Business Technical Coomunication Skill
Business Technical Coomunication Skill
Business Technical Coomunication Skill
Lecture: 04
Subject Code: 1101
Credit: 04
Subject Title SKILLS
No of Marks
Modules Topic and Details Lectures Weight
Assigned age %
Basics of Communication:
Objectives and functions of Communication, Nature
and scope of Communication in organizational setting,
1 Formal and Informal Communication, Oral and
Written Communication, Verbal and Non-verbal
Communication Listening
Basics of English Language:
UNIT-I Importance of English in modern times, Parts of speech 36
Tenses, Types of Sentences, Vocabulary building
Paragraph building, Summarizing, Problems of Written
2 Communication: Errors of spellings, grammar, 10
punctuation, improper sentence construction, literal
translation, faulty formatting etc.
Problems of Oral Communication: Confused words,
stress, accent, pitch, errors due to regionality etc
Oral Communication:
Group discussion, Extempore speech, Mock interviews
3 10
Reading aloud editorials of newspapers, articles etc.
before an audience
UNIT-II Preparing a Presentation: 30
Factors to be considered before making a presentation
(Who, Why, Where, When, How), Psychological
4 5
Preparation, Preparing Written Material, Preparing
Visual Aids , Making the Presentation, Factors affecting
the Presentation, Speaking faults in presentations
UNIT-III 5 Principles of Letter writing, Sales letters, Credit letters, 7 14
Collection letters, Complaint Letters
Job Applications
6 4 8
UNIT-IV Resumes
7 Report writing: 6 12
Total 50 100