Good Agricultural Practices For Okra: Thai Agricultural Standard TAS 2501-2005
Good Agricultural Practices For Okra: Thai Agricultural Standard TAS 2501-2005
Good Agricultural Practices For Okra: Thai Agricultural Standard TAS 2501-2005
TAS 2501-2005
TACFS 2501-2005
9. Experts
Mrs.Oranut Kongkanchana Expert of the Pest
Mrs.Ladda Tanalai Representative of the Swift Company Limited
Mr.Somkiat Sunthornpaisan Representative of the Production Sector
10. Representative of the National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards
Ms.Tassanee Pradyabumrung Secretary
Ms.Monticha Sanpa-Asa Assistant Secretary
Okra is an economically important vegetable crop of Thailand. Farmers are able to produce it
for domestic and export demand. In order to provide the production of okra of Thailand with
better acceptance by both national and international levels in term of food safety security for
domestic and overseas consumers. The Ministry of Agriculture and Cooperatives deems it
proper to establish a Good Agriculture Practices Standard for Okra.
The provisions of this standard are based upon the information of the following documents:
The Dept. of Agriculture. B.E. 2545 . Good Agriculture Practices for Okra. Agricultural
Cooperatives Assembly Printing House of Thailand, Bangkok. 22 pp.
The National Bureau of Agricultural Commodity and Food Standards. B.E. 2546 . Thai
Agricultural Standard, TAS 9001-2546. Good Agricultural Practices for Food Crops.
Announced in Government Gazette Ratchakichanubecksa : General Notice, Volume 120,
special section 145D. December 19, BE. 2546.
FAO/WHO. 2003. Code of Hygienic Practice for Fresh Fruits and Vegetables (ALINORM
03/13, Appendix II) adopted by the 26th Session of the Codex Alimentarius Commission
Report of the 26th Session of the CAC, Rome, 30 June-7 July 2003.
EUREPGAP. 2004. EUREPGAP Control Points & Compliance Criteria Fruit and Vegetables
Version 2.0-Jan 04. EUREPGAP c/o FoodPLUS GmbH, Cologne, Germany.
The standard title has been revised from “Thai Agricultural Commodity and Food Standard
(TACFS)” to “Thai Agricultural Standard (TAS)” in accordance with the enforcement of the
Agricultural Standards Act B.E. 2551 (2008).
B.E. 2548 (2005)
1.1 This Thai Agricultural Standard (TAS) covers the production system and its evaluation of
okra with scientific name, Abelmoschus esculentus L. Moench of Malvaceae family. It
includes all steps from production in the field to collecting house in order to obtain safe and
fresh okra with quality suitable for consumption.
1.2 This GAP for okra is implemented jointly with the Thai Agricultural Standard for Okra.
2.1 Planting plot means the boundary of the area in which crop is planted to is not connected
to other areas. In case the boundary is connected to others, but the production process system
which includes input management, care planning set up, and personnel management in the
planting plot is clearly different.
2.2 Organic fertilizers mean fertilizers derived from organic materials are manufactured with
processes of humidification, chopping, grinding, fermentation, sifting, or other processes, but
they are not chemical fertilizers nor biofertilizers.
2.2.2 Manure means an organic fertilizer from animals’ excretion is completely decomposed
by micro-organisms.
2.3 Biofertilizer means a fertilizer containing live microorganisms is used to improve soil in
terms of biological, physical and biochemical properties, and it also refers to micro-organism
culture starter.
- irritant substances
- other substances, either chemicals or anything which may cause harmful to humans,
animals, plants, properties or environments.
2.6 Hygiene means the right characteristics in accordance with good practices such as various
conditions and criteria necessary in the production process in order to obtain safe produce and
suitable for consumption.
2.7 Pests mean species or strains of plants, animals or living organisms that cause diseases
which are harmful to plants or their produce.
The control point, requirement and inspection for good agricultural practice for okra are
defined in Table 1.
This recommendation is provided for farmers who produce okra. The details are explained in
Appendix C.
5 TAS 2501-2005
Appendix A, Example
Data Record Form for Pest Survey and Control Measures
Planting Plot Owner's Name, Mr./Mrs./Miss…………………………...Family Name…………………………………..
Planting Plot Owner's Registration No. or Farmer's ID NO. Planting Plot Serial No. …………………………………..
Planted Crop………..Variety………. Planting Plot No………...Planting Area………..Rai Average………Rai No. of Plants………….
Year of Operation……………………………… Harvesting Period (range) ...........................................
Pest Survey Pesticide Application
Survey Result % ai Amount of Name of
Production Applied Control
Survey Applied Pesticide and Pesticide Operating
Step Rate Measures
Date Pest Not Found Date Names Applied Applied/Planting person
(ml/20l) (Specify)
List Found(No.) Formula Plot (kg)
TAS 2501-2005 6
Appendix B, Example
Data Record Form for Fertilizer Nature and Its Application
Data of Fertilizer Nature
Planting Plot Owner's Name, Mr./Mrs./Miss……………………………... Family Name……………………………….…..
Planting Plot Owner's Registration No. or Farmer's ID NO.
Date of
Fertilizer Description Amount Nature Specific Description 1/ Recording Person
Specific description of the purchased fertilizer includes manufacturer and type. In case of organic or biofertilizer it is required to indicate
manufacturer and type including manufacturing process.
7 TAS 2501-2005
Planting period includes fertilizer application period prior to planting, and when the plant is 20 days old period or etc..
TAS 2501-2005 8
1.1 Water for growing process should be obtained from the source that is not in the
environment risky to contamination, and the water quality is suitable for agricultural propose.
It is not the industrial waste water or contaminated water from health hazardous materials
such as agricultural hazardous substances, heavy metals, pathogenic microorganisms. If it is
necessary to use such water, clear evidence or proof that the water has been treated and can
be for agricultural use must be presented.
1.2 At the beginning of working on agricultural system, at least one water sample should be
collected for analysis for hazardous material contamination depending on the risk of water
source, and have the detail recorded in the record-form 1 sample (water and soil analysis
report). The analysis is carried out by government laboratories or those which are accredited.
Water analysis report must be kept for evidence.
1.3 Water sources for agriculture should be permanent, and the water source and environment
are to be conserved.
2.1 Set up the assigned plot data indicating : owner’s name of the planting area and address,
name of plot keeper (if any) and address, plot location and its map, planting plot layout, kinds
of crops and varieties, history of land utilization at least the past 3 years and other details as
shown in the example record form 2. (general data of the owner’s planting area.
2.2 In case the growing area is near or in industrial location or risky area. At the beginning of
working on agricultural system, at least one soil sample should be analysed by official
laboratory or officially accredited laboratory for soil property and contamination of
hazardous materials depending on the risk of the area and have the data recorded in the
record-form 1 sample (water and soil analysis result). Have the analysis result report kept for
3.2 The use of agricultural hazardous substances is to apply them legally under the hazardous
substance registration number and recommendation on the label provided for the crop. Do not
use pesticides which are banned from production, import, export or possession according to
Hazardous Substance Act B.E. 2535 (1992). In case of the production for export do not use
pesticides which are banned by trading country partners.
3.3 Read recommendation on the label throughly to understand the property and how to use
to the pesticide prior application.
3.4 Participants and laborers who work in the field of pest control measures should know :
pests, selection of agricultural hazardous substances and their application rate, selection of
chemical sprayer and spray nozzle equipment including the right chemical spraying method.
The chemical sprayer is maintained in ready prepared condition which can be used at any
time.To protect toxic substance contamination on garments and the body, the operator should
wear well covered clothes with toxic substance protection gears such as mask or nose cover
cloth, gloves, cap and shoes.
3.5 Prepare agricultural hazardous substance with the right concentration. Before application
the volume is adjusted and well agitated. Spraying such substance when the wind is calm
either in the morning or evening period. Avoid application during strong sunlight or wind,
and during operation the operator should be over the wind direction at all time.
3.6 Agricultural hazardous substances are prepared just enough for one single use. There
should be no left over of such substances in the tank.
3.7 When the agricultural hazardous substance is used up, its container is rinsed a few times
with water. The rinsed water is collected in the spraying tank for next application.
3.8 The empty agricultural hazardous substance container must be damaged in order to
prevent its reuse. It is then discarded at the site particularly provided for such container or it
is destroyed by burying in the ground with sufficient depth that no animal can dig it up and
away from water sources, and burning the container is prohibited.
3.9 After every spraying of agricultural hazardous substance, the operator must immediately
take shower, shampoo and change clothes which must be well laundered each time.
3.10 The container containing agricultural hazardous substance which cannot be used up in
one time is tightly closed when not in use, and it is stored in the location provided for the
3.11 All kinds of agricultural hazardous substances used in the production process are stored
in the well closed location, safe, rain and sunlight proof, and with good ventilation.
3.12 The storage location for agricultural hazardous substances must be isolated in order to
prevent of contamination these substances with the produce, foods and environment.
3.13 Agricultural hazardous substances must be kept in well closed containers with clearly
identified label and are separately stored in groups without mixing with fertilizers, plant
growth regulators and various plant supplementary nutrients. After opening the agricultural
hazardous substance container it is prohibited to transfer the content out of the original
TAS 2501-2005 10
3.14 accidental prevention materials , tools and first aid such as eye lotion, clean water, sand
and fire extinguisher equipment. must be provided in the agricultural hazardous substance
storage or application location
3.15 Hazardous substances which are banned from production, import, export, or possession
according to Hazardous Substance Act B.E. 2535 (1992) are not stored in the chemical
storage site or within the growing plot.
3.16 Agricultural hazardous substance users should receive training on how to use the
substances correctly.
4.1.1 Farmers should know the species and life cycle of important plant pests including their
good control measures by taking under consideration of environment and ecological system.
Description of important okra pests are detailed in Appendix D.
4.1.2 Trace the various stages of pest epidemic. If the found amount is at the economic
damaging level, control measures of such pest is properly carried out along the government
recommendation, and record data in accordance to data record-form sample in Appendix A
(example of data record form for plant pest survey and the application of pesticides).
4.1.3 Plant pest control measures should be carried out with any method or combination of
the following : Mechanical method such as the use of sticky glue trap, up root the sick plant and have
it destroyed, weed control by labor while it is young or before the flowering stage and
mulching at the planting row. Natural enemy method such as biological sources, parasites and predators. Extracts of natural material method such as the neem extract. Chemical method such as effective agricultural hazardous substances with official
4.2.1 Provide a list of production inputs, their origin, and specific details of important
production inputs such as seeds, fertilizer and agricultural hazardous substances which are
used in the production process. It also indicates details, the amount, the date of purchase and
data record.
4.2.2 Seeds Select seeds of market required variety. Select standard quality seeds which tolerate plant pests.
The seeds are from reliable seed producer or they were collected from the field / plant of
good quality.
11 TAS 2501-2005 Record related details in the Example record form 2 (General Data of Planting Area
Owner) such as variety name, distributing company, production date or selected plot for seed
collection. Mix the seed with agricultural hazardous substance. It is used in accordance with the
method and rate recommended on the label of the legally registered substances.
4.3.1 Provide a list and the storage of agricultural equipment and tools.
4.3.3 Provide storage facility in good proportion for agricultural equipment and tools. It is
safe and easy to use them.
4.3.4 Set up agricultural equipment and tool maintenance and repair plans, and there are
activities according to the set up plan with data recording of each maintenance.
TAS 2501-2005 12
4.3.5 There is check up of agricultural equipment and tool condition before use such as the
chemical sprayer and harvesting equipment. Agricultural equipment and tools which have to
be accurate in the operation such as the spraying nozzle for agricultural hazardous substances
should be constantly calibrated. If there is discrepancy, it is adjusted, repaired or get a new
one with efficiency in accordance with the standard.
4.3.6 Agricultural equipment and tools including containers for packaging and transport of
produce shall be cleaned every time before and after use and before storage.
4.4.1 Garbage is clearly separated such as paper carton, plastic, glasses, oil, chemicals and
plant waste. There should be enough number of garbage cans which are clearly identified of
the garbage dumping station.
4.4.2 All plant parts must be taken out of the field in order to prevent pest harboring area and
contamination of pests.
4.4.4 Plant waste or non-diseased branch trimmed from the tree can be used for compost or
green manure.
5.1 Equipment used in the harvest of okra such as knives which must be sharp and clean.
After used they are cleaned before storage.
5.2 Containers for produce during harvest must be clean and they are cleaned every time
before use.
5.3.2 Use sharp knife to harvest one pod at a time and cut it square; place the produce
carefully in the container, do not toss it.
5.3.3 Completely dress up, wear cotton or rubber gloves at each time of harvest to protect
skin irritation.
5.4.1 Okra is immediately brought under the shade that has good ventilation, do not leave it
in the sunlight. 5.4.2 Spread okra pods on clean table, do not pile them because of heat
5.4.3 Okra pods with defects and inferior quality is sorted out, and sorted for quality and size
classification in accordance with provisions of Thai Agricultural Commodity and Food
Standard for Okra (TAS 1501-2004) or according to the agreement established with the
buyer, and have the operating information recorded.
13 TAS 2501-2005
6.1 The container for okra must be clean, hygienic with good ventilation property and durable
for the transportation. It is free from foreign matter and smell.
6.2 Containers for produce are separated from those for moving or transport of agricultural
hazardous substances or fertilizer in order to prevent contaminant which causes damage to
the produce and harmful to consumption. In case the produce container cannot be separated
from the others, careful cleaning of the container is a must to prevent contamination.
6.4 Temporary holding or storage facilities must be clean and hygienic such as far away from
dirty sources, good air circulation, no heat accumulation, protection of hazard from
pathogenic carrier animals including other pets, and must protect okra from sunlight.
6.6 During storage and moving of produce, code or mark should be affixed indicating the
planting plot and the farmer source, and the harvest date on the container in order to facilitate
traceability and improve efficient flow of the produce.
7.1 Especially after harvest persons who will have direct contact with okra should take care
of personnel hygiene in order to prevent the produce from contamination.
7.2 Provide sufficient personnel hygienic facilities which are also near the production site,
and be able to get rid of various wastes; and avoid contamination to the growing site, the
produce and the production inputs.
7.3 Sick personnel who may spread diseases through to produce such as contagious diseases
of the digestive tract system, diarrhea and dysentery is prohibited to enter into the operation
area. Sick participants or laborers are required to report to the production manager.
8.1 Set up document in steps of operation, a list of various important documents and record
the data for certified inspection of okra production system.
8.2 Record-form and document should be updated for that season production. In case there is
more than one production plot. Signature of the worker or recorder should be signed every
time when there is a recording.
8.3 Data record shall be kept for at least 3 consecutive years of production or depending on
the trade partners’ requirement. Record-form and the list of documents that can be checked
should be prepared as follows :-
8.3.1 Data record-form for pest survey and control measures in Appendix A.
TAS 2501-2005 14
8.3.2 Data record-form of fertilizer nature and its application in Appendix B with details of
date, amount, fertilizer distribution company / store particularly organic fertilizer including
biofertilizer. In case the fertilizer cannot be checked of its source or it is unreliable. It should
be sent to organization or reliable laboratory for analysis of contaminants such as hazardous
substances, heavy metals or pathogenic microorganisms. Have the analytical report kept for
8.3.3 Document indicating list of the equipment and production input storage with the detail
of storage site and method. In case there is no recording of document, there should be
storage site management such as label which clearly indicates the list, and separate the
production inputs and equipment in good partition or grouping, they are also clean, safe and
easy to use them.
8.3.4 Documents or reports indicating analytical result of soil, water and various production
15 TAS 2501-2005
Pest List Symptom and the Destruction Method and Survey Criteria
Leaf spot The fungi attack the oldest leaves first, Survey the destruction caused by leaf
then spread to the top. Upper side of spot disease. If the symptom is found
the leaf is brownish yellow, whereas at 5 percent of the leaf area at the
the under side of the leaf is powdery lower leaf, control measures must be
white of fungi. If the symptom is carried out.
severe the leaf which turns into
blackish-grey, becomes dehydrated
and shed. The plant declines, this is
found in okra at about 60 days old.
The disease is more epidemic in cold
season period with high humidity,
heavy dew and fog.
Scab The fungi attack young pods. At early Survey the destruction caused by
stage very small swellings of black scab. If the young pod is infested,
color appear scattering throughout the control measures must
pod. When lesions expand to join be carried out.
each others, the pod becomes twisted
with dry flakes. This disease spreads
easily during rainy season which has
high humidity, particularly growing
plots that are surrounded by water in
ditches are severely epidemic.
Beet The adult is a moth which lays hairy Survey the destruction caused by beet
armyworm white eggs in cluster on young plant armyworm. If more than one cluster
parts such as leaves and petioles. The of eggs or one larva per plant is
larvae feed on various plant parts. found, control measures must be
Fully grown larvae become pupae in carried out.
the soil.
Cotton leaf Shape of the adult insect is elongated Survey the destruction caused by
hopper of light green color, it lays single egg cotton leaf hopper. If one insect is
along the leaf vein or petiole. Both found per pod or leaf, control
the nymph and adult suck leaf sap measures must be carried out.
causing the leaf turning brown and
curled. It is epidemic throughout the
growing season.
Cotton The adult lays egg in single along all Survey destruction caused by cotton
Ballworm young plant parts such as leaves, ballworm. If more than one egg or
petioles and young tips. The early one larva per two, control measures
stage larvae feed on inside the pods, it must be carried out.
is severely epidemic during flowering
and fruiting period.
Cut-worm The adult is a moth which lays eggs in Survey the destruction caused by cut-
cluster of brown color similar to that worm. If more than one larva or one
of rice straw along leaves, branchlets egg cluster per two plants is found,
and branches. The early stage larvae control measures must be carried out.
TAS 2501-2005 16
Pest List Symptom and the Destruction Method and Survey Criteria
stay in group feeding on leaves,
branches and pods. When they grow
up, they make their way to feed on all
plant parts. Fully grown larvae
become pupae in the soil. It is
epidemic throughout the growing
Whitefly The nymph and adult feed on leaf sap Survey the insect epidemic. If it is
and are pathogenic carrier of found, control measures must be
important virus causing yellow vein carried out.
disease which causes variegated
yellow color along leaf veins, yellow
pods. It is epidemic throughout the
growing season.
17 TAS 2501-2005
Record Form 2 (Page 1/4)
General Data of Planting Area Owner
Data of Year
Street Alley
E-mail Website
Street Alley
E-mail Website
Signature of Entrepreneur
( )
Record Form 2 (Page 2/4)
General Data of Planting Area Owner
Name Planting Area Owner (Mr./Mrs./Miss) Family Name
Map of planting plot location, communication route and significant places in the vicinity for
travel convenience to the planting plot.
19 TAS 2501-2005
Record Form 2 (Page 3/4)
General Data of Planting Area Owner
Planting Plot NO. Operating Year
1.4 History of Production Area Utilization Prior to Present Crop Planting of the Past 3 Years.
Area has never been cultivated.
Area has been cultivated. Crop Cultivated year 1
year 2
year 3
1.5 History of Plant Pest Infestation and Control Measures
Name of Plant Pest Infestation year Infestation Area Percentage Control measures
Name of Plant Pest Infestation year Infestation Area Percentage Control measures
Name of Plant Pest Infestation year Infestation Area Percentage Control measures
Name of Plant Pest Infestation year Infestation Area Percentage Control measures
Record Form 2 (Page 4/4)
General Data of Planting Area Owner