Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint Mathematics (1112) Mark Scheme Part1: 2022-2015

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Cambridge Secondary Checkpoint

Mathematics (1112) Mark Scheme

Part1: 2022-2015
Update till October 2022
Table of Contents
2022 April Paper 1 1 2018 October Paper 1 193

2022 April Paper 2 11 2018 October Paper 2 203

2022 October Paper 1 23 2017 April Paper 1 212

2022 October Paper 2 34 2017 April Paper 2 222

2021 April Paper 1 44 2017 October Paper 1 233

2021 April Paper 2 56 2017 October Paper 2 244

2021 October Paper 1 65 2016 April Paper 1 258

2021 October Paper 2 75 2016 April Paper 2 269

2020 April Paper 1 86 2016 October Paper 1 280

2020 April Paper 2 99 2016 October Paper 2 291

2020 October Paper 1 113 2015 October Paper 1 302

2020 October Paper 2 125 2015 October Paper 2 313

2019 April Paper 1 139

2019 April Paper 2 146

2019 October Paper 1 154

2019 October Paper 2 162

2018 April Paper 1 171

2018 April Paper 2 182

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 1 April 2022

Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report. Cambridge
will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 10 pages.

IB22 05_1112_01/6RP
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Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a) 1
x 0 1 2 3 4
y 3 5 7 9 11

1(b) y = 2x + 3 ruled line drawn. 2 Line must reach (0, 3) and (4, 11), mark intention.
If unsure if ruled, award benefit of the doubt.

For correctly plotting four points (FT from their values). B1 Do not accept bars for plotted points.
Apply the choice of answers rule if extra points are plotted.

2 10.05 (kg) 1

3 0.6 1

4 True False

Angle A is the same size as angle E. 

Angle C is the same size as angle H. 

Angle A and angle F are alternate angles. 

5 43 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a) 1
2 1
- =
3 4 12

6(b) 1
5 19
+ =
8 12 24

6(c) 2 1 13 1
+ =
5 4

7 mm3 m3 l ml 1

8 A and range(s) 1

9 37 1

10 29 1

11 Divide by 2 1 Accept equivalent, e.g. halve, × , ÷ 2, × 0.5, : 2

Do not accept algebraic expressions, e.g. n ÷ 2, , n = ÷ 2

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 Triangle at (–2, 5) (–2, 2) (–1, 2) 2 Mark intention, accept unruled.

If a choice of triangles:
• Mark the one labelled A
• If no label, mark the worst.

Correct horizontal translation B1

correct vertical translation
triangle at (4, –5) (5, –8) (4, –8).

13 5x – 6y final answer 3 Must be fully simplified, accept – 6y + 5x and – 9 + 10x

and but do not accept, e.g. 5x + – 6y
10x – 9 final answer

5x – 6y final answer B1

10x – 9 final answer B2

If B2 not scored, for sight of [3+] 10x – 12 B1 i.e. correct expansion of brackets implied by
10x + –9 or 10x – 9 seen then spoilt.

14 12 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

15 B and valid statement comparing the distributions. 1 Assume the statement is talking about B if they chose B
Statement may compare the shape of the distribution or (hence comments about B being in brackets).
interpret the meaning.
For the statement:
Accept, e.g.
• The mean/median/mode/average is higher (for B)
• There are higher bars at the beginning in A
• It took longer (to complete B)
• There is nobody in the last 2 bars for A
• More people took more time (for B).

Do not accept, e.g.

• The range is bigger (for B)
• They skipped a bar.

16(a) 31.46 cao 1

16(b) 30 cao 1

17 3000 (mm2) 1

18 2

For 2 correctly placed ticks. B1

19 6 1

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Question Answers Marks Further Information

20 2 Accept figures to 1 decimal place.

Group Frequency Ignore tally mark column.

1.00 < h ≤ 1.20 3

1.20 < h ≤ 1.40 3
1.40 < h ≤ 1.60 4
1.60 < h ≤ 1.80 4
1.80 < h ≤ 2.00 1

Correct intervals B1
correct frequencies for the two given groups.

21 All four matchings correct. 2
7 0 × 72
0 0
7 ×7
76 ÷ 72
7 ×7

Two or three matchings correct. B1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

22 45 000 (m2) 1

23 A correct algebraic method seen leading to 3 Do not accept trial and improvement as an algebraic
(x =) 4 and (y =) 3 method.

Correct method implied by sight of:

5y = 15 oe or 25x = 100 oe

A correct algebraic method leading to either M2

x = 4 or y = 3

A correct method for eliminating either x or y, e.g. M1 Two values satisfying one of the original equations scores
• correct substitution and evaluation from incorrect first M1 even with no working or trial and improvement method,
value, i.e. two values satisfying one of the original e.g. x = 3.2 and y = 5
• correctly re-arranging one of the equations to make one x = 4 and y = 3 from no working or incorrect working
variable the subject and then substitute into the other scores M1 only.

equation, e.g. 5x + 2(10x – 37) = 26
• making the coefficients of x or y equal followed by an
appropriate, consistent subtraction or addition across all 3
terms, with no more than 1 arithmetic error.

24(a) 81 2

(4.5 × 2)2 or 92 or for sight of 20.25 M1

24(b) 48 2
×( × ) ×( . × ) M1
[ ] [ ]
( ) × ×
or or or 2 × 16 + 16 oe oe simplified, e.g. ,8×6
[ ] [ ]
or for sight of 672

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

25 350.592 2 In correct order.


One correct answer. B1

26 Any pattern made from 3 lines with rotational symmetry and 1 Lines do not need to be connected, e.g.
line symmetry, e.g.

Lines can be any length provided they fit on the grid.

Lines do not have to be ruled.
Ignore lines of symmetry drawn.

27 7.2 1 Accept only these equivalents, 7 , , ,7 , 7.2 × 100

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

28 48(°) 3 May be in correct place on diagram if answer line is blank.

For both 60(°) and 72(°) M2 Angles may be seen in the diagram.
𝟑𝟔𝟎 𝟑𝟔𝟎
or for a fully correct method, e.g. 𝟏𝟖𝟎 − − For M2, 72 and 60 must not be a clearly incorrect angle,
𝟓 𝟔
e.g. must not be on diagram as interior angles of the
polygons or labelled as angles ABE, ECD.

For sight of any of B1

• or 72(°) or 108(°) or 540(°) or
• or 60(°) or 120(°) or 720(°) or

29 Correct Incorrect 1


30 38(%) 2

50% of 52(%) or 25% of 48(%) M1 Accept equivalent decimals or fractions.

or 52% of 50(%) or 48% of 25(%)
26(%) or 12(%) Or better, e.g. × , 0.26, 0.25 × 48, 0.12

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Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 2 April 2022

Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report. Cambridge
will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 12 pages.

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Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 7 1 Accept 7 circled or ticked in the list.

2 10, 12 and 14 in any order 1

3(a) ($)128.25 1 Do not accept incorrect rounding or truncation,

e.g.128.20, 128.30

3(b) 30(%) 2

6.5 − 5 1.5 6.5 M1 Implied by 0.3

or or −1
5 5 5
or ×100 Implied by 130(%)
5 Do not accept 1.3

4(a) Plots three points correctly. 1 Ignore labelling of points.

y Ignore extra points.
Points may be implied by the vertices of shapes or ends of
6 lines.
5 A letter alone is insufficient to indicate the position of the point.
–6 –5 –4 –3 –2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6

4(b) (3, 3) or (–1, –5) or (–9, 1) 1 FT from their answers in (a), provided at least two correct points
(could include a square, a rectangle or a rhombus).

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

5 68 (km / h) 1

6(a) 1.5 (metres per second) 2 Accept simplified equivalent fractions 1 or

450 ÷ 5 or 90 M1
or 450 ÷ 300 oe

6(b) 90 (seconds) 1

7 ($) 7.25 2

11.6 ÷ 8 or 1.45 or × 11.6 oe M1 oe, e.g. 58 ÷ 8, 11.6 ÷ 1.6

8 6 1 In correct order.
0 Accept in words, e.g. ‘no’ for 0

9 13:32 or 1:32 [pm] Accept space, dash, dot, etc. in place of the colon
2 e.g 13 32
Do not accept 1:32 am, 01:32 or 13h32 (m) for 2 marks.
For seeing any of these relevant time intervals: B1 B1 implied by 1:32 am, 01:32 or 13h32 (m)
39 [mins]
2 hours 25 minutes or 145 [mins]
1 hour 11 minutes oe or 71 [mins]

or for seeing 13:48 or 1:48 [pm] Do not accept 01 48 or 1:48 am

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

10 1 Accept any clear indication of their choice.

Has at least one Has no right
right angle angles
Has parallel sides A D
Has no parallel

11 3.17(...) or 3.2 1

12(a) 1
final answer

12(b) 2
final answer

For a correct unsimplified single algebraic fraction, M1



Award M1 for correct answer seen then spoilt,
two correct fractions with a common denominator, e.g. =
e.g. +

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Question Answer
Marks Further Information

13(a) Class A Class B 2

Mean 6.44 4.04
Mode 4 6
Median 6 4
Range 6 5

Any 1 correct. B1

13(b) Mean Mode Median Range 1 Accept any clear indication.

13(c) Ticks A and explains that the mean of A’s results is higher 1 Do not accept “average” alone, they need to state which
than B’s average or imply it, e.g. with correct figures.

or Ignore correct statements, comparisons or interpretations of the
mode and range if with a correct comparison of the mean or
Strict FT: median, e.g.
• Ticks A and explains that the median of A’s results is • The mean and range are both bigger in A
higher than B’s provided their median is greater than 4 • The mean and mode are higher for class A (with a mode
• Ticks B and explains that the median of B’s results is greater than 6 in (a)).
higher than A’s provided their median is less than 4
An incorrect statement, comparison or interpretation invalidates
the mark, e.g.
• All the averages/values are bigger (with a mode smaller
than 6 in (a)).

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 A complete trial and improvement method leading to the 3 Ignore the final column in the table when marking.
(x =) 6.2 x x2 + 4x
(Accept rounded or truncated values to at least 2sf)
Must include all three marking points below. 6.1 61(.61)
6.15 62(.4225)
6.16 62(.5856)
6.17 62(.7489)
6.18 62(.9124)
6.19 63(.0761)
6.2 63(.24)
6.3 64(.89)
6.4 66(.56)
6.5 68(.25)
6.6 69(.96)
6.7 71(.69)
6.8 73(.44)

6.9 75(.21)
Any correct trial of a number between 6 and 7 M1 For both M1 marks to be awarded, one appropriate trial to at
least 1 decimal place and one appropriate trial to at least 2
A correct trial of x where 6.15 ≤ x < 6.2 M1 decimal places must be seen, e.g. trial at 6.2 and trial at 6.15
6.2 in answer space. B1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

15 60 3
9 and 6 M2 Accept e.g.
or 6 and 10 • the calculations 9 × 6 or 6 × 10
or 54 seen • a sketch 

For correct unit conversion: M1 If M2 not scored.

• 120 (cm) or 80 (cm) or 0.13 (m) or 0.115 (m) seen
Implied by 9600 or 0.01495 or 64(.2….) seen
E.g. 1200÷13 truncated to an integer and 800÷11.5 truncated to
or for a correct method with a consistent unit conversion
an integer.
error Note dividing two areas is not a correct method.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

16 Metal B ticked and correct supporting comparable figures, 2 (Using and :)

• Any rounding or truncation: 0.07[407…] and 0.08[928...]
• 0.07 [: 1] and 0.09 [: 1]
• Any rounding or truncation: 0.92[592...] and 0.91[071...]
• 0.07 and 0.08
(Using and :)
• [1 :] 13[.5] and [1 :] 11[.2]
• 112 [: 1512] and 135 [: 1512] • Any rounding or truncation: 0.06[896...] and 0.08[196...]
• and • Any rounding or truncation: 0.93[103...] and 0.91[803...]

• and Many other values are possible, e.g.

• [Metal A would be] 5 : 67[.5] or 4[.148…] : 56
• [Metal B would be] 2 : 22[.4] or 2[.410…] : 27 [10 :] 135 and [10 :] 112
7(%) and 9(%) 93(%) and 91(%)
7(%) and 8(%) 93(%) and 92(%)
and and

13 and 11 14 and 11

2.1… and 2.5 2[.07…] … and 2.5

(from 61 ÷ 29 and 5 ÷ 2) (from 56 ÷ 27 and 5 ÷ 2)

One of the converted values seen. B1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

17 40 2 In correct order.
11 – 15

One correct answer. B1

18 First gap must contain a decimal x where 2

0.009 < x < 0.01 (e.g. 0.0095 or 0.00924). Do not accept, e.g. 0.0090


Second gap must contain a decimal y where Do not accept, e.g. 0.010
0.01 < y < 0.011 (e.g. 0.0105 or 0.01087).

One correct answer. B1

19 Rotation, 90(°) anticlockwise oe about (1, 1). 3 Combinations of transformations score 0
e.g. rotation, left 3 (squares).

Rotation B1 Do not accept turned.

90(°) anticlockwise oe B1 oe, e.g. 270 clockwise, –270, +90, 90 counter clockwise
but not 90(°) alone
B1 1
(1, 1) Do not accept

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

20 (1, 5) 1

21 36 (cm2) 1

22 1 1 Accept equivalent mixed numbers, e.g. 1

Do not accept or 1.2

23 2 Accept 0.69 or 69% or better.

or 0.6875 or 68.75%
Do not accept ratio or in words, e.g. 11:16, 11 in 16

Either for a sample space diagram (or a list) showing the 16 M1 e.g.
possible outcomes or totals (allow no more than one of the 1 1 2 3 1 2 3 3
16 outcomes to be incorrect) 1 2 2 3 4 1 2 3 4 4

2 3 3 4 5 or 1 2 3 4 4
or for identifying the outcomes that give a score of more
than 3 3 4 4 5 6 2 3 4 5 5
(1, 3) (2, 2) (2, 3) 3 4 4 5 6 3 4 5 6 6
(3, 1) (3, 1) (3, 2)
(3, 3) (3, 1) (3, 1) e.g.
(3, 2) (3, 3) 1 2 3 3 1+1=2
(allow one omission or one repeat) 1   1+1=2
1   or 1+2=3 Accept in
or for identifying the five outcomes that give a score of 3 or 2+1=3 any order.
less. 2   
(1, 1) (1, 1) (1, 2) (2, 1) (2, 1) 3    

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

24(a) (c =) 1.75x 2 Accept equivalent values for 1.75 e.g. , .

or 1
Accept (c =) x × 1.75

Rise over run attempted, e.g. 12.5 ÷ 7, M1 Implied by a value k in the range 1.6 ≤ k ≤ 1.8
Award M1 if incorrect variable used, e.g. c = 1.75m

24(b) ($) 40.95 1


FT their (a) with 23.4 for x, correctly evaluated For the FT:
or their rise over run × 23.4 correctly evaluated. Accept any formula, e.g. (c =) kx + b, + 𝑏 with k ≠ 0, k can
be 1
If rounded, must be correct to at least the nearest cent or to 3sf.

25 C A B 2 Accept for 2 marks answer: 125 cm2, 125 cm3, 125 cm

For any one of these values seen: B1 Accept sight of all of these numbers alone even if not
associated with a particular cube or with SL, SA or V:
4.5(6…), 4.6, 150, 93 750, 1 953 125, 95
A B C Accept 93 750 or 1 953 125 rounded or truncated
4.56… e.g. 93 000, 2 000 000
Side length 5* rounded or truncated
to at least 1dp *For the number 5 it needs to be associated with something, not
Surface just sight of 5 alone, e.g.
150 93 750 • Side length = 5
• (Cube) A = 5
Volume 1 953 125 95 • 5 cm
• √125 = 5
• Writing 5 next to 125 cm3

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Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 1 October 2022

Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 12 pages.

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Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

1 1 Both answers correct for the mark.

Accept any clear indication.

2 7 1 isw attempts to cancel or convert to an acceptable form.

or 0.35 or 35% Unacceptable forms are: ratio, words, e.g. 7 : 20, 7 out of 20

3 250 (dollars) 1 Award 0 marks for an expression, e.g. 250h.

4 40 1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

5 ($)231 3

5 M2 Or better, e.g.
× (2 × 65 + 2 × 45) oe or better 5
100 • × 220
• 1.05 × 220 oe
• 2 × 68.25 + 2 × 47.25
• 136.5 + 94.5
M2 may be implied by 11 provided not from clear wrong

2 × 65 + 2 × 45 oe or better M1 Or better, e.g. 130 + 90 or 220 seen.

5 Or better, e.g.
× k where k = 65, 45, 130, 90 or better 5
100 • × k where k is 45 + 65 or 110
• Sight of any of: 3.25, 2.25, 6.5, 4.5,
68.25, 47.25,136.5, 94.5,
5.5 or 115.5
• 1.05 × their total cost oe

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

6 3 3
3 cao

25 3 M2 oe is any equivalent correct multiplication method without

× oe 6× 4 +1
4 5 3
mixed numbers, e.g. ×
75 20 4 [1 × ] 3 + 2
or ÷ oe
12 12 oe is dividing any two equivalent fractions with common
75 75 ÷ 20
or Note without recovery is not enough for M2
20 12
15 15
or oe oe includes mixed numbers, e.g.3
4 20

25 5 3 B1 If M2 not awarded.
or or 75 20
4 3 5 Accept equivalent improper fractions, e.g. ,
12 12

7 78 (cm2) 2

5 × 3 × 4 + 3 × 3 × 2 oe M1
9 and 15 or better Or better, so correctly evaluating the area of one or more
squares and the area of one or more rectangles, e.g.
• 18 in place of 9 or 60 in place of 15
• 33 (two squares and a rectangle)
May be on diagram.
Note volume 5 × 3 × 3 = 45 is M0 even if 9 and 15 also seen.

8(a) Coordinate (0, −3) plotted correctly on grid 1

8(b) (6, −1) 1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

9 1 All four answers correct for the mark.

× 6 8 9

4 24 32 36

7 42 56 63

All four answers in the correct order for the mark.

10 30 (m), 0.127 (km), 0.13 (km), 200 (m) 1

11(a) Male Female Total 2

Low mass 18 22 40
Medium mass 46 60 106
High mass 26 28 54
Total 90 110 200

At least three correct values filled in. B1

11(b) 46 2 23
oe or accept 0.51[1…] or 51[.1…]% for 2 marks.
90 45
isw attempts to cancel or convert to an acceptable form.

46 c B1 Mark the uncancelled fraction if they go on to cancel.

or seen where k ≥ 46, c ≤ 90 Note for 51[.1] alone award B1
k 90
46 c
Accept × 100 or × 100 seen for the B1 mark.
k 90

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

12 A correct comparison of how profits have changed over time, 1 Accept, any correct implied comparison between 2019 and
e.g. 2021 (that is extra to Samira’s comparison – the total profits
• Profits from the café have increased. have increased), e.g.
• Profits from selling books have decreased. • Profits increased by 20 thousand.
• In 2021 she made more money from the café (than in • It was 160 (thousand), now it is 180 (thousand).
2019). • She makes more money from the café.
• In 2021 she made more money from the café (and less
money from selling books). Do not accept, e.g.
• In 2019 she made most of her money from selling books • In 2021 she made more money from selling books than
but in 2021 she got nearly half of her profits from the café. from the café. (Doesn’t show how profits have changed,
• The proportion of money made from selling books is this is true for all years).
decreasing. • In 2020 she made over 120 (thousand dollars) from selling
books. (Only looking at one year).
• In 2021 the money from the cafe had increased, but the
money from books had decreased. (This is comparing the
café profits with book profits rather than comparison over

13 7 19 11 2 1 Accept any clear indication.

10 30 15 3

14 13 1

15 10m – 3n 2 Must be fully simplified, e.g. 10m + – 3n scores 0

28x2 – 12x

10m – 3n B1
28x2 – 12x

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

16 42 2

For sight of any of B1

• 4.2 × (3.6 + 6.4) or 4.2 × 10
• 15.12 Implied by answer figs 42
• 26.88 Figs means a place value error, e.g. with an incorrect decimal
• figs 1512 and figs 2688 point.

17 0.03 2
3 × 10
3 ÷ 10
3 ÷ 102
3 × 10

For two or three correct answers. B1

18 4n + 3 oe 2 oe, e.g. 7 + (n – 1)4

Accept, e.g. Tn = 4n + 3 oe.

For 4n + c or kn + 3 where k ≠ 0 B1 Award B1 for correct answer seen then spoilt.

19 8.1 5500 8.6 4900 9 1 Accept any clear indication.

20 ($)48 [.00] 1

21 5 1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

Girls ticked
22 1
A correct explanation involving the mean, e.g. Or equivalent reason.
• They have a higher mean. Accept, e.g. because of the mean.
• The mean shows which is generally higher. If girls ticked with a correct reason, ignore extra references to
mode and/or range.
23 x + y – m= x –m + y x+a–b=b–a+x 1 Accept any clear indication.

t × m × c = c × t ×m (v+w) + x =(w+v) + x

24(a) Some indication of the change in height increasing, e.g. 1 Accept, e.g.
• The height of the water increases faster. • The rate gets faster.
• The tap was turned up. • It (started slowly then) got faster.
• The water got faster. Do not accept (alone), e.g.
• The flow of water increases. • The line becomes steeper.
• The graph increases faster.
• The height increases constantly.
• The height increases.

24(b) Straight line from (0, 0) to (8, 10) 2 Tolerance ± half a square radially.
Need not be labelled.

One straight line from (0, 0) to (k, 10) where k ≠ 0 or 8 B1 Tolerance ± half a square radially.
A single straight line with a correct gradient for at least one Does not have to start at (0, 0) for this mark, i.e. must pass
second, e.g. passing through (0, 0) and (1, 1.25) through (a, b) and (a + 1, b + 1.25).
Tolerance ± half a square radially.

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

25 12:05, 12:05 pm oe 2 Accept time with, e.g. dash, space, full stop, etc. in place of
the colon.

49 ÷ 14 M1 Implied by sight of any of

3 hours 30 minutes, 3.5 (hours), 210 (minutes) or 3:30

26 196 2

14 or 142 B1 Accept 14 × 14
529 – 207 – 207 + 81 or better Or better, e.g. 529 – 414 + 81

27 2 3 1 Both answers correct for the mark.

73 × 0.26 73+ 73+ 0.49 73 × Accept any clear indication.
15 7

28 T 2 Correct region must be shaded or unambiguously indicated,

ignore extra lines and arcs only if shading makes the region

For 1 or 2 marks,
• Boundaries must at least reach edge of garden.
• Allow tolerance of ± 2 mm.

For one complete boundary correct B1 Ignore extra incorrect lines and arcs if one correct boundary
or drawn.
3 [cm] and 4 [cm] May be seen written near scale or implied by two correct
partial boundaries.

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

29 1 Can be drawn anywhere on the grid.

Accept free-hand drawing.
Ignore shading.
Must be correct orientation.
Do not accept without internal lines.

30 (4, –2) 1

31 True False 2 Accept any clear indication.

a–b<0 

a2 > a 

ab > b 

>b 

Any three correct answers. B1

© UCLES 2022 Page 11 of 12

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Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 2 October 2022

Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of
the examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not
indicate the details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began,
which would have considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 10 pages.

IB22 10_1112_02/8RP
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1112/02 Lower Secondary Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October 2022

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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1112/02 Lower Secondary Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October 2022

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a) x 0 1 2 3 1 Both answers correct for the mark.
y 1 4 7 10

1(b) Straight line drawn from at least (0, 1) to (3, 10). 2 Line must reach (0, 1) and (3, 10), mark intention.
A correct line implies correct points.


1 2 3 4 5 6

(0, 1) and (3, 10) and their two points plotted correctly. B1

2 29 1

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Question Answer Marks Further information

3 9 : 11 2 Accept equivalent ratio for 9 : 11, e.g. 1 :1.2, 0.81 : 1

and For 1.2 accept 1.22 or better.
For 0.81 accept 0.82 or better.
9 9
Accept equivalent fraction for
20 20


Any two out of the three sentences correct. B1

4(a) 10.7 cao 1

4(b) 3.46 cao 1

5 Two negative numbers that subtract to make ‒5 1 Accept correct pair of negative decimals or fractions.
e.g. Do not accept 0 as one of the numbers.
‒6 (‒) ‒1
‒10 (‒) ‒5
6 14 1
7 165 (g) 1

8 (49)35 2

(49)05, (49)20, (49)50, (49)65, (49)80 B1 i.e. is a multiple of 3 and 5 and has two square digits.

or completes with 2 prime digits i.e. has two prime digits and two square digits.

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Question Answer Marks Further information

9 40(°) 2

ABD = 25 M1 To identify ABD they must give the correct label or mark in the
correct place on the diagram or write in the correct calculation
or 180° – 25 – 115° oe.

180° – their ABD – 115° oe Their ABD must be stated or marked in the correct place on the

10(a) 75
2 Tolerance ± half square radially.

70 For 2 marks, all 8 points must be correct.

Resting pulse rate (beats per minute)

Ignore any attempts to join points or draw line of best fit.

65 Ignore extra points.





0 5 10 15 20 25 30 35 40 45 50 55
Kilometres run per week

For at least five correct points. B1

10(b) negative 1 Ignore comments about strength.

Do not accept descriptions, e.g. the higher the distance run, the
lower the resting pulse rate.

10(c) 46 57 68 7 1 Accept any clear indication.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) 12:45 1 Accept ± 5 minutes.

Accept with any separator in place of the colon, e.g. dash, full
stop, space, etc.

11(b) Line drawn from (13:45, 10) to (14:15, 10) 2 For 1 or 2 marks,
and • Ignore vertical line drawn at 12:45
line drawn from (14:15, 10) to (16:15, 0) • Tolerance ± 5 minutes.

Line drawn from (13:45, 10) to (14:15, 10) B1

diagonal line drawn from their (14:15, 10) to (16:15, 0)
diagonal line drawn from (13:45, 10) to (16:15, 0)

12 5.4375 1
(1, 0) 2
One correct coordinate. B1

14(a) 8:3 1

14(b) 1.875 (cups) 2 15

or Do not accept for 2 marks.
1 or 1.88 or 1.9

their 3 M1 15
5× oe oe, e.g.
their 8 8
5÷2× oe
1.875 seen
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Question Answer Marks Further Information

15 88(%) 2

M1 In all calculations allow equivalents with zeros cancelled.

250000 − 30000 220000
oe or better Or better, e.g. [× 100] ,0.88
250000 250000

30 000
× 100 oe or better 30 000
250 000 Or better, e.g. [100 −] , 12[%]
0.12 is not far enough for M1

16 2
6 → 16

10 or – 6 → 64

One correct box. B1

17 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

Any three or more correct quadrilaterals drawn, e.g. Must be joined to original shape.
18 1
If more than three quadrilaterals drawn all must be correct for the
A mark.

19 0.3 and 0.1 Must be given in this order.

Accept equivalent fractions and percentages.

1 – (0.15 + 0.25 + 0.2) oe or better M1 Implied by 0.4 in the working or last two probabilities sum to 0.4
or e.g. 0.3 and 0.1 reversed.
0.3 for Angelique
0.1 for Jamila

20 15.2 or 15.22 to 15.23 (cm) 2

8.72 + 12.52 or better M1 Or better, e.g.

8.7 2 + 12.5 2 , 231.94 which could be rounded, e.g. to 232
M1 may be implied by answer 15 or 15.23…

21  1 Accept any clear indication.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

22(a) 113 to 113.1… (cm²) 2 Accept 36π for 2 marks.

π × 6² M1 π × 36 scores M1
Accept values of π between 3.14 and

22(b) 15 to 15.04… (cm) 1 FT: As guidance only, common 2sf or 3sf values are, e.g.
Answer in (a) Answer in (b)
FT 1700 ÷ their (a) correctly evaluated to at least 2sf.
6 280 or 283[.3..]
18.8 or 6π 90 or 90.1 to 90.4…
24 71 or 70.8…
37.7 or 12π 45 or 45.0 to 45.1…
72 24 or 23.6…
75.4 or 24π 23 or 22.5 to 22.62
110 15 or 15.4 to 15.5
144 12 or 11.8…
452 or 144π 3.8 or 3.75 to 3.76
For the FT their answer in (b) must be correct, to at least 2sf,
using their unrounded or rounded value in (a).

23 2x – 2 or 2(x – 1) 3 Check bag labels for evidence of any of these for any marks.

x – 6 and 2(x – 6) or better Or better, e.g. 4x – 18 or with negative signs, e.g.
or [6x – 20] [ – x] – (x – 6) – 2(x – 6) oe
x – 6 and 2x – 12 or better or – (4x – 18) or – 4x + 18

x–6 M1 Accept with negative sign, e.g.

or – (x – 6) oe
2(x – 6) or 2x – 12
their expression for C is 2 × their expression for B Must be in terms of x, need not be simplest form.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

24 21 3

20 × 400 × 64 M2 512000 512

oe or better Or better, e.g or or 20.4[8] or 20.5
25 ×1000 25 000 25

Sight of either 25 000 or 0.4 M1 Accept a correct conversion between kilograms and grams soi,
e.g. 25.6 (kg for 1 day).

20 × 400 × 64 20 × ( figs 4 ) × 64 Implied by figs 204[8] or figs 205

or oe or better k
figs 25 25 Figs n means a place value error, e.g.n × 10 for any integer k
including 0

20 × 400 × 64 Implied by 512

oe or better (kg for 20 days)

Implied by 1.024 or 1.02
400 × 64
oe or better (sacks per day)
25 ×1000

25 Kite 1

26 A correct explanation, e.g. 1 Do not accept ‘Because the answer should be 0.09’ alone.
• The answer should have two decimal places.
• When you square a number between 0 and 1, it gets
• The answer should be less than 0.3

© UCLES 2022 Page 10 of 10

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 1 April 2021

Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report. Cambridge
will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Combined By NESRINE

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a) 3.6 1 18 3 36 6
Accept or 3 but not or 3
5 5 10 10

(b) 0.4 1 2 4
Accept but not
5 10

2(a) n + 4 and 5n −3 1 Both needed for 1 mark.


(c) 20 1

3 1124.8 and 11 324 2 5624 11248

Accept but not
5 5

One correct answer B1

4 200 or 199 or 198.6 or 198.56 1 Do not accept any other answer.

5 3.737 1

6 (a =) 5 cao 1 5
Do not accept

7 3 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) 42 (minutes) 1

(b) 09:13 or 9.13 am 1 Do not accept use of pm in (b) or (c).

Accept any separator e.g. semi-colon, comma, colon, dot, space
or no space in (b) and (c).

(c) 10:34 or 10.34 am 1

9 100 (miles) 1 Accept 99−100

10 2 (cm) 2

For finding the volume of cuboid A 90 (cm3) M1 Accept any correct method.
6 × 3 × 5 = 9 × 5 × h or better Or better e.g.: 6 × 3 ÷ 9
or 6 × 3 × 5 ÷ (9 × 5)

11 True False 1 Accept any unambiguous indication.

All correct for 1 mark.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 Shape drawn accurately with a tolerance of ± 2 mm. 3 For 3 marks they should have correct construction arcs, a ruled
triangle and a semi-circle drawn with compasses. Don’t accept
full circle drawn, condone extension of arc beyond A and C.

Triangle drawn accurately with a tolerance of ± 2 mm B2 For 2 marks they should have correct construction arcs and a
ruled triangle.

AB and BC correct but no construction arcs or incorrect B1 If B2 not scored

construction arcs. ± 2 mm

Accurate semicircle drawn with compasses. B1 Both B1 marks may be awarded.

Don’t accept full circle drawn, condone extension of arc beyond
A and C.

13(a) (−1, −1) or (5, −3) or (5, 9) 1

(b) (−1, −1) or (5, −3) or (5, 9) 1 Only give the mark for a different correct point from part (a).

14 11 1

15 8.5 and 9 2 Accept + 9, 9.0

One correct answer B1

16 Ticks B and has figures 1125 and 1200 2 Accept in kg or a mixture of kg and g.

Finds one correct value. B1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

17 2x2 + 9x − 6 3

x2 + 2x + 3x + 6 and x2 − 2x + 6x − 12 M2 With at most one incorrect term

or better e.g. works out the area of Shape A and Shape B with 7 terms
correct out of 8, note 5x counts as two terms correct for A and 4x
counts as 2 terms correct for B.

x2 + 2x + 3x + 6 or better x2 + 5x + 6 M1 Works out the area of either Shape A or Shape B with 3 terms
or correct out of 4, note 5x counts as two terms correct for A and 4x
x2 − 2x + 6x − 12 or better x2 + 4x − 12 counts as 2 terms correct for B.

18 4 1

19(a) 11 2

For two correct divisions from: M1 • 2 1

14 ÷ 3 22 ÷ 10 27 ÷ 12 Implied by 4.7 or 4.6 or better e.g. 4.66, 4.6 , 4 and 2.2, 2,
3 5
2.2(5) or better e.g. 5, 3, 3. Accept any two correct values for M1.

(b) 8 1

20 Age (of student) 1 Accept school year.

Amount of money Accept any reference to money e.g. amount of pocket money,
how much money in the bank, earnings.
Accept answers in either order.

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

21(a) y=x+2 y = 2x + 2 y = −2 y=x−2 y = 2x − 2 1 Accept any clear indication.

(b) x 0 2 3 1 Both correct.

y 4 0 –2

(c) A straight line joining at least (0, 4) to (3, –2) 1 Mark intention e.g. a line through (0, 4) and (2, 0) that misses
(3, –2) by less than half a square.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

22(a) Reflection, y = 0 2


reflection, x-axis If more than one transformation mentioned award 0.

reflection B1

y = 0 or x-axis B1

(b) Correct shape with coordinates 2

(2, 0), (2, 8), (6, 4) and (6, − 4)

3 coordinates plotted correctly B1 Allow ends of rays to imply coordinates.

the shape is the correct size and orientation but positioned
a correct enlargement scale factor 3, centre (−10, 8)

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

23 True False You cannot tell 2 Accept any clear indication.

For 3 correctly placed ticks. B1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

24 (x =) any value between 2 and 3 inclusive 2


(y =) any value between 16 and 17 inclusive.

For x or y correct. B1
Correct intersection is indicated on the graph (the one
closest to the y-axis).
correctly labelling any 2 lines

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

25(a) 2

For at least 14 correct entries. B1 i.e. no more than 5 wrong

(b) 20 1 FT from their diagram if their diagram is fully completed, i.e.

or equivalent
number of values greater than 4
10 5 •
Correct equivalents include , , 0.5 , 0.56, 0.555, 55.6%,
18 9
55.5%. 56%

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Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 2 April 2021

Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report. Cambridge
will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Combined By NESRINE

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 > 1 1 mark for three correct.


2 4 4 4 4 1 Accept any clear indication.

10 100 1000 10000

3 (x =) 7 3

getting a correct equation with x’s on one side. This is likely M2

to be one of 5x 2
2x − 2 = 12 or e.g. −x = 4+
3 3
2x = 14, −2x = −14
−2 = −2x + 12
5x − 3x = 12 + 2

either for correctly expanding the brackets 3x + 12 M1

or for correctly collecting x’s on one side and numbers on
the other side having expanded incorrectly. 5x − 2 5x 2
or for a correct first step of dividing both sides by 3 = x + 4 or − = x+4
3 3 3

4 29 1 29
Do not accept

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

5 2.16 (hours) 2 4
Accept 2 .
Accept 2 hours 9.6 minutes if units are stated.
Accept answers 2, 2.1 or 2.2 if 2.16 seen in working.

1836 ÷ 850 M1 1836

M1 implied by fractions equivalent to .
M1 implied by 2.16 spoilt or answer 2 hours 16 mins

6(a) (Team) E 2
B and I In either order

(Team) E B1
B and I In either order

(b) Positive 2 Accept +ve Do not accept +, direct, increasing

Negative Accept –ve Do not accept –, indirect, decreasing
No oe Accept none, neutral, zero
in this order Ignore adjectives describing the strength of the correlation (e.g.
strong or weak).

2 correct answers B1

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7 1

8 Gabriella with 2 supporting figures that can be compared 2 May be in equivalent form, e.g.
e.g. 0.47 or 0.46(8…) and 0.4 or 0.40(0…) 45 803 39150
and or correct percentages
97 788 97 788
47(%) or 46(.8…)(%) and 40(%) or 40(.0…)(%)
Other values may be possible, e.g. two ratios with a common
Accept values still to read in comparable form e.g. 53(%) and
Accept division the other way round in comparable form implied
by e.g. 2.1(3) and 2.5 or 2.4(9..)

One of the values seen in correct percentage or decimal M1

form or evidence of a correct common denominator.

9(a) 1 Accept if not drawn in table.

(b) (Number of rods needed = pattern number) × 2 (then) + 1 1 Accept any clear indication.

10 1 Both correct with no extras.

0.45 0.55 0.65 0.75 0.85 0.95
Accept any clear indication.

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11 5 1

12 5 : 12 2 Do not accept 5 cm : 12 cm for 2 marks

A correct ratio in the same units. M1 e.g. 0.75 (m) : 1.8 (m) 75 (cm) : 180 (cm)
25 : 60 5 cm : 12 cm
12 5
1: oe : 1 oe
5 12

13 22 1 Do not accept 22.2

14 3 × 5 × 72 Accept 3 × 5 × 7 × 7
2 Do not accept 1 as a factor
Accept 3 × 5 × 72 = 735

For expressing 735 as a correct product of factors, e.g. M1 Do not award M1 for just 3, 5 and 7 alone.
5 × 147. This could be done implicitly using e.g. a factor
tree, repeated division, listing 3, 5, 7, 7.

15 3.46 cao 2
6.87 cao
1.55 cao

Any 2 correct B1

16(a) 110 (°) 1 Accept ± 2°

(b) 110 (°) 1 Allow FT from their answer in part (a).

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

17 How do you travel to school? oe 2 Question must mention school.

With at least 3 response boxes which can include “other” oe

Suitable question or at least 3 response boxes which can B1

include other oe

18 0.12 and 0.04 2 In this order

1 − (0.15 + 0.32 + 0.08 + 0.29) oe soi by 0.16 M1 oe could be working in percentages.

or by their two positive values having a sum of 0.16

19 ($) 192(.00) and (€) 64(.00) 2

One correct answer B1

20 1 500 000 (m2) 1 Accept correct standard form i.e. 1.5 × 106

21(a) x ≤ − 4 or − 4 ≥ x 2 x ≤ − 4 or − 4 ≥ x in the working with − 4 on the answer line

scores M1 only

For correctly gathering numbers on one side and letters on M1 Or better

the other e.g. • 12 ≤ −3x
• 19 − 7 ≤ −3x • 3x ≤ −12
• 3x ≤ 7 − 19 • 4 ≤ −x
19 7 Accept any inequality sign or = for the M1 mark.
• − ≤−x M1 implied by answer – 4
3 3

(b) 1 FT their inequality if in the form “x inequality symbol number”

If there is no inequality on the answer line FT from their final
Do not accept empty circle unless this is a correct FT from their

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

22 93.75 (%) 2

(k ×) 0.75 × 1.25 oe M1 k could be any value. M1 implied by 0.9375, 0.938 or 0.94

oe e.g. 0.75 × 0.25 + 0.75 (× 1)

23 30.8 (cm) 2 Accept 30.8 to 31 Accept 6π + 12

(0.5 ×) 12π seen M1 Implied by 37.6 to 38 or 6π or 18.8 to 19

Allow 12π + k or 6π + k seen for M1

24 94 (cm) 2

82 + 152 soi by 17 or 34

25 5 − 9 cao 1 Do not accept 16

26 3 1

27 1875 (cm2) 3

25 (cm) and 75 (cm) seen B2 0.25 (m) and 0.75 (m) is not far enough for B2
or for answer 0.1875 (m2)

For correct method to finding one side of the rectangle. M1 M1 implied by figs 1875 e.g. 187 500
e.g. dividing 1 m into 4 parts (and multiplying by 3)
or 2(3x + x) = 200 oe
or dividing 2 m into 8 parts (and multiplying by 3) M1 implied by seeing one of 25, 75, 0.25 or 0.75

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

28 1.5a 2 1 Accept any clear indication.

1.5a 3

1.7a 2

1.7a 3 

3a 3

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 1 October 2021

Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report. Cambridge
will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 10 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

IB21 05_1112_01/4RP
© UCLES 2021 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE
1112/01 Lower Secondary Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October 2021

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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1112/01 Lower Secondary Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October 2021


Question Answer Mark Further Information

1 cao 1

2 circumference, radius and diameter 2 In correct order.

Accept reasonable misspellings.
one correct B1
3 2
3 12 6

14 5 4

4 2 13

for either 6 or 2 in the correct place. B1

4 [x =] 5 2

–3x = 2 – 17 or 3x = 17 – 2 or better M1 Accept correct division of all terms by 3 or –3

e.g. – x = for M1

5 (a) 1 Accept diagram drawn in any position but must be correct


(b) 4 1

(c) 27 1

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1112/01 Lower Secondary Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October 2021


Question Answer Mark Further Information

6 True False 1 Accept any clear indication


7 cao 2

oe fraction B1 Note an equivalent fraction does not include decimals B0

for e.g.

8 504 [cm] 5400 [mm] 540 [m] 5.04 [km] 1 Accept correct conversions with units for any/all value(s).
e.g. 504 cm 540 cm 54000 cm 504000 cm
9 All outcomes listed 1 Accept in any order.
[1H] 2H 3H 4H 1T 2T 3T 4T Do not accept repeats apart from 1H
In the correct order.
10 corresponding 2
Accept reasonable misspellings.


One correct sentence B1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

11 1 Two correct triangles ringed and no others.

Ignore ring around A

Accept any clear indication.

12 7.22 cao Do not accept recurring notation e.g. 7. 22 , 7. 22, 7.22…

award B1 for these
7.2 or 7.22[2…] B1 Could be in working.
for their more accurate value correctly rounded to 2dp
13 0.1 or or 10–1 1

14 (a) 3.198 2

For the figures 3198 with a decimal place at any point (including M1 e.g. M1 for 246 Error is
before or after any zeros) x 13 likely to
638 be one
or 2460 incorrect
3098 and answer 3.098 digit in
a correct method, including correct placement of decimal point, this
with one arithmetic error Error in the first 6 but everything else correct correct
(FT the initial error). working
e.g. M0 for 246
x 13 246
738 x 13
246 738
984 2460
missing the 0 is not an arithmetic error, or e.g. 3198
adding tenths to units (even if the 0 is there)
due to misalignment of columns or
misplacement of decimal point in 738 and 2460
implied by figures 984 in answer

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

(b) 3.2 1 Do not accept with trailing zeros e.g. 3.200

FT from their answer to part (a) provided a more accurate

figure shown.

15 (a) 1 In any orientation e.g.



(b) 1 In any orientation.

Do not accept a square.

16  1 In correct order.
Accept any clear indication.

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

17 6 and 7 1 In correct order.

Do not accept √36 and √49 or 62 and 72

18 Accept equivalent fractions. Note it is not an equivalent

3 fraction if it contains decimals, which is common in this
question e.g. award M2 for

1  or better M2 implied by or equivalent fraction

For M2 accept other correct equivalent fractions using a
M2 common denominator.
or for 1   2 correctly evaluated with one incorrect
i.e. no more than one arithmetic error
numerator from 12 or 5

and Accept other correct equivalent fractions using a common

M1 implied by oe
or or better

or for 1   with one incorrect numerator
Where comes from any attempt to process and

or for evaluating correctly 1 2 Award M1 for 1 2 even if they work in decimals

provided their answer is correctly converted back to a

19 –1, 1, 9 1 In correct order.

20 (a) 1 [km/h] not from wrong working 1 Accept –1 [km/h]

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

A comparison that identifies Monday as fewer cars and faster If no comparison accept correct supporting figures to imply
(b) 1
than Thursday. comparison e.g.

e.g. Monday with less cars/Thursday as more cars  12 cars Monday and 22 cars Thursday


Monday, as faster speeds/Thursday, as slower speeds  Median is 59.5 on Monday and 44 on Thursday

/average for Monday is greater than average for Thursday Accept mean, median or mode for “average”
Ignore incorrect figures only if there is a correct
comparison e.g. “Monday has less cars and the median for
Monday is 59.5 which is greater than the median for
Thursday which is 47”

Comments with no reference to Thursday/Monday are

unlikely to score, they’re usually general comments about
traffic conditions on the road rather than comments about
the data and are often just a rewording of the question.
However, you might be able to imply the days they mean
by figures/calculations next to the stem and leaf diagram.

21 (a) 1 Accept any equivalent answer e.g. 0.22, 22%

Do not accept a ratio 11:50 or in words e.g. 11 out of 50

(b) 3 1  

(c) 2 1  

22 28 2

8 or better M1 Accept equivalent methods, e.g.

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

, ,8 , 8 × 3.5, 56 ÷ 2
counting on 2 bags is 7
4 bags is 14
8 bags is 28

23 180 1  

24 15 [cm] not from wrong working 1 Just look out for working 60 – 45 no need to check

25 5.264 and 9400 2  

One correct B1  

26 30 [minutes] 2  

Any of B1
 2 [hours]
 2.5 [hours] oe
 120 [minutes]
 150 [minutes]
 0.5 [hours]
 Half an hour

27 16 × 10−2 175 000 ÷ 104 0.48 × 104 7 ÷ 10−3 2 Accept values given as 0.16 17.5 4800 7000
or a combination. Accept for 0.16

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

For one incorrectly placed but the rest in the correct order. B1 Accept for 0.16


for sight of at least three of 4800, 0.16, 7000 or 17.5

28 90° [anticlockwise] 3 Accept equivalents, e.g.

270° clockwise, −270°
and Award 0 if extra properties or transformations mentioned

translation Award 0 if extra transformations mentioned

and treat extra properties as choice

6 right, 7 up or 6

Any two of the three elements correct. B2

For one of the three elements correct. B1

for correctly showing on the grid the image of A under a rotation, Ignore other shapes.
centre O, by 90°, anticlockwise.

© UCLES 2021 Page 10 of 10

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Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 2 October 2021

Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report. Cambridge
will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 11 pages. Any blank pages are indicated.

IB21 05_1112_01/4RP
© UCLES 2021 [Turn over

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1112/02 Lower Secondary Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October 2021

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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1112/02 Lower Secondary Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October 2021


Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 62.5 [%] 1 Accept 62 [%]

2 [ =] 40 and [ =] 5 2  

At least 3 multiples of 8 less than 45 M1

3 factors of 15
[ =] 5 and [ =] 40
12.5 [cm]
3 (a) 1 Accept 12 [cm]

125 [cm2] FT from their answer in part (a) × 10 correctly

(b) 1
4 7x + 3 + 2x – 6 2 In correct order

one correct answer B1

5 3:5 1

6 (a) 17:07 1 Accept 5:07 [pm], accept space, dot etc. in place of
the colon e.g 17 07, condone 17:07pm
(b) 52 [minutes] 1

(c) 14:35 1 Accept 2:35 [pm], accept space, dot etc. in place of
the colon e.g 1435, condone 14:35pm
7 (a) –25, –5 1 In correct order. 

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

(b) 20
1 Correct straight line joining (- 1, -25) to (3,15)
Use template as a rough guide only, mark
generously due to poor printing of graph ± 1 square

–1 0 1 2 3 x

– 10

– 15

– 20

– 25

– 30

8 (a) 28 [%] 2

For indication of a correct method. M1 or better, e.g. [× 100]

e.g. (16 000 – 12 500) ÷ 12 500 oe
or 0.28
or better, e.g. 1.28 × 100 [– 100]
or (16 000 ÷ 12 500) × 100 oe
or 128 [%]

(b) ($) 15 200 2

For sight of 0.95 or 95% or M1

or × 16 000 oe
or 800
or answer 11875 This is 95% reduction on $12500

9 (a) (2, 1) 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

(b) [D=] (5, –1) 1

10 2
Accept 𝑎


Do not accept 𝑐 or 1.5c

Take care as common incorrect answer is

1 correct answer B1

11 6 2  

A correct conversion between kg and tonnes, e.g. M1 Stating 1 tonne = 1000 kg is not enough
• 17 000 [kg]
• 0.12 [tonnes]
• 102 [tonnes]

or correct method

850  120
 17 oe
1000 oe e.g. 1000, 6000 1000

or digit 6 in final answer e.g. 0.006, 6000

12 180 [cm] 1 Accept 1.8 m as long as unit is given. 

13 Ticks ‘No’ with 210[cm] and 200[cm] 2 Accept:

 Ticks ‘No’ with 200 [cm] and –10 [cm] oe,

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

or oe e.g. 10 [cm] short (repeated subtraction

Ticks ‘No’ with 2.1[m]  Ticks ‘No’ with 210 [cm] and 10 [cm] more
needed (200 implied)

2 × 45 + 2 × 60 oe M1 Implied by 210[cm] or 2.1[m] or –10[cm]

oe for M1 e.g.
 200 – 45 – 60 – 45 – 60
 2 × 0.45 + 2 × 0.6

14 34 2

M1 360
144 oe or 46 oe e.g. 115
, 115 ÷ 2.5,
, 115 × 0.4
or 144 ÷ (360 ÷ 115)

480 oe or 80 oe e.g. 60
, 60 ÷ 0.75,
, 60 × 1.33
480 ÷ (360 ÷ 60)

15 (a) x3 2 Accept any equivalent algebraic expression e.g.

and (x + 3) ÷ 7
Do not accept e.g. x + 3 ÷ 7

Add 2 [to x] then multiply by 9 Accept + 2 then  9

or or
Multiply [x] by 9 then add 18  9 then +18
Accept multiply x and 2 by 9 then add [them]
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Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 box correct B1

(b) (x – 6)2 1 Accept any equivalent algebraic expression e.g.

(x – 6)(x – 6), x2 –12x + 36
Do not accept without brackets e.g. x – 62
Do not isw incorrect expanding following a correct
16 (a) Shape 1 Must be number first then shape.

1 1 1 1
2 2 2 2
3 3 3 3
4 4 4 4

(b) 1 1 Accept equivalent fractions, decimals and

6 percentages, 16.7%, 0.167.
Do not accept truncation at 2sf i.e. 16%, 0.16

Do not accept ratio answers 1 : 6 or words 1 in 6


17 2 Accept fractions, decimals or powers of 10.

First box: inserts a number between 0 and 1 exclusive e.g. 0.1, , 10–1


Second box: inserts a number greater than 1


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

Third box: inserts a number between 0 and 0.1 exclusive e.g. 0.01, , 10–2

2 boxes correctly filled B1

18 9 1  

19 1 Accept any unambiguous indication

x = 2y + 4 x = (y – 4) ÷ 2 x = (y ÷ 2) – 4 x = (y + 4) ÷ 2

20 Hexagon 1

21 A complete trial and improvement method leading to the answer 3 Ignore the final column in the table when marking.
x = 2.3
Must include all three marking points below.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

Any correct trial of a number x, where 2 ˂ x ⩽ 3 M1 x3 + 3x

Accept rounded or
x truncated answers
provided they allow for
2.1 15.5[61]
2.2 17.2[48]
2.25 18.1[40625]
2.3 19.0[67]
2.31 19.2[56391]
2.32 19.4[47168]
2.33 19.6[39337]
2.34 19.8[32904]
2.35 20.0[27875]
2.4 21.0[24]
2.5 23.1[25]
2.6 25.3[76]
2.7 27.7[83]
2.8 30.3[52]
2.9 33.0[89]
3 36

a different correct trial of x = 2.35 M1 Accept values between 2.3485… ⩽ x ⩽ 2.35

2.3 in answer space B1

22 (a) Any of the following, or equivalent: 1 Do not accept

You cannot draw a scatter diagram (without further
 You do not know which height corresponds to which hand span/the explanation).
data is not paired

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

 The original data has been lost /we don’t know the numbers See additional guidance for exemplars.
 The class data has been grouped

(b) A usable data collection sheet that allows you to see which height 1 Accept if data included.
corresponds to which hand span Do not accept diagrams e.g. stem-and-leaf (as data
is still not paired).
Height Hand span

23 (a) 54 [l] 2

Correct method M1
Digits 54 in final answer e.g. 54000, 0.054 etc.

(b) 26.5 [cm] 1 Do not allow answer in metres e.g. 0.265 m

Accept FT for
30 or correctly evaluated (and
correctly rounded, if necessary, to 2sf or better or
truncated to 3sf)
24 A correct reason e.g. 1 Accept e.g.
the three probabilities add up to less than 1 or 100%  the probabilities don’t add to 100 (BOD
missing percent sign)
or  because it is not 1 (BOD the “it”)

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

 there must be one more colour with

the three probabilities do not add up 1 or 100% probability of 0.2 (even though there could be
more than one extra colour)
 it is only 0.8 (even though “it” is vague, the
word “only” implies total probability is too low)
Do not accept e.g.
 the probabilities add up to 0.8 (no mention of
this being less than 1/not equal to 1)

25 18.7 [cm] 3 Accept 18.6[9693…] accept truncated or rounded to

3sf or better
or the exact answers 4 + √216, 4 + 6√6
Accept 19 only with correct working e.g. √15 3 or
better or 14.7 (or better)  

√15 3 or 14.7 M2 or better e.g. √216

√5 3 or 4 or better e.g. √16
For 14.7 accept 14.6[9693…] truncated or rounded
to at least 3 figs

MD2 + 32 = 152 oe or better M1 or better, e.g. MD2 = 216

or where M is the midpoint of AC, other letters are

MB2 + 32 = 52 oe or better or better e.g. MB2 = 16

Page 11 of 11

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Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 1 April 2020
Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and learners, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. However, we have not been able to adjust it to reflect the full range of answers that would have
been seen as a part of the normal moderation and marking process, and it does not necessarily contain all the
possible alternatives that might have arisen. Cambridge will not enter into discussions about the mark scheme.

Combined By NESRINE

General guidance on marking

This section gives general guidelines on marking learner responses that are not specifically
mentioned in the mark scheme. Any guidance specifically given in the mark scheme
supersedes this guidance.

Difference in printing

It is suggested that schools check their printed copies for differences in printing that may affect the
answers to the questions, for example in measurement questions.

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

Brackets in mark scheme

When brackets appear in the mark scheme this indicates extra information that is not required but
may be given.

For example:

Question Answer Mark Further Information

5 19.7 or 19.6(58) 1

This means that 19.6 is an acceptable truncated answer even though it is not the correct rounded

The … means you can ignore any numbers that follow this; you do not need to check them.

• any correct rounding of the numbers in the brackets, e.g. 19.66
• truncations beyond the brackets, e.g. 19.65.

Do not accept
• 19.68 (since the numbers in brackets do not have to be present but if they are, they should be

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Number and place value

The table shows various general rules in terms of acceptable decimal answers.

Decimal Answers

Accept omission of leading zero if answer is clearly shown, e.g.


Accept tailing zeros, unless the question has asked for a specific number of decimal places or
significant figures, e.g.

Accept a comma as a decimal point if that is the convention that you have taught the learners, e.g.


For questions involving quantities, e.g. length, mass, money, duration or time, correct units must be
given in the answer. Units are provided on the answer line unless finding the units is part of what is
being assessed.

The table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of the answer 1.85 m.

Accept Do not accept

If the unit is given on the Correct conversions, provided ......185...... m

answer line, e.g. the unit is stated ......1850......m etc.
............................ m unambiguously,
e.g. ...... 185 cm...... m (this is
unambiguous since the unit cm
comes straight after the
answer, voiding the m which is
now not next to the answer)

If the question states the unit 1.85 185; 1850

that the answer should be 1 m 85 cm Any conversions to other units,
given in, e.g. ‘Give your answer e.g. 185 cm
in metres’

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In addition to the rules for units, the table below gives guidance for answers involving money. The
table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of the answer $0.30.

Accept Do not accept

If the amount is in dollars and $0.30 $0.3

cents, the answer should be
given to two decimal places For an integer number of $09 or $09.00
dollars it is acceptable not to
give any decimal places, e.g.
$9 or $9.00

If units are not given on the Any unambiguous indication of 30 or 0.30 without a unit
answer line the correct amount, e.g.
30 cents; 30 c $30; 0.30 cents
$0.30; $0-30; $0=30; $00:30
Ambiguous answers, e.g.
$30 cents; $0.30 c; $0.30 cents
(as you do not know which unit
applies because there are units
either side of the number)

If $ is shown on the answer line All unambiguous indications, $......30......

e.g. $......0.30......;
$......0-30......; Ambiguous answers, e.g.
$......0=30......; $......30 cents......;
$......00:30...... $......0.30 cents......
unless units on the answer line
have been deleted, e.g.
$......30 cents......

If cents is shown on the answer ......30......cents ......0.30......cents

Ambiguous answers, e.g.
......$30 ......cents;
......$0.30 ......cents
unless units on the answer line
have been deleted, e.g.

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In addition to the rules for units, the table below gives guidance for answers involving time
durations. The table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of the answer 2 hours and 30

Accept Do not accept

Any unambiguous indication using any Incorrect or ambiguous formats, e.g. 2.30; 2.3;
reasonable abbreviations of hours (h, hr, hrs), 2.30 hours; 2.30 min; 2 h 3; 2.3 h (this is
minutes (m, min, mins) and because this indicates 0.3 of an hour – i.e. 18
seconds (s, sec, secs), e.g. minutes – rather than 30 minutes)
2 hours 30 minutes; 2 h 30 m; 02 h 30 m
02:30 (as this is a 24-hour clock time, not a time
Any correct conversion with appropriate units, interval)
e.g. 2.5 hours; 150 mins
unless the question specifically asks for time 2.5; 150
given in hours and minutes


The table below gives guidance for answers involving time. It shows acceptable and unacceptable
versions of the answer 07:30.

Accept Do not accept

If the answer is required in Any unambiguous indication of 7:30

24-hour format correct answer in numbers, 7:30 am
words or a combination of the 7 h 30 m
two, e.g. 7:3
07:30 with any separator in 730
place of the colon, e.g. 07 30; 7.30 pm
07,30; 07-30; 0730 073

If the answer is required in Any unambiguous indication Absence of am or pm

12-hour format of correct answer in numbers, 1930 am
words or a combination of the 7 h 30 m
two, e.g. 7:30 am with any 7:3
separator in place of the colon, 730
e.g. 7 30 am; 7.30 am; 7-30 am 7.30 pm

7.30 in the morning

Half past seven (o’clock) in the


Accept am or a.m.

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The table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of the answer 3x – 2.

Accept Do not accept

x3 – 2; 3 × x – 2 3x + –2 if it is supposed to be in simplest form

Case change in letters

Changes in letters as long as there is

no ambiguity

Accept extra brackets when factorising, e.g. 5(x + (3 + y)).

Teachers must mark the final answer given. If a correct answer is seen in working but final answer is
given incorrectly then the final answer must be marked. If no answer is given on the answer line then
the final line of the working can be taken to be the final answer.


The table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of various answers.

For the following Accept Do not accept

For 6 ≤ x < 8 [6, 8) <x<

For x ≤ –2 (–∞,–2] x < –2

Just ‘3’ written on the answer

(3, ∞)
For x > 3 line, even if x > 3 appears in
the working

Plotting points

The table shows acceptable and unacceptable ways to plot points.

Accept Do not accept

1 A horizontal line and vertical line from the axes

Crosses or dots plotted within ± square of the meeting at the required point.
correct answer.

The graph line passing through a point implies

the point even though there is no cross.

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

1 36 1

2 x9 1

3(a) 2 1

3(b) 25(%) 1

4 –7p 1

5 (x =) 8 1

6 (–2, –1) 1

7(a) 5 1

7(b) Coffee 1

8 500 (mm2) 1

9(a) 104 1
100 000

9(b) 120 1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

10(a) C H A N E 1 Accept in any order. Do not allow more than one


10(b) 2 1 Accept equivalent fraction, decimal or percentage.

Accept 0.33 or better.
Do not accept answer as a ratio (2:6) or in words.

11 Gabriella = 18 (kg) 3
Pierre = 48 (kg)

[(110 + 154) ÷ 4] ÷ 11 M2 Implied by 6 or one correct mass found.

(110 + 154) ÷ 4 M1 Implied by 66

Only award M1 if M2 not given.

12 Ticks or indicates the box for correct and shows 30 2

students (School A) and 30 (School B).

Award 1 mark for: M1 No marks if box ticked with no supporting work.

• writes that 15% of 200 is the same as 25% of 120
• 30 seen

13 (6, 11.5) 1 11.5 oe

14 42 1 Both numbers correctly placed required to get the

and mark.

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

15 3 2

63 9 21 B1
or or
168 24 56

1 9 7 3 1 3 M1 Only award if B0 scored.

× or × or ×
12 2 4 14 4 2

16(a) 4 (km / h) 1

16(b) 1 A straight line from (10:00, 0) to (11:30, 9)

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

16(c) 11:00 1 Follow through from an incorrect diagram as long

as the answer corresponds to the point where the
lines cross.
Allow a tolerance of square.

17 40 (cm) 2 Allow 40(.0...)

27.72 or 12.28 B1

10 × 4 or (6.93 × 4) + (3.07 × 4) M1 Only award if B0 scored.

18(a) 2.86 1

18(b) 268.84 1

19 rectangle with sides 6 cm and 3.5 cm 2 Tolerance ± 2 mm

Any orientation

1 side correct length or B1 Tolerance ± 2 mm

6 and 3.5 seen

20 Both answers correct 2

7.4 = 3.1
+ – 4.3
9.4 – –5.7 = 15.1

One answer correct B1

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

21 Any two correct reasons, 2 With no incorrect reasons.

- Ask more people
- Ask passengers, not just employees
- Ask people throughout the day
- Ask people in different months
Ask people on different days in March

One correct reason B1 Ignore incorrect reasons.

22 2 For plan : accept any orientation. Accept shading

and internal lines.

For front elevation : accept outline of shape only

(no internal lines.)

Plan or front elevation correct. B1

23 2 Do not accept 9:59




One correct answer B1

24 4 1 Do not accept 4 cm or 1:4

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

25 1
True False

26 3 2

A correct method M1 M1 implied by an equivalent fraction

5 2 e.g.
- 12
2  6 3  2 5÷
e.g. + or  +  ÷ 2 or an incorrectly expressed fraction or a decimal
3 2 3 6 4.5
e.g. or 0.75
8 10 6
or finding both and
12 12

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

27 27 3

36 × 50 × 30 M2 Implied by 54 000
or 60 000 − 4 × 50 × 30 Implied by 60 000 – 6000
or 60 − (4 × 50 × 30)/1000 Implied by 60 – 6 or 54
36 Allow equivalent in ml
or × 60 36
40 e.g ×60 000
and equivalent fractions for ×60

4 × 50 × 30 M1
60 ÷ 2 Allow 60 000 ÷ 2000
or Only award M1 if M2 not given.
36 18 9
or or
40 20 10

28 9 × 0.1, 9 × 0.85, 9 ÷ 0.5, 9 ÷ 0.18 1 Condone correct values e.g.

0.9, 7.65, 18, 50

29 corresponding 2 Condone incorrect spelling.

they are angles on a straight line

two out of three statements correct. B1

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 2 April 2020

Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and learners, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. However, we have not been able to adjust it to reflect the full range of answers that would have
been seen as a part of the normal moderation and marking process, and it does not necessarily contain all the
possible alternatives that might have arisen. Cambridge will not enter into discussions about the mark scheme.

Combined By NESRINE

General guidance on marking

This section gives general guidelines on marking learner responses that are not specifically
mentioned in the mark scheme. Any guidance specifically given in the mark scheme supersedes
this guidance.

Difference in printing

It is suggested that schools check their printed copies for differences in printing that may affect the
answers to the questions, for example in measurement questions.

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

Brackets in mark scheme

When brackets appear in the mark scheme this indicates extra information that is not required but
may be given.

For example:

Question Answer Mark Further Information

5 19.7 or 19.6(58) 1

This means that 19.6 is an acceptable truncated answer even though it is not the correct rounded

The … means you can ignore any numbers that follow this; you do not need to check them.

• any correct rounding of the numbers in the brackets, e.g. 19.66
• truncations beyond the brackets, e.g. 19.65

Do not accept
• 19.68 (since the numbers in brackets do not have to be present but if they are, they should be

Combined By NESRINE

Number and place value

The table shows various general rules in terms of acceptable decimal answers.

Decimal Answers

Accept omission of leading zero if answer is clearly shown, e.g.


Accept tailing zeros, unless the question has asked for a specific number of decimal places or
significant figures, e.g.

Accept a comma as a decimal point if that is the convention that you have taught the learners, e.g.


For questions involving quantities, e.g. length, mass, money, duration or time, correct units must be
given in the answer. Units are provided on the answer line unless finding the units is part of what is
being assessed.

The table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of the answer 1.85 m.

Accept Do not accept

If the unit is given on the Correct conversions, provided ......185...... m

answer line, e.g. the unit is stated ......1850......m etc.
............................ m unambiguously,
e.g. ...... 185 cm...... m (this is
unambiguous since the unit cm
comes straight after the
answer, voiding the m which is
now not next to the answer)

If the question states the unit 1.85 185; 1850

that the answer should be 1 m 85 cm Any conversions to other units,
given in, e.g. ‘Give your answer e.g. 185 cm
in metres’

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In addition to the rules for units, the table below gives guidance for answers involving money. The
table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of the answer $0.30.

Accept Do not accept

If the amount is in dollars and $0.30 $0.3

cents, the answer should be
given to two decimal places For an integer number of $09 or $09.00
dollars it is acceptable not to
give any decimal places, e.g.
$9 or $9.00

If units are not given on the Any unambiguous indication of 30 or 0.30 without a unit
answer line the correct amount, e.g.
30 cents; 30 c $30; 0.30 cents
$0.30; $0-30; $0=30; $00:30
Ambiguous answers, e.g.
$30 cents; $0.30 c; $0.30 cents
(as you do not know which unit
applies because there are units
either side of the number)

If $ is shown on the answer line All unambiguous indications, $......30......

e.g. $......0.30......;
$......0-30......; Ambiguous answers, e.g.
$......0=30......; $......30 cents......;
$......00:30...... $......0.30 cents......
unless units on the answer line
have been deleted, e.g.
$......30 cents......

If cents is shown on the answer ......30......cents ......0.30......cents

Ambiguous answers, e.g.
......$30 ......cents;
......$0.30 ......cents
unless units on the answer line
have been deleted, e.g.

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In addition to the rules for units, the table below gives guidance for answers involving time durations.
The table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of the answer 2 hours and 30 minutes.

Accept Do not accept

Any unambiguous indication using any Incorrect or ambiguous formats, e.g.

reasonable abbreviations of hours (h, hr, hrs), 2.30; 2.3; 2.30 hours; 2.30 min; 2 h 3;
minutes (m, min, mins) and 2.3 h (this is because this indicates 0.3 of
seconds (s, sec, secs), e.g. an hour - i.e. 18 minutes - rather than 30
2 hours 30 minutes; 2 h 30 m; 02 h 30 m minutes)

Any correct conversion with appropriate units, 02:30 (as this is a 24-hour clock time, not a time
e.g. 2.5 hours; 150 mins interval)
unless the question specifically asks for time
given in hours and minutes 2.5; 150


The table below gives guidance for answers involving time. It shows acceptable and unacceptable
versions of the answer 07:30

Accept Do not accept

If the answer is required in Any unambiguous indication 7:30

24-hour format of correct answer in numbers, 7:30 am
words or a combination of the 7 h 30 m
two, e.g. 07:30 with any 7:3
separator in place of the colon, 730
e.g. 07 30; 07,30; 07-30; 0730 7.30 pm

If the answer is required in Any unambiguous indication Absence of am or pm

12-hour format of correct answer in numbers, 1930 am
words or a combination of the 7 h 30 m
two, e.g. 7:3
7:30 am with any separator in 730
place of the colon, e.g. 7.30 pm
7 30 am; 7.30 am; 7-30 am

7.30 in the morning

Half past seven (o’clock) in the


Accept am or a.m.

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The table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of the answer 3x – 2.

Accept Do not accept

x3 – 2; 3 × x – 2 3x + –2 if it is supposed to be in simplest form

Case change in letters

Changes in letters as long as there is no


Accept extra brackets when factorising, e.g. 5(x + (3 + y)).

Teachers must mark the final answer given. If a correct answer is seen in working but final answer is
given incorrectly then the final answer must be marked. If no answer is given on the answer line then
the final line of the working can be taken to be the final answer.


The table shows acceptable and unacceptable versions of various answers.

For the following Accept Do not accept

For 6 ≤ x < 8 [6, 8) <x<

For x ≤ –2 (–∞,–2] x < –2

Just ‘3’ written on the answer

(3, ∞)
For x > 3 line, even if x > 3 appears in
the working

Plotting points

The table shows acceptable and unacceptable ways to plot points.

Accept Do not accept

1 A horizontal line and vertical line from the axes

Crosses or dots plotted within ± square of the meeting at the required point
correct answer

The graph line passing through a point implies

the point even though there is no cross

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

1 8.6 1 Accept – 8.6 or ±8.6

2 4f 2 Accept 4 × f and f × 4
y + 7 or 7 + y

4f B1
y + 7 or 7 + y

3 2 : 5 cao 1

4 (t = ) 10r 1 Accept 10 × r and r x 10

5 3.22 2 Condone 3.2

Only allow 3 if correct method or more accurate
answer seen in working.

1 × 9 + 2 × 14 + 3 × 2 + 4 × 12 + 5 × 8 + 6 × 5 M1 soi by 161

6 420 and cm3 2 Allow 0.00042 m3

420 or cm3 B1

7 5 1

8 (V =) 36 1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

9 Correct working, e.g.: 1

• 75 miles is 120-121 km
• 115 km is 71-72 miles 115
e.g. = 1.533 which is less than 1.6(09)
5 8 75
• a conversion factor and comparison to or
8 5 75
= 0.652 which is greater than 0.625 (or

10 4ab – 6a2 2

One correct term in the expansion i.e. 4ab or – 6a2 B1

11 2



One correct answer B1

12 8 (kg) 2

a correct complete method M1

• 256 ÷ 48 × 1.5
• 256 ÷ 32

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

13 0.045 2
17 000

One correct answer B1

14 25.1(…) (cm) 2 Accept 25 cm for 2 marks if accompanied by


8 × π oe M1

15 (x =) –2 1 Do not accept 9–2

16 D C A 2


3 correct B1

17 b(5b − 3) 1

18 3 1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

19(a) D = 12T oe 1 D = 12 × T
=T , = 12
12 T
Condone in place of 12

19(b) 5.5 1FT FT is from their linear formula connecting T and D

19(c) Straight line between (0, 0) and (10, 120) ± half a square 1 Follow through their (a) or (b) as long as the line is
through the origin.
e.g. a straight line from (0, 0) to (10 × their 12)
e.g. a straight line from (0, 0) to (their 5.5, 66) and
extending this line across full range 0 ≤ T ≤ 10

20 At least 5 more of the quadrilaterals drawn so that they 1 They must fit together with no gaps that could not
tessellate e.g. be filled with the same quadrilateral.

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

21 X beside (−2, −7) 1 No mark if there is a cross in more than one box.

Allow any unambiguous indication.

22 Use of the range to make a correct explanation, e.g. 1 Condone mention of the mean if the values of the
The range for Mondays (or 14) is smaller than the range for ranges are compared.
Thursdays (or 20)
Do not accept
• the range is better on Monday
• an explanation that simply repeats the values
of the range without a comparison.

23 4.29 cao 1

24 2.65 (tonnes) 1

25 5n – 2 2 Do not accept n = 5n – 2
Allow equivalents e.g. 3 + (n – 1)5

5n + c where c is a constant B1 c may be 0

26 189.43 (NZ dollars) 2 Allow 189 or 189.4 or 189.43…

1000 ÷ 7.76 or 1.47 ÷ 7.76 M1 M1 implied by 129 or 128.865 (correctly rounded

or truncated to 4sf or better) or 0.189(4…)

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

27 150(°) 2

4 × 180 ÷ 6 M1 Implied by 120 seen (allow 60 and 60 on diagram).

180 –
90 +

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

28 67.3 (%) or 67.2...(%) 3

(38 × 49) + (12 × 40) − (50 × 28) M2 1862 + 480 − 1400

(50 × 28) 1400
38 49 − 28 12 40 − 28
( × )+( × )
50 28 50 28
(38 × 49) + (12 × 40) Implied by 0.672...
(50 × 28)
1862 + 480
38 49 12 40
( × )+( × )
50 28 50 28
Implied by 1.672...

49 − 28 M1 Implied by 0.75
40 − 28
or oe Implied by 0.428...
or (38 × 49) + (12 × 40) oe Implied by 2342

Only award M1 if M2 not given.

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

29(a) (x =) 0.2 oe 2

A correct method, e.g. M1

• 2x + 2x + x = 1 oe
• 1÷5

29(b) 0.6 oe 1 3 6
e.g. ,
5 10

Condone 3x

Follow through as 3 times their answer to (a),

provided this gives a value between 0 and 1.

30 x 1
(y =) oe

31 (p − 8, q) 2

p − 8 or q B1

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Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 1 October 2020
Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 12 pages. Blank pages are indicated.

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1112/01 Lower Secondary Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October/2020

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 –23 (°C) 1

2 1 2
4 35%

20 34%

17 25%

15 33 31 %

3 40%

2 or 3 correct B1

3 (–1, –2) 1 Both correct for the mark.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

3 Do not accept equivalent decimals or
4 (a) cao 1
10 percentages.
4(b) 70(%) cao 1 Do not accept equivalent decimals or fractions.

5 m2 1


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

6 (a) Both points plotted in correct positions, i.e. 1 error = 0 marks, e.g. extra point plotted



mark 110



0 10 20 30 40
Playing time each night (minutes)

6 (b) A response that indicates that there is a positive correlation 1 Accept positive relationship.
between the variables,
e.g. Do not accept ‘positive’ on its own.
● positive correlation
● students who play longer score higher marks

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

7 1 1
8 2 ( n +1) 1 Accept equivalent expressions e.g.
2n + 2 , (n+1) x 2
Do not accept formulae or equations
(square numbers are) 9 and 36 3 Accept reversed in each line.
(factors of 18 are) 2 and 9
(multiples of 4 are) 20 and 36
(square numbers are) 9 and 36 B1
(factors of 18 are) 2 and 9 B1
(multiples of 4 are) 20 and 36 B1

10 (102) 2

2 correct answers B1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) 1152 1

11 (b) 1.104 1

11 (c) 480 1

12 f 5 and 6g3 2

f 5 or 6g3 B1

13 1 Accept any clear indication of the two correct

responses selected.
mark out of 10 on a test time taken to run a marathon

mass of a bag of oranges average speed of a journey

number of books sold

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 132 2

2 M1 24 2 264 2 11 264
24 ÷ or better e.g. ÷ , ÷ , 24 × ,
11 1 11 11 11 2 2

15(a)  1 Accept any unambiguous indication.

15 (b) 1 Accept any unambiguous indication.

0 1

16 7 2

105 21 26 35 B1
or or or
495 99 33 165

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

17 (a) 2 and 6 in table. 1

17 (b) Line drawn between (– 4, – 2) and (0, 6) 2
plotting (– 4, – 2) and their points from (a) B1
for a line with gradient 2
for a line crossing the y-axis at 6

17 (c) x between – 2.4 and – 2.5 and y between 1.1 and 1.2 1 Condone values in range from an algebraic
or 3 1
solution e.g. −2 and 1
FT x and y values from their point of intersection accurate 7 7
within 1 small square.
18 7 (cm) 3

3(3x + 4) = 57 oe M1 oe could be e.g.
9x + 12 = 57
3x + 4 = 19
6x + 8 = 38
3x = 15
2x + 2 + a = 3x + 4 oe or better M1 oe could be e.g.
3x + 4 – (2x + 2) = a
2x + 2 + a = 19
6x + 6 + 3a = 57
12 + a = 19
8x + 10 + a = 57
a = x + 2 implied by x + 2 on the answer line or
Allow their numerical x for x in each case e.g.
2 × their x + 2 + a = 19

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

19 (a) Multiply by –2 oe 1 Accept equivalent rule, e.g. multiply by 2 and

then change the sign.
Accept x –2
Do not accept:
• use of variable e.g. –2n, –2x
• double and add a negative sign

19 (b) –96 and 192 1 Both correct for 1 mark.

20 52 2

either 16 associated with white or 24 associated with red B1

or for (r : w : y) = 6 : 4 : 3 (or equivalent)

or for sight of any multiple of 13

21 2 Accept another label if it is clear that it refers
X to alternate / corresponding.


1 correct label B1 Accept another label if it is clear that it refers

to alternate / corresponding.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

22 0.2295 (m2) 2

0.0705 or 3000 seen B1

23 5b(2a – b) 2

Partial factorisation B1

5(2ab – b2) or b(10a – 5b) or 5b(2a – b) in working

24 (a) C’ plotted at (3, 5) 1 Ignore lack of label if position is clear.

The sides of the triangle do not need to be
drawn for the mark to be awarded.

24 (b) (enlargement) 2 e.g. enlargement of 2 at (1, 1)

(scale factor) 2 Combinations of transformations score 0

(centre) (1, 1)

One element of the description.


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Question Answer Marks Further Information

25 Ticks Children and gives a correct reason, e.g. 1 Do not accept ‘children eat more fruit.’

• The mode/ median/ mean/ average for children is higher. Values may be seen by graph.
• The chart for children is centred more to the right. If values are found, they must be correct:
• More children ate a large amount of fruit. 105
• Most adults didn’t eat very much fruit. Adults: mode 2, median 2, mean or 3.5
• Children ate 105 portions adults ate 56
Children: mode 3, median 3, mean or
1.867 (which may be rounded or truncated
further e.g. 1.9)

26 Any one of the four possible positions, i.e. one of the shaded 1
faces shown.

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Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge Lower Secondary Checkpoint

Paper 2 October 2020
Maximum Mark: 50


This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.

Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document has 14 pages. Blank pages are indicated.

IB20 10_1112_02
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1112/02 Lower Secondary Checkpoint – Mark Scheme October/2020

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 4 1

2 2 Accept a list of at least 3 different car colours

Colour of car Tally if the columns or rows have no heading.
Accept : Amount, Frequency or Number for

Data collection sheet with: B1 Accept a list of at least 3 different car colours
a column/row labelled colour (of car) in a column/row.
column/row labelled Tally or Frequency or both oe Do not accept

• a question with answer options, e.g. a
question from a questionnaire
• a graph/axes instead of a table

3 220 (cm3) 1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

4 (a) 20 + 15h
or 15h + 20

4 (b) $110 1 FT from an incorrect formula if at least two

different arithmetic operations are involved and
provided cost > 0

5 50.09 (cm2) 2 Accept 50.1 for 2 marks.

Accept 50 for 2 marks if supported by working.

evidence seen of one correct, relevant area calculation M1

e.g. 8.2 × 3.2 or 26.24
or 5.3 × 4.5 or 23.85
or 8.5 × 4.5 or 38.25
or 3.2 × 3.7 or 11.84
or 8.5 × 8.2 or 69.7

or 3.7 × 5.3 or 19.61

6 7.5 (%) 2 1
Accept 7 %
Do not accept 1.075

2580 − 2400 2580 2580 M1

or –1 or × 100
2400 2400 2400

or 0.075 oe or 107.5(%)

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

7 (2, 8) (0, 4) (100, 302) (9, 29) 1 Accept any clear indication.

8 13 (cm) 1

9 30 1

10 (a) 6 3 6 1 Accept any clear indication.

63 14 3 6 3
3 87 6 14 14

10 (b) 119 and 13 1 In this order.

Accept any multiple of 119 and 13, (must be
the same multiple of each e.g. 238 and 26)

11 A set of data with either 2 or 4 numbers where the 1 e.g. 4,6
middle two numbers, when put in order, sum to 10 and
5 is not one of the numbers in the set. 2,3,7,8

Accept correct numbers in any order.

12 1 Accept any clear indication.

2:3 4:3 3:2 6:8 15 : 10

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

13 It is a biased / leading question. 1 Accept, “He is trying to get people to agree with
Do not accept comments about the question
being closed / open / fair.

14 90 (km) 2 Accept answers in the range 86 – 94

140 ÷ 7 M1 M1 may be implied by 20

or Accept measurements of 6.8 to 7.2 in place of 7
Scale is 1 cm to 20 km
or M1 may be implied by (19.4 to 20.6)
1:2 000 000

Accept M1 for full correct method 140 × oe
which may be done in stages and may include

premature rounding.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

15 (a) 45 (minutes) 1

15 (b) 20 1 1
Safia Angelique A line from (08:30, 0) to (09:15, 17) ± small square
15 tolerance.
from home 10

08:00 08:30 09:00 09:30 10:00
15 (c) (0)9:03 1 Accept (0)9:01 to (0)9:05
FT their diagonal straight line starting at 08:30

Accept unambiguous times, e.g. using space, dot,
dash in place of the colon.
Accept 9:03 am

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

16 (a) 54 1 9
oe Equivalent answers include , 0.45 , 45%
120 20
Do not accept ratio answers e.g. 54:120

16 (b) 15 2

0.575 × 120 M1 M1 may be implied by 69

(0.575 – 0.45) × 120
(0.575 – their 0.45) × 120

17 2 2 × 32 × 7 2 Accept 2×2×3×3×7
Accept e.g. 22 × 32 × 7 = 252

For expressing 252 as a product of factors, e.g. 4 × 63. M1 Do not award M1 for just 2, 3 and 7 alone

This could be done implicitly using e.g. a factor tree, Do not accept 1 × 252 as a product
repeated division, listing 2, 2, 3, 3, 7

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

18 Indicates Yellow and gives correct working, e.g. 2

● Showing 6.2 g per 100 ml equates to Correct working could be implied by sight of
15.5 g of sugar in 250 ml either 15.5 or 5.8
● Showing 14.5 g in 250 ml is
equivalent to 5.8 g in 100 ml

Correct method to compare 14.5 g in 250 ml with either M1 Correct working could be implied by sight of
2.4 g or 6.2 g in 100 ml. either 15.5 or 5.8
● 2.4 × 2.5
● 6.2 × 2.5
● 14.5 ÷ 2.5
A correct method could also involve comparing sugar in 500
ml or 1000 ml of drink.

19 115.(...) 1

20 110 2

11 M1 80 × 55
80 × oe Or equivalent, e.g. , 200 × 0.55
8 40

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

21 A complete trial and improvement method leading to the 3 Ignore the final column in the table when
answer x = 8.7 marking.
x x² – 3x
(Accept appropriately
Must include all three marking points below. rounded or truncated
8.1 41.31
8.2 42.64
8.3 43.99
8.4 45.36
8.5 46.75
8.6 48.16
8.7 49.59
8.71 49.7341
8.72 49.8784
8.73 50.0229

8.74 50.1676
8.75 50.3125
8.8 51.04
8.9 52.51
For first two B1 marks to be awarded, one
Any correct trial of a number between 8 and 9, not including 8 B1
appropriate trial to at least 1 decimal place
and 9
and one appropriate trial to at least 2
decimal places must be seen,
e.g.trial at 8.8 and trial at 8.74 scores both B
e.g. trial at 8.72 and trial at 8.73 scores both
B marks

e.g. trial at 8.7 and trial at 8.8 scores first

B1 but not second

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A correct trial of x where 8.73 ≤ x ≤ 8.75 B1

8.7 in the answer space B1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

22 Ticks Mike with 2 supporting figures that can be compared, 2 Accept fractions with a common
e.g. 75% and 80% oe denominator and decimals
15 16
e.g. and , 0.75 and 0.8
20 20
Other values may be possible, e.g. two
ratios with a common value.

360 ÷ 450 or 2700 ÷ 3600 or 75% or 80% M1 Award M1 for one correct value.
Accept fractions and decimals.

23 24 (km) 1 Accept 24-24.2 (km)

24 20 (m) 2

72 ×1000 M1
or for sight of 1.2 or 1200 or 0.02
60 × 60

25 0.00451 cao and 779 000 cao 2 Do not accept 0.0045100
Do not accept 779 000.0

1 correct B1

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26 1 Accept any clear indication.

Congruent Not Congruent

A and B 

A and C 

B and D 
27 (2,– 4) 1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

28 (a) C 1

28 (b) 2 Outline of individual cubes or shading does

not need to be shown e.g.

or Ignore hidden lines and shading.

For a correct isometric drawing in a different orientation B1 Ignore hidden lines and shading.
where the T shape is not the front e.g.

29 A correct comparison of the length of battery life e.g. 2 Do not accept a comparison of the figures
Battery A lasts longer without an interpretation e.g.
Battery B has a shorter battery life the median is bigger for Battery A.

and For 2 marks condone an explanation

comparing the maximum or minimum life
A correct comparison of the variability of the batteries e.g. e.g.
Battery B is more variable the maximum life of Battery A is 2.2 which is
Battery A is more consistent (stable, predictable, reliable) larger than the maximum life of Battery B
which is 1.9

1 correct comparison B1

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Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge Assessment International Education

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 1 October 2019
Maximum Mark: 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

1 1 Condone incorrect spelling.

2 5 1
3 30 1

4(a) 2 oe 1
4(b) 1 1
5(a) 3 (hours) 25 (minutes) 1
5(b) 36 (km/h) 1
6(a) 151.2 1
6(b) 73 23 1
1.46 or or 1
50 50

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

7(a) 30 (≤ L <) 40 1
40 (≤ L <) 50
7(b) 2 Allow 2 mark follow through provided the
|| 2 intervals are exhaustive (there are no gaps).
|||| | 6
|||| 5 For full marks tallies must show correct use of
|| 2 gate.
All frequencies are correct. B1
Allow B1 follow through provided the intervals
or are exhaustive (there are no gaps). For B1
two rows of the table are completely correct. tallies must show correct use of gate.
8(a) × × × × × 1
× ○ ○ ○ ○
× ○ ○ ○ ○
× ○ ○ ○ ○
× ○ ○ ○ ○
× × × × ×

8(b) Identifies pattern as square numbers e.g. 1 Also accept e.g.

• the 5th diagram will have 5 rows of circles with 5 in each row • the 5th square number is 25
• it is 5 squared • the next square number is 25
• it is 5 × 5 • the differences go up in odd numbers
• the sequence is 1, 4, 9, 16, 25
or • the nth term is n2
• because they are square numbers
Explains that the differences are the sequence of odd numbers (‘odd
numbers’ can be implied by two differences correctly used) e.g. Do not accept on their own e.g.
• The differences are 3, 5, 7, 9 • the next term is 25
• 9 is the next odd number, and 16 + 9 (= 25) • it’s 9 more
• 9 + 7 = 16 and 16 + 9 = 25 • 16 + 9
• 52

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

8(c) 3n + 2 oe 2 Accept 3 × n + 2

3n + c oe B1

9 1 Accept any unambiguous indication.

10(a) 3 1 Allow correct equivalent fraction.

Do not allow percentage or decimal.

10(b) 8 1

11 7 3
6 cao

22 97 7 B2
5 , or 1 seen
15 15 15

A fully correct method with at most one arithmetic error. M2 Only if B2 not scored.

12 10 42 55 M1 Only if B2 or M2 not scored.

Correct use of common denominators, e.g. (2) + (3) , +
15 15 15 15

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

12 × 2

3 correct signs. B1

13 6 1

14 x2 – x – 30 final answer 2

three correct from x2, – 6x, 5x, – 30 B1 Could be shown in a grid

–x implies 2 terms correct
15(a) 32 (seconds) 1
15(b) 51 (seconds) 1
15(c) Ticks incorrect 1 Strict follow through from answer to (b) i.e.
if (b) ≥ 55 must tick correct and give converse
gives a correct reason, e.g.
• range is smaller in January / greater in June Do not allow just stating ranges without
• range has increased (in June) comparison.
• 55 > their 51
Ignore comments about the medians.
16(a) (4, 3) 2

4 or 3 correct. B1

16(b) (1, −12) 2

1 or −12 correct. B1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

17(a) −1, 0 and 7 1 In any order

17(b) x < 1 or 1 > x 1 Do not allow x ≤ 1 or x > 1

18(a) 2
0.04 0.039

3.02 3.0 Do not allow 3 for 3.0

2 correct answers B1

18(b) A number in the interval (3950 ≤ x < 4050) 1

e.g. 3950, 4000, 3995.543, 4049.99

19 (+)7y 1

20(a) 3000 (cm3) 1

20(b) 3 (litres) 1 Follow through their answer to (a) ÷ 1000

21 3 and 3 2

1 correct answer B1

22 17, 18 and 19 1 Accept in any order

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

23 2 Allow equivalent fractions or decimals for all

2 entries.
× 1
1 2
0.2 or 0.08
5 25

5 5 2

Two correct. B1

24 5 1 53 scores 0

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

25 A correct construction with clear construction lines, e.g. 2 The line must go through P.
Condone one arc on AB if radius of arc = length

± 2° tolerance

a pair of arcs equidistant from P that intersect AB M1 Condone one arc on AB if radius of arc = length
or PB
perpendicular line through P with no / incorrect construction arcs ± 2° tolerance
fully correct construction of any perpendicular line not though P

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge Assessment International Education

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 2 October 2019
Maximum Mark: 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

1(a) 8 GB 1
Positive (correlation) 1 Ignore comments about strength.
Any comment demonstrating positive correlation,
1(b) or
e.g. Smaller memory sticks cost less.
The larger the memory size the higher the cost. Do not allow directly proportional.
2(a) 66 1
2(b) 68

3 14 1

4 = 2

2 correct signs B1

5 Ticks cube and shows correct working e.g. 2 Accept any unambiguous indication.
• (volume of cube) 216 (cm3) and (volume of cuboid) 210 (cm3)
• (6 ×) 6 × 6 > (6 ×) 7 × 5
• 36 (× 6) > 35 (× 6)

Sight of B1
(6 ×) 6 × 6 and (6 ×) 7 × 5
36 and 35

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

6(a) 3 1 Accept decimal equivalents in the range

7 0.42 – 0.43
Accept percentage equivalents in the range 42% –
Do not accept
• 3 out of 7
• 3:7

6(b) 1 Accept any unambiguous indication.

7 3(2x + 4y – z) final answer 1

8(a) 22.5 (km) oe 1

1 Accept an answer in the range 7:48 to 7:52
8(b) 07:50
Accept 7:50 am
8(c) 47 (minutes) 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

9 4.5(0) (dollars) 3

90 90 M2 M2 may be implied by answers in the range 4.49 to

Complete correct method × 33 × 1.1 − × 18 oe 4.51
6 3
sight of any of these values: Alternative correct methods are possible
• 544.5(0) – the cost of 90 light bulbs in Germany converted 90 90 18
e.g. M2 for ( × 33 − × ) × 1 .1
to dollars 6 3 1 .1
• 4.09 – the difference in costs in euros
• 0.05 – the difference in the cost of one light bulb
expressed in dollars

sight of 540 – the cost of 90 light bulbs in US in dollars M1 Only if M2 not awarded.
sight of 495 – the cost of 90 light bulbs in euros
for converting a relevant price in euros into dollars by multiplying by
e.g. 33 × 1.1 or 36.3 or (33 ÷ 6) × 1.1 or 6.05
10(a) 30 1

10(b) 40 1

11(a) 1 Accept any unambiguous indication.

11(b) x = –2 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

12(a) 0.15 and 0.6 oe 2 Must be in this order.

1 – (0.2 + 0.05) M1 Implied by 0.75 seen, but not in a box or two

answers that add up to 0.75

12(b) Block 2 1 All 10 boxes filled in correctly needed for the mark.
Red Green Yellow Blue
(R) (G) (Y) (B) Do not accept reversed order, e.g. RG for GR.
Block 1

Green (G) GR GG GY GB
Yellow (Y) YR YG YY YB
Blue (B) BR BG BY BB

13(a) 2(x + y) = 65 oe final answer 1 Accept equivalent equations, e.g.

2x + 2y = 65
x + y = 32.5
x + x + y + y = 65

13(b) x = 4y oe final answer 1 1

Allow y = x
Must be a relationship in x and y.

13(c) (x = ) 26 2

A correct method to eliminate either variable e.g. M1 M1 for correct method to eliminate either variable.
2(4y + y) = 65 oe FT their answer to part (a) and part (b) providing
1 working for elimination is shown and leads to an
or x + 4 x = 32.5 oe equation in one variable. Condone working shown in
earlier parts.
or y = 6.5

14 32 1

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Question Answer Mark Further Information

15 4.52 (centimetres) 2 Allow equivalents fractions.

604 (millilitres)
(1.87) tonne(s) or t Condone ton(s).

2 correct B1

16 x 1x
(y = ) 1 Or equivalent for y, e.g. x ÷ 2,
2 2
Do not allow 2y = x

17 Ticks ‘Correct’ 1
provides a suitable explanation, e.g. Do not allow
• The angles are the same / both 70(°) • both are 70%
• Both proportions are 70/360 • they are the same number.
• In both classes, around 20% or or 19.4% of the students Accept 19%.
take the bus.

18 (2, 3) 1 Both parts correct.

19(a) S and y = 1 1 Accept equivalent equations for the line (e.g. y – 1 =


19(b) Q and 90 and (0, 0) 2

Two from Q, 90 or (0, 0) B1

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

20(a) 14 1

20(b) (Add) 6 1 Allow six

21 2 Correct hexagon with correct arcs, labels not

Arc at A can be missing.
Distances between arcs should all be within ± 2 mm.

Arcs at equal intervals at the points (A), B, C, D, E, F with at least 3 M1 ± 2 mm

within tolerance Labels not essential.


a regular inscribed hexagon with no/wrong arcs.

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

22 120 2

x × 0.4 × 0.25 = 12 oe M1
(12 ÷ 0.25 =) 48 oe
(12 ÷ 0.4 =) 30 oe
(25% of 40% = ) 10% or 0.1 oe

23 7.8(125) (cm) 3 Accept 8 (cm) with correct working.

30÷1.2 25 M2
oe or oe
20×16 320
for sight of 25 (or 25 000 000) and 320 (or 3 200 000) Seen separately

sight of any of M1 Only if M2 not scored.

• 30 ÷ 1.2 or 25 or 25 000 000
• 20 × 16 or 320
• 2000 × 1600 or 3 200 000

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Mark Further Information

24 1 A rectangle measuring 5 cm by 4 cm either way

Internal lines not required.

25 8 and –8 (in either order) 1

26 (x = ) 4 1 Both correct.
(y = ) 7

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 1 April 2018
Maximum Mark: 50


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

Combined By NESRINE

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a) 5 1 Allow +5

1(b) 7 1

2 Ticks Lily and shows correct values for comparison, 2 Do not accept Lily without an explanation.
160 pages (Lily)
144 pages (Safia)

Correct method, e.g. M1

0.32 × 500 oe implied by 160
0.4 × 360 oe implied by 144

3 6 2

0.25 or 1500 seen. B1

4 A correct explanation relating to order of operations 1 Do not accept

e.g. • he hasn’t calculated correctly
• Division should be done first • the correct answer is 11 (alone)
• adding comes after dividing
• Mike has done the calculations in the wrong order But accept
• 12 ÷ 4 = 3, 3 + 8 = 11 • Using BODMAS, the answer should be 11
• He hasn’t used BODMAS • Accept other acronyms e.g. BIDMAS, PEMDAS

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

5 2

one or two correct triangles ringed with no more than B1

one incorrect triangle ringed.

6(a) 1.2 1

6(b) 250 1

7(a) Grade Grade 2

A, B or C D, E or F
Boys 76 64 140
Girls 79 61 140
Total 155 125 280

at least 4 correct entries. B1

7(b) 61 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

Combined By NESRINE

8 1 Accept any unambiguous indication of the correct



7b 

9 2 2

in correct order

2 correct answers. B1

10(a) 2x(x – 3) 2 Ignore attempts to “solve” or expand back out

either of M1
• x(2x – 6)
• 2(x2 – 3x)

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

10(b) h 2
(r =) +4
(r =)

correct first step, e.g. M1

• sight of 2r – 8
• sight of = r – 4
• sight of 2r = h + 8

11 8 1

12 1 Accept any unambiguous indication of the correct


13 7 1 cao

14 x2 + 6x – 16 2

at least 3 out of these 4 terms seen: x2, 8x, –2x, –16 B1

+6x implies both 8x and –2x.

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

15(a) Age of student 1 Accept any unambiguous indication of the correct

Gender of student 

Time spent doing sport each week 

Favourite sport

15(b) A correct explanation, e.g. 1 Accept equivalents, e.g.

• She is not asking enough people. • She will not have enough data.
• She should not just ask her friends. • Her friends will not be representative of
• Her friends may all be girls. everyone in the school.

‘ask more friends’ 0 marks

16(a) 15 1 Do not accept 152

16(b) 1 Accept any unambiguous indication of the correct


17 3600 2 In correct order.

20 000

2 correct answers. B1

18 2 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

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19 250 000 (cm3) 1

20 (m =) 3 1

21(a) 1

21(b) 1 Accept correct follow through from an incorrect

answer to part (a)

21(c) (1, 2) 1 Accept follow through from correct intersection of

their two mirror lines.

22(a) Shape B: 0 and 1 2 All 6 values correct for 2 marks.

Shape C: 0 and 2
Shape D: 1 and 1

B1 3 or more values correct.

22(b) Diagram of a square (or any other more complex 1 Properties need not be shown.
diagram that has the correct symmetry properties).

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

23(a) (x =) 3.2 (y =) 3.6 2

Allow ± 0.2

either x = 3.2 or y = 3.6 (allow ± 0.2) for either answer B1

x = 2.4 and y = 5.2 (allow ± 0.2) for correct intersection
of pair of lines.

23(b) 2 For 2 marks line must go from (0,6) to (3,0) within a

tolerance of half a small square

at least two correct points are plotted B1

e.g. (0,6), (1,4), (2,2), (3,0)
or if the line is not drawn with a ruler

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

24 840 3

a correct method to find the number of boys, e.g. M2

18 × 20
implied by 480


the correct method for finding the total number of

students, e.g.
18 × 20
implied by 840

18 × 20 or 18 ÷ 0.05 M1 If M2 not scored.


sight of 360 or 42 or 24
18 × 7
18 × 4

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

25 Any correct expression e.g. 2 Allow unsimplified expression for 2 marks.

x2 + 2x – 15 (cm2) ISW attempts to solve.
or (x + 5)(x – 3) (cm2)

Identifying one side as x + 5 or one side as x – 3, on the B1

diagram or as part of a product


3 out of 4 terms correct from x2 + 5x – 3x – 15

2x implies both 5x and –3x

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 2
Maximum Mark: 40


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

Combined By NESRINE

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 Two negative numbers that multiply to make 18 1 Accept correct decimals or fractions.
–3 (×) ‒6
–9 (×) ‒2

2 0.4 2 Allow equivalents e.g.

5 4
, 40%
8 10
28 (%) 0.625, 62.5%
28 7
0.28, ,
100 25

one correct answer. B1

3(a) Point plotted at (5, 11) 1 Allow tolerance of half a square.

3(b) 4 (years) 1

3(c) A description of the relationship in words 1

• Older cars have less value / newer cars are worth
• As the age of a car increases, its value goes down

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

4(a) ($) 800 (per month) 1

4(b) Ticks Oliver’s house 1 Follow through from answer to part (a)


shows supportive working, e.g.

• sight of 850 ($ per month)
• sight of (800 × 12 =) 9600
• sight of (850 × 15 =) 12 750

5 2

A trapezium-shaped travel graph that shows a journey M1

leaving home at 8.30 and arriving home at a time
between 10.05 and 10.15


for a completely correct horizontal section

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6 12.8 cm 2

Evidence of a method of dividing by 7 and multiplying M1

by 4.
• × 22.4
• 22.4 ÷ 7 × 4

7 Accurate construction of a kite with the two additional 2

vertices lying within tolerance (± 2mm) with correct

either M1 within tolerance (± 2mm)

one additional vertex constructed accurately (sides of
kite may not be drawn in)
accurate kite drawn but no evidence of four correct
construction arcs.

8 38 (crates) 2

1865 ÷ 48 or 39 or 38.85… or 38.9 seen B1

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

9(a) 1 Accept any unambiguous indication of the correct


9(b) 10 1

10 70 (%) 2

175 M1
Sight of (oe) or 175 ÷ 250

11 6n or 2 × 3n 2

3n + 2 or 2 + 3n
e.g. 5 + (n – 1) × 3 oe

one correct answer. B1

12 5 1

13 6 or more triangles on the grid sharing at least one 1

edge with another triangle, creating a tessellation.

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 875 (grams) 2

Evidence of a correct conversion between kilograms M1 Do not accept just 1 kg = 1000 g for the conversion.
and grams.

This could be implied by sight of any of these values:

1600 (grams)
0.325 (kg)
400 (grams)
1200 (grams)
725 (grams)

15 125 (kilometres) 1

16(a) 4.5 (cm) 1

16(b) 35 (°) 1

17 45 (g) 0.08 (kg) 0.14 (kg) 1200 (g) 1

18 3.5 oe 1

19 15 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question Answer Marks Further Information

20(a) y = 30x + 70 1

20(b) 1 A straight line from (0, 70) to (5, 220)

FT from their (a) provided both boxes contain a
number greater than 0.

20(c) 1.5 ± 0.1 1 FT from their line in (b), as long as there is an

appropriate point on the line, i.e. not from a step

21 600 (cm2) 2

6 × their side length squared M1

102 or 100 seen

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

22 (multiply by) 5 1

23 The children got higher scores (on the second test). 1 Allow a statement implying that the second test had
a higher score e.g. “the second test was easier”, “the
children improved” etc.

Do not accept:
a statement about one test only, e.g. the mode for
the second test was 6.
reference to the number of students changing

24 53(.3) (million hectares) 2

either M1
0.22 × 3860 or 849.2 or 849
0.21 × 3790 or 795.9 or 796

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

25 2 Award 2 marks for C in correct position within


Accept ± 2° in the drawing of the angles.

one correct bearing drawn implied by the position of a B1


26(a) 3.73229… (cm) 1

26(b) 3.7 (cm) 1 Allow 4 or 3.73 (cm)

Do not allow 3.732

Accept follow through from (a). Do not award a mark

if no rounding takes place.

27 ($)125 (.00) 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

Combined By NESRINE

28 91 2

either M1

0.18 × 200 implied by 36


0.22 × 250 implied by 55

29 82 (cm2) 2

Correct method of one area, e.g. M1

• 0.5 × 12 × 3 implied by 18
• 8 × 4 implied by 32
• 8 × 8 implied by 64, provided this is not doubled

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 1 October 2018
Maximum Mark: 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

This document consists of 10 printed pages.

IB18 10_1112_01/4RP
© UCLES 2018 [Turn over

1112/01 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 7.57 cao 2

sight of 7. (…) B1 4
Do not accept 7r4 or 7 on its own.

2 Less than 30 Equal to 30 More than 30 2 Award 2 marks for all correct.

2 correct B1

3 8 2

2 correct B1

4 8:7 2

Any correct not fully simplified ratio provided the units are B1 Anything with units e.g. 8 cm : 7 cm scores
the same e.g. maximum 1 mark.
଻ ଼
160 : 140, 16 : 14, 1.6 : 1.4, 1 : 0.875, 1 : , : 1, 1.14… : 1
଼ ଻
correct numbers reversed, i.e. 7 : 8

Page 2 of 10
Combined By NESRINE
1112/01 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

5 Rings d and ticks ‘Angles on a straight line add up to 180°’. 1 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct

6(a) 8.7 9.1 9.5 41.5 1 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct

6(b) 1 0 1 7 1 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct

7 answer.

7(a) 13.8 1

7(b) 4500 1

8 (y =) 63 2

28 ÷ 4 × 3 × 3 oe M1 ଵ 252
or e.g. 28 ÷ 4 × 3 ÷ , oe
ଷ 4

21 seen

9 900 (cm) 3

Correct method M2 for correct method with only one numerical error
e.g. or omission of one side
20 × 2 + 50 × 2 + 70 × 2 + 130 × 2 + 180 × 2
20 × 2 + 70 × 2 + 50 × 4 + 130 × 4
answer 9 m

130 or 180 seen M1

1 extra correct length marked on the diagram in any unit.

Page 3 of 10
Combined By NESRINE
1112/01 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

10(a) GH or HG 1 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct


10(b) (x =) 70 2 Allow on second diagram next to x

Missing angle in first quadrilateral is 70° or the letter x M1 May be seen on diagram.
100 + 105 + 85 + x = 360 or better e.g.
360 – (100 + 105 + 85) or 360 – 290
the missing angle value marked in the first quadrilateral is
their x

11 1 2

two numbers that add up to 13 B1 Condone 0 in the 0−9 row
An integer value less than 11 in the 0−9 row and also an
integer value of at least 12 in the 20 – 29 row

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Combined By NESRINE
1112/01 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 4 1 4
and an explanation that includes one of the following Condone and an explanation that includes
5 5
pairs one of the following pairs
1 1
• and or equivalent fractions • 0.8 and 1.25
4 5
• 80% and 125%
• 0.2 and 0.25
• 20% and 25% ଶହ ଵ଺
• and or equivalent fractions with
ଶ଴ ଶ଴
common denominator

ସ ହ
Accept finding and of a number and
ହ ସ

Do not accept ‘fifths are smaller than quarters’


May use diagrams as part of the explanation.

13 2 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct

 answer.

2 correct B1

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Combined By NESRINE
1112/01 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 8 3
ଶ ସ
e.g. , , 0.4, 40%
ହ ଵ଴
either a sample space diagram showing all 20 correct M2
outcomes (totals or pairs)
+ 2 3 4 6 + 2 3 4 6
1 3 4 5 7 1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,6
1 3 4 5 7 1 1,2 1,3 1,4 1,6
2 4 5 6 8 2 2,2 2,3 2,4 2,6
3 5 6 7 9 3 3,2 3,3 3,4 3,6
4 6 7 8 10 4 4,2 4,3 4,4 4,6


for a list of all 20 correct outcomes (totals or pairs) and
none incorrect/extra.

finding at least 16 correct outcomes (totals or pairs) M1

identifying all 8 correct outcomes (totals or pairs) where the
sum is 7 or more

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Combined By NESRINE
1112/01 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

15 4500 2

450 450 000


any box correct B1

follow through for their 45 being
their 450 000 ÷ 10 000

16 3 Award 3 marks for all 4 correct.

× 8 0.2

0.8 6.4 0.16

0.3 2.4 0.06

either 0.8 correct with two of 0.16, 2.4 and 0.06 correct B2
0.8 wrong but all remaining entries correct allowing for
follow through for 0.2 × their 0.8

either 0.8 correct B1 Only award if 3 or B2 are not already scored.

2.4 and 0.06 correct
0.8 wrong but 2 other entries correct allowing for the follow
through of 0.2 × their 0.8

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

17(a) Primary Secondary 1 All three must be correct.

17(b) A correct explanation e.g. 1 Do not allow e.g.

There is no box for 0 / zero / none/ never / do not use • they may not remember how many times
or • there are limited options
There is no box for 6 / it should say more than 5 times • 2 or 3 should not be grouped
it is not an exhaustive list

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1112/01 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

18 Median for normal toothbrush = 23 3

Median for electric toothbrush = 16
A suitable conclusion, following through from their Condone electric is better.
averages, e.g.
‘Patients who use an electric toothbrush have healthier
teeth (than those who don’t).’

Correct value for normal toothbrush B1 B1 can only be scored if the number matches the
Median = 23 word.
Accept mean 22.3 Allow mean = 22

Correct value for electric toothbrush B1 B1 can only be scored if the number matches the
Median = 16 word.
Accept mean 17.7 Allow mean = 18

A suitable conclusion following through from their averages. B1 Note use lowest value for conclusion.
or Condone electric is better.
A correct conclusion with no averages found i.e. that Conclusion must be consistent with their
people who use an electric toothbrush have healthier teeth. numbers, if present, if blank conclusion must be

19 408 (cm2) 3

1 M2 Implied by e.g. 90 + 120 + 150 + 24 + 24 or better

6 × 15 + 8 × 15 + 10 × 15 + × 6 × 8 × 2 oe Condone one out of the five areas being
incorrect or missing for M2.

Two correct from 90, 120, 150, 24 and 24 B1

or 360 or 48

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

20 112.5 (litres) 2

correct method, e.g. M1

7.5 × 60 × 0.25 oe
1 litre in 4 sec and 7.5 min = 450 sec and 450 ÷ 4

21(a) 2 1 Allow ‘order 2’.

21(b) 0 or none or zero 1

22 Rotation 90° anticlockwise about (0, 0) 3 Combination of transformations can score

maximum M1.

Rotation B1 Do not allow e.g. turn

90° anticlockwise oe B1 Allow equivalents, e.g. quarter turn anticlockwise

or + 90° or 270° clockwise.
Do not accept 90° without the + sign.

Centre (0, 0) (or the origin or O) B1

Final image of triangle shown at co-ordinates (–5, 1) (–5, 3) M1 Award only if 0 scored.
(–2, 1) Condone vertices only for M mark.

23 1 1 2
–0.5 or – Accept any equivalent fraction e.g. –
2 4
Do not accept e.g. –0.5x

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Combined By NESRINE
Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 2 October 2018
Maximum Mark: 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series Report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

This document consists of 9 printed pages.

IB18 10_1112_02/2RP
© UCLES 2018 [Turn over

1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 32.01 1

2 ($)74 2

103.60 5 M1
× 40 or 1.85 or 0.71(...) or
56 7

3 2 (°C) 2

For either 18 or 20 seen B1

For a mark on the graph at 17:30

4(a) 2 1

4(b) 10 1

5 Millilitres or ml 2 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct
Kilograms or kg answer.
Kilometres or km

2 correct B1

6 11 and 13 1 In either order.

7 20 1 Ignore any units given.

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1112/02 Checkpoint Mathematics - Mark Scheme October 2018

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) 2 1 1
or or 0.33(…) or 33(.3…)%
6 3

8(b) 45 1
3 9
or an equivalent fraction e.g. , or 0.375 or 37.5%
8 24

9 Point E marked on the grid at (2, 1) 1 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct

10 Ticks Women 2 Note other correct methods are acceptable.

correct figure for comparison, e.g.
• (31 out of 80) = 38(.75%) or 0.38(..) or 39(%) or 0.39

• (41% of 80) = 32(.8) or 33

correct method for comparison, e.g. M1 Note other correct methods are acceptable
or 31 ÷ 80 or 38(.75%) or 0.38(…) or 39(%) or 0.39
implied by 32.8 or 33
0.41 × 80 oe

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11(a) 2(3x + 5) + 2(x + 2) isw 1 Allow any equivalents e.g.

8x + 14 , 6x + 10 + 2x + 4 , 2(4x + 7)

11(b) 23 3

Correctly solving their linear equation from (a) M2 Implied by x = 6

Forming a correct equation e.g. 2(3x + 5) + 2(x + 2) = 62 oe M1 Allow their expression in (a) = 62
or 6x + 10 + 2x + 4 = 62
3 × their 6 + 5 8x + 14 = 62, 2(4x + 7) = 62

12 1

13 24 (%) 2

or 144 or 0.24
or 1.24 or 124(%)

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

14  2 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct


2 correct answers. B1

15 140(.088…) (pounds) 2 Award 2 marks for answers rounding to 140

correct to the nearest whole number

63.6 M1
× 100 oe

or 1.4…. or 0.454 or 0.71… or 2.2… seen

16 Saturday and a correct reason relating to the mean or 1 Do not accept

average, e.g. Saturday has the smallest range, by itself.

It has the largest mean/ average value.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

17 Algebraic method seen leading to 3 Do not accept trial and improvement as a

(x =) 7 method.
(y =) 3

An algebraic method leading to either M2

x = 7 or y = 3

An attempt at eliminating either x or y M1


• correct substitution and evaluation from incorrect first

value implied by two values satisfying one of the
original equations.

• making the coefficients of x or y equal followed by an With no more than one arithmetic error.
appropriate consistent subtraction or addition across all Can be implied by 5y = 15 or 5x = 35

3 terms

• re-arranging one of the equations to make one variable

the subject and then substituting their arrangement into With no errors.
the other equation,
e.g. x + 2(24 – 3x) = 13 or 3(13 – 2y) + y = 24

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

18 (8, 10) 3

(8, k) or (k, 10) for D B2

for finding coordinates of C, i.e. (6, 6)

(6, k) or (k, 6) for C M1

for sight of x1 + x2 or with correct numbers e.g. ,
or Do not allow x1 − x2

19(a) 3n + 11 2 Mark the final answer for 2 marks.

Allow equivalent unsimplified, e.g.
14 + 3n – 3, 14 + 3(n – 1)

Do not accept: n = 3n + 11

(±) 3n ± k seen B1 Allow for just 3n

or correct expression seen then spoilt

19(b) 1 2 3 2 In correct order.

, , Accept equivalent fractions or decimal
3 5 7
equivalents for 2 marks or for B1:
= 0.33(33…), = 0.4, = 0.42(857…) or 0.43

Any one term correct. B1 Regardless of order

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

20 3x + 1 2

Correct fractions with a common denominator M1 M1 implied by correct unsimplified answer

2x x +1 8x 4( x + 1) 12x + 4
e.g. + e.g. M1 for + ,
8 8 32 32 32

21 A complete trial and improvement method leading to the 3 Ignore the final column in the table when
answer x = 8.6 marking.

Must include all three marking points below.

Any correct trial of a number between 8 and 9 M1 For both M1 marks to be awarded, one
appropriate trial to at least 1 decimal place and
A correct trial of x where 8.6 < x ≤ 8.65 M1 one appropriate trial to at least 2 decimal places
must be seen, e.g. trial at 8.6 and trial at 8.65

8.6 in answer space. B1

22 72 (cm) 1 Both correct for the mark.

53 (°)

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

23 Shirt A 2

Allow fractions : 1 and : 1
gives correct supporting ratios, e.g.
Allow rounded e.g. 1.9:1 and 1.5:1
1.8(57…) : 1 and 1.5 : 1

Any of B1
13 Allow rounded e.g. 1.9
• 1.8(57…) or
• 1.5 or

24 8 (hours) 1

25 –2 1

26 1500 (kg) 2

150 000 (m2) seen M1

or for a correct method
e.g. 15 × 10 000 × oe
for follow through of incorrect area conversion multiplied by e.g. 15 × 10k × oe
0.01 correctly.

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Combined By NESRINE
Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 1 April 2017
Maximum Mark: 50


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document consists of 10 printed pages.

IB17 05_1112_01/5RP
© UCLES 2017 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE
1112/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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Combined By NESRINE
1112/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a) 63 (°) 1

1(b) 117 (°) 1 Follow through:

180 – answer to (a)

1(c) 63 (°) 1 Follow through:

= answer to (a) or 180 – (b)

Question Answer Marks Further Information

2 2t (or 2 × t or t × 2 or t + t) 3
t – 10
(Oliver takes) half as long (as Mia)

Two correct answers. B2

One correct answer. B1 Only award if B2 not awarded.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

3 C A D B 2

0 0.5 1

One labeled arrow correctly placed. B1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

4 1.6 m 132 cm 1 m 20 cm 1.15 m 1 m 6 cm 86 cm 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

5(a) 5 and 3 1 Must be correct order.

5(b) 20 – 24 bar drawn to height 10 1 The bars should have gaps between them.
25 – 29 bar drawn to height 5 or their height for 25 – 29 Follow through their 5

5(c) Ticks 'Yes' and gives a correct explanation e.g. 1 Do not accept an explanation that refers to just one graph,
 The modal interval was 15 – 19 on both days. e.g.
 The tallest bar was 15 – 19 on Mondays and Tuesdays. On Tuesdays the most common interval was 15 – 19
 Both graphs peaked in the same place.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a) x+5=0 x=5 y=5 y = 5x 1 Accept any clear indication of the answer.

6(b) y = 7 or equivalent 1

6(c) 1 All correct for 1 mark.

Accept any unambiguous indication of the answer.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7 73 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) 0.4 1

8(b) 2 1 e.g.
Any correct integers to make a fraction that lies between
4 41 3 9 45 ଻ ହ
5 , , , , , ,
1 40 50 9 100 7 20 100 ଵହ ଵଶ
and (i.e. between and )
2 100 100

Question Answer Marks Further Information

9 21.676 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

10(a) 11.316 1

10(b) 2.76 1

10(c) 113.16 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11 ($) 4.08 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

12(a) 30 (minutes) 1

12(b) Safia and 12 1

12(c) The lines for Safia are steeper. 1 There must be a comment relating to steepness of the line
or speed.
Accept ‘her line is steeper’.
Accept calculations or comparisons of speed.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

13 x=3 2
x or y correct B1
2  2  2  3  3  5 seen or implied by e.g. tree diagram,
repeated division.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 6 5 4 3 2 1 0 1
5 4 3 2 1 0 1
4 3 2 1 0 1 2
3 2 1 0 1 2 3
2 1 0 1 2 3 4
1 0 1 2 3 4 5
1 2 3 4 5 6

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1112/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

15(a) 250 1 Allow 2.5 × 102

15(b) 2.5 1 Allow 2.5 × 100

Question Answer Marks Further Information

16 ($)2.96 2

An answer containing the digits 296 but with an incorrectly M1

positioned decimal point.
a complete correct method with at most one numerical error
1 8 5
× 1 6
1 0 1 0
1 8 5 0
2 8 6 0

Question Answer Marks Further Information

17 ( –1, 3) 2

One correct coordinate M1

correct method for both coordinates
(3, –1)

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

18 3 8 2 Allow equivalent fractions.

and in correct order
4 9

One correct fraction. B1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

19 2

–4 –2 0 2 4 6 8 10



3 coordinates are plotted in correct places B1

the image is the correct size and shape but incorrectly

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

20 5–1 0.125 2
5–2 0.2

2–3 0.25

3–2 4%

⎛1⎞ 1
⎜ ⎟
⎝2⎠ 9

At least three correct. B1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

21 7 3

Complete correct method with at most one arithmetic or M2

conversion error.

either B2 Only award if M2 not awarded.

for finding that one packet makes 3 litres of paint
for calculating that 20 litres of paint requires 4 kg of paint
sight of 6 or 6.6… or 6 r4

A correct conversion between g / kg or ml / l B1 Only award if neither M2 nor B2 awarded.

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1112/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

(Reflection in the line) y = x 1 Do not accept just a line on the diagram.

Combinations of transformations scores zero
22(b) 90° clockwise or 270° anticlockwise 2 Combinations of transformations scores zero.
90° anticlockwise or 270° clockwise
Either part correct B1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

23 1 Both answers needed.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

24 2 Allow equivalent fractions.

× 1.2 0.25

4 4.8 1

1.2 1.44 0.3

Two correct, allowing a follow through if B1

‘their 1.2’ × 1.2 is correctly evaluated in place of the 1.44

Page 10 of 10

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 2 April 2017
Maximum Mark: 50


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at an Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the Principal Examiner Report for
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

IB17 05_1112_02/6RP
© UCLES 2017 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE
1112/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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Combined By NESRINE
1112/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 1
3 7
4 10

5 13
8 20

2 6
3 10

Question Answer Marks Further Information

2(a) 4t – 20 1
2(b) (w =) 45 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

3(a) 150 1
3(b) 90 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

4 14 and 6 2 Allow them in reverse order for 2 marks.

Recognition that joined width is counted twice, e.g.: M1

 2 × 40 – 68 oe
 2x + y = 34 (where x and y can be any letters)
 4x + 2y = 68
 –


One of 14 or 6 given as either the length or the width.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

5 69.6 (%) cao 2

. M1
implied by 0.69(6...) oe
for correct answer not given to 1dp. e.g. 69.61, 69.60,

Question Answer Marks Further Information

6 No and a correct explanation e.g. 1 Do not accept “it would be easier if everyone just paid $36”
 If everyone pays $35.14 the total amount paid would be without reference to the $35.14 not being enough to cover
2 cents short or $245.98 the bill.
 She should have rounded up to $35.15
 There won’t be enough money. Do not accept just a reference to a tip.
 They each need to pay a bit more.

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1112/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7 ($)60 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) 2
Boys Girls Total
Play instrument 31 60 91
Do not play instrument 9 20 29
Total 40 80 120

Three or more cells filled in correctly. B1

8(b) gives the percentages girls 75 (%) and boys 77.5 (%) 2 Follow through percentages from their table.

Follow through decision from their correctly calculated
Ticks No percentages.
One correct percentage seen B1 Follow through percentage from their table.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

9 3.58… and 3.59… 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

10 ($)4.70 2
supportive working that includes sight of
either 1075 (grams) or 1.075 (kg)
0.98 (kg) or 980 (grams) with no further incorrect working.

($)4.70 with no working B1

1075 (grams) or 1.075 (kg)
Finding the correct cost for their mass.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11 (0).09 (oe) 2

, 9%

1  0.3  0.15  0.28 M1

implied by 0.27 or 1 – 0.73 or 0.09

Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 11 : 5 2 Do not allow units in the ratio.

5 : 11 B1
any ratio equivalent to 11 : 5, e.g.
 121 : 55 or 1.21 : 0.55
 2.2 : 1 or 1: 0.45…

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1112/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

13(a) –14 1

13(b) (x =) 17 2

One correct trial x > 10 B1

13(c) x2 + x – 20 2

A correct expansion with at least 3 terms correct from B1

x2 + 5x – 4x – 20

Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 64 (km/h) 2

240 ÷ 3.75 (or equivalent) M1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

15(a) A suitable comment about the accuracy, e.g. 1 Do not accept, e.g.
 He has written too many digits.  Just ‘it’s not suitable’.
 He should have rounded his answer.  His answer should have been a whole number.
 He shouldn’t have written all the digits from his  Just ‘his answer is accurate’.
calculator.  His answer is right (or wrong).
 The times are only given to one decimal place.
 It’s too accurate.

15(b) 43.8 (seconds) 1 Condone 44, 43.84 or 43.843

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

16(a) Four points plotted correctly on the scatter graph. 2 Do not allow with extra points.






50 60 70 80 90 100

Two points correctly plotted. B1 Ignore extra points.

16(b) Negative (correlation) 1 Do not accept a description of the relationship.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

17 5, 11, 21 1 All correct for 1 mark

Question Answer Marks Further Information

18 x ( x  2) 1
(cm2) or equivalent

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

19 71.6 (%) 2 Accept 72

 4.29  2.50  1.79 M1

   or or 0.716
 2.50  2.50
 or 1.716 or 171.6(%)

Question Answer Marks Further Information

20(a) 4.5 or equivalent 2

Correctly substituting 1 in place of x, e.g. M1 Substituting can be into their rearranged equation.
 3(1) + 2y = 12
 2y = 9
20(b) (4, 0) 1

20(c) A line passing through (1, 4.5) and (4, 0) 1 Follow through from answers to (a) and (b), provided there
are different answers for each and the line passes through
(1, their a) and (their 4,0)

–2 –1 0 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8



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1112/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

21 Number of sides in polygon Sum of the interior angles 2

5 540°

6 720°

9 1260(°)

Either correct. B1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

22 25 (km) 2

242 + 72 or better implied by 625 M1

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1112/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme April 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

23 44.9(…) (m2) 3 Accept an answer that rounds to either 44.9 or 45.0

Two of M2 Allow figures rounded to 3 significant figures or better.

π  2.52
 or or 9.81 to 9.821…
π  32
 or or 14.1 to 14.14…
 6 × 3.5 or 21

Implied by e.g. 7.625 π (+ 21) or (+ 21)

or 23.9 to 23.96… or final answer of 45

π × k2, where k is 2.5 or 3 (could be implied by 6.25π or M1

19.6 to 19.64… or 9π or 28.26 to 28.3)
one of the calculations or values above.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

24 An explanation indicating that there are gaps, e.g 1

 There shouldn’t be gaps
 Mia has drawn a tessellation of a quadrilateral and a

Page 11 of 12

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 1 October 2017
Maximum Mark: 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

IB17 10_1112_01/2RP
© UCLES 2017 [Turn over

1112/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme October 2017

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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Combined By NESRINE
1112/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme October 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1 1 All correct for 1 mark.

0.7 0.75 1.1 1.2 2.1
Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct

Question Answer Marks Further Information

2 (r =) 9 2

An attempt to subtract 7 from both sides (e.g. 3r = 34  7) M1

7 34
or correct first step, e.g.: r  
3 3

Question Answer Marks Further Information

3 8e 1 Allow any unambiguous indication of the correct


2 + 6×e

2e + 6 

6 + e2

Question Answer Marks Further Information

4 56 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

5 (C =) np 1 Accept equivalent answers, e.g.:


Question Answer Marks Further Information

6(a) 1 Both correct for 1 mark.

millimetres centimetres
÷ 10

kilograms grams
× 1000

millilitres litres
÷ 1000

6(b) 0.856 (km) 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7 Name of student 1 Award 1 mark for both boxes ticked and no

additional boxes ticked.
Age of student 
Favourite subject

Time spent doing homework 

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1112/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme October 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8 6 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

9(a) 9 2

Correctly converting to a common denominator. M1

 7  2 35 10
e.g.:   and , and oe
 10  10 50 50

9(b) 11 2 35 23
2 oe Accept or 1 for 2 marks.
12 12 12

Correctly finding a common denominator. M1

63 28

e.g.: and
12 12
3 4
or 5 and 2
12 12
15 4
or 4 and 2
12 12

Question Answer Marks Further Information

10(a) 19.18 1

10(b) 140 1

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1112/01 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme October 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

11 1 Accept any unambiguous indication of the correct

5 cm 12 cm 13 cm 30 cm answer.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 Recurring Terminating 2 Award 2 marks if all fractions are in the correct

decimals decimals column.

 1 3
   
3 4
2 2
9 5
5 7
6 20


Four fractions correctly placed. B1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

13 4 2

Any two correct. B1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 1 Both answers must be ringed and no others for the

6 8 9 36 64
award of the mark.
Accept any unambiguous indication of the correct

Question Answer Marks Further Information

15 (3, 5) 2

One correct coordinate. B1 Only award either B1 or M1

Correct intersection shown on grid. M1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

16(a) 2 Accept equivalent fractions, percentages or

Lily’s Jamila’s decimals, e.g.:
estimate estimate
31 73 62% 0.62
50 100
73% 0.73

One column correct. B1

16(b) Ticks Jamila and gives a correct reason relating to the 1 Do not allow just ‘Jamila has 100.’ oe
number of times they carried out the experiment, e.g.: Note that the reason must make a comparison
between Lily and Jamila’s estimates.
 Jamila has more results.
 Jamila opened twice as many packets of biscuits.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

17 36 2

5 × 22 = 20 (seen or implied) by 20 – 10. M1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

18(a) 20 1

18(b) 23 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

19(a) A correct comment relating to the line for 65 years and 1

above, for example:
 The line for 65 years and above slopes up.
 There has been an increase in the percentage of

people aged 65 and above.

19(b) 1996 1 Accept 1995 – 1997 inclusive.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

20 7 1 Ignore units.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

21 7 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

22 0 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

23 The 5th and 6th terms are 15 and 21 2 Accept 62 or 6  6 or 36  6 for indicating a
15 + 21 (= 36) = 62 square number, or ‘36 is a square number’.

Finding 15 or 21 or 36 B1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

24 16 3

2 2 M2 implied by sight of:

1–( + 35%) correctly evaluated by converting and 1
5 5  of students got grade C, oe
35% to the same form to get 0.25, or equivalent 4
1  40 students in total
(e.g. 25%, ).

2 M1 For example:

Correct conversion of and 35% to the same form.  0.4 and 0.35
 40% (and 35%)
8 7
 and or equivalent fractions with equal
20 20

Question Answer Marks Further Information

25(a) (m =) 19 (v) 1 Do not accept 20 m = 380 v

25(b) 228 (g) 1 Allow follow through from part (a), i.e. 12 × their 19

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

26 3 1 2
Do not accept
2x 3x

Question Answer Marks Further Information

27 Correct region, R: 3 Allow lack of label, R, if intended region is clear.



Both correct boundaries M2 Notes on correct form:
or  sight of an arc centre on the tree,
1 correct boundary, 1 incorrect boundary with follow  a vertical line inside the garden stretching at
through correct region, provided the incorrect boundary is least as far as their arc.
of the correct form i.e., arc or line.

1 correct boundary M1
2 incorrect boundaries with the correct form and correct
follow through indication of the region.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

28 Algebraic method seen leading to 3 Do not accept trial and improvement as a method.
(m =) 7
(n =) –2

An algebraic method leading to either M2

m = 7 or n = –2

An attempt at eliminating either m or n M1

 attempt to re-arrange one of the equations to make one
variable the subject and then substitute their
arrangement into the other equation,
 attempt at making the coefficients of m or n equal with
no more than 1 error, arithmetic or sign, followed by an
appropriate, consistent subtraction or addition across all
3 terms.
 correct substitution and evaluation from incorrect first

value i.e. two values satisfying one of the original

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Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 2 October 2017
Maximum Mark: 50

This mark scheme is published as an aid to teachers and candidates, to indicate the requirements of the
examination. It shows the basis on which Markers were instructed to award marks. It does not indicate the
details of the discussions that took place at a Markers’ meeting before marking began, which would have
considered the acceptability of alternative answers.
Mark schemes should be read in conjunction with the question paper and the End of Series report.
Cambridge will not enter into discussions about these mark schemes.

This document consists of 14 printed pages.

IB17 10_1112_02/3RP
© UCLES 2017 [Turn over

1112/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme October 2017

Mark scheme annotations and abbreviations

M1 method mark
A1 accuracy mark
B1 independent mark
FT follow through after error
dep dependent
oe or equivalent
cao correct answer only
isw ignore subsequent working
soi seen or implied

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1112/02 Checkpoint Secondary 1 – Mark Scheme October 2017

Question Answer Marks Further Information

1(a) 18 000 1

1(b) 2.1 1 Do not accept 2.10…

Question Answer Marks Further Information

2 125 (cm³) 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

3 1.775 (kg) 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

4(a) (a =) 45 1

4(b) (b =) 80 1

4(c) (c =) 55 1 Allow follow through of 180 – their (a) – their (b)

135 – their (b)
100 – their (a)

Question Answer Marks Further Information

5 (remainder =) 5 1 Award 1 mark if 493 r 5 is seen as long as the

remainder is indicated.

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

6 Ticks Blessy and gives a correct reason, e.g. 1 Allow ‘The range of Blessy’s frequency is higher’.
 Ahmed’s results are all close to what you would expect
but Blessy’s results aren’t. Do not accept: ‘Blessy has a higher frequency.’
 You would expect all the frequencies to be close to 20
 Blessy has too many 1’s / not enough 6’s
 The frequencies for Blessy’s scores are very varied.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

7 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

8(a) 0.8125 1 Both must be correct for the award of 1 mark.


8(b) Any decimal between 0.71875 and 0.8125 1 Allow a follow though for a decimal between their
two answers in part (a).

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

9(a) 2 1

9(b) 26  3n oe 2 Allow equivalent answers, e.g.:

23  (n  1) ( 3)
23 – 3(n – 1)

Do not accept:
n = 26  3n
23  (n  1)  3

(±) 3n seen B1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

10 Bag A Bag B 1 All four must be correct for the award of the mark.
Blue Green

Yellow Green
Red Green
Blue White
Yellow White
Red White
Blue Red
Yellow Red
Red Red

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

11 Ticks Petronas Twin Towers 2 Accept answers such as:

and Petronas Twin Towers = 450 m
gives a correct explanation, e.g. Using a scale 1 cm : 40 m, this would be drawn 11.25
Petronas Twin Towers = 440 – 460 m inclusive whereas cm tall, but the GRES-2 drawing is only 10.5 cm tall.
GRES 2 = 412 – 428m inclusive

One height is found correctly M1

the scale for both buildings is used correctly from an
incorrect measurement.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

12 10:00 and 11:00 1

Question Answer Marks Further Information

13 ($)28.5(0) 2

38 2.4 M1 Implied by 11.875 or 0.75

3.2 3.2

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

14 2

3 correct vertices B1
a shape of the correct size and orientation but positioned
incorrectly on the grid.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

15 20 2

240 2 M1 Do not accept 200 – 120 = 80

or oe
360 3
80 (tickets) or
100 (tickets)

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

16 1.18 oe 2 Accept 1.2

Correct method for finding the total number of instruments, M1

(0 × 14)  1 × 19  2 × 11  3 × 6
(0)  19  22  18

Question Answer Marks Further Information

17(a) Chen: 50.5 and 2

Aiko: 48
correctly placed in table.

50.5 or 48 B1

17(b) 29 (minutes) 2

A correct method, e.g.: 1300 ÷ 45 M1 Implied by answer of 28.8(…..) minutes

or 28.9 minutes.

Question Answer Marks Further Information

18 6 1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

19 A workable table with each of these features: 2 Award B1 only if additional columns are used.
 A row or column for at least tea, coffee and hot
chocolate. Allow none/other/total. All columns / rows must be labelled for the award of
 A row or column for recording responses, e.g.: 2 marks.

Tally Frequency Do not accept bar charts.

Hot chocolate

Including a row or column for each type of hot drink. B1

for having a column (or row) for recording responses.
for including both features plus extraneous information,
e.g. name

Question Answer Marks Further Information

20(a) 1
−4 ≤ x < 2 −4 < x < 2 −4 < x ≤ 2 −4 ≤ x ≤ 2

20(b) y>9 1 Do not accept:

or y = 9 or y  9 or y  9

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

21 190 (m2) 4

188.(….) or 32  88 or 189 B3

  82 M1 Implied by 100.(.....) or 32

their answer for area + 88 M1 Implied by k    88

their area correctly given to 2sf rounded from a more B1 22

accurate answer that must be shown.  = 3.1 or better, or =

Question Answer Marks Further Information

22 3 (hours) 2

Sight of any of B1

 3600 (millilitres)
 0.02 (litres)
 180 (minutes)
 1200 (ml per hour)
 1.2 (litres per hour)

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

23 A complete trial and improvement method leading to the 3 The three marking points listed as M1, M1 and B1
answer (x =) 3.6 must be included for the award of 3 marks.
For example:

x x3 – 2x
(Accept rounded
or truncated
3.1 23.591
3.2 26.368
3.3 29.337
3.4 32.504
3.5 35.875
3.6 39.456
3.61 39.825881
3.62 40.197928
3.63 40.572145

3.64 40.948544
3.65 41.327125
3.7 43.253
3.8 47.272
3.9 51.519

Any correct trial of a number between 3 and 4 M1 For both M1 marks to be awarded, one appropriate
trial to 1 decimal place and one appropriate trial to 2
A correct trial of x where 3.62 ≤ x ≤ 3.65 M1 decimal places must be seen, e.g. trial at 3.6 and
trial at 3.65
3.6 in answer space. B1

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

24 27.77…(%) 2 Award only one of M1 or B1

Accept 28, 27.8(0), 27.78, and 27 oe

 45  32.5  M1 5
  Implied by 0.27(77…) or 0.28 or
 45  18

 32.5 
100 –  
 0.45 
 32.5 
1–  
 0.45 

32.5 B1 13
Implied by 0.72… or 72(…)% or
45 18

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

25 Spain circled 2 2 marks are awarded for a clear explanation and

and 0.32 oe and 0.36 oe seen identification of Spain.

a valid argument involving Ensure consistent use of columns e.g.

percentages or ratios or fractions e.g. 82 224
NZ women = 39 ÷ 121 = 0.32 or better and
121 350
and Spain = 126 ÷ 350 = 0.36
or Men Women
NZ men = 82 ÷ 121 = 0.68 or better 28700 13650
and Spain = 224 ÷ 350 = 0.64 NZ
or 42350 42350
NZ ratio of men to women = 2.1 : 1 and Spain 1.8 : 1
or 27104 15246
NZ has 2.1 men for every woman and Spain 1.8 42350 42350
NZ 0.48 women to each man and in Spain 0.56
or NZ = 121  3 = 363 and 39  3 = 117

NZ has more than 2 men per woman and Spain has less Spain = 350 and 126
than 2 men per woman
13650:15246 oe
or any equivalent statement.

calculating any one of M1

 0.32 or 32%
 0.36 or 36%
 0.68 or 68%
 0.64 or 64%
 2.1 or 1.8 or 0.48 or 0.56
 13650 or 15246 seen

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Question Answer Marks Further Information

26 35 to 40 1

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Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 1 April 2016
Maximum Mark: 50


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

This document consists of 10 printed pages.

IB16 05_1112_01/3RP
© UCLES 2016 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 1

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 5 : 23 pm Do not accept 5 23

without pm.

(b) 1 44 (minutes)

Total 2

Question number 2

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 8.437

(b) 1 117.6

Total 2

Question number 3

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Draws 3 correct lines

Total 1

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Question number 4

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1

(b) 1 True False

152 = 225 

144 = 72 

4 2 = 64 

Total 2

Question number 5

Part Mark Answer Further Information

Award 1 mark for each

2 14, 26
correct answer.

Total 2

Question number 6

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Because 3 + 5 + 7 + 9 = 24, which is a Award mark if 24 is seen

multiple of 3 and an indication that
this is a multiple of 3
e.g. 3 × 8 = 24

Do not accept
explanations which use
specific calculations e.g.
3579 ÷ 3

Total 1

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Combined By NESRINE

Question number 7

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 2 8
2 or equivalent mixed number Do not accept
3 3

(b) 1 9

Total 2

Question number 8

Part Mark Answer Further Information

Do not accept
(a) 1 (4, –2)
(x = 4, y = −2)
1 (1, 1) Do not accept
(x = 1, y = 1)

Total 2

Question number 9

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 (Day) 7(th)

(b) 1 4 (cm)

(c) 1 A correct conclusion, e.g.

* the bean plant getting full sun grew
* the more sun, the taller/faster/better
the plant grew

Total 3

© UCLES 2016 1112/01/A/M/16

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Question number 10

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 –10

Total 1

Question number 11

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 75 (m2) Award 1 mark for

110 – their 35
60 + their 15
33 + their 42
110 and 35 seen
60 and 15 seen
33 and 42 seen

Total 2

Question number 12

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 x  6x – 8 

x  2x

x  4x – 6

x  x2 

Total 1

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Question number 13

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 1 4
1 (km) or equivalent, e.g.
3 3

(b) 1 5 29
3 (km) or equivalent, e.g.
8 8

Total 2

Question number 14

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Square can be in any


Accept the following


Total 1

Question number 15

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 4 (litres)

Total 1

© UCLES 2016 1112/01/A/M/16

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 16

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 874.59 Do not accept 874.590

(b) 1 870 Do not accept 870.0

Total 2

Question number 17

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Red Green Blue Yellow

Award 1 mark if 2 entries
are correct.
Frequency 64 48 56 32

Relative 0.32 0.24 0.28 0.16


Total 2

Question number 18

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 No and an explanation, e.g. No mark without some

When the income is high the age can explanation
be high or low
When age is x, income can be high or

Total 1

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Combined By NESRINE

Question number 19

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 4 + 9 × (6 – 4) = 22

(b) 1 24 ÷ (12 – 8 + 2) = 4

Total 2

Question number 20

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 200 (cm2) Award 1 mark for identifying

the side length of the
square as 5 cm.
This could be implied by
stating the area of the small
square is 25 cm2.


20 associated with the

length/longer side of the


10 associated with the

width/shorter side of the

Total 2

© UCLES 2016 1112/01/A/M/16

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 21

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 ($)1.89(00) Award 1 mark

for 5.40 × 0.35 seen
54 × 35 seen
0.0054 × 350 seen
for sight of the digits 189
for correct method with at
most 1 error.
e.g. 5.40 = 1000 g
0.54 = 100 g
0.26 = 50 g (error)
3 × 0.54 + 0.26 = 1.88

Total 2

Question number 22

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 33 (cm2)

Total 1

Question number 23

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 (<) Award 1 mark for 3 correct

> symbols.

Total 2

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Question number 24

Part Mark Answer Further Information

Total 1

Question number 25

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 20 (cm) Award 1 mark for


For sight of 140

(b) 1 2

Total 3

Question number 26

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 (x =) 46 (°) Award 1 mark for each

(y =) 67 (°) correct answer.

Total 2

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Combined By NESRINE

Question number 27

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 The 0.2 and 2 cards may be

swapped over.

(b) 1 40

Total 2

Question number 28

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 Award 2 marks if 3 answers

12.2 km 064 ° lie within the given ranges.
...................... ......................

12.8 − 13.2 km 145 − 149 ° Award 1 mark if 2 answers

...................... ......................
lie within the given ranges.
18.6 − 19.0 km 285 − 289 °
...................... ......................

Total 3

© UCLES 2016 1112/01/A/M/16 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 2 April 2016
Maximum Mark: 50


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

This document consists of 10 printed pages.

IB16 05_1112_02/4RP
© UCLES 2016 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 1

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 7 (kg)

(b) 1 55 (g)

Total 2

Question number 2

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 28 (cm) 30 (cm) 320 (mm) 0.35 (m)

Total 1

Question number 3

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 10 (minibuses)

Total 1

Question number 4

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2    Award 1 mark if 2 ticks

   are correctly placed.
  

Total 2

© UCLES 2016 1112/02/A/M/16

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Question number 5

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 18 (edges)

Total 1

Question number 6

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 (17 to) 24 Award 1 mark for 2

25 to 32 correct numbers or if
second interval has gap of
7 with any integer starting
point greater than 17.

Total 2

Question number 7

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1
Kendra has 3 more birds than cats.

Kendra has 3 more cats than birds. 

Kendra has 1 cat and 3 birds.

Kendra has 3 birds and 1 cat.

(b) 1 r = 2b (or equivalent)

Total 2

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Combined By NESRINE

Question number 8

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 1 Accept decimal rounding

7 to 0.14 (or percentage
rounding to 14%).

Do not accept ratio

notation (e.g. 1 : 7) or an
answer expressed in
words (e.g. unlikely or 1
out of 7).

(b) 1 3 Accept decimal rounding

7 to 0.43 (or percentage
rounding to 43%).

Do not accept ratio

notation (e.g. 3 : 7) or an
answer expressed in

(c) 1 4 Accept decimal rounding

7 to 0.57 (or percentage
rounding to 57%).

Do not accept ratio

notation (e.g. 4 : 7) or an
answer expressed in

Total 3

Question number 9

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 (x = ) 11

(b) 2 (n = ) 7 Award 1 mark for correct

first step at simplifying
equation, e.g. sight of any
• 4n + 3 = 31
• 6n = 2n + 28
• 4n = 28
• 3 = – 4n + 31
• 6n – 28 = 2n

Total 3

© UCLES 2016 1112/02/A/M/16

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Question number 10

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 43(.3566…%)

Total 1

Question number 11

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 45 (minutes)

Total 1

Question number 12

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 1 Award 1 mark for either

= (0.) 25 statement correct
for sight of one of these
4 statements:
= 80 (%)
(5) 2
= 0.5(0)
= 20%
= 40%

Total 2

© UCLES 2016 1112/02/A/M/16 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 13

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 For 2 marks, there should

Property Name of be 1 quadrilateral in each
quadrilateral cell and the names written
should all be different.
All sides equal Square
Do not allow square for two
Two sets of Rhombus or marks.
parallel sides Parallelogram
or Rectangle For 1 mark, 2 cells
containing only correct
Diagonals are Rectangle (or quadrilaterals from the
equal in length Isosceles
trapezium) • Rhombus
• Parallelogram
Rotational Parallelogram • Rectangle
symmetry of or Rhombus or • Square
order 2 Rectangle • Rectangle
• Isosceles trapezium
• Square
• Parallelogram
• Rhombus
• Rectangle
• Square

Total 2

Question number 14

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 3a2

(b) 1 9 – 2a (or –2a + 9)

Total 2

© UCLES 2016 1112/02/A/M/16

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Question number 15

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 Award 1 mark for each

x 4 correct answer.
y 960

(b) 1 y
y = 32x or x = or equivalent

Total 3

Question number 16

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 13.6 136 000

196.5 1965 000

Total 1

Question number 17

Part Mark Answer Further Information

Do not accept n = 3n + 4
(a) 1 3n + 4

(b) 1 3004 Follow through from (a)

for 1000 substituted for n
and evaluated correctly.

Total 2

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Question number 18

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Award 1 mark for

Award 1 mark for 1 error
or omission.

Unordered plus error or

omission is no marks.

Total 2

Question number 19

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 (x → ) 4x

Total 1

© UCLES 2016 1112/02/A/M/16

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Question number 20

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 0.54 (m3) Award 1 mark for

1.2 × 0.6 × 0.75
120 × 60 × 75
540 000 seen.

Total 2

Question number 21

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 increase and 120

Total 1

uestion number 22

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Award 1 mark if one or two

correct answers are ringed
with at most one incorrect

Total 2

© UCLES 2016 1112/02/A/M/16 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 23

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 6(3 – 2e)

Accept –(3c + 14d)

(b) 2 –3c – 14d
or −(14d + 3c)
Award 1 mark for
–14d – 3c 4c – 14d – 7c seen

follow through from an

incorrect expansion to
award 1 mark for correct
simplification e.g.
4c – 14d + 7c leading to
11c – 14d

Total 3

Question number 24

Part Mark Answer Further Information

Award 1 mark for 180 ÷
2 80 (km/h)
2.25 or equivalent.
4 60
e.g.180 × or 180 ×
9 135

Do not accept use of 2.15

instead of 2.25
Total 2

© UCLES 2016 1112/02/A/M/16

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 25

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 (x =) 10 and (y =) 40

Total 1

Question number 26

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 Rotation Award 1 mark for each.

90(°) (or ¼ turn) anticlockwise Do not accept ‘turn right’

or ‘turn left’ for the
Centre (3,9) direction of turn.

Total 3

Question number 27

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Manuel and gives correct working. Award 1 mark for sight of a

correct method that could
Correct working could involve finding be used to make a
how many litres of petrol Lotte buys (27.5 comparison. This is likely
litres) to be
finding the cost of Manuel’s petrol 28.3
($41.32 or $41.318). × 27.01 (oe) (implied
by 41.318 seen)


× 18.5 (oe) (implied
by 27.5 seen)

Award 1 marks for 41.3
seen and Manual ticked
for ‘Lotte buys 28’ or ‘Lotte
buys 27’ and Manuel

Total 2

© UCLES 2016 1112/02/A/M/16 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 1 October 2016
Maximum Mark: 50


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 1

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 (y =) 240

(b) 1 (x =) 7

Total 2

Question number 2

Part Mark Answer Further Information

Total 1

Question number 3

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Award 1 mark for one

side of the triangle adding
up to 100 using the
numbers provided.


Total 2

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 4

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 1000 Award 1 mark if 2

100 answers are correct.

(b) 1 (4) tenth(s)

(4) thousandth(s)

Total 3

Question number 5

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 (1, –3) Do not accept

(x = 1, y = ‒3)

(b) 1

Plots D at (–1, 1)

Total 2

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 6

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 21

(b) 1 80

Total 2

Question number 7

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 m–2

(b) 1 3m (or equivalent)

Total 2

Question number 8

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 1
1.5 (litres) or 1 (litres)

(b) 1 18.9 (kilograms) or equivalent

Total 2

Question number 9

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 30

Total 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 10

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 Award 2 marks for either

of these situations
• all areas correct and
at least 1 dimension
• all dimensions correct

Award 1 mark for either

• all areas correct or
• at least one dimension

Total 3

Question number 11

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 Straight line drawn from (2.30 pm, 90) to

(5.15 pm, 0).

(b) 1 50 (kilometres) Accept 49 to 51

Follow through from their

(a) (tolerance ±2)
provided that their (a)
has a negative gradient
and intersects the given

Total 2

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 12

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 9.18 Award 1 mark for 9180 or

91.8 or 0.918 seen.

Award 1 mark for a

correct method e.g.
2 5 5
3 6
1 5 3 0
7 6 5 0
9 1 8 0

but with at most 1

arithmetic error.

Total 2

Question number 13

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 5

Total 1

Question number 14

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 48 ÷ 20 = 48 ÷ 2 ÷ 10

48 ÷ 20 = 48 × 5 ÷ 100

48 ÷ 20 = 20 ÷ 48 ×

48 ÷ 20 = 48 ÷ (4 × 5)

Total 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 15

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 2 Award 1 mark for

or equivalent 7 2
3 and seen
3 7


Correctly multiplying
7 2
their and their
3 7
(must see a correct

Attempting to expand the

brackets with three
15 2
correct from 3, – ,– ,
7 3
+ or equivalent.

Total 2

Question number 16

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Less Equal More Award 1 mark for 2

than 1 to 1 than 1 correct rows.
litre litre litre


1000 cm3 

100 000


Total 2

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 17

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1

(b) 1 Accept any orientation.

Accept hidden lines if


Total 2

Question number 18

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 2

Total 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 19

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 38 Award 1 mark for

(34 + 36) × 19
70 × 19
2 × 19
sight of 1330 or 646 or

(b) 2 108 Award 1 mark for either

2 × 54
2 × 27 × 2
27 × 4
sight of 2916

54× 2
Award 0 marks for

Total 4

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 20

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 1.5 or equivalent 3

Do not allow x or 1.5x

(b) 2 A straight line connecting Award 1 mark for at least

(0, 3.5) and (7, 0). two correct points plotted
(or seen in a table) but
not necessarily
connected, e.g. (0, 3.5),
(1, 3), (2, 2.5), (3, 2),
(4, 1.5), (5, 1), (6, 0.5),
(7, 0).
This could be implied by
a correct line that does
not reach the axes.

(c) 1 x=2 Follow through from their

y = 2.5 or equivalent answer to (b) provided
that their line crosses the
given graph at a single

Total 4

Question number 21

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 17 21 Award 1 mark for each

24 32 value.

(b) 1 Ticks ‘In the evening’ and gives a correct Follow through from their
explanation, e.g. table for their 17 greater
• The median is higher in the evening. than 21
• The median time is lower at lunchtime.

(c) 1 Ticks ‘In the evening’ and gives a correct Follow through from their
explanation, e.g. table for their 32 less
• The range is larger in the evening. than 24

Total 4

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 22

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(0) < t ≤ 15

15 < t ≤ 30

30 < t ≤ 45

45 < t ≤ (60)

Total 1

Question number 23

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 8 Award 1 mark for

or equivalent 4 2
9 or seen
6 3
1 1 3
or ( + ) ÷
2 6 4
1 1 4
or ( + ) ×
2 6 3

Total 2

Question number 24

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Award 1 mark either

if two of the three
vertices of the image are
found correctly


if the image is the correct

size, shape and
orientation but is
positioned incorrectly on
the grid.

Total 2

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 2 October 2016
Maximum Mark: 50


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 1

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 3

(b) 1 35

Total 2

Question number 2

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 C D (A) B

Total 1

Question number 3

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1

(b) 1 x=3

Total 2

Question number 4

Part Mark Answer Further Information

Total 1

Question number 5

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Image translated right one square and

down three squares.

Total 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 6

Part Mark Answer Further Information

Total 1

Question number 7

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Accept an answer which relates to lack of

choice in response boxes
people might want to tick a 'no' box or
both boxes.

Total 1

Question number 8

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Any whole number in the range

43995 ≤ x < 44005

Total 1

Question number 9

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 5 Accept equivalent

fraction, decimal or

Do not accept in ratio

form (e.g. 5 : 9).

(b) 1 7 Accept equivalent

fraction, decimal or

Do not accept in ratio

form (e.g. 7 : 9).

Total 2

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 10

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 40 000 000 or 40 million

Total 1

Question number 11

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Ticks Yes and gives a correct reason, e.g.

• 50% for both but more women’s coats
were sold.

1 1
• of 76 = 38, of 108 = 54
2 2

1 1
• of 108 > of 76 or equivalent.
2 2

Total 1

Question number 12

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 5 Award 1 mark for 22 or

27 seen.

Total 2

Question number 13

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 34 (badges) Award 1 mark for sight of

either of these:
• 153 / 9 (= 17)
• ( 153)

Total 2

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 14

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 The following four additional combinations

stated with no repetitions in table
Red Yellow
Red Green
Green Yellow
Green Green

(b) 1 1 Follow through from their

(or equivalent) (a) provided that at least
2 extra combinations
were added in (a) and
answer is > 0, i.e. not 0/4

Total 2

Question number 15

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 t4

(b) 2 8r + 2r 2 For 2 marks accept:

• 2r (4 + r)
• 2r (r + 4)

Award 1 mark for

• 2(4r + r 2)
• 2(r 2 + 4r)
• r(8 + 2r)
• r(2r + 8)
• 8r seen
• 2r 2 seen

Total 3

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 16

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Award 1 mark for:

• 1 correct box ticked
and no incorrect
boxes ticked.
 • 2 correct boxes ticked
and 1 incorrect box

Total 2

Question number 17

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Accurately drawn net Award 1 mark if at most

e.g. one face is missing or
inaccurately drawn.

Accept other correct

accurate arrangements.

Total 2

Question number 18

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 128 (kilometres)

Total 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 19

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 8

(b) 2 m + 2t Award 1 mark for a single

2m fraction with denominator
2m or numerator m + 2t


m 2t
2m 2m



Total 3

Question number 20

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Euros and supporting working Allow figures 5.832 and

e.g. 7.916(6…) to be rounded
8.1 × 0.72 = 5.832 only as far as 1dp e.g.
or 7.92, not 7.91
5.7 ÷ 0.72 = 7.916(6....)
Award 1 mark for 8.1 ×
0.72 or 5.7 ÷ 0.72 (i.e.
working shown but not
evaluated) or
Correct conversion (i.e.
5.832 or 7.916....) but
with an incorrect decision
of dollars.

Total 2

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 21

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 Any of these answers

x = 2, y = 6
x = 3, y = 5
x = 4, y = 4
x = 5, y = 3
x = 6, y = 2

(b) 1 Any pair of values for m and n such that m

– n = 4 and m, n are whole numbers
greater than 1
m = 6, n = 2
m = 14, n =10

Total 2

Question number 22

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 28(.336) (kg)

(b) 2 38(.25…) (%) Award 1 mark for (25.3 –

18.3) ÷ 18.3 (implied by 7 ÷
or 0.38 seen.

or for evidence of a correct

alternative method such as
(25.3 ÷ 18.3) – 1
(–1 can be seen or implied)
or 1.38 seen.

Total 3

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 23

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Rings July and gives a correct


• The modal interval was 70-75

seconds in April but was 65-70
seconds in July

• The average time was faster in July

• There were fewer longer times in


• There were more shorter times in


• The July race finished in a shorter


Total 1

Question number 24

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 9 (minutes) Award 2 marks

either for sight of both
2.25 (hours) (or
equivalent) and 2.4
(hours) (or equivalent)
for sight of 0.15 (hours)
(but not if 0.15 is given on
answer line without unit

Award 1 mark for sight of

either of 2.25 (hours) (or
equivalent) or 2.4 (hours)
(or equivalent).
90 120
or and
40 50

Total 3

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 25

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 5, 7, 9, 11

(b) 1 7, 12, 17, 22

Total 2

Question number 26

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 ($) 480 Award 1 mark for


finding the mass in Kg of

the seed the farmer
needs, e.g.
0.01 × 120 000 (= 1200)
or × 120 000 (=


finding the cost of seed

per square metre, i.e.
0.40 × 10/1000 (= $0.004)


correct method with one


Total 2

Question number 27

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 (C =) 45G

Total 1

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 28

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 Rotation and 90° clockwise and centre (0, Combinations of

–1) transformations score
zero marks.

Award 1 mark for each of:

• Rotation
• 90° clockwise
• Centre (0, –1)

Total 3

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 1 October 2015
Maximum Mark: 50


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

IB15 10_1112_01/4RP
© UCLES 2015 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 1

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 16 41 or 4.41 pm

(b) 1 19 min(utes)

Total 2

Question number 2

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 53 and 59 in either order

(b) 1 A correct reason

 3 goes into 51
 17 is a factor of 51
 3 ×17
 51 can be divided by 3

Total 2

Question number 3

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 All points plotted correctly

(b) 1 (– 4,–2) or (– 4,6) Allow follow through

from part (a) provided
this results in a

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 4

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 3 7 1 Award 1 mark for

5 20 3 ● 1 correct answer
with none incorrect
● 2 correct answers
35 35 1 with at most one
100 10 35 incorrect

Total 2

Question number 5

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Draws a correct triangle within the Award 1 mark for

constraints of the overlay. angle between 32-36°
Award 1 mark for line
between 7.0 and 7.4

Total 2

Question number 6

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 130.2

(b) 1 17 34 85
8 or 8 or 8
20 40 100

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 7

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Completes the table correctly.

sleep school travel eat play

12 5 1 2 4

180° 75° 15° 30° 60°

Total 1

Question number 8

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 0.07 Award 1 mark for at

0.7 × 10
least two correct.
70 × 0.01
7 ÷ 0.01

7 ÷ 0.1

Total 2

Question number 9

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 19

(b) 1 28

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 10

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 5
or equivalent fraction

Total 1

Question number 11

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 m Award 1 mark for any

2 correct.



Total 2

Question number 12

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 x
x  (or equivalent)
x  2x + 1 (or equivalent)

(b) 1 Add 3 and then multiply by 4 An equivalent answer

is Multiply by 4 and
then add 12

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 13

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 48 (minutes) Award 1 mark for 1

km in 6 minutes, or 3
km in 18 minutes.


× 8 seen (or

or 0.8 seen

Total 2

Question number 14

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 4n

(b) 2 3n + 4 or equivalent Award 1 mark for 3n +

Award 1 mark for kn +
4 where k  0

Total 3

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 15

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 There are (three) pairs that each add up to Do not accept 30 as an

10 answer without any

Total 1

Question number 16

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 5 Award 1 mark:
for a correct
unsimplified answer
for a correct method
3 10
e.g. ×
4 9

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 17

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 (x = ) 2.5 or equivalent Award 2 marks for sight

of 9 – 6x and a
simplified equation of
the form
 (-)8x = c
 ax = (-)20
where a and c are
whole numbers.

Award 1 mark for

 sight of 9 – 6x
 correct follow
through from their
expansion to reach
an equation of the
form ax = b.

Total 3

Question number 18

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 11

(b) 1 5

Total 2

Question number 19

Part Mark Answer Further Information

−5 −4 −3 −2 −1 0 1 2 3 4 5

Total 1

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 20

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 3880 (Hong Kong dollars)

Total 1

Question number 21

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 (a =) 64 (°) Award 2 marks in any

(b =) 32 (°) of these cases:
(c =) 84 (°)
 two of a, b, c are
 a = 64 and
their a + b + c =
their a
 their b =
their a + b + c =

Award 1 mark in any of

these cases:
 one of a, b, c is

their a
 their b =
 their a + b + c = 180

Total 3

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 22

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Enlargement Award 1 mark for

and stating 1 of these 3
Scale factor 3 (or s.f. 3 or 3 times bigger) parts of the description.
(centre) (0, 1)

Total 2

Question number 23

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 48

Total 1

Question number 24

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Award 1 mark for a reason that relates to

sample size, e.g.
 10 is not enough people
 She should ask more people


Award 1 mark for a reason that suggests that Do not accept ‘Her
a wider range of people should be asked, results will be biased’
e.g. unless accompanied
 She should also ask people not waiting with further
at the cinema exemplification.
 She should ask a wider range of people
 She is only asking people who are
visiting the cinema
 She should collect data from more than
one day

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 25

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 12.5 km/h Award 1 mark for a

or correct numerical value.
12500 m/h
or or
208.33.. m/min
or Award 1 mark for any
3.472.. m/s unit of speed e.g. m/s,
or km/min seen.
equivalent using a different unit of speed or
number as fraction

Total 2

Question number 26

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 90 Do not accept ratios.

(or equivalent)

Total 1

Question number 27

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 (A) B D Award 1 mark if two of

C B, C and D are
correctly placed.

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/01/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Cambridge International Examinations

Cambridge Secondary 1 Checkpoint

Paper 2 October 2015
Maximum Mark: 50


Mark Schemes have been issued on the basis of one copy per Assistant examiner and two copies per Team

This document consists of 11 printed pages and 1 blank page.

IB15 10_1112_02/4RP
© UCLES 2015 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 1

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 Saturday ticked or stated in explanation and

a correct reason,
 Mode on Monday is 1 and mode on
Saturday is 2
 2 is greater than 1

Total 1

Question number 2

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 Add 6

(b) 1 83

Total 2

Question number 3

Part Mark Answer Further Information

depth of depth of
water water

time time

depth of depth of
water water

time time

Total 1

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 4

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 6.85(000…) (cm)

Total 1

Question number 5

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 Award 1 mark if any 2

0 1
of F, G and H are
positioned correctly.


Total 2

Question number 6

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 5y + 8 or 8 + 5y

(b) 1 12w + 30 or 30 + 12w

Total 2

Question number 7

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 2:3

(b) 1 ($)8 Allow follow through

from an incorrect
answer to part (a).

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 8

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 52 (%)

Total 1

Question number 9

Part Mark Answer Further Information

Award 1 mark for
2 2 of 410
38% of 420 159.60 or 164 seen


( of 410 =) 164


(38% of 420 =) 159.60

Total 2

Question number 10

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 27.0 (cm) Award 1 mark for sight

of π × 8.6 or
2 × π × 4.3

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 11

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 0≤l<1 ||| 3

1≤l<2 |||| ||| 8
2≤l<3 |||| || 7
3≤l<4 || 2

(b) 1 Draws a complete and correct frequency Do not award mark for
diagram. a diagram which has
gaps between the bars.

Allow follow through

from their frequencies.

(c) 1 True  False 

True  False 

Total 3

Question number 12

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 (B) Award 1 mark for at

C (or kite) least 2 correct
D (or parallelogram) answers.
A (or rectangle)
E (or square)

Total 2

Question number 13

Part Mark Answer Further Information


1 (  5)
or equivalent.

Total 1

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 14

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 (0).429 (hectares)

Total 1

Question number 15

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 (2, –1) Award 1 mark for each

of the coordinates.

Award 1 mark for both

values correct but
incorrect notation used
(x2, y-1)
(x =2, y = -1)

Total 2

Question number 16

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 18 000 Award 1 mark for each.


Total 2

Question number 17

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 37

Total 1

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 18

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 355 (cm3) Award 2 marks for a

complete correct
method, e.g.
 71 × 5

 [(7 × 8) + (5 × 3)] × 5

 [(8 × 4) + (13 × 3)] × 5

 280 + 75

 160 + 195

 [7 × 13 - 4 × 5] × 5

Award 1 mark for sight

of any of these
calculations or answers
in brackets:
 7 × 8 + 5 × 3 (= 71)

 8 × 4 + 13 × 3 (= 71)

 7 × 8 × 5 (= 280)

 8 × 4 × 5 (= 160)

 5 × 3 × 5 (= 75)

 13 × 3 × 5 (= 195)

 7 × 13 × 5 (= 455)

 4 × 5 × 5 (= 100)

Total 3

Question number 19

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 8.08

Total 1

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 20

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 Negative (correlation)

(b) 1 Indicates Graph A and gives a correct

reason, e.g.

 Babies generally get heavier as they get


 Older babies weigh more

 Mass and age of babies will be

positively correlated (and Graph A
shows positive correlation)

Total 2

Question number 21

Part Mark Answer Further Information

1 9

Total 1

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 22

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 cylinder cuboid jug Award 2 marks for

and either
(volume of cylinder =) 1178 (cm3)  1180 (or better)
and seen and 1440
(volume of cuboid =) 1440 (cm3) seen
1178 1440 2000
or  one of 1180 or 1440
1.18 1.44 2 seen with a correct
follow through
order. Assuming
only 1 error

Award 1 mark for either

1180 (or better) or 1440

Award maximum 1
mark for correct answer
with no working.

Total 3

Question number 23

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 2 A straight line passing through (0, 3) and Award 1 mark for:
(1.5, 0) and extending as far as  any straight line
(-1, 5) and (3, -3). through
(0, 3) or (1.5, 0)
 for a line with
gradient –2, i.e.
parallel to correct

(b) 1 (x) = 2 Follow through from

(y) = -1 their (a) to the nearest
half square if the two
lines intersect.

Total 3

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15 [Turn over

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 24

Part Mark Answer Further Information

2 56.3(38...) or 56 (litres) For 2 marks accept

56.34 or 56.32

Award 1 mark for an

attempt to find the cost
of one litre ($1.42) and
divide 80 by that.
Award 1 mark for an
attempt to find the
amount that can be
bought for $1 (0.704..
litres) and multiply that
by 80
Award 1 mark for using
proportions e.g.
(80 ÷ 54.67) × 38.5

Total 2

Question number 25

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 0.6 or equivalent

(b) 1 Team A
(The relative frequencies are) 0.43(75) or
0.44 and 0.32(14…)
7 9
is bigger than
16 28

Total 2

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15

Combined By NESRINE

Question number 26

Part Mark Answer Further Information

(a) 1 060 (°)

(b) 1 310 (°)

Total 2

Question number 27

Part Mark Answer Further Information

3 Supermarket (is cheaper) by ($)1.26 Award 2 marks for

sight of any of
 ($)39.06

 ($)37.8(0) and
0.875 × 18 × 2.48

 Correct method with

1 arithmetic error

 2.17 and 0.07 × 18

Award 1 mark for

 2.10 × 18

 ($)37.8(0)

 18 × 2.48

 44.64

 2.17 seen

Total 3

© UCLES 2015 1112/02/O/N/15 [Turn over


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