'Finance 'LTD: Anraj

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~anraj ~ousing 'finance 'Ltd.

Notice is herebV given that Extr.1I Ordl~ry GeoeriJI MeetIng 0( the member's 01 Man"'J Housng
Finance llrnited will be held 00 Monday, 08'" Oily of May, 2023 at 10.30 a.m. at 3, Pushpa
Apartment, General 'Iaidya 0I0wk, .la~ .. 25002 to transact the following business:


~ RESOlVEO THAT pursuant to the pRlIIisioos of SectIon 139 (8) and other applicllbie
provISions, If any, of the COmpanies Act, 2013 and SEBllClClM Regulatlon$, 2015 M amended
from time to time or any other law for the time being in ferre (Including any statl,llory
modiflciltion or MneIIdment thereto or re-enactment thereof roc
the time being In force), CDI'1Sef1t
of the membels of the CDI1"Ipitny be and hereby ao::ooded 10 ~ppoint MIs. A 0 Kulkloml &. Co.,
OIartered Accountants, Jalgaon (Finn Registration No. : 11595""'), as statutory AudiWrs of the
Company to fill the casual vacaocy caused by the resignation of M/5. N. S. Doshi &. Co.,
OIarterl'd AI:xXlunlllnts, Jalgaon.

FURTHER RESOLVED THAT pu!UIiInl to applicable provisions of section 139 of the companies
f:C., 2013 and other applicable provIsIon5lr any, and rules framed there under as amended from
bme to time, MIs. " 0 Kulkarni &. Co., ChMtered Acmuntants, Jalgaon (Firm Registration No.:
115959W), be and are hereby appointed as Statutory ... udJtorS or the Canpany and !hey shall
hold the office or the StaMory Auditcn or the Company from the ((lOdus1on or this meetl"g
until the conch.1$IOn or the ensull19 Annual General Meetlr>g and ttlat they shall conduct the
StaMory Audit for the period ended J I- March 20D at such remuneration plus service ta~, out
or pocket expenses, travelling and other expenses as may be mutually agreed betweell tile
Boord of DlrectOl'5 or the Company and Audrtor.

FURTHUR RESOLVED THAT any or the Dirt'dol!; of the wmpany be and are herebv
authorized to take aU 5UCh ~ steps including to sign such papers forms I!fl:. lIS may be
requifed to <;live effect to the above.'


~: Jalgaon
D.lte : 1310412023

Registered Office
J, Pushpa Apartment, 15HWARLAL JAIN
General V~idyiI 010Wk. CHAlRMAN a.
Jalgaon - 'US 002 OIN;OOl86348

...H:lW~ Ji\t(i.lo()N~ 002 "Q2S7· ..."266Ii182!lJ
t ~iIliI'lIZlI.'l -... ~~1-QZ!,7-~~
~anraj 9Jousing 'Finance 'Ltd.

I ,. II!ellte elIIIIecIlD attend...:l'lOCe II the EOGH Is entIded 10 ~ a pr(lI<y 1O.wn:I..:I ¥CIt!!

an hIs/1'Ie' bo!h.r 8nd the PnlI!\' I'INICI not ~. "Ob.tJ& 01 the Co,,,,if_

) COrpor~ '''',obai
Wending to send their ~ ~ to attend the It "1\11 pt.f'SUiflI
10 5ectIclI1 11101 the ~ old, 2013.n! --'tid to send to the~,. o:eotllled CXlIJI' ol
the ~ 80Ird ItesoIuI:Ion IVtjetlltl wilt! their ~ ~ 5Ign.1ture5 .mhorillng ~,
~_ttve(s) to Itteod and YO(e on their bdIaII lithe Mee\lng,

) The II.t:gIStef cllleuibefs IiId ~ TfillllSfer ~ of the c:ornp.ny wtt IemIin cto5ed In:m l8'"
A1Ti11OB 10 ~ May 2021 (both dIoys 1nWsIve).

• The brio;' pm/IIe oI1he DIotiCJO' ... .....- to bo! ~ IS ~ In the M:2IDn "Report on
Cor1Iot~ Gooemince" 01 the AI'orwI ~

~ ItJj documents ref01"ed 10 In the NotIce Of In the 1ICXOIl~ ~ SQte>Ient ¥l! . .1IiItIIe lot
~ by 1he "oa,te •• the ~ om.:e oIltoe c.omp.n.,. CIf\ . . ~ clIVI, e.apI
s"tvrd;J~ ~ oIfld DUbHe ~ ~ 10.00 I.m. to 1.0Il p.m. prior to tile (!Me ct1he
bl ~'OrdIn!Iry General MettI"II and ~'IQ IMIIlabIe lot ~ 1\ the __ !Ifte oIlhe COII'II),'II1y.

6 The ~ af the ~ iJIl! II pesert listed Y>fth 8cmbIy Stock Exd\ar9! UmIIed. The IIsIIng lee
lor IhI! ¥NI" 2022·23 IJ pIId, PtnuIlt to sectIcII 12 01 the CCImp;M'e Act, lOU rIId ... !hi!
~ (~CaplUJlIiId~) R~ 201~. ",_",bcos ¥l! ortItIed to m,ke. nc;wnNtIcn
In ~ 01 ~ held b\I ~ In ~ farm.. g.",elOOIrIti s desImus or ~ • roomn.aon .e
~e:l to send their ~ In Form No. SH lJ In dI~ (whkh ... be .....,. ...~ on
~) to thII! 1le;IIsU.. IfId Shan! Transter AomI d theCcmplny

7 req..o!!SteCI to InI<:ml cNnge In addo$ Of ~ .......w.. ID their ~ ,_. ....... f

'Ieo,obo!os ilfI!
partldpilfltS MIh..oom tOry iJIl! II'IIIIfItaio1i their DL!mal accounts aoo
w!!h tho! Reglstrfr WId T~
AQe1I I.e. Mis. ~ SeMte!I PrI~ UmILetl Of the ~ otIlcer 01 the Co:ImI»ny lor !hi!
5M"" IBl In phy$IQII form bv • ~ ~ duly tIgnI!d by \lie .. ",,,Ibe lor .eoe! ..... 'V ;If
axnmt.nlatlan In fut!n.

I ",""IIobes desiti'll ..... Wormatlon rf'Iabng 10 the iIC(CIUI'Ib iJIl! .... _ to ~ to Ihe Cu ... .,.1
Ietit to drfs before the meeung 50 as ID I!NlI:R the ........ '1$. til ~ the Irofo;om..uon ..... '''-at
the .. _ ...

t In ~ 0It4th Secbon 101 aI the ACt, ...ad wilt! the CDt'$lGi.:Ii..... "*,,, ...c:I ~ oM aI the
SEll! (Usting ~ ...c:I Disdre .... ~) ~ lO IS ("'the UstI.... ~,
the ~ his pnlYIcIeCI I Jdty til Its "",,",-, to ~ 1hdr Ir'OCes eIectrorIII3Iy I:IIruuOh the
eie«""'" vtl!ln9 re·votl ....i 1.o;;IIty pnlYIcIeCI by the Co!rh'itI 0epi:>$ItG'y Ser.tr.eI (Ir1IIiI) l.IrrAed
(CDSl). ~tJers wI'Io hive CiiSl their Ir'OCes bo; remote e-'o'OtIn\I prior 10 tho! EGM mIr/ J)Irtidpate In the
£GM but ....11 not biI! eootJl!d to cr..I It-..!, vote ~. n>e mamer aI \OOtIrq ~ bv n'e",bes
hc*Ing sNres In ~zed made, ~ mode end lor noeiibes who ~ not regI:iterKIltoei,
emIIiI ~ Is .. owkiIid In the lnSIn.r.:!Ions lor e ~utio ... section whodl forms ~ ollhls Ni;lIIao!. The
Ibvd r..s ...... iItd P",... ~ .. ~ PtKtldng ~ Seaetary IS tho! Scn.otInller til
~ tho! e-~ In.,....
rd tr~ 1i\Ii1i'lei'.

1I' \,~lrr,(u )~f1(f' '~'Io! lfAl ~, ... ., l1<' I r;s 7 2<2IIliI' \

M'IJI"~TIlAn¥( onlC£ "011 -~I~ , e.; J IA ' '!I-<\i: l"~
~anraj ~ousing 'Finance 'Ltd.
10 The e IIOlIn9 pe10d W ••• .,1CleS on Mordr(. 01- ~V. 2023 (9;(10 "m 1ST) IOId ends on lhI.ndIV,
04'" May, 2021 (S:OO p.m. JSl'). o..Irlg II'ts period. ~"tl&S Iw.*Inc.I !ihere$ ~ In ~ 01'
ciemale1itllli!d lorrn, itS 00 a.oI4f d8te, I.e. itS on 28"' ApfII, 2023 IM'f casI their votes eIe::D .... ~_
The eo_I\! rncxUIt wi!! be *' 'Mj 171' COSlIOf wtIng lIwnIoft:er, A " .... 'obo will not be IIowe:IIO
~ ¥'o on ""' ~ on..tllch V<Jte has ~ been ClOSt. The wtIng rights d 'nellbers ....
be ~ 10 IMr ~ d the ~"" ~ Ne QIIiYI of the CcIrI1JII"( as en the wt-Q/l'
~ i.e. as on 2t" AprIl, 2023.

II t~lobe5 I\'\IY 8bo note tNt the _ d the EGH ... liiio be "'... 'lIo; on the ~~.
websItes d the Sloe!<~. 1 e, lISE Um/ted.

12. The So1AInI~ will atmII his ~ 10 the ChliI'TNrl dille ~ ("!he 0II0Im"",
or IO.-.y other
pe!'5O'I a.thorIled br the ChIoInNn IftPrthe iLWl.,M1on 01 m.
~ 01 the .. 1IO!Ing ("IKe QStecl
duMg the EGM IIId _ caSIJ!d II'Irough IftIIIft e .utl9). not 1m< ~ 48 hoots ftom the CIIIICUIon
d the EGf'I The ..... ~ IIIong wilt! the ~ oeport .... be ~ to the ~
~ ~ .rod RTA lflii ... IIso be dl$Qlljed on the O;w, ... 'Y's webIIte,


Place: Jalgaon
Date: lJ/00V2023

Registered OffIce ISHWARLAl JAIN

G4!0e<a1 Vaidye Chow!\,. DIN: 00386348
Ja~ - ~2S002

,j!51t~to Ofn CE "'liI.'~ Aj'I,IQM!'Jl "Uw. ~I(r,~. )WI(

~Ol'l I!I~lA~ nV( OFllC£ to».(I 1AIl I I"':A!' ~ OJ' 1 i 1-eo \ fA, '.I1.o;r.f~J&I8;'
9"'Janraj 9Jousing 'Finance 'Ltd.



The Ilo¥d of Oirect0r5 of thII! Cc:lmpany ('the: Bo&rtt'), on the rettli •• "",idllUon 01 thII! AId
ConmIttee ( the COrrmittee1, reamme idled for the ~ 01 the Members, the .......... Itm""t
Mis.. A 0 kulkarni &. Co., OIartered Aca:Juntan!s, .lIl1gaon (ffln Regisbatloll No; : 115959W). as
StaMory .r.uditors d the Comp.my to M the ca5UIII '«<!II'CV QU5II!CI by the ~ of Mis. N.
S. DoshI 110 CO., ~ Aaxluntants. ~.

The resoIl.tion as prQp"N'd Is ~ for /IIPP!tI¥<11 . None d the direc:tln lire CDlCellteO or
Interested in the pmposed ~ ~ to the extent tMI they hold /my equity shire in the


PIace: Ja~
DlII.I!: IlI04I2023

RE!9Ili;tered Office ISHWARLAl JAIN

General VlIIOya Chowk, DIN : 00386348
Jalgaon - 425 002

"'·'",'I,tI' 'JIIl(.;l Il' .I<I'A Ar ~111!t' III I~ n .... '.~ ..... II'I\"ttl JIll" - 1,', TIr.' l~; .', ;t;
M'''' ' II'l'R~ T I'.l (lf' ln 1«1 "" •• ,' .... : .... '.,' ..... , .. rA> '11 'l<" L,'I.,~.
1. The voting period begins on 01st May, 2023 at 09.00 a.m and ends on 04th May, 2023 at 05.00 p.m.
During this period shareholders of the Company, holding shares either in physical form or in
dematerialized form, as on the cut-off date 28th May, 2023 may cast their vote electronically. The e-
voting module shall be disabled by CDSL for voting thereafter.

2. Shareholders who have already voted prior to the meeting date would not be entitled to vote at the
meeting venue.

3. The shareholders should log on to the e-voting website www.evotingindia.com.

4. Click on “Shareholders” module.

5. Now enter your User ID

a. For CDSL: 16 digits beneficiary ID,

b. For NSDL: 8 Character DP ID followed by 8 Digits Client ID,

c. Shareholders holding shares in Physical Form should enter Folio Number registered with the

6. Next enter the Image Verification as displayed and Click on Login.

7. If you are holding shares in demat form and had logged on to www.evotingindia.com and voted on
an earlier e-voting of any company, then your existing password is to be used.

8. If you are a first time user follow the steps given below:

For Shareholders holding shares in demat Form and Physical Form

PAN Enter your 10 Digit alpha-numeric PAN issued by Income Tax Department (Applicable
for both demat shareholders as well as physical shareholders)
• Shareholders who have not updated their PAN with the Company/Depository
Participant are requested to use the sequence number which is printed on Postal
Ballot / Attendance Slip indicated in the PAN field.
Dividend Enter the Dividend Bank Details or Date of Birth (in dd/mm/yyyy format) as recorded
Bank in your demat account or in the company records in order to login.
Details • If both the details are not recorded with the depository or company please enter
OR Date of the member id / folio number in the Dividend Bank details field as mentioned in
Birth instruction (v).

9. After entering these details appropriately, click on “SUBMIT” tab.

10. Shareholders holding shares in physical form will then directly reach the Company selection screen.
However, shareholders holding shares in demat form will now reach ‘Password Creation’ menu
wherein they are required to mandatorily enter their login password in the new password field. Kindly
note that this password is to be also used by the demat holders for voting for resolutions of any
other company on which they are eligible to vote, provided that company opts for e-voting through
CDSL platform. It is strongly recommended not to share your password with any other person and
take utmost care to keep your password confidential.

11. For shareholders holding shares in physical form, the details can be used only for e-voting on the
resolutions contained in this Notice.

12. Click on the EVSN for the relevant <Company Name>//Issuer company name on which you choose
to vote

13. On the voting page, you will see “RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION” and against the same the option
“YES/NO” for voting. Select the option YES or NO as desired. The option YES implies that you assent
to the Resolution and option NO implies that you dissent to the Resolution.

14. Click on the “RESOLUTIONS FILE LINK” if you wish to view the entire Resolution details.

15. After selecting the resolution, you have decided to vote on, click on “SUBMIT”. A confirmation box
will be displayed. If you wish to confirm your vote, click on “OK”, else to change your vote, click on
“CANCEL” and accordingly modify your vote.

16. Once you “CONFIRM” your vote on the resolution, you will not be allowed to modify your vote.

17. You can also take a print of the votes cast by clicking on “Click here to print” option on the Voting

18. If a demat account holder has forgotten the login password, then Enter the User ID and the image
verification code and click on Forgot Password & enter the details as prompted by the system.

19. Shareholders can also cast their vote using CDSL’s mobile app “m-Voting”. The m-Voting app can be
downloaded from respective Store. Please follow the instructions as prompted by the mobile app
while Remote Voting on your mobile.


 For Physical shareholders- please provide necessary details like Folio No., Name of
shareholder, scanned copy of the share certificate (front and back), PAN (self-attested scanned
copy of PAN card), AADHAR (self-attested scanned copy of Aadhaar Card) by email to
Company/RTA email id.

 For Demat shareholders -, please provide Demat account details (CDSL-16-digit beneficiary ID
or NSDL- 16 digit DPID + CLID), Name, client master or copy of Consolidated Account
statement, PAN (self-attested scanned copy of PAN card), AADHAR (self-attested scanned
copy of Aadhaar Card) to Company/RTA email id.
To April 13, 2023
The Corporate Relations Department,
The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited,
Floor No. 25, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street,
Mumbai – 400 001.

Dear Sir,

Sub: Scrutinizer Report for the postal ballot

Ref: Section 108 of the Companies Act, 2013 read with Rule 20(4) of the Companies (Management
and Administration) Rules, 2014 and Regulation 44(3) of the SEBI (LODR) Regulations,
Scrip Code – 521228

Pursuant to Regulation 44(3) of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and
Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015, please find enclosed the Scrutinizer’s Report dated April
12, 2023 regarding the e-voting results of the business transacted through Postal ballot.

Submitted for your information and records.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully,

NIHARIK Digitally signed by


A GOYAL 16:24:29 +05'30'

Date: 2023.04.13

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Encl: as above

N e w N o . 2 9 | O l d N o . 1 2 | M o o k a t h a l S t r e e t | I I n d F l o o r | P u r a s a wa l k a m | C h e n n a i – 6 0 0 0 0 7
W e b s i t e : w w w. t a t i a . c o . i n | E m a i l : t a t i a i n f o @ g m a i l . c o m | T e l : 0 4 4 – 4 8 6 7 6 7 7 4
To April 13, 2023
The Corporate Relations Department,
The Bombay Stock Exchange Limited,
Floor No. 25, P.J. Towers, Dalal Street,
Mumbai – 400 001.

Dear Sir,

Sub: e-Voting results of the postal ballot

Ref: Scrip Code – 521228

This is in continuation to our earlier intimation dated March 13, 2023 informing about notice of the
Postal Ballot seeking approval of the Members of the Company in respect of the items set out in the said
Notice through remote e-voting system.

Pursuant to Regulation 30 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations
and Disclosure Requirements) Regulations, 2015 and based on the Scrutinizer Report dated April 12,
2023 on the Postal Ballot, we wish to inform you that the Members of the Company have duly
passed the resolution as set out in the said Notice with requisite majority on April 12, 2023 being the
last date for e-voting.

In view of the above, please find enclosed herewith the details of voting result in the format specified
under Regulation 44 of the Securities and Exchange Board of India (Listing Obligations and Disclosure
Requirements) Regulations, 2015.

Submitted for your information and records.

Thanking You.

Yours faithfully,

NIHARIK Digitally signed by


A GOYAL 16:23:10 +05'30'

Date: 2023.04.13

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer

Encl: as above

N e w N o . 2 9 | O l d N o . 1 2 | M o o k a t h a l S t r e e t | I I n d F l o o r | P u r a s a wa l k a m | C h e n n a i – 6 0 0 0 0 7
W e b s i t e : w w w. t a t i a . c o . i n | E m a i l : t a t i a i n f o @ g m a i l . c o m | T e l : 0 4 4 – 4 8 6 7 6 7 7 4
Type of Meeting: (AGM/EGM/Postal Ballot) Postal Ballot
Date of meeting / last date of receipt of postal ballot forms April 12, 2023
Total number of shareholders as on record date 39712
Resolution required: (Ordinary / Special) Ordinary Resolution
Appointment of M/s. Darpan & Associates, Chartered Accountants having Firm Registration
Description of Resolution considered Number 016156S, as Statutory Auditor of the Company, to fill the casual vacancy caused due
to the resignation of M/s. J.V. Ramanujam & Co., Chartered Accountants
Whether promoter/promoter group are interested in the agenda/resolution NO

No. of shares No. of votes % of Votes Polled on No. of Votes No. of Votes % of Votes in favour % of Votes against
Category Mode of voting held polled outstanding shares – in favour – against on votes polled on votes polled
(1) (2) (3)=[(2)/(1)]* 100 (4) (5) (6)=[(4)/(2)]*100 (7)=[(5)/(2)]*100
E-Voting 57638298 100 57638298 0 100 0
Promoter and
Poll 57638298 0 0 0 0 0 0
Postal Ballot (if applicable 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 57638298 57638298 100 57638298 0 100 0
E-Voting 0 0 0 0 0 0
Public Poll 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institution Postal Ballot (if applicable 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 0 0 0 0 0 0 0
E-Voting 35750040 100 35749600 440 99.99876923 0.001230768
Public - Non- Poll 35750040 0 0 0 0 0 0
Institution Postal Ballot (if applicable 0 0 0 0 0 0
TOTAL 35750040 35750040 100 35749600 440 99.99876923 0.001230768
TOTAL 93388338 93388338 100 93387898 440 99.99952885 0.000471151


NIHARIKA Digitally signed by


GOYAL Date: 2023.04.13

16:22:48 +05'30'

Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
CIN NO. L25209MH1992PLC066635
al Estate,
Regd.office : 2, Ashish Warehouse Corporation, Punjab Foundry Industri
Near Classic Studio, Mira Bhayander Road, Kashimira,
Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. Pin - 401 104
Tel. 28455450, 28458967, Email Id.: [email protected], pankaj@mplindi
Website: www.mplindia.in,

Date: 13™ April, 2023

Phiroze Jeejeebhoy Towers,
Dalal Street,
Mumbai — 400 001

SCRIP CODE: 526143

Dear Sir,

Subject: - Notice of Postal Ballot.

th a copy of Postal Ballot Notice

As required by Clause 30 of Listing Obligations, we enclose herewi
h Postal ballot process of Shri
regarding obtaining the approval of the shareholders throug
Madhup Bansilal Vaghani as a Whole Time Director of the Compa

Kindly acknowledge the receipt.

Yours faithfully,
For MPL Plastics Limited,

Vishakha Jain
Company Secretary and Compliance Officer
CIN NO. L25209MH1992PLC066635
Regd. office : 2, Ashish Warehouse Corporation, Punjab Foundry Industrial Estate,
Near Classic Studio, Mira Bhayander Road, Kashimira,
Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. Pin - 401 104
Tel. 28455450, 28458967, Email Id.: [email protected], [email protected], Website: www. mplindia.in,


Notice is hereby given that pursuant to Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013, (‘the Act’) read with Rule 22 of Companies
(Management and Administration) Rules, 2014, (including any statutory modification or re-enactment thereof for the time being in
force) and Secretarial Standard-2 (SS-2) to transact the following special business by the members of MPL Plastics Limited (‘the
Company’) by passing a Special Resolution through Postal Ballot / remote e-voting.

1. To Pass the following resolution as Special Resolution for re-appointment Shri Madhup B. Vaghani (DIN : 00067115)
as a Whole Time Director of the Company

“RESOLVED THAT pursuant to the provisions of Article 139 and 140 of Articles of Association of the Company, Section 196,
197, 198, 203 and Schedule V of the Companies Act, 2013 and Companies (Appointment and Remuneration of managerial
personnel, Rules), 2014 and Regulation 17 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) 2015 as amended upto
date and other applicable provisions if any of any law for the time being in force as per recommendation of Board of Directors
and Nomination and Remuneration Committee and subject to other approvals, if any, the consent of the shareholders be
and is hereby accorded to the Company for the reappointment of Shri Madhup B.Vaghani (DIN No.0067115) as Whole Time
Director of the Company on remuneration of Rs.Nil for a period of five years effective from 13th February, 2023”

RESOLVED FURHER THAT Mr. Madhup Bansilal Vaghani, Whole Time Director shall be liable to retire by rotation in terms
of the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013.

RESOLVED FURTHER THAT the Board of Directors be and is hereby authorised to do all such acts and deeds as may be
considered necessary or desirable to implement this resolution.”


Date: 10™ April, 2023 FOR MPL Plastics Limited

Registered office:
2, Ashish Warehouse Corporation, VISHAKHA JAIN
Punjab Foundry Industrial Estate, Near Classic Studio, Company Secretary and
Mira Bhayander Road, Kashimira, Compliance officer
Mira Road (East), Dist. Thane. Pin - 401 104


1. The Explanatory Statement pursuant to Section 102 of the Companies Act, 2013, stating all material facts is annexed hereto.
A postal ballot form is also enclosed.

2. All documents required to be kept open for inspection, if any, shall be open for inspection at the Registered office of the
Company between 2.00 p.m. to 5.00 p.m. on all working days (except Saturdays, Sundays and Holidays). Such documents
shall also be made available on the company’s website i.e. www.mplindia.in to facilitate online inspection till the date of
announcement of the results of this postal ballot.

3. Interms of Rule 20 and Rule 22 of the Companies (Management and Administration) Rules, 2014 read with the MCA circulars
and the Listing Regulations, the advertisement pertaining to this Postal Ballot is being published in one English national daily
newspaper circulating throughout India (in English language) and one Marathi daily newspaper circulating in Maharashtra (in
vernacular language i.e. Marathi).

4. In accordance with the guidelines prescribed by the Ministry of Corporate Affairs (‘MCA) for holding general meetings /
conducting postal ballot process vide General Circular Nos. 14/2020 dated April 8, 2020, 17/2020 dated April 13, 2020,
22/2020 dated June 15, 2020, 33/2020 dated September 28, 2020, 39/2020 dated December 31, 2020, 10/2021 dated June
23, 2021 ,20/2021 dated December 8, 2021 and 03/22 dated 5th May, 2022, in view of the COVID-19 pandemic (collectively
the ‘MCA Circulars’), the Company is sending this Notice in electronic form only.

5. A member can update / register its email id by visiting https://web.linkintime .co.in/EmailReg/Email_Register.html . Once the
said link is accessed the process and manner to update the email id is very simple and self-explanatory.

6. The Postal Ballot Notice is being sent by email to the Members whose names appear in the Register of Members of the
Company as on Friday, 7 April, 2023 (“Cut-off date”) (“Eligible Members”) and who have already registered their email IDs,
for receipt of documents in electronic form, with their Depository Participants or the Company's Registrar and Share Transfer
Agent viz Link Intime India Private Limited (RTA). A person who is not a member as on the Cut-off date should treat this Postal
Ballot Notice for information purpose only.
The remote e-Voting period commences on Wednesday, 12" April, 2023 (9:00 am) and ends on Friday, 12% May, 2023 (5:00
pm). During this period members of the Company holding shares as on the cut-off date may cast their vote electronically. The
remote e-Voting module shall be disabled thereafter. Once the vote on the resolution is cast by a member, the same will not
be allowed to be changed subsequently. The voting rights of the Members shall be in proportion to their share of the paid-up
equity share capital of the Company as on the Cut-Off Date i.e. Friday, 7* April, 2023.

The Board of Directors has appointed Mr Shailesh Kachalia (PCS - CP No.3888), Practising Company Secretary as Scrutinizer
for conducting the Postal Ballot and e-voting process in a fair and transparent manner.

Eligible Members can cast their vote either by way of Postal Ballot form or electronically through remote e-Voting. The Postal
Ballot form is enclosed herewith for use of members. Procedure for remote e-Voting appears here below. Those eligible
members who wish to vote through Ballot form may fill the Postal Ballot Form appended to this Notice and return the scanned
copy of the duly completed form with assent (FOR) or dissent (AGAINST) from their registered e-mail IDs, to the Scrutinizer
at [email protected] on or before Friday, 12" May, 2023 at 5.00 p.m. (IST)

10. Members who have not registered their e-mail addresses are requested to register the same with the Company's RTA /
Depository Participant(s) for sending future communication(s) in electronic form.

11. Members can opt for only one mode of voting i.e. either by postal ballot form or remote e-Voting. If a member opts for remote
e-Voting he / she cannot vote by postal ballot form and vice versa. However in case a member casts vote by both then vote
casted through remote e-Voting shall prevail and voting done through postal ballot form shall be treated as invalid.

12. (A). Instructions for members using remote e-voting are as under:-
Type of shareholders Login Method
Individual Shareholders | 1) Users who have opted for CDSL Easi / Easiest facility, can login through their existing
holding securities in Demat user id and password. Option will be made available to reach e-Voting page without
mode with CDSL any further authentication. The URL for users to login to Easi / Easiest are https://web.
cdslindia.com/myeasi/home/login or visit www.cdslindia.com and click on Login icon and
select New System Myeasi.
2) After successful login the Easi / Easiest user will be able to see the e-Voting option for
eligible companies where the evoting is in progress as per the information provided by
Company. On clicking the evoting option, the user will be able to see e-Voting page of
the e-Voting service provider for casting your vote during the remote e-Voting period.
Additionally, there is also links provided to access the system of all e-Voting Service
Providers i.e. CDSL/NSDL/LINKINTIME, so that the user can visit the e-Voting service
providers’ website directly.
3) Ifthe useris not registered for Easi/Easiest, option to register is available at https:// web.
4) Alternatively, the user can directly access e-Voting page by providing Demat Account
Number and PAN No. from a e-Voting link available on www.cdslindia.com home page.
The system will authenticate the user by sending OTP on registered Mobile & Email as
recorded in the Demat Account. After successful authentication, user will be able to see
the e-Voting option where the evoting is in progress and also able to directly access the
system of all e-Voting Service Providers.
Individual Shareholders If you are already registered for NSDL |DeAS facility, please visit the e-Services website

holding securities in demat of NSDL.

mode with NSDL Open web browser by typing the following URL: https://eservices.nsdl.com either on a
Personal Computer or on a mobile. Once the home page of e-Services is launched, click
on the “Beneficial Owner” icon under “Login” which is available under ‘IDeAS’ section. A
new screen will open. You will have to enter your User ID and Password. After successful
authentication, you will be able to see e-Voting services. Click on “Access to e-Voting”
under e-Voting services and you will be able to see e-Voting page. Click on Company
name or e-Voting service provider name and you will be re-directed to e-Voting service
provider website for casting your vote during the remote e-Voting period.
2) If the user is not registered for IDeAS e-Services, option to register is available at
https://eservices.nsdl.com. Select “Register Online for IDeAS “Portal or click at https://
eservices.nsdl.com/SecureVWeb/ldeasDirectReg. jsp
3) Visit the e-Voting website of NSDL. Open web browser by typing the following URL:
https: /fwww.evoting.nsdl.com/ either on a Personal Computer or on a mobile. Once the
home page of e-Voting system is launched, click on the icon “Login” which is available
under ‘Shareholder/Member’ section. A new screen will open. You will have to enter your
User ID (i.e. your sixteen digit demat account number hold with NSDL), Password/ OTP
and a Verification Code as shown on the screen. After successful authentication, you
will be redirected to NSDL Depository site wherein you can see e-Voting page. Click on
Company name or e-Voting service provider name and you will be redirected to e-Voting
service provider website for casting your vote during the remote e-Voting period.
Type of shareholders Login Method
Individual Shareholders You can also login using the login credentials of your demat account through your Depository
(holding securities in demat | participant registered with NSDL/CDSL for e-voting facility. After successful login, you will be
mode) able to see e-voting option. Once you click on e-voting option, you will be redirected to NSDL/
Login through their | CDSL Depository site after successful authentication, wherein you can see e-voting feature.
Depository Participants. Click on Company name or e-voting service provider name and you will be redirected to
e-voting service provider website for casting your vote during the remote e-voting period.

Important note: Members who are unable to retrieve User |ID/ Password are advised to use Forget User ID and Forget
Password option available at abovementioned website.

Helpdesk for Individual Shareholders holding securities in demat mode for any technical issues related to login through
Depository i.e. CDSL and NSDL

Login type Helpdesk details

Individual Shareholders | Members facing any technical issue in login can contact CDSL helpdesk by sending a request
holding securities in Demat | at helpdesk. [email protected] contact at 022- 23058738 and 022-23058542-43.
mode with CDSL
Individual Shareholders | Members facing any technical issue in login can contact NSDL helpdesk by sending a request
holding securities in Demat | at [email protected] or call at toll free no.: 1800 1020 990 and 1800 22 44 30
mode with NSDL

©) Login method for e-Voting other than individual shareholders holding in Demat form & physical shareholders:

The shareholders should log on to the e-voting website www.evotingindia.com

Click on “SHAREHOLDERS” Module.

Now Enter your User ID.

a) For CDSL: 16 digits beneficiary ID,

b) For NSDL: 8 Character DP ID followed by 8 Digits Client ID,

(i) Members holding shares in Physical Form should enter Folio Number registered with the Company.

Next enter the Image Verification as displayed and Click on Login.

If you are holding shares in demat form and had logged on to www.evotingindia.com and voted on an earlier voting
of any Company, then your existing password is to be used.

(ii) If you are a first time user follow the steps given below:

For Shareholders holding shares in Demat Form other than individual and Physical Form

PAN * Enter your 10 digit alpha-numeric *PAN issued by Income Tax Department (Applicable for both
demat shareholders as well as physical shareholders)
Members who have not updated their PAN with the Company / Depository Participant are
requested to use the sequence number indicated in the PAN Field which is printed on Postal
Ballot/Attendance Slip.
DOB Or Please enter the Date of Birth (in dd/mm/yyyy format) or Dividend Bank Details as recorded in
Dividend Bank | Your Demat Account or in the Company Records in order to login.
Details If both the details are not recorded with the Depository or Company please enter the member id
/ folio number in the Dividend Bank details field as mentioned in instruction (iii).

(iil) After entering these details appropriately, click on “SUBMIT” tab.

(iv) Members holding shares in physical form will then reach directly the Company selection screen.

However, members holding shares in demat form will now reach ‘Password Creation’ menu wherein they are required
to mandatorily enter their login password in the new password field.

Kindly note that this password is to be also used by the demat holders for voting for resolutions of any other
Company on which they are eligible to vote, provided that Company opts for e-voting through CDSL platform. It
is strongly recommended not to share your password with any other person and take utmost care to keep your
password confidential. For Members holding shares in physical form, the details can be used only for e-voting on the
resolutions contained in this Notice.

(v) Click on the EVSN for the relevant <Company Name> on which you choose to vote.

(vi) On the voting page, you will see “RESOLUTION DESCRIPTION” and against the same the option “YES/NO” for
voting. Select the option YES or NO as desired. The option YES implies that you assent to the Resolution and option
NO implies that you dissent to the Resolution.
(vii) Click on the “RESOLUTIONS FILE LINK” if you wish to view the entire Resolution details.

(viii) After selecting the resolution you have decided to vote on, click on “SUBMIT”. A confirmation box will be displayed.
If you wish to confirm your vote, click on “OK”, else to change your vote, click on “CANCEL” and accordingly modify
your vote.

(ix) Once you “CONFIRM” your vote on the resolution, you will not be allowed to modify your vote.

(x) You can also take out print of the voting done by you by clicking on “Click here to print” option on the Voting page.

(xi) If Demat account holder has forgotten the same password then enter the User ID and the image verification code
and click on Forgot Password & enter the details as prompted by the system.


Non-Individual shareholders (i.e. other than Individuals, HUF, NRI etc.) and Custodian are required to log on to www.
evotingindia.com and register themselves as Corporates.

A scanned copy of the Registration Form bearing the stamp and sign of the entity should be emailed to “helpdesk.
[email protected].”

After receiving the login details a compliance user should be created using the admin login and password. The Compliance
user would be able to link the account(s) for which they wish to vote on.

The list of accounts should be mailed to “helpdesk [email protected]” and on approval of the accounts they would
be able to cast their vote.

A scanned copy of the Board Resolution and Power of Attorney (POA) which they have issued in favour of the Custodian,
if any, should be uploaded in PDF format in the system for the scrutinizer to verify the same.

Alternatively, Non-Individual shareholders are required to send the relevant Board Resolution/ Authority letter etc. together
with attested specimen signature of the duly authorized signatory who are authorized to vote, to the Scrutinizer and to the
Company at the email address viz. [email protected], if they have voted from individual tab & not uploaded same in
the CDSL e-voting system for the scrutinizer to verify the same.

1. For Physical shareholders- please provide necessary details like Folio No., Name of shareholder, scanned copy
of the share certificate (front and back), PAN (self-attested scanned copy of PAN card), AADHAR (self-attested
scanned copy of Aadhar Card) by email to Company/RTA email id.

2. For Demat shareholders - Please update your email id & mobile no. with your respective Depository Participant (DP)

3. For Individual Demat shareholders — Please update your email id & mobile no. with your respective Depository
Participant (DP) which is mandatory while e-Voting.

If you have any queries or issues regarding e-Voting from the CDSL e-Voting System, you can write an email to helpdesk.
[email protected] or contact at 022- 23058738 and 022-23058542/43.

All grievances connected with the facility for voting by electronic means may be addressed to Mr. Rakesh Dalvi, Sr.
Manager, (CDSL) Central Depository Services (India) Limited, A Wing, 25th Floor, Marathon Futurex, Mafatlal Mill
Compounds, N M Joshi Marg, Lower Parel (East), Mumbai - 400013 or send an email to helpdesk.evoting@cdslindia.
com or call on 022-23058542/43.

13. Members may download the Postal Ballot Notice along with the Postal Ballot Form from the Company's website at www.
mplindia.in or from CDSL's website at www.evoting.cdsl.com.

14. In case of any queries, you may refer the FAQs and remote e-voting user manual for members available at the downloads
section of www.evoting.cdslindia.com or call on 022-23058542/43 or send a request at [email protected]. Members
may also contact Mr. Rakesh Dalvi, Sr. Manager, (CDSL), who will also address grievances pertaining to remote e-voting.

15. The Results of voting shall be declared within stipulated time and the same alongwith the Scrutinizer’'s Report shall be placed
on the Company's website www.mplindia.com and on the website of CDSL www.evoting.cdsl.com and also be communicated
to the BSE Ltd.


Date: 10™ April, 2023
FOR MPL Plastics Limited


The Board of Directors of the Company has re-appointed Shri Madhup B. Vaghani as a Whole Time Director of the Company for
a period of five years on a remuneration of Rs. NIL at their board meeting held on 13" February, 2023 subject to your approval by
way of passing Special Resolution. The Clause 17 of SEBI (Listing Obligations and Disclosure Requirements) 2015 requires the
Company to obtain the approval of the shareholders for appointment of Shri Madhup B Vaghani as Whole Time Director of the
Company within three months of his appointment by the Board of Directors at their meeting held on 13th February, 2023.

Shri Madhup B. Vaghani has over 35 years of experience in the field of marketing. His association will be helpful for developing
the business of the Company. The Nomination and Remuneration committee and the Board of Directors has also recommended
the re-appointment of Shri Madhup B. Vaghani as Whole Time Director of the Company.

The Board of Directors therefore recommend your approval by way of passing Special Resolution for re-appointment of Shri
Madhup B. Vaghani as Whole Time Director of the Company.

Except Shri Madhup B. Vaghani, none of the other Directors and or their relatives, to the extent of their shareholding interest,
if any, in the Company, Key Managerial Personnel (KMP)/ their relatives are in any way concerned or interested financially or
otherwise in the resolution set-out at the Postal Ballot Notice of the meeting.

The details of Shri Madhup B. Vaghani are given below:

Sr. No. | Particulars Details of Director

1. Name of Director Madhup Bansilal Vaghani (DIN : 00067115)
2. Age 61
3. Qualifications B.Com
4. Experience 35 years of experience in the field of marketing
5. Details of remuneration to be paid, if any NIL
6. Date of first appointment to the Board 01.05.1992
7. Shareholding of the Company 2883274
8. Relationship with other Directors No
9. No of meetings attended during the year 5 (Five)
10. In case of independent director, justification for choosing the appointee | Not applicable
11. Directorships, memberships / Chairmanship of Committees in which | NIL
he is a Director

The Board of Directors recommends the passing of resolution as set out above as a Special Resolution.


Date: 10th April, 2023

FOR MPL Plastics Limited

Pursuant to Section 110 of the Companies Act, 2013

Name and Registered Address :

of the sole / first named Shareholder

Name(s) of Joint Holders, if any :

DP Id No. & Client Id No. /:

Ledger Folio No.

Number of shares held :

| / We hereby exercise my / our vote in respect of the following Special Resolutions to be passed through Postal Ballot in respect
of the Special Business stated in the Postal Ballot Notice dated Monday, 10" April, 2023 by sending my / our assent or dissent by
placing a tick (\) mark in the appropriate box given below:

Description of Resolution I'We assent to the resolution "We dissent to the resolution
Re-appointment Shri Madhup
B. Vaghani (DIN : 00067115)
as a Whole Time Director of the


Date: Signature of the Member


1. The voting period for Postal Ballot shall commence on Wednesday, 12% April, 2023 at 9:00 a.m. (IST) and shall end on Friday,
12h May, 2023 at 5:00 p.m. (IST). The Members are requested to return the scanned copy (PDF/JPEG format) of the duly
completed Form to the Company at [email protected] from their registered e-mail address, on or before 5.00 p.m.
(IST) on Friday, 12" May, 2023.

The Notice alongwith this Postal Ballot Form is being sent to all the Members whose names appear in the Register of
Members of the Company as on Friday, 7" April, 2023 (‘Cut-Off Date’), in electronic mode. The voting rights of the Members
shall be in proportion to their share of the paid-up equity share capital of the Company as on the Cut-Off Date i.e. Friday, 7"
April, 2023

Please note that Members can opt for only one mode for voting i.e. by sending the scanned copy of the filled in Form or
through remote e-voting. In case Members cast their vote via both modes then voting done through remote e-voting mode
shall prevail. The Scrutinizer’s decision on the validity of the votes cast shall be final.

Ifthe Postal Ballot Form is received after 5.00 p.m. (IST) on Friday, 12" May, 2023, it will be considered that no reply from the
Member has been received.

No other form of the Postal Ballot Form is permitted other than as specified above.

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