Mob 4 lyfe
Order of angelic knights
History of the Gnostic Warrior
The rst Gnosc Knight appeared on Earth when humanity began the journey of the Spiritual Warrior in search of the Holy Grail that would lead to God. The premier Knight manifested in the Garden of Eden of the East, the Pacic Connent that Connental Dri Theory refers to as Lemuria and the pan
Pacic people know as Mu, Hiva, Kumari Nadu, Havai
i, Rutas, the Land of Rua, etc. This primal Gnosc Warrior was known as Karkeya (from Krika, a name for the Pleiades), who is said to have arrived from the Pleiades via the planet Venus with an entourage of fellow Gnosc Warriors, known collecvely as the
Sons of God.
Karkeya, who is also known historically as Sanat Kumara, Murugan, and Skanda, arrived from the heavenly region of his Mother, the Cosmic Serpent (the Seven Sisters or Pleiades), on his many
eyed peacock (represenng and embodying his omnipres-ence and omniscience). As a Son resembling his Mother, Karkeya possessed six heads, one for each of the six visible stars of the Pleiades, and he wielded the Wisdom of the Serpent (Gnosis) and the Power of the Serpent
both of which were represented by his weapon, the Vel Spear. The sha of the Vel represented the
path of the Serpent Power, the human spine, and its head or blade represented the Third Eye, the seat of Gnosis. The message embodied by Karkeya
s Vel is that the best weapon of the Gnosc Warrior is Gnosis, i.e., inner, intuive wisdom and guidance.
The first fisher king
Inially Karrkeya founded three headquarters for his Gnosc Warrior tradion: Shambhala, and locaons upon Lemuria now known as the islands of Kauai, and Sri Lanka. At Shambhala, which is now in eastern Asia, Karkeya built a royal palace which he staed with an entourage of Grail Knights. In his palace he served as humanity
s rst
monarch or
Fisher King
and as the incipient possessor of the Holy Grail. Technically, he was the rst Holy Grail.
He was a human chalice full of the Water of Life or Serpent Power. Legend has it that the drama that we know of as the Garden of Eden occurred on what is now the island of Sri Lanka when it was part of Lemuria. At that me God placed Adam on the summit of Adam
s Peak, which today is the locaon of a temple that holds his ve
foot long footprint preserved in stone. Aer descending Adam
s Peak, the rst man encountered Karkeya, who had been sent down as a serpent to Earth by his mother, Sophia, in order to reveal to Adam and Eve –
incipient humanity
their divine nature and the path to selnowledge. Karkeya appeared in the Garden of Eden as the
Serpent on the Tree
and proceeded to awaken gnosis within the rst couple by acvang the inner Serpent Power that dwells at the base of the spine and guiding it up the inner Tree of Life to the Third Eye of Gnosc revelaon. The gnosc wisdom and power the rst couple achieved and how to acvate it through the awakening of the Serpent Power was eventually transmied to their premier Son, Seth
Cain (Seth and Cain as synonymous),
who then passed it on to the Sons of Seth. The Sons of Seth dispersed and established Gnosc Knight Orders in many coun-tries. Within all the internaonal Knighted Orders eventually founded by the Sons of Seth the goal was to awaken the inner Vel Spear through acvang the inner Serpent Force and raising it to the Third Eye. The Knighted Order of Gnosc Warriors in Egypt became known as the Order of Djedi Knights (from Dj, meaning
who carried stas full of dynamic Serpent Power. In India, the Gnosc Warriors became known as the Order of Kshatriya Knights (from
to possess power
and in the Brish Isles they manifested as the Order of Druid Adders (Serpents), who discharged their Serpent Pow-er through their wands, stas and incantaons. In Central America they became the Order of the Quetzlcoatl Warriors (the
Plumed Serpent
Warriors), which was divided into the Gnosc Orders of the Eagle Knights and Jaguar Knights.
Karttikeya becomes Mithra, St. Michael, etc
As the Gnosc Warrior tradion moved westward from Lemuria to Europe Karkeya became embraced and venerated by a series of civilizaons. In Persian, Karkeya (or Murugan) and his peacock became Mithra (or Mihr) and his bull. Both deies were inmately associated with the Sun and the cock or rooster. Later, during Roman mes, Mithra as Mithras became the principal deity of the Roman Legions, who during their iniaons into his cult pledged to help rid the world of the despoc Dark Lord, Ahriman, and his denizens. When the Persian king Cyrus the Great released the Jews from their capvity in Babylon, the Persian Magi traveled to the Middle East and introduced Mithra and his nemesis Ahriman to the Rabbis. The Rabbis then took their adopted Per-sian deies back to Palesne with them, but then changed the name of the Gnosc Warrior to St. Michael, and the diabolical Ahriman to Belial. The Essenes, who were perhaps the most ardent worshippers of St. Michael, anointed themselves St. Michael
s terrestrial army that would ght against Belial
s legions and sought to incarnate the spirit of Michael into a physical body so he could lead them in their bale with Belial and his dark forces. They believed they lived during the end mes when the nal bale between good and evil was desned to be fought
a truth they had received from the Mithra
worshipping priests of Persia. Thus, Karkeya and his peacock transformed into Mithra and his bull, as well as St. Michael and his dragon. The public mass-es accepted this mythos of darkness versus light literally, but the iniated Gnosc Warrior recognized the human
featured hero and his supposed nemesis as the Primal Warrior subduing and mastering his own inner Divine Power and the subse-quent achievement of Gnosis. They also recognized the bale as a mof related to the creaon of the universe by the Primal Dragon, wherein Michael was the Dragon
s Divine Mind and Michael
s Dragon was its Divine Force. In this scenario the leg-endary hero was not the enemy of the dragon, but the Divine Mind of the Primal Serpent that encoded the Serpent
s Divine Power with a blueprint of the forms it would subsequently condense into as the cosmos crystallized into physical forms. This transmission of a code is represented by St. Michael –
Dragon mof, wherein Michael inserts his spear into the dragon not to kill or destroy it, but to tame and shape it. From an addional perspecve, the Gnosc Warrior recognized that he or she would eventually evolve into earthly manifes-taons of the Primal Dragon and that St. Michael, the Divine Mind of the Primal Dragon, would become their inner guide, and the Divine Force of the Primal Serpent would become the supernatural Force they wielded to meet all their needs.
The Daily Life of the Gnostic Warrior
Within the following pages are presented helpful guidelines for the developing Gnostic Warrior to observe in daily life.
Right Company
The most important guideline any Gnosc Warrior can observe is in regards to the company he or she keeps. Right company supports the Warrior on his or her path to gnosis, while wrong company can be a distracon and completely take the Warrior o the path. This is why it has been encouraged by the Knighted Orders and iniac sociees to keep the company of other members of their order or society. A Gnosc Warrior should choose associates and friends with whom he or she you can have regular satsang (spiritual conversa-on) with and/or share his or her alchemical rites with.
The Inner Weapons of the Gnostic Warrior
To meet the daily challenges
encountered by a Gnosc Warrior he or she should develop an arsenal of inner weapons. Such inner weapons denote the inner abilies and qualies that a Gnosc Warrior relies upon in meeng life
s challenges.
The Inner Spear
The Inner Spear of a Gnosc Warrior
corresponds with his or her gnosc awareness. From this gnosis consciousness comes guidance from the all
knowing inner Spirit that can dependably guide a Gnosc Warrior through any crisis. Thus, the Inner Spear is the best and most reliable weapon for overcoming any opponent and meeng any obstacle. The Inner Spear is symbolized by Karkeya
s Vel. The sha of his Vel represents the human spine within which the inner Ser-pent Power ascends to the head, and the blade of his Vel denotes the Third Eye of Gnosc Wisdom that is acvated by the as-cending Force