Industrial Refrigeration: Ammonia and CO2 Application

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Application Handbook

Industrial Refrigeration
Ammonia and CO2 Application

Revised June 2022
Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

Contents 1. Introduction.......................................................................................................................................7
1.1 Refrigerants......................................................................................................................................................................8
1.1.1 Ammonia - R717...................................................................................................................................................8
1.1.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) – R744............................................................................................................................8
1.1.3 Halocarbons – CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs..........................................................................................................8
1.1.4 Hydrocarbons – HCs............................................................................................................................................8
1.2 Refrigerant feed to the evaporator ........................................................................................................................9
1.2.1 Direct expansion system (DX) .........................................................................................................................9
1.2.2 Circulated system (flooded system) .............................................................................................................9
1.3 One-stage systems .................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.4 One-stage systems .................................................................................................................................................... 10
1.5 Cascade systems ........................................................................................................................................................ 12
1.6 Transcritical systems.................................................................................................................................................. 13
2. Compressor controls.......................................................................................................................18
2.1 Reverse flow control.................................................................................................................................................. 18
2.2 Suction pressure control.......................................................................................................................................... 19
2.3 Compressor capacity control.................................................................................................................................. 20
2.3.1 Step control......................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.3.2 Slide valve control............................................................................................................................................. 20
2.3.3 Variable speed control..................................................................................................................................... 20
2.3.4 Hot gas bypass................................................................................................................................................... 20
2.4 Discharge Temperature Control with Liquid Injection.................................................................................. 22
2.5 Economizer damper.................................................................................................................................................. 23
2.6 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................ 24
3. Condenser controls.........................................................................................................................25
3.1 High-pressure float valve operation.................................................................................................................... 25
3.2 Low-pressure float valve operation...................................................................................................................... 25
3.3 Air-cooled condensers.............................................................................................................................................. 26
3.3.1 This method utilizes a step controller to control the air flow in the air-cooled condenser
by switching the fans on or off according to a condensing pressure signal............................... 26
3.3.2 Fan speed control of air-cooled condensers........................................................................................... 26
3.3.3 This method of condenser fan control is mainly used when a reduction in noise level
is desired due to environmental concerns.............................................................................................. 26
3.3.4 Area control of air-cooled condensers...................................................................................................... 26
3.3.5 For area control of air-cooled condensers, a receiver is required. This receiver must
have sufficient volume to be able to accommodate the variations in the amount
of refrigerant in the condenser.................................................................................................................... 26
3.4 Air-cooled condensers.............................................................................................................................................. 29
3.4.1 Control of evaporative condensers............................................................................................................ 30
3.5 Water-cooled condensers........................................................................................................................................ 31
3.6 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................ 33
4. Liquid level regulation....................................................................................................................34
4.1 High-pressure liquid level regulation system (HP LLRS)............................................................................... 35
4.2 Low-pressure liquid level regulation system (LP LLRS)................................................................................. 38
4.3 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................ 41
5. Evaporator controls.........................................................................................................................42
5.1 Temperature controls................................................................................................................................................ 43
5.1.1 Media temperature control........................................................................................................................... 43
5.1.2 Multi-temperature changeover .................................................................................................................. 44
5.2 Liquid supply control ............................................................................................................................................... 45
5.2.1 Direct expansion control................................................................................................................................ 45
5.2.2 Flooded evaporator circulation control.................................................................................................... 47
5.3 Injection with a solenoid valve (ICF 20-2).......................................................................................................... 48
5.4 Injection with a pulse width modulation AKV(A) valve................................................................................ 49
5.5 Risers............................................................................................................................................................................... 50

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

5.6 Defrost methods......................................................................................................................................................... 53

5.6.1 Electric defrost................................................................................................................................................... 54
5.6.2 Hot gas defrost................................................................................................................................................... 54
5.6.3 Hot gas defrosting controls........................................................................................................................... 54
5.6.4 Hot gas defrosting sequence........................................................................................................................ 54
5.6.5 Controlling the defrost phase....................................................................................................................... 56
5.6.6 General hot gas defrosting considerations............................................................................................. 57
5.6.7 Hot gas defrost for DX evaporators............................................................................................................ 59
5.6.8 Hot gas defrost for pumped liquid circulation evaporators.............................................................. 61
5.6.9 Special application: Defrosting of plate freezers................................................................................... 62
5.7 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................ 64
6. Oil systems.......................................................................................................................................65
6.1 Oil cooling controls.................................................................................................................................................... 65
6.2 Oil differential pressure controls........................................................................................................................... 68
6.3 Oil recovery system ................................................................................................................................................... 70
6.4 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................ 73
7. Safety systems.................................................................................................................................74
7.1 Pressure relief devices............................................................................................................................................... 74
7.2 Pressure and temperature limiting devices...................................................................................................... 76
7.3 Liquid level safety devices....................................................................................................................................... 76
7.4 Refrigerant detection................................................................................................................................................ 77
7.4.1 Sensor technology............................................................................................................................................ 77
7.4.2 Actions triggered by gas detection............................................................................................................ 78
7.4.3 References........................................................................................................................................................... 79
7.4.4 Summary.............................................................................................................................................................. 79
8. Refrigerant pump controls.............................................................................................................80
8.1 Pump protection with differential pressure control ..................................................................................... 81
8.2 Pump bypass flow control ...................................................................................................................................... 82
8.3 Pump pressure control ............................................................................................................................................ 83
8.4 Summary........................................................................................................................................................................ 84
9. Others...............................................................................................................................................85
9.1 Filter driers in fluorinated systems....................................................................................................................... 85
9.2 Water removal for CO2 systems.............................................................................................................................. 86
9.2.1 Two-Phase Flow................................................................................................................................................. 86
9.2.2 Installation of filter driers in pumped circulation systems................................................................. 87
9.2.3 Installation filter driers in DX systems........................................................................................................ 87
9.3 Water removal for ammonia systems.................................................................................................................. 87
9.4 Air purging systems................................................................................................................................................... 89
9.4.1 High-pressure float control............................................................................................................................ 90
9.4.2 Low-pressure float valve................................................................................................................................. 90
9.4.3 The Danfoss air purger.................................................................................................................................... 91
9.4.4 Locating of purge points................................................................................................................................ 92
9.5 Heat recovery systems.............................................................................................................................................. 95
10. Using CO2 in refrigeration systems..............................................................................................96
10.1 CO2 as a refrigerant ................................................................................................................................................. 97
10.2 Comparision of line sizings in CO2 systems ................................................................................................... 98
10.3 Subcritical CO2 systems........................................................................................................................................102
10.3.1 Efficiency..........................................................................................................................................................104
10.3.2 Design pressure.............................................................................................................................................104
10.3.3 Stand-still pressure.......................................................................................................................................105
10.3.4 Defrosting pressure.....................................................................................................................................105
10.4 Special considerations for CO2 refrigeration systems...............................................................................106
10.4.1 Safety valve ....................................................................................................................................................106
10.4.2 Evacuating CO2 systems prior to start-up............................................................................................107

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

10.4.3 Charging CO2 .................................................................................................................................................107

10.4.4 Release of CO2 refrigerant..........................................................................................................................107
10.4.5 Filter cleaning ................................................................................................................................................108
10.4.6 Trapped liquid ...............................................................................................................................................108
10.4.7 Trapped CO2 gas............................................................................................................................................108
10.4.8 Leaks in CO2-ammonia cascade systems..............................................................................................109
10.4.9 Material compatibility.................................................................................................................................109
10.5 Conclusion................................................................................................................................................................109
10.6 Safety and gas detection ....................................................................................................................................109
10.7 Gas detection...........................................................................................................................................................110
10.7.1 Location guidelines......................................................................................................................................110
10.7.2 Number of gas detectors in a facility.....................................................................................................110
10.8 Pressure control CO2 systems.............................................................................................................................111
10.8.1 Possible control devices in case of high pressure in the CO2 separator....................................111
10.8.2 Possible control devices in case of low pressure in the CO2 separator......................................111
10.8.3 Compressor control.....................................................................................................................................111
10.8.4 Liquid level control......................................................................................................................................111
10.9 Cascade system controls.....................................................................................................................................112
10.9.1 Condenser capacity control......................................................................................................................112
10.9.2 Compressor capacity controls..................................................................................................................112
10.9.3 Cascade injection control..........................................................................................................................112
10.10 Control methods for hot gas defrosting......................................................................................................112
10.10.1 Hot-gas defrost on pump-circulated evaporators in CO2 systems...........................................112
10.10.2 Hot-gas defrost on DX evaporators in CO2 systems.......................................................................114
10.10.3 Hot-gas defrost pressure in CO2 systems...........................................................................................116
10.11 Oil in CO2 systems................................................................................................................................................117
10.11.1 Oil recovery for multi-compression systems....................................................................................118
10.12 Water in CO2 Systems ........................................................................................................................................119
10.12.1 Chemical reactions....................................................................................................................................119
10.12.2 Water in vapour phase..............................................................................................................................119
10.12.3 POE lubricant...............................................................................................................................................120
10.12.4 PAO lubricant...............................................................................................................................................120
10.12.5 Removing water.........................................................................................................................................120
10.12.6 How does water enter a CO2 system?.................................................................................................121
11. Transcritical CO2 systems .......................................................................................................... 122
11.1 Explanation of the transcritical cycle..............................................................................................................122
11.1.1 Heat rejection.................................................................................................................................................123
11.1.2 Design of gas coolers..................................................................................................................................123
11.1.3 The effect of gas cooler control on system efficiency.....................................................................123
11.2 Typical CO2 transcritical system types.............................................................................................................125
11.2.1 Commercial booster system.....................................................................................................................125
11.2.2 Commercial booster system with parallel compression................................................................126
11.2.3 The effect of intermediate pressure control on system efficiency..............................................127
11.2.4 Continuous developments for commercial CO2 transcritical systems......................................128
11.3 CO2 in Industrial refrigeration............................................................................................................................129
11.3.1 NH3 pump-circulated refrigeration principle.....................................................................................129
11.3.2 NH3/CO2 pump-circulated refrigeration principle............................................................................130
11.3.3 Industrial CO2 TC pump-circulated refrigeration principle ...........................................................130
11.4 Industrial CO2 transcritical systems..................................................................................................................131
11.4.1 Transcritical pump-circulated systems.................................................................................................131
11.4.2 Liquid level and pump control in CO2 pump-circulated systems ..............................................133
11.4.3 Evaporator control for pump-circulation CO2 systems...................................................................133
11.4.4 Danfoss Industrial evaporator controller, EKE 400............................................................................134
11.4.5 Valves for the liquid feed line (1).............................................................................................................135

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

11.4.6 valves for the wet return line (2) ............................................................................................................137

11.4.7 Valves for the hot-gas defrost line (3) ...................................................................................................138
11.4.8 Valves for the liquid-drain defrost line (4) ...........................................................................................139
11.5 Defrosting of industrial pump-circulated transcritical systems ...........................................................142
11.5.1 Optimal defrost pressure...........................................................................................................................142
11.5.2 Hot gas source...............................................................................................................................................142
11.6 Oil management ....................................................................................................................................................143
11.6.1 Oil carryover and main oil separation...................................................................................................144
11.7 Oil return ..................................................................................................................................................................144
11.7.1 Oil return in DX systems.............................................................................................................................144
11.7.2 Oil management in transcritical pump-circulating systems.........................................................145
11.7.3 Oil rectifying and oil return in transcritical pump-circulating systems
with immiscible oil.......................................................................................................................................147
11.7.4 Oil rectifying capacity and oil concentration.....................................................................................147
11.8 Heat recovery...........................................................................................................................................................148
11.8.1 System design................................................................................................................................................148
11.8.2 Control strategy.............................................................................................................................................149
11.8.3 Features and challenges............................................................................................................................150 Condensing in the heat-reclaim heat exchanger..............................................................150 Temperature protection.............................................................................................................151
11.8.4 Conclusion......................................................................................................................................................151
11.9 Design pressure and safety.................................................................................................................................151
12. Heat exchangers......................................................................................................................... 152
12.1 Heat transfer fundamentals................................................................................................................................155
12.1.1 Co-current vs counter-current.................................................................................................................156
12.1.2 Pinch point......................................................................................................................................................157
12.1.3 Condensers.....................................................................................................................................................157
12.1.4 Evaporators.....................................................................................................................................................158
12.1.5 Limitations to heat exchangers...............................................................................................................159
12.2 Plate heat exchangers..........................................................................................................................................160
12.3 Installation of heat exchangers.........................................................................................................................163
12.3.1 Evaporators ....................................................................................................................................................163
12.3.2 DX evaporators..............................................................................................................................................165
12.3.3 Condensers.....................................................................................................................................................165
12.3.4 Oil coolers........................................................................................................................................................167
12.3.5 De-superheaters...........................................................................................................................................168
12.3.6 Subcoolers.......................................................................................................................................................168
12.3.7 Economizers...................................................................................................................................................169
12.3.8 Superheaters..................................................................................................................................................170

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

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Refrigeration systems and methods of operating efficiency.
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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

1. Introduction The refrigeration systems and their applications temperature is higher than the ambient
described in this guide are all vapour temperature for the refrigerant to condense
compression refrigeration systems. and release heat. When the refrigerant is fully
condensed, it is expanded to lower the pressure,
Vapour compression refrigeration systems the evaporation pressure, corresponding to
utilise the heat absorbed or released in a a saturation temperature that is low enough
phase change, the latent heat, of refrigerants. for the refrigerant to absorb heat from the
The boiling temperature changes with the cooled environment, thus evaporating,
pressure of the refrigerant. and the processes repeat themselves.

The refrigerant is pressurised at different To visualise the processes, a log(p)-h diagram is

pressure levels, evaporation pressure levels shown in Figure 1.1. The log(p)-h diagram shows
and condensation pressure levels, to absorb the thermodynamic properties of a refrigerant.
heat from the heat source (cold room) and It is used for representing refrigeration cycles
release heat to the heat sink (ambient), thus by plotting in state points from the refrigeration
the refrigerant acts as a heat transport media. cycle. It can also be used for reading values
The refrigerant is evaporated and absorbs heat for the state points in a refrigeration cycle.
from the environment that is to be cooled. Once The log(p)-h diagram has been created with
the refrigerant is evaporated, it is compressed the Danfoss calculation tool Coolselector2.
to a higher pressure level, where the saturation

Figure 1.1: Log(p)-h diagram for one-stage ammonia system

A simple one-stage ammonia refrigeration

cycle is shown in the log(p)-h diagram above.
In this example, the evaporation temperature
is -10 °C (14 °F) and the condensation
temperature is 35 °C (95 °F).

The bell shape seen in the diagram is the

two-phase area of the refrigeration and the
horizontal lines inside the bell shape represent
the evaporation ((4) to (1)) and the condensation
((2) to (3)). The area to the left of the bell shape
is the liquid phase, while the area to the right
of the bell shape is the vapour/gas phase.
In the gas phase, the pressure is increased
from (1) to (2) - this is the vapour compression.
From (3) to (4), the refrigerant liquid is
expanded to the evaporation pressure level.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

1.1 Refrigerants The refrigerant is the medium that transports 1.1.3 Halocarbons – CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs
energy from the evaporator to the condenser. Halocarbons are made by replacing one or more
Different refrigerants have different hydrogen atoms with halogens in methane and
thermodynamic properties, such as latent heat, ethane molecules.
density, critical point etc. Different refrigerants
also have different safety precautions, Three classes of these exists: CFCs (chlorofluoro­
environmental impacts and regulations carbons), HCFCs (hydrochlorofluorocarbons)
to be taken into account when designing and HFCs (hydrofluorocarbons). These refrigerant
a refrigeration system. classes are known for:
The most common refrigerants used in industrial CFCs: All hydrogen atoms are substituted by
systems are: either chloride or fluoride, e.g. R11. These are
• Ammonia – R717 very stable compounds with a long lifetime.
• Carbon dioxide (CO2) – R744 CFCs are non-toxic and non-flammable
• Halocarbons – CFCs, HCFCs and HFCs refrigerants. However, these refrigerants have
been phased out because they contribute
• Hydrocarbons – HCs to the breakdown of the ozone layers in the
Earth’s stratosphere when they are leaked.
1.1.1 Ammonia - R717
Safety systems, such as safety relief valves HCFCs: At least one hydrogen atom is present
and gas detectors are described in chapter in these molecules, e.g. R22, which is used to
REF.Ammonia is a natural refrigerant with replace R12. These components are less stable
the chemical composition NH3. Ammonia is and have shorter lifetimes, thus they are less
inexpensive, easy to manufacture and has a harmful regarding ozone layer depletion and
high amount of latent heat, which is why it is global warming potential. HCFCs are being
a very commonly used refrigerant in industrial phased out by some countries.
applications. At ambient conditions, 20 °C (68 °F)
and 1 atm (14.7 psi), ammonia is lighter than air. HFCs: These halocarbons do not contain either
Additionally, ammonia has no ozone depletion chlorine or bromine, e.g. R134a, and are therefore
potential (ODP) and no global warming potential not ozone depleting. However, they do still have
(GWP). a high GWP and are therefore on a phasedown.
Ammonia’s operational area as a refrigerant The properties of R134a are close to R12, and
ranges from around -40 °C (-40 °F) of evaporation therefore R134a can normally replace R12 in
temperature and up. Ammonia is not compatible new and existing systems. Many new blends
with copper, so steel components should be are entering the market at the present time
used. though. However, due to the relatively high
Ammonia is toxic and flammable (in certain GWP compared to natural refrigerants, there is
concentrations), so proper safety precautions a risk that these will be phased out in the future.
must be taken when handling large amounts
of ammonia. 1.1.4 Hydrocarbons – HCs
Hydrocarbons have become very common
1.1.2 Carbon dioxide (CO2) – R744 in domestic refrigeration applications.
CO2 is a non-toxic (in small concentrations), Hydrocarbons are flammable and explosive,
non-flammable substance that is present in the but in small systems the charge is typically
atmosphere. CO2 has become more popular too low to pose any risk, and these systems
in recent years as CFC refrigerants have been are typically hermetic. Isobutane - R600a is
phased out, especially in smaller systems and as a a hydrocarbon refrigerant which is used in
secondary refrigerant in commercial applications. domestic applications. R290 – propane –
is used in some larger chillers but is yet to
The challenges regarding CO2 are the high be seen in large-scale industrial applications.
pressure for condensation/recuperating and the
low critical temperature, requiring transcritical
operation with warm ambient temperatures.
CO2 can be dangerous when leaking, as it is not
self-alarming like ammonia. Large concentrations
of CO2 can cause dizziness and, in the most
extreme cases, death. The other side of CO2’s
high pressure is that it is very efficient at low
temperatures, making it a good refrigerant for
freezing applications. However, CO2’s triple point
at -56.6 °C/5.1 bar abs (-69.9 °F / 73.9 psi) is the
lower limit for its use.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

1.2 Refrigerant feed There are two common ways that refrigerant is 1.2.2 Circulated system (flooded system)
to the evaporator fed to the evaporator in a vapour compression In circulated systems, the liquid/vapour mixture
refrigeration system, which are presented of refrigerant is separated after the expansion
in the following paragraphs. in a separation vessel. The saturated liquid phase
of the refrigerant is pumped, or driven by gravity,
1.2.1 Direct expansion system (DX) into the evaporator and is partially evaporated,
After expansion, the liquid/vapour mixture so that a liquid/vapour mixture of the refrigerant
of refrigerant is fed directly to the evaporator. is present at the evaporator outlet. In the
The refrigerant is then fully evaporated, separator vessel, only the saturated vapour will
so that only the vapour phase is present at be fed to the compressor, while the saturated
the evaporator outlet. To ensure that no liquid liquid is circulated through the evaporator.
is present in the suction line, the refrigerant
vapour is superheated (the actual temperature As the evaporator does not need to superheat
is above saturation) in the evaporator before the suction vapour, the entire surface is used
being fed to the compressor. for evaporation, making the flooded evaporator
much more efficient. Furthermore, creating
An expansion valve is controlled by the superheat in a DX evaporator requires a higher
superheat. This is either done by a thermostatic temperature difference and thus the evaporating
expansion valve or an electronic expansion valve. temperature in a flooded evaporator can be
closer to the product temperature, allowing
By keeping a constant level of superheat for a more efficient refrigeration system.
at the evaporator outlet, the expansion valve
feeds the right flow of refrigerant to the A circulation system is therefore more efficient
evaporator according to the cooling load. than a corresponding DX system.
A certain level of superheat should ensure that
only refrigerant vapour is fed to the compressor A sketch of a flooded evaporator is shown
suction. Liquid droplets in the suction will cause in Figure 1.3. The evaporator type is the same
liquid hammering in the compressor. as in Figure 1.2. For the flooded evaporator, the
pump is shown, but it would be left out if it were
A sketch of a direct expansion evaporator is a thermosyphon evaporator driven by gravity.
shown in Figure 1.2. The evaporator is depicted
as a plate heat exchanger, with the cooled
product on the left side and the refrigerant on
the right side. The thermostatic expansion valve
is regulated based on the superheat measured
on the suction line (line to compressor).

Figure 1.3: Pumped flooded evaporator

Figure 1.2: Direct expansion evaporator

NOTE: A thermostatic expansion valve can only

keep a constant superheat, rather than a constant
evaporating temperature.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

1.3 One-stage systems One-stage or single-stage refrigeration systems the general concept of evaporation and
are refrigeration systems where the compression condensation. Both can be constructed
from low pressure to high pressure is done in one and controlled in a number of ways.
stage. A one-stage refrigeration system with the
most basic components is shown in Figure 1.4. A log(p)-h diagram for a one-stage system can
be seen in Figure 1.1. The numbers shown in
Neither the evaporator nor the condenser is Figure 1.4 corresponds to the numbers shown
specified as a specific type, but rather represent for the state points in the log(p)-h diagram.

Figure 1.4: System diagram for a one-stage system

1.4 Two-stage/ A two-stage or multistage refrigeration systems which often results in compression ratios that are
multistage systems are refrigeration systems with two or more stages too high for the compressors or results in other
of vapour compression. undesirable operating conditions. Additionally,
the desire for another temperature level or
Industrial two-stage refrigeration systems usually efficiency considerations may result in a two-
have inter-stage cooling between compression stage system being chosen over a single stage.
stages to cool the discharge gas from the first
compression stage. It is therefore suitable to have two or more
stages of compression to have the compressors
By cooling the discharge gas from the low- operating at their optimal compression ratio,
pressure compressor, excessively high discharge and within their operation limits.
temperatures from the high-pressure compressor
are avoided. The cooling in the inter-stage A system sketch of a two-stage refrigeration
cooler is supplied by expanding some of system is shown in Figure 1.5. The figure is shown
the liquid refrigerant from the condenser with an inter-stage cooler and economiser.
to the intermediate pressure, where some An economiser like the one shown in the system
of it evaporates in the process of cooling the diagram is used for subcooling the refrigerant
LP compressor discharge gas. The gas mixed after the condenser by bypassing and flashing
from cooled LP compressor discharge gas, some refrigerant. The bypassed refrigerant is
refrigerant flashed and refrigerant evaporated evaporated and fed to an economiser port in
is passed to the HP compressor. the high-pressure compressor which can increase
the capacity and/or the efficiency of the system.
Two or more stages of vapour compression are The LP compressor may also have an economiser,
used when there is a large difference between but it is not shown here.
the evaporating and condensing temperature,

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

Figure 1.5: System diagram for two-stage system

A log(p)-h diagram for the two-stage system inter-stage cooler helps to keep a low discharge
is shown in Figure 1.6. The numbering in gas temperature from the high-pressure
Figure 1.5 follows the numbering of the state compression stage. If no inter-stage cooling
points shown in the log(p)-h diagram. It should was used, the line (1) to (2) would be extended
be noted that the evaporation temperature is and end on the same horizontal level as (4), but
-30 °C (-22 °F) and the condensation temperature shifted to the right, thus increasing the discharge
is kept at 35 °C (95 °F), as for the example for the temperature to around 160 °C (320 °F), which is
one-stage system. It should be noted how the not acceptable (primarily for oil considerations).

Figure 1.6: Log(p)-h diagram for two-stage ammonia system

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

In the above Log(P)-H diagram, the economiser without affecting the suction flow. This is utilised
is not shown. The economiser port is a port with the economiser, which is a heat exchanger
in screw compressors that allows access to the that further cools the liquid from the condenser.
compression chamber after the suction port To do this, a little of the condenser liquid flow is
has closed. As such, if a high enough pressure flashed to a lower pressure/temperature, where
is applied to the economiser port, an additional it is evaporated to cool the remaining liquid.
refrigerant flow can be added to the compressor That modifies the Log(P)-H diagram a little:

Figure 1.7: Log(p)-h diagram for two-stage ammonia system with economizer on the high stage

Low-stage compression from (1) to (2), is used to sub-cool the remaining liquid from
de-superheating in the inter-stage cooler from (7) to (9). It is noteworthy that the liquid flashed
(2) to (3) and initial high-stage compression from to the intermediate temperature is further
(3) to (4) is the same as in the non-economised to the left than it would have been without
system. The discharge from the high-stage the economiser, thus the enthalpy difference
compressor (6) is condensed from (6) to (7) as from (10) to (3) is bigger and that increases
before. After the condenser (7), a small amount the compressor’s cooling capacity. The power
of refrigerant is flashed to a lower temperature consumption is increased as well, because there
(8), where it is evaporated and added to is an additional mass flow that needs to be
the partially compressed suction gas of the compressed, but the overall effect – depending
high-stage compressor. The resulting mixture on the operating conditions – is a higher
is (5), which is compressed together to the cooling capacity and, usually, a higher COP.
final discharge at (6). The evaporative capacity

1.5 Cascade systems A cascade system consists of two separate A system diagram for a cascade system is shown
refrigeration circuits. The separate refrigeration in Figure 1.8. The cascade system diagram is
circuits are connected by a heat exchanger, somewhat similar to the two-stage system, where
which acts as a condenser for the low- the inter-stage cooler is replaced by a cascade
temperature circuit and an evaporator cooler, thus making two closed cycles. A cascade
for the high-temperature circuit. system is usually more complex than a two-
stage system, but it offers some benefits. CO2
The refrigerants for the two circuits can be is very efficient down to very low evaporating
different and optimised for each circuit. For temperatures where ammonia‘s efficiency drops,
example, the refrigerant for the high-temperature while ammonia can condense at relatively low
circuit could be ammonia, and the refrigerant pressure against warm ambient temperatures,
for the low-temperature circuit could be CO2. where CO2 has to go transcritical where the
efficiency drops. So, choosing CO2 in the LP
A CO2/ammonia system needs a smaller charge circuit and ammonia in the HP circuit allows
of ammonia and proves to be more efficient for the best of both worlds.
in low-temperature refrigeration than a similar
two-stage ammonia system.

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Figure 1.8: Cascade system diagram

1.6 Transcritical systems The properties of CO2 make it necessary to longer possible to condense in the traditional
operate the system in a different way. The ‘critical way. Above the critical point, the refrigerant is
point’ – the top of the bell-shaped two-phase called a transcritical fluid. The transcritical fluid
area – is at 31 °C / 72.8 bar (87.8 °F / 1055.9 psi). does not condense, but rather displays a gradual
In areas/periods where the ambient temperature change of density as it is cooled. In a traditional
is low, CO2 can be operated with condensing condensing process, the condensing temperature
below the critical point. In that case the cycle is, defines the pressure, but in the transcritical
in principle, the same as for other refrigerants fluid there is no such connection. Thus, the gas
(different pressures and enthalpies), but if the cooling pressure (equal to compressor discharge
ambient temperature is relatively high, it is no pressure) needs to be controlled.

Figure 1.9: Log(p)-h diagram for transcritical CO2 system

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Evaporation takes place from (4) to (1) is controlled by the expansion device that
and compression from (1) to (2) as in other expands to (4). The actual pressure in the gas
refrigeration systems. From (2) to (3) is the ‘gas cooler is based on an analysis of the cycle.
cooling’ process that replaces the condensing Consider a case where the gas cooler outlet
process. Point (3) is defined by the outlet is at 40 °C (104 °F), but different pressures
temperature of the gas cooler – here set are controlled. The corresponding cycles
to 40 °C (104 °F) – and the pressure that are as shown below:

Figure 1.10: Log(p)-h diagram for a trancritical CO2 system at different gas cooler pressures

The cooling capacity of the system is the Controlling the gas cooler pressure with the
enthalpy difference between points (1) and expansion device results in a problem. Since it is
(4) multiplied by the mass flow. The necessary intended that the low-pressure side be supplied
compression power is the enthalpy difference with the right amount of liquid – especially with
between points (2) and (1) (horizontally) DX operation of the low-pressure evaporators
multiplied by the mass flow. The COP of the – it is simply not possible to have an expansion
system is thus (H1-H4)/(H2-H1), which is valve serve both purposes at once. The solution
independent of the mass flow. It can be seen is to make an intermediate stop in the form of
that if the pressure is varied up (red) or down a receiver. The transcritical fluid is flashed from
(blue), both the cooling capacity and power the gas cooler exit through the high-pressure
consumption change. Calculating the COP valve into the receiver. In the receiver, the gas
along the (red) temperature curve, it can be and liquid part is separated, the liquid part
found to have a maximum at a specific pressure, is flashed to the evaporators as necessary,
which for 40 °C (104 °F) works out to be 102.4 bar while the gas part is reduced in pressure and
(1485.2 psi). Mapping this maximum COP across fed to the compressor’s suction line, thereby
different gas cooler exit temperatures has controlling the pressure in the receiver.
resulted in a curve that expresses the best
pressure for a given gas cooler exit temperature.
This curve has been implemented in the Danfoss
EKC 326 controller.

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Figure 1.11: Transcritical CO2 system with intermediate pressure receiver

Figure 1.12: Log(p)-h diagram for a transcritical CO2 system with intermediate pressure receiver

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This process can be optimised. The gas from the another compressor to compress this gas
receiver is reduced in pressure to the compressor to gas cooler pressure with a higher efficiency
suction, however it is possible to take advantage due to the higher suction pressure.
of the higher pressure in the receiver to employ This is called parallel compression.

Figure 1.13: Transcritical CO2 system with parallel compression

Figure 1.14: Log(P)-h diagram for a transcritical CO2 system with parallel compression

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One further optimisation for CO2 transcritical One of several different ways of employing this
systems is the use of ejectors. Ejectors utilise is to lift part of the suction gas from the low-
the power in the expansion from gas cooler stage compressor to the suction of the parallel
pressure to lift a gas flow to a higher pressure. compressor, resulting in an efficiency gain.

Figure 1.15: Transcritical CO2 system with parallel compression and gas ejectors

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2. Compressor controls

The compressor is the ‘heart’ of the refrigeration refrigeration system so that the required
system. It has two basic functions: evaporating temperature can be maintained.

Maintain the pressure in the evaporator If the compressor capacity is greater than
so that the liquid refrigerant can evaporate the demand, the evaporating pressure and
at the required temperature. temperature will be lower than that required,
and vice versa.
Compress the refrigerant so that it can
be condensed at a higher temperature. Additionally, the compressor should not be
allowed to operate outside of the approved
The basic function of compressor control, operation envelope for the mechanical safety
therefore, is to adjust the capacity of the of the compressor and operational safety
compressor to the actual demand of the of the entire system.

2.1 Reverse flow control Reverse flow and condensation of refrigerant compressors, reverse flow can cause reversed
during stand-still from the condenser to the oil rotation and damage to the compressor bearings.
separator and the compressor should be avoided To avoid this reverse flow, it is necessary to install
at all times. For piston compressors, reverse a check valve on the outlet of the oil separator.
flow can result in liquid hammering. For screw

Application Example 2.1.1: Reverse flow control

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The stop check valve SCA can function as a check Pressure switches RT 1A and RT 5A are shown
valve when the system is running and can also in the suction line and discharge line of the
shut off the discharge line for service as a stop compressor. It is important to have pressure
valve. This combined stop/check valve solution switches to cut-out or cut-in operation if the
is easier to install and has lower flow resistance pressure fluctuates outside the operational
compared to a normal stop valve plus check range in the suction and discharge line.
valve installation. Not all compressors are delivered with built-in
controls and safety switches, therefore the
When selecting a stop check valve, RT 1A and RT 5A are shown. The pressure
it is important to: switches are not shown for all application
examples, but they should always be
Select a valve according to the capacity present in the system. Often these switches
and not the pipe size. are part of the compressor package.

Consider both the nominal and part-load For details on how to select valves, please refer
working conditions. The velocity in the nominal to the product catalogue and use the Danfoss
condition should be close to the recommended software tool Coolselector2 for sizing the valve
value, while at the same time, the velocity according to the system capacity.
in the part-load condition should be higher
than the minimum recommended velocity.

2.2 Suction pressure control During start-up or after defrosting, the suction compressor at part load, e.g. unload part
pressure needs to be controlled, otherwise of the pistons for multi-piston reciprocating
it may be too high, and the compressor motor compressors, or bypass some suction gas
will be overloaded. for screw compressors with slide valves, etc.

The electric motor for the compressor may Control the suction pressure for reciprocating
be damaged by this overloading. compressors. By installing a back pressure-
controlled regulating valve in the suction line,
There are two ways to overcome this problem: which will not open until the pressure in the
suction line drops below the set value, suction
Start the compressor at part load. The capacity pressure can be kept under a certain level.
control methods can be used to start the

Application example 2.2.1: Crankcase pressure control

In order to control the suction pressure during

start-up, after defrosting, or in other cases
when the suction pressure may be too high,
the pilot-operated servo valve (ICS) with the
back pressure controlled pilot valve (CVC) is
installed in the suction line. The ICS will not
open until the downstream suction pressure
falls below the set value of the pilot valve
(CVC). In this way, the high-pressure vapour
in the suction line can be released into
the compressor gradually, which ensures a
manageable capacity for the compressor motor.

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2.3 Compressor capacity The compressor in a refrigeration system is 2.3.3 Variable speed control
control normally selected to be able to satisfy the highest This solution is applicable to all kinds of
possible cooling load. However, the cooling load compressors and is efficient. A two-speed electric
during normal operation is usually lower than motor or a frequency converter can be used to
the design cooling load. This means that it is vary the speed of the compressor. The two-speed
always necessary to control the compressor electric motor regulates the compressor capacity
capacity so that it matches the actual cooling by running at the high speed when the cooling
load. There are several common ways to load is high (e.g. cooling down period) and at
control the compressor capacity: the low speed when the cooling load is low
(e.g. storage period). The frequency converter
2.3.1 Step control can vary the rotation speed continuously to
This means to unload cylinders in a multi-cylinder satisfy the actual demand. The frequency
compressor, to open and close the suction ports converter observes limits for min. and max.
of a screw compressor, or to start and stop some speed, temperature and pressure control,
compressors in a multi-compressor system. This protection of compressor motor as well as
system is simple and convenient. Furthermore, current and torque limits. Frequency converters
efficiency decreases very little during part-load offer a low start-up current. Variable speed
by step control, although this regulation is by control usually has little impact on the efficiency
nature coarser than many other regulation types. of the compressor and is thus a very popular
It is especially applicable to systems with several control. In some cases, the range of allowed RPM
multi-cylinder reciprocating compressors. of the compressor is not enough to cover the
desired range of capacities, so often variable
speed control is combined with step control.
2.3.2 Slide valve control
The most common device used to control the 2.3.4 Hot gas bypass
capacity of a screw compressor is the slide valve.
The action of the oil-driven slide valve allows part This solution is applicable to compressors with
of the suction gas to avoid being compressed. fixed capacities and more typical for commercial
The slide valve permits a smooth and continuous refrigeration. In industrial refrigeration systems
modulation of capacity from 100% down to 10%, it is used as a safety measure to avoid an
but the efficiency drops at part load, usually quite excessively low suction pressure when there
significantly. is a sudden drop in cooling load. To control
the refrigeration capacity, part of the hot gas
flow in the discharge line is bypassed into the
low-pressure circuit. This works as a fast response
to a sudden drop in cooling load, thus adding
extra cooling load to the system when the
compressor is ramping down. This generally
decreases the efficiency of the system.

Application example 2.3.1: Step control of compressor capacity

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A step control solution for compressor capacity to the suction pressure signal from a pressure
can be achieved by using a step controller, e.g. transmitter, e.g. Danfoss AKS 33. Based on a
Danfoss EKC 331. EKC 331 is a four-step controller neutral zone control, EKC 331 can control a pack
with up to four relay outputs. It controls the system with up to four equally sized compressor
loading/unloading of the compressors/pistons or steps or, alternatively, two capacity-controlled
the electric motor of the compressor according compressors (each with one unload valve).

Application example 2.3.2: Variable speed capacity control

The VLT frequency converter is controlled by Frequency converter control offer the following
a controller module that adjusts the control advantages:
signal to the converter from an input signal • Energy savings
from a pressure transmitter, e.g. AKS 33. The
controller module can be either a Danfoss • Improved control and product quality
AK-CC or a PLC/OEM module. The VLT frequency • Noise reduction
converter can also receive the signal from • Longer lifetime
the pressure transmitter and work without • Simplified installation
a separate controller.
• Easy-to-use complete control of the system

Application example 2.3.3: Hot gas bypass

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Hot gas bypass can be used in specific cases Hot gas bypass is energy inefficient and should
to compensate for a suddenly reduced cooling not be used as a primary solution to ‘control’
load. Normally in industrial refrigeration plants, the compressor, but rather as a safety measure
the compressors will be speed controlled or to avoid excessively low suction pressure.
step controlled. These controls can, however,
be too slow in reacting in cases where there is The pilot-operated servo valve ICS (1) with a CVC
a sudden drop in cooling load. This sudden drop pilot valve is used to control the hot gas bypass
will initially cause the compressor to decrease the flow according to the pressure on the suction
suction pressure. Hot gas bypass can be used as line. The CVC is a back-pressure controlled pilot
a fast response to a sudden decrease in cooling valve which opens the ICS (1) and increases
load, which will prevent the suction pressure the flow of hot gas when the suction pressure
from dropping too low. The hot gas is bypassed is below the set value. In this way, the suction
to the evaporator until the compressor has pressure ahead of the compressor is kept
ramped down to match the reduced cooling load. constant, and thus the refrigeration capacity
satisfies the actual cooling load.

2.4 Discharge Temperature Compressor manufacturers generally There are several ways to reduce the discharge
Control with Liquid recommend limiting the discharge temperature temperature. One way is to install water-cooled
Injection below a certain value to prevent overheating heads in reciprocating compressors. Another
of the compressor and its parts, prolonging method is liquid injection, which involves liquid
their life and preventing the breakdown refrigerant from the outlet of the condenser
of oil at high temperatures. or receiver being injected into the suction line,
the intermediate cooler between compressors,
Referring to the log p-h diagram in chapter 1, or the side port of the screw compressor.
it can be seen that the discharge temperature
may be high when:
• the compressor runs with high pressure
• the compressor receives highly superheated
suction vapour
• the compressor runs with capacity control
by hot gas bypass

Application example 2.4.1: Liquid injection with thermostatic injection valve

When the discharge temperature rises above the

set value of the thermostat RT 107, RT 107 will
energize the solenoid valve ICFE which will start
liquid injection into the side port of the screw
compressor. The thermostatic injection valve
(TEAT) controls the injected liquid flow according
to the discharge temperature, which prevents
the discharge temperature from rising further.

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Application example 2.4.2: Liquid injection with motor valve

An electronic solution for liquid injection control The EKC 361 controls the ICAD actuator which
can be achieved with the motorized valve ICM. adjusts the opening degree of the ICM motor
An AKS 21 temperature sensor will register the valve in order to limit and maintain the required
discharge temperature and transmit the signal discharge temperature.
to the temperature controller EKC 361.

2.5 Economizer damper An economizer is used to increase system Pulsations need to be dampened to avoid
capacity and efficiency. component damage. Correct and well considered
dimensioning of economizer lines is necessary
However, pulsations from the compressor are to reduce pulsations. The Danfoss Eco-Damper
transferred into the economizer line which combines three components into a high-impact
damages components and leads to valve solution which reduces pulsations significantly
chattering. The pulsations will lead to increased and ensures high operational reliability thanks
maintenance costs and downtime if they are to its solid design. The Danfoss Eco-Damper
not taken care of. is based on the Danfoss ICV platform.

Application example 2.5.1: Economizer line pulsation damping solution

The Danfoss Eco-damper solution consists Support on pipe segments is essential to reduce
of 3 components. The Eco-damper (ICD), the the pulsations and thus reduce vibrations
Eco-check valve (ICC) and a standard control induced by the pulsations. Therefore, each pipe
valve, e.g. an ICS servo valve with CVP, constant segment between the components in the Eco-
pressure pilot valve, and the EVM solenoid valve. damper solution must be fixed to a pipe support
The combination shown in the application element which can absorb the pulsations. The
example can dampen the pulsations by up tube on the Eco-damper (ICD) must also be fixed
to 80% and prevent premature failure of to a pipe support element that can absorb the
economizer components and reduce system pulsations.
downtime. The Eco-damper solution unit has
a unique broadband damping effect in the
100-500 Hz working range.

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The ICD Eco-damper comes with an integrated For less severe or occasional pulsation issues,
strainer, and is applicable for ammonia systems, the robust Eco-check valve (ICC) and the control
along with R134a and R407C systems. valve can be used without an Eco-damper (ICD).
Note! In this case, the pulsations from the
The ICC Eco-check valve has a solid design compressor eco-port will not be damped.
and is fully opening at low differential pressure
to prevent oscillating movements. The ICC It is recommended to have a maximum pipe
Eco-check valve is applicable for ammonia, length of 150 mm (6in) between the individual
CO2 and HFC systems. components and between the ICD and
the economizer port in the compressor.

2.6 Summary Solution Application Benefit Limitations

Reverse Flow Control – see section 0

Reverse flow Applicable to all Simple. Causes constant

control with SCA refrigeration plants. Easy to install. pressure drop in
Low flow resistance. the discharge line.

Crankcase Pressure Control – see section 2.2

Crankcase Applicable to Simple and Causes constant

pressure control reciprocating reliable. Effective pressure drop in
with ICS and CVC compressors, in protecting the suction line.
normally used reciprocating
for small and compressors on
medium systems. start-up or after
hot gas defrost.

Compressor Capacity Control – see section 2.3

Step control Applicable to multi- Simple. The control is

of compressor cylinder compressor, Almost as efficient not continuous,
capacity with screw compressor at part load as especially when
EKC 331 and AKS 33 with multiple at full load. there are only a few
suction ports, steps. Fluctuations
and systems with in the suction
several compressors pressure.
running in parallel.

Compressor Applicable to all Low start-up Compressor must be

variable speed compressors with current. suited for reduced
capacity control the ability to run Energy savings. speed operation.
at reduced speed. Lower noise.
Longer lifetime.
Hot gas bypass Applicable to Fast response Should not be
using ICS and CVC compressors with to sudden drops used as primary
fixed capacities. in cooling load. compressor
Used as safety The hot gas can capacity control.
measure against help the oil return Energy inefficient.
excessively low from the evaporator.
suction pressure.

Discharge Temperature Control with Liquid Injection – see section 0

Mechanical solution Applicable to Simple and Injection of liquid

for liquid injection systems where effective. refrigerant may
with TEAT the discharge be dangerous to
temperatures the compressor.
may run too high. Not as efficient as
intermediate cooler.

Electronic solution Applicable to Flexible and Not applicable

for liquid injection systems where compact. Possible to flammable
control with EKC the discharge to monitor and refrigerants.
361 and ICM/ICF temperatures control remotely. Injection of liquid
may run too high. refrigerant may
be dangerous to
the compressor.
Not as efficient as
intermediate cooler.

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3. Condenser controls

In areas where there are large variations in the flow of circulating air or water through
ambient air temperatures and/or load conditions, the condenser, or by reducing the effective
it is necessary to control the condensing pressure heat exchanger surface area.
to prevent it from falling too low. Excessively
low condensing pressures result in there being Different solutions can be designed for different
insufficient pressure differential across the types of condensers:
expansion device and the evaporator not being • Air cooled condensers
supplied with enough refrigerant. It means
that condenser capacity control is mainly used • Evaporative condensers
in the temperate climate zones and to a lesser • Water cooled condensers
degree in subtropical and tropical zones.
Condenser installation depends on the way
The basic idea of condensing capacity control injection to the low-pressure side of the
is to control the condenser capacity when refrigeration system is controlled. Note that
the ambient temperature is low, so that the the terms ‘high-pressure float valve operation’
condensing pressure is maintained above the and ‘low-pressure float valve operation’ refer
minimum acceptable level and to keep the to the mode of operation, not specifically the
condensing pressure as low as possible for use of a float valve. Both operation modes
optimal efficiency. This condensing capacity can be achieved by using level switches/
control is achieved either by regulating transmitters and a normal expansion valve.

3.1 High-pressure float High-pressure float valve operation is expansion High-pressure float valves are usually mounted
valve operation of the liquid immediately after the condenser. immediately after the condenser and, as such,
Any variation in the charge volume due to pose no special problems with regard
variations in capacity must be handled at the to condenser installation.
low-pressure side, e.g. in a liquid separator.
Since the flow after the expansion valve is two-
phase, it is not suitable for distribution to more
than one location and thus it is primarily used
in systems with only one low-pressure separator,
such as a chiller unit.

3.2 L
 ow-pressure float Low-pressure float valve operation controls
valve operation the expansion of the condensed liquid to
keep a given level in one or more low-pressure
separators. Any variation of the charge volume
due to variations in capacity must be handled
on the high-pressure side, e.g. in a receiver.

To ensure proper functioning of a condenser

in a low-pressure float valve system,
the installation must be correct.

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3.3 Air-cooled condensers An air-cooled condenser consists of tubes 3.3.4 Area control of air-cooled condensers
mounted within a fin block. The condenser can
be horizontal, vertical or V-shaped. The ambient
air is drawn across the heat exchanger surface 3.3.5 For area control of air-cooled condensers,
with axial or centrifugal fans. a receiver is required. This receiver must have
sufficient volume to be able to accommodate
Air-cooled condensers are used on industrial the variations in the amount of refrigerant
refrigeration systems where the relative in the condenserThere are two ways this
air humidity is high. Air-cooled condenser condenser area control can be done:
application examples are depicted below The main valve ICS combined with the constant
as low-pressure float valve operation. pressure pilot CVP-H (high-pressure) mounted
in the discharge line on the inlet side to the
Controlling the condensing pressure for air- condenser and ICS combined with a differential
cooled condensers can be achieved in the pressure pilot CVPP mounted in the pressure
following ways: Step control of air-cooled equalization line between the discharge line
condensers. and the receiver. In the pipe between the
condenser and the receiver, a stop-check valve
3.3.1 This method utilizes a step controller to SCA is mounted to prevent liquid migration
control the air flow in the air-cooled condenser from the receiver to the condenser.
by switching the fans on or off according to a
condensing pressure signal Main valve ICS combined with the constant
pressure pilot CVP-H mounted in the pipe
A pressure transmitter, e.g. Danfoss AKS 33, between the condenser and the receiver
measures the condensing pressure and sends and an ICS combined with a differential
a signal to a step controller, e.g. Danfoss pressure pilot CVPP mounted in the pressure
EKC 331, which controls the switching of equalization line between the discharge
the fans according to the pressure signal. line and the receiver. This method is mainly
used in commercial refrigeration.
3.3.2 Fan speed control of air-cooled

3.3.3 This method of condenser fan control is

mainly used when a reduction in noise level is
desired due to environmental concerns
For this type of installation, Danfoss frequency
converter VLT can be used.

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Application Example 3.3.1: Air flow control of air-cooled condenser with step controller EKC 331

EKC 331 is a four-step controller with up to four the condenser and receiver with a liquid trap
relay outputs. It controls the switching of the at the bottom will allow the build-up of liquid in
fans according to the condensing pressure the drop leg. The liquid column in the drop leg
signal from a pressure transmitter AKS 33. will provide a positive pressure to counter the
pressure drop in the condenser. The height of the
Based on neutral zone control, EKC 331 can drop leg must be larger than the pressure loss
control the condensing capacity so that the in the condenser, expressed in metres of liquid.
condensing pressure is maintained above
the required minimum level. In some installations, EKC 331T is used. In this
case, the input signal could be from a PT 1000
The bypass pipe (thin red line) where SVA temperature sensor, e.g. AKS 21. The temperature
is installed is an equalizing pipe, which helps sensor is usually installed in the outlet of the
balance the pressure in the receiver with condenser.
the inlet pressure of the condenser so that
the liquid refrigerant in the condenser can Note! The EKC 331T + PT1000 temperature
be drained into the receiver. sensor solution is not as accurate as the EKC 331
+ pressure transmitter solution, because the
It is important to account for the pressure drop condenser outlet temperature may not entirely
in the condenser when designing the piping reflect the actual condensing pressure due
from the condenser to the receiver. The pressure to the liquid subcooling or the presence of
at the outlet of the condenser can be lower than incondensable gasses in the refrigeration system.
the pressure in the receiver, which will restrict the If the subcooling is too low, flash gas may occur
flow to the receiver. Using a drop leg between when the fans start.

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Application Example 3.3.2: Fan speed control of air-cooled condenser

The VLT frequency converter is controlled It is important to account for the pressure drop
by the condensing pressure signal from a in the condenser when designing the piping
pressure transmitter, e.g. Danfoss AKS 33, from the condenser to the receiver. The pressure
on the discharge line. The VLT frequency at the outlet of the condenser can be lower than
converter adjusts the speed of the fans the pressure in the receiver, which will restrict the
in the air-cooled condenser according to flow to the receiver. Using a drop leg between
the signal from the pressure transmitter. the condenser and receiver, with a liquid trap
at the bottom, will allow the build-up of liquid
Frequency converter control offers in the drop leg. The liquid column in the drop leg
the following advantages: will provide a positive pressure to counter the
• Energy savings pressure drop in the condenser. The height of the
drop leg must be greater than the pressure loss
• Improved control and product quality in the condenser, expressed in metres of liquid.
• Noise reduction
• Longer lifetime
• Simplified installation
• Easy-to-use complete control of the system

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Application Example 3.3.3: Area control of air-cooled condenser (for cold climates)

This regulating solution maintains the pressure It is important to account for the pressure drop
in the receiver at a sufficiently high level during in the condenser when designing the piping
low ambient temperatures. from the condenser to the receiver. The pressure
at the outlet of the condenser can be lower than
The ICS pilot-operated servo valve in the the pressure in the receiver, which will restrict the
discharge line opens when the discharge flow to the receiver. Using a drop leg between
pressure reaches the set pressure on the CVP the condenser and receiver, with a liquid trap
pilot valve and closes when the pressure drops at the bottom, will allow the build-up of liquid in
below the set pressure of the CVP pilot valve. the drop leg. The liquid column in the drop leg
will provide a positive pressure to counter the
The ICS pilot-operated servo valve with the pressure drop in the condenser. The height of the
CVPP constant differential pressure pilot in drop leg must be greater than the pressure loss
the pressure equalization line (thin red line) in the condenser, expressed in metres of liquid.
maintains sufficient pressure in the receiver.

The SCA stop-check valve ensures increased

condenser pressure by liquid back-up within
the condenser. This requires a sufficiently
large receiver. The SCA stop-check valve also
prevents liquid flow from the receiver back
into the condenser when the latter is colder
during compressor shut-down periods.

3.4 Evaporative condensers An evaporative condenser is a condenser cooled Above the water spray orifices (in the dry air)
by ambient air combined with water sprayed it is common to have a de-superheater made
through orifices and air baffles in counterflow of steel pipes with fins to reduce the discharge
with the air. The water evaporates, and the gas temperature before it reaches the heat
evaporation effect of the water drops adds exchanger in the wet air stream. In this way,
considerably to the condenser capacity, as the build-up of limescale on the surface of
the air is cooled to the ‘wet bulb’ temperature. the main heat exchanger pipes is reduced.

Today’s evaporative condensers are enclosed in a This type reduces the water consumption
steel or plastic enclosure with axial or centrifugal considerably compared to a normal water-cooled
fans at the bottom or at the top of the condenser. condenser. Capacity control of an evaporative
condenser can be achieved by either a two-
The heat exchanger surface in the wet air stream speed fan or variable speed control of the fan
consists of steel pipes. and, at very low ambient temperature conditions,
switching off the water circulation pump.

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The use of evaporative condensers is limited • RT or KP pressure controls for fan and water
in areas with high relative humidity. In cold pump control.
surroundings (ambient temperatures < 0 °C • RT-L neutral zone pressure control for fan
(32 °F)), frost damage prevention must and water pump control.
be carried out by removing the water
in the evaporative condenser. • Step controller for controlling two-speed
fans and the water pump.
The applications shown in this section are • Frequency converters for fan speed control
depicted as low-pressure float valve operated. and water pump control.
• Saginomiya flow-switch for alarm if water
3.4.1 Control of evaporative condensers circulation fails.
Controlling the evaporative condensers’
condensing pressure or the condenser
capacity can be achieved in different ways:

Application Example 3.4.1: Step control of evaporative condenser with pressure controller RT

This solution maintains the condensing In extremely low ambient temperatures, when
pressure, as well as the pressure in the receiver the condensing pressure drops below the setting
at a sufficiently high level in low ambient of RT 5A after all the fans have been switched off,
temperatures. RT 5A will stop the water pump.

When the inlet pressure of the condenser drops When the pump is stopped, the condenser
below the setting of the pressure controller and the water pipes should be drained
RT 5A, the controller will switch off the fan to avoid scaling and freezing.
to decrease the condensing capacity.

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Application Example 3.4.2: Step control of evaporative condenser with step controller EKC 331

This solution works in the same way as EKC 331T version can accept a signal from
Application Example 3.4.1, but operated a PT 1000 temperature sensor, which may
via step controller EKC 331. be necessary for secondary systems.

A capacity regulation solution for evaporative Alternatively, a frequency converter can control
condensers can be achieved by using an the condensing pressure by controlling the
EKC 331 power regulator and an AKS 33 fan RPM, possibly with a step function on
pressure transmitter. Sequential control for individual fans, as in the air cooled condenser
the water pump must be selected as the last version, with an RT 5A cutting out the pump
step. Sequential control means that the steps at low condensing temperatures.
will always cut in and out in the same order.

3.5 Water-cooled condensers In the past, the water-cooled condenser was Control of the condensing pressure can be
typically a shell and tube heat exchanger, but achieved using a pressure-controlled water
today it is very often a plate heat exchanger valve, or a motorized water valve controlled
in a modern design. by an electronic controller to control the
flow of the cooling water according to the
Water-cooled condensers with open water loops condensing pressure.
are not commonly used, because in many places
it is not permitted to use the large amount of The applications shown in the following
water these types consume (water shortage section are depicted as high-pressure float
and/or high prices for water). However, such valve operation. Thus, no receiver is shown
restrictions usually do not apply in maritime in the following applications.

Today, water-cooled condensers are popular

in chillers, with the cooling water cooled by
a cooling tower and re-circulated. It can also
be used as a heat recovery condenser to supply
hot water.

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Application Example 3.5.1: Water flow control of water-cooled condensers with a water valve

This solution maintains the condensing pressure

at a constant level. The refrigerant condensing
pressure is directed through a capillary tube
to the top of the water valve WVS and adjusts
the opening of WVS accordingly. The water
valve (WVS) is a P-regulator.

The condenser is shown as a Danfoss

semi-welded plate heat exchanger.

Application Example 3.5.2: Water flow control of water-cooled condenser with a motor valve

The controller receives the condensing pressure Alternatively, an AB-QM pressure-independent

signal from the pressure transmitter AKS 33 and balancing and control valve can be used.
sends out a corresponding modulating signal The AB-QM valve consists of 2 functions:
to actuator AMV 20 of the motor valve VM 2. a differential pressure controller and a control
In this way, the flow of cooling water is adjusted, valve. The differential pressure controller
and the condensing pressure is kept constant. maintains a constant differential pressure
across the control valve, while the control
In this solution, PI or PID control can be valve adjusts the flow through the valve.
configured in the controller.

VM 2 and VFG 2 are motor valves designed

for district heating and can also be used
for water flow control in refrigeration plants.

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3.6 Summary Solution Application Benefit Limitations

Air-cooled condensers – see section 0

Step control Used mainly Control of air Very low ambient

of fans with step in industrial volume flow in temperatures.
controller EKC 331 refrigeration in hot steps. No use Fan step control
climates and to of water. can be noisy.
a lesser extent in
colder climates.

Fan speed control Applicable to all Simple. Low start-up current

of air-cooled condensers with the Almost as efficient Energy savings
condensers ability to run at part load as Lower noise
at reduced speed. at full load. Longer lifetime

Evaporative condensers– see section 3.4

Step control Industrial Large reduction in Not applicable in

of evaporative refrigeration with water consumption countries with high
condenser very large capacity compared to water- relative humidity.
with pressure requirement. cooled condensers In cold climates,
controller RT and relatively easy special precautions
to capacity control. must be taken to
ensure the water
pipe is drained of
water during pump

Step control Industrial Large reduction in Not applicable in

of evaporative refrigeration with water consumption countries with high
condensers with very large capacity compared to water- relative humidity.
step controller requirement. cooled condensers In cold climates,
EKC 331 and relatively easy special precautions
to capacity control. must be taken to
ensure the water
pipe is drained
of water during
pump off-periods.

Water-cooled condensers– see section 3.5

Liquid flow control Chillers, It is easy to capacity Not applicable

with a water valve heat recovery control. when availability
condensers. is a problem.

Liquid flow control Chillers, It is easy to This type of

with a motior valve heat recovery capacity control installation is more
condensers. the condenser and expensive than
the heat recovery. a normal set up.
Possible to control Not applicable
remotely. when water
is a problem.

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4. Liquid level regulation Liquid level regulation is an important element High-pressure liquid level regulation systems
in the design of industrial refrigeration systems. are typically characterized by:
It controls the liquid injection to maintain • The sensing device (sensor/float) is placed
a constant liquid level. on the high-pressure side of the system
Two main different principles may be used • An increase in liquid level will open the
when designing a liquid level regulation system: expansion device and pass high-pressure
liquid to the low-pressure side of the system,
• High-pressure liquid level regulation system e.g. the regulation attempts to keep the
(HP LLRS) high-pressure side level constant
• Low-pressure liquid level regulation system • Critical refrigerant charge
• Small HP receiver or even no HP receiver
Both principles can be achieved using • Mainly applied where the HP liquid is
mechanical and electronic components. Float distributed to only one low-pressure
valves offer a simple control, but as the float application
valve needs to be mounted in the desired level, • Variations in refrigerant volume must be
a change necessitates a physical relocation of the accommodated on the low-pressure side
valve. Systems employing a level transmitter are
more complex but enable an easy level change.

Figure 4.1: HP liquid level regulation diagram

Low-pressure liquid level regulation systems • Receiver is generally large in size

are typically characterized by: • (Fairly) large charge of refrigerant
• The sensing device (sensor/float) is placed • Mainly applied to decentralized systems where
on the low-pressure side of the system there can be several low-pressure applications
• A decrease in liquid level will open the • Variations in refrigerant volume must be
expansion device and pass high-pressure accommodated on the high-pressure side
liquid to the low-pressure side of the system

Figure 4.2: LP liquid level regulation diagram

In conclusion, HP LLRS are suitable for compact with more than one LP separator and long piping,
systems like chillers; the advantage is the reduced for instance a large cold storage; the advantage
cost (small receiver or no receiver). Whereas LP being the increased safety and reliability.
LLRS are very suitable for decentralised systems

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4.1 High-pressure liquid When designing a HP LLRS, the following of flooding the evaporator or the liquid separator,
level regulation system points must be taken into consideration: causing liquid carryover into the compressor,
(HP LLRS) as well as liquid hammering. If the system is
As soon as liquid is ‘formed’ in the condenser/ undercharged, the evaporator will be starved.
condenser outlet, the liquid is fed to the The size of the low-pressure vessel (liquid
low-pressure side (the evaporator). separator/evaporator) must be carefully designed
so that it can accommodate the refrigerant in
The liquid leaving the condenser will have little all conditions without causing liquid carryover.
or no sub-cooling. This is important to consider
when the liquid flows to the low-pressure side. For the reasons mentioned above, HP LLRS
If there is pressure loss in the piping or the are especially suitable for systems that require
components, flash-gas may occur and cause the a small refrigerant charge, such as chiller units or
capacity of the expansion device to be reduced. small freezers. Liquid chiller units usually do not
need receivers, however, if a receiver is necessary
If it is a critical charged system, the refrigerant in order to install a liquid sensing device and/or
charge must be precisely calculated in order provide refrigerant to an oil cooler, the receiver
to ensure that there is adequate refrigerant in (priority vessel) could be physically small.
the system. An overcharge increases the risk

Application Example 4.1.1: Electronic solution for HP liquid level regulation

The system illustrated is an AKS 4100/4100U With a modulating motor valve type ICM with
level transmitter which sends a level signal an ICAD actuator (as shown in the application
to an EKE 347 liquid level controller. The ICM example above).
motor valve acts as an expansion valve.
With a pulse-width-modulating expansion
When designing an electronic LLRS solution, valve type AKVA. The ICFA (in an ICF valve
the liquid level signal can be given either by station)/AKVA valve should be used only
an LLS 4000, which is a level switch (ON/OFF), where the pulsation from the valve is
or an AKS 4100/4100U, which is a level acceptable. Line size should be sized to
transmitter (4-20 mA). the full capacity of the ICFA/AKVA valve.

The electronic signal is sent to an EKE 347 With a regulating valve REG acting as an
electronic controller which controls the expansion valve and an ICS/ICF 20-2 solenoid
injection valve. valve to implement ON/OFF regulation.

The liquid injection can be regulated

in several different ways:

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Application Example 4.1.2: Electronic solution for HP liquid level regulation with small/no HP receiver. Same principle for other evaporative
condensers or other condenser types

In this example, the expansion valve which When designing an electronic LLRS solution,
should be connected to the liquid level the liquid level signal can be given either by
controller, EKE 347, is not shown. an LLS 4000, which is a level switch (ON/OFF),
or an AKS 4100/4100U, which is a level
The system illustrated is an AKS 4100/4100U transmitter (4-20 mA).
level transmitter which sends a level signal
to an EKE 347 liquid level controller. The electronic signal is sent to an EKE 347
electronic controller which controls the
injection valve.

Application Example 4.1.3: Mechanical solution for HP liquid level regulation with HFI

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The HFI is a direct-acting high-pressure float The by-pass orifice connects the gas space
valve; therefore, no differential pressure is in the HFI housing with the outlet connection
required to activate the valve. of the HFI.

If the condenser is a plate heat exchanger, Due to the pressure difference between the
the mechanical float valve HFI can be mounted high- and low-pressure side, the gas is drawn
directly on the heat exchanger header plate. to the low-pressure side, resulting in a slight
underpressure in the housing.
It may be necessary to connect an equalization
line to either the HP or LP side to remove This effect allows gas/vapour to be drawn off.
refrigerant vapour from the float housing, In addition, this allows the small amount of
as this may prevent the liquid from entering flash gas that can form in the liquid feed line
the float housing and thereby prevent the or during plant standstill to be bled away.
HFI valve from opening.
If the HFI is installed close to the condenser
During standstill of the plant system, and the pipe design allows vapour/gas to
the pressure will slowly equalize, allowing return freely and easily to the condenser,
the entire refrigerant charge to transfer to the then the bypass orifice might not be needed/
coldest part of the system. (During wintertime, need to be in operation.
this can be the condenser).
We generally recommend installing/preparing
If pressure equalization is not desired, a solenoid the bypass orifice.
valve and/or check valve must be fitted.
Guidelines for size of by-pass orifice:
If the HFI is not mounted directly on the
PHE/condensers: Approx. Size of by-pass orifice
HFI Ø / mm Ø / in
To enable any liquid condensate to flow to
the HFI by gravity, the HFI must be installed HFI 040 1.0 to 1.5 0.04 to 0.06
underneath the condenser. HFI 050 1.5 0.06
HFI 060 2.0 to 3.0 0.08 to 0.12
To ensure trouble-free operation, in most
cases a bypass orifice must be installed. HFI 070 4.0 0.16

Application Example 4.1.4: Installation example for HFI fitted away from condenser with standard HFI housing

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Application Example 4.1.5: Installation example for HFI fitted away from condenser with HFI housing with two extra connections

4.2 L
 ow-pressure liquid When designing an LP LLRS, the following points The HP receiver must be large enough to
level regulation system must be taken into consideration: accumulate the liquid refrigerant coming from
(LP LLRS) the evaporators. When the content of refrigerant
The liquid level in the low-pressure vessel (liquid in some evaporators varies with the cooling load,
separator/ shell-tube evaporator) is maintained some evaporators are shut off for service, or part
at a constant level. This is safe for the system, of the evaporators are drained for defrosting.
since an excessively high liquid level in the liquid
separator may cause liquid carryover to the As a result of the above, LP LLRS are especially
compressor, and an excessively low level may suitable for decentralised systems in which
lead to cavitation of the refrigerant pumps there are many evaporators, and there is a large
in a pump circulation system. refrigerant charge, e.g. cold stores. With LP LLRS,
these systems can run safely even though it is
Often, LLS 4000s are employed as high- and low- impossible to precisely calculate the refrigerant
level alarms, although when a level transmitter charge.
is used, the low-level alarm is usually taken from
the level transmitter.

Application Example 4.2.1: Mechanical solution for LP liquid level regulation

SV float valves ‘monitor’ the liquid level

in low-pressure vessels.

If the system capacity is small, the SV4,

valves can act directly as an expansion
valve in the low-pressure vessel as shown.

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Application Example 4.2.2: Electronic solution for LP liquid level regulation

The level transmitter AKS 4100/4100U monitors The liquid level controller EKE 347 also provides
the liquid level in the separator and sends a level relay outputs for upper and lower limits and for
signal to the liquid level controller EKE 347, which alarm levels. However, it is recommended that
sends a modulating signal to the ICAD actuator a level switch LLS4000 is fitted as a mechanical
of the motor valve ICM on the ICF valve station. high-level alarm.
The ICM motor valve acts as an expansion valve.

The solenoid valve ICFE on the ICF valve station

is being used as an additional solenoid valve
to ensure 100% closure during ‘off’ cycles.

Application Example 4.2.3: Electronic solution for LP liquid level regulation

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This solution is similar to the solution shown in The line should be sized to the full capacity of
Application Example 4.2.3. However, with this the ICFA valve, or AKVA valve if serially connected.
example the motor valve ICM is replaced by a
pulse-width electronically operated expansion The liquid level controller EKE 347 also provides
valve ICFA on the ICF valve station. The solenoid relay outputs for upper and lower limits and for
valve ICFE, which is also mounted on the ICF alarm level. However, it is recommended that
valve station, is being used as an additional a level switch LLS4000 be fitted as a high-level
solenoid valve to ensure 100% closure during alarm.
‘off’ cycles.

Application Example 4.2.4: Electronic solution for LP liquid level regulation

This solution controls the liquid injection using

on/off regulation. The level switch LLS 4000
on the right side of the level sensor controls
the switching of the solenoid valve ICFE in
accordance with the liquid level in the separator.
The hand regulating valve ICFR acts as the
expansion valve

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4.3 Summary Solution Application Benefit Limitations

High-pressure liquid level regulation system (HP LLRS)– see section 4.1

High-pressure Applicable, Flexible and Not permitted

electronic solution: especially to critical compact. Possible for flammable
AKS 4100 + EKE 347 charged systems. to monitor and refrigerants.
+ ICM control remotely.
Covers wide range
of capacity.

High-pressure Applicable, Purely mechanical.

mechanical solution: especially to critical Simple solution.
HFI charged systems. Especially suitable
for plate heat

Low-pressure liquid level regulation system (LP LLRS)– see section 4.2

Low-pressure Applicable to Purely mechanical. Limited capacity.

mechanical solution: small systems. Simple, low cost Complicated to
SV4-6 solution. change setpoint
if not correct.
Low-pressure Particularly Flexible and Not permitted
electronic solution: applicable to compact. Possible for flammable
AKS 4100 + EKE 347 decentral systems to monitor and refrigerants.
+ ICM like cold storages. control remotely.
Covers wide range
of capacity.

Low-pressure Particularly Flexible and Not permitted

electronic solution: applicable to compact. for flammable
AKS 4100 + EKE 347 decentral systems Possible to monitor refrigerants.
+ AKVA like cold storages. and control
Covers a wide
range of capacities.
Easy to install.

Low-pressure Particularly Simple. Just 40 mm for

solution: LLS 4000 applicable to Inexpensive. level adjustment.
+ ICFE + ICFR decentral systems Very dependent
like cold storages. on the adjustment
of the REG valve.
Not suitable for
systems with
big capacity
Complicated to
change setpoint
if not correct.

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5. Evaporator controls

The evaporator is the part of the refrigeration Liquid supply controls (Section 5.2): Describes
system where the effective heat is transferred methods for controlling liquid injection for
from the media you want to cool down (e.g. air, a direct expansion (DX) evaporator and liquid
brine, or the product directly) to the refrigerant. supply for a pumped circulation evaporator.

Therefore, the primary function of an evaporator Defrost Methods (Section 5.6): Briefly describes
control system is to achieve the desired media the different methods for defrosting evaporators.
temperature. Furthermore, the control system
should also keep the evaporator operating Hot Gas Defrosting Controls (Section 5.6.3):
efficiently and trouble-free at all times. Describes the steps of the hot gas defrost
sequence and general considerations. Hot gas
Specifically, the following control methods defrosting application examples are covered
may be necessary for evaporators: separately for DX evaporators and pumped
circulation evaporators, since they differ,
Temperature controls (Section 5.1): Describes for example, in the draining methods.
methods for controlling media temperature
within tight thresholds with high accuracy,
as well as for operating evaporators
at different temperature levels.

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5.1 Temperature controls

5.1.1 Media temperature control • Cold room for fruits and food products
Solutions are provided for where there • Work premises in the food industry
are stringent requirements for accurate • Process cooling of liquids
temperature control in connection with
refrigeration, for example:

Application Example 5.1.1: Media temperature control using either pilot-operated valve or motor-operated valve

Application Example 5.1.1 shows a solution The media temperature controller will control
for accurate media temperature control. the temperature in the application at the desired
Furthermore, there is a need to protect the level by controlling the opening of the CVE pilot
evaporator against an excessively low pressure valve, and thereby controlling the evaporating
to prevent the products from freezing up in pressure to match the required cooling load and
the application. temperature.

This design can be applied for DX or pumped The second control option is the motor valve ICM,
liquid circulation evaporators with any type where a media temperature controller controls
of defrost system. the opening degree of the ICM motor valve.

The servo valve (ICS) is controlled by the two This solution will control the temperature
serially connected pilot valves (CVE) in the with an accuracy of +/- 0.25 °C (+/- 0.45R).
S2 port, controlled by a media temperature If the temperature falls below this range,
controller, e.g. Danfoss EKC 361, and CVP the EKC controller can close the solenoid
in the S1 port. valve in the liquid line.

The CVP is adjusted according to the lowest The media temperature controller EKC 361
pressure permitted for the application. will control all functions of the evaporator,
including thermostat and alarms.
The functionality of the pilot-operated
servo valve solution (ICS): For more details, please refer to the manual
of the EKC 361 controller.

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5.1.2 Multi-temperature changeover When the operation of an evaporator is required

In the process industry, it is very common to use at two different fixed evaporating pressures,
an evaporator for different temperature settings. this can be achieved by using one servo valve
ICS with two constant pressure pilots.

Application Example 5.1.2: Evaporator pressure control - changeover between two pressure levels

Application Example 5.1.2 shows a solution is de-energized, the evaporator pressure will
for controlling two evaporating pressures in follow the setting of the CVP pilot in the P port.
evaporators. This solution can be used for DX
or pumped liquid circulation evaporators with The Danfoss ICS pilot-operated servo valve
any type of defrost system. solution has options for being controlled by
either 1 pilot or 3 pilots. The 1-pilot system works
The servo valve ICS is equipped with one EVM by having a pilot valve to the opening of the
(NC) solenoid valve pilot in the S1 (serial 1) port servo valve based on the pilot’s set conditions.
and two CVP constant pressure pilots in ports The 3-pilot system has two lines of pilots, one line
S2 and P respectively. with 1 pilot (the parallel line) and another line
with 2 pilots serially connected (S1 and S2 ports).
The CVP in the S2 (serial 2) port is adjusted to the Having 2 pilots serially connected allows more
lower operating pressure and the CVP in the P options to be set for the operation of the servo
port is adjusted to the higher operating pressure. valve. The pilot in the parallel line (P port) can
open the servo valve independently of the pilots
When the solenoid in the S1 port is energized, in the serial ports, which is shown in the example
the evaporator pressure will follow the setting below.
of the CVP pilot in the S2 port. When the solenoid

Application Example 5.1.3: ICS Pilot Configurations

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S2: CVP is preset to 3.0 bar (43.5 psi), and
P: CVP is preset to 3.6 bar (52.2 psi).
Outlet air I: EVM pilot opens. The evaporating pressure
+3 °C (37.4 °F) +8 °C (46.4 °F)
is therefore controlled by S2: CVP.
–2 °C (28.4 °F) +2 °C (35.6 °F) II: EVM pilot closes. The evaporating pressure
temperature is therefore controlled by P: CVP.
5K (9 °F) 6K (10.8 °F)
Refrigerant R 717 R 717
3.0 bar (43.5 psi) 3.6 bar (52.2 psi)

5.2 Liquid supply control Liquid supply to the evaporator is controlled the separator. Controls for natural circulation
differently depending on the system complexity, are similar to those for a pump-circulated system,
refrigerant and application. therefore they are covered in the section with
pump-circulated controls.
There are 3 different liquid supplies to
the evaporator: Direct expansion (DX), 5.2.1 Direct expansion control
pump circulation and natural circulation.
When designing liquid supply for direct
For direct expansion, high-pressure liquid expansion evaporators, the following
refrigerant is supplied to the evaporator requirements should be met:
through an expansion valve. In the evaporator
it is fully evaporated and superheated to avoid The liquid refrigerant supplied to the evaporator
liquid hammering in the compressor. The liquid is completely evaporated. This is necessary to
supply is controlled by a superheat-controlled protect the compressor against liquid hammer.
expansion valve.
The media ‘off’ temperature from the evaporator
For pump circulation, a liquid refrigerant is is maintained within the desired range.
pumped to the evaporator from a separator
vessel. The refrigerant is partially evaporated The liquid injection is controlled by a superheat-
in the evaporator and returned to the separator, controlled expansion valve, which maintains
where the vapour is fed to the compressor. the superheat at the outlet of the evaporator
within a desired range. This expansion valve
For natural circulation, a liquid refrigerant is can be either a thermostatic expansion valve,
driven by gravity to the evaporator. Since the or an electronic expansion valve.
refrigerant flow is driven by gravity, and not
a pump, special consideration must be given The temperature control is normally achieved
to the distance from separator to evaporator by ON/OFF control, which starts and stops
and the height of risers in the return lines. the liquid supply to the evaporator based
The refrigerant is partially evaporated, like for on the media temperature.
the pump-circulated system, and returned to

Application Example 5.2.1: Direct expansion (DX) evaporator with thermostatic expansion

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Application Example 5.2.1 shows a typical the solenoid valve, ICF 20-2, according to
installation for a DX evaporator without the temperature signals from the temperature
hot gas defrosting. sensors. Danfoss can provide digital thermostats
and temperature sensors.
The liquid injection is controlled by the thermo-
static expansion valve, TEA, which maintains This solution can also be applied to DX
the refrigerant superheat at the outlet of the evaporators with natural or electric defrost.
evaporator at a constant level. TEA is designed
for ammonia. Danfoss also supply thermostatic Natural defrost is only possible if the cold r
expansion valves for fluorinated refrigerants. oom temperature is well above 0 °C (32 °F).
For CO2 DX systems, electronic expansion valves It is achieved by stopping the refrigerant flow
should be used, such as an ICM motor valve. to the evaporator, and keeping the fans running.
Electric defrost is achieved by stopping the
The media temperature should be controlled fans and the refrigerant flow to the evaporator,
by a digital thermostat (Danfoss EKC 202), and at the same time switching on an electric
which will control the on/off switching of heater inside the evaporator fin block.

Application Example 5.2.2: Direct expansion (DX) evaporator with electronic expansion by a motor valve (ICM)

Application Example 5.2.2 shows a typical in order to maintain the superheat at the
installation for an electronically controlled optimum level.
DX evaporator without hot gas defrost.
At the same time, the evaporator controller
The ICF control solution is shown in the liquid operates as a digital thermostat which controls
supply line, but the serial solution could be the on/off switching of the solenoid valve,
used instead. The ICF will accommodate up ICFE/ICF 20-2, depending on the media
to six different modules assembled in the same temperature signal from a temperature
housing, offering a compact and easy-to-install sensor on the evaporator.
control solution.
Compared with the solution in Application
The liquid injection is controlled by the Example 5.2.1, this solution will constantly
motor valve, ICM, which is controlled by an adapt the opening degree of the injection
evaporator controller, e.g. EKC 315A (not shown). valve to ensure maximum capacity and
The evaporator controller will measure the efficiency. Furthermore, this solution offers
superheat by means of a pressure transmitter more accurate control of media temperature.
and a temperature sensor on the outlet of the
evaporator. The evaporator controller controls This solution can also be applied to DX
the opening degree of the ICM motor valve evaporators with natural or electric defrost.

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Application Example 5.2.3: Direct expansion (DX) evaporator with electronic expansion by a PWM AKVA valve

Application Example 5.2.3 shows an installation 5.2.2 Flooded evaporator circulation control
for an electronically controlled DX evaporator Traditional industrial refrigeration systems
without hot gas defrost. are flooded systems. In a flooded system,
the evaporators are injected with more liquid
This application example shows an ICF control than is needed for full evaporation, which
solution for an electronically controlled DX means that the refrigerant is not superheated
evaporator without hot gas defrost. in the evaporator. A separator vessel is used for
supplying liquid refrigerant to the evaporator,
The ICF control solution is shown in the liquid to collect the wet return flow and separate the
supply line, but the serial solution could be used phases of the refrigerant. From the separator,
instead. The ICF can accommodate up to six the gas phase of the refrigerant is fed to
different models in the same housing, offering the compressor suction line and the liquid
a compact and easy-to-install control solution. phase is fed to the evaporator supply line.
The liquid injection is controlled by the For flooded evaporators, the heat exchanger
pulse width modulation (PWM) electronic area is not used for superheating the refrigerant.
expansion valve, ICFA, which is controlled In terms of heat transfer, superheating refrigerant
by an evaporator controller, e.g. EKC 315A (not is inefficient compared to evaporation, due to a
shown). The evaporator controller will measure lower heat transfer for superheating compared to
the superheat by means of a pressure transmitter evaporation. Therefore, a flooded evaporator can
and a temperature sensor on the outlet of the be operated at a higher evaporation temperature
evaporator. The evaporator controller controls than if it was running as DX with superheat.
the opening degree of the ICFA valve in order A detailed explanation of heat transfer principles
to maintain the superheat at the optimum level. for evaporators can be found in chapter 12.
Compared with the solution in Application The benefit of liquid overfeed is increased
Example 5.2.1, this solution will constantly efficiency of the coolers, due to better utilization
adapt the opening degree of the injection of evaporator surface area, and better heat
valve to ensure maximum capacity and transfer, due to a higher heat transfer coefficient.
efficiency. Furthermore, this solution offers In addition, flooded systems are relatively easy
more accurate control of media temperature. to control.
This solution can also be applied to DX
evaporators with natural or electric defrost.

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Circulation rate
The amount of liquid supplied to the evaporators to be fully evaporated in the cooler. If, however,
is defined by the ‘circulation rate’. The circulation twice as much liquid is injected, the circulation
rate is 1 when exactly enough liquid is supplied rate is 2. See Table 5.1 below.
Circulation rate, n Liquid mass flow supplied Gas mass flow out Liquid mass flow out
1 100% 100% 0%
2 100% 50% 50%
4 100% 25% 75%
8 100% 12.5% 87.5%

Table 5.1: Examples of refrigerant phases’ fractions at different circulation rates

Natural circulation flooded evaporators is also simplified as only a basic on/off liquid
For natural circulation flooded evaporators, control to the evaporators is required.
the refrigerant flow is driven by gravity. It is
essential to the refrigerant flow that pressure The injected liquid at the correct temperature
losses are kept as low as possible, thus fewer is pumped from a separator to the evaporators.
flow controlling components are typically When liquid is needed, a solenoid valve in front
installed in the supply and return lines. of the evaporator is opened. A manual regulating
The refrigerant flow is less controllable compared valve is usually fitted after the solenoid valve to
to a pumped circulation flooded evaporator and allow the required circulation rate to be set and
a natural circulation evaporator is placed closer hydraulic balance to be achieved in the system.
to the liquid separator since it is mainly used as
a plate heat exchanger for water or glycol chillers. Temperature control in evaporators can
be managed as follows:
Pumped circulation flooded evaporators • Regulating valve for distribution control + ON/
When compared to ammonia DX systems, OFF solenoid valve for temperature control
ammonia pump circulation systems control • Regulating valve for distribution control +
becomes simpler as a well-dimensioned pulse-width modulated solenoid valve for
pump separator protects compressors against temperature control
hydraulic shock. The pump separator ensures • AKV valves for both distribution control
that only ‘dry’ refrigerant vapour is returned (orifice size) and PWM temperature control.
to the compressors. The evaporation control

Figure 5.2.1: Liquid injection valves for pumped circulated systems

5.3 I njection with a solenoid In a traditional flooded system, liquid injection This is a very simple way to control the air
valve (ICF 20-2) is controlled by a thermostat which constantly temperature. However, the temperature
measures the air temperature. fluctuation caused by the differential of the
thermostat may cause unwanted side effects
The solenoid valve is opened for several minutes in some applications, e.g. dehumidification
or longer until the air temperature has reached and inaccurate control.
the setpoint. During injection, the mass of
the refrigerant flow is constant.

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5.4 Injection with a pulse Instead of injecting periodically, as described The operating parameters of the PI regulation
width modulation above, one can also constantly adapt the liquid are automatically optimized via the preset on
AKV(A) valve injection to the actual demand. This can be done and off values and the degree of opening of the
by means of a pulse-width-modulated (PWM) valve. The differential affects the amplification
AKV(A) valve type controlled by an AK-CC 450. of the regulator and can therefore not be set
to less than 2K to ensure regulation stability.
The air temperature is constantly measured In a flooded system, this means that the average
and compared to the reference temperature. refrigerant flow is constantly controlled and
When the air temperature reaches the setpoint, adapted to the demand, with the circulation
the opening of the AKV(S) is reduced, giving it rate decreasing when less refrigerant is injected.
a smaller opening angle during a cycle, resulting
in less capacity and vice versa. The duration of a This approach to liquid injection in a flooded
cycle is adjustable between 30 sec. and 900 sec. system is very versatile. The amount of injected
liquid can be precisely controlled.
In principle, the regulation in this system
is performed with a PI function. This results A direct effect of this is a lower average surface
in reduced fluctuation of the regulated air temperature of the air cooler, resulting in
temperature with stable loads, giving a more a smaller ΔT between the refrigerant and the
constant air humidity. The function offers air. This increases the accuracy and the energy
constant temperature regulation with a efficiency of the system.
temperature value that lies half way between
the on and off values of the thermostat.

Application Example 5.4.1: Pumped liquid circulation evaporator with solenoid valve for liquid injection

Application Example 5.4.1 shows a typical The amount of liquid injected into the evaporator
installation for a pumped liquid circulation is controlled by the opening of the manual
evaporator without hot gas defrost and can regulating valve, ICFR/REG. It is important to set
also be applied to pumped liquid circulation this regulating valve at the right opening degree.
evaporators with natural or electric defrost. Too high an opening degree will lead to frequent
operation of the solenoid valve with resultant
The media temperature is maintained at wear. Too low an opening degree will starve
the desired level by a digital thermostat, the evaporator of liquid refrigerant.
e.g. EKC 202, which controls the on/off
switching of the solenoid valve, ICF 20-2,
according to a media temperature signal
from a temperature sensor, e.g. AKS 21.

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Application Example 5.4.2: Pumped liquid circulation evaporator with pulsed width modulated (PWM) AKV valve for liquid injection

Instead of injecting periodically, as described In a flooded system, this means that the average
above, one can also constantly adapt the liquid refrigerant flow is constantly controlled and
injection to the actual demand. This can be done adapted to demand.
with a PWM AKVA valve or an ICF with an ICFA
solenoid module. This approach to liquid injection in a flooded
system is very versatile. The amount of injected
The air temperature is constantly measured liquid can be precisely controlled, which
and compared to the reference temperature increases the accuracy and the energy efficiency
with a digital thermostat, e.g. AK-CC 450. When of the system.
the air temperature reaches the setpoint, the
AKVA valve opening is reduced. This decreases
the degree of opening during the cycle, resulting
in less capacity. The duration of a cycle is
adjustable between 30 sec. and 900 sec.

5.5 Risers Two-phase flow – a flow that is a mixture of applications, pressure loss presents a large
vapour and liquid – presents some special performance penalty, while for thermosyphon
problems with regard to the design of piping. (self-circulation) systems, the pressure loss must
Two-phase flow is usually in the return be small to ensure proper circulation.
line from flooded evaporators, which are
evaporators where more refrigerant is circulated The flow pattern: The flow pattern describes
than is evaporated. The amount evaporated how the two phases flow, mixed or separately.
is proportional to the capacity of the heat Depending on the composition (% of each phase)
exchanger and usually the situation is described and overall speed, the combined flow behaves
with a capacity and a ‘circulation rate’. very differently, and the pressure loss is a result
of the combined behaviour.
There are two key considerations for two-phase
lines: The topic of flow pattern is very complex, so only
a simple explanation will be given here. Looking
The pressure loss: The pressure loss of a two- at the sketched flow patterns in horizontal pipes
phase flow is much higher than a single phase in Figure 5.5.1 below, it can generally be seen
(vapour) flow at the same speed, so the speed that from top to bottom and left to right there
in two-phase lines is usually kept lower than is an increasing amount of vapour and with that
in vapour-only lines. For low temperature a higher overall velocity.

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Figure 5.5.1: Two-phase flow patterns in horizontal pipe

Note how a higher vapour speed disturbs the In a vertical pipe, however, it is very different.
liquid through friction on the surface, inducing Downward flow presents its own problems,
waves that eventually reach the top of the pipe to mainly relating to liquid falling and possibly
enclose gas ‘slugs’. Eventually the speed becomes inducing pressure fluctuations, but transport
so high that the friction forces are stronger than of the liquid to the destination is almost
the gravitational forces, and the ‘annular’ flow guaranteed. With upward flow, however, the
pattern is reached. In the annular flow, the liquid liquid transport is not guaranteed and that can
flows in a ‘film’ on the inner surface of the pipe give rise to problems in refrigeration systems.
with the high-speed vapour flowing in the centre
of the pipe. In Figure 5.5.2 below, a different flow pattern
in upwards flow is shown. The vapour speed
In a horizontal pipe, any of these flow patterns generally increases from left to right. With very
are usually not a problem, provided the pressure low velocity, the pipe fills with liquid and the
loss is accounted for. It is common practice to vapour bubbles through it. Increased velocity
install two-phase ‘horizontal’ lines with a small collects the vapour in larger ‘slugs’ that, with
downward slope towards the destination to a further increase, start to fill the centre of the
ensure that the liquid is safely transported pipe. Once the slugs collect to form a channel
to the destination. in the middle, the flow is said to be annular.
The remarkable thing about annular flow is that
the friction forces on the vapour/liquid surface
can drag the liquid on the pipe wall upwards,
thereby providing an upward liquid transport.

Figure 5.5.2: Two-phase flow patterns in vertical pipe

Since the amount of vapour is determined Most technicians would intuitively think that
by the evaporating capacity, it is not usually a higher velocity means greater pressure loss,
an option to increase vapour flow. However, but that is not the case with vertical upward
the same vapour flow can yield higher velocities two-phase flow.
in a smaller pipe and thus the Figure 5.5.2 above
can be seen as the same vapour flow with pipe
size decreasing left to right.

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In the ‘bubbly’ flow pattern, the liquid fills up Reducing the pipe size increases the speed.
most of the pipe from top to bottom before it Below in Figure 5.5.3 is a Coolselector2
starts to overflow the top. Thus, the pressure calculation of a 3 m (9.84 ft) DN50 pipe with
loss associated with this flow is the height of 100 kW (28.6 TR) evaporator capacity at -10 °C
the pipe, multiplied by the liquid density and (14 °F) R717, circulation rate 3. It is remarkable
the gravitational constant. In an example with that the speed is relatively high at 14 m/s
R717 at -10 °C (14 °F) in a large pipe with a height (45.9 ft/s), but the pressure loss is only 0.022 bar
of 3 meters, this is 652 kg/m3 * 3 m * 9.81 m/s2 (0.32 psi). The explanation is that the pressure
= 0.19 bar (40.7 lb/ft3 * 9.84 ft * 32.18 ft/s2 loss relates to (almost) pure gas running in a
= 2.78 psi). The pressure loss is most likely slightly smaller ‘pipe’ (the channel in the centre
somewhat lower since, because of the vapour of the pipe) and the friction of this pulls up the
bubbles, the average density is lower than liquid. The gravitational pressure loss is no longer
saturated liquid, though not much lower. the major part of the pressure loss, but rather
the frictional pressure loss dominates.

Figure 5.5.3: Pressure loss in riser at appropriate circulation rate

The above 100 kW (28.6 TR) at -10 °C (14 °F) R717, The speed is now 0.48 m/s (1,58 ft/s) – 1/28 th
circulation rate 3, equates to 833.9 kg/hr (1838 lb/ that of before – but the pressure loss is now
hr). Using the same flow but with a much larger 0.14 bar – approximately 6 times higher.
circulation rate simulates a very low capacity and This is due to the pipe filling up with liquid.
thus a low vapour flow as shown in Figure 5.5.4.

Figure 5.5.4: Pressure loss in riser at too high circulation rate

An excessively high pressure loss has, as pressure is the product of liquid density, height
mentioned above, some serious penalties. and gravitation. The vertical part of the return
In low temperature applications, a pressure pipe is, more or less, the same as the vertical
loss of 0.15 bar (2.2 psi) could have a significant pipe providing the driving height, so a liquid-
impact on the efficiency and capacity of filled return pipe provides a pressure loss that
the system. For thermosyphon systems, the is more or less the same as the driving pressure
combined pressure loss in the return pipe and – leaving very little pressure drop available
the heat exchanger must be smaller than the for the evaporator. In effect, that means that
driving pressure provided by the liquid column there will be no circulation in the system,
in the inlet of the evaporator. Similar to the the evaporator performance will drop and
pressure loss calculation above, the driving it will not deliver what is expected of it.

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The return pipe therefore needs to be designed a certain circulation rate at full load. A rule
carefully to avoid too great a pressure drop. of thumb is that a circulation rate of 3 results
The top Coolselector2 calculation in Figure 5.5.3 in reasonable operation of the evaporator
represents a good solution. Pressure loss and pressure drop. However, it is extremely
is relatively low, and it shows that it is possible challenging to control the circulation rate,
to reduce capacity on the heat exchanger hence the mass-% of evaporated refrigerant
without passing into the area where the return under part-load conditions.
pipe starts to fill up with liquid and provide
a greater pressure loss. Figure 5.5.5 shows the pressure drop in a riser
for a flooded evaporator with ammonia and
The resulting pressure loss should be added DN 65 piping. The blue lines intersect at 67 kW
to the pressure loss in the evaporator with (19.2 TR), which is the reference value condition
the pressure loss in the valves and compared at full load and a circulation rate of 3. The solid
to the driving pressure. A good margin is blue line shows the pressure drop at constant
recommended for this. mass flow, hence the circulation rate varies with
part-load conditions. The broken blue line shows
It is also important to consider the circulation the pressure drop at a constant circulation rate,
rate at part-load operation of the evaporators. hence the mass flow varies. It can clearly be seen
that the pressure drop in the riser is significantly
A properly designed vertical return pipe, utilizing lower during part-load operation when the
the annular flow, is called a ‘riser’. The Danfoss circulation rate is kept constant. The solid green
calculation software Coolselector2 can be used line represents a situation with 1.5 in constant
to calculate an appropriate circulation rate for circulation rate under part-load conditions, which
a riser. yields an even lower pressure drop. This clearly
demonstrates that being able to control the
Pressure drop in risers can pose challenges when circulation rate of a flooded evaporator can result
operating an evaporator in part-load conditions. in a better part-load system performance.
The evaporator is typically dimensioned for

Figure 5.5.5: Pressure drop in riser in part-load operation

5.6 Defrost methods In applications where the evaporator operates The various types of defrost commonly used
at evaporating temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F), in industrial refrigeration are:
frost will form on the heat exchanger surface, • Natural defrost
with its thickness increasing with time. The
frost build-up leads to a drop in evaporator • Electric defrost
performance by reducing the heat transfer • Hot gas defrost
coefficient and blocking air circulation at • Natural defrost
the same time. These evaporators should
therefore be defrosted periodically to keep Natural defrost is achieved by stopping the
their performance at the desired level. refrigerant flow to the evaporator and keeping
the fan running. This can only be used for
room temperatures well above 0 °C (32 °F). The
resulting defrosting time is long.

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5.6.1 Electric defrost hot gas capacity, this solution must only be
Electric defrost is achieved by stopping the fan used in refrigeration systems with three or more
and the refrigerant flow to the evaporator and, evaporators. As a rule of thumb, only a third
at the same time, switching on an electric heater of the total evaporator capacity can be under
inside the evaporator fin block. With a timer defrost at a given time.
function and/or a defrost termination thermostat,
the defrosting can be terminated when the heat 5.6.3 Hot gas defrosting controls
exchange surface is completely free of ice.
While this solution is easy to install and low in The hot gas defrost method is an internal heat
initial investment, the operating costs (electricity) source defrost system that is designed in the
are considerably higher than for other solutions. main refrigeration system. The liquid feed to the
Furthermore, there are considerable losses of evaporators is stopped and discharge gas from
heat from the electric defrost to the cold room. the compressors is directed to the evaporators.
This adds an additional cooling load. Hot gas defrosting systems are faster and more
energy efficient than their alternatives, natural
defrost and electric defrost.
5.6.2 Hot gas defrost
For hot gas defrost systems, hot gas will be To achieve the expected operation, behaviour
injected into the evaporator from the suction line and result, hot gas defrost systems must be
to defrost the surface. This solution requires more designed and controlled correctly.
automatic controls than other systems but has
the lowest operating cost over time. A positive A principle diagram for a hot gas defrosting
effect of hot gas injection into the evaporator system is shown below in Figure 5.6.1.
is the removal and return of oil. To ensure enough

Figure 5.6.1: Hot gas defrost principle diagram

5.6.4 Hot gas defrosting sequence The horizontal bars at the top of the figure show
To perform and operate hot gas defrost systems whether a valve or fan is open/on or closed/off.
in a safe and efficient way, it is important that When a bar is coloured black, the valve is open,
valves are opened and closed in a certain and closed when the bar is grey. The graph at
sequence and, most importantly, slowly and the bottom of the figure shows the pressure in
with great consideration. This is due to the the evaporator during the defrosting sequence.
large pressure difference between the hot The numbers on the valves in the principle
gas and the evaporator, and because both diagram in Figure 5.6.1 correspond to the
gas and liquid phases are present. numbers in the defrost sequence figure below.
Each step in the hot gas defrosting sequence
A hot gas defrosting sequence is shown is described in detail below the figure.
schematically below in Figure 5.6.2.

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Figure 5.6.2: Hot gas defrost sequence

A: Freezing mode D & E: Soft opening phase

In this mode, the freezing process is enabled and Hot gas injection, step 1 and 2. It is generally
both the liquid line (valve 1) and wet suction line not recommended to inject hot gas without
(valve 2) are in the open position. any control. Remaining liquid in transport
lines or evaporators must be prevented from
The hot gas supply line valves (3) for the causing liquid hammer. Furthermore, the
individual evaporator, and the condensate pressure differences in the evaporator should
drain line valve (4) are all closed. be considered. This depends on the refrigerant
used in the system. The pressure difference in
B: Draining phase CO2 systems is much higher compared to NH3
or Freon, so this further recommends the
Prior to the actual hot gas injection into the need for a controlled way of opening valves.
evaporator, as much liquid CO2 as possible must
be boiled out. This phase is a must in the defrost As an example, a generally accepted defrost
sequence because it reduces safety risks. temperature of 10 °C (50 °F) in CO2 systems
is equal to a pressure of 47.23 bar (685 psi).
The purpose of the draining phase is to reduce The pressure of an evaporator at -40 °C (-40 °F)
the following 2 phenomena: is 10 bar (145 psi). The pressure difference
• Liquid possibly being propelled is 37.23 bar (540 psi). A similar situation
with NH3 or R 404a only results in a pressure
• Gas pockets imploding difference of 5.87 bar (85 psi) and 7.33 bar
(106 psi), respectively.
Both are well-known contributors to liquid
hammer. Liquid hammer causes extreme The pressure of the evaporator must be
pressure shocks in the system, which in increased slowly. There are several ways
a worst case scenario could lead to fractures to do this with Danfoss valve solutions:
in components, pipes etc.
ICSH: Dual position solenoid valve. Step 1 is 20%
The liquid line is closed (valve 1), preventing of the kV value of step 2 and allows a smooth
CO2 from entering the evaporator. The wet pressure build-up in the evaporator. Steps 1
suction line (valve 2) remains open and the and 2 are controlled by an EVM pilot valve and,
evaporator fans are kept running to enable for maximum operating freedom, step 2 can
a fast and efficient boil-out of the liquid CO2. be made dependent or independent of step 1.
The duration of this phase depends on the The steps can be controlled by a PLC where the
temperature of the CO2, the volume of the delay between steps 1 and 2 can be freely set.
evaporator and the air flow across the evaporator.
Typically, it takes a few minutes. Despite the ICM: Proportional motor valve type. The valve is
possibility of using other methods to release the controlled by an actuator, ICAD. The ICAD motor
liquid CO2 in this phase, the method described is connected to the ICM valve with a magnetic
above is generally accepted to be the safest. coupling, enabling easy service and maintenance
activities without the need to open the ICM valve.
C: Stabilizing phase The valve is designed to be controlled in 2 ways:
The wet suction line closes (Valve 2) and the Analogue. The opening degree is controlled,
fans stop. Now all valves around the evaporator and the lifting height responds proportionally
are closed and any remaining liquid can collect with an analogue input signal (i.e. 0-20/4-20 mA
at the bottom of the evaporator and enable
a smooth start to defrost.

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and 0-10/2-10 V) On/Off. The valve responds to a Liquid drain control (valve 4)
digital input contact and the opening speed can The liquid drain control method is known as an
be set to the requested demand. The valve is fully effective defrosting method. However, it is less
closed or fully open or moving towards one common, mainly due to the lack of optimum
of these positions. drain valve solutions, complex installation and
rather high cost. The defrost is NOT controlled
ICS+EVM: An ICS servo valve with an EVM by pressure, but rather by the presence of liquid
solenoid valve as pilot valve acting as condensate. Only when liquid condensate is
a solenoid valve step 2 with a small EVRS formed will it be drained by a float valve from the
solenoid as bypass valve acting as step 1. bottom of the evaporator. This solution reduces
the possible blow-by gas by approximately 95%.
F: Defrosting phase
To make this type of defrost commercially and
During the actual defrost phase, the main technically more attractive, Danfoss has designed
purpose is to defrost as efficiently as possible. a float valve function (ICFD) incorporated in the
In this phase, the liquid supply valve (1), wet ICF valve. This solution offers a cost effective
suction valve (2), and a condensate drain valve and very efficient drain solution and simplifies
for the main hot gas supply line (not shown) the installation compared with traditional float
are closed. The hot gas supply line valves (3) solutions.
are open.
G: Defrost end signal – stabilizing phase
At the start of defrosting, the warm hot gas will
condense in the evaporator. In this phase, all valves are closed and any
remaining liquid in the evaporator can drip down
During the defrosting cycle, the pressure in and collect at the bottom of the evaporator.
the evaporator will gradually rise. This phase
must be controlled, otherwise large amounts of H: Pressure equalization of the evaporator
uncondensed hot gas (blow-by gas) return to the
liquid separator and must be re-compressed by At this point, the evaporator pressure is still
the compressors, decreasing system efficiency. at defrost pressure. And this pressure must
be gradually equalized to the pressure of the
5.6.5 Controlling the defrost phase: liquid separator. For a CO2 system, suppose
Pressure-controlled defrost (valve 4) the defrost temperature at the end of defrost
is 12 °C (53.6 °F), which equals a saturated
The pressure control method is the most pressure of 47.23 bar (685 psi). The pressure
common method for controlling the defrost of the liquid separator is -40 °C (-40 °F), which
pressure in evaporators. The pressure control equals a saturated pressure of 10 bar (145 psi).
method is a simple and reliable method, but it The pressure difference is comparable with the
is not the most effective. The defrost pressure hot gas supply line at the start of defrost, still
is controlled at a set pressure corresponding to considerably high, at around 37.25 bar (543 psi).
7-12 °C (44.6 °F to 53.6 °F) saturated pressure. Soft opening valves are strongly recommended
Valve 4 can be an ICS main control servo valve here. Several solutions are possible.
with a constant pressure CVP-H pilot to control
the required defrost pressure. Hot gas will ICLX: A 2-step solenoid valve. Steps 1 and 2
condense in the evaporator and pressure will are controlled by EVM pilot valves. When step 1
gradually increase. When the setpoint is reached, is activated (kV value is at 10% of step 2),
the control valve starts to open and control the the evaporator pressure slowly decreases.
pressure. During this process, the amount Only when the pressure is decreased enough
of flash-gas gradually increases, decreasing does the valve fully open (step 2).
the system efficiency.
ICM proportional motor valves can also be used.
To limit efficiency losses, it is recommended
to connect the liquid drain line to the liquid I: Droplet freezing phase
separator with the highest temperature.
This liquid separator pressure must be lower To prevent eventually water droplets from being
than the defrosting control pressure. A check thrown into the cooling space/floor/ceiling it is
valve must be mounted downstream of the recommended to freeze them to the evaporator
ICS valve to avoid liquid streaming back into surface. This can be done by delaying the start-up
the evaporators during a cooling cycle. of the fan in freeze mode. When droplets have
frozen to the evaporator, the fans are started.

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5.6.6 General hot gas defrosting considerations the startup of the installation. The problem with
Hot gas defrost pressure this approach is that in many cases this time
would be on the ‘safe side’ to ensure a fully clean
A popular misconception is that the higher evaporator. But when the defrost is finished
the defrost temperature, the better. In reality, earlier, a consequence is that the efficiency
a number of studies (Stoecker, 1983) indicate of defrost drops significantly.
that a source of lower pressure and temperature
gas could obtain good results as well. There is Pressure-controlled versus liquid drain control
most likely an optimal pressure / temperature defrost.
(Hoffenbecker, 2005) that would achieve the
highest efficiency. The liquid drain method is very important
for the energy and time spent on defrosting.
Hot gas defrost time The liquid drain method determines how
much of the energy bound in the hot gas
In industrial refrigeration, it is very typical to set is used for defrosting the evaporator.
up defrost based on a fixed time adjusted during

Figure 5.6.3: Quality of the drained liquid

Figure 5.6.3 shows the hot gas defrosting process the defrost time. If the dimensioning quality
in a log(p)-h diagram. Comparing Figure 5.6.3 to is set too high, the valve could be too large,
Figure 5.6.1, the process (A) to (B) shows pressure resulting in a lot of gas being bypassed, which
reduction from the compressor’s discharge results in higher energy consumption for
pressure to the hot gas supply pressure set by the defrost sequence. Consult Coolselector2
the main hot gas supply valve (3) in Figure 5.6.1. when dimensioning your system’s drain valve.
The pressure in point (C) is not defined but Generally, a relatively low dimensioning quality
depends on the components in the hot (around 0.05) is recommended when sizing
gas defrost line. Point (D) corresponds to the valves for the drain line.
defrost pressure in the evaporator, however
the horizontal position of (D), the dimensioning Defrost capacity
quality, depends on the liquid drain method. The needed amount of hot gas for an efficient
(E) is the evaporator pressure in cooling mode. defrost depends on the evaporator size, the
requested defrost time, and the liquid drain
Liquid drain controlled defrost: method. As a rule of thumb, the design mass
The dimensioning quality of a liquid drain flow (hot gas) for each evaporator requires 2-3
controlled defrost should be 0.0, as the hot times the required mass flow during the cooling
gas will be fully condensed to point (D*). (based on complete evaporation (1:1). The lower
The purpose of a float valve in the defrost the evaporating temperature, the more the ratio
drain line is to prevent gas passing through. goes in the direction of 3. Max. 1/3 of the total
number of evaporators in the same installation
Pressure-controlled defrost: Initially all the hot can be defrosted at the same time (the ‘two‐to‐
gas supplied to the evaporator will condense, one rule’).
and the drain valve will only see liquid at its inlet.
When the temperature in the evaporator has When determining the mass flow needed for
been increased, some gas will not be condensed the defrost sequence, one should be aware of
in the evaporator, and a mixture of liquid and gas the capacity of the liquid drain valves and the
will be at the valve inlet. This is the process seen pressure in the hot gas supply line. They create
from (D*) to (D) in Figure 5.6.3. Selecting the right the defrost pressure graph, which is shown in
dimensioning quality for a pressure-controlled Figure 5.6.4. On the x-axis, the mass flow of hot
drain is important for selecting the right valve gas is shown, which corresponds to the defrost
size. A dimensioning quality that is too low capacity of the hot gas defrosting system, and on
will result in a smaller valve, which will prolong the y-axis the pressure is shown.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

Figure 5.6.4: Defrost pressure graph obtained from Coolselector2

Figure 5.6.4 shows 5 different lines. The vertical Injecting hot gas
broken line is the specified mass flow of hot gas All examples in this document are shown with
to the evaporator. The green horizontal line is the hot gas injection into evaporators in the top of
reduced hot gas pressure (B) from Figure 5.6.3, the evaporator. This method is generally seen
where the solid blue line is the hot gas defrost as a safe solution with a very low risk for ‘liquid
pressure at the evaporator inlet (C), the red line is hammer’.
the pressure in the defrost drain line/evaporator Other hot gas injection methods can be used
outlet (D), and the purple line at the bottom is safely, but generally they will require more
the relieving pressure (E) corresponding to the detailed documentations to ensure safe
evaporator pressure in cooling mode. operation.
The green area between the evaporator inlet Liquid hammer
and the evaporator outlet shows the pressure
drop available for the evaporator during defrost, This is the ‘nickname’ given to various
if no components have been added to the end phenomena that result in high-pressure impact
of the hot gas line to simulate the pressure drop in the system. Two of these are important when
in the evaporator. designing hot gas defrost systems:

For the hot gas system to function properly, Pressure impact caused by vapour-propelled
it is important that the hot gas mass flow is kept liquid in gas lines where liquid pockets are
within the green area. If the mass flow should present. It can typically occur in hot gas supply
go beyond that area, the following steps can and wet return lines. The design should be such
be taken: that liquid pockets cannot occur and that valves
open slowly.
• Increase the reduced pressure – and check
it against the condensation pressure in the Pressure impact caused by collapsing gas pockets
system. in liquid lines trapped by moving liquid. The
• Decrease the hot gas mass flow – at the cost impact can be reduced by removing as much
of a slower defrost. liquid as possible from the evaporator prior to
• Decrease the defrost pressure, and thus the defrosting, having a smaller pipe design where
defrost temperature – at the cost of a slower possible, slow opening valve procedures, and
defrost. limited hot gas supply pressure.

A thorough guide to dimensioning the mass Draining condensate from

flow hot gas defrost lines can be found in the main hot gas lines to avoid liquid hammer
Danfoss calculation tool Coolselector2. When a hot gas line is not operated, the
remaining gases easily condense. It is good
practice to install the hot gas lines with slopes,
and then install drain facilities at the lowest point.
This could be a float valve, i.e. ICF with ICFD, or
a periodically activated expansion valve to drain
the hot gas pipes and thus avoid liquid hammer.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

Maximum operating pressure difference (MOPD) motor valves, this is the available motor power.
Automatic control valves like solenoid valves So, for all valves, the MOPD is a known factor.
or motor valves require a certain force to enable In CO2 systems, the pressure difference can be
a smooth opening. The required force depends quite considerable. Especially for hot gas supply
on the design and system parameters. One lines or wet suction, this must be checked.
important system parameter is the pressure Danfoss solenoid valves, such as ICS with EVM,
difference across the valve. The greater this is, have a max. MOPD of 40 bar (580 psi) with
the more force is required. For solenoid valves, a 20W AC coil. The MOPD of ICM/ICAD depends
this force depends on the given coil power. For on the type chosen.

Application Example 5.6.5: DX evaporator with hot gas defrost system

5.6.7 Hot gas defrost for DX evaporators The servo valve ICS in the discharge line is kept
The Application Example 5.6.5 above is a DX open by its solenoid valve pilot EVM.
evaporator system with hot gas defrost. The same
application is shown on the next page for large- Defrost Cycle
scale systems with the larger sizes of the Danfoss
ICF valve station range. The numbering of the After initiation of the defrost cycle, the liquid
lines in this application example follows the injection solenoid valve ICFE/ICF 20-2 in line (1)
numbering of the lines in Figure 5.6.1, hence the is closed. The fan is kept running for 120 to
lines shown there correspond to the lines shown 600 seconds, depending on the evaporator size,
in the application examples in this chapter. to pump down the evaporator of liquid.
Whilst this method of defrosting is not common,
it is even less so for ammonia DX evaporator The fans are stopped and the pilots on the
systems and is more applicable to fluorinated ICLX are de-energized. The servo piston is
and CO2 systems. The serial solution for kept open by the hot gas pressure. However,
components in the hot gas line and liquid supply in cooling mode the hot gas condenses in
line is only applicable for ammonia systems. the cold ICLX valve, so that the servo piston
chamber is filled with liquid at hot gas pressure.
Refrigeration Cycle The pressure between the hot gas and the
suction line is equalized by the NO-pilot, when
The solenoid valve, ICFE, in the liquid line is it is de-energized, on the ICLX and the servo
kept open. The liquid injection is controlled piston chamber is slowly drained by the bleed
by the motor valve ICM. line in the NO-pilot. The equalized pressure
between the piston chamber and the suction
The two-step solenoid valve ICLX/motor valve line lets the main spring push the servo piston
ICM in the suction line is kept open, and the down to close the valve.
defrosting solenoid valve ICFE in the hot gas
supply line is kept closed.

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The exact time taken from when the pilot valves condensed during defrosting is forced out into
changes position to complete closing of the the liquid line through a check valve, CHV.
valve depends on the temperature, pressure,
refrigerant and valve size. It is therefore not When the temperature in the evaporator
possible to state an exact closing time for the (measured by a temperature sensor, e.g.
valves, but lower pressures generally result in Danfoss AKS 21) reaches the set value, defrost is
longer closing times. terminated. The solenoid valve ICFE in the hot
gas supply line is closed, the solenoid valve
It is very important to take the closing times EVM for ICS in the discharge line is opened,
into consideration when hot gas defrost is and the two-step solenoid valve ICLX is opened.
used in evaporators.
Because of the high differential pressure
A further delay of 10 to 20 seconds is required between the evaporator and the suction line
for the liquid in the evaporator to settle down after defrosting, it is necessary to use a two-step
in the bottom without vapour bubbles. The solenoid valve like the Danfoss ICLX solution.
solenoid valve ICFE in the hot gas supply line The ICLX two-step solenoid valve will have a
is then opened and supplies hot gas to the capacity of just 10% at high differential pressure,
evaporator. As an alternative to the ICFE solenoid allowing the pressure to be equalized before
valve, an ICSH dual-position solenoid valve can opening fully to ensure smooth operation
be used to supply hot gas. The benefit of the and avoid liquid slugging in the suction line.
ICSH dual-position solenoid valve is that it is
opened in two steps, which allows a smooth As an alternative to the ICLX two-step solenoid
build-up of pressure in the evaporator. valve, an ICM motor valve with an ICAD actuator
could be used for the soft opening of the suction
During the defrost cycle, the solenoid valve pilot line. This is recommended for CO2 systems for
EVM for the servo valve ICS is closed so that ICS is more accurate control.
controlled by the differential pressure pilot CVPP.
After the ICLX/ICM fully opens, ICFE in the liquid
The CVPP pilot for the ICS in the discharge line line is opened to restart the refrigeration cycle.
then creates a differential pressure, Δp, between The fan is started after a delay in order to freeze
hot gas pressure and the receiver pressure. This remaining liquid droplets on the surface of the
pressure drop ensures that the liquid which is evaporator.

Application Example 5.6.6: DX evaporator with hot gas defrost system for large-scale systems

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Application Example 5.6.7: Pumped liquid circulation evaporator with hot gas defrost system

5.6.8 Hot gas defrost for pumped liquid on the evaporator size, to pump down the
circulation evaporators evaporator of liquid.
Application Example 5.6.7 shows the typical
installation options for pumped liquid circulation The fans are stopped and the pilots on the
evaporators with hot gas defrost systems. ICLX are de-energized. The servo piston is
This application example is shown with ICF kept open by the hot gas pressure. However,
valve stations which can accommodate up in cooling mode the hot gas condenses in
to 6 modules in the same housing. The same the cold ICLX valve, so that the servo piston
application is shown on the next page for large- chamber is filled with liquid at hot gas pressure.
scale systems with the larger sizes of the Danfoss The pressure between the hot gas and the
ICF valve station range. The numbering of the suction line is equalized by the NO-pilot, when
lines in this application example follows the it is de-energized, on the ICLX and the servo
numbering of the lines in Figure 5.6.1, hence piston chamber is slowly drained by the bleed
the lines shown there correspond to the lines line in the NO-pilot. The equalized pressure
shown in the application examples in this between the piston chamber and the suction
chapter. The application can also be made with line lets the main spring push the servo piston
components in a serial connection instead, down to close the valve.
which is only applicable for ammonia systems.
The exact time taken from when the pilot valves
Refrigeration Cycle change position to complete closing of the valve
depends on the temperature, pressure, refrigerant
The solenoid valve ICFE/ICF 20-2 on the liquid and valve size. It is therefore not possible to state
line (line (1)) is kept open. The liquid injection an exact closing time for the valves, but lower
is controlled by the manual regulating valve pressures generally result in longer closing times.
It is very important to take the closing times
The two-step solenoid valve ICLX in the suction into consideration when hot gas defrost is used
line is kept open (alternatively, an ICM motor in evaporators.
valve can be used instead of an ICLX), and the
defrosting solenoid valve ICFE/ICF 20-2 is kept A further delay of 10 to 20 seconds is required
closed. It is recommended that an ICM motor for the liquid in the evaporator to settle down
valve be used for soft-opening in the wet suction in the bottom without vapour bubbles. The
line for CO2 systems. solenoid valve ICFE/ICF 20-2 in the hot gas supply
line is then opened and supplies hot gas to the
Defrost Cycle evaporator. As an alternative to the ICFE solenoid
valve, an ICSH dual-position solenoid valve can
After initiation of the defrost cycle, the liquid be used to supply hot gas. The benefit of the
supply solenoid ICFE is closed. The fan is kept ICSH dual-position solenoid valve is that it
running for 120 to 600 seconds, depending is opened in 2 steps, which allows a smooth
build-up of pressure in the evaporator.

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During the defrost cycle, the opening degree Because of the high differential pressure
of the high-pressure float valve ICFD in the liquid between the evaporator and the suction line,
drain line is controlled by the level of condensed it is necessary to relieve the pressure slowly,
hot gas in the ICFD module. The ICFD module allowing the pressure to be equalized before
only drains liquid to the low-pressure side (wet opening fully to ensure smooth operation
return line). Uncondensed gas can bypass the and avoid liquid slugging in the suction line.
ICFD through a small gas-bypass orifice. The ICFD
solution can reduce the blow-by gas by 90%. After the ICLX/ICM fully opens, the liquid supply
The ICFD solution can also be replaced with a solenoid valve ICFE in the liquid feed line is
back-pressure controlled servo valve, ICS+CVP. opened to start the refrigeration cycle. The fan
is started after a delay to freeze remaining liquid
When the temperature in the evaporator droplets on the surface of the evaporator.
(measured by temperature sensor, e.g. Danfoss
AKS 21) reaches the set value, defrost is
terminated, the solenoid valve ICFE in the hot
gas supply line is closed, and the two-step
solenoid valve ICLX/ICM motor valve is opened.

Application Example 5.6.8: Pumped liquid circulation evaporator with hot gas defrost system

5.6.9 Special application: Defrosting of plate is recommended as it provides defrosting

freezers with the lowest possible plate temperature,
Hot gas defrosting of plate freezers differs ensuring the best product quality. However,
somewhat from defrosting an air cooler. it should be noted that, as the defrosting
The defrosting of a plate freezer is primarily capacity of a plate freezer is very high, the ICFD
necessary to remove the frozen product from is not always sufficiently large. Alternatively,
the freezer and thus the defrosting is part of the an ICM main valve controlled by an AKS 4100
production cycle. For this reason, the defrosting level transmitter can function as a float valve.
of a plate freezer should be as fast as possible. It is a more complex and expensive solution.
Furthermore, the product is in contact with However, many plate freezers can be serviced
the plate freezer and a fast and well-controlled by a single ICM with AKS 4100 combination.
defrost is essential for product quality. A bad
defrost can partially thaw the product, which The defrosting cycle is slightly different to the
reduces the quality significantly. defrosting cycle for air coolers. In particular, the
time spent to ‘pump down’ the evaporator is
Usually the defrosting should be performed simply not available. Instead, the hot gas is applied
in less than 3 minutes, which is the main (with a soft opening) and the pressure is used
difference from air coolers where the defrost to push the liquid out of the plate freezer. In this
time is significantly longer. function, the float valve-controlled defrost is an
advantage. The actual defrosting starts once the
As with air coolers, the defrosting of a plate freezer has been emptied. The defrosting is usually
freezer can be controlled by a float valve or ended by a timer, but in some cases the defrosting
by back pressure, where the float valve control pressure in the freezer is used to determine when
the plate is above the freezing point.

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Application Example 5.6.9: Pumped plate freezer with hot gas defrost system

The solutions shown in the broken-line boxes freezer. In the liquid drain line (4), use of the
are options that depend on the cooling capacity ICFD module (option 1) is limited by the defrost
of the plate freezer and the refrigerant. In the capacity/demand of the plate freezer and the
wet return line (2), ICF-65 with ICM (option 1) refrigerant. The ICFD module is available for
is recommended for ammonia and CO2 systems, ammonia and CO2 systems. Consult Coolselector2
since the alternative, ICLX, has a long closing to examine the limits of the ICFD solution.
time, which must be considered when defrosting Option 2 for the liquid drain line (4) is sending
a plate freezer. The extended closing time of the condensate to a vessel with a liquid level
the ICLX can lead to bypassing hot gas to the transmitter, AKS 4100. A regulating valve allows
wet suction line, which increases the energy gas to bypass to avoid increasing the pressure in
consumption for the defrosting sequence. The the vessel, while a motor valve, ICM, is controlled
ICF-65 with ICLX (option 2) can be used if the by the level transmitter to drain liquid from the
defrosting time of the plate freezer is less critical vessel. This solution would be the alternative for
for the quality of the frozen product in the plate CO2 systems, until the ICFD is approved for CO2.

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5.7 Summary Solution Application Benefit Limitations

Temperature Controls – see section 5.1

Media temperature Very precise The CVE/ICAD will Pressure drop

control with ICS, temperature control precisely control the in suction line.
CVE and CVP combined with temperature. CVP can
minimum pressure keep the pressure
(frost) protection. above the required
Options of running lowest level.
at different

Media temperature Very precise The ICM will control Maximum capacity
control with motor temperature control. the temperature is ICM 150.
valve ICM Option of running very accurately,
at different by adjusting the
temperatures. opening degree.

Multi-temperature Applicable to all Low start-up current Pressure drop

control with ICS compressors with Energy savings in suction line.
and CVP the ability to run Lower noise
at reduced speed. Longer lifetime
Simplified installation.

Liquid Supply Controls – see section 5.2

DX evaporator All DX systems Simple installation Lower capacity

with thermostatic without separator and efficiency
expansion control and pump system. than circulated
systems. Not suitable
for flammable

DX evaporator All DX systems Optimized superheat, Not suitable

with electronic quick response, for flammable
expansion control possible to control refrigerants.
with ICM/ICF solution remotely, wide
capacity range.

Pumped liquid Pump circulating High capacity and Fluctuations,

circulation evaporator systems efficient evaporator. and high
with solenoid refrigerant charge.
valve or pulse- Fewer fluctuations
width-modulated when using the
AKVA valve AKVA solution.

Hot Gas Defrosting Controls – see section 5.6.3

DX evaporator All DX systems Quick defrost. The Not applicable for

with hot gas defrost hot gas can bring systems with fewer
out the oil left in the than 3 evaporators.

Pumped liquid All pumped Quick defrost. The Not applicable for
circulation evaporator circulated systems hot gas can bring systems with fewer
with hot gas out the oil left in the than 3 evaporators.
defrost with ICFD low-temperature
(back-pressure evaporator.
control is alternative The float valve is
as shown in the efficient and stable
broken-line box) in regulating the hot
gas flow. Blow-by
gas is reduced.

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6. Oil systems

Generally, industrial refrigeration compressors There are generally some supporting

are lubricated with oil, which is forced by the components and equipment within refrigeration
oil pump or by the pressure difference between systems for oil cleaning, oil separation from
the high and the low-pressure sides to the the refrigerant, oil return from the low-pressure
moving parts of the compressors (bearings, side, equalization of the oil level in systems
rotors, cylinder walls etc.). To guarantee reliable with several piston compressors and oil drain-
and efficient operation of the compressor, the off points. Most of these are supplied by the
following oil parameters should be controlled: compressor manufacturer.

Oil temperature. This should be kept within The oil system design of an industrial
the limits specified by the manufacturer refrigeration plant depends on the type
to avoid degradation of the oil. The oil should of compressor (screw or piston) and on
have the correct viscosity and the discharge the refrigerant (ammonia, HFC or CO2).
temperature from the compressor should An immiscible oil type is generally used for
be kept below the temperatures at which ammonia, and a miscible one for fluorinated
the oil starts to decompose. refrigerants and CO2. As oil systems are very
closely related to compressors, some of the
Oil pressure. Oil pressure difference should above-mentioned points have been described
be kept above the minimum acceptable level in Compressor controls (section 2) and Safety
specified by the compressor manufacturer. systems (section 7).

6.1 Oil cooling controls Refrigeration compressors (including all screw There are a few different types of oil cooling
compressors and some piston compressors) systems used in refrigeration. The most common
generally require oil cooling. Discharge types are:
temperatures that are too high can destroy oil, • water cooling
which leads to damage of the compressor.
It is also important for the oil to have the • air cooling
right viscosity, which is heavily dependent • refrigerant cooling
on the temperature level. It is not enough
just to keep the temperature below the Oil can also be cooled by means of injection
critical limit, it is also necessary to control it. of the liquid refrigerant directly into the
The oil temperature is usually specified intermediate compressor port. For piston
by the compressor manufacturer. compressors, it is quite common not to
have any special oil cooling systems at all,
as temperature is less critical than for screw
compressors, with the oil being cooled
in the crankcase of the piston compressor.

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Application Example 6.1.1: Oil cooling with water or brine

These types of systems are normally used in The SNV safety relief valves are mounted with
plants where it is possible to get a cheap water blanking plugs on their outlets and must always
source. Otherwise, it is necessary to install a remain so.
cooling tower to cool down the water. Water-
cooled oil coolers are quite common for marine Please contact your local Danfoss sales company
refrigeration plants. to check the suitability of components to be used
with sea water as the cooling medium.
The water flow is controlled by the water valve
type WVTS, which controls the water flow
according to the oil temperature.

An alternative is to equip the hot oil line with

a three-way oil regulating valve, ORV. The ORV
three-way valve can be used as a diverting valve
or a mixing valve. The ORV is used to bypass hot
oil from the separator to adjust the oil return
temperature, without regulating the water flow.

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Application Example 6.1.2: Oil cooling with air

It is quite common to use air-cooled oil coolers that could result in excessively low oil return
on the compressor units with semi-hermetic temperatures.
screw compressor refrigeration packs. Typical oil
return temperatures are in the range of 50-60 °C The oil temperature valve is controlled by the oil
– well above ambient temperatures in most parts regulating valve ORV.
of the world.
In this case, the ORV divides the flow from the oil
The ORV is used as a diverting three-way valve separator and regulates based on the change in
to bypass hot oil (uncooled oil from separator) oil return temperature.
to compensate for low ambient temperatures

Application Example 6.1.3: Refrigerant oil cooling

These types of systems are very convenient, as properly according to the refrigerant flow
oil is cooled inside the system. It is only necessary needed for the oil cooler and pressure losses
to oversize the condenser for the amount of heat in the risers. Otherwise the refrigerant will
taken from the oil cooler. Conversely, Refrigerant not return from the oil cooler and the system
oil cooling requires additional piping on site will not function correctly. Only a minimal
and it is sometimes also necessary to install an number of SVA stop valves should be installed.
additional priority vessel (in cases where the HP No pressure-dependent solenoid valves are
liquid receiver is placed too low or not installed). permitted. On the return pipe, installation
In the case above, the feed pipe to the liquid of a sight glass is recommended.
separator is placed at a certain height above the
bottom of the receiver vessel to create a priority The oil temperature is maintained at the correct
for the oil cooler that is drained from the bottom level by the oil regulating valve (ORV), a three-
of the receiver. way valve. The ORV keeps the oil temperature
within the limits defined by its thermostatic
High-pressure liquid refrigerant flows from the element. If the oil temperature rises too high,
receiver due to gravity into the oil cooler, where then all the oil will return to the oil cooler.
it evaporates and cools the oil. It is therefore If it is too low, then all the oil flow is bypassed
important to dimension the overfeed risers around the oil cooler.

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6.2 Oil differential pressure During normal running of the refrigeration The first is to use an external oil pump, and
controls compressor, oil is circulated by the oil pump and/ the second is to install a control valve on the
or pressure difference between the HP and LP compressor discharge line after the oil separator.
sides. The most critical phase is during start-up.
For the latter method, it is necessary to check
It is vital to have a quick build-up of oil pressure, if the compressor manufacturer allows a
otherwise the compressor may be damaged. few seconds of dry operation. Normally, this
is possible for screw compressors with ball
There are two basic ways to quickly build up bearings, but not possible for those with slide
oil differential pressure in the refrigeration bearings.

Application Example 6.2.1: Oil differential pressure control with ICS and CVPP

In this application, a servo-operated valve, ICS, The main advantage of this solution is its
complete with differential pilot, CVPP, should flexibility, as differential pressure can be
be used. The pilot line from the CVPP valve is readjusted on site and, using other pilots,
connected to the suction line. ICS is closed the ICS can also serve some other functions.
when the compressor is started up.
In areas with a very low ambient temperature,
As the piping between the compressor and an excessively high setpoint of the differential
the valve is very short, the discharge pressure pressure pilot valve (CVPP) will result in
increases rapidly. It requires very little time no benefit from the lower condensation
before the valve fully opens and the compressor temperature, since the compressor will need
runs at normal conditions. to provide the required discharge pressure
to open the pilot valve.

Application Example 6.2.2: Oil differential pressure control with KDC

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The principle of operation for this example The multifunctional compressor valve, KDC,
is the same as for Application Example 6.2.1. has two primary functions, which are described
The multifunctional compressor valve (KDC) below. The steps of the KDC valve are shown
opens when the pressure difference between in the figure below:
the discharge line and the suction line exceeds
the setting value and, at the same time, Pressure control function: The KDC valve is a
the pressure in the oil separator is greater pressure control valve. The valve controls the
than the condensing pressure. discharge pressure of the compressor to ensure
fast build-up of pressure and oil pressure.
However, the KDC also has some limitations.
The valve is not adjustable and there are a limited Check valve function: The valve also ensures
number of differential pressure settings available, against backwards flow when the cone initially
and it is necessary to have a check valve in the is in closed position (step 1), and the differential
suction line. pressure across the cone increases. The pressure
in the cone is connected to the suction pressure.
If this check valve is not present, there could be The valve remains closed when the valve moves
a very large reverse flow through the compressor to step 2.
from the oil separator. It is not permitted to have
a check valve between the compressor and oil
separator; otherwise it may take too long for
the KDC to close.

Figure 6.2: KDC Check Valve Steps

Application Example 6.2.3: Oil differential pressure control with KDC and EVM pilots

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When there is no possibility to install a check is a normally closed (NC) solenoid valve and
valve in the suction line or there is a check valve the EVM connected to the condensing pressure
in the line between the compressor and the is a normally open (NO) solenoid valve.
oil separator, it is possible to use the KDC valve During startup of the compressor, the system
equipped with EVM solenoid pilot valves. works as in the previous example (Application
Example 6.2.2).
This solution minimizes the pressure drop
in the suction line compared to the solution When the compressor stops, EVM NC should
shown in Application Example 6.2.2. be closed and EVM NO opens. That equalizes
the pressure over the KDC spring, and it closes.
These EVM pilots are installed in external lines
using CVH bodies, as illustrated. The EVM Please note the installation direction of the CVH
solenoid pilot connected to the suction line and EVM pilot valves.

6.3 Oil recovery system The compressors within industrial refrigeration Oil return systems are primarily used together
systems are generally the only components that with refrigerants that can be mixed with the oil
require oil lubrication. Therefore, the function of e.g. HFC/HCFC systems.
the compressor oil separator is to prevent any of
the lubricating oil passing into the refrigeration Oil rectifiers are used for refrigerants which do
system. mix with oil. The oil and liquid refrigerant mixture
is drained from the liquid separator and heated
However, oil can be carried over through the by hot liquid from the condenser in a heat
oil separator into the refrigeration system and exchanger. The oil and refrigerant are separated
often collects in the low-pressure side in liquid by evaporating the refrigerant, so that the oil can
separators and evaporators, decreasing their be recovered.
The oil return system can therefore have two
If too much oil carries over from the compressor functions:
into the system, the amount of oil in the • To remove oil from the low-pressure side.
compressor will be reduced and there is then
a risk of the oil level falling below the minimum • To feed the oil back to the compressor.
limit set by the compressor manufacturer.

Application Example 6.3.1: Oil drain from ammonia systems

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In ammonia systems, immiscible oil is used. As quick-closing oil drain valve, QDV. Do not
the oil is heavier than liquid ammonia, it stays at mechanically block the handle of the QDV
the bottom of the liquid separator and is unable in the open position. If the oil drain rate is
to return to the compressor via the suction line. not satisfactory, adjust the opening degree
of the SVA valve up-stream of the QDV valve
Therefore, oil in ammonia systems is normally accordingly. Close the stop valve up-stream of
drained from the liquid separator into an oil the QDV valve when all the oil has been drained.
receiver. This makes the separation of oil from When the SVA between the QDV and the oil
ammonia easier. receiver is closed, re-open the QDV for sufficient
time to allow any trapped liquid to be drained.
First, check that ventilation fans are operating
in the area from which oil is drained. Before When the oil has been drained, re-open the
draining the oil, close the stop valve from the SVA between the separator and oil receiver
separator to the oil receiver. Turn on the electric and the SVA between the oil receiver and
heating coil to warm up the oil. Let ammonia the wet return line.
liquid in the oil receiver boil off to the wet return
line, before draining the oil. Measure and note down the amount of drained oil.

When the ammonia in the oil receiver has been It is, however, extremely important to be aware
boiled off, the stop valve SVA between the oil that any oil removed from the low-pressure
receiver and the wet return line is closed. side of the ammonia cooling system is usually
unsuitable for further use with the compressor
Make sure that oil can be drained to a bucket and should be discarded.
or vessel before opening the drain valve. Ensure
that the pressure in the oil receiver is above Necessary precautions during drainage of oil
atmospheric pressure. Open the stop valve from ammonia should be taken to avoid draining
up-stream of the QDV valve approx. one turn. large amounts of ammonia. Safety equipment
Then slowly press down the handle on the must be used when draining oil from the receiver.

Application Example 6.3.2: Oil drain from fluorinated systems and CO2 systems

In fluorinated and CO2 systems, miscible oil is In the system above, the refrigerant moves from
predominantly used. In a DX system, oil recovery the liquid separator into the heat exchanger
is not a problem as the oil is returned in the by gravity.
suction line, provided good piping practice
is followed (slopes, oil loops, speed etc.). Low-pressure refrigerant is heated up by high-
pressure liquid refrigerant and evaporates.
However, in flooded systems oil recovery requires
the use of an oil rectifier as the oil accumulates The evaporated refrigerant gas mixed with oil
in the low-pressure separator. An oil rectifier returns to the suction line. Refrigerant from the
is a small heat exchanger that evaporates part liquid separator is taken from the working level.
of the (relatively oil-rich) refrigerant liquid in
the separator and returns the oil content to the The regulating valve ICFR in the oil/refrigerant
suction line or an oil collection vessel. The heat mixture line is adjusted in such a way that there
for the evaporation process is usually provided are no drops of liquid refrigerant seen in the sight
by the liquid for the expansion device, making glass, to ensure superheat of the oil/refrigerant
the oil rectifier energy-neutral. mixture. The superheated refrigerant gas will
entrain the flow of oil back to the compressor.

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Refrigerant could also be taken from pump An ICF valve station is used with an ICFA
discharge lines, making the oil rectifier work solenoid module which is a PWM (pulse
in DX mode. Taking refrigerant from the width modulation) electronic expansion valve.
pump discharge line is shown in Application
Example 6.3.3. The EKC 315A superheat controller ensures
that the refrigerant/oil mixture is superheated
when leaving the oil rectifier.

Application Example 6.3.3: Oil drain from fluorinated system and CO2 systems with drain from pump discharge line

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6.4 Summary Solution Application Benefit Limitations

Oil Cooling Controls – see section 1.1

Water cooling with Marine installations, Simple and efficient Could be expensive,
WVTS water valve or plants where an requires separate
with three-way oil inexpensive cold- water piping
regulating valve, ORV water source
is available

Air cooling with ‘Heavy commercial’ Simple, no additional Big fluctuations in oil
three-way oil refrigeration systems piping or water temperature possible
regulating valve, ORV with power packs required in different seasons;
Air coolers might
be too big for large

Thermosyphon All types of Oil is cooled by Requires extra piping

cooling with three- refrigeration plants refrigerant without and priority vessel for
way oil regulating loss of cooling HP liquid refrigerant.
valve, ORV capacity

Oil Differential Pressure Controls – see section 1.1

Differential pressure Flexible, different Requires installation

controlled by ICS settings possible of check valve

Controlled by the Screw compressor Requires no It is necessary to

multifunctional (should be confirmed discharge check install check valve
compressor valve, by the compressor valve, pressure in the suction line,
KDC manufacturer) drop lower than no change of setting
ICS solution possible

Controlled by a KDC Same as above, but Requires external

with solenoid pilot installation of check piping, no change
valves. valve in suction line of setting possible
is not necessary

Oil Recovery System – see section 1.1

Oil recovery for All ammonia systems Simple, but should Requires manual
ammonia systems be handled with operating
with a quick drain great care
valve, QDV

Oil recovery for Low temperature Does not require Complicated to

fluorinated and fluorinated systems. manual operation. adjust for natural
CO2 systems with Can either be Superheat can be circulation.
a heat exchanger natural circulation or controlled by EKC
– oil rectifier pumped system 315A for pumped

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7. Safety systems All industrial refrigeration systems are designed Pressure limiter is a device that protects against
with different safety systems to protect them high or low pressure with automatic resetting.
against unsafe conditions, such as excessive
pressure. Any foreseeable excessive internal Safety pressure cut-out are safety switches
pressure should be prevented or relieved with that are designed for limiting the pressure with
minimum risk to people, property and the manual resetting.
Differential pressure cut-out is a device that
Requirements for the safety systems are heavily measures the minimum differential pressure for
controlled by authorities, and it is therefore safe operation of a pump or a compressor. Pump
always necessary to verify the requirements cavitation can be detected through excessively
in the local legislation in various countries. low differential pressure and the pump must be
The illustrations in this chapter generally stopped. Insufficient oil differential pressure in
reflect the EN 13136 standard, but some a compressor can lead to insufficient lubrication
should be regarded as ‘best practice’. and requires the compressor to be stopped.

Pressure relief device, e.g. pressure relief Liquid level cut-out is a liquid level actuated
valve, is designed to relieve excessive pressure device designed to prevent unsafe liquid levels.
automatically at a pressure not exceeding the
permissible limit and reseat after the pressure Refrigerant detector is a sensing device which
has fallen below the permissible limit. responds to a pre-set concentration of refrigerant
gas in the environment. Danfoss produces
Temperature limiting device or temperature GD-type refrigerant detectors type, please see
limiter is a temperature actuated device that is specific application guide for more information.
designed to avoid unsafe temperatures so that
the system can be stopped partly or completely
in case of a defect or malfunction.

7.1 Pressure relief devices Safety valves are installed to prevent the pressure The main parameters for safety valves are the
in the system from rising above the maximum relief pressure and reseating pressure. Normally
allowable pressure of any component and the the relief pressure should not exceed more
system as a whole. In case of excessive pressure, than 10% of the set pressures. Furthermore,
safety valves relieve refrigerant from the if the valve does not reseat or reseats at too
refrigeration system. low a pressure, there can be significant loss
of system refrigerant.

Application Example 7.1.1: Safety valve SFA+DSV

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Pressure relief devices should be installed on all to the compressor flow, again according
vessels in the systems, as well as on compressors. to EN 13136, ISO 625, ANSI IIAR2 or another
local standard.
Generally, back pressure-dependent safety relief
valves (SFA) are used. Safety valves should be CoolSelector2 can dimension valves and lines
installed with a changeover valve DSV, to enable in accordance with EN 13136 and ISO 5149.
the servicing of one valve whilst the other is
still in operation. As only one of the two safety Generally, the safety valve set pressure must
valves is active at a time, they should both be be the minimum of the maximum pressures
dimensioned to the full relief capacity. of the components in the section it services.

Pressure relief devices should be mounted close Please note: Some countries do not allow
to the part of the system they are protecting. installation of a u-trap in relief pipes.
To check if the relief valve has discharged to
the atmosphere, a u-trap filled with oil and The relief pipe from the safety valve should
with a sight glass mounted can be installed be designed in such a way that people are
after the valve. not endangered in the event that refrigerant
is relieved.
For vessels, the safety valves must be sized based
on the size of the external surface, e.g. according A pressure drop in the relief pipe to the safety
to EN 13136, ISO 5149, ANSI IIAR2 (depending on valves is important for the function of the
the locally applicable standard). For compressors, valves. Check the applicable standards for
the safety valve must be dimensioned according recommendations on how to size these pipes.

Application Example 7.1.2: Interval safety valves - BSV and POV

To relieve refrigerant from the high-pressure In many cases, an oil separator can be considered
side to the low-pressure side, only back a vessel and it must be protected accordingly.
pressure-independent relief valves should In cases where the oil separator is not considered
be used (BSV/ POV). a vessel but can be separated with stop valves
from the condenser and compressor safety valves,
BSV can act either as a direct relief valve with then it also requires a separate safety valve.
low capacity or as a pilot valve for the POV main
valve. When the discharge pressure exceeds the This protection can be achieved with standard
set pressure, BSV will open the POV to relieve safety relief valves SFA combined with
high-pressure vapour into the low-pressure side. a changeover valve DSV.

BSV and POV must be sized according to the Safety valves must be sized according to the size
discharge volume flow of the compressor of the external surface, e.g. in accordance with
at relief conditions. EN 13136, ISO 5149, ANSI IIAR2 (depending
on the locally applicable standard).
The back pressure-independent relief valves
are installed without changeover valve. LLSs can be mounted in the oil separator to
If it becomes necessary to replace or readjust detect overfilling or an excessively low oil level.
the valves, the compressor must be stopped.

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7.2 Pressure and

temperature limiting

Application Example 7.2.1: Pressure/temperature cut-out for compressors

To protect the compressor from an excessively For piston compressors, the oil differential switch
high discharge pressure and temperature, MP 54/55 is used to stop the compressors if oil
or an excessively low suction pressure, KP/RT pressure becomes too low, which can result in
switches are used. RT1A is a low-pressure control, insufficient lubrication of the compressor.
RT 5A is a high-pressure control, and RT 107 is
a thermostat. The oil differential switch cuts out the
compressor if, after a defined period of time
These controls are for the protection of the (0-120 s), it does not build up enough differential
compressor against operation outside of the pressure for sufficient lubrication during start-up.
approved operating limits, and as such do
NOT replace normal safety valves. These controls are often part of the compressor
package/control, but if they are not, they should
Setting of the high-pressure controls should be as shown here.
be below the setting of the safety valves on
the high-pressure side. The setting on the low-
pressure switch is specified by the compressor

7.3 L
 iquid level safety

Application Example 7.3.1: Low/high level switches for liquid separator

Vessels on the high-pressure side and low- The sight glass (LLG) for visual monitoring of the
pressure side have different liquid level switches. liquid level can also be installed. In case of low
temperatures, the LLG might ice up heavily and
High-pressure receivers only need to have a low in those cases it is recommended that the sight
level switch (LLS 4000) in order to guarantee adapter be mounted to ensure a visual inspection
minimum refrigerant level to feed expansion of the liquid level despite the build-up of ice.

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Low-pressure vessels normally have both low Safety valves must be sized according to the size
and high-level switches. The low-level switch of the external surface, e.g. in accordance with
is installed to make sure that there is sufficient EN 13136, ISO 5149, ANSI IIAR2 (depending on
head of refrigerant to avoid cavitation of pumps. the locally applicable standard).

A high-level switch is installed to protect Note that lower connection of the LLS 4000 /
compressors against liquid in the suction AKS 4100 standpipe slopes down to avoid oil
line (sufficient liquid separation). build-up in the standpipe, which can result in
erroneous level measurement and/or incorrect
function of the switches/level indicator.

7.4 Refrigerant detection Gas detection equipment is usually used in • Which sensor principle is the most suitable?
a fixed installation with a number of sensors • How many sensors are needed?
located in areas where refrigerant might
be expected to accumulate in the event • Where and how should the sensors
of a plant leak. be positioned and calibrated?
• Which alarm limits are appropriate?
These locations depend on the layout of How many are required? How is the
the machinery room and adjacent spaces, alarm information processed?
on the configuration of the plant and on
the refrigerant in question. Danfoss offers a wide range of gas detection
• Which gases need to be measured equipment. See GD documentation for detailed
and in what quantities? information.

7.4.1 Sensor technology

Based on the refrigerant and actual ppm range
required, Danfoss has selected the appropriate
sensors for the target refrigerant gas.

Which sensor is suitable for a given refrigerant?

Semi-conductor Electro-chemical Pellistor (Catalytic) Infrared

Ammonia ‘low’
concentration –  – –
(< 100 ppm)
Ammonia ‘medium’
concentration ()  – –
(< 1000 ppm)1
Ammonia ‘high’
concentration  ()2 () –
(< 10000 ppm)
Ammonia ‘very high’
concentration – –  –
(> 10000 ppm)
Carbon dioxide
– – – 
– –  –
 – – –
Measuring range 0-1000 ppm. Can be adjusted in the whole range.
Up to 5000 ppm. For specific applications.

 Best solution () Suitable – but less attractive – Not suitable

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7.4.2 Actions triggered by gas detection

The actions to be triggered when leaked
refrigerant is detected depends on the standard
applied. National regulations, especially the
‘Occupational Exposure Limits’, vary from country
to country.

Actions for Ammonia

EN 378:2016 ISO 5149:2014 ASHRAE 34 2016 IIAR 2-2014
– R717
Up to 50 kg (110 lb) At max. 157 ppm: At max. 1000 ppm: Machinery rooms
refrigerant Actuate an alarm Audible and at max. 25 ppm:
Notify authorized person visual alarm Audible and
Audible buzzer 15 dBA above background Inside machinery visual alarm
noise level room and outside Inside the machinery
Flashing lamp each entrance room and outside
Alarm inside the room Start mechanical each entrance
For machinery rooms: Also outside the room, ventilation Alarm to monitored
which can be at a supervised location Shut down location
For machinery rooms: Start emergency combustion processes Stop non-emergency
ventilation drawing air from the ventilation (unless
room (unless the it is designed to
More than 50 kg Same actions as Same actions as combustion is driving work with R717)
(110 lb) refrigerant above, but starting above, but starting the compressor)
at max. 500 ppm at max. 200 ppm Machine rooms at
At max. 30000 ppm At max. 30000 ppm max. 150 ppm also:
also: also: Start emergency
Stop the system Stop the system ventilation
Stop the power Stop the power
supply to everything supply to everything Machine rooms at
which is not Ex which is not Ex max. 40000 ppm,
approved approved also:
More than 3000 kg Same as above, De-energize
(6613 lb) refrigerant but also compressors,
Central alarm system refrigerant pumps,
Specialized personnel and normally
on site within 60 min closed valves
of alarm
Not in machinery
More than 4500 kg Same as above, rooms at max.
(9920 lb) refrigerant but also 25 ppm:
Central alarm system Alarm to monitored
Specialized personnel location
on site within 60 min Other actions
of alarm depend on system
type and location

Actions for
refrigerants other EN 378:2016 ISO 5149:2014 ASHRAE 34 2016
than ammonia
For all systems except At 50% ATEL/ODL/RCL or 25% LFL (see Danfoss Application Guide At OEL (see Danfoss
ventilated enclosures – Gas detection in refrigeration systems - Annex II): Application Guide
and systems using For flammable refrigerants: Stop the system – Gas detection in
alternative risk Notify an authorized person refrigeration systems
management Audible buzzer 15 dBA above background noise level - Annex III):
Flashing lamp Audible and visual
Alarm inside the room alarm
For occupancy A: Also outside the room, which shall be at a supervised Inside the machine
location room and outside
For occupancy B and C: Only inside is needed each entrance
For machinery rooms: Also outside the room, which can be at Start mechanical
a supervised location ventilation
For machinery rooms: Start emergency ventilation Shut down
processes drawing air
from the room (unless
refrigerant is R744)

For ventilated If a detector is used for starting ventilation: Not applicable

enclosures Start ventilation at 25% LFL (see Danfoss Application Guide – Gas
detection in refrigeration systems - Annex II)
For systems using If a detector is used for starting ventilation: Not applicable
alternative risk Start ventilation at 50% ATEL/ODL/RCL or 25% LFL (see Danfoss
management Application Guide – Gas detection in refrigeration systems - Annex II)

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7.4.3 References Refrigeration Systems

EN 378:2016 Refrigerating systems and heat
pumps – Safety and environmental requirements ISO 5149:2014 Refrigerating systems and heat
pumps – Safety and environmental requirements
ASHRAE 15:2016 Safety Standard for
Refrigeration Systems EU F-Gas Regulation (EC) No 517/2014

ASHRAE 34:2016 Designation and Safety Danfoss gas detector documentation

Classification of Refrigerants (

ANSI/IIAR 2-2014 American National Standard

for Safe Design of Closed-Circuit Ammonia

7.4.4 Summary

Solution Application
Pressure relief devices – see section 7.1

Safety valves SFA + change over valve Protection of vessels, compressors,

DSV and heat exchangers against
excessive pressure

Overflow valve BSV + pilot-operated Protection of compressors and pumps

overflow valve POV against excessive pressure

Pressure and temperature limiting devices– see section 7.2

Pressure cut out: RT Protection of compressors against

excessively high discharge and
excessively low suction pressure
Differential pressure cut out: MP 55 Protection of reciprocating compressors
against excessively low oil pressure
Thermostat: RT Protection of compressors against
excessively high discharge temperature

Liquid level safety devices – see section 7.3

Liquid level switch LLS 4000 Protection of the system against

excessively high/low refrigerant
level in the vessels
Liquid level glass LLG Visual monitoring of liquid refrigerant
level in vessels

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8. Refrigerant pump controls Typically, industrial refrigeration systems have When installing the pump, proper care must be
pump circulation of liquid refrigerant. There are taken to prevent cavitation. Cavitation occurs
some advantages to pump circulation compared if a local minimum pressure inside the pump
with DX type systems: becomes lower than the saturation pressure
of the refrigerant. This will cause formation of
Pumps provide efficient distribution of liquid refrigerant vapour bubbles which will collapse
refrigerant to evaporators and return of vapour- later in the pump. This will cause damage to
liquid mixture back to the pump separator. the pump and should be avoided.

By supplying more refrigerant than the Therefore, the liquid height H above the pump
evaporators can evaporate, called overfeed, should at least be able to compensate the
it is possible to avoid superheating the pressure loss of friction ΔHf through the pipe
refrigerant in the evaporator, and thereby and valves, the pipe inlet loss ΔHd, and the
increase efficiency of the evaporators, without acceleration of the liquid into the pump impellor
risk of liquid hammer in the compressor. NPSH (the pump’s net positive suction head),
as shown in Figure 8.1. The pump’s NPSH is
specified by the pump manufacturer.

Figure 8.1: Placing of the pump

In order to keep the refrigerant pump in trouble- When the flow is too high, the NPSH
free operation, the flow through the pump (Net Positive Suction Head) characteristic
should be maintained within the permissible of the pump escalates to an extent that
operating range, as shown in Figure 8.2. the available positive suction head becomes
too low to prevent cavitation.
If the flow is too low, the motor heat may
evaporate some of the refrigerant and result Therefore, systems should be designed for
in dry running or cavitation of the pump. the refrigerant pump to keep this flow within
the operating range.

Figure 8.2: A typical Q-H curve for pumps

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8.1 Pump protection with Pumps are easily damaged by cavitation. To avoid For example, incorrect operations on the
differential pressure cavitation, it is important to maintain sufficient evaporators may cause increased flow through
control positive suction head for the pump. To achieve the pump, the low-level switch may fail, and
enough suction head, an LLS 4000 low-level the filter in the pump line may be blocked, etc.
switch is installed on the liquid separator.
All of these may lead to cavitation. Therefore,
However, even if the low-level switch installed on it is necessary to shut down the pump for
the liquid separator is kept above the minimum protection when the differential pressure drops
acceptable level, cavitation can still occur. below H2 in Figure 8.2 (equivalent to Qmax).

Application Example 8.1.1: Pump protection with differential pressure control RT 260A

Differential pressure controls are used for Finer meshes could be used during the clean-up,
protection against an excessively low pressure but be sure to take into account the pressure
difference. RT 260A are supplied without a timing drop when designing the piping. Additionally,
relay and cause a momentary cut-out when the it is necessary to replace the mesh after a period
differential pressure drops below the pressure of time.
controls setting.
If a filter is installed in the discharge line
The filter (FIA*) is installed on the pump line to (as shown), pressure drop is not as crucial and a
remove particles and protect automatic control 150-200µ filter can be used. It is important to note
valves and pumps from damage, blockage, and that in this installation, particles can still enter the
general wear and tear. The filter can be installed pump before being removed from the system.
in either the suction line or discharge line of
the pump. The stop-check valve (SCA) is installed on the
discharge lines of the pumps to protect the
If the filter is installed in the suction line before pumps against reverse flow (pressure) during
the pump, it will primarily protect the pump standstill and to function as a stop valve for
against particles. This is particularly important service of the pump.
in the initial clean-up during commissioning.
However, installing the filter in the pump suction The internal safety relief valve (BSV) should
line will add an additional pressure loss, which be dimensioned according to the length of
should be taken into account in order to avoid the pipe on the liquid feed line between the
cavitation in the pump. SCA stop-check valve and the solenoid valve
at the evaporator, where liquid can be trapped,
Since pressure drop can lead to cavitation, so that the pressure in the liquid feed line
it is recommended to install a 500µ mesh. can be relieved.

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8.2 Pump bypass flow control The most common way to keep the flow through a differential pressure pilot-operated servo valve
the pump above the minimum permissible value (ICS+CVPP) as shown in Application Example
(Qmin in Figure 8.2) is to design a bypass flow for 8.2.1 below, or even just an orifice.
the pump.
Even if the liquid supply to all evaporators in
The bypass line can be designed with regulating the system is stopped, the bypass line can still
valve REG as shown in Application Example 8.1.1, maintain a minimum flow through the pump.

Application Example 8.2.1: Pump bypass flow control with differential pressure pilot-operated servo valve ICS+CVPP

The bypass line is designed for each pump with The internal safety relief valve (BSV) should be
differential pressure pilot-operated servo valve dimensioned according to the length of the
(ICS+CVPP). pipe on the liquid feed line between the SCA
stop-check valve and the solenoid valve at
The internal safety valve (BSV) is designed for the evaporator, where liquid can be trapped,
safety relief when there is excessive pressure. so that the pressure in the liquid feed line can
For example, when the stop valves are closed, be relieved.
the liquid refrigerant trapped in the pipes
may be heated to excessively high pressure.

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8.3 Pump pressure control It is of great importance to some types of By using the pilot-controlled servo valve (ICS)
pump circulation systems that a constant and pilot valve (CVPP), it is possible to maintain
differential pressure can be maintained across a constant differential pressure across the pump,
the permanently set throttle valves before the and therefore a constant differential pressure
evaporators. across the throttle valve.

Application Example 8.3.1: Pump differential pressure control with ICS+CVPP

The internal safety relief valve (BSV) should be

dimensioned according to the length of the
pipe on the liquid feed line between the SCA
stop-check valve and the solenoid valve at
the evaporator, where liquid can be trapped,
so that the pressure in the liquid feed line can
be relieved.

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8.4 Summary Solution Application Benefit Limitations

Pump Protection with Differential Pressure Control – see section 8.1

Pump protection Applicable to all Simple. Not applicable

with differential pump circulation Effective in to flammable
pressure control systems. protecting the refrigerants.
switch, RT 260A. pump against low
differential pressure.

Filter and Check valve

Filter (FIA) and Applicable to all Simple. Filter on the suction

stop-check valve pump circulation Effective in line adds extra
(SCA) on the pump systems. Filter can protecting the pressure drop
discharge line. also be installed in pump against before pump.
pump suction line. back flow. Filter on discharge
line still allows
particles to enter
the pump.

Pump Bypass Flow Control – see section 8.2

Pump bypass Applicable to all Simple. Part of pump

flow control pump circulation Effective and power wasted.
with regulating systems. reliable in keeping
valve (REG) and the minimum flow
protection with for the pump.
safety relief valve Safety valve can
(BSV). effectively prevent
excessive pressure.

Pump bypass Applicable to all Simple. Part of pump

flow control with pump circulation Effective and power wasted.
differential pressure systems. reliable in keeping
pilot-operated servo the minimum
valve (ICS+CVPP) flow for the pump.
and protection Maintains a constant
with safety relief differential pressure
valve (BSV). between valve inlet
and liquid.
Safety valve can
effectively prevent
excessive pressure.

Pump Pressure Control – see section 8.3

Pump pressure Applicable to Provides a constant Inefficient use

control with pump circulation differential pressure of pump energy
differential pressure systems that require for the evaporators. compared to using a
pilot-operated servo constant differential frequency converter.
valve (ICS+CVPP). pressure across the
regulating valves
before evaporators.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

9. Others This chapter covers industrial refrigeration

applications for removal of water and air in
the system, as well as heat recovery systems.
These applications aim to optimize operation
of the refrigeration systems, reducing the
energy consumption and harvesting excess
heat for other purposes, e.g. space heating
or hot water production.

9.1 Filter driers in Water, acids and particles appear naturally This plating builds up on the hot bearing
fluorinated systems in fluorinated refrigeration systems. Water surfaces, including the oil pump, crankshaft,
may enter the system as a result of installation, con rods, piston rings, suction and discharge
service, leakage, etc. valve reeds etc. This plating causes the bearings
to run hotter as the lubrication gap in the
Acid is formed as a result of the breakdown bearings reduces as the plating gets thicker.
of the refrigerant and oil.
Cooling of the bearings is reduced due to less oil
Particles usually result from soldering and circulating through the bearing gap. This causes
welding residue, the reaction between these components to get hotter and hotter. Valve
refrigerant and oil, etc. plates start to leak by causing a higher discharge
superheating effect. As the problems escalate,
Failure to keep the contents of acids, water and compressor failure becomes imminent.
particles within acceptable limits will significantly
shorten the lifetime of the refrigeration system Filter driers are designed to prevent all of the
and even burn out the compressor. above circumstances. Filter driers serve two
functions: a drying function and a filtering
Too much moisture in systems with evaporating function.
temperatures below 0 °C (32 °F) could form ice,
which may block control valves, solenoid valves, The drying function constitutes the chemical
filters, and so on. Particles increase the wear and protection and includes the adsorption of water
tear on the compressor and valves, as well as and acids. The purpose is to prevent corrosion
the possibility of creating a blockage. Acids are of the metal surface, decomposition of the oil
not corrosive if there is no water. But in a water and refrigerant and avoid burn-out of motors.
solution, acids can corrode the pipe work and
plate the hot bearing surfaces in the compressor. The filter function constitutes the physical
protection and includes retention of particles
and impurities of any kind. This minimizes the
wear and tear of the compressor, protects it
against damage and significantly prolongs its life.

Application Example 9.1.1: Filter drier in HFC systems

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For fluorinated systems, filter driers are normally DC - 80% molecular sieve and 20% activated
installed in the liquid line before the expansion alumina solid core suitable for CFC & HCFC
valve. In this line, there is only pure liquid flow refrigerants and compatible with HFC
through the filter drier (unlike the two-phase refrigerants;
flow after the expansion valve).
DA - 30% molecular sieve and 70% activated
The pressure drop across the filter drier is small, alumina solid core suitable for clean-up after
and the pressure drop in this line has little compressor burn-out and compatible with
influence on the performance of the system. CFC / HCFC / HFC refrigerants.
Installation of filter driers could also prevent
ice formation in the expansion valve. In addition to the above normal solid cores,
Danfoss also provide other customer-tailored
In industrial installations the capacity of one filter solid cores. Danfoss also provide filter driers with
drier is not normally sufficient to dry the whole fixed solid cores. For more information, please
system, therefore several filter driers could be refer to the product catalogue or contact your
installed in parallel. local sales companies.

DCR is a filter drier with interchangeable solid The sight glass with indicator for HCFC/CFC, type
cores. There are three types of solid cores: SGRI, is installed after the filter drier to indicate
DM, DC and DA. the water content after drying. Sight glasses with
indicator for other types of refrigerants can also
DM - 100% molecular sieve solid core suitable be provided. For more information, please refer
for HFC refrigerants and CO2; to the Danfoss product catalogue.

9.2 Water removal CO2 is a non-polar molecule, so the removal in ammonia systems because both water and
for CO2 systems process is different. Like water molecules, CO2 ammonia are very polar. Even though the driers
molecules are small enough to pass through the function differently in this respect in CO2 systems,
molecular sieve. However, the water molecules the efficiency is fairly good. The water retention
adsorbed on the molecular sieve tend to displace capacity is approximately the same as in R134a
the CO2 molecules, due to the difference in systems.
polarity. Zeolite filter driers cannot be used

Figure 9.2.1: Principle diagram – Filter drier installed in bypass line in a pumped circulation system

To install a filter drier in a CO2 system, 9.2.1 Two-Phase Flow

the following criteria should be considered: Two-phase flow through the filter drier should
• Relative Humidity be avoided, as it brings risk of freezing and
• The relative humidity should be high. blocking because of the unique water solubility
• Pressure Drop characteristics.
The pressure drop across the filter drier should It is recommended that a sight glass with
be small. And the system performance should indicator be installed both before and after the
not be sensitive to this pressure drop. filter drier. The sight glass indicator before the
filter indicates whether there is any water present
in the system, and the sight glass indicator
after the filter indicates whether the filter
is still working.

In case of very low evaporating temperatures,

the sight glass might be blocked by ice building
up on it. In this case, it is recommended that
a plexiglass extender be installed.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

9.2.2 Installation of filter driers in pumped If the capacity of one filter drier is not enough,
circulation systems several filter driers in parallel should be
In a CO2 pumped liquid circulation system, considered.
installation of filter driers is recommended
on the bypass lines from the liquid lines, or 9.2.3 Installation filter driers in DX systems
directly in the liquid line before evaporators. In a CO2 DX system, the water concentration is
On these lines, RH is high, there is no two-phase the same throughout the system, so the RH is
flow, and it is not sensitive to pressure drop. only up to the water solubility of the refrigerant.
Installation in other positions is not Although the RH in the liquid line before the
recommended for the following reasons: expansion valve is relatively small because of
the high water solubility of the high-temperature
In the compressor-condenser-expansion valve liquid CO2, it is still recommended that filter
loop, the RH is low. In the liquid separator, driers be installed on this line (same position as
more than 90% water exists in the liquid phase in fluorinated system) for the following reasons:
because of the much lower solubility of vapour
CO2 compared with liquid. Therefore, little water In the suction line and discharge line, it is
is brought into the compressor loop by the sensitive to the pressure drop, as well as the high
suction vapour. If filter driers are installed in risk of freezing in the suction line. Installation of
this loop, the drier will have too little capacity. filter driers is not recommended here, although
the RHs are high.
In the wet suction line, there is a risk of ‘freezing’
because of the two-phase flow, as mentioned. In the liquid line after the expansion valve,
installation of filter driers should also be avoided
In the liquid line before the refrigerant pumps, because of the two-phase flow.
pressure drop increases the risk of cavitation
to the pumps.

9.3 Water removal for The issue of water in ammonia systems is unique While pumped liquid circulation systems
ammonia systems compared with fluorinated systems and CO2 effectively avoid damage to the compressors,
systems: they still retain the other penalties of water
The molecular structures of ammonia and
water are similar, both are small and polar and, COP of the system is reduced
as a result, both ammonia and water are
completely soluble. When there is water content, the saturated P-T
relationship of the refrigerant will be different
Because of the similarity of ammonia and water from pure ammonia. Specifically, the refrigerant
molecules, there has been no efficient filter drier will evaporate at a higher temperature for a given
for ammonia. Furthermore, because of the high pressure. This will decrease the refrigeration
solubility of water in ammonia, free water is capacity of the system and increase power
difficult to extract from the solution. consumption.

Water and ammonia will co-exist and act as a Corrosion

kind of zeotropic refrigerant, whose saturated
P-T relationship is no longer the same as Ammonia becomes corrosive with water present
anhydrous ammonia. and starts to corrode the pipe work, valves,
vessels, etc.
These are factors in why ammonia systems are
seldom designed as DX systems: on the one Compressor problems
hand, the liquid ammonia is hard to completely
vaporize when water is present, which will lead If water is taken into the compressors, e.g. due to
to liquid hammer; on the other hand, how can a inefficient liquid separators, this will also lead to
thermostatic expansion valve function correctly oil and corrosion problems for the compressors.
when the saturated P-T relationship changes?
Therefore, to keep the system in efficient and
Pumped liquid circulation systems could well trouble-free operation, it is recommended that
avoid the potential damages of water to the water be detected regularly, and that some water
compressors. With only vapour entering the removal method be employed when the water
suction line, liquid hammer is avoided; and content is found to be above the acceptable
so long as there is not too much water in the level.
liquid, the vapour will contain almost no water
(< the recommended max. of 0.3%), which could Basically, there are three ways of dealing with
effectively avoid the oil pollution by water. water contamination:

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Change the charge For more information on water contamination

and water removal in ammonia refrigeration
This is suitable for systems with small charges systems, please refer to IIAR bulletin 108.
(e.g. chillers with plate type evaporators),
and it should comply with local legislation. It is necessary to mention that there is a
downside to the water content being too
Purging from some evaporators low – namely the possibility of a specific
kind of steel corrosion. However, it is not
This is suitable for some gravity-driven systems likely in a real-life system.
without hot gas defrost. In these systems, water
remains in the liquid when ammonia vaporizes, Water will always end up in vessels, where
and accumulates in the evaporators. only gas/evaporated refrigerant will leave it, e.g.
low-pressure separators or closed economizers.
Water rectifier
There are many different water rectifiers and
Part of contaminated ammonia is drained into the one shown in Application Example 9.3.1
the rectifier, where it is heated, with the ammonia is just one of many different solutions.
vaporising and the water drained. This is the
only way of removing water for pumped liquid
circulation systems.

Application Example 9.3.1: Water rectifier heated by HP condensed liquid and controlled by float valves

Procedure for removing water: De-energise the solenoid valve ICFE (for the
contaminated ammonia feed line). After a certain
Energise the solenoid valves ICFE (for the time, all ammonia will be evaporated, and only
contaminated ammonia) and ICS+EVM. contaminated liquid will be left in the vessel.
Contaminated ammonia is drained into To drain the contaminated liquid from the vessel,
the rectifying vessel. The float valve SV4 the pressure inside the vessel must be increased
will close when the liquid level in the vessel to a pressure above 0 °C (32 °F). This is done by
reaches the set level. Energise the solenoid de-energising the solenoid valve ICS+EVM. Now
valve ICFE (for the HP condensed liquid). the pressure inside the vessel is controlled by the
ICS+CVP. The water+ammonia solution should
Condensed liquid is fed to the coil inside the be drained carefully with a draining system.
vessel and starts to heat the contaminated
ammonia. Ammonia starts to evaporate, For safety considerations, safety relief valve BSV is
and contaminated liquid remains in the vessel. installed on the vessel to avoid excessive pressure
When ammonia evaporates in the vessel and build-up.
the liquid level drops, the float valve SV4 will
open and drain more contaminated ammonia
into the vessel. After a certain time, based
on experience, preparation for draining the
contaminated liquid can start.

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9.4 Air purging systems Refrigeration systems can become contaminated, describes the behaviour and problem. Since
leading to a significant reduction in efficiency or the NC gasses cannot condense, they (usually)
possibly a lack of capacity. Water, oil and air are stay in the high-pressure side where they, in
the most common contaminants which should sufficient amounts, can block the condenser
be handled for proper functioning of the system. surface. Most gasses are heavier than ammonia
This chapter deals with ‘air’ contamination and gas at condensing pressure/temperature
solutions for removing it. and because of that, they will concentrate
on top of liquid surfaces. These locations
Referring to the contamination as ‘Air’ is a are the appropriate places to attempt
generalisation that covers a number of gases to collect the Non-condensables.
that all have in common the fact that at the
temperatures and pressures that exist in a The below diagram shows the principle of what
condenser, they cannot condense into their can happen in a condenser. The four different
liquid form. Another common term is ‘Non- sections represent four possible scenario’s in
condensables’ (NC), which more accurately a condenser (temperatures are examples):

Figure 9.2: Principle diagram of air build-up in condenser

De-superheating. The discharge gas from gas before expansion valves etc. It is true that
the compressor is cooled to saturation by these benefits are present, but subcooling
the cooling outside the coil. created in the condenser uses surface that
could have been used to keep the condensing
Condensing. The refrigerant is condensed pressure down. So excessive subcooling from a
by the cooling. condenser is not a good thing. With an increased
condensing pressure, the compressor needs to
Air-filled section. On top of the liquid surface, work harder to compress the refrigerant gas and
the non-condensables will accumulate and the system efficiency drops. As a rule of thumb,
remain fairly stationary. The liquid condensed the compressor work increases 3-4% per degree
in the previous section passes through this Celsius (1.7 to 2.2% per deg F) of increase in
air-filled section, where the cooling that still condensing temperature.
exists on the outside of the coil will sub-cool
the refrigerant liquid. In a condenser with proper function, the
refrigerants liquid is slightly subcooled, normally
Liquid-filled section. This section is filled with 1 to 1.5K (1.8 to 2.7 °F). So, if a subcooling
refrigerant liquid that is built up in the condenser, (significantly) larger than that is observed,
usually as a result of incorrect piping out of the then one or both of the problems from
condenser. In a correctly piped condenser, this point 3 and 4 is present. Incorrect piping can
section should not be present, but note that the be observed from the outside (refer to the
liquid surface will be somewhere outside of the Condenser installation chapter), and if it is
condenser, so the air will eventually accumulate found to be correct, then a large subcooling
enough to block some condenser surface. signifies non-condensables in the condenser.
The cooling on the outside of the coil will again
result in a subcooling of the refrigerant liquid. As the non-condensables accumulate above
liquid surfaces, the appropriate place to collect
Most people would think that subcooling these depends on the condenser control. Please
is good, because it decreases the flashing refer to the condenser control chapter for details
to lower pressures and helps to prevent flash on the condenser installation.

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9.4.1 High-pressure float control

High-pressure float control installations use a
float valve or a level sensor/valve combination
to drain the liquid created in the condenser
to the low-pressure side as soon as it leaves
the condenser.

Figure 9.3: Principle diagram of high-pressure float valve control for air-purging unit

The condenser (2) condenses the discharge gas allows the non-condensables to pass to the low-
from the compressor (1) and the float valve (3) pressure side where it will be re-compressed
passes it back to the low-pressure side. Since the by the compressor, leading to loss of capacity
liquid surface is in the float valve itself, this is the and unnecessary power usage.
appropriate place to collect non-condensables.
An air purger (4) is connected to the float valve 9.4.2 Low-pressure float valve
through a solenoid valve (5) and any ammonia
liquid created in the purger is passed to the low- Low-pressure float valve installations use a
pressure side through a (small) float valve (6). float valve or a level sensor/valve combination
to control the level on the low-pressure side.
Note that most float valves have a small bypass As such, any variation in volume related to
because experience has shown that without it pressure, temperature or capacity changes
the float valve can stop functioning. This is due needs to be accommodated on the high-pressure
to non-condensables accumulating in the float side. A receiver is used for this. Please refer to the
valve preventing the liquid surface from rising Condenser control chapter for correct installation
to open the valve. Consequently, the bypass of condensers in low-pressure float valve systems.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

Figure 9.4: Principle sketch for low-pressure float valve control for air-purging unit

The discharge gas from the compressor (1) Note that it is important that only one solenoid
is condensed in the condenser (2) and led to valve on the purge points is opened at a time to
the receiver (3) for temporary storage before avoid short-circuiting the system. In the above
being led to the low-pressure side through an example, the pressure in the receiver is equalized
expansion valve (4). To allow for free movement to the discharge line, but the pressure in the
of the liquid surface in the receiver, it is pressure condenser outlet is lower because of the pressure
equalized through the equalization line (5). loss in the condenser (which necessitates
However, this short circuits the condenser and to the drop leg in the condenser outlet). If both
ensure proper functioning of the condenser, drop solenoids (8) are open at the same time, the drop
legs (6) needs to be installed with enough height leg function is compromised, which would result
to allow for a liquid build-up to compensate for in undesirable functioning of the condenser
the pressure loss in the condenser. As sketched system.
in the above drawing, the liquid level in the drop
pipe is higher than the receiver level. Furthermore, it is important to ensure that liquid
cannot accumulate in the air purger. The air
In a low-pressure float valve system such as the purger itself creates ammonia liquid through
one above, non-condensables can accumulate in condensing, but unfortunate placement of the air
two different locations: on top of the liquid in the purger and possibly an unfortunate placement of
drop pipe and on top of the liquid in the receiver. the purge points can also lead ammonia liquid to
Consequently, the appropriate locations to purge the air purger. The latter two should be avoided
the non-condensables are these two locations. through proper installation and the drain valve
Because of that, the air purger (7) is connected to (10) should be sufficient to remove all liquid
these two locations through two solenoid valves created. If the air purger is filled with ammonia
(8). Liquid created in the air purger can be sent to liquid then it could lead the control to purge
the low-pressure side through a dedicated float ammonia liquid rather than ammonia-free air.
valve (10).

9.4.3 The Danfoss air purger controlled, self-contained R452A refrigerant

The Danfoss Intelligent Purging System system that runs independently of the main
is a stand-alone, self-contained purging ammonia plant with only one flange connection
unit designed to automatically remove non- to the ammonia plant. This allows ease of
condensable gases from up to 8 system points installation with limited plant interruption.
in an industrial ammonia refrigeration system, Furthermore, all parameters are conveniently
thereby decreasing the power consumption pre-programmed with the exception of the
of the entire system while greatly improving amount of purge points, bringing commissioning
the system’s lifetime expectations. The Danfoss time down to mere minutes. The unit runs
Intelligent Purging System is an electronically automatically in 24-hour cycles, checking for

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

the presence of NC gases and, if present, 9.4.4 Locating of purge points

removes the NC gases to regain and retain the Before non-condensables can be removed,
design capacity of the ammonia system while it must be considered where they will collect.
preventing future air accumulation. Modbus RTU With multiple condensers and receivers, it is
connectivity ensures that the Danfoss Intelligent difficult to determine the exact location of the
Purging System may be connected to the plants NC gases. Condenser piping design, component
control system where all relevant data and alarms arrangement, operation and seasonal weather
may be tracked. changes will affect the location. It is important
to frequently purge each location, one at a time,
to ensure that all the NC gases are removed.

In Figures 9.5 and 9.6 below there is shown how

to install a Danfoss IPS respectively on a single
and on multiple purging points.

Figure 9.5: The Danfoss IPS installed on a single purge point

Figure 9.6: The Danfoss IPS installed on multiple purge points

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As a rule of thumb, refrigerant gas enters a In the following figures, the long arrows show
condenser at a relatively high velocity and by high gas velocity. By decreasing the gas velocity,
the time it reaches the outlet of the condenser, arrow length also reduces. Non-condensables
its velocity is significantly lower. Therefore the accumulation is shown by black dots. Note:
non-condensables accumulate at the condenser’s Always locate the purge point at the top of the
outlet and where one of the purge points need pipe and it must be ensured that it is above the
to be located. If the condenser consists of several liquid surface under all operation conditions.
circuits, then a purge point needs to be located
at each outlet. On the liquid receiver the purge • Receivers
point should be located at the point furthest As the liquid enters a receiver, mist is generated
away from the liquid inlet. around the inlet. This mist will keep the NC-gases
away from the area around the receiver’s inlet.
Based on many years of experience with purger Hence any purging from here should be avoided.
installations, the figures below show several The purge point on a receiver, therefore, should
different configurations and the recommended be at the point furthest away from the liquid inlet
location of purge points for each. (Figure 9.7).

Figure 9.7: NC gases in a receiver

• Evaporative condensers If reduction of the pipe size of the outlet of the

With an evaporative condenser, the velocity condenser is needed, then it should be placed
of the entering refrigerant gas prevents any in the vertical pipe. If the pipe reduction is
significant non-condensables accumulation placed in the horizontal pipe, this can cause a
upstream from the inlet of the condenser. backup of liquid refrigerant into the condenser
Therefore NC-gases will be accumulated to a level that will not allow the air to reach the
at the outlet of the evaporative condenser, purge point. This liquid backup has a negative
which is the optimal NC-gases purge point. impact not only on the NC-gas purging, but also
decreases condenser’s capacity and increases
condensing pressure.

Figure 9.8: NC gases in evaporative condenser

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• Shell and tube condensers

When the inlet of the condenser is asymmetric
then the non-condensables should be purged
from the point furthest away from the inlet
(Figure 9.9).

Figure 9.9: NC gases in horizontal shell and tube condensers with one asymmetric inlet

When the inlet of the condenser is in the center

then the NC-gases should be purged from each
end of the condenser (Figure 9.9).

Figure 9.10: NC gases in horizontal shell and tube condensers with center inlet

With a vertical shell and tube condenser at both the top and the bottom (Figure 9.11).
installation with a center inlet, low gas velocity Please note that the bottom purge point
will exist at both the top and bottom of the should be above the liquid level at all
condenser. Purge points are recommended operation conditions.

Figure 9.11: NC gases in vertical shell and tube condensers

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• Plate condensers
The best non-condensables purge point from
a plate condenser is from the upper part of the
outlet, which is always placed in the bottom
connection of the plate heat exchanger
(Figure 9.12).

Figure 9.12: NC gases plate heat exchanger condensers

9.5 Heat recovery systems The free heat from de-superheating and/or The purpose of control is to coordinate heat
condensing in the condenser can be reclaimed recovery and refrigeration:
if there are requirements for heating in the
plant. These include heating of air in offices The basic function of refrigeration should be
or shops, heating water for washing or ensured whether heat recovery is running or not.
processing, preheating boiler feed water, etc. The condensing pressure should not be too high
when heat recovery stops. Furthermore, for DX
To make heat recovery an economic solution, systems, the condensing pressure should not
it is important to ensure that the free heat be too low either (See section 3).
and the heating requirements match in terms
of timing, temperature level and heat flow. The requirements for heat recovery, e.g. the
For example, for production of hot water, temperature and the heat flow, should be
i.e. when heat at a high temperature level is fulfilled.
required, the de-superheating heat could be
recovered; whilst for office heating, recovery Trouble-free on/off control of the heat recovery
of all the condenser heat could be considered. loop according to demand.

A well-designed control system is crucial Heat recovery control requires very sophisticated
for trouble-free and efficient operation of design, which may vary from plant to plant.
refrigeration systems with heat recovery.

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10. Using CO2 in refrigeration The use of carbon dioxide (CO2) in refrigeration CO2 is classified as a natural refrigerant, along
systems systems is not new. Carbon dioxide was first with ammonia, hydrocarbons such as propane
proposed as a refrigerant by Alexander Twining and butane, and water. All of these refrigerants
(ref. [1]), who mentioned it in his British patent in have their respective disadvantages.
1850. Thaddeus S.C. Lowe experimented with CO2
for military balloons, but he also designed an ice Ammonia is toxic, hydrocarbons are flammable,
machine with CO2 in 1867. Lowe also developed and water has limited application potential.
a machine onboard a ship for transportation of By contrast, CO2 is non-flammable and at
frozen meat. normal conditions also non-toxic. However,
CO2 is heavier than air and will collect
From the literature it can be seen that CO2 in basements. Exposure to large CO2
refrigerant systems were developed during the concentrations can be fatal.
following years and they were at their peak in
the 1920s and early 1930s. CO2 was generally the CO2 differs from other common refrigerants in
preferred choice for use in the shipping industry many aspects and has some unique properties.
because it was neither toxic nor flammable, Technical developments since 1920 have
whilst ammonia (NH3 or R717) was more removed many of the barriers to using CO2,
common in industrial applications (ref. [2]). CO2 but users must still be highly aware of its unique
disappeared from the market, mainly because properties and take the necessary precautions
the new ‘miracle refrigerant’ Freon had become to avoid problems in their refrigeration systems.
available and was marketed very successfully.
Highlights of CO2’s properties relative
Ammonia has continued to be the dominant to the other refrigerants include:
refrigerant for industrial refrigeration applications • Higher operating pressure for a given
over the years. In the 1990s there was renewed temperature.
interest in the advantages of using CO2, due
to ODP (Ozone Depletion Potential) and GWP • Narrower range of operating temperatures.
(Global Warming Potential), which has restricted • Triple point at a much higher pressure.
the use of CFCs and HFCs and imposed limits on • Critical point at a very low temperature.
refrigerant charges in large ammonia systems.

While the triple point and critical point are

normally not important for common refrigerants,
CO2 is different. The triple point is relatively
high at 5.2 bar (75.1 psi), but more importantly,
higher than normal atmospheric pressure.

This can create problems unless suitable

precautions are taken. Also, CO2’s critical
point is very low: 31.1 °C (88.0 °F), which
strongly affects design requirements.

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In the table below, various properties of CO2 are

compared with those of R134a and ammonia.

Refrigerant R134a Ammonia CO2

Natural substance? NO (HFC) YES YES
Ozone Depletion Potential (ODP) 0 0 0
Global Warming Potential (GWP) 1300 - 1
bar (psi) 40.7 (590) 113 (1640) 73.6 (1067)
Critical point
°C (°F) 101.2 (214) 132.4 (270) 31.1 (87.9)
bar (psi) 0.004 (0.06) 0.06 (0.87) 5.18 (75.1)
Triple point
°C (°F) -103 (-153) -77.7 (-108) -56.6 (-69.9)
Flammable or explosive NO (YES) NO
Toxic NO YES (YES)

Table 10.1: Comparison of refrigerant properties

10.1 CO2 as a refrigerant CO2 may be employed as a refrigerant in Transcritical CO2 systems were once only of
a number of different system types, including interest for small and commercial applications,
both subcritical and supercritical. For any type e.g. mobile air conditioning, supermarket
of CO2 system, both the critical point and the refrigeration and small heat pumps. However,
triple point must be considered. with the phase-out of Freon refrigerants and
concerns about the toxicity of ammonia,
The most common refrigeration cycle is transcritical CO2 has gained a significant market
subcritical, i.e. the entire range of temperatures share of new industrial applications. Transcritical
and pressures are below the critical point CO2 systems release heat at temperatures above
and above the triple point. A single-stage the critical point for CO2, thus making them
subcritical CO2 system is simple, but it also has suitable for applications worldwide. Transcritical
disadvantages because of its limited temperature CO2 systems and their applications are described
range and high pressure (1). Subcritical CO2 in chapter 11.
systems are therefore only suitable in very cold
areas or as a low temperature cycle in a cascade The log(p)-h diagram for CO2 sketches a simple
system. subcritical cycle and a simple transcritical cycle.

Operating pressures for subcritical cycles are

usually in the range 5.7 to 35 bar (83 to 507 psi),
corresponding to –55 to 0 °C (–67 to 32 °F).
If the evaporators are defrosted using hot gas,
then the operating pressure is approximately
10 bar (145 psi) higher.

Figure 10.1.1: Log(p)-h diagram for CO2 refrigeration processes

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10.2 Comparision of line The high pressure of CO2 offers advantages

sizings in CO2 systems with regard to the diameter of pipework
that is installed, as gas density is high due to
the pressure. Comparing to R134a and R717,
the differences are clear.

A comparison of pump-circulating systems

shows that for ‘wet return’ lines, CO2 systems
require much smaller pipes than ammonia or
R134a (table 3). In CO2 ‘wet return’ lines, the
allowable pressure drop for an equivalent
temperature drop is approximately 10 times
higher than for ammonia or R134a wet return
lines. This phenomenon is a result of the relatively
high density of the CO2 vapour. The below
comparison is based on a circulating rate of 3.
The results are slightly different if the circulating
rate is optimised for each refrigerant.

Comparison of pipe cross section area

Wet return / liquid lines

Refrigerant R134a R717 CO2

Capacity kW [TR] 250 [71] 250 [71] 250 [71]
Wet return line ΔT K [F] 0.8 [1.4] 0.8 [1.4] 0.8 [1.4]
Δp bar [psi] 0.0212 [0.308] 0.0303 [0.439] 0.2930
Velocity m/s [ft/s] 11.0 [36.2] 20.2 [66.2] 8.2 [26.9]

Diameter mm [in] 215 [8.5] 133 [5.2] 69 [2.7]

Area mm 2
[in ] 2
36385 [56.4] 13894 [21.54] 3774 [5.85]

Pumped Velocity m/s [ft/s] 0.8 [2.6] 0.8 [2.6] 0.8 [2.6]
liquid line

Diameter mm [in] 61 [2.4] 36 [1.4] 58 [2.3]

Area mm2 [in2] 2698 [4.6] 998 [1.55] 2609 [4.04]

Total area mm2 [in2] 39353 [61.0] 14895 [23.08] 6382 [9.89]

Leqv = 50 m / 194 ft, Pump circulation rate 3, Evaporating temperature -40 °C / -40 °F

Table 10.2: Comparison of pipe sizes – wet return & pumped liquid lines

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In the comparison of ‘dry suction’ lines,

the results are very nearly the same as
in the previous comparison, in terms
of both pressure drop and line size.

Comparison of pipe cross section area

Dry suction / Condenser liquid

Refrigerant R134a R717 CO2

Capacity kW [TR] 250 [71] 250 [71] 250 [71]
Dry suction ΔT K [F] 0.8 [1.4] 0.8 [1.4] 0.8 [1.4]
Δp bar [psi] 0.0212 [0.308] 0.0303 [0.439] 0.2930
Velocity m/s [ft/s] 20.4 [67] 37.5 [123] 15.4 [51]

Diameter mm [in] 168 [6.6] 102 [4.0] 53 [2.1]

Area mm2 [in2] 22134 [34.3] 8097 [12.55] 2242 [3.48]

Condenser Velocity m/s [ft/s] 0.8 [2.6] 0.8 [2.6] 0.8 [2.6]
Liquid line

Diameter mm [in] 37 [1.5] 21 [0.8] 35 [1.4]

Area mm 2
[in ] 2
1089 [1.69] 353 [0.55] 975 [1.51]

Total area mm2 [in2] 23223 [36.0] 8450 [13.10] 3217 [4.99]

Leqv = 50 m / 194 ft, Pump circulation rate 3, Evaporating temperature -40 °C / -40 °F

Table 10.3: Comparison of pipe sizes – dry suction & HP liquid lines

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Comparison of pipe cross section area

Dry suction / Liquid

Refrigerant R134a R717 CO2

Capacity kW [TR] 250 [71] 250 [71] 250 [71]
Dry suction Area mm2 [in2] 22134 [34.3] 8097 [12.55] 2242 [3.48]
Liquid line Area mm 2
[in2] 1089 [1.69] 353 [0.55] 975 [1.51]
Total Area mm2 [in2] 23223 [36.0] 8450 [13.1] 3217 [4.99]
Relative cross section area 7.2 2.6 1.0
Liquid cross section area % 5 4 30
Vapour cross section area % 95 96 70

Leqv = 50 m / 194 ft, Pump circulation rate 3, Evaporating temperature -40 °C / -40 °F, Condensing temp -15 °C / -5 °F

Table 10.4: Comparison of pipe sizes

For both recirculating and dry expansion systems, The required compressor capacity for identical
calculated sizes for CO2 liquid lines are much refrigeration loads is calculated for the three
larger than those for ammonia, but only slightly refrigerants (table 4). As can be seen, the CO2
larger than those for R134a (table 1 and 2). system requires a much smaller compressor
This can be explained by ammonia’s much than the ammonia or R134a systems.
greater latent heat relative to CO2 and R134a.
For compressors of identical displacement,
With reference to the table showing the relative the capacity of the compressor for CO2 is times
liquid and vapour cross-sectional areas for the greater than for ammonia and 13 times greater
three refrigerants (table 1), the total cross-section than for R134a.
area for the CO2 system is approximately
2.5 times smaller than that of an ammonia The subcooling produced in a liquid riser of
system and approximately seven times smaller a given height ‘H’ is calculated for the three
than that of R134a. This result has interesting refrigerants (table 5). The subcooling for the
implications for the relative installation costs CO2 liquid riser is much smaller than that for
for the three refrigerants. ammonia and R134a. This characteristic must
be noted when designing CO2 systems in order
Due to the relatively small vapour volume of the to prevent cavitation and other problems with
CO2 system and large volumetric refrigeration liquid CO2 pumps.
capacity, the CO2 system is relatively sensitive
to capacity fluctuations. It is therefore important The CO2 compressors also benefit from the high
to design the liquid separator with sufficient suction density, so the suction swept volume
volume to compensate for the small vapour of the CO2 compressors is much smaller than
volume in the pipes. for R134a and R717, however it must be noted
that these numbers are only for the low-pressure
part of the system (condensing temperature
is -15 °C / -5 °F).

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Comparison of compressor displacement

Refrigerant R134a R717 CO2

Capacity kW [TR] 250 [71] 250 [71] 250 [71]
Required compressor displacement m3/hr [ft/min] 1628 [57489] 1092 [38578] 124 [4387]
Relative displacement 13.1 8.8 1.0

Evaporating temperature -40 °C / -40 °F, Condensing temp -15 °C / -5 °F

Table 10.5: Comparison of compressor displacement

One thing to consider is that the beneficial pressure/temperature relationship becomes

relationship between CO2 saturation pressure a disadvantage. The subcooling in K/F is much
and temperature, which allows for high pressure smaller than with other refrigerants. This is
losses without significant temperature loss, significant, as even a small heat ingress in
leads to another effect. In a pump drop leg the drop leg moves CO2 closer to saturation
from a pump separator, the pressure increases – in % of the total subcooling – than the other
due to the liquid column on top and thus refrigerants. And since the subcooling expresses
effectively creates subcooling of the liquid the height available to the pump as NPSH,
in the bottom of the leg. In this case, the CO2 it can easily be too little, leading to cavitation.

Comparison of pressure / subcooling

produced in liquid columns

Refrigerant R134a R717 CO2

Capacity kW [TR] 250 [71] 250 [71] 250 [71]
Height of column ‘H’ m [ft] 3 [9.8] 3 [9.8] 3 [9.8]
Pressure produced by column ‘Δp’ bar [psi] 0.418 [6.06] 0.213 [2.95] 0.329 [4.77]
Subcooling produced by column ‘Δt’ K [F] 14,91 [26.8] 5.21 [9.4] 0.88 [1.6]
Evaporating temperature -40 °C / -40 °F

Table 10.6: Comparison of pressure/subcooling

CO2 is most commonly used in cascade or ways, e.g. direct expansion systems, pump-
hybrid system designs in industrial refrigeration. circulating systems, CO2 in volatile secondary
CO2 cascade systems can be designed in different ‘brine’ systems, or combinations of these.

Figure 10.2.1: Comparison between R717 and CO2 cycles

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10.3 Subcritical CO2 systems This section covers subcritical CO2 systems to the evaporator, where it is partly evaporated,
in industrial applications. Transcritical CO2 before it returns to the receiver. The evaporated
systems are described in chapter 11. CO2 is then compressed in a CO2 compressor,
and condensed in the CO2-NH3 heat exchanger.
CO2 is typically used as the refrigerant in the low The heat exchanger acts as an evaporator in
temperature cycle due to its excellent properties the NH3 system. Compared to a traditional
at temperatures below -10 °C (14 °F) regarding ammonia system, the ammonia charge in the
heat transfer and required pump power for cascade system can be reduced by a factor of
pump circulation. approximately 10.

Figure 10.3.2 shows a low-temperature The cascade system shown also includes a CO2
refrigerating system using CO2 as a phase- hot gas defrosting system, which is driven by a
change refrigerant in a cascade system with separate CO2 defrost compressor. The CO2 defrost
ammonia on the high-pressure side. The CO2 compressor delivers a discharge temperature,
system is a pump-circulating system where and condensation pressure sufficiently high
the liquid CO2 is pumped from the receiver to do hot gas defrost.

Figure 10.3.1: Comparison between R717 and CO2 defrost

Figure 10.3.2: Principal diagram - Cascade system with 1 evaporating level and CO2 hot gas defrost

Figure 10.3.3: Principle drawing - cascade system with 2 evaporation temperature levels and CO2 hot gas defrost

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10.3.4 and 10.3.5 shows a low-temperature Depending on the evaporation temperature

refrigeration system using CO2 as a ‘brine’ system of the CO2, it can be more beneficial to have
with ammonia on the high- pressure side. compression in both cycles. If the evaporation
temperature is low, e.g. below -25 °C (-13 °F),
The CO2 system is a pump-circulating system, there is a benefit to having compression in
where the liquid CO2 is pumped from the receiver the CO2 cycle, since CO2 compressors are
to the evaporator. Here it is partly evaporated, more efficient than ammonia compressors at
before it returns to the receiver. The evaporated these temperature levels. With a higher CO2
CO2 is then condensed in the CO2-NH3 heat evaporation temperature, e.g. above -15 °C (5 °F),
exchanger. The heat exchanger acts as an the compressor work can be allocated to
evaporator in the NH3 system. The CO2 brine the ammonia cycle for reasons of simplicity.
system is driven by the liquid pump, rather than
by a compressor.

Figure 10.3.4: Comparison between R717 two stage and CO2 volatile brine cascade cycles

Figure 10.3.5: Principal diagram - Cascade system with CO2 as a volatile brine system

Figure 10.3.6 shows a mixed system with flooded

and DX-system, e.g. for a refrigeration system in
a supermarket, where two temperature levels
are required. The low-temperature evaporator on
the CO2 side could also be a flooded evaporator
with a low-pressure separator, but for the sake
of simplicity it is shown as a DX evaporator.

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Figure 10.3.6: Principal diagram - Cascade system with two temperature levels (supermarket system)

10.3.1 Efficiency system is not reduced when compared to

In CO2-NH3 cascade systems, it is necessary to use a traditional NH3 system.
a heat exchanger. Using heat exchangers reduces
system efficiency, due to the necessity of having It is seen from the chart that the ammonia/
a temperature difference between the fluids. CO2 cascade system performs better than both
ammonia systems. This confirms that CO2 is an
However, compressors running with CO2 are excellent refrigerant when running a cascade
more efficient and heat transfer is greater. system with CO2 in the low temperature cycle.
The overall efficiency of a CO2-NH3 cascade

Figure 10.3.7: COP comparison of refrigeration systems

10.3.2 Design pressure The typically used design pressures for subcritical
When determining the design pressure for CO2 CO2 systems are shown in Figure 10.3.10 and
systems, the two most important factors to 10.3.11. Each dashed area represents a ‘zone’
consider are: for design pressure, so components in that
‘zone’ should be able to withstand the indicated
• Pressure during standstill pressure.
• Pressure required during defrosting

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10.3.3 Stand-still pressure The saturated pressure at 10 °C (50 °F) is 45 bar

Importantly, without any pressure control, at (652 psi). By adding 10% for the safety valves
standstill, i.e. when the system is turned off, the and approximately 5% for pressure peaks,
system pressure will increase due to heat gain the indicated maximum permissible working
from the ambient air. If the temperature were to pressure would be 52 bar (754 psi) (Figure 10.3.8),
reach 0 °C (32 °F), the pressure would be 34.9 bar also called the design pressure.
(505 psi) or 57.2 bar (830 psi) at 20 °C (68 °F). For
industrial refrigeration systems, it would be quite In Figure 10.3.8, the practical limits for design
expensive to design a system that can withstand pressure are illustrated based on high-end safety
the equalizing pressure (i.e. saturation pressure valves (closing tolerance of 10% of
corresponding to the ambient temperature) design pressure). There are different standards
during standstill. Therefore, installing a small regarding the closing tolerance of safety valves
auxiliary condensing unit is a common way of for when they should reseat. For ISO standards,
limiting the maximum pressure during standstill the closing tolerance of safety valves is up to
to a reasonable level, e.g. 30 bar (435 psi). 15% of the design pressure for reseating, while
for American standards it is even higher. If such
safety valves are used, the design pressure
10.3.4 Defrosting pressure of the system should be correspondingly higher,
With CO2, many different methods of defrosting or the saturated pressure must be lower.
can be applied (e.g. natural, water, electrical,
hot gas). Hot gas defrosting is the most efficient, Since the pressure in the system will fluctuate,
especially at low temperatures, but also demands 5% closing tolerance is added to account for
the highest pressure. With a design pressure pressure peaks, so the safety valve will not open
of 52 bar (754 psi), it is possible to reach a and reseat constantly.
defrosting temperature of approx. 10 °C (50 °F).
In Figure 10.3.9 the opening and reseating of a
safety valve is shown compared to the pressure
in the system.

Figure 10.3.8: Design Pressure

Figure 10.3.9: Opening and reseating of a safety valve

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Figure 10.3.10: Typically used design pressures in CO2/ammonia cascade system

Figure 10.3.11: Typically used design pressures in 2-stage CO2/ammonia cascade system

10.4 Special considerations 10.4.1 Safety valve three different conditions. If the set pressure
for CO2 refrigeration CO2’s particularly high triple point can cause of a pressure relief valve in the vapour phase is
systems solid CO2 to form under certain conditions. 35 bar (507 psi) or less, e.g. the rightmost line, the
Figure 10.4.1 shows the expansion processes pressure in the relief line will pass through the
occurring in pressure relief valves starting at triple point at 5.2 bar (75.1 psi). Once below the
triple point, the CO2 will be pure vapour.

Figure 10.4.1: CO2 expansion - phase changes

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If the set pressure of a safety valve in the vapour Normally multiple evacuations are performed.
phase is 50 bar (725 psi), e.g. the middle line, the A vacuum is pulled to 0.65 kPa (5,000 microns).
relief line pressure will pass the triple point and The vacuum is relieved with dry nitrogen,
3% of the CO2 will be converted into solid during which then absorbs more of the residual water
relief. In a worst-case scenario (e.g. a long relief vapour in the system. Another vacuum is pulled
line with many bends), solid CO2 may block this to 0.65 kPa (5,000 microns). If the pressure
line. The most effective solution to this problem drops slowly or resides in between 1.32 kPa
would be to mount the safety valve without an (10,000 microns) and 0.65 kPa (5,000 microns),
outlet line and relieve the system directly to the there is still water in the system and an additional
atmosphere. The phase change of the CO2 does evacuation is recommended. The last vacuum
not take place in the valve, but just after the should be broken with refrigerant-grade CO2
valve (in this case, in the atmosphere). VAPOUR.

If a pressure relief valve is set to relieve liquid WARNING: THE VACUUM MUST NEVER BE
at 20 bar (290 psi), the relief products would BROKEN WITH LIQUID CO2. This will form
pass through the triple point, whereupon 50% dry ice, clog pipes and immediately reduce
of the CO2 would convert into solid upon further the temperature to -78.5 °C (-109.3 °F).
relief, subjecting the relief line to a high risk
of blockage.
10.4.3 Charging CO2
Thus, to safely protect liquid lines against It is important to start up with CO2 in the vapour
formation of dry ice, connect safety relief valves phase and continue until the pressure has
to a point in the system at a pressure higher than reached 5.2 bar (75.1 psi). It is therefore strongly
the triple point pressure of 5.2 bar (75.1 psi), recommended to write a procedure for charging
e.g. internal safety valves only for liquid lines. a CO2 system. One must be aware when charging
a refrigerant system that until the pressure
10.4.2 Evacuating CO2 systems prior to start-up reaches the triple point, the CO2 can only exist
as a solid or vapour inside the refrigeration
Because of ammonia’s high affinity to water, system. Also, the system will exhibit very low
evacuation of such systems is not as critical as it temperatures until the pressure is sufficiently
is for HFC and CO2 systems. CO2 is very sensitive raised (Figure 10.11.1). For example, at 1 bar
to water in the refrigeration system, thus starting (14.5 psi) the sublimation temperature will
up with a dry system is the key to keeping a dry be –78.4 °C (–109 °F).
system. Refrigeration pipes are usually left open
to the atmosphere when the system is being
constructed. Therefore, water can condense 10.4.4 Release of CO2 refrigerant
in the pipes during the night, and this is why From Figure 10.4.1, the expansion process of CO2
it is important to evacuate all water and air is shown when it is released from the system. It
from the system before charging refrigerant. is important to release CO2 from the gas side of
the system to minimize dry ice formation in the
When evacuating a system before first start-up pressure relief valves.
after construction or maintenance, two things
are achieved: Dry ice plugs in the pressure relief valves can
• Removal of non-condensable gases, give the false impression that pressure has been
for efficient condenser operation released from the system, when that may not
• Removal of water be the case. Large pressure differences might
still be present between the system parts, since
The boiling temperature of the water will reduce dry ice plugs can be formed inside the system
as the pressure is reduced in the system. Residual and create pressure differences. Therefore, it is
heat from pipes and vessel walls can evaporate recommended that pressure gauges be mounted
the remaining water if it is well-distributed in on the vessel from where the CO2 is released.
the system.
CO2 should always be released to the
The recommendations according to IIAR are atmosphere. When releasing CO2, the room from
as follows: where the CO2 is released to the atmosphere
should be thoroughly ventilated during the
The vacuum pump capacity should be selected release. If the release to the atmosphere is not
according to the internal volume of the done properly, the released CO2 could be leaked
refrigeration system, so that the system can to the working room. The CO2 gas is heavier than
be evacuated to a vacuum pressure of 0.65 kPa air and sinks to the floor or lower-level locations,
(5,000 microns mercury) where the boiling point e.g. basements. This can create dangerous
of water is around 1 °C. Note that a lower vacuum situations if the necessary precautions are not
can result in the remaining water freezing. taken, since large concentrations of CO2 could
This causes the evaporation to be much slower, be lethal for humans in the worst-case scenario.
possibly leading to the incorrect conclusion
that the system is empty of water.

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10.4.5 Filter cleaning 10.4.6 Trapped liquid

The same considerations apply to cleaning Trapped liquid is a potential safety risk in
liquid strainers or filters. Even though CO2 is refrigerant systems and must always be avoided.
non-toxic, one cannot just drain the liquid out This risk is even higher for CO2 systems than for
of the system. Once the liquid CO2 contacts the ammonia or R134a systems. The diagram in figure
atmosphere, the liquid phase will partly change 10.4.2 shows the relative liquid volume change
into the solid phase, and the temperature will for the three refrigerants. As shown, liquid CO2
drop dramatically, as in the example described expands much more than ammonia and R134a,
above. especially when the temperature approaches
This sudden temperature drop is a thermal CO2’s critical point.
shock to the system materials and can cause
mechanical damage to the materials. Such a
procedure would be a code violation because
this equipment is not normally designed for
such low temperatures.

Figure 10.4.2: Relative liquid volume change of refrigerants

10.4.7 Trapped CO2 gas

Trapped CO2 in the system will increase the
pressure when the temperature increases in
the system. Compared to other refrigerants,
the change in pressure for CO2 when heated
1 °C / 1 °F is much higher.

Figure 10.4.3: Pressure change in trapped gas

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The graphs above show the change in pressure 10.4.9 Material compatibility
caused by increasing the temperature of trapped Unlike ammonia, CO2 is compatible with almost
refrigerant vapour. This could be a situation that all common metallic materials. There are no
would occur during standstill. CO2 is compared restrictions, from a compatibility point of view,
to ammonia and R134a, which shows that the when using copper or brass. The compatibility
pressure of CO2 vapour is much more sensitive of CO2 and polymers is much more complex.
to increasing temperature than other common Because CO2 is a very inert and stable substance,
refrigerants in industrial systems. critical chemical reactions with polymers are
not a problem. The main concern with CO2 is
10.4.8 Leaks in CO2-ammonia cascade systems the physiochemical effects, such as permeation,
The most critical leak in a CO2-ammonia cascade swelling and the generation of cavities and
system is in the heat exchangers between CO2 internal fractures. These effects are connected
and ammonia. The pressure of the CO2 will with the solubility and diffusivity of CO2 in
be higher than the ammonia, so the leak will the material concerned.
occur into the NH3 system, which will become
contaminated. The solid substance ammonium Danfoss has carried out a number of tests
carbamate is formed immediately when CO2 to ensure that components released for use
comes into contact with ammonia. Ammonium with CO2 can withstand the impact of CO2
carbamate is a highly corrosive powder. in all aspects.

CO2 + 2 . NH3 → H2NCOONH4 These tests have shown that CO2 is different,
and modifications must be made on some
CO2 + ammonia = ammonium carbamate products. The large amount of CO2 that can
dissolve in polymers must be taken into
The ammonium carbamate should by consideration. Some commonly used polymers
all means be avoided, as it is corrosive. are not compatible with CO2, and others require
There is no common agreement on different fixing methods, e.g. sealing materials.
which cleaning method should be used When the pressure is close to the critical
to remove the ammonium carbamate, pressure and the temperature is high, the
thus no recommendations will be given impact on polymers is much more extreme.
in this document. However, some have
experience with cleaning up contaminations Water in CO2 systems can cause problems with
with hot air or hot water above 70 °C. materials, since water will react with CO2 to form
carbonic acid. The carbonic acid is corrosive and
corrodes metallic surfaces in particular. Water
content in the refrigeration system should be
minimized through proper evacuation before
start-up and proper removal of water. This is
described in section 10.12.5.

10.5 Conclusion CO2 has good properties, particularly at low installation, commissioning and operation,
temperatures, but it is not a substitute for will help to avoid problems. The availability
ammonia. The most common industrial CO2 of components for industrial CO2 refrigeration
refrigeration systems are cascade systems with systems with pressures up to approximately
ammonia on the high-temperature side of the 52 65 bar is good. Several manufacturers of
system. equipment for traditional refrigerants can also
supply some components for CO2 systems. The
CO2 is in many aspects a very uncomplicated availability of components for high-pressure
refrigerant, but it is important to realize that CO2 industrial CO2 refrigeration systems is growing,
has some unique features compared with other but the availability of critical components is an
common refrigerants. Knowing the differences, important factor in the growth rate of CO2 use.
and taking these into account during design,

10.6 Safety and gas CO2 is an odorless, colorless substance classified of CO2 is 1.529 (air = 1 at 0 °C (32 °F)). This risk
detection as a non-flammable and non-toxic refrigerant, requires special attention during design and
but even though all of these properties operation. Leak detection and / or emergency
may seem very positive, CO2 also has some ventilation are always necessary.
Compared to ammonia, CO2 is a safer
Since CO2 is odorless, it is not self-alarming refrigerant even though it is not self-alarming.
if leaks occur (ref. (6)). The TLV (threshold limit value) is the maximum
concentration of vapour CO2 in air which can
CO2 is heavier than air, so it sinks to the ground be tolerated over an eight-hour shift for 40 hours
or floor level. This can create dangerous a week.
situations, especially in pits or confined spaces.
CO2 can displace oxygen so much that the The TLV safety limit is 25 ppm for ammonia
resulting mixture is lethal. The relative density and 5000 ppm (0.5%) for CO2.

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Approx. 0.04% CO2 is present in the air.

With higher concentrations, some adverse
reactions are reported:

2% 50% increase in breath rate

3% 100% increase in breath rate
5% 300% increase in breath rate
8-10% Natural respiration is disrupted and
breathing becomes almost impossible.
Headache, dizziness, sweating and
> 10% Can lead to loss of consciousness
and death
> 30% Quickly leads to death

10.7 Gas detection The requirements for gas detection vary across Locations requiring most protection in a
different countries. Below, one can find an machinery or plant room would be around gas
overview of gas detection requirements two boilers, compressors, pressurized storage tanks,
of the most relevant regulations for refrigeration gas cylinders, storage rooms or pipelines.
systems; in Europe: EN 378:2016 and in the USA:
ASHRAE 15-2016. Most vulnerable are valves, gauges, flanges,
T-joints, filling or draining connections,
Location of gas detectors mechanical joints, seals, and where there are
regular changes in the system’s temperature
There are two methods of locating sensors: and pressure or excessive vibration, such as
compressors and evaporator control valves.
Point Detection, where sensors are located
as near as possible to the most likely sources Sensors should be positioned a little way back
of leakage. from any high-pressure parts to allow gas clouds
to form. Otherwise any leakage of gas is likely
Perimeter Detection, where sensors surround to pass by in a high-speed jet and will not be
the hazardous area completely. detected by the sensor.

The most appropriate method or a combination Accessibility to enable calibration and service
is selected depending on the size and nature in the future must be considered.
of the site.
10.7.2 Number of gas detectors in a facility
10.7.1 Location guidelines The requirements for the number of gas
Detectors shall be located high/low according detectors in a facility are not specifically stated
to the density of the actual refrigerant. Since in standards. However, there are some general
CO2 is heavier than air, it will drop to the floor, guidelines to follow:
which is why it is recommended that CO2 sensors
be located 30-40 cm from the floor (below the A detector can normally cover an area of about
breathing zone). For CO2 monitoring when CO2 50-100 m2 (538-1076 ft2) depending on the
is used in a process (rather than as a refrigerant), actual condition of the space to be covered.
the recommendation is to locate the sensor in In spaces with several obstructions and
the breathing zone, 1.5 metres from the floor, a lack of ventilation, the coverage is approx.
and where people frequent. 50 m2 (538ft2). In non-obstructed spaces with
good mechanical ventilation, the coverage can
If mechanical ventilation exists in a machinery be increased up to approx. 100 m2 (1076ft2).
room, air will move towards the fan.
In problematic locations, a smoke tube can Machinery rooms: It is recommended that
indicate air movements in a space and assist detectors are placed below or at both sides
in the location of sensors. of compressors or other non-static parts of
the system or downwind of such equipment,
Consideration should also be given to the in the direction of continuously operating
possibility of pockets of gas collecting in ventilation extractors.
the event of a leak.
Danfoss can provide Plug and Play gas detection
solutions for industrial CO2 systems with pre-
calibrated digital gas detectors and sensors.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

10.8 Pressure control

CO2 systems

Certain measures must be taken when 10.8.2 Possible control devices in case of low
controlling CO2 systems. CO2 systems are pressure in the CO2 separator
operated above atmospheric pressure at all If the pressure in the CO2 separator drops below
times. It is therefore important to have systems the normal operating range, the following steps
and procedures for maintaining pressure in the can be taken to minimize the risk of dry ice
CO2 system within the operating limits and for formation:
avoiding pressure loss which can be critical to the
system, as liquid CO2 cannot exist below 5.18 bar. Opening a bypass valve enables the system to
maintain a sufficiently high suction pressure in
10.8.1 Possible control devices in case of high the CO2 separator. This also prevents stopping
pressure in the CO2 separator of the compressor if there is a sudden drop in
If the pressure in the CO2 separator rises above cooling load, e.g. if there is a freezing process
the normal range, the following steps can be with variations in the cooling load. This ensures
taken to minimize the escape of CO2: that the compressor keeps running and keeps
the system ready for a sudden increase in the
The CO2 compressor can be forced to start, cooling load.
and the CO2 liquid pump forced to stop to
prevent relatively warm liquid returning The CO2 compressor can be forced to stop,
to the CO2 separator. thus preventing the formation of dry ice.

If there is a fault preventing the CO2 compressor 10.8.3 Compressor control

from starting, the pressure will continue to There is no difference in the way the compressors
increase. This will force the standstill unit to start. can be controlled in CO2 systems compared to
a normal industrial refrigeration installation, but
If the pressure continues to rise, a solenoid valve as they are cascade systems, it must be ensured
can be forced open to provide a controlled that the NH3 compressor is started / ready to
release of the CO2 pressure down to a defined start before the start signal is given to the CO2
pressure. compressor (see section on compressor control).
The last device is the safety valve, which operates
at its set pressure. 10.8.4 Liquid level control
There is no difference in the way the liquid level
can be controlled in CO2 systems compared
to a normal industrial refrigeration installation
(see section on liquid level control). The Danfoss
liquid level sensor AKS 4100 can handle the
low dielectric constant of CO2 and is therefore
compliant for use in CO2 systems for liquid level

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10.9 Cascade system controls For cascade systems, two refrigeration cycles before the CO2 compressors are started, to avoid
must be controlled carefully in order to function the CO2 compressors cutting out due to high
correctly. pressure. Control components should coordinate
Control of cascade systems can be divided into: the operation of the compressors on the low-
• Condenser capacity control temperature side and high-temperature side
to ensure a smooth operation. On start-up,
• Compressor capacity controls a suction pressure control valve will ensure
• Cascade injection control that the CO2 compressors are not overloaded.

10.9.1 Condenser capacity control 10.9.3 Cascade injection control

Capacity control of the condenser can be done The injection of refrigerant into the cascade
by step regulation or speed control of the fans. heat exchanger should be controlled to
As regulating input for the capacity control, regulate the condensation pressure in the
the condenser pressure should be selected. low-temperature circuit.
The reference for the regulation can be defined
in two ways; either as a fixed reference or as a It is recommended that the CO2 gas be de-
reference that varies according to the outdoor superheated before it enters the cascade heat
temperature. The reference for the condensing exchanger, since the gas typically is around 60 °C
pressure is set in °C (°F). (140 °F), thus heat can be rejected to the ambient
air or used for heat recovery. Furthermore, de-
10.9.2 Compressor capacity controls superheating will reduce thermal stresses in the
heat exchanger and mitigate high heat flux from
For a CO2/ammonia cascade system, the the CO2 gas, thus creating more stable conditions
high-temperature compressor, e.g. one of on the evaporation side.
the ammonia compressors, should be started

Figure 10.9.1: Principal diagram of cascade system controls

10.10 Control methods Experience globally shows that there are several The valves (1) through (4) are shown in the
for hot gas pitfalls in hot gas defrost systems, which can following principle diagrams for hot-gas
defrosting lead to ineffective systems and, in a worst-case defrosting systems, and they represent the
scenario, serious accidents if appropriate design following: (1) is the liquid supply valve, which
and operation of the system are not followed. controls the liquid supply to the evaporator
during cooling mode. (2) is the suction solenoid
10.10.1 Hot-gas defrost on pump-circulated valve in the wet return line/suction line which
evaporators in CO2 systems is a soft-opening valve. (3) is the hot-gas supply
valve which is a soft-opening valve. (4) is the
From an efficiency point of view, the goal is to liquid drain valve, which for flooded systems can
return the highest amount of liquid condensate be either a float valve (ICFD), or a back-pressure
from the evaporator back to the liquid receiver. controlled valve (ICS+CVP).
All liquid will be separated in the receiver and
pumped out to the evaporators in cooling
mode. In Figure 10.10.1 below, the hot gas
defrost principle for a pumped circulated
low-temperature evaporator is shown.

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Figure 10.10.1: Hot-gas defrost principle for a low-temperature pump-circulated system with defrost compressor

As shown in Figure 10.10.1, discharge gas from The motor valve (8) ensures that a drop in
the low-temperature compressor (LT) is bypassed pressure in the defrosting system does not result
to a defrost compressor to increase the pressure in an excessively low or even negative pressure
to a saturation pressure well above 0 °C (32 °F). ratio for the defrosting compressor.
The hot-gas pressure depends on the desired
defrost sequence time. The LT compressor might It is recommended that possible variations be
only compress the CO2 to a saturation pressure considered for the defrost compressor’s suction
of -10 °C (14 °F) if evaporators at a medium and discharge pressures to ensure that the
temperature level are present in the system. compressor is always within its operational limits.
A defrost compressor is therefore needed to
increase the pressure to the defrost pressure level It must be noted that there is a possibility that
and account for the total pressure loss in the hot refrigerant can condense in the hot gas pipelines,
gas supply line, evaporator and liquid drain line. as it can be under high pressure and subjected
to low temperatures. Liquid in the defrosting
The hot gas is supplied by the defrost compressor pipelines can form liquid ‘projectiles’ during the
in Figure 10.10.1. In many cases the defrosting start of defrosting, being propelled through the
is done on demand from the system and must system by large pressure differences. This can
be available within a very short time. Because lead to failures, component and piping fractures
of this, it is not always an option to stop the and leakages that are potentially lethal. Liquid
defrosting compressor, and it needs to be able can be drained from the defrosting system by
to run in an ‘idle’ mode. The pressure control valve mounting a drain system in locations where the
(6) is equipped with two different pilot valve liquid will collect (low points in the piping). From
systems, either to ensure a differential pressure there it can be drained back to the separator
in ‘idle’ operation of the defrost compressor or through a solenoid valve that is opened a few
to limit the maximum discharge pressure of seconds before a defrost starts. Since expansion
the defrosting compressor during defrosting. takes place across this valve, the valve must be
A solenoid valve opens for the ‘idle’ pilot when suitable for that or a manual expansion valve
no defrosting is performed, while it closes (regulating valve) must be placed downstream
and passes control to the other pilot during of the solenoid valve. A HP float valve can also
defrosting. be used if available in the appropriate pressure
range. In the sketch, a solenoid solution (7)
The suction pressure valve (5) ensures a is shown. It is important that the drainage is
maximum suction pressure for the defrosting mounted in the right place. Alternatively, the
compressor, keeping it within its operational hot gas supply valve (3) can be opened slowly,
limits. draining the liquid rather than creating liquid
projectiles. Another possible solution is to reduce
During defrost, where the saturation pressure the pressure in the defrost system by keeping the
in the defrost line drops, a check valve (9) condensate drain (7) open whenever defrosting is
installed in a bypass line from the LT compressor not being performed. If the pressure is at suction
can feed discharge gas to the defrosting process. temperature then no condensation can occur,
This gas needs no compression and, as such, however the defrosting system will need to be
is a ‘free’ defrosting capacity. pressurized and de-pressurized repeatedly.

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The system suggested here takes care of many The pressure levels shown in Figure 10.10.1
potential problems, however it is up to the are just random example values and must not
designer to evaluate whether the various be used for dimensioning purposes. Proper
parts of the system are necessary. dimensioning of defrost systems should be
done by the constructor.

Figure 10.10.2: Hot-gas defrost principle for a low-temperature pump-circulated system without defrost compressor

Alternatively, the hot gas for the defrost A HP float valve can also be used if available
sequence can be produced by one of the in the appropriate pressure range. In the sketch,
LT compressors as shown in Figure 10.10.2. a solenoid solution (7) is shown. It is important
Which solution is most feasible depends that the drainage is mounted in the right place.
on how much time and energy is spent on Alternatively, the hot gas supply valve (3) can
defrosting the evaporators. Having a separate be opened slowly, draining the liquid rather
defrost compressor is an additional investment, than creating liquid projectiles.
but it is more energy efficient than using the
LT compressors. However, the investment is saved 10.10.2 Hot-gas defrost on DX evaporators
by using the LT compressors, though one pays in CO2 systems
the penalty of inefficient use of the compressor.
Generally, if it is expected to perform defrosting a In principle, there is no great difference
large percentage of the total operation time, the between defrosting a DX evaporator with
separate defrosting compressor will be the most hot gas, compared with a pump-circulated
economically sound solution, while a pressure evaporator. The principles remain more or less
increase will be suitable for lower percentages. the same as described in the defrost sequence
section in chapter 5 - Evaporator controls.
The motor valve (6) closes to increase the
discharge pressure of the LT compressor If a DX system uses hot-gas defrost, the
to a level that is suitable for defrosting condensed liquid should be drained directly
(e.g. above 0 °C (32 °F)). into the MT receiver by a proper liquid drain valve
The motor valve (5) ensures that the pressure (4) such as ICS+CVP-H or, even better, an ICFD so
drop during the starting of a defrost does not that only condensed liquid will reach the receiver.
lead to an excessively low discharge pressure A check valve must be mounted in the liquid
for the LT compressor. drain line downstream of the liquid drain valve
to prevent HP refrigerant from flowing back
Liquid can be drained from the defrosting into the evaporator. To prevent flash gas from
system by mounting a drain system in locations blocking the expansion valves, the liquid should
where the liquid will collect (low points in the not be drained directly into the liquid supply line.
piping). From there it can be drained back to
the separator through a solenoid valve that is
opened a few seconds before a defrost starts.
Since expansion takes place across this valve,
the valve must be suitable for that or a manual
expansion valve (regulating valve) must be
placed downstream of the solenoid valve.

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Figure 10.10.3: Hot-gas defrost principle for direct expansion system with defrost compressor

The principle diagram in Figure 10.10.3 shows During defrost, where the saturation pressure
the hot-gas defrost system for a direct expansion in the defrost line drops, a check valve (9)
evaporator with a defrost compressor. Many installed in a bypass line from the LT compressor
of the control valves for the defrost compressor can feed discharge gas to the defrosting process.
and hot-gas supply line shown are similar This gas needs no compression and, as such,
to the control valves shown in Figure 10.10.1. is a ‘free’ defrosting capacity.
The discharge gas from the LT compressor
is bypassed to the defrost compressor, which The motor valve (8) ensures that a drop in
increases the pressure to the hot-gas pressure pressure in the defrosting system does not
level. result in an excessively low or even negative
pressure ratio for the defrosting compressor.
The pressure control valve (6) is equipped with
two different pilot valve systems, either to ensure It is recommended that possible variations be
a differential pressure in ‘idle’ operation of the considered for the defrost compressor’s suction
defrost compressor or to limit the maximum and discharge pressures to ensure that the
discharge pressure of the defrosting compressor compressor is always within its operational limits.
during defrosting. A solenoid valve opens for
the ‘idle’ pilot when no defrosting is performed, The pressure levels shown in Figure 10.10.3
while it closes and passes control to the other are just random example values and must not
pilot during defrosting. be used for dimensioning purposes. Proper
dimensioning of defrost systems should be
The suction pressure valve (5) ensures done by the constructor.
a maximum suction pressure for the defrosting
compressor, keeping it within its operational

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Figure 10.10.4: Hot-gas defrost principle for direct expansion system without defrost compressor

Defrosting a DX evaporator with the LT 10.10.3 Hot-gas defrost pressure in CO2 systems
compressors is shown in Figure 10.10.4. The defrost cycle time can be reduced by
increasing the defrost temperature. However,
To increase the discharge pressure from moisture clouds can be created in the cold room
the LT compressor, the motor valve (8) at an excessively high defrost temperature due
closes when a defrost sequence is started. to fast melting and heating of the frost layer on
the evaporator. If moisture clouds are created,
In case of a drop in pressure in the defrost the moisture goes back into the room and not
system, the hot-gas valve (6) ensures a minimum out of the defrost drain, which is not a desirable
discharge pressure of the LT compressor. situation.
If a DX system uses hot-gas defrost, the To defrost a CO2 evaporator with hot gas,
condensed liquid should be drained directly into the saturated temperature in the evaporator
the MT receiver by a proper liquid drain valve (4) during the defrost cycle should be sufficiently
such as ICS+CVP-H or, even better, an ICFD so above zero degrees. A saturated temperature
that only condensed liquid will reach the receiver. range in the evaporator during a defrost cycle
A check valve must be mounted in the liquid between 7-12 °C (44.6-53.6 °F) has proven to give
drain line downstream of the liquid drain valve satisfactory results in most cases. This is equal
to prevent HP refrigerant from flowing back to a saturated pressure range of 41 to 47 bar
into the evaporator. To prevent flash gas from (595 to 682 psi).
blocking the expansion valves, the liquid should
not be drained directly into the liquid supply line. Please be aware of pressure losses in pipes,
components and controls between the
compressor discharge and the evaporator,
where typically 1 bar (14.5 psi) pressure
loss equals approximately 1 °C (1.8 °F). The
compressor discharge pressure during a defrost
cycle must be high enough to overcome this
pressure loss.

Note: using the superheat of a discharge gas

with a saturated pressure below zero degrees
will not give satisfactory results. For a proper
defrost, the condensing energy of the hot gas
should be used.

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10.11 Oil in CO2 systems In CO2 systems with traditional refrigeration With miscible lubricants, such as polyol ester
compressors, both miscible and immiscible (POE), the oil management system can be much
oil types are used (see Table 10.2 below). simpler. POE oils have high affinity with water,
so the challenge when using POE is to ensure
For immiscible lubricants, such as polyalphaolefin the stability of the lubricant.
(PAO), the lubricant management system is
relatively complicated. The density of PAO In volatile brine systems using CO2 as a secondary
is lower than the density of the liquid CO2. refrigerant, and in recirculating systems with
The lubricant therefore floats on top of the oil-free compressors, no oil is present in the
refrigerant, making it more difficult to remove circulated CO2. From an efficiency point of view,
than in ammonia systems. Also, to avoid fouling this is optimum because it results in good heat
evaporators, compressor oil separation with transfer coefficients in the evaporators. However,
non-miscible oils must be highly effective; it requires that all valves, controls and other
basically, a virtually oil-free system is desirable. components can operate dry.

Oil type PAO POE

Poly-alpha-olefin oil Polyol ester oil
(synthetic oil) (ester oil)
Solubility Low (immiscible) High (miscible)
Hydrolysis Low High affinity to water
Oil separation system Special requirements: No special requirements
High filtration performance (System requirements like HCFC/HFC)
Multistage coalescing filters
Active carbon filter
Oil return system Special requirement: Simple
Oil drain from low-temperature receiver (System requirements like HFC)
(oil density lower than CO2 - opposite of NH3) In flooded evaporators, an oil rectifier is needed
Challenge Oil separation and return system High affinity to water
Long-term oil accumulation in e.g. evaporators Long-term stability of oil
‘Clean’ refrigerant system required

Table 10.2: CO2 and oil

The oil concentration in the pump separator and the oil/CO2 liquid mixture from the CO2
increases gradually because the oil cannot be separator is boiled off and sucked back to
directly sucked back to the compressor with the the CO2 compressor.
gas. If the oil concentration in the evaporator
becomes too high, the adhesive forces will Pure CO2 liquid must never be returned to the
make the oil ‘stick’ to the heat-transferring compressor as this will damage the compressor.
surfaces. This reduces the capacity of the plant. It is therefore imperative that the CO2 at the oil
rectifier outlet is superheated.
By constantly boiling off part of the oil/CO2 liquid
from the pump separator, the oil concentration in The superheat can be controlled by a REG valve
the plant remains low. During the boiling process fitted downstream of the solenoid valve for
in the oil rectifier, the CO2 liquid is sub-cooled an oil rectifier with natural circulation.

Figure 10.11.1: Oil recovery system for soluble oils driven by gravity

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Figure 10.11.1 shows an oil recovery system by an AKVA expansion valve which is controlled
based on natural circulation by taking a liquid/ by the superheat controller EKC 315A, however
oil mixture from the bottom of the CO2 receiver the AKVA could be replaced by an ICF valve
standpipe. with expansion valve module.

An alternative is to recover the liquid/oil mixture Detailed application examples for oil recovery
from the liquid feed line where the flow is with oil rectifiers are shown in chapter 6
driven by the circulation pump head as shown (Oil Systems).
in Figure 10.11.2. Here the mixture is controlled

Figure 10.11.2: Oil recovery system for soluble oils driven by circulation pump head

10.11.1 Oil recovery for multi-compression the pressure in the oil receiver. The elevated
systems pressure ensures that oil can be supplied to
Most industrial applications have more than all compressors, and it prevents there being
1 evaporating temperature level and more than a negative pressure difference between the
1 stage of compression. The oil that is circulated oil receiver and the suction pressure for each
in the refrigeration system will accumulate over compressor.
time in the separator at the lowest temperature.
An oil rectifier is used to evaporate refrigerant Note that since the refrigerant for the LT
from the low-pressure separator and collect separator is supplied from the MT separator,
the oil in an oil receiver. From the oil receiver, the oil will usually be transported to the LT
oil can be fed to all compressors in the system system, which will have the highest oil content.
through individual oil feed lines when they However, if the LT load is small or it runs very
demand oil. To supply oil from the oil receiver infrequently, then it could be advantageous to
to the compressors, discharge gas from the add an oil rectifier to the MT separator as well.
highest pressure level in the systems, e.g. from
a hot gas defrost compressor, is used to increase

Figure 10.11.3: Oil recovery system for multiple compression stages

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10.12 Water in CO2 Systems In ammonia systems, the oil is changed regularly Modern systems use filter driers to maintain
and non-condensables are purged frequently the water content in the system at an acceptable
to minimize the accumulation of oil, water and level.
solid contaminants that can cause problems.
The acceptable level of water in CO2 systems
Compared to ammonia systems, CO2 is less is much lower than with other common
sensitive, but if water is present, problems may refrigerants. The diagram in figure 10.12.1 shows
occur. Some early CO2 installations reported the solubility of water in both the liquid and
problems with control equipment, among other vapour phases of the CO2 liquid and vapour
components. Investigations revealed that many as a function of temperature. The solubility
of these problems were caused by water freezing in the liquid phase is much higher than in
in the system. the vapour phase. The solubility in the vapour
phase is also known as the dew point.

Figure 10.12.1: Water solubility in CO2

The diagram in Figure 10.12.1 shows the In a closed system such as a refrigeration
maximum water solubility in ppm in CO2 with system, CO2 can react with oil, oxygen, and
varying temperature. The maximum solubility water, especially at elevated temperatures and
is about 10 times higher in liquid CO2 than in pressures. For example, if the water content is
vapour CO2 for the temperature range shown. allowed to rise above the maximum solubility
limit, CO2 can form carbonic acid, as follows
Below these levels, water remains dissolved in (ref. (4) and (5)):
the refrigerant and does not harm the system.
Water (H2O) molecules are dissolved if the CO2 + H2O → H2CO3
concentration is lower than the maximum
solubility limit, but they precipitate out of (CO2 + water → carbonic acid)
solution into droplets if the water concentration In CO2 production systems, where water
is higher than the maximum solubility limit. concentrations can rise to high levels, it is well
If the water is allowed to exceed this limit in a known that carbonic acid can be quite corrosive
CO2 system, problems may occur, especially if the to several kinds of metals, but this reaction does
temperature is below 0 °C (32 °F). In this case, the not take place in a well-maintained CO2 system,
water will freeze, and the ice crystals can block because the water content in the system is kept
control valves, solenoid valves, filters and other below the maximum solubility limit.
equipment. This problem is especially significant
in flooded and direct expansion CO2 systems, 10.12.2 Water in vapour phase
but less so in volatile secondary systems because
less sensitive equipment is used. If the water concentration is relatively high,
CO2 and water in the vapour phase can react
to form a CO2 gas hydrate:
10.12.1 Chemical reactions
It should be noted that the reactions described CO2 + 8 . H2O → CO2(H2O)8
below do not occur in a well-maintained CO2
system, where the water content is below (CO2 + water → hydrated CO2)
the maximum solubility limit.

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Figure 10.12.2: Water solubility in vapour CO2

The CO2 gas hydrate is a large molecule and can 10.12.4 PAO lubricant
exist above 0 °C (32 °F). It can create problems 2 . RCH3 + 3 . O2 → 2 . H2O + 2 . RCOOH
in control equipment and filters, similar to the
problems caused by ice. (oil + oxygen → water + acid)

10.12.3 POE lubricant PAO lubricant is also called synthetic oil.

Generally, esters such as POE react with water Ordinarily, PAO is very stable. However, if
as follows: sufficient free oxygen is present, as might be
available from corrosion in pipes, the oxygen will
RCOOR’ + H2O → R’OH + RCOOH react with the lubricant to form carboxylic acid.

(ester + water → alcohol + organic acid) 10.12.5 Removing water

Controlling the water content in a refrigeration
As shown, if water is present POE will react system is a very effective way of preventing the
with water to form alcohol and an organic above-mentioned chemical reactions.
acid (carboxylic acid), which is relatively In Freon systems, filter driers are commonly used
strong and may corrode the metals in to remove water, usually the type with a zeolite
the system. It is therefore essential to core. The zeolite has extremely small pores, and
limit the water concentration in CO2 acts like a molecular sieve. Water molecules are
systems if POE lubricants are used. small enough to pass through the sieve and,
being very polar, are adsorbed on the zeolite
molecules. R134a molecules are too large to
penetrate the sieve. When the replaceable
core is removed, the water goes with it.

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Figure 10.12.3: Refrigerants molecules and Molecular Sieves

CO2 is a non-polar molecule, so the removal The most effective location for detecting and
process is different. Like water molecules, removing water is where the concentration is
CO2 molecules are small enough to pass high. The solubility of water in CO2 is much lower
through the molecular sieve. However, the in the vapour phase than in the liquid phase,
water molecules adsorbed on the molecular so more water can be transported in liquid lines.
sieve tend to displace the CO2 molecules,
due to the difference in polarity. Zeolite filter The relative humidity is highest in the wet return
driers cannot be used in ammonia systems, line since vapour CO2 has a lower solubility
because both water and ammonia are very of water than liquid CO2. However, the relative
polar. Even though the driers function humidity in the wet return line depends on the
differently in this respect in CO2 systems, the circulating rate. In a DX system, the variation of
efficiency is good. The water retention capacity the relative humidity differs, but also in this case
is approximately the same as in R134a systems. the highest concentration is in the suction line.

Figure 10.12.4: Humidity Distribution in flooded systems Figure 10.12.5: Humidity Distribution in DX systems

Taking advantage of this principle, moisture Obviously, all of these mechanisms should
indicators and filter driers are typically installed be avoided or minimized.
in a liquid line or liquid bypass line from the
pump separator (see chapter 9 for filter driers To illustrate a scenario in which water may
in CO2 systems). contaminate a system, think of a person who,
believing CO2 is a very safe refrigerant, thinks that
10.12.6 How does water enter a CO2 system? it may be handled without following the normal
ammonia safety requirements. He might open
Unlike some ammonia systems, the pressure the system to perform a repair. Once the system
in CO2 systems is always above atmospheric. is opened, air enters, and the moisture in the air
However, water can still find its way into CO2 condenses inside the piping. If the person does
systems. not evacuate the system very thoroughly, some
water may be left in the system.
Water may contaminate a CO2 system through
five different mechanisms: In another scenario, the person forgets that
• Diffusion the lubricant used in the system, POE, has a
• Maintenance and repair activities high affinity for water, and leaves the cap off
the container. After the POE is charged into the
• Incomplete water removal during installation/ system, the water may start to cause problems
commissioning in the system.
• Water-contaminated lubricant charged into
the system
• Water-contaminated CO2 charged into
the system

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11. Transcritical CO2 systems All substances have a triple point and a critical This happens at constant pressure in a condenser.
point. The triple point is the condition at which a At temperatures and pressures above the critical
substance can co-exist in all three phases – solid, point, no clear distinction can be made between
liquid and vapour – in equilibrium. Liquid cannot what is liquid and what is vapour. The critical
exist at temperatures below the triple point. point thus sets an upper limit on heat transfer
The triple point therefore sets a lower bound based on evaporation and condensation. CO2
for the temperature range in which a vapour has a triple point at -56,6 °C and 5.2 bar (-69.9 °F
compression refrigeration cycle can be used. The and 75.4 psi) and a critical point at 31.1 °C and
critical point is the point at which evaporation 73.8 bar (88 °F and 1070 psi). Most refrigerants
and condensation no longer occur. For most are used for operation in the range between their
refrigerants, the critical print is relatively high, triple point and their critical point. However, with
so heat rejection can take place below that point. a critical temperature at 31.1 °C (88 °F), using
A principle of the process is shown in Figure 11.1. CO2 in subcritical systems (below the critical
The refrigerant rejects its heat in 3 steps: point) could pose problems for condensation in
De-superheating, where the sensible heat is geographical areas with ambient temperatures
cooled down. Condensing, where the refrigerants above 25 °C (77 °F). In table 11.1, the critical
changes from gas into liquid. Subcooling, pressure and temperate are shown for some
where the liquid refrigerant is subcooled. popular refrigerants.

Critical pressure and temperature

P crit / bar (psi) T crit / °C (F)
R134a 40.6 (588.7) 101.1 (213.98)
R404A 37.3 (540.85) 72 (161.6)
R717 113.3 (1642.85) 132.3 (270.14)
R744 73.8 (1070.1) 31.1 (87.98)

Table 11.1: Critical pressure and temperature for different


Figure 11.1: Principle of a condensing process in a log(p)-h diagram

11.1 Explanation of the To overcome this problem, CO2 can be temperature no longer exists. With decreasing
transcritical cycle compressed to a pressure level above the critical enthalpy, the CO2 temperature is cooled down
pressure, thus the CO2 can reject heat at a at a constant pressure. A gas cooler is used for
temperature above 31.1 °C. When compressing rejecting the heat, and the control is different
CO2 beyond the critical point, the refrigeration compared with condensers. An example of this
process is called ‘transcritical’. Above the critical process is show in Figure 11.2. Figure 11.3 shows
point, there is no defined phase change, which a two-stage refrigeration cycle for CO2. The sub-
also means that when rejecting heat above critical cycle rejects heat by means of condensing,
the critical point, the constant condensing the transcritical cycle by means of gas cooling.

Figure 11.2: CO2 in transcritical cycle Figure 11.3: CO2 in a 2-stage transcritical operation

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11.1.1 Heat rejection As explained, at temperatures higher than when CO2 is cooled. This makes gas coolers
the critical point, CO2 is in a transcritical different from both water-to-refrigerant heat
phase, unable to condense. The gas can only exchangers, where the heat capacity is constant,
be cooled down and will not change phase. and condensers, where the heat capacity in the
Consequently, pressure and temperature are no gas phase is relatively low and very high when
longer interdependent during the heat rejection gas starts to condense (Figure 11.4).
process. The heat capacity of CO2 also changes

Figure 11.4: Heat rejection process of CO2 in sub-critical (condensing) and transcritical (gas cooling) state

Gas coolers are used for rejecting heat when The complete heat exchange between the gas
operating a transcritical CO2 system, since phase cooler and the air must be counter-current flow
changes of CO2 above the critical point are not or cross-counter-current. The last tubes with the
possible and do not occur or behave the same refrigerant before leaving the gas cooler should
way as condensation does in a subcritical cycle. be located where the coldest air enters. The gas
cooler outlet temperature of the CO2 must be
In contrast to condensers, the refrigerant as low as possible.
temperature is not constant in the gas cooler.
It is therefore important to design a gas cooler
with minimal thermal contact between gas 11.1.3 The effect of gas cooler control on system
cooler sections on the refrigerant side, in order efficiency
to avoid heating the cooled CO2 refrigerant Transcritical operation
at the gas cooler outlet. Figure 11.5 shows a transcritical cycle with three
different gas cooler pressures and a constant gas
11.1.2 Design of gas coolers cooler outlet temperature for all three pressures.
A CO2 gas cooler must be able to handle The figure shows an ideal gas cooler pressure,
pressures that are a lot higher than pressures one that is too high (index H) and one that is
seen in a normal condenser with phase change, too low (index L). If the pressure is too high,
thus it needs to be more robust. The heat the compressor has a higher energy demand
transfer in a CO2 gas cooler also differs from a (∆h_comp), while the evaporators gain little
condenser. Where heat is rejected at a constant specific enthalpy difference (∆h_evap). If the
temperature in a condenser, the temperature and pressure is too low, the compressor saves energy,
thermodynamic properties change a lot in a gas but the specific enthalpy difference of the
cooler on the refrigerant side. This means that evaporator is reduced. For each condition, the
the part of the gas cooler where the CO2 enters optimal pressure (3) can be found and a curve
the gas cooler has a higher temperature than any has been developed that expresses the optimum
other part, while the lowest temperature occurs pressure as a function of the gas cooler outlet
at the exit. If the gas cooler is not constructed temperature (Tgco), expressing the best possible
properly, heat could flow from the hot end of COP for a given temperature. This curve, in effect,
the refrigerant circuit to the cold end, which replaces the saturation curve and, to simplify the
would significantly reduce the efficiency of the operation, the curve has been extended into the
gas cooler. To reduce this heat flow as much subcritical area where it essentially expresses
as possible, the thermal contact between the condensing temperature minus a small
the gas cooler sections must be minimized. subcooling, as explained further.

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Figure 11.5: Ideal gas cooler pressure in transcritical operation

Subcritical operation compared with the ambient temperature.

The gas cooler pressure is controlled based on If the gas cooler outlet temperature is too
the gas cooler outlet temperature, regardless close to the ambient temperature, and the
of whether it is in subcritical or transcritical subcooling too low, the condensing pressure
operation. In subcritical conditions, the system is will be raised to create sufficient subcooling.
controlled as a conventional refrigeration system If the gas cooler outlet temperature is too low
where the subcooling is the control parameter. (and the subcooling too high) compared with
See Figure 11.6. Subcooling is the temperature the ambient temperature, the gas cooler pressure
difference between ambient temperature and will be reduced. At temperatures approaching
gas cooler outlet temperature. The gas cooler the critical point, the gas cooler needs to be
outlet temperature (Tgco) is measured and controlled in a different way, as it is approaching
transcritical operation.

Figure 11.6: Gas cooler control in subcritical operation

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11.2 Typical CO2 transcritical Modern CO2 transcritical systems have been Particularly when LT cooling demand is needed,
system types developed since 2005. The systems were initially a booster system is unavoidable because of the
seen in Food Retail applications where they unavailability of compressors with such a high
could support the growing demand for the pressure ratio. In addition, a booster system
use of natural refrigerants. The systems gained helps to increase system efficiency and reduce
in popularity and developed successfully. the discharge temperature. The low temperature
These days, the systems are also used in larger stage (1st stage) often serves freezing
commercial refrigeration systems. Typically, the applications, whereas the 2nd stage serves
liquid is injected into the evaporators by means medium-temperature applications. Booster
of direct expansion control with electronic systems with more temperature levels are also
expansion valves. So they are often DX-operated possible, but rarely seen in commercial systems.
11.2.1 Commercial booster system
The most popular commercial CO2 system types
are so-called booster systems. In principle, The booster system is the most common CO2
these are 2-stage systems, combined into one transcritical system. It is mainly used in colder
system as we often see in NH3 systems. The climates and on smaller systems in warm
benefit of a CO2 booster system is that the huge climates. The system is the simplest system that
pressure ratio is divided into 2 steps. By doing can accommodate two suction temperatures
so, 1 stage takes care of the cooling demand and multiple evaporators. It is characterized
in low evaporating temperatures (LT) and the by one compressor group for MT and one for LT,
2nd stage takes care of the heat rejection of the a high-pressure valve and a gas bypass valve and,
LT compressors and/or the cooling demand in finally, direct expansion (DX) liquid injection
medium evaporating temperatures (MT). into the evaporator. See a principle drawing
in Figure 11.7.

Figure 11.7: Principle drawing of a commercial CO2 transcritical booster system

The liquid injection of both the LT and MT valve expands the CO2 into a gas/liquid mixture
evaporators is maintained with superheat- (5), which is injected into the intermediate
controlled electronic expansion valves (LT and receiver. Here the mixture is separated into liquid
MT EEV). Typically, the superheat is 6 K -10 K (8) and vapour (6). The intermediate pressure
(10.8-18 °F) depending on the combination is kept slightly higher than the MT evaporator
of evaporator design and injection control. pressure in order to create sufficient pressure
Often higher superheat is seen on CO₂ systems for the expansion valves. The liquid (8) expands
compared to conventional systems. A special in both the LT and MT expansion valves, both
control algorithm evaporators is used to into (9), the MT evaporator, and into (11), the LT
control the evaporators to the minimum evaporator. This closes the cycle. Oil transport
superheat. Typically for commercial systems, in the system is relatively simple since the
the evaporation temperature for MT is from typically miscible oils are used in these systems,
-10 °C to -6 °C (14 to 21.2 °F) , and on LT the and the DX operation ensures that oil does
evaporation temperature often ranges from not accumulate. The oil is transferred back to
-35 °C to -30 °C (-31 to -22 °F). The gas from the suction lines of the compressors using the
the LT evaporators (12) is compressed in the gas flow. Oil transfer with CO₂ is easier than
LT compressor (13) and is mixed with the gas with conventional refrigerants due to the high
from the MT evaporators (10) and the gas from density of the gas and good miscibility of the
the gas bypass (7). This mixture enters the MT oil and liquid. The booster system is simple and
compressor (1), where it is compressed (2), enters has been used in supermarkets on a larger scale
the gas cooler (3) and is cooled down. The gas since 2007. It also has the largest installation
outlet temperature (4) is controlled by means of bases of all transcritical systems. The pros of
the gas cooler controller. The high-pressure (HP) the booster system are simplicity and good

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scalability (from small to large systems). The receiver pressure. This compressor is installed
cons are that in warm ambient temperatures, in a bypass line from the intermediate
the energy consumption is too high compared receiver, parallel to the MT compressors, and
to conventional systems. The high energy that is why these systems are called parallel
consumption can be addressed using some compression booster systems. The parallel
of the other system designs on the market. compressor compresses some of the gas from
the intermediate receiver (6), while the rest
11.2.2 Commercial booster system with parallel of the gas is expanded (7) if necessary and fed
compression to the suction line of the MT compressor (1).
An example of such a system is shown in
In order to make the system more efficient, it is Figure 11.8.
better to have a dedicated compressor taking
care of the flash gas from the intermediate

Figure 11.8: Principle diagram of a commercial parallel compression booster system

Recompressing gas from a higher pressure level temperature of the gas cooler will be high.
saves some work from the MT compressor, and A high outlet temperature of the gas cooler will
improves the system efficiency compared to result in a high amount of gas in the intermediate
compressing everything from the MT pressure receiver when the cooled high-pressure fluid is
level as is done in a booster system configuration. expanded. The corresponding log(p)-h diagram
The benefit of parallel compressions is especially is shown in Figure 11.9.
seen in warmer climates, where the outlet

Figure 11.9: log(p)-h diagram for a parallel compression booster system

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In colder periods, the system works as a booster load then it will often be too big to have a
system, but in warmer periods the amount good part load. The consequence of using an
of flash gas (5) from the HP expansion valve oversized parallel compressor is running periods
increases and the parallel compressors take that are too short, and thus many unnecessary
more intermediate pressure flash gas (6). start-stop cycles. On the energy usage side,
The gas bypass valve closes. Because of this configuration offers a very limited saving
the higher suction pressure of the parallel since it only runs in periods with high ambient
compressors, the efficiency of the system is temperatures and high load. Very often a better
better compared with a standard booster system. system is achieved if the parallel compressor is
sized to run at low temperatures and in part load.
Considerations The consequence is that the parallel compressor
There are some things that need to be will then be undersized in warm periods with
considered when designing a system high load, but the system will compensate partly
with parallel compression. by increasing the receiver pressure and bleeding
the remaining gas through the gas bypass valve.
With higher suction pressure for the parallel This very often results in better total energy
compressors, the oil carryover of the compressor consumption because the parallel compressor
increases. That in itself is not necessarily a has more hours of operation.
problem, but it can be a challenge for the
oil management system, because all the oil 11.2.3 The effect of intermediate pressure
consumed by the parallel compressors must be control on system efficiency
fed back because there is no oil in the suction Depending on the system, the intermediate
gas. If the oil amount in the system is too great, receiver pressure can either be set to a certain
the LT compressors can also be flooded because pressure or constantly adjusted. An adjusted
they receive more oil than can be discharged with intermediate receiver pressure can lead to
the gas. Very often, only one parallel compressor energy savings compared to a fixed pressure.
is on the system, and if this is sized for maximum

Figure 11.10: Optimal intermediate receiver pressure

In Figure 11.10, the blue cycle represents therefore reduces. On the other hand, the
a traditional parallel compression cycle MT evaporators get more flash gas, at a lower
with optimal receiver pressure for this specific pressure and the MT compressors need to
gas cooler outlet condition. The medium produce a higher mass flow to meet the cooling
temperature is shown as MT, the intermediate demand. A higher mass flow and a lower
temperature cycle is marked with ITopt, pressure result in a higher power consumption.
the optimal intermedium pressure.
The reduction of the receiver pressure,
If the receiver pressure is raised, represented by represented by the green line (index L)
the red line (index h), the intermediate saturated also leads to a higher power demand. The
temperature (ITh) also rises. The amount of flash intermediate compressor receives more flash
gas (Xh) for the IT compressors reduces from gas (Xl) at a lower pressure, which leads to a
Xm to Xh. This means that the intermediate higher power consumption for the compression.
compressors are supplied with less flash gas, at The MT compressor receives less flash gas
a higher pressure level. The power consumption and its power consumption is reduced.

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11.2.4 Continuous developments for force can be used in many ways to make the
commercial CO2 transcritical systems systems more efficient. Danfoss has developed
CO2 transcritical systems work by default with several ejector solutions, each with specific
high pressures but also with high pressure benefits and functionality in the system. Ejectors’
differences. For this reason, these systems are efficiency depends not just on the design, but
very suitable for work with ejectors. Ejectors are also on a system’s layout, control algorithm,
a well-known technology that have been used ambient conditions and maintenance practices.
for more than 100 years in different applications. Danfoss has developed 3 different ejectors,
Ejectors transform the available expansion each for a specific application and resulting in
energy delivered from the motive flow into a a specific benefit. See examples in Figure 11.11.
driving force (entrainment flow). This driving

Figure 11.11 A: High-pressure (HP) ejector, B: low-pressure (LP) ejector and C: liquid (LE) ejector

In all three cycles, the ejector is placed in the as an expansion valve. Danfoss has a full range
same location; motive flow from the gas cooler, of CO2 transcritical rack controllers and valves
suction flow from the MT evaporator and outlet to support these developments. Typical features
flow to the receiver. The control is different. The on these controllers are:
Danfoss HP ejector (system A) is designed and • Capacity control
controlled to deliver a high-pressure lift and a
relatively low suction gas flow. The Danfoss LP • Booster control
ejector (system B) is designed and controlled • Gas cooler control
to deliver a relatively high suction gas flow at a • Heat recovery
low-pressure lift. The Danfoss LE ejector (system • Intermediate pressure optimization
C) is designed to deliver a low liquid suction flow
at a high-pressure lift. Whatever is entrained is a • Oil management
benefit. If nothing is entrained, the ejector works • Ejector control

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11.3 CO2 in Industrial NH3 is a natural refrigerant and is generally still innovative system design and continuously
refrigeration considered the logical, obvious choice for large safeguarded maintenance protocols to use this
industrial refrigeration systems. This is mainly toxic and flammable refrigerant successfully
due to its excellent thermodynamic properties, and safely. Of course, NH3 charge reduction is
it being environmentally friendly (ODP and a constant goal in order to mitigate risks. There
GWP = 0) and for being widely available. are several system solutions for doing this, but
This industrial refrigeration industry developed we focus in this chapter on NH3/CO2 cascade
safety- and design standards, excelled in systems, but also on CO2 transcritical systems.

11.3.1 NH3 pump-circulated refrigeration principle

Figure 11.12: Typical 2-stage NH3 pump circulation system

A typical industrial NH3 system has two or more Only saturated vapour will pass to the
stages of evaporation at different temperature compressor suction, whilst only liquid is fed
levels. Additionally, the evaporators are flooded, by the refrigerant pumps. For 2-stage systems,
meaning that an overfeed of NH3 is injected into the typical evaporation temperature levels are:
the evaporators. medium temperature (MT) in the range -20 °C
to -5 °C (-4 to 23 °F) – typically used for cooling
The benefit of this is an efficient use of applications as cold stores and packing areas,
the evaporator surface because there is and low temperature (LT) in the range -45 °C
no superheat. It is relatively easy to control to -25 °C (-49 to -13 °F) for cold storage, plate
and eliminates the risk of liquid slugging freezers and blast freezers.
of the compressors, because the liquid
and gas mixture is separated in a separator.

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11.3.2 NH3/CO2 pump-circulated

refrigeration principle

Figure 11.13: Typical NH3/CO2 pump circulation system

In the principle diagram in Figure 11.13, the Depending on the evaporation temperature
pump-circulating NH3 part is replaced by CO2 as of the CO2, it can be more beneficial to have
a refrigerant. The CO2 remains in the subcritical compression in both cycles. If the evaporation
state and is condensed in a cascade cooler, which temperature is low, e.g. below -25 °C (-13 °F),
is cooled down by an NH3 refrigeration system. there is a benefit to having compression in
the CO2 cycle, since CO2 compressors are more
The cascade cooler is a physical split between efficient than ammonia compressors at these
the NH3 and CO2 system. And since heat transfer temperature levels. CO2 can successfully be
needs a temperature difference, there will be used down to evaporating temperatures of
a slight energy efficiency loss in this system -54 °C (-65.2 °F). This is close to the triple point,
compared with the NH3 system in Figure 11.12. so control measures must be taken to avoid
However, the NH3 charge can be reduced by going lower than this point.
up to 80-90% depending on, of course, the
physical size of the pump-circulated system.

11.3.3 Industrial CO2 TC pump-

circulated refrigeration principle

Figure 11.14: Principle of TC CO2 pump circulation system

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In the principle diagram shown in Figure 11.14, the The changing refrigerant trends and the
industrial subcritical CO2 pump-circulated system successful adaptation of 2-stage commercial
remains the same as in the NH3/CO2 cascade transcritical CO2 refrigeration systems working
system shown in Figure 11.13. However, it is now with direct expansion in food retail applications
directly connected to a transcritical CO2 cycle. and small commercial refrigeration plants,
however, has increased the interest in pump
The NH3 charge is now completely replaced by circulation systems for larger refrigeration
CO2 as a refrigerant. However, this huge benefit capacities or typical applications like ice rinks,
comes with an efficiency compromise. During plate freezers and common air coolers.
transcritical operation mode, the CO2 transcritical
systems have a higher power consumption Other principles are possible of course, e.g.
compared to the 2-stage NH3 systems. This, of a combination of pumped on MT and DX on LT,
course, depends on the climate and the number see Figure 11.15 where the LT load is relatively
of transcritical running hours during the year. low compared to the MT load. Sometimes,
by contrast, when a large LT load is available
Referring to calculations made by Danfoss (e.g. plate freezers) and only a low-load MT
(and presented at the 2019 IIR conference in (ie working areas), the MT load is relatively
Montreal), it is clear that no matter how much low compared to the LT load. Then it might
a transcritical R744 system is optimised, from be considered to do MT with a DX cycle.
an efficiency point of view it cannot compete See Figure 11.16.
with a two-stage R717 system, although it
does come relatively close in colder climates.

Figure 11.15: MT pump circulation and LT DX Figure 11.16: LT pump circulation and MT DX

11.4 Industrial CO2 11.4.1 Transcritical pump-circulated systems connect them to the typical industrial CO2
transcritical systems There is an increasing demand for industrial pump-circulated systems that has been
refrigeration systems that use CO2 transcritical the standard for years.
technology when NH3 is not an option or not
allowed. The requirements, however, differ System description
from commercial direct expansion systems. The system as shown in Figure 11.17 is a
Considerations like performance, lifetime, combination of the commercial booster system,
reliability, durability, efficiency, safety and with parallel compression as described in chapter
serviceability create different expectations. The 11.2.2, together with a subcritical CO2 pump-
well-known industrial pump-circulating systems circulation system that is well known from the
with innovative hot-gas defrost familiar in NH3 NH3/CO2 cascades. The transcritical system is
and NH3/CO2 plants can obviously meet this represented in light grey and the subcritical
demand. Despite the increasing capacity pump system in black. The transcritical system
of available transcritical compressors on the is, in this case, a 2-stage system with a low-
market, a considerable number of compressors temperature ( LT,11) and medium-temperature
are still needed to satisfy the popular capacity (MT,10) suction line. The suction lines are not
ranges in the 1-2 MW (285-570TR) range, but also connected to the evaporators as is the case in
up to 3-4 MW (857-1142TR). Often with a typical direct expansion systems, but to CO2 LT and
2 temperature level requirement. Transcritical MT liquid receivers respectively. These receivers
CO2 racks developed and matured in recent contain CO2 liquid which is pumped around
years. One option for achieving larger capacities through the evaporators. Liquid and CO2 gas
is to connect several racks in parallel and are separated in these receivers and that is why

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they are called separators. The CO2 gas from the The liquid level of this receiver is proportionally
separators is taken to the compressor suction controlled and the liquid expands into a liquid/
lines which compress it to the gas coolers, where gas mixture (13) into the MT separator. Figure
it is cooled (6) and stored as liquid (8) in the 11.18 shows the log(P)-h diagram of the system.
intermediate receiver of the transcritical system.

Figure 11.17: Principle of an industrial CO2 transcritical pump-circulation system

MT system to the MT evaporators. The pump creates a head

In a direct expansion system, this liquid (8) pressure to overcome the friction losses of
would be injected into the evaporators. In a the valve trains, pipes and the MT evaporators.
pump circulation system however, the liquid It is possible to pump slightly more liquid
expands (13) through the MT feed valve and is through the evaporator, so that the evaporator’s
injected into the MT separator. The liquid (14) internal surface is fully wetted and optimally
accumulates in the MT separator and the gas used to transfer heat. The liquid/gas mixture
(19) is drawn into the MT suction lines. The liquid at the evaporator outlet (15) is sent back into
(14) is increased in pressure (14’) and pumped the MT separator again, where the gas (19)
is separated from the liquid (14).

Figure 11.18: log(P)-h diagram of an industrial CO2 transcritical pump-circulated system

LT system pressure (17’) and pumped to the LT evaporators.

Apart from being pumped through the MT The pump creates a head pressure to overcome
evaporators, the liquid (14) from the MT receiver the friction losses of the valve trains, pipes and
also expands (16) through the LT feed valve into the LT evaporator. It is possible to pump slightly
the LT separator. Again, in a direct expansion more liquid through the evaporator, so that the
system this mixture would be injected into evaporator’s internal surface is fully wetted and
the evaporators. In a pump circulation system, optimally used to transfer heat. The liquid/gas
however, this mixture is separated into liquid mixture at the evaporator outlet (18) is sent back
and gas. The LT liquid (17) accumulates in the into the LT separator again where the gas (20)
LT separator and the gas (20) is drawn into the is separated from the liquid (17).
LT suction lines. The liquid (17) is increased in

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The advantages of pump-circulating systems 11.4.2 Liquid level and pump control in CO2
are as follows: pump-circulated systems
Key differentiators of this system compared
• Can handle high peak demands safely and with a direct expansion system are the liquid
reliably due to the two-phase state and liquid separators and the circulation pumps. The CO2
separation liquid level in the separators fluctuates with the
• Liquid overfeed ensures optimal internal cooling demand. Heavy cooling demand makes
wetted surface and thus optimal efficiency the level rise because the amount of gas in
of the evaporator. the overfeed evaporators increases. However,
• Liquid overfeed also creates a better heat a lower cooling demand will decrease the level. It
transfer coefficient for the evaporator. is important to keep the liquid level within limits.
An excessively high liquid level increases the
• There is no superheat available, so evaporator chance of liquid drops entering the compressor
control is simple. suction lines, causing liquid slugging. However,
• No superheat means lower temperature an excessively low level will cause cavitation to
difference between evaporating temperature the pumps. Furthermore, the pumps also need
and ambient temperature, evaporating to be controlled. The pumps need to run within
temperature can rise and efficiency will a dedicated part of the pump curve to ensure
increase. optimal combination of flow, head pressure
• Some evaporators, often very specialized and differential pressure. Liquid level and pump
evaporators, are not suited for DX operation control for CO2 are broadly similar to when
and thus flooded is necessary. NH3 is used as a refrigerant. This is described in
chapter 8 and 4. However, a differentiator is the
• Hot-gas defrost is the most effective and relatively high P/T relation for CO2 compared to
energy efficient defrost method and this is NH3. This means a higher sensitivity for cavitation
relatively simple in a pump circulation system, in the pump suction line. This can be solved by
because the condensate drain can be safely ensuring sufficient liquid suction head upstream
returned into the separators. And when of the pumps, avoiding sudden pressure drops in
using liquid drain control, the efficiency even the separator (smooth capacity control together
increases. with an accurate level control.
The slight liquid overfeed we call circulation rate.
A typical circulation rate for industrial air coolers 11.4.3 Evaporator control for pump-circulation
working with CO2 as a refrigerant is between CO2 systems
1.2 and 1.5. Danfoss Industrial Refrigeration offers a full
portfolio of low-temperature steel valves and
Circulating rate n control solutions suitable for both NH3 and
State at outlet evaporator CO2 pump-circulation systems. The majority
of the valves belong to the Danfoss Flexline™
n Liquid fraction Gas fraction
series which offers clever simplicity, advanced
1 0 1 flexibilty and time-saving efficiency.
1,2 0,2 1 The range incorporates the ICS control valves,
the ICM motor valves, the ICF modular valve
1,5 0,5 1
stations and the SVL line components. All of
2 1 1 these products are designed for NH3 and CO2
3 2 1 and have a PS of 52 bar (754 psi) and a wide
range of capacities is available.
4 3 1

Table 11.4.1: Relationship between circulation rate and liquid/

gas ratio

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Figure 11.19: Principle of evaporator control of a CO2 pump-circulated system

In Figure 11.19 we see a typical principle diagram 11.4.4 Danfoss Industrial evaporator controller,
for a pump-circulating system with hot-gas EKE 400
defrost. The principle is described in Chapter 5.6. The EKE 400 is designed to control industrial
With CO2 as a refrigerant, the same principle can refrigeration evaporators, for both small and
be followed. However, because the pressures and large systems. Together with Danfoss Flexline
especially the differential pressures are higher, valves, it completes the Danfoss offering for
some consideration is needed regarding valve industrial CO2 systems.
selection. First of all, the maximum working
pressure is higher compared with NH3. Systems It manages the complete operation in cooling
with hot-gas defrost typically need a PS of 52 and defrost mode for optimal operation and
bar (754 psi), so the valves must be approved for defrost sequence (ammonia, CO2, and HFC/HCFC-
that, please always verify that. Secondly, in some based systems).
cases, higher standstill pressures are requested.
Danfoss Industrial Refrigeration has some specific It is applicable for defrosting flooded evaporators
valve types rated for 65 bar (943 psi), please and supports multiple defrost methods,
contact Danfoss. If higher standstill pressures including hot-gas defrost (pressure control/liquid
can occur, a standstill unit is needed to keep the drain), electrical defrost, and water/brine defrost.
pressure in the system under the permissible
maximum. Because of these specific CO2- An easy-to-use Wizard enables quick set-up
related differentiators, in the next paragraphs, of key parameters and efficient commissioning,
the evaporator valves and valve stations are and the predefined process sequence ensures
explained specifically in relation to CO2. reliable operation and defrost.

The EKE 400 is especially designed to get the

best performance from Danfoss valves, however,
it also works with non-Danfoss valves.

EKE 400 includes Modbus communication which

allows integration into a central PLC system.
However, it can also be used without central PLC
as a standalone controller.

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Figure 11.20: Example of Danfoss Industrial evaporator control in a CO2 pump-circulated system

Highlights The solenoid valve is opened for several minutes

• Distributed Control Systems (DCS) reduce or longer, and during injection the mass of the
the installation cost for controls compared refrigerant flow is constant. The circulating
to central PLC systems rate is controlled by a manual regulating valve
(ICFR). It is important to set this regulating
• Easy-to-use Wizard enables quick setup valve at the right opening degree. Too high an
of key parameters, reduced need for PLC opening degree will lead to frequent operation
programming in the field of the solenoid valve which results in increased
• Replication of setup to multiple EKE 400 wear. Too low an opening degree will starve the
units via Danfoss tools evaporator of liquid refrigerant. A check valve
• Especially designed to get the best is also installed to prevent hot gas entering the
performance from Danfoss valves liquid line during defrost. The pressure drop
• Also works with non-Danfoss valves across the solenoid valve should be relatively
low, i.e. between 0.1 and 0.4 bar (1.45 and
• Modbus communication allows integration 5.8 psi), depending on the needed opening
to a central PLC system pressure differential. The pressure drop across the
• CANbus communication for interconnection regulating valve depends on how the system is
of multiple EKE 400 controllers and process balanced, but is typically between 0.5 and 2 bar
alignment (7.3 and 29 psi). A Danfoss 12W AC or 20 W AC
• Can be used without a central PLC as coil can typically do the job. In a traditional
standalone flooded system, the liquid injection is controlled
by a thermostat which constantly measures the
air temperature. Several options are available:
11.4.5 Valves for the liquid feed line (1) as shown in Figure 11.21. Please use Danfoss
The injected liquid at the correct temperature Coolselector calculation software for a correct
is pumped from a separator to the evaporators. selection of these valves.
When liquid is needed, a solenoid valve in front
of the evaporator is opened. A manual regulating Option 1
valve is usually fitted after the solenoid valve to
allow the required circulation rate to be set and The compact ICF valve station incorporating
hydraulic balance to be achieved in the system. multiple valves, like a stop valve (ICFS), filter
(ICFF), solenoid valve (ICFE), check valve (ICFC),
Temperature control in evaporators can be regulating valve (ICFR) and stop valve (ICFS).
managed as follows: Other configurations are also available. The
pressure drop across the solenoid valve should
ON/OFF solenoid valve for temperature be relatively low. Please always refer to the
control and regulating valve for distribution minimum needed pressure drop keeping the
control valve open. A 12 or 20 W AC Danfoss coil can
typically do the job.

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Option 2 stop valves (SVA), manual regulating valves (REG),

filters (FIA), check valves (CHV-X) and stop/check
A combination of standalone valves. For the valves (SCA-X) are suitable for use with CO2 as a
solenoid valve, EVRS(T) and ICS are suitable for refrigerant.PS of EVRS(T) is limited. Please check
CO2 as a refrigerant. For the line components, the specs.

Figure 11.21: Application example of pumped liquid circulation with solenoid and regulation valves for liquid injection

Pulse Width Modulation (PWM) valves for is constantly controlled and adapted to demand.
both distribution and temperature control This approach to liquid injection in a flooded
system is very versatile. The amount of injected
Instead of injecting periodically, as described liquid can be controlled exactly, which increases
above, one can also constantly adapt the liquid the accuracy and energy efficiency of the system.
injection to the actual demand. This can be It is important to size the PWM valve correctly.
done with a PWM AKVA valve or an ICF with It should be checked that the pressure drop
an ICFA solenoid module. The air temperature across the valve in relation to the circulation
is constantly measured and compared to the rate provides enough capacity. The pressure
reference temperature with a digital thermostat. drop across the PWM valve alone in relation
When the air temperature reaches the set to the requested circulation rate will define
point, the PWM valve opening is reduced. This the max. capacity of the PWM valve. Several
decreases the degree of opening during the options are available: as shown in Figure 11.22.
cycle, resulting in less capacity. The duration Please use Danfoss Coolselector calculation
of a cycle is adjustable. In a flooded system, software for a correct selection of these valves.
this means that the average refrigerant flow

Figure 11.22: Application example of pumped liquid circulation with PWM valves for liquid injection

Option 1 Option 2

The compact ICF valve station incorporating A combination of standalone valves. The
multiple valves, like a stop valve (ICFS), filter AKVA10/15/20 valves are the only valves allowed
(ICFF), PWM valve (ICFA), check valve (ICFC), and for PWM operation due to the design. For the line
stop valve (ICFS). Other confurations are also components, stop valves (SVA), filters (FIA), check
available. The PWM valve module is only available valves (CHV-X) and stop/check valves (SCA-X)
for the ICF20 and is called ICFA20. Please contact are suitable for use with CO2 as a refrigerant.
Danfoss for available orifices and selection. PS of AKVA is limited. Please check the specs.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

11.4.6 Valves for the wet return line (2) • Sufficient Maximum Opening Pressure
A wet return valve station in a typical pump- Difference (MOPD) to overcome the high
circulated system is located at position 2 as pressure difference between the evaporator
shown in Figure 11.23. The function of the wet and the liquid separator upon opening just
return valve is to close the wet return line during after a defrost.
defrost. During cooling mode, the pressure
drop across the valve is advised to be as low as For CO2, the relationship between pressure and
practically possible in order to avoid generating temperature (dP/dT) is much higher than for NH3,
system losses. Furthermore, at the end of a i.e. 0.1 bar pressure drop at -40 °C (-40 °F) results
hot-gas defrost cycle, there is a high differential in 2.8 K (5 °F) temperature drop in NH3 and only
pressure between the evaporator and the suction 0.3 K (0.5 °F) temperature drop in CO2.
line, so it is necessary to relieve the pressure
slowly, allowing the pressure to be equalized Especially for CO2 where these pressure
before opening fully to ensure smooth operation differentials are much higher compared to,
and avoid liquid slugging in the suction line. for example, NH3, the MOPD of a valve must
be checked. The MOPD is dependent on the
The main selection criteria for such a valve are: valve type and for solenoid vales also on the
coil power. If the MOPD of the valve is lower
• low pressure drop than the actual differential pressure across the
• slow opening characteristics after defrost valve prior to opening, the valve will stay closed.
to avoid liquid hammer or pressure shock

Defrost temperature: +10 °C (50 °F)
Defrost pressure: 45 bar abs (652 psia)
Evaporating temperature (Te) = -40 °C (40 °F)
Evaporating pressure (Pe)Pe = 10 bar abs (145 psia)
dP = 45-10 = 35 bar / dP 652-145 = 508 psi
MOPD valve 2 must be > 35 bar / 507 psi

Figure 11.23: Application example of CO2 pumped liquid circulation with suction valves for the wet return line

Danfoss developed 4 valve types for this function: The MOPD of the valve is dependent on the
external pressure and the used coils. This is
Please use Danfoss Coolselector calculation especially important for CO2 because sometimes
software for a correct selection of these valves. the requested external pressure is outside
the compressor envelope. Please refer to
The ICLX the instruction manual of ICLX.

This is a mechanical 2-step opening controlled The ICSH

solenoid valve, which equalizes the evaporator
pressure and automatically opens the 2nd step This is a dual position solenoid valve originally
whenever the pressure is equalized sufficiently. designed for controlled opening of hotgas
The valve fully opens driven by external pressure, lines. However for applications with CO2 as
i.e. hot gas, allowing use of the kV value at full a refrigerant, it’s also approved to be used
opening degree, resulting in a lower pressure in the wet return lines. Here, it equalizes the
drop. The ICLX is controlled with 2 solenoid evaporator pressure after a defrost cycle.
valves and only needs 2 wires (1 signal) from Step 1 is 20% of the kV value of step 2 and allows
the controller for the voltage supply to the coils. a smooth pressure build-up in the evaporator.

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Steps 1 and 2 are controlled by an EVM pilot valve the evaporator in the suction line. This method is
and, for maximum operating freedom, step 2 can generally seen as a safe solution with a very low
be made dependent or independent of step 1. risk of ‘liquid hammer’. Hot-gas defrost systems
The steps can be controlled by a PLC where the must be designed and controlled correctly to
delay between steps 1 and 2 can be freely set. achieve the expected operation, behaviour
and result. During a cooling cycle, the hot-gas
The ICM supply line is closed. However, during a defrost
cycle, the hot-gas supply valve is slowly opened
ICM: Proportional motor valve type. The valve is and injects hot gas into the evaporator. Liquid
controlled by an actuator, ICAD. The ICAD motor and wet suction lines are closed during the
is connected to the ICM valve with a magnetic hot-gas injection. The hot gas condenses in the
coupling, enabling easy service and maintenance evaporator and defrosts the ice on both the
activities without the need to open the ICM valve. evaporator and the drip tray. The condensed
The valve is designed to be controlled in 2 ways: liquid is sent back via the drain line to the wet
return line. The defrost time is either controlled
Analogue. The opening degree is controlled, and by a timer or with a temperature sensor on the
the lifting height responds proportionally with evaporator. Hot-gas supply lines are designed
an analogue input signal (i.e. 0-20/4-20 mA and to transport hot gas. However, because these
0-10/2-10 V). lines cross cold rooms or long areas with
relatively low ambient temperatures, it is
On/Off. The valve responds to a digital input often inevitable that some of the hot gas will
contact and the opening speed can be set to the condense in these lines, even when insulated.
requested demand. The valve is fully closed or fully Because liquid in hot-gas lines can create serious
open or moving towards one of these positions. liquid hammer and CO2 plants work with higher
system- and differential pressures, the risk of
The MOPD of these valves depends on the valve liquid hammer in CO2 hot-gas defrost systems
size and the quality of the supply voltage sent is higher than with ammonia. Some design
to the stepper motor. principles should therefore be observed:

The ICF solution • Slowly increase the pressure in the evaporator

ICLX modules are available in ICF50/65 at the start of a defrost cycle. Use valves
ICSH modules are available in ICF 50/65 principles that secure a controlled and slow
ICM modules are available in ICF 20/25/50/65 opening.
• It is good practice to install the hot-gas lines
11.4.7 Valves for the hot-gas defrost line (3) with a slope, and then install drain facilities
An explanation of hot-gas defrost in a pumped at the lowest point. This could be a float valve,
circulation system is described in chapter 5.6. i.e. ICF with solenoid and ICFD function,
This solution must only be used in refrigeration or a periodically activated expansion valve.
systems with three or more evaporators. As a • Ensure sufficient Maximum Opening Pressure
rule of thumb, only a third of the total evaporator Difference (MOPD) of the hotgas supply valves
capacity can be under defrost at a given time. to overcome the high pressure difference
All examples in this document are shown with between the hot-gas supply line and the
hot gas injection into evaporators in the top of evaporator at start of defrost.

Hot-gas supply pressure: 48 bar (696 psia)
Evaporating temperature (Te) = -40 °C (= 40 °F)
Evaporating pressure (Pe) = 10 bar (145 psia)
dP = 48-10 = 38 bar / dP 691-145 = 551 psi
MOPD valve 3 must be > 38 bar / 551 psi

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

Figure 11.24: Application example of pumped liquid circulation with hot-gas valves for the hot-gas supply line

Danfoss developed 3 valve types for this function: The valve is designed to be controlled in 2 ways:

Please use Danfoss Coolselector calculation Analogue. The opening degree is controlled,
software for a correct selection of these valves. and the lifting height responds proportionally
with an analogue input signal (i.e. 0-20/4-20 mA
The ICSH and 0-10/2-10 V).

ICSH: Dual position solenoid valve. Step 1 is 20% On/Off. The valve responds to a digital input
of the kV value of step 2 and allows a smooth contact and the opening speed can be set to
pressure build-up in the evaporator. Steps 1 the requested demand. The valve is fully closed
and 2 are controlled by an EVM pilot valve and, or fully open or moving towards one of these
for maximum operating freedom, step 2 can positions.
be made dependent or independent of step 1.
The steps can be controlled by a PLC where the The MOPD of these valves depends on the valve
delay between steps 1 and 2 can be freely set. size and the quality of the supply voltage sent
to the stepper motor.
The ICF solution
ICM: Proportional motor valve type. The valve is ICSH modules are available in ICF 50/65
controlled by an actuator, ICAD. The ICAD motor ICM modules are available in ICF 20/25/50/65
is connected to the ICM valve with a magnetic
coupling, enabling easy service and maintenance
activities without the need to open the ICM valve.

11.4.8 Valves for the liquid-

drain defrost line (4)

Figure 11.25: Application example of drain control in the liquid drain defrost line

During defrost, ideally, all hot gas should However, without any control, large amounts
condense and return as 100% liquid to the liquid of high-energy gas flow uncondensed back to
seperator. The benefit for a pump circulated the system, which have to be recompressed and
CO2 transcritical system is that condensed liquid this results in an efficiency loss. So for a safe and
remains in the subcritical part of the system efficient defrost, it is very important that these
and will not interfere with the transcritical cycle. drain lines are controlled. As explained in chapter
5.6, there are two possible ways of doing so.

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Pressure-controlled defrost temperature between 7 to 12 °C (45 to 54 °F)

has shown to be very effective. However, it is
The first one is pressure-controlled defrost. unavoidable that during the defrost process,
With pressure-controlled defrost, the evaporator some blow-by gas will be formed (with relatively
pressure is controlled, ensuring a defrost process high enthalpy) and sent back to the system.
sufficiently above the melting point of ice. This must be recompressed and is a loss.
A controlled pressure with a saturated See Figure 11.26.

Figure 11.26: Application example of pressure-controlled defrost

Note: if pressure-controlled defrost is chosen, it is Analogue. The opening degree is controlled, and
important that the condensate of the LT system is the lifting height responds proportionally with
drained into the separator of the MT system. This an analogue input signal (i.e. 0-20/4-20 mA and
maximises system efficiency. A check valve must 0-10/2-10 V).
be mounted downstream of the pressure control
valve in order to prevent MT pressure being The MOPD of these valves depends on the valve
drained into the LT system during cooling mode. size and the quality of the supply voltage sent
to the stepper motor.
To ensure the correct selection of these valves,
The ICS is a mechanical servo-controlled valve. the defrost temperature, the defrost capacity
The function of its pilot valve determines the factor, the main hot-gas supply temperature,
function of the valve. CVP-H is a pressure control the reduced hot-gas supply temperature, and
pilot and installed in an ISC it provides an inlet the drain conditions must be defined. This can
pressure functionality. CVP H has a set pressure be done in Coolselector as explained in chapter
between 25-52 bar (363-754 psi). 5.6. Please use Danfoss Coolselector calculation
software for a correct selection of these valves.
Liquid-controlled defrost
Proportional motor valve type. The valve is
controlled by an actuator, ICAD. The ICAD motor The second option is liquid-controlled defrost.
is connected to the ICM valve with a magnetic The liquid-controlled defrost method is more
coupling, enabling easy service and maintenance efficient than a pressure-controlled defrost.
activities without the need to open the ICM valve. It ensures that condensed liquid is sent back to
The pressure can be controlled with analogue the system with a minimum amount of blow-by
signals. gass. This liquid has a relatively low enthaply.
The liquid can be sent back to the liquid
separators. See an example in Figure 11.27.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

Figure 11.27: Application example of liquid-controlled defrost

ICFD defrost module the ICFD defrost module. Furthermore, the orifice
provides sufficient lift for the condensed liquid
This module is designed for the drainage of if needed. It is very important to get and keep
defrost liquid. It can be mounted on ICF20. the refrigerant in the liquid phase. The ICFD
The ICF20D module is designed for NH3 defrost module must be installed at the drain
and the ICFD20C module is designed for CO2. outlet of the evaporators, which must be
The gas in the system upon start-up of the located at the lowest point of the evaporator
defrost process is removed only through and equipped with P-traps as explained
a small gas bypass orifice that is built into in Figure 11.28 and chapter 5.6.

Figure 11.28: P-trap at drain line connection

It is important to take the necessary precautions • Always install a P-trap at the drain line
to minimize the pressure drop to avoid flash connection to the evaporator to collect the
gas. Any pressure loss will reduce the liquid liquid. See Figure 11.28.
drain capacity. For evaporators with distribution • To minimize total pressure drop, the lifting
nozzles at the drain outlet (side/bottom feed height of the liquid should not exceed 5 m
in Figure 11.29), the liquid passing the nozzles (16.5 ft).
during defrost will create a certain pressure drop
in the drain line. This pressure drop must be • For further information regarding placement
taken into account when determining the total of the ICFD liquid drain, please refer to the
pressure loss. Please use Danfoss Coolselector relevant documentation.
calculation software for a correct selection of
these valves.

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Figure 11.29: The drain lines should always be located at the lowest point of the evaporator

11.5 Defrosting of industrial Hot gas defrost is the most efficient way of
pump-circulated defrosting. It is a so-called ‘internal’ defrost,
transcritical systems meaning the heat is supplied from inside
the evaporator tubes. This results in a good
internal heat transfer coefficient, with minimum
convection losses to the cold room, so less
compressor power is needed to compensate for
that. Because they are relatively fast and effective
for removing ice compared to some of the other
methods, it is generally accepted as the standard
in the industrial refrigeration sector. Despite
being proven to be very efficient systems, they Figure 11.30: Optimal saturated defrost temperatures
need to be designed and controlled correctly,
in order to obtain the expected performance. 11.5.2 Hot gas source
Experience globally shows that there are several
pitfalls in hot-gas defrost systems, which can When hotgas defrost of evaporators in a sub
lead to ineffective systems, and in a worst case critical CO2 system is applied, the supplied
scenario, serious accidents if appropriate design hotgas pressure must be lower than the
and operation of the system are not followed. maximum working pressure of the parts of
From an efficiency point of view, the goal is to the subcritical system, where the hotgas supply
return the highest amount of liquid condensate lines are connected to. In order to enable a safe
from the evaporator back to the liquid receiver. and efficient hotgas defrost, it makes sense
All liquid will be separated in the receiver, and to produce hotgas with a pressure close to
pumped out to the evaporators in cooling mode. the advised defrost pressure and lower then
A complete description of how to perform hot- the allowed maximum working pressure.
gas defrost is described in chapter 5.6. If it is produced with compressors, then basically
there are 2 options:Create hotgas with the
discharge gas of LT compressors, or create
11.5.1 Optimal defrost pressure
it with the discharge gas of MT compressors.
It is a misconception that a higher defrost The main difference between these 2 compressor
pressure or temperature automatically gives a types are the reached discharge pressures and
better defrost result. However, an excessively low the working envelopes.
defrost pressure also does not give the required
results. To defrost a CO2 evaporator with hot gas, Discharge gas from LT compressors
the saturated temperature in the evaporator
during the defrost cycle should be sufficiently Typically the hotgas pressure closest to the
above the melting point of ice. A saturated advised defrost pressure can be generated by
temperature range in the evaporator during LT compressors. The discharge pressure needs
a defrost cycle between 7-12 °C (45-54 °F) has to be sufficiently lifted in order to reach the
proven to give satisfactory results in most cases. advised defrost pressure in the evaporators.
This is equal to a saturated pressure range This can be seen in the log(P)-h diagram in
of approx. 42 and 47 bar (609 and 682 psi). Figure 11.31. Point A represents normal discharge
pressure if the compressor is used in a booster
Please be aware of possible pressure losses system. The discharge pressure must be
in pipes, components and controls to the sufficiently lifted in a controlled way to a level
evaporator. The hotgas supply pressure during a where it’s high enough, represented by point B.
defrost cycle must be high enough to overcome Point B represents the pressure of the hotgas
this pressure loss. Note: using the superheat of sent to the evaporators of the sub critical system
a discharge gas with a saturated pressure below for defrosting. B is a controlled pressure, which
zero degrees will not give satisfactory results. must be lower than the maximum working
For a proper defrost, the condensing energy pressure of the parts of the subcritical system
of the hot gas should be used. See Figure 11.30. where it’s connected to, but higher than point C.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications

C represents the requested defrost pressure in pressure is within the compressor working
the evaporators during defrost. B-C must be envelope. Also the needed hotgas production
larger than the pressure drop in the discharge should be calculated, in order to check if the
lines, valves, evaporator distributor/nozzles and LT compressors can deliver enough hotgas.
the evaporator itself. It should be checked if this Further, enough evaporator capacity must
pressure lifting together with the used suction be available for the creation of the hotgas.

Figure 11.31: LT discharge source Figure 11.32: MT discharge source

Discharge gas from MT compressors of the parts of the subcritical system where
it is connected to, but higher than the defrost
When using hotgas from MT compressors, pressure C.
also here, the goal is to produce the pressure
as close as possible to the required defrost C represents the requested defrost pressure
pressure. In this case, however, the discharge in the evaporators during defrost. B-C must be
pressures are considerably higher than both the larger than the pressure drop in the discharge
advised defrost pressures and the maximum lines, valves, evaporator distributor/nozzles and
working pressure of the connected parts of the the evaporator itself.
subcritical pump-circulated system. Furthermore,
the discharge temperatures are much higher The benefit of taking hot gas from the MT
compared to that of LT compressors. compressor discharge is that there is normally
enough evaporator capacity available for the
Both the pressure and temperature conditions creation of the hotgas.
in the discharge line need to be controlled and
decreased in order to perform a safe defrost. The downside however is that a high-pressure
This is visualized in Figure 11.32. The hot gas system has to be connected to a part of the
is collected from point A. From point A, it is system designed for lower pressure. This means
reduced in pressure and temperature to point that a well-designed pressure control system
B. B represents the pressure of the hotgas sent and safety system with back up has to be in place
to the evaporators of the sub critical system for to ensure always safe hotgas pressures into that
defrosting. B is a controlled pressure, which must part of the system where the system pressure
be lower than the maximum working pressure design is lower.

11.6 Oil management Reliable and efficient oil management in that some of the compressor crankcase oil is
refrigeration systems is extremely important. mixed with refrigerant, compressed and ends up
Refrigeration compressors are subject to heavy in the compressor discharge. This phenomenon is
load conditions and a proper and reliable called oil carryover. Oil carryover should be kept
lubrication of all moving parts is crucial for to a minimum because the oil ultimately ends
a trouble-free working life. Conditions like up in the refrigeration system. This presents two
suction and discharge pressures, suction and challenges.
discharge temperatures, refrigerant type, rpm,
part or full load conditions and of course the First of all, the oil will form an oil film inside
compressor type are all key parameters defining the evaporators (fouling), resulting in a loss of
the requested oil specification. For that reason, heat transfer and decreased system efficiency.
compressor manufacturers have clear oil type
recommendations for each compressor type, Secondly, the oil must be returned from the
refrigerant type and application. Compressor oil system back to the compressors. Depending
is meant to lubricate the compressor only and the on the system type, direct expansion or flooded
optimal situation would be that the oil remains systems, different oil management strategies
inside the compressor. However, it is unavoidable need to be followed and applied.

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It is important to realize that the typical to a situation where the oil distribution between
commercial systems are of the DX type, where in compressors does not match the amount lost,
most cases miscible oil is sent back to the suction with the consequence that the level inside the
lines. In industrial systems flooded operation is crankcases of the LT compressors rises above
usually employed, and as the oil enters pump the maximum. Thus, the effectiveness of the oil
separators with the injected liquid, it does not separator must be high and in the range of the
leave with the suction gas. Consequently, it is oil carryover rate of the LT compressors to ensure
necessary to collect the oil from the separators a balanced condition. This is a very important
and the amount of effort to collect the oil is fact and leads us to the conclusion that the
closely connected to the oil carryover. Because effectiveness of any oil management system
of this, it is of great importance that the primary starts with the oil carryover of the compressors
oil separation in the oil separators is good. (as low as possible) and the efficiency of the main
oil separators (as high as possible). Oil separation
11.6.1 Oil carryover and main oil separation can be situated both on the LT and MT/IT
compressors. It is obvious that oil separators
The CO2 booster system has compressors are always positioned in the MT compressor’s
on both LT, MT and IT level and, of course oil discharge lines. Oil separators are not commonly
carryover occurs on all levels. However, MT and seen in the discharge lines of the LT compressors.
IT compressors have a higher oil carryover rate However, applying this will reduce the oil
in comparison with the LT compressors. This is carryover to the MT compressor suction lines
caused by the higher suction vapour densities and thus reduce the absolute oil carryover
and mostly higher cooling loads on MT level. of the MT compressors.
With oil return in the suction line, this could lead

11.7 Oil return 11.7.1 Oil return in DX systems an oil supply valve to the oil receiver. The valve
For a reliable oil distribution under all load controls both the oil flow to the oil receiver and
conditions, the application of a suitable oil simultaneously maintain the oil receiver pressure.
management system is essential. Based on the The oil reservoir is equipped with a differential
combination of CO2 and POE oil, the oil return in pressure valve, ensuring de-gassing of CO2.
commercial direct expansion systems has proven The differential pressure must be higher than the
to be reliable. Good miscibility of liquid CO2 and highest suction pressure applied in the system,
POE oil, as well as high vapour densities on the e.g. the intermediate pressure level in the case
suction side of the system, lead to an easy return of systems with parallel compression. A level
of the lubricant to the compressors, provided that sensor inside the oil receiver ensures that the oil
similar velocities in suction lines, e.g. with HFC level regulators on the compressors only open
refrigerants, are applied. Considering only a small if this oil receiver level is sufficiently high. This
number of compressors are in operation during is to avoid a hot-gas bypass to the compressor
part load conditions in a commercial application, crankcase. For booster systems, the oil level
e.g. during night time in winter. Consequently, regulators are assembled on the compressors
mass flows and velocities inside the evaporators of each suction group and connected to the
and suction lines are reduced and the return of common oil reservoir. In booster systems with
lubricant becomes more challenging. parallel compression or Multi Ejectors and high
A sufficient oil supply to the compressors under loads for air conditioning compared to the MT
various operating conditions can be ensured and LT load, oil management is more sensitive.
with proper oil management systems. In Possible options in the case of applying POE oils
Figure 11.33, a simplified principle diagram is are pplication of highly efficient oil separators
shown for oil management and oil return in a CO2 and oil reservoirs with a larger volume. And
transcritical system with miscible POE oil. Such a smart control strategies (pressurize reservoir on
system obviously starts with a highly efficient oil demand, dynamic controlled opening sequences
separator and level sensor. This sensor controls of the oil level regulators).

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Figure 11.33: Oil management in a CO2 transcritical DX system with miscible POE oil

11.7.2 Oil management in transcritical pump- and CO2 sub critical- pump circulated systems.
circulating systems If immiscible oil is used, it depends on the oil
In CO2 pump circulation systems, the oil carried type and system conditions where the oil rich
over to the system ultimately collects in the liquid layer is located in the liquid separator. Several
separator. If there are more liquid separators, collection points can be used to skim from the
oil is collected in all of them. This oil has to be right location. Regardless of the oil type, it has
rectified and sent back to the compressors. The to be collected.
system oil can either be miscible or immiscible.
If miscible oil is used, the liquid CO2/oil mixture In Figure 11.34, a principle diagram shows the oil
can be relatively simply rectified from the liquid management principle in a pump-circulated CO2
separator. This is done with oil rectifiers, a well- transcritical system with only one temperature
known principle since many years in both freon- level on medium temperature and miscible oil.

Figure 11.34: Principle of oil rectify- and return process in a pump-circulated CO2 transcritical system on MT temperature and miscible oil

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This is the same principle as described in In case the pump system only has an LT liquid
chapter 6.3. The oil rectifier (B) essentially is a separator, the principle of rectifying is the same.
heat exchanger and boils off the oil-rich liquid However if the CO2/oil mixture is directly sent
CO2 into CO2 vapor and oil. In this example back to the LT suction lines, the LT compressors
liquid is injected in the oil rectifier by means receive all of the collected oil, (included that lost
of an electronic expansion valve (A), superheat from the MT/IT compressors) And as explained
controlled. The pump pressure enables the before, since the MT/IT compressors have a much
needed pressure drop across the expansion higher oil carryover than the LT compressors, the
valve. The CO2 vapor/oil mixture is sent back LT compressor would get an overbalanced oil
to the MT dry suction line. For extra safety, a return, resulting in flooding. To overcome that,
suction accumulator (C) can be used to catch the rectified oil can be collected in an oil receiver
liquid drops. In the return line from the oil after the oil rectifier and sent back to the parts
rectifier, sufficient speed is needed to secure of the system that need oil. Figure 11.35, shows
oil being moved up to the suction line. The a principle diagram of oil return from an LT liquid
principle of this is the same as in refrigerant separator with miscible oil.
risers. It is a possibility to run the oil rectifier
with thermosyphon operation if a pump is not

Figure 11.35: Principle of oil rectify- and return process in a pump-circulated CO2 transcritical system on LT temperature and miscible oil

The rectifying process itself is the same as It is unsafe and unnecessary to introduce a
explained in Figure 11.34. large flow of high pressure CO2 gas to the oil
accumulator. For that reason, the hot-gas supply
Valve A is regulating and the two valves D are lines should be well designed and flow restricted,
in open position during the oil rectifying process. e.g. with a fixed orifice (E). When the oil rectifying
Valves F and G are closed. The liquid is in this and oil return process is well balanced, it is a
example injected in the rectifier B) and the continuous repetitive process. So the oil flow
superheat is controlled by electronic expansion and simultaneously the hot-gas flow, is of less
valve A. A mixture of CO2 vapor and oil leaves importance as long as the timing of the oil return
the rectifier and enters an oil accumulator (C). is well controlled and safe. The described process
CO2 vapor leaves the oil accumulator and returns is just a simplified example. Other methods of oil
to the liquid separator, oil is separated from the rectifying or the oil return cycle are also possible.
CO2 and accumulates at the bottom of the oil Pressure build-up in the system due to defective
accumulator. When the oil rectifying process is valves, trapped liquid or power cuts should of
done, valves D are closed. course be safeguarded against in the usual ways,
ie with pressure relief valves. Generally oil collects
Now the oil return process starts. The pressure in receivers where liquid enters and only vapor
in the oil accumulator should be slowly and leave. In the case where a LT liquid is fed from a
safely increased to a pressure higher than MT liquid separator, the LT separator would take
the place where the oil has to be delivered to. the majority of the oil. While it is necessary to
Valve F is connected to a higher pressure CO2 collect oil from the LT separator it is not necessary
gas available in the system. but could be beneficial to do this from the MT
separator as well, the decision would be based on
E represents a restriction so the pressurization is the distribution of capacity between LT and MT.
done slowly and safely. Valve G is connected to In the case of a LT and a MT separator that
parts of the system that need oil. This could either are both fed with condenser liquid, both have
be compressors or oil receivers, so the pressures only vapor leaving and both need oil collection.
where the oil needs to be sent to can be different.

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11.7.3 Oil rectifying and oil return in The heat source of the oil rectifier is the
transcritical pump-circulating systems with subcooling of the liquid from the MT into the LT,
immiscible oil so we can actually regain what is being boiled
Oil rectifying in a pump-circulating system with off in the oil rectifier as subcooling, making it
immiscible oil works similar to a system with more or less energy-neutral. However, there
miscible oil, but the challenge is that the oil is a limit to how much heat we can extract from
may collect at different levels in the separator. that flow. As an example of an MT temperature
Depending on the oil type and temperature of -5 °C (23 °F) and an LT temperature of -30 °C
range this might be on top of the CO2 liquid (-22 °F), then we have a maximum (!) of 25K
or on the bottom. Collecting this oil will be a (45 °F) to sub-cool the liquid, and even getting all
matter of a device that can reach the different of the 25K (45 °F) will require an infinitely large oil
levels where the oil collects – usually a number rectifier. That energy content works out to around
of nozzles in the vessel. Which nozzle to use can 20% of the total LT capacity available to the oil
be determined by the level if a level indicator is rectifier. With a smaller difference between MT
used, or it can simply be done by cycling through and LT the % is lower, so realistically we can guess
all collections points. After collection from on that we can put aside 10% of the LT capacity for
or more of these points, the collected oil can the oil rectifier, making the oil content in the
be handled as in the examples above. LT separator 10 times the oil content in the MT

11.7.4 Oil rectifying capacity and oil Applying the same rules for the content in the MT
concentration separator, we will also find that it is impossible
In order to boil off the oil-rich liquid CO2, the oil to keep the oil content there below several
rectifier capacity must be defined. The capacity times the content in the inlet flow, e.g. from the
depends on how much oil enters a system (LT compressors, and that will cascade down to the
or MT) and how much leaves. In the below LT separator. So ultimately the oil carryover from
equation, we look at the oil flow into and out of the compressors, together with the oil separator
the LT separator being fed from the MT separator. efficiency, is the most important issue to manage.
In some commercial systems the oil carryover
min . ROPSMT = mrectLT . ROPSLT rate is around (or even above) 1%, but that is not
a problem when you run DX as you will return
min = total refrigerant flow into LT separator the oil in the suction line immediately, and it will
(kg/s) not accumulate in the evaporators. However, on
mrect.LT = mass flow evaporated in LT rectifier flooded systems you will get into the problems
(kg/s) mentioned above and, with insufficient handling,
ROPSLT = Requested Oil Percentage Separator the oil content could be very high in the LT
(%) separator.
ROPSMT = Requested Oil Percentage Separator
(%) An oil content that is very high could hurt the
heat transfer in the evaporators, as just one of the
The left part of the equation is oil flow into the many issues this can bring with it. The OCR of the
LT separator from the MT separator, specified LT/MT and IT compressors differ from each other,
by the refrigerant flow multiplied by the oil however the average oil carryover will be close
content (%) in the MT separator. The right side to that of the MT compressors. This is because
of the equation expresses the amount of oil they carry over much more oil than the LT
being removed from the LT separator by the oil compressors and obviously dominate in quantity
rectifier, expressed by the amount of refrigerant in a transcritical systems. Assuming that both
being boiled off in the rectifier (giving the rectifiers are in operation and that the rectifier
rectifier capacity) and the oil content (%) in the capacity of each separator is proportional
LT separator. Rearranging this equation slightly in relation to its refrigeration capacity, this
gives an interesting insight into the dynamics means that the requested oil percentage in
of this problem. the separator defines the oil rectifier capacity.

mrectLT = min . ROPSMT / ROPSLT

Suppose the content in the MT separator is 0.1%

and you want to keep 0.1% in the LT separator
as well, then the simple math shows us that we
need to evaporate all of the refrigerant flow into
the LT separator in the oil rectifier. That leaves
nothing for an actual cooling duty on the LT side,
so that is hardly realistic. If we increase the LT oil
content to 1%, then we need to evaporate 1/10
(= 10%) of the total LT flow in the oil rectifier.

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11.8 Heat recovery When applying heat reclaim in subcritical In both systems, water is supplied at 10 °C (50 °F)
refrigeration systems, there are certain limits and 10 kW (2.86 TR) of heat is recovered. For both
that have to be considered. The primary limit systems, a minimum temperature difference of
of heat reclaim in subcritical systems is that the 5 °C (9 °F) between the refrigerant and the water
condensation temperature is constant, which must be observed. The temperature glide in the
sets a natural limit on how much heat can be transcritical system allows the water to be heated
reclaimed. Heat recovery systems for ammonia to 60 °C (140 °F). The constant temperature
refrigeration systems are covered in chapter 9.5. during condensation in the subcritical system
When the CO2 is cooled in the gas cooler under limits the heat transfer to the water and the
transcritical conditions, the temperature of the temperature of the water reaches 29 °C (84.2 °F)
CO2 changes during the ‘phase change’, out of the de-superheater. For transcritical CO2
as described in section 11.1.1. A low temperature systems, the discharge temperature of the gas
difference can therefore be kept in the heat from the compressors could be well above 120 °C
reclaim unit between the high-pressure CO2 (248 °F). With high discharge temperatures,
refrigerant and, for example, water for a hot there is a potential for heat recovery from the
water system. Therefore, it is possible to achieve refrigeration system at the gas cooling pressure.
very efficient heat reclaim from the gas cooler. In order to have an efficient heat reclaim, e.g.
However, one should consider the optimal for hot water systems, the CO2 gas needs to
condensation/gas cooler outlet temperature be cooled as much as possible. For hot water
compared to the ambient temperature when systems, this is possible by heating water from
doing heat recovery. a tap water supply temperature of around 10 °C
(50 °F), since the supply temperature of the water
Heat reclaim feasibility will set the ‘target’ outlet temperature of the
The economic feasibility of heat recovery should CO2 – the lower the water supply temperature,
be considered beforehand. Very little heat the lower the CO2 outlet temperature – the
can be recovered in cold periods, where the more efficient the heat reclaim. However,
heating demand might be high and vice versa. the heat reclaim unit can not replace the gas
Hot water systems, e.g. for cleaning-in-place cooler. The heat reclaimer should be installed
systems, could be a utility for which heat reclaim in series upstream to the gas cooler so that
can be economically feasible, if the demand for the heat reclaimer can be used when there
hot water is somewhat constant throughout is a demand for hot water, for example. This
the year. In the figures below, examples of demand can vary with the ambient temperature.
temperature profiles are shown for heat reclaim Furthermore, ambient temperature can also
in a transcritical CO2 system and a subcritical CO2 determine whether the system is operated under
system. transcritical conditions or under subcritical

11.8.1 System design

In general, all heat exchangers are placed in
series to optimize the COP of the system by
ensuring the lowest temperature out of the gas
cooler. As many heat exchangers as are needed
can be placed in series, but on most systems one
or two heat exchangers for heat reclaim and one
air-cooled gas cooler will be most commonly
used. For the purpose of providing hot tap
water, it is a good idea to make a system with
two heat exchangers, since this will ensure the
highest system efficiency. Figure 11.38 shows
Figure 11.36: Heat reclaim in a transcritical CO2 system the principle of heat reclaim with two heat
exchangers in series. In this chapter, for the sake
of clarity, there will be one heat exchanger for
heat reclaim and one air cooled gas cooler. But
the control strategy will be the same as if more
heat exchangers are needed.

Figure 11.37: Heat reclaim in a subcritical CO2 system

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Figure 11.38: Principle of heat reclaim in a transcritical CO2 refrigeration system

From the compressor, the hot gas enters the • Ambient temperature 0 °C (32 °F)
first 3-way valve in tap water mode, where • Water inlet temperature 25 °C (77 °F)
highest temperatures are needed. In heat reclaim
mode, the gas will go to the heat reclaim heat • Water outlet temperature 65 °C (149 °F)
exchanger. In the heat reclaim heat exchanger, • Exit temperature difference air cooled gas
the gas is cooled down to as low a temperature cooler subcritical 8 K (14.4 °F)
as possible. The most common heat exchanger • Exit temperature difference air cooled gas
for heat reclaim is a tube-in-tube or plate heat cooler transcritical 2 K (3.6 °F)
exchanger. From the heat exchanger, the cold • Exit temperature difference heat reclaim heat
gas goes through the second 3-way valve. exchanger 5 K (9 °F)
This valve directs the gas through the air-cooled
gas cooler or bypasses it directly to the high-
pressure expansion valve. In the gas cooler, the Step 0
gas is cooled down further before it enters the
high-pressure expansion valve. This is the basic Normal cooling mode without any heat reclaim.
setup. There can be many variations of it, but If something goes wrong, step 0 will be used as
this is the most common and most widely used. a failsafe mode to avoid loss of goods. Cooling
is always the first priority.
11.8.2 Control strategy Step 1
To meet the objective of reclaiming the heat
needed, at the needed temperature as efficient The pump is turned on. There are different
as possible, the control strategy needs to cope ways to control the pump speed, but normally
with this. There are the following measures that the speed is controlled to maintain a fixed
can be used to do this. temperature out of the heat exchanger. However,
temperature difference of the water or ingoing
• Pump speed on the secondary side water temperature can also be used. All of them
• High pressure increase make sense in different systems. When the
pump is at minimum speed and the flow switch
• Fan speed on the gas cooler in the water circuit is on and the temperature
• By pass of gas cooler in the water circuit is below 95 °C (203 °F), the
3-way valve is turned to position 1a-1c. The
The important thing is to use these measures pump speed is adjusted so that the temperature
in the right way to optimize the output of the setpoint is satisfied. This will remove the part
system. The Danfoss strategy is to do this in 6 of the superheat with the highest temperature.
steps. The heat load on the heating system is If this is not enough to satisfy the heat load,
feed back to the controller from the building the controller will be forced into step 2.
management system or from a PI controller.
To explain a typical Danfoss In the following
description will be followed by a small example.
The focus is on heat reclaim with the following
basic data for the example:

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Step 2 Step 5

The pump is still running according to the In step 4, all heat put into the system is reclaimed.
temperature, but the high pressure is pushed up If the heating demand is still not satisfied, the
to make a larger part of the heat available at the load on the cold side of the system needs to
temperature needed. This is done by changing be higher. This can be done by adding an extra
the reference setpoint in the high-pressure evaporator that takes heat from the ambient
controller and thereby closing the high-pressure air. The efficiency of this is lower than the other
expansion valve. The higher pressure increases steps, but it represents an easy solution for
the compressor workload but also hugely getting more heat. The efficiency should be
increases the heating capacity. In step 2, the looked at on a yearly basis, because the number
heat rejection in the air-cooled gas cooler is still of hours running in step 5 should be taken into
a big part of the system’s total heat rejection. account.
By increasing the pressure, the part of the heat
rejection that can be reclaimed increases and 11.8.3 Features and challenges
at the same time the discharge temperature
increases. However, at some point it is no Some aspects of heat reclaim in a transcritical
longer efficient to raise the pressure higher. system are different from conventional systems
The compressor workload would be too high and they need to be addressed and handled.
and the reclaimed heat would not increase
at the same rate. Condensing in the heat-reclaim heat
Step 3 Since it is possible to do a partial reclaim, the CO2
can be partially condensed in the heat-reclaim
The reference setpoint for the gas cooler fans heat exchanger. When using more than one heat
is gradually increased up to the optimum exchanger, the problems grow accordingly, and
COP, causing that at low ambient temperature the strategy becomes slightly more complex to
conditions the fans stop. This causes the heat prevent the various problems that may occur.
rejection from the air-cooled gas cooler to One problem that may occur is that the liquid can
decrease. This will result in a loss of cooling build up in one part of the system, and then, due
capacity, but the system will compensate by to the gas pressure, is pushed out into the system
putting in more compressor capacity. This will at high velocity, possibly causing severe damage
also result in a higher compressor workload, but to parts of the system.
also more capacity in the heat reclaim system.
Even when the fans are stopped, the natural This problem can be handled in many ways.
convection of the gas cooler is enough to take
some capacity out of the system. By reducing the The system can be forced into transcritical mode
condenser fan speed, the capacity is reduced. when there is a need for heat reclaim. This will
Therefore, the part of the heat reclaimed reduce the efficiency of the system, but the
increases, and the part rejected to the ambient operation is safe because there is only one phase.
air decreases.
The inlet water temperature can be kept high
Step 4 enough (maybe 30 °C (86 °F)) to ensure it is not
possible to condense. This will not force the
The air-cooled gas cooler is bypassed to avoid system to run transcritical, but will still reduce
natural convection and thereby heat rejection the efficiency. This control strategy can be
from this part of the system. As in step 3, this implemented with a mixing loop on the water
reduces the cooling capacity, but the system side.
will compensate by putting in more compressor
capacity. This will also result in a higher The pressure in the system can be controlled in
compressor workload, but also more capacity such a way that the superheat out of the heat-
in the heat reclaim system. At this point, no heat reclaim heat exchanger is kept high enough to
is rejected to the ambient air and the system is ensure condensation does not occur. This is a safe
basically running as a heat pump system but with and the most efficient way to control the process.
the control sensor on the low-temperature side.
By bypassing the gas cooler, all heat rejected Ensure that the temperature between various
from the system must go into the heat reclaim heat exchangers is at an appropriate level.
Physically mount the heat exchangers and route
the piping to ensure that any liquid created will
not accumulate and is transported to the next
heat exchanger safely. This generally means
downwards flow without pockets.

In some system designs, condensation is not

a problem, but this needs to be considered
in the system design.

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Application Handbook | Industrial Refrigeration Ammonia and CO2 Applications Temperature protection 11.8.4 Conclusion

Since the temperature of the compressor Heat reclaim in a transcritical system can
discharge gas can be very high, measures must be attractive. Compared to HFC systems, the
be taken to avoid boiling of water in the water efficiency is higher and the temperatures that
circuit of the heat reclaim heat exchanger. can be obtained are higher compared to HFC
technology. It has been shown that it is possible
for correctly designed systems, where the heat
demand is not high, to eliminate additional
heat sources. This makes heat reclaim a very
interesting option when looking at total costs.

11.9 Design pressure Close attention should be paid to precautions transcritical discharge part is typically designed
and safety and considerations when working with for 140 bar (2030 psi). For practical and economic
transcritical CO2 systems, due to the increased reasons, the system is divided into zones
pressure levels in these systems. A CO2 which each have their specific design pressure.
transcritical pump circulation system has An example of such design pressure levels
different working pressures depending on the for transcritical CO2 systems are shown in
system part. The variation can be wide. CO2 at Figure 11.39 but can differ from system to system
saturated freezing temperatures of -50 °C (-58 °F) for design reasons, size of the liquid separators
correspond to 6.8 bar(a) (89.6 psi). However, the and the actual LT/MT evaporating temperatures.

Figure 11.39: Typical design pressures in an industrial CO2 transcritical pump circulation system

In this case, we typically see 6 zones: LT and MT of the separators. The intermediate working
evaporator zones, LT and MT separator zones, design pressures are 52/65 bar (754/943 psi).
intermediate pressure zone, and finally, the Standstill pressures in large industrial systems
transcritical zone. For the LT and MT evaporator are typically lower than in smaller commercial
zones, the design pressure can be defined by systems because of the relatively large receiver
looking at the evaporation temperatures. In volumes. The Danfoss Industrial series of Flexline
that case, 40 bar (580 psi) should be sufficient. valves have a PS of 52 bar (754 psi). For a PS
However, when hot-gas defrost is applied, of 65 bar (943 psi), please contact Danfoss).
a design pressure of 52 bar (754 psi) is needed.
The design pressures for the separator zones General safety topics related to CO2 are described
are defined by the required working pressure in chapters 10.4 to 10.7.

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12. Heat exchangers Heat exchangers perform the primary duties of Figure 12.1 below shows the heat exchangers
the refrigeration/heat pump systems – heating that are normally used in a single-stage system.
and cooling – as well as several internal functions. Note that not all are necessary and that the heat
exchangers numbers (7) to (9) are not often all
For efficient operation of heat exchangers, used at the same time. Likewise, it is not normal
it is necessary that the system is both designed, to use all types of evaporators – thermosyphon
constructed and controlled appropriately. (1), pumped (2) and DX (3) – in the same system.
These variations are included here to illustrate all
possible variations. All valves except expansion
are omitted for clarity.

Figure 12.1: Overview of the most common heat exchangers in a refrigeration system

Thermosyphon evaporator: This type is a ‘flooded compressor discharge line before the condenser
evaporator’, signifying that more refrigerant is to be re-condensed. Water/brine-cooled oil
circulated than evaporated. Because of this, the coolers are often part of a heat recovery system
exit flow is a mixture of vapour and liquid and or heat pumps.
it is therefore returned to a separator to ensure
a dry suction gas is fed to the compressor. De-superheater: The de-superheater cools
The thermosyphon evaporator is fed with discharge gas from the compressor before
liquid through natural circulation. entry into the condenser, usually for use in a
heat recovery system or heat pump. The higher
Pumped evaporator: This type is also a ‘flooded temperatures in the de superheater enable
evaporator’, but in comparison with the a higher heat recovery temperature than is
thermosyphon, it uses a pump to feed liquid to possible in the condenser.
the evaporator. These are very often air coolers
located in such a way that thermosyphon Condenser: The condenser cools the compressor
operation is not possible (e.g. far away from discharge gas and condenses it into liquid.
the compressor/separator, for instance in a cold Condensers can be evaporative condensers (not
store or a freezing tunnel). Plate freezers are shown), air-cooled condensers (not shown) or
another common type of pumped evaporator. a glycol/water-cooled heat exchanger as shown
here. The heat delivered to the glycol/water
DX evaporator: DX is an abbreviation for ‘Direct circuit can either be dispersed by a cooling tower
expansion’, signifying that the evaporator is fed or used in a heat recovery system / heat pump.
with high-pressure liquid through an expansion
valve. The control of the expansion valve ensures Subcooler: The subcooler cools the condensed
that the refrigerant return from the evaporator liquid further using water/glycol or possibly air.
is fully evaporated, e.g. with no liquid in it, and, as With a colder liquid being passed to the low-
such, it can be passed directly to the compressor. pressure side, the compressor capacity increases.
Subcoolers are often part of a heat recovery /
Oil cooler: Screw compressors require oil cooling heat pump system.
and the oil cooler performs this task. Oil coolers
can be glycol/water-cooled (as shown here) Economizer: Screw compressors usually have an
or thermosyphon oil coolers (not shown) that additional port, the economizer port, that allows
evaporate liquid from the condenser to cool refrigerant to be fed in after the compression
the oil. Evaporated liquid is returned to the has started. As such, it can be used to compress

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additional refrigerant at a starting pressure no liquid is fed to the compressor. As a heat

above the evaporating pressure, without source, the condenser liquid is used. Since the
compromising the compressor’s capacity at superheating of the compressor’s suction gas
evaporating pressure. Generally, two different decreases the gas density, the compressor mass
economizer types exist – the ‘open’ economizer flow drops, but the subcooling of the condenser
(not shown) and the ‘closed’ economizer. liquid compensates for this. Depending on the
The open economizer is a simple vessel without refrigerant and operating conditions, it can result
heat exchangers, so it will not be covered here. in a total change in capacity – either positive
The economizer cools the condensed liquid or negative – but usually it is very close to
further, increasing the compressor capacity break-even.
in the same way as a subcooler. The cooling
is performed by flashing and evaporating For the sake of clarity, four noteworthy additions
some of the condenser liquid and this vapour to the above diagram were not added.
is passed to the compressor’s economizer port.
In the closed economizer, a heat exchanger Side load: It is not unusual to add an evaporator
performs the cooling duty. to an economizer, allowing external cooling
to be performed at an additional (higher than
Superheater: Sometimes called a Suction evaporating temperature) temperature level.
Superheater. This heat exchanger heats the This is often referred to as ‘side load’.
suction gas to the compressor to ensure that

Figure 12.2: Side load evaporator

In the above sketch in Figure 12.2, a thermo­ before entry into the high-stage compressor.
syphon evaporator (3) has been added to the If not cooled, the high temperature of the suction
economizer (2) which here is mounted directly gas to the high-stage compressor will result in
after the condenser (1). For all practical purposes, an excessively) high discharge temperature for
this evaporator can be treated as a normal this compressor. The cooling of the gas is often
thermosyphon evaporator. Pumped operation performed by bubbling it through a liquid bath,
from the economizer is also an option. thereby cooling it to (near) saturation. In much
the same way as the economizers, the intercooler
Intercooler: On two-stage systems, an intercooler can be ‘open’ or ‘closed’, where the open type
(also known as an interstage cooler) cools the does not involve a heat exchanger. A closed
discharge gas from the low-stage compressor intercooler is shown in Figure 12.3 below.

Figure 12.3: Inter-stage cooler

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The intercooler takes refrigerant liquid from In much the same way as on the economizer,
the condenser (1) and cools it further in the a heat exchanger can be added to provide a
intercooler heat exchanger (2), using condenser refrigeration duty at the interstage pressure (not
liquid flashed to the vessel. Note that the flashed shown), either through thermosyphon operation
liquid is also used to de-superheat the low-stage or pumped operation. Alternatively, a separator
compressor discharge gas, by bubbling can be added in parallel with the intercooler.
it through a liquid bath. Other possible ways
to de-superheat the discharge gas is injection Cascade cooler: A cascade cooler is the
of liquid into the low-pressure compressor’s connection between the two refrigerant
discharge pipe or in a heat exchanger with circuits in a cascade system. Typically, the
external cooling. The former method must be low temperature refrigerant will be R744 (CO2),
controlled carefully to avoid having liquid in the while the high temperature refrigerant is R717.
suction of the high-stage compressor. Generally, The cascade cooler condenses R744. The cooling
the bubbling method is the most common. for this process is provided by evaporating R717
at a temperature below the R744 condensing

Figure 12.4: Cascade cooler

In Figure 12.4 above, the R744 compressor (1) The temperature difference in the cascade
discharge gas is condensed in the cascade cooler cooler can be considered an efficiency loss,
(2) and flashed back to evaporating temperature so it is recommended to examine the change
by the R744 expansion valve (3) (possibly in operating cost (compressor power) versus
after storage in a receiver). On the R717 side, the installation cost of a larger cascade cooler
the cascade cooler is used as a thermosyphon that operates at, for instance, a 3 °C (5.4 °F)
evaporator with a liquid separator (4). From temperature difference.
the separator, the vapour created is compressed
by the R717 compressor (5). Intermediate circuit: Finally, it is not uncommon
to have an intermediate circuits between the
Typically, R744 is condensed at -10 °C (14 °F) evaporator and a product.
and R717 evaporates at -15 °C (5 °F).

Figure 12.5: Secondary loop/brine loop

In case of a leak in the evaporator (1), refrigerant

may contaminate the secondary side. If the
secondary side is a product such as beer or milk,
the product will be destroyed. Thus, the product
is cooled in a secondary heat exchanger (2),
which is cooled by the water/glycol cooled by
the evaporator (1). In this way, product safety
is ensured.

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12.1 Heat transfer Heat exchangers utilize differences in For evaporation, the heat transfer coefficient
fundamentals temperature to move heat. Two fluid flows are depends on the properties of the refrigerant as
brought into close contact on either side of a wall well as the heat flux (W/m2 (BTU/ft2 hr)) and
or a pipe, allowing energy – in the form of heat operation method (flooded, DX) and various
– to travel through the wall or pipe from the hot parameters such as circulation rate or superheat.
side to the cold side. The heat exchanged (gain or For condensation, it is much the same, albeit with
loss) leads to changes in the media on either side. different parameters. Often, there is not much
In the case of a single phase (liquid or vapour) it a designer of heat exchangers can do about
leads to a temperature change. In evaporators, evaporation and condensation heat transfer
the heat exchanged leads to refrigerant liquid coefficients.
being evaporated, and in condensers, the heat
exchanged leads to refrigerant vapour being Fouling is a value given by the designer that
condensed. expresses the dirt, oil etc. that adds resistance
to the heat transfer. This value is very much an
Generally, the capacity of a heat exchanger experience-based value, with the actual value
can be expressed by: depending on the type of fluid, such as clean
water versus river or sewage water – the latter
Q=U . A . ΔT requiring a much higher fouling than the former.
Oil contamination of refrigerants is also a source
Where: of fouling. Fouling is usually stated for each side
Q is the capacity (W or BTU/hr) of the heat exchanger.
U is the overall heat transfer coefficient
(W/(m2K) or BTU/ft2 F hr) Finally, the properties of the wall between
the two sides are usually given by the actual
A is the heat transfer area (m2 or ft2) heat exchanger through the materials and the
ΔT is the temperature difference (K, °C or F) geometry selected.

Heat transfer types in heat exchangers All of these factors combine to form the total
heat transfer coefficient. It is noteworthy that
In heat exchangers for refrigeration systems, it is the side with the lowest heat transfer
heat is typically transferred from gas/vapour coefficient (which is the largest resistance to
or air to a liquid refrigerant or phase-changing heat transfer) which dominates the total heat
refrigerant, or the other way around. Two types transfer coefficient. For instance, an evaporator
of heat transfer are experienced in this case: with very low speed on the water/glycol side will
have a low heat transfer coefficient on that side,
Conduction: When heat is transferred through so the evaporative side can basically be very high
a solid material, e.g. through the wall of a metal without any significant difference to the overall
pipe, or when heat is transferred between two heat transfer coefficient.
solid materials through contact, e.g. in plate
freezers. Heat transfer surface - A

Convection: When heat is transferred between a The heat transfer area is not always as simple as
liquid, gas, or phase-changing refrigerant and a it sounds. In many heat exchangers the surface
solid material, e.g. when evaporating refrigerant available to the two sides are not the same.
flow through the evaporator pipes, and heat is For instance, in shell-and-tube heat exchangers,
transferred from the pipe wall to the evaporating the pipe surface inside and outside is not the
refrigerant. same due to the difference in diameter (wall
thickness) or the use of ‘extended surface’, e.g.
Heat transfer coefficient - U fins. This is a factor that affects the overall heat
transfer coefficient and it is important (when
The overall heat transfer coefficient, U, describes programming the calculation tool) to ensure
how well heat is transferred in the heat that the area used is in accordance with the
exchanger. The overall heat transfer coefficient correction to the overall heat transfer coefficient.
depends on the flow properties for the heated In cases such as plate heat exchangers, the area
media and the cooled media in the heat is the same on both sides and thus presents
exchanger, the wall/pipe size and its thermal few problems when it comes to calculation.
conductivity (k-value) as well as factors like
fouling (dirty surfaces). Typically, a total heat transfer rate, U*A given
in (W/K), is calculated based on the individual
For single-phase flows (water, glycol, vapour or contribution from each heat transfer type’s
liquid refrigerant), the heat transfer coefficient U-value and corresponding heat transfer area, A.
depends on the fluid properties, which are
usually a given factor, and the velocity of the fluid Temperature difference - ΔT
in the heat exchanger. A higher velocity gives a
higher heat transfer coefficient, but it also results The temperature difference is the driving force
in a higher pressure loss. Liquid flows usually for a heat exchanger, as the heat flows from
have the highest heat transfer coefficients. the hot side to the cold side. However, as the
temperatures of the flows change, it is not always
apparent what the temperature difference
is at a given point.

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An example: Two water flows enter a heat outlet. The solution is to use a ‘logarithmic mean
exchanger from the same side with the temperature difference’ (LMTD) that compensates
temperatures 70 °C (158 °F) and 10 °C (50 °F) for the changes in temperature. The LMTD is
respectively. The hot water flow has twice the calculated as follows:
volume flow rate of the cold-water flow.
(∆Tinlet )-(∆Toutlet)
The figure below shows the temperature on LMTD =
ln((∆Tinlet)/(∆Toutlet ))
the y-axis (vertical axis) and the relative path
travelled by the flow through the heat exchanger Where ΔTs represent the temperature differences
in %, thus 0% is the inlet, 50% is half way and on either end of the heat exchanger. Using this,
100% is the outlet. the LMTD is calculated to be 15.86 °C (28.55 °F).

12.1.1 Co-current vs counter-current

Co-current and counter-current are terms
that refer to the direction of the flows in
a heat exchanger relative to one another.

Co-current: A co-current flow heat exchanger

has the hot and cold flow to flow in the same
direction. The figure above is a co-current heat
exchanger. By having the flows in the same
direction, a high heat transfer is achieved around
the inlet of the heat exchanger. However, for
a co-current heat exchanger, the hot-side flow
Figure 12.1.1: Temperature profile for co-current heat exchanger cannot be cooled below the outlet temperature
of the cold-side flow and vice versa, the cold-
Since the hot water flow rate is twice the flow rate side flow cannot be heated above the outlet
of the cold water, an equilibrium temperature of temperature of the hot-side flow.
50 °C (122 °F) would be achieved if the flows were
mixed. It can be seen from Figure 12.1.1 that the Counter-current: A counter-current flow heat
flows approach 50 °C (122 °F) at the outlet. The exchanger has the hot and cold flow flow in
rate of temperature change for the flows through opposite directions, such that the cold-side inlet
the heat exchanger should be noted. At the inlet, is placed at the hot-side outlet. A counter-current
the heat transfer is high, as the temperature heat exchanger can cool the hot side below
changes a lot. As the flows is heated/cooled, the cold-side outlet, since the hot-side outlet
the temperature difference decreases, and the transfers heat to the cold-side inlet and vice
heat transfer is reduced. At the outlet, the flows versa.
are almost at the same temperature, but the
temperatures change very little from about 80% The figure below shows the same example
until the outlet, due to the very low heat transfer as before but with a counter-current heat
at the small temperature difference. If the heat exchanger instead of a co-current. It is seen that
exchanger were infinitively large (A = ∞), the the temperature drop for the hot side is 25 °C
temperatures of the flows would reach 50 °C (45 °F), whereas it was 20 °C (36 °F) for the co-
(122 °F). current. This means that more heat has been
transferred in this situation, with the result that
This figure above illustrates the problem of the counter-current heat exchanger is more
determining what the actual temperature efficient than the co-current, and thus the
difference is, since the difference varies from counter-current has the highest capacity.
60 °C (108 °F) at the inlet to 1.5 °C (2.7 °F) at the

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Figure 12.1.2: Temperature profile counter-current heat exchanger

Figure 12.1.3: Temperature profile for condenser
In this case, the cold stream can be heated to
60 °C (140 °F) and the hot stream can be cooled 12.1.3 Condensers
to 45 °C (113 °F). All other parameters are the
In a heat exchanger with phase change,
same. The difference is that the LMTD is higher
it is a little more complex. During the phase
at 20.0 °C (36 °F), some 25% of which is directly
change the refrigerant will remain at a constant
reflected in the capacity as well. As a conclusion,
temperature, or constant temperature glide
the counter-flow heat exchanger is much more
(slope) for refrigerant mixtures, when the
efficient than a co-current.
phase change takes place. Below is a sketch
of condensing ammonia in a heat exchanger.
Visually the difference in LMTD can be seen as
The ammonia enters the heat exchanger at the
the area between the two curves. Although the
compressor’s discharge temperature, which
co-current starts out with a high temperature
has been set to 80 °C (176 °F) in this example.
difference, it drops quickly to near zero, while
The gas is cooled until it reaches the saturation
the counter-current maintains a large difference
temperature – here 35 °C (95 °F) – where
throughout the whole heat exchanger.
condensing begins. As long as condensation
takes place, the temperature remains at the
12.1.2 Pinch point saturation temperature. At the end, all is
The pinch point is the point in the heat condensed and a little subcooling takes place.
exchanger where the temperature difference On the water side, the water enters at 10 °C
is at the minimum. This means that the pinch (50 °F) and is heated to near the condensing
point is the limiting factor to the heat exchanger temperature with a gradually decreasing
regarding capacity. For the two examples shown capacity as the temperature difference decreases.
above, the co-current heat exchanger in Figure Before the end, the water enters the area where
# has a pinch point temperature difference of the hot discharge gas is cooled, and the water
1.5 °C (2.7 °F), while for the counter-current gets a little boost from the increasing
heat exchanger it is 10 °C (18 °F). An excessively temperature difference.
high pinch-point temperature difference is
not desirable, since this means that the heat But the diagram illustrates a key point in
exchanger is too large, and its capacity is not condenser design. Looking at the refrigerant inlet
utilized optimally. temperature (80 °C (176 °F)), it would be easy to
hope for a water exit temperature of perhaps
The pinch-point temperature difference is a 60 °C (140 °F), which would be very welcome
parameter that is typically investigated when in heat recovery systems or heat pumps.
dimensioning a heat exchanger to optimize However, at the start of the condensation
the performance. Typically, it is a trade-off process – at around 8% on the diagram –
between efficiency, cost and capacity. the water temperature is very close to the
condensing temperature. This is the pinch point
where the temperatures in the heat exchanger
limit performance.

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The water temperature increases approximately It can be noted that the de-superheating duty –
25 °C (77 °F) in the condenser sample, but if a which is 11% of the total capacity in this example
60 °C (140 °F) water outlet temperature was – requires around 8% of the total area. This is due
desired, e.g. a 50 °C (154 °F) increase, it would be to the higher LMTD in this area. In this example,
intuitive to lower the water flow to half. However, which focuses on temperatures, the heat transfer
that results in the below temperature profile coefficient has been set to a constant value. In
shown in Figure 12.1.4: real life, the heat transfer coefficient of the de-
superheating – which is simple gas cooling – is
much less than in the condensing and subcooling
zones, so the area used for de-superheating would
need to be somewhat larger.

12.1.4 Evaporators
In a flooded evaporator, the evaporating side
temperature is constant throughout the heat
exchanger. With this simple behaviour of both
sides, the overall LMTD gives a sufficiently good
picture of the temperature difference. Note that,
Figure 12.1.4: Temperature profile for condenser at half water flow
from a temperature perspective, it does not
matter if the refrigerant and brine flow in the
Clearly the water temperature approaches the same or opposite directions, however it is the
condensing temperature more rapidly, but it is norm to have the flows in the same direction
unable to heat further since the temperature to ‘kick-start’ the evaporation with the largest
difference drops to nearly zero. possible temperature difference.

Since the temperature difference between 8% and

30% of the path is approximately 0, there
is effectively no heat transfer from the ammonia
to the water in that part of the heat exchanger.

As the water stream enters the de-superheating

zone, it heats to around 38 °C (100 °F). Hotter
than before, but with half flow. As a result, the
condensing capacity is reduced to around 55% of
the previous example. The pinch point has limited
the heat transfer in a large part of the condenser –
which is essentially wasted. Figure 12.1.5: Temperature profile for flooded evaporator

The conclusion is that the overall LMTD –

which focuses on inlet and outlet temperature
differences – is not sufficient to describe the actual
situation. Using the inlet and outlet temperatures,
the LMTD is calculated to 29.76 °C (53.6 °F) (for the
first condensing example). However, if the heat
exchanger is split into sections according to the 3
different situations on the condensing side, a more
precise LMTD can be calculated using the LMTD
for each section. In the de-superheating section,
the LMTD is 7.77 °C (14 °F), in the condensing
section 4.98 °C (9 °F) and in the subcooling section
it is 22.09 °C (39.76 °F). Since the de-superheating
accounts for 11.3% of the total capacity, the
condensing 86.4% and the subcooling 2.4%, a
weighted LMTD scaled according to this is 5.70 °C
(10.26 °F), which is approximately 20% of the
overall calculation. Another way of weighing
the LMTD is by the area used by the different

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However, in a direct expansion (DX) evaporator, Clearly the evaporator has difficulties in creating
the evaporating temperature remains constant superheat and, as such, is not safe.
until all refrigerant is evaporated and then the
gas is superheated to the outlet temperature. These are the basic operations of heat
exchangers, but many variations exist. Cross
flow is where the two fluids are neither co- nor
counter-current but rather perpendicular to
each other. Similarly, heat exchangers can have
several ‘passes’ on one or both sides, where
the flows change direction. These variations
require a careful application of LMTD functions
to adequately express the real temperature
difference, however this is not covered here.

12.1.5 Limitations to heat exchangers

As mentioned, the heat transfer is composed
Figure 12.1.6: Temperature profile for DX evaporator of 3 parts – heat transfer on the refrigerant side
(left), heat transfer through the wall (center)
Again, a simple LMTD consideration from the and heat transfer on the water side (right).
in/outlet temperatures does not show the real Fouling is ignored in this example.
situation. Using these temperatures, the LMTD
is 3.75 °C (6.75 °F), while doing a split similar to Apart from the above temperature difference-
the condenser example, the weighted LMTD is related limitations, a couple of other issues need
5.70 °C (10.26 °F) – approximately 50% higher. to be addressed to ensure safe and efficient
operation of a heat exchanger.
Like the ‘pinch-point’ problem in the condenser,
the creation of superheat in the evaporator can Freezing of the brine/water is the biggest
be a problem if the temperatures are too close. risk, as it has the potential to destroy the heat
It is clear that the hot side outlet temperature exchanger. As water expands when it freezes,
cannot go below the evaporating temperature, the forces released from this are sufficient to
but it is also necessary to have sufficient break the metal of the heat exchanger.
temperature difference in the inlet end to create
superheat. A sufficiently large superheat is Considering an application where it is desired
essential for ensuring that the refrigerant flow to cool water to +2 °C (35.6 °F) using a
to the compressor is always without liquid. refrigerant that evaporates at -2 °C (28.4 °F), the
Normally superheat is in the range 5 to 10 °C temperatures involved could, as an example, be
(9 to 18 °F). In the temperature profile shown as shown in Figure 12.1.8 below.
below in Figure 12.1.7, the DX evaporator from
the previous example has had its evaporating
temperature raised from 2 °C (35.6 °F) to 6 °C
(42.8 °F).

Figure 12.1.7: Temperature profile for DX evaporator with higher

evaporation temperature

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Figure 12.1.8: Temperature profile across wall in heat exchanger with 4 °C (7.2 °F) temperature difference

Any heat transfer needs a temperature difference The all-important value is the wall temperature
as a driving force, so the wall temperature on on the water side, which here is at +0.5 °C
the water side is lower than the water bulk (32.9 °F) – above but close to freezing.
temperature, the wall temperature on the
refrigerant side is lower than on the water It would be tempting to run with a lower
side and finally the refrigerant (evaporating) evaporating temperature, since the larger
temperature is lower than the wall temperature temperature difference would mean a smaller
on the refrigerant side. The actual temperature – and cheaper – heat exchanger. However,
differences can be calculated from the heat the lower evaporating temperature shifts
transfer coefficient on the two fluid sides and the wall temperatures on both sides.
the heat conductivity and wall thickness in the
wall. The values given here are just to provide
an example.

Figure 12.1.9: Temperature profile across wall in heat exchanger with 8 °C (14.4 °F) temperature difference

In Figure 12.1.9 above, the temperature this effectively doubles all temperature
difference from evaporating to water outlet differences. Consequently, the wall temperature
temperature has been doubled from 4 °C to on the water side is now -1 °C (30.2 °F) and
8 °C (7.2 to 14.4 °F). With the assumption that the heat exchanger will certainly freeze.
the heat transfer coefficients are constant,

12.2 Plate heat exchangers Plate heat exchangers consist of layers of The channels on a plate are typically formed
metal plates. The metal plates are designed as fishbone shapes. The angle of the fishbone,
as corrugated plates to create small channels the chevron angle or corrugation angle,
between each plate, which make plate heat is an important design parameter for a plate
exchangers very efficient compared to other along with the depth of the corrugations.
heat exchanger types, since a larger surface They determine the length of the path inside
area for heat transfer is obtained. a channel that the fluid must travel. The channel
and path lengths determine the pressure drop
and the heat transfer capacity of the plate
heat exchanger. A fish-bone plate is shown
in Figure 12.2.1.

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Figure 12.2.1: A fishbone plate for a plate heat exchanger

If the corrugation angle is small, the plate is flow path, and the plate is referred to as a short
referred to as a long plate, since the flow path is plate. The flow path for a long and a short plate
long, and a large corrugation angle yields a short is shown in Figure 12.2.2.

Figure 12.2.2: Flow path for a long and short plate

A long flow path on the long plate gives a high The corrugations in the plate are made by cold
heat transfer rate with a high penalty of a high pressing the plates. The pitch depends on the
pressure drop due to the length of the path and pressing depth. A high number of pitches will
changes of flow direction. A short flow path on give narrower channels in the plate and a high
a short plate gives a lower pressure drop but turbulence. Wider channels will yield a lower
also a lower heat transfer rate. turbulence. A plate corrugation principle
diagram is shown in Figure 12.2.3.

Figure 12.2.3: Plate corrugation

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The plates have gaskets mounted at the outer The plates are kept together in a rigid frame to
rim to make the space for the channels between form the flow channels with alternating hot and
the plates and gaskets mounted on the plate to cold fluids as shown in Figure 12.2.4. The thick
keep the fluids from mixing. red front plate in the frame is called a ‘Head’
and the thick back plate is called a ‘Follower’.

Figure 12.2.4: Working principle of a plate heat exchanger

The semi-welded plate heat exchanger shown in The plate thicknesses available are 0.5 mm,
Figure 12.2.4 could be a condenser, as the high- 0.6 mm and 0.7 mm. The thickness of the plates
pressure hot fluid is passed through the welded determines the strength of the plate heat
cassette. exchanger and the maximum operating pressure.
The last plate in the plate rack, the end plate,
The cassettes in a semi-welded plate heat does not usually have connection ports where
exchanger can have various properties fluid runs through as the other plates. When
depending on which type of plates are combined performing evacuation of the system before
into the cassette. The combination of cassette start-up, one should be aware of the vacuum
types that are used in the plate heat exchanger pressure that is applied to the plate heat
will determine the properties of the PHE. Three exchanger. If the connection ports are large,
types of cassettes are used in semi-welded plate an excessively low vacuum pressure can cause
heat exchangers: the area of the connection ports on the end
• Long: Long cassettes consist of two long plates plate to deform permanently. This affects the
that are welded together, giving a high heat strength of the plate heat exchanger and can
transfer rate and a high pressure loss. lead to unwanted and unsafe operation of the
heat exchanger. One should pay attention to the
• Mixed: Mixed cassettes consist of a long plate vacuum pressure that is used to evacuate the
and a short plate that are welded together. system when plate heat exchangers are installed.
• Short: Short cassettes consist of two short Typically, the thickness of the end plate will
plates that are welded together, giving a low be as thick as possible, e.g. 0.7 mm (0.028 in).
pressure drop but also a low heat transfer rate.
An assembled semi-welded plate heat exchanger
It is possible to change the flow direction of is shown in Figure 12.2.5. The plates are kept
a media in the plate heat exchanger by using together by tie bolts that are bolted to the ‘Head’
a multi-pass solution. Changing the flow plate and the ‘Follower’ plate. In addition, the
direction can be beneficial, e.g. for evaporators plates are supported by a guiding bar at the
when running co-current in an evaporation bottom and a carrying bar at the top. The guiding
section to kickstart the evaporation with bar and the carrying bar are bolted to the ‘Head’
a large temperature difference, while running plate and a support column behind the ‘Follower’
counter-current in the superheating section. plate.

The plate materials for semi-welded plates

are typically stainless steel or titanium,
which supports ammonia, HFCs and brines.

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Figure 12.2.5: Assembly of a semi-welded plate heat exchanger

Danfoss can provide plate heat exchangers for gaskets are mounted to seal the flow channel
industrial refrigeration applications, including between each cassette. Semi-welded PHEs
plate heat exchangers for evaporators and can usually handle higher pressures than fully
condensers. gasketed PHEs – up to 40 bar (580 psi) (on the
welded side) and temperatures below 180 °C
Fully gasketed plate heat exchangers: All plates (356 °F). Semi-welded PHEs are typically used
are mounted with gaskets to enclose the heat for heat transfer between refrigerant and brine
transfer area on the plates. Fully gasketed PHEs or refrigerant and refrigerant.
are typically used with water or brine on both
the hot and cold side. Pressure levels are typically Fully welded plate heat exchangers: All plates
below 25 bar (363 psi) temperatures below are welded together to seal the flow channels
150 °C (302 °F). between them. Among fully welded plate heat
exchangers there also exists brazed plate PHE,
Semi-welded plate heat exchangers: Plates which is sealed by copper or nickel melted under
are made in cassettes. Two flow plates are laser- vacuum and fusion-welded PHE, which is made
welded together as a cassette to create a sealed of stainless steel plates that are welded together
flow channel. On the other side of the plate, by fusion.

12.3 Installation of heat It is important to install and use the systems heat Thermosyphon evaporators
exchangers exchangers in a way that does not compromise Thermosyphon evaporators are the most
their efficient and safe operation. critical component with regard to installation.
Thermosyphon evaporators rely on a natural
12.3.1 Evaporators circulation to maintain a sufficient flow of
It is crucial that evaporators are installed in a refrigerant, and if the system does not
correct way, so that pressure loss is minimized, support this, the performance will suffer.
liquid is fed properly and oil in the evaporator A thermosyphon evaporator is shown
is handled to avoid fouling and loss of cooling in Figure 12.3.1 below.

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Figure 12.3.1: Thermosyphon evaporator

High-pressure liquid is fed to the separator (1) heat exchanger with oil. The line from the drop
through an expansion valve (2). Liquid settles leg to the evaporator must slope up towards
at the bottom of the separator and is led to the the heat exchanger and it must be designed to
evaporator (4) through the ‘drop leg’ (3). From have a low speed to allow oil to drain back into
the evaporator, the two-phase return flow is the bottom of the drop pipe where it can be
led through the ‘wet return’ (5) back to the collected.
separator where the liquid part is separated. After
separation, the dry (liquid-free) gas is led to the In some cases, an external vessel is attached
compressor through the suction nozzle (6). The at the bottom of the drop leg to collect oil.
evaporator has two SVA service valves (7) and (8). If automatic oil return is desired, this vessel
can be isolated from the separator by solenoid
Oil drain valves and the oil moved back to the compressor
An oil drain/return valve is located at the bottom through the use of the compressor’s discharge
of the drop leg. It is important to ensure that oil pressure.
stays in the drop leg and does not enter the heat
exchanger. If oil is present in the heat exchanger, An alternative solution often seen is to provide
it creates fouling which reduces the heat transfer a small pipe that collects oil from the bottom
or, in the worst-case scenario, partially fills the of the heat exchanger.

Figure 12.3.2: Oil drain from evaporator

While this will drain oil from the evaporator, The pressure difference between the separator
it is not recommended because it means that and evaporator inlet is thus:
the oil is already in the evaporator. In the ‘port’
– the channel created by the holes in the plates ∆P = ρ . g . ∆H
– the flow can be rather turbulent and the oil
might not be available for collection before Where
a large amount is present in the evaporator. ΔP is the driving pressure (Pa / psi)
Circulation ρ is the liquid density (kg/m3 / ln/ft3)
The height difference between the level in g is the gravity (m/s2 / ft/s2)
the separator and the evaporator inlet is the ΔH is the height difference (m / ft)
driving force for the thermosyphon evaporator.

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This driving pressure needs to be larger than A special challenge in DX evaporators is

the combined pressure loss in the evaporator, the distribution of the refrigerant fed to the
the wet return and the valves in the circuit. evaporators since it is a mixture of gas and liquid.
Depending on the type of evaporator, different
It is recommended that the circuit be designed types of distributors are available, but in general
for a circulation rate of 3, since this provides they have a relatively high pressure loss, which
a safety margin. The system will perform in itself is not a problem, as it does not affect
satisfactorily if the circulation rate drops to 2.5 the performance of the evaporator. However,
because of uncertainties in the calculation, the pressure loss reduces the pressure difference
while if it is calculated at 1.2 and uncertainties available to the expansion device and this needs
give a circulation rate less than 1, performance to be considered when selecting valves.
will not be as expected.
12.3.3 Condensers
The pressure loss in the evaporator is given from
the design of the heat exchanger and is listed Condenser installation depends on the way
in the calculation results. injection to the low-pressure side is controlled.
Note that the terms ‘high-pressure float valve
Pumped evaporators operation’ and ‘low-pressure float valve operation’
refer to the mode of operation, not specifically
For pumped evaporators – very often air the use of a float valve. Both operation modes
coolers or plate freezers – some of the same can be achieved by using level switches/
considerations for thermosyphon evaporators transmitters and a normal expansion valve.
should also be taken for pumped evaporators.
The driving pressure, however, is secured by a
pump. The wet return still needs to be designed High-pressure float valve operation
according to the riser rules, but rather than High-pressure float valve operation is expansion
hindering circulation, the primary problem of of the liquid immediately after the condenser.
a riser in a pumped system is the pressure loss. Any variation in the charge volume due to
An excessive pressure loss will increase the variations in capacity must be handled at the
evaporating temperature in the evaporator low-pressure side, e.g. in a liquid separator. Since
and thus reduce capacity. the flow after the expansion valve is two-phase,
it is not suitable for distribution to more than one
location and thus it is primarily used in systems
12.3.2 DX evaporators with only one low-pressure separator,
DX, or direct expansion, signifies that the such as a chiller unit.
expansion valve feeds the evaporator directly
from the high-pressure side. The amount High-pressure float valves are usually mounted
of refrigerant expanded to an evaporator is immediately after the condenser and as such
traditionally controlled by superheat. Usually a pose no special problems with regard to
superheat of 5 to 10K (9 to 18 °F) is desired to condenser installation.
ensure that all refrigerant is evaporated. Failure
to do so can result in compressor damage from Low-pressure float valve operation
either liquid hammer (attempt at compressing Low-pressure float valve operation controls
liquid) or poor lubrication from refrigerant the expansion of the condensed liquid to
in the oil. keep a given level in one or more low-pressure
separators. Any variation of the charge volume
Typically, DX evaporators are used in CO2 and due to variations in capacity must be handled
HFC systems, primarily in air coolers, but also in on the high-pressure side, e.g. in a receiver.
chillers. In R717 systems, DX has not been used
to a great extent due to difficulties with control To ensure proper functioning of a condenser in
of the injection of refrigerant. However, in recent a low-pressure float valve system, the installation
years the problem has been worked on and must be correct.
a solution is perhaps within reach.

The refrigerant injected into a DX evaporator is

partially evaporated from the flashing process,
so the speed in the evaporator channels is
high from the start, as opposed to a flooded
evaporator where it is 100% liquid and the speed
is low. That results in higher heat transfer in the
first part of the evaporator, however since the
evaporator needs to superheat the evaporated
refrigerant it has another zone with low heat
transfer (and lower temperature difference).
Overall, the DX evaporator often needs a higher
media to evaporating temperature difference
to cope with the superheating zone which
makes it less efficient than a flooded evaporator.

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Figure 12.3.3: Low-pressure float valve operation with connection to bottom of receiver

The compressor (1) delivers discharge gas to the However, the installation of the equalization line
condenser (2) that condenses the gas into liquid, short-circuits the condenser. The condenser will
which is stored in the receiver (3) until a demand have a pressure loss and therefore, the pressure
from the low-pressure side requires re-filling in the outlet of the condenser will be lower than
through the expansion valve (4). the pressure in the receiver, restricting the flow
to the receiver. To counter this, a drop leg (6) on
During times where the expansion valve is the outlet of the condenser must be used. The
closed, the condenser will still produce liquid that drop leg must have a liquid trap at the bottom
needs to flow into the receiver. However, adding to allow liquid to build up in the drop leg. This
a certain volume of liquid requires the removal liquid build-up will provide a positive pressure
of the same volume of gas from the receiver. that counters the pressure drop in the condenser.
Otherwise the pressure in the condenser will The height of the drop leg must be larger than
increase to compress the gas in the receiver or the pressure loss in the condenser, expressed
the liquid will accumulate in the condenser. Both in metres of liquid. In the diagram above in
situations lead to an undesirable operation of the Figure 12.3.3, the liquid trap is secured through
condenser (and compressor). To remove gas from entering the receiver from the bottom, using
the receiver, an equalization line (5) is added, the liquid level in the receiver as the top level.
allowing gas to pass back to the condenser and An alternative solution is to enter the receiver
securing free flow of liquid into the receiver. through the top while having an external liquid
trap, as depicted below.

Figure 12.3.4: Low-pressure float valve operation with connection to top of receiver

Especially in the case of multiple condensers

or multiple circuits in a single condenser, it is
essential that these guidelines are followed.

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Figure 12.3.5: Low-pressure float valve operation with parallel connected condensers

Note that the condenser outlets are not 12.3.4 Oil coolers
collected until after the liquid trap. This allows The oil coolers described in this section are either
the condensers to even out their pressure loss brine/water or refrigerant-cooled. Air-cooled oil
individually. If the two condensers are of a coolers are shown in chapter 6.
different size/construction or one is more fouled
than the other, they will have a different pressure Brine/water-cooled oil coolers often deliver
loss. Connecting these at outlet level will result the oil cooling load to a heat recovery system,
in liquid accumulating in the one with the lowest but it is also common to disperse the oil cooling
pressure loss, reducing capacity. load in a separate air-cooled cooling tower.
Brine/water cooled oil coolers pose no special
Note that the use of individual drop legs is also problems to install.
necessary for high-pressure float valve operation
in the case of multiple condensers/circuits.

Figure 12.3.6: Brine/water cooled oil cooler

The (screw) compressors (1) discharge gas Refrigerant-cooled oil coolers are often
contains oil, which is separated in the oil referred to as ‘thermosyphon oil coolers’
separator (2). This oil is led to the oil cooler (3) as the evaporative circuit employs the
where it is cooled by a water/glycol flow. A 3-way thermosyphon principle.
valve (4) regulates the temperature of the oil
passed to the compressor as the capacity of
the oil cooler might be too high with varying
compressor loads or condensing temperatures.

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Figure 12.3.7: Thermosyphon oil cooler

The oil circuit is the same as for the brine/ pressure (corresponding to the pressure loss
water-cooled oil coolers. The cooler is cooled in the condenser) than the liquid before the
by evaporation of liquid from the condenser. expansion valve. A drop leg similar to the low-
This liquid is evaporated at condensing pressure float valve installation is necessary and,
pressure/temperature and passed back to the on top of that, there must be a driving height
compressor’s discharge line to be re-condensed to drive the thermosyphon function of the oil
in the condenser. Alternatively, the oil cooler cooler.
can return the partly evaporated refrigerant to
the receiver. However, this requires the pressure 12.3.5 De-superheaters
equalization line between the receiver and the
compressor’s discharge line to be dimensioned The primary consideration for a de-superheater
to take the gas flow. is to have as little pressure loss as possible, as this
increases the compressor’s discharge pressure
The evaporating side of these thermosyphon which results in increased power consumption.
oil coolers requires the same considerations as
a thermosyphon evaporator. The driving force A secondary consideration is to avoid
is a height difference from the liquid level in the condensation in the de-superheater. If the water/
receiver and the pressure losses are again the brine heated in the de-superheater is colder
pressure loss in the evaporator (oil cooler) and than the condensing temperature, it is possible
the wet return line. As before, the wet return line to condense some of the refrigerant in the
needs to be calculated as a riser. de-superheater. It is recommended to avoid
running with such low water temperatures.
Note that it is necessary to provide the oil cooler If it is not possible, then the de-superheater
with a ‘priority’. If the low-pressure system is should be designed in such a way that
demanding liquid and no priority is supplied, condensed liquid can drain from the heat
then the oil cooler might run dry, which results exchanger and not be built up inside. In addition,
in no oil cooling. No oil cooling is naturally the piping from the de-superheater should
a problem for the compressor. Usually a priority slope down towards the condenser, hindering
volume of refrigerant liquid is calculated from the condensed refrigerant from settling in
what the oil cooler evaporates in 5 to 7 minutes. undesirable places.
The priority can be secured by having the
receiver outlet for the low-pressure system raised 12.3.6 Subcoolers
above the bottom of the receiver, or by adding Similar to the de-superheater, a subcooler
a separate vessel that is filled by the condenser is not critical with regard to installation.
before the receiver gets any liquid, the former The primary consideration is to avoid having
method being illustrated in Figure 12.3.7. too large a pressure loss on the refrigerant side.
If the pressure loss (in °C or F) exceeds the
Thermosyphon oil coolers are rarely seen on subcooling (in °C or F) provided by the subcooler,
high-pressure float valve systems since there the refrigerant will ‘flash’ causing problems
is no receiver to supply liquid. It is possible to for expansion valves downstream.
mount a priority vessel between the condenser
and the expansion valve, however careful
consideration needs to be made to counter
the pressure loss in the condenser, since the oil
cooler needs to return the evaporated refrigerant
back to the discharge line, which is at a higher

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12.3.7 Economizers In many cases the economizer pressure is

Economizers can be of the ‘open’ or ‘closed’ type. controlled by a suction pressure regulation to
For both types the pressure in these are a balance be above what the economizer port dictates.
between the capacity of the economizer and It is, of course, not possible to go below what
how much the compressor’s economizer port the economizer port dictates.
can absorb.
The simplest form of economizer is the ‘open’
The economizer port is located physically in the economizer, which is a vessel (3) to which the
screw compressor after the compression has condenser (2) liquid is flashed from condensing
(just) started. As such, the pressure between pressure to economizer pressure. The gas
the screw compressor’s rotors is higher than developed by this flashing is passed to the
suction pressure and to be able to feed additional economizer port. The liquid, at economizer
gas in between the rotors, the pressure in the temperature, is flashed once again to the low-
economizer port needs to be higher still. The pressure side. The benefit of this type is that
higher the economizer port pressure, the more it is a very simple vessel, the temperature
gas can be absorbed by the port. On the other of the liquid to the low-pressure side is the
hand, the port pressure equates to a saturation lowest possible, but the downside is that the
(evaporating) temperature in the economizer, liquid to the low-pressure side is at a lower
which again with a higher pressure means a pressure, requiring a larger expansion valve.
lower capacity.

Figure 12.3.8: Open economizer with bleed line

In contrast, the ‘closed’ economizer is a heat to the compressor’s (1) economizer port.
exchanger (3) that cools the condenser (2) liquid In the below diagram, the economizer heat
at condensing pressure. To perform the cooling exchanger is a thermosyphon evaporator,
duty, a part of the condenser liquid is flashed but a DX version can be used if suitable.
to economizer pressure, evaporated and passed

Figure 12.3.9: Closed economizer

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The benefit of the closed economizer is that the A simple solenoid in the economizer suction
liquid to the low-pressure side is at condensing line is not appropriate for an open economizer.
pressure and thus the expansion devices can The entire refrigerant flow is flashed to the
be smaller than with an open economizer. economizer vessel, and when the pressure is
The downside is that the liquid temperature below condensing pressure, the gas developed
cannot reach the temperatures achieved with during the flashing will increase the pressure
an open economizer, since a temperature until it is at or just below the condensing
difference needs to exist in the heat exchanger. pressure. This makes it impossible for the
Because of this, the closed economizer is a little expansion valve between the condenser and
less efficient than an open type. economizer to deliver enough flow. Therefore,
a separate bleed line is needed to dispense of
One important thing to know about screw the flash gas to the suction line. The bleed line
compressor economizer ports is that if the must contain valves that secure an appropriate
compressor is capacity-regulated using slide economizer pressure for both expansion
valves, the economizer port will be exposed to valves to function. Compared to not having an
the suction side very shortly after the compressor economizer, the total impact of this installation
regulates down from 100%. This has two on the compressor will be zero. The amount
important implications. The economizer pressure of gas flashed to the suction line is countered
will drop to suction pressure, which is very bad by a lower temperature of the liquid passed
for the open economizer, since the pressure to the evaporators.
difference between the economizer vessel and
the suction side is zero. This means that no flow However, if a side load is run in parallel with the
will pass through the expansion devices from the economizer, it is either not possible or ineffective
economizer to the low-pressure side. The closed to stop the economizer. Stopping a closed
economizer will have an increased capacity. economizer will stop the side load as well, while
In addition, the economizer will load the suction with an open economizer, stopping it will move
port, meaning that there is less flow available the side load to the suction side, which is much
for actual evaporation on the low-pressure side. less efficient.

Naturally, these problems do not occur it the The screw compressor’s rotor ‘lobes’ pass the
compressor is VFD (variable frequency drive) economizer port while shifting from one ‘channel’
controlled only. to another within the compressor. This results
in oscillations in the economizer pressure,
Usually economizers are fitted with valves in the which can result in undesirable effects such as
economizer suction line to control the pressure, valve oscillation. To counter this, a damper can
to start/stop the economizer and to avoid the be fitted that reduces these oscillations and
above problems. In some instances, it is not thereby reduces the strain put on the economizer
desirable to use all the capacity available on system. This is described in chapter 2.5 regarding
the economizer port and thus a simple suction economizer line pulsation damping units.
pressure regulation is employed. With open
economizers on slide valve-controlled systems, 12.3.8 Superheaters
it is necessary to control the minimum pressure
in the economizer to ensure a minimum pressure Superheaters use cooling from the condenser
difference for the expansion valves. This can be liquid to heat the suction gas for the compressor
implementing through a minimum pressure, to provide security of dry suction gas.
assuming suction pressure does not rise above
a certain value, or a pressure difference to the Like subcoolers and de-superheaters,
suction pressure. the pressure loss in these heat exchangers
is important with regard to system efficiency,
Finally, it can be desirable to start and stop the but apart from that the installation poses
economizer according to the operation of the few problems.
system. The closed economizer is easily stopped
with a solenoid in the economizer suction line.
It is necessary to consider the pressure loss in the
heat exchanger compared to the (anticipated)
subcooling from the condenser to avoid flash
gas before the expansion valve.

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