 2Ag+ (aq) --+ Cu + (aq) + 2Ag(s) Keq = 3.75 X 10 15
Which describes the standard voltage and standard free energy change for this
(A) Eo < 0; ~Go > 0
(B) Eo > 0; ~Go < 0
(C) E 0 > 0; ~Go > 0
(D) Eo < 0; ~Go < 0
(E) Eo = ~Go = 0

59. Zn 2 + + 2e- -t Zn° Eo = -0.76 volts

Al3+ + 3e- - t Al 0 E 0 = -1.66 volts

When half-cells based on the half-reactions above are used to construct an

electrochemical cell, the overall reaction becomes
2Al + 3Zn 2 + -t 3Zn + 2Al3+
Which gives the effect on the cell voltage when a standard aluminum-zinc cell is
changed to a cell in which all ions have 0.01 M concentration?
(A) No change is observed.
(B) The voltage decreases by about 0.02 volts.
(C) The voltage decreases by about 0.12 volts.
(D) The voltage increases by about 0.02 volts.
(E) The voltage increases by about 0.12 volts.

60. Consider a system at equilibrium according to the equation

N2(g) + 3H2(g) ~ 2NH3(g)

If Ar(g) is added to such an equilibrium system at constant volume and temperature,

the total pressure
(A) increases and the number of NH3 molecules present increases
(B) decreases and the number of NH3 molecules present increases
(C) remains the same and the number of NH3 molecules present increases
(D) remains the same and the number of NH 3 molecules present decreases
(E) increases and the number of NH3 molecules present remains the same

61. Which is a correct comparison of the characteristics of a catalyzed reaction to the

corresponding characteristics of the same reaction without a catalyst present?
I. Their energies of activation are the same.
II. Their enthalpies of reaction are the same.
III. Their free energies of reaction are the same.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) II and III only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II and III

62. Consider a system at equilibrium based on the equation

2N0c 9 ) + Cbc 9 > ~ 2NOClc 9 )
Which is a correct statement about this equilibrium system at constant
I. The concentration of NOCl is constant.
II. The rate of loss of Cl 2 is equal to the rate of formation of NOCI.
III. The rate of formation of NO is equal to the rate of loss of NOCL

(A) I only
(B) III only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

Questions 63 and 64: The reaction between chlorine and chloroform in the gas phase is
known to proceed according to the mechanism below

Chc 9 > ~ 2Clc9 l fast equilibrium

Clc 9 l + CHC13(g) ---+ HClc 9 ) + CC13(g) slow
CC13 c9 l + Clc9 l ---+ CC14c9 l fast

63. According to this mechanism, what is the overall reaction?

(A) Cl2 c9 J ---+ CCl4(gJ
(B) CHC13 c9 J + Cl2 c9 J ---+ HClc 9 J + CC14c9 J
(C) Clc9 J + CHC13 c9 l ---+ Hc 9 l + CC14c9 J
(D) Clc9 l + CHC13 c9 l ---+ HClc 9 J + CC13 c9 l
(E) 2CHC1 3 (g) + Cl 2 (g) -+ 2HClc 9 l + CC14 (g) + CC13 (g)
64. According to this mechanism, what is the rate law?
(A) RATE= k[Chj2

(B) RATE= k[Chj2[CHCl3]

(C) RATE= k[Cb]~[CHCb]

(D) RATE=k 1
[Cl2] 2

(E) RATE = k [CHCl3 ]


65. Zinc oxalate, ZnC 2 0 4 , and lead fluoride, PbF 2 , have the same Ksp value at 25°C,
2. 7 x 10- 8 . Which can be concluded from this information?

(A) Their absolute entropies in J mol- 1 K- 1 are equal.

(B) The molar solubility of lead fluoride is greater.
(C) Their Ksp values are equal at all temperatures.
(D) The heat of solution in kJ mol- 1 for zinc oxalate is greater.
(E) Their solubilities in grams of solute per liter of solution are equal.

66. Consider the equilibrium represented by the equation

H2(g) + F2(g) ~ 2HF(g)

Which applies to this system at equilibrium?

I. Kp = Kc
II. LlG =zero
III. Rateforward = Ratereverse
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II and III

67. The reaction between H2 and NO occurs according to the equation

2H2(g) + 2NO(g) ---+ 2H20(g) + N2(g)
Six trials of the reaction were carried out. The initial rate of change of pressure for
each trial was measured and recorded.

Initial Pressure (atm) Initial Rate

Trial PNo PH2 ~atm min- 1

I 0.50 0.09 0.025

II 0.50 0.18 0.050
III 0.50 0.27 0.075
IV 0.09 0.80 0.0063
v 0.18 0.80 0.025
VI 0.27 0.80 0.056

Based on these results, what is the rate law for this reaction?
(A) RATE= k(PNo) 0 (PH2 ) 2
(B) RATE= k(PNo) 1 (PH2 ) 2
(C) RATE= k(PNo) 2 (PH2 ) 0
(D) RATE= k(PNo) 2 (PH2 ) 1

(E) RATE = k(PNo ) 2(PH2 ) 2


68 .. A worker was assigned to prepare a 1.0 molal aqueous solution of ethanol, C 2H 5 0H

(molar mass 46, density 0.79 g mL - l ), using 0.50 kg water. The worker used a
volumetric flask to measure 500 mL of water which was poured into a 1-liter beaker.
The worker then used a buret to measure 23 mL of ethanol which was added to the
contents of the beaker. Which describes the resulting solution?
(A) The solution was correctly prepared to the assigned concentration.
(B) The concentration of the solution will be greater than 1.0 m because too much
water was used.
(C) The concentration of the solution will be less than 1.0 m because too much
water was used.
(D) The concentration of the solution will be greater than 1.0 m because too much
ethanol was used.
(E) The concentration of the solution will be less than 1.0 m because too little
ethanol was used.

69. The combustion of ethyne occurs according to the equation

2c2H2(g) + 502(g) ---+ 4C02(g) + 2H20(e) .6.Ho =? kJ

.6.Hj for H20(e) = -300 kJ mol- 1

.6.Hj for C0 2(g) = -400 kJ mol- 1
.6.Hj for C 2H(g) = 200 kJ mol- 1
The approximate standard heats of formation for water, carbon dioxide and ethyne
are given above. Based on this information, which of the following values is closest
to .6.H0 in kJ mol- 1 for this reaction?
(A) -900 kJ mol- 1
(B) -1300 kJ mol- 1
(C) -1800 kJ mol- 1
(D) -2300 kJ mol- 1
(E) -2600 kJ mol- 1

70. Which is a common ingredient of agricultural fertilizers?

(A) copper sulfate
(B) calcium sulfide
(C) barium phosphate
(D) aluminum chloride
(E) ammonium nitrate

71. Ba(OH)2 · 8H20(s) + 2NH4SCN(s) ---+ Ba(SCNh(aq) + 2NH3(aq) + 10H20(e)

When solid samples of barium hydroxide and ammonium thiocyanate are mixed in
a test tube, the outside of the test tube becomes noticeably cool to the touch. Which
gives the correct signs for the thermodynamic parameters for such a spontaneous
endothermic dissolving process?
.6.Gsoln .6.Hsoln .6.Ssoln
(A) + + +
(B) + +
(C) +
(D) + +

72. An experiment to determine the percent of water in a hydrated salt was carried out
by heating the hydrated salt over an intense flame. During the heating process, and
unknown to the worker, some of the material being heated was accidentally spilled.
Which describes the effect on the reported results of the experiment?
(A) Both the mass of the hydrated salt and the percent water will be reported too
(B) The mass of the hydrated salt will be reported correctly and the percent water
will be reported too small.
(C) The mass of the hydrated salt will be reported correctly and the percent water
will be reported too large.
(D) The mass of the hydrated salt will be reported too large and the percent water
will be reported too small.
(E) The mass of the hydrated salt will be reported too small and the percent water
will be reported too large.

73. Which products are formed when crystals of Fe804 are dissolved in an acidified
solution of KMn0 4?
(A) Mn 2+ and Fe3+
(B) Mn2+ and Fe
(C) Mn 2+ and 802
(D) Mn0 2 and Fe
(E) Mn02 and 802

74. Which element is most likely to be found in compounds taken internally to be used
for x-ray diagnosis of disorders of the intestinal tract?
(A) barium
(B) lead
(C) lithium
(D) magnesium
(E) ZinC

75. Ceramics are materials known for their strength, brittleness, and resistance to heat
and chemical corrosion. The inclusion of which of the following is responsible for
these characteristics?
(A) silicates
(B) organometallics
(C) high temperature metals
(D) polymers
(E) semiconductors

Section II
Section II - Free Response Total Time - 90 Minutes
(Multiple-Choice Questions are found in Section I.)

Part A: Question 76
Question 77 or Question 78
Time: 40 minutes

Access to calculators, Periodic Table, lists of standard reduction potentials, and

Equations and Constants
(2004 Examination directions) Clearly show the method used and the steps involved in
arriving at your answers. It is to your advantage to do this, because you may obtain
partial credit if you do and you will receive little or no credit if you do not. Attention
should be paid to significant figures. Be sure to write all your answers to the questions
on the lined pages following each question in the booklet with the pink cover. Do not
write your answers on the green insert.
Answer question 76 below. The Section II score weighting for this question is 20 percent.

76. Answer the following questions concerning the homogeneous gaseous equilibrium
system represented by the equation below.
2 HI(g) ~ H 2 (g) + I 2 (g)
At a certain temperature, HI(g) is inserted into a tank until the pressure is 1.00 atm.
After the system reaches equilibrium, the partial pressure of the HI is 0.80 atm.
(a) Write the equilibrium expression, Kp, for this reaction.
(b) Calculate the partial pressure of Hz(g) and I 2 (g) at equilibrium.
(c) Calculate the value of KP for this reaction.
(d) Calculate the value of Kc for this reaction.
(e) What additional information would you need to be able to calculate the
number of moles of HI present in the tank at equilibrium?

Answer either question 77 or question 78 below.

(2004 examination directions) Only one of these two questions will be graded. If you
start both questions, be sure to cross out the question you do not want graded.

The Section II score weighting for the question that you choose is 20 percent.

77. Answer all five questions below related to an aqueous solution of the weak acid, HF.
Hydrogen fluoride, HF, a weak acid, dissolves in water to form hydrofluoric acid
according to the following equation.
HF(aq) ~ H+ (aq) + p- (aq)
(a) Available in the laboratory are 40.0 grams of HF and 2.00 kg water. Determine
the mass of each substance which is needed to make the maximum quantity of
0.100 molal HF solution.
(b) Determine the molality of p- ions and the molality of HF molecules in the
solution prepared as directed in part (a).
(c) Determine the percent ionization of HF in this solution.
(d) The freezing point of the 0.100 m solution of HF in water is -0.201°C.
Determine the apparent molality of all dissolved particles.
(e) Determine the number of moles of HF molecules in the solution described in
part (a).

78. Use the information m this table of standard heats of formation and standard
entropies to answer all four questions below related to the combustion of acetic acid.
aH~ kJ mol- 1 8° J mol- 1 K- 1
co2(gJ -393.5 213.6
C(s) 0 5.69
H2(g) 0 130.58
H20(c) -285.83 69.96
co2(gJ 0 205.0
CH3COOHccl ? 159.81

All values taken at 298 K.

At 298 K, the standard heat (enthalpy) of combustion, ~H~omb' of acetic acid,

CH3COOHccl, is -874.5 kJ mol- 1 .
(a) Write the balanced equation for the complete combustion of acetic acid,
CH3COOH(e), in pure oxygen.
(b) Calculate the standard entropy change, ~So, for this combustion reaction at
298 K. Specify units.
(c) Calculate the standard enthalpy of formation, ~Hj, for acetic acid at 298 K.
Specify units.
(d) Calculate the standard Gibbs free energy change, ~Go, for this combustion
reaction at 298 K. Specify units.

Part B: Questions 79, 80, 81 and

Question 82 or Question 83
Time: 50 minutes

Access to Periodic Table, lists of standard reduction potentials

and Equations and Constants
No access to calculators

Answer question 79 below: The Section II score weighting for this question is 15 percent.
79. (2004 Examination directions) Write the formulas to show the reactants and
products for FIVE of the laboratory situations described below. Answers to more
than five choices will not be graded. In all cases a reaction occurs. Assume that
solutions are aqueous unless otherwise indicated. Represent substances in a solution
as ions if the substances are extensively ionized. Omit formulas for any ions or
molecules that are unchanged by the reaction. You need not balance the equations.
(a) Solutions of mercury(!) nitrate and hydrochloric acid are mixed.

(b) Sulfur dioxide gas is bubbled through water.

(c) A bar of manganese metal is added to a solution of zinc nitrate.

(d) Excess concentrated ammonia is added to a solution of copper(II) nitrate.

(e) A quantity of 1-propanol is burned in oxygen.

(f) Solutions of iron(II) chloride and gold(III) nitrate are mixed.

(g) Solutions of ammonium chloride and sodium fluoride are mixed.

(h) Solutions of potassium sulfate and strontium bromide are mixed.


(2004 Examination directions) Your responses to the rest of the questions in this part of
the examination will be graded on the basis of the accuracy and relevance of the
information cited. Explanations should be clear and well organized. Examples and
equations may be included in your responses where appropriate. Specific answers are
preferable to broad, diffuse responses.
(2004 examination directions) Answer both Question 80 and Question 81 below.
Both questions will be graded.
The Section II score weighting for these questions is 30 percent (15 percent each).
80. Use principles of chemical bonding with appropriate Lewis dot structures to answer
the four questions below.
(a) Draw the Lewis electron-dot structure and predict the shape of the two halide
species below.

(b) Use the valence shell electron pair repulsion (VSEPR) model to explain the
geometry of the electron pair distribution for each of the species in part (a).

(c) Use Lewis electron-dot structures to show how each of the molecules below is
an illustration of an exception to the octet rule.

electron deficient molecule: BF3

(fewer than eight electrons)
expanded octet: ICI3

81. Answer all four questions below about the experimental determination of the
concentration of an unknown solution of acetic acid, CH3 COOH.
A dilute solution of NaOH of known concentration can be used to determine the
unknown concentration of a solution of CH3 COOH. The solution of NaOH can be
titrated against a measured quantity of the unknown CH3 COOH solution. The
endpoint can be determined by using a few drops an appropriate indicator added to
the acid or by monitoring the pH of the reaction mixture.
Use the axes below for the answers to part (a) and part (b). Note that a line for
pH = 7 has been given.

pH 7

volume NaOH(aq) added

(a) On the axes above, draw a curve labeled (A) to show how [H+] changes in the
reaction mixture as NaOH(aq) is added to CH3COOH(aq). Explain.

(b) Explain the changes [CH3 COO-] as this reaction proceeds.

(c) On the same axes used for part (a), draw a new curve labeled (C) to show how
the results would be different if the volume of acid neutralized were increased.
Indicate on your new graph where neutralization is observed. Explain.

(d) Of the indicators described below, choose the one that would be most
unsatisfactory for detection of the neutralization for this reaction. Explain.

Indicator pH ran~e for color change

methyl red 4.8-6.0
bromthymol blue 6.0-7.6
thymol blue 8.0-9.6

(2004 examination directions) Answer either question 82 or question 83 below. Only one
of these two questions will be graded. If you start both questions, be sure to cross. out
the question you do not want graded. The Section II score weighting for the question that
you choose is 15 percent.
82. Answer the four questions below about the chemical reaction.
H2(g) + I 2c9 J ---> 2Hic 9 J
For the exothermic reaction represented above, carried out at 298 K, the Rate Law
is RATE= k[H 2 ][I2 ]. Four each of the four changes, (a) through (d), below, predict
the effect of that change on the initial rate of the reaction. Explain each in terms of
the collision theory of reaction kinetics.
(a) Addition of H 2 (g) at constant temperature and volume. Include an energy
distribution diagram showing number of molecules as function of energy before
and after the addition of H 2 (g).
(b) Increase in volume of reaction vessel at constant temperature. Include an
energy distribution diagram showing [H2 ] as function of energy before and after
the increase in volume.
(c) Addition of catalyst. Include a diagram where potential energy is plotted on
the reaction coordinate. Indicate potential energy for the activated complex
with and without the catalyst. Label the curve that represents the catalyzed
(d) Increase in temperature. Include an energy distribution diagram showing
number of molecules as function of energy before and after the increase in
temperature. Locate Ea. Use features of your diagram to help explain why
increase in temperature causes an increase in rate of reaction.

83. Answer all four questions below related to properties of the alkali metal, potassium.
(a) The atomic radius of potassium is greater than the atomic radius of zinc.
(b) The radius of the K+ ion is smaller than the radius of the K 0 atom. Explain.
(c) The ionic radius of Cl- is greater than the ionic radius of K+. Explain.
(d) The second ionization energy of potassium is greater than the second ionization
energy of calcium. Explain.

Section I - Multiple Choice

Questions 1-5. The set of lettered choices below, a list of frequently used ions, refers to
the set of numbered statements immediately following it. Select the one lettered
choice that is most closely associated with each numbered statement. Each lettered
choice can be used once, more than once or not at all.
(A) cl-
(B) Br-
(C) Ca2 +
(D) NH4+
(E) OH-

Assume that you have an "unknown" that is an aqueous solution of a substance which
contains one or more of the ions listed above. Which ion must be ABSENT based upon
each of the following observations of the "unknown"?

1. The pH of the unknown solution decreases immediately and rapidly as dilute

HN0 3 (aq) is added dropwise.

2. No ammonia odor is detected when dilute NaOH solution is added to a sample of

the unknown solution and warmed.

3. No white precipitate is observed when Na 2 C0 3 solution is added to a sample of the

unknown solution.

4. No reddish-brown precipitate is observed when FeCh solution is added to a sample

of the unknown solution.

5. No yellow precipitate is observed when AgN0 3 solution is added to a sample of the

unknown solution.

6. When Fe0 changes to Fe3+ the number of occupied orbitals changes from
(A) 15 to 14
(B) 15 to 12
(C) 15 to 9
(D) 13 to 12
(E) 13 to 11


15 .. Both chlorine and bromine exist as two naturally-occurring isotopes, distributed as

shown below. The "percent natural occurrence" is based on distribution of isotopes.
Chlorine reacts with bromine to form ClBr.
isotope natural
chlorine - 35 76%
chlorine - 37 24%
bromine- 79 51%
bromine- 81 49%

Thus there are three different possible molar masses for ClBr: 114, 116, and 118. Which
of the following gives the approximate fractional distribution in naturally-occurring
compounds of the three possible molar masses?
molar masses
114 116 118
1 1 1
(A) 4 2 4
1 1 1
(B) 3 3 3
3 1 1
(C) 8 2 8
1 1 1
(D) 2 4 4
1 3 1
(E) 2 8 8

16. Which is a correct statement of a trend within a group of elements on the Periodic
Table as atomic number increases?
I. The number of valence electrons increases.
II. The radius of the most common ion of each element increases.
III. The ionization energy increases.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and II only
(E) I, II, and III

17. Consider the oxides, X0 2 and Y0 2, where X and Y are nonmetals with nearly equal
atomic mass. The molecular shape of X0 2 is linear; that of Y0 2 is bent (V"'shaped).
Which gives a correct comparison of their properties?
I. The critical temperature of Y0 2 is higher than that of X0 2.
II. The normal boiling point of Y02 is higher than that of X0 2.
III. The molar heat of vaporization of Y0 2 is greater than that of
(A) I only
(B) III only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

18. In general, the melting points of ionic solids are higher than the melting points of
molecular solids. Which accounts for this difference?
(A) Attractions between particles with opposite charge are stronger than covalent
(B) Repulsions between ions with the same charge are negligibly small.
(C) Delocalized electron clouds in molecular solids are produced by the formation
of pi bonds.
(D) Attractions between ions with opposite charge are stronger than intermolecular
(E) The distance between oppositely charged ions is less than the corresponding
distance between bonded atoms.

19. Compared to a molecule of C2H4 Cb, a molecule of C2H2Cl2 contains

I. two fewer sigma bonds
II. one more pi bond
III. two fewer shared electron pairs
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

20. For the compound PF 3 , which describes the molecular shape and the distribution of
valence shell electron pairs on the central atom?
distribution of
valence shell molecular
electron pairs shape
(A) trigonal bipyramidal trigonal planar
(B) trigonal bipyramidal T-shaped
(C) tetrahedral trigonal pyramidal
(D) tetrahedral tetrahedral
(E) trigonal bipyramidal tetrahedral

21. In which one of the following five compounds is the number of elements different
from the number of elements in the other four?
(A) potassium permanganate
(B) potassium acetate
(C) potassium oxalate
(D) potassium perchlorate
(E) potassium selenate

22. Which will cause an increase in the mean free path for molecules in a sample of gas?
(A) increase pressure at constant volume
(B) increase temperature at constant volume
(C) increase density at constant temperature
(D) increase temperature at constant pressure
(E) increase pressure at constant temperature

23. The density of an unknown gas is determined to be 1.50 g L - 1 . At the same

conditions of temperature and pressure, the density of oxygen is determined to be
1.25 g L - 1 . Which expression gives the molar mass of the unknown gas?

(A) 32 x 1.25
(B) 32 x 1.50

(C) 32 X 1.25
2 X 1.50
(D) 32 x (1.25)
(1.50) 2
(E) 32 x (1.50)
(1.25) 2

24. Which occurs during the vaporization of a liquid at its normal boiling point?
(A) The potential energy of the molecules decreases.
(B) The average kinetic energy of the molecules increases.
(C) The vapor pressure of the liquid decreases as the liquid is converted to vapor.
(D) a
Attractive forces between atoms in molecule are overcome as translational
motion increases.
(E) Attractive forces between molecules in a liquid are overcome as translational
motion increases.

25. Which is an example of a p-type semiconductor; that is, a semiconductor in which

a transport of charge is produced by moving spaces that accommodate valence
(A) arsenic with some silicon added
~(B) germanium with some silicon added
(C) silicon with some gallium added
(D) silicon with some germanium added
(E) germanium with some arsenic added

26. How many moles of water must be added to 20 moles of ethanol in order to prepare
a solution that is 0.25 mole fraction in ethanol?
(A) 5.0
(B) 15
(C) 60.
(D) 80.
(E) 75

27. At 298 K, as the salt MX dissolves spontaneously to form an aqueous solution, ~S

and ~H are positive. Which describes the value of~G a~d the absolute values of
its components, T ~S and .LlH?
(A) ~G<O; /T~S/ > /~H/
(B) ~G<O; /T~S/ < /~H/
(C) ~G>O; /T~S/ > /~H/
(D) ~G>O; IT~SI < I~HI
(E) ~G=O; /T~S/ = /~H/

28. A 0.420 g sample of hemimellitic acid, C 9 H606 (molar mass: 210 g), is neutralized
by 0.020 L of 0.300 M NaOH. What is the number of protons per mole of CgH606
available for donation to OH- in water solution?
(A) one
(B) three
(C) four
(D) six
(E) nine

29. What mass of water must be added to 100. g CH30H in order to make a solution
that is 25% by mass CH30H?
(A) 25.0 grams
(B) 75.0 grams
(C) 150. grams
(D) 300. grams
(E) 400. grams

30. Which of the following compounds has the lowest vapor pressure?
(A) CsH1s
(B) CHCl3
(C) CH3Cl
(D) C2HsOH
(E) C 3 H5 (0H)3

31. The vapor pressure of water is 80°C at 355 mmHg. Which expression gives the
fraction of water molecules in a sample of nitrogen gas saturated with water vapor
at 80°C and 740 mmHg total pressure?
355 + 740

(D) 355355
+ 760
355 X 18
740 X 28

32. Which structure best accounts for the properties of metals in the solid state?
(A) atoms in fixed geometric positions
(B) cations and anions in fixed geometric positions
(C) multi-atom molecules in fixed geometric positions
(D) cations in fixed geometric positions surrounded by a diffuse electron cloud
(E) anions in fixed geometric positions surrounded by a diffuse electron cloud

33. According to the Kinetic Molecular Theory, which characteristic applies to an ideal
(A) An ideal gas has no critical temperature.
(B) An ideal gas Iiquifies at temperatures below its critical temperature.
(C) An ideal gas liquifies at temperatures above its criticaltemperature.
(D) The critical temperature of an ideal gas is less than its triple point
(E) The critical temperature of an ideal gas is greater than its triple point

34. Resonance helps to account for all of the following properties EXCEPT
(A) the equal S-0 bond energies in S0 2
(B) the low reactivity of C in benzene, C5H5
(C) the charge of 3+ on the aluminum ion, Al3+
(D) the equal bond strengths in the nitrate ion, N03 -
(E) the equal bond lengths in the carbonate ion, C0 3 2 -

35. What is the shape of the SF 6 molecule?

(A) linear
(B) see-saw
(C) octahedral
(D) tetrahedral
(E) trigonal bipyramidal

36. Which is formed when the nuclide 2 &~Es captures an alpha particle and emits a free

A 50 mL sample of hydrogen gas is collected over water at 25°C and 745 mmHg as
shown in the diagram above. All of the following describe properties of the system
(A) The volume of H 2 0(g) is equal to the volume of H 2 (g).
(B) The pressure of H2 0(g) is equal to the pressure of.H 2 (g).
(C) The temperature of H 2 0(g) is equal to the temperature of H 2 (g).
(D) The number of molecules of H20(g) is less than the number of molecules of

(E) The average molecular velocity of H20(g) is less than the average molecular
velocity of H2(g).

38. Which equation best illustrates the behavior of Fe3+ as a Lewis acid?
(A) Fe3+ (aq) + SCN- (aq) ----+ FeSCN + (aq)
(B) Fe203(s) + FeO(s) ----+ Fe304(s)
(C) Fe3+ (aq) + P04 3- (aq) ----+ FeP04(s)
(D) Fe(N0 3) 3(s) ----+ Fe3+ (aq) + 3N03- (aq)
(E) Fe(s) + ~Cl2(g) ----+ Fe3+ (aq) + 3Cl- (aq)

39. Equal masses of barium chloride dihydrate (BaCb · 2H20; molar mass: 244 g) and
copper(II) sulfate pentahydrate (CuS0 4 · 5H20; molar mass: 250 g) are placed in
separate crucibles and heated until no further loss of mass is observed. Which
expression is closest to the ratio of the mass of the contents of the BaCh crucible
to that of the CuS0 4 crucible after the heating is completed?




208 + 160
244 + 250

40. Which equation best illustrates the ionization behavior of liquid ammonia?
(A) NH3 ~ N 3- + 3H+
(B) NH3 ~ H+ +NH2-
(C) NH3 + H20 ~ NH4+ + OH-
(D) NH3 + NH3 ~ NH4 + + NH2-
(E) NH3 + H20 ~ H30+ + NH2-

41. The normal boiling points of CH 3 0H and H 2 0 are 65°C and 100°C, respectively.
Which is another correct comparison of the properties of CH3 0H and H 20?
I. The average molecular velocity of CH3 0H at 65°C is the
same as the average molecular velocity of H 20 at 100°C.
II. The vapor pressure of CH3 0H at 65°C is the same as the
vapor pressure of H20 at 100°C.
III. The heat of vaporization of CH 30H at 65°C is the same as
the heat of vaporization of H 20 at 100°C.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

42. Of the following pairs of substances, which should be chosen to react with Al(OH) 3
to demonstrate its behavior as an amphiprotic compound?
(A) oxygen and hydrogen
(B) ethanol and methanol
(C) sodium nitrate and sodium phosphate
(D) sodium hydroxide and hydrochloric acid
(E) potassium chloride and sodium chloride

43. Which describes the changes in the concentrations of all the solute ions present after
100 mL of 0.20 M KI(aq) is mixed with 100 mL of 0.10 M Bal 2(aq)?

[Ba2 +] [K+] [r]

(A) remains the same remains the same decreases
(B) decreases decreases remains the same
(C) decreases remains the same remains the same
(D) remains the same decreases decreases
(E) decreases remains the same remains the same

44. Which species that contains S in the +6 oxidation state is most likely to be found
in greatest concentration in a water solution that has pOH = 1.0?
(A) H2S04
(B) H2S207
(C) 803
(D) HS04-
(E) 804 2-

45. · During the electrolysis of a solution of potassium iodide, which process occurs at
the anode?
(A) oxidation of r to form 12
(B) oxidation of H 2 0 to form 0 2
(C) reduction of K+ to form KOH
(D) reduction of K+ to form K
(E) reduction of H 2 0 to form Hz

46. What is the formula of the oxide of manganese that contains the smallest percent
oxygen by mass?
(A) MnO
(B) MnOz
(C) MnOa
(D) Mn20a
(E) Mna04

47. Which reaction involves neither oxidation nor reduction?

(A) burning of tin in chlorine gas
(B) ignition of iron in powdered sulfur
(C) decomposition of potassium chlorate
(D) dissolving of calcium carbonate in hydrochloric acid
(E) catalytic decomposition of hydrogen peroxide on manganese dioxide

48. 2Alcsl + 3Clz(g) ~ 2A1Cla(s)

A mixture containing 0.60 mol Al in contact with 0. 75 mol Cb is ignited in a closed
container. Assuming complete reaction, which gives the maximum quantity of A1Cl 3
produced and the corresponding quantity of unconsumed reactant?
(A) 0.45 mol A1Cl 3 and 0.15 molAl unreacted
(B) 0.45 mol AlCla and 0.15 mol Cl 2 unreacted
(C) 0.50 mol AlCl 3 and 0.10 molAl unreacted
(D) 0.45 mol AlCla and 0.10 mol Cb unreacted
(E) 0.50 mol AlC13 and 0.15 mol Cb unreacted

49. Which describes some of the contents of the solution that results when 667 mL of
0.10 M NaNOa solution is mixed with 333 mL of 0.10 M Ba(N0 3 ) 2 solution?
[Na+J [NOa-]
(A) 0.10 M 0.20 M
(B) 0.10 0.30
(C) 0.067 0.13
(D) 0.067 0.20
(E) 0.15 0.10

Questions 50-52: The substance AB is 20% dissociated in dilute water solution according
to the equation
AB(aq) ~ A+ (aq) + B- (aq)

50. Which gives the predicted freezing point in oc for a 0.050 m solution of AB?
(A) -1.86 X 0.040
(B) -1.86 X 0.060
(C) -1.86 X 0.070
(D) -1.86 X 0.20
(E) -1.86 X 0.20 X 0.050

51. Which gives the ratio of ions to molecules in this solution?

(A) 5
(B) 4
(C) 2

(D) ~
(E) ~
52. Which expression gives the value of Ki for this ionization in a 0.050 M solution?
0.010 X 0.010
(A) 0.050
0.010 X 0.010
0.010 X 0.010
(C) 0.030
0.010 X 0.010
(D) 0.20 X 0.050
0.20 X 0.010 X 0.010
(E) 0.050

53. ... Crz07 2 - + ... CzH50H + ... H+---+ ... Cr 3+ + ... COz + ... HzO
When the skeleton equation above is balanced using lowest integer coefficients, what
is the sum of the coefficients?
(A) 12
(B) 18
(C) 24
(D) 30
(E) 36

54. Which applies to a saturated solution of Ca3(P04)z(s) in contact with excess


Ksp = L3 X 10- 32

I. The free energy, G, of the products is equal to the free energy

of the reactants.
II. The rate of precipitation is equal to the rate of dissolving.
III. The concentration of the reactants is equal to the
concentration of the products.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

55. Acid Ka
H3P04 8x w- 3
H2P04- 8 10- 8

HP04 2- 5 x w- 13

A mixture is prepared by adding 1.0 mole each ofH3P04, Na2HP04 and NaH2P04
to enough water to make 1.0 liter of solution. The [H+] in this solution is closest to
(A) s x w- 3
(B) 5 X 10- 4
(C) 4 X 10- 4
(D) 2 x w- 8
(E) 1 X 10- 8

56. The pH of 0.10 M solution of NH 4C2H302 is closest to

(A) 1
(B) 3
(C) 7
(D) 11
(E) 14

57. Ag2Cr04(s) ~ 2Ag+ (aq) + Cr04 2 - (aq)

The molar solubility of Ag 2Cr0 4(s) is 1.3 x 10- 4 mol L- 1 . Which expression gives
the value for Ksp, the solubility product constant?
(A) (1.3 X 10- 4 )(1.3 X 10-4)

10- 4) (1.3 X 10- 4)

(B) (2.6 X

(C) (2.6 X 10- 4)(1.3 x 10- 4)

(2.6 x 10- 4 )
(D 1.3 X 10-4
1.3 x 10- 4
(E) (2.6 X 10-4 )2

58. Which expression gives the percent H 3 P0 4 (molar mass: 98 g) by mass in 2.0 molal
solution of H 3 P0 4 in water?
(A) 98 x 100
2 + 1000

98 X 100
(B) 98 + 1000

(C) 2 X 98 X 100
98 + 1000

(D) 2 X 98 X 100

2 X 98 X 100
(E) (2 X 98) + 1000

59. Nal(s) ~ Na+ (aq) + 1- (aq) ~H = -7.5 kJ

The equation above represents the solubility equilibrium in a saturated solution of
Nal in contact with solid Nal. Which of the following is the best way to increase the
rate at which the dissolving process occurs?
(A) adding Nal(s)
(B) adding saturated Nal(aq)
(C) cooling the mixture
(D) warming the mixture
(E) increasing the external pressure

60. Which species should be used to precipitate Pb 2+, as the only cation, from a
mixture of Pb2 + and Ca2+ ions in aqueous solution?
(A) Cl-
(B) No3-
(C) NH4+
(D) H30+
(E) CH3coo-


~Hj for H20(.e) = -300 kJ mol- 1

~Hj for C0 2 (g) = -400 kJ mol- 1
~Hj for CH3 0Hun = -300 kJ mol- 1

The approximate standard heats of formation for water, carbon dioxide, and
methanol, are given above. Based on this information, the standard heat of
combustion for methanol in kJ mol- 1 is closest to
(A) +1,700
(B) zero
(C) -300
(D) -700
(E) -1,700

62. Which of the following has th,e least effect on the rate of a reaction?
(A) adding a solid catalyst to a gas phase reaction
(B) adding a solid catalyst to a liquid phase reaction
(C) adding inert miscible liquid to a liquid phase reaction
(D) adding inert gas to a gas phase reaction at constant volume
(E) adding excess base to neutralization reaction for a nearly insoluble weak acid

63. ethene (C2H4 (g)) ~Gj = 68 kJ mol- 1 ~Hj =52 kJ mol- 1

ethyne (C2H2(g)) ~Gj = 209 kJ mol- 1 ~Hj = 227 kJ mol- 1

Based on the information above, what can be concluded about the relative stability
and the standard entropies of formation of these compounds at 298 K?
(A) Both compounds have the same stability and the same sign for ~Sj.
(B) Ethene is more stable than ethyne and both have the same sign for ~S'f.

(C) Ethene is less stable than ethyne and both have the same sign for ~Sj .
(D) Ethene is more stable than ethyne and they have opposite signs for ~S/.

(E) Ethene is less stable than ethyne and they have opposite signs for LiS~.

64. Information about NaCl is given below

NaCl(s) .6.H/ = -410 kJ mol- 1 .6.G/ = -384 kJ mol- 1

NaCl(aq) .6.H/ = -407 kJ mol- 1 .6.G/ = -393 kJ mol- 1

Which range includes the value in J mol- 1 K- 1 for .6.8° for the dissolving process at
298 K?
(A) greater than 30 J mol- 1 K- 1
(B) 1- 30 J mol- 1 K- 1
(C) 0.1- 1 J mol- 1 K- 1
(D) 0.001-0.1 J mol- 1 K- 1
(E) less than 0.001 J mol- 1 K- 1

Questions 65 and 66: 2A + B + C --+ products

Four trials of the reaction above were carried out in order to determine its rate law.
The following data were collected.
Initial rate
Trial [A] [B] [C] M sec- 1
1 0.02 0.02 0.02 1.6 x w- 3
2 0.01 0.02 0.02 8.0 X 10- 4
3 0.01 0.04 0.02 1.6 X 10- 3
4 0.01 0.04 0.03 1.6 X 10- 3

65. Based on these observations, what is the rate law?

(A) Rate= k[A]2
(B) Rate= k[B][C]
(C) Rate= k[A][B]
(D) Rate= k[Aj2[Bj2
(E) Rate= k[Aj2[B][C]

66. As any trial of this reaction proceeds at constant temperature, the rate of the
(A) remains the same because no catalyst is added
(B) remains the same because the temperature is constant
(C) increases.because the rate constant is a positive number
(D) decreases because the concentrations of the reactants decrease
(E) decreases because the effectiveness of collisions between molecules decreases

67. Which of the following identifies a pair of isomers of diethyl ether?

(A) 1-propanol and 1-pentanol
(B) 2-butanol and 2-methyl-2-propanol
(C) 2-butanol and 2-methyl-1-butanol
(D) 2-methyl-1-butanol and 2-methyl-2-butanol
(E) 2-methyl-1-propanol and 2-methyl-1-pentanol

68. Which is the best net ionic equation for the reaction of a piece of mossy zinc with
excess dilute sulfuric acid?
(A) Zn(sJ + H2S04(aq) -----+ H2(gJ + ZnS04(sJ
(B) Zn 2+ (aq) + HS04- (aq) -----+ Zn(HS0 4 ) 2(s)
(C) Zn + (aq) +SO/- (aq) -----+ ZnS04(s)
(D) Zn(s) + 2 H- (aq) -----+ ZnH2(s)
(E) Zn(s) + 2 H30+ (aq) -----+ Zn + (aq) + H2(g) + 2 H20U'l

69. In the correct IUPAC name for the molecule,

1 I I I I
Cl Br Br

the prefix, di, is used .? . and the numeral, 4, is used .? .

(A) never, twice
(B) once, once
(C) once, twice
(D) twice, once
(E) twice, twice

70. What molecular formula is represented by the structural formula

(A) C4N204
(B) C6N204
(C) C4H4N204
(D) C5H4N204
(E) C6H6N204

71. The diagram below represents a sample of pure water in beaker A and an equal
volume of a solution of sugar in water in beaker B. Both beakers are placed under
a bell jar. Which of the following changes is most likely to occur as this apparatus
is observed over several weeks?

A --------tt-1---1----=tl--- B
Water Sugar solution

(A) The contents of both beakers evaporate to dryness.

(B) The volume of liquid in beaker B becomes greater than the volume of liquid in
beaker A.
(C) The mass of the solute in beaker B decreases as the mass of the solute in
beaker A increases.
(D) The concentration of the solute in beaker B decreases as the mass of the solute
in beaker A increases.
(E) The concentration of the solute in beaker B increases as the volume of liquid
in beaker A increases.

72. In a mercury cell, often used as a calculator battery, which element is used as the
(A) carbon
(B) chromium
(C) manganese
(D) sodium
(E) zinc
73. In the ordinary use of a styrofoam cup as a calorimeter for an exothermic dissolving
reaction, which property requires the least precision and accuracy in its
(A) final temperature of the solution
(B) initial temperature of the solvent
(C) mass of water as solvent is added to a calorimeter
(D) mass of the solute that is added to the calorimeter
(E) change in volume of the system as the reaction proceeds.

74. When pure (18 M) sulfuric acid dissolves in water, a significant increase in the
temperature of the system occurs. Which gives the correct signs for the
thermodynamic parameters for this dissolving process?
.D.Gsoln .D.Hsoln .D.Ssoln
(A) + + +
(B) + +
(C) +
(D) + +

75. Which gives the thermodynamic parameters for the phase change in a system that
begins as an open container of liquid water placed in a constant temperature
environment of 230 K?
I. .D.G < 0
II. .D.H < 0
III. .D.S < 0
(A) I only
(B) III only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

Section II
Section II - Free Response Total Time - 90 Minutes
(Multiple-Choice Questions are found in Section I.)

Part A: Question 76
Question 77 or Question 78
Time: 40 minutes

Access to calculators, Periodic Table, lists of standard reduction potentials, and

Equations and Constants
(2004 Examination directions) Clearly show the method used and the steps involved in
arriving at your answers. It is to your advantage to do this, because you may obtain
partial credit if you do and you will receive little or no credit if you do not. Attention
should be paid to significant figures. Be sure to write all your answers to the questions
on the lined pages following each question in the booklet with the pink cover. Do not
write your answers on the green insert.
Answer question 76 below. The Section II score weighting for this question is 20 percent.

76. Answer all four questions below related to the dissolving of calcium hydroxide in
water. The solubility of Ca(OH) 2 is 0.51 grams/liter at 298 K.
(a) Write the balanced equation for the solubility equilibrium of Ca(OH) 2 in water
and the corresponding mass action expression for the solubility product
constant, Ksp.
(b) Calculate the value for the solubility product constant, Ksp, at 298 K.
(c) Calculate the pH of a saturated solution of Ca(OH) 2 at 298 K.
(d) A mixture is prepared by adding 40.0 mL of 0.020 M CaCl 2 (aq) to 60.0 mL of
0.015 M KOH(aq). Does precipitation of Ca(OH) 2 (s) occur at 298 K? Show
calculations to support your answer. (Assume the volumes of the two solutions
are additive.)

Answer either question 77 or question 78 below.

(2004 examination directions) Only one of these two questions will be graded. If you
start both questions, be sure to cross out the question you do not want graded.

The Section II score weighting for the question that you choose is 20 percent.

77. Answer all four questions below about the combustion (burning) of butane. Butane
is a hydrocarbon fuel gas used for many camp stoves and lanterns.
(a) Write the balanced equation for the complete combustion of butane, C4H 10 ( 9 ),
in oxygen at 298 K. Include the phase for each reactant and product in its
standard state.
(b) What volume of 0 2 ( 9 ), measured at 0.965 atm and 20.0°C, is consumed when
10.0 g C4H 1o(g) is burned?
(c) Some standard heats of formation, ~Hj, at 298 K are given below
H20(e) -285.83 kJ mol- 1

C4H10(g) .. ? .. kJ mol- 1

co2(g) -393.5 kJ mol- 1

The standard heat of combustion, .6-H~omb, of butane at 298 K is
-2,874.5 kJ mol- 1 . Determine the standard heat offormation, ~Hj, of butane.
(d) Energy from the burning of butane can be used to heat water. Assuming all
the energy produced is transferred to the water, what mass. of water can be
heated from 15.0°C to 70.0°C when 1.00 mole of C 4 H 10 (g) is burned?
(The specific heat capacity of water is 4.18 J g- 1 oc- 1 .)

78. Answer all four questions below about the chemical reaction for which rate
information is given.
The reaction between NO\g) + Br2 (g) to form NOBr(g) is studied in the four trials
described below:

Initial rate of
Initial [NO] Initial [Br2] formation
Trial 1 ofNOBr
(molL - 1
) (molL - )
(molL - 1 sec- 1 )

I 0.100 0.100 1.20 X 10- 3


II 0.100 0.200 2.40 X 10- 3

III 0.200 0.100 4.8o x w- 3

IV 0.300 0.100 !

1.08 x w- 2
(a) Write the rate law for the reaction above in the form Rate= k[NO]x[Br 2]Y.
Explain how you determined the values for exponents x and y.
(b) On the basis of the rate law determined in part (A), calculate the specific rate
constant. Specify the units.
(c) Calculate the initial rate in trial III if the volume of the container for the
reaction mixture is decreased to half its original volume.
(d) Calculate the rate in trial IV after [NO] has decreased to 0.150 M.

Part B: Questions 79, 80, 81 and

Question 82 or Question 83
Time: 50 minutes

Access to Periodic Table, lists of standard reduction potentials

and Equations and Constants
No access to calculators

Answer question 79 below: The Section II score weighting for this question is 15 percent.
79. (2004 Examination directions) Write the formulas to show the reactants and the
products for any FIVE of the laboratory situations described below. Answers to
more than five choices will not be graded. In all cases, a reaction occurs. Assume
that the solutions are aqueous unless otherwise indicated. Represent substances in
solution as ions if the substances are extensively ionized. Omit formulas for any
ions or molecules that are unchanged by the reaction. You need not balance the
(a) Diethyl ether is ignited in air.

(b) A dilute solution of hydrofluoric acid is added to excess potassium hydroxide


(c) Solutions of sodium sulfide and manganese(II) nitrate are mixed.

(d) Solid calcium oxide is sprinkled onto water.

(e) An electric current is passed through molten potassium iodide.

(f) Solid potassium chlorate is mixed with solid manganese(IV) oxide and heated
in a test tube.

(g) Fine iron wire is heated in oxygen.

(h) A bar of aluminum is placed in a solution of copper(II) nitrate.


(2004 Examination directions) Your responses to the rest of the questions in this part of
the examination will be graded on the basis of the accuracy and relevance of the
information cited. Explanations should be clear and well organized. Examples and
equations may be included in your responses where appropriate. Specific answers are
preferable to broad, diffuse responses.
(2004 examination directions) Answer both Question 80 and Question 81 below.
Both questions will be graded.
The Section II score weighting for these questions is 30 percent (15 percent each).
Salt Bridge

- .....

Cu metal ../
)..../ .... -;: - "-
. . ---- \.....z
Zn metal

Answer the following questions about the setup and operation of a galvanic cell.
(a) One item is missing from this electrochemical cell that prevents it from
functioning. Identify that item by drawing it onto the diagram. Label the
missing item.
(b) Once this cell is operating, a redox reaction occurs.
(i) Which electrode, Cu or Zn, is the cathode? Explain.
(ii) Write the reaction for the half-cell containing zinc.
(iii) Calculate the voltage Eo for this cell.
(c) Set up the equation to calculate E in volts for the cell when the molarity of
Cu2 + in the left half-cell is reduced to 0.10 M. Label each factor in the
equation with proper units.

(d) Suppose that the temperature of the original galvanic cell is decreased to
273 K. Would the voltage decrease, stay the same, or increase? Explain.
(e) What would be the effect on the voltage if the metal electrodes were doubled
in mass? Explain.
(f) What would be the effect on the voltage if a solution of NaOH were poured
into the Zn/Zn2 + half-cell? Explain.
(g) What would be the effect on the voltage if a solution of 10.0 M Zn(N0 3 ) 2 were
poured into the Zn/Zn2 + half-cell? Explain.

81. Answer the four questions below about a buffer solution

H20 + C02 ~ HC0 3- + H+ Kr = 4.4 x 10- 7
HC03- ~ C03 2- + H+ Kn = 4.7 x 10- 11
A buffer solution is prepared by placing 0.30 mol C0 32 - and 0.50 mol HC0 3- in
sufficient water to prepare 1.00 liter of solution. Half of this solution is poured into
a flask labeled #1; the other half is placed in flask #2.
(a) What is a buffer solution? What characteristics of the dissolved species give
this solution its buffering properties?
(b) Draw Lewis dot structures for hydrogen carbonate ion and hydroxide ion.
(c) What is the effect on [C0 32-] and [HC0 3-] when 0.10 mol KHS0 4 (s) is added
to the solution in flask #1? Account for your answer in terms of moles of
protons transferred. Has the capacity of the buffer been exceeded?
(d) In another experiment 0.10 mol NaOH(s) is added to the solution in flask #2.
What are the new equilibrium values for [C03 2-] and [HC03 -]?

(2004 examination directions) Answer either question 82 or question 83 below. Only one
of these two questions will be graded. If you start both questions, be sure to cross out
the question you do not want graded. The Section II score weighting for the question that
you choose is 15 percent.
82. Answer all four questions below about the setup and operation of an electrolytic
The term, faraday, refers to the quantity of charge on one mole of electrons. That
value can be determined experimentally by the electrolysis of a dilute solution of
sulfuric acid and collecting the gases produced. The materials and apparatus
available are listed below:
apparatus to be assembled other apparatus
ammeter barometer
dilute sulfuric acid in a large vessel clock
platinum wires thermometer
source of direct current
two graduated measuring tubes

(a) Sketch a diagram to show how to assemble the apparatus listed above to
conduct the experiment that will provide a value of the faraday. You may
choose to connect the apparatus in the diagram below.
Ammeter DC Source

+ rT;l
0 u
Pt wire Pt wire

Sulfuric acid solution with two gas measuring tubes and two platinum wires

(b) When the volume of hydrogen collected is 90.0 mL, what is the expected
volume of oxygen? Explain.
(c) What measurements are necessary to determine the number of coulombs of
electricity that are transferred during the experiment? Explain.
(d) How would the experiment be affected if copper metal were used in place of
platinum? Explain.

83. Provide the information specified in the three questions below about the
classification of solids.
Most crystalline solids can be classified into one of the four categories specified in
columns 1 through 4 listed below. This classification is based upon differences in
force of attraction between the particles found at the lattice points.
Answer each of the following for the four categories of solid listed according to the
directions below. For each category, one piece of information is given. Complete the
table by writing your answer in each space provided.
(a) Identify a substance that corresponds to the given information in columns
2 and 4.
(b) For columns 1, 3 and 4, specify the chemical symbol or formula for the
particle(s) found at each lattice point for the example given on line (a) in
the table.
(c) For columns 1, 2 and 3, identify or describe the force of attraction between
the particles specified on line (b) the table.

Categories of Solids
1 2 3 4

ionic metallic molecular network

solid solid solid (covalent solid)

(i) example C02
(calcium sulfide)

(ii) particles at
Mg2+ ion
lattice point

covalent bond
(iii) force between (shared pair
particles of electrons)

Section I- Multiple Choice

Questions 1-5. The set of lettered choices, a list of oxides, below refers to the numbered
phrases immediately following it. Select the one lettered choice that is most closely
associated with each numbered phrase. Each lettered choice can be used once, more
than once or not at all.
(A) S02
(B) Ba02
(C) C02
(D) Ge02
(E) N02

1. an odd electron molecule

2. an ionic compound

3. at STP the gas that illustrates greatest deviation from ideal behavior

4. source of a semiconductor

5. includes a element with oxidation number of +2

6. Which event is most likely to occur in an experiment to measure ionization energy?

(A) A positive ion is converted to a negative ion.
(B) A neutral atom is converted to a positive ion.
(C) A neutral atom is converted to a negative ion.
(D) A negative ion is converted to a neutral atom.
(E) A negative ion is converted to a positive ion.


7. All of these sets of quantum numbers apply to an electron m the p-sublevel

(A) 2, 1, 1, +~
(B) 3, 1, 0, +~
(C) 3, 1, 0 _l
' 2

(D) 2, 0, 0, +~

(E) 2, 1, 0, +~

8. Which is a correct comparison of a sulfide ion to a sulfur atom?

I. The radius of the sulfur atom is greater.
II. The sulfide ion contains more electrons.
III. The number of energy levels occupied by electrons is the same.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and II only
(D) I and III only
(E) II and III only

Questions 9-11: The set of lettered choices below is a list of molecular formulas for
certain gases. Select the one lettered choice that best fits each numbered description of
the bonds within the molecules of the gas.
(A) H2
(B) N2
(C) 02
(D) F2
(E) Cl2

9. contains bond with greatest multiplicity

10. has the strongest bond

11. has the shortest bond length


Questions 12-14: The set of lettered choices below is a list of molecular geometries. For
each numbered species, select the one lettered choice that describes its molecular
(A) linear
(B) seesaw
(C) square planar
(D) square pyramidal
(E) T-shaped

12. XeCl4

13. 13-

14. IF3

- - - --e-

Temperature (0 C)

15. The dashed line, ad, in the phase diagram above represents properties of a closed
system as energy is added to that system at a constant rate. The properties are
observed at points a, b, c, and d. Which is associated with the longest time period?
(A) change in temperature from a to b
(B) equilibrium with constant temperature at b
(C) change in temperature from b to c
(D) equilibrium with constant temperature at c
(E) change in temperature from c to d

16. Which gives a reason why, compared to C02, 802 exhibits greater deviatiol1 from
ideal gas behavior?
I. The 0-8-0 bond angle is greater than the 0-C-0 bond angle.
II. A molecule of 802 contains more electrons than a molecule
of C02.
III. The bond order of the 8-0 bond is less than the bond order
of the C-0 bond.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and III only
(E) II and III only

17. When these five water solution systems are listed in order of increasing vapor
pressure, which position is occupied by 0.1 m C5H1206, glucose? (Assume ideal
behavior.) ·
0.2 m KN03
0.2 m (NH2)2CO, urea
0.1 m CaCl2
0.1 m C2H50H
0.1 m C5H1206, glucose

(A) first
(B) second
(C) third
(D) fourth
(E) fifth

18. A solution is prepared by dissolving 8.01 g of ammonium nitrate, NH4N03 (molar

mass: 80.1 g), in enough water to yield 250.0 mL of solution. What is the molarity
of ammonium nitrate in this solution?
(A) 32.0 M
(B) 4.00 M
(C) o.4oo M
(D) 0.100 M
(E) 0.0400 M

19. Which aqueous solution has the highest boiling point?

(A) 0.1 m SrBr2
(B) 0.1 m KBr
(C) 0.1 m MgS04
(D) 0.1 m CH3COOH
(E) 0.1 m C2H50H

20. Which of these chlorine-containing compounds is most soluble in water?

(A) AgCl
(B) CCl30H
(C) CCl4
(D) PbCh
(E) HCl04

21. Which conditions of pressure and temperature favor greatest solubility of a gas into
a liquid?
p T
(A) low low
(B) low high
(C) high low
(D) high high
(E) moderate moderate

22. A solution is prepared by dissolving 1.0 mol of acetic acid, CH3 COOH (molar mass:
60.0 g), in 5.0 mol water (molar mass: 18 g). Which expression gives the molality
of this solution.
(A) 0.090
(B) 5
(C) 6
60 .
(D) 5 x 18
(E) 0.090

23. Consider a solution that is 0.50 X (mole fraction) of ethanol (molar mass: 46 g) in
water (molar mass: 18 g). Which value gives the best approximation for percent by
mass ethanol in that solution?
(A) 10%
(B) 25%
(C) 50%
(D) 75%
(E) 90%

24. The mass percent of one oxide of manganese is determined to be 69.6% Mn and
30.4% 0. Which expression is the best representation of the empirical formula of
this compound?
(A) Mn69.6

(B) Mn69.6

(C) Mn69.6

(D) Mn69.6

(E) Mn55.o

25. When zinc reacts with nitric acid, one product is ammonium nitrate. When the
corresponding half-reaction as shown below is balanced using the lowest integers,
what is the sum of the coefficients?
.. ? .. No3- + .. ? .. H+ + .. ?.. e- ----t .. ? .. NH4+ + .. ?.. H20
(A) 13
(B) 15
(C) 19
(D) 21
(E) 23

26. Consider a mixture of gases that contains 0.10 mol of N20B(g) and 0.10 mol of
N0 2 (g) at STP. Which gives a correct description of a quantity of material present?

I. The number of atoms is greater than 5 X 10 23 .

II. The number of molecules is greater than 1 X 1023 .
III. The volume of the sample is greater than 2.24 liters.
(A) I and II only
(B) II and III only
(C) III only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II and III only

27. Consider the reaction of powdered zinc metal with hydrochloric acid to form
hydrogen gas. Each of the following causes the reaction rate to decrease EXCEPT
(A) substituting a zinc bar of the same mass as the powdered zinc
(B) cooling the reaction mixture
(C) diluting the acid solution
(D) stirring the reaction mixture
(E) substituting HF solution of equal molarity for the HCl solution

28. Ordinarily the rate of any reaction in a closed system at constant temperature
decreases over time. Which corresponding change over time accounts for this
(A) The concentrations of the products increase.
(B) The concentrations of the reactants decrease.
(C) The number of effective collisions between reacting particles increases.
(D) The energy of activation decreases.
(E) The effective concentration of the catalyst decreases.

29. Strontium-90 has a half-life of 28.8 years. Approximately what mass from a 50.0
gram sample of pure 90 Sr would remain after the passage of 90 years?
(A) 33.3 g
(B) 25.0 g
(C) 16.7 g
(D) 12.5 g
(E) 6.25 g

30. Carbon-14 has a half-life of approximately 6000 years. What fraction of an original
sample would remain after 24,000 years?
(A) 1/64
(B) 1/32
(C) 1/16
(D) 1/8
(E) 1/4

31. Each of the following is a reasonable label for the rate of a reaction EXCEPT
. (A) molL -
1 sec- 1
(B) molL -
(C) molecules sec -
(D) g sec- 1

(E) molL - 1 sec- 1


32. When the rate law for a reaction is second order in terms of a certain reactant, how
will the reaction rate be affected when the concentration of that reactant is doubled?
(A) halved
(B) remains the same
(C) doubles
(D) triples
(E) quadruples

33. Excess 0.1 M NaCl(aq) is added to 100 mL of 0.1 M AgN03(aq)· A white

precipitate forms. Which is a correct description of the quantities present?
liquid phase solid phase
(A) [Ag+] = [Cl-] mol Ag+ =mol Cl-
(B) [Ag+] < [Cl-] mol Ag+ =mol Cl-
(C) [Ag+] = [Cl-] mol Ag+ <mol Cl-
(D) [Ag+J < [cl-J mol Ag+ <mol Cl-
(E) [Ag+] > [Cl-] mol Ag+ <mol Cl-

34. Which statement of equality applies to the equilibrium established when excess
0.1 M NaCl(aq) is added to 100 mL of 0.1 M AgN03(aq)?

(A) [Na+] = [N03-]

(B) [Ag+J = [Cl-]
(C) [Na+J = [Cl-J
(D) The rate of formation of AgCl(s) = rate of dissolution of AgCl(s)
(E) The rate of formation of NaCl(s) = rate of formation of AgCl(s)

35. A sealed metal tank contains the equilibrium system represented by the equation
2N0c 9 ) + ~02(g) ~ N20 3 ( 9 ) + 90 kJ
Some additional oxygen is added to the equilibrium system and the tank resealed.
A new equilibrium is achieved after 10 minutes. Conditions of pressure and
temperature are represented by the symbols in the table below.
at the original equilibrium T1
at the time oxygen added T2
at the final equilibrium T3

Which is a correct statement of the relationship between these values?

(A) P1 is the greatest of the three pressures; T1 is the greatest of the three
(B) P3 is the greatest of the three pressures; T1 is the greatest of the three
(C) P 2 is the greatest of the three pressures; T1 is the greatest of the three
(D) P2 is the greatest of the three pressures; T3 is the greatest of the three
(E) P3 is the greatest of the three pressures; T3 is the greatest of the three

36. For which ranges of values for enthalpy change, AH, and entropy change, AS, is a
reaction always spontaneous?
~H ~s

(A) >0 >0

(B) >0 <0
(C) <0 >0
(D) 0 <0
(E) >0 0

37. CsH12(£) + 80 2c9 ) ~ 5C02(g) + 6H20(g)

For the combustion of pentane as shown in the equation above, what are the signs
of AG, AH, and AS?
~G ~H ~s

(B) +
(C) +
(D) + +
(E) + + +

38. Which terms describe the quantity of energy in the universe and the measure of
entropy in the universe, respectively?
(A) constant, increasing
(B) constant, constant
(C) constant, decreasing
(D) increasing, constant
(E) decreasing, decreasing

39. Which applies to a reaction system for which ~G = 0?

(A) The reaction system has gone to completion.
(B) The reaction system has reached equilibrium.
(C) The reaction system has reached the temperature of 0 kelvins.
(D) The entropy of the reaction system has reached zero.
(E) The limiting reactant has been consumed.

40. Which properties must be known in order to use a constant-pressure ("coffee cup")
calorimeter to investigate heats of reaction?
I. Heat capacity of the calorimeter, Ccal

II. Heat capacity of the solution, Csol'n

III. Mass of solution

(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II, and III

41. Which 0.1 M solution has the lowest pH?

(A) NaN03
(B) NaH2P04
(C) NaOH
(D) Na2C03
(E) NaHC03

42. Which pair of equations illustrates the amphiprotic properties of some aluminum-
containing species?
1. Al3+ (aq) + sz- (aq) ~ AlzS3(s)

2. 4Al(s) + 302(g) ~ 2Alz03(s)

3. 2Al(s) + Fez03(s) ~ Alz03(s) + 2Fe(s)

4. AlChcs) + NaClcaq) ~ AlCl4- (aq) + Na+ (aq)

5. Al(OHhcs) + 3H+ (aq) ~ Al3+ (aq) + 3Hz0

6. Al(OH)s(s) + OH- (aq) ~ AlOz- (aq) + 2Hz0

(~) equations 1 & 4

(B) equations 2 & 3
(C) equations 2 & 6
(D) equations 4 & 5
(E) equations 5 & 6

43. Which accounts for the chemical change that occurs when NH 3 (aq) is added to

(A) The Cl- ion gives up excess electrons.

(B) When dissolved in water, the Cl- ion takes on eight valence electrons.
(C) The NH3 molecule has a greater dipole moment than the HCl molecule.
(D) The H-N-H bond angle is less than 109°47' (the regular tetrahedral bond
(E) The unshared electron pair on NH3 provides a bond site for .the transferred

44. Which applies to the process of the electrolysis of a dilute H2S04 solution?
I. The pH of the solution around the anode becomes lower.
II. Reduction occurs at the cathode.
III. !Bubbles appear at each electrode.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) III only
(D) I and III only
(E) I, II, and III

45. Which description applies to any galvanic (voltaic) cell?

(A) Oxidation occurs at the anode.
(B) Electrons move from the cathode to the anode through an external circuit.
(C) Electrons move from the anode to the cathode through the salt bridge.
(D) The anode gains mass.
(E) The cathode attracts anions.

46. Which describes the behavior of the galvanic (voltaic) cell

Zn/Zn2 +(1 M)/ /Cu 2 +(1 M)/Cu during the discharge reaction?
(A) Oxidation occurs at the copper electrode.
(B). The mass of the zinc electrode decreases.
(C) The concentration of Cu2+ ion increases.
(D) Bubbling of gas occurs at each electrode.
(E) The concentration of zn2+ ion decreases.

47. For which reduction does the transfer of one mole of electrons produce the greatest
mass of metal?
(A) aluminum: Al3+ -+ Al
(B) chromium: Cr3+ -+ Cr
(C) copper: Cu2 + -+ Cu
(D) silver: Ag+ -+ Ag
(E) zinc: Zn 2 + -+ Zn

48. Which mathematical expression identifies the number of coulombs necessary to

produce one mole of iron metal from an aqueous solution of iron(III) sulfate,
Fe2(S04) 3 ?
(A) 96,500
(2 X 3)
(B) - 3 -

(C) 96,500
(D) 96,500 X 3
(E) 96,500 X (2 X 3)

49. Which describes a dead battery?

I. .L1G = 0
II. All chemical reactions have stopped.
III. The cell can no longer do work.
(A) I only
(B) II only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II, and III

50. Which gives the number of isomers by category for the hydrocarbon pentene,
straight branched
chain chain
isomers isomers
(A) 1 2
(B) 1 3
(C) 2 2
(D) 2 3
(E) 2 4

51. Which set of hybrid orbitals accounts for the 0-C-C bond angle in propanone,
(A) sp2
(B) sp3
(C) sp4
(D) dsp 3
(E) d2sp3

52. Which six-carbon compound reacts most readily with Br2 (.e)?
(A) glucose, C5H1206
(B) benzene, C6H6
(C) cyclohexene, C6H10
(D) cyclohexane, C6H12
(E) hexane, C5H14

Questions 53-56: The list of lettered choices below gives the symbols for five of the noble
gases. For each numbered phrase, choose the symbol of the noble gas with which
that phrase is most closely associated. A choice may be used once, more than once
or not at all.
(A) He
(B) Ne
(C) Ar
(D) Xe
(E) Rn

53. first discovered in spectroscopy of the Sun

54. most abundant noble gas in the atmosphere

55. name means "the stranger"

56. prolonged exposure causes lung cancer

57. Which oxide, when added to water, can produce a solution that is a strong acid?
(A) Na20
(B) CaO
(C) Fe203
(D) N205
(E) P 4010

58. Which oxide has the highest melting point?

(A) C02
(B) Ab03
(C) Na20
(D) MgO
(E) so2

59. Which is the best description of the chemical change that occurs when magnesium
metal dissolves in dilute hydrochloric acid?
(A) reduction of Mg
(B) oxidation of Mg
(C) proton donation by HCl
(D) proton acceptance by Cl-
(E) proton donation by Cl-

60. These isoelectronic species are listed in order of increasing atomic mass. When the
list is rearranged according to increasing positive charge-to-mass ratio, what
position is occupied by 39 K+?
31p3- 35cl- 39K+ 40 Aro 45Sc3+
(A) first
(B) second
(C) third
(D) fourth
(E) fifth

61. Which applies to the formation of solid water (ice) crystals on the surface of a
package of frozen food stored in a home freezer?
I. Hydrogen bonds form between water molecules.
II. Energy is absorbed from the food package by the water
III. The entropy of the system decreases
(A) I only
(B) III only
(C) I and III only
(D) II and III only
(E) I, II and III

62. The heat of solution for LiBr(s), a crystalline solid, is -48.8 kJ mol- 1. Which
describes the changes that are predicted to occur when LiBr(s) dissolves in water?
(A) The temperature of the system remains the same as the entropy increases.
(B) The temperature of the system increases as the entropy increases.
(C) The temperature of the system decreases as the entropy increases.
(D) The temperature of the system increases as the entropy decreases.
(E) The temperature of the system decreases as the entropy decreases.

63. Which is the best description of the chemical change that occurs when excess
OH- (aq) is added to a solution of KHC 2 0 4 ?

(A) A proton is transferred from each HC 2 0 4 - ion to form H 2 0 molecules.

(B) A proton is transferred from each HC 2 0 4 - ioh to form H 3 0+ ions.
(C) A proton is transferred from each HC 2 0 4 - ion to release C0 2 molecules.
(D) A proton is transferred to each HC 2 0 4 - ion to form H 2 C 2 0 4 molecules.
(E) Two protons are transferred to each HC 2 0 4 - ion to form H 3 C 2 0 4 + ions.

64. The heat of solution for NH 4 N0 3 (s) is +25.7 kJ mol- 1 . Its solubility is 120 g per
100 g H 2 0 at 298 K. Which gives the best description of the thermodynamic
parameters ~H, ~G and ~S, for the dissolving process at 298 K?
an aG as
(A) >0 <0 >0
(B) <0 <0 <0
(C) >0 >0 >0
(D) >0 0 >0
(E) >0 0 <0

65. What is the best description of the distribution of bonding electrons at the carbon
atom in a molecule of formic acid, HCOOH?
(A) one pi bond and two sigma bonds with sp hybridization
(B) one pi bond and three sigma bonds with sp2 hybridization
(C) one pi bond and three sigma bonds with sp3 hybridization
(D) four sigma bonds with sp3 hybridization
(E) three sigma bonds with sp 2 hybridization

66. All of these properties are the same for both isotopes of chlorine, j~Cl and i;Cl,
(A) nuclear mass
(B) nuclear charge
(C) extra-nuclear charge
(D) number of occupied orbitals in the outer energy level
(E) number of vacant orbitals in the outer energy level

67.· When 100 mL of 0.100 M Ba(N03 ) 2 solution is added to 100 mL of 0.100 M NaF
solution, a white precipitate forms. Which ratio of concentrations of ions in the
resulting solution is closest to 2:1?
(A) [N03-]

(B) [Ba2+]

(C) [N03-]

(D) [Na+]

E) [N03-]

68. Magnesium sulfate, MgS0 4 (molar mass: 120 g) occurs as a hydrated salt,
MgS0 4 7H 2 0 (molar mass: 246 g). Which expression gives the gain in mass of the
solid phase expected when 10.0 grams of anhydrous magnesium sulfate is dissolved
in water and the solution allowed to evaporate?
·(A) 10 . 0 X 120

(B) 10.0 X

(C) 10.0 X

(D) 10.0 X

(E) 10.0 X

69. Which describes the concentrations of K+ and Cl- ions in the reaction mixture
produced when KOH(aq) is added to HCl(aq)?
[K+] [ci-J

(A) decreases decreases

(B) remains the same decreases
(C) increases remains the same
(D) remains the same decreases
(E) mcreases decreases

70. Which cation, when added to a solution of KOH, produces a colored precipitate?
(A) Ca2+
(B) K+
(C) Mg2+
(D) Ni 2+
(E) zn2+

71. In a dilute aqueous solution of H3P04, which proton donor has the highest
(A) H3o+
(B) HP04 2 -
(C) H3P04
(D) H2P04-
(E) H4P04+

72. When BaS04 dissolves to form a saturated solution, [Ba2+] = 1.05 X w- 5 . When
the solubility product constant, Ksp, for BaS04 is expressed in scientific notation,
what is the value of its exponential term?
(A) -30
(B) -25
(C) -15
(D) -10
(E) -5

73. Two Lewis structures can be used to represent the resonance features of the bonding
in the sulfur dioxide, 80 2 molecule. Which Lewis structure below is one of those

resonance structures?
(A) :o=S=o:
(B) :~- ·s· == 0:

(C) .. .·s·.-0:
.... .... ..
(D) :o= s =o:
. . .
=9- § -9:

74. What is the sum of all coefficients when the following equation is balanced using
smallest possible integers?
... Ct2H220n(s) + .. .o2(g) - ... C02(g) + ... H20(g)
(A) 4
(B) 12
(C) 13
(D) 35
(E) 36

75. Spontaneous dissolving processes for ionic compounds in water can be exothermic
or endothermic. Which component of the dissolving process supplies most of the
energy that is produced in an exothermic process?
(A) dissociation of the solvent
(B) increase in entropy
(C) hydration of ions
(D) ionization energy of the cation
(E) loss of energy of activation

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