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LS Central/LS Nav Cumulative Updates 2007 - 2023, Overview: Industry Feature (With Link To LS Retail Help)

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LS Central/LS Nav Cumulative Updates 2007 - 2023, Overview

Use the column filters to display features of individual versions or feature groups.

Industry Module
Updated March 23, 2023 (with link to LS Retail help)

Open to Buy


Variant Framework

Role Center
Role Center
Return Mgmt
Special Orders

Vendor Item Library


Franchise Mgmt

Web Integration
Item Master
Loss Prevention
Member Mgmt
Member Mgmt
Member Mgmt
Member Mgmt
Member Mgmt
Member Mgmt


Sales Commission

Variant Framework

Mobile Inventory
Mobile Inventory
Mobile Inventory
Mobile Inventory
Mobile Inventory
Mobile Inventory
Staff Mgmt
Cash and Safe Mgmt

Cash and Safe Mgmt

Member Mgmt
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile POS
Mobile POS

Mobile POS

Mobile POS
Mobile Loyalty
Member Mgmt
Member Mgmt
Member Mgmt
Member Mgmt
Member Mgmt
Mobile Loyalty
Mobile POS


Service Pack Hosp
Service Pack Hosp
Service Pack Mobile Hosp
Service Pack Mobile Hosp
Service Pack Mobile Hosp

Mobile Hosp
Service Pack
Service Pack Mobile Hosp
Service Pack Staff Mgmt
Click and Collect

Demand Framework


Item Master

Life Cycle

Member Mgmt




Role Center
Special Orders
Staff Mgmt
Where Used
General POS Auto - detect Hardware

General POS Support for KeyLock devices

POS Gratuity Management

General Role Center & GUI Simplified pages

Fashion Role Center & GUI Lifecycle Planning sub pages simplified

Map OPOS printing to Windows printer in

General Printing
Device Manager

General POS Customer sales history

General POS Device Sharing

General POS Dual Display can display separate Journals

Fashion Permission Permission sets

Fashion Role Center & GUI Simplified version of Retail Setup

General Scale Certificate Scale Certification


General Replenishment Warehouse Replenishment

General Web Services Web Service Enhancements

General Replenishment Count available days

General LS Nav Start Failover Checks in LS Nav Start

General POS Deals only to display deal modifiers for

items included in item distribution

General Frequent Buyer Program

Hospitality Mobile Hospitality Mobile POS

Hospitality LS KDS Kitchen Display System

Measurement Unit Popup-Selection Only
Hospitality POS
For Priced Units

Hospitality Product Design Recipe Batch Update Change in Recipe Component

Hospitality Product Design Possibility to Change the Order of Recipe Rows

General Data Director Data Director Web Monitor Release

General Rapid Installation Start Once Added to Rapid Installer

Hospitality Printing Kitchen Printing with Retail POS

Easier, Simpler and a Faster way to Copy

General POS

Finish a Sale Quickly with Quickcash -

General POS
Without Total and Specific Quickcash menu

Inheritance of Discount Ban from Product

General Items

General Omni Simplified Setup of LS Omni

Change Replication in eCommerce

General Omni According to new LS Plugin in
General BackOffice Number Series on Validation Period
General BackOffice Add Hard Attribute to Store and Restaurant

General POS Redesign DYNMENU Functionality as POS Dynamic Menu

General POS Add Deals to Dynamic Menus

General POS Add Attributes to Deals and Deals to Dynamic Menus

General Performance Apply Modifications Found During Load


General Variants New Item Variants Creation

Include Item usage in BOM when

General Items
calculating Qty. sold not posted

Matrix Dimension for Retail Availability by

General Variants

Consolidate Actions Related to Item

General Variants Variants

General POS Design POS Commands Where Used

Retail Message: Notify User When New
General POS

Fashion Role Center & GUI Fashion - Reports

Member Member Management Account/Contact
Management Enhancements
Retrieving Published Offer Related Items
General Omni
for Omni

General Omni Coupons and Points in Cart (Omni)

Web service for Published Offers and

General Omni
Personalized Coupons

Create Web Service for

General Omni

General POS Loading Card

Hospitality POS Show Allergens on the POS

Hospitality Store Management Set up Hospitality Types in one Place

General POS Posting Exception

Simple Process for Starting or Replacing

General Rapid Installation

Option to e-mail the last receipt or invoice

General POS
on POS

Hospitality Store Management Hospitality type setup has been made easier and simpler by using configuration templates

Hospitality Role Center & GUI Hospitality Express Role Center and setup

General Staff Management Staff Management

General Staff Management Employee Portal
Item Registration replaced with Simple
Fashion Role Center & GUI
Item Registration

General POS Print sales receipt upon request

Member contacts mobile number editable
General POS
from the POS

General Demo Data New Restaurant in Demo Data

General POS POS Journal Data-Update Refactoring

POS Data Grid: Hide Empty Rows When a

General POS
New Page Is Added

Confirm if Open Transactions on EOD or Z-

General BackOffice

General Warehouse Adjust Cost - Item Entries



Remove "Dimension Extension" from

General BackOffice
Variant Dimension Groups

General POS Menu Type for Journal Lines Stored in

Posted Transactions
Void Transaction - Slip Includes
General POS Income/Expense Amount and Transaction
Number Is Printed

General Web services Web Service Default Data

General Variants Variant Creation - New Page for Selection

General Variants Add Variant Framework to Items

General POS UOM & Variant Information Missing in

Mobile Price
Add POS Transaction Linked Tables to
General POS Suspend/Retrieve Functionality Using Web

General Variants Sort Variant Creation Using Logical Order

General BackOffice MSR Functionality for Gift Cards

General Web services More Detailed Web Service Log

General Store Management Store Group in Price Check Card

Menu Type for Journal Lines not Stored in
Hospitality LS KDS Posted Transactions

General POS Focus Skin on Active Menu Button

Infocodes Have a New Field to Allow MSR

General BackOffice

General Web services Web Service Default Data

Retail Click and Collect Validation of Data for Click and Collect

General Variants Variant Creation - New Page for Selection

General Variants Variant Values Suggestion Page

Add Variant Framework to Items in Fashion

General Variants
Role Center

Add More Tables to POS Commands

General POS
Where Used

General BackOffice Where Used for Infocodes

Weather Forecast Integration for Staff

Retail Staff Management
Role Budget Adjustments in Staff
Retail Staff Management
Management Roster Schedule Page

Add Function to Add Shift/Role in Staff

Retail Staff Management
Management Roster

Support External Views & External views

Retail Staff Management on External Lines in Staff Management

Change Lookup Pages for Shift/Role to

Retail Staff Management Simple Lookups in Staff Management

Only Display Name on Employee on the

Retail Staff Management
First Rostering Line

Statements to Action "Show Posted

Document" Added and
LS Action "Original Document" from
Customer Ledger Entries Removed

Hospitality LS KDS Menu Type for Deals

Setup for How to Handle Transfer and Split
Hospitality LS KDS
Bill After Bill Is Printed

General POS Seeing When Data Entries Expire

General POS Option to Delete Before Import on the

Import Export Worksheet

General Upgrade to LS Nav 2017

Print a Specific Menu Type to KDS and

Change the Menu Type of a Line to a
Hospitality LS KDS
Specific Menu Type (by Pressing a Single

Retail Attributes Changes in Retail Attributes

Item Category and Product Group Tables
General Product Design

General Two New Field Types: Media and MediaSet

All Where-Used Instances Now Inside a

Single Code Unit

General Point of Sale MSR: Add AutoDisable and DecodeData

Fields to Hardware Profile

Cleanup of Infocode Where-Used Related

General BackOffice

General Changes in Release Purchase Document

General BackOffice Tables Added to Infocode Where-Used

General Web services LS Nav Web Service Test Application

General POS Print Gift Card and Voucher Balance

Retail Staff Management Support for Viable Week Definitions

Retail Staff Management Profit, COGS, and Sales, Based on Days,

Shown in Roster Analysis View

General Web services Web Service for OMNI Server Stock Query

Trailing Semicolon in Data Director

Retail BackOffice

Now Possible to Have Different License

General Omni Keys for OMNI Apps Installed on the Same

General POS New LS Fonts Added

General POS New Example of a POS Look Added

General POS POS Commands

Release Notes and Online Help in a New
General Online Help

LS Recommend BackOffice LS Recommend

Added: An Option to Clear a Table Even If

Hospitality LS KDS
KOTs Are Not Served

FOB Created To Update Retail Item Link

When There Are Changes in Retail Images

Multiple Levels in Journals Shown With

General POS
Configurable Indents

Set Expiration Date Fixed in Codeunit

Previously Only a Single Return Slip Was
General POS Printed; Now the Slip Is Printed With a
Now Possible to Specify Which
LS Recommend POS LS Recommend Items Will Trigger a Call to

General Installation Guide Installation Guides

Hospitality POS Hospitality POS: New Rush Option to

Create Rush Orders for KDS

Hospitality POS: Time Registration Error

Hospitality POS

Hospitality LS KDS Expeditor Bump Printing

General Web POS Web POS Version 1.0 Now Available

Issues With the Functions Insert Web POS

General Web services Requests and Insert Inventory Mgmt
General POS New LS Font Added

Hospitality LS KDS New Permission Setting for Rush Orders

Hospitality POS Sales POS Can Be Opened Directly With

Logon - Skipping the Startup Screen

Selecting a Hospitality Type at Logon - Pop-

Hospitality POS
up per POS Terminal

Hospitality POS Selecting a Hospitality Type at Logon - by

Staff per POS Terminal

Retail Mobile POS For Mobile POS, One Web Request Needs
an Additional Line

Retail Web services Extended Web Service Created

Retail POS Fix for the Trans. Disc. Benefit Entry

Retail Member Management Online Help
POS Users Can Now Scan a Code128
Retail POS Barcode with GS1-128 Data
Retail eCommerce Refactoring of eCommerce Sale Handling

Retail Mobile POS Return Items via Mobile POS

LS Recommend POS Recommendation for a Single Journal Item

in the POS

Control When and Where to Update

Retail Performance
Replication Counters
For Mobile POS Purchases, LS Nav Now
LS Recommend Mobile POS
Registers Recommended Items

Code in POS Print Utility Removed and

LS Recommend POS
Print Bug Fixed

No Recommendations If the Transaction

LS Recommend
Includes a Display Rule and a Member

LS Recommend POS Old Recommendations from Cache Are Not


General Hierarchy New Functionality: Hierarchy

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 CU4

General MS Dynamics

General Online Help New Search Filter

General Staff Management Multiple Updates

 Contact Info and Access to Hour

General Staff Management Acceptance Added to Salary Export

General Staff Management Optimal Hours on Work Arrangement Card

General Web POS Web POS Documentation

Hospitality LS KDS KDS Data Processing Has Been Improved

LS Recommend Rank Builds not Automatically Deleted

LS Recommend Recommendation Displayed When a

Member but No Items Are in a Transaction

LS Recommend Recommendation Is Not Shown When a

Sale Is a Return Sale

LS Recommend Auto Increment Property Removed

LS Recommend Object Package for LS Nav

LS Recommend
2015 (8)

LS Recommend Object Package for LS Nav

LS Recommend
2016 (9)

LS Nav Event Created and Published at the

Retail POS
End of a Transaction
Retail Offers Mix & Match Functionality Change

Retail New Field to Hold Global ID

POS Printing: Support for Variable Line

Retail POS
Width (Characters per Line)

General LS Hardware Station A New Way to Connect Devices to LS Nav

Retail Product Design New Language Support Functionality

Retail Product Design New Translation Button

Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 CU5


Replenishment: Track RIQ Calculation
General Event Viewer
Progress in Event Viewer

General Indexing Search Index Updated

Web POS: New Option Added to Browser

General Web POS

Web POS: Search as You Type

General Web POS
Recommended Items Filtered Out on the
LS Recommend POS
General Online Help Online Help: Link to Demo Scripts

General Online Help Overview of Cumulative Updates

General Replenishment Item Quantities Calculation Improvements

Changed Calculation for Effective Inventory

General Replenishment
When Using the Coverage Option

General Replenishment Demo Data Added

General Replenishment Filter Issue in the Purchase Replenishment


General Replenishment Forward Sales Factor Calculation

General Replenishment Link from the Product Groups Page to the

Replenishment Data Profile Page Removed
Track RIQ Calculation Progress in Event
General Replenishment

Hospitality LS KDS Worksheet for Production Time with

Comparison to Actual Production Time

Hospitality LS KDS Item Filtering Added to the Item Section

Routings Page

Hospitality LS KDS
KDS Order Aging Report Updated

LS Omni Known Issues With LS Nav 10.06

Adjust Coverage Calculation Time Horizon
General Replenishment

General Replenishment Field Name Changes in Replenishment

Hierarchy Relations for Assortment
General Replenishment
Planned Sales Demand Worksheet
General Replenishment
Replenishment Out of Stock (OOS)
General Replenishment Calculation Improvements
General Replenishment Retail Budgets, Improvements
Amount Based Line Discount Has Been

General Web POS Changes in Web POS

Deal, Store, and Customer Links in
Retail Hierarchy Hierarchies, and Hierarchy Relations
Between Hierarchies
Retail LS Hardware Station LS Hardware Station

Retail Named Relations Between Products

Purchase Orders Created Through Retail

Retail Campaign

POS External Printing: Option to Log and

Retail POS
Print a Test Page Has Been Added

Transaction Balance Rounding Supported

Retail Mobile POS by Mobile POS 
Status Code on Item Status Link Worksheet
Retail BackOffice
Now in Sync

Retail Various Fixes

Negative Adjustment Mode on the

Hospitality KDS, POS
Hospitality POS

Planned Sales Demand Worksheet

General Replenishment
Planned Sales Demand Worksheet
General Replenishment
Planned Sales Demand Worksheet
General Replenishment

Planned Sales Demand Worksheet

General Replenishment
Planned Sales Demand Worksheet
General Replenishment Enhancements

General Replenishment Retail Budgets Improvements

General Replenishment Retail Budgets Improvements

General Replenishment Retail Budgets Improvements

General Replenishment Improved Copy Budget Function

General Replenishment Budget Validation and Correction

General Replenishment Destination Group Validation in Allocation


Retail BackOffice Filter Added to AddItemsToHierarchy

Retail Inconsistent Information on Receipts:

Rounding Difference Corrected
Retail Incorrect Sync Time in Search Index
Management Portal Into Hardware Station
Retail LS Hardware Station

Retail LS Hardware Station Service and Console

Retail POS New Event (LS Nav POS API)

Validation of String Length in the On-

Retail POS
Screen Keyboard
Warning Issued if Two Users Are
Retail Simultaneously Trying to Use the Same
Server Tools: Control Panel for Functions in
Hardware Stations
Hospitality, Retail POS Current Item Availability on Button

Identical Item Lines not Compressed if

Hospitality POS
They Have a Menu Type
Changes in Standard NAV Purchase Unit of
Retail Replenishment

Changes in Standard NAV Purchase Unit of

Retail Replenishment Measure
Changes in Standard NAV Purchase Unit of
Retail Replenishment

Changes in Standard NAV Purchase Unit of

Retail Replenishment

Retail Replenishment Changes in Standard NAV Purchase Unit of

Changes in Standard NAV Purchase Unit of
Retail Replenishment

Changes in Standard NAV Purchase Unit of

Retail Replenishment

Retail BackOffice New Barcode Support - GS1 DataBar

Retail BackOffice BarCodes: Configuration Option

Retail BackOffice Hierarchy With a Defined Start Date

Retail BackOffice Hierarchy Enhancements

Retail LS Hardware Station LS Hardware Station: Improvements in the

Management Portal

Retail POS POS: Column No. Added to Event

POS: InvokeScript Function for

Retail POS
BrowserControl Added

Retail POS POS: Support for Multiple OPOS Scanners

Retail POS POS: New Options in Record Zoom Control

POS: Terminal in Use by Another User -

Retail POS
Error Fixed
Retail BackOffice Reduce Locking on Transaction Work Table

Transaction Web Service Background

Retail BackOffice

LS Nav Start: Timeout Values not Affected

Until Restart
Column Number Added to POS Event
General Web POS Web POS: POS Menu - Pages

Enhancements in Master-Child Budgets

Retail Replenishment
Consolidation for Retail Sales Budget

Retail Replenishment New Report: Trend Report

Retail Fashion Fashion Role Center, Reintroduction

Invalid Barcode on the POS: Improved
Retail POS
Performance Boost for Serial and Lot No.
Local Inventory Lookup

Retail POS End-of-Day Declaration Not Allowed

Error Fixed in the Function

Retail POS CurrencyKeyPressed in Amount Rounding

Retail POS Hardware Profile Multiple OPOS Scanners

Retail POS Hardware Profile Option to Block POS if Drawer Is Open

Add Stores to Allocation Rule from Store

Retail Replenishment

New Action in Allocation Rule Page: Add

Retail Replenishment
Stores from Store Hierarchy
Retail Replenishment Extension to Check Rule Action in Allocation Rule Page

Retail Replenishment Copy Purchase Budget Improvements

Retail Replenishment Hierarchy Relations Hotfix

Retail Replenishment Improvements on Journal Filters

Retail Web POS Control Functions for Context Menus

Retail Web POS Watermark Function

LS Recommend LS Recommend 2.0

Hospitality New Table Allocation Feature

How to Upgrade to LS Nav 2017 (10.9)
(Demo Data Changes)
Hospitality Known Issues with LS Nav 10.09

General Data Support for Omni Server 2.4

Events in POS Actions

Maintaining SQL Indexes for Unused Keys
Has Stopped

General Online Help Online Help

Retail Hierarchy Events in Hierarchies

Retail POS NAV Events Added to EPOS Controller

Retail Sales Budget Advanced

Retail Replenishment

Retail Replenishment Retail Sales Budget Advanced Improvements

Retail Replenishment Store Capacity Management

Retail Replenishment Store Capacity Management

Retail Stock Coverage Management

Retail Fashion, Stock Coverage Management


Retail Stock Coverage Management
Retail Various Improvements

Retail Various Improvements

Retail BackOffice Scale Items

Retail Store Inventory New Worksheets Replace Instore

Management Worksheets

Retail Web POS Version Check, JavaScript Add-In vs the


Hospitality BackOffice Printing Option Added to Hospitality Pages

Hospitality BackOffice Updating Recipe Cost

Hospitality, Retail POS Retail Message Setup, New Check Box

When Using Hospitality Type Without

Hospitality POS
Service Flow, Error Has Been Fixed
When Using the Current Availability
Hospitality POS
Function, Error Has Been Fixed
Hospitality BackOffice Table Allocation V1.1, Online Help
General Upgrade to LS Nav 2018

Retail BackOffice Mobile Tables Removed

Action Management Removed from

Retail BackOffice Standard Tables

Check Frequency Reset for "Retail message

in Use"

Retail Click and Collect New Method of Finalizing Orders

Retail InStore Management ICT Removed

Retail InStore Management Standalone Store Removed

Multiple Web Stores on the Same LS Nav


Retail Demo Data New POS in the Demo Data Company

Retail POS Clienteling

Retail POS Commands

Retail POS Performance Boost in Inventory Lookup

Retail Replenishment Allocation Plan Doc. Factbox

Retail Replenishment Journal Filter Fix

Transfer & Purchase Thresholds

Retail Replenishment

Transfer & Purchase Thresholds

Retail Replenishment Management
Transfer & Purchase Thresholds
Retail Replenishment
Transfer & Purchase Thresholds
Retail Replenishment

Transfer & Purchase Thresholds

Retail Replenishment
Transfer & Purchase Thresholds
Retail Replenishment

Retail Replenishment Transfer & Purchase Thresholds Management

Retail Special Orders Special Order (SPO) Removed

Retail Web POS Multiple POSes Can Use One LS Hardware Station for Printing

Retail Web services Web Store Basket Calculation Light

Hospitality Offline Call Center Error in Finalizing a Delivery Order

Tender Declaration, Safe Entry Description

Hospitality Hospitality POS
Journal Lines Disappear after Coupon Line
Hospitality Hospitality POS
Is Voided

General Online Help Release Notes 2017

Retail Web services Web Services 2.0: New Framework

New & Enhanced Features

Retail Framework 2.0 New Web Services

Retail Clientling Actual Inventory of Items

Retail Replenishment Item Hierarchy, a New Budget Type in Retail Purchase Budget

Retail Replenishment Item Hierarchy Actions Renamed

Retail Replenishment Enhanced Action in Retail Sales Budget

Hospitality LS KDS Fully Configure KDS in LS Nav (Deprecate

Site Manager)

Intelligent Cloud LS Recommend Old Usage Data Deleted

Retail POS Input Validation for Gift Cards
Fixed Issues
New Action on the Threshold Rule Values
Retail Replenishment

Retail Replenishment Actions Removed in Retail Budgets

Intelligent Cloud LS Recommend Action in Setup Removed

Retail EU General Data Protection Regulation

(GDPR) Adjustments

New & Enhanced Features

EU General Data Protection Regulation
Retail (GDPR) Adjustments

Retail Customer Order Customer Orders on POS

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Enhancements

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Enhancements

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Enhancements

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Enhancements

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Enhancements

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Enhancements

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Enhancements

Retail Retail POS Clienteling Improvements

Retail Web services New Web Services

Functionalities Now Handled by Event


Retail Dynamic Menus

Retail POS Commands New POS Commands

General Online Help New Topics in Online Help

Printing Z-Report and Safe Management

Retail Web POS

Fixed Issues
Retail Replenishment Retail Budgets Actuals View

Retail Web services Web Service 2.0

New & Enhanced Features

Retail Customer Order Adaptions for Web POS

Retail POS Fields Removed from POS Functionality


Retail Point Balance in Basket Calculations
LS Hardware Station, EFT Device, and LS
Retail LS Hardware Station Pay Connected

Retail LS Hardware Station LS Pay Connection in LS Hardware Station

Retail Web POS Web POS EFT Functions

Retail POS New POS Command

Hospitality Web POS Hospitality Web POS v1

Hospitality LS KDS Group Items by Seat Number on Chits in


Hospitality LS KDS Start Item in KDS

Retail Customer Order Incorrect Location Code

Fixed Issues
Retail POS Refunding with Member Points

Retail Web POS Retry Printing

New & Enhanced Features Retail Web services Web Service 2.0

Retail BackOffice Function Visibility

Retail BackOffice New Inventory Codes

Retail BackOffice New Field Added

Retail BackOffice Points Balance and Gain in eCom

Retail Customer Order Improvements

Retail Events Changes Handled with Events

Retail LS Hardware Station LS Hardware Station
Retail Replenishment Store Stock Redistribution

Retail Replenishment Store Stock Redistribution

Retail Replenishment Redistribution Matrix

Retail Replenishment Bing Maps API Integration

Retail Replenishment Lifecycle Curve

Retail Replenishment Actions and Pages Renamed

Order Multiple and Transfer Multiple in

Retail Replenishment Decimal Values for Automatic

Retail Replenishment Lifecycle Dates Updated When Selecting


Hospitality KDS, POS Configure POS Tags in KDS Display Profiles

Hospitality KDS, POS POS Improvements

Hospitality KDS, POS Send KOTs to KDS for Printing

Hospitality KDS, POS New Split Bill Setting for Small Devices

Hospitality Hospitality Known Issues in Hospitality

Hospitality LS KDS KDS Item Workflow

Hospitality LS KDS Mark Items in Chit as Served

Hospitality LS KDS Rush Operation

Setting Time Style Based on Percentage of

Hospitality LS KDS
Cook Time

Show Aggregates on Kitchen Display

Hospitality LS KDS
Hospitality LS KDS Show Item Time on Display

Transfer Chit from One Expeditor Display

Hospitality LS KDS
Station to Another

Hospitality LS KDS Transfer Order, a New Functionality and


Other Hospitality Demo Data for Small Devices in Hospitality

Other Replenishment Demo Data for Store Stock Redistribution

Other Online Help

Fixed Issues Hospitality Hospitality Hospitality Fixes

Improvements in Item Variant Suggestion

and Creation

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Fixes

Web Service Logs Cause Error Messages on
General Web services
the Web POS

Inventory Management Worksheets

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice

Retail Web Service 2.0

Retail BackOffice Paying Customer Orders with Gift Cards

Improvements in Hardware Profile Setup in

Retail Hardware Station
LS Nav
Retail Replenishment Replenishment Control Data List

Retail Replenishment Validation of Hierarchy Node Links

Retail Replenishment Recalculation of Threshold Rule Values

EFT Implementation Supports Cancel and

Retail Web POS
Reprint of the Receipt in Last Transaction
Retail LS Nav App App Available for Download

New Transfer Table Setting for Small


Order List for Orders on a Dining Table Is

Fully Functional

KDS New Option When Sending to KDS

Fixed Issues Retail Replenishment Exclusion in Allocation Rule

Suspended Transaction not Deleted in
Retail Web Services
Local Database

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Store Images on the Web or in Apps

Store Opening Hours for a Requested

Retail BackOffice

Retail Replenishment Variant Weight Curve

Retail Replenishment Update Data Profiles with Lifecycle Rule

Retail Replenishment Variants: Tooltips on Pages

Windows POS Can Print Using Hardware
Retail POS

Easy Switch Between Hardware Profiles by

Retail Web POS
Scanning a QR Code

LS Nav App (Android Version) Supports

Retail Web POS
New Zebra Printer Library
LS Nav App (Android Version) Supports
Retail Web POS Barcode Scanning

Retail Web POS LS Nav POS Is PayEx and AltaPay Certified

KDS LS KDS KDS Fallback Printer

KDS LS KDS Aggregate Pane on KDS Visual Profile

KDS LS KDS Resend KOT to KDS Printers

Fixed Issues General Incorrectly Calculated Date Range Fixed

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Find and View Customer Orders

Retail Clienteling Selecting Retail Hierarchy in Clienteling

LS Hardware Station Device Configurations

Retail LS Hardware Station in LS Nav

Retail LS Hardware Station Sharing a Scanner in LS Hardware Station

Retail LS Hardware Station Allowing LS Nav 2016 winPOS to Use EFT

Connection in LS Hardware Station
Retail POS Commands New POS Commands

Retail Replenishment Improvements on the Replenishment Data Control List Page

LS Nav App iOS Version Supports the Use

Retail Web POS
of Mobile Camera

KDS LS KDS KDS Printer Error on POS

Fixed Issues Retail Fashion Variant Values Sorted by Logical Order

Retail Replenishment Order Multiple Not Working Correctly

when Assigned with 1 (One)

Vendor No. not Filled in the Replenishment

Retail Replenishment

Retail Web Service 2.0

New & Enhanced Features Retail Web Service 2.0

Retail BackOffice Fields Added to LS Nav Retail Item Card

LS Changes To Standard Mail Handling

Retail BackOffice
Notification Issued When Taking Over a
Retail LS Hardware Station

Retail LS Hardware Station Loading Devices

Retail Replenishment New and Fixed Item Default Settings

Retail Replenishment Threshold Management: Partial Release

Retail Replenishment Action Add Location/Variants Added to

Replenishment Item Store List Page

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Calculation: Average Usage

Retail LS Nav App Android

Retail Web Sync
Retail New POS Commands
Hospitality LS Activity LS Activity in LS Nav on Business Central

KDS LS KDS KDS Printer Errors Shown on POS

Other Changes in Demo Data

Online Help

Unused Variables Removed from LS Nav

Fixed Issues Retail

Retail POS Images in Search Results on POS

LS Hardware Station EFT Purchase Hangs

Changes to Standard Functionality
New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice

Retail BackOffice Get Inventory for Multiple Items

Improved Search in the Mobile Inventory

Retail Mobile Inventory

Retail Mobile POS New EFT Plug-in

Retail Web Service 2.0

Retail Web POS Enhanced EFT Implementation in the POS

LS Activity Deals as Additional Charges

Enhancement in Availability Matrix

LS Activity

LS Activity Role Center Improvements

KDS Chit Size Options in the KDS Visual Profile

BackOffice Utils Codeunit: LS Nav Changed

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice
to LS Central

Retail BackOffice
Import Export Worksheet in Web Client

Retail BackOffice TS Server Utils Function Exposed

Customer Order No. Added to Transaction

Retail Customer Order
Card and Transaction Register

Retail Customer Order

Gradual Payments
Retail Store Inventory Empty Store Inventory Journals

Retail LS Central POS Enhanced EFT Implementation in the POS

Easy Way to Configure LS Pay in

Retail LS Hardware Station
LS Hardware Station and New Plug-ins

URI Support in Web Service for Multi-

Retail Web Service
tenant Setup

Web Service Setup and Distribution

Retail Web Service Location
Improvements in Sending Item Details to
Retail Web Service
Mobile Inventory App
Retail Web Service Overriding Client Credentials

Retail Web Service 2.0

Table Allocation
Hospitality Management v2

Restaurant Planning

Table Allocation
Hospitality Management v2

Table Allocation
Hospitality Management v2
Table Allocation
Hospitality Management v2
Table Allocation
Hospitality Dining Reservations and Table Allocations
Management v2

Hospitality Table Allocation

Management v2

Hospitality Table Allocation

Management v2

Hospitality Reordering Linked Items

Communication With KDS Through Web
Services Instead of NAS

LS Activity Memberships Membership Deposit Account

LS Activity Memberships Membership Charge Adjustment


Membership Subscription Process

LS Activity Memberships Adjustments

Updated FactBoxes in Membership and

LS Activity Memberships Member Part

LS Activity Rentals New POS Commands in LS Activity Rental

LS Activity General LS Activity Web POS in 13.04 - Pre-release

LS Activity General LS Activity Attribute Enhancements

LS Activity General Where to Open the Activity Matrix

LS Activity General LS Activity Demo Data in W1

Retail POS Commands New POS Commands

LS Retail Apps LS Central App Easier to Enter Web POS URL in App

New Functions Added to the Mobile

LS Retail Apps Mobile Inventory
Inventory App

Receipts from Mobile POS Formatted With

LS Retail Apps Mobile POS App
Logo and Barcode
LS Retail Apps Mobile POS App Adyen Added to the Mobile POS

Other Online Help Search Filter Improvements

Other Online Help LS Omni Help Menu Moved and Renamed

Retail Member Process Order Entry to HO

Fixed Issues

Retail Gift Receipt Issues

Retail Retail Receiving Error Fixed

Cash & Safe Management: Credit Card

Retail Safe Management
Only Terminals

Validation Error When Using the Same

Retail Customer Order
Location Code in Multiple Stores
Retail Customer Order Search Results in Web Client

Error When Posting an Order With Tender

Retail Customer Order
Type Customer Fixed

Error Using Payment Into Account on the

Retail Customer Order
POS Fixed

Retail Store Inventory Compress Lines Action Fixed

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Improved Performance of INVLOOKUP

Customer Details on Sales Invoice and

Retail Customer Order
Order Confirmation

Retail Customer Order Vendor Sourcing

Retail Customer Order Vendor Sourcing Setup

Retail Customer Order Customer Order Vendor Sourcing Process

Retail Customer Order Required Fields

Preaction Creation Setup Moved to

Extension Module

Retail LS Hardware Station LS Hardware Station Updated With New LS

Pay Functionality

Retail LS Hardware Station Support for OPOS DirectIO

Retail LS Hardware Station Customizing EFT Connection

Retail Replenishment Transparent Data Profiles

Retail Replenishment Sales History Adjustments Usability Improvements

Retail Replenishment Calculation from Planned Demand Event

Retail Replenishment Calculation from Outlier Detection

Retail Replenishment Consider Sales from eCommerce for Average Usage Calculation

Retail LS Central POS Card Type and Name Added to Mobile POS

More Personalized Service at the

Retail Clienteling
Clienteling POS

Item Detail Changed to Customer Order

Retail Clienteling

LS Activity Dynamic Pricing Based on Availability

Improved Email Templates, Language
LS Activity
Code, and Graphical Matrix View

Improved Email Templates, Language

LS Activity
Code, and Graphical Matrix View

LS Activity Improved Email Templates, Language

Code, and Graphical Matrix View

Improved Email Templates, Language

LS Activity
Code, and Graphical Matrix View

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Feature Switches for Mobile POS

Retail BackOffice Field Length Changes

Retail BackOffice Shelf Labels

Retail BackOffice Application Area

Retail LS Central App

Updates With New LS Pay Functionality

Retail LS Hardware Station and Fixes

Mobile POS and

Mobile Inventory

Retail Replenishment Dimension Pattern Improvements

Retail Replenishment Store Capacity Management with Sections and Shelves

Retail Replenishment Store Stock Redistribution Improvements

Retail Replenishment Store Stock Redistribution Improvements

Retail Replenishment Store Stock Redistribution Improvements

Retail Retail POS EFT - Add Surcharge Based on Card Type

Retail Retail POS Print Receipt's Barcode as QR Code

Refund Sale Posted When Voiding a Card
Retail Retail POS

Retail Web Services Web Service 2.0

Add Member Info to Transaction from


KDS Send Ingredient Information to KDS

Configure Button Profile With Bump Cell
LS Activity General Sales Mode in Activity POS

Additional Charges With Resource

LS Activity General

LS Activity General Additional Web Services

LS Activity General Additional Event

LS Activity General Activity Matrix Enhancements

LS Activity LS Activity General

Option Added to Include Allowances

LS Activity LS Activity
(Specific Price for x Number of Times)

Other Online Help New Features on Home Page

Previous Help and Release Notes

Demo Data

Fixed Issues Retail BackOffice Table ID 99001509 Fixed

Improved Parallel Processing of Replen.
Retail Replenishment Item Quantities Calculation

Sales Type Set Automatically at POS


New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice LS Code Change to Standard Tables

Retail LS Central App Simplified URL Settings

Retail LS Hardware Station Hardware Station Logs Now Stored per Day

Retail LS Hardware Station LS Pay with GlobalPay Support Added

Retail Mobile POS

Retail Replenishment Setup Field Changes in Replenishment Journal Batch

Retail Replenishment Dynamic Stock Coverage Days

Retail Replenishment Flexible Replenishment Run Interval

Retail Replenishment Vendor Vacation Calendar

Retail Retail POS EFT - Skip Printing Merchandise and/or

Customer Receipts

Retail Retail POS EFT - Card Data in POS Card Entries

Retail Scheduler CodeUnit Added for LS Omni

Retail Web Services Member Contact Codeunits

Hospitality Table Management Enhancements

Use LS Hardware Station When Using KDS

KDS Printing

LS Activity LS Activity Enhancements

Retail POS Commands New POS Command

Other Online Help Revised Menu Tree

Fixed Issues Retail BackOffice Errors Fixed in P/R Counting Posting Setup

Retail BackOffice Scale Items not Counted Correctly in Offers

Card Type and CardType Name Mapping
Retail BackOffice Fixed

Adding Variant Values to an Existing

Retail Fashion
Variant Framework

Important Notice: Error Opening Windows

Retail LS Central POS
POS Client

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Calculation

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice LS Central Code Adjusted to Microsoft Field
Length Changes

Retail BackOffice Functions and Unused Fields Removed

Retail BackOffice Infocode Discount Removed

LS Changes Removed from Online Map
Retail BackOffice

Retail BackOffice
Printing Shelf Labels
Retail BackOffice
Receipt Printing Modified Using Events

Retail BackOffice Refactored Field Lookups

Retail Product Group Replaces Product

Retail BackOffice
Group Table

Retail BackOffice Tables Added to Data Subjects Table

Retail Customer Order External Payment Token

Header Status Configured to Trigger

Retail Customer Order
Messages to Customer
Retail Customer Order Log Customer Order Status Changes

Overpaying for a Transaction with a

Retail Customer Order
Customer Order

Unused Fields Removed and Links Moved

Retail Customer Order
to Related Documents

Retail Fashion Logical Order for Variant Dimensions

Retail Fashion Increased the Maximum Number of Logical

Order for Variant Values

Refresh Variant Settings Added in Item

Retail Fashion
Variant Framework
Variant Dimension Fields Changed from
Retail Fashion Text15 to Code15 in Item Variant
Registration Table

LS Central App (Android Version) -

Retail LS Central App
Enhancing Simplified URL Settings

LS Central App (iOS version) - Simplified

Retail LS Central App
URL Settings

Retail LS Central POS Various Changes Added to the EFT

Implementation in the POS

Retail LS Central POS EFT FOB File Available

Retail LS Central POS API Function Added

Retail LS Central POS Arguments Fields Added to LS Start

Allow Negative Adjustments and Other
Retail LS Central POS

Retail LS Central App Device Keyboard in LS Central App

Retail LS Central POS NETS Certification

Retail LS Central App New AutoLogoff Feature

Retail LS Central POS Removing Member from Transaction

Retail LS Hardware Station Setup Video for LS Hardware Station

Retail LS Hardware Station LS Pay with Worldpay Support

Retail Updating Member Information Online

Retail Mobile Inventory External Config Reading

Retail Mobile POS

Retail Replenishment LS Replenishment Role Center

Discontinuation of Demand Planner in LS

Retail Replenishment
Retail Replenishment Sneak Peek into LS Forecast

Retail Replenishment Field Length Increased for Primary Keys

Retail Replenishment Open-to-Buy: Multilevel and Blocking

Retail Replenishment Open-to-Buy: Multilevel and Blocking

Retail Replenishment Open-to-Buy: Multilevel and Blocking

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Journal Calculation Performance Improvements

Replenishment Journal Calculation

Retail Replenishment Performance Improvements
Retail Web Services Web Service 2.0

Web Service 2.0

Hospitality New Restaurant Role Center

Hospitality Allocation Enhancements

Hospitality Allocation Enhancements

Hospitality Allocation Enhancements

Hospitality Reorder Lines in Various Groups, Deals,

and Modifiers

Hospitality Table Management Enhancements

New Role Centers for Activity and Member
LS Activity

LS Activity Compressing the Matrix View

LS Activity External Availability and Capacity


LS Activity LS Activity Web POS

LS Staff Manage Staff Management

LS Core LS Core Release Notes

Retail POS Commands New POS Commands

Other Online Help

Detailed Receipt Report not Showing Item

Fixed Issues No.
BackOffice Error Posting Retail Picking

BackOffice Location Profile not Updated in Inventory

Lookup Table

BackOffice Posting Sales Entries Using Batch Posting

BackOffice Quantity per Unit of Measure not Updated

Replication Counter Statement Lines not

BackOffice Retail Buyer Role Center
BackOffice Retail Module Page Update
BackOffice Retail Sales Return With Discount
Store Dimension Posting in Inventory

BackOffice WS Default Data Codeunit (99009514)

Customer Order Customer Order Cancellation Fixes

Customer Order Error in Recalculating Sales Order Lines

Customer Order Rounding Error Fixed

Customer Order Refund Not Posted Correctly

LS Central POS Compressed POS Lines

LS Central POS Duplicate Receipt Number

Error When Creating Member Contact on
LS Central POS

LS Central POS Voiding a Transaction With Store Coupon

LS Central POS Z Report Printing Error Fixed

LS Central POS Z Report Error in an Online Database Fixed

Error Loading Log Files in LS Hardware

LS Hardware Station Station Fixed

LS Hardware Station Error Printing Large Data

LS Hardware Station Exception Handling in Logo Printing

Member Unable to Select a Member Contact

Management Attribute
Member Contact Phone Number

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Hardware Profile Cleanup

Retail BackOffice LS Central Demo Role Center

Autotests Moved from Version 14.02

Retail BackOffice
(C/AL) to 15.0 (AL)

Code Related to Sum Fields in Value Entry

Table Refactored

Hospitality BackOffice Event to Override Field Validation in

Hospitality Service Flow Line Table

Allocated Tables in Graphical Layout on

Hospitality Table Management POS

Retail POS Commands New POS Command

Other LS Central Demo Data Company

Retail BackOffice Store Inventory Counting Worksheet

Fixed Issues
Replenishment Item Quantities
Retail Replenishment

LS Central Adjusted to Run on BC NA

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice

Retail BackOffice Demo Role Center Enhancement

Retail LS Central App


Retail Mobile POS

Retail POS "Run Web POS" Becomes "Run POS"

Printing Fields Added to Time and Text

Hospitality BackOffice
Refund Activity Payment if Activity Is
LS Activity

LS Activity Access Control Codes on Activity Products

Partial Membership Charge for

LS Activity Memberships Expiring Within the Process
Other Incident List

Fixed Issues Retail BackOffice Error in POS Print Utility Fixed

Card Tender Types not Consolidated in
Retail BackOffice
Default Sales Profile Check in Replen. Item
Retail Replenishment
Quantity Calculation
Retail Replenishment Item Import Journal
New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice BI Time Stamp Fields Removed
Retail BackOffice Omni DLL Removed

Retail LS Central App LS Central Appshell

Retail LS Central App Inventory App Improvements

Retail LS Central POS Obsolete Forecourt Fields Removed

Changes in Hardware and Functionality
Retail LS Hardware Station

IP Whitelisting Added to LS Hardware

Retail LS Hardware Station Station

Retail LS Hardware Station Serial Device Functionality Added

Retail Replenishment Retail Budgets Improvements

Retail Replenishment Retail Budgets Improvements

Retail Replenishment Retail Budgets Improvements

Improvements in Transfer Rules

Retail Replenishment

Improvements for Deal Header and Deal

Hospitality Food and Beverages Lines in Journals

Hospitality Food and Beverages Improvements for Dining Table Buttons in

Graphical Layout

New Option to Validate Display Station

Hospitality LS KDS
Hospitality LS KDS New History Panel on Displays

Hospitality LS Activity Re-schedule Activity on POS

LS Staff Management New Check for Closing a Roster

LS Insight

Retail POS Commands New POS Command

Fixed Issues Retail BackOffice Barcode Mask Containing Lot No. Fixed

Purchase Replenishment Journal

Retail Replenishment
Calculation for Items with Variants
New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Customer Order Improvement

Retail BackOffice Improved Printed Return Receipt

Retail BackOffice Member Club Improvement

Retail BackOffice Fiscal Framework

Retail LS Central POS New HTML Editor

Retail LS Central POS Scan Directly to LS Central Pages

Retail LS Retail Apps Mobile Inventory

Improved Naming Convention for Activity

Hospitality Food and Beverages
Location and Linked Dining Area

POS Commands New POS Commands

Configuration Packages for LS Central
Demo Data Company

Head Office in the Cloud and Offline

POS/POS Server

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Cycle Counting per Location

Retail BackOffice Data Director dlls Removed

New Web Service in Store Inventory

Retail BackOffice
Retail BackOffice Web Request Enhancements

Retail LS Central POS HTML Preview Addin

Retail LS Hardware Station MSR Device Added to Hardware Station

Retail LS Hardware Station Custom Properties Profile

Retail LS Hardware Station Serial Custom Implementation Package

Retail LS Retail Apps Mobile Inventory

LS Central AppShell for Windows released

Retail Replenishment Retail Sales Budget Improvements

Retail Replenishment

Retail Replenishment

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Sales Chart

Hospitality Food and Beverages Customer Facing Display for Orders in


Hospitality Food and Beverages Reservation Desk Version 2

Hospitality LS KDS New Header Pane for KDS

LS Forecast, a Cloud-Based Forecasting
LS Forecast Engine and a New Replenishment
Calculation Type

Weekly and Daily Forecasts

Other Online Help

User Interface and BackOffice Processes

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Adjusted to Receive Mobile Inventory
Worksheets in Batches

Retail LS Central POS Field Removed in the POS Display Card

Retail LS Hardware Station Serial Device Added to the POS Device

Dialog with DirectIO
Retail LS Recommend Setup Enhancements

Retail LS Retail Apps Mobile Inventory

Retail Replenishment Lifecycle Planning Worksheet


Retail Replenishment Lifecycle Planning Worksheet


Retail Replenishment Lifecycle Planning Worksheet


Create Purchase Orders per Vendor and

Retail Replenishment
Hospitality Food and Beverages New Functionality: Reservation Desk

Improved Management on Charging to

Hospitality LS Activity

Hospitality LS Staff Management Enhancements to Staff Management

General POS Commands New POS Commands

Configuration Packages for LS Central

Demo Data Company

New & Enhanced Features Retail Member Member Management Setup

Enhancements to Store Capacity
Retail Replenishment

Enhancements to Store Capacity

Retail Replenishment
Replenishment Pages Layout
Retail Replenishment

Retail Web Services Web Service 2.0

Hospitality LS KDS Kitchen Display System

New Kitchen Display Station Type:

Hospitality LS KDS
Upcoming Orders
Hospitality LS Activity Group Bookings for Activity

Hospitality LS Activity Enhancements

Hospitality LS Staff Management Staff Management in LS Activity

Hospitality LS Staff Management Improved Visibility of Breaks

General POS Commands New POS Command

Lookup Filter Issue Fixed (MaxRecFilter not
Fixed Issues Retail

Partial Pick, Ship and Collect Customer

New & Enhanced Features Retail Customer Order
Retail Customer Order Customer Order POS Panels

Retail Customer Order Customer Order Audit Trail

Retail Customer Order Customer Order Messaging

New Field, Blocked on eCommerce, on

Retail Customer Order
Item Status and Item Links Tables

Tables 99001705 - DDSchLog and

Retail Customer Order
99001706 - DDScheduler Reintroduced

Request Approval and Send Options Added

Retail Customer Order
to Retail Purchase Order

Retail Customer Order LS Retail Demo Profile

Retail LS Central POS Native Keyboards

New Integration Event for POS Session
Retail LS Central POS

POS Dynamic Menus in LS Import Export

Retail LS Central POS

Retail LS Central POS User Interface Improvements

Retail LS Central AppShell AppShell for Android

Retail LS Central AppShell AppShell for Windows

Retail LS Retail Apps Mobile POS

Effective Inventory Calculation on Location

Retail Replenishment

Replenishment Parameters Breakdown by

Retail Replenishment
Variant Weight
Retail Web Services Web Service 2.0

Button Panel and Buttons on Kitchen

Hospitality LS KDS
Display Stations

Hospitality LS Activity LS Activity Enhancements

Hospitality LS Activity Activity Packages

Hospitality LS Activity Itemize Items Charged to Reservation

Hospitality LS Activity Promo Code for Activity Group Lines

View Activity Resources on Activity Card

Hospitality LS Activity
and POS

Enhanced Visibility on Employee

Hospitality LS Staff Management
Availability Lookup

Hospitality LS Staff Management Quick Assignments in Rosters

Hospitality LS Hotels Hotel Initialization

Hospitality LS Hotels Search Floorplan and Housekeeping

Hospitality LS Hotels Enhanced Information on POS

Hospitality LS Hotels Add Reservation to a Group

Upsell Comments Added to Reservation

Hospitality LS Hotels
General POS Commands New POS Commands

Item Import from the Retail Vendor Card

Fixed Issues Retail
Wrong Location in Customer Order
Retail Reservation
Export POS Dynamics Menus
Copy Functionality Profile
Item Import

Error When Using Special Group Code

Retail Longer Than 10 Characters
Store Group Code Field in Return Policy
Retail Table
Voiding Transaction With Multiple Gift
Retail Card Payment Entries
Mapping of Discount from Perm. Group in
Retail GetStaff Web Service
Retail Retail Receiving - Over Receiving
Error: Sales Header Does not Exist
Changing Customer in Refund Transaction
POS Transaction Table - Staff Receipt Name
Retail Field Too Short
Retail Sales Slip = Email OR Print and Email
Barcode Mask Setup Cannot Be Deleted
Error Testing Offers With Variant Items
Selecting Blocked Customer on the POS
Use "AutoIncrement for Entry No." in Table
Retail Scheduler Log
Workaround for Issues in HTML Preview

POSMenuLine "POS Action Type"
Retail LS Central POS

Retail Replenishment Adding Fields to Item Import Layout

Retail Replenishment No. Series in Replenishment

Retail Replenishment Updating Quantity in Store Inventory


New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Business Central Objects Renamed

Retail LS Central POS DotNet POSEvent Alias Removed

Retail LS Hardware Station Web API Endpoint Added

Retail Replenishment Improved Replenishment Calculation

Retail Replenishment New Integration Event for Replenishment

Ext. Codeunit

New Retail Transfer Order Lists for

Retail Replenishment
Outbound and Inbound

LS Central for
Hospitality Reservation Desk - Waitlists
LS Central for
Hospitality restaurants Enhanced Hospitality Types

Hospitality LS Activity Activity Resource Status View

Reservation Comments With

Hospitality LS Activity
Enhancements to the Task Framework

Hospitality LS Activity Enhanced Actions on Activity Matrix

Hospitality LS Activity Links and Notes System Tab in FactBoxes

Hospitality LS Activity New Field: Default No. of Persons

New Setups on the Activity Setup Card
Hospitality LS Activity
under Groups

Hospitality LS Central for hotels New Tape Chart (Calendar View)

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Hotel Contracts

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Configuration Packages

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Import Reservations into LS Hotels

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Rate Change on Reservation

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Refund of Deposit in BackOffice

Hotel Stores Setup to Allow Charges to

Hospitality LS Central for hotels

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Change Property for Hotel User in Role

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Hotel Invoice Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Group Reservation Enhancements

General POS Commands New POS Commands

Tracking Information in Store Inventory

Fixed Issues Retail

Retail Replication Error Fixed

Retail LS Hardware Station MSR Functionality

Retail LS Hardware Station DeviceName Error Fixed

New Option to Send Transactions from the
New & Enhanced Features Retail General
POS Using Web Replication
Retail General Web Replication Clean Up

Retail BackOffice Basket Calculation for Customers

Retail BackOffice Fields Removed or Renamed

New eCommerce Return Policy Web

Retail BackOffice

Retail LS Central POS Enhancements in POS Hardware Profile

PreAuth Functions and Payment Token
Retail LS Central POS
Support Implemented in EFT
Removal of POS DLLs: LSContextModel and
Retail LS Central POS
Retail LS Central POS Simplified Modal Functions
LS Forecast Calculation with Variant
Retail LS Forecast
Retail LS Hardware Station Nlog Replaces LS Log

Retail LS Hardware Station Printing Enhancements

Retail LS Hardware Station Scale Device Added to LS Hardware Station

Hospitality LS Activity Set Currency Code for Activity Module

Apply Standard BC Customer Discounts to

Hospitality LS Activity
Hospitality LS Activity Group Enhancements

Hospitality LS Activity Matrix Enhancements

Hospitality LS Activity New Activity Events

Hospitality LS Activity Product Search

Hospitality LS Activity Reservation Enhancements

Hospitality LS Activity Resource Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Customer Discounts

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Hotel Group Reservations (also with

Activity Groups)

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Hotel Price Management Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Rate Code Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Reservation Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Restrictions, New Field

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Role Center

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Tape Chart (Calendar View) Enhancements

Enhancements to the Reservation Desk

Hospitality LS Central for and Allocation

Hospitality LS Central for Change Sales Type by Selection


LS Central for Web Templates for Reservation

restaurants Preferences
General POS Commands New POS Commands

General Demo Data Demo Data Changes

Other LS Central AppShell

Other Online Help New Look

Fixed Issues Retail LS Hardware Station Connection Test

Retail LS Hardware Station Cancel Button Not Displayed

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Enhancements to the Web Service Setup
New Functionality: Direct Printing of
Retail BackOffice

Retail BackOffice New eCommerce Request to Get Customer

New Extension Fields on Mobile Device
Retail BackOffice

New Field to Run a Page in the Mobile

Retail BackOffice
Inventory App

Retail BackOffice Export and Import Retail Images

Hospitality LS Central for Line Discounts for Deals

LS Central for Show On Hold Status and Start Time on
restaurants Printed KOTs

Hospitality LS KDS KDS KPI

Hospitality LS KDS Chit Time on Station

Hospitality LS Staff Management Staff Management Enhancements

Hospitality LS Activity Pricing of Additional Items in Activity

Hospitality LS Activity Membership Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Hotel Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Tape Chart Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Hotels With Activity Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Hotel Group Reservations

Other Help

Cross Docking Actions in Retail Purchase

Fixed Issues Retail Replenishment

New & Enhanced Features Retail New Action: Test Publishers

Retail LS Forecast LS Forecast Monthly Calculation

Retail LS Hardware Station PDF Printing on Windows Printers

Considering Replen. Sales History

Retail Replenishment
Adjustment in Retail Sales Budget

LS Central for
Hospitality LS Food and Beverage Enhancements
LS Central for
Hospitality restaurants Allocation Panel Enhancements

LS Central for
Hospitality restaurants Reservation Desk Enhancements

Hospitality LS KDS New Operation in KDS: Group

Hospitality LS Activity LS Activity Enhancements

Hospitality LS Activity Matrix Enhancement

Hospitality LS Staff Management LS Staff Management Enhancements

Hospitality LS Central for hotels LS Hotels Enhancements

General POS Commands New POS Commands

General Demo Data Demo Data Changes

General Help

Transaction Type "No Stock Posting"

Fixed Issues Retail BackOffice
Retail BackOffice LS Hardware Station Print Time

Retail Replenishment Date Formula in Replenishment Calculation

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Column Width in POS Data Tables

Retail BackOffice Fashion: Manually Load Variant


Retail BackOffice POS Display Renamed to POS Line Display

Printing Shelf and Item Labels Through LS

Retail BackOffice
Hardware Station
Retail BackOffice Retail Image Link in LS Central Tables
Retail BackOffice

Retail LS Hardware Station Authentication Device

Retail LS Hardware Station Improved Device Dialog Messages

Retail LS Hardware Station Increased Load Time for Virtual Devices

Retail LS Hardware Station Update With LS Pay

Retail LS Retail Apps LS Central AppShell

New Integration Events for Replen.

Retail Replenishment
Calculation Codeunit

Hospitality LS KDS KDS - Recall from list

LS Activity Enhancements in LS Activity

LS Central for hotels LS Hotels Enhancements

Hotel Reservation Templates

Cash & Safe: Automatically Delete
Retail BackOffice
Fixed Issues Suspended Transaction
Incorrect Discount When Applying a
Retail BackOffice

Retail LS Web POS Error in Long Item Descriptions

Usage of Purchase Order Multiple for Item

Retail Replenishment
Store Records Assigned with Warehouse

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Journal

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice "Take Picture" Feature Added to Retail
Image Page
Customer Order: Notification Setup for
Retail BackOffice
Collect and Ship

Retail BackOffice Fashion: Item Variant Lookup/Dropdown

Retail BackOffice New GS1 Barcodes Added

Statement Calculation and Posting

Retail BackOffice Improvement

Retail BackOffice
Retail BackOffice

Retail BackOffice Unlock Order Lines

Retail LS Hardware Station Logo Type "Download" Now Available

Retail LS Hardware Station LS Pay in LS Hardware Station Updated to

v. 2.21.1

Retail LS Web POS Dual Display

Retail LS Web POS POS Key Functionality Implemented

LS Central for New Events in Hospitality POS Startup and

restaurants Send to KDS
LS Central for
Hospitality restaurants Set Hierarchy Dates for Stores

LS Central for Setup Added to Control Allocation by

restaurants Capacity

Hospitality LS KDS New Item Comment Style in KDS

Hospitality LS Activity Actions on Reservations

Hospitality LS Activity Activity Types and Additional Charges

Hospitality LS Activity Email Option Added to Tasks

Hospitality LS Activity New Page

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Activity Charges Automatically Linked

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Managing Group Members

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Non-posted Invoices Shown on POS

Reservation Tile Shows Non-posted Invoice
Hospitality LS Central for hotels

Hospitality LS Central for hotels Tape Chart Enhancement

General POS Commands New POS Commands

Other Demo Data Scheduler Job Name Changes

Other Help

Fixed Issues Retail BackOffice Fixed Quantity Field Updated

Retail LS Forecast LS Forecast Confidence Interval

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice White-listed Auto-tests Removed

Retail BackOffice POS Debug Log Added

Retail BackOffice Update Item.Picture Value

Retail LS Hardware Station MSR Virtual Device Added to Virtual


Cancel/Close Button Added to Device

Retail LS Central POS
Dialog Window for Scanner

Hospitality LS Central for New Web Services for Hospitality


LS Central for Performance Improvement: Temporary

restaurants Tables

Improved Unavailability Setting on

Hospitality LS Activity
Hospitality LS Activity New Actions on Activity Group Lines List

New Option to Show Price Comment on

Hospitality LS Activity

Hospitality LS Activity New Setting on Activity Reservation Type

Open Deposit Balance Shown in Activity

Hospitality LS Activity
Manager Role Center

Hospitality LS Hotels New Upsell and Upgrade Page

Hospitality LS Hotels Undo Check-in

Hospitality LS Hotels Support for Late Check-ins (After Midnight)

Hospitality LS Hotels Set Deposits for Specific Invoice Types

Hospitality LS Hotels Print Option for Charges Overview

Early Checkout Penalty Options Aligned

Hospitality LS Hotels
With Cancellation and No-Show Penalties

Hospitality LS Hotels Default Routing Rule and Rate Code for


New Cues, Deposit Balance and Open

Hospitality LS Hotels
Deposits, in BO Role Center

Hospitality LS Hotels Qty and No of Persons Shown in the

Reservation Activity List in POS

Command PRINT_LAST_C With More

Fixed Issues Retail BackOffice
Transaction Type Fil-ters

Retail BackOffice LS DE/AT: Missing Transaction Signatures

Retail LS Hardware Station Ignored Drawer Status Property

Item Division Filter in Replen. Template

Retail Replenishment

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Scanning Returned Items on the POS
Retail BackOffice Web Services Added to Publisher Function

PDF Printing Through LS Hardware Station

Retail LS Hardware Station
from LS Central

New Test Buttons in the Management

Retail LS Hardware Station

Retail LS Hardware Station Virtual Key Lock Reintroduced to the

Virtual Station

Retail LS Hardware Station PDF Stream Saved to File Before Printing

Scrolling EFT Event Option Added in

Retail LS Hardware Station Toolbox and Classic Toolbox

Retail LS Central POS "Is Fiscal" Flag Removed

Hospitality LS Activity Additional Minutes Indication in Matrix

Changing Time on Activity Group

Hospitality LS Activity
Reservation Lines
Charge2Res Charged to Income/Expense
Hospitality LS Activity

Hospitality LS Activity Deals Included in Activity Package

Hospitality LS Activity Managing External Bookings in LS Activity

Hospitality LS Activity New Setting on Activity Locations

Hospitality LS Activity Product Restriction Enhancements

Hospitality LS Activity Unavailability Setup for a Resource

Default Routing Rule and Rate Code per

Hospitality LS Hotels
Property for Customer

Hospitality LS Hotels Setting Deposits for Specific Invoice Types

LS Central AppShell for Windows not

LS Retail Apps LS Central AppShell
Working With LS Central 18.0

LS Retail Apps LS ScanPayGo Release, Phase 1

General POS Commands New POS Commands

Other Online Help LS Central Help

Duplicate Field Captions in Retail Budget

Retail Replenishment
Fixed Issues Tables
Filter Fields Made Visible in the Replen.
Retail Replenishment
Template Page

Item Unit of Measure in Transfer and Sales

Retail Replenishment
Orders Created with Cross Docking

Option Added to Use Manual Session

New & Enhanced Features General
Control in EFT

On Premises vs. SaaS Target in POS Print

Retail BackOffice Customer Order Enhancements

Retail BackOffice Data Director Cleanup

Importing Retail Images from .zip file

Retail BackOffice
Through PowerShell Script

Retail BackOffice Missing Function Added to Omniwrapper

Retail BackOffice Web Service Cleanup

Retail LS Hardware Station New Function: Peripheral Check

Retail LS Hardware Station Add Support for Verification Changes in LS

LS Hardware Station .Net Framework set to
Retail LS Hardware Station
Retail LS Hardware Station Logging Functionality

Retail LS Hardware Station Management Portal: Buttons to Test PDF

Printing on a Windows Printer

Retail LS Hardware Station "Save to File" Option Added When Printing

PDF Files

LS Hardware Station Client Changed

Retail LS Central POS
from .Net SignalR to AL HTTP Client
Option Added to Select HTTP / HTTPS per
Retail LS Central POS

Retail LS Central POS Print PDF Added to Device Dialog Addin

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Profile

Hospitality Coursing

New Events on Pay and Cancel in the Split

Bill Panel

New Page to Show POS Transaction and


Add to Shift Improved - in Staff

LS Activity
Management and Activities
Enhancements on the Activity Resource
LS Activity
Status Page

LS Activity Deposits in Membership Web API

LS Activity Improved Role Center Search

LS Activity Multiple Days in Availability View Setup

LS Activity New Functionality: Customer Allotments

LS Activity New Parameter in the Activity Booking API

New Pricing Options of Components in
LS Activity
Activity Package Offers

General POS Commands New POS Commands

Other Online Help LS Central Help

Customer Order Refund and Cancellation

Fixed Issues General
Issue in BackOffice
Data Director: Monitor Collection Function

Retail Sales Order with Variants or

Replenishment Replen. Stock Demand Worksheet Filters

Publisher Function in Multi-tenant

New & Enhanced Features General

Retail BackOffice Data Caption Fields Made Consistent

New Web Service for Barcodes With

Retail BackOffice
Option Field Changed in Customer Order
Retail BackOffice

Retail BackOffice OrderStatusCheck Web Service Adjusted

Retail LS Hardware Station Hardware Station Printing App

Retail LS Hardware Station Error Message in Sync Button

Retail LS Hardware Station Feature Support from LS Pay Plugins

Retail LS Hardware Station Test Button Added

Minimum Sales History Length in LS

Retail LS Forecast

Hospitality New Action Added to Activity Types

Other LS Central Help

Other Help Mobile POS

Manager Login (MGRKEY) in End-of-Day
Fixed Issues General

Retail BackOffice Retail Transfer To Be Picked/Received Issue

Retail BackOffice Fashion: Variant Framework

Retail LS Hardware Station Printer Names in Hardware Station

Kitchen Service: POS Tags Not Updated

Hospitality KDS

Batch Posting for Retail Receiving and

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Picking, Warehouse Receiving and

Improvements in Local Requests for Web

Retail LS Central POS
Retail LS Hardware Station New Implementation Help Topics

Updated Implementation Document in

Retail LS Hardware Station
Hardware Station Installer

New Integration Event for Replenishment

Retail Replenishment
Item Quantity Calculation

Retail Replenishment Filter Length Increase in Replen. Template

Public Procedures in Replenishment

Retail Replenishment

Retail POS Commands New POS Commands

Open Activities List from the Dining Area

Hospitality General

Scheduler - Compress & ISO Mode Do not

Fixed Issues Retail General
Honor Default Setting
Improved Configuration for Web Service
Retail BackOffice
Setup in SaaS

Changed Retail Status of Transfer Orders

Retail Replenishment
Created with Allocation Plan

Warehouse Buffer Location in Allocation

Retail Replenishment

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Customer Order Payment Auto-tests

Retail BackOffice Get Real-time Inventory for Items Based on

Availability in Sourcing Location

Retail BackOffice New Field in Inventory Lookup Table

Retail BackOffice New ScanPayGo (SPG) Setup Page

Retail BackOffice Security Check Web Service

Web Server Set Per Request in

Retail BackOffice
Functionality Profile
Retail LS Central POS Drawer Alert Type "Block"

Retail LS Central POS PED Printer as POS Receipt Printer

Retail LS Hardware Station Updated With LS Pay - Version 2.26.5

Retail LS Hardware Station Connection Test Button Added

Retail LS Hardware Station Header Texts in Dialog Windows

Option to Check Printer Queue Before or

Retail LS Hardware Station
After Windows Printing

Retail Replenishment Effective Inventory in Store Capacity

Retail Replenishment Multi-Company Replenishment


Multi-Company Replenishment
Retail Replenishment
POS Command Updated to Void Multiple
Hospitality General

Fixed Issues Retail General Request Xmlport Parser Fix

Retail General Table Data Filter Fix

Barcode Mask Setup, Type: Coupon No.

Retail BackOffice

Retail Fashion Issue with Blank Variant Dimension Code

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Transfer Rules

Retail Purchase Order Dependency on

Retail Replenishment
Replenishment Setup

New & Enhanced Features Retail General Fields Added to the POS Interface Profile

OnPrem Scope Removed in Codeunit

Retail General
10014600 LSC Franc. - Process Inb. Ms
New integration event for Table
Retail General

eCommerce Cross Border VAT Calculation

Retail BackOffice
for Sales Orders

Retail BackOffice Suppress Search Indexing Building

Sourcing Location Added to eCommerce
Retail BackOffice

Improvements in Statement Auto

Retail BackOffice
Calculation for Midnight Setup

Improved Excel Import and Export

Retail Replenishment
Functionality for Retail Budgets

Retail Replenishment Retail Sales Budgets

Retail Replenishment Retail Purchase Budgets

Changes in Activity Reservation for Dining

Hospitality General
Reservation on Validation

Other Help LS Central Help

Web Replication Run By Scheduler Instead
Fixed Issues Retail General
of Background Session

Retail General No Rollback If Posting a Sales Order Fails

Retail LS Central POS POS Close Contains Tenant in the URL

Purchase Replen. Journal and Transfer
Retail Replenishment
Replen. Journal
Allocation of large groups to tables caused
Allocation panel error

Hospitality Automatic allocation status change to Late

and No-Show created table locking

Incorrect parent line numbers in delivery

Hospitality order recall

Information fields in Activity Reservation


New & Enhanced Features Retail General Improvements on the POS EFT Card

Retail General LoadFields in POS DataSet Utility

Creating and Posting Customer Orders

Retail BackOffice With Decimals in Quantity
Option Added to Select Line on Customer
Retail BackOffice
Order Cancellation Web Service

Retail LS Hardware Station Print QR Code as Bitmap

Retail Replenishment LS Central Demo Role Center -

Replenishment Menu

Hospitality LS Activity LS Activity Enhancements

Hospitality LS Activity Validating Guest Membership on POS

Hospitality LS Hotels Hotel Enhancements

LS Central AppShell for Windows version
Retail LS Retail Apps

Retail POS Commands

Other Help

EFT Slips Embedded With Void Transaction

Fixed Issues Retail General
Retail General Error in Debug Log Fixed

Retail General Fields With Obsolete State "Pending" Are

not Replicated

Retail General MaxLines Parameter Added to Web Service

Package not Created for Scheduler Job

Retail General
Using "Transfer Field List Exists"

Retail General Public Access to CalcPrices() Procedure

Tag Function in LS Central Upgrade

Retail General Codeunit

Retail General Update 18.4 to 19.1 not Working

Fashion: Variant Dimension Extension
Retail BackOffice

Retail LS Central POS Customer Discounts not Working on POS

Retail LS Central POS Error in Line Discount When Doing Refund

Inventory Calculation in Replenishment

Retail Replenishment

Retail Replenishment Item Store Records Creation with Variant

Framework Code Over 10 Characters

Purchase Replenishment Journal

Retail Replenishment Calculation with Warehouse Location

AutoTest and EFT: CreateTenderTypeCard

New & Enhanced Features Retail General
Added and Other Changes

Download Replication Request and Packet

Retail General
Retail General Request for Event Publishers

Customer Order: Shipping Agent and

Retail BackOffice
Package Tracking Code
Retail BackOffice Data Entry Type: Print Remaining Balance

Retail BackOffice Events Added Since the 19.0 Code Freeze

Retail BackOffice Refactored SPG Profiles

Retail BackOffice Send Receipt by Email for POS Transactions

Retail BackOffice Support Data Translation for Item HTML

Web Service to Send Email With Password

Retail BackOffice
Code for Password Reset

Retail LS Central POS Long-running Task Indicator in POS

Locking System for EFT in Hardware Station

Retail LS Hardware Station
for Manual Session Control

Scale Certification Dialog and Command

Retail LS Hardware Station Changes

Retail Replenishment Effective Inventory in Stock Coverage

Store Capacity Effective Inventory Settings
Retail Replenishment
Moved to a New FastTab

Retail Budgets: Discontinue Import of

Retail Replenishment
Obsoleted Value Types

Retail POS Commands

Hospitality General Run SelectRes Command When Seating an

Activity Reservation at a Table

Hospitality General Onbefore/After RunCommand

Table Management: Button for Sending
Hospitality General
Courses and Non-coursing Items to Kitchen

Hospitality LS Activity Activity Matrix Enhancements

Hospitality LS Activity Flexible Booking Time for Activity User

Confirming Activities in a Reservation

Hospitality LS Hotels
When Dates Are Changed

Hospitality LS Hotels Group Total in Hotel Group Reservation

Card FactBox

Hospitality LS Hotels Hotel Res. List: Cancelled Reservations not


Hotel Reservation Page: IATA

Hospitality LS Hotels
No./Commisssion Field

Improved Sync Between Guest List and

Hospitality LS Hotels
Reservation Children Records
Prompt for Applying Cancellation Policy
Hospitality LS Hotels
(Cancel, No Show, Early Checkout)

Hospitality LS Hotels Role Budget Adjustment for Hotels

Hospitality LS Hotels Room Allocation List: Room Filters Added

Hospitality LS Hotels Room Rate Change Page: Option to Apply

to All Room Types

Show Room Number on POS and New

Hospitality LS Hotels Prompt Parameter for POS Command

Hospitality LS Hotels Tape Chart: Balance Indication

Hospitality LS KDS Kitchen Service Utility: New Option

Hospitality Staff Management Rostering Enhancements

Hospitality Staff Management Staff Management Break Setup

Improved Integration With Standard

Hospitality Staff Management
Employee Card

Variant Lookup Shown for Item With no

Fixed Issues Retail General
Variant Framework Setup

Retail General Cannot Add Customer to a Sale on POS

Retail General Item Distribution Is not Working

Retail BackOffice LSCUpgrade.UpgradeRetailImage Fails

Table 27 Update Preactions Created When

Retail BackOffice
Statement Is Posted
Fashion: Variant Creation With Item Import
Retail BackOffice Journal

Configurations for Scale Text not Used

Retail LS Central POS
When "Qty and Price in Descr" Is True

Retail Replenishment Replenishment Calculation Type Filter Issue

for Like-for-Like Items

Mix & Match: New Discount Setup

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice

Retail BackOffice New Web Service

Retail BackOffice Redesigned Role Centers

Retail LS Central POS Double-sided Printing Implemented

Attributes in a New POS Panel and Linking
Special Requests to Attributes

Hospitality FAB New FAB Takeout Panel on POS

Hospitality LS Activity Edit Resource Availability and Schedule

Confirm Activities in a Reservation When

Hospitality LS Hotels
Adding a Guest

Detailed Revenue Entry Table: Improved

Hospitality LS Hotels
Hotel Invoice Management With Open
Hospitality LS Hotels
Sales Invoice or Open POS Transaction

Hospitality LS Hotels New Tile Showing Hotel Reservations With

Draft Activities

Hospitality LS Hotels Rate Attribute Unit Prices

The following POS commands are new in
General POS Commands
LS Central 19.3:

Other Demo Data

Other Help

Fixed Issues Retail General Check Function Added in Customer Orders

Retail General Upgrade Error from Version 18.4 to 19.x

Use Full Remaining Balance, POS Data

Retail General
Entry Type
Fashion: Rename of Variants for Items with
Retail BackOffice
Variant Framework
Requesting Access to LS Central Internal
Retail BackOffice
Code for SaaS

Retail LS Central POS Functionality Profile: Logoff Function

Transfer Order Creation in Purchase

Retail Replenishment
Replenishment Journal with Cross Docking

Retail Replenishment Vendor Performance Line Update

New & Enhanced Features Retail BackOffice Customer Information Updated via POS

Retail BackOffice Customer Order Sourced from Vendor

Fashion: Obsolete Procedures in Codeunit

Retail BackOffice
LSC Item Variants Functions

LS Central Code Refactored to Use New BC

Retail BackOffice
Email Functions Instead of SMTP Codeunit

Retail LS Central POS Mgr: Yes/No Tag in POS Status Bar

Delivery and Takeout Constants Moved
Hospitality from Hospitality
Setup to Store Level

Hospitality LS Activity API: Ticket Admission Control

Cancellation Policy on Member/Client and

Hospitality LS Activity
Customer Level

Hospitality LS Activity Matrix Resource Image and Tooltip

Hospitality LS Activity New Copy Feature in Activities

Hospitality LS Activity POS Command CHECKACCESS Updated

Hospitality LS Activity Special Characters in Hover Text in Matrix

Hospitality LS Hotels Group Support in Hotels Web Service

New Method to Add Items to Reservation

Hospitality LS Hotels

Hospitality LS KDS Rush Recalled Orders

Distribution Location Web Override
Fixed Issues Retail BackOffice
Retail BackOffice Mix & Match Calculation

Retail LS Central POS Changing Price and Qty for a Scale Item

Vendor No. Selection in Replenishment

Retail Replenishment

New & Enhanced Features Retail Actionable Insights Transform Data into Insights and Actions

Retail Actionable Insights Actionable Insights Base Pack

Retail Actionable Insights KPI Calculation Workflow

Action Hub: Manage Information in One

Retail Actionable Insights
Central Place

Add Shipment Number to Shipment

Retail BackOffice
Webhook Requests
Archiving Functionality for LSC POS Card
Retail BackOffice
Print Text Table 990089543
.Net XML and Network Credentials
Retail BackOffice
Assemblies Removed
New Key Added to Member Sales Entry
Retail BackOffice

Retail BackOffice Option Added in the Pre-action Table

Retail BackOffice SPG: Log Security Check Response

Retail BackOffice SPG: Order Check

Retail BackOffice Web Service Authentication Methods

Improved LS Recommend, a Cloud-Based

Retail LS Recommend
Recommendation Engine

Hospitality Self-Service Kiosk version 1

Hospitality Adding a Single Item to Cart

Hospitality QR Codes for Dining Tables

Hospitality LS Activity BEO Management

Hospitality LS Activity Activity Group Card Simplified

Booking Activities Prevented Outside

Hospitality LS Activity
Staying Period

Hospitality LS Activity Default TODAY in Activity Group

Reservation Line

Manual Price Change on Activity Line on

Hospitality LS Activity

Invoice Management: Deposit Line

Hospitality LS Hotels
New "Reserve Room" Functionality in LS
Hotels Web API

Exchange Shifts Between Different

Hospitality LS Staff Management

POS Commands

Other Help
Fixed Issues Retail BackOffice Customer Order Fixes
Retail BackOffice Incorrect Payment
Retail BackOffice Input Window Locks

Modifications After Pressing Total or

Retail BackOffice
Cancel Order

Retail BackOffice Permission Sales Shipment Header

Error When Upgrading from Version 19 to

Retail BackOffice
Retail BackOffice Insert not Counted Action Improved
Retail BackOffice Printing of Posted Safe Transfer
Scheduler Time Slot Does not Work as
Retail BackOffice
Unable to Identify Store ID When Using
Retail BackOffice
Sourcing Location

Replenishment Data Profile Assigned to

Retail Replenishment
Item Category

Hospitality Hospitality Cash & Safe Management

Hospitality LS Activity Email Script Error

Actionable Insights to Use New BC Email

New & Enhanced Features Actionable Insights Functions Instead of
SMTP Codeunit

BackOffice Data Type Changed from Option to Enum

BackOffice Local-File Based Operations Removed

Multiple Authentication Types Supported

in Web Service Setup Pages

New Codeunit LSC POS Control Interface


BackOffice New Web Request

BackOffice Option to Log Webhook Activity

Override VAT Difference Calculation in
BackOffice Request Approval Action Menu

LS Central POS Error Banner in Style Profile Card Preview

LS Forecast Item Suggestion

Refactored Device Manager Code in Device

LS Hardware Station

General Enhancements to Manual

Replenishment Replenishment
Improved user interface on subpages

Availability information on Replenishment


Replenishment Enter variant quantities with the Matrix


Replenishment Locked Lines information on subpages

Improvements for Group, Destination,
Dimension and Location Lines pages

Replenishment Allocation Plan Documents page

Enhancements to Planned Cross Docking

Support for partial Receipts

Replenishment Enhancements to Buyer's Push

Recalculate line

Enhancements to Stock Recall

Maximum Quantity to Recall

Replenishment Recalculate line

Enhancements to Allocation Plan -

Replenishment Distribute
Recalculate line
Enhancements to Allocation Plan - Defined
Show total of distributed quantity

Replenishment Simpler editing in Location Lines page

Parallel Replenishment Calculation Using

Background Sessions

Public Access to Procedures in Codeunit

Replenishment 10012200 LSC
Replen. - Calc. Qtys
Other LS Central Help

Fixed Issues BackOffice Auto Adjust on BOM Items

Canceling a Customer Order Line

Errors When Adding Customer on POS

After Marking Customer Order
Input Window Gets Locked on Customer

Overflow Error When Changing Price on

POS Trans Line with Trans Infocode Entry

Reform Attached To Line No. to Customer

Order Line No.

Scheduler Time Slot Not Working Correctly

Store Inv Reports Show Zero Qty

Store Inventory Worksheet Refresh Issue

System Generates Initial Receipt Number

Table Added to Pre-action Process

Web Request GetTableData, Empty String
Filter in Primary Key

Barcode Update Issue in Item Variant


Food and Beverages Hospitality Cash & Safe Management

Warning Message When Sending Roster

LS Staff Management Email

Replenishment Data Profile Update Issue in

Item Store Record

New & Enhanced Features BackOffice Creating New Retail Items

BackOffice Exchange Inconsistencies

External Document ID not Showing in
Customer Order/Sales Order and POS

GS1 Barcode Functionality: Events and

Object Changes

BackOffice Importing Items with PowerShell

Option Added to Manually Select Web

BackOffice Services and Server per Functionality

BackOffice Prompt User When Posting a Statement

Fashion Variant Framework Improvements

New Service Type:  Quick Service with

Food and Beverages
Dining Area

Self-Service Kiosk: Language Support

Food and Beverages
Added to Self-Service
Food and Beverages Restructured Dynamic Content

LS Hotels Filter for Daily Room Rate Config

Group Reservation Card from the Group

LS Hotels
Reservation Web Template

LS Hotels Hotel Front Desk Role Center Refurbished

LS Hotels Housekeeping Entry Status Improvements

LS Hotels Housekeeping API for PowerApps

Invoice Overview Enhancements
LS Hotels

LS Hotels The Undo Check-in Action

Replenishment New Integration Events for Replenishment

Fixed Issues BackOffice Events Added Since 20.0 Code Freeze

BackOffice Item Inventory in Negative on POS Lookup

Replication Counter Interval When
Connecting to Remote Database

Replication of Table 7002 from SaaS to


Scheduler Time Slot Does not Work as

BackOffice Statement – Inc./Exp. Entries Report
Tagging a Customer Account in Customer

BackOffice Vendor Sourcing When Location Is not the

Same as Store

BackOffice Web Service Aggregate Is Read-only

Web Service URI on the Distribution
Location Card Fixed
Deadlocks Appearing in KDS Logs When
Food and Beverages Many Kitchen Services Access the Same
KDS Web Service

Food and Beverages Deadlocks in Hierarchy

Food and Beverages Error on Split Bill in Restaurant

Food and Beverages Self-Service not Sending the Default UoM

to the KDS

Quantity Calculation Issue for Variants in

Transfer Replenishment Journal

New Field Added to Member Contact Web

New & Enhanced Features BackOffice
LS Activity Deposit Schedules and Invoicing Deposit

Fixed Issues BackOffice Parameters Added to Existing Events

BackOffice POS Inventory Lookup not Working

BackOffice Serial Number Issue Fixed

BackOffice VAT Rounding Issue

Web Services Return Error When Receiving

Text Attribute Error
LS KDS KOT Line Routing Table Deadlocked
Adding Charges in BO to a Reservation
LS Activity While It Has Status POSDRAFT Can Cause
Difference in Accounting

LS Activity Group API Enhancements

LS Central POS POS not Detecting Some iOS Devices

Replenishment Replenishment Journal Quantity

Redistribution Issue

Access to Codeunit "LSC POS Ctrl Interface

New & Enhanced Features BackOffice
eCommerce Selection Field Added to Item
Unit of Measure
Extend System Logic to Print Item
Number / Size on Sales Receipt
Image Link Updated When Importing Items
With PowerShell
More Retention Policy Options in LS
BackOffice New Tab in Hourly Store Sales Page
Quantity Rounding in Calculate Basket Web
Shelf Label Request - Store Inventory
Solutions to Prevent Locking and Deadlocks
on Transaction Tables
Turning Off Transaction Printing for Void

BackOffice .NET Variables Removed

Email Template for Group Confirm in Demo

LS Activity
Improved Matrix Speed

New Actions: Confirm and Draft

New BEO Report Field

LS eCommerce LS eCommerce - Shopify

Enhancements in Hotel Invoice

LS Hotels Management Page and POS Web

LS Hotels Extra Bed or Crib Automatically Added

LS Hotels Rate on Paymaster

Multi-Company Replenishment to Support
Multiple Databases

All Inventory Cost Posting Fails With ExeID

Fixed Issues Buffer Index Out of Range

BackOffice ASN Changed to Advanced Shipping Notice

BackOffice Authentication of Several V2 Web Services

Authentication of Web Services

BackOffice Commit When Posting ASN

BackOffice Default Location on Documents

BackOffice Email Receipts

Error Message When Trying to Post

BackOffice Franchise: New Fields Added

New and Updated Actions and Fields on
Document and Journal Pages

POS Card Entries Registered from SPG

Customer Orders
Rounding Issue When Scanning Member
BackOffice Separate UOM lines in TO
BackOffice Where-used Issue on the Store Card

LS Activity ActivityDateHandlingWhenStatusUpdate

LS Activity All Fields Are not Refreshed When a

Product on an Activity Line Is Changed

Payment Statuses Not in Sync Between

LS Activity
Hotel and Activity
Voiding a Transaction Causes All Activites
LS Activity
to Be Removed

Variants Creation Issue in Item Import


Food and Beverages Codeunit Causes Error on Missing License

KDS Service Runs with Display Station not

Found Error

Replenishment Store No. Filter in Retail Sales Budget

New & Enhanced Features Other Online Help LS Central Help

Add Item Automatically to Inventory

New & Enhanced Features BackOffice
BackOffice GS1 Barcode in CO Picking

Member Point Expiry Date Added to POS


Object Size Reduced - Global Labels to


BackOffice Over-Receipt Code in Retail Receiving

BackOffice Reverse VAT on Gift Card Redemption

BackOffice Token Setup Page Enhancements

Variables Changed from Local to Global to
Increase Performance

BackOffice Web Services: Enhancements

BackOffice Web Services: New Services

Show Variant Code in Item Ledger Entries


Food and Beverages Dynamic Content Loaded to Global Temp


Self-Service Kiosk Works With Missing Web

Food and Beverages
Template Texts
Self-Service Delay After Selecting a Sales
Food and Beverages
Food and Beverages Video Improvements

Activity Availability Calculation per

LS Activity

LS Activity Improvements on Group Header

Information Line for Reserved Resources"

LS Activity Added to Info Bar on Activity Group
Reservation Headers

Member Created Automatically in Activity

LS Activity
Group Reservations
LS Activity New Activity Group APIs

LS Activity Overbooking Extended

Quotes and Invoices According to Event

LS Activity Categories When Reservation Type Uses

Reservation Number as Parameter in

LS Activity
LS Activity SELECTRES and Checking Allowance

LS Activity Support for Activity Pre-sale in Web API

LS Central Archiving Promotions

LS Central Customer Order With Non-inventory Items

New Functions Added to POS Member Mgt

LS Central
Sorting Locations in Customer Order
LS Central
Vendor Sourcing

LS Central Transaction Data Push

Web Service Setup: "Select Latest Version"

LS Central

LS Hardware Station EFT Gift Card Functions Added

LS Hardware Station Housekeeping on OPOS Implementations

LS Hardware Station Logger Includes Device ID

LS Hardware Station New Action Added: Detect Hardware

LS Hardware Station New Fields on POS Printer Card

LS Hotels Cancellation Improvements

LS Hotels Confirmation Email in Hotels

LS Hotels Deposit Amount Payment Page

LS Hotels Editing Charges in POS

LS Hotels Guest Itinerary Page

Hotel Web Services: New Payment

LS Hotels
LS Hotels New Action on Rate Code Page

LS Hotels New Fields in LS Hotels

LS Hotels New Hotel Web Services

LS Hotels Occupancy-based Pricing

LS Hotels Rate Code With Zero Rate

LS Hotels Reservation Guest List on Tape Chart

LS Hotels Stop Sell / Stay Restriction: New Enable


LS Hotels Updates

LS Hotels Variable Room Stay

LS Staff Management Global Filtering

Table Relation Added to Retail Product

Code in Item Import Journal
LS Central Help

BackOffice Blocking Errors in Member Contacts in POS

Fixed Issues
BackOffice CalcBasket Rounding Issue
BackOffice Coupon Restriction in Web Shop
Create Receiving Document from ASN not

BackOffice Customer Ledger Entry not Created

BackOffice DB Server Name too Short

Dimension Creation Adjusted to MS

Dimension Changes

BackOffice Double Member Point Redemption

BackOffice Error in VOID_AND_COPY_TR

Error When Posting Statement With BOM
Incorrect Status in Customer Order Put
Back, Cancel, and Finalize
LS Batch Posting Error Notifications not
Member Management: Scheme
Upgrade/Downgrade Error
Mismatch in Test Printer Connection Field

Problem When Using Income/Expense

Account in Sales Orders

BackOffice RecalcSlip Called too Frequently

Transaction With Customer and Negative

Income/Expense Entry
Voucher Entries Page not Filtering on Data
Entry Type
Issue With Item Variants Having Only One

Issues With Item Variants in Order


Food and Beverages Editing Dining Table Layout in Design Mode

Food and Beverages HospBrickView POS Web Template Issue

Food and Beverages Item Quantity Issue

Food and Beverages Self-Service Kiosk not Reset to Default

Language After Finalizing a Transaction

UOM Description Removed from Deal

Food and Beverages Modifier Description in Dynamic Content

LS Activity Activity Front Desk Codeunit

LS Activity Activity Matrix Fixes

LS Activity Changing Package Product on Activity Line

LS Activity Deposit Schedule not Working Properly

LS Activity Exchange Shifts not Working Properly

LS Activity Group Reservation Payment Status Issue

Issue Editing Day Specific Capacity for
LS Activity Resources

Problems Booking Non-resource Required

LS Activity
Products in Activity

LS Activity Product Period Limitations Restrictions not


LS Activity Resource not Assigned on Activity Line

LS Activity Ticketing Issues

User Cannot Configure Store Opening to 24

LS Activity

LS Central BC/LS Inventory

Discount Limitation When Refunding

LS Central Without Receipt
eCommerce Orders not Respecting
LS Central
TenderType Setup - Bank
Error When Posting Statement - Post as
LS Central

LS Central Fixes for Mobile Inventory App

LS Central Gift Card Amount

LS Central HTML Customer Order Notification Emails

Import/Export Worksheet Does not Work

LS Central
With Tables With Obsoleted Fields

LS Central Internal Functions in LS Central not

Working in SaaS

LS Central Max. Amount Allowed not Honoured on

Tender Type 9 (Tender Remove/Float)

LS Central Member Notifications and Attributes

Preactions not Created With Change Log

LS Central

LS Central Prevent Negative Inventory

LS Central Price Change to Negative Price

Product Group Length in ASN Document

LS Central
Selling Gift Cards on POS not Working With
LS Central

LS Central Tender Type Offer Issue

LS Central Unused Fields in Store Location Removed

LS Central Updated POS Actions and Infocode

LS Central Variants and Linked Items

LS Central VAT Calculating Issue

Voucher and Gift Card not Working in

LS Central
Production 20.2

LS Central Zero Price Valid on POS

LS Hotels Arrival Filter on Hotel POS not Displaying

Changing Guest Type Added a New Rate

LS Hotels Attribute

Factbox on Invoice Management Page Is

LS Hotels
not Refreshed After Posting Invoices

LS Hotels Fields Removed from Reservation Payment

Type Page

LS Hotels New Function, CheckRateRestriction

Paying Reservation Number not in Sync
LS Hotels
With Invoice Type

Possible to Use Irrelevant buttons on the

LS Hotels
POS When Finalizing Invoice

LS Hotels Various Fixes

LS Staff Management Employee Picture Features not Working

Invalid Retail Product Code Field Length in

Monthly Sales Bucket

JIT Loading Issue in Purchase and Transfer

Replenishment Replenishment Journal in SaaS

Missing Quantity to Cross Dock in Purchase

Replenishment Journal

Replen. Calculation Log Lines Showing

Incorrect Reorder Point Value
Adjusting LS Central Pages to New Business
New & Enhanced Features LS Central
Central Price Module

Customer Order Number on the Receipt

LS Central
GetInventoryStatus Updated With Item
LS Central
LS Central Hierarchy Setup for Item Categories
Mobile Inventory Receiving, Expiry Date
LS Central
and LOT/Batch Number

Food and Beverages Adding the Same Item in Multiple Deal


Food and Beverages Pickup Time Set as Due Time/Date for KOT

Food and Beverages Self-Service Kiosk: Scanning a Member

LS Activity Activity Host Enhancements

LS Activity Activity Matrix Enhancements

LS Activity New Matrix Glyphs Added to Demo Data

LS Activity Resources Selection Priority Field

LS Activity Retail Images Added to Activity Label Types

to Show Icons in Matrix

LS Activity Total Balance in Web Templates

LS Activity Reservation Number Update in POS Code

LS Activity Warning Displayed When Paying Individual

Group Member Reservation

Warning Dispalyed When Reservation

LS Activity
Cannot Be Pulled Into the POS Journal

Warning Displayed When User Cancels

LS Activity
LS Central POS Printing Order for Sales and Card Slips

LS Hotels Amount Incl. VAT in Web Templates

LS Hotels Configuration Packages Updated

LS Hotels Date Sold Added to Hotel Reservation

LS Hotels Host Added to Reservation

LS Hotels Hotel Code in SaaS - Internal Procedures

LS Hotels Hotel Reservation Page Factbox

LS Hotels Hotel Statistic Reporting and Power BI

Hotels Demo Data: Staff Management

LS Hotels
Setup Added

Posting Accommodation Item Against

LS Hotels Deposit in BackOffice
LS Hotels Printing Room Number on POS Receipt

LS Hotels Soft Checkin Status Added

LS Hotels VAT Fields Removed from DRE Table

Change WCF Communication to


LS KDS Service Type Setup

Speed Up the Replenishment Journal
Replenishment Calculation With the Parallel Calculation

POS Commands

Fixed Issues LS Central Archiving Discount Offer in version 20.0

LS Central Change Staff for a POS Transaction

Customer Order: Member Line Added to

LS Central
POS Lines

LS Central Customer Posting: Credit Memos

LS Central Db Server Name Field Expanded

LS Central DD Connection String Fixed

License Manager Setup Actions not
LS Central
Showing Up
LS Central Link to Account Issue

LS Central New Action for Hierarchy

Price Change: Showing 0 Values on Balance

LS Central
Tab after Manager Login
Register Logon/Logoff After Updating to
LS Central
LS Central S2S Authentication On-Premises

LS Central Sales Price List: New Field

LS Central Shopify Discount and Various Updates

Web Request Logging Failing and

LS Central
Preventing Login
Adding Member to Reservation Without
Food and Beverages Creating a Transaction

Due Date Missing in Requisition Worksheet

Food and Beverages in Meal Planning

Hospitality POS: 'Show Reservation' Does

Food and Beverages
not Work in Table Allocation
Food and Beverages POS Dining Reservation

Food and Beverages Recipe Card Request

Food and Beverages Self-Service Kiosk

LS Activity Transferring Resource Entries: Picking Up


Transfer Multiple Not Working for Quantity

to Cross Dock

Changes in Field "Exception Detected" on

New & Enhanced Features LS Central
ASN Lines
Drop-down Field Group Added in Member
LS Central
Contact Table
LS Central POS Command for Exchange

LS Central Posting Retail Receiving Documents

LS Central Refactoring of LS Central Libraries

LS Central Setup Hierarchy for Item Categories

LS Central Total Offer Step Amount Calculation

Fashion Variant Mandatory if Exists Setup Field

Available in Retail Item Card

Food and Beverages Self-Service Language Different from

System Language
Activity Components Visible on Activity
LS Activity
Group Reservations

Matrix Resource Swap by Dropping to

LS Activity
Another Activity

Swapping Resources for Activities by Drag-

LS Activity and-Drop
Using Bold Type, Highlighting, and Colored
LS Activity
Lines for Current Period

LS Activity Week View Data for a Given Resource

LS Central POS Scale Certification Requirements: New


LS Hardware Station OPOS Devices to Stop Reloading

LS Hotels Date Sold Field Added to Hotel Reservation

Day View by Date, Page

FactBox and Counter Fields Added to Day

View Page

Priority Rooms Highlighted in Front Desk

Role Center and in Day View Page

Rate Discounts
KDS - Change WCF Communication to

Replenishment Extending the LSC Replen. Item Quantity

Table with Additional Filter Fields

POS Commands

Other LS Central Help

LS Central Barcode Variables Deleted

Fixed Issues
LS Central Changes Related to the New Price Module

Incorrect Transaction Payments When

LS Central Invoicing Sales Order Made from Customer

LS Central New Web Service: GetStaffV2

Page 10000929 "LSC hierar. Sibling/Child

LS Central
Posting Customer Orders not Working in
LS Central
Shopify Mode

LS Central Safe Management: Split Bag

LS Central Web Replication Linked Table Fix

Food and Beverages Allocation Panel Performance Improved

Food and Beverages Change in 'Dining Area Utilities' Codeunit

FAB Order not Created When Order

Food and Beverages
Process Time (Min) Is Zero
LS Commerce FastTab Added to Restaurant
Food and Beverages

Food and Beverages No Dining Area Plan Found Error Message

No. of Covers on Z-Reading Report Includes

Food and Beverages
the Covers of Refunded Transactions

Activity Event Handling Caused Length of

LS Activity
String Error in Activity Event View Table

Appointment's Duration Changes to

Default Setting When Rescheduled

Error in Length of Reservation String

Hours Displayed Incorrectly on Roster

Moving Activity Fails When Overbooking Is

Tax Issue With Activity Charges

Total Hours per Week vs. Month

#KEY Displayed When Making a Customer

LS Central POS

Label not Visible in Lookup on POS

Limitation in Clienteling Fixed

Creating a Deposit Produces an Error

LS Hotels
Message on Transaction Header

Franchise Module: Single Shipment

New & Enhanced Features LS Central

LS Central Shopify Improvements

Food and Beverages New Setting for Self-Service Kiosk Currency


Activity Manager: Overpayment Message

LS Activity

LS Activity Cancellation and Deposit Policy


LS Activity Deposit Amount Displayed in the Activity

Web Template

LS Activity Editing Group Line Package Times

Enhancement in Updating Group Header

LS Activity
LS Activity Event Reservations Enhancements

LS Activity Functions Added to Hotel Integration

LS Activity Matrix Day View: Error Message

Smart Automatic Allocation of Resources in

LS Activity
LS Activity

LS Forecast LS Forecast Restructured

Device Lock Configuration in Management

LS Hardware Station
Portal Has Been Changed

LS Hardware Station Option Added to Print Test Strings

LS Hotels Hotel Housekeeping Rules and Tasks

Hotel Invoice Management Pages

LS Hotels
Removed from Business Central Search
LS Hotels Hotel Invoice Update

Information Added to LS Hotels Issue

LS Hotels

LS Hotels Information Icon Added to Tape Chart

Invoice and Transaction Summary - New

LS Hotels

LS Hotels LS Hotels Setup Documentation Added to

LS Central Help

LS Hotels Multiple Customers to Pay on a

Restriction Name Added in Warning
LS Hotels

Parallel Processes Now Available for

Manual Replenishment Journal Calculation

Replenishment Vendor Lead Time per Destination Location

Comp. Price Incl. VAT not Updated in Sales

LS Central Price List Page
Fixed Issues
Customer Gets Both Cash and Credit
LS Central
LS Central Hard-coded Decimal Places
LS Central Incorrect Sales Quantity Calculation

LS Central Issues When Creating SPG Orders

OAuth in On-premises Multitenant LS

LS Central
Central Implementation
LS Central Permissions to Tenant Media in SaaS

LS Central Post as Shipment

LS Central Price in Shipment Charge

Retail Image List - only 20 in characters in

LS Central

Rounding Amount on Customer Order

LS Central

LS Central Sales Price List Issues

LS Central ScanPayGo: Canceling an SPG Order

LS Central Shopify: Prices and Region
Table WS Request Log: Record Already
LS Central Exists

Issue With Item Variants in Store Inventory


Food and Beverages Seating Guests Not Possible After

Allocating Tables to a Walk-in Reservation

Food and Beverages Table Cannot Be Seated in Store S0005

Drawer Block Pop-up Closes Before the
LS Central POS
Drawer Is Closed

Hospitality POS With Two Graphical Layout

LS Central POS
Hospitality Types

POS Terminal Card: Computer Name in

LS Central POS

Web Template Issue in Purchase History

LS Central POS

Replenishment Issue With Effective Inventory Settings on

the Location Card

Missing Tiles in LS Replenishment Role

New Data Type, DataTransfer, in Upgrade
New & Enhanced Features LS Central

Web Service to Return Member Contact

LS Central

Food and Beverages Confirm Finalizing Orders

Food and Beverages Webhooks for Kitchen Status

Fields Added to Be Displayed on the Chit

on the Kitchen Display

KDS OAUTH - Create a Request for the

Web Service

Client Name Displayed on Activity Lines in

LS Activity
Activity Host

LS Activity Deposit Made from the Back Office in


LS Activity Empty Matrix Day View

LS Activity Itinerary Page

LS Activity Reservation Header Improvements

LS Hardware Station More Resilient Handling of Config Files

Changes in Split Bill Update Invoice
LS Hotels

LS Hotels Field Added to Room Type Blocking

Filters Aligned in Reservation Page in Back

LS Hotels
Office and in Front Desk Role Centers

Host Now Assigned to Staff from the Staff

LS Hotels List

LS Hotels Hotel Actions Added to Activity Pages

Discontinuation of LS Recommend in LS
LS Recommend

Staff Management Messages and

Staff Management
Staff No. Enabled in Staff Management
Staff Management
Employee List

Time registration comes up empty on

Staff Management

Other LS Central Demo Data Company

LS Central Handling of Shortage When Using Transfer

Fixed Issues Orders

Issues With Customer Order Transactions

LS Central
With Non-Inventory Items

Issue in LS eCommerce Shopify in LS

LS Central
Central: Members Code Field Length

LS Central Item Templates Do not Update New Items

LS Central Post Retail Picking Error

Food and Beverages Dining Table Locked

QR Code Update After Landing Page

Food and Beverages

Food and Beverages Status on POS When KDS Printing Fails

DateTime Issue When Refreshing POS

LS Central POS

Replenishment Date Formula Translation Issue in Retail


New Centralized Comments Structure for

New & Enhanced Features LS Central LS Central Restaurants, Bookings,
and Hotels
Default Qty. to Receive not Respected by
LS Central
Retail Purchase Order
Mobile Inventory: Cycle Counting
LS Central
New Web Service: Get Sales History for
LS Central
Member Contact
LS Central Shopify Improvements

UI-Blocking Functionality on POS While

Actions Are Finishing
Web Templates Created by LS Retail Are
Delivered Automatically and Are Read-only

Replenishment New Name for Replenishment Role Center

Daily Sales Calculation for Replenishment

Replenishment Calculation Type Stock Levels and Like for
Validate Changed Quantity in the
Replenishment Replenishment Journal Against the Order
Multiple and Transfer Multiple

Restaurants Allow Price Modification of Deals Through


Negative Adjustment on Recipes to

Statement Posting

Restaurants Self-Service Kiosk: Responsive Layouts

New Name for LS Insight

LS Central Modules Analytics

Bookings New Name for LS Activity

Member Details Updated for All Future

Activity Bookings

New Functions in Activity API "LSC Activity

Bookings WS"
Hotels Guest List per Period

Hotels Improved Discount Page and New Actions

Nationality Report and Country in Guest


Hotels New Filter on Hotel POS

Hotels Room Type Avail. Info Page Improved

Delete Order / Line and Return to Gateway

from Incoming Orders

Incoming Orders Recognizable on

Customer Prescription List

Pharmacies Pharmacies Commands Cleanup

Pharmacies Price Comparison on Generic Substitution

Hardware Station Improved Print Buffer REST Function
Other POS Commands

Demo Data Company New Scheduler Jobs

LS Central Help Rebranding and Restructuring
LS Central LS Central Item Status Check
Fixed Issues
New Fields on the Customer Order Setup
LS Central
Now Obsolete

LS Central Search Command Issue

Standard vs eCommerce Differences in

LS Central
Discount Calculations

POS EFT Error Recovery Fix

Issue With Changing a User by Scanning an

MSR Card

POS Search Bar Issue of Misplaced Click


Quantity on Sales Order Issue in Master

Child Replenishment

Replenishment Item Quantity Calculation

with Replenish as Item No.
Deal With Unavailable Item Brings Up

Restaurants Error Message When KDS Printing Fails

Restaurants Fixes in Self-Service Kiosk

LS Central Modules Pharmacies B2B Prescription Picking Error

Pharmacies Dose Label not Correctly Printed from the

Pick Panel
Pharmacies Inactive Subscribers

Supporting Printer not Reconfiguring Correctly on

Hardware Station
Functionality Retry
Description MS Version LS Nav/LS Central Release

Price Reduction (price inclusive barcode) 2007 5

Store Dashboard 2007 5
Purchase Management 2007 5
Vendor Performance 2007 5
Best customer price from Item Price and Promotions 2007 5
Campaign Module 2007 5
Open to Buy – User interface improvements 2007 5
Buyers Workbench Improvements 2007 5
Automatic replenishment to support for Multiple Warehouses 2007 5
Replenishment Data Profiles for automatic replenishment 2007 5
Planned Sales Demand used by automatic replenishment 2007 5
Stock Recall Journal in manual replenishment 2007 5
Automatic replenishment log decision and calculation information when adding lines to replenishment journals
2007 5
Variant sales information (dimension of variants)
2007 5
Move LS Nav 5.05 to Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2009 platform 2009 6
LS Nav support Role Tailored user interface 2009 6
Creation of Role Centers: Retail Buyers, Store Manager and Store Associate 2009 6
ABC classification by sales and profit amount for items 2009 6
Data Replication – committed transactions 2009 6
Hospitality – partial table transfer 2009 6
Hospitality – item modifiers 2009 6
Hospitality – Menu Types 2009 6
Item Tracking - lot and serial number support in in-store inventory processes 2009 6
Dynamic Item Hierarchy 2009 6
Item and soft and hard attributes 2009 6
Offer Improvements - trigger on amount validation 2009 6
Offer Improvements - trigger on total payment validation 2009 6
Offer Improvements - trigger on offer popup validation 2009 6
Offer Improvements - trigger on special group validation 2009 6
Offer Improvements - trigger on loyalty card validation 2009 6
POS Improvement - GUI Menus', Control, Quick Cash, Double lines in journal, POS Expendability 2009 6
Support Cross Selling wit InfoCodes 2009 6
Item Finder to simplify item search 2009 6
Dynamic Lookup Forms for POS 2009 6
POS Extendibility - internal switches to control behavior 2009 6
POS Extendibility - all discount registered a specific table - full traceability 2009 6
Replenishment reports - Store Capacity and Stock Coverage 2009 6
Replenishment - Store prioritization when limited stock 2009 6
Replenishment - Replenishment Rule 2009 6
Replenishment - Item inherit sales history 2009 6
Replenishment - Define stock out quantity (ex: display stock) 2009 6
POS Return Management - Return Policy and ability to refund a single line in a transaction 2009 6
Special Orders 2009 6
Vendor Item Library
2009 6
LS Forecourt 2009 6
Franchise Management - Document communication between different legal entities and item master
2009 6
Pre Packs 2009 6
Web Integration - support connection to web stores 2009 6
Coupons Improvements – traceability, benefits, issue, triggers 2009 6
Coupons Improvements – serial coupons 2009 6
Coupons Improvements – coupon to trigger a offer 2009 6
DD Monitoring 2009 6
Hospitality – Offline Call Center 2009 6
Item Status – new blocking, additional settings 2009 6
Loss Prevention - POS transaction analyzing 2009 6
Member Management - loyalty and staff club types 2009 6
Member Management - multiple levels within clubs 2009 6
Member Management - point collection or specific price for members 2009 6
Member Management - discount budgets for clubs or individual members 2009 6
Member Management - soft and dynamic attributes to segment members 2009 6
Member Management - Campaigns 2009 6
Offer System – simpler definition of offer triggers/benefits and blocking of other offer types 2009 6
Offer System – multiple benefits like item gift, selection of item from a list, printing of coupons or additional
points 2009 6
Offer System – line discount offer to replace InfoCode offer functionality 2009 6
Offer System – total discount offer triggered by total transaction amount 2009 6
Offer System – tender discount offer, tender type charge, offer statistics 2009 6
Offer System – tender type charge 2009 6
Offer System – more detailed offer statistics 2009 6
Offer System – amount discount 2009 6
Offer System – calculation sequence of discount after automatic discounts 2009 6
Support web services for transaction services 2009 6
Data Director 3 2009 6
POS – store credit improvements 2009 6
Allocation Plan in manual replenishment 2009 6
Sales Commission – per transaction, sales targets 2009 6
Variant Improvement – dimension grouping, dimension status, hard/soft attributes
2009 6
Mobile Inventory - App supported on Pocket PC and Windows Mobile devices 2009 6
Mobile Inventory - App configured from LS Nav server 2009 6
Mobile Inventory - Master data lookup 2009 6
Mobile Inventory - all in-store worksheet processes supported 2009 6
Mobile Inventory - picking and receiving documents process (PO, TO, SO) 2009 6
Mobile Inventory - online and offline supported with online data synchronization 2009 6
Staff Management 2013 7
Cash and Safe Management - gives full control and traceability
2013 7
Cash and Safe Management - support bags
2013 7
Omni eCommerce solution - support NOP commerce with master data communication 2013 7
Omni eCommerce solution - support NOP with LS Nav server basket calculation 2013 7
Member Management - publish offers, coupons and offers for Omni Channel 2013 7
Mobile POS - shows member information, profile, personalized offers and sales history 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty - App supported on iOS, Android and Windows phone devices 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty - customer downloads app and registers for loyalty program 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty - customer has access to retailers item master 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty - shows all store locations of retailer with maps and gps driving instruction support 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty - Item information visibility with store stock availability 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty - global text search item master, offers, notification and sales history 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty - shows the customers purchase history 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty - ability to scan item barcode with phone camera 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty - customer uses a QR-code to identify himself to the retail staff 2013 7
Mobile POS - App supported on IOS phone device 2013 7
Mobile POS - Simple Mobile Retail POS 2013 7
Mobile POS - holds master data with simple pricing and LS Nav server basket calculation at request or at total
2013 7
Mobile POS - supports EFT payment cradles to finalize the transaction on the store floor 2013 7
Loyalty Portal for customers 2013 7
LS Nav supports the Microsoft Dynamics NAV web client 2013 7
LS Nav supports the Microsoft Dynamics NAV tablet App 2013 7
Automatic Replenishment - Demand Planner - multiple advanced forecasting methods 2013 7
Automatic Replenishment - Demand Planner - safety stock calculation with service levels 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty – shop on the phone with payment and delivery information 2013 7
Hosp. - multiple brand call center 2013 7
Hosp. - New external kitchen display system (KDS) 2013 7
Hosp. - time modifiers to increase or reduce cooking time 2013 7
Hosp. - menu improvements to support order taking at table with a tablet and LS Nav POS 2013 7
Hosp. - multiple brand call center 2013 7
Hosp - enter order on LS Nav POS by scanning a QR-Code on the customers Mobile Hosp Loyalty App 2013 7
Label printing improvements in back office 2013 7
Fashion Matrixes 2013 7
Member Management – sales order point calculation 2013 7
Member Management – import contact list from LS BI 2013 7
Social Media – back office book offers and notifications to Facebook 2013 7
Social Media – back office book offers and notifications to e-mail 2013 7
Member Management – points for tender type 2013 7
Mobile Loyalty – book to social media (Facebook, twitter, e-mail, SMS) 2013 7
Mobile POS – cross selling, return item 2013 7
POS – inventory lookup profile, item inventory lookup – print, e-mail – remote lookup of data, POS translation
buttons, message 2013 7
POS - logoff functions, fade background, command macro 2013 7
LS Nav POS - Customer and item information screens accessed by swiping right or left 2013 7
LS Nav POS - keyboard quick select of menu buttons 2013 7
LS Nav POS - design mode 2013 7
LS Start - LS Nav start tool with backup server automatic failback options 2013 7
LS Nav POS - inventory stock lookup profile with printing to slip with QR code 2013 7
Table Management – status flow, alerts 2013 7
Hospitality – recipe production, multi brand call center 2013 7
Mobile Hospitality Loyalty - App supported on iOS, Android and Windows phone devices 2013 7
Mobile Hospitality Loyalty - customer downloads app and registers for loyalty program 2013 7
Mobile Hospitality Loyalty - gives the customer access to the restaurants menu 2013 7
Mobile Hospitality Loyalty - shows all restaurant locations with maps and gps driving instruction support
2013 7
Mobile Hospitality Loyalty – create order on device, transfer with QR code 2013 7
Staff Management – staff day plan changes, plan changes, improved staff day plan 2013 7
New LS BI – Targit 2015 8
Click and Collect - Order from Mobile Loyalty or Web Store with picking and collection at LS Nav POS 2015 8
Demand Planner – sale history adjustments, use sales history from an item/store
2015 8
Hosp. - KDS support Offline Call Center, Delivery and Takeout 2015 8
Hosp. - KDS reports - Performance Checks, Performance Period Detail,Performance Period and Order Aging
2015 8
Hosp. - KDS ability to delay order 2015 8
Hosp. - KOT list view on POS for over-the-counter sales 2015 8
Hosp. - service charge and delivery charge supproted by retail charges 2015 8
Hosp. - control if adding a item to a printed bill can need autorization or not allowed 2015 8
Hosp. - Split relatively 2015 8
Hosp. - multi-level mobile loyalty menu be specially valid on certain weekdays or times 2015 8
Item status manipulation and overview improvements 2015 8
Life Cycle Management with overview of inventory, sell-through and variant availability. Simple discount price,
end-of-lifecycle processing for items 2015 8
Social Media – back office book offers and notifications to Twitter 2015 8
Archive Offers 2015 8
Online Help Improvements 2015 8
LS Nav POS - New POS search with free text input with search in multiple tables 2015 8
LS Nav POS - Dynamic POS Layout with spanning the difference between portraid and landscape mode
2015 8
Multiple Drawers - multiple drawers per POS with drawers assigned to tender type and/or currency 2015 8
LS Nav POS - POS Print Log with ability to save print lines to POS Print Buffer table. Accesable from Transaction
Registry 2015 8
LS Nav POS support of SMS messages 2015 8
POS – send out of stock store address to e-mail or SMS 2015 8
Retail Message – used in Click and Collect 2015 8
Allocation Plan improvements 2015 8
Allocation Plan improvements 2015 8
New Role Center for smaller Fashion Retailers 2015 8
Special Orders - supports partial delivery and cancelation of individual order lines 2015 8
Staff Management - Roster page improvements 2015 8
Where Used - Images and Retail Images 2015 8
Runs Open-Claim-Enable-CheckHealth command on each OPOS device found in the registry on the computer. If all
commands returns OK, the device is selected and Hardware Profile is updated with the Device Name and set to OPOS Mode.
If device is not found or command returns not OK, the Profile is updated with Status None and No Device Name. 2015 8

Support for KeyLock devices that use the ElectronicKeyValue property has now been added.
KeyLock device is selected as before in the Hardware Profile.
When an ElectronicKeyValue is changed (e.g. Dallas Key Inserted/Removed) then the POS will use the ElectronicKeyValue and
check if an MSR Card Link setup exists for it.
If the ElectronicKeyValue exists in the MSR Card Link table and is linked to a Cashier the POS will use Log that Cashier On/Off.
Typically the ElectronicKeyValue is 8 Bytes long and in the format "0x00, 0x00, 0x00...".
LS Nav will strip this text and create an Upper Case text string of 16 characters where each 2 characters represent 1 byte
(Hexadecimal Encoding). 2015 8
The text value can therefore range from "0000000000000000" to "FFFFFFFFFFFFFFFF".
The POS Will interpret an empty string and the "all zero" string as Logoff. All other values will be used to perform a Logon
(given that the value exists in the "MSR Card Links" table)

Gratuity Management is an addition to Income/expense account functionality to handle Tips received from Customers and
Tips distributed to the staff using the POS. 2015 8
The pages have been modified in such a way that if they are opened with certain filtering, some fields, tabs or actions
irrelevant to the small business are hidden. These can also be values related to default settings and are hence hidden under
the terms of Easier, Simpler and Faster. Details on the filtering are found in the Role Center user guide.
A mini POS terminal list page has also been created, page SB Mini POS Terminal List (10016324), and settings have been
added to the Mini Item Card (1302). Simplified pages: Retail Users, Store Staff Card, Store Staff List, Mix & Match, Store Card,
Store List, Tender Type Card, Tender Type List, POS Terminal Card, Discount Offer, Promotion, Store General Statistic and 2015 8
Promotion List

The Lifecycle Planning worksheet has been updated so that all relevant sub pages are displayed in a simplified view. Periodic
Discounts of the type Item Point are no longer supported via the worksheet. 2015 8
A new Printer Type is now available called WinPrinter in the POS Printer setup. By selecting this option the system will print
to a windows printer without using the POS OPOS Emulation Report. This option can be used on the POS to print directly (on
client side) to a windows printer instead of OPOS.
This also enables windows printing for the Mobile POS solutions where printing is done in Web Service calls (and reports 2015 8
cannot be run).

New Pages have been created to enable POS users to get a simple overview of previously sold items to a selected Customer,
to assist on future sales. These pages can be run on a tablet client on the POS, using the browser control. This eliminates the 2015 8
need of replicating Customer Ledger from Head Office for history browsing.
Drawer Sharing Field has been added to the POS Hardware Profile Table and POS Drawer table. Also the Printer Sharing field
is back in use. Selectin the Sharing check-mark will make the system claim the device just before use and release the device
right after use. Drawer Claim Timeout and Printer Claim Timeout fields are also added to make the claim timeout 2015 8
configurable (how long to wait until device is available).

The Dual Display and POS Terminal can now display separate Journals, using different data tables.
2015 8
New permission sets have been created for LS Fashion Express and are included in Rapidstart packages for Fashion Express.
2015 8
A Simplified version of the Retail Setup is now accessible from the Setup Menu located in the Setup Group on the Role Center
ribbon. 2015 8
A Test Certificate has now been issued for Scale Certification in LS Nav 2015 (8.00.05) in accordance to WELMEC 2.2 and
WELMEC 2.3 guides. 2015 8
When a warehouse is replenished by summing up the need of the stores it serves the suggested quantity should be brought
to reorder point for each store if it is less. Note that this method is not recommended for the Demand Plan calculation type 2015
create store record instead for the warehouse.
LS Web Service Client has been improved in terms of disposing of streams properly and other objects in the Web Service
Connection. 2015
New parameter Count available days has been added to Replenishment Setup. If this option is set to true then the days
counted in the calculation of Average Daily Sales are from when an item is available in a store. Default functionality is 2015
unchanged, days counted are from the date when the item is first sold.
New option in LS Nav Start, it is now possible to select to not monitor the POS availability while the POS is running.
2015 8
Only items displayed with the deal are items that are valid for the active store, depending on the item’s distribution setting.
Same rule as when the valid price for an item is found.
2015 8

The Frequent Buyer Program is a loyalty program which targets customers buying same or similar items repeatedly. These are
repeated purchases and the retailer want to encourage customer retention, so they give for example one item for free for
every 10 purchased.
The required items can be purchased in different transactions. When required number of items have been bought a coupon 2015
is issued and can be used in future transaction.

The Hospitality Mobile POS is an app that can be installed to and used by mobile devices and works with LS Nav Hospitality. It
is a solution that enables waiters in a restaurant to take dining table orders on a mobile device. The Hospitality Mobile POS
works the same as a normal Hospitality POS with a subset of possible actions. The app displays a dynamic menu structure for
ordering items and deals The structure is set up in LS Nav Hospitality and can be based on POS menus and meal plan menus 2015 8
to reduce maintenance.

More setup options have been added in the Site Manager for the Display Stations and Chit Control. 2015 8
New option field POS Selection = Allowed, Not Allowed, Only if Specific UOM Price has been added to Item Unit of Measures.
This field controls which units of measure can be selected in the UOM pop-up on POS, and to which the unit of measure can
be changed in the journal by the POS Command UOMCH. Default values for POS Selection can be set on the Product Group. 2015 8

New Page under Hospitality/Product Design/Tasks - Recipe Ingredient Replacement. Makes it possible to change ingredients
simultaneously in all recipes the item is included in. 2015 8
You can easily rearrange the ingredient lines in your recipes by pressing Up and Down buttons for the lines.
2015 8
The Data Director Web Monitor is a tool that enables a user to view Data Director jobs in a web browser. The purpose of the
tool is to be able to view Data Director host statuses from any device at any time. The DD Web Monitor installer is located in 2015 8
the Setup folder of the release package.
Start Once has been added to the Rapid Installer. Start Once offers a simple way of setting up software and applications on a
new host and keep it up to date. 2015 8
You can now use the hospitality kitchen printing in a retail store. If the transaction contains items that are routed to a printer,
the printing takes place when the order is paid for, at posting. The order can be identified with an Order ID that is a queue 2016 9
counter. The order ID is printed on the kitchen slip and the customer receipt.
New POS commands have been added:
-COPY_TR - Copy a posted transaction (from the Transaction List) to the POS Journal, only item lines and discounts re-
- VOID_AND_COPY_TR - Void a posted transaction (use void functionality as is ) and copy it to the POS Journal, all except 2016 9
payment lines. Copy items, coupons and discounts.

A new TENDER_K_AM POS Command has been added. It works like the TENDER_K command except that it can have an
Amount in the Parameter as well as the Tender Type ID. This amount can be dynamic by using a POS Tag (e.g. <#Balance> as
the amount.
The Parameter Field of the Menu Button that has the TENDER_K_AM command can then be set to "1,50.0" which will then 2016 9
insert a Tender (Cash) of 50. Also the Parameter field can be set to "1,<#Balance>" which will then insert a Tender (Cash) of
the outstanding balance amount of the Transaction.

When an item is created it will inherit the value of "Not Discountable" from the Item Category and Product Group. The user
can still overwrite this inheritance. 2016 9
To make the setup for LS Omni simple the WI Default Data page (10012868) was made accessible in the Role Tailored Client.
2016 9
Changes done to eCommerce replication job according to new LS plugin in nopCommerce.
2016 9

Use Number series to create Validation Period and use instead of manual input in code field. 2016 9
Hard attributes are now available for stores. Up to five attributes can be set. Hard attribute setup for items was removed
from the Retail Setup card to a new Attribute Setup card containing all Attribute Setup. 2016 9
POS Dynamic Menus appear on the POS like POS Menus, consisting of items. Instead of adding the exact items into the menu
as you do with POS Menus, you can add to a Dynamic Menu a selection of Product Groups, Item Categories and Special
Groups along with items with certain attributes. When you press a POS menu button with the POS Command DYNMENU that
has a POS Dynamic Menu as parameter, the system builds the Dynamic Menu using the selection and sorting criteria of the 2016 9
POS Dynamic Menu. The menu is created automatically each time it is used.

Deals are added to Dynamic Menus if they have an attribute that is included in the POS Dynamic Menu. A Preview Page for
Dynamic Menu has been added to the POS Dynamic Menu Page. 2016 9
Attributes have a different structure: Attribute Type does not exist anymore. Instead there is a specific Attribute Linking table
that specifies with which tables the attribute is linked. Further
Release Notes
Chapter 7 - Key Features in LS Nav 2016 (9.00.01) 10
improvements have been made to attributes in order to make working with attributes easier, simpler and faster.
Attributes can be assigned to deals. POS dynamic menus have a selection option; Attributes. When you select by attributes in 2016 9
a dynamic menu, you can select an attribute that is linked to deals. The resulting dynamic menu is a menu with items (PLU
Command behind buttons) and deals (DEAL command behind buttons).

Some of the Codeunits used on the POS have been modified in order to prevent deadlocks and increase efficiency. The main
changes are in replacing old rec.FIND('-') and rec.FIND('+') statements with FINDFIRST, FINDLAST, FINDSET and ISEMPTY. POS
Post Utility now works entirely on temporary tables that are flushed to the database at the end of the posting process. 2016 9

The Variant Framework button on the Retail Item Card will now open up the Item Variant Framework page. From this page,
new Extended Variant Values can be added and new item variants can be registered based on the value setup. 2016 9

Quantity sold, not Posted calculation for a Retail Item now includes unposted sales of the Item as a component in Recipes
and BOM Items that are Exploded at Statement posting. 2015 9
The matrix dimension for Retail Availability by Variant page has been set up in such a way that the value setup as Dimension
1 in the Variant Framework will be displayed as horizontal-axis, and if the item consists of two dimensions, the Dimension 2 2016 9
will be displayed as vertical-axis.
All actions related to item's variants have been consolidated and moved into the Variant Worksheet page. The new Variant
Worksheet page is now available in the Variant dropdown. This will make it easier for user to access all variant's 2016 9
functionalities from one page
The POS command Where Used will now also show the command usage in POS Search, HMP Action and POS Actions page.
2016 9
A button on the POS can be set to automatically inform the POS user that a new Retail Message to him has arrived by adding
a POS tag to a button. The frequency of checks and the text on the button are set in Retail Message setup.
The status of the Retail Message button is now updated automatically when the POS is idle. 2016 9

The Fashion Role Center now has more reports under the reports tab. 2016 9
Various enhancements made to the Member Account and Member Contact cards, such as Factboxes and simplifications.
2016 9
New web service LOAD_PUBLISHED_OFFER_ITEMS has been created to get a list of all Items included in a selected Published
Offer. 2016 9
The web requests WEB_POS, WI_NC_CALCULATE_BASKET and WI_NC_CREATE_ORDER now support Coupons and Member
Points as payment. 2016 9
New web request created, LOAD_PUBOFFERS_AND_PERSCOUPONS, to retrieve published offers and personal coupons for
membership card. Offers valid for an Item can be retrieved too. 2016 9
A web service has been created to reprint a card receipt using Samport authorization.
2016 9

Loading cards are used to enable a customer to load items onto his order in different sections of a store or restaurant and
then pay for the order at a cashier’s POS terminal. Transactions can be
Release Notes
Chapter 5 - Key Features in LS Nav 2016 (9.00.03) 8
combined by scanning in other loading cards so the customer can pay for more than his own transaction. The loading card
number is a simple number that identifies the customer's order through this process. The loading card number can be 2016 9
manually entered. It can also be linked to a barcode or an MSR card number for immediate scanning or swiping.
Loading Card usage is designed for online POS terminals only.

Certain types of foods can cause an allergic reaction. There are 14 major allergens which may need to be mentioned through
provided information when they are used as ingredients in food according to legislation in many countries. Allergens are
represented by attributes and by using new POS commands, they can be shown on the POS in a lookup panel for one line or
all lines in the journal. Item modifiers are included, deals and deal modifiers also and the allergens’ attributes for recipes are 2016 9
calculated from their ingredients. The Item Finder can be used to find items without certain allergens.
A Restaurant POS terminal page has been added to the Hospitality Type Card to show where the hospitality type is visible and
to give access to hospitality related settings for each terminal. A link to the Restaurant Card has also been added to the
Hospitality Type Card.
A new factbox has been created for hospitality and added to the Restaurant Card. 2016 9
The Populate Flow function has been removed from the Status Flow page and instead is automatically included when
inserting a new flow.

The Posting Exception makes it possible to source an item from one or multiple locations, sell it from different locations and
keep the sourcing location inventory up to date. Example: POS 1 in restaurant A orders Pizza from the Pizza restaurant. The
Pizza restaurant produces the pizza but restaurant A sells it. Posting Exception makes it possible to produce the pizza in the
pizza restaurant and then reduce the stock of raw material from the restaurants inventory and increase the same in 2016 9
restaurant A.

This is a new process for creating the POS Terminal setup on the fly. When implementing or replacing a POS a web service
contacts the central database creates the POS Terminal from a template and replicates it to the POS database. The same
process can be used when you are replacing a POS. The process will do the same, that is it creates a new POS Terminal
instead of using the old POS Terminal id. The advantage with this method is there is no need to find last transaction number, 2016 9
number series, etc., to avoid conflicts.

New POS Commands were created in order to be able to email receipts and invoices.
The four new POS Commands are:

Hospitality type setup has been simplified and made easier by adding fields that define service type, guest handling, order
guest marking and order identification. These fields control the setup in various ways and make it possible to check for
errors, make relevant fields editable or non-editable and set appropriate defaults for all menus and panels. Configuration
templates are used for hospitality types and dining area profiles. Certain fields have been renamed and a few Boolean fields
changed to option fields in order to clarify their function. This applies to Hospitality Type and Hospitality Status Flow that is
now called Hospitality Service Flow. Hospitality types can now be moved up or down in the sequence for the restaurant.
Number of guests can be tracked for any orders, not just dining table service orders and Sharing Sales Type Filter can be used 2016 9
for non-dining table service to show orders from multiple hospitality types in the order list for a hospitality type included in
the sharing type filter.

Hospitality Express Role Center and Hospitality Express Setup pages for Small Business have been added, making it simple
and easy to work with. The pages are number 10016350 SB Hosp Role Center and 10016351 SB Hospitality Setup. 2016 9

Changes have been made to the general user interface of the Staff Management module and to the role center to make it
easier and better to use. The scheduling part has been improved and functionality has been added. 2016 9
A new set of features related to the employee portal have been added. 2016 9
All Item Registration actions have been replaced to use the Simple Item Registration, similar to the one used in the Fashion
Role Center. 2016 9
POS user can select if he wants to print a sales slip or not. New option field Sales Slip in POS terminal defines if
confirmation window appears or receipt is e-mailed. 2016 9

Mobile Phone Number has been added to the Member Contact popup on the POS.
2016 9
A new restaurant has been added to the Cronus demo data company. The new restaurant is number S0014,
Cronus Cafeteria - Load Card, and has four terminals. This add-on is specially intended for the new load card 2016 9
functionality that was released with version 9.00.04.

The POS Journal Grid updates only the lines that need to be updated instead of all lines. This increases
performance substantially 2016 9
Both the POS and Dual Display hide empty rows when a new page is added. POS Data Grid adds a line at the
bottom instead of jumping to the top of a new page. 2016 9
When Safe Management is in use, clicking the TD_ENDDAY command will display a confirmation on going ahead
with the tender declaration. If the answer is No, the program backs to the state when the button with the
command was pressed (the state of the POS and the transaction type of the current transaction are not affected). 2016 9

Value Entry fields Division, Item Category and Product Group are now filled in when cost on Item ledger entries is
adjusted. 2016 9
A SHOWPANELMODAL POS command has been added that can be used on Menu Buttons to show panels in
Modal state. This option gives the opportunity to pop-up panels that are smaller in size than the whole POS. 2016 9

The POS Command REFRESH_MENUS pops up a status dialog while it forces the POS to get the latest design data
changes (Menu Profiles) from the database (e.g. when replicating data with the Data Director). The shortcut Ctrl + 2016 9
Shift + F5 was also added to the POS to run the command.

The Dimension Extension field has been removed from the page Variant Dimension Groups.
2016 9
Restaurant Menu types are now posted with the sales transactions. When a posted transaction is copied to a new
POS Transaction (VOID© command), the menu type information is stored. A new table, Trans. Hospitality Entry
has been created for this that includes restaurant menu type information per sales entry. It also includes
necessary information on the Transaction Header for copying a split transaction. 2016 9
Voiding a POS Transaction prints a slip with total amount. Income/Expense amount is now included in the total
amount and Transaction Number is also printed. 2016 9

When Web Service is activated, the TEST_CONNECTION request definition will now be inserted as a part of the
Web Service default data. 2016 9
Item created with Variant Framework Code of type Automatic Selection will now pop-up a new page: Variant
Suggestion. This page allows the user to filter and select multiple variant combinations. 2016 9

Fashion Role Center now has a Variant Framework dropdown that contains these pages: a) Variant Framework
Codes Setup, b) Variant Framework Base Values. The Variant action in the Mini Item Card now behaves similar to 2016 9
the one in the Retail Item Card.

mPOS now supports price down to unit of measure.

2016 9
When a suspended transaction is retrieved from Head Office to same or different POS Terminal then all
information suspended is retrieved back. 2016 9

Variants with Framework Codes of type Automatic Selections is now sorted according to its Logical Order.
2016 9
MSR functionality is now enabled for both selling gift cards and using gift cards for payment. The functionality can
be enabled by selecting Allow MSR Cards in the Infocode Card for gift card. 2016 9
New connection log file has been added to the Web Service Client Log functionality. Before the log created
contained two different files with identical names combined from the request Id and time of creation ending with
_1 for request xml and _2 fore response xml. The new file follows the same naming convention but ends with _3.
This file holds the connection chain used to fulfill the request. One line for each web server connection until one 2016 9
succeeds or all fail.

The Store Group field is now available in the Price Check Card for Periodic Discounts. With the Store Group field,
offers can now be tested without necessarily having to pre-select a Store No. and POS Terminal No.. When a Store
Group is selected, the first Store No. and POS Terminal No. that are attached to the Store Group will be 2016 9
automatically picked up by the system.
Restaurant Menu types are now posted with the sales transactions. When a posted transaction is copied to a new
POS Transaction (VOID© command), the menu type information is stored. A new table, Trans. Hospitality Entry
has been created for this that includes restaurant menu type information per sales entry. It also includes
necessary information on the Transaction Header for copying a split transaction. 2016 9

A Focus Skin field has been added to POS Menus. If a skin is selected in this field and buttons in the menu can
have focus then this skin will be used to highlight the button. If no Focus Skin is selected, buttons that have focus 2016 9
will show a black dotted line within the border/edges of the button.

Infocodes now have an Allow MSR Cards field to allow MSR functionality.
2016 9
When Web Service is activated, the TEST_CONNECTION request definition will now be inserted as part of the Web
Service default data. 2016 9
Price and net price will now be validated before it goes through.
2016 9
Item created with Variant Framework Code of type Automatic Selection now will pop-up a new page: Variant
Suggestion. This page will allow the user to filter and select multiple variant combinations. 2016 9

When setting up combinations of Dimensions and Variant Values for a Variant Framework Code, we can now
utilize the Variant Values Suggestion page. It will display all available Variant Values to be assigned to a Dimension
and we can select or deselect values from the page. This offers a very flexible and effective way to setup Variant 2016 9
Framework Codes.

Fashion Role Center now has a Variant Framework dropdown that contains these pages: a) Variant Framework
Codes Setup, b) Variant Framework Base Values. The Variant action in the Mini Item Card now behaves similar to 2016 9
the one in the Retail Item Card.

The Where-Used action for POS Commands now covers the following tables: a) POS Key Command, b) POS
Context Menu Line, c) POS Test Script Line 2016 9
All pages that use Infocode as its source table now has Where-Used action to see where the infocodes are used.
2016 9
Integration to http://www.yr.no web service to receive weather information directly into the roster scheduling
page. 2016 9
In the Roster Scheduling page, the user now has access to the role budget settings from the scheduling page
Navigate action. There is also access to the role budget from the Assist Edit button on the role budget total lines.
Basically the user can adjust or view the role budget adjustments for the current roster. 2016 9

In the roster scheduling page, the user now has access to adding a shift and/or role to the role budgets. This
functionality allows the user to edit the base role budgets and add roles and shifts to the roster. This could be
needed if roles and shifts are added to the role budgets after a roster has been created. See the Add role/shift on 2016 9
the roster action menu.

In the external view setup there is the possibility to add new views through external codeunit where the results
can be displayed on the matrix per employee. This functionality can be used by a partner to add new views to the
roster matrix or to the analysis pages. See sample and register codeunit 10015008 as an external in the staff
management setup. More demo samples and document on usage to come in near future. 2016 9

Use simplified lookup pages for the role/shift when employee is assigned to the roster from the Assist Edit button.
Release Notes Chapter 4 - Key Features in LS Nav 2016 (9.00.08) 5 The previous lookup pages showed more fields 2016 9
then needed for the purpose of these lookups.

When employee is more than twice in the roster (using the add employee line function) then only show the name
on the first line but additional lines are blank to make it easier to spot that the line belongs to the same employee.
The employee can have extra line in the roster schedule when there is need to assign multiple shifts or role on the
employee per day. Previously the solution would then show the employees name twice which could be confusing. 2016 9
Now the additional lines will have the name blank.

Showing retail transaction is now part of showing posted documents when the user navigates from customer
ledger entries.
2016 9

A default menu type can now be defined for Deals. The method is the same as for Items: a different menu type
can be set for each restaurant. There is also a new option field in the Hospitality Type card under KDS, called
"Menu Type Deal Usage". The field value is Yes or No to indicate if a menu type is used for Deals. Release Notes
Chapter 0 - 2 If a single line is selected in the journal, the menu type can be changed for that line. If a menu type 2016 9
needs to be changed for multiple lines, it is necessary to mark those lines.
There is now a setup for each hospitality type to control how transfers are handled. This applies if the bill has
been printed, either for the order you are transferring or for the order for the dining table that you are
transferring to. Changing an order after the bill has been printed is considered non-acceptable for some 2016 9
businesses but necessary for others.

The Data Entry Expiry Date can now be seen by using the POS command VIEW_DATAENTRY_BAL. 2016 9
An IT manager can now import new web requests via the Import worksheet and let the import delete the old
request setup before he inserts the new one. This way, the IT manager can make sure there are no leftovers from 2016 9
the previous version (for example obsolete fields or tables).

In this first version of LS Nav 2017 no upgrade is done to the existing Division/Item Category/Product Group
hierarchy, except that default values (standard numbered fields moved in the standard version) are moved
to Item Templates, but to keep a similar approach as before, a new field, Item Template Code, has been added
to Item Category and Product Group. Therefore, as before, when you select a product group for an item, the
default values are set according to the default values of the Item Template. The default values are are defined on
the Item Category / Product Group cards. LS Nav specific upgrade is mainly focused on upgrading Picture and 2017 10
Images to follow the standard use of the new Media and MediaSet data types.

Three commands regarding restaurant menu type can now take a specific menu type as a parameter. The
commands are: 1) BOMMENTYPE (send menu type to kitchen), 2) MTYPE_CHG (change menu type on selected
line(s)), 3) POPUPMENUTYPE (set the currently active menu type in the POS). Instead of having a pop-up window
appear with the list of available menu types, the waiter can now press a single button to send, for example,
starters to the kitchen. The above commands can also be used in a POS macro: for example, to change the menu 2017 10
type of a line to a certain menu type and then send this menu type to the kitchen, all by pressing a single button.

This is a change made in LS Nav to adapt to new major changes in Dynamics NAV 2017. Item List pages Hospitality
Item List and Retail Item List now support Attribute Filtering in a similar way as Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017
does for Item Attributes. Dynamics NAV 2017 uses the newly introduced Item Attributes while LS Nav supports 2017 10
similar filtering on its already implemented attributes.
This is a change made in LS Nav to adapt to new major changes in Dynamics NAV 2017. For the time being, LS Nav
will stick to its three-level item hierarchy: Division, Item Category, and Product Group. Now that Dynamics NAV
has introduced multilevel item category hierarchy, LS Nav has to limit that functionality to a single level by
blocking item categories from owning a parent category. To maintain a similar functionality as before, now that
Microsoft Dynamics NAV has moved default values from item category to item templates, a new field Item
Template Code has been added to the Item Category and Product Group tables. When a new item is created and
a product group selected, the program finds the relevant item template from the Item Templates Code field in the
Item Category and/or Product Group tables. If the item template has not already been used to assign default 2017 10
values, the values are assigned to the item. This combines the new and the old way of defining defaults and
working with default item values.

This is a change made in LS Nav to adapt to new major changes in Dynamics NAV 2017. Microsoft has introduced
two new data types to Dynamics NAV 2017: Media and MediaSet. These two data types hold a GUID link to the
Tenant Media tables. The Media field has a link to table 2000000184 Tenant Media and the MediaSet field has a
link to table 2000000183 Tenant Media Set. LS Nav Upgrade
Microsoft provided LS Retail with an upgrade process that moves the contents of the Picture BLOB fields in the
standard Dynamics NAV tables to the Tenant Media tables. The Media and the MediaSet fields now contain a link 2017 10
to the Tenant Media tables. LS Nav has also provided a similar upgrade process that moves pictures in the Retail
Image, Store, and Retail Setup tables to the Tenant Media tables.

All Where-Used instances are now inside a single code unit, the Object-Where Used utility.

2017 10
For MSR (Magnetic Stripe Reader), an AutoDisable field has been added to the hardware profile to make this
MSR property configurable. 2017 10

The following tables have been removed: a) Item Related Assignment (10000766), b) Infocode Table Assignment
(99001549). The page Hosp. Modifier (10001480) has been renamed to All Infocodes and Modifiers. 2017 10

The functions CreateReceiving and CreatePicking have been removed as they are no longer used.

2017 10
The following tables have been added to the infocode Where-Used: a) Dual Display Infocode Pop-Up, b) Table
Specific Infocode, c) Infocode, d) Information Subcode. 2017 10
A Test Connection utility application has been added to the Toolbox to test a connection to a LS Nav Web Service.
The application is installed with the Client Components and can be found in [Program Files (x86)]\LS Retail\NAV\
LSWSTestConnection\ if the default install folder is used. 2017 10
A readme.rtf file containing help for the application is located in the folder.

An option is now available to print the balance of gift cards and vouchers when using the POS
command VIEW_DATAENTRY_BAL without starting a transaction. 2017 10
In the Staff Management Setup the user has the option to define which weekday starts the week. The default
start day is Monday, which complies with the ISO standard and the Microsoft Dynamics NAV default. 2017 10

The Roster analysis (accessible from the Roster page and Roster list) shows the COGS (Cost of Goods) and a profit
total per day. The formula is: Total Sales-COGS-Total Salary=Total Profit. The prerequisites for showing these
values are: a) The store and department must be assigned on the Work Location card, b) The G/L Sales account
filters must be set in the Staff Management setup to filter which revenue accounts will be summarized for the 2017 10
sales total.

The web service method MM_MOBILE_GET_ITEMS_IN_STOCK, which is used by an OMNI server to query for item
inventory information in LS Nav, has been enhanced in the following manner: a) Store_No is now an optional field.
If the OMNI server did not supply any Store_No, then LS Nav will return the inventory status for all stores, b)
Reorder information is now included in the results returned by LS Nav. 2017 10

A trailing semicolon has been removed from the Connection string in the Distribution Location table. The
semicolon caused the Data Director to not always select the correct client when replicating objects. 2017 10

Hosting of the Omni App license key and Device ID has been moved from the POS Terminal table to a separate
new table called MobileLicenseRegistration, making it possible to store more than one Device/License connection 2017 10
per terminal.

Two new fonts have been added to the LS Nav system fonts: LS1 and LS2. These fonts include many icons that can
be used by the POS for buttons. LS1 contains icons for hospitality use while the LS2 icons are general ones
intended for retail. Included with the fonts are PDF sheets with an overview of the icons. 2017 10

The new POS look is called #LEO and is included in the demo data company. An example is available in
store S0004, POS P0009 (color option) and P0010 (black/white option). 2017 10
There are no changes to the POS commands in this release. 2017 10
The Release Notes and the LS Nav Online Help now have a new look. The Release Notes are now included in the
Online Help and will be published as separate notes per release, instead of the previous cumulative document.
Starting with this release, older release notes will remain available in the Online Help. A print version (PDF for
two-sided printing) is provided in the Online Help and in the installation package. The Online Help search engine 2017 10
has been improved. Users can search across the product help and the included Microsoft Dynamics NAV help.

LS Recommend is a new tool in Dynamics NAV developed by LS Retail to help their customers recommend
products to their consumers based on the consumers' purchase history. LS Recommend provides item and user
based recommendation. All manipulation and configuration of LS Recommend is done in Back Office LS Nav. The
recommendation can be displayed in the LS Nav POS or printed on the slip, and it can also be displayed in LS Omni 2017 10
eCommerce and mobile POS from version 2.3.0.

Lets the user set up the service flow in a restaurant so that every time a payment is received for a dining table, all
KOTs (Kitchen Order Tickets) are posted, whether they have been served or not. This is useful for restaurants
where prepayment is never allowed; the guests always pay upon leaving. In case something went wrong with
serving and bumping orders in the kitchen, this option makes sure that on payment, the dining table is free again. 2017 10
This behavior is controlled by the Table Is Cleared field (the On Payment Regardless of KOTs option) in the
Hospitality Service Flow page.

When a Retail Image is linked to an Item, the associated MediaSet (GUID) is now mirrored to the Item
Picture field (MediaSet). In other words, the MediaSet is mirrored from the Retail Image to the Item whenever the
Retail Image or the Retail Image Link is changed. This is done to reflect changes in Retail Images onto the Item and
subsequently for the changes to be shown in the brick view of the web client. 2017 10

To show the relationship between lines in journals, so that POS users, who are working on the journals, can better
see which lines belong together. Instead of previously having only a single level, there can now be multiple levels
of indentations. An Indent Symbol for each level can be defined in the Interface Profile. 2017 10

The function previously set New Expiration Date instead of Expiration Date. This has now been fixed.
2017 10
A return slip is now always printed, even when a receipt slip is not printed.
2017 10
By setting a Display Rule, an LS Recommend user on the LS Nav POS can now select which items will trigger a call
to Azure to get recommended items in return. Display Rules are set on item hierarchy levels, such as product
group or item category. The rules are linked to a model and can be accessed via the Models pages. 2017 10

LS Nav Installation Guides are now available on the LS Nav Online Help web. The three guides, the Installation
Guide LS Nav 2017, Online Help Installation Guide LS Nav 2017, and the Toolbox Installation Guide LS Nav 2017,
have been combined in a single guide, the Installation Guide LS Nav, which is now part of the online help and is 2017 10
also available as a PDF document in the release package.

A RUSH option is now available in the Send to KDS - CONFIRM window. This option gives any KOT (Kitchen Order
Ticket) top priority when it is sent to the KDS. You can also RUSH a KOT that has already been sent to the KDS, by
pressing the Rush KOT button on the KDS Order Kitchen Status panel. This ticket then becomes the first ticket in 2017 10
the KOT queue.

It is now possible to call the Time Registration command (SHOWPANEL Parameter #TIMEREGROSTER) from the
Hospitality Pre-start Panel. The commands STAFF_ENTRY and STAFF_EXIT can also be entered. 2017 10

When you configure KDS, you can now set up expeditor bump printing, if you want KOTs to be printed at the
same time they are bumped from the KDS Expeditor display station. 2017 10
The Web POS module, version 1.0, is now available in LS Nav. This is a low footprint POS that runs in a web
browser. The Web POS 1.0 is a production ready version for new installations that use EPSON EPOSPrintAPI for
printing and scanning (OPOS devices not supported). Scanning is also available via keyboard input. The Web POS is
feature complete for retail. The Web POS is compatible with and tested on the latest versions of IOS 10, Chrome,
and iPad Air 2. Known issues: a) In order to modify the appearance of the POS you will still need to use the
Windows client to run some of the back-office pages and Design Mode.
b) Voiding posted transactions will cause an error in a data grid that crashes the POS. 2017 10
c) Buttons with an access restriction are not “grayed out”. The system will show an error when trying to use a
COMMAND that is restricted to the user; however, the POS will not gray the button out.

Running the Insert Web POS Requests and Insert Inventory Mgmt Requests functions in the Web Service

Setup deletes some manually added App_ID nodes in the Demo Data. Please note that if you run these two
functions, you will have to add again the App-ID nodes to requests: WEB_POS_GET_DEVICEID, 2017 10
LS3 is a new font that has been added to the LS Nav system fonts. This is an addition to the LS1 and LS2 fonts. LS3
includes many icons that can be used by the POS for buttons. 2017 10
A manager can now define in the manager interface if he alone or the staff should have permission to rush an
order. 2017 10
For a hospitality type that functions like a normal retail POS, the system can open the Sales POS directly at logon.
The system skips the startup view and saves the user from seeing a list of unfinished transactions (usually an 2017 10
empty list) and pressing the New action item.

It is now possible to have hospitality types, which are displayed on a POS terminal, appear in a pop-up page at
logon. This makes it easy for the staff to decide, right at logon, which hospitality type they are going to work with. 2017 10

It is now possible to control which hospitality type is selected at logon. A staff member can have a default sales
type specified per POS Terminal. The system uses the sales type to determine which hospitality type is selected, 2017 10
when the staff member logs on to a POS terminal with hospitality types.

For Mobile POS a line is missing in a web request in LS Nav. To fix this do the following: Open Departments - LS
Retail - Administration - Web Service Setup.
Click the Web Requests action.
Select web request WEB_POS_GET_DEVICEID, and click the Request xml action.
On the WS Request Setup page, add a new line including:
Level: 3 2017 10
Node Type: Normal
Source Type: Text
Source: App_ID Note: This fix in only needed for mPOS when it is used with a valid license.

This is a new web service, based on the existing CUSTOMER_ORDER_CREATE web service. The new service adds
the possibility to log Name and Address for mail delivery. 2017 10
The Post Utility in the POS has been fixed to refer correctly to a temporary version of the Trans. Disc. Benefit
Entry table. 2017 10
Help topics covering the  Member Management component are now included in the LS Nav Online Help.
2017 10
The POS now extracts the Item Barcode from segment 01 GTIN in a Code128 barcode.
2017 10
A new back-end functionality has been implemented in LS eCommerce Web Store: the Customer Order Table has
been redesigned to handle eCommerce orders. Now a Customer Order is created via Web Service and a linked
Sales Order is created subsequently or later by the Scheduler. After a Sales Order is posted, a transaction is 2017 10
created that contains the Customer Order.

Refund by receipt is now supported by the web request WEB_POS, command REFUND. Example of usage:
Using the web request GET_TRANSACTION, a posted transaction is retrieved from the main database to the
mobile POS. The Refund Qty. field in the Trans. Sales Entry table shows the number of items that have not been
refunded already.
A mobile transaction is created on the mobile POS. For each line, the field Quantity is set to the number of
quantities to be refunded.
Using the web request WEB_POS and the REFUND command, the mobile transaction is then recalculated and
verified. The REFUND command returns a return sale transaction which is fully calculated according to the value in
the Quantity field. 2017 10
The mobile POS then adds the payment lines to the mobile transaction that was returned by the REFUND
command. Finally, the REFUND transaction is posted by using web request WEB_POS and the POSTPRECALC

The user can now select a line in the item journal in the POS, and press a button to ask for a recommendation
based only on that particular item. The stock levels of the recommended items are always shown. 2017 10

It is now possible to control if replication counter fields in transaction tables are updated when records are
inserted or modified. This is to improve POS performance when no replication is needed from a location.
This functionality is controlled by a new flag, Skip Repl. Counter Update, on the Distribution Location card where
maintenance of replication counters can be disabled. The replication counter is not updated, if this flag is set for
the counter's distribution location. The current location is controlled by the Retail Setup Distribution Location
The final control is that if the Retail Setup field points to a distribution location for which this flag is set, the
replication counters in that location are not updated. In all other cases the process remains as before, that is the
2017 10
replication counter is updated.
This functionality can be used as performance boost wherever replication of transactions is not needed, for
example in all online setups or at some specific location like Head Office.
LS Nav now registers items that are recommended by LS Recommend in Mobile POS sales.
2017 10
If the Print Recommendation on Slip check box in the Display on POS FastTab on the LS Recommend Setup card
is the only check box that is selected, a call to get recommendations from Azure is triggered. If either one or both
of the other options on the FastTab are also selected (including Print Recommendation on Slip), previous
recommendation results within the transaction are used to print on the slip. 2017 10

When a display rule is active, recommendations are not triggered, if there is a member in the transaction and no
items that trigger recommendation according to the active rule. 2017 10

Now old recommendation items from the POS cache are not displayed as recommended items.
2017 10
Multilevel hierarchies can now be created for items. A hierarchy can be filtered by Store Distribution as well as by
Attributes. Hierarchy information can be retrieved by Web Requests. Items can be added to hierarchies directly
from the Retail Item card, and users can look up where an item is located in the hierarchies. 2017 10

 cumulative update 04 for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017 has been released. The update includes all application
and platform hotfixes and regulatory features that have been released for Microsoft Dynamics NAV 2017. 2017 10

The Online Help search bar now has a search filter. Click the filter icon, located to the right in the search bar, and
use the filter to narrow your search and limit it to one of the product categories. 2017 10
Main issues that have been covered:
a) When an employee's salary is based on quantity of hours or thresholds, accepted and/or rejected salary entries
are re-calculated for future entries
b) Cosmetic fixes
c) Shift exchanges are supported on Employee Portal
d) Optimal hours per month can have specific figures per month
e) Enhancements on Administration of salary export:
i) Access to responsible person
ii) Now possible to see location closed period
iii) Now possible to see how many salary entries are still open
iv) Access to hour acceptance
f) Employee card
g) Access to absence history
h) Send roster email
i) Time acceptance page:
i)Edit option 2017 10
ii) Bug fix, when roster does not exist for the current date
j) Vacation planner:
i) Cosmetic fixes
ii) Bug fix when displaying weeks
iii) Add month view selection showing entries per day
k) Time Entries, History added to Posted menu pane
l) Tooltips added to role center, Employee card and roster view.

Contact information has been added to the Administration section in Staff Management (Salary Export overview)
to provide the supervisor with easy access to the staff by email or phone in case he needs to push them to close
The overview now provides access to the Hour Acceptance page where a supervisor for multiple locations can 2017 10
view status, contact local supervisors, accept or reject entries, all to clear the road for exporting a period to salary.

An option to have month specific hours has been added in the work arrangement setup. A more specific setting of
optimal hours per month is now possible on the Work Arrangement card with access to settings per year/month. 2017 10
Online help has been added for the Web POS. 2017 10
The processing of KDS data has been improved and requires data upgrade. A new configuration, which specifies
next station and production order, has been added for the preparation and expeditor display stations. This
configuration is set up manually, and an action can be run to update the KDS data for KDS reporting. Two new KDS
reports have been created: 1) KDS Performance Station: this report tracks ticket time for the display stations
grouped by KDS report period and 2) KDS Performance Item: this report gives an overview of the average ticket
time for items, product groups, or item categories. By selecting Split Entries on the Transaction register for the 2017 10
original transaction, it is now possible to view transactions that were created by splitting the original transaction.

Rank builds are now prevented from being deleted in automated build procedures.
2017 10
When there are no items in a transaction but only a member, a recommendation is displayed based on the
member's previous purchases. This only applies when there is no active display rule.
2017 10

A recommendation is not shown when a transaction is a return sale.

2017 10

In order to make replication easier, an auto increment property has been removed from tables 10016252,
2017 10
10016257, and 10016261.
An object package with LS Recommend objects for LS Nav 8.00.08 is available on the Partner Portal. The package
consists of new and modified objects and help code units that generate demo data for the solution. See guidelines 2017 10
included in the package.

An object package with LS Recommend objects for LS Nav 9.00.10 is available on the Partner Portal. The package
consists of new and modified objects and help code units that generate demo data for the solution. See guidelines 2017 10
included in the package.
A new integration event, OnAfterPostTransaction, has been added to the POS Post Utility.
2017 10
Mix & Match least expensive offers has been changed back to optimize customer value. This was the default until
version 9.00. Now the offer picks all items involved from the high end and optimizes the customer value,
eliminating the possibility of multiple transactions giving better results than selling all in one transaction. A new
check box, Skip Least Exp. Customer Opt., has been added to the Mix & Match card to overwrite this optimizing
behavior. It is now possible to set up offers to behave as in version 9.00. If this check box is selected, the offer will
select the least expensive items from the lower end, therefore making it possible for the customer to get a better 2017 10
deal by dividing the purchase into two or more transactions.

This modification lets transactions be exported as XML files for review by local tax authorities. This is also known
as “Fiscal Printing”. Tax authorities issue global codes that are added to the Tender Types, Product Groups, and
POS Commands tables. Store Management can group their items as before, but now they can also group by
predefined codes for outbound purposes. The code is added to the Outbound Code field in the tables mentioned
above. When the Outbound Code has been added to the POS Commands table, LS Retail will start logging all 2017 10
activity for the selected command, making it possible to export the data.

It is now possible to use more than 40 or less than 40 characters per line in POS printing. Until now, the number of
characters was fixed to 40 characters. Fields have now been added to POS Hardware Profile and POS Printer to
set the characters per line for printing. The current design for printing (in the POS Print Utility codeunit) has not
changed ('#L#### ### #' and so on, 40 characters), but this new feature will automatically cut or extend the 2017 10
design, depending on the selected Line Length for the printer.

With this release the LS Hardware Station is introduced for the first time. This is a new component that is
intended to take care of the communication with external devices. The Hardware Station service has a well-
defined interface that is based on SignalR, a proven protocol from Microsoft. In this release the focus has been to
connect the WebPOS with the LS Hardware Station. The goal for coming releases is to provide support for EFTs
with the LS Pay product as well as other devices commonly used with LS Nav. Supported devices in this version
are: an OPOS cash drawer, OPOS scanner, OPOS line display, and an OPOS printer. 2017 10
Documentation for LS Hardware Station is available in the LS Nav Online Help (Retail - POS - Hardware -
LS Hardware Station - How to: Set Up LS Hardware Station).
A new functionality, Language Support, has been added under BackOffice - Product Design. With this functionality
all field values in all tables can have a translation in different languages stored in the Data Translation table. On
the Data Translation Setup page there is an Excel Import/Export functionality that can be used to get data
translations in and out of LS Nav. Currently, the Language Support functionality is only available as part of 2017 10
BackOffice, but it can be sent to LS Omni via data replication.

To make it easy for the user to access the Translation system in LS Nav, it is now possible to create a translation
button whose function it is to go over the setup and find the correct record in the Translation system. 2017 10

An overview of cumulative LS Nav updates, version 8 up to current version 10.05, is now available in the online
help. Click the link on the home page or the Release Notes page to open an Excel document with filtering options. 2017 10

The RIQ (Replenishment Item Quantity) calculation progress can now be tracked in Event Viewer. You enable the
option by selecting the Track Progress in Event Viewer check box on the Replen. Setup page. The Items Log
Frequency field should be filled in with a value to indicate how frequently the calculation progress should be 2017 10

Search indexing has been updated with a progress dialog box that shows how long the indexing will take.
2017 10
A new option has been added to the Browser Control in the Web Client. The option enables Browser Control to be
used as a generic HTML element instead of an IFrame element. This gives the control more options and access to
the DOM in the Web POS instead of being sandboxed in the IFrame as before. 2017 10

The "Search as you type" function on current input has been implemented for Web POS.
2017 10
If a recommended item does not exist in the POS database, the item is filtered out from the recommendation
results on the POS. 2017 10
The LS Nav Online Help home page now has a link to a list of demo scripts on the Partner Portal. 2017 10
An overview of cumulative LS Nav updates, version 5 up to current version 10.05, is now available in the online
help, see here and here. The link opens an Excel document with filtering options. 2017 10
Query-based calculation approach in Replen. Item Quantities calculation: this can be enabled with the field Enable
Query in the Replenishment Setup. By enabling the functionality, the calculation codeunit (10012200, Replen. -
Calc. Qtys) utilizes new Query objects to calculate the Replenishment Item Quantity table, instead of the original
nested loop table read approach. Activating this feature reduces the calculation time due to less reads from the
SQL server, but increases RAM consumption of the NAV service. Parallel calculation approach in Replen. Item
Quantities calculation: by enabling this functionality, the items to be calculated are put into calculation buckets
according to the number of existing parallel NAS and Schedulers. The calculation is done on the parallel NAS jobs,
and the master job on the primary NAS waits until the sub-jobs are finalized, before it continues with other
Scheduler jobs. A detailed description can be found in Replenishment Calculation using Multiple NAS LS Nav 2017 2017 10
(10.04) Memo.pdf in the folder "Older Documentation" in the released files for the cummulative update. The new
approaches can be combined or used individually.

New fields have been introduced to Replenishment Setup to define the E363calculation horizons for the Effective
Inventory calculation. When the calculation option Coverage is chosen, the new fields Sales Order Coverage Days,
Purchase Order Coverage Days, and Transfer Order Coverage Days on the Replen. Setup page, the Effective
Inventory FastTab, are used instead of the fields Store Stock Cover Reqd (Days) and Wareh Stock Cover Reqd
(Days) from Item, Item-Store Record, or Data Profiles. This affects the Effective Inventory calculation only. This has 2017 10
no effect for the calculation options Include and Exclude.

Demo data have been added to Demo Database 2017 10

Filtering on Vendors in the Purchase Replenishment Journal did not work when Data Profiles were assigned to
Items indirectly by using Divisions, Item Categories, or Product Groups. This has now been fixed. 2017 10

The calculation of the Forward Sales Factor has been improved: it now considers the Invoiced Quantity instead of
the Adjusted Quantity from table Value Entry. This provides more accurate results. 2017 10

A link from the Product Groups page to the Replenishment Data Profile page has been removed. Instead, use
lookup in the Replen. Data Profile field on the Product Groups page. 2017 10
The RIQ (Replenishment Item Quantity) calculation progress can now be tracked in Event Viewer. You enable the
option by selecting the Track Progress in Event Viewer check box on the Replen. Setup page. The Items Log
Frequency field should be filled in with a value to indicate how frequently the calculation progress should be 2017 10

The Production Time Worksheet can now be used to adjust the production time of items and recipes on KDS
preparation stations. It is also possible to compare the assigned production time on the items to the actual ticket 2017 10
time on preparation stations.

Item filtering has been added to the Item Section Routings page to make it easier for the user to see which lines
apply to a specific item.
A Retail Item/Recipe Station Mapping Check page has been added where the user can see to which display
stations selected items are mapped with certain test criteria. 2017 10
The online help for the Kitchen Display System has been reorganized in order to make the help topics easier to

The KDS Order Aging report has been updated to use queries. The report gives an overview of how long it takes to
prepare KOTs. The report can show totals per KDS report period or information on each KOT for the selected time 2017 10

The latest LS Omni release, v2.3.3, has the following known issues with Nav 10.06.
iOS Mobile POS:
When paying an amount that is not in the currency denomination, an error occurs yet a tender line is still created.
App crashes when a loyalty contact pays with points.

Android Mobile POS: 2017 10

App crashes when the user pays with cash and the currency is changed afterward.
App crashes when a loyalty contact pays with points.
This fix is for the Effective Inventory calculation, using calculation type Coverage.
In this calculation type, Sales Orders (Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders) were considered within a time range from
tomorrow ("WORKDATE + 1") until the defined time horizon in the Replenishment Setup. This created problems
in the calculation: if delayed and/or undelivered, orders remained in the system. Replenishment proposed to
reorder these orders when their shipment/receipt date went into the past, because they went out of the
calculation horizon.
The lower date range has now been changed to zero date (0D). This means that the Effective Inventory calculation
will now expect all undelivered/delayed orders with delivery/receipt date in the past as being "on the way" and 2017 10
will not propose substitute orders, unless the users deletes the old orders. This is according to standard NAV

The following fields in the Replenishment Setup page have been renamed:
RIQ Enable Query is now RIQ - Enable Query
OOS Enable Query is now OOS - Enable Query
Track Progress Frequency is now Item Counter Interval. 2017 10
Hierarchy Relations is a new concept in LS Nav which lets you create relations between two Hierarchies of the
same or different type. A Hierarchy is a flexible tree structure with Nodes which allows the linking of Items, Deals,
Stores, and other entities to the Nodes.
This concept can be used for multiple purposes, one of which is the creation of Assortments. To define an
Assortment a relation is created between an item-based Hierarchy and a store-based Hierarchy to define which
items are available/replenished in which stores.

The assortment rules are stored in the Item Distribution table which can be maintained on the Retail Item Card,
FastTab Distribution. Hierarchy Relations can be used to maintain this information in a simpler and faster way.
Hierarchy Relations also let you update the relevant tables manually or via Scheduler Job.

Supported features:

Easy creation and maintenance of Hierarchy Relations

Top-down data maintenance approach with inheritance
Copy function for Hierarchy Relations
Maintenance of multiple versions of Hierarchy Relations (via Starting Date)
Simple work log
Comments for applied changes 2017 10
Manual creation of Item Distribution records
Manual creation of Replenishment Control Data (Data Profiles)
Scheduler based creation of Item Distribution and Replenisment Control Data.
New Planned Demand Types
In this release new calculation types for Planned Sales Demand are added. In previous releases a forecast quantity
could only be substituted with a planned substitute quantity. With this release new types are introduced to add to
the forecast quantity with absolute numbers or % factors. This makes it very easy to cover complex demand
changes (overlapping effects) or demand changes for heterogeneous destinations (varying store sizes, regional
New fields, Line No., Planned Demand Type, Planned Demand Event, and Status have been added to the Replen.
Planned Sales Demand (10012374) table and the Replen. Planned Sales Demand (10012322) page.

Also, the Planned Demand (Qty.) field has been renamed to Planned Demand.

Three types of Planned Demand Type can now be selected from the Replen. Planned Sales Demand page:

Substitute Quantity - the input Planned Demand will be used to substitute the average daily sales of the affected
Additional Quantity (to Forecast) - the input Planned Demand will be added on top of the average daily sales of
the affected item.
Additional % Factor (to Forecast) - the input Planned Demand will be treated as a % factor which added on top of
the average daily sales of the affected item. 2017 10

Planned Sales Demand Events

Planned Sales Demand lines can now be linked to a Planned Sales Demand Event and be maintained directly from
the Event page. Prior to this release, Planned Sales Demand could only be maintained manually on the Retail Item
Card, which is inconvenient, especially when a large number of items is involved. As a solution to this, a new
Replen. Planned Events (10012326) page has been introduced to allow maintenance of Planned Sales Demand in
one place. The page can be found in LS Retail - Replenishment - Automatic - Replenishment Planned Events.

Simple Maintenance of Planned Sales Demand

Planned Sales Demand are easily maintained by using the Add Lines and Remove Lines actions on the page for
Planned Sales Demand Events. Those actions let the user add (or remove) Planned Sales Demand lines by using
reports with a large variety of filters.

Linking Planned Sales Demand to Discounts and Budgets

Planned Sales Demand is a component of Automatic Replenishment and influences the proposals for Purchase
Orders and Transfer Orders. Linking the Planned Sales Demand to Budgets and Discounts lets the user plan
promotions or seasonal sales which are picked up and considered by Replenishment.
An event can be linked to Periodic Discount or Retail Sales Budget and Planned Sales Demand can then be directly
created from the Periodic Discount or Retail Sales Budget by using the Update Lines action. Currently, Discount
Offers and Multibuy Discounts are supported, and the Retail Sales Budget must have Budget Type Item, Period
Type Day, and budget entries with Store No.

In order to allow Periodic Discount to be used for Planned Sales Demand creation, a new Replenishment FastTab
is added to the Discount Offer (99001594) and Multibuy Discount (99001599) pages. The FastTab consists of the
new fields Planned Demand Type, Planned Demand, and Consider Calendar. Two new fields, Planned Demand
Type and Planned Demand, have also been added to the Lines FastTab in these pages. Planned Sales Demand is
created according to the Validation Period ID and Price Group assigned to the discount. Retail Calendar or Base
Calendar can also be taken into consideration, where non-working days will be excluded from Planned Sales
Demand creation. This can be setup with the Consider Calendar field in the Replenishment FastTab.
Two approaches have been introduced to improve the performance of OOS calculation:
1. Query based calculation approach - this can be enabled with the OOS - Enable Query field in Replenishment
Setup. By enabling this functionality, the calculation codeunit (10012203, Replen. Out of Stock Mgt.) utilizes new
Query objects to calculate OOS instead of the conventional nested loop table read approach. Due to fewer reads
from the SQL server, enabling Query reduces the calculation time while it increases RAM consumption of the NAV
service. It also produces more accurate results as backdated-posting item ledger entries (ILE) are taken into
consideration when performing the OOS calculation.
2. Parallel calculation approach - by enabling this functionality the items and ILEs to be calculated are put into a
calculation bucket according to the number of existing parallel NAS and Schedulers. The calculation is done on the
parallel NAS jobs and the master job on the primary NAS waits until the sub-jobs are finalized before it continues
with other Scheduler jobs.
These new approaches can be combined or used individually. A detailed description is available in the document
Replenishment Calculation using Multiple NAS LS Nav 2017 (10.06) Memo.pdf in the Older Documentation folder
delivered with the cumulative update. 2017 10
Enhanced Maintenance of Budgets
A Store No. filter has been introduced in the Edit Retail Sales Budget (10012416) and Edit Retail Purchase Budget
(10012415) pages. This allows easy maintenance of budget entries for individual stores in Retail Sales Budget and
Retail Purchase Budget. The Store No. filter is defaulted with the Store No. from the Retail Sales Budget or Retail
Purchase Budget page, but the filter can always be changed to another value. The budget lines are calculated
according to the selected store in the filter. If no Store No. filter is selected, budget lines will be recalculated to
show the consolidation of all entries. Also, the fields in the Edit Retail Sales Budget and Edit Retail Purchase
Budget pages can now be drilled down to show an overview of the budget entries created

Copy Budget Allows Append or Replace

Prior to this release, the Copy Budget action on the Retail Sales Budget (10012417) page always added or
appended the budget entries from the source to the destination budget. In this release, a new Option field has
been added to the Copy Budget action. With this new field, customers can now add or replace the entries. When
Replace entries is selected, all entries in the destination budget will be deleted and replaced with the entries
copied from the source.

Budget Consolidation with Master-Child Budgets

This new functionality lets customers work on multiple budgets (for example for different Item Divisions)
simultaneously and to consolidate those budgets into one corporate budget. 2017 10
A master-and-child relationship can now be defined for Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase Budget. To
achieve this, a Master Budget field, which lets customers specify if a budget can be consolidated into a master
budget, has been added to

Retail Sales Budget Name (99001555) table

Retail Sales Budget Card (10012418)
Retail Purchase Plan Name (10012400) table
Retail Purchase Budget Card (10012420).
A new Calculate Budget from Child Budgets action has also been introduced in the Retail Sales Budget
(10012417) page and the Retail Purchase Budget (10012419) page. This action allows the master budget to pull
and recalculate entries from the child budgets.

New fields, Consolidated from Budget Name, Consolidated Date, and Consolidated Time, which store the details
of the child budgets when entries are merged into master, have been added to

Retail Sales Budget Entry (99001556) table

Cat./Prod. Gr. Budget Entries (99001666) page
Retail Purchase Plan Entry (10012401) table
Retail Purchase Plan Entries (10012408) page.

Budget Transformation/Breakdown
New functions are added in this release to transform budgets.
For more information see the Planned Sales Demand Worksheet Enhancements section in these Release Notes.
Amount based line discount has been fixed, so changes in calculation sequence will not affect the calculation. This
fix requires adding a new field, Amount Based Discount, to the POS discount table (POS Trans. Periodic Disc.). This
new field affects three web requests:
2017 10
The setup of these request must be updated.

Fix for Manager Key and Permissions on Web POS: disabled buttons are now grayed out.
Employee images in Staff Management have been moved to the Tenant Media table. The old BLOB Picture field
has been removed.
Fix for images in Web POS (background images, store logos, and so on that were not shown on Web POS).
2017 10
The Hierarchy system's user interface has been rewritten; pages have been combined for improved overview.
There are now two types of Hierarchies in LS Nav:

Item/Deal: for a Hierarchy containing links to Items and Deals.

Store/Warehouse Loc./Customer: for a Hierarchy containing links to Stores, Store Groups, Warehouse Locations,
Customers, and Customer Groups.
Hierarchy Relations is a new concept in LS Nav which lets you relate Nodes in two different Hierarchies of the
same or different Hierarchy type. See the Hierarchy Relations for Assortment Management section in these
Release Notes for more details on Hierarchy Relations.

The Hierarchy page has been changed. Links are now added at the bottom of the page instead of being shown in a
FactBox. By clicking the appropriate action, it is now possible to add a Sibling or a Child directly to a selected node.
Hierarchy information is now displayed in a FactBox. Links can be copied from one node to another by right-
clicking the selected links. Multiple links can be added to nodes using the respective Add actions where filters can
be set.

Item, deal, and store links to a Hierarchy can be managed directly from their list or card pages.

The Use Distribution field has been removed from the Hierarchy table. Hierarchies of the Item/Deal type can be 2017 10
filtered to a store and this can be done directly on the Hierarchy Viewer page. Attributes can be managed directly
on the Hierarchy Viewer page and saved as default.

The web service GET_HIERARCHY_TREE was renamed to GET_HIERARCHY. Both GET_HIERARCHY and
GET_HIERARCHY_NODE now support deals/stores. A hierarchy is now retrieved by its code and not by a Web
Store number. The Hierarchy code for a web store is kept in the WI Setup table with other web store information.

The term "tree" has been removed from the Hierarchy functionality. For nodes, the terms Parent, Sibling, and
Child are used.

For more details refer to the LS Nav Online Help, Hierarchies and Hierarchy Relations .
LS Hardware Station is now run as a service rather than a separate application.
Devices can now be ignored which prevents them from being loaded.
UI usability for Management Portal has been improved:
- Unused config fields have been removed.
- Labels for virtual devices and ignored devices have been added.
- Device tools have been made more user-friendly. 2017 10
- Drop-down added for device list.

It is now possible to create named relations for Items. Item Links is used to link an Item to other Items/Deals.
To create Item Links, an Item Link Group is created first, and then Items/Deals are added to the selected group.

2017 10

Purchase Orders (POs) can be now be created on the Retail Campaign card by clicking Create Documents on the
Actions menu and filling the Quantity field in the Replenishment Lines FastTab. All POs that are created through
Retail Campaign will appear in the Documents FastTab.
2017 10

A test page can now be printed from the POS External Printers page.
A debug log in the POS External Printing setup can now be enabled to see what is happening inside the Device 2017 10
Manager assembly used in the POS External Printing codeunit.

The Mobile POS (WEB_POS request) now supports transaction balance rounding. Balance rounding is a
combination of sales and payment rounding (when tender rounding is used and there is a difference between sale
and payment, the result is transaction balance rounding).
The Mobile POS now allows a transaction to be posted as long as the balance difference is within the limit set by 2017 10
the Allowed Diff. in Trans field on the Store card. This field represents the sum of all tender rounding allowed for
a given transaction.
The Status Code on the Item Status Link Worksheet is now in sync with the Item/Item Status Links page for items
with variants.
The Item Status module can now be used more effectively by using the worksheet for variants and there use the
Items Status blocks. 2017 10

A number of issues, reported by an LS Retail partner, have been fixed in the following modules: 
Retail Receiving, SPO, POS, POS Data Entry, POS Print, POS Terminal, Inventory Worksheet, Replenishment, 2017 10
Statement, Tender Declaration, Retail Calendar, WS Service, and Sales.

Negative adjustments and physical inventory postings on the Hospitality POS are no longer sent to the KDS.
2017 10
New Planned Demand Types
In this release, new calculation types for Planned Sales Demand have been added. Previously, a forecast quantity
could only be substituted with a planned substitute quantity. In this release new types have been added to
increase the forecast quantity with absolute numbers or % factors. This makes it very easy to cover complex
demand changes (overlapping effects) or demand changes for heterogeneous destinations (varying store sizes,
regional aspects).
New fields, Line No., Planned Demand Type, Planned Demand Event, and Status, have been added to the Replen.
Planned Sales Demand (10012374) table and Replen. Planned Sales Demand (10012322) page.

The Planned Demand (Qty.) field has been renamed to Planned Demand.

Three types of Planned Demand Type can now be selected from the Replen. Planned Sales Demand page:

Substitute Quantity - the input Planned Demand will be used to substitute the average daily sales of the affected
item. 2017 10
Additional Quantity (to Forecast) - the input Planned Demand will be added on top of the average daily sales of
the affected item.
Additional % Factor (to Forecast) - the input Planned Demand will be treated as a % factor which added on top of
the average daily sales of the affected item.
Planned Sales Demand Events
Above all, Planned Sales Demand lines can now be linked to a Planned Sales Demand Event and directly
maintained from the Event page. Prior to this release, Planned Sales Demand could only be maintained manually
in the Retail Item Card. This is inconvenient, especially when a large number of items are involved. As a solution
to this, a new Replen. Planned Events (10012326) page has been introduced to allow maintenance of Planned
Sales Demand in one place. The page can be found in LS Retail - Replenishment - Automatic - Replenishment
Planned Events.
Simple Maintenance of Planned Sales Demand
Planned Sales Demand is easily maintained by using the Add Lines and Remove Lines actions in the page for
Planned Sales Demand Events. Those actions let the user add (or remove) Planned Sales Demand lines by using
reports with a big variety of filters.
Linking Planned Sales Demand to Discounts and Budgets
Planned Sales Demand is a component of Automatic Replenishment and influences the proposals for Purchase
Orders and Transfer Orders. Linking the Planned Sales Demand to Budgets and Discounts lets the user plan
promotions or seasonal sales which are picked up and considered by Replenishment. 2017 10
An event can be linked to Periodic Discount or Retail Sales Budget and a Planned Sales Demand can then be
created directly from the Periodic Discount or Retail Sales Budget by using the Update Lines action. Currently,
Discount Offers and Multibuy Discounts are supported, and the Retail Sales Budget must have Budget Type Item,
Period Type Day, and budget entries with Store No.
In order to allow Periodic Discount to be used for Planned Sales Demand creation, a new Replenishment FastTab
consisting of the new fields Planned Demand Type, Planned Demand, and Consider Calendar has been added to
the Discount Offer (99001594) and Multibuy Discount (99001599) pages. Two new fields, Planned Demand Type
and Planned Demand, have also been added to the Lines FastTab in these pages. Planned Sales Demand are
created according to the Validation Period ID and Price Group assigned to the discount. Retail Calendar or Base
Calendar can also be taken into consideration, where non-working days will be excluded from the Planned Sales
Demand creation. This can be setup with the Consider Calendar field on the Replenishment FastTab.

In order to allow Retail Sales Budget to be used for Planned Sales Demand creation, a Replenishment FastTab, 2017 10
consisting of the new fields Planned Demand Type, Consider Calendar, and Allocation Rule Code, has been added
to the Retail Sales Budget Card (10012418).

Transformation of Budgets
In order to allow Retail Sales Budget to be used for Planned Sales Demand creation, the budget has to be on Day,
Item and Store level. Three new actions Breakdown to Days, Breakdown to Items, and Breakdown to Stores have
been added to the Retail Sales Budget (10012417) page so that all types of budgets can be converted to the
required format for a Planned Sales Demand creation.
The Breakdown to Days action will break down budgets that are not in the Period Type Day (that is Year, Quarter,
Month, or Week) to Day. Similar to Periodic Discount, the action can also take into consideration the Retail
Calendar or Base Calendar when performing the breakdown, where non-working days will be excluded from
entries creation. The quantity in the initial budget entry will be evenly distributed to the new entries.

The Breakdown to Items action will break down budgets that are not in Budget Type Item (that is Division, Item
Category, or Product Group) to Item. Only items that are not blocked from purchasing or transferring will be 2017 10
considered. Similar to Breakdown to Days, the quantity in the initial budget entry will be evenly distributed to the
new entries.
A budget entry must have a Store No. in order for it to be usable for Planned Sales Demand creation. The
Breakdown to Stores serves the purpose to breaking down budget entries without a Store No., according to the
Allocation Rule Code setup on the Replenishment FastTab. The quantity in the initial budget entry will be
distributed to the new entries based on the weights and share percentage as per setup for each store in the 2017 10
Allocation Rule.

Enhanced Maintenance of Budgets

A Store No. filter has been introduced in the Edit Retail Sales Budget (10012416) and Edit Retail Purchase Budget
(10012415) pages. This allows easy maintenance of budget entries for individual stores in Retail Sales Budget and
Retail Purchase Budget.
The Store No. filter is defaulted with the Store No. from the Retail Sales Budget or Retail Purchase Budget page
but it can always be changed to another value. The budget lines are calculated according to the selected store in
the filter. If no Store No. filter is selected then budget lines will be recalculated to show the consolidation of all

Also, the fields in the Edit Retail Sales Budget and Edit Retail Purchase Budget pages can now be drilled down to
show an overview of the budget entries created.

Copy Budget Allows Append or Replace 2017 10

Prior to this release, the Copy Budget action in the Retail Sales Budget (10012417) page will always add or append
the budget entries from the source to the destination budget.
In this release, however, a new Option field has been added to the Copy Budget action. With this new field,
customers are allowed to add or replace the entries. When Replace entries is selected, all the entries in the
destination budget will be deleted and replaced with the ones copied from the source.
Budget Consolidation with Master-Child Budgets
This new functionality lets users work on multiple Budgets (for example for different Item Divisions) in parallel and
to consolidate those Budgets into one corporate Budget.
A master and child relationship can now be defined for Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase Budget. To achieve
this, a Master Budget field has been added to the Retail Sales Budget Name (99001555) table, Retail Sales Budget
Card (10012418), Retail Purchase Plan Name (10012400) table, and Retail Purchase Budget Card (10012420). This
field lets users specify if a budget can be consolidated into master budget.

A new Calculate Budget from Child Budgets action has also been introduced in the Retail Sales Budget (10012417)
page and the Retail Purchase Budget (10012419) page. This action allows the master budget to pull and
recalculate entries from the child budgets. New fields, Consolidated from Budget Name, Consolidated Date, and
Consolidated Time, have been added to the Retail Sales Budget Entry (99001556) table, Cat./Prod. Gr. Budget
Entries (99001666) page, Retail Purchase Plan Entry (10012401) table, and the Retail Purchase Plan Entries
(10012408) page, to store the details of the child budgets when entries are merged into master. 2017 10

Budget Transformation/Breakdown
New functions have been added in this release to transform budgets. Click here for more detailed information.

Retail Budgets Menu Improvements

The user navigation experience in the Retail Sales Budget page has been improved: New actions, New, Edit, and
Delete, have been introduce on the Retail Sales Budget List for more user-friendly way of maintaining the Retail
Sales Budget Name with the NAV standard.
Self-explanatory buttons, Sales Budget and Purchase Budget, in the Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase 2017 10
Budget pages respectively, have been added for opening the budget for maintenance.
Minor naming fixes have been implemented in Retail Budget.

The Copy Budget function, in the Retail Purchase Budget page, has been improved. Options have been added to
add or replace entries in the destination budget. 2017 10
A new action, Check And Correct, has been added to the Retail Sales Budget page.
Users can use this action to consolidate or delete budget entries that have the value Opening Stock Value outside
the budget start date. Also used to correct budget entries that are outside the budget's period. 2017 10

A validation has been added to the Check Rule action in the Allocation Rule page, where a warning will be
displayed if the same Destination Group is found to be used in more than one Allocation Rule Line. 2017 10

A new functionality has been added to the Hierarchy system that allows the user to add Items, Deals, Stores,
Warehouses, and Customers to Hierarchy nodes. 2017 10
A potential rounding difference has been fixed between a transaction line discount amount and a discount
amount in underlying transaction discount lines. 2017 10
Incorrect sync time has been fixed in search index where the time zone is other than UTC. 2017 10
The Hardware Station Management Portal is now hosted (default is http://localhost:8088), rather than using a
shortcut to a static file. This also enables the use of https. 2017 10
It is now possible to run LS Hardware Station as a services and as a console application. This feature was added to
accommodate internal developer needs. 2017 10
A new Event Type no. 28 (BROWSERNAVIGATED) has been added to the POS Events: when a link is pressed in the
BrowserControl and new document is loaded, this new event occurs.
It is also now possible to invoke POS commands from the user's own HTML in a BrowserControl by using the 2017 10
LSUtils.SendPosCommand function.

A maximum string length has been set for inputs on the POS. This prevents users from entering texts that exceed
the length of what Dynamics NAV can save to tables. 2017 10
A warning is now issued if a POS user is logging on to a POS terminal that is already open in another session.
2017 10

Tools have been added to restart Hardware Station service and to reset configurations.
2017 10
The current availability is shown as a counter on a POS button that has a PLU_K or DEAL command in all the
menus of the restaurant. The counter shows how much quantity is available for the item or deal that is associated
with the button. The counter is automatically updated.
When the item or deal is sold on the POS and the current availability is enough for the requested quantity, the
system reduces the current availability accordingly. If not enough availability, the system displays an error. When
the counter is down to zero, the button is disabled.
  2017 10
A new POS Command, AVAILABILITY_MODE, is used to set current availability on the POS buttons. The current
availability feature is not supported with the Mobile POS in this version. It will be supported with the Mobile POS
in future versions.

A new field, Compress Menu Type, has been added to the Restaurant Menu Type table. If this field is selected,
and Compress When Scanned is enabled in the active functionality profile, identical items with this default menu
type are compressed when entered. 2017 10
Otherwise, the items are not compressed even if they have the same default menu type. This allows changing the
menu type afterwards.
Previously, the Purch. Unit of Measure (UoM) field on the Retail Item Card was not used and considered when
items were being purchased, the Purchase Replenishment Journal was always calculated in the Base Unit of
Measure. In this release, the below features have been introduced to improve the situation with the aim to
leverage the Purch. Unit of Measure field.
Synching Order Multiple Field with Purchase Unit of Measure
The Order Multiple field in the Item (27) table and the Purchase Order Multiple field in the Replen. Item Store Rec
(10012206) table will be updated with the value set up for Qty. per Unit of Measure when the Purch. Unit of
Measure field for the item is changed. The Order Multiple fields will also be updated when the Qty. per Unit of
Measure field in the Item Units of Measure page is changed, if the quantity changed belongs to the Purch. Unit of
Measure currently assigned to the item. To support the feature, a new FastTab, Integration, has been introduced
in Replenishment Setup. In this new FastTab, a new field, Purch. UoM Updates Multiple Field, has been added to
define if the Order Multiple field for an item should be updated when its Purch. Unit of Measure is changed. The
field has these options: 2017 10
Never - the item's Order Multiple field will never be updated.
With Confirmation - customers will be asked if they wish to update the item's Order Multiple field.
Without Confirmation - the item's Order Multiple field will always be updated.

Another field, Lock Order Multiple, has also been added to the Replen. Item Store Rec (10012206) table and the
Replen. Item Store Rec (10012210) page. If this field is enabled, the Purchase Order Multiple field for the relevant
Item Store Records will not be updated when its Purch. Unit of Measure is changed. 2017 10
Purchase Replenishment Journal to Consider Purchase Unit of Measure for Purchase Order Creation
In this release, customers are presented with the option to create a Purchase Order (PO) in a Purch. Unit of
Measure. When the POs are created from the Purchase Replenishment Journal, the Unit of Measure will be
changed from Base Unit of Measure to Purch. Unit of Measure, if the quantity ordered is a full multiple. For
example, the Purch. Unit of Measure is set to BOX and it is known that there are 50 PCS in 1 BOX, examples of full
multiples would be 50, 100, or 150 PCS since they are equivalent to 1, 2, or 3 BOXES.
To support the feature, the Purch. Replen. Journal UoM Handling field has been added to the new Integration
FastTab in Replenishment Setup. This field defines if the Unit of Measure will be converted when POs are created
from the Journal. The field has these options: 2017 10
Keep Calculated Base UoM - the Unit of Measure will be kept as it is and will not be converted.
Convert to Purch. UoM if Possible - the Unit of Measure will be converted to the Purch. Unit of Measure, if the
quantity is a full multiple.

Display Warning when Quantity in Purchase Replenishment Journal Line is Changed

Customers have the option to change the quantity in Purchase Replenishment Journal Lines and Journal Detail
Lines. Now, with the introduction of the option for conversion to Purch. Unit of Measure, it is necessary to display
a warning if the changes by the customers lead to a Quantity which is not a full multiple.
A new field, Purch. Replen. Journal Quantity Warning, has been added to the new Integration FastTab in
Replenishment Setup. It defines if a warning will be displayed when a changed Quantity in the Purchase
Replenishment Journal is not a full multiple. The field has these options: 2017 10
No Warning
Warn if Not Full Multiple.

Copy Sales Budget Improvements

Improvements have been implemented in the request page of Report Copy Retail Sales Budget:
Control added to enable/disable the fields Division Code, Item Category, and Product Group, based on the
selected Copy-from Budget Type.The field Budget Type has been added below the Budget Name field, which is
updated when the user selects a destination budget.When the entries are being copied, the Division Code, Item
Category, and Product Group fields in the destination budget will be replaced according to the global setup in 2017 10
Product Group/Item Category tables.A message is displayed at the end of the copy action if entries with an earlier
start date compared to the destination's Budget Start Date are found.
Improved Check and Correct Action in Retail Sales Budget
A new validation and cleanup functionality has been introduced to the Check and Correct action on the Retail
Sales Budget page (10012417). The aim of the functionality is to identify budget entries that have a date not
matching the budget's Period Type, and to suggest cleanup measures.
Two cleanup options are available when such entries are identified:
To consolidate the entries into the budget entry which falls on the first day according to the Period Type. For 2017 10
example, a 22-Oct-2017 entry will be consolidated into the entry of 01-Oct-2017 in a monthly budget.To delete
the entries.

Variant Suggestions Improvement

The Item Variant Suggestion page, which opened with the Add a New Variant action in Variant Worksheet, has
been improved. Records will not be inserted into the Extended Variant Values table (10001413) when the
suggestions are populated. The Extended Variant Values records will only be inserted when the actual variants are 2017 10

Expanded support for barcodes has been implemented as newer barcodes contain more information than the
standard EAN barcode. This information is, for example, expiration date, lot numbers, serial numbers, and weight.
Discount Offers have been enhanced so automatic discounts can now be given for items with fixed dates (the
Valid From Before Expiration Date and Valid To Before Expiration Date fields).
  2017 10
For an example of how the GS1 DataBar barcodes can be used, see the LS Nav Online Help.

In the GS1 DataBar Configuration option, it is now possible to overwrite what to do with an item with an
expiration date. You can configure how many days before the item's expiration date you want to block the sale.
You can also specify, how many days before (and even after) the expiration date of a certain item, the POS should
display a question asking the customer if he/she would like to buy the item even if the item's expiration date is
coming soon (or has passed). 2017 10
The GS1 DataBar Configuration option can also be used to block the sale of a certain Lot No. This can be helpful
when a Lot No. needs to be recalled.
Web Store can now have an active hierarchy that is applied on a defined start date. The GET_HIERARCHY web
service returns the active hierarchy for a store according to the current date and time. 2017 10

The Web Store can now have more than one hierarchies linked to it by adding Hierarchy Date lines to the WI
Setup page. Hierarchies and starting dates are selected. Active Hierarchy is then returned according to
CURRENTDATETIME when requested for the Web Store.
Images and descriptions can now be set for each node in a hierarchy. The Retail Image functionality is used to link
nodes to images.
When an item is added to a hierarchy, the whole hierarchy is shown from the root to the node.
The function Add Items to Hierarchy Node has been enhanced to support filtering on attributes, special groups, 2017 10
and from a different hierarchy node.

For more information see Hierarchies in the LS Nav Online Help.

The LS Management portal user interface has been improved to support enhanced customization.
An option has been added to select the debug log level. 2017 10
POS event MARKEDCOUNTCHANGED now contains information on the active Column and Row in the Source
(Data Grid Control). 2017 10
A new InvokeScript function has been added to the EPOS Control Interface where developers can invoke
JavaScripts in the BrowserControl.
Note that an option to send POS Command events from the BrowserControl HTML has also been added. Using 2017 10
these two options together, a developer can create custom UI with the BrowserControl using HTML/CSS/JS, and
interact with it.

POS Hardware Profile now provides support for multiple OPOS Scanners.
2017 10
New options have been added to Record Zoom Control on the POS.
It is now possible to select the field Hide Headerto hide the column headers in the Control. 2017 10
The Header Height field can now be used to control the height of the column headers.

The error POS Terminal is already in use by user xxx, which occurred when the service tier was stopped while the
POS was open, has been fixed. Users are no longer prevented from opening the POS in this situation. 2017 10
Handling of unsent transaction data has been changed to reduce locking. This affects sending transaction data at
the end of a transaction and applies to transaction server and web service. 2017 10
Sending transaction data at the end of a transaction, send unsent data, is now also supported as background
process. This process is serviced by a background session which then frees up time for the client session running 2017 10
the POS.

Changing Ping Timeout (ms) and Database Timeout (s)in LS Nav Start will now take effect as soon as the Options
dialog is confirmed, instead of on program restart. 2017 10
Column number has been added to the DATAROWSELECTED event to determine what column was clicked (if a
mouse or finger was used to select the row). 2017 10
It is now possible to have multiple pages in Web POS menus. 2017 10
The Master-Child Budgets Consolidation feature for Retail Sales Budget has been extended to allow a more
flexible planning: a master budget is not only allowed to relate to child budgets with the same budget type, but
also to child budgets with more specific types.
For example, if the master budget has a type Item Category, the child budget types allowed would be Item
Category, Product Group, or Item. When child budget entries are consolidated into master budget, the type of the
entries will be transformed according to the type of the master budget. For example, a child entry with Product 2017 10
Group DVD will be transformed to Item Category AUDIO when it is consolidated into a master budget with Item
Category type.

A new report, Trending Report Hist., has been introduced in LS Retail - Replenishment - General - Reports and
Analysis. The report provides inventory and sales information for a specific period of time and has the 2017 10
functionality to combine the inventory information of current and previous year.

The Fashion Role Center is reintroduced in this release. The aim of the role center is to create an easy-to-use
environment for fashion store managers, and to make all the most commonly used functions and basic statistics
immediately available to them.
The role center provides easy access to POS Statements, Transaction Register, Purchase Orders, and Return
Orders in tiles format. It also presents the store managers with a number of useful Value Charts, such as the PO
Sales and Store Hourly Sales chart. The role center is also equipped with an action menu and a navigation pane
which provide convenient access to various functionalities, such as the Retail Item Registration, Lifecycle Planning 2017 10
Worksheet, and more.

For more information see Fashion Role Center in the LS Nav Online Help.
When an invalid barcode, or a barcode that is not in the system, is scanned, the operator is notified with a pop-up
message and he/she must press OK to continue. 2017 10
Performance boost implemented for serial and lot numbers in local inventory Lookup.
2017 10
It is not possible to do an End-of-Day Tender Declaration on a POS, if the POS is in Training Mode and the Safe
Mgnt. in Use check box is selected for the Store. 2017 10
Amount Rounding Precision for foreign currency in the POS has been fixed.
2017 10

Support for multiple OPOS scanners has been added in the POS Hardware Profile.
2017 10
A new option has been added for drawers in the Hardware Profile. It is now possible to select a Drawer Alert Type
Block to block all actions on the POS while the drawer is open. 2017 10
The below features have been introduced to allow customers to conveniently add lines to Allocation Rule with
Stores, Store Groups, Warehouse Locations, Customers, and Customer Groups as setup in a Store Hierarchy.
2017 10

A new action, Add Stores from Store Hierarchy, has been introduced in the Allocation Rule page (10012254). The
action opens up a report which lets customers add Stores, Store Groups, Warehouse Locations, Customers, and
Customer Groups as defined in the Store Hierarchy's node links to the Allocation Rule Lines. From the report's
request page, customers can choose from Share Type Default Weight or Manual Weight, and define the weight to
be assigned to each line.
To support the feature, a new Action Message field has also been added to the Allocation Rule Line table
(10012329) and Allocation Rule Lines page (10012255). Allocation Rule Lines added from Store Hierarchy will be
marked as New in the Action Message field. This is to assist the customers to easily identify lines that are added 2017 10
from Store Hierarchy and they are still allowed to update the weight. The customers must use the Clear Actions
action to clear the Action Message once they're satisfied with the changes.
The Check Rule action in the Allocation Rule page has been extended with the below validations:
If there are Allocation Rule Lines marked as New in the Action Message field.
If the total weight of all Allocation Rule Lines is equal to zero.
For more information see How to: Add Stores to Allocation Rule from Store Hierarchy in the LS Nav Online Help. 2017 10

A new Budget Type field has been introduced in the Copy Retail Purchase Budget (10012408) report, accessible
from the Copy Budget action on the Retail Purchase Budget (10012419) page.
This field is updated with the Budget Type of the selected destination budget. The Division Code, Item Category,
and Product Group fields on the report will now be enabled or disabled according to the Budget Type of the
source budget. For example, if the source budget has the type Product Group, only the Product Group field will be
enabled on the report. If a value is selected for one of these fields, the Division Code, Item Category, and Product
Group fields of the copied entries will be replaced according to the selected value and the hierarchy setup in the
Product Group, Item Category, and Division tables. Also, a warning message will be displayed to the customer, if
the copied entries have an earlier start date than the destination's Budget Start Date. 2017 10

For more information see How to: Copy a New Purchase Budget in the LS Nav Online Help.

In a Hierarchy Relation with active relations on multiple node levels, the Remove Relation (preserve child
relations) action for a node on a middle level resulted in an incorrect value in the Relation Type and Inherited
from Node1 fields. These fields were not inherited correctly from the parent nodes. 2017 10
This has been corrected in the current release.

The Season Filter in the Replen. Template for the Purchase Replenishment Journal and the Transfer
Replenishment Journal has been improved. It now supports special characters, such as "<>" and "|", to let 2017 10
customers perform advanced filtering.

Control functions for context menus have been implemented. It is now possible to view and/or modify control
and panel properties, move controls around, copy, paste, and add new controls. It is also possible to copy and 2017 10
paste buttons and button properties, and so on.

Watermark function has been implemented for Web POS. A watermark can, for example, be used to indicate if
the POS is in Design Mode or Training Mode. 2017 10
One part of the LS Nav 10.09 release is LS Recommend version 2.0. This version of LS Recommend supports LS
Omni version 2.4 and ongoing.
In the new LS Recommend version the model procedure in Back Office LS Nav has been simplified and made
easier for the user. The biggest simplification is in procedures to include features in the model, which are 2017 10
necessary to make cold item recommendation. Display options on the POS and in Omni are the same as in
previous version.

A new feature, Dining Table Allocation, has been added in LS Hospitality. Add walk-in guests quickly to a waiting
list with the relevant information, and allocate them to tables in the Dining Allocation Panel. Waiting times can be
estimated by viewing the statistics for the dining area, and the user has a good overview of when tables will be
ready. Guests can be seated quickly when a table becomes available, and it is now easy to search for tables and 2017 10
for guests occupying tables or waiting lists.
The Dining Table Pop-up Menus in Demo Data Notes
#HOSP-POP-ADJUST Changed Default Skin and Font = #HO-POP-LINES
First line has #HO-POP-HEADER font and skin.
#HOSP-POP-CLEAN Changed Default Skin and Font = #HO-POP-LINES
First line has #HO-POP-HEADER font and skin.
#HOSP-POP-CLEAN-OS New New menu to accommodate the new option for Table Becomes Occupied - On
Ordering or Seating (Service Flow).
Includes both Seat Guests and Open POS commands.
#HOSP-POP-CLEAN-S Changed Default Skin and Font = #HO-POP-LINES
First line has #HO-POP-HEADER font and skin.
#HOSP-POP-FREE Changed Default Skin and Font = #HO-POP-LINES
First line has #HO-POP-HEADER font and skin.
#HOSP-POP-FREE-OS New New menu to accommodate the new option for Table Becomes Occupied - On Ordering
or Seating (Service Flow).
Includes both Seat Guests and Open POS commands.
#HOSP-POP-FREE-S Changed Default Skin and Font = #HO-POP-LINES
First line has #HO-POP-HEADER font and skin.
#HOSP-POP-LOCKED Changed Default Skin and Font = #HO-POP-LINES
First line has #HO-POP-HEADER font and skin. 2017 10
Second line has #HO-POP-SUB-HEADER font and skin.
#HOSP-POP-TRANSFER Changed Default Skin and Font = #HO-POP-LINES
First line has #HO-POP-HEADER font and skin.
If you are upgrading your system to LS Nav 10.9 you must import certain data from the demo data (use the Import
Export Worksheet):

1. Import the ##DEFAULT POS Menu Profile, ##DEFAULT POS Interface Profile and ##DEFAULT POS Style Profile -
without overwriting. The new menus, panels, and controls will be imported.
2. Import the POS commands - also without overwriting. The new commands will be imported.
3. Import the POS Data Tables - also without overwriting. The new data tables will be imported.
4. Import the POS Tags - also without overwriting. The new POS tags will be imported.
5. Change the Hospitality Service Flows so that they point to the appropriate dining table pop-up menus (see the
demo data Hospitality Service Flows). You can switch between the Table Becomes Occupied and Table Status after
Clearing options (end with the correct one) to let the system put in some of the new menus for you. You need to
change the Occupied and Occupied-Paid and Clear menus manually. 2017 10
6. Change the skin and font of those dining table pop-up menus that are changed and not new according to the
list above.
7. If you have created your own style profiles, you will have to create the #HO-POP-LINES, #HO-POP-HEADER, and
#HO-POP-SUB-HEADER fonts and skin for each style profile you have created.

Hospitality has the following known issues with LS Nav 10.09.

1. If Current Availability is set for the restaurant and the POS is in Dining Table Layout and idle for 20 seconds, an
error will pop up.
2. If there is no Service Flow for a Hospitality Type, then an error pops up. 2017 10
This can be mitigated by adding an empty service flow to the hospitality type.

There is now full support for Omni/ECom by running the jobs OMNI_INIT. Updates can then be run by the
scheduler job OMNI_UPDATE.
The Omni Server works with prior versions of LS Nav. Earlier versions of the Omni Server will work with this new 2017 10
LS Nav version, but cannot use new features related to Customer Orders.

Events and publishers have been added in a POS Transaction where POS Actions were called before. 2017 10
SQL Indexes for non-mainstream or unused keys are no longer maintained. This can be turned on again for
individual customers, if needed. 2017 10
The LS Nav Online Help home page has been rearranged for improved navigation. The available search options are
expanded, and links have been added to a printable PDF version of the Release Notes and to an Excel document 2017 10
with an overview of new events.
New events have been added to Hierarchies. 2017 10
First Integration Events to POS Controller codeunits.
2017 10
New Budget Type Introduced in Retail Sales Budget: Item Hierarchy
Item Hierarchy can now be selected as a Budget Type in Retail Sales Budget. When this type is selected, the user
can assign an Item Hierarchy to the budget, and then perform planning for the items that are linked to the
Hierarchy. The Hierarchy can be assigned with the new Hierarchy Code field introduced in the Retail Sales Budget
page, and budget entries can then be created and maintained at item level. 2017 10
Note: The Item Hierarchy must be set to Link Only Once for it to work with Retail Sales Budget.

Retail Sales Budget Functionality Improvements for Item Hierarchy Budget Type
The various functionalities on the Retail Sales Budget page, such as Calculate Budget from Child Budgets and Copy
Budget, can now be used on an Item Hierarchy budget on the condition that the budgets involved are linked to
the same Item Hierarchy. The Create Budget from Sales report has also been improved to work with the new Item
Hierarchy budget type. The report will only create budget entries based on the historical sales data for items that
belong to the Item Hierarchy currently assigned to the budget. Also, View Start Date has been added to the Retail
Sales Budget page to let the user refresh the page with a specific start date. 2017 10
For more information see Retail Sales Budgets in the LS Nav Online Help.
Store Capacity Page Improvements
These fields have been added to the Store Capacity table (10012320) and page (10012330) to show the actual
capacity utilization of the stores:

Actual Capacity
Capacity %
Last Time Calculated
The calculation of the above fields can be performed manually with the Calculate Capacity action on the Store
Capacity page, or automatically using the Scheduler Job with Job ID REPLEN-STORECAPACITY. The page has also
been enhanced to allow any combination of Location Code, Item Category Code, Product Group Code, and Season
to be added. Furthermore, the page can now be accessed from the MenuSuite LS Retail - Replenishment - General
- Lists, Store Capacity, as well as from the Retail Item Category, Retail Product Group, and Seasons page.

Store Capacity Report Improvements

The Store Capacity Report can now be accessed from the MenuSuite LS Retail - Replenishment - General - Reports
and Analysis, Store Capacity. The report has been enhanced to display the store capacity utilization information,
such as Actual Capacity and Capacity % based on the Goal Capacity setup and Inventory for each Item Category or
Product Group. Users also have the option to generate the report with item details, if they enable the Show Items
field on the report's request page. 2017 10

For more information see Store Capacity in the LS Nav Online Help.
Stock Coverage Page Improvements
These fields have been added to the Stock Coverage table (10012321) and page (10012331) to show the actual
weekly stock coverage:

Weekly Sales Qty.

Actual (weeks)
Coverage %
Last Time Calculated
The Goal field has been renamed to Goal (weeks). The calculation of the fields can be performed manually with
the Calculate Coverage action on the Stock Coverage page, or automatically using the Scheduler Job with Job ID
REPLEN-STOCKCOVERAGE. The Location Code and Item Category Code fields on the page are now mandatory, and 2017 10
the Stock Coverage can be set up per item category or product group, as well as for a specific season.
Furthermore, the Stock Coverage page can now be accessed from the MenuSuite LS Retail - Replenishment -
General - Lists, Stock Coverage, as well as from the Retail Item Category, Retail Product Group, and Seasons page.

New Field in Replenishment Setup: Number of Sales Days to Analyze

A new Stock Coverage FastTab and a new Number of Sales Days to Analyze field has been added to the Replen.
Setup table (10012200) and page (10012200). This field defines the number of sales days to go back in history to
be considered for the Weekly Sales Qty. calculation in Stock Coverage page and report. 2017 10

Stock Coverage Report Improvements

The Stock Coverage Report can now be accessed from the MenuSuite LS Retail - Replenishment - General -
Reports and Analysis, Stock Coverage. The report has been enhanced to calculate its Weekly Sales Qty. based on
the new Number of Sales Days to Analyze field introduced in Replenishment Setup, if there is no From Date and
To Date selected in the report's request page. Moreover, when the report is generated, only lines with matching
Stock Coverage setup (that is, with matching Item Category or Product Group, and Location Code) found will be
displayed, and the Total lines when the report is being displayed by Product Group or Item have been removed. 2017 10
For more information see Stock Coverage in the LS Nav Online Help.
Store Group Setup Improvement
A new action, Store Setup, has been introduced to the Store Groups (10001397) page to improve the user 2017 10
experience when maintaining Store Groups and related Stores.

Purchase Replenishment Journal and Transfer Replenishment Journal Improvement

Three new actions have been added into the Purchase Replenishment Journal (10012205) and the Transfer
Replenishment Journal (10012215),

Replen. Item Quantities, has been introduced to the pages Purchase Replenishment Journal (10012205) and
Transfer Replenishment Journal (10012215). This action opens the Replen. Item Quantities (10012218) page for
the selected item. Furthermore, the actions on the Navigate menu have been rearranged.
New actions, Delete all lines and Delete zero lines, have been introduced to the pages Purchase Replenishment
Journal (10012205), Transfer Replenishment Journal (10012215) and Replen. Template List (10012202). These 2017 10
actions let the user quickly delete Journal Lines after the Replenishment calculation.

The Virtual Scale can now be configured to return lb, oz or g in addition to kg. 2017 10
InStore Management worksheets have been revised and replaced with Store Inventory worksheets. InStore
worksheets are based on standard NAV objects and many unnecessary validations are run for each journal line
that is entered. Sometimes, in large installations, this results in waiting in deadlocks. Now, however, LS Nav has
Store Inventory Worksheets based in LS Nav's own object range where we have full control. Hopefully, this will
make the system easier, faster, and simpler to use.

The new worksheets are used for inventory adjustments such as positive and negative adjustments, transfers, and
exploding prepacks. There are also worksheets for counting, purchasing (+returns), label printing, stock requests, 2017 10
and price checking. Text files, for example from handheld devices, can be imported to any worksheet type.
LS Nav now offers Cycle count (Periodic count), a new type of counting. Cycle counts are normally done on a small
section of the inventory, usually on a particular brand, type, or supplier's items and can be done during regular
opening hours. It is possible to run multiple cycle counts at the same time (just make sure you do not have the
same item in more than one count). The frequency of counting is set on an Item, Product Group, or Item category
by selecting a Physical Inventory Counting Period.

In this version you can select if you want to keep on working in InStore Management or switch to Store Inventory, 2017 10
see the Store Inventory Setup page. The Mobile Inventory application for handhelds works with both versions.

The WebPOS Add-in now verifies that the JavaScript Add-in is the same version as the Server Side objects/toolbox.
This prevents users from using updated Toolbox components without updating the JavaScript Add-In. 2017 10

A new drop-down menu, Printing, has been added to the Hospitality Items List and Card pages. The new option is
available on the Navigate menu.
2017 10
A new action, Extra Print Setup, has also been added to the Recipe List and Recipe Card pages.

Clicking the Calc Standard Cost action on the Recipe Card now prompts the question: "Do you want to update
recipe cost with unit cost from items".

A new action, Adjust Cost - Update Recipes, lets the user update all recipes for all or selected items with the new 2017 10
cost that is calculated from the Item Entries.

A new check box, Retail Message in use, has been added to Retail Message Setup. If the check box is not selected,
the Web Service is not called. 2017 10
It is no longer necessary to have a Service Flow for Hospitality Type.
2017 10
An error message was sometimes generated, if the Current Availability function was used while the POS was idle
in the Dining Table Area panel. This has now been fixed. 2017 10
The online help for Dining Table Allocation has been improved. 2017 10
LS Nav 2018 (11.0) supports upgrade from version LS Nav 2017 (10.x). For this upgrade there is no specific LS Nav
upgrade toolkit, the standard upgrade works here.
Upgrades from LS Nav 2015 (8.0) and LS Nav 2016 (9.0) to LS Nav 2018 (11.0) will be available in later releases.
Note: The Standard Dynamics NAV upgrade toolkit from version 2015 and 2016 does not work for LS Nav 2018 2018 11

Mobile tables for Mobile POS and Omni that are no longer in use have been removed. 2018 11
Action Management is now handled using events. So-called “Preactions” are created by subscription events that
utilize “Database Table Trigger” events. These events are published by the “Application Management” codeunit. 2018 11

The value of the Check frequency (minutes) field on the Retail Message Setup page is now set to zero when the
Retail Message in use check box is selected. 2018 11
The Click and Collect process has been modified to ship orders. Instead of items being stored and collected at the
store, a transaction is created and posted immediately to ship items directly to the customer. 2018 11

The Retail ICT module is now limited to only supporting journal mirroring. Handling of ICT transfer and document
handling has been removed, but the module is still able to mirror journal (G/L and ILE) posting between 2018 11

Standalone Store has been removed from the system. This is to support handling of documents (PO, TO,
SO) between databases and companies. 2018 11
Multiple Web Stores are now supported in a single company. A Web Store number is required when a basket is
calculated and web orders are created.
WI Setup and WI Stores have been moved to the Store table.
Jobs to prepare data for eCommerce have been reduced to two jobs: OMNI_INIT and OMNI_UPDATE. Older jobs, 2018 11
processes, and objects that are not used any more have been removed from the system.

A new self-service POS, the Coffee POS, has been added to the Demo Data Company. This self-service POS has
the Profile #COFFEE-Q and is set up on terminal P0068 for Restaurant S0010 and on terminal P0071 for store 2018 11
Clienteling is a new extension to LS Nav POS which adds a new "customer-in-store" experience to the POS. Using
the Clienteling view, store staff can now engage with the customer and navigate items in a way similar to what
the customer is accustomed to in web-stores.
In this first version, which is currently only available for the Windows POS, the framework and basic functionality
for Clienteling has been implemented. Later, Clienteling will also be available for the Web POS.
A new POS setup has been added to the Demo Data company to demonstrate Clienteling with profiles #TAURUS.
In the Demo Data company terminal number P0069 has been set up with these profiles. 2018 11
For more information see Clienteling in the LS Nav Online Help for more details.

The following POS commands have been removed in this release:

The list of POS commands in the POS online help and in the corresponding Excel document have been updated.

In order to improve performance local inventory lookup for serial and lot numbers has been changed.
2018 11
Page 99009132, Allocation Plan Doc. Factbox, did not show the Captions Purchase Orders, Transfer Orders, and
Sales Orders correctly. This has now been fixed. 2018 11
When the Purchase Replenishment Journal or the Transfer Replenishment Journal is calculated with the Add
Items to Journal report, the filters for Vendor No., Replenishment Calculation Type, ABC Amount, ABC Profit,
Special Group Code, Item Hierarchy, and Item Attribute will now also work for Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ)
In other words, when the Calculate Inventory option is selected in the Add Items to Journal report, these filters 2018 11
will also work for RIQ calculation where only items which fulfill the filter will be considered.

Transfer & Purchase Thresholds are a new feature to reduce transportation cost. It is a tool designed to avoid
small Purchase Orders or Transfer Orders by setting Threshold limits. If they do not meet the Threshold limits,
Purchase Order and Transfer Order proposals in the Replenishment Journal will be marked with a warning.
Actual Values in the Replenishment Journal
Thresholds Management calculates and displays the Actual Values for:
Cost Amount
Sales Amount
Profit Amount 2018 11

in the Replenishment Journal Details and totals the values to Replenishment Journal Lines and the whole
Replenishment Journal. An Information FastTab has been introduced in the Purchase Replenishment Journal
(10012205) and the Transfer Replenishment Journal (10012215) to show these total values. The total fields are
also introduced in the Replen. Template List (10012202) where they will show the total values of all journals
under the Replenishment Template. The calculation of the Actual Values is triggered when:
The journal is calculated using the Add Items to Journal report.
The journal is calculated with the scheduler job.
A Replenishment Journal Line or Detail Line is added, changed, or deleted.
The Quantity or Unit of Measure fields are changed in the Replenishment Journal Line or Detail Line.
Threshold Fields Visibility Setup
It is possible to set up the visibility of the Actual Value fields. A new Replen. Journals FastTab has been introduced
in Replenishment Setup with these check boxes:
Show Cost Fields in Purch. Replen. Journal
Show Sales Fields in Purch. Replen. Journal
Show Profit Fields in Purch. Replen. Journal
Show Cost Fields in Transf. Replen. Journal
Show Sales Fields in Transf. Replen. Journal
Show Profit Fields in Transf. Replen. Journal
The check boxes are used to define which of the Actual Value fields should be displayed in the Journal. These
visibility settings will be copied to any newly created Replenishment Template. Existing Replenishment Templates
will not be updated when these check boxes are changed. It is also possible to setup the Actual Value fields
visibility per Journal or Template. This can be done on the Replen. Template (10012201) page, with the Show Cost
Fields in Journal, Show Sales Fields in Journal, and Show Profit Fields in Journal check boxes on the Visible Fields
Threshold Rules Setup
A new Threshold Rule (10012310) table and Threshold Rules (10012333) page have been introduced where the
upper or lower limit of Threshold Fields can be defined. The upper and lower limit can be set up with the
Minimum Value and Maximum Value fields, and the options available for the Threshold Fields to be compared
against the limits are:
Cost Amount
Sales Amount
Profit Amount
The Threshold Rules can be defined per Vendor, Store/Location, and Item hierarchy (Division, Item Category,
Product Group, and Item). Three types of Rules can be set up:
Purchase to Warehouse - works with the Purchase Replenishment Journal with Purchase Order Type One
Purchase Order per Vendor or One Purchase Order per Vendor with Cross Docking.
Purchase to Receiving Location - works with the Purchase Replenishment Journal with Purchase Order Type
Purchase Orders for Receiving Locations.
Transfer - works with the Transfer Replenishment Journal.
The Threshold Rules page is accessible from LS Retail - Replenishment - Automatic - Administration - Threshold
Rules, as well as from the Location and Retail Vendor pages.

Threshold Rule Values Calculation

When a journal is calculated, the Thresholds Management will go through all Threshold Rules and copy applicable
rules to the Threshold Rule Value (10012311) table, which is an individual Rule definition for a specific
Replenishment Journal. Next, the Thresholds will be calculated for the applicable Rules and the results will be
shown in the Actual Value field on the Threshold Rule Values (10012334) page, as well as reflecting the Status of
the value if it has violated the Threshold (Below Minimum or Above Maximum). The No. of Exceptions field on the
Information FastTab in the Purchase or Transfer Replenishment Journal can be used to check if an Exception is
raised. 2018 11
To support the feature, a new Exception Management FastTab has been introduced in Replenishment Setup. This
new FastTab has a check box, Thresholds for Autom. Replen., and the Threshold Rule Values calculation will only
be performed, if this box is selected.
Block Documents Creation When Threshold Exceptions Raised
A check box, Thresholds Block Doc. Creation, has been introduced on the Exception Management FastTab in
Replenishment Setup. If this box is selected, the creation of Purchase Order and Transfer Order from
Replenishment Journals with unresolved Exceptions will be blocked. This applies to the scheduler-based
document creation and the Create Purchase Orders, Put Creation of Purchase Orders on Batch Posting Queue,
Create Transfer Orders, and Put Creation of Transfer Orders on Batch Posting Queue actions on the Journal pages.

Resolving Threshold Exceptions

The No. of Exceptions field in the Replenishment Journal indicates existing unresolved Exceptions. The Threshold
Rule Values page can be opened by drilling down the No. of Exceptions field, or by clicking the Show Thresholds
action. On the Threshold Rule Values page, users have a choice of:
Accepting the Exceptions without adjusting the quantities.
Adjusting the quantities in the journal to increase or decrease the Actual Value until it meets the Thresholds.
The Exceptions can be accepted manually by changing the Rule Action field to Accepted, or by clicking the Accept
all Threshold Exceptions action to accept all Exceptions in one step. Alternatively, the Threshold Exceptions Details
page can be opened with the Show Details action, where it will show all Replenishment Journal Detail Lines
causing the Exception. Quantities can be adjusted from the page and the Recalculate Actual Values action on the
Threshold Rule Values page can then be used to recalculate the Actual Values and to check if the Exceptions have
been resolved.
For more information see Transfer and Purchase Thresholds in the LS Nav Online Help.

Special Order (SPO) has been removed from LS Nav 2018. Special Order will be replaced by a new functionality,
Customer Order. 2018 11
Multiple Web POSes can now be used with a single LS Hardware Station for printing. For more information about
the LS Hardware Station see the LS Nav Online Help. 2018 11
A new and lighter version of Web Services has been introduced for Web Store Basket Calculation. This improves
LS Nav's ability to handle heavy load on the Web Store Basket Calculation. 2018 11
An error occurred when finalizing orders in the Offline Call Center. The Web Service OFFLINECC_SENDFINALORDE
did not finish since the table Trans. Hospitality Entry was not optional. This has now been fixed. 2018 11

The length of the Trans. Safe Entry description has been set to maximum 30 characters in the Start/End float.
2018 11
This issue has been fixed. Now, deal lines are not lost when a coupon is voided.
2018 11
On the Online Help home page, a new link (Release Notes LS Nav 2017 (10.00-10.10) opens a single PDF
document with all release notes that were published in 2017. 2018 11
A new framework for writing standard SOAP web services has been released. The framework
- makes Web Service easier to use for API developers (Consulting, Omni, and partners).
- provides automatic documentation of web services.
- provides multiple dedicated web services instead of one generic web service for all functionalities.
- provides version control for LS Nav Web Service methods.
- supports more than one version of the web services.
- means that Web Service methods are no longer dependent on manually entered demo data or other setup data 2018 11
to function.
- provides an option to monitor the usage of Web Service methods in accordance with currently used montoring

GetItemInventory – replaces INVENTORY

RetailMessageGetActiveList – replaces RETAIL_MESSAGE_GET_ACTIVE_LIST
WebPosCalculate (will be renamed to MobilePosCalculate in next version) - replaces WEB_POS, command
WebPosPost (will be renamed to MobilePosPost in next version) – replaces WEB_POS, command POST
GetHierarchy – replaces GET_HIERARCHY
GetHierarchyNode – replaces GET_HIERARCHY_NODE
GetCrossSelling – replaces GET_CROSS_SELLING
2018 11
EcomCalculateBasket – replaces ECOMM_CALCULATE_BASKET (Multiple Web Store) and

Item Details in Clienteling now shows the actual inventory of items. The inventory is now updated in real-time
when an item is sold on the POS. 2018 11
Item Hierarchy is now available as a Budget Type on the Retail Purchase Budget card. This makes it possible for
the user to assign an Item Hierarchy to the budget and then perform planning for the items linked to the
The Calculate Budget from Child Budgets and Copy Budget functionalities now also work with the Item Hierarchy
budget, provided that the budgets involved are linked to the same Item Hierarchy.
The Create Budget from Purchases report has been improved to work with the new Item Hierarchy budget type: 2018 11
the report only creates budget entries based on historical purchase data for items that belong to the Item
Hierarchy currently assigned to the budget.
For more information see Retail Purchase Budgets in the LS Nav Online Help.

The Item in Hierarchy action on the Retail Item Card and List page (the Navigate action menu, Retail/POS group)
has been renamed Item to Dyn. Item Hierarchy.
The Item Hierarchy action in the Retail Product Groups List (the Navigate action menu, Product Groups section) 2018 11
has been renamed Retail Hierarchy.

The Import Budget from Excel action on the Retail Sales Budget page has been enhanced: it now only imports the
item(s) in the selected item hierarchy. 2018 11
The Kitchen Display System can now be fully configured within LS Nav Hospitality. This means it is no longer
necessary to set up the Site Manager and a separate database for the Kitchen Display System.
The KDS configuration has also been improved:
- It is possible to configure which columns are shown on the Kitchen Station Line displays and to configure the
sizes of these columns.
- It is possible to configure the header and footer on the Kitchen Station Chit displays. Users can now specify the
number of lines and columns in the header and footer.
- All fields on the line display and chit displays' header and footer can be configured with text and colors. 2018 11
New demo data for the KDS styles has been added so users can select either the conventional gray look or a
darker look for the displays.

A change has been made to the management of usage history that is used by the LS Recommend module. Now,
when new data is loaded, the procedure starts by deleting old usage data that is outside the model's Usage
History Time Period. Also, the data is loaded in smaller chunks.
A backport containing this change is available for LS Nav 8.00.08 and 9.00.10 on the LS Retail Partner Portal. 2018 11
When a Gift Card is sold on the POS it no longer requires double validation. Input validation on the numeric pad
for Gift Cards has been fixed. 2018 11

A new action, Threshold Rules, has been added to the Threshold Rule Values (10012334) page. The new action shows all
2018 11
the Threshold Rules that have been setup for all Replenishment Journals.
The Expand All and Collapse All actions on the Retail Sales Budget (10012417) page and the Retail Purchase
Budget (10012419) page have been removed and replaced with the standard Nav Expand/Collapse function. 2018 11

The Validate Key action on the LS Recommend Setup page has been removed.
A backport containing this change is available for LS Nav 8.00.08 and 9.00.10 on the LS Retail Partner Portal. 2018 11

Microsoft now has two new properties in their table fields:

Level 1 - the DataClassification property, released in early March with CU3.
Level 2 - the DataSensitivity property, released in April with CU4.
Adjustments have been implemented in LS Nav to comply with those new properties.

Data Classification Level 1

This classification requires access to the database tables and can be set by Microsoft Partners.

There are seven Data Classification values:

1. CustomerContent - General DataClassification, used in most tables.
2. ToBeClassified – Default value when a new field is created.
3. EndUserIdentifiableInformation - References or relations that identify the NAV user. 2018 11
4. AccountData - Used for billing information. Not currently used.
5. EndUsePseudonymousIdentifiers - ID or No Series that reference the NAV user. Not used.
6. OrganizationIdentifiableInformation - Used to identify Tenants. Not in standard LS Nav (Consulting/Partners).
7. SystemMetadata - All FlowFilters and FlowFields.
Data Sensitivity Level 2
This will be visible and editable by IT managers.
Work can be started in Excel and then later imported.
There are four values:
1. Sensitive: political opinions, religion, physical or mental health, sexuality.
2. Personal: Information that can be used to identify a data subject, either directly or in combination with other
3. Confidential: Business data used for accounting or other business purposes, ledger entries for example.
4. Normal: General data that does not belong to any other categories.
All LS Nav fields have been classified in the same manner as the Microsoft Dynamics NAV fields. Please note that
this classification is a recommendation – it is then up to you to make sure you are following your local regulations.
Microsoft has announced that the DataClassification property and Data Sensitivity classification are in the latest 2018 11
CU for NAV 2015 (CU 41), NAV 2016 (CU 29), NAV 2017 (CU 16).
See Classifying Data in Dynamics NAV and Data Protection Resources on the Microsoft web site for more

The Customer Orders feature now supports creating customer orders on the POS. The orders are entered on the
POS and sent through web services to the Head Office database. All updates to customer orders are done by web
Customer orders created on the POS can be collected by the customer from another location or be shipped from
stores and warehouses to the customer.
The Customer Order feature lets the user configure, if payment occurs when the customer collects the order or if
payment must be made when the order is placed. Shipment orders must always be paid at the time of placing the 2018 11
When a collection order is created, the system will trigger the transfer order needed between the locations. For
more information see Customer Orders in the LS Nav Online Help.
Multi-Company Replenishment for Automatic Replenishment
The Multi-Company Replenishment feature is now supported in automatic replenishment. It works in an
environment with multiple legal entities, which involves a central supply chain company with one or more sales
companies, where all these companies reside in the same LS Nav database.

The Replenishment Journal calculation takes place in the central supply chain company. It will process the
Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) data in the central supply chain company together with the pre-calculated RIQ 2018 11
data consolidated from the sales companies. This process facilitates the central purchases in the supply chain
company, and then distribution of the items by creating sales orders to the sales companies.

Master-Child Replenishment for Automatic Replenishment

The Master-Child Replenishment feature works in an environment with stores that operate as a stock buffer
(Master store) for other stores (Child stores). The item replenishment is only performed and received at the
Master store, and therefore, the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) of the Master store will contain the
aggregated information (Inventory and Quantity on Purchase Order, for example) from its own and also from its
assigned Child stores.
2018 11
New setup and fields have been added to the Location (14) and Replen. Item Quantity (10012205) table to
support these two features. For more information see Multi-Company Replenishment and Master Child
Replenishment in the LS Nav Online Help.

Order Multiple and Transfer Multiple in decimal values are now enabled in automatic replenishment.

A multiple in decimal is handled similarly to a multiple in whole number. During the replenishment journal
calculation, if the quantity suggested by the system is not in full multiple, depending on the Replen. Multiple
Rounding setup, the quantity will either be rounded up to the next nearest full multiple, or rounded down to the 2018 11
last nearest full multiple.
Copy Budget Improvements
The Copy Budget functionality in the Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase Budget page has been improved.

The budget entries of a more detailed budget can now be copied to a more generic budget (for example, to copy
an Item budget to a Product Group budget). An Item Hierarchy budget has the same level as an Item budget,
where its budget entries can be copied to another Division, Item Category, Product Group, Item, or Item Hierarchy
budget. 2018 11
For more information see How to: Copy a Sales Budget and How to: Copy a Purchase Budget in the LS Nav Online

Master-Child Budgets Consolidation Improvements

The Calculate Budget from Child Budgets functionality in the Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase Budget page
has been improved. Similar to all other types of budget, when served as a child, an Item Hierarchy budget is able
to push its budget entries to a parent with a more generic budget type. An Item Hierarchy budget shares the same
level as an Item budget, which means, it will be able to push entries to a parent with Division, Item Category, 2018 11
Product Group, Item, or Item Hierarchy budget type.
For more information see Budget Consolidation in the LS Nav Online Help.

Improved Page Structure for Retail Sales Budget and Retail PurchaseThe structure of the Retail Sales Budget and
Retail Purchase Budget pages has been improved to support multiple-user environment.
The budget entries' tree view is now a subpage within the primary Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase Budget
pages. These subpages make use of a temporary source table so that each user accessing the page is assigned
with a unique virtual workspace, thus allowing multiple users to access the budget page at the same time. 2018 11
For more information see Retail Budgets in the LS Nav Online Help.

New Field in Stock Coverage: Ending DateA new field, Ending Date, has been added to the Stock Coverage table.
The Ending Date will be populated automatically while selecting Season Code. When the Ending Date is not
empty, the Goal (weeks) is dynamic. 2018 11
For more information see Stock Coverage in the LS Nav Online Help.
Breadcrumbs now use Retail Hierarchy's description instead of the code.
It is now possible to click a filter's text to select check boxes, instead of having to press the tiny check boxes.
A new Product Compare feature has been introduced in Clienteling to compare two items and the attributes
assigned to them.
It is now possible to add a member to the sale in the Clienteling panel.
New panels have been added showing information about the member that has been added to the sale. This 2018 11
includes a small panel showing basic information and a large panel showing detailed information including
purchase history, offers, and coupons.

New web services have been introduced in Framework 2.0:


This web service replaces LOAD_DIR_MARK_INFO and LOAD_PUBLISHED_OFFER_ITEMS. Instead of the item list,
the lines are now received from the published offer. The lines are either from the Offer, Periodic Discount, or
Coupon Header tables.

GetTransaction 2018 11

This web service, which is also published as a part of the Omni Wrapper, replaces GET_TRANSACTION.

The following functionalities have been removed from standard MS code and are now handled in LS Nav by
subscribing to events:

Purch. Price Calc. Mgt.

Inventory Posting To G/L (C5802)
Item Jnl.-Post Line (C22) 2018 11
Gen. Jnl.-Post Line (12)

Dynamic menus have been extended to support item images. 2018 11

The following POS commands are new in LS Nav 11.02:

Function Code Description

CO_CANCEL Cancel customer order
CO_CREATE Create customer order
CO_CUSTOMER Open customer panel
CO_ITEMS Open item panel
CO_LIST_COLLECT Customer order filter list is on to collect orders
CO_LIST_INSTORE View all customer orders in current store
CO_LIST_PICK Customer order filter list is on to pick orders
CO_LIST_SHIPPED Customer order filter list is on to put back orders 2018 11
CO_LIST_WAITING View incoming customer orders from other stores
CO_OK Customer order OK
CO_SHIPCOLLECT Open collect/ship panel
The list of POS commands in the POS online help and the corresponding Excel list with filters have been updated.

New help topics have been added to the LS Nav Online Help:

Infocodes and Data Entries - (LS Nav Online Help - Retail - Sales and Marketing - Infocodes and Data Entries)
Safe Management - (LS Nav Online Help - Retail - Store Management - Safe Management). 2018 11

Printing Z-Report

Code has been moved so the X-Z-Report Statistics record is now modified after printing is finished (dialog is shown
on Web POS).

Safe Management 2018 11

The Safe Management functionality is now available in the LS Nav Web POS with the same functionality as in LS
Nav Win POS.
When the Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase Budget page is switched to Actuals view, the Value Entries
page, which opens when drilled-down from the budget value, is now filtered correctly according to the Item 2018 11
Group or Item Hierarchy of the selected budget value.

The following web services have been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:

MobilePosPrint - replaces WEB_POS_PRINT

MobilePosGetTransInfo - replaces WEB_POS_GET_TRANS_INFO 2018 11
MobilePosGetLastReceiptNo - replaces WEB_POS_GET_LAST_RECEIPT_NO
MobilePosGetDeviceID - replaces WEB_POS_GET_DEVICEID

The Customer Order functionality, which was released for the stationary POS in the previous release, LS Nav
11.02, is now available on the Web POS. This means that customers can now manage the Customer Order 2018 11
processes on the POS that best suits their needs.

The TS Member and DD Member fields have been removed from the POS Functionality Profile and the following
web services have been discontinued:


Five new Member Point related fields have been added to the MobileTransaction table. The information is
retrieved with the new Web Service, MobilePosCalcV2.

This is used by LS Omni when calculating a basket. The five fields are:

PointBalance: The number of points remaining on the Member Card.

PointsUsedInBasket: Points already used in the transaction, both Point payments and Item Point Offers.
AmountRemaining: How much cash is needed as payment after all remaining points have been used. 2018 11
BasketInPoints: The total price of the basket in points.
IssuedPoints: Estimated points to be rewarded for purchasing the basket.
A new device type, EFT, has been added to the LS Hardware Station (HW).
It is now possible to define EFT devices in the same way as devices like printers, scanners, and other devices that
HW Station supports using the Hardware Station Management Portal. The EFT device can then use the LS Pay
connector, or a custom EFT connection that a partner creates using the API that LS HW Station supports, to 2018 11
implement the EFT connection.

The LS Pay connection has now been implemented in LS Hardware Station. LS Pay is an integrated EFT solution for
all our retail and hospitality platforms that contains a connection to a number of PSPs. The use of LS Pay lets
customers use PSP connections that LS Pay supplies out of the box. See LS Pay information for more details on 2018 11
what PSP plug-ins are available at any given time.

The Web POS now supports card payments through the LS Hardware Station implementation of EFT. Functions
that can be used are: Purchase, Void, Refund, and Get last transaction. 2018 11
The POS command EFT_LAST_TRANS (Get last EFT transaction from PED) is new in LS Nav 11.03.
The list of POS commands in the LS Nav Online Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters have been 2018 11
The Web POS now supports key hospitality processes in LS Hospitality.
This gives customers a mobile hospitality experience where customers can run the Web POS on any device
(Windows, Android, and iOS) in a browser.
This release supports screen layouts larger than 7" as some of the screens in hospitality do not scale very well to
smaller devices, mainly the split bill, transfer tables, and table allocation screens. The following is supported in
this release:
Screen size larger than 7 inches
Table management using table list view or table grid view.
Table transfer
KDS processes
Split Bill
Loading cards
Other generic hospitality processes 2018 11
The following processes are not supported in this release. They are on the road map and will be available later on
the Web POS.
Graphical table layout
Table allocations
Deliveries and take-outs
Call center

A new configuration on the Display Station Card makes it possible to group items on chits by seat number. This is
useful in scenarios where orders are taken in the POS against a seat or a guest at a table. 2018 11

It is now possible to mark items in the KDS as started and show them with a Started style on the display stations,
thereby improving kitchen-to-staff communication. Starting an item in this way is only a visual presentation, to
show that the item has started cooking - the operation does not affect production times.
Note: For now, this status is not updated in the KOT status in the LS Nav Hospitality POS. 2018 11

When a sales order for a customer order was created (Shipment from Warehouse), the order was created with an
incorrect Location code. This has now been corrected. 2018 11
It is now possible to refund a transaction with member points, even if the refund exceeds the member's existing
Member Point Balance. 2018 11
For details see How to: Refund with Member Points in the LS Nav Online Help.

The Printing dialog box in Web POS now offers a retry if printing fails. 2018 11
The following web services have been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:

CustomerOrderFinalize - replaces CUSTOMER_ORDER_FINALIZE

CustomerOrderGet - replaces CUSTOMER_ORDER_GET
CustomerOrderGetList - replaces CUSTOMER_ORDER_GET_LIST
CustomerOrderUpdate - replaces CUSTOMER_ORDER_UPDATE
GetCustomer - replaces GET_CUSTOMER
GetCustomerInvoices - replaces GET_CUSTOMER_INVOICES
GetDataEntry - replaces GET_DATA_ENTRY
GetDataEntryBalance - replaces GET_DATA_ENTRY_BALANCE
GetWorkShift - replaces GET_WORK_SHIFT
MobilePosPrintExt - replaces WEB_POS_PRINT_EXT
MobilePosSalesHistory - replaces WEB_POS_SALES_HISTORY
MobilePosSetDeviceID - replaces WEB_POS_SET_DEVICEID 2018 11
MobilePosSuspend - replaces WEB_POS_SUSPEND
MobilePosZReport - replaces WEB_POS_ZREPORT
SendWorkShift - replaces SEND_WORK_SHIFT
SendTransaction - replaces SEND_TRANSACTION
SendTransactionHeader - replaces SEND_TRANS_HEADER and SEND_TRANS_VOID
This web service is used to update Transaction Header data in destination database (Head Office).

A visibility property for the following functions has been set to External. The function can now be used in an
extension (see the Incident List for details). 2018 11
Two codes have been added to the action Insert Default codes. The codes are:

A new field, Store Name Int, has been added to Member Sales Entry. 2018 11
The following five fields have been added to the new Web Service EcomCalculateBasket. This is used by LS Omni
when calculating basket.
The fields are:
PointBalance: The number of points remaining on the Member Card.
PointsUsedInBasket: Points already used in the transaction, both Point payments and Item Point Offers.
AmountRemaining: How much cash is needed, if all remaining points are used as payment. 2018 11
BasketInPoints: The total price of the basket in points.
IssuedPoints: Estimated points to be rewarded for purchasing the basket.

If a Customer Order is created on the POS and stock is available in the store, the store is the first option as a
sourcing location.
A FactBox has been added to the Customer Order page.
It is now possible to specify, on the Location Card, if customer orders can be collected at a specific location, and if
customer orders can be shipped from that location. It is also possible to set default lead time and priority for the 2018 11
These default values are then used as defaults in the Sourcing Location Setup per Store.

The following LS changes are now handled using events:

Release Documents (Sales /Purchase, C414/415)
Purch.-Post (C90)
Sales Post (C80) 2018 11
Gen. Jnl.-Post Batch (C13)
Instructions for adding HTTPS setup for the Hardware Station have been added to the LS Nav Online Help.
A change has been made to how Hardware Station loads devices:
- Now when Hardware Station loads, it doesn't try to scan and create any devices in the HW station. It starts
quickly with no devices installed.
- Through the Hardware Station Management Portal
-- users can see what drivers are installed on the machine and manually select what drivers to add to the
Hardware Station, one at a time.
-- users can also select to let the Hardware Station add all drivers installed on the machine to the Hardware
-- it is possible to delete a device from the Hardware Station.
- It is now possible to automatically load all OPOS devices on startup of the Hardware Station by adding -
autoLoadDevices as the second parameter when it is run.
Hardware Station now supports Windows printer. In the Hardware Station Management Portal it is now possible
to add Windows printers as well as OPOS printers.

A new version of LS Pay engine is shipped with the Hardware Station. This new version of LS Pay engine has two
additional plugins to payment providers:
- PayEx
- AltaPay 2018 11
In the previous version Verifone Point USA was the only payment provider that was available through the LS Pay

To help start the development of a custom EFT solution for the Hardware Station, a LSPayNavMock.zip file has
been created. The file is available upon request and includes a Quick Guide and a VisualStudio 17 project
Note: The instructions are intended for someone with experience in Visual Studio C# development and require a
good understanding of how the LS Nav POS works.
Store Stock Redistribution is a new functionality in LS Nav to replenish stores from other stores and/or
The new Redistribution Replenishment Journal is following the concept of the Purchase and Transfer
Replenishment Journals but provides additional functionality which is specific for redistribution. Additional
features are:
- Calculation Types like Sales Demand, Stock Balancing, and Reorder Point/Max. Inventory to calculate the Redist.
Stock and Redist. Demand for the locations.
- Redistribution Strategies like Least. no. of Trips, Least Cost, Least Distance, and Least Duration to calculate the
optimal routes (trips) between locations with Redist. Demand and Redist. Stock.
- Rules to define how stock in warehouse locations shall be treated (Ignore, Force, Prioritize, Like Store Stock).
- Buffer values, to avoid too aggressive redistribution proposals.
- New calculated fields, such s Stockout%, Sell Through%, and Variant Availability% to support the decision
making, which items to redistribute.
- New pages to help better understand the current stock situation for items with and without variants. The Retail 2018 11
Item - Variant Dimension - Location Availability page is also accessible from the Retail Item Card page in the Retail
Availability by group.
- Calculation Preview feature to review the calculated items and stores before the trips are calculated.
Functionality to easily exclude items and/or locations from trips calculation is available.

The calculation result will show the Redistribution Cost, which is the total transportation cost of the trips and the
Expected Sales Increase from having the right items at the right time at the right place. 2018 11
The Redist. Matrix defines the set of possible/allowed routes between locations for redistribution. It is based on
the Hierarchies and Hierarchy Relations model to easily define the rules in a top-down approach with inheritance.
In this matrix the Redist. Cost, the total cost of transport between two locations, is maintained. The Redist. Matrix
also holds the duration and distance between two locations. The Matrix is used to define the possible/allowed 2018 11
rules and also to provide a sort order between multiple locations with Redist. Stock (supply), when the trips are

To calculate the optimal routes between locations, it is now possible to calculate geodata (latitude and longitude)
for Stores and Locations on their card pages with Bing Maps API. The Redist. Matrix supports the calculation of
route distance and duration between two locations by using the API integration. 2018 11
Lifecycle Curves describe the sales behavior of items over a period - with different period types like Month, Week,
Day, and period lengths. These curves are used to calculate expected future sales by considering historical sales
data and the current stage in the product's life. Lifecycle Curves can be calculated from historical sales data for
comparison periods, like previous seasons, years, etc. for brands (Special Groups), item groups and other criteria.
The curves are assigned to items via the new field Lifecycle Curve Code on the Retail Item Card or via the new
Lifecycle Curve Links page. 2018 11
Beside the new functionality, the LS Nav Replenishment menu has been improved for a better overview and
navigation experience.
For more information about the above, see the LS Nav Online Help.

1. The Item to Dyn. Item Hierarchy action in the Retail Item List and Card page (under Navigate, Retail/POS group),
and the page which opened with the action, has been renamed to Item in Dyn. Item Hierarchy.
2. The Item to Hierarchies action in the Retail Item List and Card page (under Actions, Hierarchies group), and the
page which opened with the action, has been renamed to Add Item to Hierarchies. 2018 11

Order Multiple and Transfer Multiple in decimal values are now enabled in automatic replenishment. A multiple in
decimal is handled similarly to a multiple in whole number. During the replenishment journal calculation, if the
quantity suggested by the system is not in full multiple, depending on the Replen. Multiple Rounding setup, the
quantity will either be rounded up to the next nearest full multiple, or rounded down to the last nearest full 2018 11

When the user updates the Season Code field on the Retail Item Card page, the fields
- Lifecycle Start Date
- Lifecycle End Date
are updated with the fields Season.Starting Date and Season.Ending Date.
This behavior is controlled on the page Seasons (10000735), with the new Option fields: 2018 11
- Update Item Lifecycle Start
- Update Item Lifecycle End.

It is now possible to configure the KDS Display Profile to show POS Tags in the Line Displays or Chits in the Kitchen
Display System. This lets you decide what information to show on the Kitchen Displays, and if the system is
customized for POS, then data from that customization can be sent to the KDS, if needed.
It is also possible to define a POS tag and return a value of a table field. The POS tag also allows for a prefix and/or 2018 11
a postfix of the tag value.
A new POS tag, called MenuTypeDescription, has been added to display the Description of a Restaurant Menu
The POS command COMMENT no longer has any restrictions. The command opens a dialog window where the 2018 11
Comment field in the POS transaction table can be edited.

A new KDS Printer option for Kitchen Printers is now available. When this option is set, the POS sends the Kitchen
Order Ticket (KOT) to the Kitchen Service which will then handle the printing. 2018 11
There is a new Split Bill panel structure which works with two sub-panels.
The structure for small devices contains only one grid at a time and switches between the table grid and the guest
grid. The structure for stationary POS (larger devices) operates with two grids at a time in the same way as in
previous versions.
Note: When upgrading to this version, you must replace the old Split Bill panels with the new ones. See the LS Nav
Online Help for more detailed information.
Other options added to the Split Bill are:
- Click the Qty column for an item and you can split the item in multiple ways. 2018 11
- Quick Split operation to split evenly between N number of guests.
- Move item lines between guests.
- Move one quantity from a line to a guest.

- Table transfer is not working.

- Order list is not working in Table List view. This can be an issue in a Split Bill scenario where only part of the bills 2018 11
are paid.

A new option has been added on the Display Station, Show only when bumped on prior stations. When this option
is selected, the items will not be shown on this station unless it has been bumped on all prior stations.
- A burger is routed to prep stations A and B.
- Station A has Station B as the Next Display Station ID.
- If the new option is not selected, the burger will appear on both stations when the KOT is sent to KDS from the
POS. 2018 11
- If this setting is selected on Station B, the burger will only be visible on Station A when the KOT is sent to KDS
from the POS, and not on Station B until the burger has been bumped from Station A.
Using a new Serve operation, it is now possible to mark items in a chit as served (the operation is configured in
the KDS Button Profiles). When this operation is used the following takes place:
- Chit displays: Opens a panel showing all items in the chit where you can mark one or more items in the chit as
served. 2018 11
- Items marked as served will be bumped on prior stations.
- Items that are served will get the Served style set in the KDS Style Profile for items.

It is now possible to rush items in the Kitchen with the new Rush operation (configured in the KDS Button
Profiles). When this button is pressed, the following takes place:
- Line display: the Line (item) stays in same location but gets the Rush Item style.,
- Chit display: the Chit is moved to front and stays there with all items getting the Rush Item style.
This is particularly useful for restaurants with many printers: because there is a modal window on the POS for 2018 11
each ticket, the POS is unavailable as long as tickets are being printed with the Windows Printing option.

You can now set a time style (Time Style Profile Card) based on the percentage of cook time to highlight items
that have been on a Display Station for 80% (or 110%) of its estimated cook time. Previous setting only allowed for
setting the seconds passed after the cook time had passed.
To set this up, set the Time Style Settings on the Kitchen Service Configuration card to Percentage of cook
time ,and set a Default Cook Time which is used if no cook time is set on an item.
The following then applies for chit and line display stations: 2018 11
- CHIT - apply based on the longest cook time of an item in the KOT.
- LINE - apply based on the cook time of the item.

It is now possible to see aggregates for certain items or a group of items on a display station.
When there are a lot of lines or chits on the stations, this feature helps the chefs get a better overview of what is
coming up. The chefs will see how many items there are on the display station, and they can also see how many
items are due within the next X minutes (configurable) and how many after that.
You can configure which items are grouped together and create an AggregateGroupProfile which is applied to a 2018 11
display station.
This new feature shows the duration that an item has been on a kitchen display.
This timer will always be the same as the Production Time field that is set on a chit or on the line display in the
KDS Display Profile, unless the display station has the Show only when bumped on prior stations setting. Then the
timer starts counting when the item has been bumped on all stations. 2018 11

Transfer Chit from One Expeditor Display Station to Another is a new operation for Kitchen Display Stations
(configured in the KDS Button Profiles).
This operation can be useful if the restaurant is very busy, and you need to transfer some chits from the main
Expeditor station to a secondary Expeditor station to balance the load between the stations. 2018 11

A Transfer Order button and functionality (configured in the KDS Button Profiles) have been added to the KDS.
2018 11
A new POS has been added to the Demo Data company called P0080 - Hosp. POS on phone. This POS is specifically
intended for small devices like phones for order taking and order fulfillment at the table with a new split bill user 2018 11

Demo data has been added to the following areas:

Hierarchy Relation
Redistribution Matrix
Lifecycle Curve
Threshold Rules
New Lifecycle Curves and Seasons have been assigned to selected items. Unit Price, Unit Cost, Weight, and
Cubage has been updated for selected items. Address data, Longitude and Latitude have been updated for
selected locations. Bing Maps API has been set up but no key is provided in the Demo database. Please acquire a
key from Microsoft. 2018 11
Three new Replenishment Templates, RT00020, RT00021, and RT00022, have been set up and pre-calculated for
Store Stock Redistribution.
Note: Please use 24.4.2018 as Workdate when you recalculate the Redistribution Replenishment Journals.
- The menu tree for the Retail section of the LS Nav Online Help has been rearranged to better reflect the
structure of the LS Nav user interface.
- Older Documentation, a document folder that used to be part of the release package, is no longer included in
the package. Instead, the documents, a collection of PDF documents from previous releases, are now available on
the LS Nav Online Help Home page (see the link Older Documentation).
Note: The documents contain information that is not included in the LS Nav Online Help. 2018 11
- A direct link to version 10 of the online help has been added to the Home page. This is an addition to previously
presented links to versions 9 and 8.

- In Hospitality BackOffice, only modifiers that have a blank Usage Sub-Category are now filtered.
- In the Hospitality Table List view (P0047), you can now put the command HOSP-TABLELIST-FUNC into a pop-up 2018 11
panel to save space on the device.

- The performance of the Item Variant Registration procedure has been improved. The variant creation time is
reduced when Automatic Registration Type is used in the Variant Framework and through the Variant Suggestions
- Dialog windows have been introduced to show the progress of variants creation and suggestions population.
- The Variant Suggestions page now makes use of a temporary source table so it allows suggestions population by 2018 11
multiple users.

- The error, where a blank Purchase Plan Filter is not considered in the Open-to-Buy calculation, has been fixed .
- A bug, where a purchase order created using the Purchase Replenishment Journal is unable to post, has been
- For items with a variant in the Purchase Replenishment Journal, the unit of measure is not converted into the
purchase unit of measure, if the item quantity of a variant code is not in full multiple when the purchase order is
created. 2018 11
- In a situation where there is a shortage in the warehouse, the Quantity in the Transfer Replenishment Journal is
now distributed correctly among multiple stores with demands.
This has been fixed by changing where log files are saved.
For client type windows (CLIENTTYPE::Windows ) the system handles log files the same way as before: the file is
saved on the client's computer in the folder that is defined by the Web Service Setup.
For other client types, including Web, the log file is saved on the server running the service tier for NAV.
The log files are saved in the folder defined by the Web Service Setup, so a corresponding folder must exist on the
computer running the service tier. Note: This is the service tier running the requesting client, not the responding
service tier.
The only reason for using web requests to get information from Head Office is, if the requesting client is not
online on the HO server and the client is therefore running on some other server and that is the server where the 2018 11
logs will be saved.

InStore Inventory masks and worksheets have been removed in this version and Store Inventory will be activated.
Note: If you have not already activated Store Inventory before upgrading to LS Nav 11.05, you should consider
doing so, if you wish to upgrade the Inventory masks (see Store Inventory Setup in earlier versions). All
worksheets should be posted before the upgrade.
If Store Inventory is not activated before the upgrade, inventory masks will automatically be copied to Store 2018 11
Inventory worksheet setup.

The following web service has been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:
- GetPosStartStatus - replaces GET_POS_START_STATUS. 2018 11
It is now possible to use gift cards as payment in eCommerce.
2018 11
A change has been made to the LS Nav POS Hardware Profile Card. It is now possible to detect what devices are
available in an LS Hardware Station, and add them automatically to the POS Hardware Profile Card so that the
user does not have to type them in manually.
If a device has already been added, the user is asked if he wants to override the device. This simplifies setup and 2018 11
management of the LS Nav Hardware Profile Card.
Replenishment Control Data List is a new page in LS Nav which simplifies the maintenance of Replenishment
Control Data by having all the replenishment parameters on a single page.
The new page supports easy definition of views, reusable filters, updates for a group of Items (marked or filtered),
and cascaded updates of Item Store Recs from Items. For more information see the LS Nav Help. 2018 11

Validations have been added to the Hierarchy. The validations take place when you add or update the Hierarchy
Node Links for a Hierarchy with the Link Only Once check box selected. The validations apply to the Link Type:
- Store
- Store Group
- Customer 2018 11
- Customer Group.

The system now recalculates the Threshold Rule Values and updates the No. of Exceptions field in the Purchase,
Transfer, and Redistribution Replenishment journals whenever a Purchase or Transfer Order is created. This
applies to all areas where the order documents can be created:
- The Create Purchase Orders or Create Transfer Orders actions in all Replenishment Journals.
- The Add Items to Journal report accessible from all Replenishment journals. 2018 11
- The Redist. Preview page accessible from the Redistribution Replenishment Journal.
- The scheduler job which performs the journal calculation and documents creation.

- A functionality has been added to EFT implementation allowing the user to try to cancel a payment that has
been sent to PED from the POS.
- Another functionality has also been added to reprint the PED receipt of the last EFT transaction. This work is part 2018 11
of the ongoing PayEx certifying process for the LS POS.
The LS Nav App is now available for download:
Android version: https://play.google.com/store/apps/details?id=com.lsretail.AppShell
iOS version: https://mobiledemo.lsretail.com/apps/ios.html
Both versions are pre-configured to connect to a demo machine, https://appshell.lsretail.com, using an LS Nav
user with a phone-size profile.
When using the demo machine for testing the LS Nav App, several partners may be testing simultaneously and
may therefore be connected using the same LS Nav user. In case of a conflict, one solution is to switch to another
Nav user (there is no need to change the password as all LS Nav users have the same password). 2018 11
Available LS Nav users on the demo machine: Retail User (lsnav1, lsnav2, lsnav3, lsnav4), Hospitality User (lsnav10,
lsnav11, lsnav12, lsnav13)

A new Transfer panel structure that works with two sub-panels has been added.
The structure for small devices contains only one grid at a time, and switches between the order transferred from
and the order transferred to (by clicking the header).
The structure for stationary POS (larger devices) operates with two grids at a time in the same way as in previous
Note: When you upgrade to this version, the old Transfer panels must be replaced with the new ones. See the LS 2018 11
Nav Help for more details.
Other options added to transfer:
- Move item lines between orders by clicking a column

The Dining Table list view now changes to an Order list view to show orders on a dining table (if more than one
order is open). 2018 11
It is now possible to send items to the KDS as they get added to the POS. This is a very common scenario in quick-
service restaurants and coffee shops.
A new option has been added to the Hospitality Type Card, the Kitchen Display/Printing field: On Item Added.
When this option is selected, the POS will create a new KOT on the first item added and send to KDS. When more 2018 11
items are added, the POS will simply add them to the existing KOT and send to KDS.

In Allocation Rule a bug where exclusion was not working correctly has been fixed. The exclusion did not work
when the store exists in one of the existing store groups in the Allocation Rule Lines. 2018 11
When Web Service is used to send a suspended transaction, the transaction is now deleted in the local database.
The transaction is suspended in one database and finished in a different database or POS, and is then retrieved
again on the original POS (where it shows up in the suspended list, the POS Transaction table). 2018 11

Now a store manger can use the Web Service GetStoreImages command to display all images of his or her store
for customers on the web or in apps. 2018 13
A new web service is now available to display store opening hours with extended opening and closing times on
the web or in apps. 2018 13
Variant Weight Curve is a new functionality in LS Nav Fashion that describes a product's variant distribution
behavior. In most of the cases in Fashion line, different sizes of a product are not equally distributed. There is
usually less demand for size XXS and XXL than for sizes S, M, and L, and this pattern can be defined using a Variant
Weight Curve.
Variant Weight Curves can be created manually or calculated from historical sales data of Items or Item Groups 2018 13
(Division, Item Category and Product Group).
For more information see Variant Weight Curve in the LS Nav Help.

Lifecycle Rule is a new functionality in LS Nav which extends the Lifecycle Curve by letting users define
Replenishment Data Profiles for different periods in a product's lifecycle. A Scheduler Job will switch the Data
Profiles for the items based on the lifecycle and the item's Lifecycle Start Date. 2018 13
For more information see Lifecycle Curve in the LS Nav Help.

Tooltips on Variant Framework related pages have been reworked and improved. 2018 13
It is now possible for the Windows POS to use a printer that is connected to a Hardware station.
2018 13
It is now possible to easily switch between hardware profiles by scanning a QR code that identifies a hardware
profile. This functionality is only available by using a camera scan functionality in a mobile device that is running 2018 13
the Web POS in the LS Nav App.

The LS Nav App now supports more Zebra printers as a new Zebra printer library has been added to the LS Nav
App. 2018 13
The LS Nav App can now scan barcodes by using the mobile device’s camera scanner.
2018 13
The LS Nav POS payment connection through LS Pay in the Hardware Station has now been certified by PayEx and
AltaPay for the Ingenico IPP350 PED. 2018 13
It is now possible to set up a fallback printer if printing is set up as KDS printers. This means that if an error occurs
while printing to a printing station (printer out of paper or some other error), the Kitchen Service will try to print 2018 13
on the fallback printer that is assigned to the faulty printing station.

An aggregate pane has been added to the Kitchen Display Visual Profile where it is possible to configure position,
size, and number of rows and/or columns. If this option is selected, the aggregate group assigned to the Display
Station will be shown within the pane.
It is possible to configure the look of the Aggregate pane and the aggregate groups in the Display Station Profile. 2018 13

If a KOT needs to be resent to the kitchen, the KOT can now be resent to KDS printers. The KOT will be printed out
to all respective printer stations with a notification that this is a copy. The first time this is done, the ticket will 2018 13
have the text Copy 1, the second time the text will be Copy 2 and so on.

Incorrect calculation of the date range in Member Discount Tracking has been fixed.
2018 13
Users can now find Customer Orders and view their status using filters. The Navigate Customer Orders page
shows a list of both Posted and Unposted customer orders in the same view. This can be very convenient, for
example when searching for all Customer Orders linked to a specific name or address, no matter if they are open 2018 13
or posted.

When multiple Retail hierarchies are set up in a store, it is now possible to select which hierarchy to use in
Clienteling setup in the POS. The available hierarchies are displayed on the top level of a brick view, and the POS 2018 13
user can easily select which hierarchy to use.

The configuring of all devices in LS Hardware Station, except the LS Pay EFT plugin, is now done in LS Nav instead
of the Hardware Station Management Portal. This makes it easier for the user to have an overview of all settings 2018 13
in LS Nav.

The LS Hardware Station can be used by a number of POSs at a time, and the Hardware Station handles the
sharing of the devices. A change has been made to how the Hardware Station handles the sharing of a scanner: a
POS can now request the use of a scanner, when it is already in use by another POS. 2018 13

The LS Nav winPOS version 2018 can use the EFT connection through the LS Hardware Station. An FOB has been
available for LS Nav 2017 to add this connection and now an FOB is also available for LS Nav 2016. 2018 13
Two new POS commands have been added:
MOBILESCAN - opens a device camera for scanning in the LS Nav App on a mobile device. 2018 13
HARDWAREPROFILE - lets the user change hardware profiles.

The Add Locations drop-down menu in the Replen. Item Store Recs FastTab has been replaced with a new action,
Add Locations/Variants.
This new action opens a new Location and Variant Selection page which lets the user easily set up and create
Replenishment Item Store Records by selecting the locations and item variants for the selected item.
For more information see Replenishment Control Data List in the LS Nav Help and this instructional video. 2018 13

In the LS Nav App iOS version, it is now possible to use the camera of the mobile device to scan barcodes or QR
codes. This functionality was previously only available in the Android version. 2018 13
If there is an error (paper out or some other issues) on the printers in KDS, it is now possible to show that error on
the POS to notify the user so he or she can take appropriate action. 2018 13
This only works for printers that are KDS printers.

The Variant Values and Variant Base Values in the Variant Framework and Variant Framework Base Values pages
are now sorted by logical order. 2018 13
An error in the Purchase Replenishment Journal caused an incorrect rounding of the proposed unit of the item,
when the Purchase Order Delivery was set as To Store and Order Multiple to 1 (One). This has now been fixed. 2018 13

An inconsistency in whether the Vendor No. field in the Replenishment Journal Line and the Replenishment
Journal Details pages was blank or not, could result in a Replenishment Journal Detail Line to be incorrectly 2018 13
deleted after the order creation. This has now been fixed.

An error that caused the Publisher & Subscriber action in the Web Requests page to fail has been fixed.
2018 13
The following web services have been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:
- COInventoryLocations - replaces web service CO_INVENTORY_LOCATIONS
- COQtyAvailability - replaces web service CO_QTY_AVAILABILITY_EXT
- COSourcingLocationList - replaces web service CO_SOURCING_LOCATION_LIST 2019 13
- SendDataEntry - replaces web service SEND_DATA_ENTRY
- SendPosStartStatus - replaces web service SEND_POS_START_STATUS
The Retail Item Card and Retail Item List pages are now in sync with MS Item Card and Item List.
2019 13

LS Changes to Standard Mail Handling have been removed.

2019 13
Users are now prompted if they want to take over a Hardware Station scanner that is in use by another Web POS.
2019 13
LS Hardware Station does not load all devices on startup. To speed up startup time for the Hardware Station,
devices are not loaded until they are needed. 2019 13
- A new option, Use Default Item Store Rec, in the Item Default Settings page has been added to specify whether
to copy the Replenishment Item Store Rec of the Default Item.
- The option Use Default Extra Dimensions has been fixed and is now working correctly. It specifies whether to
copy the Extra Dimensions of the Default Item. 2019 13
- The option Use Default Variant Matrix has been fixed so that the Variant entries are inserted correctly when the
option is selected.
Threshold Management in Automatic Replenishment has been enhanced to allow partial document creation; in
other words, Purchase Orders and Transfer Orders will be created for items without exceptions in the
Replenishment Journal. You can enable this feature by selecting the Thresholds Partial Doc. Create check box in
the Thresholds FastTab on the Replen. Setup and Replen. Template pages.
Purchase Order and Transfer Order Release Status Setup
Two new setup check boxes, Release Purch. Order After Creation and Release Transfer Order After Creation, have
been added to the Integration FastTab in the Replen. Setup and Replen. Template pages, to define if the
documents created from the Replenishment Journal should be automatically released.

New Fields in Threshold Rule: Replenishment Template Code and Any Item
Two new fields, Replenishment Template Code and Any Item, have been added to the Threshold Rules page. The
Replenishment Template Code is used to define if the Threshold Rule is only applicable to a particular
Replenishment Template. On the other hand, the Any Item field lets you set up a Threshold Rule on a higher item
group level (Division, Item Category or Product Group), and then the same rule will be applied to all the items in 2019 13
the journal, which fall under the same item group.

For more information see Threshold Management in the LS Nav Help.

Using the Add Locations/Variants action the user can select a combination of Locations and Variants and then
simultaneously add multiple lines into Replenishment Item Store Recs. 2019 13

The data from Replen. Sales Hist. Adjustment can now be considered in calculating the item's Date of First Sale in
Replen. Item Quantities.
2019 13
For more information see Sales History Adjustment in the LS Nav Help.

Full screen mode is now enabled to maximize the screen size that is used. 2019 13
LS Retail Administration includes a new module named Web Sync with the following menu items:Web Table
Web Application Types
Web Application Register
Web Application Client Status
Web Application Restore Data

Web Sync is designed to support web replication to apps to be controlled by the HO (source) database location.
An app in this context can for example be a mobile device, POS, or an e-commerce site. What is to be replicated
and the process for each app is controlled by HO. Each app will first register at HO defining its type. HO will
control the data each app will receive. Every time an app wants to get data from HO it starts a sync cycle. The sync
cycle includes getting information about what data is available at HO (full/delta) for each table, and the cycle is set 2019 13
up for this particular app type. Based on that information, the app has to ask for the available data, one table at a
time, until the sync cycle has been closed.
Note: This module, and all objects related to it, should not be used as it is still under development. LS Retail
reserves the right to modify or remove the module in upcoming releases.
ASSIGNRENTAL - assign equipment.
ASSIGNUNIT2ACT - assign rental unit to activity (by list).
ASSIGNUNIT2RES - assign rental unit to reservation (by list).
BOOKMATRIX - show and book Activity matrix.
BOOKMATRIX2 - show and book Activity matrix.
BOOKMEMBERSHIP - book membership.
BOOKPACKAGE - book package activity (parameter product).
BOOKPRODLIST - book a single activity from list (no payment).
BOOKPRODUCT - book a single activity (no payment).
BOOKRESOURCE - book an activity from resource (parameter resource).
CANCELACTIVITY - return security deposit from current list.
CANCELCURRACT - return security deposit from current list.
CANCELCURRRES - return security deposit from current list.
CANCELRES - return security deposit from current list.
CHANGETICKET - change ticket line. 2019 13
CHARGE2RES - charge to reservation.
CONFIRMACT - confirm activities in journal and clear lines.
EDITACTATTRIBUTES - edit actvity attributes.
EDITPARTICIPANTS - edit activity participants.
OPENACTIVITY - open the Activity Card.
OPENRESERVATION - open the Reservation Card.
PARTICIPANTS - list participants from the current journal line.
PAYACTIVITY - pay from list of activities.
PAYCURRACT - pay current selected activity.
PAYCURRCLIENT - pay the current client's activities.
PAYCURRRES - pay the currently selected reservation.
PAYRES - pay reservation from list.
POSTACTIVITY - internal: Post Activities.
PREPAYACT - enter deposit to reservation.PREPAYCURRACT - enter deposit to currently active reservation.
PREPAYCURRES - enter deposit to currently active reservation.
PREPAYRES - enter deposit to reservation.
PRESELLPRODUCT - pre-sell allowance of any activity product.
PUSH2CURREVENT - send POS items to activity reservation.
PUSH2EVENTS - send items to confirmed activities.
REDEEMPRODUCT - redeem pre-sale allowance.
RENTUNIT - sell rental based on unit number. 2019 13
RESMATRIX - build Resource Matrix View.
RETRNACTDEPOSIT - return security deposit from list.
RETRNCURACTDEPOSIT - return security deposit from current list.
RETRNCURDEPOSIT - return security deposit from current list.
RETRNRESDEPOSIT - return security deposit from list.
RETURNRENTAL - return equipment.
SEARCHCONTACT - search for member contact and assign to sale.
SELLMATRIX - show and sell Activity matrix.
SELLMATRIX2 - show sell Activity matrix.
SELLMEMBERSHIP - sell membership.
SELLPACKAGE - sell package activity (parameter product).
SELLPRODLIST - sell from list of activity products.
SELLPRODUCT - sell single activity product.
SELLRESOURCE - sell activity from resource (parameter resource).
TICKETPRINT - internal: ticket printing. 2019 13
TIMELINE - build Timeline View.
VIEWACTIVITY - show Activity.
VIEWATTRIBUTES - view activity attributes.
VIEWUNITS - view rental assignment.

LS Activity is now available as an Add-on for LS Nav on Business Central, providing reservation, rental, and
membership modules as they were in LS Activity version 2.2.
The online help for LS Activity will be available in LS Central 13.03. Training videos for LS Activity can be found on 2019 13
the LS Retail channel on YouTube.

Errors on KDS printers (paper out or some other issues) can now be shown on the POS so the user is notified and
can take the necessary action. Note: This only works for KDS printers. 2019 13
- Some of the Demo Data stores and their locations have new names: store S0003 is Saalora Cosmetics and S0009
is Pulsar Electronics Store.
- New POS profiles have been created for Saalora and Pulsar stores. 2019 13
- Setup Data has been added for LS Activity.

The Excel document POS Commands.xlsx, which contains a list of all POS commands in LS Nav, has been updated.
The document is searchable and has filters to make it easier to use. The document is also available via hyperlink in 2019 13
the POS Commands page in the LS Nav Help.

All unused variables have been removed from LS Nav objects. OMA tools were used.
2019 13
An error, where images did not appear in Search Results on the POS (for example Member Contacts), has now
been fixed. 2019 13
If a currency code in the POS does not match a currency code in PED, the Hardware Station hangs. This EFT
Purchase Error has now been fixed. 2019 13
Previous LS changes to standard functionality have been removed from the following objects: 
- Standard Release Transfer Document
- Standard Copy Document Management
- Standard Purchase Order and Standard Sales Order regarding variant handling. Handling of variant framework 2019 13
has been removed from these standard objects and is now handled by events and LS objects.

A new web service, GetInventoryMultiple, to get inventory for a list of items, has been added.
The web service lets the user send in a list of items and get as reply the total inventory per Store or Location. If
only a Store No. is specified, the total inventory per store is returned. If both Store No. and Location Code are
specified, the total inventory for the selected location in a store is returned. If only the Location Code is specified, 2019 13
the total inventory per location is returned. If both Store No. and Location Code are empty, the total inventory for
each Store in the database is returned.

The search feature in the Mobile Inventory now uses a mechanism to display search results in bulk when the
result is large, fetching more result lines when needed, to make the search smoother for the user. 2019 13

AltaPay PAX A920 is a new EFT plug-in from LS Pay that has been added to the list of available EFT plug-ins in the
mobile POS. 2019 13
The following web services have been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:
SendVoucherEntry - replaces SEND_VOUCHER_ENTRY 2019 13
GetVoucherEntries - replaces GET_VOUCHER_ENTRIES

The EFT implementation in the web POS now has improved functionality with the possibility to add Tips and
Cashback to EFT payments. Now the system also stores more information from an EFT transaction to the LS 2019 13
Central log, for example the EFT slip information.

A data structure has been created to handle deals in LS Activity products as additional charges. 2019 13
When a user opens the availability matrix from the LS Activity Reservation Card and creates a new activity in the
Matrix view, the system will now assign the new activity to the currently active reservation, rather then create a 2019 13
new reservation.

- The Resource FactBox has been moved to the Role Center's Actions menu and is now the Current Resources
- Calendar, Products, and Availability have been moved to the FactBox area to the right on the display.  
- The Run POS action detects whether a Windows POS or a web POS client should be executed. 2019 13
Chit size options have been added to the KDS Visual Profile. The options are only used when there is more than
one row on the chit display. 2019 13
The product name LS Nav on Business Central has been changed to LS Central in the BO Utils codeunit.
2019 13
The Import Export Worksheet functionality can now be used in the Web Client. When data is exported, the export
file is stored in the browser's download directory. 2019 13

The UpdateTSRetryEntryErrorMessage function in codeunit POS Transaction Server Utility, which is used by
LS Pharmacy, is now with Visibility External. 2019 13
If a Customer Order is linked to a Transaction, it is now possible to view the order from the Transaction Registry
page and the Transaction Card page. If the order has been posted, the posted Customer Order is displayed. 2019 13

Customers can now gradually deposit payments into existing Customer Orders. 2019 13
Empty Store Inventory journals are no longer sent to the Batch Posting Queue. 2019 13
The EFT implementation in the Web POS has been updated so the Card Type and Card Type Name are now
mapped from transaction information. EFT FOB for LS Nav 2016 - 2017 have been updated. 2019 13
In LS Hardware Station the user can select and configure which LS Pay plug-ins to use. This can now be done in an
easy, simple, and fast way with a new intuitive process. 2019 13
New LS Pay plug-ins have been added for AltaPay TCP/IP connected, and Adyen Cloud connected.

Web Service setup now supports multi-tenant setup.

A new field, Tenant, has been added to the Web Service Setup page. When filled out, this field will affect the
construction of the Web Service URI by adding tenant extension to it.
At the same time, the registration (publishing) of web requests in Web Service, version 2.0, has been changed to
publish tenant dependent that is not for “All Tenants”. This makes the handling of web request activation and
availability tenant pendent and more easy to configure. 2019 13
A new SSL check box has been added to affect how the Web URI is constructed, that is if it should start with HTTP

Tenant fields have been extended to hold 40 letters and are therefore now able to hold Tenant IDs as defined in
Business Central. 2019 13
Sending item details from Web Service to the Mobile Inventory App has been improved. Web Service now returns
a lot of new information for the user and new functionality is easier to add. 2019 13
It is now possible to override the client credentials using Web Service version 2.0. 2019 13
The following web services have been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:
- CustomerOrderFilteredList - replaces CUSTOMER_ORDER_FILTERED_LIST
- RetailMessageRead - replaces RETAIL_MESSAGE_READ
- ProcessTransMemberPoints - replaces PROCESS_TRANS_MEMBER_POINTS
- SendMemberEmail - replaces SEND_MEMBER_EMAIL
- SendMemberProcessEntry - replaces MM_SEND_PROCESS_ENTRY
- UpdateStaffStatus - replaces UPDATE_STAFF_STATUS 2019 13
- GetStaffStatus - replaces GET_STAFF_STATUS
- SendStaff - replaces SEND_STAFF
- GetStaff - replaces GET_STAFF

This is a major update to Restaurant Planning and Table Allocation processes and allows for much more
sophisticated way to plan your restaurant capacity and to manage table reservations and walk-ins. 2019 13

It is now possible to set up your restaurant plan to schedule the opening hours of the restaurant with different
layouts during the day (lunch, dinner) with different capacity. The major changes are:
A new Dining Area Plan to set up a plan of the dining area for each day, specifyingwhen a dining area is open
which time periods are used within the day (breakfast, lunch, dinner)
which sections within the restaurant are open for each period (inside, patio)
what is the capacity for each period 2019 13
what dining area layout is assigned to each period.

The Dining Area Plans are created for each day by using Dining Area Plan Templates which are the base for the
Dining Area Plan. It is possible to use the new Date Schedule to specify when the template is active (Weekend,
Weekdays, Fridays) and a Time Schedule that divides the day(s) into periods.
The plans can then be fine-tuned as needed by overriding the settings set originally by the template.
Tables are now of a specific Dining Table Type that specifies the seating capacity and shape for the dining table or 2019 13
table combinations.
Combined Dining Tables is used to set up table combinations that are allowed in your restaurant for table
allocation. Table 1 (2p) and 2 (4p) can be combined (joined) to form a Table C1 (6p), so when allocating a
reservation of 6 persons Table C1 would be allocated.Dining tables (both physical and combined) can be ranked
for tables within a Dining Area Layout. This rank is used in the automatic table allocation for reservation entries. 2019 13

The table allocation panel has been enhanced greatly and allows for allocating table reservations to tables for any
given date and time. 2019 13
The allocation panel can now show the table allocations in three views (it is possible to toggle between
these):Timeline view (Default) – Shows the dining tables in a matrix that shows table status for a specific time
interval during a day.
Graphical view – Shows the graphical layout of dining tables and their status at the start of the time range set on
the panel.
List view – Shows the dining tables in a list with their start at the start of the time range set on the panel. 2019 13
All these views can be filtered by capacity, section, and status as needed.
It is now possible to scroll the views by Time, Day, Date, Week or Month.

Dining reservations are created using the LS Activity add-on (see Table Management Integration in the help)
(see Table Management Integration in the help) – In this release the restaurant capacity is set manually in LS
Activity. There is work underway to let LS Activity use the capacity that is set up in the Dining Area Plan.
Walk-ins are created directly in the allocation panel as before – they are intended for guests that have arrived and
are waiting for a table.
The reservation entries are filtered for the day selected in the Allocation panel – these entries can be auto-
allocated based on the rank of dining tables set for the dining table layout that is active for the time the
reservation is made. 2019 13
Search on multiple fields within a reservation - this provides a Google-like search within your reservation list so
you can quickly search on telephone number, name, and so on.

The new REORDERQTY command can be used to reorder the current POS line and all its linked lines (such as
modifiers). The command is useful when you want to increase the quantity of an item with modifiers and quantity
change is not allowed.The REORDERMENUTYPE command replaces the previous HOSP-REORDER command. The
new command is used to order a new round for a specific Menu Type in the POS. 2019 13
A new communication framework between and KDS (Kitchen Display System) replaces the NAS service that was
previously used. The new framework uses web services instead.
All references to NAS have been removed - the LS KDS Utility (installed with Kitchen Service) must now be used to
set the URI to the Service Tier of . When Kitchen Service starts, it gets the configuration from the Service Tier and 2019 13
gets all Kitchen Order Tickets (KOTs) sent from POS. All logging from KDS to also takes place through these web

A new Member Deposit management has been implemented to keep track of member deposits, which can be
used as payment at point of sale. Shows the leftover balance on the receipt, when the balance is used for
This includes 2 new POS commands:
SELLMEMDEPOSIT - Pay into member deposit
PAYMEMDEPOSIT - Use member deposit as payment on transaction 2019 13
Note: This does not go through the Customer Accounts, but through a new mechanism.
A YouTube video on the LS Retail channel shows this in more detail.

This keeps track of adjustments to membership charges, which are then picked up by the next invoicing batch.
This lessens the process of correcting charges, so there is no need to make credit invoices and so on. The user can
simply enter adjustment entries which are then processed by the monthly subscription process. The entries must
be logged to keep track of who makes the entry adjustment request and why.
A YouTube video on the LS Retail channel shows this in more detail. 2019 13

Three adjustments have been made to the subscription batch process:

- Active membership entries that have expired before the 1st date in a process period are skipped or excluded.
- Access control has been changed to give access to Inactive memberships that still have an open access period.
- Posting the batch makes active and expired memberships inactive. 2019 13

FactBoxes on the Member Contact card and list have been enhanced to show total values in memberships.
2019 13
SEARCHRENTAL - lets the user search rental reservations with assigned rental unit to return. SEARCHUNITS - lets
the user list all rental units with status In Rental and assign a unit to be returned. 2019 13
This is a pre-release of Web POS functions in LS Activity. Currently, this functionality is for partner evaluation only
and not recommended for implementations, unless in consultation with LS Retail. In order to test the LS Activity
POS commands on the Web POS, you must register Codeunit 10015833. Note:  If you register this codeunit as a
POS module, then all of the POS functionality will be processed through the new logic, regardless of whether you
are using a Web or a Windows POS.
The following POS commands do not work in this release: 2019 13

A feature has been added to turn attributes into fixed fields. This applies to reservations, activity, product,
resource, and rental unit cards. The attribute acts like a field in the related table and can be filtered and edited in 2019 13
the card view.

It is now possible to set a parameter on the SELLMATRIX and BOOKMATRIX POS commands to specify in which
POS menu the activity matrix opens. 2019 13
A new LS Activity store, S0016 Cronus Activity with POS terminals P0092 (SPA) and P0093 (General Activity), has
been added where both terminals use Clienteling for retail items.
- P0092 has Spa products, some with limited access and complementary products. 2019 13
- P0093 has general activities such as Classes, Courses, Rental, and Meeting Rooms.
TR-STOP_ALLOCATING See the Help and corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands.

A new option has been added to the App to add the URL for the Web POS. The option can be used to create the
URL string or it can be entered directly in a string as before. It is also possible to add the level of logging in the LS 2019 13
Central App for support purposes.

- Stock management now has 3 different methods for entering the quantity to order after scanning an item:  Ask,
Quick Scan, and Suggested Quick Scan.
- It is now possible to add pictures of an item and a comment in Stock management. The picture can be viewed in
the store inventory worksheet.
2019 13
- Sales information can now be displayed when scanning an item window. Partners can modify what information
is displayed for each customer.
- Now a Unit of Measure (UOM) that is specified for an item's barcode can be used instead of the item's Base
UOM from the Retail Item card.

Now receipts can be formatted in with a logo and barcode to be printed on the mobile printer. A plug-in for
Adyen has been added for Mobile POS. 2019 13
A new EFT plug-in from LS Pay, Adyen has been added to the list of available EFT plug-ins in the Mobile POS.
2019 13
The search filter on the LS Central Help's home page has been improved. You can now exclude Field help from
your search results (use the All Except Field Help filter). You can also limit your search to only Retail and 2019 13
Hospitality topics (use the Retail & Hospitality filter). 

The LS Omni online help menu has been deleted and the help topics moved under the Retail menu. You can find
the LS Omni topics using the search feature and in their new location in the Retail menu: LS Retail Apps - Mobile 2019 13
POS, and LS eCommerce.

A Member Process Order Entry is now sent to HO according to the setup in the POS Functionality profile. The
Terminal Connection field in the POS Terminal is no longer used. 2019 13
The following issues with gift receipts have been solved:
- Text overflow POS error in gift receipt registration has been fixed.
- It is no longer possible to enter gift cards in Refund mode into POS transactions. 2019 13
Multiple lines of the same item in a transaction can now be printed on a gift receipt.

An error with receiving multiple lines of the same item with different UOMs (Unit of Measure) has been fixed.
2019 13
Now POS Terminals can be excluded from Safe Management. This can be useful for POS terminals for credit cards
only (for example self-checkout POS). Note: When a POS terminal is marked as excluded from Safe Management,
no start or end amount is declared at the start- and end-of-the-day. 2019 13
These terminals will be picked up in statement calculations.

A validation error occurs when the same location code is used in multiple stores. Users cannot assign the same
location to multiple stores, neither through Store Location nor directly on Store. 2019 13
Customer Order pages are now visible on the Web Client. 2019 13
An error, which occurred when a sales order created in Customer Orders with the tender type Customer was
posted, has now been fixed. It is now possible to finalize a payment to Customer Order by charging to the 2019 13
customer account.

Error with posting a payment on the POS into a customer account has been fixed.
2019 13
The Compress Lines action in Store Inventory did not work correctly. Now compression of Store Inventory lines is
done in two steps when entries in a counting worksheet including Area are compressed. 2019 13
Query is now used to speed up populating the POS Inventory lookup framework.
2019 13
Customer details are now printed on the Order Confirmation and Sales Invoice. The Factbox for Sales Order and
Invoice in Unposted and Posted Customer Orders has been updated for this purpose and population of fields in 2019 13
the Sales Order been changed.

A functionality to sell items, through Customer Order, that are not in stock in any location has been added. It
assumes there is an agreement between the retailer and vendor(s) on what items the vendor can deliver, to what
locations the vendor can deliver the items, and how fast the vendor can deliver the items to each location or
group of locations.
The Customer Order business logic is that a Customer Order can only be sourced from one location. The same
business logic applies to vendor sourcing. This means that it is not possible to source items from multiple locations
in a single Customer Order, and it is not possible to source from a location and from vendor in the same Customer
Order. 2019 13
There is no stock check made for vendor sourcing items when the order is placed. The assumption is that the
vendor guarantees the availability of the items.
For more information see Customer Order - Vendor Sourcing Overview in the LS Central Help.

Two fields have been added to the Customer Order Setup page: Store-Vendor Relation and Item Prepayment
Hierarchy. Three hierarchies must be created prior to filling in these fields.
- The first one is a hierarchy where stores can be grouped. Stores can be grouped by geographical location as the
hierarchy is used to set the lead time between the stores and the vendors.
- The second hierarchy is to set what vendors source items per Customer Order. The store hierarchy and the
vendor hierarchy are then linked through a Hierarchy Relation and the hierarchy relation is selected in the Store-
Vendor Relation field in the Customer Order setup. 2019 13
- The third hierarchy is to select what items can be vendor-sourced. It is possible in the item hierarchy to set a
minimum payment.
For more information see How to: Set Up Vendor Sourcing for Customer Order in the LS Central Help.
When the setup is complete, items that are not in stock can be sold through Customer Order. When the Customer
Order is created in Head Office, a Purchase Order is created. The Purchase Order is sent to the vendor and the
vendor delivers the ordered items to the Store or Warehouse, where the customer will pick up the order (if it is a
click & collect order), or where the order will be shipped from (if it is a shipment order).
It is now possible to receive a Purchase Order in the Customer Order module on the POS. This will create a Posted
Purchase Receipt. The Purchase Invoice must be posted in Head Office. 2019 13
For more information see Vendor Sourcing in the LS Central Help.

It is now possible to configure what fields related to the customer are required when creating a Customer Order.
The requirements can be set separately for collection orders and shipment orders. 2019 13
For more information see How to: Set Up Required Fields in Customer Order in the LS Central Help.

The handling of preaction creation setup data for standard tables has been moved to be handled by its
corresponding extension module. 2019 13
Nets plugin is now supported. With the Nets implementation comes the possibility to use commands for zreport,
xreport, and to do an offline purchase when using the Nets plugin. 2019 13
Support for the OPOS DirectIO has also been added to LS Hardware Station. This enables the implementation and
use of own commands, for example in custom EFT implementations in LS Hardware Station. 2019 13

The EFT customization document has been updated and so has the demo project that was created to show an EFT
customization basic project. 2019 13
The replenishment calculation for Purchase Replenishment Journal and Transfer Replenishment Journal has been
enhanced. The value for the Reorder Point, Max. Inventory, Transfer Multiple, and Order Multiple fields can be set
up to be taken from the Data Profile or the Item (or Item Store Record).
New setup fields, Reorder Point (Source), Max. Inventory (Source), Transfer Multiple (Source), and Order Multiple
(Source) have been introduced in the Replenishment Data Profile page, to define if these fields should be taken
from Data Profile or Item/Item Store Rec. during replenishment calculation. 2019 13
For more information see Replenishment Control Data in the LS Central Help.

Various Add & Copy functionalities, namely Export to Excel, Import from Excel, Add Lines, Copy from Item, and
Copy from Location have been introduced to assist users to conveniently maintain Replen. Sales History 2019 13
Adjustment. For more information see Sales History Adjustment in LS Central Help.
It is now possible to automatically calculate Sales History Adjustment from Planned Demand Event, to adjust the
sales history to the level before the additional sales were introduced due to the planned event. This can be
achieved by using the Calculation Rule with type Planned Demand Event. For more information see How to:
Calculate Sales Hist. Adjustment from Planned Demand Events in LS Central Help. 2019 13

It is now possible to automatically calculate Sales History Adjustment from Outlier Detection. The system
identifies the outliers in the sales history by using the Interquartile Range Rule and then create Sales History
Adjustment entries to adjust the sales quantity of the outliers to the median value of the sales history data. This
can be achieved by using the Calculation Rule with type Outlier Detection.
For more information see How to: Calculate Sales Hist. Adjustment from Outlier Detection in LS Central Help. 2019 13

The sales from eCommerce and B2B, where there are no physical stores present and the stocks are directly
consumed from the warehouse, can now be considered when calculating the Average Usage for replenishment.
This can be achieved by using the Calculation Rule with type Item Ledger Entries, which will consolidate the sales
history from eCommerce and B2B into a virtual location and then create Sales History Adjustment entries to
simulate the sales. 2019 13
For more information see How to: Calculate Sales Hist. Adjustment from Item Ledger Entries in LS Central Help

The posting of transactions from the Mobile POS has been updated. The Card Type and Card Type Name are now
mapped and updated in transactions that originate in the Mobile POS and are posted in LS Central. EFT FOB for LS 2019 13
Nav 2016 / 2017 have been updated accordingly.

In an extended member option it is now possible to view items of each purchase.

2019 13
The icon for item details has been removed. As always, the user can click the brick for the item to open the item
details. Now it is also possible in Clienteling to mark an item for Customer Order by clicking the newly added icon. 2019 13

LS Activity now offers dynamic pricing based on product availability. This lets the user control prices and make the
product more or less expensive depending on demand. 2019 13
HTML Preview and Copy in Email Templates
HTML preview is now supported when you create email templates in LS Activity. This gives the user a better
overview of the confirmation emails that are sent automatically for reservations and activities. Additionally, it is 2019 13
now also possible to copy templates.

Language Code Added to Member and Contacts

Language Code has been added to Member Accounts and Contacts. This is the language code for an Activity
Reservation and an Activity. The code then determines which email template to use when sending email 2019 13

Sending Emails Based on the Reservation Language Code

It is now possible to specify a language code on a reservation and activity. This enables communication with
customers in the selected language by using the appropriate email template for email confirmations. 2019 13

Enhanced Graphical Matrix View

For resources based on a fixed menu template, graphical matrix views have been enhanced to enable viewing of
static (fixed) resource layouts using the menu button settings in the POS. The user can now set up graphical 2019 13
layouts to view the resources and see the availability of these.

Feature Flags have been added to control various functions in Mobile POS. 2019 14
This version of LS Central is based on the Business Central spring release (version 14.0). In this release Microsoft
has made around 800 field length changes. LS Retail is in the progress of adjusting LS Central fields to the Business
Central field lengths. Until this work is completed, users may experience issues if values are entered in Business
Central fields that exceed the previous length. This, for example, applies to Item Description, Customer Name, and 2019 14
Vendor Name, where the length has changed from 50 characters to 100 characters.

An improved functionality to create and print shelf labels has been implemented. The improvements aim to
speed up the process and to prevent locking, especially when many users are printing shelf labels at the same
Shelf label requests are created by schedule job 99001481 that runs on Head Office. The job creates Shelf Label
Spools. A Spool is a set of Shelf Labels per store. Spools can be (multi)selected for printing and reprinting from the 2019 14
Shelf Label Printing page. Users in stores can print a shelf label item card for a single item.

The property ApplicationArea has been set to #All for all pages and reports except Staff Management, Activity,
and Loss Prevention. 2019 14
The following enhancements have been made in the LS Central App, Android version:
- The log feature has been improved in .
- An update has been made to the PAX A920 plugin regarding printing receipts. 2019 14
- The LS Central App now supports the Nav User Password authentication method.

LS Hardware Station has been updated with a new version of LS Pay which includes an AltaPay refund fix.
2019 14

In the new version of the Mobile POS it is now possible to void a transaction with a tender line.
In the Mobile POS, the auto-refresh of data is now done in the background, instead of previously where it had the
focus and needed to be finished before the user could start to work. This has also been changed in the Mobile 2019 14

Dimension Pattern can now be assigned to an item. This is the most generic setup, followed by the setup in Item
Distribution, and Item Dimension Pattern Link being the most detailed.
An Add Dimensions action has been added to the Item Dimension Pattern Link page to make it easier to assign a
Dimension Pattern to an item based on Variant Dimension 1. For more information see Dimension Pattern in the 2019 14
LS Central Help.

Store Capacity Management now supports setup by Sections and Shelves. The Store Capacity page and report
have been enhanced to show the inventory and store capacity utilization information of the items that belong to
the Section or Shelf as set up in the store capacity entry.
A new Add Lines by Location action has also been added in the Store Capacity page to make bulk creation of store 2019 14
capacity entries easier.
For more information see Store Capacity in the LS Central Help.

Fill Gaps in Size/Color Ranges with Store Stock Redistribution

A new Retail Item Variant Availability by Location page has been introduced in Store Stock Redistribution. The
page provides an overview of the items and variants availability across stores and warehouses. With this page,
broken variants, namely the items that do not have the complete range of sizes or colors, can be identified. With
the help of the Dimension Pattern and the calculated sales performance indicators (Average Daily Sales and Sell
Through %), Redist. Stock and Redist. Demand can now be determined and assigned, so the items and variants 2019 14
can be redistributed among the stores to fill gaps and maximize sales.
For more information see Retail Item Variant Availability by Location in the LS Central Help.
New Redistribution Calculation Type: Manual Redistribution
Manual Redistribution has been introduced as a new Redistribution Calculation Type, along with the existing Sales
Demand, Stock Balancing, and Reorder Point/Max. Inventory. When this calculation type is used, the Redist.
Preview is calculated to present the various sales information and inventory status of the items, but no Redist.
Stock and Redist. Demand will be suggested by the system. The new Retail Item Variant Availability by Location
page can be used to assign Redist. Stock and Redist. Demand, which will be used for Redist. Trips calculation later.
It is also possible to link a Lifecycle Planning Worksheet to a Replenishment Template that is assigned with
the Manual Redistribution calculation type, so the items from the Lifecycle Planning Worksheet can be calculated 2019 14
in the Redistribution Replenishment Journal.
For more information see Calculation Type: Manual Redistribution in the LS Central Help.

Adjusting the Redist. Stock and Redist. Demand Suggested by the System
With the new Retail Item Variant Availability by Location page, it is now possible to adjust the Redist. Stock and
Redist. Demand calculated by using the Redistribution Calculation Types Sales Demand, Stock Balancing,
and Reorder Point/Max. Inventory. 2019 14
For more information see Redistribution Calculation Types in the LS Central Help.

The EFT implementation in the POS has been updated. It is now possible to add a surcharge to a payment
transaction, based on the type of card used in the payment. 2019 14
An option has been added to print the receipt's barcode as a QR code. 2019 14
The updated EFT implementation means that when voiding a card payment, a refund sale can now be posted
automatically. Previously, the sale could only be posted manually. 2019 14
The following web services have been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:
- TestConnection - replaces TEST_CONNECTION
- MemberCardBlock - replaces MM_CARD_BLOCK 2019 14

A member on a dining reservation is now added to the transaction when a guest from a reservation is seated.
2019 14
Recipe ingredients are now sent to the KDS which allows tracking the number (#) of ingredients on a display
station using the aggregate groups.
Example: a burger station has many items, single burgers, double burgers, and cheeseburgers, and the chef needs 2019 14
to know how many patties are on the station.
It is now possible to set a speed bump button for a cell on the Kitchen Display Station. This way it is possible to
bump a chit in cell #1 or cell #4, if needed. 2019 14
The POS is automatically set in sales mode when needed for all Activity POS commands. 2019 14
Adding an additional charge to an activity can trigger some resource requirements.
Availability is now shown on additional charges, that is either inventory levels or resource availability, depending 2019 14
on whether the additional charge is resource related.

CancelReservation and ConfirmReservation are new web APIs that support confirmation and cancellation of
activities in a single reservation. 2019 14
Partners can now change capacity and availability logic using subscription events. 2019 14
The following enhancements have been implemented:
- View static or fixed layout of resources, using the menu button settings in the POS. This lets the user set up
graphical layouts to view the resources and see their availability.
- Skin for activity status. 2019 14
- Automatic screen refresh of the matrix at an interval of x-minutes.
- Show glyphs in matrix cells.

New enhancements: 
- You can now create a new member and search for a member on the Membership card.
- You can navigate to the Customer Card from batch lines. 2019 14
- Changes on batch lines are not allowed when an invoice has been created.

A membership subscription can now issue price offers with limited quantity and period restrictions during
subscription processing. For example, members might be offered five spa treatments for a discount price during 2019 14
the next membership period, but only during off-hours.

Two new features have been added to the LS Central Help Home page: 
- How to ... - quick access to all How to ... topics in the help system. The link opens a page with headings that you
can expand and collapse to see alphabetically ordered lists of modules, each with links to How to ... topics for that
particular module. 2019 14
- What's new? - this link opens a page with a dynamic list of new help topics in the current release.

Links to LS Nav/LS Central Help, version 13, and Release Notes for versions 13.0-13.05 have been added to the See
also section at the bottom of the Home page. 2019 14
The Demo Data Information LS Central document has been revised and updated for release 14.0. It is available by
clicking the More Documentation link on the Help Home page. 2019 14
The table ID for table 99001509 has been fixed in codeunit 99001451 Action Management. 2019 14
When the Replen. Item Quantities calculation was run using the parallel calculation approach, it could result in a
deadlock as multiple processes were trying to delete the Replen. Item Quantity (RIQ) and Replen. Undelivered
Quantity table at the same time.
This has now been resolved. The deletion is now handled by the master process instead of the individual parallel 2019 14

After a service tier reset, the correct Hospitality type is now selected automatically when the POS starts up
without the classic multiview. 2019 14
Changes to Standard Tables have been moved to LS Extension Codeunits, and is now handled by Events
- Standard Replenishment tables Standard Transfer Order tables
- Standard Purchase Order tables
- Standard Sales Order tables
- Standard Item Jnl. tables
- Standard GL Jnl. tables 2019 14
- Standard Product tables
- Standard Customer tables
- Standard BackOffice table.

- Android version - In the Simplified URL Settings screen it is now possible to specify Tenant and Company
- iOS version - The iOS version of the LS Central App now supports the Nav User Password authentication method 2019 14
the same as the Android version.

The LS Hardware Station has been changed and now logs to one log file per day with every month getting its own
folder. This way it is easier to find a relevant log and this also limits the size of the log to a single day's usage. 2019 14

The LS Pay version included in the Hardware Station now supports GlobalPay PSP.
2019 14
Control of access to features in LS Mobile POS can now be set in LS Central. 2019 14
- The Exclude Mondays to Sundays fields have been updated to Include Mondays to Sundays.
- The Allowed to run on Excl. Days field has been updated to Allowed to run on Any Day.
With these changes, the next run for the Replenishment Journal Batch will be based on the included days.
For more information see Replenishment Batch in the LS Central Help. 2019 14
The Store and Warehouse Stock Coverage Days that are used in the Replenishment Calculation Types Average
Usage and Manual Estimate are no longer limited to a fixed value. The new Replenishment Coverage Days Profile
enables the coverage days to be dynamically calculated to reflect the days until the next replenishment
calculation. Other factors such as the location closed days, inbound location handling time, and coverage buffer
could also be taken into consideration and set up with the profile. The Replenishment Coverage Days Profile can
be assigned to an Item, Item Store Record, or an Replen. Data Profile. 2019 14
For more information see Replenishment Coverage Days Profile in the LS Central Help.

The new Replenishment Batch Calculation Calendar provides a flexible way to set up the Replenishment Journal
calculation interval. This is especially useful during high-sales seasons, where replenishment calculation happens
more frequently than on ordinary periods. The Replenishment Batch Calculation Calendar lets you set this up in
advance, and the calendar can then be assigned to a Replen. Journal Batch to be used for Replenishment Journal 2019 14
For more information see Replenishment Batch Calculation Calendar in the LS Central Help.

With the Vendor Vacation Calendar it is now possible to define if a vendor should be excluded from
Replenishment Journal calculation during the defined vacation period. 2019 14
For more information see Vendor Vacation Calendar in the LS Central Help.

In the EFT implementation it is now possible to select if Merchandise and/or Customer receipts should be printed
after a transaction is finished. This can be useful when receipts are not needed or for exceptional circumstances. 2019 14

New fields have been added to the „POS EFT“ table that stores information from processed card transactions. It is
now also possible to control how the card information data is stored in LS Central, either by using the payment
transaction information from LS Pay directly or by using mapped information from the PAN number that is 2019 14
returned by LS Pay.

Codeunit 10012871, WI Update Inventory, has been added to update inventory status used by LS Omni
replication. 2019 14
The following event publishers have been created:
- Publisher OnBeforeContactCreate added to Codeunit 10033060 MemberContactUtils 2019 14
- Publisher OnBeforeContactCreate added to Codeunit 10033062 MemberContactUpdateUtils.
- Table join is now valid in all layouts until dis-joined - a table is automatically dis-joined when the table is freed.
- Combined dining tables appear in the dining allocation panel just like normal dining tables.
- New Dining Reservation Entry type: Walk-in. This entry is created for an allocation/reservation whenever guests
are seated directly to show that the dining table(s) is reserved for the dining duration, just as when guests are
seated on dining tables with reservations and on a waiting list.
- Dining duration can be set for each period of a time schedule. Time schedule periods are used to build dining
area plan templates and dining area plans. Dining duration can be variable depending on period and day and the
number of guests involved.
- A Seated Dining Reservation Entry is moved to Dining Reserv. History Entry once the dining table is free. The 2019 14
history entries can be viewed in the Dining Reserv. History Entries page.
- Change dining table type for a table in design mode in POS. A new command, TBL_CHGTBLTYPE, replaces the

The Kitchen Display System can now print out to a printer that is connected to a Hardware Station. To use this
option, set the Kitchen Service Configuration to use the Hardware Station to print. 2019 14
- Show non-available times in matrix on the POS - this is a new setting on the Activity type. If a user selects a non-
available time in the matrix, then he or she is prompted whether a waiting list entry should be created.
- It is now possible to define a number series for Activity Products. 2019 14

The following POS command has been added:

- TBL_CHGTBLTYPE - Change dining table type.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands. 2019 14

The LS Activity menu tree has been rearranged to better reflect the structure of the module. See LS Activity
(Hospitality) and LS Activity (Retail). 2019 14
- Check has been added for valid combinations of Status and Posting Action for Receive, when Renaming in P/R
Counting Posting Setup. 2019 14
- Retail Receiving error while Posting has been fixed. P/R Counting Header not up-to-date.

Scale items and quantity embedded barcodes now count as one (1) piece when used in a Mix & Match offer.
2019 14
The field Card Type Name is populated with data from the LS Pay connection. The Card Type value is usually
populated based on the Card No. Series Setup process (linked to the first 6 digits of the card number). If,
however, the Card No. Series Setup is not in use, the system can populate the Card Type field from the Card Type
Name field. 2019 14
Note: Only the first 10 digits can be copied into the field because of field length restrictions.

It is now possible to add new Variant Values (for example a new color) to an existing Variant Framework that has
already been assigned to item(s). 2019 14
If this error occurs when opening the POS in a Windows Client, you must follow the below instructions.
Error message: 
Attempted to issue a client callback while a write transaction started, this can impact performance: CodeUnit
10012730 EPOS Control Interface DotNER SubmitDataSet.
1. Find the CustomerSettings config file for the service (a likely location for this file could be C:\Program Files\
Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central\140\Service).
2. Locate the following line and change the value from false to true: <add
key="AllowSessionCallSuspendWhenWriteTransactionStarted" value="true" /> 2019 14
Tip: One way of finding the path is to locate the service in Services and right-click the service: Properties\General\
Path to executable.

A bug has been fixed in a calculation formula for Effective Inventory, excluding Purchase Order in Transfer Journal.
2019 14
In version 14.0 Microsoft extended the length of over 800 fields in Business Central. Many of those fields are used
in LS Central. All fields in LS Central have now been adjusted to Business Central field lengths. 2019 14

On account of the AL migration, two functions have been moved from table 330 to codeunit 99008922. Unused
fields have also been removed from standard tables. 2019 14
Infocode Discount is being discontinued. In this step, all setup was removed from the standard. 2019 14
LS Changes have been removed from Online Map Management.
2019 14
Any codeunit can now be selected to print Shelf or Item labels, regardless if the codeunit is part of standard LS
Retail code or an extension from a partner. 2019 14
Events have now been added into all Print functions in the POS Print Utility. 2019 14

The following field lookups have been refactored:

- Retail Sales Order
- Retail Purchase Order 2019 14
- Retail Transfer Order

The usage of the Product Group MS table has been changed to use a new LS Central table, Retail Product Group.
Fields named Product Group Code have been renamed to Retail Product Code. 2019 14
Three tables (Member Contact, Member Account, and Staff) have been added to the Data Subjects Table in Data
Privacy. 2019 14
Support for external payment tokens has been added to the Customer Order module. Fields have been added to
the Customer Order Payment table that stores the token information for payments of the type Pre-Authorization. 2019 14
If the payment is not authorized, the order is put on hold.

An option has been created that lets the user specify which status updates will send out a message to the
customer. 2019 14
An audit trail of status changes is now being logged when Customer Orders are processed. 2019 14
When overpaying for a transaction with a Customer Order that you choose not to prepay for, an option now
comes up and the customer can choose whether he would like to receive change back or the extra amount 2019 14
becomes prepayment for the customer order.

Customer Order BackOffice pages now display Retail pages, and links to related documents are stored in
respective documents like Retail Purchase Orders, Retail Sales Orders, and Retail Transfer Orders. The linking field 2019 14
is Customer Order ID.

Logical Order can now be defined for Variant Dimensions. This field adds the possibility to order the presentation
of the Variant Dimensions in a Variant Framework. Currently, this Logical Order field does not affect how the 2019 14
dimensions are arranged in the pages in LS Central.

Each Variant Value can now be defined up to a maximum number of 999 instead of 35. Following this, the Logical
Order field in the Item Variant Registration table is changed from Integer to BigInteger. 2019 14

A new Refresh Variant Settings action has been added to the Item Variant Framework page. This enables the Item
Variant Registration to be updated with the latest Logical Order and Variant Weight setup as defined for the 2019 14
Variant Values.
The data type of the Variant Dimension 1 to Variant Dimension 6 fields in the Item Variant Registration
(10001414) table have been changed from Text15 to Code15, to align with the Extended Variant Values
(10001413) table.
These adjustments have also been done on all fields in other tables that have relations set to the above table 2019 14
fields. Please use the provided upgrade codeunit to copy and preserve the data in these tables.

In the LS Central App's Simplified URL settings screen, it is now possible to add Tenant and Company.
2019 14
The iOS version of the LS Central App now also supports adding Tenant and Company. Additionally, the iOS
version can now start up without showing settings or adding Simplified URL to iOS as in the Android version. 2019 14

-An option has been added to enable a functionality in the POS to automatically check the last Card Payment in a
log. If the payment is unfinished, the POS asks the PED for the last processed transaction. If there is a match, the
payment is finished in the POS. This is useful if the POS or the connection to the PIN pad ends unexpectedly
without the transaction finishing in the POS.
- If the POS receives a Signature verification request from a PIN pad, the POS can now handle the request as
configured in the Settings screen. The options are a) to automatically accept or reject the Signature, or b) to have
the cashier decide by using a pop-up window.
- An addition has been made to the feature of skipping printing Merchant and/or Customer receipts. These
settings will be used unless a MandatoryToPrint flag is received from the PIN pad. In that case the receipt is 2019 14
always printed.
- An option has been added to hold the EFT status dialog box open for X seconds before closing.
- When storing the result from an EFT transaction in the POS Card Entries table and the Card Type is empty, the
system uses the Card Type Name from LSPay to insert into the Card Type field.

LS Retail has created an EFT FOB file that is now available from the LS Retail Support team. In the FOB file, LS
Retail has downgraded the EFT changes to the latest versions of each year (09.10 / 10.10 / 11.05 /13.05). Partners
can downgrade from that version into previous versions of each year, if needed. 2019 14

A function has been added to POS API to get the actual field behind a column in a grid, for example when the
user clicks a column in a grid. 2019 14
You can now specify a client user settings file for a Business Central Windows client on a LS Start button.
2019 14
The user can now make negative adjustments and perform other actions on the POS, as long as the sales
transaction has not started (the Start button has not been pressed). 2019 14
An option has been added to use a device keyboard when running in LS Central App. This can be useful as users
may be more accustomed to the device's native keyboard. 2019 14
LS Central POS and Hardware Station with LS Pay plugin has been certified by NETS in the Nordic countries (NO, S,
FI, DK) and through PayEx in the Nordic countries for the self-service POS. 2019 14
An option has been added for AutoLogoff behavior in Sales Mode. Previously, the solution did not log off if the
POS was in Sales mode. 2019 14
It is now possible to remove a member contact from a transaction without voiding the transaction. 2019 14
A new setup video with instructions on how to set up the LS Hardware Station for EFT devices is now available on 2019 14
YouTube (https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=_nh-jWYxw3M&amp;feature=youtu.be)
The LS Pay version included in LS Hardware Station now supports Worldpay PSP.
2019 14
A check box has been added in the Member Management setup page where the user can choose to update a
member card in head office with updated points after each transaction on online POS. 2019 14
LS Mobile Inventory can now read config from an external file that is pushed to the mobile device by a Mobile
Management software. 2019 14
An option has also been added to the app to sort a document list by expected date or ID.

An ability has been added to scan card ID as barcode on a loyalty card. This is useful as it eliminate the need to
type in the number. 2019 14
A new LS Replenishment Role Center has been introduced. It offers an easy-to-use environment for retailers to
access all the most commonly used Replenishment functionality, such as Assortment, Automatic Replenishment,
Manual Replenishment, Redistribution, and so on. The LS Replenishment Role Center can be set up with the Role 2019 14
Center ID 10012272.

The Demand Planner integration has been removed from . The Items, Replen. Item Store Rec, and Replen. Data
Profile entries that were previously assigned with the Replenishment Calculation Type Demand Plan have been
updated to Automatic - From Data Profile. 2019 14
Please make the necessary adjustments to these entries, if needed.
LS Forecast is ready for preview in LS Central. The solution consists of a cloud-based forecasting engine and
additional functionality in LS Central for setup, data upload/download, and to utilize the downloaded forecast in
Replenishment. The cloud-based part is built on Microsoft Azure Machine Learning and uses advanced statistical
forecasting techniques such as ARIMA, Additive and Multiplicative models to predict future sales demand from
sales history. LS Forecast will be introduced as a new Replenishment Calculation Type.
Weekly Sales Buckets, a tool that captures the historical sales trend of an item or a group of items, is also ready
for preview. It provides an overview of the item's sales distribution pattern across the week, from Monday to
Sunday. This pattern is useful when the demand calculation from LS Forecast is on a weekly basis, where the
pattern will then serve as distribution weights to break down a weekly demand into daily demand quantity for use 2019 14
with the Replen. Journal calculation.
All the relevant LS Forecast pages and components can be found in the MenuSuite under LS Retail &gt;
Replenishment &gt; LS Forecast.

The length of the primary keys in the following tables have been increased to support up to 20 characters
- Code field in Replen. Template (10012201)
- Code field in Replen. Data Profile (10012224)
- Code field in Allocation Rule Header (10012328)
- Name field in Retail Sales Budget Name (99001555)
- Name field in Retail Purchase Plan Name (10012400) 2019 14
- Name field in Lifecycle Worksheet (10016303)
The lengths have also been increased for all the fields in other tables with relations set to the above table fields.

Improved Open-to-Buy Accessibility and Calculation

A Retail Sales Budget can now be assigned with a default Open-to-Buy (OTB) View Code. This enables the budget
to be easily opened and presented in Open-to-Buy View.
It is also possible to define the Calculation Level in the Retail Sales Budget, to determine if its Open-to-Buy View
should be calculated on budget level only, or also include the details. The level of details depends on the Budget
Type (Division, Item Category, Product Group, Item, or Item Hierarchy). 2019 14
For more information see How to: View Retail Sales Budget in Open-to-Buy View in the LS Central Help.
Open-to-Buy Checks on Purchase Order and Allocation Plan
The Open-to-Buy Check is a tool that enables the Retail Sales Budget and its Open-to-Buy values to act as an
upper limit for related item purchases. It can be used to check if a Purchase Order or Allocation Plan violates the
Open-to-Buy value of a sales budget.
For more information see How to: Perform Open-to-Buy Checks on Purchase Order and How to: Perform Open-to- 2019 14
Buy Checks on Allocation Plan in the LS Central Help.

Open-to-Buy Calculation Using Scheduler Job

It is important to ensure that the Retail Sales Budgets and Open-to-Buy values are always updated in order to
keep the Open-to-Buy meaningful. The Open-to-Buy can be updated manually, or set up to be calculated
periodically with a scheduler job. It is also possible to set up multiple scheduler jobs for the calculation to run in 2019 14
For more information see How to: Schedule the Calculation of Open-to-Buy in the LS Central Help.

Replenishment Item Exclusion Rules

The definition of whether a group of items should be excluded from Replenishment calculation is made simple
with the Replen. Item Exclusion Rules. The rules can be defined up to the Retail Product Code level and can be
based on factors such as items created before a certain date, no item sales since a certain date, and items with
zero inventory. If needed, the process can also be automated with a scheduler job by using the Calculate Replen. 2019 14
Item Excl. report (10012331).
For more information see Replenishment Item Exclusion Rule in the LS Central Help.

Replenishment Journal Calculation Performance Improvement

When a Replenishment Journal is being recalculated, the deletion of its existing data (for example Replen. Journal
Details) prior to the recalculation has been refactored. The latest test shows that the time taken to recalculate the 2019 14
Replenishment Journal has been reduced by up to 67%.
The following web services have been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:
- CreateNewCardForContact - replaces MM_NEW_CARD_FOR_CONTACT
- DeletePostransBackup - replaces DELETE_POSTRANS_BACKUP
- DeletePostransSusp - replaces DELETE_POSTRANS_SUSP
- GetAndReserveSerialCoupon - replaces  GET_RESERVE_SERIAL_COUPON
- GetCustomerCard - replaces IM_GET_CUSTOMER_CARD_01
- GetDocument – replaces IM_GET_DOCUMENT
- GetDocumentList – replaces IM_GET_DOCMENT_LIST
- GetInventoryLookup - replaces  GET_INVENTORY_LOOKUP
- GetItemCard - replaces IM_GET_ITEM_CARD_01
- GetTransHeaderList - replaces GET_TRANS_HEADER_LIST
- GetTransStatementCode - replaces GET_TRANS_STATEMENT_CODE 2019 14
- GetVendorCard - replaces IM_GET_VENDOR_CARD_01
- RetailMessageUpdRcpStatus - replaces RETAIL_MESSAGE_UPD_RCP_STATUS
- SendPosTransBackup - replaces SEND_POS_TRANS_BACKUP
- SendPosTransSusp - replaces SEND_POS_TRANS_SUSP
- SendSerialCoupon - replaces SEND_SERIAL_COUPON

- MobilePosFloatEnt - replaces WEB_POS with parameter FLOAT_ENT

- MobilePosPostPrecalc - replaces WEB_POS with parameter POSTPRECALC
- MobilePosPriceCheck - replaces WEB_POS with parameter PRICECHECK
- MobilePosRefund - replaces WEB_POS with parameter REFUND
- MobilePosRetSave - replaces WEB_POS with parameter RETSAVE 2019 14
- MobilePosRetSuspended - replaces WEB_POS with parameter RETSUSPENDED
- MobilePosSave - replaces WEB_POS with parameter SAVE

A new Restaurant Role Center for restaurants using table management - new ques have been added that show
the restaurant performance (Gross Turnover, Amount per guest, Revenue per seat hour, Table turnover), current
status (Occupied Tables, Total Free Tables, In-house Guests, Available Seats) and day summary (Total Guests, 2019 14
Transactions, No-Shows, Canceled Reservations).
Dining Area Data Archiving
This is necessary to reduce the size of the database tables used every day in dining table management. As a result
you can now view Dining Area Statistics to find out the table turnover for each day for the dining area and dining
area sections. You can run a report to archive dining area data (dining table history entries and dining area plans) 2019 14
or let the Scheduler run the archiving at the end of the day.

Allocation Panel Performance Improvements

A paging menu has been added to the Allocation panel to reduce menu button uploading. 2019 14
Activity Dining Synchronization
An activity dining reservation is updated when the reservation is canceled, registered as no-show, and completed 2019 14
within table management.

It is now possible to reorder lines in the following pages: Item Modifier group, Cross-selling group, Time modifier,
Text modifier, Item modifier, Deal modifier offer lines, Infocode group, Aggregate Profile groups. 2019 14

- Table join is now valid in all layouts until dis-joined - a table is automatically dis-joined when the table is freed.
- Combined dining tables appear in the dining allocation panel just like normal dining tables.
- New Dining Reservation Entry type: Walk-in. This entry is created for allocation/reservation whenever guests are
seated directly to show that the dining table(s) is reserved for the dining duration, just as when guests are seated
on dining tables with reservations and on a waiting list.
- Dining duration can be set for each period of a time schedule. Time schedule periods are used to build dining
area plan templates and dining area plans. Dining duration can be variable, depending on period and day and the
number of guests involved.
- A Seated Dining Reservation Entry is moved to Dining Reserv. History Entry once the dining table is free. The
history entries can be viewed in the Dining Reserv. History Entries page. 2019 14
- Change dining table type for a table in design mode in POS.

- New type of Kitchen Display Stations - Customer Facing Display (CFD). This is a display that faces towards the
customers and is commonly used in Quick Service Restaurants. The display shows when an order is ready after it
has been bumped from the Expeditor. 2019 14
- It is now possible to show Deals in the KDS with a deal header within a chit for clarity.
This rework was needed to better fit the Business Central Web Client. Membership Group has been added to the
Membership role center, where the user can define these groups and get a summary of active members per
week. These groups can be defined afterwards or on the fly in the group summary view. 2019 14

It is now possible to hide unavailable slots in the matrix view for improved viewing. 2019 14
It is now possible to have Dining Table Reservations get the capacity and dining duration from the Dining Area
Plan instead of using the LS Activity capacity setup. This is an open framework so other Activity Types can also 2019 14
make use of external capacity queries, if needed.

LS Activity is fully Web POS enabled from this release. 2019 14

- The Staff Management functionality for the Web POS has been enhanced to fully support the Web POS for LS
- New role center for Staff Management which is more in line with the Business Central design guidelines.
- Weekly rosters give you the ability to create and work with weekly rosters instead of the full month.
- Salary Periods for analysis let you compare staff costs between different periods either with monthly periods or
salary periods. - It is now possible to assign an employee part of the day, even when he or she is registered as 2019 14
unavailable for other parts of the same day.

LS Core is a rapid implementation process that gives customers the ability to implement LS Central using a
combination of preconfigured and template data elements to minimize the complexity of the configuration and
operation of the solution.
The available download includes:
- Two RapidStart packages for Evaluation and Production company setups:
-- A package containing all the Evaluation data which can set up a company in demonstration mode for exploring
and testing: LS14.02.W1.EVAL.SAMPLEDATA.rapidstart
-- A package containing only Setup data, which can help to set up a production company: 2019 14
- Profiles.xml - contains POS Profiles
- Others.xml - contains POS commands and some other essential setups.
ACTLIST - List activities
ACTSTATUS - Change activity status
CO_CANCEL_ORDER - Cancel Customer Order
EDITACTIVITY - Edit Activity field - parameter field number
EDITRESERVATION - Edit Reservation field - parameter field number
EFT_RECOVER - Check if last failed Card Entry can be recovered
RESLIST - List reservations 2019 14
TR-A-TIMELINEPAGE - Table Allocation, press Timeline Page button.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands.

Help topics for Sales Commission have been added to the LS Central Help. See LS Central Help - Retail - BackOffice
- Sales &amp; Marketing - Sales Commission. 2019 14
The Detailed Receipt report showed Line No. where Item No. was expected. The report now shows the Item No.
2019 14
A Dimension error that occurred when Retail Picking was posted has now been fixed. 2019 14
The Location Profile was not updated in the Inventory Lookup Table. This has now been fixed.
2019 14
It is now possible to post Sales Entries through Batch posting.
2019 14
Quantity per Unit of Measure was not being updated when a UOM on the Mobile Inventory app was changed.
This has now been fixed. 2019 14
The replication counter for Statement lines is now updated when a Statement Line is added by codeunit
99001456 Statement Calculate. 2019 14
Opening Sales Price Worksheets in Retail Buyer Role Center returned an error. This has been fixed. 2019 14
The Retail Module page has been updated with the latest LS Retail object range. 2019 14
Inconsistency in price during a sales return involving discount has been fixed. 2019 14
An error that occurred when LS code was moved to subscriber has been fixed.
2019 14
The function that creates default data tried to create data for fields that have been deleted. This has now been
fixed. 2019 14
- It is now possible to cancel customer orders at the POS.
- The put-back process for a customer order canceled at the POS has been put in place.
- It is now possible to cancel customer orders from BackOffice. 2019 14
- It is now possible to cancel customer orders from LS eCommerce.

Recalculating lines connected to Customer Orders is now done for both open and released Sales Orders.
2019 14
A rounding error in a Sales Order created from a Customer Order has been fixed. This error could occur if there
were discounts in the Customer Order. 2019 14
Customer Order Refund with connection to Workflow is now posted to GL accounts according to setup.
2019 14
When scanned, POS lines were being compressed, even if the setup in the POS Functionality Profile said not to.
This has now been fixed. 2019 14
A receipt number was duplicated when it was suspended. This has been fixed. 2019 14
It is now possible to create a Member Contact on the POS with Server Log Level set to ALL.
2019 14
Voiding a transaction with a store coupon and then reuse it at another POS was not possible. This has now been
fixed. 2019 14
A printing error that occurred when a printing a Z report in the web client has now been fixed. 2019 14
When a Z report was done in an online database, all suspended transactions had to be finalized. The function was
not taking into consideration if EOD was being made for one terminal and the statement method was by Staff or 2019 14
by POS.

The LS Hardware Station Management portal now displays only today's log file in the Log panel. The Toolbox
already has a functionality that creates only one log file per day to limit the size of the log files. Following this
change, the Management portal did not display the current log file properly. This has now been fixed. 2019 14

LS Hardware Station had an issue with printing large data that has now being resolved.
2019 14
LS Hardware Station now handles empty values within print requests that are required for a specific print line to
work (for example a logo). Instead of throwing an exception, the Hardware Station now uses a default value.
The following issues in LS Hardware Station have also been fixed:
- When viewed full-screen in an Edge browser, part of the screen does not work.
- In the Web POS, all information is missing on the Create Customer Order page.
- Clicking an "inactive" button in a matrix in the Web POS generates an error.
- Autologoff does not work in Hospitality.
- Autologoff does not work in the Web POS.
- LoadMenuPermissions does not run after logoff then logon. 2019 14
- Logging off on modal panels does not show the offline panel.
- Computer name on a terminal causes a .NET Framework Interoperability error at logon.

It is now possible to select a Member Attribute Value from the lookup list when you add a Member Attribute to a
Member Contact. 2019 14
Phone number information for Members is now retrieved from the Member card instead of the Customer card.
2019 14
The Hardware Profile Card has been updated and now only has settings that are applicable to be used with the LS
Hardware Station. The few settings that remain on the Hardware Profile Card have been merged and placed in the
Settings section and other configurations have been moved to their respective device cards.
The Hardware Profile List has also been updated and now displays a check mark if any devices of a specific type
have been configured on a particular profile.
All devices now have their own card, that is POS Printer Card, POS Display Card, and so on. Various settings that
before were only on the Hardware Profile Card have been moved to these cards:
POS Display card:
- Display Balance text, Display total text, Display Closed line 1, Display closed line 2, Delay for linked items
POS Drawer Card:
- Drawer Alert Timeout 2019 15
POS Terminal card:
- Print Discount Detail
Other hardware device functions that are not supported by the LS Hardware Station have been removed both
from the Hardware Profile Card and from the functionality: 2019 15
- MSR functionality, Beeper/Toner, Dallas key, Scale functionality

A new LS Central Role Center page has been created, named LS CentralDemo. This Role Center page is intended
to help partners navigate LS Central during demos and can be helpful for consultants and administrators during 2019 15
installation of LS Central.

LS Central autotests are published in a separate extension. The Autotest extension has dependency on the LS
Central Extension. 2019 15

In LS Central 15.0 there are several flow fields in the Value Entry table extension where the original key is made up
of both Microsoft and LS Central fields. For improved performance this has been changed to use keys from the LS 2019 15
Central Value Entry table extension only.
Restrictions on how to set up Hospitality Service Flow have been decreased to allow more options for changing
dining table status and setting alerts. 2019 15
A new status for dining tables, Allocated, makes it possible to change color on a dining table if the table is
allocated to a reservation within a certain time limit. The status always applies to free dining tables, but can also
apply to dining tables that are to be cleaned, or to dining tables that are not available. The status is only for
changing the color, it does not change the underlying status of the dining table. 2019 15

TBL_CANCELALLOCATION - Cancel dining table allocation.

See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands. 2019 15

As in previous releases, this release includes a database with LS Central Demo Company. In this release, however,
all old LS Central entries, such as Item Ledger Entries, Value Entries, Customer related entries, Vendor related
entries, and Transaction headers and related lines, have been deleted.
To make it easier to test and demo, the system stock has been created for some items for a few locations by
posting purchases through an Item Journal. This makes it possible, for example, to run the Customer Order
functionality as described in the Demo Data Information document. Stock has also been created for fashion items 2019 15
for eCommerce testing purposes.
Note: The demo company has a new name, Cronus–LS Central.

An incorrect variable was used in Compress lines in the Store Inventory Counting Worksheet. This has now been
fixed. 2019 15
- Quantities sold not posted in Trans. Sales Entry will now be considered while calculating the Daily Sales in
Replen. Item Quantity, if the Calc. Qty. Sold not Posted option is enabled in Replen. Setup.
- Sales that occurred on an out-of-stock day (including the days when the item goes out of stock and when the 2019 15
item gets restocked) are now excluded from the Daily Sales calculation.

LS Central has been adjusted so that it can now run on the NA version of Business Central.
2020 15
The entities Retail Item list, Store list, Terminal list, and Run POS have been added to the Navigation Bar for easier
access. 2020 15
A feature has been added to the LS Central App to import the config of the App from an XML file that is placed on
the device. It also possible to export the current settings of the App to an XML file. This is feature is especially
handy when managing a large number of devices.
An Epson printer library has been added to the LS Central App that allows the use of 20+ Epson printers
connected via Bluetooth/WiFi/network. This adds a new setup option as the printer, which the LS C App directs 2020 15
the printing to, does not have to be directly connected to the device running the LS Central App.

An Epson printer library has been added to the Mobile POS that allows the use of 20+ Epson printers connected
via Bluetooth/WiFi/network. 2020 15
The task Run Web POS has been renamed and is now Run POS. Other search terms, such as "LS Central POS",
"Point of Sale", "Run Client", "Client" and the original task name "Run Web POS" will now also find the Run POS 2020 15

A Receipt Printing option has been added to the page for Text and Time modifiers.
2020 15
It is now possible to refund any activity payments (deposits and any other additional items added to the activity)
when you are canceling the activity. 2020 15
It is now possible to assign an access profile to activity products and membership type.
2020 15
A new option has been implemented to only partially charge for a membership period, if the membership expires
in the middle of the period. 2020 15
The incident list is now published in a new format. It contains an Incident List.xlsx file with an overview of the
changes in this release, and an Incident List.zip file, which includes a folder for each issue containing the changes
in a Git patch format for each object in the issue. The .patch file can be opened in an editor, for example VS Code. 2020 15

Z report ID was set incorrectly on transactions. This has now been fixed. 2020 15
When calculating a statement at the end of the business day (EOD), a line in the Statement is created for each
Card Type that is counted. 2020 15
The check for the default Replen. Sales Profile will only be applied to the Replen. Item Quantity calculation when
an item is using the calculation type Average Usage. 2020 15
An issue with duplicate Item Variant Registration in the Item Import Journal has been fixed. 2020 15
BI Timestamp field has been removed from LS Central. ObsoleteState is set to Pending. 2020 15
OMNICLIENT DLL has been discontinued. 2020 15
You can now copy and paste the URL that you make in the simplified URL screen. This is useful if there are
problems:  you can copy and paste the URL to see if it works in a normal browser. 2020 15
- You can now take multiple pictures of an item and send them to LS Central with a comment under each picture.
Previously, you could only take one picture per item.
- You can now sort Vendor and Locations alphabetically.
- You can now create and receive POs and receive TO documents on the device. Previously, this was only possible 2020 15
in LS Central.

The function PosSession.ForecourtInUse now always returns False as the Forecourt functionality has not yet been
implemented with LS Hardware Station. All references to the field Forecourt in use in the Hardware Profile have 2020 15
been changed to use this function instead.
Two configurations previously in the Hardware profile have been discontinued and removed from the Hardware
- Currency Symbol as ASCII: This configuration has been removed and is no longer available to the user.
- ENTER repeats last item: This configuration has been removed and is no longer available to the user.

The third configuration was moved to the Functionality Profile:

- Decimals in Entry: Has been moved from the Hardware profile to the Functionality profile, the Amount section,
and is now called No. of Decimals in POS Entry. The value of the property in the Hardware profile is not migrated
in an upgrade. Default value is None which means that if the user wants to enter decimals in an amount he or she 2020 15
must enter the decimal point as well.

IP whitelisting and blacklisting have been added to LS Hardware Station.

2020 15
Serial device functionality has been added to the Hardware station. Configuration for the device has been added
to the POS Hardware Profile in LS Central, and the device can be configured in the Hardware Station Management 2020 15

Assignment of Permissions and Responsibilities in Retail Budgets

You can now assign permissions to Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase Budget to define who has access to
work with the budgets. The Budget User and Budget Owner roles have been introduced, where you can define
which of these roles have access to edit, set up, lock, and unlock a budget. The Budget User and Budget Owner
can either be a buyer or a buyer group, and can be assigned to individual Retail Sales and Purchase Budgets, so
that the responsibilities and ownership of the budgets are delegated to the intended user group. 2020 15
For more information see Budget Permissions in the LS Central Help.

Lock a Retail Budget from Editing and Deletion

The Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase Budget can now be locked, to protect them from unintentional
changes or deletion. The budgets can be unlocked if changes are needed.
For more information see How to: Lock and Unlock a Sales Budget and How to: Lock and Unlock a Purchase 2020 15
Budget in the LS Central Help.
Notification for Master-Child Budget Consolidation
A notification will be shown in the master Retail Sales Budget and Retail Purchase Budget, when one or more of
their child budgets have been updated since the last consolidation. This helps to keep you informed that a
recalculation of the master budget is necessary in order to retrieve the latest budget entries. 2020 15
For more information see Budget Consolidation in the LS Central Help.

Dynamic Prioritization of Locations in Replenishment Transfer Rule

The priority order of the locations in the Replenishment Transfer Rule can now be easily rearranged with the
Move Up and Move Down actions. The priority order can also be calculated based on actual sales history, where a
location with higher sales will be assigned with a higher priority, and this can be scheduled to run automatically 2020 15
with a scheduler job, if needed.
For more information see Replenishment Transfer Rule in the LS Central Help.

Five new skins and fonts have been added to improve the look of the journal lines.
By controlling the style of a deal and its items and an item and its modifiers the visual experience of the journal
can be improved. The skins and fonts have fixed names: #SL_DEALHEADER, #SL_DEALLINE, #SL_MODIFIERPOS,
#SL_MODIFIERNEG, #SL_MODIFIERTEXT. If these skins and fonts are not in any style, the active style's default skin 2020 15
and font are used instead.

Dining table buttons can now have an alert border that is updated automatically on timing (no scheduler job
needed). They can also have an allocated border - set when a table has a reservation within a certain time and has
no alerts. The border is shown regardless of the status of the dining table (free, seated, occupied, not
available ...). Both borders are set up in the service flow for the hospitality type.
The style for dining table buttons has been updated to show more clearly the information on the buttons. This
was done using an upgrade process. 2020 15
The dining table pop-up menu headers have been made Enabled to make sure that the pop-up closes when the
header is pressed.

A new option has been implemented to validate that Display Stations of the type Preparation station have a Next
Station property set. All display stations of this type must have the Next Station property set, or else there is no
end point in the station routing logic and the KOT will end up as an orphan in the Kitchen Service. 2020 15
It is now possible to add a history panel to a Kitchen Display. This panel is twofold:
- The upper part shows a summary of items that have been bumped on the display over a History horizon
(configurable in the History FastTab in the KDS Visual Profile Card).
- The lower part shows a list of the most recently bumped items on the display. This makes it easy to see what
was just bumped from the display. 2020 15
The history panel is configured in the KDS Visual Profile where you specify to make the panel visible on the display
and configure its position, size, and history horizon.

It is now possible to reschedule an activity on the POS with a new POS command, RESCHEDULE.
Only confirmed activities can be rescheduled and the following applies:
- First the system checks if rescheduling is possible without canceling and recreating activity.
- If that is not possible, that is if an activity is already paid and the price will be affected, rescheduling is done by
canceling the activity and creating new one.
- Also with courses and classes, its needed to cancel and re-book, since they need to be moved to another
reservation anyway.
- If a booking needs to be recreated, the original booking gets a comment stating that it has been rescheduled and
is canceled.
- Its possible to have a special status assigned for this purpose, that is the status Rescheduled (which should be
cancel internal status) 2020 15
- If a new booking is created, deposits are transferred to the new booking.
- Rentals can NOT be rescheduled if rental units are already assigned.
- Components (in a package) can be rescheduled, as long as they do not need to re-create the booking.

When a roster in Staff Management is closed, a new check makes sure that the roster is not for the current
period. 2020 15
Release notes and help for LS Insight are now included in the LS Central Help. 2020 15
- RESCHEDULE - Reschedule an activity on the POS.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands. 2020 15

Barcode mask containing Lot No. has been fixed.

2020 15
An issue with the Purchase Replenishment Journal when calculating items (with variants) that are replenished to a
warehouse using Stock Levels, has been fixed. 2020 15
It is now possible to insert a Requested Delivery Date in a customer order. This also applies to sales orders.
2020 15
When refunding, the text "Copy" is no longer printed on the customer's receipt. 2020 15
It is now possible to void member points against an actual entry in the Member Club page. Previously the oldest
points were voided. 2020 15
Fiscal Framework for LS Central has been implemented. This framework is useful when fiscal extensions to LS
Central are implemented. 2020 15
New HTML editor with syntax highlighting, formatting, and line-numbers has been added to Item HTML.
2020 15
- A new action, Test Scanner Connection, has been added to the POS Scanner Card. The action uses the Hardware
Station to enable the scanner and the scan data is relayed back to the card.
- A new action, Test Printer Connection, has been added to the POS Printer Card. The action uses the Hardware 2020 15
Station to print a test string on the printer that is being configured.

- An indicator has been added that shows how many pictures have been taken with the Mobile Inventory app.
- Mobile Inventory help has been added to the LS Central Help. - LS Retail Apps Release Notes are now available
online in the LS Central Help. 2020 15

An Activity location with a linked dining area does no longer have to have the same name as the dining area.
2020 15

The following POS commands are new in LS Central 15.3:

- ACTPAYGROUP - lists all group reservations in LS Activity that are confirmed but not fully paid.
- SET_REQ_DEL_DATE - Set Requested Delivery Date.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands. 2020 15
In LS Central version 15.0 all transactions in the demo data company were removed but stock information was
included for testing purposes. In release 15.3 all item ledger entries have been removed as well.
To simplify the work of providing stock information for testing purposes, data for Configuration Packages have
been prepared, to be used by the Configuration Packages functionality in Business Central.
The first data package, a sheet to import into Item Journals, is included in LS Central 15.3. More packages may be
provided later.
Here is a direct link to the LS Central Configuration Packages on the LS Retail Portal. You can also find the link at 2020 15
the bottom of the Help home page.

LS Central can now be used by having the Head Office in the Dynamics 365 Central Cloud with an offline POS/POS
Server. This is the LS Retail Hybrid Cloud. Initial setups must be done in cooperation with the LS Central
development team. Partners with customers who may want to set up LS Central in this way can contact Matthias 2020 15
Matthiasson, Product Director, by email: matti@lsretail.com.

It is now possible to count items within the same Physical Inventory Counting Period per worksheet for different
In previous versions, you could only count an item for one location within the same Physical Inventory Counting
Period per worksheet, and if you wanted to count the same item for another location in another worksheet, this 2020 16
was not possible.

Modifications have been done to LS Central in accordance with the removal of dlls used by the Data Director.
- Data Director POS Client Utility codeunit replaces POS Data Client Utility v3.0.codeunit.
-Data Distribution WS codeunit replaces Data Distribution v3.0.codeunit.
- Data Director WS Utils.codeunit is new.
- POS Transaction Server Utility.codeunit has minor modifications for the new Data Director POS Client.
Code for the following functions in Data Distribution WS, Replication Counter, and PreActions has been
- GetReplCountersFromRemoteDB 2020 16
- GetActionsFromRemoteDB

A new web service, Get Items in a Cycle Count Store Inventory Worksheet, has been implemented. The service
retrieves all lines from a selected Store Inventory Worksheet. 2020 16
Web requests GET_ TABLE_DATA and GET_TABLE_DATA_BY_PRIMARY_KEY now support the Ignore Extra Fields
parameter. 2020 16
HTML Editor and Preview have been added to the Member Notification, Published Offer, and POS Help Text
pages. 2020 16
MSR device can now be added as a device to the Hardware Station through the Management portal. As with all
other devices, the MSR device needs to be configured in LS Central in the Hardware Profile. The device can be
configured manually (through POS MSR list) or through "Detect Hardware" on the Hardware Profile Card.
See How to: Set Up MSR Devices in the LS Central Help for more information. 2020 16

You can now create a custom properties profile and add it to any POS device that is supported by the Hardware
Station (printers, scanners, line displays, serial devices, and so on). These custom properties are added as a way
for partners to add custom properties or values that they can then use when customizing the device functionality
within the Hardware Station, for example when using a serial device to implement a fiscalization functionality.
The default functionality of the Hardware Station only relays these properties from LS Central to the Hardware
Station and into the implementation dlls of each device. Code to demonstrate how to use these properties can be 2020 16
found in the implementation of OPOS printer and OPOS Line display in the Hardware Station.

The first version of the Serial Custom Implementation Package is now available. Please contact LS Support to get a
version of the package. 2020 16
The Mobile Inventory App now also supports the Cycle Counting process. 2020 16
The LS Central AppShell for Windows has now been released. This version of the AppShell runs on the Windows
operating system on stationary devices and Windows tablets. 2020 16
Click here to read the latest release notes for LS Retail Apps, version 4.8.

Top-down and Middle-out Data Entry with Budget Distribution Rules

You can now enter budget entries on all node levels, and not just to the leaf-nodes only. The value entered on a
budget node will be automatically distributed to all its relevant items, stores, and periods based on the Budget
Distribution Rules assigned. You can input budget entries from the Edit Retail Sales Budget page, or directly in the 2020 16
budget matrix.
For more information see Budget Distribution Rules in the LS Central Help.
Budget per Store Definition
You can now clearly define if a Retail Sales Budget is used for specific stores, by activating the Budget per Store
setup and assigning stores to the budget. Depending on whether Budget per Store is activated, manual budget
entries input and the Copy Budget, Create Budget from Sales, and Calculate Budget from Child Budgets
functionality will either create budget entries with Store No., or consolidate the entries without Store No.. 2020 16
For more information see Retail Sales Budgets in the LS Central Help.

Breakdown to Stores with Distribution Rules and Consolidate Stores

You can convert a generic Retail Sales Budget without stores into a stores-specific budget by using the Breakdown
to Stores functionality. We have introduced the new Breakdown to Stores (Distribution) functionality where you
can breakdown budget entries without Store No. according to the Store Distribution Rules that have been
assigned to each item or item group in the budget.
If you have a Retail Sales Budget with entries assigned with Store No., it is also possible to consolidate these 2020 16
entries into generic entries not belonging to specific stores, by using the Consolidate Stores functionality.
For more information see How to: Break Down and Consolidate a Sales Budget in the LS Central Help.

Replenishment Sales Chart has been introduced in the current version of LS Central. It provides you with a
graphical overview of an item's sales pattern and inventory development over a specified period of time. The
chart is available for all items using any Replenishment Calculation Type. Additionally, when Average Usage or LS
Forecast is used, the chart also shows the estimated demand forecast of the item. With this, Replenishment Sales
Chart serves as an excellent tool to visualize the sales forecast results that have been calculated and downloaded 2020 16
from LS Forecast.
For more information see Replenishment Sales Chart in the LS Central Help.

A new display station type, CFD Preparation Station (Customer Facing Display Preparation), has been added to the
display station. For more details see CFD Preparation Station - Example in the LS Central Help. 2020 16

Includes various Reservation Desk enhancements.

2020 16
A new Header Pane has been added at the top of KDS display stations. Configuration of lines and columns is done
in the Header Profile assigned to the Visual Profile.
For more details see How to: Design a Header Pane on the Display Station (KDS Header Profile) in the LS Central 2020 16
LS Forecast is officially released in the current version of LS Central. The solution consists of a cloud-based
forecasting engine and additional functionality in LS Central for setup, data upload/download, and to utilize the
downloaded forecast in Replenishment. The cloud-based part is built on Microsoft's Cortana Intelligence Suite,
and uses advanced statistical forecasting techniques such as ARIMA, Seasonal ARIMA, Additive and Multiplicative
models to predict future sales demand from sales history. LS Forecast has been introduced as a new
Replenishment Calculation Type. The forecast calculation can be initiated manually or scheduled from LS Central. 2020 16
For more information see LS Forecast in the LS Central Help.

LS Forecast allows you to calculate forecasts on daily or weekly level for different item groups. To translate weekly
forecasts into daily quantities for Replenishment, the new Weekly Sales Buckets have been introduced. These
buckets provide an overview of the item's sales distribution pattern across the week, from Monday to Sunday.
This pattern is calculated for item groups and locations from historical sales data and serves as distribution weight
to break down weekly forecasts into daily forecast quantities to be used in the Replenishment Journal calculation. 2020 16
For more information see Weekly Sales Bucket Calculation in the LS Central Help.

LS Central Implementation Guide is now accessible via link from the LS Central Help home page. The guide is a
process guide to help customers implement the LS Central solution. 2020 16
Mobile Inventory Worksheets can now be sent to LS Central in chunks. Lines cannot be modified until the entire
worksheet has been received and confirmed. 2020 16

The field Delay for Linked Items has been removed from the POS Display Card, as this functionality is not currently
supported by the LS Hardware Station. 2020 16
Serial device - DirectIO
Direct IO functionality has been added to the Device dialog in the POS and been implemented in the LS Hardware
Station. It is now possible for our partners to use this function to communicate with a serial device, f or example
for fiscalization customization.
Management portal
When you are creating a device, you can enter information about the implementation DLL and type directly into 2020 16
the Management Portal. These settings were previously on the device cards in LS Central, but have now been
moved to the Management portal. The user interface has also been updated and help texts added for the input
The Omni DLL has been removed. Instead, an Omni LS Key field was added to the LS Recommend Setup. This is
used in Multi-Tenant Omni Setup. The default value is Empty. 2020 16
Support has been added for ASN (Advanced Shipping Notice). 2020 16
Improved Lifecycle Planning Worksheet Accessibility
We have updated the landing page of the Lifecycle Planning Worksheet. To access the Lifecycle Planning
Worksheet, you'll now open it from the Lifecycle Worksheets. The setup is done in the Lifecycle Worksheets and
the population of the data is done in the Lifecycle Planning Worksheet. 2020 16
For more information see How to: Set Up Lifecycle Planning Worksheet in the LS Central Help.

More Layout Options in Lifecycle Planning Worksheet

There are 2 different layouts: Tree View and List View in the Lifecycle Planning Worksheet. Tree View will have the
Lifecycle Planning Lines displayed in tree structure, which is grouped by standard item grouping (Division, Item
Category, Retail Product Group) or LS Retail Hierarchy grouping. The system will sum up the values according to
the group. List View will have the Lifecycle Planning Lines displayed in list structure. 2020 16
For more information see How to: Populate Lifecycle Planning Worksheet in the LS Central Help.

Integrate Lifecycle Curve into Lifecycle Planning Calculation

The calculation for End of Life Inventory and Days of Stock Cover fields is now based on the Lifecycle Curve sales
trend, if it's assigned to the item. When an item is assigned with Lifecycle Curve, the Lifecycle Planning Worksheet
will display its relevant Lifecycle Curve Chart and Lifecycle Curve (Aggregated) Chart. 2020 16
For more information see Charts in Lifecycle Planning Worksheet in the LS Central Help.

When using the Purchase Replenishment Journal to create Purchase Orders to replenish the warehouses, it is now
possible for you to create one Purchase Order per vendor and also per destination location. This is done by
activating the Create Purchase Orders per Location field in the Replenishment Template.

This option is available when the Purchase Order Type in the Replenishment Template is set to One Purchase
Order per Vendor or One Purchase Order per Vendor with Cross Docking. On top of this, you also have the option
to display the information of the destination location in the General Comments field in the Retail Purchase Order. 2020 16
For more information see Replenishment Templates in the LS Central Help.
Reservation Desk is a new functionality in LS Hospitality that makes the managing of table reservations in
restaurants much easier than before. From the reservation desk it is possible to select in which restaurant to
make the reservation. This means that if you have multiple restaurants in your chain, you can take reservations
for all of them in a single POS (note that this is only possible for restaurants in the same BC company and in the
same database).

The reservation process is intuitive and easy to manage, the user can easily see the availability for each restaurant 2020 16
for a given date and time and the reservations can also be auto-allocated. The reservations can then be managed
easily in the Allocation Management panel.
For more information see Reservation Desk in the LS Central Help.

When charging items to a reservation and a member is on the sale, the reservation's search list is filtered based
on the member.
If there is no member on the sale and the sale is charged to a reservation, the member on the reservation is 2020 16
added to the sales transaction.

Now the current year is used as default and a confirmed roster is no longer required for time registration.
If no role budget exists, the user can still create a shift/role matrix in the roster.
Assist-edit and drill-down functions have been switched in the roster:
- Assist-edit now only sets the date according to the selected cell. This controls the FactBox view with the
employee totals.
- The drill-down now opens the function menu (right-click menu). This makes the roster easier to navigate.
Previously, it was fairly easy for the user to accidentally hit the Assist-edit button when selecting a cell and that 2020 16
caused a menu to open.
The Roster Hour Analysis page menu has been re-organized.
The following POS commands are new in LS Central 16.1:
ATTR_CLEAR - Delete selected attribute values for transaction.
ATTR_GR_CLEAR - Delete selected group attribute values for transaction.
AVAILABILITY_STATUS - Availability status for Availability Grid.
DR-CONTINFO_NEWMEMB - Create new member from contact information.
DR-REMOVE_MEMBER - Remove member from reservation.
DR-SECTION_FILTER - Filter available tables by dining area section.
DR-SHOW_CONTACTINFO - Add or edit contact information for reservation.
DR-TABLEATTR_FILTER - Filter available tables by table attribute. 2020 16
SELECTRES - Select active booking reservation.
VIEWRESERVATION - Show reservation.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands.

To make it easier to test and demo Replenishment features, we have prepared a data package (REPLEN-
ITEMJOURNAL), a sheet to import into Item Journals so the inventory and sales data for a list of items used in
Replenishment can be posted. This makes it possible for you to test and demo Replenishment features such as the
Replenishment and Redistribution Journals, LS Forecast, Retail Sales Budget, and Lifecycle Planning Worksheet.
This package works on top of the first data package (ITEMJOURNAL). You must first apply and post the inventory
data in the ITEMJOURNAL package before using this. 2020 16
Here is a direct link to the LS Central Configuration Packages on the LS Retail Portal. You can also find the link at
the bottom of the LS Central Help home page.

Introducing new setup fields Token Expiry (min) and Send Token With Email in Member Management Setup which
work with MemberPasswordReset and MemberPasswordChange in Web Service 2.0. 2020 16
Improved Store Capacity Usability and Accessibility
The landing page of the Store Capacity list has been updated. To access the Store Capacity list, you now open it
from the Store Capacity Template List. You can assign Store Capacity lines to the Store Capacity Template, and
then set up in the template, if you want to view the effective or actual inventory/capacity values in the assigned
Store Capacity lines.
You can also define a capacity limit warning threshold on the Store Capacity lines. So if a capacity % value goes
above or falls below the threshold, the value will be shown in a different color, hence making it distinguishable.
Note: All the existing Store Capacity lines have been assigned to the Store Capacity Template named DEFAULT. 2020 16
You may create new templates and reassign the lines, if necessary.
For more information see Store Capacity in the LS Central Help.

Assign Stock Transfer Based on Store Capacity

It is now possible for you to link a Store Capacity line to the Redistribution Replenishment Journal, so that you can
use the journal to easily assign stock transfer from the warehouse, and finally, create Transfer Orders to replenish
the stores. This works with Redist. Templates with Redistribution Calculation Type set to Manual Redistribution.
In the Redistribution Replenishment Journal you will see information such as how many more items you can
transfer to the store before it reaches its capacity limit. This helps you to transfer just the right amount of stocks
to the store without violating its capacity limit.
You also have the option to include the new capacity information in the Store Capacity line, considering the items
that have been added to the journal. 2020 16
For more information see How to: Assign Stock Transfer Based on Store Capacity in the LS Central Help.
Replenishment Journals
The layout of the Purchase, Transfer, and Redistribution Replenishment Journals has been improved.
- The General FastTab has been refactored: its fields are now arranged in tabular layout, which makes the
information more presentable and readable.
- The Information FastTab, previously at the bottom of the page, has been moved to the Replen. Journal Factbox.
This saves space in the page and enables more rows of Replenishment Journal Lines to be displayed.
Other Pages
- The Retail Item Variant Availability by Location page - the fields in the Extra Dimension Filters have been moved
to the Filters FastTab. 2020 16
- The Replen. Control Data List page - the fields in the Items and Replen. Item Store Recs FastTabs have been
moved to the Options FastTab.

The following web services have been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:
- MemberLogon - replaces MM_MOBILE_LOGIN
- MemberPasswordReset - replaces MM_MOBILE_PWD_RESET
- MemberPasswordChange - replaces MM_MOBILE_PWD_CHANGE 2020 16
Webservice 2.0 GetMemberContact has been extended to allow search by Login ID or Email Address.

A new option, Clear Served Items, has been added to the KDS Functional Profile.
- If this option is set, the Served Item should be cleared from the chit
- The item will be visible on the Serve panel when the chit is opened, offering the possibility to “un-serve” an item. 2020 16

A new Display Station type, Upcoming Orders, has been added. This display station shows orders that have been
for future delivery.
When an order is submitted at 13:00 for pickup at 19:00 at the restaurant, this order will be shown on the
Upcoming Orders Display Station. When the order goes to production, the order is moved from this screen to the
usual KDS production screens (Preparation, Expeditor, and Customer Facing). 2020 16
A new field, Due Time, has been added to the Display Station configuration to enable showing this on the chits.
Group reservations are a new feature in LS Activity. You can use this feature to:
- track a contact person
- add attributes for the group
- and set a charge limit for the group, if needed.
- issue a quote for the group in the usual way and make partial or full payments through the regular invoice
process or pay on the POS, if needed.
- quickly add multiple activities to the group, for example 5 x Spa, 5 x Rental and so on. This speeds up the booking
process for the group. 2020 16
- manage group members and assign them to the respective activities to keep track of group members. Each
group member then has his or her own reservation, which are like individual reservations with the usual
functionality they provide.

- If a Customer Account has been added to a reservation, this account is now added to the POS Journal to make it
possible to charge the reservation to the customer on the POS.
- New action has been added on the Activity List and Activity Card to move an activity to another reservation.
- It is now possible to link a reservation to a Journal in the POS with all POS commands related to reservation
handling (for example the CHARGE2RES command).
- There is a new POS command, CLEARRES, to remove the selected reservation from the POS journal.
- New web method returns the Reservation Header data.
- New action has been added to the Product Availability part to only show activities that are in the future. 2020 16
Previously, the system showed all activities for the day; even at 15:00 the user could see activities taking place in
the past.

New option has been added in Staff Management to get the human resource capacity into LS Activity as editable
settings. This greatly improves human resource handling in LS Activity. 2020 16
A new option, Breaks, has been added in the Matrix View settings in the roster plan to show the breaks in the
roster matrix. 2020 16
The following POS command is new in LS Central 16.2:
- CLEARRES - Removes the selected reservation from the POS journal.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands. 2020 16
An issue with filtering in Lookup (Item Lookup and so on) has been fixed. When filtering a great number of records
(where the MaxRecFilter would normally kick in), sometimes the expected records would not show. 2020 16

Customer Order can be picked, collected, and shipped per line. This adds great flexibility to the Customer Order
processes and allows the user to split the fulfillment of the Customer
Order into multiple steps. As an example, a user can pick goods in one area first, confirm the picking of those
items, and then later pick to goods in another area, for example, if some goods
are stored in a cooler and other items in dry storage, the picking in the two areas can be split.
In the picking and shipping process on the POS the user can process individual lines. The line
can be marked as Picked if the item is picked. A line can be canceled if the customer does
not want the item anymore, and a line can be marked as shortage if it is out of stock. If a line
is not Picked, Cancelled or Shorted, it will stay unpicked and can be picked at a later time. 2020 16
The same goes with the Collection and shipping process on the POS, the user can select
what lines the customer is collecting or is getting shipped and the lines that are not collected/
shipped can be collected/shipped later.

To make this possible several fields were moved from the Customer Order Header to the
Customer Order Lines. Upgrade codeunits are provided with the release to handle the transfer
of data from the Customer Order Header to the Customer Order Lines. Several Customer
Order web services had to be replaced by a new version of the web service to accommodate
the refactoring.
The partial processing applies to orders processed on a POS and to orders processed through
a Sales Order.
It is now possible to cancel one or more Customer Order lines in case the customer changes
his or her mind and it is possible to cancel the whole order.
The Customer Order POS panels have been simplified and the look and feel made more consistent
between different panels.
- The Customer Order Pick panel is displayed by default when the user presses the Customer Order button on the
- The Customer Order Pick panel shows a list of all Customer Orders that have at least one line with status To Pick
and is to be sourced from that store.
- The Customer Order Collect panel show a list of all Customer Orders that have at least one line with status To
Collect and is to be collected from that store. 2020 16
A Customer Order can be present in both the Pick and Collect panels as some lines can have the status To Pick
while others have the status To Collect.
The Customer POS panel setup is provided in a Configuration Package.

All status changes on Customer Order Header and Customer Order Lines are logged providing
an audit trail on the Customer Order processes. The status log for the Customer Order
Header and Lines is displayed in FactBoxes on the Customer Order and Posted Customer 2020 16
Order pages.

An option has been added to specify which status updates to Customer Orders will trigger a
notification to the customer, either by email or through the Omni client. It is now also possible
to create emails to customers in HTML format. 2020 16
The text to send in the subject and body of the email is configurable for each status.

A new field, Blocked On eCommerce, has been added to the Item Status and Item Links tables. When selected,
this field filters out items that should not be displayed to customers on the retailer's eCommerce sites. 2020 16

Tables 99001705 - DDSchLog and 99001706 - DDScheduler, removed during the conversion from CAL to AL, have
been reintroduced as they are needed for the DD Webmonitor. 2020 16
The Request Approval options Send Approval Request, Cancel Approval Request, and See My Flows have been
added to the Retail Purchase Order.
The option to send the Purchase Order by email has been added to the Retail Purchase 2020 16

LS Retail Demo Profile is now included in LS Central so it does not have to be created manually. 2020 16
In the POS Interface Profile Card you can now select a new check box, Use Native Keyboard, to display your native
keyboard on iOS and Android devices. 2020 16
A new Integration Event has been added to the POS Session codeunit. You can use the codeunit to replace the
POS EFT Utility codeunit with your own version. This lets you modify existing functionality with LS Hardware
Station and LS Pay or implement your own EFT functionality from scratch with the replacement codeunit. 2020 16

POS Dynamics Menus are now included when importing and exporting through LS Import Export Worksheet.
2020 16
- It is now possible to drag, drop, and resize buttons in the POS.
- Tooltips can now be displayed by hovering over buttons and commands in the POS. 2020 16
A new version has been released with LS Pay 2.0 payment engine included.
2020 16
A new version of the LS Central AppShell for Windows has been released. This version has features from the LS
Start program, such as the option to run Windows programs and improved user interface for defining and working
with configs in the app, for example using drag-and-drop to control the sort order. 2020 16

A new version has been released with LS Pay 2.0 payment engine included. 2020 16
During the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation, it is now possible to set up if the quantity from the
Purchase, Sales, and Transfer Orders for a specific location should be considered as part of the Effective Inventory.
You can set this up with the Effective Inv. Sales Order, Effective Inv. Purchase Ord., Effective Inv. Transfer Inb., and
Effective Inv. Transfer Outb. fields on the Replenishment FastTab in the Location card. 2020 16
For more information see Setting Up a Location for Replenishment in the LS Central Help.

You can now maintain the Reorder Point and Maximum Inventory value on item level, and then have the value
automatically distributed to all its Item Store Records with variant setup, based on the variant weight assigned. As
a result, you no longer need to maintain these Replenishment parameters variant by variant. You can activate this
new breakdown functionality with the Variant Weight Breakdown (Reorder Point) and Variant Weight Breakdown
(Max Inventory) fields in Replenishment Setup, on the Integration FastTab. The breakdown functionality can be
used when updating the items from the Replenishment Control Data Card and Replenishment Control Data List. 2020 16
For more information see Common Replenishment Data Fields and Replenishment Control Data List in the LS
Central Help.
The following web services have been created according to the Web Service 2.0 framework:
- CustomerOrderCreateV5 - is identical to CustomerOrderCreateV4 but with the External ID field added in the XML
for the Customer Order Line table.
- CustomerOrderGetV3 - replaces CustomerOrderGet and CustomerOrderGetV2
- GetItemDocument - replaces IM_GET_ITEM_DOCUMENT
- GetPosTransSusp - replaces GET_POSTRANS_SUSP
- GetPosTransSuspLines - replaces GET_POSTRANS_SUSP_LINES
- GetPosTransSuspList - replaces GET_POSTRANS_SUSP_LIST
- MemberCardToContact - replaces MM_CARD_TO_CONTACT 2020 16
- MemberContactBlock - replaces MM_CONTACT_BLOCK
- MobileGetProfiles - replaces MM_MOBILE_GET_PROFILES
- SendDocument - replaces IM_SEND_DOCUMENT

Flat style has been added to buttons as well as a new possibility to configure the look and feel of the Kitchen
Display Station's button panel and buttons. These are configured on the KDS Style Profile Card, the Button Style
Profile ID field. You can set generic settings for all buttons or configure specific operations with text and back 2020 16

- Link to the Activity Reservation Card from the Reservation No. field on the Activity Card.
- Link to the Activity Group Card from the Group Name field on the Activity Card.
- Select Activity Locationon the Activity Start Booking Page.
- Invoice cancellation charges on paymaster. 2020 16
- Removing member from a group removes related reservation and activities.
- Now possible to bulk-transfer activities from one resource to another for a given period.

Activity Packages is a new feature in LS Activity that lets you to bundle multiple activities and/or items together in
a package.
The package is also an activity product in itself, which means you can apply the same pricing structure as to other
activity products. The user can define a price ratio on the package offer lines to ensure that the respective line is
posted to the correct revenue stream. Activities in the offer are added to a package component where they can
be scheduled to take place in a certain order and/or with time interval between them. 2020 16
Items in a package can be created as allowances that can then be consumed on POS. These items can be generic
(one drink) and the consumption can then be a specific drink, such as a glass of red wine.
On the Reservation Type you can now set the Charge to Res Method as Itemized (default is Summary). Tthe items
are then shown in the journal when the activity or reservation is paid. 2020 16
A new promo code option for group reservations has been added to Activity Group Lines. 2020 16
The Resource Type fields Main Human, Main Location, Main Other, and Main Equipment have been added to the
Activities table. This gives better view of what main resources are assigned to an activity and these can also be 2020 16
shown on the POS or used in the email templates in an easy way.

When adding an employee to a roster, a date is now added to the Employee Availability Lookup for better
visibility. 2020 16
It is now easier to quickly assign employees to roster by entering X in the respective cell.
2020 16
A new page to initialize the LS hotels add-in has been added. The user can select which things to initialize, such as
registering modules or creating hotel availability and such. This also creates the jobs that are needed in the hotels 2020 16
operation (Night Audit, Housekeeping updates, No-shows).

New search field has been added to search rooms and or guest names. 2020 16
Information added to the Reservation Detail page (part of group, package included, package content, routing
rule). 2020 16
Balance status on a reservation is now visible on the floorplan by an icon above the room number.

An existing reservation can now be added to an existing group or a group can be created from an existing
reservation. 2020 16
When upselling a room, the information about that is captured in the reservation's Notes section.
2020 16
The following POS commands are new in LS Central 16.3:
- TR-R-LIST_EDIT - Edit reservations in the Dining Reservation List
- TR-R-LIST_HISTORY - Show past and present reservations selected in the Dining Reservation List
- TR-R-LIST_RESET - Reset the Dining Reservation List
- TR-R-LIST_SETDATE - Set a search date in the Dining Reservation List
- TR-R-LIST_SHOW - Open a panel with a list of dining reservations.
These POS commands have been discontinued in LS Central 16.3:
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands.

The Item Import from the Retail Vendor Card has been adjusted to work on the web client. 2020 16

In some cases, a Customer Order Reservation entry was created with wrong Location Code. Now the Customer
2020 16
Order Reservation entry is created with the Location Code of the sourcing location.

POS Dynamics Menus are now included when importing and exporting through LS Import Export Worksheet. 2020 16

When copying settings from one functionality Profile to another POS Func. Profile, Web Server POS Func. Profile
2020 16
and Web Request were not included. These two tables are now included.
Vendor and Vendor Item No. were not validated correctly and therefore an error was not triggered when there
was a Vendor Item mismatch. This has been fixed. 2020 16
The issue importing Item variant with multiple barcodes has been fixed.
Using a Special Group Code longer than 10 characters gave an error on the Item Card. This error has now been
2020 16

Using a Store Group Code longer than 10 characters in return policy gave an error. This has now been fixed. 2020 16
When a gift card was used multiple times in the same transaction and the transaction was voided, only the last gift
2020 16
card entry was voided. This has been fixed.

The field Discount from Perm. Group was incorrectly mapped in the GetStaff web service. This has been fixed. 2020 16

The issue of Over Receiving more than one item in Retail has been fixed. 2020 16
Temporary Sales Header records were updating actual data through subscriber event in Sales Lines. This has been
2020 16
Changing a customer in a refund transaction sometimes changed the price. It is no longer possible to change the
2020 16
customer in a refund transaction.

The Staff Receipt name has been changed to 15 characters in the POS Transaction table. 2020 16

The email and slip print did not behave according to the Sales Slip setup. This has been corrected. 2020 16

The DeleteAllowed on the Barcode Mask Setup page has been set to False. 2020 16

The issue with testing offers that include items with variants using the Price Check Card has been fixed. 2020 16

When the user selected a blocked customer, the POS returned to the Sale Menu without displaying an error
2020 16
messages. The error message is now displayed.
To increase performance and avoid deadlocks, the property AutoIncrement for Entry No. In the Scheduler Log
2020 16
table has been set to Yes.

There is a workaround for issues in CodeEditor and PreviewEditor (page freezes occasionally and links cannot be
- Refresh the page. 2020 16
This applies to the Item HTML, Activity Email Template, Member Notification, Published Offers, POS Help Texts,
and POS Web Templates pages.
This fix simplifies the POS Event system, so it depends on one field instead of two.
"POS Action Type" is the older legacy field and most of the Action types had already been moved to equivalent
Event types. The only remaining actions were ContextMenu and DragDrop, which are both gaining new POS Event
Types with the same name.
This change only affects those that are handling commands triggered by ContextMenus. In these cases, make sure
context menu commands are not handled with the ButtonPress event type and make the following change, if it
2020 16
POSMenuLine."POS Action Type"::ContextMenu
POSMenuLine."POS Event Type"::ContextMenu

The MaxValue property has been removed from the Field No. field in the Item Import Layout Line table, so that all
fields from the Item Import File can be added to the import layout. 2020 16
An issue with No. Series in Replenishment has been fixed. You can now use the Template No. Series, Buyer's Push
No. Series, and Stock Recall No. Series in Replenishment Setup to assign numbers to Replenishment Templates, 2020 16
Buyer's Pushes, and Stock Recalls, respectively.

An issue with updating quantity for an Item with variants in the Dimension Matrix in the Store Inventory Journal
has been fixed. 2020 16
Pages Staff List and My Employees have been renamed to LSC Staff List and LSC My
Employees. 2020 16
The DotNet POSEvent alias has been removed from LS Central. The new codeunit
POSEvent is to be used instead. 2020 16
Web API endpoint has been added to LS Hardware Station. It can print from a buffer using a
REST-ful HTTP request. 2020 16
Replenishment Calculation with Lead Time Consideration
It is now possible to consider lead time in Replenishment Journal calculation. The lead time is
calculated as the latency between the submission of a Purchase or Transfer Order and the
receipt of the items in the warehouse or store. For purchase replenishment, this refers to the
Vendor Lead Time, whereas for transfer replenishment, this refers to the time it takes for the
warehouse to transfer the items to the requesting store.
The Enable Lead Time Calculation feature can be activated or deactivated at the item 2020 16
level. The feature works with items that have been assigned with Replenishment Calculation
Type Average Usage, Manual Estimate, or LS Forecast.
For more information see "Lead Time Calculation" in the LS Central Help.

Replenishment Calculation with Lowest Price Vendor Selection

During replenishment calculation, it is now possible to consider the different prices offered by
various vendors for an item and automatically select the vendor with the lowest price in the
Purchase Replenishment Journal. Based on the quantity to be purchased as calculated in the
journal, the system will pick the vendor that fulfills the minimum quantity of the item and
offers the lowest Direct Unit Cost. Depending on whether the journal is to replenish the warehouse
or to replenish the stores directly, the total quantity used to select the vendor can either
be grouped by item, or by item and location. 2020 16
The Select Lowest Price Vendor feature can be activated or deactivated at the item level.
For more information see "Replenishment Calculation with Lowest Price Vendor" in the
LS Central Help.

A new Integration Event has been added to the Replenishment Ext. Codeunit which lets you
override the Requisition Line check related to Item Distribution and Item Status in the Requisition 2020 16

Two new Retail Transfer Order lists have been introduced: Retail Transfer Orders
(Inbound) and Retail Transfer Orders (Outbound), which show the relevant transfer
orders for the retail user's store. The lists are accessible in the Orders menu on the LS 2020 16
Replenishment Role Center page.

Offers the possibility to waitlist a reservation if there is not enough availability at the requested
time. When a reservation is canceled and there is another waitlisted reservation within 60 2020 16
minutes prior or after, the user is prompted to review the waitlist entries and take action.
The hospitality types now have a setup for handling void line (VOID_LINE) and void POS
transaction (VOID) when items have been sent to the kitchen.
The action is either Allowed, Allowed after confirmation, or Not Allowed, depending on
whether the staff is a manager or not. Staff must also have permission to VOID or VOID 2020 16

The Activity Resource Status view has been enhanced to show the availability of quantitybased
resources in percentages and how many bookings are behind that availability. It is possible
to drill down into these entries to analyzed them further. Assisted edit on this view adds 2020 16
the possibility to add a new activity, view the Resource Card, or view the activities.

A new setting has been added on the Reservation Type Show Comments in the View section.
If set, a comments section is visible on the Reservation card to make it easier to add
comments and issue new tasks.
It is possible to categorize the comments to group them further. These could be comments
about payment, specific wishes, or something else.
Enhancements to the task framework in Activities give the possibility to enter task duration, 2020 16
task assignment types (resource or employees), task assignment group, and task assignment
role. This makes it possible to assign tasks to a group or roles of a resource and works
well with the Staff Management module.

New fields have been added to the Matrix Template Card to enable opening a list of activities
or reservations for a given date or resource. The lists are filtered by activity type filter. 2020 16
The Links and Notes system parts have been added to the Activity list and card and also on
the Member Contact card in Activity. 2020 16
A new field, Default No. of Persons, has been added to the Activity Product. Specifies
which number is entered by default into the No. of Persons field when an activity reservation
is created. If the number is 0, text appears in the Availability field as a reminder to fill in the
field. For dining reservations, possible values for Default No. of Persons could for example 2020 16
be 0 or 2.
- Groupline availability - If set, the group lines will show the day availability. The
default setting means the total availability for a group line is not calculated as this can
affect performance.
- Groupline update total - If set, the totals for the group will be updated. This setting
can affect the performance of the system, depending on the types of activities within 2020 16
the system. The default setting means that the total is not updated when changing the
fields, but the user must refresh the page to see the updated totals.

The Tape Chart can be opened from the Hotels BackOffice role center and will show all the
hotel rooms and all reservations allocated to them on the dates visible in the tape chart.
The reservation tiles on the chart show the reservation name and color coding on the reservation
status. It is possible to open the Reservation Card directly from the chart for a more
detailed view and/or to edit.
It is possible to move reservations from one room to another and if an upgrade or upsell is 2020 16
needed, the user will be prompted for action. This version does not allow to move a reservation
between dates; this is a feature that will be added in upcoming versions.
A room's housekeeping status is shown with color coding.

New hotel contracts have been added to set up contracts for customers and the rate codes
they have within a defined period. When a customer who has a contract is added to a reservation, 2020 16
the rate code that is on the contract is automatically applied to the reservation.

The following configuration packages are part of this release:

- PackageHTL-FOUNDATION.rapidstart - contains foundation data needed to run the LS Hotels module
- PackageHOTELWEBTEMPLATES.rapidstart - contains foundation data needed to run the LS Hotels module
- PackageHTL-PROCESS.rapidstart - specific setup for the hotel processes
- PackageHTL-PROPERTY.rapidstart - specific setup for the properties
- PackageHTL-INVENTORY.rapidstart - specific inventory setup for the properties
- PackageHTL-RATES.rapidstart - should only be used for demo data, sets up demo rates for the demo properties
- PackageHTL-STAGING.rapidstart - can be used to export/import reservations
2020 16
- HTL-STAGING.xlsx - used to upload reservations to the LS Hotels module.
New Configuration Package (HTL-STAGING.xlsx). This is an Excel template that is used to import reservations from
external systems to LS Hotels.
- When the package is imported and applied into LS Hotels then search (Alt-Q) for Hotel Staging - Import
Reservations. 2020 16
- This will open the Hotel Staging page where it is possible to review and test the import data before importing
them into LS Hotels.

Changes on certain fields, like number of guests or dates, can trigger a price change. When
these fields are changed, a Rate Change page opens to verify the impact of changes before 2020 16
committing them.

It is now possible to refund a deposit in Back Office if a deposit has been made and the reservation
is canceled. 2020 16
A new setting, Stores Allowed to Charge, on the Hotel Setup Card has been added to
define which stores can charge to the property. To set multiple properties, set S0001|S0005. 2020 16
A new action has been added on the Hotels role center to allow the user to change between
hotel properties. 2020 16
Three new comment fields have been added to LS Hotels that are printed on the hotel invoice.
Two of these fields are property specific and one is reservation specific.
Property specific (Hotel Setup Card):
- Invoice Text Before Detail - Text in this field is printed before the detail lines on the invoice.
- Invoice Text After Detail - Text in this field is printed after the detail lines on the invoice. 2020 16
Reservation specific (Reservation Card):
- Comment on Invoice - Text in this field is printed in the invoice header.

Enhancements have been made to the Group Reservation card:

- Cancel selected reservations in group - it is now possible to select multiple reservations within a group and
cancel them.
- Canceled reservations are shown in a red font. 2020 16
- If a reservation within a group is changed so the arrival or departure date are outside the group arrival or
departure date, the group dates are changed.
The following POS command is new in LS Central 16.4:
- TR-R-LIST_CONFIRM - With this command you confirm a waiting list reservation in
the Dining Reservation List panel, thereby removing it from the waiting list and making it a normal reservation.
See the "POS Commands" in the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters 2020 16
for a complete list of POS commands.

Tracking information (Serial No., Lot No., and Expiration Date) can now be entered in Store
Inventory Journals with the types Counting, Negative and Positive adjustments, and
Purchase Returns.
For items with a serial number, one item is entered per line (Quantity = 1). Serial number on
stock can be looked up from the Serial No. field.
For positive adjustment and counting, serial numbers can be added, if they existed although 2020 16
not being on stock.
For lot number items, existing lot numbers can also be looked up from the Lot No. field. Expiration
Date is automatically filled.

A fix has been implemented for LS Central Scheduler for jobs using actions and replication
counters from the cloud. The Scheduler picks up changes and runs the job connected to the 2020 16

MSR functionality introduced in version 16.1 was not working properly in the POS. The MSR
devices were not being loaded when the POS was loading. This has now been fixed. 2020 16
An error of DeviceName being overridden when reloaded has now been fixed. This scenario
could occur when an older version of BC/NAV was using the Hardware Station. 2020 16
LS Central has a web replication way to send transactions from the POS using Web Request SendTransaction
version 2.
In LS Central 17.0 a new option has been added using Web Requests directly.
This new option is:
- More general, no definition is needed for the fields since by default all fields are included.
- Easier to extend.
- Not as fast as the other option.
Additionally, this new option provides an event that makes it easy to add tables to the process queue. All fields for
the additional tables are included by default as well.
To activate this option, change the following on the POS Functionality Profile Card, the Transaction Server and 2020 17
Web Services Settings FastTab:
- Enable the Use Background Session option. Enabling is mandatory in order to use this type of Web Replication
- Enable the Use Web Replication option.

Other setup
The new Use Web Replication flag replaces the normal SendTransaction web request, and depends on the same
fundamental setup, such as whether this service is active, where to connect to, and so on.
Note: This new option depends on the newly introduced Web Replication module, which is composed of four web
How to extend this web replication method
Subscribe to event OnAfterLoadTransactionTables in codeunit 99009519 Web Request Data Mgt, and add new
table data. Here an example of such code (here based on the LS Central Trans. Sales Entry table):
//Trans. Sales Entry
TransSalesEntry.SETRANGE("Store No.", TransactionHeaderTemp."Store No.");
TransSalesEntry.SETRANGE("POS Terminal No.", TransactionHeaderTemp."POS Terminal No.");
TransSalesEntry.SETRANGE("Transaction No.", TransactionHeaderTemp."Transaction No."); 2020 17
WebRequestFunctions.LoadTableData(RecRef, BufferUtility);
The new SendTransaction option will affect how data is loaded.
Until now, extending the data load has been defined through the published event OnAfterLoadTransactionTables
in codeunit SendTransactionUtils (10033046). After this change, this will be through the published event
OnAfterLoadTransactionTables (same name) but in codeunit Web Request Data Mgt. (99009519).
This will only affect those who have already extended the SendTransaction request by using this event. The 2020 17
change is necessary to eliminate duplicate code to handle this load.

eCommerce now supports customer-based price calculation.

When calculating a basket that provides a member card number and the card is linked to a member account
where the account is linked to a customer, the web store customer number is substituted with the linked
customer number. Therefore, the basket calculation will be based on the linked customer, and not the web store 2020 17

The field Mobile Phone No. was added to the Customer table in BC Base app version 17. There was a field with the
same name in the LS Central Customer Extension table.
This field in the LS Central Customer extension table has been renamed to LSC Mobile Phone No. and obsoleted.
Data is copied from the extension table to the BC Base table. 2020 17
The field Statement No. in table extension for Gen. Journal Line has been renamed LSC Statement No., since
Microsoft added the Statement No. field to its standard table.

A new web service has been created to return a "Return Policy" per Store, Item Category, Product Group, Item, or
Item Variant. 2020 17
Detect Hardware
The Detect Hardware functionality has been changed to never overwrite existing devices. Now if a device was
previously added to the Hardware Profile using the Detect Hardware action, the device is left untouched by the
user running the Detect Hardware action again. This means that if any properties were changed after the device
was created, they will remain as they are.
If a device was manually created and added manually to the Hardware Station (not created automatically by the
Detect Hardware action), the device will not be updated or removed by the Detect Hardware action at all.
Update Hardware Station Host
2020 17
A new action, Update Hardware Station Host, has been added to the Hardware Profile where the user can update
all devices on the Hardware Profile to have the same Hardware Station Host as is currently on the Hardware
EFT functionality has been updated to create and handle Pre-Authorizations on the POS.
PreAuths will show on the POS Journal and can be voided/cancelled, updated, or finalized on the POS with the
With PREAUTH-FINALIZE, a Pre-Auth is converted to a payment. The amount can only be lowered and will be
lowered by the POS if the transaction balance is lower than the Pre-Auth amount. The EFT functionality now
supports payment tokens. When a token is returned in an EFT transaction, it is stored in LS Central. If a payment 2020 17
token is available, it is sent with EFT commands and can be used by the PSP that is connected to LS Pay. This
functionality is subject to the functional availability of the PSP used.
All usage of the LSContextModel/LSContextModelCollection DotNet symbols in AL have been refactored with the
"POS Context" codeunit or alternative Json/Text representation in the same places.
The global POS Context for the currently running POS has been unified into a single-source-of-truth.
So all these methods, along with the context in the POS itself, end up in the same place which decides what to
show, for example in a button description with a POS Tag:
POSCtrl.AddContext (does the same as UpdatePosContext now)
POSCtrl.SendContext (does the same as UpdatePosContext now)
POSContext.SendToPOS (removed, use POSCtrl.UpdatePOSContext instead)
POSView.GetContext (removed and not recommended) 2020 17
POSSession.GetContext (renamed to POSSession.UpdateContext and not recommended)
POSTransaction.UpdateContext (not recommended)
All usage of the LSDataSet/LSDataSetCollection DotNet symbols in AL were replaced with the
LSDataSet/LSDataSetCollection Codeunits.
So DotNet LSDataSet becomes Codeunit LSDataSet and DotNet LSDataSetCollection becomes Codeunit
Modal functions have been simplified in the EPOS Control Interface codeunit. They no longer return any values,
since AL cannot wait for any input from the web client (it is async).
This results in the following breaking changes:
1. All calls to ShowPanelModal that use its return value will need to be refactored.
Examples of these cases are when the return value is used:
- in conditional statements (if/case):
if not PosCtrl.ShowPanelModal(…) then exit;
– as a return value (exit parameter):
PosCtrl.ShowPanelModal(…); 2020 17
– in a boolean variable assignment:
b := PosCtrl.ShowPanelModal(…); // where b: Boolean
b := false;
2. The following methods are now obsolete and will soon be removed; they all have a simpler alternative:
OpenNumericKeyboard with return value
OpenAlphabeticKeyboard with return value
OpenCalendar with return value
Using the return values has been discouraged since LS Retail started using the Web Client in LS Nav 2015. 2020 17
The recommended pattern is that opening a modal should be the last thing your procedures do.
Any following logic should be caused by subscribing to the EPOS Controler codeunit’s OnXXXXResult integration
events, for example OnModalPanelResult.

Item Variants Forecast Calculation on Group Level

You now have the option to define if the LS Forecast calculation should be performed on each combination of
item, variant, and location. Or, if you would like the variants from the same item to be calculated as a group. The
latter option reduces the number of combinations and forecast calculations, as LS Forecast will look into the sales
history and predict future sales trend of the variants as an aggregation. This option can be activated using the LS
Forecast Variant Grouping setting in the Item's Replenishment Control Data page. 2020 17
For more information see How to: Set Up Items for LS Forecast in the LS Central Help.

Breakdown of Group Forecast Results with Variant Sales Bucket

When the group forecast result is downloaded from LS Forecast into LS Central, the result will be broken down to
variant level using the Variant Sales Bucket. These buckets provide an overview of the item's variants sales
distribution pattern, which is calculated using the historical sales data of the variants for a specific location, or for
all locations. The post-breakdown forecast entries will be used in Replenishment Journal calculation. 2020 17
For more information see Variant Sales Bucket Calculation in the LS Central Help.
A new logger was added to LS Hardware Station. Log messages are now more detailed and less likely to have
concurrency issues with the main program. This makes it easier to find the cause of any issues. 2020 17

Printing through EFT devices via LS Pay has been added to the LS Hardware Station by the implementation of the
PrintAsync from LS Pay API. 2020 17
The scale device has been added to the LS Hardware Station and the functionality of weighing scale items through
the LS Central POS has been reintroduced to the LS Central solution. The online help topics on scale functionality
and LS Hardware Station setup have been updated as well.
For more information see How To Set Up Scale Device, How to Set Up Virtual Scale for POS, and How to Set Up LS
Hardware Station in the LS Central Help.
The scale functionality is as it was before in the POS with some minor changes:
- The scale device is now configured in the POS Scale List and added to the Hardware Profile (the same as other
- If the scale should calculate the tare into the weight that is returned, the Tare Calculation option on the Scale
Device Card must be turned on. Note: This configuration is the opposite to how it was before.
- New configuration was added to the POS Functionality Profile, called Pad Multiple Items Symbol. It can be used
when deciding how the item sale information should be formatted to the customer through Line display or
printed receipts.
- Print compression now listens to a "Manual weight" flag and does not compress those items with scale weighted 2020 17
- The Virtual scale in the LS Hardware Station has been updated and reflects now more functionality that is
possible in actual scales. Note: This implementation has not been certified. We are currently working on the
European certification and will send out an announcement once the certification is finished. For other countries,
the process will be similar as with previous versions.

If there is a need to operate with activity and reservation prices in other currencies than the accounting currency,
it is now possible to set a currency code in the Activity Setup card.
The POSs associated with the activity entries must be based on the same currency as this Activity currency.
Reservations can be set in a specific currency for quotes and invoices and a new tile has been added to the 2020 17
FactBox to show the balance in the reservation currency.

If the customer that is added to a reservation has any discounts set up for the Activity products, these are now
applied to the activity. 2020 17
Sometimes it is not necessary to expand a group reservation to individual reservations for each group member -
this makes it possible to create "common" activities for the group. Therefore, a new option has been added to the
reservation types, Group Reservation Expanding, which controls if the group only expands to the paymaster and 2020 17
not to individual bookings.

To improve the usability of the matrix, new options to Check Resource schedule have been added in the Matrix
Template Card:
No - (default) Yes - Removes resources without schedule (that is opening hours, scheduled, staff man schedule)
from the resource list, and also for Qty based resources, it removes intervals with no scheduled qty. Per Day -
removes resources without schedule only (see information on the Yes option). Per Interval - removes qty based
resources from interval only (see information on the Yes option).
New possibility has been added to control the resource captions in the Matrix by adding a Resource Caption Script
on the Matrix Template Card. Set the script to show the Resource caption - leave blank for default handling. Note: 2020 17
Only fields from the Activity Resource table are valid in the caption script.

The following events have been added to LS Activity:

OnBeforePOSCommand, OnAfterPOSCommand, OnBeforeChargeToReservation, OnBeforeFindPrice 2020 17
The product search has been improved, so it is now possible to set an Activity Type criteria on the Activity Start
Booking page to narrow the products listed on the page.
It is also possible to add search tags to the activity products and these can be used to search for products using
the standard BC search. There is also a new action, Keep Search, which will keep the search word in the search 2020 17
criteria and then it is possible to add another search text to further narrow the search.

- It is now possible to use the standard Attach Document process to attach documents to the Reservations and
Group Reservations.
- New setting on the Reservation Type to show Task Schedule as a Fast Tab on the Reservation Card.
- New settings in Activity Setup: Always Create New Members, Default Member Club. This will create a new
member in the default member club, if name and either phone or email are populated for
activity/reservation/group members but no member contact assigned, then create a new member contact 2020 17
automatically during entry.
- It is also possible to search for both phone and email in the Name field on the Reservation Card and the Activity
Card - this only works if the Contact No. field is blank.
Sometimes a resource does not have the capability of the product when assigned as required resource - now the
user is prompted, if the systems should assign the capability automatically instead of having to do that manually. 2020 17

If the customer that is added to a reservation has some discounts set up for the accommodation products, then
these are applied to the reservation. 2020 17
The Guest List for Hotel groups has been enhanced, so it is always up-to-date when groups are changed. The
guest list is also synchronized with the Activity Group Member list, if LS Activity is used with LS Hotels to keep 2020 17
track of Activity Group reservations.

It is now possible to manually override the price for the rooms in the Invoice Management page. If a night audit
job has been run on lines that are being changed, the system will create the necessary corrections on the 2020 17
temporary accounts used in the night audit process.

The Rate Codes have been changed to contain Rate Code Attributes - this replaces the Breakfast Package and
Hotel Package previously on the rate codes. Now it is possible to set Rate Code Attributes that can be items,
packages (hotel packages), and/or Activity products (if using LS Activity). These attributes are then added to the
reservation based on the posting pattern set on the attribute. If an activity package is set with a daily posting
pattern on a rate code, then all of the activities within that package are created when you confirm a hotel
reservation. 2020 17
Hotel Rate Codes can be defined in other currencies than the base LCY. Note: The Rate Code is set in a specific
currency, but it is converted to the LCY Currency on the reservation.

It is now possible to use the standard Attach Document process to attach documents to Reservations and Group
A new setting on the Reservation Type shows Reservation Comments as a Fast Tab on the Reservation Card. The
same Task management framework as in LS Activity is now also available in LS Central for hotels. Tasks can be set
up for Reservation Types, Room Types, and Rate Codes that are created when a reservation is made. The tasks are
shown as a tile in the Role Center and when clicked the task list opens.
The Cancellation policy that is on the Rate Code is now copied to the reservation when confirmed. 2020 17
It is now possible to create a reservation with a guest without an email - the system still creates a member contact
but without an email.

A new field has been added on the Restriction page to enforce restrictions. If you select this field, the action is not
allowed; otherwise, the user gets a warning message and he or she can bypass the restriction. 2020 17
The No Show tile in the Role Center has been set to show the No Shows for the past three days.
2020 17
It is now possible to view unallocated reservations on the Tape Chart and allocate them by dragging and dropping
to a room. The panel for unallocated reservations is visible, if there are unallocated reservations for the dates that
the Tape Chart is showing. If there are no unallocated reservations, the panel is hidden.
You can also drag and drop reservations from one date to another. If the change involves a change in price, the
Rate Change page will open for you to review and confirm the change. 2020 17
The Tape Chart can now be sorted and filtered on Room Type

The Res erv ati on Des k and Al l oc ati on Panel have been further
enhanced for improved process flow and usability. Open reservations can
be set as No-Show and there is an improved flow on Canceling Reservations
and Waitlist entries. If a reservation is canceled or moved, the 2020 17
waitlist is checked so the user can move a waitlist entry to a reservation.

It is now possible to set a different Sales Type on a transaction or item by

a selection from a pop-up. This is done by leaving the parameter field
empty for the following POS commands:

New POS web templates have been added, DR-Member and DR-Member-Large, to the Reservation Desk and to
the POS layouts for S0005. These web templates show the reservation preferences made at the Reservation desk
and these preferences are then visible on the POS when serving the customer. 2020 17
The following POS commands are new in LS Central 17.0:
- PICK_ALL - Customer Order Pick all lines
- PICK_LINE - Customer Order Pick line
- PREAUTH - Pre-authorize payment with card
- PREAUTH-FINALIZE - Finalize a Pre-authorized payment with card
- PREAUTH-UPDATE - Update Pre-authorized payment with card
- TOOLTIP - Request tooltip data on hover
- TOOLTIP_TOGGLE - Enable/disable tooltips (disabled by default)
- TR-R-LIST_SHOW_ACT - Open a panel with a list of active dining reservations
- TR-R-LIST_SHOW_CONF - Open a panel with a list of confirmed dining reservations
- TR-R-LIST_SHOW_WAIT - Open a panel with a list of waiting list dining reservations 2020 17
- TR-R-LIST_SHOW_WALK - Open a panel with a list of walk-in dining reservations
- TR-R-LIST_TOGDINAREA - Toggle a dining area filter in the Dining Reservation List panel.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands.

There are changes in the demo data for items, vendors and customers, and for VAT and Posting setup. These
changes were done so that the LS Central demo data is in sync with Business Central demo data.
LS Central demo items:
- VAT Product Posting group values STANDARD, REDUCED, and ZERO replace VAT25, VAT10, and NO VAT
- Gen. Business Posting Group value DOMESTIC replaces NATIONAL.
LS Central demo vendors and customers:
- VAT Business Posting Group value DOMESTIC replaces NATIONAL
- Gen. Business posting Group value DOMESTIC replaces NATIONAL.
Other setup data regarding this have been added accordingly.
Changes in Scheduled Jobs 2020 17
The scheduler job POS32-All has been removed and replaced with two new jobs, POS-ALL-INIT and POS-ALL-
UPDATE. These jobs replicate data to the POS so the POS can run offline.

LS Central AppShell iOS version is currently not working with LS Central 17.0, the cause for this is being
investigated. The iOS version still works with older versions of LS Central. 2020 17
LS Central Help now appears in an updated look. The top navigation format, with the menus at the top of the
screen, has been replaced by side navigation, a more functional format that has the menus on the left side of the
screen with the menu tree always visible.
All previously available help functionality, such as the search function and links to various support material, older 2020 17
help and documents, for example, is still available on the home page.

LS Hardware Station now tests the connection before every invocation and tries to reconnect, if it is not
connected. 2020 17
A Cancel button is no longer displayed in the POS when a transaction is performed on an EFT device that does not
support canceling. 2020 17
The Web Service Setup page has the following changes:
- 1. The Web Requests action that was accessible from the Web Service Setup page has been renamed Web
Requests 1.0. Previously, when you opened the Web Service Request page from the Web Service Setup page, web
requests from both Web Requests 2.0 and 1.0 were displayed. Now, however, there is a filter that only displays
web requests from version 1.0 as the name indicates.
- 2. The Web Requests page, which is accessible from the Search () icon and only included web requests from
version 2.0, is now accessible from the Web Service Setup page by clicking the Web Requests 2.0 action.
- 3. The Web Services page, which is accessible from the Search () icon and displays the web services, is now
accessible from the Web Service Setup page by clicking the Web Services action.
- 4. If you search for Web Requests, the new name in the search result is Web Requests 2.0. The page has been
renamed to clearly indicate that now it only includes web requests from version 2.0.
- 5. Base URL, a non-editable field in the Web Requests page that indicates the URL for web requests 2.0, is also
displayed in the Server FastTab in the Web Service Setup page. 2020 17
Note: The Publisher action in the Web Requests page has been changed so that it only affects published web
services (removes the old ones and publishes again) and not subscriber web requests. Before the code change,
the Publisher action also deleted the subscriber web requests, but not so anymore.
It is now possible to trigger the printing of reports in PDF format directly to a selected printer that is connected to
the LS Hardware Station.
The Business CentralPrinter Selection page has been extended with three new fields: Hardware Station Host,
Hardware Station URL, and Run Request Page.
- Hardware Station Host
In this field you can specify the printer to which you want to direct your printing for the active Printer Selection
entry. If a printer is also selected in the Printer Name field in the entry, that printer will take priority and all
printing will be directed to that printer.
Before you can select a printer, you first need to open the POS Hardware Profile card and run the Detect
Hardware action. This will load all available printers into the POS Printer table.
- Hardware Station URL 2020 17
This field is a non-editable connection string URL consisting of the Host and Printer name along with fixed
- Run Request Page
This field specifies if you want the Report Request Page to be opened before printing, or if the report should go
directly to the printer.

This new request uses the common mobile transaction data structure.
The request uses a member card number to find the member account, and where the account is linked to a
customer, the web store customer number is substituted with the linked customer number. Therefore, the
request will be based on the linked customer, not the web store customer. The request in itself finds the
customer prices and discount for the items in the mobile transaction lines.
- For the mobile transaction header, required fields are: ID, StoreId, TransactionType = 2, TransDate, and
- For mobile transaction line, required fields are: ID, StoreId, LineNo, Number, and Quantity
Some additional fields may be used, such as VariantCode and UomId. The response holds the customer price and
discount in the Price and DiscountPercent fields.
Note: When calculating a basket, the combination of customer and customer discount is used to construct what is 2020 17
known on the POS as customer price. This customer price is then used to calculate the final price for the customer
as a discount from the normal retail price. That is, customer price is always represented as discount in any basket
Three new user-definable fields have been added to the SendDocument and GetDocument web services: Ext.
Field 1, Ext. Field 2, and Ext. Field 3. You can access these fields through Publishers in Codeunits GetDocument 2020 17
and WS IM Request.

A new field has been added to the Inventory Menu. This is a free-text field that is intended to host a URL for the
Mobile Inventory App to directly run a selected page in Business Central. 2020 17
Now you can export and import retail images to and from .zip files. You can filter on images that you want to
export, the images are exported to a .zip file. When you import images from a .zip file and there are images with
the same code in the database, you can choose if images should be overwritten or not.
For more information see How to: Import and Export Images from a Zip File in the LS Central Help. 2020 17

It is now possible to apply line discounts to a deal within the journal. This will add a discount percentage or
amount to the deal and apply a proportional discount to each item within the deal. 2020 17
If a KOT is sent to KDS with status On Hold for X number minutes, this information is now printed on the KOT with
the new start time. 2020 17
New KPI that shows the number of orders (chit display) or items (line display) on a display station has been added.
The KPI can be added to a KDS Header Profile in the KDS Header Pane Designer with the Column Type Order/Item 2020 17
Count in the KDS Header Pane Columns.

New timer on chits has been added. The timer shows the time that a chit has been on a station. Usually, this will
be the same time as the time sent to the kitchen, but if the Chit station is set to Show only when Bumped on Prior
Stations, this timer starts when this criteria is fulfilled. The setting for the timer is set on the KDS Display Profile for 2020 17

If an employee rejects a work request, this is now shown in the roster with an entry of XCD for better visibility.
2020 17
New setting has been added in the LS Activity setup to specify which Retail price should be picked for additional
items in a reservation. The price can be set by Booking date or the Reservation date.
It is also possible to set specifically on an additional item in an Activity product how the price handling should be,
if it should be using the current retail price or if the retail price should be set using the Reservation date. This is 2020 17
useful, if the reservation date is in the future and the retail price of the product for that date is different from the
price when the booking is created.
The issuing of single-sale memberships will now create a batch "single sale" and add a batch line there, regardless
whether it was issued by the POS or a BC invoice. So all issuing of new memberships will create a subscription
batch, either initial sale (if subscription) or a single-sale batch (if it is not a subscription). This will make the issuing
of new memberships more transparent and make the flow of issuing allowances the same as a normal
subscription process. Single-sale batches are also posted automatically during the sales process, and the related
membership status is automatically assigned as well.
All memberships that are single-sale will be issued to a "single sale" batch, regardless if they are issued via invoice,
POS, or web. The batch will get the issued date as the Code identification, so all issued memberships at a specific
date will be collected into the same batch. Single sale batches do not need to be posted, since they are 2020 17
automatically posted during the invoice or POS sales process. Also, Allowances (if any) are issued automatically.
Note: The batch creation is only for transparency and tracking reasons.

Now hotel reservations are created in draft mode, if they are not confirmed. Previously, a reservation was
temporary until it had been confirmed, but the enhancement gives the possibility to create a draft and continue
working on the reservation until it is confirmed.
Note: The rooms are not reserved until the reservation has been confirmed. 2020 17
Color variables have been added to the CSS for all Hotel Web Templates in the POS Web Templates. This makes it
easier to change the style for the Hotel POS.

Rooms are now grouped by room type, showing the available number of rooms for each day. The room types can
be collapsed or expanded.
The reservations are also shown in the middle of the day of arrival and departure. This improves the visibility of 2020 17
the tape chart for when a reservation is arriving and departing.

The lookup for an activity client is filtered on the guest list of the hotel room, when an activity reservation is linked
to a hotel reservation.
Now the guest name, dates, email, and customer name are synchronized between the Hotel Reservation and the
Activity Reservation. 2020 17
In the Hotel POS, in the Reservation Detail, the activities are now grouped by guest, giving a better overview of
the guests' activities.

The Guest List for Hotel groups has been enhanced, to always be up-to-date when groups are changed. The guest
list is also synchronized with the Activity Group Member list, if LS Activity is used with LS Central for hotels to keep 2020 17
track of Activity Group reservations.
Breaking Changes and Hot Fixes is a new feature in the LS Central Help. This is a list of breaking changes and hot
fixes in current and previous releases. You can access the list from the Home page, the Breaking Changes and Hot
Fixes section in the right navigation pane, and also from the LS Central Release Notes menu in the side navigation 2020 17

An issue where the Planned Cross Docking and Adjust Cross Docking actions were missing in the Retail Purchase
Order page has now been fixed. 2020 17
A new action, Test Publishers, has been added to the Web Service Setup and Web Requests 2.0 pages. The action
lets you test web connections when setting up publisher. 2021 17
LS Forecast now lets you calculate forecasts on a monthly level, which is well suited for lower priority items and
further reduces the forecast calculation cost.
To translate monthly forecasts into daily quantities for Replenishment, the Monthly Sales Buckets have been
introduced. These buckets provide an overview of the item's sales distribution pattern across the month, grouped
into 31 days, corresponding to day 1 until day 31 of the month. This pattern is calculated for item groups and
locations from historical sales data, and then serves as distribution weight to break down monthly forecasts into 2021 17
daily quantities to be used in Replenishment Journal calculations.
For more information see Monthly Sales Bucket Calculation in the LS Central Help.

PDF documents can now be printed on Windows printers in LS Hardware Station via Web API. LS Central uses this
functionality to print reports and A4 receipts. 2021 17
The Create Budget from Sales functionality in Retail Sales Budget can now also consider the values from Sales
History Adjustment. During the budget calculation, the values from the Sales History Adjustments will be added
on top of the Quantity, Sales Amount, and Cost Amount of the Retail Sales Budget Entry, which are calculated
from the Value Entries. The Sales Amount and Cost Amount originating from the Sales History Adjustments will be
calculated by consulting the Unit Price and Last Direct Cost of the item.
Furthermore, new Integration Events are also added to the Create Sales Budg. from Sale report. This lets you
override the functions that retrieve the Unit Price and Last Direct Cost of the item, if needed. 2021 17
For more information see How to: Create a Sales Budget from Sales Data in the LS Central Help.

There are now two ways of controlling the flow of the Split Bill panel: when you are splitting or moving lines
between guests, you either select the guests before or on splitting/moving lines. This also works for the phone 2021 17
- You can now control the view in which the Allocation panel opens (Timeline, Graphical, or Table List). Default is
- The Allocation panel now has a period filter menu. You can press a period and then the panel shows dining
reservations only for this period, and the time of the panel changes to the first interval for the period. When you 2021 17
allocate, the period filter is taken into consideration.

- Interval type and time limit for table reservation availability. The Activity Product that has DINING custom
availability gets its intervals from the dining area setup. If the Activity Product has an Interval Type with times set
up, the availability times from the dining area are filtered to show only those intervals set up for the product.
- If a restaurant has different periods, like lunch and dinner, and these have different intervals set up, for example
lunch has 15 min. slots while dinner has 30 min. slots, then these are now shown on the Reservation Desk panel. 2021 17

When you press this option, a new GroupBy panel opens (similar to ServeItem in the chit panel). The panel shows
the number of unique combinations of Items and Modifiers. The panel has the following operations:
- UP (=Next item combination)
- Down (=Previous item combination) 2021 17
- Close (=Bump, closes the panel)
- If an Activity product has a fixed location that location is automatically assigned when using the POS commands
SellProduct and BookProduct.
- New setup lets the user exclude location from the assignment logic. When a new activity is created, the system
automatically adds it to any active reservation the client might have if this is not set. This is useful when LS Activity
has many locations within the same physical location.
- When resources in LS Activity are set up, it is now possible to create employees in LS Staff Management from
these resources.
- In the Activity Resource Groups setup, a new action, Create Employees, creates an employee for each resource
in that resource group and sets the name, work location, phone, and email based on the resource.
- Membership has been added to the LS Activity archive mechanism.
- New POS command, VIEWALLOWANCE, shows outstanding allowance for the active reservation in the POS.
- New summary of activity statuses in the group line FactBox. For example, if there are 20 activities within the 2021 17
group, 18 are confirmed and 2 are not, then this is shown in the FactBox .
- New setup on the Activity user to specify if they are allowed to change prices on activities. The available settings
are: None, All, Activities Only, Additional Charges Only.

- Drag-and-drop of reservations is now supported in Activity matrixes, and can be controlled on the Matrix
Template Card. Note: This is only supported on the Matrix in BackOffice.
- It is now possible to view hover text on reservations by assigning user-defined HTML scripts. This is set on the 2021 17
Matrix Template Card in the Tooltip Script field.

A new action, View Totals for Employees, has been added to the Staff Management Role Center. The action opens
a new page to view employees' work history. The user can set up dynamic calculations that can be used to 2021 17
present the employees' work history.
- When the dates on a reservation group are changed, dates on reservations within the group change accordingly.
- It is now possible to extend an in-house reservation.
- Canceling a reservation now creates a balance on the reservation according to the reservation's cancellation
- It is now possible to lock a room reservation to prevent accidental changes.
- Comments can now be added to Group Reservations and they are shown on Group Reservation on the POS.
- A new field, External Reservation No., has been added to reservations.
- Items can now be charged to group reservations.
- Early checkout can be done on group reservations.
- In the previous release (17.1), grouping room types was introduced. Now it is possible to toggle between these 2021 17
groups by room type or view the rooms by room number.
- A new hover functionality on reservations quickly shows the reservation details.

The following POS command is new in LS Central 17.2:

- VIEWALLOWANCE - Show allowance items in menu. This command creates menu buttons (in the main menu
area) to present which Retail/Hospitality items are part of the current customer's outstanding allowance.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands. 2021 17

The LS Central Demo Data company has been changed. It is now based on Business Central Demo data version
17.2, the Evaluation package. 2021 17
Help for LS Data Director, LS eCommerce, and LS Omni has been added
to the LS Central Help. LS Data Director Release Notes are also accessible 2021 17
now in the LS Central Help.

The transaction type No Stock Posting has been removed in sales documents and on the POS and will be replaced
by using the item type Non-inventory.
Note: If an item has recorded inventory movement, the No Stock Posting flag must be off before LS Central is 2021 17
upgraded. A new item will have to be created with the type Non-inventory.
LS Hardware Station printing implementation has been changed in order to avoid reloading printers more often
than is necessary.
This can speed up the printing process, for example when printing on dot matrix printers that take a long time to 2021 17

During replenishment calculation, an issue where the date formula is not converted correctly when the system
language is other than English, has now been fixed. 2021 17
When you add a column to a POS Data Table, the system now checks if the Preferred Width % field needs a value
for the column to be visible. 2021 17
You now have the option to disable the automatic suggestion of all variant combinations in the Variant
Suggestions page, when using a Variant Framework assigned with the Registration Type Automatic Selection.
You can activate this option by using the Disable Auto. Variant Suggestion setting in the Variant Framework Codes
Card. When this setting is activated, you can apply Dimension Filters in the Variant Suggestions page, and use the
Load Suggestions action to manually load the variant combinations. This allows you to load only a subset of the
variant suggestions based on the selected filters. 2021 17
For more information see Variant Framework in the LS Central Help.

Configurations in LS Central for the "Line display" device used to be called "Display" in some instances. All
configurations have now been renamed to either "Line Display" or "POS Line Display". 2021 17
It is now possible to print shelf and item labels to a designated printer for each store, so the printing can be
triggered automatically and without the user having to select a printer or confirm a print request. This is done
through the setup in LS Hardware Station. 2021 17
Note: This is only valid for label printers supporting EPL and ZPL programming languages or similar.
Retail Images have now been linked to the following LS Central tables and are accessible on the relevant pages
(lists and cards):
- Dining Area Layout
- Dining Table Property
- Hierarchy
- Hierarchy Nodes
- Item
- Member Contact
- Member Notification
- Membership Card
- POS Media Control
- POS Media Playlist
- POS Printer (Logo)
- POS Menu Line
- POS Menu Header 2021 17
- Published Offer
- Retail Setup
- Search Index Table
- Staff Management Employee
- Store – Images, Logo, and QR Code
Images are automatically migrated to this new structure by an upgrade codeunit when this version is installed for
the first time. Some images might be duplicated (or multiplied), but after the migration all Retail Images that are
not linked to any record (owner) are deleted. The Where Used function now only looks for usage in the Retail
Image Link table.
Note: If a Retail Image record contains the value Image Location, the link is used when displaying an image in LS
Central, the location is a URL that points to a source outside the LS Central database. Otherwise, the Retail Image
stored inside LS Central is displayed.
A new field, Link Type, has been added to the Retail Image Link table. This new field has the default value Image, 2021 17
but the Link Types Logo and QR Code are used for Logo and QR Code for Direction in the Store table. This means
that when you are looking for an image, you should consider filtering to Type = Type::Image, but not only “Display

Authentication device is a new name for a device previously referred to as Keylock. Because a keylock device can
now be various types of devices that can be used to log on and off the POS, for example Dallas Key, Keylock, or
Fingerprint scanner, it was decided to change the name of the device within the LS Hardware Station.
The Authentication device is added to the POS Hardware Profile in LS Central the same way as all other devices,
and it can be automatically added to the system using the Detect Hardware functionality. 2021 17

The dialog window that appears when you pay with a card now shows improved and more useful messages.
When you start or finish an EFT connection, the messages "Starting Session" and "Finishing Session", respectively,
are displayed in the dialog window.
When you press the Cancel button in the dialog window (which appears if the EFT supports Cancel from POS), the 2021 17
message "Attempting to Cancel" is displayed. Now the Cancel button no longer appears when you start or finish a

Virtual device timeout in LS Hardware Station has been increased.

2021 17
LS Hardware Station has been updated with LS Pay version No new plug-ins were added.
2021 17
LS Central AppShell, iOS version, has been not working with LS Central from version 17.0. The iOS AppShell can be
used with LS Central when it is configured to use the NavUserPassword authentication. Using the Windows
authentication is still not working and the cause for this is being investigated.
In the LS Central AppShell, Android version, the option to pay through the AppShell has been not working with LS 2021 17
Central from version 17.0. This has now been fixed.

New Integration Events have been added to the Replen. Calculation codeunit which let you:
- override the assignment of Replen. Journal Lines parameter before its insertion during Replenishment Journal
calculation. 2021 17
- override the insertion of Replen. Journal Details during Replenishment Journal calculation.

This is a new operation in KDS that lets you recall an item or chit from a list. 2021 17
- Product restrictions in Activity can be set to certain times and days for specific club members, membership, or
access profiles. This can be useful for operations that are really catering for specific members or clients.
- Standard Customer Discounts are now also applied to lines in the Additional Charges, if applicable.
- Tasks are now issued to an activity and issued tasks are listed in the Reservation FactBox. When looking at the
task entries all assigned resources (location, room, and so on) are shown on the Task List FactBox.
- Improved visibility for allowances when using POS Command VIEWALLOWANCE - if an item within an allowance
has a location filter that is different from POS location, then these allowance buttons are shown with the Cancel
- LS Activity Web Services has been updated to allow for sending No. of persons. This can affect pricing or 2021 17

- Block room for charges is possible by setting Charge to Room on reservation as Closed.
- New action, Copy Reservation, on the Reservation Card. 2021 17
- The pages for the Reservations and Group Reservations on the Hotel POS have been enhanced, so they show
more detailed information on the reservations.
- These pages are also responsive to the size of the POS device.
- Items that are included in the rate are shown as nested items in the Rate section. 2021 17
- If there are activities on the reservation, the status of those activities is now shown.
- If the activities are included in the reservation rate, then no price is shown for the activity.
The Functionality Profile offers the possibility to automatically delete suspended transactions upon posting a Z-
Report. Now this also works when Cash & Safe Management is activated. 2021 17
When more than one coupon with the same code were used in the same transaction, the second coupon would
not apply. This has now been fixed. 2021 17
When selling a scale item with an item description longer than 30 characters, the POS would display an error and
not sell the item. This has now been fixed. 2021 17
An issue in Replenishment calculation, where the Purchase Order Multiple is not considered when an Item Store
Record is assigned with a warehouse, has now been fixed. 2021 17

A bug where the Global Dimension 1 and Global Dimension 2 is not updated in the transfer orders created by
replenishment journal has been fixed. 2021 17
It is now possible to use the computer camera directly from the Retail Image List and Retail Image Page from the
Retail Image Preview Factbox. 2021 17
Processing Status messages in Customer Order can now be customized on one hand for orders that are shipped
and on the other for orders that are to be collected in store. 2021 17
You can now view Code, Description, and Description 2 values in the Variant Code lookup/dropdown page from
the Retail Purchase Order and Retail Transfer Order pages. 2021 17
GS1 barcodes with the following sections can now be scanned:
- 10 Batch or Lot No
- 17 Expiration Date 2021 17
- 21 Serial No.

Performance of the statement calculation and posting functionality has been improved and optimized. The
replication counter update procedure has been refactored, which resolves the deadlock issues during statement
calculation and posting. Now it is also possible to automatically create and calculate statements for stores and 2021 17
perform statement batch posting in parallel.

Automatic statement creation and calculation

You can now set up the system to automatically create and calculate statements for stores. You can activate this
option using the Auto. Calculate Statement setting in the Store Card, and by scheduling the codeunit Statement -
Auto Calculate (99001479). The statements will be calculated incrementally with each calculation to include new 2021 17
Parallel statement batch posting
The statements in the batch posting queue can now be posted in parallel with multiple sessions. You can activate
this option using the Enable Parallel Posting setting in the Batch Posting Setup page, and by scheduling the
codeunit Schedule Batch Posting (99001459).
For more information see Calculating and Posting Statements.
For customers on C/AL versions, LS Retail partners can request the SCP (Statement Calculation & Posting) object 2021 17
package, based on LS Central 14 via the Technical Support help desk on the LS Retail Portal.

When Customer Order lines are in the picking process and are locked by a POS terminal or a Mobile Inventory
device, a BackOffice user can now unlock the Customer Order lines. 2021 17
Logo type Download is now available in the Web POS via LS Hardware Station. Until now, this feature only worked
in the .NET POS. To add a logo to a receipt, the user can now set the path of a bitmap or other supported logo 2021 17
types in the Printer Card in LS Central.

LS Pay in LS Hardware Station has been updated to version 2.21.1. The following properties were added to EFT
- PointAmount has been added to AmountBreakdown.
- New enum values were added to EFTVerificationMethod: CTL; MagneticStripe.
- New variable Installments were added to PurchaseRequest, of type Installments.
- New variable EnablePLB (Product Level Blocking) was added to PurchasRequest, of type bool. If True, specific 2021 17
items are being sold that are not included in a gift card scheme. Added for Linkly (EFTPos).

Dual Display is now available in the Web POS when it is started from the LS Central AppShell, Windows version. It
starts automatically when enabled in the Terminal card. When used in LS Central AppShell, Windows version, it 2021 17
will open by default on a secondary screen.

Key commands are now supported in the LS Central POS, for triggering POS commands and button clicks via
keyboard shortcuts. 2021 17
Events on idle timer tick and execute POS command are now in the following codeunits:
- Hospitality POS Startup- Table List POS Startup
- Allocation Panel Controller 2021 17
- Act. Din. Reserv. Controller.
New FastTab, Hi erarc hy Date, has been added on the Store Card. This
makes it possible to specify which hierarchy and which schedule is in use
for specific Sales Types. This is also used for eCommerce and to control
which menu is used on the Self-Service kiosk as illustrated in Demo Data 2021 17
for Store S0017 - EasyBurger.

A new setup in the dining area controls whether dining tables should be filtered by capacity when a reservation is
allocated. 2021 17
KDS style profiles now have a new Item Comment Style which makes it possible to show Time and Text modifiers
with a specific color and/or background. 2021 17
The Confirm and Cancel actions now confirm or cancel the selected activity lines. New actions, Confirm All and
Cancel All, have been added to confirm or cancel all activity lines for the reservation. 2021 17
A new setting to set a product template for Activity Types allows the user to set a default product, when a new
product with the Activity Type is created (similar to adding an item category to an item in Business Central). Now
it is also possible to specify default Additional Charges for an activity type, so when a product with this kind of
activity type is sold, the system will automatically add these charges to the activity. 2021 17

Email templates can now be added to the task setup to send emails to a resource that is assigned to a task. You
can send a single task or all tasks for the activity to the assigned resources from the Activity Task Entries page. 2021 17

A new page, Activity Item Reservations, shows an item summary of all additional charges for given dates for
reservations. You can open the page in the Activity Manager role center using the View action followed by the 2021 17
Item Summary action.

When items are charged to an Activity Reservation using the POS command CHARGE2RES, and this Activity
Reservation is linked to a Hotel Reservation, the lines are automatically charged to the Hotel Reservation and
marked in the Activity Reservation as Hotel Charge. These charges are then paid upon checkout of the hotel 2021 17

It is now possible to manage Group Members in LS Hotels in the same way as in LS Activity: by sending Excel
templates to customers and importing an Excel list with group members back into the reservation. 2021 17

If there are non-posted invoices for a reservation, this is shown on the Manage Invoices panel in the POS.
2021 17
If there are non-posted invoices for a reservation, this is now shown in the reservation's FactBox pane.
2021 17
The number of nights since a room was last in use is shown in the upper-right corner of the Tape Chart's Room
cell. 2021 17
The following POS commands are new in LS Central 17.4:
- REFRESHRES - Refreshes the POS Web Template for a hotel
reservation to see if any new activities or charges have been added to the reservation while it is open.
- REFRESHGROUPRES - Same as above except for a group reservation.
See "POS Commands" in the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS 2021 17

Omni Server has been renamed to LS Commerce Service. The scheduler jobs in the Demo Data company for
Commerce (previously Omni) have been renamed accordingly:
- COMMERCE_UPDATE - replaces OMNI_UPDATE 2021 17

The online help for LS Hardware Station has been updated and reorganized. Click here to see the updated help.
2021 17
In the Item Label Setup table the initial value for the Fixed Quantityfield is now 1. Previously, the initial value was
0 when a new record was made. All existing records that currently have Fixed Quantity as 0 in the Item Label 2021 17
Setup table will be upgraded to 1.

When synchronizing items in LS Central with LS Forecast, an issue where the decimal sign in the Confidence
Interval was not converted correctly for regions that are using comma (,) as decimal separator, has now been 2021 17

White-listed unit test codeunits have now been removed from the code base. Now all auto-test codeunits in the
master repository should run successfully. 2021 17
POS Debug Log feature can now be configured to log to a data table. This feature lets you log the activity of the
POS to an SQL table instead of logging into a file. This makes it possible to get a Debug log even if you are running
the POS in a Cloud environment.
You can configure to get the logs for certain terminals at a given time or period and so on. When the Debug Log
has been created, you can view the log, download and delete it in the BackOffice. The Log entries will be 2021 17
automatically deleted after a number days since their creation; the number of days is configurable.

There is a new action, Update Item Pictures, in Retail Images. This action updates the Retail Image List page with
the image that is linked to the retail item based on the Retail Item Link records that are linked to the Item table.
This can be useful, for example, in case the Retail Images and Retail Image Link records are imported from .zip or 2021 17
configuration files.

The Virtual MSR device has been reintroduced to the Virtual Station. The functionality is the same as before.
For more information see "Virtual MSR" in the LS Central Help. 2021 17

The Scanner dialog window (MOBILESCAN) now has a Close button that can be used to close the dialog window in
case it hangs after a scan. 2021 17
There are four new web services for Hospitality:
- CreateHospOrder
- CancelHospOrder
- GetEstimatedTime 2021 17
- GetKotStatus

To improve performance, six tables that are always used as temporary within Hospitality are now marked with
TableType Temporary. 2021 17
The user can now set up general unavailability for a resource on a spe-cific time or date, for example lunch breaks
at a different time on spe-cific dates. The user can simply set the date and the new lunch time, and set the
comment as Lunch. If the comment is the same as in the general unavailability, the system will regard it as a
change for lunch on only that particular date.
The user can use "drag and drop" features in the availability matrix to move the breaks (unavailability) to a
different time. This is possible even if the break (unavailability) is derived from a general setting, as the system will 2021 17
automatically create a specific date unavailability in the background.
There are new actions on the Activity Group Lines list to Confirm All and Cancel All - these will always change the
status on all activities in the group reservation. 2021 17
The Activity setup has a new option, Show Price Comment on POS. When set, the associated price comment in the
POS journal is shown when an activity is paid on the POS. 2021 17
The Activity Reservation Type has a new setting, Update Group Reser-vation Dates. If set, the from/to dates on
the group reservation will be automatically updated upon confirmation, based on the related activ-ities. In case
this does not work on hotel reservations, you should set the related reservation type to NOT do so, and then it is
just populated by the related dates in the hotel reservation. 2021 17

The Activity Manager Role Center has a new cue, Deposits, that shows open deposit balances. When you click the
cue, a list opens with the related reservations. The History top menu has a new action, Trans-actions, that shows a 2021 17
list of all deposits, charge2res, hotelres, and can-cellation fees.

A new page has been added to perform upsell or upgrade between rooms, property, and rate codes. You can
open this page with the Upsell/Upgrade action on the Reservation card. The page will also open automatically if
- the room is changed and the new room has a different room type.
- Room Type is changed - if the new room type does not have the same rate code as the old room type, the new
rate code is empty and needs to be selected.
- Property is changed -if the room type does not exist in the new property, the new room type is empty and needs
to be selected.
The total amounts (old and new) are shown, and the From and To sec-tions show if there is a difference in rate
attributes between the old and new settings. 2021 17
The default setting is to do an upsell, but there is an option to do an upgrade. Ifan upgrade, the New Total
Amount is set the same as the Old Total Amount and the Rate Code Attributes prices are then adjus-ted with the
same split percentage as on the pre-upgrade setting.

If a reservation was accidentally checked in, it is now possible to undo the check-in. This is only possible on the
same day as the check-in and before the Night Audit job has been run. 2021 17
If guests are arriving after midnight, it is now possible to check the guests in provided the reservation has not
been set to No-Show. 2021 17
A new option has been added on the Deposit Amount Payment page in BackOffice to mark which invoice type the
deposit should be routed to. When an invoice is created from the BackOffice, only deposits marked for the 2021 17
company or paymaster will be used on the invoice.
A new action, Charges Overview, has been added on the Hotel Invoice Management page. This action opens a
report that shows a detailed list of all items charged to the reservation, their receipt number, price, and VAT 2021 17

In the cancellation policies, the Early Checkout Penalty options have been aligned with the Cancellation and No
Show Penalty options. The options are:
- First Night - if leaving 3 days early, then charge Early Checkout Fee for the first of the 3 nights
- Number of nights - if leaving 3 day early, then it is possible to charge for 2 of these.
- Percentage - if the 3 nights have a rate of 100, it is possible to charge 20% of that rate. 2021 17
- Fixed amount - Early Checkout Fee is a fixed amount.
- None

The Business Central Customer page has been extended with a Hotel FastTab where it is possible to set a default
rate code and default rout-ing rule for the customer. These will be applied to a hotel reservation when a customer 2021 17
is added to it.

Two new data cues have been added to the Hotel BackOffice Role Center. These show the
- Deposit Balance from the G/L account, clicking this cue opens a list of the General Ledger Entries. 2021 17
- Open Deposits shows the amount of open deposits. Clicking this cue opens a list of Open Deposits.

The activity lists on the Reservation and Group Reservation pages in the POS now show the Qty of activities and
the number of persons as a prefix on the activity list. If the Qty or Number of persons is 1, no prefix is added. 2021 17

When doing a reprint of the latest transaction on the POS, the system now prints the receipt by using the
PRINT_LAST_C command with the following transaction types: Sales, Payments, Voided, and Can-cellation. 2021 17
Previously, the command only used the Sales type.

Transactions created for Float Entry and Tender Declaration are now signed as all other transactions.
2021 17
The property Drawer Status on the POS Drawer Card was being ignored by the LS Hardware Station. This has now
been fixed. 2021 17
In the Replen. Template page, an issue where the Item Division Filter field was not accepting multiple Division
Codes has now been fixed. 2021 17
The barcode of the receipt is scanned. This will trigger the refund lookup to open with the correct transaction. The
user can now scan items that are returned and they will be selected in the return screen. 2021 18
The following web services have been added to the Publisher function Dyn365BCWebServiceForKDS:
- RetailWebAPI 2021 18
- RetailWebServices.

There have been reports from customers on a problem when printing PDF files through the LS Hardware Station.
We are investigating this, but a workaround is to save the PDF to a file and print the file outside LS Central. 2021 18

Two new test buttons have been added to the Printer section of the Management Portal:
- Print Test PDF file - prints a preset PDF file to a Windows printer.
- Print Test Label (EPL) - prints a test label to a label printer using the EPL command language.
Both of these test operations will work only on a printer that can print a PDF file or understand EPL commands, 2021 18

A Virtual Key Lock device has been reintroduced to the Virtual Station. It can be used with the POS to emulate a
Key Lock device. For more detailed information see "Virtual Key Lock" in the LS Central Help. 2021 18

An option has been added to save PDF documents to file before printing them in the printer configuration in LS
Hardware Station. By default, this option is set to False . If turned on, the files are saved at: C:\ProgramData\
LS Retail\LS Hardware Station\PDF . 2021 18

New configuration was added to POS EFT Card - called Display Scrolling Messages - to control if the messages
coming from the payment terminal are displayed as a scrolling message or by having each message overwrite the 2021 18
previous one. By default this configuration is set to false.

OPOS Fiscal printers are not supported by LS Central. Use Serial device customization instead. 2021 18
When showing appointments in the Activity matrix, you can now show the pre- and post- extra time. This is set up
as glyphs in the Matrix Template Card by creating a new Activity Label Type and in that use the Script Action to 2021 18
insert a parameter of the relevant type.

When you change the time on a group reservation that has been confirmed and activities have been created, the
time for the activities in the group reservation is now changed as well. 2021 18
It is now possible to set the charges to a reservation on a reservation type to be posted to an Income/Expense
account instead of an item. 2021 18
Deals can now be included in Activity Packages and set up with an allowance in the same way as items or an item
selection. 2021 18
A coding framework for adding a third party booking provider into LS
Activity has been added. This means that an activity product from an external provider can be booked in the same 2021 18
way as other products using APIs from the third party vendor.

A new setting, Stores Allowed to Charge, has been added to the Activity Locations page to let you specify which
stores are allowed to charge to an Activity Location. If empty, then all stores are allowed to charge to that
particular location.
The Point of Sale FastTab on the LS Activity Setup page has two new fields, Arrival filter and Departure filter to
specify when charging to a reservation is allowed on the POS. 2021 18
It is also possible to prevent charging to a reservation or a group reservation on the Reservation and Group
Reservation pages.

It is now possible to restrict the availability of an activity product based on membership. You can set the period
restrictions to include or exclude the memberships involved. 2021 18
Clicking in an unavailability cell in the Activity Matrix and then clicking the Edit action now opens the Resource
Unavailability card for editing. 2021 18
It is now possible to set a default Rate Code and Routing Rule per property for a customer. This setting is used
when a customer is added to a hotel reservation. 2021 18
A new option has been added on the Deposit Amount Payment page in BackOffice to mark which invoice type the
deposit should be routed to. When an invoice is created from the BackOffice, only deposits marked for the 2021 18
company or paymaster will be used on the invoice.

There is a problem running LS Central AppShell for Windows with Business Central 18.0, which results in the
AppShell not being able to start LS Central 18.0. The problem is being worked on and a workaround will be 2021 18
announced as soon as it is available.

LS Retail is now releasing the first version of the ScanPayGo app. The ScanPayGo app will be available both for
Android and iOS. This release is the first phase of the ScanPayGo app, the plan is to release the second phase in
September/October 2021. This release gives partners the possibility to download the app, try it out for
themselves, and demo it for prospects and customers. Partners can even connect the app with their own demo
environment. The ScanPayGo app connects with LS Central via the LS Commerce Service.
With the second phase of the ScanPayGo app, partners will be able to download the code, change the look of the
app so that it is branded for the retailer, add new logos and colors, and create a final product to upload to Play 2021 18
Store and App Store.
The ScanPayGo app, version 1.0, is available for download in the LS Retail App Center.
The following POS commands are new in LS Central 18.0:
- COLLECTSCANPAYGO - Collect selected ScanPayGo order
- PRINT-RES-CHARGES - Print additional charges overview
- PRINT-RES-SLIPS - Print all associated slips 2021 18
See "POS Commands" in the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS

As of version 18.0, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Help Server has been discontinued, and therefore
the Business Central offline help is no longer available.
The Business Central online help, however, is available via links on the LS Central Help Home page and side
navigation menu, and directly via this link: https://docs.microsoft.com/en-us/dynamics365/business-central/ 2021 18

An issue with duplicate captions in the fields in Retail Sales Budget Name, Retail Purchase Plan Name, and Retail
Sales Budget Lines tables, has now been fixed. 2021 18
In the Replen. Template page, an issue where several Filter fields, for example the Special Group Code Filter and
the Item Hierarchy Filter were not visible, has now been fixed. 2021 18
- When using an Allocation Plan (Defined and Distribute) to create Transfer Orders and Sales Orders, the
quantities in the documents are now converted correctly from the Purchase Unit of Measure to the Base Unit of
Measure of the items.
- When using the Adjust Cross Docking feature in Retail Purchase Order, the adjusted quantities in the Purchase
Order are now converted correctly from the Purchase Unit of Measure to the Base Unit of Measure of the items,
before being redistributed to the Transfer Orders and Sales Orders. 2021 18
- When Transfer Orders and Sales Orders are created using the Purchase Replenishment Journal with Cross
Docking option, the quantities in the documents are now converted correctly to the Base Unit of Measure of the

- EFT Device can now be configured to use Manual Session Control. Stop automatic calling STARTSESSION and
FINISHSESSION for every EFT transaction.
- StartSession and FinishSession functions have been added to IEFTUtility interface. 2021 18
- EFT_START_SESSION and EFT_FINISH_SESSION POS commands have been added.

PrintBarcode function in POS Print Utility codeunit is now accessible for extension development.
2021 18
New Customer Order Profile
A new Customer Order profile is now available in LS Central, providing easy access for Customer Order processes.
Profile ID 99009135.
Print Customer Order Picking Label 2021 18
An option has been added in Customer Order Mobile picking mode to print out box IDs in HQ to attach to boxes
or bags along with the ID of the order.

The Transaction Server has been removed from LS Central. The Distribution Location and Active Web Requests
fields have been removed from the previous Transaction Server and Web Services FastTab on the Functionality
profile. The FastTab has been renamed to
Web Service Settings.
For Scheduler jobs in the Demo Data company the old codeunit 99001474 Data Distribution v3.0 has been 2021 18
replaced with a new codeunit 99008923 Data Distribution WS .
The Web Service Settings FastTab has been joined with Web Services Settings.

A new functionality has been added to import retail image .zip files with a PowerShell script. This functionality is
an addition to the manual import of retail image .zip files with the Import from Zip action in the Retail Image List.
The new functionality imports the .zip file from a
folder as defined in the script and also runs the Import Images action in the Retail Image Import/Export page. 2021 18

The GetPosTransSuspList function has been added to OmniWrapper. Codeunit used: 99009060 Retail Image Utils,
Method name: ImportRetailImageFromZIP. 2021 18
Web services v 2.0 that are no longer used have been removed. Demo data and code related to web services v 1.0
have also been removed. 2021 18
A new function, GetDeviceInformation, has been added to the LS Hardware Station API. The function takes a
parameter of a device ID and returns the status of that device. If the device is not found, an exception is returned. 2021 18

Changes to verification methods in LS Pay have been added in LS Hardware Station.

2021 18
The .NET Framework for the LS Pay integration was downgraded to version 4.6.1 allowing it to be run on older
systems. 2021 18
A Minimum log level option has been added to LS Hardware Station. This lets the user decide how detailed the log
should be is and thus avoid making the log too large.
A Max log files to keep option has also been added to LS Hardware Station. This lets the user decide how many 2021 18
logs to keep before the oldest one(s) is deleted.

Two new test buttons have been added to the Printer section of the Management Portal.
- Print Test PDF File - prints a preset PDF file to a Windows printer.
- Print Test Label (EPL) - prints a test label to a label printer using the EPL command language.
Both test operations only work on a printer that can print a PDF file or understand EPL commands, respectively. 2021 18

A new "Save to File" option for Windows printers has been added in the LS Hardware Station Management Portal.
The option skips printing a PDF and instead save it to a file. This is meant as a workaround for customers
experiencing problems when trying to print PDF ocuments directly to the printer. The file can then be printed
manually or using a script that watches for new files in the directory and sends them to the printer. 2021 18

DotNet Hardware Station Client has been removed. HTTP Wrapper (non-GUI) and Print Dialog (GUI) are now used
instead. 2021 18
Each device in the Hardware Profile now has an option to use HTTPS to connect to the Hardware Station.
2021 18
PDF report printing is now done via the Device Dialog when UI is available. This makes the dialog the client and
enables connection to closed networks from the cloud, as long as the computer that is used is on that particular
machine. If UI is not available, through the Omni server for example, the Device Dialog is not used and the old 2021 18
method of HTTP printing is done instead.

A new LSC REPLENISHMENT profile is now available in LS Central. The profile provides easy access to
Replenishment operations and processes. 2021 18
In LS Central you can configure your POS and KDS system with Coursing. Coursing lets you separate items into
different menu courses and control the start of preparation for each course to ensure the greatest level of service
for the customer.
When you have Coursing enabled, the waiting staff takes an order for the dining table for each course. The
waiting staff then sends the order to the kitchen through the POS, announcing to the kitchen staff which items
have been ordered for each course. At the appropriate time, the waiting staff fires a course, notifying the kitchen
staff that they should start preparing the course items. The waiting staff can mark each course as served. Other
tasks can be configured, either for the dining table itself, such as Place Bread or Place Napkins , or for each course
such as Pour Wine or Place Cutlery. These tasks can be set up to ensure that the waiting staff follows a certain 2021 18
work flow.
The waiting staff can also communicate with the kitchen staff by the means of comments sent through the POS.
These comments, such as special customer requests, become visible in the kitchen for the kitchen staff to react.

New events have been added in the Hospitality POS. It is now easier to react to the different events when the
user is splitting the bill and transferring a table. 2021 18
A new page has been added that lets a user in the back office view every transaction that is open in the POS. For
each transaction that is open you can view the transaction lines for that transaction. This new page is called POS 2021 18
Transaction List.

This functionality in Activities and Staff Management has improved handling when assigning a new employee to a
shift from the Role center. The message is less intrusive as it uses the notifications instead of a dialog window, and 2021 18
is also a more informative response to this action.
Performance of the Resource Status page has been improved and the page now loads much faster.
- The View section and filtering of the page keeps the values selected by the user between uses. You can now
share the Matrix templates with the matrix view to specify which resource group, location, interval, and number
of days is included in the view.
- The matrix's Caption Script can be used to determine the scripts used to present the cell values (basically decide
what values from the activity are shown in the cells).
- Drill-downs, rescheduling and transferring functions are supported in the Assist Edit menu of the page cells.
- The user can enter a new booking (activity) by simply selecting the cell which presents the resource date and
time, and enter an activity product code into the cell. If the resource is available and has capabilities to handle the 2021 18
product, the appointment or activity creation process is started.
- Actions have been added to the action pane to select next and previous date, and to change the template for
the view.

The membership API can now accept payments of memberships on the web (via Omni) as deposits rather then
final payment. This allows the membership invoicing functionality to create the standard Business Central invoice
for the membership, rather than the Omni Customer Order process. By default, the membership API assumes the 2021 18
membership payment as full payment.

The search page in the Role Center now searches in the archived entries as well as in future activity entries.
2021 18
Now the Availability views, in BackOffice and POS, can have different view settings, depending on if the availability
is being presented at the Web API, the BackOffice pages, or at the POS lookup views. This provides faster
presentation of availability at the POS. This setting is 2021 18
per activity type.

Allotments are a new powerful functionality in LS Activity to let the user reserve a specific product for any given
date and time and then assign the allotment to a customer account.
An allotment allows reservations for a specific customer to be handled gradually with guarantee of availability.
The allotment can then be set to be released at either a certain date, or x number of days prior to the reservation 2021 18
period, if not fully used by the customer.

A new parameter, Customer No., is supported in the LS Activity Web API. This parameter is the customer account,
which the reservation will be assigned to and possibly invoiced to. 2021 18
Package Offers can now consist of products which either have pricing set as ratio of the package price, or have a
specific (fixed) price as part of the package. Note that an activity package must always have one component
(package line) set as ratio pricing, and this must be the last line in the package. 2021 18

The following POS commands are new in LS Central 18.1:

- EDITSCHEDULE - Lets the POS operator reschedule any activity already in POS journal lines for payment
- EFT_START_SESSION - Manually start EFT session
- EFT_FINISH_SESSION - Manually finish EFT session
- HOSP_KOTCOMMENT - Send comments to KDS
- KDS-COURSE-FIRENEXT - KDS Coursing, Fire Next Course
- KDS-COURSE-OVERV-COU - KDS Coursing, Overview, Show Courses
- KDS-COURSE-OVERV-SEL - KDS Coursing, Overview, Select Course
- KDS-COURSE-OVERV-SEN - KDS Coursing, Overview, Send to Kitchen
- KDS-COURSE-OVERV-TAS - KDS Coursing, Overview, Select Task
- KDS-COURSE-SERVENEXT - KDS Coursing, Serve Next Course 2021 18
- KDS-COURSTASK-FIRE - KDS Coursing, Coursing Task, Fire
- KDS-COURSTASK-RUN - KDS Coursing, Coursing Task, Run
- KDS-COURSTASK-SERVE - KDS Coursing, Coursing Task, Serve
See "POS Commands" in the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS

In version 18.0, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Help Server was discontinued, and therefore the
Business Central offline help is no longer available. The Business Central online help, however, is available via links
on the LS Central Help Home page and side navigation menu, and directly via this link. 2021 18

An issue with cancellation and refund of a Customer Order in the BackOffice causing errors on the Statement
Posting has been fixed. 2021 18
To fix an error in the Monitor Collection function, a DBHost field has been added to the DD Monitoring table.
2021 18
In the Retail Sales Order, when a Sales Line is created with item variants or using the collection, an issue where
the Type field will not be set to blank, has now been fixed. When the Sales Line is deleted, its linked variant and 2021 18
collection sales lines will now also be deleted correctly.
In the Replen. Stock Demand Worksheet, an issue where the Stock Demand entries used to create the Purchase
and Transfer Orders are not filtered according to the selected Location Filter and Warehouse Location Filter, has
now been fixed.
The following procedures have been deprecated and replaced with new ones with additional parameters:
- CreatePOFromPlannedStockDemand procedure with 2 additional parameters in codeunit Replen. Create Purch
Order. 2021 18
- CreateTOFromPlannedStockDemand procedure with 1 additional parameter in codeunit Replen. Create Transf.

Now the Publisher function on the Web Request 2.0 page works in a multi-tenant environment (SaaS, for
example). In a multi-tenant environment, a tenant is not allowed to modify the application database but can 2021 18
publish Web Services.

The Data Caption Fields Store No., POS Terminal No., and Transaction No. are now on all the following transaction
- 99001497 LSC Transaction Sales Entries
- 99001498 LSC Trans. Infocode Entries
- 99009056 Trans. Discount Entries
- 99001493 LSC Trans. Payment Entries
- 99008987 LSC POS Card Entries
- 99001590 LSC Trans. Inventory Entries
- 99001499 LSC Trans. Inc./Exp. Entries 2021 18
- 99001620 LSC Trans. Inv. Adjmt. Entries
- 99001596 LSC Trans. Tender Declar. Entr
- 99001664 LSC Trans. Safe Entries

A new Web Service has been created to take in price and quantity in embedded barcodes and return item
information. 2021 18
The option field Status (Int) in the Customer Order Header table has been changed to ENUM and can now be
extended. 2021 18
This web service has been adjusted to get an active processing status event code per Customer Order and
Customer Order Line. 2021 18
A new LS Hardware Station Printing app has been created for printing PDF documents. This is a separate
application from the Hardware Station service, since in some cases the service has trouble printing PDFs.
The app is installed alongside the Hardware Station and opens as a tray icon program. The app does not require
the Hardware Station to be running, but can utilize Windows printers that have been set up in the Hardware
Station. For more information see LS Hardware Station Printing App in the LS Central help. 2021 18

A message is now displayed if the user is trying to connect to LS Hardware Station via http from an https source.
2021 18
The Hardware Station can now show feature flags on payment providers in LS Pay.
2021 18
In the POS Hardware Profile Card a new action, Test Hardware Connection, has been added to test the connection
to LS Hardware Station. 2021 18
Depending on which Forecast Bucket is used, LS Forecast now requires the following minimum sales history length
for forecast calculation, defined using the LS Forecast Item Link:
- Daily Forecast Bucket = 28 days
- Weekly Forecast Bucket = 14 weeks 2021 18
- Monthly Forecast Bucket = 12 months

A new action, Run Table Management Check (see under Related), has been added to the Activity Types page to
check and fix, if necessary, the table management integration. 2021 18
In version 18.0, the Microsoft Dynamics 365 Business Central Help Server was discontinued, and therefore the
Business Central offline help is no longer available.
The Business Central online help, however, is available via links on the LS Central Help Home page and side 2021 18
navigation menu, and directly via this link.

The Mobile POS help has been updated and expanded, see Mobile POS in the LS CentralHelp. 2021 18
When posting an EOD with a high difference, staff members with supervisor ID (MGRKEY) with the right
permission sets can now log in and post the EOD without using a workaround. 2021 18
If items have insufficient quantity when posting on the Retail Transfer To Be Picked page, an "insufficient
quantity" error is displayed and the user will see the related document in the document list. 2021 18

An error in the Variant Framework page that occurred when using the Get Variant Values action on a Variant
Dimension with Extension has been fixed. 2021 18
In some cases, when upgrading LS Hardware Station from an older version, the configuration for a Windows
printer device was not upgraded properly and the Device name (the Windows printer name) was lost. This has 2021 18
now been fixed.

POS tags are now updated correctly when modifications are sent to the Kitchen Service.
2021 18
The pages listed below have been changed to enable batch posting of documents.
- Batch Posting Document Setup: On this page, the Document Type field has been replaced with the field Sub Type
to show a more user friendly information.
A new field, Use Batch Posting, has been added. You can now specify per document, if the post is sent to the
batch posting queue.
- Retail Users: A new field, Batch Priority, has been added to this page to set a user priority for the batch posting
queue. This field takes priority over the document priority.
- Inventory Management Setup: In this page, the Use Batch Posting for Orders field has been removed. The field
was replaced by the new field on the Batch Posting Document Setup page.
- Batch Posting Scheduler, Batch Posting - ERRORS, Batch Posting - WAITING, Batch Posting - PROCESSED pages:
All the above pages are now filtered to show only records for the user's store. You can clear the filter once you
open the pages. The order in these pages is now impacted by the new Batch Priority field in the Retail Users page.
- Batch Posting - ERRORS: This page has been changed to show the error that actually happened instead of
displaying a generic, fixed error message. 2021 18
- Retail Picking, Retail Receiving, Retail Purchase Order, Retail Purchase Return Order, Retail Sales Order, Retail
Sales Return Order, Warehouse Receipt, Warehouse Shipment
The above pages have new actions: Post, Post & Print, Post & New.They have also been updated with a new field,
Use Batch Posting, that is considered when the user clicks these actions.A validation is done to make sure the
document was not previously added to the queue.

The POS Web Templates in LS Demo Data, also known as Clienteling Web Templates, no longer require setting up
a URL for Web Services and Authentication information. The feature is opt-in for other POS Web Templates and
can also be opt-out for the demo data templates.
POS Browser Controls have also been simplified and stabilized; they will also wait until shown on a panel before 2021 18
doing any work. This minimizes the need for manual configurations, and gives performance benefits where Web
Templates are being used in the POS.
Improved and expanded implementation documentation has been added to the LS Hardware Station online help:
new topics on how to create a custom solution, configure the solution to run with the LS Hardware Station, and
on how to debug the customization while implementing it. See "Implementing a Custom DLL" and "How to:
Implement a Custom Device for LS Hardware Station" in the LS Central Help.

The OPOS device implementation document, which used to be included with the LS Hardware Station installer,
has been replaced by a document that points to the online LS Central Help (see "Implementing a Custom DLL"),
where similar but more detailed information has already been added (see "How to: Implement a Custom Device 2021 18
for LS Hardware Station").

A new OnBeforeCalculateReplenishmentQuanties integration event has been added to the LSC Replen. - Calc.
Qtys codeunit. 2021 18

The field length in the Item No. Filter in the LSC Replen. Template table has been increased to Code[250].
2021 18
The following internal procedures in the LSC Replen. Calculation codeunit have been exposed as public:
- GetTempTableInProcessRecord
- GetTempTableForPSD
- SetTempTableForPSD 2021 18

The following POS commands are new in 18.3:

- INCEXPDISCAMOUNT - Income/Expense discount amount
- INCEXPDISCPERCENT - Income/Expense discount percent
- TEMPLATE_PROPERTIES - POS Web Template properties 2021 18
- WAITINGLIST - Show waiting list for current location.
See the Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands.

You can use the dining area plan to see how many reservations and guests there are for each day and for each
period during the day. You can drill down to see the list of dining reservations and the dining tables allocation, and
from there look up the activity reservation linked to the dining reservation. The same is available for reservations 2021 18
on a waiting list.

Scheduler code has been updated to handle default values. Requires Data Director 3.2.114 or later.
2021 18
New fields and check boxes have been added to the following two pages.
Web Service Setup:
- SaaS - to show/hide fields that are relevant to setting up the Web Service connection.
- Version - to be filled when you are setting a SaaS service.
Distribution Location: 2021 18
- Web Server SaaS - to show/hide fields that are relevant to setting up the Web Service connection.
- Web Server Version and Web Service Tenant - to be filled when you are setting a SaaS service.

Transfer Orders now have a Retail Status of Planned receive when they are created with Allocation Plan.
2021 18
Warehouse Buffer Location in the Allocation Plan Destination Line page is no longer mandatory when the Create
One Purch. Order pr. Location option is used during the creation of a Purchase Order via Allocation Plans. 2021 18

Auto-tests have been implemented for Customer Order payments.

There are ten base auto-tests, and they test payment with different tender types: partially collected or shipped,
and collected or shipped as a whole order. Codeunit name is Customer Order Payment AT. 2021 18

You can now use the web service GetInventoryMultipleV2 to get available inventory in a store, and also from
sourcing locations related to the store, by passing the SourcingLocationAvailability parameter as True through the 2021 18
Web Request.

A new field has been added to the Inventory Lookup Table to calculate total inventory for all sourcing locations
linked to a store. 2021 18
A new setup page, ScanPayGo Profile, has been created to manage the ScanPayGo mobile app. 2021 18
The Security Check Profile web service has been created to be used by the POS and the ScanPayGo app to signal if
a security check should be triggered or not.
Requests must include Customer Order Number (Store Number and Member Card Number are in the Customer 2021 18
Order Header). The web service call function will return True/False.

Web requests for POS can now be directed to different Distribution Locations based on the setup in the POS
Functionality Server. 2021 18
The Drawer Alert type Block is now available in LS Central POS. 2021 18
A new printer type, EFT-Printer, has been added. Selecting this type of printer will route all printing in POS to the
EFT Terminal (LSPay) using the built-in printer on the PED. 2021 18
LS Hardware Station has been updated with LS Pay - version 2.26.5 features.
2021 18
A button has been added in the Hardware Profile Card to test the connection to LS Hardware Station.
2021 18
Header texts in device dialog windows have been turned into labels, making them translatable.
2021 18
An option has been added on the Printer card in LS Central to check for errors in a printer queue before or after
Windows printing in LS Hardware Station. 2021 18
Calculating the Effective Inventory in Store Capacity has been improved. The Effective Inventory will now include
the quantities from Purchase, Sales, and Transfer Orders having their respective receipt or shipment date up until
the day when the Store Capacity is calculated.
You can specify which document types are to be excluded from the Effective Inventory by using the settings in the 2021 18
Effective Inventory FastTab, in Replenishment Setup.
For more information see "How to: Calculate Store Capacity" in the LS Central Help.

Create Sales Orders per Location in Multi-Company Replenishment

In Multi-Company Replenishment, you now have the option to create one Sales Order per location when the
documents are created from the Replenishment Journal. If you go with this option, the Ship-to Code field in the
Retail Sales Order will be assigned with the same code as the location. It is also possible to automatically create
the Ship-to Code if a Ship-to Address setup with the same code as the location does not exist for the customer.
To support this feature, the InsertQtyForSales procedure in LSC Replen. Create Purch Order codeunit has been 2021 18
deprecated and replaced with a new one with two additional parameters.

Automatically Release Sales Orders from Replenishment Journal

In Multi-Company Replenishment, you can now have the system automatically release the Sales Orders after the
documents are created from the Replenishment Journal.
Two new integration events have also been added to the LSC Replen. Create Transf. Ord codeunit:
- OnBeforeAutoReleaseReplenSales, which lets you override the function that automatically releases the Sales
Orders after they are created from the Replenishment Journal.
- OnAfterAutoReleaseReplenSales, which lets you extend the functionality after the Sales Orders have been 2021 18
released from the Replenishment Journal.
For more information see "Replenishment Templates", the Fields for Multi-Company Replenishment section, in
the LS Central Help.
The VOID_L command works now with marked lines. Either you select Void line for the selected line like before or
you mark the lines you want to void and select Void line. The program attempts to void each marked line and 2021 18
displays any errors in the Error banner.

This fixes an issue when request parser is reading xmlport metadata to create request field mapping. 2021 18
In some cases, full replication failed when filters that did not include primary key fields were used. This has now
been fixed. 2021 18
When the increment for coupons is 1, the number series for coupons is now increased by 1 for each coupon
issued. 2021 18
The Code field is now mandatory when creating a Variant Dimension from the Variant Framework Base Values
page. 2021 18
An issue where the Replen. Transfer Rules were not working as intended in Replenishment Transfer Journal has
now been fixed. 2021 18
An error that occurred in the Retail Purchase Order page when there is no existing Replenishment Setup record
has now been fixed. 2021 18
The Show Banner on Error and Show Banner on Message fields have been added to the POS Interface Profile Card.
If you select these check boxes, the message or error will be emphasized by being displayed in the POS's alert 2021 19

The procedure CreateOutboundPurchHdr in codeunit LSC Franc. - Process Inb. Ms is now available for extension
development in SaaS. 2021 19
New event has been added in Table Management, OnBeforeCheckProductAvailability. This allows external
systems to reserve availability for products. 2021 19
- A new field, Web Store Customer No., has been added to the Countries/Regions page.
- A new field, ShipToCountryRegionCode, has been added to MobileTransaction XML.
These fields (and also the existing Ship-to Country/Region Code on a Customer Order header) will be taken into
consideration to decide which Customer No. will be set on the Customer Order and on the Calculate Basket
functionality. 2021 19
The only difference to previous behavior is the check that is now done on the EU Country/Region Code field.
Having a customer per country will, for example, allow VAT to be set per country.

A new field, Suppress Search Index Build, has been added to the Retail Setup page.
If this field is selected, the Search Index functionality will not create a background session to update the search 2021 19
index. This should prevent table locks and improve performance.
If eCommerce is sourcing from a location that is specified in the Sourcing Location Setup on the Store Card, the
Sourcing Location ID is added to the Customer Order header when it is created. 2021 19
- Statement - Auto Calculate
Codeunit LSC Statement - Auto Calculate has been improved: statements for stores with Midnight Open setup are
created and calculated if there are relevant transactions, instead of waiting until the next day.
- Autom. Statement Posting
An issue has been fixed in codeunit LSC Autom. Statement Posting, where statements with the same date were
being created whenever the codeunit was run for stores with a Midnight Open setup, resulting in duplicated 2021 19

The import and export functionality with Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for Retail Sales and Purchase Budgets has
been improved. 2021 19
You can now perform import and export of the Opening Stock Value and Closing Stock Value for the budget
entries, using the Microsoft Excel spreadsheet. We've stopped exporting the Closing Stock Value of the budget
entries to the Inventory Value budget value type in the Excel spreadsheet, but will continue to support the import
of this value type into the Closing Stock Value of the budget entries until LS Central version 19.1. It is advisable to
start using the Closing Stock Value budget value type for the import.
For more information see How to: Work with Excel (Export/Import) for Retail Sales Budgets in the LS Central Help. 2021 19

We have stopped exporting the Purchase Amount of the budget entries to the Sales Amount budget value type in
the Excel spreadsheet, but will continue to support the import of this value type into the Purchase Amount of the
budget entries until LS Central version 19.1. It is advisable to start using the Purchase Amount budget value type
for the import. 2021 19
For more information see How to: Work with Excel (Export/Import) for Retail Purchase Budgets in the LS Central

Five info fields in the Activity Reservation are now automatically updated in the dining reservation entry on
change if the activity reservation is Confirmed (Edit is allowed). 2021 19
The LS Central Help now has a special section where hotfixes are listed and arranged by release versions. The
section is located under Release Notes - LS Central - Hotfixes and Breaking Changes in the left navigation tree. 2021 19
There is also a link to the section to the right on the Home page.
Because of technical challenges in SaaS, running a web replication in a background session is not a viable solution.
Therefore, running the web replications has been changed, so they are now run by a Scheduler job instead of a 2021 19
dedicated background session.

If a posting of a Sales Order created from a Customer Order fails, the system now performs a check and posts the
sales order again without posting a second time an already posted payment . 2021 19
The URL now contains the tenant as well as the company parameter when the POS closes. 2021 19
Conversion overflow error in the Purchase Replen. Journal and the Transfer Replen. Journal, when calculating
replenishment for items with non-whole number inventory level, has now been fixed. 2021 19
This bug, which occurred when large groups were being allocated to tables, has now been fixed
2021 19
The performance of updating automatic allocation statuses has been improved eliminating table locking.
2021 19

A bug, where voided items and modifiers caused wrong parent lines in a journal when a delivery order was
recalled, has been fixed. 2021 19
When the five information fields, Comment, Client Name, Phone numbers, and Email, on an Activity Reservation
are changed, corresponding information fields in the corresponding Dining Reservation Entry are now 2021 19
automatically updated, if the Activity Reservation is Confirmed.

- A new check box, Disable Void Card Prompt, has been added to POS EFT Card to prevent the POS from offering
to void card payments when voiding a transaction from the Transaction Register.
- An option has been added on thePOS EFT Card to use a 10-digit ClientTransID in EFT (and Prefix). POS EFT can
now be configured to send ClientTransactionID's of the old format of CardEntryNo+ReceiptNo (for example 2021 19
22,00000P0001000000002) instead of the default 10-digit format.

The SetLoadFields function is now used by default when sending data to the POS. Lookup data and other setup
data only use fields that are needed for the POS.
A new check box, Load All Sql Fields, has been added to the POS Data Table Card. If the check box is selected, the 2021 19
POS will not use the SetLoadFields function when sending data for that Data Table.

Metered items can now be entered in Customer Orders with decimal quantity. Metered items cannot be shipped
partially. 2021 19
It is now possible to cancel individual lines in Customer Order through Web service.
2021 19

PrintBitmapBlob functions have been added to the LSC POS Print Utility codeunit. These functions can be used to
print bitmaps stored in Blob fields. 2021 19
The Replenishment menu in the Demo Role Center has been improved. The menu provides easy access to
Replenishment operations and processes, such as Automatic Replenishment, Redistribution, and Retail Budgets. 2021 19

- If there are no date settings in the group header, the user is allowed to enter any dates in the lines.
- Enhancement for how activities are shown in a reservation:
- Draft activities are shown in red color, if reservation status is confirmed. 2021 19
- Canceled activities are always shown in red, regardless of reservation status.

It is now possible to check directly on the POS if a guest has a valid membership. If the membership is valid, the
arrival is registered and optionally guest details are assigned to the POS journal.
A new POS command, CHECKACCESS, with optional parameter Item Number, has been added for this purpose. 2021 19

- Enhancements to the Room Availability update functionality to better preserve availability history.-
Enhancements to the New Reservation page to provide better visibility to the availability matrix.
- Republish derived rates without changing base rate to update OTA rates.
- Used deposit lines in the invoice Management card are shown in green.
- Improved logging of trace data and debugging for reservations.
- Performance enhancements for hotel reservations.
- Occupancy Report page added to Role Center.
- Tape Chart enhancementGroup comments for a reservation are also shown on the Tape Chart when hovering
over the reservation. 2021 19
- Reservations can be un-allocated from a room by right-clicking the reservation and selecting Unallocate.
- Hotel property name shown on Tape Chart.
- Performance on Tape Chart has been improved.
LS Central AppShell for Windows version 3.0 has been released. This
version fixes the problem with Windows AppShell v2.x not working with
LS Central 19.0 and newer versions.
There are known issues in the version: Dual Display is not working and
selecting list items in Business Central only works using the keyboard
buttons. 2021 19
The problems are being worked on and a workaround will be announced
as soon as it is available.

The following POS command is new in LS Central 19.1:

- CHECKACCESS - Check members' membership and access.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands. 2021 19

The LS Central Product Overview, which used to be included in the Operational Guidelines on the LS  Retail Portal,
has been moved to the LS Central Help. 2021 19
EFT slips are now embedded with the Void Transaction Receipt.
2021 19
A bug has been fixed where the Debug Log Setup table was constantly being updated. 2021 19
An update filter has been applied to the Field table. From version 19 onwards, fields with
ObsoleteState=Removed instead of No are excluded. 2021 19

MaxLines parameter has been added to the GetActionsFromRemoteDBV2 web service to prevent resource 2021 19

When running a subjob using Replication Method set to Normal, and an enabled Transfer Field List Exists and
Exclude Fields, a Scheduler job did not create a package in the Web Replication Request Queue. This has been 2021 19
resolved by adding a filter on Obsolete Fields in the Exclude Field list.

Public access is now given to the CalcPrices() procedure in record POS. Trans Line through the POS View codeunit.
2021 19
Tagging after runing LS Central Upgrade functions was missing in some cases. This has been fixed.
2021 19
On the Select Date Period Dialog page, the protection level of functions SetData and GettData has been changed
to be accessible to other extensions. Internal protection has been removed. 2021 19
To prevent a data integrity issue, changing the extension of a Variant Dimension is no longer allowed, since
Extension is a primary key in the Extended Variant Dimensions and Extended Variant Values table. 2021 19

This has been fixed, and now at the POS, the system triggers the discount based on the Customer Discount Group
at Retail Customer. 2021 19
An error in refunding a transaction line with discount has been fixed. The error occurred when refunding a
transaction containing voided lines. 2021 19
An issue during Replenishment Journal calculation with Replenishment Calculation Type filter applied, where the
inventories are not getting calculated for the items using Replen. Data Profile or having Item Store Records
assigned with the matching Replenishment Calculation Type, has now been fixed. 2021 19

When creating Item Store Records using the Location and Variant Selection page for an item assign with Variant
Framework, an error that occurred in the page when the Variant Framework Code used is more than 10 2021 19
characters, has now been fixed.

When calculating the Purchase Replenishment Journal, an issue where the Replenishment Journal Line for the
warehouse location was being created even though the item has its Item Status set to block from purchasing, has 2021 19
now been fixed.

Changes have been made to the EFT Utility for AutoTests and AutoTests were added for EFT and Card Payments in
POS. 2022 19

An option to download replication requests and packet data has been added. Data download gives the possibility
to get web replication data from the SaaS environment. 2022 19
New events have been requested by partner. 2022 19
Shipping agent for Customer Order shipments can now be entered on the POS or be included in a web service that
creates the customer order. You can set a default shipping agent for POSs on company level or for each store. This
default can be changed just before posting when shipping on a POS.
It is possible to send a message to the customer when a shipment is posted. If the Package Tracking Number is
known, you can include a tracking URL in the message. A new message is sent, if the Shipping Agent information
and/or the Package Tracking Number is changed for a shipment. This information can be changed either in 2022 19
BackOffice or on the POS.
After using a gift card during a transaction, the remaining amount in points on the card is now printed correctly on
the Sales Slip 2022 19
Events that were added after version 19.0 was released are now available through hotfix
2022 19
Enhancements have been implemented to set up the ScanPayGo app through the ScanPayGo Profile setup in
Business Central. 2022 19
You can now set up an email address on the Member Contact page and use the Send Receipt by Email field to
email to that address. This works with ScanPayGo transactions. 2022 19
An interface has been added where you can define different Item HTML field values for different language codes.
There is also an option to import and export the HTML fields to Excel. 2022 19
A web service, which the ScanPayGo app can call to trigger an email to be sent from LS Central to the email
address of the ScanPayGo user, has been created. The web service has an email address as request parameter
and the response is a reset code.
When the user enters the reset code and new password, the email, the new password, and the reset code are 2022 19
sent by the web service to LS Central. The reset code has an expiration time set to 30 minutes.

A long-running indicator has been added to the POS. When an action takes more than three seconds, three
animated dots are now shown at the top of the page. The dots are shown after three seconds, but you can adjust 2022 19
the time in the POS Interface Profile.

The LS Pay connection in LS Hardware Station has been updated for payment plugins that use manual session
control. In these cases the classic method of locking the device for each method called is used. Events that are 2022 19
connected to EFT locking have been updated accordingly.

- A Close button has been added to the Scale Legally Relevant (Checksums) dialog window. It allows POSs with no
keyboard to close the window. 2022 19
- The new POS command SCALE_DIALOG opens the dialog window.

The inventory used in the Stock Coverage calculation now includes the quantities from the Purchase, Sales, and
Transfer Orders having their respective receipt or shipment date up until the day when the Stock Coverage is
calculated. The Eff. Inventory field has been added in the Stock Coverage page as well as a report to show the
inventory value used to calculate the actual coverage. You can specify which document types are to be excluded
from the Eff. Inventory by using the settings in the Stock Coverage and Store Capacity FastTab, in Replenishment 2022 19
For more information see Stock Coverage in the LS Central Help.
The settings that were used to specify which document types are to be excluded from the Effective Inventory in
Store Capacity have been moved from the Effective Inventory FastTab in Replenishment Setup, to the Stock 2022 19
Coverage and Store Capacity FastTab.

As announced in the LS Central 19.0 release, LS Retail only supported the import of the obsoleted Inventory Value
and Sales Amount budget value types via Microsoft Excel spreadsheet for Retail Sales and Purchase Budgets until
LS Central version 19.1. Therefore, the following changes:
- Retail Sales Budgets
LS Retail has stopped supporting the import of the Inventory Value budget value type in the Excel spreadsheet
into the Closing Stock Value of the budget entries. Please use the Closing Stock Value budget value type for the
For more information see How to: Work with Excel (Export/Import) for Retail Sales Budgets in the LS Central Help.
- Retail Purchase Budgets
LS Retail has stopped supporting the import of the Sales Amount budget value type in the Excel spreadsheet into
the Purchase Amount of the budget entries. Please use the Purchase Amount budget value type for the import. 2022 19
For more information see How to: Work with Excel (Export/Import) for Retail Purchase Budgets in the LS Central

The following POS command is new in LS Central 19.2:

- SCALE_DIALOG - Displays information regarding the scale certification.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands. 2022 19

When a dining table with an activity reservation is opened in the POS, the activity reservation is linked to the POS
Transaction automatically and a POS Trans. Line is inserted with the activity reservation reference. 2022 19

OnBefore and OnAfter event handlers have been added in the Hospitlity POS Commands codeunit. 2022 19
Coursing needs to be turned on for each hospitality type that uses coursing. The command KITCHEN_SENDTOKDS
is used to send coursing menu types and items with no menu types or non-coursing menu types to the kitchen.
The command behavior is controlled by a setting for each hospitality type.
The command LOGOFF can also be used to send coursing menu types and items with no menu types or non-
coursing menu types to the kitchen. The command behavior is controlled by a setting for each hospitality type. 2022 19

A new Copy action has been added in the Matrix Template Card to make it easier to create new templates. If the
Resource Location filter is set, only activities in that location are shown in the Matrix. 2022 19

A new setting has been added for an Activity user for Booking Time Flexibility. This sets a restriction on users on
how "close" in time they are allowed to book a resource.
Setting a positive value in this field (60 min) means that the user is not allowed to book an activity, if there are less
than 60 minutes to the activity taking place. Setting this field to -15 minutes means that the user can book an 2022 19
activity 15 minutes back in time. This can be useful, for example, if a customer comes in at 10:05, because then it
is possible to book a time in the system at 10:00.

When the dates in a hotel reservation are changed and there are activities linked to that reservation, the system
will now try to reconfirm those activities with the new dates. 2022 19
A new line, Group Total Charges, has been added in the Paymaster status section in the Hotel Group Reservation
Card FactBox. The line shows the total amount for all charges for all reservations in the group, regardless whether
they are routed to Paymaster or to the individual
reservations. 2022 19
The Total Charges tile shows the total charges on the Paymaster for the group.

If a reservation within a group reservation is cancelled, the reservation is no longer shown in the Hotel Res. List
sub-page of the Hotel Group Reservation card. Instead, an overview of all cancelled reservations can be seen from 2022 19
a link in a FactBox in the Paymaster Status section.

A new field has been added on the Hotel Reservation page to store a travel agent's IATA number for the
reservation. 2022 19
Synchronization between guest list, hotel reservation children records, and activity group has been improved. For
consistency, children are managed in the same way as adults in the guest list in BackOffice. Age of children has 2022 19
been removed from the solution; only age groups apply.
When a reservation is changed and cancellation policy should be applied (Cancel, No Show, or Early Checkout),
the user will be prompted if these fees should be applied. 2022 19

Staff Management now supports adjustment of role budgets based on statistical data derived from the hotel
reservations and housekeeping. For example, you can adjust the number of reception staff depending on check-
ins or check-outs, or the number of bartenders based on the occupancy rate. This information can be displayed in
the Roster Scheduling page for reference during manual rostering. 2022 19

New filters have been added to the Room Allocation List to enhance the room allocation experience in BackOffice.
2022 19
When changing the rate for a group reservation with many different room types, a new option is now available on
the Room Rate Change page - Apply to all room types. If selected, the rate change will apply to all room types, if
not selected, the rate change will only be applied to the selected room type. 2022 19

If a hotel reservation is linked to a transaction on the POS, you can now show the room number on the POS by
using the POS tag HTLROOM. This is useful to show directly on the Charge to Room button which room the charge
will go to.
There is also a new PROMPT parameter (optional) on the POS command HOTELCHARGE2ROOM, which can be set
to let the POS prompt for room number even if the transaction is linked to a hotel reservation. This is useful if the
transaction is linked to a room but you need to make the charge to another room. 2022 19
The format of the command is: HOTELCHARGE2ROOM <TenderType >;PROMPT

New icon indicators to show balance indication have been added to the Tape Chart, in the upper-right corner of
the reservation. If there is a balance on the reservation, a bill is shown. If there is no balance, a check mark is
shown. Finally, if the reservation is part of a group that is paid by paymaster, an arrow is shown to indicate that 2022 19
balance is moved to the group.

A new option, the Restaurants filter in the Kitchen Service Utility, lets the user select which restaurants the service
should get the Kitchen Order Tickets (KOTs) for. It is possible to select more than one restaurant, if they share the
same kitchen. If no restaurant is set, the service will get all KOTs created in LS Central. A restaurant will be
displayed in this list, if the Kitchen Prod. System in Use field on the Store Card, the Kitchen Printing FastTab, is set 2022 19
to Yes.
Previously, when an employee was part of a roster list, but did not have any roster assignment, the employee was
removed from the roster view at confirmation. Although the user could add the employee back to the roster view,
if needed at a later stage, this was not convenient if you had temporary or replacement workers that you wanted
to keep on the roster schedule view in case you needed to assign the employee later as replacement or additional
worker. This has now been changed so that employees without roster assignment are not removed from the
roster view at confirmation.
Also, if an employee has a fixed monthly salary, the monthly cost was previously assigned to all rosters that the 2022 19
employee was assigned to, but now the employee is only assigned to his or her "base" default work location.

Break settings are now per shift, but if you also add a role, you can set up different breaks for each role. A blank
role is the default for the whole shift.
The purpose of this is to be able to have different break times within shifts, based on the role. For example,
cashiers might go to lunch at 12:00, but waiters at 13:00. Normally, this setup is only needed when using a Staff 2022 19
Management Schedule to provide availability for activity resources based on staff schedule.

The actions on the Activity Resource Card have been re-arranged to be more in line with the standard Business
Central Employee Card layout. It is now easier to open the related BC Employee Card directly from the Activity
Resource Card with the Assist Edit button in the Employee field, which is in the integration section of the page. 2022 19

Previously, items with variants (but no Variant Framework) would show Variant Lookup without any values to
select. Now, however, the Pop-Up Menus are used for these Items. 2022 19
When you start a transaction at the POS and enter an item and then a customer, an error would occur. This has
been fixed. 2022 19
When one location was distributed to a list of locations, replication data was not cleared between locations, and
therefore accumulated data was replicated to the locations. This has been fixed. 2022 19
Some lsmedia links were not formed as expected by the upgrade routines. These links are now handled like no
lsmedia links. 2022 19
Do not create preaction for item modifications if values in fields Cust is Adjusted or Allow Online Adjustment are
changing. 2022 19
An issue where the Included in Variant No. setting in the Variant Dimension Code was not working when variants
are created using the Item Import Journal, has now been fixed. From now onwards, if you have activated the
Included in Variant No. setting for a Variant Dimension Code, creating its variants with the Item Import Journal will
have the relevant Variant Value included in the Variant Code. 2022 19

When the Qty and Price in Descr. check box in an Interface profile is set to true and a scale item is sold, the text
that is displayed in the journal is now using the Price per unit configurations from the Functionality profile. A new
topic, How to: Configure Price and Quantity for Scale Items, has also been added to the LS Central Help. 2022 19

An issue in Replenishment calculation, where items assigned with the Like for Like calculation type are being
picked up from the Replen. Stock Demand Worksheet and added to the Replenishment Journals, even though the
Replen. Template has been set up to exclude items with Replenishment Calculation Type Like for Like, has now 2022 19
been fixed.

- A new field, Deal Split Qty. on the Benefits FastTab, is only displayed when Discount Type is of type Line spec.
- A new column, Split Deal Price/Disc. % on the Lines FastTab, is only displayed when the new Deal Split Qty. is
- Use these fields to set up a discount where there is a deal price/disc % for when the Item quantity is less than 2022 19
Deal Split Qty. and a deal/price for when the item quantity is bigger.

A new web service, LSCMemberAuthenticatorLogin, creates an account based on the information from the 3rd-
party account service. The web service takes email, Account ID, and Authenticator in as parameters and returns
the Member Account number.
The Account ID and the Account Service Provider are stored in LS Central and linked to the Member Account. The
Account ID is stored in a scramble format (not readable by LS Central users). 2022 19
This web service can also be used to log in a Member Account. The service takes in the Account ID and
Authenticator and returns the Member Account name.

Role centers Store Manager, Retail Buyer, Fashion Manager, Store Associate, and Retail Store Manager Tablet
have been redesigned and now have horizontally arranged tiles and sections. 2022 19
The Store Manager role center has now a list of active promotions and periodic discounts.

Functions ChangePrintSide and SetPrintSide have been added to the POS Print Utility to enable users to switch to
backside printing on printers with that type of support. 2022 19
Attributes can be used as dining preferences requested by the customers or members. They are set in a new POS
panel, Attribute Entries, and can be registered and edited at certain times in the dining service:
1. For the dining reservation in the Allocation panel.
2. For the dining table after guests have been seated.
3. For the transaction in the Sales POS.
Activity Comments and Special Requests for dining reservations are in sync. By linking the Special Requests to a 2022 19
dining preference attribute, it is possible to view and edit them with the other dining preference attributes.

The Food and Beverage (FAB) takeaway process is handled within the FAB Takeout panel:
- It is an #OFFLINE panel specifically structured around the FAB takeaway process.
-It belongs to an interface profile that has POS startup controller #FAB-TAKEOUT-PANEL.
-It displays a list of the restaurant's FAB orders that are either created within the POS terminals running the
controller #FAB-TAKEOUT-PANEL or are sent through eCommerce. These orders are either paid at order time or
will be paid at pickup.
-From here you can create new FAB orders and enter the customer's details and pickup time. 2022 19
-From here you take payment for FAB orders, finalize orders when the customer comes for pickup, or mark the
orders as a no-show.
In the demo data, Store S0017 and POS P0119 have been set up to use the FAB takeaway process.

On the Activity Resource Card, the user can edit the resource availability and schedule by using the Assist Edit
button in the Default Quantity field. Editing is only allowed, if the resource availability is based on scheduled 2022 19

A new setup has been added to the hotel reservation type Activity Confirmation. If there are any activities with
status Draft when you close the Reservation card, the system automatically tries to confirm the activity
reservation or asks the user for confirmation. With the new setting on and depending on the setup, the user
cannot close the Reservation card without confirming activities. Note: This is only executed if the hotel 2022 19
reservation is either confirmed or has inhouse internal status.

The Detailed Revenue Entry table is now sorted by reservation number and is attached to line numbers instead of
entry numbers, so order lines now appear in a logical manner. 2022 19
When a Sales Invoice and/or Transaction in POS (SI/TR) is created for lines in Hotel Invoice Management (Detailed
Revenue Entry - DRE), these lines become non-editable in Hotel Invoice Management.
- If there is unposted SI/TR, the DRE cannot be changed.
- Changing a line in SI/TR changes the appropriate DRE line.
- Deleting/voiding a line in SI/TR releases the DRE line for editing.
- Delete SI or TR and the related lines in DRE are released for editing.
New color for DRE lines in Hotel Invoice Management:
- Original lines - standard color
- Unposted SI or TR - strong accent color - blue and bold. This is new.
- Posted SI or TR - favorable color - green and bold.

A new tile, Draft Activities, has been added in the Role Center's Attention Required section. The tile shows all
reservations with Draft activities. The time span is that Arrival Date is within 90 days from the current date. 2022 19

Rate attribute unit prices can now be modified when a new daily room rate configuration is created. A new rate
attribute log has also been added, where you can see all previous changes on the rate attribute unit price. 2022 19
ATTR_SHOW_DINRESERV - Show attributes for the selected dining reservation
ATTR_SHOW_DINTABLE - Show attributes for the selected dining table
ATTR_SHOW_POSTRANS - Show attributes for the selected POS transaction
CHECKALLOWANCE - Lets POS operator check various allowance issues
FAB-CHANGEORDERTIME - Takeout contact information: Change order date and time
FAB-CONTACTCOMMENT - Takeout: Contact Comment panel
FAB-CONTACTINFO-OPEN - Takeout: Open Contact Information panel
FAB-EDITCOMMENT - Takeout contact information: Edit comment
FAB-FINALIZE - Takeout: Finalize order
FAB-NEWORDER - Takeout: Create new order
FAB-NOSHOW - Takeout: No-show order
FAB-OPENORDER - Takeout: Open order
FAB-ORDER-FILTER - Takeout: FAB order filter 2022 19
FAB-SHOWCOMMENT - Takeout contact information: Show comment
REFUNDALLOWANCE - Asks the POS operator for the Allowance Number based on pre-sold allowances, and issues
refund journal lines based on the outstanding balance of the allowance.
SHOW_CONTINFO_PANEL - Takeout: Show Contact Information panel
SHOW_TAKEOUT_PANEL - Takeout: Show Takeout panel

A new POS layout intended for self-service has been added to the LS Central Demo Data Company. The POS
profiles are named #SELFCHECK and they are set for terminal P0078. Note: For demo purposes the #POS panel has 2022 19
buttons to log off and void the transaction.

A new filter, Hotfixes, has been added to the top search bar. The filter limits search results exclusively to content
related to hotfixes. 2022 19
A check function has been added for when a Customer Order is created in a store with a Web Store Customer
Number. If the Web Store Customer Number is empty, an error will occur when the system tries to create the 2022 19
Customer Order.

An error in procedure ItemOnBeforeModifyEvent that occurred when upgrading to version 19.x has been fixed.
2022 19
If the Use Full Remaining Balance check box is selected on the POS Data Entry Types card, when a gift card or a
voucher using Data Entry is being used as a payment, the full remaining amount will now be used and a refund
made if the transaction is overpaid. 2022 19
This issue has been addressed in hotfixes,, and
When renaming an Item Variant, the Item Variant Registration table will now be updated correctly. This resolves
an issue where an Item Variant is renamed and Variant Worksheet did not get updated. 2022 19
Procedure PrintKDSHeader in the POS Print Utility is now external for extension availability.
2022 19
The Logoff Function configuration has been removed from the Functionality profile as it was not being used
anymore. 2022 19
When creating Transfer Orders from the Purchase Replenishment Journal with the Cross Docking option, an error
that occurred related to a conflicting Line No. in the Transfer Line table, has now been fixed. 2022 19

When a Purchase Order is being posted, the Vendor Performance Line will now be updated based on the Order
Line No. from the Purchase Receipt Line and the Purchase Invoice Line. This resolves an issue where the Vendor
Performance Lines were occasionally being updated with an incorrect actual value. 2022 19

It is now possible to update a customer's email, phone number, and mobile phone number via the POS using the
POS command CUSTUPDATE. 2022 19
A new event, OnSourcingLocationCollect, in codeunit COSourcingLocationListV2Utils has been implemented to
allow intervention so that all Customer Orders are sourced from vendors and not based on inventory in Sourcing 2022 19

The following procedures in codeunit LSC Item Variants Functions (10001405) are no longer in use and have been
set to obsolete:
- ReturnHeaderDimension
- ReturnCompareValue
- RegisterManualFramwork 2022 19
- InsertItemVariantRegistration
- RegisterCodeByGroup

In Business Central, an SMTP codeunit has been replaced by a new email module. The LS Central code has been
refactored by switching to the new email module. 2022 19

The MGRKEY context value was not being updated in all scenarios, although the Manager Key status was correct
in the POS logic. This has now been corrected. 2022 19
The Sales type handling in the F&B takeout panel has been changed. The takeaway sales type is set for each F&B
POS terminal and the restaurant determines whether to use the F&B Order Structure for takeaway.
Each store can have multiple sales types for F&B takeaway and in the future for delivery. The Hospitality Type has
a new Service Type, F&B Takeaway in Restaurant. 2022 19

The LS Activity web APIs now include calls and respond to verify if a ticket barcode is a valid access.They can also
issue an attendance entry log. 2022 19
Advanced setup has been implemented for assigning and removing cancellation policy depending on factors like
which client, related customer account, and booking period. This provides more flexibility for the organization to
react with stricter or more relaxed policies, depending on economy and other external variables. 2022 19

Visual presentation in matrices has been enhanced by supporting images for resources and including tooltips for
resource details, that is capabilities and specific day comments. 2022 19
The Activity Reservation card has a new copy feature. The copy function copies activities, comments, and
additional charges from an existing reservation to a new one, while recalculating prices and adjusting dates. This
functionality is best utilized in event bookings, when the user might want to create "template" reservations to be 2022 19
used to speed up the entry process of complex event bookings.

The CHECKACCESS POS command has been extended to include validation of ticket barcodes. The validation
confirms if access is valid at the given date and issues an attendance entry log. 2022 19
In prior versions the "%" character was used internally to identify parameters to be used in the script, and
therefore it was not possible to use this character in email body text. This character has now been replaced 2022 19
internally with a less commonly used character.

The Web methods ReservationCreate and ReservationUpdate now support external group numbers that are used
to create hotel reservation groups. So now when reservations are created via web service the reservations can be 2022 19
grouped together.

New web methods have been added to save data in Reservation Extra (additional reservation table):
- ReservationExtraSave
- ReservationExtraGet 2022 19
- ReservationExtraDelete

When an order has been recalled to the expeditor display, you can mark it as rushed and the rush user interface
styling will be applied. 2022 19
Priority is now given to the web credential in Distribution Location. Distribution location web override credential is
working, even if web override credential is true on web service setup. 2022 19
A condition expression has been updated to apply the correct Deal price. 2022 19
When an item has been weighed using a scale, the user cannot change the item's price or quantity value. If the
POS is connected to a scale but the weight information is still entered manually, the user can now change the 2022 19
price and quantity for that item.

An issue where the wrong vendor number is selected during the Replenishment Journal calculation when there is
an Item Store Record set up with a blank Location Code, has now been fixed. 2022 19
Actionable Insights is officially released in this version of LS Central. This is a business intelligence solution that
collects large amount of data from various sources within LS Central, and then periodically runs them through an
analytical calculation functionality so that it can present the essential business information to you with the Action
Hub. The Action Hub provides insights into the patterns that are essential to your retail operation, and informs
you proactively about exceptional situations so that you can take timely action.
Training material and product marketing material is not yet available at the time of release, but will be provided in 2022 19
the coming weeks.

Actionable Insights comes with a KPI (Key Performance Indicator) hierarchy for you to define which KPIs should be
monitored. The Actionable Insights Base Pack is provided free of charge, it consists of 48 KPIs for you to choose
from, available in the themes of Budgets, Inventory, Replenishment, Forecast, Vendors, Purchases, Transfers, and
Sales. Some of the KPIs offered are: Purchase Orders with Overdue Receipt Date and Current Out-of-Stock
Situations. 2022 19
If you are an LS Retail's partner, you can easily build your own business extension packs to provide KPIs for
different verticals and industries.
There are various rules available for you to define when and how a KPI should be measured, and which team will
be responsible for resolving the exceptions raised:
- Calculation Rules - You can set up the Calculation Rules to define when a KPI should be calculated, this will
produce signals which hold the status of the KPI on a specific date. It is also possible to have the signals calculated
based on a specific dimension only (for example, for a specific location).
- Alert Rules - You specify when a KPI value is outside the expected range with the Alert Rules. An alert will be
raised, whenever a signal holds a value that exceeds the defined threshold. 2022 19
- Notification Rules - Using the Notification Rules, you can define if a notification should be created for each alert
raised, and to which user or user group the notifications should be assigned to. The notifications will appear in the
Action Hub dashboard for the respective teams to work on.

The Action Hub dashboard consists of groups of cues and tiles that show the notifications that have been assigned
to you or your group. From here, you can easily find information about the exceptions raised, work on them, and
then resolve them. The dashboard also comes with various charts which give you a graphical overview of the
alerts and notifications raised over time, as well as information such as how responsive are the teams in resolving
the notifications.
The Action Hub is also available in LS Insight, offering various KPI and report pages to help you gain an overview of 2022 19
your KPIs and your company's health.
For more information see Actionable Insights in the LS Central Help.

Shipment number was added to shipment webhook requests.

2022 19
It is now possible to archive and restore LSC POS Card Print Text table records.
2022 19
XML .Net has been removed from LS Central. The system now uses an HTTP wrapper that will allow use of the
OAuth standard in the future. 2022 19
A new key, Member Card No., has been added to the Member Sales Entry table.
2022 19
An option has been added to either keep or delete manually created records in the Pre-action table when default
data is inserted. 2022 19
When a check is made to determine if a security check should be performed, the request and response is now
logged. 2022 19
Web Service SPGOrderCheck returns if a basket is fully paid, if a check should be made, and how many items
should then be checked. If a basket should be checked, item lines are returned as part of the response message. It 2022 19
is configurable to always return item lines.

There is now an option to select a web service authentication method on the Web Service Setup page and on the
Distribution Location Card.
The default authentication method is Windows. When connecting to in SaaS, you need to use authentication S2S
(Service-to-Service), for example S2S authentication method must be used when onPremise POS is connected to 2022 19
Head Office in SaaS.

A new version of LS Recommend is officially released in this version of LS Central. LS Recommend is a solution in
LS Retail's Intelligent Cloud Suite that helps you with product recommendation. Based on the transactional sales
history and setup data uploaded from LS Central, the LS Recommend engine learns the sales patterns to create a
recommendation model, which will provide product recommendation in return. These recommendations are
consumed by LS Central and LS Commerce, and can be displayed on POS terminals, mobile devices, and
eCommerce sites.
Use the POS command RECOMMEND to get product recommendation from LS Recommend via the POS terminals.
The recommendation is based on items that are likely to be sold together with the item(s) currently in the
shopping basket.
The previous version of LS Recommend has been obsoleted since it did not support Business Central on SaaS due 2022 19
to dependency on DLLs.
Training material and product marketing material is not yet available at the time of release, but will be provided in
the coming weeks.
For more information see LS Recommend in the LS Central Help.

An improved Self-Service Kiosk has been introduced for easier, simpler, and faster serving of customers.
Adding a Self-Service Kiosk to quick service restaurants lets customers quickly and effortlessly create an order,
modify their items, and finalize with a payment. When the order is paid, it is sent instantly to the kitchen where it
is prepared for the customer. The order can be for one or more sales types, such as Eat-in and Takeaway. 2022 19

You can now select an item from a menu, including quantity and modifiers, and add the item to the cart. A cart
summary is displayed in the app's right sidebar of the app and at checkout. 2022 19
QR Codes for dining tables can now be exported to a specified folder. 2022 19
BEO Reporting is a new functionality in LS Activity. When managing Event bookings, it is now possible to group the
activities and charges within a reservation by using Event Categories. This grouping is then used to calculate
subtotals to produce a BEO (Banquet Event Order). You can view the BEO in a new BEO page, which also shows
versions of the BEO and the difference between BEO versions.
The BEO process also supports assigning responsibilities on each event category. The user can set up templates
for which persons are normally responsible for each event category, which are then populated when an event
reservation is created. The user can adjust the responsibilities on each reservation, that is either add or remove 2022 19
persons and track all communication related to the reservation.

The Activity Group Card has been modified to use Promoted and Additional settings on the fields, and thus
supports the standard "Show more" or "Show less" standard field presentation settings on the card. 2022 19

The Reservation Type settings now support the possibility to set the restriction that any activities confirmed
within a reservation must be within the date scope of the related Activity Reservation. 2022 19
When entering a new activity group line without setting a date, the value TODAY is automatically assigned to the
line. 2022 19
In prior versions, the POS user could not change the unit price of the activity product or of additional charges
during the payment process. This is now supported, provided the activity product is set to allow manual pricing
- Package prices cannot be changed manually on the POS, nor individual lines that are part of the package price.
- Additional charges on activity can be changed, if they are not part of a package offer.
- Paying a group reservation on the POS does not allow changing the price on the POS. That is only possible when 2022 19
paying a regular reservation.

When a deposit has been added to an invoice, it turns bold and blue. When the deposit has been paid or an
invoice has been posted, the deposit turns bold, green, and is not editable. 2022 19
Three new web methods that reserve a room type for a short time while a guest is reserving a room on a hotel
web site (entering payment/guest info):
- RoomTypeReserve()
- RoomTypeReserveGet()
- RoomTypeReserveDelete()
Hotel Setup has two new fields that are displayed in the Web Settings FastTab:
- No. of minutes reserved - Number of minutes that room types are reserved. Reserving a room affects the room
availability so the room types must be released (run job). An option has been added to job management CU to
clean unused reserved room types. This was needed to release the unused reserved room types. 2022 19
- Room Type Block is a new table that stores this data.
A new page, Room Type Block, lets you view the data coming from the web service. The Blocked Rooms column in
the Hotel Availability page includes the reserved room types.

An employee can now request a shift exchange in a different location and that can be accepted by the manager.
2022 19
The following POS command is new in LS Central 19.5:
- CO_PREPAYMENT - Customer Order prepayment, to pay now or later when a new CO is created and before
being posted.
See the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS commands. 2022 19

Help is now available for Actionable Insights, LS Recommend, and LS Hotels. 2022 19
2022 19
Code has been added to insert the correct amount into the Customer Order payment line. 2022 19
Close and resume POS sales after selecting a customer has been canceled. 2022 19
- Users can now add or remove Customer Order lines in a transaction after pressing the Total button on the POS.
- Users cannot add new Item lines when canceling Customer Orders on the POS. Now they must finalize the
current transaction and start a new one. 2022 19

Permission error on the Sales Shipment Header and Sales Shipment Line tables, when picking and shipping a
Customer Order on the POS, has been fixed. 2022 19
In the UpgradeSalesTypeRetailImageLink method, the insertion is now controlled, meaning that an error is not
issued if the record already exists. 2022 19
The Insert not Counted action in Store Inventory Worksheets has been fixed to handle variants. 2022 19
Printing of Posted Safe Transfer (without a SafeMgtSetup) has been fixed. 2022 19
Obsolete code for Scheduler Time Slots has been removed.
2022 19
In Sales Orders generated from Customer Orders, Store and Location do not have to be linked together through
the Store Card. 2022 19
When the Replen. Data Profile was assigned to an Item Category, items belonging to the Item Category and
having Replenishment Calculation Type set to Automatic - From Data Profile did not get assigned with the Data 2022 19
Profile. This has now been fixed.

The behavior of Cash & Safe Management in Hospitality has been reviewed and fixed as needed. Instead of
showing a panel with the tender operations, a pop-up menu is now displayed when you press the TD_OFFLINE
command button. The menu is the #SAF-OFFLINEMENU and exists already as part of demo data. An upgrade
removes the POST POS command from the line with the LOGOFF command. If start of day float operation is 2022 19
needed, the FLOAT_ENT command is run automatically.

A bug, which could cause an error when emailing Activity confirmations if the subject text was too long, has been
fixed. 2022 19
All email functionality in Actionable Insights has been refactored by switching to the new email module in
Business Central. 2022 20

New Enum, LSC Attribute Link Type, was created and replaced the respective Option. Conversion warnings were
fixed. 2022 20
All Local-file based functions have been obsoleted since they do not work in the cloud. 2022 20
Changes have been implemented on Http Wrapper to allow S2S Oauth.
2022 20

A new codeunit, LSC POS Ctrl Interf. TEST Pub, has been added. The codeunit is public and provides access to both
GetPrintBufferLastEntryNo and GetPrintBufferLineInfo. 2022 20
A request has been added on the Publish and Subscribe WebService 2.0 to the server for the web service list. The
enum is then compared with the XML and only the ones on the XML are used. 2022 20
An option to log web-hook activity in the LSC WS Request Log table. 2022 20
Existing event OnBeforeProcessRoundingDifferences has been updated to include the Transaction Header
variable. 2022 20
The Request Approval action menu is now available on the Retail Sales Order page. 2022 20
A red error banner in the Style Profile Card preview has been fixed: POS Font Preview and Skin Preview are
displayed again. 2022 20
Item Suggestion is a new feature that analyzes items together with historical sales data and other relevant data to
measure the suitability of the items for LS Forecast.
Item Suggestion uses metrics, weights, and ratings to quantify the suitability, which allows grouping items into
two groups of good and bad candidates for LS Forecast. This serves as a guideline for the user to choose the 2022 20
suitable LS Forecast items.
For more information see Item Suggestion in the LS Central Help.

Some areas in LS Hardware Station have been refactored. The old Device Manager has been removed and its code
moved into the newer Device Service. The refactoring favors a more object oriented approach, which results in
more stable and testable code. This only affects background functionality and does not offer any new features or 2022 20
UI changes.

The Manual Replenishment subpages hold a lot of fields - with the new Show/Hide Doc. Creation Fields action you
can easily hide some fields to utilize the canvas space better. The sequence of the fields in the subpages has been
synchronized to have a homogeneous look and feel.
Drill-down functionality has been added to several fields to enhance the user experience and workflow. Captions 2022 20
and tooltips have been reworked and added. Finally, the field Qty. Distributed, which shows the result of
distribution, is now set to non-editable.

Multiple actions have been added to the subpages for Allocation Plan, Buyer's Push, Stock Recall, and Planned
Cross Docking to give you easy access to information about item stock and availability. 2022 20
The Allocation Dist. Worksheet page, which allows entering quantities for items with two variant dimensions in an
advanced Matrix view, is now available on more Manual Replenishment pages. The sort order of the Matrix 2022 20
column is now based on the Variant Dimension's logical order.

Two new fields, Qty. Locked and Locked Lines, have been added to
the Manual Replenishment subpages. These fields show if the user has locked quantities in the Location Lines 2022 20
page and allow quick access to details.
The Inventory Factbox has been added to all mentioned pages to give you more insight into the item details. A
new field, Show Lines with zero Qty., in the Location Line page allows easy filtering of relevant records on this
page. Furthermore, it is now possible to see the destination location's inventory for an item and variant in the
Location Line page.
The general behavior of these pages has been adapted to enhance the user experience. In previous versions, a
change of the Qty. field in the Group and Destination Lines pages was not preserved when the page had been 2022 20
closed. This was caused by a forced recalculation. With this version the recalculation is deactivated, which
provides the user with more editing options and flexibility.

This page allows you to access documents which are created from Allocation Plan, Buyer's Push, Stock Recall ,and
Planned Cross Docking. The page has been reworked to give you quick access to the unposted documents and to 2022 20
posted shipments, receipts, and invoices.

To support the workflow for partial Receipts, the calculation base has been changed from the Purchase Line's field
Quantity to Outstanding Quantity (Base). This allows repeated creation of Planned Cross Docking lines.
Multiple receipts will result in Transfer Orders and Transfer Shipments for each individual receipt. It is possible
with the new Show Qty. Shipped (Transfer Order) field on the Cross Docking page to show information about
already shipped Transfer Order quantities on the Group, Destination, Dimension, and Location Line pages.
For more information see Cross Docking in the LS Central Help. 2022 20

The new action Recalculate Line allows the recalculation of an already created Buyer's Push Line to recalculate the
distribution weights and shares. 2022 20
For more information see Buyer's Push in the LS Central Help.

Stock Recall transfers items from stores to a destination location (usually a warehouse). The maximum quantity
for the transfer is calculated from the store location's inventory and coverage requirements. New fields have been
added to show the maximum transferable quantity in the Stock Recall Line page and the Location Lines page. 2022 20

The new action Recalculate Line allows the recalculation of an already created Stock Recall Line to update
quantities. 2022 20
For more information see Stock Recall in the LS Central Help.

The new action Recalculate Line allows the recalculation of an already created Allocation Plan Line to recalculate
the distribution weights and shares. 2022 20
For more information see Allocation Plan - Distribute in the LS Central Help.
The new field Qty. Distributed on the Allocation Plan Line page shows the total quantity that has been distributed
among the groups. The field Qty. has been added to the Group Lines and Destination Lines pages to show the 2022 20
distributed quantity also on the subpages.

A new field Set Locked on Qty. change has been added to this page to simplify editing. This field controls if a
change in the Qty. field will automatically set the Locked field to true. 2022 20
For more information see Allocation Plan - Defined in the LS Central Help.

A new parallel Replenishment calculation approach, compatible with the SaaS environment, has been introduced
using background sessions. This applies to the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) and Out-of-Stock (OOS)
calculation. This new approach can be used as an alternative for the existing NAS-based parallel Replenishment
calculation process. 2022 20
For more information see RIQ and Journals calculation in the LS Central Help.

The procedures CalculateReplenishmentQuanties and SetParameters in codeunit LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys are now
available for extension development in SaaS. 2022 20

Tutorial videos are now available for S2S Authentication setup. 2022 20
An option has been added to not explode BOM items and to manufacture a finished product using the Auto Stock
Update option on the Functionality Profile through the BOM Method field on the Retail Item card. 2022 20

An issue has been fixed, where a user voided the Customer Order Line after pressing the Total button and the
Customer Order in HQ still included the voided line. 2022 20
Code has been added to check if a Customer Order already exist.
2022 20
To fix this closing and resuming POS sales after selecting a customer has been canceled.
2022 20
New flowfield has been added to the POS Trans. Infocode Entry table. The code was changed to avoid overflow
error and to find the correct voucher entry. 2022 20

Customer Order processing has been updated to use a new field, Customer Order Line No., in table Sales Line Ext.
when processing Sales Orders connected to Customer Order. The new field is used instead of the standard 2022 20
Attached to Line No. field.

Obsolete code for Scheduler Time Slots was removed.

2022 20
The Store Inventory Journal Report now shows the Qty. (Phys. Inventory) if the worksheet type equals counting.
For all other types the report shows the Quantity field. 2022 20
Code has been added to the OnOpenPage trigger to fetch the session worksheet no., if needed.
2022 20
The VoidSuspendedTrans function has been updated to fetch the latest Receipt No. used.
2022 20
Table 10001410 LSC Item HTML ML " has been added to the pre-actions process. 2022 20
This has been fixed. When filtering on fields with “real” blank values, the filter is ignored and treated as
nonexistent. 2022 20
When the Barcode is being updated in Item Barcodes, an issue where the changes are not being correctly
reflected in the Item Variant Registration table and in the Variant Worksheet page has now been fixed. 2022 20

The behavior of Cash & Safe Management in Hospitality has been reviewed and fixed as needed. Instead of
showing a panel with the tender operations, a pop-up menu is shown when you press the TD_OFFLINE command
button. The menu is the #SAF-OFFLINEMENU and exists already as part of demo data, an upgrade removes the
POST command from the line with the LOGOFF command. If start of day float operation is needed, the 2022 20
FLOAT_ENT command is run automatically.

A completely empty attachment (for example a report that has no data to show) crashes (on a standard Microsoft
interface function), when you try to attach it to an email. The old (SMTP) email functionality would send an empty
attachment that opened with an error.
A check has been added to see if the attachment is empty before attaching it. The email is then sent without the 2022 20
attachment if the attachment is empty.

When the Replen. Data Profile is being updated in the Item Store Record, an issue where the changes are not
correctly reflected in the Replen. Data Prof. Links table causing redundant entries to be created in the Replen. 2022 20
Data Prof. Links, has now been fixed.

It is now possible to enter the Item No. manually for Retail Items, if the Manual Nos. check box in the No. Series
page is selected. 2022 20
An additional filter has been added when compressing lines to print. Return transaction lines are no longer
compressed together with normal transaction lines. 2022 20
- "External ID" has been made searchable and visible on Customer Order pages in BackOffice and on Customer
Order panels on the POS.
- Search for Customer Orders on POS has been fixed so that the user can include/exclude posted Customer
Orders. 2022 20
- Sales Order's External Document No. is now populated with Customer Order's External ID.
- A FactBox has been added to the Customer Order List and the Posted Customer Order List.

Events and object changes have been implemented to make extending the GS1 barcode functionality more
accessible. 2022 20
A new function has been added to import using PowerShell (ImportRetailImageFromZIPFromStream), updating
the image link. 2022 20
The page POS Func. Profile Web Requests is back on the POS Functionality Profile Card.
2022 20

Now a prompt message,"Do you want to open a Posted Statement?", is displayed when a statement is posted.
2022 20
It is now possible to input a description that can better describe the variant values by using a new field, Value
Description, in the following pages:
- Variant Base Values in the Variant Framework Base Values page.
- Variant Values in Variant Framework page.
- Variant Values in the Item Variant Framework page.
By default, the value in the Value field is automatically copied to the Value Description field when a new Variant 2022 20
Value is created. When creating item variants, the Value Descriptions are used to form the item variants'
For more information see Variant Framework in the Help.

A new service type has been added to the hospitality type setup, Quick service with dining area.This type can be
used for eCommerce QR ordering - takeaway with a dining table number, and allows for creating the tables in the 2022 20
dining area to be able to export the QR code links for eCommerce.

In this version a functionality has been added to translate the Self-Service Kiosk to multiple languages. The user
interface text and item specific data can be translated in the BackOffice. The customers will then be able to select 2022 20
which language they want to use before they start ordering.
The Self-Service Kiosk gets all information needed from the BackOffice in the dynamic content menu. This
information has been restructured for added functionality. Earlier, the deals could only include one item line and
the item line had to be the first line in the deal. Now you can mix items and deal modifiers in the deals as needed.
The SELFSERVICE web template now reloads at the start of a transaction. Therefore, it now supports having
different menus (hierarchies) for each sales type or for different time of the day, such as breakfast menu, lunch 2022 20
menu, and dinner menu.

A filter has been added to Daily Room Rate Config on the Room Rate page. Now the list only shows lines with valid
dates (periods that have "Date to" set on the current date or in the future). 2022 20
Clicking the reservation number, upper left corner, in the POS Group View, now opens the Group Reservation
Card. 2022 20
A few changes have been made to the LS Hotels Front Desk role center to make it appear more like a day plan:
Early Check-in, Late Check-in, Early Check-out and Late Check-out cues have been added. These cues show how
many reservations have deviations from a default check-in or a default check-out time (set in the Hotel Setup).
Similarly, three list parts have been added that show all reservations that are arriving today, departing today, and
all reservations that are a stay-over. Reservations that are either checked in or checked out are marked green and
the ones that have any deviations from the default check-in or check-out times are shown in red color. 2022 20

New fields have been added to the Room Housekeeping Entry table for more information about arriving, and
current and departing reservations for each room. For example, the number of nights, number of adults and 2022 20
children, and if there are any extra beds or cribs.

A new API for housekeeping has been created after the Room Housekeeping Entry table was changed to have all
the information needed in one place (see above). 2022 20
The FactBox for reservations now shows the following information in this order:
- Rate
- Extra Charges
- Total
- Balance
- Deposit
- Payments
- Paid Amount (POS)
- Invoiced Amount 2022 20
- Unposted Invoice
- Posted Invoice
Coloring on deposit lines has also been improved: when they are posted they are now green, and when unposted
but on a transaction the lines are blue.

When the Undo Check-in action is used, the room number is not cleared. 2022 20
New events have been added to the following codeunits for Replenishment:
- LSC Replen. Create Purch Order, which lets you override the details of the Purchase, Transfer, and Sales Orders
created from the Replenishment Journals.OnInsertQtyForTransferOnBeforeInsertTransferHeader
OnCreatePurchaseOrdersOnAfterDocumentsCreation 2022 20
- LSC Replen. Calculation, which lets you override the Location Lead Time retrieved from the Customer Order
Sourcing Locations setup.OnInsertWorksheetDetailOnAfterLocationLeadTimeCalculation

Events released in version 20.0 are now available in version 19.5. 2022 20
A Store filter has been added to calculate inventory for Items with Tracking specification.
2022 20
Replication counter interval was not applied when using web replication and connecting to a remote database,
but has now been applied. 2022 20
Setrange for fields of data type date in web request GetTableData has been fixed. The field value for date 0D is
stored as '' when combined into preaction key, the process of restoring '' into 0D when processing the preaction 2022 20
key was missing. This resulted in NavText to Date convert error.

Obsolete code for Scheduler Time Slots has been removed.

2022 20
Statement – Inc./Exp. Entries report not generating information has now been fixed. 2022 20
A Tender Type error that occurred when a new customer was created in the POS command VIEW_CUSTOMER has
been fixed. 2022 20
The Store location is now included in a Vendor Sourced Customer Order, if the location name is different from the
Store. 2022 20

Web services have been changed to only use Tenant Web services (cloud compatible). 2022 20
The function to create a URI on the Distribution Location Card has now been fixed.
2022 20
KOTs are not lost if an exception (DeadLock) happens when the KitchenService tries to get new or modified KOTs
from the KDS Web Service in BC. The KDS will get the KOTs in the next successful poll to the Web Service. 2022 20

The Hierarchy has been fixed (unnecessary modify removed).

2022 20
Return value ha been fixed.
2022 20
When an item has a Unit of Measure pop-up, each unit of measure selected should be registered to the POS
Trans. Line, also the unit of measure that is the base and the sales unit of measure. This has been fixed for the 2022 20
Self-Service Kiosk.

When the Effective Inv. Purch. Order (exclude in the Transfer Journal) setting in the Replen. Setup page is enabled,
an issue where the calculated Quantity for variants in the Transfer Replenishment Journal were not considering
this setting and exceeding the Warehouse Effective Inventory, has now been fixed. 2022 20

A new field, Send Receipt by E-mail, has been added to web services MemberLogon, MemberAuthenticatorLogin
and GetMemberContact. 2022 20
Deposit Schedules on Activity reservations are now supported. The user can create Deposit Policies which
determine how much deposit and how many are required prior to the actual activity date. Deposit policy is then
assigned on the reservation, either based on reservation type or manually assigned. When the policy has been
assigned, the scheduled deposit payments are determined at confirmation (optional) or by issuing manually. The
scheduled payments can be based on x number of days, either prior to arrival date, after the confirmation date, as
percentage of the total balance, or as a fixed amount. The user can manually edit the deposit schedule.
When the schedule has been issued, the user can issue invoices based on the deposit schedule, or pay the
deposits using the PREPAYCURRES or PREPAYRES POS command on the POS itself.
The reservation factbox will show the due deposits amounts, and the Role Center has new Cue which will show
any overdue deposits at the given day, for the given location. 2022 20
Payment at the POS will update the deposit schedule entry status to PAID, but invoiced deposits must be updated
manually with the correct payment date, which would then update the status to PAID on the related entry.

Parameter TmpMenuLine was added to events OnBeforePopulateMenuLines, OnAfterPopulateMenuLines, and

OnAfterSetBackCommand, and procedure GetTmpMenuLinewas created in codeunit LSC POS Dynamic
Additionally, a local property was removed from procedure UpdatePOSButtonParameters in table LSC POS Menu 2022 20

A new field, Inventory Free Entry Tracking, has been added to the Retail Product Group table. This is to enable
items with an Item Tracking Code specified, but no specific setup, to be visible in the POS Inventory Lookup. 2022 20

A serial number issue that occurred when using the POS command NEG_ADJ has been fixed. The serial number
was not populated to the transaction when there was a negative adjustment for a serial number item. 2022 20

VAT base calculation has been changed on the CompressSalesTrans() function in codeunit POS Post Utility.
2022 20
It is now possible to send different Member Attribute Types in the MemberContactCreate and
MemberContactUpdate web services. 2022 20
Enhanced performance on updating the KOT Line Routing table to prevent database deadlock errors. 2022 20
Now its not possible to add new charges to the reservation while it is in the POS journal. The user cannot modify,
delete, or insert new additional charges, if the reservation is already in POS journal lines.
Note: The user can add new additional charges to the activity, even if the activity itself is already paid. If the
Reservation is already partially paid, but the user tries to pay the reservation again, due to outstanding additional
charges, then only the unpaid additional charges will be pulled into the POS Journal lines (when using the PAYRES 2022 20
POS command).

The Group API has been enhanced to process the Group Reservation through full payment process or the deposit
handling, depending on the Activity web integration setup. This performs in the same way as the process for
individual reservations. A parameter has also been added to the ActivityGroupConfirmAPI to assign confirm status
to the group reservation header as well as the Group line entry. 2022 20

The POS not detecting an iOS device, causing camera scanner not to open and native keyboard always popping
up, has been fixed. 2022 20
When the quantity is being updated on a Replenishment Journal Line with existing Journal Detail Lines, the new
quantity will be distributed to the Journal Detail Lines proportionally according to their existing quantity. An issue
where the Journal Detail Lines were occasionally assigned with a negative quantity has now been fixed. 2022 20

The function SetClientType on Epos Control Interface was changed to Allow DualDistplay to allow access to
codeunit LSC POS Ctrl Interface NODLL. 2022 20
A new option field, Ecom Selection, has been added to the Item Unit of Measure and Retail Product Group setup.
Available options are: Allowed, Not Allowed and Only if Specific UOM Price. 2022 20
To allow extensibility, Item No. on Receipt in the POS Terminal table has been changed from option to enum.
2022 20
A new function has been added to import using PowerShell (ImportRetailImageFromZIPFromStream).
2022 20
Web service logs, Web request restore data, and Adj. Item Ledgers for RBO tables have been added to the
retention policies. 2022 20
A new tab, Total in Store Hourly Distribution, has been added to the Hourly Store Sales page. 2022 20
The Calculate Basket web service has been stopped from rounding quantity based on General Ledger Setup.
2022 20
The function LoadXMLDocumentFromFile has bee removed.
2022 20
The option to order Shelf Labels with different UOM has been added to the Store Inventory Journal.
2022 20
Solutions have been added to prevent deadlocks and to achieve less locking and improved performance while
simultaneously posting transactions on multiple POS terminals. 2022 20
A new field, Void Slip, has been added to the POS Terminal Card, the Printing FastTab. This new field has two
options, Print and None. 2022 20
The usage of the Convert and Securestring .NET variables has been removed from the Transaction Signature
codeunit. 2022 20
In the email and label script template setups, the user can now select Group Reservation as basis for the preview,
which was missing before. New parameters have been added, 105/106, which demonstrate new possibility in the
email templates to support multi-line parameter results.
The 105 parameter displays all activity group lines related to the selected group.
Parameter 106 displays all activities related to the selected reservation.
Codeunit 10015806 LSC ACT Label Print is a framework codeunit providing these 2 parameters (and others).
Partners can copy the codeunit to use as basis to create new parameters for their customers using App extension,
providing them with new custom features in email and label templates, if needed. 2022 20
The multi-line support is needed when the template scripts need to return multiple entries back to the email or
label being displayed or printed, which was not supported before.
Matrix speed has been improved when a template has many blank or "free" cells. If the Matrix Template has the
Page Refresh Interval (min) setting assigned, the view is now buffered per day, template, or user, so within the
same refresh interval the date is not re-calculated. This can dramatically improve speed when users switch
frequently between dates.
Example: If the Page Refresh Interval (Min) is set to five minutes, then each time a matrix is drawn for a specific
date, it will not be re-processed for the next five minutes, unless the current user adds or changes an
appointment. This might be a good option for speed improvements in locations where you do not have bookings
being entered constantly on multiple user clients, since switching between dates that have already been viewed
recently will be very fast.
Note that even if the matrix is not refreshed and shows availability where none is, the user will not be able to
book the time, since availability check is always based on the latest information.
Note that these refresh changes only apply to a matrix run as a page, but not if it is viewed within the POS as a 2022 20
POS menu.
If an appointment is opened from the matrix and not changed, the matrix is not re-drawn.
Note: If the number of appointments has changed when a date is revisited, the system will force the redrawing of
the matrix page. This is because, for example, if new activities have been entered by other users or web API since
the date was last viewed, and thus, a re-draw is needed.

Group Reservation Lines have been added to the action banner as an individual action (Confirm), and Draft is a
new action on the Group Reservation Card. 2022 20
A new field, BEO Report, has been added to the Activity Reservation Type Card, on the Banquet Events FastTab.
This allows the user to assign a custom-made report to be used to print the BEO report for the related reservation
The option has also been added to the Report action banner on the Reservation Card to print out the BEO report
according to the latest BEO version. This print function uses the custom-defined report if it has been assigned, but
otherwise it uses the default BEO report. 2022 20
This feature set is added to make it simpler for partners to custom-build the BEO report according to clients'
requirements and add it to the system with minimum effort, as well as to have different types of BEO reports
based on the reservation types.
LS Central 20.3 now supports the integration of Shopify with LS Central. See a demo link here.
The first release now includes all the common features which are available in both Shopify and Shopify Plus.
Future releases, however, will focus on more advanced features which are only available in Shopify Plus.
The following is a list of features provided by LS eCommerce – Shopify as part of the integration between LS
Central and Shopify:
- Multiple Stores - Multiple stores are supported where you can connect LS Central to multiple Shopify web stores.
Configurations are now available to choose the tender type mapping between Shopify and LS Central, shipping
agents, and Click and Collect store configurations.
- Products - LS Central uses the Item Store Distribution mechanism to update products in Shopify. Product
description, item HTML, variants, attributes, vendor information, prices, and images are included as part of
replication. It is only possible to send items as products to Shopify, not get products back from Shopify and create
items in LS Central. Scheduler is used to keep products in sync and preactions are used for delta modification.
- Member Management - LS Central can pull customers from Shopify and create member contacts, or have them
created on the fly at the time of order creation, if the member contact does not already exist. Member contacts
are synced based on email address. 2022 20
- Order Management - LS Central pulls orders from Shopify and creates Customer Orders. Both shipping and Click
and Collect orders are supported. Shipping orders will become sales orders as well. Currently, only full payment at
the time of order is supported and is pulled at the time of order creation. Order cancellation and fulfillment
(shipping) is synced both ways.

Activity lines with internal status set to Draft are now shown in red color on the Invoice Management page and
the Detailed Revenue Entry List page (Related -> View Charges). The same logic has also been added to POS Web
Templates, lines with Revenue Type Activity Product and internal status set to Draft are shown in red color.
New Web Templates Configuration Package. 2022 20

The system now automatically adds an extra bed or a crib when a child is added to a reservation. If the child is an
infant a crib is added, otherwise an extra bed. The Room Type setup determines the number of automatically
added extra beds or cribs. If the number exceeds the setup value , a warning is displayed. 2022 20

Group Rates have been added to the Hotel Group Reservation FactBox showing the price for room only (Rate lines
that are routed to Paymaster). 2022 20
In Multi-Company Replenishment, it is now possible for the central supply chain company to copy the pre-
calculated Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) data from a sales company that resides in a different database. To
do this, you just need to perform the following steps:
- Set up the sales company's location with the new Data Source option of Other Database in the central supply
chain company.
- Publish the web service responsible for copying the RIQ data (ReplenWebServices) in the sales company.
- Set up the web service connection from the central supply chain company to the sales company, via the
Distribution Location.
In the event of web service connection failure during the copying of the RIQ data, you can review the data that 2022 20
have failed to be retrieved using the Replen. Item Quantity WS Failure Logs page in the central supply chain
company, where you have the option to retrieve the RIQ data, if needed.
For more information see Multi-Company Replenishment in the LS Central Help.

Following an upgrade from version 16.x to 19.5 all Inventory Cost posting fails with ExeID Buffer Index Out of
Range. The fix is to subscribe to a different event when updating unit cost. 2022 20
Tables and pages with ASN have been renamed Advanced Shipping Notice.
2022 20
An issue with authentication of several V2 Web Services has been fixed.
2022 20
Missing code was added to handle global changes previously done to support S2S authentication.
2022 20
The SuppressCommit function was used to fix the issue. 2022 20
Users can now change the location code on Purchase and Sales Orders. The store number will be updated
accordingly. 2022 20
The error message Email Print Status Line is Missing has been fixed. 2022 20
A fix has been created to adjust to Dimension changes from Microsoft. Dimension handling in Statement Posting
for both G/L and Inventory. 2022 20
Two new fields have been added to the Franchise Partner Setup, Auto Ship Return Order and Auto Invoice Return
Order. This enables automatic processing of Purchase Return Orders. 2022 20
- The Document and Journal pages have been updated with a new action, Cancel Batch Posting, that allows the
user to remove the document or journal from the Batch Posting Queue if entries have the status Waiting or Error.
- Batch Posting Pages (Waiting and Error) have been updated with a new action, Delete, which allows the user to
remove an entry from the queue if the entry has status Waiting or Error.
- Several actions and fields on documents and journals have been updated. Instead of showing an error, the
system will ask the user if he wants to remove the entry from the Batch Posting Queue if an entry has status 2022 20
Waiting or Error.

Card type breakdown is now available for statements for ScanPayGo orders.
2022 20
Scanning illegal member card barcodes through virtual scanner has been fixed.
2022 20
Lines with the same item but different units of measure are not compressed. 2022 20
"Where-used" is now shown for a store's Plu Menu Profile in searches in the POS Menu Profile. 2022 20
When a reservation is confirmed, and the related reservation type does not have the default Date Restriction set,
the reservation header dates are updated by the activity dates. If Date Restriction is on, the header dates are not
updated and need to be updated manually by the user.
Note that if the reservation Date From is blank, the header dates are always updated, regardless of the Date 2022 20
Restriction setting.

In previous versions the user was allowed to renumber the product selected in the group line, even after the
activities had been created. This would cause integrity issues.
Now, when trying to change a product in the group line and activities are already created, the user gets the a
message There are existing activities on the previous product - Do you want to delete those activities and
continue? 2022 20
If the user decides to continue, all related activities with the old product are deleted and the user must re-confirm
the new changed product and re-create the activities.

The cues in the Reservation card have been changed. The caption for Total Activities has been changed to Total
Charges and now it also includes any unpaid additional POS charges.
A bug in payment status handling in Activity Reservation has been fixed. The bug could cause issues when trying 2022 20
to pay POS charges that had been added to a reservation after it had been fully paid.
When a user booked an activity on the POS using the BOOKPRODLIST or BOOKPRODUCT operations, immediately
pulled the activity into the POS journal using the payment POS commands, and then voided the sale, the booked
or confirmed activity was deleted. Now the POS checks if the activity still has POS status DRAFT prior to deleting
the activity during the voiding process. 2022 20
Note that the POS's Draft and Confirmed statuses must always be different settings in order for this to work

When creating items with variants using the Item Import Journal, an issue where the journal could occasionally
run into error when the Variant Framework Code assigned to the item had one or more Variant Dimensions with 2022 20
Included in Variant No. enabled, has now been fixed.

The internal codeunit 10000743 (obsoleted) has been moved to codeunit

10015850 LSC Act. Tbl. Mgt Sync Subscr within the Activity Object number series. 2022 20
Service flow updates. Fixed an error happening when KDS service runs the update function for KOTs with deals.
2022 20
An issue where the Store No. filter was missing for Retail Sales Budgets with Budget per Store enabled has now
been fixed. 2022 20
- Help for Coupons, Item Finder, and Retail Messages has been updated and improved.
- Help topics have been added with information on implementation related Support. A new tile in the LS Central 2022 20
Help home page reflects this.

The Inventory Lookup table is now updated, when you create a new item with Product Group marked as POS
Inventory Lookup. 2022 20
The possibility to scan GS1 barcodes when doing Customer Order Picking has been added. 2022 20
A new parameter, MemberClubTemp_l, has been added to publisher in codeunit POS Print Utility:
OnAfterPrintLoyalty(POSTrans, PrintBuffer, PrintBufferIndex, LinesPrinted, DSTR1, MemberClubTemp_l) 2022 20

A new Enum object has been created with all labels from the POS Transaction codeunit.
2022 20
New fields, Over-Receipt Quantity and Over-Receipt Code, have been added to lines of the Retail Receiving page.
A functionality was added to populate and/or check these fields when populating the Quantity field on the Retail
Receiving lines.
The aim is to apply Microsoft standard functionality Over-Receipt to the Retail Receiving page. 2022 20
When a gift card is issued and there is a VAT% on the Trans. Sales Entry, that same VAT% is now used to make a
reverse VAT Entry when the gift card is redeemed. 2022 20
The Token Setup page is now searchable and demo data has been added. 2022 20
Functions FormatAmount, FormatPrice, FormatQty, and FormatWeight have been modified to move the local
variable to global. 2022 20
Web service SPGOrderCheck returns if a basket is fully paid, if a check should be made, and how many items
should then be checked. If a basket should be checked, item lines are returned as part of the response message. It
is configurable to always return item lines.
More detailed status information and error messages have been added to the MemberAuthenticatorLogin web
service to be displayed if login to the ScanPayGo app is unsuccessful. 2022 20
Web service SPGLogSecurityCheckResponse has been added to Omniwrapper.

A new web service, DeleteMemberCardToken, has been created. It deletes entries in the Token table associated
with a Member Card Number.
SetMemberCardToken 2022 20
A new web service, SetMemberCardToken, has been created. It creates entries in the Token table associated with
a Member Card Number.

The Variant Code field has been made visible in the Item Ledger Entries page.
2022 20
To speed up displaying the menu after selecting a sales type, all hierarchy menus are now loaded when the POS is
started. When the user selects the sales type (after possibly selecting a language), the program updates the 2022 20
language descriptions, if needed, and the current availability.

If there are missing web template texts for the self-service kiosk, the template will still work and have a
placeholder text in English. 2022 20
Optimizations have been done to reduce the time it takes for the system to fetch the Hierarchy menu structure
for a self-service kiosk. 2022 20
- Video File Path
A video file path has been added to Web Template images.
- Video Displayed on Idle Kiosk
If a video file exists, the video is displayed instead of the retail image when a Self-service kiosk is in idle mode . 2022 20

When Staff Management is used to schedule human resources, the activity locations which the resource is
available to automatically depend on the work locations that the employee is allowed to be scheduled to in Staff
Note: If the resource has been assigned to a Fixed Location in the Activity Resource card, that setting will 2022 20
overwrite any Staff Management settings.

In the FactBoxes on the Group Reservation card and the Reservation Card, the user can drill down from the
Balance cue, to show a list of all receipts and invoices that have been issued related to the Group or the
Reservation. If there is only a single receipt or invoice, the drill-down opens the relevant card to display the
details, but otherwise a list is presented and the user can choose which receipt or invoice to drill down further.
From the Group Reservation Line FactVox, the user will see the last transaction related to the selected line. If,
however, there have been many payment receipts related to line, a drill-down list shows all related receipts. 2022 20
Note: From the Balance cue drill-down, any additional charges (receipts) are also included.

In the Group Reservation card's FactBox, a new line has been added with information on how many resource lines
have been reserved. From that field the user can now drill down to the resource reservation entries and manage 2022 20
the resource reservations, if needed.

In LS Activity Setup, the Always Create New Members setting automatically creates member contacts based on
the reservation information, that is client name and email.
This has now been extended to the group reservation. If you enter Main Group member name and email address
in the Group reservation, the system automatically creates a member contact and assigns member contact
number and member account to the group reservation. Also, this name and details are assigned to the first group
member , if it has not been entered yet. 2022 20
If you enter names and emails in the Group Member List, these are also automatically assigned a member account
and contact number.
A new API, UpdateGroupHeaderStatus, can be used to update the status of a group reservation in whole.
If no web payment or confirm statuses are set in the Activity Setup, then no status change (Confirm) is processed
when the ConfirmGroupActivity API is used. It is only used for inserting a group line and then the
UpdateGroupHeaderStatus API can be used to confirm at a later stage. 2022 20

In previous versions the Activity user could be configured to allow overbooking. This feature has now been
extended, so that the overbooking option can be further specified to which products can be overbooked. The
Activity Product Card has a new field, 'Overbooking, which specifies if the product can be overbooked, or even
more specifically, if it can be overbooked by another product or not. Default is None allowed, so it is not enough
to only set the user setting, you must also specify which products can be overbooked or be overbooked by
another product. Note that this affects the following processes:
Create New Activity from Role Center now asks the user if they wish to overbook (if booking a non-available
product). If the user answers No, the system continues to ask for waiting list confirmation like before.
Note: Confirmation of overbooking is only asked, if the user is allowed to overbook and the product is allowed to
be overbooked.
Activity created on a POS will not be asking, but will simply overbook, if possible.
Creating new activity from the Java framework Matrix view will not ask for overbooking.
Booking from a reservation will overbook without asking.
The system will always check, if the product is allowed to be overbooked, and also if the prior existing bookings 2022 20
have products which are allowed to be overbooked "over".
Note: Customers who are using the overbooking feature in previous versions must review their activity products
and assign overbooking to Allowed to keep their existing processes for overbooking. The user setting is not
sufficient to allow overbooking by default.

When an activity reservation is converted to a Business Central quote or invoice, and if the reservation type is
using BEO (Banquet Event Order), the lines are created in the same structure as the BEO view, that is showing the
event category title and grouping the quote or invoice according to BEO event categories. 2022 20

Reservation number and activity number have been added to subscriber events related to availability calculation.
2022 20
When the SELECTRES POS command is used to assign a sale to a reservation, the system checks if the reservation
has any open allowances. If there are, the main menu area will display the open allowance entries in the POS.
Basically, when the sale is linked to the reservation, the POS will show if the customer has any open allowances to 2022 20
choose from.

An API call, PreSellActivityProduct, has been added to allow web front ends to pre-sell any activity product, which
will result in issued Allowance. This allowance can then be gradually consumed (booked). This lets the customers
or clients pre-pay a bulk of services and then gradually use that allowance. 2022 20

It is now possible to archive promotions. When you copy or restore an Archived Promotion, the fields Block
Periodic Discount, Block Manual Price Change, Block InfoCode Discount, and Block Line Discount Offer are 2022 20

Handling of items of type Non-Inventory has been added to the Customer Order processes. Non-Inventory items
can, for example, be used for handling charges, insurance, storage, and more. 2022 20
New functions have been added to the POS Member Mgt codeunit to enable setting member related information
from extensions. 2022 20
In Customer Order - Vendor Sourcing, the available location is now sorted with current location and shipping
location at the top of the list. 2022 20
A new way has been created to be able to define tables for the Transaction Data Push method, transferring the
data with LS Data Director. The new way allows a subjob number to be added into the configuration of the 2022 20
functionality profile, the Data Director part.

A new setup has been added in the Web Service Setup page to select the web services that should use this
function: 2022 20
Click the Related action, then Web Service - Use Select Latest Version.

LS Pay EFT Gift Card functions have been added to LS Hardware Station.
2022 20
OPOS implementations have been upgraded to .NET version 4.6.1. Some reference problems with
LSOPOSControls have been fixed. 2022 20
The LS Hardware Station logger now includes the Device ID in each log, if relevant.
2022 20
A new action, Detect Hardware,has been added on the POS Hardware Profile Card to enable the user to detect
hardware without adding to the hardware profile. Device dialog messages have also been updated to reflect this. 2022 20
New fields for QR code width and height have been added to the POS Printer Card, in the QR Code FastTab. These
fields are used when printing a QR code that is not the receipt number, for example the store location QR code
that can be printed from the Inventory lookup panel in the POS. If the receipt number is being printed as a QR
code, the Receipt Barcode Width and Height fields on the POS terminal are used to set these values. 2022 20

The question Do you want to apply the cancellation policy? is no longer asked for each reservation when a group
reservation is canceled. 2022 20
The Hotel Status Card now has an Email FastTab where you can specify Automated Emails and a Client Email
Template. 2022 20
- An error occurs when deposit is over the deposit limit (reservation amount + over amount).
- A message is displayed when the deposit is over the reservation amount. 2022 20
Users can now open Business Central's Invoice Management page from the Charges box on the POS. 2022 20
The Itinerary page now shows a summary of activities per guest with information, status, and balance.
2022 20
New payment methods, PaymentDeposit() and PaymentRefund(), have been added to the Hotel Web Services.
2022 20
A new action, Copy Rate From, has been added to the Rate Code page. 2022 20
New fields have been added to the following pages:
Hotel Reservation Table
The new fields are Customer Account Email and Customer Account Phone.
The Customer Name field was moved down with other customer fields.
Room Type Avail. Info page
The new field, Property, has Hotel Property by default and also supports complex filtering.
New Reservation and Hotel Group Reservation pages
The new fields are IATA Number and Market Segment.
Hotel Setup Page, General Group FastTab 2022 20
The new field, % Deposit Over Res. Amount, in the General Group FastTab.
Transaction Card
The new field is Created by User.
Hotel Initialization Process
A new web service, HousekeepingEntryAPI, page 10033562, has been added to Hotel Initialization.
Web Service Using OData json CU
A new hotel web service that uses JSON with the OData4 protocol, unbound action, has been added. It has the 2022 20
same web methods as the existing SOAP/XmlPort Hotel web service.

Occupancy-based Pricing has been added to Rate Code that allows you to have different prices for the first and
second adult in the room. 2022 20
This supports a different rate for single occupation of a double room.

It is now possible to create a rate code with zero (0) rate amount. 2022 20
Reservation guest list has been added to the hover on the tape chart. 2022 20
A new Enabled field has been added to activate the restriction manually. The field is on the Hotel Restriction Entry
page and the Restrictions list. 2022 20
Updated Config packages - POS Menu and POS Menu Profile
Update app.json to version 20.5
Update version no. to 2022 20
Update application Version to 20.5
Update application to 20.5 in app.json file.

A hotel reservation can now have more than one room number assigned to it 2022 20
If the user has an assigned work location, the employee list is filtered by the selected work location.
The user can also see employees that have a blank work location set as the default work location, and also any
employees from locations which the related staff management user has access to, as defined by additional work
locations in the Staff Management user setup. 2022 20
For backwards compatibility, the Staff Management user can turn this feature on and off in the Staff Management
Users page, by using the Employee Location Filtering check box.

A table relation has been added to the Retail Product Code field in the Item Import Journal, to enable easy look-up
of the Product Group value in the journal. 2022 20
Help for Sales Commission has been updated and improved. 2022 20
Blocking errors have been fixed for Member Contact and Member Contact Cards on the POS.
2022 20
Rounding problem between Header and Lines in MobileTransaction tables has been fixed. 2022 20
The Coupon Reference No. code field is now restricted to have only numeric values. 2022 20
Over Receipt fields have been added to the ASN page to be used on the process, when or if necessary.
2022 20
Customer Ledger Entry was not created when a negative quantity is sold to account. This has been fixed.
2022 20
Size of URI fields has been increased, %20 added to the space for SaaS connections. The order of fields on
Distribution Location and Web Server Setup pages was changed. 2022 20
Dimension changes to eCommerce Mgt, CO utility, POS Order Connection, Store Inventory Management, and
Sales Commission to journal have been adjusted to Microsoft Dimension changes. 2022 20
Double redemption of member points that are used as payment for Customer Orders has now been fixed. The
points are redeemed when the Customer Order is created, not when the order is invoiced. 2022 20

It is now possible to Void and Copy a Transaction containing negative quantities. 2022 20
Creation of BOM item dimension has been changed when a statement is posted.
2022 20
The Customer Order Processing Status is now correct after a Put Back is performed using the Scheduler.
2022 20
The Batch Posting process was changed to use the new email feature.
2022 20
Scheme upgrade and downgrade did not upgrade two levels. Now the FindNewScheme procedure has been
changed to look into all possible schemes instead of just the first. 2022 20
A new field has been created with length of 20 characters. Upgrade code was added to move data from the old
field to the new one. 2022 20
Problem when using an Income or Expense Account in Sales Orders has been fixed. Posting to Rounding Account
in Post Statement was created. 2022 20

Code related to this issue has been removed due to performance issues. The problem is considered a non-issue,
because the customer price should never be calculated when entering item lines, only when Total is pressed. 2022 20

Issue with Transaction with customer and negative Income/Expense entry has been fixed.
2022 20
A filter has been added to only open Data Entries for the relevant POS Data Entry Type.
2022 20
When an item is assigned with a Variant Framework with only one dimension, viewing the item in the Retail Item -
Variant Availability and the Dimension Matrix page creates a dummy record with Code *ALL in the LSC Extd.
Variant Values table. This has now been fixed where the pages now use a temporary source table so no dummy 2022 20
record is physically created.

The following issues related to working with item variants in order documents, have now been fixed:
- The Quantity for an item with variants was not updated correctly with the Dimension Matrix in the Retail Sales
- The Qty. to Ship could not be updated for an item with variants in the Retail Transfer Order.
- The Dimension Matrix page in the Retail Sales Return Order will not open after entering the quantity for the first 2022 20
time for an item with variants.

Designing multiple layouts in the POS is now possible.

2022 20
An issue, where the HospBrickView POS web template did not refresh the menu when opening a new transaction,
has been fixed. 2022 20
An issue, where the same item in two different modifier groups would have the same quantity in both groups, has
been fixed. 2022 20
An issue has been fixed, where language would not reset to default after finalizing a transaction in the Self-Service
Kiosk. 2022 20

The Self-Service Kiosk needs to have a deal modifier item description without the unit of measure reference. A
new field, Item Description, has been added to the Deal Modifier Item table that is just the item description. The
caption of the Description field has been changed to Pop-up Description. Upgrade is in place, filling in the new 2022 20
Item Description field.

Subscriber in the Activity Front Desk codeunit has been fixed. 2022 20
The following fixes have been implemented for the Activity Matrix:
Appointments not Shown at the Right Time
Appointments not being shown at the right time when using custom intervals in the activity matrix has been fixed.
Drag-and-Drop in Activity Matrix not Working Properly
In previous versions there was a bug if activities were dragged-and-dropped in the Matrix, and in some cases the
activity end time would not be updated, if the duration of the activity was based on the Quantity field. This has
now been fixed.
Dynamic Intervals in Templates
Interval value in the activity matrix is now saved to the last selected value.
Issue Moving a Booking to a Period With no Product Availability
When trying to move a booking to a period where there is no product availability, the cell was left highlighted. The 2022 20
cell is no longer highlighted after a booking is dragged there, but instead an error occurs.
Opening Hours for Resources
Cells that indicate unavailability for a resource in the activity matrix are no longer clickable.

A bug has been fixed that occurred when changing product in an activity reservation line, and the line that was
being changed was a package header line. This would lead to the previously related activity component lines to 2022 20
still exist. Now the related component lines are removed.

When a reservation is fully paid at the POS, any outstanding deposit schedule is nulled.
Note: When a reservation is invoiced and marked fully paid, the deposit schedule still remains, since you might be 2022 20
tracking the payments towards the invoice manually.

The employee shift exchange requests list (from the clock in/out page) has been changed to only show future
shifts, both when showing the shifts of the employee who raises the request, and the list of the shifts which the
requester wants to get assigned to. This simplifies the selection for the employee making the request.
Also, in previous versions, employees could choose a "destination" shift, which they were already assigned on,
which could result in double assignment for the employee. This is now checked during the request process and 2022 20
not allowed.

A bug causing an unpaid Group reservation to be set as partially paid has been fixed.
2022 20
In previous versions it was not possible to rename a product or a resource capacity schedule entry. Now the user
can rename capacity entries. Note, however, that at closing of the resource or product capacity/schedule page, a
full overbooking check is processed to make sure the change does not affect future reservations.
This affects the Resource Capacity/Schedule page and the Product Schedule page. 2022 20

Multiple enhancements when reserving Tickets or other activity products which do not require resources and do
not keep track of availability: Availability lookups do not show in red as sign of unavailability and also it is now
possible to create new activity from the Role Center, which previously would always be assigned to waiting list. 2022 20

A bug has been fixed that caused the Exclude period restrictions on activity products to not work correctly when
the user selected to confirm a reservation with no availability. 2022 20
When using the main resource setting in the Reservation Types and assigning the resource through the availability
lookup page, the Main Resource field in the activity/reservation line was not updated. This has now been fixed. 2022 20

Issues related to tickets and products that do not have required resources have been fixed:
- Group reservation was not supporting activity products that did not have any resources required (normally
tickets). This has been fixed.
- Selling ticket product on the POS had two issues: Unit of measure was not created correctly, if the activity 2022 20
product number and the posting item number was not the same. Also the activity location was not assigned to the
admission table.

The opening hours did not support opening for 24 hours. This has been corrected, and now, if the user applies the
opening time as blank (zero) value, and the closing time as 23:59:59 (or 11:59:59 PM), the system assumes no
closing hours.
A Closed check box has been added on the Activity Location Opening Hour page, so the user can also specify a 2022 20
date when the location is closed.

Bugfixing web service for Mobile Inventory. Selecting documents for reply depending on the Processing_Type
parameter. 2022 20
If a member has reached the limit of a discount tracking, then no more discount is given. If this member returns
an item without a slip, the discount is withdrawn from the item returned price. 2022 20
When posting a Customer Order payment with tender type setup to a Bank Account, the payment was posted to
G/L Account. This has been fixed. 2022 20
A rounding error in Statement post - Post as Shipment has been fixed.
2022 20
Two issues were fixed for the Mobile Inventory app:
- Option was added to receive and pick Transfer Orders, Sales Return Orders, Sales Orders, and Purchase Orders
directly from the Inventory app without first having to create the Picking/Receiving document in BackOffice.
- Bugs fixed in web service for Mobile Inventory. Selecting documents for reply depending on the Processing_Type 2022 20

When gift card redemption and balance is lower than the amount entered to pay, the rest of the balance is
applied with a message to inform the cashier that the gift card amount was not sufficient. 2022 20
Function to check the HTML formatted email setup has been updated.
2022 20
Filter has been added to exclude fields with ObsoleteStatus = Removed.
2022 20

Certain LS Central procedures have been made accessible for extensions.

2022 20
A change was added to apply Max Amount Entered value to check when float amounts are entered on POS.
2022 20

New publisher event has been added to Member Notifications to make it possible to alter Email list before emails
are sent. 2022 20
A new event subscriber, OnBeforeGetDatabaseTableTriggerSetup, has been added to prevent Change Log
Management from overwriting LS Central Preaction Creation logging through DatabaseTableTrigger events. 2022 20

With Auto Stock Update and Prevent Negative Inventory settings both turned on in the POS now prevents
negative inventory before the transaction is posted. An exception is when using Customer Order and sourcing the 2022 20
item from a location that has inventory.

Price change on the POS has now been modified so it is not possible to change the price of an item from positive
to negative. 2022 20
The field Product Group Code from the ASN Delivery Document Line table has been replaced by
ProductGroupCode. 2022 20
With this change the POS action POSTINVOICE is limited to only being able to charge simple items to customer
account. If POS Transaction includes linked Data, such as "POS Data Entry", "Voucher Entry", "Coupon Entry", and 2022 20
"Infocode Entry", an error is displayed and the posting stopped.

Code has been changed to allow tenders other than Cash (1).
Demo Data was also changed: TENDOFFER on POS Data Table, added a 6 to Key Value Field 2. Configuration 2022 20
package attached.

The Layaway Location and Claim Location fields have been removed from Store Location.
2022 20
POS actions/infocode Refund Sales and Override price have been updated to have a similar behavior as "discount
line". 2022 20
Linked item fixed. When a linked item is a variant item, an error was displayed when the item was sold first time
after login. When a linked item was to be voided, the item was not actually voided. This has been fixed. 2022 20

This is fix for a bug that came with version 19.1. If a customer was added to a transaction after an item was added,
the field VAT% was not updated on the line after the VAT Group was changed, causing incorrect VAT and Sales 2022 20

An error has been fixed with gift card and vouchers not working if Create Voucher Entry was not set to true.
2022 20
A validation has been added to only allow a sale with zero price on POS for items with the Zero Price Valid flag set.
2022 20
Arrival queues in BO and POS have been set to show reservations in confirmed status with arrival date before
today's date for both individual reservations and group reservations. 2022 20
When guest type in a guest list was changed, an extra attribute from the rate code was added. This has now been
fixed. 2022 20
This has been fixed. The Invoice Management page now refreshes the FactBox after an invoice has been created
or edited. 2022 20

Balance Account Type and Balance Account have been removed from the Reservation Payment Type page and
marked as Obsolete pending in table. The Is Credit Card field was also removed, but not marked as Obsolete as it 2022 20
might be used in future implementations.

A new function, CheckRateRestriction, has been created in the New Hotel Res. codeunit to be called from New
Reservation process, Upgrade, and Rate Change pages. 2022 20
When charging to a group reservation from the POS, the invoice type was set as Guest although the paying
reservation was a group reservation. Now the Invoice Type field is always set to Paymaster when charging to a 2022 20
group reservation.

Some irrelevant buttons on a POS menu were displayed in the flow when using finalized invoice on the POS. Now
the Deposit, Room, Other Room, and Currency buttons are disabled, if the user is coming from finalize invoice. 2022 20

- Error when changing room type on an in-house reservation has been fixed.
- It was not possible to send a hotel invoice by email. This has been fixed.
- Tooltip needed on rate code for attributes included in rate. This has been fixed. 2022 20
- Adding an activity on a group reservation had the default invoice type Guest instead of Paymaster.

When linking BC employee, Retail user, or Staff to the Staff Management employee, in the Integration FastTab on
the Staff Management Employee Card, the current employee name was overwritten with the source information.
This has been changed so that the name in the Employee card is only overwritten if it is blank. 2022 20

The Monthly Sales Bucket was unable to support a setup with a Retail Product Code of more than 10 characters,
caused by the LSC Monthly Sales Bucket and LSC Monthly Sales Bucket Line tables having an invalid field length of
Code[10]. These tables have now been obsoleted and replaced with the following tables, assigned with the
correct Retail Product Code field length of Code[20]: 2022 20
- LSC Monthly Sls. Bucket
- LSC Monthly Sls. Bucket Line

A JIT loading error that occurs after calculating a Purchase or Transfer Replenishment Journal with no calculation
results via the Add Items to Journal action has now been fixed. This issue only exists in SaaS environment. 2022 20

For Purchase Replenishment Journal calculation with cross docking enabled, an issue where the Quantity to Cross
Dock is occasionally left as zero in the Replen. Journal Detail Lines when Order Multiple and Transfer Multiple are 2022 20
in use, has now been fixed.

An erroneous Replen. Calculation Log Line message showing an incorrect Reorder Point value has now been fixed.
2022 20
LS Central is now ready for upgrading to the New Price Module introduced by Microsoft in version 16. This
upgrade will be done automatically in version 22 (Q2, 2023). The main change in LS Central is that Item Prices can
no longer be changed from the Retail Item Card. Prices are now manipulated through the standard Sales Price
Lists. 2022 21
When the system is upgraded, the current price list that is stored in table Price List (7002) is copied to the new
Default Price List.

Customer Order collect with a barcode scan: If a Barcode Mask is defined in Customer Order Setup, the user can
now simply scan the barcode from the Customer Order receipt to collect the order. 2022 21
Item Distribution lookup has been added in the GetInventoryStatus function to return only items for the
requested store number. 2022 21
It is now possible to add Item Categories as Child items in Hierarchy Nodes. 2022 21
An option has been added to scan and receive Lot Number and Expiration Date through Retail Receiving on
Mobile Inventory devices. 2022 21
A deal can now contain the same item multiple times. This is useful when creating a family deal with four burgers,
each burger with a choice of sides and sauces. The item description in the deal lines (offer lines) can be edited 2022 21
(burger 1, burger 2 and so on).

When an order is created through the LS Commerce Service, the request includes a pickup time for the order.
Either the time is when the order is placed and it should go into production as soon as possible, or the pickup is in
the future and should not be displayed on the KDS production screens. Therefore, the pickup time coming from
the web request must be set as pickup time for the food and beverage order. 2022 21

In the Self-Service Kiosk you can now scan a member card with a keyboard input scanner to add the member to
the transaction. The member and the point status is displayed on the screen. This functionality can be 2022 21
enabled/disabled with a setting on the Restaurant Card.
Booking an Activity from Activity Reservation Detail Panel
It is now possible to use the POS command BOOKPRODLIST to add an Activity to a reservation in the Activity Host.
Confirmation window displayed before changing status in Activity Host
If the user does a status change on an activity from the POS, a confirmation dialog window now pops up and the
user is asked to confirm the request.
Reservation templates
Activity Host now shows Activity Total Amount, Extra Charges, and Balance. 2022 21
Web Templates
A few UI changes have been made to improve the Activity Host web templates.

Confirmation dialog window

An option was added to Activity Setup of having to confirm when an activity is dragged and dropped inside the
Activity Matrix.
Glyph scripts on appointments
An option has been added to show glyph scripts on appointments in the Activity Matrix.
Matrix Day View
The user can now configure how many columns are shown in the Activity Matrix.
New Today button
A Today button has been added to the header of the Activity Matrix for quicker navigation. 2022 21
Searches through Role Center
Searching for Matrix now leads to the new javascript-based matrix, while the old POS-based matrix has been
obsoleted from the search function.
Image parameters have been added to the script possibilities to cover multiple image (glyph) settings:
- Activity or Reservation was booked online
- Activity or Reservation has comments
- New Client (no previous visits)
- Number of previous visits (to this location)
- Activity is part of package
- Reservation has Deposit
- Activity is part of membership
- Multi-staff activity.
The parameters/images can be assigned to glyphs in the matrix template to present images (or icons) to represent 2022 21
status or assignment for the activity. These parameters are supported using subscriber extensions and also act as
examples, so partners can easily add new image logic to the system as required by the end user.

The value range for the Resource Selection Priority field no longer has the limit of the higher value of 10.
2022 21
The Activity Parameter extension possibilities in scripts now support the returning of Retail Image IDs. This feature
is used in the new Activity Matrix to show glyphs (images) in the Matrix cell, payment status, for example, can 2022 21
now show a $ image and so on.

The total balance amount is now displayed in the Activity Host web templates. 2022 21
The reservation number is now updated in the POS code, to know which reservation is open.
2022 21
If a user tries to pay an individual group member reservation that has Charge Type set as Group, the following
message is displayed: "There is nothing to pay. If you are paying Reservation that is a part of a Group check that 2022 21
Charge Type = individual."

Now if an activity is being pulled into the POS journal for payment, and the activity is already in payment process
on another POS, the system now provides a warning message to the user to inform why the activity is excluded 2022 21
from the payment process.

The command CHRESSTATUS in Activity Host is used to change status on Activity Reservation, it can be Cancel,
Draft, or any other status. Before the change a confirmation message is displayed: "Are you sure you want to 2022 21
change status on Reservation <reservation no> to <new status>?".
When printing both sales slips and card slips (EFT) on the POS, the printing order is now first the sales slip
(customer), next card slip (customer), and finally the card slip (merchant). This is more convenient for handing the 2022 21
slips over to the customer.

Amount with VAT included is now shown in the web templates in correlation with setup on the Hotel Setup page
(if "Rates includes VAT" is set to false, "Amount included VAT" is shown in web templates).
A new field, Web Date Format, was added to the hotel setup so users and partners can now control how the date
is shown in the web templates.
Tooltips were added to the web templates. 2022 21
The Web Templates config. package has been updated with the new templates.

All configuration packages have been updated and unwanted data removed. Some errors on previous packages
have been fixed. 2022 21
Excel files for all packages have also been added for improved transparency on data in the packages.

A new field, Date Sold, has been added to the hotel reservation. If set, this is the actual date the reservation was
sold. Not displayed on any page. 2022 21
A new field, Host, has been added to the Hotel Reservation table and related pages. In the Hotel User List, it is
possible to add user as a Host, after that Host can be added to a Hotel Reservation. The Front Desk role center
highlights number of Hotel Reservations with Hotel User as Host. Also showing list of Reservations with Host. 2022 21

Added "Access=Internal" to all CUs so the CUs can be accessed only by code in the same module.One CU is public,
LSCHT Hotel Integration, and it has methods that can be used by external apps. 2022 21
Group comments are now shown with reservation comments. 2022 21
The Hotel Res. Statistic page has been added to view revenues, room availabilities, ADR, RevPAR, TRevPAR.To
populate the Hotel Res. Statistic table, the Calculate Statistic field in Hotel Setup must be enabled. 2022 21

A new Configuration Package has been added to the Hotels Demo Data with setup for Staff Management.
2022 21
It is now possible to create a payment against a deposit from the back office when balance is zero.
A new action, Payment against deposit, on the Payment Entry List page creates a transaction with sales entries
against the "POS Deposit Posting" income expense account. The reservation must have deposit(s) posted to 2022 21
finance, balance must be zero and have entry lines not paid.
When charging items to a room from the POS, the POS receipt will have the room number listed behind the
Charged to room tender type by default. 2022 21
Two new fields have been added to the Hotel Reservation Status table and the Hotel Status Setup Page:
- Soft Checkin Allowed is a boolean field and is only viable when internal status is set to Confirmed. When set to
true, the field allows charging to room from the POS for that status.
- Arrival filter (Today + X) is an integer field that specifies how many days in the future the charge to reservation
list on a POS should be shown. This is only enabled if the Soft Checkin Allowed field is set to true.
In the new Demo Data package, a new status, Soft Checkin, was added with internal status Confirmed, for group
master and room reservation types. The Confirmed status is default to prevent a pop-up to select which (internal)
confirmed status you would want to use when creating a new reservation. 2022 21

All VAT and LCY fields in the Detailed Revenue Entry table have been marked as obsolete and are no longer
used.In Detailed Revenue Entry, the Amount Incl. VAT, and VAT Amount fields are still populated but not
displayed. In Hotel Setup, Rate Includes Tax is used when creating a sales invoice (Prices Including VAT). If Rate
Includes Tax is false , the localization app must handle POS tax calculations and Total Incl. VAT is displayed on the 2022 21
Hotel Reservation page (calculated using sales invoice logic).

The WCF communication model for the Kitchen Service and Display Station has been changed to use the WCF
Duplex/Callback protocol, using only one TCP/IP port, instead of using a separate port for each connection with
the Display Stations. This should reduce complexities in the network communications. This version can be used 2022 21
with older versions (20.x at least ).

The options F&B Orders in the Layout View field and F&B Takeaway in Restaurant in the Service Type field in the
Hospitality Type table have been made obsolete. F&B now uses Takeaway Service Type and KOT list as Layout 2022 21
You can now calculate the Purchase and Transfer Replenishment Journal using parallel processes. When this
option is enabled, the items within a journal will be split evenly and shared across multiple sessions so that they
can be calculated in parallel. The result is that the calculation time of the journal is shortened.
The parallel calculation process is applicable for the Scheduler-based calculation, and can be activated in the
Replen. Setup page, with the Parallel Calculation settings in the Replen. Journals FastTab.
For more information see Parallel Replenishment Journal Calculation in the LS Central Help. 2022 21

The following POS Commands are new in LS Central 21.0:

- ACT-FRONTDESK - Command for the Front Desk panel. Function depends on the parameter.
- CHRESSTATUS - Command for the Front Desk panel to change the status of a reservation. Function depends on
the parameter. 2022 21
See POS Commands in the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS

A new field with ID 610 CustomerDiscountGroup was added to the table LSC Arch Periodic Discount to be able to
use transfer fields when the field with ID 602 Customer Discount Group is deleted.
In table LSC Periodic Discount the field with ID 610 "Do not Use" was added to prevent this issue in the future. 2022 21

Code has been added to the Staff Lookup to check if the staff is a Sales Person and display an error if it is, same as
in login. 2022 21
A Member line has been added to the POS lines. The Transaction Register and the Customer Order deposit
payment line now have the Member Card No. field populated. 2022 21
Create Credit Memo when a Customer is marked Post as Shipment. Changes were implemented to navigate in
posted statements to show Return Receipts, Customer Orders, and Posted Customer Orders related to the posted 2022 21

URI fields have been expanded, %20 added on spaces for SaaS connections, and the order of the fields on
Distribution Location and Web Server Setup pages has been changed. 2022 21
The %20 functionality has been removed for DD company names. 2022 21
An error, where License Manager setup actions were not displayed, has been fixed.
2022 21
When a new Member Contact is created on the POS by adding the member to an existing Member Account, the
Link to Account lookup is filtered according to criteria set in the Member Contact zoom record (same as is used for
searching for existing member contacts when the Search command is used). The name is compared to the
Description field in the Member Account record and a specific Member Account No. can be used to find an
existing account. This is done to limit the data flowing from the main data base to the client.
When an account has been selected, the search criteria is cleared and information about the Member Contact 2022 21
should be entered and the Save button pressed.

When the description of an Item/deals/item category is changed, the description in the hierarchy node links are
updated. 2022 21
When changing staff in the middle of Transaction, some of the Tag values were cleared and not recalculated. This
has been fixed. 2022 21
Register Logon/Logoff on the POS has been fixed.
2022 21
A new field has been added on the Web Service Setup page to specify the scope. 2022 21
A new field, Price including VAT, has been added to the Duplicate Price Lines page. The Style was also adjusted to
follow same logic as Microsoft's. 2022 21
The following issues have been fixed in Shopify:
- Cancel Customer Order error
- Discount Offers sent to Shopify
- Central Item No included in Attribute table 2022 21
- Prices only updated since last run (not the whole list every time).

Code was updated to only store 250 characters in the Web Service logs.
2022 21
Populating the member web template is now done without creating a dummy POS transaction.
2022 21
The code has been fixed so that when you create a Requisition Worksheet from Meal Menu Plan, a Due Date is set
in the Requisition Worksheet Lines. 2022 21
The command TR-A-SHOW_RESERV has been changed to filter the dining reservation grid to show the reservation
that is connected to the dining table pressed. The filtering is removed on idle-timer and when other commands
are performed. This command can be added to allocation pop-up menus as needed. 2022 21
Dining Reservation Desk now adds member information when populating the availability grid.
2022 21
When checking availability, the system now checks current availability for the current recipe and only checks if it
is needed to produce more. The system only checks for missing ingredients for the recipe that needs to be 2022 21

Get Hierarchy takes too long

Images are now loaded at the start of the POS. This improves performance by 50% at least.
Text and time modifiers
Text and time modifiers can now be configured for items sold in the Self-Service Kiosk. The modifier pops up after
selling the item or recipe, and you can select the modifiers available. The modifiers can also be edited in the edit
mode for the items.
UOM description removed from Deal Modifier Description in Dynamic Content Menu
The Self-Service Kiosk needs to have a deal modifier item description without the unit of measure reference. A 2022 21
new field, Item Description, has been added to the Deal Modifier Item table that is just the item description. The
caption of the Description field has been changed to Pop-up Description. Upgrade is in place, filling in the new
Item Description field.

A bug was fixed in the Transfer functionality when transferring resource entries from one resource to another, on
the Resource Scheduling page. Before, the system would always pick up the currently selected user location, but 2022 21
now the location is picked up from the selected scheduling entry.

When calculating the Purchase Replenishment Journal with cross docking enabled, an issue where the Quantity to
Cross Dock did not get rounded according to the Transfer Multiple has now been fixed. 2022 21

The Exception Detected field in table 10001372 LSC ASN Delivery Document Line is now of type enum.
2022 21
When a lookup or drop-down is done on a Member Contact, Contact No., Account No., and Member Contact
Name is displayed for the selected Member Contact. 2022 21
The new POS command, EXCHANGE, implies:
- new POS menu EXCHANGE
- new POS lookup EXCHANGE
- updated POS Menu #Trans with the new command.
With this new command you can select a transaction and exchange it.
You can exchange "like for like": a return and a sales line are added with inverse values to the POS. Additional 2022 21
sales lines can be added too.
You can exchange per other items: a return line is added to the POS and then the user can add sales lines.

Retail Receiving Documents can now be posted directly when they are created from ASN Documents.
2022 21
The organization of LS Central libraries and naming of functions has been refactored. 2022 21
It is now possible to add Item Categories as Child items in Hierarchy Nodes. 2022 21
New optional setup is available for Total Offers to control how the base for step amount is calculated.
Use the Use Offer Total Amount flag (see the Triggers FastTab) to calculate the step amount only based on the
transaction lines that are valid for the offer. The step amount base was and is still calculated as the whole
transaction, except when this flag is turned on, then only lines from the offer are used for the calculation. 2022 21

The new Variant Mandatory if Exists field introduced by Microsoft in Business Central 2022 release wave 2,
available in the Inventory Setup page and the Item Card page to specify whether a variant must be selected if 2022 21
variants exist for an item, has also been added to the Retail Item Card page.

It is now possible to let the default language of the Self-Service Kiosk be different from the system language,
regardless of whether there is a possibility to choose between two or more languages in the kiosk. 2022 21
A setup called Show Member Activities has been added to the Activity Reservation Type Card, in the Group
Settings FastTab with default value No. Other options are Show All Activities and Show Line Related Activities on
the Group Reservation card. This allows the user to easily see what activities are related to each group member,
and to access all features that are normally in the Reservation Line section of the individual Reservation Card.

By default this section is not visible on the Group Reservation card. In older reservations, this feature will not
show the related activities, but only activities in reservations created after this feature was implemented.
For older data a function has been added to the Member Section to open the Members Reservation card for quick
access to the reservation for editing and viewing purposes. In addition, the drill-down to the activity from the 2022 21
members list will open the Reservation Card, if the related product is a package.

It is now possible to swap resources on the Activity Matrix by dropping one activity on another.
2022 21
The setting to turn on or off the Drag-and-Drop feature in the Activity Matrix has been removed. Now Drag-and-
Drop is now always an option in all matrices. Also, if the user drags and drops an activity onto an existing activity,
the user is asked if he or she wants to swap the resources for these two activities.

Only the resources on display will be swapped, and not any other resources that might be assigned to the
activities. If the user does not confirm the swap, the system will try to add the dropped activity to the selected
date and time, and depending on availability and overbooking settings, the activity will be rescheduled.

When swapping resources, the system checks if the resources are available (working) on the relevant times. 2022 21
In resource and product capacity setups, entries add up with time, especially if capacity is commonly different on
specific dates. This can lead to many outdated entries, which you still should not delete, since they are needed for
capacity history.

Now the system shows the entries that affect TODAY in green color to indicate to the user which entries are
affecting today's availability. A new Expire process on the Resource Scheduling page marks all outdated entries as 2022 21
Expired. The page now also has a standard View to filter out the expired entries. The "expire" process does not
affect any availability logic, it simply marks the entry so the user and views can be filtered on that field for a
simpler view.

The Activity Matrix now supports a Week View of a selected resource. In the Matrix, the user can click a resource
to select a new menu item, Week View, which shows the selected resource assignment for the next 7 days. To
switch between resources, the user can use the Selection Lookup in the matrix header to get a list of resources to 2022 21
choose from.

Two properties have been added to the Functionality profile to make it easier to fulfill scale certification
- General -> Print Total Price Line in Bold: When selected, the total amount line of the receipt will be printed in a
bold font 2022 21
- Amount -> Print Currency Symbol in Amount header: If selected, the POS Currency Symbol will be added to the
Amount header in the customer's receipt.

When they get new settings, OPOS devices will no longer reload. This prevents a lot of unnecessary reloading
which slows down devices, especially printers. 2022 21
- The Date Sold field has been added to the hotel reservation. "Date Sold" is the date when a hotel reservation
was sold.
- If "Date Sold" is specified in a Reservation, this date is used as a booking date in discounts (Advance days and
Booking Date Range). The new Date Sold field was added to the New Reservation Page to control changes but is
not visible by default. 2022 21
Tip: The field is not displayed on any page yet, but you can use Designer to add it to the New Reservation page.
A new page called Day View by Date has been added to the Front Desk Role Center. The page shows arriving and
departing reservations based on a date and a property that you select in the date filter part. It also shows you
how many early check-ins and -outs and late check-in and -out reservations there are on the selected date.
A tooltip has also been added for the Reservation field on the arriving and departing list to explain the meaning of 2022 21
the colors.

A FactBox has been added to the Day View page showing statistics for arriving, stayover, and departing
reservations, for example number of reservations, guests, early and late check-ins and check-outs. The Day View
page now also shows stayover reservations for selected dates in a FastTab.
The Day View page action has also been added to the Housekeeping Role Center, so it is now accessible from both 2022 21
Role Centers.

A new queue, Priority Rooms, has been added to the Front Desk Role Center to show how many rooms there are
that have check-out and check-in on the same day (today).
When you click the queue, it shows you a sorted list of all rooms that are marked as priority. Rooms that are
already empty (reservation has checked out) are shown in green color and are at the top of the list.
Once a reservation has been checked-in to a room, it is dropped off the list and is no longer a priority room. 2022 21

A new discount functionality for Hotel Rates, found under Hotel Res. Discounts, has been added to the Hotels
module. The discount applies to Hotel Reservations when offers are created for specific periods (either when the
offer is booked or used), for different locations, or down to different rates.
This discount framework is similar to what already exists in the Activity module, but the discounts for Hotels have
these sources: Property, Rate Code, Room Type.
- Quantity Based Discounts - Qty = No. days/nights of booking or discount based on the length of stay.
- Discount type - Percentage, Amount, or Free Nights
- Seasonal Discounts - From Date to Another Date...Based on Arrival Date or/and Booking Date or/and Day Setting.
- Discount based on days in advance 2022 21
- Discount banner appears in New Reservation, if applicable.
The discount selection rule is: always get the highest discount.
The WCF communication model for the Kitchen Service and Display Station has been changed to use the WCF
Duplex/Callback protocol, now using only one TCP/IP port instead of a separate port for each connection with the
Display Stations. This reduces complexities in the network communications. This version can be used with older 2022 21
Business Central versions (at least 20.x).

We have refactored how the filters from the LSC Replen. Item Quantity table are carried over to the RIQ
calculation codeunit LSC Replen. - Calc. Qtys, and added the integration event
OnCalculateReplenishmentQuantiesOnAfterApplyRIQFilter in the procedure CalculateReplenishmentQuanties
within the codeunit to make it possible to extend the LSC Replen. Item Quantity table filtering capabilities with 2022 21
additional filter fields.

The following POS command is new in LS Central 21.1:

EXCHANGE - With this command you can select a transaction and exchange it, for example "like for like" or for
other items.
See POS Commands in the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS 2022 21

- The LS Pharmacy Help is now part of the Retail section of the LS Central Help, see here.
- Replication in LS Central is a new addition to the LS Central Help. 2022 21
Variables BarcDescription and BarcItemGroup have been deleted because they are not used in the code.
2022 21
- The Retail Price Including VAT field on the Retail Item Card removed.
- A new FactBox, Item Price Overview, has been added to the Retail Item Card. 2022 21
Transaction creation when posting Sales Orders created through Web Customer Orders to transactions created
when a Customer Order creates a Sales Order through the POS has been synced. 2022 21

A new version of the GetStaff web service, GetStaffV2, has been added. It now returns the Staff Store Link record,
if the Staff has links to other stores. 2022 21
- Variable ParentNodeID length was updated to 30, the same length as the field in the table.
- Variable HierarchyCode was not updated, because the field length in the table is 20. 2022 21
A check for URI has been added in the Function Profile: if there is no URI, COs are not posted via web hooks, only
via events, for example the ones that Shopify uses. 2022 21
The Split Bag No. field has been added to Bag Tender Declaration. The field has to be filled before splitting a safe
Bag, if Tender Type Safe Bags No. Type is set to Manual Numbers. 2022 21
Processing linked tables i now skipped, if the primary record is not found. 2022 21
Table Allocation panel handling has been refactored for performance enhancements. Automatic allocation is now
much faster (a test for 546 reservations for 300 tables with 15 minute intervals is now just over a minute instead 2022 21
of over 12 minutes before).

The Menu Type Code field in the Dining Table Info Buffer table has been obsoleted. The KOT Menu Type Code
field is used instead of length 10. 2022 21
The minimum value for Order Process Time in Hospitality Setup is 1.
2022 21
LS Commerce field group is now on the Restaurant Card.
2022 21
The way Date From, Date To, Time From, and Time To fields in the Activity Reservation table are validated has
been fixed.
Dining Activity Type must now have Day Duration Single Day (upgrade included). 2022 21
Next Day and Previous Day functions were added to the Product Availability Lookup page.

This has been fixed. Return sales is no longer counted in No. of Covers in Z-reports.
2022 21

An error was fixed where assigning the event location in the Activity Event View table when creating BEO views
caused a string length error.
In previous versions, this field was wrongly assigned with the resource description rather than the resource
number or reference. This would cause an error, if the resource description exceeded 20 characters. 2022 21

A bug in the Activity Matrix's drag-and-drop feature caused the rescheduling process to reset the duration to the
initial default setting. This only happened if the activity had a manual duration change (which was not related to
the Quantity of the activity), and not if the duration of the activity was related to the Quantity. This has now been 2022 21

When a package was sold and the Reservation No. exceeded 10 characters, an error occurred. This has been fixed.
2022 21
A bug in the Staff Management roster has been fixed. Due to formatting, showing "Hours" could lead to "Minutes"
being missing, if the value was not rounded to whole hours.
Matrix Type Hours (00:00), which can show number of hours based on minutes, rather then decimals, was also
added. For example 4.5 hours would be displayed as 4:30. The Matrix Type Hours shows the same value as 4.5. 2022 21
A bug has been fixed in the drag-and-drop Matrix process. An activity booking would be drafted instead of
showing a message of non-availability during the process, and then the booking would disappear from the matrix 2022 21
(because it was a draft).

A bug related to Tax calculation in the NA version has been fixed. When paying additional charges for an activity
reservation, the amount was missing the tax amount. 2022 21
The calculation of the Total Scheduled and Scheduled % fields in the roster scheduling page has been changed
when week periods are being displayed. Now when the Period is set to week instead of month, the Total
Scheduled shows the total hours scheduled for the selected week period, regardless of which roster it belongs to.
Also, the Scheduled % field now shows the ratio of the scheduled hours for the selected week of the Optimal
hours of the current planning month. Only scheduled hours, which are part of the selected Plan No., are included
in the ratio calculation, since the optimal hours are set for the planning month. Previously, these values always 2022 21
displayed the month values and did not change when period view was changed to Week X.

- An issue causing #KEY to be displayed in the search input has been fixed.
- The field caption, if provided, is now displayed. 2022 21
An issue that caused the sort column text not to be displayed when opening a grid has now been fixed.
2022 21
It is now possible to add an item with the attribute of type Option that has 250 or more characters (previously 250
max) at POS Clienteling. 2022 21
This has been fixed by forcing to get the last transaction number from the Transaction table before making a
deposit. 2022 21
Single Shipment has been introduced to the Franchise module. A new field, Single Shipment, has been added in
the partner setup as well as to the Franchise Sales and Purchase processes. Also, an option to send PO and PRO 2023 21
automatically when releasing the PO/PRO has been added.

- Information about missing product mapping has been added in an error message when an item does not exist.
- XML data is now sent as metadata with product data. You can create metadata fields before or after items have
been sent from LS Central. All fields should have namespace lsretail. and content type Single line text. This is set in
Shopify Admin, Settings - Metadfields - Products. 2023 21
A new field, Currency Code in Kiosk, has been added in the Self-Service Kiosk FastTab in the Restaurant Card.The
system uses this field together with the language of the restaurant to select the correct number formatting in the
kiosk. Both these fields are now mandatory for using the Self-Service Kiosk, even if the restaurant uses local 2023 21

The Kitchen Service can authenticate to SaaS using OAuth authentication. The KDS now uses REST to connect to
the Hardware Station and the REST client to access the OData web service protocols. Backwards compatibility 2023 21
with older SOAP services is available down to v.17.0.

The message "Change back in last transaction is Cash <Amount>" is displayed on the POS when users return to
Activity Host after guests have payed too much in cash for a reservation. 2023 21
The purpose of this functionality is to make it easy to offer that, in case of cancellations, reservation deposits will
be used towards future reservations. This is to encourage customers to make bookings despite ever-changing
restriction rules.
The member deposits functionality now acts as temporary "storage" for deposits in case of cancellation, which are
then automatically pulled into a new reservation to the same client or member when a new reservation is 2023 21
confirmed. This makes for seamless transfer of deposits from canceled reservations to new future reservations,
even if done via web bookings.

Now the deposit amount is displayed for each reservation on the web templates in the Activity Host.
2023 21
The user can now edit Package component times in a Group Reservation line. For example, if a user needs to
adjust activities' starting time within a package, this can now be done simultaneously for all group members,
whereas previously the user had to open every group member's reservation to edit the start time of activities 2023 21
within a package.

The handling of how group header status is updated, when a group line status is changed, has now been
enhanced, and a new setup, Group Status Handling, has been added to the Status Setup card.
This setup has four options:
- Default - when group line status is changed, only draft or confirm will update the header status.
- No Header Update - the Group Reservation header is not updated.
- Header Update - the Group Reservation header is updated with the new status.
- Prompt User - prompt the user, if the Group Reservation header status should be updated. 2023 21
Note: When status is changed from the main action pane (on the Group Reservation card), the Group Reservation
header status is always updated. For developers and partners, published events have also been added to this
process for easy custom changes on when the header is updated or not.
Now when users change the total number of persons (in the Persons field in the LS Reservation card), they are
asked if they want to change all related drafted activity lines accordingly. The change is only assigned to activity
lines that have status Draft and have an activity product that allows "no. of persons" assignment.
Note: Normally, this field is only visible and editable on event related reservations. 2023 21

Functions have been added to the hotel integrations codeunit. 2023 21

In the Activity Matrix View, when users try to book an activity that lies in the past, the system now notifies the
user with a message that this is not possible. In prior versions the system simply ignored the action without 2023 21
notifying the user.

A new setup has been added to the Product Resource Requirement, where the user can now define the Reserve
Logic, which controls how the system automatically assigns resources to an activity appointment.
By default, this logic is based on the Selection Priority setup on resources and capabilities, but now the user can
also define the logic to be based on the utilization percentage of the resource for the activity date. This enforces a
more balanced assignment of resources to assignments, if needed. A new published event, which can be used to
customize the automated assignment logic, has also been added. 2023 21

LS Forecast has been restructured. The master data synchronization and all connections with the LS Forecast
cloud app have been removed.
LS Central now depends on 3rd-party solutions to calculate and provide sales forecasts. LS Central holds the
historical sales data and the master data. This data can be uploaded to an external demand forecasting engine.
The produced forecast results can be stored in the table LS Forecast Entry in LS Central. LS Forecast Entries are
used to calculate the amount of stock to replenish within a specified period. 2023 21
Other functionalities, including Additional Dimensions and Item Suggestions, remain unchanged.

The Disable Device Lock in the Management Portal is now called Device Locking Enabled. The default value of the
new property is the same as before, that is the device locking is not enabled. But the meaning of the property has
been inverted, so if the device locking is enabled at a customer site, this new property needs to be updated 2023 21

An option to print any test string has been added on the POS Printer card in Business Central and in the Hardware
Station Management Portal. 2023 21
Housekeeping feature has been implemented that supports issuing tasks according to relative housekeeping rules
applied according to setup, either from Hotel Setup or Room Type Setup.
A new page, Room Housekeeping Tasks, is now accessible from the Housekeeping Status page (click the
housekeeping tasks counters). The page shows how long tasks are estimated to take to complete along with the
task list itself. For vacant rooms or rooms that have stayover, tasks are issued based on a day interval that is set
up either from Housekeeping Tasks or Housekeeping Rules. Priority rooms (rooms that have check-out and check-
in on the same day), get a combined list from the check-in housekeeping rule and the check-out housekeeping
rule (if both rules are used). This task list shows tasks that should be performed today. 2023 21
Housekeeping job is updated to maintain this task list for each day, based on the status of the reservations and
the status of the room.

The following card pages have been removed from the Business Central search, because they are accessible
through lists:
- Cancellation policy card
- Rate code
- Reservation payment type
- Rate Code Price Config Card
- Room Type
- Room Card
- Room Rate
- Add Reservation to Group
- Bar Grid Card
- Deposit Amount and Payment
- Hotel Group Reservation
- Hotel Package 2023 21
- Hotel Reservation Type Card
- Hotel Restriction Entry
- Housekeeping Rule
- Rate Change Card
- Rate Change Group
- Routing Rule
The Hotel Invoice has been updated to be consistent with the change in Invoice Management, now that each
hotel reservation can have multiple customers and invoices. 2023 21
Information has been added to the Export to Excel logging action which is available on the Reservation card. This
includes Detailed Revenue Entry, Transaction Header, Sales Header and lines, Sales Invoice and lines, and finally 2023 21
extensions published by LS Retail.

An information icon has been added to the Tape Chart. Hovering displays a list and a short description of all icons
that are used on the chart. 2023 21
Invoice and Transaction Summary is a new page showing an overview of invoiced, paid, and unpaid revenue
entries. 2023 21
Setup documentation has been added to the LS Central Help, see Setting Up Hotels.
2023 21
It is now possible to have multiple customers on a hotel reservation. Each charge line (DRE) has a Payer No. that is
used to select lines into invoices in BackOffice and on the POS. 2023 21
The restriction name is now displayed in the warning or error message for restriction types Stop, Sell Limit, Closed
Departure, and Closed Arrival. 2023 21
Parallel calculation can be enabled for the Purchase and Transfer Replenishment Journal and this applies always
to the scheduler-based calculation. You now have the option to also enable the parallel calculation process for the
Replenishment Journals when they are being calculated manually.
For more information see Parallel Replenishment Journal Calculation in the LS Central Help. 2023 21

You can now specify a different lead time for the vendor when delivering to different destination locations. This
lead time value is used in Replenishment Journal calculation, and when the setup exists on the location level, it
will take precedence over the lead time settings in the Item Vendor Catalog and the Vendor Card.
You also have the option to consider this new lead time setting in the Purchase Order, which will be used to
calculate the Expected Receipt Date of the items. 2023 21
For more information see Vendor Lead Time per Destination Location in the LS Central Help.

Comp. Price Incl. VAT is now populated after populating Unit Price Including VAT.
2023 21
This has been fixed by using Statement Post creation of Customer Ledger Entries when selling an item and using a
higher deposit than the sold item and refunding on the POS. 2023 21
Inconsistently hard-coded decimal places have been changed to autoformat. 2023 21
Sales Quantity is now calculated based on Invoiced Quantity. 2023 21
- An overflow issue with Customer Order: External ID when creating SPG orders has been fixed.
- Changes done to creation of Transaction for Sales Order posting. 2023 21
Login URL field has been added to the Advanced FastTab on the Web Service Setup page to set up on-premises
S2S. 2023 21
Indirect permissions have been added to Media Tenant. 2023 21
When "Post as Shipment" is used, a CLE is created with zero line to connect the transaction to the SO. The zero
CLE line was created with value in the field Sales(LCY). That should have been zero. This has now been fixed. 2023 21

It is not possible to finalize a Customer Order with 0 amount in the Shipment Charge item.
To allow this, the field LSC Zero Price Valid must be set to true in the item table for the Shipment Charge Item. 2023 21

Retail Image Import/ExRetail Image Import/Export now uses the full file name in the Description field. An option
has been added to have the Retail Images use Number series.
Number series is used for Retail Image.Code if the Retail Setup.Retail Image Nos. is filled. If not, it uses the first 20 2023 21
characters of the file name like before.

A bug has been fixed where suspended transactions were not filtered out in calculation of Customer Order totals.
2023 21
Events were added to populate LS extra fields on Sales price. Autotest were added to make sure the fields keep
being populated (new feature only). 2023 21
It is now possible to cancel an SPG order, even with no SPG license. 2023 21
XML value check has been added on decimal values from Shopify. 2023 21
Record locking will now be avoided in the WS Request Log table. Two or more web services can now add to the
log simultaneously. 2023 21
When entering the quantity for an item with variants in the Store Inventory Journal opened from the Store
Inventory Worksheets, the quantity was assigned to non-existent variants in the Dimension Matrix. This has now 2023 21
been fixed.

Status handling after tables have been allocated has been fixed for both timeline and graphical view. Seating
reserved guests is fixed also. 2023 21

Fix has been created for seating tables - when checking an overlap and after opening the Allocation panel.
2023 21
When the drawer alert type is enabled to block in the hardware profile, the transaction is done in the POS. When
the drawer is open, it shows the "Drawer open alert" message on the screen and stays there until the drawer is 2023 21

When switching between two hospitality types with graphical layouts with different numbers of dining tables, for
example 12 and 30, the system always showed 30 dining table buttons. This has been fixed so that the system 2023 21
now shows one button per dining table (12 and 30 respectively).

An issue has been fixed that caused the terminal computer validation to be case sensitive.
2023 21
An issue has been fixed that caused the purchase history details to not be displayed when expanding from the
arrow. 2023 21

An issue where the Effective Inventory calculation in Replenishment was ignoring the Effective Inv. Sales Order,
Effective Inv. Purchase Ord., Effective Inv. Transfer Inb., and Effective Inv. Transfer Outb. settings on the Location 2023 21
Card, has now been fixed.

In the SaaS environment, an issue where some tiles were missing in the LS Replenishment Role Center has now
been fixed. 2023 21
Code has been updated to use the new data type DataTransfer.
2023 21
A new web request, GetMemberContactInfo, has been created to search and collect member contact
information. This web request is based on the OData 4 module. Request and response parameters are in json
format. The web request can be published and subscribed as other web request, the only difference is that the
subscription process will not create SOAP related data, but only refer to the fact that it is an OData 4 request (see
request name space) and the Definition URL is converted to its OData 4 format.
This new type of web requests will be shown and handled by the same pages and actions as version 2. It could be 2023 21
argued that the new types are in fact version 3, but they will remain in the list with web service 2 for the time

When finalizing an order on the takeout host (FAB Order), a confirmation message pops up asking if the user
wants to finalize the order. This is to ensure that users can cancel, if they pressed the Finalize button by mistake. 2023 21
Webhooks have been added for kitchen status changes. Every time the kitchen status changes, a message is sent
to the LS Commerce Service. The Order KOT statuses can be mapped to a user defined status that is to be
displayed on the eCommerce site. 2023 21

The following fields have been added to the fields that can be displayed on the chit in the Kitchen:
- PhoneNo
- OrderId
- TableNo 2023 21
- CustomerName

The Kitchen Service can now use OAuth authentication to connect to the Business Central SaaS. KDS now uses
REST to connect to the Hardware Station. And KDS uses not REST Client to access the OData web service 2023 21
protocols. Backwards compatibility with older SOAP services is available down to v.17.0.

Client name is now shown on activity lines (on the web templates), in the Activity Host. Client name is now shown
instead of ‘human resource’, for reservations that have a reservation type set up to have multiple clients. 2023 21

Previously, it was only possible to make a deposit (prepayment) at the POS in the Activity solution. Now it is
possible to make a deposit (prepayment) from a reservation in the Back Office via the Deposit Schedule page. A 2023 21
Deposit button was added to the existing Deposit Schedule page.

When the activity user has no default matrix view, a new error message for matrix view is displayed: Default
matrix view setup is missing. 2023 21
Itinerary page has been added, an overview of all guest activities assigned to a reservation. The Itinerary page is
accessible from Activity Reservation and Reservation Group. 2023 21
The functionality where the user changes the reservation dates in the reservation header has been enhanced.
Now there is better validation of the date change, and the users are also asked if they want to update the activity
line dates accordingly. Note that on course and class products the activity dates will not be changed. Activity 2023 21
times will not be modified.

The handling of config files that store the settings of devices in the Hardware Station has been refactored to
minimize the read and write of the config files. This minimizes the likelihood of the config files getting corrupt.
The handling of corrupt config files has been changed, so that if the Hardware Station reads a corrupt file, it will
regenerate a new one with default settings instead of reporting an error. 2023 21
The balance of a reservation can be routed to different invoices in Back Office before check-out. If the routing is
changed on the POS (Finalize Invoices – Split Bill), from what it was in Back Office, the changes are now reflected 2023 21
in the Invoice Management in the Back Office.

A new field, Enabled, has been added to the Room Type Block table. If set to true, the field will take availability
from the Hotel Availability table, and if set to false, it will not have any affect on hotel availability.
All blockings coming from web services have this field automatically set to true. Hotel Availability is now
accessible through action navigation for quicker access to the affected table. 2023 21

Reservation Cues have been copied from the Back Office Role Center to the Front Desk Role Center to display the
same Views filters in the Reservation List page (Attention, Draft, Arrivals, and so on). 2023 21

The Host attribute has been moved from Hotel User to Staff. A new Host field has been added on the Staff List and
Staff Card. A Host is now assigned to staff from the Staff List. Front Desk Cue Number of Reservations has been
changed to show the number of reservations with Hosts.
The Host field has been marked as obsolete, and two fields, Host ID and Host Name have been created in the 2023 21
Reservation table.

A new action, Hotel Reservation, has been added to the Activity Card and the Activity Reservation Card, to open
related hotel reservations. Additionally, an action, Hotel Group Reservation, has been added to the Activity Group 2023 21
Reservation Card, to open related hotel group reservations.

LS Recommend and its functionalities have been obsoleted. It is no longer possible to get item recommendations
at POS terminals. 2023 21
The Staff Management module now uses the Retail Message functionality to send messages to a group of
employees or individuals. When the employee clocks in, the system checks for messages to that individual, both
direct or to the store or terminal. The employee can accept to read the message, and thus the message will be
marked as read. The message can also be read by the standard Retail Message functionality in the POS.
Also, the Employee Portal now shows the related messages and the employee can mark the message as
processed. The Staff Manager role center now has an action to create new messages and also to see currently
active messages from a cue.
Note that previously, a simpler message functionality in the Staff Management module had been obsoleted and 2023 21
removed from the Staff Management Setup, Location, Employee, and Work Location cards.
The second set of the Employee List page in the Staff Management has been removed. This page will not show up
in the search, and only one list page is now active for the Staff Management employees. 2023 21
The Time Registration page has been removed from the search results. If partners upgrade their implementations
and the old time registration page is shown, an error message is displayed referring the user to set up the new 2023 21
time registration POS panel instead.

The standard new feature New sales price experience in Business Central has now been enabled for the LS Central
Demo Data Company.
This change has some effects on the Retail Item Card and some new functionality in Business Central is now
Changes on the Retail Item Card:
- The Unit Price with VAT field is no longer on the Retail Item Card, you find this now in action Prices & Discounts /
Sales Prices for the retail item. 2023 21
- FastTab Pricing is not there anymore, it has been replaced with action Prices & Discount / Sales Prices.
- A new part has been added on the FactBox panel, Item Price Overview.

Handling of Shortage when using Customer Order - Transfer Orders has been fixed.
2023 21
- Processing of Non-Inventory items in Customer Order changes has been fixed. Transaction was created with
Gross Amount excluding the Non-Inventory item.
- The system has been changed to prevent users from creating a Customer Order that has only items of type
Service or Non-Inventory. 2023 21
- Processing of Transfer Orders and Customer Orders was tuned.

Processing length for data has been fixed.

2023 21
When entering Item Category Code or Retail Product Group, the template defined for each field is automatically
applied to the Retail Item.
If Item Category Code and Retail Product Group have different Item templates defined, the one defined in the 2023 21
Retail Product Group is applied.

If Default Qty. to Receive is Blank in the Purchases & Payables Setup, the Return Qty. to Ship in the Purchase
Return Order (create) will be the same as the Quantity. 2023 21
The following has been done to make it easier to investigate and fix process problems with dining tables:
If a dining table has an active order that is supposed to be unposted according to the Hosp. Order Trans. Status
but is posted, it shows the - with error - status in the POS. When you press it, the pop-up menu includes the Reset
function that you select to fix the error. The Dining Tables page, under the Dining Area page, shows dining tables
in red that have some kind of mismatching status.
You can also Reset a dining table in this page, and view the Dining Table Status Log that stores information on 2023 21
what was done during the Reset function. The new Dining Tables FactBox shows various information links to help
with your problem solving.

When a QR code for a table in Dining Area is created and an old QR code already exist, the old one is now
removed. 2023 21
The KDSStatus now displays the correct error message when printing fails. The error message is displayed with a
banner with a five-minute timeout instead of a field in the POS footer. 2023 21
If the POS language was changed from the default language (English) and the POS browser was then refreshed,
the DateTime was displayed in English. This has been fixed and DateTime is displayed in the selected language. 2023 21

A date formula translation error that occurred in the Retail Sales and Purchase Budget when the system language
is not set to English, has now been fixed. 2023 21
With centralized comments you can register comments to a source record in the Back Office and in the POS. A
source record is, for example, a dining reservation, a dining table entry, a POS transaction, an activity reservation,
or an activity group reservation.
Comments have a priority that controls the font style of the comments, making it possible to highlight important
comments. Comments can be assigned comment categories. They are an important tool to:
- group comments together.
- assign a default priority to comments.
- link attributes to comments (attributes function as predefined comment options, for example allergies). 2023 21
- specify whether comments should be sent to the kitchen.
Related Comments
Source records can be related to records in other sources. A dining reservation can, for example, be related to an
activity and an activity reservation. The activity reservation may be related to an activity group reservation and
other activities. An activity group reservation may have multiple related sources, such as activity group members,
activity reservations, activities, and dining reservations.
When you view the comments for a source record, you also see the comments that have been registered for the
related source records. This way there is no need to move comments between sources and this ensures that
comments are not overlooked, because they were registered to the "wrong" source.

Comments in the kitchen

When a KOT is created for an order that has comments marked to be sent to kitchen (including related
comments), these comments are displayed or printed with the KOT. You can also send comments to the kitchen
after KOTs have been created.

If you have been using dining reservations and Bookings, you must go to Comment Setup and follow the steps
required to move existing comments to the new structure. The potential size of the database tables involved
makes the upgrade process not feasible for this purpose. The upgrade process takes care of moving existing
Hotels comments to the new structure.

When Default Qty. to Receive is equal to Blank in the Purchase & Payables Setup page, and if the item has
variants, the fields Qty. to Receive and Qty. to Invoice cannot be filled. 2023 21
The Cycle count filter has been removed to include all lines in GetInvWorksheetBuffer.
2023 21
A new web service to get member contact's sales history has been implemented.
2023 21
Fulfillment Rewrite for New API Interface
Fulfillment has been changed to support the latest Shopify API.
Meta Data
It is now possible to send XML data as meta data with the product data.
In Shopify Admin, go to Settings - Metadfields - Products.
Create meta fields before or after Items have been sent from LS Central. All fields must have name space lsretail
and content type Single line text.
Fixes - Shipping Agent mapping without Shipping Agent Service Code. 2023 21
Shopify and Magento stores in same Company. When sending web hook messages for Order status, shipping and
Payment, Integration Event is used to send those messages to Shopify if store is found in Shopify Administration

Usually, when you click buttons in the POS, the buttons are processed by the server and are “non-blocking”, which
means you can keep interacting with the POS.
In this release, a new feature was added which enables users to mark POS Menu Lines or POS commands as
“blocking”. This means that while they are being processed, the user will have to wait for it to finish. By default,
the POS keeps being non-blocking but can be set to “always block” in the POS Interface Profile. Visually, this
feature is indicated with a loading cursor and the screen gets a little dimmer, until a message is displayed if the 2023 21
action takes too long. The time it takes for the message to appear can also be ustomized in the POS Interface
The Web Templates implementation has been changed to facilitate easy delivery and versioning of Web
Templates created by LS Retail.
LS Retail Web Templates are now marked as Base and their source code a part of LS Central. This process is
automatic, and no actions are needed. This eliminates the use of data packages to deliver the Template code and
ensures the Web Template code is always in sync with each release. The Base Web Templates are read-only, but it
is possible to extend them by copying the Template code into a new Web Template with a new name and change
the source code like before.
If a Web Template is not a Base template, the process is unchanged, the database blobs store the source code,
and customers can change the code in any way they like.
In summary:
- Base Web templates are now delivered with the code as a part of LS Central delivery. 2023 21
- Editing of Base Web Template has been disabled (read-only mode).
- Copy functionality for Web Templates has been introduced to enable users to customize or extend Base Web
Templates more easily.
- All Web Templates functionality remains the same. The changes only affect to Base Web Templates delivered by
LS Retail.

The LS Replenishment Role Center has been renamed Replenishment Role Center.
2023 21
You now have the option to calculate the Daily Sales in the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) for items that have
been assigned with the Replenishment Calculation Type Stock Levels or Like for Like. You can enable the option by
using the Calc. Daily Sales for Stock Levels and Calc. Daily Sales for Like for Like settings in the Replen. Setup, and
the subsequent setups are just the same as the Average Usage calculation type. You just need to assign a
Replenishment Sales Profile to the item, or just specify a default Replenishment Sales Profile to be used by all the
items. 2023 21
For more information see Calculation Type – Stock Levels and Calculation Type – Like for Like in the LS Central
You can now validate the manually changed quantity in the Purchase and Transfer Replenishment Journal against
the Order Multiple and the Transfer Multiple that have been assigned to the item. You can enable the validation
by using the Replen. Journal Quantity Warning settings for the Order Multiple and Transfer Multiple, available in
the Replen. Setup page. Once these settings have been enabled, the system displays a warning when the
manually changed quantity in the Replenishment Journal is not in full multiple.
The Order Multiple validation works for the Quantity field in the Purchase Replenishment Journal, and the
Transfer Multiple validation works for the Quantity field in the Transfer Replenishment Journal and the Quantity 2023 21
to Cross Dock field in the Purchase Replenishment Journal.
For more information see Order Multiple and Transfer Multiple Validation in the LS Central Help.

It is now allowed to modify the price of a deal when the order is created through the Commerce Service. The deal
has to allow price modifications and the web request needs to set PriceModified to True. This feature is only 2023 21
available through the web services.

The statement-post codeunit has been adjusted to allow negative adjustments also for recipes.
2023 21
The Self-Service Kiosk was designed for the typical fast food ordering screen which is common in portrait mode
with the screen resolution of 1080x1920.
Now the Self-Service Kiosk detects the screen aspect ratio and applies styling accordingly. This makes it possible 2023 21
to run the Self-Service Kiosk on a wider variety of hardware.

LS Insight has been renamed Analytics.

2023 21
LS Activity has been renamed Bookings. 2023 21
Now if you change either mobile phone number or email address for a member contact who has an assigned
Group Reservation (Main group member), an Activity Reservation, or Activity, the mobile phone number and
email address are updated in all future assignments of the related entries.
Note: Only activities that had the same previous phone number or email or a blank phone/email are updated. 2023 21
Phone number is not assigned on any of these entries, only the mobile phone.

New functions to update the Reservation/Activity status have been added to the new Activity API, LSC Activity WS
(Rest supporting). To enable the new API, open the Activity Web Setup page, click the Related action, and select
Web Services. The new functions require enabling Web Service Integration in the Activity Setup - Web Integration 2023 21
A new page has been added that allows users to extract a guest list for a specific period and down to property.
The page is available through Reports in the Hotel Back Office Role Center. 2023 21
It is now possible to choose a second available discount for reservations. New actions, Select discount to apply
and Clear Discount have been added to the New Reservation page.
New actions have also been added to pages Rate Change and Upgrade/Upsell, so it is now possible to apply or not 2023 21
apply available discounts for a modified reservation.

Country has been added to the guest list and the nationality report has been updated to use data from the guest
list instead of the reservation level, only looking at guests that have arrived at the hotel (with reservation status
Inhouse or Checked-out). 2023 21
A new AddCountryToGuestlist() method was added to hotel upgrade codeunit.

The Hotel POS now has a new parameter, OPENPOSTRANS, to the #HTL-FRONTDESK command to show a list of all
reservations that have open POS Transactions in the hotel. Double-click a transaction and the POS opens. 2023 21

The Room Type Avail. Info page has been improved to show occupancy rates by room type and totals by property.
In the Property Totals row the accent is:
- Less than 50% - Green (Favorable)
- Less than 80% - Dark Yellow (Ambiguous) 2023 21
- Less than 100% - Red (Unfavorable)

Incoming Prescription Orders can now be changed from Direct Addressed to normal Prescription in one action.
2023 21
Incoming orders are now shown as Favorable (Green) in the Customer Start Service subpage and can be
confirmed for processing by selecting the function Confirm Incoming Order in the Functions menu. The Confirm 2023 21
Incoming Order function is only available, if an incoming order is in focus.

Used Pharmacies commands are now registered automatically when Pharmacy Admin Tasks are run. 2023 21
Now you can print a label with the Issued Item information and the Replacement candidates from the Item
Substitution page. 2023 21
The Print buffer REST function in Hardware Station has been improved with more detailed error messages and
better logging. 2023 21
The following POS commands are new in LS Central 21.4:
COMM_CATEGORY Lookup Comment Category
COMM_EDIT Edit comment
COMM_EDIT_OPTION Change comment option
COMM_LINE Commands for comment lines in data grid
COMM_NEW Create new comment
COMM_NEWCATLOOKUP Create new comment with Category lookup
2023 21
COMM_NEWOPTION Create new comment with category and option
COMM_SENDTOKDS Send comments to Kitchen
COMM_SHOW Show comments - main grid, related grid
COMM_SHOWSALES Show comments in Sales POS
PROMOCODEPromo code entry for Bookings
See POS Commands in the LS Central Help and the corresponding Excel list with filters for a complete list of POS

Three new Scheduler jobs have been added to the LS Central Demo Data Company. The jobs are:
UPD-MEMBER-INFO - Update Member Information
UPGR/DOWNGR-MEMBER - Update/Downgrade Management
EXP-MEMBER-POINTS - Exp. Member Point Entries 2023 21
The three jobs are doing the same as actions in Member Process Order Entry.
Rebranding in the LS Central help includes these changes:LS Central Modules LS Activity Bookings
LS Insight Analytics
LS eCommerce eCommerce
LS Forecourt Forecourt
LS Hotels Hotels
LS Pharmacy Pharmacies
LS Staff Management Staff Management
Consulting Modules LS Duty Free Duty free add-on
LS Cruise Ferry add-on
LS Central Apps LS Central AppShell AppShell
LS Retail Mobile Inventory Mobile Inventory
LS Retail Mobile POS Mobile POS 2023 21
Supporting Functionality LS Commerce Service Commerce Service
LS Data Director Data Director
LS Hardware Station Hardware Station
LS KDS Kitchen Display Service
LS Update Service Update Service

See Product Overview for details.

Note: This structure is also reflected in the organization of the LS Central Release Notes, version 21.4 and
The LS Central Help is currently being updated to comply with the company's rebranding of product, module, and
app names. The rebranding is most noticable in LS Insight becoming Analytics and LS Activity becoming Bookings.
In the navigation menu, the Help topics are now divided into four main groups, the same as in the Product 2023 21

LS Central Contains help topics for LS Central Base, including BackOffice, Point of Sale, Replenishment,
Restaurants, and more.
Modules Help for Analytics, Bookings, Staff Management, Hotels, Pharmacies, and eCommerce.
LS Central Apps Help for AppShell, Mobile Inventory, Mobile POS, and ScanPayGo. 2023 21
Supporting Functionality Help for Commerce Service, Data Director, Hardware Station, and Kitchen Display
The order of how Item Status for Item is checked has been changed. Now the system finds the last status and
checks if that item is blocked for sale. 2023 21
In the Customer Order Setup table, the fields Item Journal Template and Item Journal Batch are not used and
have been made obsolete. 2023 21
Search for Phone No and Name is now possible from Search Command, and it is possible to add a button with POS
command HOSP-SEARCHORDER to search by Order No. 2023 21
A new field, Use Bill-to Customer, has been added on the POS Functionality Profile Card.
When activated, the calculation of the Customer Price will use the Bill-to Customer No. field on the Customer Card 2023 21
to calculate the price, similar to standard Business Central.

An issue regarding an edge case for the EFT error recovery, where a recovered transaction was not successfully
used as payment on the POS, has now been fixed and hotfixes have been created for previous versions. 2023 21

An issue where changing a user or doing a manager override by using an MSR card was not working properly. This
has now been fixed. 2023 21
An issue that caused the click event to click the button in the background of the pop-up grid has been fixed.
2023 21
City and Post Code lookup in the MEMBERCONTACT POS command can now be changed to handle long strings
and to populate County as well as City, Post Code, and Country/Region Code.
The current City and Post Code fields are too short to be able to handle long strings, so two new internal fields
have been added to the Member Contact table: 5110 - "City Search Internal" and 5111 - "Post Code Search
These fields should be used instead of the short fields in the POS Data table lines for POS Data table
#MCONTACTEDIT for the #MCITY and #POSTCODE lookups. When these lookups are used, values of the City, Post 2023 21
Code, Country/Region Code, and County fields are copied to the respective Member Contact fields after lookup on
No action is required unless you want to be able to handle full-sized strings.

An issue in Master Child replenishment calculation, where the Sales Order's quantity from the Child locations
were not considered in the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation of the Master location, has been fixed. 2023 21

When a query was enabled for the Replenishment Item Quantity (RIQ) calculation, its Daily Sales was not
considering the sales history of the item that was set up as the Replenish as Item No.. This has now been fixed. 2023 21
If deal items have current availability 0, an error pops up just after a deal is selected.
POS command AVAILABILITY_MODE shows the status on the button in the <#AVAILABILITY_MODE> tag. 2023 21

The "KDSStatus" now displays the correct error message when printing fails. The error message is displayed with a
banner with a five-minute timeout instead of a field in the POS footer. 2023 21
Background border around language selection button
When the flag images used were of different sizes, a border was displayed. This border has now been removed.
Recipes with the same ingredient in deals
If a deal had more than one recipe and the recipes had the same ingredient, it was not possible to exclude the
common ingredient from just one of the recipes. This has now been fixed.
Start order button fix 2023 21
When an order is started in the Self-Service Kiosk on a terminal with only one hospitality type and no language
translation selection, the transaction is started directly.

A new page for B2B picking control has been added (avoid FMD control).
2023 21
Function call has been added to print a dose label from the Pick Panel.
2023 21
Inactive subscribers have been fixed or removed. 2023 21
An error in Hardware Station has been fixed, where a printer receiving an OPOS error restarted with the default
configuration values and did not reconfigure itself until the Hardware Station was restarted. 2023 21
av/LS Central Release











































































































































































































































































































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