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Factors Affecting Academic Performance During Pandemic of Grade 12 Students in Gen. Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School

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A Research Paper Proposal

Submitted to the Faculty of
Gen. Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School

In Fulfillment of the requirement in

Inquiries, Investigation and Immersion

Joyce Marielle D. Serrato

June 2022

I. Preliminaries
1. Acknowledgment

The researcher wishes to thank his instructor who made this research work possible.
They instructed him well on how to conduct this study and convey the findings as
plainly as possible. The researcher would also like to express his gratitude to his
family for their patience, love, and support throughout his life. He expresses gratitude
to everyone who has helped him complete this research study, whether directly or
indirectly. Without the participation and cooperation of so many people, this study
would not have been possible. Their contributions are heartily acknowledged and truly
appreciated. Thank you to all of the instructors, guardians, and those who helped in
some manner, whether morally, financially, or physically. Above all, thanks to the
Great Almighty, the author of all wisdom and understanding, for his unending love,
for letting him through all the difficulties.

2. Table of Contents
Table of Contents

No. Title Page

I. Preliminaries

1. Acknowledgment 2

2. Table of Contents 3

II. Introduction

Literature Review 4

Statement of the Problem 6

Scope and Limitation of the Study 6

Significance of the Study 7


Research Design 8

Respondents of the Study 9

Research Instrument 9

Data Collection Procedure 10

Results and Discussions 10

Conclusion 25

Recommendation 26

III. References 27

Appendices 28

II. Introduction

Literature Review

There are different factors that may affect the performance of a student, especially
in this time of the pandemic where children cannot go outside or study at their school.
According to Galvis et al., (2006), different online pedagogical approaches promote
different learning experiences by varying the source of the learning content and the nature
of the learner’s activity. Sipes and Ricciardi (2006) examined online and face-to face
education and concluded that the main difference is that online instruction is student
centered while traditional courses are instructor-centered. This literature review examines
the factors affecting the academic performance of students during the pandemic. It
illustrates how different traditional and asynchronous distance learning can be and its
importance in learning while there is a pandemic.

According to Minnesota (2007) “the higher education performance is depending

upon the academic performance of graduate students.” Durden and Ellis quoted Staffolani
and Bratti, (2002) who observed that “the measurement of students previous educational
outcomes are the most important indicators of students future achievement; this refers that
the higher the previous appearance, the better will the student’s academic performance in
future endeavors be.”

The factors affecting a student’s academic performance arise from several reasons.
Thinking skills primarily affect student’s learning faculties if they do not learn what they
need to learn. If teachers do not know how to catch the attention of a student, the more the
student cannot make himself attentive to that subject. The student gets lazy because it has
a subject that they think that it’s a subject he perceives to be not so relevant to their
course; nonetheless, they still study it.

Learning style is one of the factors affecting students’ capability in choosing the
best learning modalities. According to Kolb theory of Learning Style Inventory (LSI), the
evaluation enables students to choose their preferred learning style and provides
information on how instructors may use this knowledge to better serve their students.
According to United Nations Children’s Fund (UNICEF) monitoring is essential for
determining and improving the reach and effectiveness of distance learning modalities. It
is important to identify which demographic groups and locations of the country are not
served by learning modalities. This information may be utilized to develop plans and
strategies for expanding reach Feedback from important stakeholders such as learners,
parents/caregivers, and teachers can help to improve the quality and effectiveness of
distant learning modalities. Surveys may inquire about their attitudes, preferences, and
level of participation in various forms of learning.

The environmental factors that were found out are noise, temperature, light, and air
quality in respondents’ study area. The researcher also found out other factors that affect
the academic performance of the respondents aside from the environmental factors
mentioned, such as family, peers, teachers, online games, social media, time, internet
connection, health condition, and attitude towards learning (Pagpala, 2021). The study
revealed that there was a significant relationship between psychological factors and
students' academic performance. The most important psychological factors for students’
academic performance are their self-efficacy, motivation, stress, and test anxiety for the
subject they study (Teshome, 2018). It has been established that the motivation of
students to carry out educational and professional activities is a set of psychological
factors, through the influence of which the interconnection between the motivation and
desire of the student to study is conducted. In the course of the investigation, it has been
found that the influence of psychological factors is quite effective in the case of
motivating students to study. It has been proven that increasing the motivation of students
to study is possible through a common learning environment in the students’ collective;
students’ participation in discussions, conferences, competitions; work in groups;
application of innovative technological methods of studying educational material
(Aprielieva et al., 2021). S.V. Ponikarovsjka (2011), considering the psychological factors
influencing the education of students of tertiary educational institutions, notes that they
play a decisive role in the educational process, as they affect the success of students.
According to the scientist’s viewpoint, special abilities, social intelligence, general
intelligence, and creativity have a significant impact on the results of students’ acquisition
of knowledge, skills, and abilities.

Parents’ involvement has been defined and measured in multiple ways, including
activities that parents engage in at home and at school and positive attitudes parents have
towards education. Several studies found that increased frequency of activities was
associated with higher levels of child misbehavior in the classroom (Schlee, Mullis and
Schriner, 2008, Carter and Winsler, 2008; Mehrafza 2004).

There have been assumptions made about the possibility of problems and
difficulties in learning modalities, such as a lack of engagement and a sense of
connection with pupils, in addition to the closeness in delivery (Cua, 2020). The new
developmental education modalities are vastly different from what a traditional
developmental classroom would offer in terms of printed materials as well as internet
access and connectivity (Sheldon and Durdella, 2010). Positive learning outcomes
include improved knowledge as assessed by test scores, more student engagement with
class material, a better perspective of learning and the online format, a stronger sense of
community among students, and less withdrawal or failure. (MERLOT Journal of Online
Learning and Teaching, Vol. 11, No. 2).

Statement of the Problem

This study aims to assess the factors affecting academic performance during
pandemic of Grade 12 students in Gen. Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School S.Y.
2021-2022. Specifically, it sought to answer the following questions:
1.) What is the level of impact of the different factors on academic performance using online
2.) What is the level of impact of the different factors on the academic performance using
modular (print) learning modalities?
3.) What is the level of impact of the different factors on the academic performance using
modular (digitized) learning modalities?
4.) What is the level of impact of the different factors on the academic performance using
blended learning modalities?
5.) Which indicator among each of the five (5) factors has the highest impact on academic
performance using the three different modalities?
6.) Which set of factors has the greatest effect on the academic performance on academic
performance using the three different modalities?

Scope and Limitation of the Study

This study aims to acknowledge the factors affecting academic performance during
pandemic and how the modalities help students in the time of the new normal. The study
considers students’ personal information such as their Grade 12 1st Semester average,
chosen modality, demographic and socio-economic status. The researcher allocated 70
students from the four strands in different modalities enrolled in the first semester of the
school year 2021-2022 of Gen. Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School, each selected
student would be sent questionnaires for them to answer. The students in a specific
section are chosen randomly to answer the questions provided to see their opinions and to
get accurate results.

This study will not cover other problems that are not considered as one of the factors
affecting academic performance. The main source of data will be the questionnaire, which
is prepared by the researchers. Since the respondents answered online, it is not clear
whether the answers given by the respondents are from their own experiences or whether

the respondents sincerely answer the survey. The researcher also didn’t reach its expected
respondents due to lack of time and lack of participation by the respondents. The face-to-
face interview was not conducted due to the threat of COVID-19. Given the situation,
online is the most effective place to ensure the health of the respondents. There are also
some unavoidable limitations such as lack of research studies/materials on the topic as the
topic was timely that impacted the analysis of our research data.

Significance of the Study

The output of the study would be beneficial to the following individual or group of
people. This study could be an important resource in development of an effective
learning modal(s).

The result of the study may help the School Administrators find several means to
improve the academic performance of students whether it is online or modular
learning. It also initiates innovations on how to develop the skills of teachers that
can help the learners to have a high skill performance.

This study will be beneficial to the students by allowing them to understand better
the factors that can affect their academic performance. They may be able to improve
their academic performance with the findings that are established by this study.

This study will be beneficial to the parents they may be able to understand and help
their children regarding their school matters and give them support.

The study will be beneficial to the teachers, it may help them to recognize problems
encountered by the students that may pose an effect in their performance.

The study will be beneficial to the community for it can provide a solution to the
common questions in the community about the different learning modalities and how
their students will be assessed.

The study may serve as reference to the future researchers who would conduct
similar study. It can also give more comprehensive and more ideas regarding the
instructional skills of the teachers and its relation to the performance of the learners.

Research Design

To get a significant result, certain method and design should be used in doing the
study. In this study, descriptive research is applied as the design. It is used because it
aims to analyze and discuss the status of current phenomenon. According to Williams
(2007) descriptive research is a research method that can determine the situation in
current phenomenon. Nassaji (2015) also states that the goal of descriptive research is
drawing and classifying the phenomenon. In addition, Walliman (2011) defines that
descriptive research relates to an observation in collecting the data. This indicates that
the researcher cannot directly interact with the environment under investigation in
such a way that the experiment results in any changes.

In conducting this research, quantitative research is applied. It is applied because it is

an approach that “employs strategies of inquiry such as experimental and surveys, and
collect data on predetermined instruments that yield statistical data” (Creswell, 2003).
Quantitative research involves the collection of data so that information can be
quantified and subjected to statistical treatment in order to support or refute “alternate
knowledge claims” (Creswell, 2003). It means that quantitative is an approach that
focuses on observing situations or events that affects people.

Respondents of the Study

Estimated 70 students collected from the four strands in different modalities enrolled in
the first semester of the school year 2021-2022.

Table 1. Shows the Distribution of respondents.

Type of learning Modalities No. of Students Percentage

Online 40 57.1%

Modular (Print) 13 18.6%

Modular (Digital) 12 17.1%

Blended 5 7.1%

Total 70 100

Research Instrument
Stratified random sampling was used, whereby the population is divided into subgroups and
units are randomly selected from the subgroups. Self-reporting questionnaire was used to
gather data on the factors affecting academic performance of Grade 12 students along
technology, environment, psychological, support, learning tasks, and attitude towards learning.
Average weighted mean was used to determine the level of impact of the different factors
affecting the respondents’ academic performance. Part 1 will ask for the demographic profile
of the respondents. The tool for profile was made by the researcher; it will determine the
strand, chosen modality, Grade 11 General Average, Grade 12 1st Quarter (SY 2021-2022)
Average, and socio-economic status. Part 2 is the tool to determine the factors (technology,
environment, psychological, support, learning tasks and attitude towards learning) randomly
dividing the questions. It consists of answer sheets that have numbers 1-30 structured in a 5-
point Likert Scale with its corresponding boxes. The instrument is already considered valid
and reliable since it was already used by Chadya (2008) and used as a reference by Alos
(2015) with the research entitled, “Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of the Student
Nurses of BSU”.

Data Collection Procedure
The researcher constructed a questionnaire checklist, validated by the teacher of the subject
then the questionnaire checklists are distributed. The researcher conducts the research through
survey, because of the advantages of the survey method. In this study, since the researcher’s
goal is to determine the Factors Affecting Academic Performance during Pandemic of Grade
12 Students in Gen. Pantaleon Garcia Senior High School, the researcher believes that this
method is the most appropriate in choosing the sample for the research. The questionnaires
were distributed to the respondents after thoroughly explaining the Tabulations were done
from the answers to determine: 1.) What is the level of impact of the different factors on
academic performance using online learning; 2.) What is the level of impact of the different
factors on the academic performance using modular (print) learning modalities; 3.) What is the
level of impact of the different factors on the academic performance using modular (digitized)
learning modalities;4.) What is the level of impact of the different factors on the academic
performance using blended learning modalities; 5.) Which indicator among each of the five (5)
factors has the highest impact on academic performance using the three different modalities;
6.) Which set of factors has the greatest effect on the academic performance on academic
performance using the three different modalities. After the respondents answered the
questionnaire, the researcher collected and tallied the data for interpretation.

Results and Discussions

This chapter includes the presentation, analysis, and interpretation of the data gathered.

Table 2. The level of impact of the different factors on academic performance using online learning.
Mean Descriptive


1. It is difficult for me to adjust to distance learning technology 2.78 LI

(computer, tablet, video calls, learning applications, etc.)
especially when we are required to navigate our Learning
Tasks via Google Classroom and Google Docs.

2. I experienced technology breakdown too often when I’m 2.55 HI

submitting my school works on Google Classroom.

3. I experienced loss of internet connection too often while 2.5 HI

joining google meets.

4. It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any technology- 2.98 LI
literacy-related assignments (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft
PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers.

5. It’s hard for me to keep up with my other classmates because 3.3 LI

my gadget is an old model that can't hold the applications
(apps) that my teacher requires me to download.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.82 LI


1. I can’t focus on my studies because my parents or siblings 3.2 LI

interrupt me while having google meets.

2. I can’t understand my teacher when speaking in google 2.95 LI

meets because there are many background noises in his

3. I experienced a loss of internet connection whenever there’s 2.25 HI

heavy rain or bad weather conditions.

4. I ended up procrastinating my outputs due to noises from 2.88 LI

vehicles, animals, neighbors, family members, and devices
that lost my memory-retention about the lesson.

5. I still can study and answer my learning tasks on time 2.45 HI

though I have a poor learning environment that poses several
challenges in learning.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.75 LI


1. Due to many school works tasked on us, my mind was 2.58 HI

confused on the tasks that I will comply that I don't know
what to start.

2. Because of Distance Learning, my Mental Health has 3.08 LI


3. I am more motivated to study at home than in a classroom 2.95 LI


4. I acquired a lot of confidence when Online Classes began. 2.63 LI

5. I tend to be more stressed than usual when online classes 2.43 HI

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.73 LI


1. It’s hard for me to focus on my schoolwork while I'm doing 2.45 HI

my household chores.

2. Before I do my homework, I need to take care of my 2.98 LI


3. I frequently seek assistance from my friends and classmates 2.8 HI

regarding my school works.

4. I couldn't ask my parents or guardians for assistance because 2.5 HI

they were too preoccupied.

5. I received feedback on the schoolwork I have completed and 2.8 HI

it motivates me to do more!

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.56 HI


1. It's hard for me to complete my school works because our 2.65 LI

teachers give us a bunch of activities.

2. Due to many activities given by our teachers, the time 2.28 HI

allotted for that subject is not enough that I have to continue
it tomorrow.

3. I am so focused on my activities that I lose track of time. 2.58 HI

4. I am so confused in answering my activities because my 2.9 LI

teachers didn't use the same learning material (LeaP) for our
subjects in giving Learning Tasks.

5. I was so burdened by our learning tasks because aside from 2.45 HI

doing my performance tasks, I had to finish some of their
additional activities.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.57 HI


1. I am sure that I can do well in school in the midst of 2.5 HI

2. I didn't feel any pressure in learning during distance 3.43 VLI


3. I tend to procrastinate my learning tasks so that I can do my 2.89 LI

leisure activities.

4. I am confident that I can finish my school work even though 2.43 HI

there are (quarantine) health problems.

5. Because of distance learning, my attitude towards my 2.6 LI

classmates and teachers has improved.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.77 LI

Statistical Limit Description
1.0-1.7 Very High Impact
1.8-2.5 High Impact
2.6-3.3 Low Impact
3.4-4.1 Very Low Impact
4.2-5 No Impact

Table 2.1 Summary of the Set of Factors on academic performance using online learning.
Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Support 2.56 HI
Learning Tasks 2.57 HI
Psychological 2.73 LI
Environment 2.75 LI
Attitude towards Learning 2.77 LI
Technology 2.82 LI

Table 2 shows the level of impact of the different factors on academic performance using
online learning. It was shown that the students using online learning modality got the lowest
mean score in support found to be highly impactful with the indicator “I received feedback on
the schoolwork I have completed and it motivates me to do more!”. Meanwhile, the highest
mean score is Technology found to be lowly impactful with the indicator “It’s hard for me to
keep up with my other classmates because my gadget is an old model that can't hold the
applications (apps) that my teacher requires me to download.”

Koob, Schröpfer, Coenen, Kus and Schmidt (2021) conducted a cross-sectional study among
health and social professions students. It seems more recommended than ever for universities

to provide students with a powerful social support system. Such a system could combine
different sources (e.g., lecturers, peers, other professionals), types (e.g., formal and informal)
and kinds of social support (e.g., informational, emotional, instrumental) [63] as well as
various formats of support (e.g., pure digital, hybrid) that are appropriate to the respective
pandemic situation. Since social support for studies is not limited to members of the university
community, institutions for higher education could also consider measures that are suitable for
strengthening their students’ non-university social network.

Table 3. The level of impact of the different factors on the academic performance using modular (print)
learning modalities.
Mean Descriptive


1. It is difficult for me to adjust to distance learning technology 2.31 HI

(computer, tablet, video calls, learning applications, etc.)
especially when we are required to navigate our Learning Tasks
via Google Classroom and Google Docs.

2. I experienced technology breakdown too often when I’m 2.92 LI

submitting my school works on Google Classroom.

3. I experienced loss of internet connection too often while joining 2.38 HI

google meets.

4. It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any technology-literacy- 2.31 HI

related assignments (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint,
and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers.

5. It’s hard for me to keep up with my other classmates because my 2.08 HI

gadget is an old model that can't hold the applications (apps) that
my teacher requires me to download.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.4 HI


1. I can’t focus on my studies because my parents or siblings 2.46 HI

interrupt me while having google meets.

2. I can’t understand my teacher when speaking in google meets 2.08 HI
because there are many background noises in his place.

3. I experienced a loss of internet connection whenever there’s heavy 2.23 HI

rain or bad weather conditions.

4. I ended up procrastinating my outputs due to noises from vehicles, 2.54 HI

animals, neighbors, family members, and devices that lost my
memory-retention about the lesson.

5. I still can study and answer my learning tasks on time though I 2.15 HI
have a poor learning environment that poses several challenges in

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.29 HI


1. Due to many school works tasked on us, my mind was confused 2.08 HI
on the tasks that I will comply that I don't know what to start.

2. Because of Distance Learning, my Mental Health has improved. 2.6 LI

3. I am more motivated to study at home than in a classroom setting. 2.69 LI

4. I acquired a lot of confidence when Online Classes began. 2.69 LI

5. I tend to be more stressed than usual when online classes start. 2.54 HI

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.52 HI


1. It’s hard for me to focus on my schoolwork while I'm doing my 2.31 HI

household chores.

2. Before I do my homework, I need to take care of my siblings. 2.31 HI

3. I frequently seek assistance from my friends and classmates 2.69 LI

regarding my school works.

4. I couldn't ask my parents or guardians for assistance because they 2.69 LI

were too preoccupied.

5. I received feedback on the schoolwork I have completed and it 2.38 HI

motivates me to do more!
Gen. wtd. Mean 2.48 HI


1. It's hard for me to complete my school works because our teachers 2.62 LI
give us a bunch of activities.

2. Due to many activities given by our teachers, the time allotted for 2.31 HI
that subject is not enough that I have to continue it tomorrow.

3. I am so focused on my activities that I lose track of time. 2.54 HI

4. I am so confused in answering my activities because my teachers 2.54 HI

didn't use the same learning material (LeaP) for our subjects in
giving Learning Tasks.

5. I was so burdened by our learning tasks because aside from doing 1 VHI
my performance tasks, I had to finish some of their additional

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.20 HI


1. I am sure that I can do well in school in the midst of pandemic. 2.38 HI

2. I didn't feel any pressure in learning during distance learning. 3.15 LI

3. I tend to procrastinate my learning tasks so that I can do my 2.62 LI

leisure activities.

4. I am confident that I can finish my school work even though there 2.46 HI
are (quarantine) health problems.

5. Because of distance learning, my attitude towards my classmates 2.62 LI

and teachers has improved.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.65 LI

Statistical Limit Description
1.0-1.7 Very High Impact
1.8-2.5 High Impact
2.6-3.3 Low Impact
3.4-4.1 Very Low Impact
4.2-5 No Impact
Table 3.1 Summary of the Set of Factors on academic performance using modular (print) learning
Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Learning Tasks 2.20 HI
Environment 2.29 HI
Technology 2.4 HI
Support 2.48 HI
Psychological 2.52 HI
Attitude towards Learning 2.65 LI

Table 3 shows the level of impact of the different factors on academic performance using
modular (print) learning modalities. For the items included in Learning Tasks section all are
found to be highly impactful with the indicator “I was so burdened by our learning tasks because
aside from doing my performance tasks, I had to finish some of their additional activities.”. One
indicator though was determined to be the highest mean score is Attitude towards Learning
found to be lowly impactful with the indicator “I didn't feel any pressure in learning during
distance learning.”

Based on the study entitled ‘Factors Affecting the Quality of E-Learning During the COVID-
19 Pandemic from the Perspective of Higher Education Students’ supports our findings that
Higher educational institutions need to concentrate on the study outcomes related to
administrative support, course content, course design, instructor characteristics, learner
characteristics, social support, and technological support to enhance the quality of e-learning.

Table 4. The level of impact of the different factors on the academic performance using modular
(digitized) learning modalities.
Mean Descriptive


1. It is difficult for me to adjust to distance learning technology 2.92 LI

(computer, tablet, video calls, learning applications, etc.)
especially when we are required to navigate our Learning Tasks
via Google Classroom and Google Docs.

2. I experienced technology breakdown too often when I’m 1.58 VHI

submitting my school works on Google Classroom.

3. I experienced loss of internet connection too often while joining 2.25 HI
google meets.

4. It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any technology-literacy- 2.42 HI

related assignments (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft
PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers.

5. It’s hard for me to keep up with my other classmates because my 2.75 LI

gadget is an old model that can't hold the applications (apps) that
my teacher requires me to download.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.38 HI


1. I can’t focus on my studies because my parents or siblings 2.42 HI

interrupt me while having google meets.

2. I can’t understand my teacher when speaking in google meets 2.75 LI

because there are many background noises in his place.

3. I experienced a loss of internet connection whenever there’s 2.17 HI

heavy rain or bad weather conditions.

4. I ended up procrastinating my outputs due to noises from 2.75 LI

vehicles, animals, neighbors, family members, and devices that
lost my memory-retention about the lesson.

5. I still can study and answer my learning tasks on time though I 2.67 LI
have a poor learning environment that poses several challenges
in learning.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.54 HI


1. Due to many school works tasked on us, my mind was confused 2.5 HI
on the tasks that I will comply that I don't know what to start.

2. Because of Distance Learning, my Mental Health has improved. 2.42 HI

3. I am more motivated to study at home than in a classroom 2.5 HI

4. I acquired a lot of confidence when Online Classes began. 2.5 HI

5. I tend to be more stressed than usual when online classes start. 2.33 HI

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.45 HI


1. It's hard for me to focus on my schoolwork while I'm doing my 2.42 HI

household chores.

2. Before I do my homework, I need to take care of my siblings. 2.83 LI

3. I frequently seek assistance from my friends and classmates 3 LI

regarding my school works.

4. I couldn't ask my parents or guardians for assistance because 2.75 LI

they were too preoccupied.

5. I received feedback on the schoolwork I have completed and it 1.83 HI

motivates me to do more!

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.57 HI


1. It's hard for me to complete my school works because our 2.67 LI

teachers give us a bunch of activities.

2. Due to many activities given by our teachers, the time allotted 2.25 HI
for that subject is not enough that I have to continue it

3. I am so focused on my activities that I lose track of time. 2.67 LI

4. I am so confused in answering my activities because my 3.08 LI

teachers didn't use the same learning material (LeaP) for our
subjects in giving Learning Tasks.

5. I was so burdened by our learning tasks because aside from 1.25 VHI
doing my performance tasks, I had to finish some of their
additional activities.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.38 HI


1. I am sure that I can do well in school in the midst of pandemic. 2.33 HI

2. I didn't feel any pressure in learning during distance learning. 2.42 HI

3. I tend to procrastinate my learning tasks so that I can do my 2.42 HI

leisure activities.

4. I am confident that I can finish my school work even though 2 HI

there are (quarantine) health problems.

5. Because of distance learning, my attitude towards my classmates 2.58 HI

and teachers has improved.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.35 HI

Statistical Limit Description
1.0-1.7 Very High Impact
1.8-2.5 High Impact
2.6-3.3 Low Impact
3.4-4.1 Very Low Impact
4.2-5 No Impact

Table 4.1 Summary of the Set of Factors on academic performance using modular (digitized)
learning modalities.
Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Attitude towards Learning 2.35 HI
Learning Tasks 2.38 HI
Technology 2.38 HI
Psychological 2.45 HI
Environment 2.54 HI
Support 2.57 HI

Table 4 shows the level of impact of the different factors on academic performance using
modular (digitized) learning modalities. The attitude towards learning were discovered to have
a lowest mean score. The indicator with the lowest mean in this subset was “I am confident that
I can finish my school work even though there are (quarantine) health problems.”. The indicator
with the highest mean score in this subset “Because of distance learning, my attitude towards
my classmates and teachers has improved.”

A study entitled ‘Psychological Factors Influencing on the Motivation to Study of Students of

TEI’ in its findings said that, “It has been established that the motivation of students to carry out
educational and professional activities is a set of psychological factors, through the influence of
which the interconnection between the motivation and desire of the student to study is
conducted. In the course of the investigation, it has been found that the influence of
psychological factors is quite effective in the case of motivating students to study. It has been
proven that increasing the motivation of students to study is possible through: a common
learning environment in the students’ collective; students’ participation in discussions,
conferences, competitions; work in groups; application of innovative technological methods of
studying educational material.”

Table 5. The level of impact of the different factors on the academic performance using blended
learning modalities.
Mean Descriptive


1. It is difficult for me to adjust to distance learning technology 2.2 HI

(computer, tablet, video calls, learning applications, etc.)
especially when we are required to navigate our Learning Tasks
via Google Classroom and Google Docs.

2. I experienced technology breakdown too often when I’m 2 HI

submitting my school works on Google Classroom.

3. I experienced loss of internet connection too often while joining 1.8 HI

google meets.

4. It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any technology-literacy- 1.6 VHI
related assignments (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft
PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers.

5. It’s hard for me to keep up with my other classmates because 1.6 VHI
my gadget is an old model that can't hold the applications (apps)
that my teacher requires me to download.

Gen. wtd. Mean 1.84 HI


1. I can’t focus on my studies because my parents or siblings 2 HI

interrupt me while having google meets.

2. I can’t understand my teacher when speaking in google meets 2.2 HI
because there are many background noises in his place.

3. I experienced a loss of internet connection whenever there’s 1.8 HI

heavy rain or bad weather conditions.

4. I ended up procrastinating my outputs due to noises from 1.8 HI

vehicles, animals, neighbors, family members, and devices that
lost my memory-retention about the lesson.

5. I still can study and answer my learning tasks on time though I 1.6 VHI
have a poor learning environment that poses several challenges
in learning.

Gen. wtd. Mean 1.88 HI


1. Due to many school works tasked on us, my mind was confused 2.2 HI
on the tasks that I will comply that I don't know what to start.

2. Because of Distance Learning, my Mental Health has improved. 3.4 VLI

3. I am more motivated to study at home than in a classroom 2 HI


4. I acquired a lot of confidence when Online Classes began. 3.8 VLI

5. I tend to be more stressed than usual when online classes start. 1.8 HI

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.64 LI


1. It's hard for me to focus on my schoolwork while I'm doing my 2 HI

household chores.

2. Before I do my homework, I need to take care of my siblings. 2.8 LI

3. I frequently seek assistance from my friends and classmates 2.6 LI

regarding my school works.

4. I couldn't ask my parents or guardians for assistance because 2.8 LI

they were too preoccupied.

5. I received feedback on the schoolwork I have completed and it 2.2 HI
motivates me to do more!

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.48 HI


1. It's hard for me to complete my school works because our 2 HI

teachers give us a bunch of activities.

2. Due to many activities given by our teachers, the time allotted 2 HI

for that subject is not enough that I have to continue it

3. I am so focused on my activities that I lose track of time. 2.5 HI

4. I am so confused in answering my activities because my 2.5 HI

teachers didn't use the same learning material (LeaP) for our
subjects in giving Learning Tasks.

5. I was so burdened by our learning tasks because aside from 1.8 HI

doing my performance tasks, I had to finish some of their
additional activities.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.16 HI


1. I am sure that I can do well in school in the midst of pandemic. 2.6 LI

2. I didn't feel any pressure in learning during distance learning. 2.6 LI

3. I tend to procrastinate my learning tasks so that I can do my 2.6 LI

leisure activities.

4. I am confident that I can finish my school work even though 1.8 HI

there are (quarantine) health problems.

5. Because of distance learning, my attitude towards my 2 HI

classmates and teachers has improved.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.32 HI

Statistical Limit Description
1.0-1.7 Very High Impact
1.8-2.5 High Impact
2.6-3.3 Low Impact
3.4-4.1 Very Low Impact
4.2-5 No Impact

Table 5.1 Summary of the Set of Factors on academic performance using blended learning
Mean Descriptive Equivalent
Technology 1.84 HI
Environment 1.88 HI
Learning Tasks 2.16 HI
Attitude towards Learning 2.32 HI
Support 2.48 HI
Psychological 2.64 LI

Table 5 shows the level of impact of the different factors on academic performance using
blended learning modalities. Technology attains the lowest mean score. Among the technology-
related factors, all indicators fell in the range of high impact especially the lowest mean score
with the indicator, “It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any technology-literacy-related
assignments (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our
teachers.” posing as the most impactful. One indicator, “It is difficult for me to adjust to distance
learning technology (computer, tablet, video calls, learning applications, etc.) especially when
we are required to navigate our Learning Tasks via Google Classroom and Google Docs.”, was
found belong to the highest mean score means it is the least of the highly impactful.

Koob, Schröpfer, Coenen, Kus and Schmidt (2021) conducted a study that shows that the
availability of suitable digital learning formats was positively related to study engagement. In
this regard, two aspects are noteworthy. On one hand, the effect found did not simply relate to
the use of digital teaching tools, but to formats that were considered useful. This finding
substantiates recent research on teaching during the COVID-19 pandemic which indicates that,
while digital teaching technologies are important, it is pivotal to deploy tools with students’
needs and digital literacy in mind [53]. In addition to that, the number of learning formats that
were deemed to be useful was found to matter, where more formats, in the context of the
choice of formats examined in this study, were associated with higher study engagement. This
result corroborates findings from current research, according to which students desire choice
and options in learning formats to exert perceived control in an uncertain and stressful
pandemic environment [54].

Summary of Factors Affecting Academic Performance of Grade 12 students
Table 6 shows the summary of the factors affecting academic performance of Grade 12
students. The result show that the set of factors with the highest influence using the online
learning modality is Support (from the teacher, family and friends) with the lowest mean. In
Modular (Print) Learning Modality, the Learning Tasks (including the course design and
course content) rated as highly impactful. Attitude Towards Learning is the leading factor with
a rate of highly impactful in Modular (Digital). Lastly, Technology is the leading factor that
affects the academic performance of students in Blended Learning Modality.
Buchari, & Matondang, Nazaruddin. (2017, Jun.) noted that internal factors such as teacher
performance have a significant impact on teaching and learning quality, as teachers can
influence their students' achievements. Many researchers have suggested that teacher quality is
an important factor in improving student performance, and high teacher incentives are
associated with better student performance and external factors, namely the environment factor
[24]. It has an impact on student performance since most recent researchers have found that
the relationship between teacher knowledge and student learning has linear effects and that
external factors are involved, according to S. A. Agathangelou, C. Y. Charalambous, and M.
Koutselini. (2016, Jul.)

Table 6. Summary of the Set of Factors Affecting the Academic Performance of Grade 12
Type of learning Factors Mean Descriptive
Modalities Equivalent

Online Support 2.56 HI

Modular (Print) Learning Tasks 2.20 HI

Modular (Digital) Attitude Towards 2.35 HI


Blended Technology 1.84 HI

Analysis of the results of this study indicated the following findings. The first two (2) factors
in the online learning modality which are support and learning tasks are found to be of high
impact. Meanwhile, the last four (4) factors which are Psychological, Environment, Attitude
towards Learning and Technology are in the same subset fell in the Low Impact. Almost all
the factors in modular (printed) modality are found to be of high impact aside from attitude
towards learning factor that fell in low impact with the highest mean score. On the other hand,
all factors included in the modular (digitized) modality were considered highly impactful with
Attitude towards Learning as its leading. Meanwhile, the blended learning modality, “It’s hard
for me to submit when there’s any technology-literacy-related assignments (like Microsoft
Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers” posing as the most

Based from the findings, it was concluded that several factors pose a high impact on the
academic performance of Grade 12 students in different modalities, having their own topping
list factor in different modalities. Among the six (6) factors, support, learning tasks, attitude
towards learning and technology made it to the topping list of the 4 listed modalities.
Conversely, psychological and environment factors pose a little effect on academic performance
of the Grade 12 students. Nonetheless, both factors are still deemed to be highly impactful.

The following are recommended:

(1) School administrators can take the necessary steps to make it possible and find various ways
to improve the teaching skills whether through online or modular learning. It is also initiating
innovations on the skills of teachers to help students achieve high levels of skill presentation.
(2) Teachers must be more aware that their student's learning environment and attitudes
toward online learning can have an impact on their academic performance.
(3) Teachers must be guided to seek out more appropriate and effective teaching
-learning ways for themselves and their students.
(4) Teachers should therefore choose meaningful and authentic tasks in which students will see
utility for future profession. With such tasks they can influence both the quality of students’
individual work and their academic performance in the course.
(5) Students may continue to use the various learning modalities that have worked best for them
in order to study and easily adopt and understand the instructions.

II. References
1. Solomon, A. B., & Alforja, N. S. (2021, July 25). Effectiveness of Using Different Modalities
to the Learners’ Performance in Physical Education 8. International Journal of Recent

Innovations in Academic Research Open Access, Peer Reviewed, Abstracted and Indexed.

2. Alos, S. B., Caranto, L. C., & David, J. J. (2015, May 2). Factors Affecting the Academic Performance

of the Student Nurses of BSU. Academia.

3. Aprielieva, I.V., Demchenko, V.A., Kovalevska, A.V., Kovalevska, T.Y., & Hladun, T.S. (2021).

Psychological Factors Influencing on the Motivation to Study of Students of TEI.

4. Alos, S. B., Caranto, L. C., & David, J. J. (2015, May 2). Factors Affecting the Academic
Performance of the Student Nurses of BSU. Academia.

5. Ragpala, E. (n.d.). Environmental Factors that Affect the Academic Performance of Senior
High School Students during COVID-19 Pandemic. IJSSCFRTJournal.

6. Boca, G. D. (2021, July 4). Factors Influencing Students’ Behavior and Attitude towards
Online Education during COVID-19. MDPI.

7. Teshome, W. (2018, February). Psychological Factors Affecting Students Academic

Performance Among Freshman Psychology Students in Dire Dawa University. ResearchGate.

8. Means, B., Toyama, Y., Murphy, R., & Baki, M. (2013, March). The Effectiveness of Online
and Blended Learning: A Meta-Analysis of the Empirical Literature. Ecampusontario.

9. Sipes, K., & Ricciardi, V. (2006, March). Online vs. Face to Face: Is There a Difference in
How Accounting and Finance Students Learn in an Online vs. Face-to-Face Setting?


10. H. Feng and J. Li.“Head Teachers, Peer Effects, and Student Achievement.” China:

University Huangzhou (Journal), 2016.

11. Nieto-Escamez Francisco Antonio, Roldán-Tapia María Dolores. (2021, May).

"Gamification as Online Teaching Strategy During COVID-19: A Mini-Review".

Frontiers. [Online].

12. Timothy Ado Shamaki. (2015). “Influence of Learning Environment on Students’

Academic Achievement in Mathematics: A Case Study of Some Selected Secondary

Schools in Yobe State –Nigeria.” Journal of Education and Practice. [Online].

Vol.6, No.34.

Appendix A
Request Letter for Subject Teacher

Appendix B

Good Day,
We, REGINE P. REGIO, JOYCE MARIELLE D. SERRATO, are Grade 12 students from Dionysus
in Humanities and Social Sciences strand. We are conducting our research entitled: “Factors Affecting Academic
Performance During Pandemic to Different Learning Modalities of Grade 12 Students in Gen. Pantaleon
Garcia Senior High School”.
We are asking your participation for the said study and we would greatly appreciate your efforts in
answering the survey. The information you provide will be kept confidential. Thank you!

Part 1. Demographic Profiling

Name (Optional):


Chosen Modality:
Grade 11 General Average: ____________
Grade 12 1st Quarter (SY 2021-2022) Average:


1. How many are you in the family?

2. What is your family’s monthly income? (Put the letter if the statement is applied to you.)
(Family Monthly Income range is based on 2018 NSO Family Income and Expenditure Surveys)

a. Under 40,000
b. 40,000 – 59,000
c. 60,000 – 99,000
d. 100,000 – 249,999
e. 250,000 – 499, 999
f. 500,000 and over

1. Do you have a device for learning online? (Check a box that indicates the statement applied to you.)


1. What kind of device do you use? (If your answer on no.3 is YES)? (Put the letter if the statement is applied
to you.)

. Tablet
a. Laptop
b. Computer
c. Smartphone
d. Cellphone
e. Television

2. Do you have access to the internet? (Check a box that indicates the statement applied to you.)


1. If you have what kind of service do you use?

. Load
b. Hotspot
c. Others:


Please indicate to what extent each of the following items presently corresponds to experience in distance


AGREE (1) (2) (3) (4) DISAGREE

(1) (2) (3) (4) (5)

1. It is difficult for me to adjust to distance learning technology
(computer, tablet, video calls, learning applications, etc.)
especially when we are required to navigate our Learning Tasks
via Google Classroom and Google Docs.

2. I can’t focus on my studies because my parents or siblings

interrupt me while having google meets.

3. Due to many school works tasked on us, my mind was confused

on the tasks that I will comply that I don't know what to start.

4. Its hard for me to focus on my schoolwork while I'm doing my

household chores.

5. It's hard for me to complete my school works because our teachers

gives us a bunch of activities.

6. I am sure that I can do well in school in the midst of pandemic.

7. I didn't feel any pressure in learning during distance learning.

8. Due to many activities given by our teachers, the time allotted for
that subject is not enough that I have to continue it tomorrow.

9. Before I do my homework, I need to take care of my siblings.

10. Because of Distance Learning, my Mental Health has improved.

11. I can’t understand my teacher when speaking in google meets

because there are many background noises in his place.

12. I experienced technology breakdown too often when I’m

submitting my school works on Google Classroom.

13. I experienced loss of internet connection too often while joining

google meets.

14. I experienced a loss of internet connection whenever there’s heavy
rain or bad weather conditions.

15. I am more motivated to study at home than in a classroom setting.

16. I frequently seek assistance from my friends and classmates

regarding my school works.

17. I am so focused on my activities that I lose track of time.

18. I tend to procrastinate my learning tasks so that I can do my leisure


19. I couldn't ask my parents or guardians for assistance because they

were too preoccupied.

20. I am so confused in answering my activities because my teachers

didn't use the same learning material (LeaP) for our subjects in
giving Learning Tasks.

21. I am confident that I can finish my school works even though there
are (quarantine) health problems.

22. It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any technology-literacy-

related assignments (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint,
and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers.

23. I ended up procrastinating my outputs due to noises from

vehicles, animals, neighbors, family members, and devices, that
lost my memory-retention about the lesson.

24. I acquired a lot of confidence when Online Classes began.

25. I received feedbacks on the schoolwork I have completed and it

motivates me to do more!

26. I was so burdened in our learning tasks because aside from doing
my performance tasks, I had to finish some of their additional

27. Because of distance learning, my attitude towards my classmates

and teachers has improved.

28. I tend to be more stressed than usual when online classes started.

29. I still can study and answer my learning tasks on time though I
have a poor learning environment that posed several challenges in

30. It’s hard for me to keep up with my other classmates because my

gadget is an old model that can't hold the applications (apps) that
my teacher requires me to download.

Appendix C



Mean Descriptive


6. It is difficult for me to adjust to distance learning 2.78 LI

technology (computer, tablet, video calls, learning
applications, etc.) especially when we are required
to navigate our Learning Tasks via Google
Classroom and Google Docs.

7. I experienced technology breakdown too often 2.55 HI

when I’m submitting my school works on Google

8. I experienced loss of internet connection too often 2.5 HI

while joining google meets.

9. It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any 2.98 LI

technology-literacy-related assignments (like
Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint, and
Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers.

10. It’s hard for me to keep up with my other 3.3 LI

classmates because my gadget is an old model that
can't hold the applications (apps) that my teacher
requires me to download.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.82 LI


6. I can’t focus on my studies because my parents or 3.2 LI

siblings interrupt me while having google meets.

7. I can’t understand my teacher when speaking in 2.95 LI

google meets because there are many background
noises in his place.

8. I experienced a loss of internet connection 2.25 HI

whenever there’s heavy rain or bad weather

9. I ended up procrastinating my outputs due to noises 2.88 LI

from vehicles, animals, neighbors, family
members, and devices that lost my memory-
retention about the lesson.

10. I still can study and answer my learning tasks on 2.45 HI

time though I have a poor learning environment
that poses several challenges in learning.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.75 LI


6. Due to many school works tasked on us, my mind 2.58 HI

was confused on the tasks that I will comply that I
don't know what to start.

7. Because of Distance Learning, my Mental Health 3.08 LI

has improved.

8. I am more motivated to study at home than in a 2.95 LI

classroom setting.

9. I acquired a lot of confidence when Online Classes 2.63 LI


10. I tend to be more stressed than usual when online 2.43 HI

classes start.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.73 LI


6. It’s hard for me to focus on my schoolwork while 2.45 HI

I'm doing my household chores.

7. Before I do my homework, I need to take care of 2.98 LI

my siblings.

8. I frequently seek assistance from my friends and 2.8 HI

classmates regarding my school works.

9. I couldn't ask my parents or guardians for 2.5 HI

assistance because they were too preoccupied.

10. I received feedback on the schoolwork I have 2.8 HI

completed and it motivates me to do more!

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.56 HI


6. It's hard for me to complete my school works 2.65 LI

because our teachers give us a bunch of activities.

7. Due to many activities given by our teachers, the 2.28 HI

time allotted for that subject is not enough that I
have to continue it tomorrow.

8. I am so focused on my activities that I lose track of 2.58 HI


9. I am so confused in answering my activities 2.9 LI

because my teachers didn't use the same learning
material (LeaP) for our subjects in giving Learning

10. I was so burdened by our learning tasks because 2.45 HI

aside from doing my performance tasks, I had to
finish some of their additional activities.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.57 HI


6. I am sure that I can do well in school in the midst 2.5 HI

of pandemic.

7. I didn't feel any pressure in learning during distance 3.43 VLI

8. I tend to procrastinate my learning tasks so that I 2.89 LI

can do my leisure activities.

9. I am confident that I can finish my school work 2.43 HI

even though there are (quarantine) health problems.

10. Because of distance learning, my attitude towards 2.6 LI

my classmates and teachers has improved.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.77 LI


Mean Descriptive


6. It is difficult for me to adjust to distance learning technology 2.31 HI

(computer, tablet, video calls, learning applications, etc.)
especially when we are required to navigate our Learning Tasks
via Google Classroom and Google Docs.

7. I experienced technology breakdown too often when I’m 2.92 LI

submitting my school works on Google Classroom.

8. I experienced loss of internet connection too often while joining 2.38 HI

google meets.

9. It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any technology-literacy- 2.31 HI

related assignments (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft PowerPoint,
and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers.

10. It’s hard for me to keep up with my other classmates because my 2.08 HI
gadget is an old model that can't hold the applications (apps) that
my teacher requires me to download.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.4 HI


6. I can’t focus on my studies because my parents or siblings 2.46 HI
interrupt me while having google meets.

7. I can’t understand my teacher when speaking in google meets 2.08 HI

because there are many background noises in his place.

8. I experienced a loss of internet connection whenever there’s heavy 2.23 HI

rain or bad weather conditions.

9. I ended up procrastinating my outputs due to noises from vehicles, 2.54 HI

animals, neighbors, family members, and devices that lost my
memory-retention about the lesson.

10. I still can study and answer my learning tasks on time though I 2.15 HI
have a poor learning environment that poses several challenges in

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.29 HI


6. Due to many school works tasked on us, my mind was confused 2.08 HI
on the tasks that I will comply that I don't know what to start.

7. Because of Distance Learning, my Mental Health has improved. 2.6 LI

8. I am more motivated to study at home than in a classroom setting. 2.69 LI

9. I acquired a lot of confidence when Online Classes began. 2.69 LI

10. I tend to be more stressed than usual when online classes start. 2.54 HI

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.52 HI


6. It’s hard for me to focus on my schoolwork while I'm doing my 2.31 HI

household chores.

7. Before I do my homework, I need to take care of my siblings. 2.31 HI

8. I frequently seek assistance from my friends and classmates 2.69 LI

regarding my school works.

9. I couldn't ask my parents or guardians for assistance because they 2.69 LI
were too preoccupied.

10. I received feedback on the schoolwork I have completed and it 2.38 HI

motivates me to do more!

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.48 HI


6. It's hard for me to complete my school works because our teachers 2.62 LI
give us a bunch of activities.

7. Due to many activities given by our teachers, the time allotted for 2.31 HI
that subject is not enough that I have to continue it tomorrow.

8. I am so focused on my activities that I lose track of time. 2.54 HI

9. I am so confused in answering my activities because my teachers 2.54 HI

didn't use the same learning material (LeaP) for our subjects in
giving Learning Tasks.

10. I was so burdened by our learning tasks because aside from doing 1 VHI
my performance tasks, I had to finish some of their additional

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.20 HI


6. I am sure that I can do well in school in the midst of pandemic. 2.38 HI

7. I didn't feel any pressure in learning during distance learning. 3.15 LI

8. I tend to procrastinate my learning tasks so that I can do my 2.62 LI

leisure activities.

9. I am confident that I can finish my school work even though there 2.46 HI
are (quarantine) health problems.

10. Because of distance learning, my attitude towards my classmates 2.62 LI

and teachers has improved.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.65 LI


Mean Descriptive


6. It is difficult for me to adjust to distance learning technology 2.92 LI

(computer, tablet, video calls, learning applications, etc.)
especially when we are required to navigate our Learning Tasks
via Google Classroom and Google Docs.

7. I experienced technology breakdown too often when I’m 1.58 VHI

submitting my school works on Google Classroom.

8. I experienced loss of internet connection too often while joining 2.25 HI

google meets.

9. It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any technology-literacy- 2.42 HI

related assignments (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft
PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers.

10. It’s hard for me to keep up with my other classmates because my 2.75 LI
gadget is an old model that can't hold the applications (apps) that
my teacher requires me to download.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.38 HI


6. I can’t focus on my studies because my parents or siblings 2.42 HI

interrupt me while having google meets.

7. I can’t understand my teacher when speaking in google meets 2.75 LI

because there are many background noises in his place.

8. I experienced a loss of internet connection whenever there’s 2.17 HI

heavy rain or bad weather conditions.

9. I ended up procrastinating my outputs due to noises from 2.75 LI

vehicles, animals, neighbors, family members, and devices that
lost my memory-retention about the lesson.

10. I still can study and answer my learning tasks on time though I 2.67 LI
have a poor learning environment that poses several challenges
in learning.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.54 HI


6. Due to many school works tasked on us, my mind was confused 2.5 HI
on the tasks that I will comply that I don't know what to start.

7. Because of Distance Learning, my Mental Health has improved. 2.42 HI

8. I am more motivated to study at home than in a classroom 2.5 HI


9. I acquired a lot of confidence when Online Classes began. 2.5 HI

10. I tend to be more stressed than usual when online classes start. 2.33 HI

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.45 HI


6. It's hard for me to focus on my schoolwork while I'm doing my 2.42 HI

household chores.

7. Before I do my homework, I need to take care of my siblings. 2.83 LI

8. I frequently seek assistance from my friends and classmates 3 LI

regarding my school works.

9. I couldn't ask my parents or guardians for assistance because 2.75 LI

they were too preoccupied.

10. I received feedback on the schoolwork I have completed and it 1.83 HI

motivates me to do more!

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.57 HI


6. It's hard for me to complete my school works because our 2.67 LI

teachers give us a bunch of activities.

7. Due to many activities given by our teachers, the time allotted 2.25 HI
for that subject is not enough that I have to continue it

8. I am so focused on my activities that I lose track of time. 2.67 LI

9. I am so confused in answering my activities because my 3.08 LI

teachers didn't use the same learning material (LeaP) for our
subjects in giving Learning Tasks.

10. I was so burdened by our learning tasks because aside from 1.25 VHI
doing my performance tasks, I had to finish some of their
additional activities.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.38 HI


6. I am sure that I can do well in school in the midst of pandemic. 2.33 HI

7. I didn't feel any pressure in learning during distance learning. 2.42 HI

8. I tend to procrastinate my learning tasks so that I can do my 2.42 HI

leisure activities.

9. I am confident that I can finish my school work even though 2 HI

there are (quarantine) health problems.

10. Because of distance learning, my attitude towards my classmates 2.58 HI

and teachers has improved.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.35 HI


Mean Descriptive


6. It is difficult for me to adjust to distance learning technology 2.2 HI

(computer, tablet, video calls, learning applications, etc.)
especially when we are required to navigate our Learning Tasks
via Google Classroom and Google Docs.

7. I experienced technology breakdown too often when I’m 2 HI
submitting my school works on Google Classroom.

8. I experienced loss of internet connection too often while joining 1.8 HI

google meets.

9. It’s hard for me to submit when there’s any technology-literacy- 1.6 VHI
related assignments (like Microsoft Word, Microsoft
PowerPoint, and Microsoft Excel) tasked by our teachers.

10. It’s hard for me to keep up with my other classmates because 1.6 VHI
my gadget is an old model that can't hold the applications (apps)
that my teacher requires me to download.

Gen. wtd. Mean 1.84 HI


6. I can’t focus on my studies because my parents or siblings 2 HI

interrupt me while having google meets.

7. I can’t understand my teacher when speaking in google meets 2.2 HI

because there are many background noises in his place.

8. I experienced a loss of internet connection whenever there’s 1.8 HI

heavy rain or bad weather conditions.

9. I ended up procrastinating my outputs due to noises from 1.8 HI

vehicles, animals, neighbors, family members, and devices that
lost my memory-retention about the lesson.

10. I still can study and answer my learning tasks on time though I 1.6 VHI
have a poor learning environment that poses several challenges
in learning.

Gen. wtd. Mean 1.88 HI


6. Due to many school works tasked on us, my mind was confused 2.2 HI
on the tasks that I will comply that I don't know what to start.

7. Because of Distance Learning, my Mental Health has improved. 3.4 VLI

8. I am more motivated to study at home than in a classroom 2 HI


9. I acquired a lot of confidence when Online Classes began. 3.8 VLI

10. I tend to be more stressed than usual when online classes start. 1.8 HI

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.64 LI


6. It's hard for me to focus on my schoolwork while I'm doing my 2 HI

household chores.

7. Before I do my homework, I need to take care of my siblings. 2.8 LI

8. I frequently seek assistance from my friends and classmates 2.6 LI

regarding my school works.

9. I couldn't ask my parents or guardians for assistance because 2.8 LI

they were too preoccupied.

10. I received feedback on the schoolwork I have completed and it 2.2 HI

motivates me to do more!

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.48 HI


6. It's hard for me to complete my school works because our 2 HI

teachers give us a bunch of activities.

7. Due to many activities given by our teachers, the time allotted 2 HI

for that subject is not enough that I have to continue it

8. I am so focused on my activities that I lose track of time. 2.5 HI

9. I am so confused in answering my activities because my 2.5 HI

teachers didn't use the same learning material (LeaP) for our
subjects in giving Learning Tasks.

10. I was so burdened by our learning tasks because aside from 1.8 HI
doing my performance tasks, I had to finish some of their
additional activities.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.16 HI


6. I am sure that I can do well in school in the midst of pandemic. 2.6 LI

7. I didn't feel any pressure in learning during distance learning. 2.6 LI

8. I tend to procrastinate my learning tasks so that I can do my 2.6 LI

leisure activities.

9. I am confident that I can finish my school work even though 1.8 HI

there are (quarantine) health problems.

10. Because of distance learning, my attitude towards my 2 HI

classmates and teachers has improved.

Gen. wtd. Mean 2.32 HI


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