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IBM Software Group

An IBM Proof of Technology Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management Solutions from IBM Rational

Lab Exercises

2010 IBM Corporation


Copyright International Business Machines Corporation, 2009, 2010. All rights reserved. US Government Users Restricted Rights - Use, duplication or disclosure restricted by GSA ADP Schedule Contract with IBM Corp.

IBM Software

LAB 1 UPDATE THE PRODUCT BACKLOG................................................................................................3 1.1 CREATE NEW REQUIREMENT AND ELABORATION ARTIFACTS .......................................................5 1.2 REVIEW THE REQUIREMENTS FOR THE SPRINT .........................................................................13 1.3 UPDATE THE PRODUCT BACKLOG ............................................................................................17 LAB 2 PLAN THE SPRINT...........................................................................................................................24 2.1 DESCRIBE HIGHEST PRIORITY FEATURES .................................................................................26 2.2 DEFINE SPRINT GOAL ..............................................................................................................36 2.3 AGREE TO ITEMS FOR THE BACKLOG........................................................................................40 2.4 ADD DEVELOPMENT TASKS......................................................................................................46 LAB 3 MANAGE THE SPRINT.....................................................................................................................55 3.1 CREATE A COLLECTION OF REQUIREMENT ARTIFACTS FOR THE SPRINT .....................................56 3.2 ALIGN TEST SPRINT PLAN .......................................................................................................64 3.3 CHECK TEAM ALIGNMENT ........................................................................................................85 LAB 4 IMPLEMENT THE SPRINT PLAN ....................................................................................................89 4.1 CREATE TEST SCRIPTS AND TEST EXECUTION RECORDS ..........................................................89 4.2 DEVELOP SURFER SQUAWKER.................................................................................................97 4.3 MONITOR INTEGRATION BUILD ...............................................................................................112 4.4 MONITOR BUILD STATUS .......................................................................................................116 LAB 5 RESPOND TO A TEST FAILURE...................................................................................................120 5.1 EXECUTE TEST AND SUBMIT DEFECT .....................................................................................121 5.2 TRIAGE DEFECTS ..................................................................................................................140 5.3 FIX DEFECT AND DELIVER CHANGE ........................................................................................144 5.4 CONFIRM DEFECT IS FIXED ....................................................................................................160 APPENDIX A. NOTICES .........................................................................................................................................167 APPENDIX B. TRADEMARKS AND COPYRIGHTS..............................................................................................169


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IBM Software

Lab 1

Update the Product Backlog

Big plans, little plans, shifting plans, stagnant plans they all have the potential for becoming creative exercises rather than reflections of reality. Many Agile teams have learned to execute against realistic plans by working with public task boards and moving a story requirement and its related tasks through their phases to completion. If you are part of a geographically dispersed team, or even a co-located team coordinating with other colocated teams in the context of a larger project, traditional approaches are inadequate. Planning in such circumstances tends towards an exercise in creative writing. In addition teams have multiple sources of information to work with defects in one tool, requirements in another, resource information in another making it challenging to coordinate a plan. Through the use of in-context collaboration for linking artifacts across disciplines and the use of dynamic plans where the data is coming directly from the work-items owned by the team members, youll see how the plan can be a reflection reality. In this lab you will create a new requirement and ensure the product backlog is ready for team review. In Scrum, a product backlog is used to capture the work items for the project (this is similar to a release plan). The product backlog is owned by a product owner who works with the development and test teams to determine which items can be moved into a sprint plan. The product owner's role is to represent the stakeholders by updating and prioritizing the product backlog.

In this scenario, Bob is the product owner. He needs:

To review current product requirements and the ability to quickly create new requirements in context Access & visibility into the development team plans The ability to query the backlog as it relates to his requirements The ability to prioritize the Backlog using the Web user interface (UI) Check that all the key requirements are linked to work items in the product backlog and if not make the appropriate updates.
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Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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Some Scrum Terms Defined Product Backlog The Product Backlog is the master list of all functionality desired in the product. When a project is initiated there is no comprehensive, time-consuming effort to write down all foreseeable tasks or requirements. Typically, a project team writes down everything obvious, which is almost always more than enough for a first sprint. The Product Backlog is then allowed to grow and change as more is learned about the product and its customers. Sprint An iteration of work during which an increment of product functionality is implemented. A typical sprint lasts 2 weeks, although lengths of 1 week to 1 month are not unusual. The content of a sprint is selected from the product backlog. Story Or, user story is a brief description of a user need. The product backlog is populated with stories. Each story has a relative priority and complexity. Stories are sized in relative units of effort called story points. For example, if one story is 1 point and another is 2 points, the team is stating that they believe the second story will take twice the effort of the first. Story points are intended to create groups of stories that differ in effort by an order of magnitude. They are not meant to be precise. Over time a team learns the number of story points it is typically able to complete in one sprint. This is the teams velocity. Epic A grouping of related stories. Typically used when a story is determined to be too big to fit into one sprint. The story is decomposed into multiple stories and an epic is created as the parent of the stories to preserve the overall goal. Scrum A short daily meeting where each team member shares what they accomplished yesterday, what they will work on today and what, if anything, is blocking their progress. The scrum master takes ownership of all issues blocking progress.

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Create New Requirement and Elaboration Artifacts

Lab Scenario Bob just returned from an important stakeholder review with a new idea for the project. First he needs to review the existing product requirements, and then he will document a new requirement to understand its context in the application.

Team Role You are performing the role of Bob, the product owner. In this section, you will use IBM Rational Requirements Composer to create a new requirement and a corresponding work item for the development team.


Log into Rational Requirements Composer as Bob. __a. Open IBM Rational Requirements Composer via the Tools menu in the lower right-hand corner of the desktop. __i. Click Tools and select RRC IBM Rational Requirements Composer 2.0

__b. Click the Open button

in the editor toolbar.

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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__c. Click Bobs Dashboard. It will display a dashboard with recent artifacts and comments, similar to the dashboard shown below.

Personal dashboards Users have personal dashboards in Rational Requirements Composer. This allows you to see activity across all the projects you may be involved in.


Open the Squawk project dashboard by clicking the Open button in the editor toolbar and click the Squawk project. This displays only the Squawk project information.

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Project Dashboards Projects have dashboards in Rational Requirements Composer. This provides project team members with a consistent view of project information.


As time allows, review current Squawk requirement artifacts. In the Project Explorer you will find storyboards, user interface sketches, documents, and existing requirements.

For example you can follow steps a through e: __a. Click on Glossary, double click Squawker __b. Click on Stakeholder Needs, double click Squawk Inc Business Goals and Objectives __c. Click on Stakeholder Needs, double click Stakeholder and Responsibilities __d. Expand User Story Elaborations, click on Roles and Personas, double click on Certified Teacher Persona __e. Expand User Story Elaborations, click on Storyboard, double click on View a Surfer squawker __f. Close any opened artifacts by clicking the x on the artifact tab.

Collapsing Views You may need to collapse the Information view on the right and make the project explorer on the left smaller to easily view and browse artifacts.


Create the new Surfer Squawker requirement. , if not __a. Return to the Squawk project dashboard by clicking the Squawk tab already selected. Make sure you have selected the Artifact tab within the Squawk Project.

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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__b. Click the Create Artifact button artifact type.

and select the Requirement

__c. Create the Surfer Squawker requirement with the following information: __i. __ii. __iii. __iv. Type Surfer Squawker in the Name field. Ensure the Squawk project is selected in the Project field. Select Requirements in the Folder field. Select sprint 3 in the Tags field.
Tags are used here to specify the candidate sprints Bob would like to see the requirement implemented. He will use this to get organized when describing his priorities to the Scrum team.


Click the Next button and select the Story Requirement Types checkbox. Click the Finish button.

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Type A surfer squawks Calabunga, Dude! in the rich text field.

You may see a different requirement number next to the Surfer Squawker requirement. This is not a problem.


Select the following values in the Attribute Groups section of the Information sidebar on the right-hand side of the workspace:

(1) __viii.

Set Origin to Customer.

Press Ctrl-S to save the requirement

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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Create a story work item for the Surfer Squawker requirement. This work item will be used by the development team to track implementation of the new requirement. __a. Expand the Links section of the right-hand Information sidebar.

__b. Select the Create Link button __i.

and select Implemented By

Log into Rational Team Concert. Enter Bob for both the User ID and Password and then click Log In. If prompted regarding an invalid security certificate, click Yes.

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Important! The User ID and Password are case sensitive.


If you get an error message asking if you want to proceed, click Yes.

__c. Ensure Squawk is selected in the Project Areas field, and select the Create New radio button. __d. Enter the following for the new Plan Item: __i. __ii. __iii. __iv. __v. Type Surfer Squawker in the Summary field. Select Backlog in the Filed Against field. Select High in the Priority field. Select Release 1.0 in the Planned For field. Type Implement the Squawk requirement in the Description field.

__e. Click the OK button. __f. Verify the new plan item by hovering over the Surfer Squawker item in the Implemented By field.

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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You may need to log in to Rational Team Concert again. Enter Bob for both the User ID and Password,

Tip: Use Rational Requirements Composer to create a broader context for defining requirements You can link Rational Requirements Composer requirements to any other Rational Requirements Composer artifacts that help describe the requirement artifacts like UI storyboards, Use Cases, etc.

__g. Select the Create Link button and select Create a New Link for the Artifact.

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__h. Select Choose Existing Artifact, and expand the Squawk project to find the following artifacts: __i. User Story Elaborations Storyboard View a Surfer squawker. Linking a requirement to an artifact provides consumers of the artifact an easy way to see related artifacts that supplement the requirement definition. Click OK


__i. Repeat steps g - h and select another artifact. __i. __6. Stakeholder Needs Squawk Inc Business Goals and Objectives.doc

Press Ctrl-S to save the requirement when you are done.


Review the Requirements for the Sprint

Review the requirements for the project and confirm that the key requirements are linked to work items in the Product Backlog.

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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__a. Select Squawk Project tab then the Requirements tab to view all the requirements for the project

__b. Select the sprint 3 tag to view the requirements for Sprint 3 on the project.

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__c. The Surfer squawker requirement is included for Sprint 3. Bob needs to check that this requirement is associated with an appropriate work item so that it can be included in the release backlog for Sprint 3. The current display does not show this. Select the Configure column properties button in the top right hand corner of the window.

__d. Select the Implemented By checkbox and click OK. This will include the associated Rational Team Concert work items in the Requirements window.

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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__e. Note the same effect can be achieved by right-clicking the column heading bar and selecting the columns you want to display.

__f. Bob confirms that there is a work item associated with each requirement he would like implemented in Sprint 3.


Close or minimize Rational Requirements Composer.

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Update the Product Backlog

Lab Scenario Bob now needs to review the product backlog and prioritize the new story requirement with regard to the other items. The team is about to begin the next sprint, so this is his opportunity to prioritize the backlog and make sure his most important stories are addressed by the team.

Team Role You are still performing the role of Bob, the product owner. In this section, you will use the Rational Team Concert Squawk Dev Web UI to review and prioritize the backlog for the development team.


Log into the Rational Team Concert Squawk Dev Web UI as Bob. __a. Start the Firefox Web browser via the icon in the Windows taskbar.

__b. Select Dashboards Squawk Dev from the browser bookmarks toolbar bar.

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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__c. Enter Bob for both the User ID and Password, and then click Log In.

Important! The User ID and Password are case sensitive.

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In the Squawk project area dashboard, look at the Current Squawk Plans viewlet and notice the current sprint is Sprint 3. The Sprint 3 planning meeting is later today, and you have time to add the new story to the Product Backlog before the meeting.


Navigate to the product backlog __a. Click the Product Backlog link in the Current Squawk Plans viewlet.

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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__b. Click the Planned Items link. This page provides several views of the items in the projects plan. You will use a couple of them in this exercise. In any of the views, you see the collection of Epic and Story work items planned for this release. Note the Surfer Squawker story created from Rational Requirements Composer, and the blue circle next to it. More on the blue circle in a bit. You will now use the Work Breakdown view to indicate the new work item is a child of an existing Epic. Choose the view from the View As dropdown.

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Move the Surfer squawker story under Add a wide variety of squawkers to the system epic using drag and drop. __a. Click Surfer Squawker, hold the left mouse button, drag the plan item on top of Add a wide variety of squawkers to the system.


Bob knows that the surfer squawker is the highest priority item now, so check the priority in the backlog and make adjustments so that the new Story is at the top of the list. __a. Select Backlog from the View As dropdown and note that the Surfer squawker story has not yet been ranked relative to the other stories. Note the blue informational icon (may need to refresh the plan to see it). Hovering over the icon will let you see the informational message. This information will be available until you rank the Surfer squawker.

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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__b. Drag and drop the Surfer squawker to the top of the list above both epics. This ranks the story ahead of all the other work in the backlog.

__c. If you wish, you may experiment with how the product backlog is fully ordered even among items of the same priority. __i. For example, if you drag and drop the Surfer squawker down between two Low priority stories, the Surfer squawkers priority will change to match and it will be ranked between them. If you then, drag and drop it back up to the top, its priority will change back and it will be ranked at the top again. The rank is another piece of data on the work item in addition to the priority that is manipulated via your drag and drop operations.

__ii. __iii. __d. __6.

Close Rational Team Concert

Bob has confirmed that all the requirements identified for Sprint 3 are correctly associated to work items. Note that the work item has not been assigned to a plan. In the next lab Rational Team Concert will be used to create an iteration plan for the work items for Sprint 3.

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The backlog includes the work items that Bob identified as candidates for Sprint 3. At this stage the Sprint Planning meeting has not occurred and the iteration plan for Sprint 3 has not been created so changes might need to be made in order to balance the overall work load for Sprint 3. The Rational Requirements Composer and Rational Team Concert integration makes it easy to navigate between requirements and the work items to accurately assess the workload and make the necessary changes. In the next lab you will create the iteration plan for Sprint 3 and assign work items to this sprint.

Conclusion This concludes Lab 1. The product backlog now reflects the teams true requirements priorities. In the next lab, you will use this backlog to plan the upcoming sprint.

Lab 1 Update the Product Backlog

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Lab 2

Plan the Sprint

Agile teams drive their workload from the product backlog which needs to accurately reflect the requirements of the project. In many cases the project requirements can be effectively described in the epics and stories of the product backlog. However, sometimes it is beneficial to provide more detailed definition to the entries in the product backlog. These more detailed requirements need to be kept in sync with the product backlog and the sprint backlog in which they are being implemented. IBM Rational Team Concert enables agile teams to manage their Iteration (or Sprint) plans using a backlog of prioritized work items. In Rational Team Concert 2.0, the Scrum process (among others) is supported enabling scrum teams to manage work using work item types, Sprint backlogs and processes specific to scrum. IBM Rational Requirements Composer provides a collaborative environment to capture, define, analyze and refine the project requirements. Seamless integration of requirements with work items ensures the right requirements are included in each Sprint of the project. In the 2.0 versions of Rational Team Concert and Rational Requirements Composer, requirements can be linked to development work items. Whats particularly interesting in this integration is that analysts can create these links with little knowledge of Rational Team Concert and more importantly, without leaving the Rational Requirements Composer client. Developers interacting with the work item in Rational Team Concert can see the links to the requirements and can run queries to find all plan items that do not have requirement links. In this lab you will plan the next sprint. At the start of each sprint, a sprint planning meeting is held. Sprint planning is typically divided into two parts. During the first part, the product owner explains the prioritized product backlog and the full team agrees on a sprint goal (a short description of what will be achieved). This part of the meeting is typically attended by the Product Owner, Scrum Master, the entire Scrum Team, and any interested and appropriate management or customer representatives. In the second part of the meeting the scrum team, (made up of the development, analyst and test teams) meets on their own to select the stories they can complete during the upcoming sprint. Those selected stories are then moved from the product backlog to the sprint backlog. When performing concurrent testing, testers align their test effort with the work items in the development sprint backlog.

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In this scenario:

Bob needs the ability to update the backlog during the meeting (reprioritize, add and refine the story descriptions) The team needs the ability to traverse links on stories and to view and comment on the requirement definition.

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Describe Highest Priority Features

Bob leads the discussion of the top priority features in the Product Backlog. The scrum team will let him know when he has clearly gone beyond the point in the list that can fit in the sprint.

Team role You are performing the role of Bob, the product owner. In this section, you will use the Squawk Dev Web UI to describe the highest priority features.


Log into the Squawk Dev Web UI as Bob. __a. __b. Start the Firefox Web browser via the icon in the Windows taskbar.

Select Dashboards Squawk Dev from the browser bookmarks toolbar bar.

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Enter Bob for both the User ID and Password, and then click Log In.

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Click the Product Backlog link in the Current Squawk Plans viewlet on the right of the page.


Click the Planned Items link then, in the View As dropdown, select Backlog.

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The backlog shows the ordered set of epics and stories that have not yet been implemented. During the discussion the team needed to better understand the scope of the new Surfer Squawker work item. This information is readily available through the integration between Rational Team Concert and Rational Requirements Composer. __a. Select the Surfer Squawker work item and the work item details are displayed.

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Bob can see that this work item implements one requirement. Click this link to view all the links associated with the work item.

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The work Item links tab is displayed. Hover over the Surfer Squawker link and select Log In to view more details of the requirement in Rational Requirements Composer.


Enter Bob for both the User ID and Password, and then click Log In.

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Now hovering over the Surfer Squawker link shows more information from Rational Requirements Composer. Select Surfer Squawker in the pop-up window to view the detailed requirement information in Rational Requirements Composer.

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The requirement details are shown. Expand the Links option in the bottom right hand corner to see other related requirements artifacts.


The Surfer Squawker requirement has a Squawk Inc. Business Goals document and a View a Surfer squawker story board associated with it.

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Using these links Bob and team are able to get a good understanding of the scope of work associated with this work item. Navigate back to the Rational Team Concert dashboard by selecting Dashboards Squawk Dev from the browser lower menu bar.

As described earlier, the backlog shows the ordered set of epics and stories that have not yet been implemented. You are interested in the highest priority stories that can fit in Sprint 3. Typically, several factors go into deciding what will go into a sprint: The discussion, led by the product owner Bob, about what the stories are, and why the ones at the top of the list are the most important How many story points the scrum team can be expected to be able to implement in a sprint And ultimately, the amount of work to which the team is ready to commit

You will now see how these factors play out for Sprint 3 of the development of our simple application.

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Key project information used to scope the content for sprint 3 can be reviewed using the Squawk projects dashboard. __a. The dashboard should already be displayed. If it is not select Dashboards near the top of the Web page.

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Note the Team Velocity viewlet in the middle column of the web page. This viewlet shows the team completed 8 story points in Sprint 1, and 7 story points in Sprint 2. The team can use this history to understand roughly how much can fit in a sprint and control how far the team goes down the list during the discussion portion of the sprint planning meeting.

Assume Bob has done a good job ordering the backlog and the team understands and agrees with the ordering after the discussion.


Define Sprint Goal

Team role You will now switch to the role of Scott, the scrum master. In this section, you will use the Squawk Dev Web UI to define the sprint goal.

The next thing to do in a sprint planning meeting is to define the sprint goal. When using Rational Team Concert, the sprint goal is typically documented on the Overview page of the sprint plan. Scott, as the scrum master, typically creates and manages the sprint plan.

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Log out as Bob and then log in as Scott. __a. Click Log Out near the top right of the Web page.


Enter Scott for both the User ID and Password, and then click Log In.

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Create the Sprint 3 plan. __a. Select Plans near the top of the Web page.


Select Create Plan on the left.

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In the entry field at the top of the plan, enter Sprint 3 (1.0).Then, select the following field values:

__i. __ii. __d. __3.

Owner: Squawk Team - (Note, not Squawk but Squawk Team) Iteration: Sprint 3 (1.0)- (should default to this value)

In the upper right of the Web page, press Save.

The plan is opened to the Planned Items tab. Select the Overview tab to enter a sprint goal. Teams may add other information about what they will be doing using the free text area provided.


Enter our sprint goal now. __a. __b. At the upper right of the Overview tab, press the edit icon .

Type in the following: The goal of sprint three is to implement the Surfer squawker and support the selection of multiple squawkers in the GUI display. At the upper right of the Overview tab, press Save. You can also click the edit icon again to close the edit widget and see your sprint goal on the Overview page.


Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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In the second part of sprint planning, the scrum team continues the meeting to determine exactly which stories they will commit to implementing in Sprint 3.


Agree To Items for the Backlog

Team role You are performing the role of Scott, the scrum master. In this section, you will use the Squawk Dev Web UI to agree to items assigned to the upcoming sprint,


Given the goal of the sprint, the team quickly agrees that they must include the new Surfer Squawker story and the Enable showing multiple squawkers in the main window story. To easily switch between the product backlog and the sprint 3 plan as you plan: __a. Hover over the Related Plans link in the top right hand corner of the sprint plan to see all related plans.

__b. __c.

Click the Product Backlog in the hover window. Click the Planned Items tab. If not already selected, select Iterations in the View As dropdown.

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If the display shows a tree structure, change this by editing the view. The tree structure shows dependencies between work items and epics however, you need to be able to see the rank order of work items to determine which work items should be included in sprint in the top right hand 3. If a tree structure is displayed select the Edit View icon corner of the plan, select the Style to be Flat and Save the changes.


Move the Enable showing multiple squawkers in the main window story into sprint 3. __a. Click the Enable showing multiple squawkers in the main window story and an in place editor for the story will be displayed. Set the fields of the story as follows:

__i. __ii. __iii.

Filed Against: GUI Owned by: Marco Planned For: Sprint 3 (1.0)

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Click Save and Close at the top right of the in place editor.


The story you edited is now included in Sprint 3. Expand the Sprint 3 (1.0) section of the view and you will see it there.

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Move the new Surfer squawker story into sprint 3. __a. Still in the Product Backlog, as before, click the Surfer Squawker story and an in place editor for the story will be displayed. Make these changes: __i. __ii. __iii. __iv. Filed Against: Squawkers/People Story Points: 1 pt Owned by: Deb Planned For: Sprint 3 (1.0) Note based on an earlier sprint planning meeting the difficulty of this story was agreed to be 1. Scott updates the story points to reflect this. __b. Click Save and Close at the top right of the in place editor.

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Note that the team now has 6 story points committed for Sprint 3. Look at the progress indicator in the shaded Sprint 3 (1.0) bar (see screen shot). As you saw in the Team Velocity viewlet, the team can take on a little bit more work (1 or 2 more story points).


You can see the next highest priority story is the Web UI story; however, it is estimated at 5 story points and could not possibly fit in Sprint 3. The next highest priority story is the Mark Twain squawker story. The team can commit to that. As before, click the Mark Twain squawker story and an in place editor for the story will be displayed. Make these changes: __i. __ii. __iii. Filed Against: Squawkers/People Owned by: Deb Planned For: Sprint 3 (1.0)

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Click Save and Close at the top right of the in place editor.


Note that Sprint 3 is planned with an appropriate number of committed stories based on the teams velocity.

__6. __7.

Hover over the Related Plans link in the top right hand corner of the sprint plan and select the Sprint 3 (1.0) related plan. Click the refresh button at the top right of the plan editor to see all the updates that you already accomplished.

Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Add Development Tasks

Team role You are performing the role of Scott, the scrum master. In this section, you and the team will use the Squawk Dev Web UI to add development implementation tasks to the sprint plan.


Typically at this point, the team would add child implementation tasks under each story and give each task a sizing in time (days and hours). In order to save time this has been partially completed for you. You have a little work to do. Since the Surfer squawker was added during a previous lab, you were not able to add child tasks to it for you before the workshop started. However, the tasks have been completed ahead of time for you. You will only need to set up the parent/child relationship. __a. If you have not done so already, under Deb, click the triangle icon next to the Add a wide variety of squawkers to the system epic in order to see the Surfer squawker story work item.



Click the number to the very right of the Surfer squawker story to open the full editor for the story.

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Click the Links tab.


In the Links section, click the Add dropdown and select Children.

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In the Add Link: Children dialog, type surfer in the Use Work Item ID or Words Contained in the Text entry field. Wait a moment and several work items will appear in the list.

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Select the Implement Surfer squawker and its JUnit test case and Document Surfer squawker tasks.

__c. __d.

Click OK in the dialog. Click Save in the top right of the story editor.

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In order to help keep these and other predefined tasks hidden up to this point; the target sprint had not previously been set. You will do that now. __a. On the left under My Queries, click the Sprint 3 pre-created tasks query.


Click the Edit Multiple Work Items icon

near the top right of the Web page

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Click the check box to the left of the result set headings row. This selects all the rows in the result set.

__d. __e.

Click the green cross

next to the Planned For column heading.

Within the Edit Multiple Work Items box, select Sprint 3 (1.0) in the Planned For box.


. If asked To the right of the Edit Multiple Work Items title bar, click the Run.,. icon if you would like to modify work items, select OK. Please allow a few moments for the query to run. If you see a message that starts with Operation Complete and asks about refreshing the query, click OK. Close the Edit Multiple Work Items by clicking the X in the top right hand corner of the window.


Lab 2 Plan the Sprint

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Select the Plans link in the bar near the top of the Web page to return to the Sprint 3 (1.0) plan. All the tasks are now part of the plan. You may need to click the refresh icon to see them all.

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Select Developers Taskboard from the View As dropdown. The taskboard view is commonly used during daily scrums to discuss what is in progress and what may be blocking progress (impediments). In this view, you will see all the sprints implementation tasks grouped by owner and story (this is configurable). You can also see the progression of each task. You may need to scroll to see all information or use the Ctrl + and Ctrl key combinations to zoom in and out.

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Look in Debs To Do column and you will find the Implement the Surfer squawker and its JUnit test case task, if the test case is not visible refresh the page. Click and drag it one square to the right, into the In Progress column. Do not drop it next to a different story or give it to another developer. During a scrum, you can do a lot in this view to indicate progress or reassign work as needed.


Log out and close your browser. You will be taking on a different role in the next section.

Conclusion This concludes Lab 2. The scope of sprint three has been defined and work items have been assigned to the appropriated development team members. In the next lab, you will manage the sprint plan and ensure appropriate tests are created for all the work items in sprint three.

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Lab 3

Manage the Sprint

With the sprint planning meeting complete and the sprint backlog created, it is now time to ensure that all artifacts (requirements, development and testing) have traceable links to one another to effectively manage the sprint. The previous lab highlighted the roles of Product Owner, Scrum Master and the Development Lead. It is now time to focus on the role of the Test Lead to ensure that test plans are aligned with both the sprint development work items and the sprint backlog requirements. So far youve utilized Rational Requirements Composer to assist in quickly identifying sprint requirements and Rational Team Concert to define the sprint backlog of work items. To help with the management of quality artifacts, youll employ the use of Rational Quality Manager. Rational Quality Manager provides a collaborative environment for test planning, construction, and execution. Testers can create, manage and measure their effectiveness using Test Plans, Test Cases, Test Scripts, Execution Records and Results. With the 2.0 versions of Rational Requirements Composer, Rational Team Concert and Rational Quality Manager, a user can now seamlessly link test artifacts to development work items and requirements. The robust integration of these products provides users with a powerful mechanism to communicate and create strong relationships across the requirement, development and quality disciplines of the software development lifecycle.

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In this scenario:

Bob starts by creating a collection of sprint 3 requirement artifacts. This collection is used to effectively manage not only the sprint 3 requirements, but also related elaboration assets, such as, storyboards or business process models. Tanuj needs to align his test effort with the development sprint Scott does a sanity check to see that test plans are in alignment with both sprint work items and requirements


Create a Collection of Requirement Artifacts for the Sprint

In this activity, Bob, the Product Owner, will use Rational Requirements Composer to identify a collection of requirement artifacts to be aligned with the sprint. One significant advantage of utilizing a collection of requirements artifacts is that it allows the stakeholder to see the requirements and all of their associated elaboration artifacts (e.g., storyboards, use cases, business process models, etc.) in a single location. Ultimately this collection of requirement artifacts yields value to stakeholders across the development lifecycle as these collections are easily linked to/from related work items and/or test assets.

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Log into Rational Requirements Composer as Bob (if Rational Requirements Composer is not already up and running) __a. From the Windows taskbar, click Tools RRC IBM Rational Requirements Composer 2.0

. __2. Ensure that the Squawk project is open __a. Click the Open button and select the Squawk project from the pull-down menu

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This reveals the project dashboard view which looks something like below, depending on the state that Rational Requirements Composer was last left in:

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Create a collection of requirement artifacts related to the sprint. __a. Click the Artifacts tab. Choose the sprint 3 tag filter to quickly identify those requirements artifacts which are associated with (and previously tagged as candidates for) Sprint 3. Make sure that the Selected Filters pane on the left side of the interface looks like the following (i.e., the Tag: sprint 3 is the only filter selected):

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Click the View as list with details button labeled below to see more complete information about each of the artifacts. You should see five (5) different requirement artifacts with the sprint 3 filter applied from the Artifacts tab.

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Select the first artifact and then scroll down to the last artifact listed and perform a shiftclick to select all artifacts tagged as sprint 3. With all artifacts selected, right-click and select Add to New Collection to create a new collection of requirements artifacts. (Note: when selecting the requirements artifacts for inclusion in the collection, be sure to click in the blank spaces where theres no active link text that may accidentally be selected) With the details for each artifact displayed, you can see from the icons there are more than standard requirements theres also a storyboard (named View a Surfer squawker).

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A dialog for the collection creation wizard pops up. Enter at least the following values: __i. __ii. __iii. Name: sprint 3 collection Project: rrc/Squawk (default) Folder: Collections


Click Finish

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A new tab (called sprint 3 collection) is created on the dashboard and it displays the newly created collection artifacts along with the three buttons that allow the user to manage the collection. Later in this lab, this requirement collection will be aligned with both the sprint development plan and the accompanying test plan.


Close Requirements Composer (File Exit from the pull-down menu)

In this activity youve demonstrated how to effectively create a collection of related requirement assets to assist in sprint planning. You will later see the robust tool integrations to see how one can easily associate this collection of requirement assets with the sprints test plan.

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Align Test Sprint Plan

In this section you will learn how to associate the sprint test plan with the collection of requirements identified for this sprint, while also aligning test cases with planning-level work items on the sprint backlog. By linking test cases to developer work items, testers gain transparency into the status of the development work and developers gain transparency into test coverage and test status for each work item on the backlog. Similarly by linking test cases to requirements, analysts gain transparency into test status and coverage while testers gain access to supporting requirements information for their tests. Reporting on this linking provides invaluable information on the accuracy and completeness of requirements, work items and test cases. This enables the team to collaborate on the sprint plan with insight to the effort of the whole team. Since Tanuj has just participated in the sprint planning meeting, hes aware that there was a new entry added to the sprint. He can also run a report to show this information. Given this, he knows that he has work to do in creating and aligning the test plan with both the squawker requirements and the squawker work items of the sprint plan. Tanuj will start by logging into Rational Team Concert and running a test to confirm his belief that there are gaps in the alignment of test cases to work items. He will develop test cases for the surfer squawker functionality and align them with both the development work items and the requirements.

The team will need new test cases for all the stories being implemented in sprint 3. For brevity, you will just create a test case for the surfer squawker.

Team role You are performing the role of Tanuj, the test lead. In this section, you will use the SquawkQM Web UI from Rational Quality Manager to align the test sprint plan.

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Log in to Rational Team Concert as Tanuj __a. __b. Start the Firefox Web browser via the icon in the Windows taskbar

Select Dashboards Squawk Dev from the browser bookmarks toolbar bar.


Enter Tanuj for both the User ID and Password, and then press Log In.

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Select the Work Items tab, then look under the Shared Queries pane on the left side of the interface. Open the C/ALM Traceability Queries and then click the Plan items with no test case (current iteration)


The result should show a report similar to the following:

This tells Tanuj that there are at least a handful of work items which currently have no test cases associated with them. Tanuj will now leave Rational Team Concert and use Rational Quality Manager in order to create a new test case. In the interest of time, youll simply create a test case to align with the recently created Surfer Squawker work item.

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Tanuj will now log in to Rational Quality Manager to create the test case for the Surfer Squawker work item __a. In the Windows taskbar, click Tools RQM IBM Rational Quality Manager.


Enter Tanuj for both the User ID and Password, and then press Log In.

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Open the projects test plan __a. Select the View Test Plans item from the Planning menu at the top of the web page.


Click the Squawk 1.0 Test Plan in the display.

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The result should look like this where theres now a Squawk 1.0 Test Plan tab. Note the Table of Contents pane on the left which shows the various components of a test plan.


Associate the Squawk 1.0 Test Plan with the sprint requirement collection that Bob has recently created. __a. From the Squawk 1.0 Test Plan, select the Requirement Collection Links text link under the Table of Contents pane. Once selected, you will see the following:

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From the Requirement Collection Links pane, you can add the sprint 3 requirements collection that Bob created at the start of this lab. This is accomplished by clicking on the in the Requirement Collection Links pane.


The following dialog box appears asking Tanuj to login to Rational Requirements Composer.

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A dialog appears with a list of all requirement collections found in the users project space. Presently, there is only one collection, so simply select the sprint 3 collection entry and click OK.


You are now returned to the Requirement Collection Links pane for the Squawk 1.0 Test Plan in Rational Quality Manager. Notice that theres now a navigable link to the sprint 3 collection of requirements in Rational Requirements Composer.

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At this point its a good time to save the test plan by pressing one of the Save buttons on the interface.


Click on the sprint 3 collection link to see the collection of requirements in Rational Requirements Composer that are now associated with this test plan. The Web user interface for Rational Requirements Composer is opened up in a new tab on the browser. Displayed on the dashboard are the requirements that you had previously committed to a collection in the beginning of this lab.

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Return to the Squawk 1.0 Test Plan in Rational Quality Manager by selecting the Test Plan: Squawk 1.0 Test Plan tab on the browser.

You now have Squawk 1.0 Test Plan associated with the sprint 3 requirements collection which will come in handy to ensure that youve sufficiently mapped all sprint requirements to a test artifact. Furthermore, this provides Tanuj with easy access to related requirements assets beyond just declarative statements (e.g., storyboards, use cases, or business process models) in order to get a comprehensive scope of the test cases required. __5. With your collection of requirements aligned with the test plan, its now time for Tanuj to focus on creating a new test case to validate the Surfer Squawker requirement. __a. With the Sprint 1.0 Test Plan tab still open, select the Test Cases section of the Table of Contents

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Click Add New Test Case icon

to create a new test case for the test plan.


Complete the New Test Case dialog with the following information: Field Name Description Template Weight Owner Category Entry GUI Surfer Verify the Surfer squawker in the GUI. Squawk CALM Test Case Template 100 Tanuj GUI

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Click OK on the New Test Case dialog


Click Save at the top right of the test plan to save the test plan changes made thus far.

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Associate new test case to the story it is validating __a. Click the GUI Surfer link to open the new test case (in order to find the GUI Surfer test case, you will need to click the Next link at the top or bottom of the list of test cases).


The GUI Surfer test case Summary is then displayed

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Select the Plan Items section from the Table of Contents on the left in order to associate the new test case with a work item.


Click the Add plan items icon

near the top right of the Plan Items pane.


If prompted to log into Rational Team Concert, log in as Tanuj.

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The Rational Team Concert Plan Item dialog is displayed and you may now search for an implementation plan item to align with this test case. __i. __ii. Type surfer into the Use Work Item ID or Words Contained in the Text field and a search will automatically run. Under the Matching Work Items text box, click the Surfer Squawker story and click OK.


Youll now notice a text link to the Surfer Squawker plan item showing that the GUI Surfer test case is linked to the Surfer Squawker plan item. Click Save at the top right of the test case to save the link.

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With the mouse, hover over the Surfer Squawker story link in the Plan Items list to see information about the story.


Click the Surfer Squawker link to follow it to the full work item interface in the Rational Team Concert Web UI. Note that the story work item for the Surfer Squawker opens in a new tab on the browser. (Note: If prompted, log in as Tanuj)

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A new tab opens up on the browser and the details of the Surfer Squawker work item are displayed


With the Surfer Squawker story work item interface now open, click the Links tab. Notice the navigable links that the work item has with its supporting test case and requirement.

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This view of the Surfer Squawker work item reflects the strength in the lifecycle solution by indicating the navigable links to both the test case which validates this story work item as well as the requirement that it implements.


Tanuj has one remaining task as part of align the test plan. He needs to associate the new test case with the Surfer Squawker requirement. __a. First, you can close out the Surfer Squawker work item tab, by clicking the tab. on the


Now click back on the Test Case: GUI Surfer tab which will make Rational Quality Manager available.


Click the Requirement Links entry in the Table of Contents and the Requirement Links pane will open

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Click the Add new links icon

on the right side of the Requirement Links pane


The following Requirement links dialog box is displayed, providing Tanuj the opportunity to search for and select requirements to associate with the GUI Surfer test case.

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First type Surfer into the search box, Use Artifact Name or Words Contained in the Text:. Then click the Requirements folder and the Surfer Squawker requirement will be displayed in the Matching Artifacts pane. Select Surfer Squawker in the Matching Artifacts pane and then click OK to complete the association of this requirement with the GUI Surfer test case.


The Surfer Squawker requirement link is now displayed on the Requirement Links pane for the GUI Surfer test case. Click the Save button to save this change to the test case. This Surfer Squawker link can now be used to navigate to the Rational Requirements Composer Web interface to show the details of this requirement if you so desire. In the interest of time, youll move along.

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Log out of all tool instances (Rational Requirements Composer, Rational Team Concert or Rational Quality Manager) and close your browser. You will be switching back to the role of Scott, the scrum master, for the next section.
At this point, Tanuj has completed his part of the sprint planning work. He has associated his Squawk 1.0 Test Plan (in Rational Quality Manager) with a collection of requirements (in Rational Requirements Composer). He has created a new test case for the test plan that aligns with a work item as part of the Sprint Plan (in Rational Team Concert). Finally, he has tied this test case to a requirement, thus providing requirement-to-work item-totest case lifecycle traceability. As the sprint progresses, he will implement and run test scripts. You will see that in the next lab.

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Check Team Alignment

Team role You will now switch back to the role of Scott, the scrum master. In this section, you will use the Squawk Web UI to check the alignment of this sprints development plans, test plans, and requirements.


Log into the Rational Team Concert Web UI as Scott. __a. __b. Start the Firefox Web browser via the icon in the Windows taskbar.

Click the Dashboards folder and select SquawkDev from the pull-down list to start Rational Team Concert.

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Enter Scott for both the User ID and Password, and then click Log In.

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Scott has already built a work item query that will produce the results hes looking for. At this point hes trying to ensure that all work items for this sprint have both requirements and test cases associated with them. __a. Click the Work Items link at the top of the Web page.


On the left pane, under My Queries, click the query called, Current sprint stories traceability to requirements and test cases

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Upon executing the query, Scott takes note of the fact that story ids 14 (Mark Twain Squawker) and 22 (Enable showing multiple squawkers in the main window) currently have no test case associated with them. Hell want to ensure that the appropriate test cases are eventually identified to align with the work item (and requirement). This query has done its job in identifying a gap in test case coverage. This seems like the type of report that would be placed on the projects dashboard.


Log out and close your browser.

Conclusion This concludes the Lab. The team now has a complete sprint plan and is ready to get to work. You have seen how the product backlog can be used to plan a sprint and how requirements, test cases and stories can be linked across the Rational Requirements Composer, Rational Team Concert and Rational Query Manager repositories. In the following labs, this link will help the team work more efficiently and accurately.

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Lab 4

Implement the Sprint Plan

The scrum team is ready to implement and test Sprint 3. In this lab you will explore how everyone can remain aware of each others progress, even across different tools. In this scenario: Tanuj creates test scripts and test execution records to be used for the current sprint. Deb implements the new squawker code, as well as documentation and unit test cases. In doing so, she refers back to the original requirement (maintained in Rational Requirements Composer) from a link inside the Rational Team Concert story. She then initiates a build against her new code. Tanuj monitors the state of the build to understand when he can start with his testing efforts.


Create Test Scripts and Test Execution Records

Team role You are performing the role of Tanuj, the test lead. In this section, you will use the Rational Quality Manager tool to create test scripts and test execution records.

This lab picks up where you left off at the end of the last lab. You have finished your planning work and are now ready to start your part of the sprint 3 implementation. __1. Log in to Rational Quality Manager as Tanuj __a. In the Windows taskbar, click Tools RQM IBM Rational Quality Manager.

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Enter Tanuj for both the User ID and Password, and then press Log In.

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__c. In the My Tasks section of Tanujs Dashboard, select the GUI Surfer test case. You may need to scroll down through the list. Note that Tanuj could jump to the associated story (maintained in Rational Team Concert) and/or requirements (and their associated artifacts maintained in Rational Requirements Composer) to get the info he needs to create the test case if he wanted to at this point.


Select the Test Scripts section of the Table of Contents.


Normally, you would create a new test script at this point. However, to save time, this step has already been completed for you. __a. Click the Add Existing Test Scripts icon.

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__b. In the Add Test Scripts dialog, place your mouse over the View Builder section at the top will appear to the right. Click that icon to see the of the dialog and the Expand icon fields to change the filtering in the dialog.

__c. Enter Surfer in the Name field and then click Run in the View Builder area of the Add Test Scripts dialog.

__d. Check the box next to GUI Surfer. __e. Click OK to associate the test script to the test case.

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__f. Click Save at the top right to save the test case. __g. Explore the GUI Surfer test script. __i. Click the GUI Surfer test script in the Test Scripts list.


Review the steps for running the application, selecting the surfer, and verifying the graphic and text.

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Close the GUI Surfer test script and return to the test case. (Hover over the GUI Surfer Test Script tab to make the X icon appear)


In the Parent Test Plan(s) section of the GUI Surfer test case, select the Squawk 1.0 Test Plan.

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Create test execution records for Sprint 3. Test execution records map the test environment information to the test case, and are used to track progress on executing all the tests for Sprint 3. __a. In the test plan, click the Test Cases section in the Table of Contents.


Check the box to the left of the headings row of the list of test cases. This selects all the test cases.


Click the Generate New Test Execution Records icon. This is how you specify that you want to test the new functionality added to Sprint 3 (S3) in the Windows environment. If you also wanted to test the new code under, say, Linux you could do so by generating a similar set of test execution records. Executing this operation generates test execution records for each test case that are used to track tests that are done against the new S3 functionality.

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In the Generate Test Execution Records dialog: __i. __ii. Select S3 for the Test Milestone in the Overview section on the left. Check Windows in the Reuse Existing Test Environments tab of the Environment area.

__iii. __4.

Click Next > twice, then Finish. Save these changes by clicking the Save button.

View the test execution records you just created. You will use a couple of them later. __a. Select View Test Execution Records from the Execution menu at the top of the Web page.


If prompted to log into Rational Team Concert, log in as Tanuj.

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Change the Group By selection to Test Milestone. This will group the list into milestones. Scroll down to the grouping of execution records for Sprint 3 to verify the records you just created exist (you may have to scroll down several pages).


Log out of Rational Quality Manager and close the browser window.


Develop Surfer Squawker

Deb is ready to begin working on her Sprint 3 work items. She will implement the Surfer squawker and its JUnit test case first. She will then run a personal build, and deliver her changes to the stream so that others can use them.

Team role You are performing the role of Deb, a Developer. In this section, you will use the Rational Team Concert tool to develop the Surfer squawker.

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Open the Rational Team Concert client using Debs workspace. __a. In the Windows taskbar, click Tools RTC IBM Rational Team Concert.


Deb plans her work and gets started. __a. Click the My Work tab in the upper left corner of the screen.

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Debs work from the Sprint planning meeting is in her Inbox in the My Work view. Click the accept all work link to accept the work from the Inbox.


Deb knows Tanuj is anxious to test the high priority Surfer squawker, so she decides she will work on that first. Drag and drop the Implement the Surfer squawker and its JUnit test case work item to the top of the list (right under Today). The rest of the team will be aware of her intended order of work via the Sprint 3 plan. She thinks she understands what she needs to implement and document based on the information in the Rational Team Concert work item, but just to make sure she decides to go back and reread the actual requirement.


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Double-click the Surfer squawker work item story to open it. One place to find the story is within the My Work view. You could also navigate to the story via the Links tab of the Implement the Surfer squawker and its JUnit test case work item. Note that stories (as opposed to other work item types such as tasks) have an icon like this in the list:

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From the work item, click the Links tab.


From here, Deb can see a link to the requirement (Surfer Squawker) that this story implements. Double-click the Surfer Squawker link under Implements Requirement to open the actual requirement. If prompted to log into Rational Requirements Composer, log in as Deb (select Yes if you receive a Security Alert).


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Look through the details of the requirement. Notice how it indicates in the Links section that this requirement is implemented by the Surfer squawker story. Deb could browse the associated elaboration artifacts of this requirement if desired. Close this tab when finished.


Close the Surfer Squawker story.

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Drag and drop the Document the Surfer squawker work item to be right after the implementation task you just planned. Notice how some other items move to tomorrow automatically. This is due to the estimated size of the items you just planned for today. Note that the exact behavior of what moves to tomorrow (or even next week if today is a Friday) depends on what time of day it is when you perform this step. If it is late, even the documentation task you just dropped could move. (Note: If you prefer, you can right-click the work item and select Move Up instead of Drag and drop.) Double-click the Implement the Surfer squawker and JUnit test case work item to open it.



Create the Surfer Squawker and its Test Case.

At this point, Deb would develop her Surfer squawker code and test case, and update the squawkers JUnit test suite. In order to save time, the code has been developed for you, and is available in a change set. You simply need to accept the changes.

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From the work item, click the Links tab.

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In the Links section, notice a change set associated with this particular work item is available. Right-click the change set, and click Accept in order to receive Debs code. These changes were performed ahead of time in another workspace as part of the lab setup. Accepting them into Debs current workspace updates her environment with these changes and simulates her development work for this lab. This also illustrates one way that developers can share ad hoc changes with each other.


Normally, Deb would run some tests and perhaps run a personal build to make sure her changes are all good. This code you accepted has already been tested, so you will take a chance by skipping this important step to save valuable workshop time.

A personal build does not impact the project build definition status, and runs on a repository workspace you specify. You run a personal build of the latest project source code with the changes in your own workspace. This allows you to test your changes before delivering them to the stream for others to use.

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Deliver squawker code to make it accessible to the rest of the team __a. Check the Pending Changes view in the lower section of the screen. The icon next to the Core Component indicates that you have pending outgoing changes. Expand the Outgoing folder to view your changes.


Right-click Core and select Deliver to send your changes to the stream.

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Mark the task Complete. __a. __b. The Implement the Surfer squawker and its JUnit test case work item is still open. Make sure youre on the Overview tab. From the status dropdown, select Complete and then click Save. This marks this task as Done.


Close the Implement the Surfer squawker and its JUnit test case work item.

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Go back to the My Work view and double-click the Document the Surfer squawker work item to open it. Change its status from New to Start Working, then click Save.


Create the Surfer Squawker documentation.

At this point, Deb would develop her Surfer documentation. In order to save time, the documentation has been developed for you, and is available in a change set. You simply need to accept the changes.

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From the work item, click the Links tab.

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In the Links section, notice a change set associated with this particular work item is available. Right-click the change set, and click Accept in order to receive Debs documentation.

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Deliver the squawker documentation to make it accessible to the rest of the team. __a. Check the Pending Changes view in the lower section of the screen. The icon next to the Core Component indicates that you have pending outgoing changes. Expand the Outgoing folder to view your changes.


Right-click Documentation and select Deliver to send your changes to the stream.

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Mark the task Complete. __a. __b. The Document the Surfer squawker work item is still open. Make sure you are on the Overview tab. From the status dropdown, select Complete and then click Save. This marks this task as Done.


From the Links tab of the Document the Surfer squawker work item, double-click the link to the Surfer squawker parent story. You will need this story after the build completes in the next section.


Close the Document the Surfer squawker work item.


Monitor Integration Build

Deb ensures that the continuous team build does not break as a result of her changes. Builds can be scheduled to run on a specific frequency of the teams choice; but, in this case, Deb will manually request the build. Once she confirms the build is successful, she will tag it so that Tanuj knows the build is ready to test.

Team role You are performing the role of Deb, a Developer. In this section, you will use Rational Team Concert to monitor the integration build.

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Request a build. __a. __b. Select the Team Artifacts view on the left side of the Rational Team Concert window. Expand Squawk Builds and right-click the workshop.squawk.build definition. Select the Request Build action.


In the Request Build dialog click Submit.

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The Builds view will open showing the new build. The build will finish in a minute or so. You can use the Refresh icon to update the status in the view.


Confirm that the build is successful. __a. When it completes, double-click the build to open the result editor.


Note that the build is complete and green.

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Tag the build as ready for test. __a. Place the cursor in the Tags field and press Ctrl+Space to open the list of available tags. Select ready_for_test from the list.

__b. __4.

Click Save on the build result.

Return to the work item editor for the Surfer squawker story, select Set Implemented and then click Save. This sets the status to Implemented. This, in addition to the work items listed as included in the build, indicates to the test team what is ready for testing.


Close the Rational Team Concert window.

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Monitor Build Status

Team role You are performing the role of Tanuj, the test lead. In this section, you will use the SquawkQM Web UI to monitor the build status.


Log into the SquawkQM Web UI as Tanuj. You may already be logged in from earlier. If not: __a. In the Windows taskbar, click Tools RQM IBM Rational Quality Manager


Enter Tanuj for both the User ID and Password, and then click Log In.

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On the Dashboard tab, refresh the Squawk Builds viewlet.

Lab 4 Implement the Sprint Plan

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Click the top entry with the right mouse button and select the Open Link in New Tab action. __a. __b. If prompted, log in as Tanuj. Explore the build result. Look at what JUnit tests were executed, what download(s) were created, the contents of the log file, etc.

Deployment of Build The build script used to create the Squawker application (by Deb earlier) also contains tasks that deploy the application to the test server, if the build completes successfully. The application is deployed to the test server, which Tanuj will access in future steps.

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Lets verify that the build that was deployed is actually the one on the test server. __i. __ii. __iii. Open Windows Explorer from the icon in the Quick Launch bar, and navigate to the C:\CALMData\Testing directory. Double-click the BuildInfo.txt file to open it. Verify that the Build label information in that file matches the build result you just recently explored above. In the build result above, the label is I20090627-1110.


Log out of Rational Quality Manager and close the browser window. Close Windows Explorer, the text editor, and Rational Team Concert.

Conclusion This concludes the lab. The high priority surfer squawker requirement has been implemented (or has it?) and the build has been delivered to the test team. Next you will see how Collaborative Application Lifecycle Management (C/ALM) streamlines testing and fixing bugs.

Lab 4 Implement the Sprint Plan

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Lab 5

Respond to a Test Failure

Hopefully by now youve had the unique opportunity to play the game whack-a-mole. Its kind of like finding and fixing defects, wouldnt you say? Upon defect discovery, a tester logs a defect report including a detailed set of steps needed to recreate the defect. In turn, the developers cant recreate the defect. Despite efforts to improve defect reports and reproducibility it remains a challenge that creates more friction than lean, mean software delivery machines need. When a tester executes a test, the results are captured by Rational Quality Manager, which is very important information to the testers. But the key question is how can you share it with the developers when reporting defects? Next youll see why finding and fixing a defect doesnt have to feel like playing whack-a-mole. In this lab, you will correct the mistake you made as Deb in the previous lab. As Tanuj, you are going to discover the mistake and you will explore this crucial part of the application lifecycle.

Tanuj needs insight into:

Build status: when is the build ready for test? Build clarity: what is implemented in the build? Build quality: what build verification tests were run and with what result?

Marco needs insight into:

Defects blocking test

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Deb needs insight into:

The test case that failed (steps to recreate defect) The test environment it ran on (include pointer to the physical/virtual machine) The build ID used by test


Execute Test and Submit Defect

Team role You are performing the role of Tanuj, the test lead. In this section, you will use the SquawkQM Web UI and Rational Quality Manager tool to execute test and submit a defect.


Log into the Rational Quality Manager Web UI as Tanuj __a. __b. Switch back to the Rational Quality Manager tab in your browser. If you have closed Rational Quality Manager, follow these steps to log in as Tanuj. In the Windows taskbar, click Tools RQM IBM Rational Quality Manager.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Enter Tanuj for both the User ID and Password, and then press Log In.

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Run the Surfer test from the test execution record __a. Select View Test Execution Records from the Execution menu at the top of the Web page.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Make sure that the list is sorted by Last Modified descending as shown. Check the box next to GUISurfer_Windows test execution record. Make sure that the Test Script is set to GUI Surfer


Click the Run icon

at the top right of the list.

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Read and perform steps 1 through 4. As you complete each step or substep, click the Pass icon to mark the step as a Pass.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Read step 5. Notice the picture in the Squawk application does not look like the expected graphic in the test.


Press the Fail icon

to mark step 5 as a Fail.

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Capture a screen image of the failure __a. __b. __c. Select the Squawk window and press Alt-PrtSc on your keyboard to capture an image of the application. Open the Windows Paint application from the desktop. In Paint, use the Edit Paste menu to paste the image.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Save the file to My Pictures\SquawkError.png.


Close the Windows Paint application.

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Return to Rational Quality Manager in the browser and place your cursor in the Actual Results column at step 5.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Click the Insert Image icon (you may need to scroll up) and in the dialog click Browse.

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In the File Upload dialog, navigate to the My Pictures folder and select the SquawkError.png file that you just created. Click Open.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Click OK to load the image.

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Finish the execution of the test. __a. Make sure that step 6 is highlighted as the current step of execution. Click the Pass icon to mark step 6 as Pass. __b. Click Close and show results button at the top of the page.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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From the Execution Result, record the build used for the test. __a. In the Execution Results tab, click the pencil icon next to the Build field and select todays build (the one you ran earlier) from the list (click the checkbox next to the desired build (you may want to click the Completion Time column to sort by date) on the list and click the OK button). If prompted, log in to Rational Team Concert as Tanuj.

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Click Save in the Execution Result but do not close the Execution Result tab. If prompted, log in to Rational Team Concert as Tanuj.


From the Execution Result, create a defect for the failure. __a. Click the Add New Defect icon to create a new defect record. If prompted to log into Rational Team Concert, log in as Tanuj (select Yes if you receive a Security Alert).

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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In the Add New Defect dialog: __i. __ii. __iii. __iv. Leave the Summary field as is (automatically set) In the Description field, enter: The Surfer graphic is totally bogus. Check out the actual result at failed step 5. Set Filed Against to Squawkers/People. Click OK to create the defect.

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Click Save for the execution result.


Click the link to the defect to open the defect in another browser tab. Switch to the Links tab of the defect and notice the link back to the execution result. You are building out the information needed for the developer and tester to effectively collaborate on the problem.


Verify that the GUI Surfer test execution record is blocked. __a. __b. Return to the Rational Quality Manager browser tab. Return to the View Test Execution Records tab.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Check the box to the left of the failed GUI Surfer record and click the Manage blocking defects icon .


In the Manage blocking defects window:

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Click the Add Existing Defect icon and in the subsequent dialog, do the following: (1) Select Defect in the Type dropdown (should already be selected by default). (2) Enter surfer in the Use Work Item ID or Words Contained in the Text field. (3) Select the test failure defect and click OK.


Check the box next to the test failure defect and then click OK.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Switch back to the browser tab containing the defect and on the Links tab click the refresh button. Notice that a blocking link has been added to the Test Execution Record. This indicates that the test cannot be executed to completion until this defect is fixed.

__9. __10.

Logout and close your browser. Close the Squawker application and associated command prompt window.


Triage Defects
Team role You are performing the role of Marco, the development lead. In this section, you will use the Rational Team Concert Web UI to triage and assign the defects.

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Log into the Rational Team Concert Web UI as Marco __a. In the Windows taskbar, click the Firefox icon. Select Dashboards and then Squawk Dev.


Enter Marco for both the User ID and Password, and then press Log In.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Look at the Unassigned Defects Blocking Test Execution viewlet and note that there is now a new blocking issue.


Marco will drill down and analyze the issue to decide how the team will handle it. __a. Click the link to the work item.

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The defect summary makes it clear that there is an issue with the new surfer squawker. Marco wants to know who worked on this squawker. He is pretty sure its Deb, but wants to verify before talking with her about taking ownership.


In the work item search box at the top left enter surfer and click enter (make sure All Work Items is selected in the dropdown next to the field).


Note that the results of this query include the surfer story and its two implementation tasks owned by Deb.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Marco now sees that Deb is responsible for the surfer squawker. After talking with her to understand what her workload is like, they agree that Deb will take ownership of the defect. __a. __b. Click the browsers back button. Update the defect __i. __ii. __iii. __iv. Owned By: Deb Priority: High Planned For: Sprint 3 (1.0) Click Save


Logout and close your browser.


Fix Defect and Deliver Change

Team role You are performing the role of Deb, a Developer. In this section, you will use Rational Team Concert client and Rational Quality Manager Web UI to fix any defects found and deliver the changes made.

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Open the Rational Team Concert client using Debs workspace. __a. In the Windows taskbar, click Tools RTC IBM Rational Team Concert.


Deb sees the new defect in her My Work view. __a. __b. On the left side of the Rational Team Concert window, switch to the My Work view. Her Inbox contains the new blocking defect. You may need to click the Refresh icon at the top of the My Work view in order to see the new work item.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Navigate to the defect and execution record and note the failed step. __a. __b. In the My Work view, double-click the defect to open the work item editor. Read the defect description and then click the Links tab and note the affected result and blocked test.

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Double-click link to the affected test result in the Rational Team Concert Web UI. (Select Yes if you receive a Security Alert).

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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If prompted to Log in, enter Deb for both the User ID and Password.

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In the Execution Result scroll down to step 5 to see the bad actual result.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Deb has decided that she needs to work on this right away. __a. In the My Work view, drag and drop the defect to the top of the list under Today. Note that if the work item is still open in an editor, you will need to save it.

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Note that normally Deb would copy the gif into the Java project and write some code to fix this defect; however, as before, this has already been done in advance. __a. From the Rational Team Concert window menu bar, select Search Jazz Source Control Change sets


In the Search for Change sets dialog __i. In the Creator dropdown, select Deb.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Next to the Modifies field, click Browse. In the resulting dialog, expand the net.jazz.uws.squawkers project and the src/net/jazz/uws/squawkers folders underneath it. Select the Surfer.java file and press OK.

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In the Search for Change sets dialog, click Search.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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The Search view surfaces with a list of change sets. Right-click the change set with the comment Bug fix and click the Accept action in the menu.


Deliver the change and resolve the defect. __a. Switch to the Pending Changes view and click the Expand to Change sets icon .


Associate the defect with the change set.

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One way is from the open work item editor for the surfer defect, drag and drop the Defect <number> to the change set in the Pending Changes view.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Another way is to right-click the change set in the Pending Changes view and use the Associate Work Item action from the menu.


Right-click the change set and select Deliver and Resolve Work Item.

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In the Deliver and Resolve dialog, enter It should be totally awesome now. In the Add a comment to the work item field and click Finish.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Request build, see it is green, and tag it ready for test. __a. __b. Select the Team Artifacts view on the left side of the Rational Team Concert window. Expand Squawk Builds and right-click the workshop.squawk.build definition. Select the Request Build action.


In the Request Build dialog click Submit.

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The Builds view will open showing the new build. The build will finish in a minute or so. You can use the Refresh icon to update the status in the view. When it completes double-click the build to open the result editor.



Note that it is complete and green.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Place the cursor in the Tags field and press Ctrl+Space to open the list of available tags. Select ready_for_test from the list.

__h. __9.

Click Save on the build result.

You can now close the Rational Team Concert Eclipse client.


Confirm Defect Is Fixed

Team role You are now performing the role of Tanuj, the test lead. In this section, you will use the SquawkQM Web UI to confirm the defect is fixed.


Log into the Rational Quality Manager Web UI as Tanuj. You may already be logged in from earlier. If not: __a. In the Windows taskbar, click Tools RQM IBM Rational Quality Manager.

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Enter Tanuj for both the User ID and Password, and then click Log In.


Discover a build with the surfer fix. __a. On the Rational Quality Manager home page, refresh the Squawk Builds viewlet.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Hover over the build just created to get a quick view of the results. Right-click the link and select the Open Link in New Tab action.


Select the newly opened Firefox tab to see the build result. If prompted to log in, log in as Tanuj. __i. In the Contribution Summary section click the work items link.

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Note that the fix for the surfer defect is included in this build.

__iii. __3.

Log out of Rational Team Concert in this tab and close the tab.

Return to the Rational Quality Manager tab in Firefox. Run the GUI Surfer test from the test execution record. __a. __b. Select View Test Execution Records from the Execution menu at the top of the Web page. Check the box next to GUISurfer_Windows test execution record. You may need to click Next once or more in the list (or select Show All from the Items per page dropdown) to see the test execution record. Make sure that the Test Script is set to GUI Surfer.

__c. __d.

Click the Run icon

at the top right of the list.

Read and perform steps 1 through 4. As you complete each step or substep, click the Pass icon to mark the step as a Pass.

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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Read step 5. Verify the picture in the Squawk application matches the expected picture in the test. Click the Pass icon to complete the execution of the step.

__f. __g.

Also click the Pass icon for step 6. Click Close and show results button at the top of the page.

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Indicate that the surfer squawker testing is now complete. __a. __b. Return to the View Test Execution Records tab. In the row containing the GUISurfer_Windows execution record, click the link to the GUI Surfer test case.


Select the Plan Items section and click the link to the Surfer squawker story. This opens the story in another browser tab (if prompted to log in, log in as Tanuj).

Lab 5 Respond to a Test Failure

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From the status dropdown, select Complete Testing and click Save. This moves the story to Done.


Logout of Rational Quality Manager and close the browser window. Exit Rational Team Concert. Close the Squawker application and Windows Explorer.

Conclusion This concludes the Lab. The high priority surfer squawker requirement is now properly implemented and tested.

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Appendix A. Notices
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