Ramadan - EnglishPamphlet L2 Latest

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Underline the correct answer Write TRUE or FALSE

1. Ramadan is the tenth month

in the islamic calendar.
2. The muslims will fast during
3. Muslims will fast from sunrise
till sunset.
1. Iman is / are fasting today.
4. It is not sunnah to break
He can / can’t eat or drink from fast with dates.
sunrise till sunset. 5. Muslims perform Terawih
Prayer at home only.
6. Muslims are encouraged to do
2. Iman is / are sitting.
charity such as donate money,
He is / isn’t reciting the Quran. food or clothes to the needy.

Let’s crack the code.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

3. Aisha and her mother is / are at 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18
the mosque. S T U V W X Y Z

They are / aren’t performing the 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Terawih Prayer.
18 1 13 1 4 1 14
My name is :
6 9 22 5 16 9 12 12 1 18 19
4. Iman and Aisha is / are breaking fast I am in Year :
with their parents. ______________________________
8 15 12 25 13 15 14 20 8
The family of four is / isn’t eating at 3.

__________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page _ ________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page _ ________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page
Let’s say together. Let’s read together. Fill in the blanks and find the words.

fast puasa Ramadan is the ninth month in the 1. Ramadan is the ________________ month in
Islamic calendar. the Islamic calendar.
fasting (sedang)berpuasa

holy month bulan yang suci

D u r i n g Ramad an , th e 2. During Ramadan, the muslims will _______ _.
muslims will fast for one month.
3. Starting from _________ , a fasting person
muslims orang islam Fasting is one of the five pillars in
will not _________ or __________ _.
five pillars 5 rukun
the Islamic beliefs. Fasting will start
from dawn to dusk. 4. At ______________ they will break fast.
dates buah kurma
5. It is sunnah to break fast with _________ _.
recite membaca
6. Besides praying and asking forgiveness
break fast/ berbuka puasa the muslim will recite the________________ _.
dawn subuh 7. They will also do lots of charity such as
This means that starting _ __________ money, food or clothes to
dusk maghrib from sunrise , a fasting person will the _____________ _.

sunrise terbit matahari not eat or drink. At sunset , right

after they hear the prayer call n i n t h n s h
sunset terbenam they will break fast. It is sunnah to
break fast with dates. g e a t a e u d
pray solat/doa
d s q u r a n r
During this holy month,
prayer solat/doa
muslims will devote themselves to a a d a t s r i
devote menumpukan pray and ask forgiveness, recite the
sepenuhnya Quran and do good things. Muslims t f f a s t i n
ask forgiveness memohon maaf/ will pe rf orm Te r a w i h Prayer in
pengampunan mosques or at home. They are also e e g f a t s k
encouraged digalakkan encouraged to do lots of charity
such as donate money, food or s d o n a t e b
donate menderma clothes to the needy.
z u n e e d y p
charity kebajikan

needy orang yang f n s u n s e t

__________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page _ ________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page _ ________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page
Underline the correct answer Write TRUE or FALSE

1. Ramadan is the tenth month FALSE

in the islamic calendar.
2. The muslims will fast during TRUE
3. Muslims will fast from sunrise TRUE
till sunset.
1. Iman is / are fasting today.
4. It is not sunnah to break FALSE
He can / can’t eat or drink from fast with dates.
sunrise till sunset. 5. Muslims perform Terawih FALSE
Prayer at home only.
6. Muslims are encouraged to do TRUE
2. Iman is / are sitting.
charity such as donate money,
He is / isn’t reciting the Quran. food or clothes to the needy.

Let’s crack the code.


1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9

3. Aisha and her mother is / are at 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 By TCher Ayne

the mosque. S T U V W X Y Z

They are / aren’t performing the 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26

Terawih Prayer. My name is :

1. 18 1 13 1 4 1 14

R A M A D A N ______________________________

6 9 22 5 16 9 12 12 1 18 19 I am in Year :
4. Iman and Aisha is / are breaking fast F I V E P I L L A R S
with their parents. ______________________________
8 15 12 25 13 15 14 20 8
The family of four is / isn’t eating at 3.

sunset. H O L Y M O N T H

__________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page _ ________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page _ ________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page
Let’s say and write the meanings Let’s read together. Fill in the blanks and find the words.
of the words
fast puasa Ramadan is the ninth month in the 1. Ramadan is the _ _ _ _ _n_i n_ t_ _h month in
Islamic calendar. the Islamic calendar.
fasting (sedang)berpuasa

D u r i n g Ramad an , th e 2. During Ramadan, the muslims will _ _f_a_s_ t_ _ _ .

holy month bulan yang suci
muslims will fast for one month.
3. Starting f r o m _s_u_ _n _r_i s_e_ _ , a fasting person
muslims orang islam Fasting is one of the five pillars in
will not __e_a_ t_ ____ or _ _ _d_r_i _n _k _.
five pillars lima rukun
the Islamic beliefs. Fasting will start
from dawn to dusk. 4. At _ _ _s_ u_ _n_s_e_tthey will break fast.
dates buah kurma
5. It is sunnah to break fast with ___d_a
recite membaca
6. Besides praying and asking forgiveness
break fast/ berbuka puasa the muslim will recite the _ _ _ _ _q_ u_ _r _a_n _.
dawn subuh 7. They will also do lots of charity such as
This means that starting ___d_o_n_a
__t_emoney, food or clothes to
dusk maghrib the _ _ _n_ e_ e_ _d _y _.
from sunrise , a fasting person will
sunrise terbit matahari not eat or drink. At sunset , right
after they hear the prayer call n i n t h n s h
sunset terbenam they will break fast. It is sunnah to
break fast with dates. g e a t a e u d
pray solat/doa
During this holy month, d s q u r a n r
prayer solat/doa
muslims will devote themselves to
devote menumpukan pray and ask forgiveness, recite the a a d a t s r i
sepenuhnya Quran and do good things. Muslims
will pe rf orm Te r a w i h Prayer in t f f a s t i n
ask forgiveness memohon maaf/
pengampunan mosques or at home. They are also
e e g f a t s k
encouraged digalakkan encouraged to do lots of charity
such as donate money, food or s d o n a t e b
donate menderma clothes to the needy.
charity kebajikan z u n e e d y p

needy orang yang f n s u n s e t

__________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page _ ________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page _ ________________________________________ Tcher Ayne’s Page

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