Dive Into Deep Learning Fundamental Walkthrough 1638714338

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A Quick Dive into Deep Learning


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Deep learning is a popular and rapidly growing area of machine learning. Deep learning
algorithms are a family of machine learning algorithms that use multi-layer artificial
neural networks (ANNs) to perform classification tasks. An artificial neural network is a
network of artificial neurons, loosely modeled after a network of animal neurons. An
artificial neuron takes a series of inputs (here, x₁ through xₙ), usually assigning each input a
weight. It sums them, passing the sum through some type of non-linear function. Then it
produces an output (here, y).

Diagram of an artificial neuron. Image mine.

In an artificial neural network, the artificial neurons are very specifically ordered in layers.
Neurons in each layer are only connected to neurons in adjacent layers. A neuron in a layer
can receive inputs from many other neurons in the previous layer and can pass its output to
many other neurons in the next layer. The first layer of a neural network, taking input from
outside, is called the input layer. The last layer, sending the final output, is called the
output layer. Between the input layer and the output later are one or more hidden layers.

Diagram of a multilayer neural network. Image from M. Nielsen, Neural Networks and Deep Learning

So now, we’ll do our first hands-on exercise to demonstrate how artificial neural networks are
implemented. This artificial neural network will be very, very simple — much simpler than if
it were used in a real-world application. In fact, it will be made up of only one neuron, with
three inputs and one output. Open a Jupyter notebook in Python 3, and away we go.

First, we describe what the neuron would be like when it is created. The three inputs are
stored in a 3 x 1 matrix and assigned random weights. The weights are adjusted after

from numpy import array, dot, exp, randomclass Neuron(): def __init__(self):
random.seed(15) self.weights = 2 * random.random((3, 1)) - 1

These weighted inputs will be passed through a sigmoid function, which produces an S-
shaped curve. Put the code for the sigmoid function in class Neuron, along with the code for
the sigmoid function’s derivative — the gradient of the sigmoid curve, a measure of our
confidence about the existing weight.

def __sigmoid(self, x): return 1 / (1 + exp(-x))def __sigmoid_derivative(self, x):

return x * (1 - x)

To run the neural network, we pass our inputs through it, allowing them to be transformed
by the sigmoid function. The method to run the neural network also belongs in class Neuron.

def run(self, inputs): return self.__sigmoid(dot(inputs, self.weights))

And finally, we train the neural network by running it through many iterations, calculating
the discrepancy between the predicted and actual output value (the error), and adjusting the
weights accordingly. The method for training the network is the final method to go into class

def train(self, training_inputs, training_outputs, iterations): for iteration in

range(training_iterations): output = self.run(training_inputs) error =
training_outputs - output confidence = error *
self.__sigmoid_derivative(output) adjustment = dot(training_inputs.T,
confidence) self.weights += adjustment

So here is the full class Neuron. Make sure you properly indent each method and loop —
Python is one of the few programming languages where the interpreter will not even be able
to read code without the proper indentation.

class Neuron(): def __init__(self): random.seed(15) self.weights = 2
* random.random((3, 1)) - 1 def __sigmoid(self, x): return 1 / (1 + exp(-

def __sigmoid_derivative(self, x):

return x * (1 - x)

def run(self, inputs): return self.__sigmoid(dot(inputs,

self.weights)) def train(self, training_inputs, training_outputs, iterations):
for iteration in range(iterations): output = self.run(training_inputs)
error = training_outputs - output confidence = error *
self.__sigmoid_derivative(output) adjustment = dot(training_inputs.T,
confidence) self.weights += adjustment

Train the neural network by running it 10,000 times, as follows.

if __name__ == "__main__": network = Neuron() print("Random starting weights:

") print(network.weights) inputs = array([[0, 0, 1], [1, 1, 1], [1, 0, 1], [0,
1, 1]]) expected_outputs = array([[0, 1, 1, 0]]).T network.train(inputs,
expected_outputs, 10000) print("New weights after training: ")
print(network.weights) # Test the neural network with new input. print("Test of
input [1, 0, 0] -> ?: ") print(network.run(array([1, 0, 0])))

You should print the following:

Random starting weights: [[ 0.69763539] [-0.64220815] [-0.89127357]]New weights after

training: [[ 9.67341006] [-0.20852727] [-4.62943754]]Test of input [1, 0, 0] -> ?:

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Congratulations! You have just built and run your very first neural network. I hope you
enjoyed your first foray into the world of deep learning, and you want more.


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