Did Planet Mercury (Budha) Exist Before Lord Rama's Time Period?
Did Planet Mercury (Budha) Exist Before Lord Rama's Time Period?
Did Planet Mercury (Budha) Exist Before Lord Rama's Time Period?
ISSN: 2456-4427
Impact Factor: RJIF: 5.11 Did planet Mercury (Budha) exist before lord Rama's
Jyotish 2023; 8(1): 37-40
© 2023 Jyotish time period?
Received: 23-01-2023
Accepted: 26-02-2023 Raghavendra Sai Akkinapragada and Dr. Venkata Chaganti
Raghavendra Sai DOI: https://doi.org/10.22271/24564427.2023.v8.i1a.153
University of Applied Vedic
Sciences, London, United
Kingdom Sage Valmiki in Ramayana, did not mentioned about planet Mercury (Budha). In this article, we have
analysed Sage Valmiki’s Bala Kanda slokas, Sundara Kanda slokas, Gomphotheres (Four tusked
Dr. Venkata Chaganti elephants) timeline, Himalayan mountain timeline, Lord Sri Rama’s birth timeline as per Vayu Purana,
University of Applied Vedic situations that lead to the birth of planet Mercury (Budha) in Vayu Purana and Padma Purana, Giant
Sciences, Atlanta, Impact of Earth’s Moon and various Yugas timeline calculations to conclude that, planet Mercury
United States of America (Budha) did not existed during Lord Rama’s time period.
Lord Sri Rama’s birth and planetary positions at the time of birth were mentioned in Sri
Ramayana by Sage Valmiki. Many in the past have explored the possibilities of the position of
planet Mercury in the birth chart of Lord Sri Rama in different ways. Raghavendra Sai
Akkinapragada, et al. [1] reported Sun’s precise position in Lord Rama’s birth chart. According
to another article [2]. Mercury was shown in Aries of Lord Rama’s birth chart. According to
Bangalore Sureshwara [3]. Mercury was present in Taurus of Lord Rama’s birth chart.
According to another article [4]. Mercury got its place in Aries of Lord Rama’s birth chart.
According to the calculation [5]. Mercury was shown in Taurus of Lord Rama’s birth chart.
According to Astro Data Bank [6] it was unclear for them where Mercury should be in Lord
Rama’s birth chart. According to the author of [7], Mercury was placed in Aries of Lord
Rama’s birth chart. According to the author of the blog post [8], Mercury should be in Taurus
of Lord Rama’s birth chart. According to Amit [9], Mercury should be placed in Taurus of Lord
Rama’s birth chart. According to Laxmanan [10], Mercury takes its place in Aries of Lord
Rama’s birth chart. According to Victor Hugo [11], Mercury must be placed in Pisces of Lord
Rama’s birth chart.
It becomes evident that, the placement of Mercury (Budha) in the birth chart of Lord Sri Rama
is of immensely important in order to draw the accurate horoscope results. Now the question
is, what did Sage Valmiki mentioned about the placement of Mercury (Budha) in Lord Sri
Rama’s birth chart. Surprisingly we find that, there was no mention about Mercury (Budha) in
the birth chart of Lord Sri Rama by Sage Valmiki in his epic Ramayana’s[12] Bala Kanda. Does
this mean, that there is no significance of Mercury (Budha)? Or didn’t Planet Mercury (Budha)
exist before Ramayana’s time period? Or is this an oversight of Sage Valmiki? If at all planet
Mercury (Budha) existed, where should it have been placed in Lord Sri Rama’s birth chart?
In this research paper, we will explore various aspects to find an answer to the above
https://www.valmikiramayan.net/utf8/sundara/sarga4/sundara_4_frame.htm [13]
Fig 1: Sage Valmiki Ramayana’s Sundara Kanda Slokas - Sarga 4 (verse 26, 27 and 28)
On page 56, point 53 mentions that, Mercury (Budha) early history of the solar system. References [29-30], explains
pleased Lord Brahma on the peak of Himalayas, obtained very close similarities between Earth’s Moon and Planet
lordship of the world (status of the planet). Mercury (Budha).
Ref: https://www.valmikiramayan.net/utf8/baala/sarga18/bala_18_frame.htm[31]
Fig 2: Excerpts from Ramayana, written by Sage Valmiki
Results and Discussions 3. Sage Valmiki Ramayana that mentioned Lord Rama’s
According to reference [13], there were four tusked elephants planetary positions in his birth chart was no older than
(Gomphotheres) during Ramayana’s time period. According 17.28 million years (as per yuga calculations).
to references [14-20], we can statistically say that, 4. According to reference [31], there was no mention of the
Gomphotheres existed anywhere between 15-25 million years Planet Mercury (Budha) in the birth chart of Lord Sri
ago. According to reference [26] and subsequent yuga Rama by Sage Valmiki in Ramayana’s Bala Kanda.
calculations, dates Ramayana time to be around 17.28 million 5. From above points (1) to (4), we can safely conclude that,
years that corroborates references [13-20]. planet Mercury (Budha) didn’t exist until after Ramayana
According to references [21-25], Himalayas were formed only happened. Was this the very reason why Sage Valmiki did
about 40-50 million years ago. But in reference [27], Mercury not mentioned planet Mercury (Budha) in Lord Rama’s
(Budha) after his birth propitiated Lord Brahma on the peak birth chart in his Bala Kanda slokas?
of Himalayas. This evidence bring Mercury (Budha) into
existence only after the Himalayas were formed. Therefore, Conclusion
Mercury (Budha) could not have been older than 40-50 Based on above given methods and materials, results and
million years. Lord Brahma gave the status of a planet to discussions, we can safely conclude that planet Mercury
Mercury (Budha) [27]. (Budha) was not in existence during Lord Rama’s time period
According to references [26-27], Mercury (Budha) came into and this was the reason why Sage Valmiki did not mentioned
existence because of Tara, the wife of Jupiter and Soma (The about planet Mercury (Budha) in Lord Rama’s birth chart in
Moon of Earth). In Sanskrit literatures, Earth moving around his Bala Kanda slokas (Sarga 18, versus 8,9).
Sun is considered as wife of Sun. Similarly, Tara, must be
considered as a natural satellite (moving around Jupiter
[Brihaspati]) in this context. According to reference [28], it is
understood that, a dwarf planet collided with Moon of Earth.
As per reference [29-30], it is evident that, Planet Mercury
(Budha) is having very close similarities as the Moon of
Earth. Taking all these references [26-30] into consideration, the
dwarf planet could have been Tara, a natural satellite of
Jupiter (Brihaspati).
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International Journal of Jyotish Research http://www.jyotishajournal.com
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