4 Assessing Agni v5 NEdit

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For each section give yourself a score from 0-3 based on the last week. 3 = symptom is creating discomfort and possibly imbalancing
other areas of life, 0 = does not relate to you at all. Your dominant score will show if your agni vikruti is strong or not.


Dominant Vata Pitta Kapha Balanced

Appetite Irregular Strong, unbearable at times Low, can skip meals Regular, hungry 3-5hrs after
a meal

Number of Capricious or More than 3 meals plus 1 or 2 meals 2-3 normal sized meals
meals per day unpredictable snacks

Quantity of Irregular amount Large amount, overeating Small amount Right amount, 2-3
food intake handfuls per meal

Balanced Warm, moist, mildly Sweets, bitter, astringent, Hot, spicy, bitter, astringent, No specific needs or
from eating oily, and salty foods and cooling foods and stimulating foods regular cravings

Snacking When fearful, anxious or When working, problem No snacking

When sad or depressed
lonely solving, or concentrating

Thirst Irregular Excessive, drink a lot Poor Right amount

Body weight Underweight, losing weight Moderate weight Overweight, gaining weight Regular and consistent

Digestion Variable, Tendency to Quick, even for a heavy meal. Slow, drowsy after eating Good digestion
hypoglycaemia Tendency to hypoglycaemia even a light meal

Symptoms Bloating, fullness in flanks, Nausea, vomiting, burning Sense of heaviness, dull Nothing in particular
during vague, pricking pain in lower pain in abdomen aching pain, often mucous
digestion abdomen

Peristalsis Hyperperistalsis, gurgling Antiperistalsis, nausea and Slow and sluggish intestinal Nothing in particular
and noises acid reflux movement

Bowel Tendency to constipation and Tendency to loose stool, Mucous in stools, bulky, Healthy; banana shaped,
Movements missing a day, hard, dry, more than 3 per day, just early morning and evening, early morning, no need for
small pellets after food slow, sluggish emptying stimulation

Food Allergies Potato, leafy green salads, Citrus fruits, onions, wines, Dairy products and bleached None
or Sensitives or dried crunch foods fish, prawns and alcohol wheat products

Gas Loud, noisy, strain to pass, Burning sensation, warm Less gas more mucous, soft None
foul smell if toxins stool, disgusting sour smell if silent, foul sweet smell if
toxins toxins

Tongue Blackish-brownish on back Yellowish-green coating on White coating on whole Clear tongue, even colour
Coating portion, dry, hairy, central part of tongue with tongue, swollen indentations distribution
indentations, red margins, tender

Breath Smells of previously digested Sour smell, metallic breath Sweet acetone breath No smell
meal and taste

Sweat Little sweat, dry skin Excessive, sour or stinky smell Sweet or mouldy odour Normal, with exertion no

Urine Low, with air bubbles, Excess, dark, yellow, acidic, High, cloudy, turbid, itchy Normal, slightly yellow no
dry sensation hot, burning sensation smell

Energy Levels Tires easily Tires when hungry Tires after eating Good


Herbs to Ginger, fennel seed, hing, ajwain, Guduchi, coriander seed, fennel Ajwain, black pepper, ginger Generally not needed; Cumin seed,
Enkindle Agni celery seed, cardamom, lime, seed, cloves, neem, kutki, roasted powder, cumin, kutki, turmeric, coriander seed, fennel seed are good
and Remove pippali, cinnamon. Take before pomegranate seeds. Take in middle cardamom, cinnamon, pippali. Take for all.
Ama food. of meal. before and after food.

Herbal Hingwashtak, trikatu. Avipattikara, kamdudha ras, Trikatu, hingwashtak. Not needed.
Formulas mahasudarshana.

Herbs for Haritaki, castor oil, triphala, celery Neem, amalaki, triphala, Bibhitaki, triphala, castor oil, trikatu. Triphala for maintenance.
Detoxifying seed, psyllium husk. rhubarb, psyllium husk.
and Cleansing

This chart was inspired by Vasant Lad’s Clinical Assessment Text Book and adapted
by Kimmana Nichols for the ThaiVedic International School of Healing Arts.
For more information go to www.kimmana.com or www.thaivedic.com

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