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Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

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Assessment of new solar radiation nowcasting methods based on sky-camera

and satellite imagery
Francisco J. Rodríguez-Benítez a,b , Miguel López-Cuesta a,b , Clara Arbizu-Barrena a,b ,
María M. Fernández-León c , Miguel Á. Pamos-Ureña a,b , Joaquín Tovar-Pescador a,b ,
Francisco J. Santos-Alamillos d , David Pozo-Vázquez a,b ,∗
Andalusian Institute for Earth System Research IISTA-CEAMA, Spain
Department of Physics, University of Jaen, 23071, Jaen, Spain
Energy Management, Area of Meteorology, Abengoa Solar, Seville, Spain
Department of Applied Physics, University of Cadiz, Polytechnic School of Engineering, Algeciras, Spain


Keywords: This work proposes and evaluates methods for extending the forecasting horizon of all-sky imager (ASI)-
Solar energy based solar radiation nowcasts and estimating the uncertainty of these predictions. In addition, we evaluated
Solar irradiance nowcasting procedures for improving the temporal resolution and latency of satellite-imagery-derived solar nowcasts. Based
Short-term solar irradiance forecasting
on these contributions, we assessed the reliability of ASIs and satellite-derived solar radiation nowcasts, with
All-sky imagers (ASI)
1-min time-resolution and up-to-90-min ahead. The study was conducted in a location in Southern Spain using
MSG satellite images
a set of cloudy days, specifically selected as representative of the most challenging conditions regarding solar
radiation nowcasting. The results reveal that the use of ASI-based models provide low benefits compared to
the use of satellite-based models for point solar radiation nowcasting. Given the frequency of occurrence of the
different sky types in the study area, the results suggest that the use of a simple smart persistence algorithm,
in combination with a low-resolution satellite nowcasting model could be an adequate choice, avoiding the
challenges associated with the use of ASIs.

1. Introduction 1.1. Solar forecasting methods

Considerable effort has been made along the last decades to develop Solar forecasting methods can be classified according to three fore-
solar energy as a real alternative to the conventional energy generation casting horizons: nowcasting (mostly related to the first hour), short-
system. There are two main technologies: solar thermal electricity term forecasting (which accounts for forecasts up to 6 h ahead) and
(STE) and solar photovoltaic (PV) energy; many countries have already forecasting (forecasts of up to days ahead). The techniques and proce-
reached a notable solar share in their energy mixes, and an important dures associated with these methods, as well as the spatial and temporal
growth is expected in the near future [1]. resolutions of the resulting forecasts, are essentially different [7–9].
Contrary to conventional power, solar electricity generation is con- Nowcasting accounts for methods aimed at providing solar fore-
ditioned by weather, thus being highly intermittent. The solar cycle and casts for the next minutes ahead, with very high spatial and temporal
the intermittency of transient clouds and aerosol lead to a considerable resolutions. The reference methods are based on the use of all-sky
imagers (ASI) [10]. Notably, ASI nowcasts are obtained by processing
variability of the yield of solar power plants on a wide range of tem-
consecutive images captured by these devices. The comparison of the
poral scales, particularly in minutes-to-hours. This poses serious issues
images allows deriving the so-called Cloud Motion Vectors (CMVs) of
regarding solar power plant management and yield integration into the
the clouds. Given the CMVs field, the future position of the clouds can
electricity grid [2,3]. Prior knowledge of the expected power output
be estimated by simple advection (frozen cloud hypothesis). Then, a
and its variability can help mitigate these problems [4,5]. Therefore,
clear-sky model is used to compute the Global Horizontal Irradiance
the development of accurate solar radiation forecasting methods has
(GHI) and the Direct Normal Irradiance (DNI) predictions. Nowcast-
become an essential research topic [6].
ing horizons depend on the velocity of cloud displacement and their

∗ Corresponding author at: Department of Physics, University of Jaen, 23071, Jaen, Spain.
E-mail address: [email protected] (D. Pozo-Vázquez).

Received 27 November 2020; Received in revised form 5 March 2021; Accepted 16 March 2021
Available online 9 April 2021
0306-2619/© 2021 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

base height. ASI-based methods may provide solar nowcasts of very of the procedure is an expanded cloud view area, larger than those
high spatial (order of meters) and temporal (order of minutes) reso- obtained by a single camera.
lutions [11]. The latency of the forecasts may also be very high (about On the other hand, satellite-based nowcasting may provide predic-
1 min or even higher). ASI-based nowcasting has gained notable atten- tions at longer forecasting horizons and over extensive areas. Neverthe-
tion in the last decade [12–15]. Nevertheless, its reliability is relatively less, its spatial resolution and latency are coarser than in the ASI case.
low [16], since the processes involved in deriving the nowcasts are For instance, for the images of MSG standard visible channels 1 and
prone to many uncertainties [17]. 2, the nominal spatial resolution is about 3 × 3 km in the nadir, with
Reference methods to obtain short-term solar predictions are based a latency of 15 min [20]. The latency is limited by the time needed
on satellite imagery processing [18]. Cloud index (CI) images, com- to acquire a full Earth disc image by the SEVIRI device, on board the
puted by the Heliosat-2 method [19], are firstly derived from the geo- MSG satellite. The SEVIRI device has an additional broadband high-
stationary satellite Meteosat Second Generation (MSG) [20] operated resolution visible (HRV) channel, which covers only a part of the Earths
by the European Organization for the Exploitation of Meteorological full disc, allowing for a higher nominal spatial resolution (1 × 1 km
Satellites (EUMETSAT). Then, consecutive CI images are compared to in the nadir). Sirch et al. [41] used MSG HRV images to derive high
derive the CMVs, revealing the underlying atmospheric flow. Finally, a resolution DNI nowcasts. Galluci et al. [42] reported that the use of
clear-sky model is used to derive the solar radiation forecasts [21]. The- HRV images provides enhanced solar irradiance estimates. Thus far, the
oretically, the forecast horizon can be extended beyond 6 h, although, use of HRV images for solar nowcasting has not been properly assessed.
in practice, after 4–6 h, the forecasting skill of these methods is low
compared to other approaches based on Numerical Weather Prediction 1.3. Research objective
(NWP) models [22]. Satellite short-term forecasts have a typical spatial
resolution of a few kilometers and a temporal resolution and latency of To summarize, ASIs and satellite images can be used to derive
15 min. solar nowcasts, with both approaches presenting some advantages and
As solar radiation measured datasets are progressively available, drawbacks. Moreover, the characteristics of these methods make it
data-driven forecasting methods have become increasingly popular. difficult to compare them to each other. The main contributions of this
These methods are applicable to all forecasting horizons, although they work are:
are mostly used in 1-h-ahead forecasting studies. For instance, Amaro
1. The proposal of two new methods for extending the temporal
et al. [23] used real-time measurements from a network of irradiance
horizon of the ASI-based nowcasting up to 90 min ahead, match-
sensors to obtain spatio-temporal correlations from which to derive
ing that of the satellite-based predictions. The methodology is
short-term GHI forecasts. Similar approaches have been proposed, using
based on the synergetic use of a set of three co-located ASIs.
real-time power data from a set of PV-systems [24]. A main drawback
2. The proposal of a new approach aimed at increasing (up to
of these methods is that they are constrained by the availability of
1 min) the temporal resolution and latency of the satellite-based
measured data. Recently, the use of satellite-derived information has
nowcasting, matching the latency of ASI-based predictions. The
been proposed to overcome this problem [25].
method is intended both for the MSG 1 and 2 (low resolution)
and HRV (high resolution) channels.
1.2. ASI versus satellite image-based nowcasting methods
3. The assessment of potential advantages of using HRV satellite
images, instead of more standard low-resolution ones, for solar
Despite its still limited accuracy, ASI-based solar nowcast has proved
its usefulness in several applications, such as the management of STE
4. The assessment of the relative performance of ASI and satellite-
plants [26] or diesel-PV-battery off-grid power systems [27,28]. In a
based GHI and DNI nowcasts under cloudy skies.
recent work, Anagnostos et al. [29] proposed the use of ASI-based
nowcasts to provide PV generation forecasts for grid integration. The study was conducted in the area of a STE plant located in
Short-term forecasting has also been successfully used for the man- Southern Spain, using data of a set of days covering different cloudy-sky
agement of STE [30] and PV plants [31]. Other fruitful applications conditions. The ASI and the two satellite approaches were benchmarked
are the scheduling of storage integrated with PV systems for self- using a smart persistence model. To the best of our knowledge, this is
consumption [32]; the management of microgrids [33]; the participa- the first study to make a direct comparison between ASI and satellite-
tion of PV [34,35] and STE [36] plants in the energy market and power based nowcasting. A study is also carried out on the performance of the
grid operation [37]. different models in the forecasting of the PV solar energy.
In the last years, the interest in solar nowcasting has increased, due This paper is organized as follows: Section 2 describes the ground
to the expected massive deployment of solar PV energy. For instance, and remote sensing dataset used. Section 3 presents the methods and
the management of PV systems at the residential scale requires high the assessment procedure. In Sections 4 and 5 the results are presented
spatial and temporal resolution of PV generation forecasts [38]. In and discussed, respectively. Finally, in Section 6, some conclusions are
general, PV forecasts are important to manage distribution networks, proposed.
micro grids and smart homes, especially when active demand, storage
and electric vehicles may coexist with PV generation [39]. 2. Experimental setup and database
Solar nowcasting can be derived either from ASI or satellite images
(in addition to data-driven methods). Although these methods are All the measurements and ASI images used in this study were
qualitatively similar, the characteristics of computed nowcasting show collected at the Abengoa Solar Platform of Solúcar (6.25 W, 37.44
significant differences related to the spatial and temporal resolution N) (Fig. 1). The platform is located in the southwest of the Iberian
of the images and their spatial coverage. ASI-based nowcasting can Peninsula, near Seville, with an average altitude of 40 meters above
provide high spatial and temporal (1 min) nowcasts, with high latency sea level. It includes STE and PV commercial plants (Abengoa Solar
(1 min), but the temporal horizon is limited to less than 15 min in operation of 183 MW), pilot plants and research laboratories. The
most cases (below the first forecasting horizon of the satellite-based dataset covers 43 days from June to October 2015 and includes ASI
nowcasting, which is 15 min). Some attempts have been made to extend images collected simultaneously by three cameras, cloud base heights
the nowcasting horizon. For instance, Peng et al. [40] proposed a (CBHs) derived from a ceilometer and GHI and DNI measurements from
method for cloud detection and tracking based on machine learning the validation station. Figs. 1 and 2a show the location of the different
procedures applied to images reported by several ASIs. A byproduct measurement devices within the platform.

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

2.3. Ceilometer

Fifteen-second CBH raw measurements are collected from a Jenop-

tik CHM 15k Nimbus ceilometer (see location in Fig. 1) configured
to discern up to three different cloud layers. The procedure described
in [46] is applied to derive one-minute CBH values. This procedure
uses a 10min-moving-average window in order to palliate the CBH
measurement fluctuations of the raw ceilometer signal.

2.4. Satellite retrievals

MSG SEVIRI standard visible channels 1, 2 and HRV images, all with
a latency of 15 min, are used to derive satellite nowcasts. Raw images
are transformed according to an azimuthal equidistant projection. As a
result, the channels 1 and 2 images have a spatial resolution of 5 × 5
km, while that of the HRV channel images is 1 × 1 km.
CI estimates are derived from channels 1 and 2 images based on the
Fig. 1. Study area and location of the plant (top left Figure). Spatial arrangement of Heliosat-2 method [19]. A similar adapted procedure is applied to the
the three cameras, the ceilometer and the evaluation radiometric station. HRV channel in order to derive the CI images.

3. Methods
Along this work, the nowcasts were evaluated on a set of days char-
acterized by different cloudy-sky conditions. To this end, the samples This section describes the different methods used to derive the now-
of the dataset were divided according to the type of clouds observed in casts. The section presents, separately, the methods used for deriving
the ASI images at the time the forecast was issued. the ASI-based nowcasts, the satellite-based nowcasts and the evaluation
procedure. At the end of the section, the methodology used to evaluate
Clouds can be classified according to different criteria (base height,
the performance of the models in the forecasting of the solar PV energy
sky coverage, meteorological process, etc.). In this article, the classifi-
is described.
cation criterion used refers to the influence of the clouds on the solar
radiation at the earth surface. For the DNI, cloud-related attenuation is
3.1. ASI methods
a function of the cloud type, CBHs and sun zenithal angle [43]. For the
GHI, attenuation depends, additionally, on the sky fraction covered by
The procedures involved in ASI-based GHI and DNI nowcasts are
the clouds [44]. In this work, the dataset is divided into altocumulus, explained in this subsection. Fig. 2 provides a visual guideline of the
cirrocumulus, cumulus and stratocumulus skies, which are part of the different steps of these procedures.
cumuliform cloud type, i.e., clouds with a certain vertical structure
that appears in patches in the sky and are caused by convection. An 3.1.1. ASI setup and image distortion correction estimation
additional group named multi-cloud sky conditions, and which account The location of the three ASIs, the ceilometer and the evaluation
for cases when several types of clouds are observed in the same image, station is displayed in Fig. 2a. In order to allocate the image features,
was also evaluated. The samples were classified based on the ASI the relative position of the ASIs has to be known. The captured raw im-
images and the ceilometer information. The shape of cumuliform clouds ages contain suitable information just from the area around the center
and, in some cases, their relatively fast movement, make solar radiation of the camera-sensor (hereinafter called camera center). In addition,
nowcasting specially challenging when the sky is covered with these this information is captured mostly with a radial distortion, which
cloud types. The next subsections describe each feature of the dataset. makes pixels close to the camera center account for a smaller area of
the sky than those close to the edges (see top of Fig. 2b). There are
different approaches to estimate and correct this distortion [47]. In this
2.1. Ground-based GHI and DNI measurements
study, we used the method proposed by Marquez and Coimbra [12].
This method relates the theoretical sun zenith angle and the distance
The nowcasting method was assessed using one-minute GHI and between the camera center and sun center position in the raw image to
DNI measurements collected along 43 days from June to October 2015 derive a polynomial transformation. Since the three ASIs share the same
at the radiometric station indicated in Fig. 1. The total number of sam- hardware, the same polynomial distortion model was used. However,
ples used in the study was 12,572. This station includes an Eppley Black due to potential differences in the mechanical assembling, the camera
& White, Model 8-48 pyranometer and a WMO Secondary Standard/ISO center and the area of useful information in the raw images turned out
Highest Precision Eppley NIP pyrheliometer. Raw data are quality- to be slightly different.
check analyzed according to the procedures defined by [45], related to
physically possible and extremely rare limits. Raw data corresponding 3.1.2. Image georeferentiation
to a solar zenith angle greater than 75◦ are discarded by this procedure. The purpose of the georeferentiation method is two-fold: to crop a
reliable portion of the distortion-corrected sky image and to derive a
size estimation for each pixel (length/pixel ratio). In the raw image,
2.2. ASI system
each pixel is linked to a radius–zenith angle position, with the radius
being the distance from each pixel to the camera center. With the aim of
The ASI system consists of a set of three commercial low-cost video- correcting the radial distortion, this radius is transformed by applying
surveillance cameras (model Axis M3007-PV) (Figs. 1 and 2a). The the conversion explained in the previous section. The procedure, graph-
distances between ASI cameras are 1, 1.84, and 2.4 km. The distances ically described in Fig. 2b, has two constrains. Firstly, due to the radial
from the ASI cameras to the radiometric evaluation station are 3.4, distortion, the accuracy of the transformation model decreases with the
4.2, and 3.6 km. Images are taken simultaneously every minute. The distance from the camera center. Secondly, due to the geometric issues,
cameras provide raw (2592 × 1944 pixels) JPEG RGB image files. clouds might hide the information behind them. This effect increase

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

Fig. 2. Outline of the proposed ASI-based GHI and DNI nowcasting procedures. The procedures can be decomposed in six sequential steps: (a) raw measures gathering, (b) image
georeferentiation, (c) cloud detections by image segmentation, (d) CMV field computations, and finally, (e) DNI and (f) GHI forecasting.

near the horizon where, for instance, the space between clouds might values, corresponding mostly to the sun, appear in black. This is a clear
not be shown under broken sky conditions. In order to palliate these case of a bimodal image, as observed in the histogram image (Fig. 3b).
limitations, the distortion correction is only applied for a maximum The high color contrast in the free areas between clouds eases the cloud
field of view (FOV) angle of 130◦ . The length/pixel ratio calculation detection procedure. The methodology applied to this image provides
does not depend on the raw-image distortion-correction step. To derive a slightly positive threshold value (vertical red line Fig. 3b), which
this ratio, we applied the trigonometric relations shown at the bottom clearly separates the cloudy pixels from the cloud-free pixels. The final
of Fig. 2b. Note the dependence of the length/pixel ratio on the CBH cloud analysis is displayed in Fig. 3c. Similarly, Fig. 4 shows the cloud
estimation, which was measured based on the ceilometer information. detection procedure for a cirrocumulus sky image. The performance
of the cloud detection produce for this type of skies is particularly
3.1.3. Cloud detection valuable. As observed in Fig. 4a, the color contrast in some areas of
The following step in the procedure (Fig. 2c) is the classification of the raw image is relatively low, making the cloud detection procedure
each pixel in the image as being cloudy, clear sky or null value. The challenging for this type of skies. Nevertheless, the method provides an
latter is reserved for burned pixels, null areas and situations where the appropriate threshold value (Fig. 4b), which results in a realistic cloud
distinction between cloudy and clear sky pixels might not be possible. analysis image (Fig. 4c).
The cloud detection method here used is based on Li et al. [48].
Firstly, this method transforms the input color cloud image into a
3.1.4. Cloud motion vector for all-sky camera images
normalized blue/red channel ratio image. Then, it identifies the ra-
tio image as either unimodal or bimodal according to its standard The CMV method estimates the cloud displacement through the
deviation. Finally, a minimum cross entropy thresholding algorithm comparison of two consecutive images (Fig. 2d). There are different
is applied to the bimodal images. As a result, a threshold value is approaches to derive the CMV field. In this study, we used the Deep
obtained, which allows identifying cloud-free and cloudy pixels in the Flow algorithm [50]. This method combines an approach for large
image. The advantage of this method is that the threshold is not fixed displacement optical flow [51] with a matching algorithm. As a result,
beforehand, but derived specifically for each image. This cloud detec- each vector within the resulting CMV field represents the displacement
tion methodology has proved to be one of the best [49]. In this work, suffered by the pixel in the input images. The Deep Flow approach
this method was applied with two modifications. Firstly, a normalized is independently applied to the grayscale distortion-corrected pair of
blue–red difference score was used, instead of the normalized blue/red images captured by each camera. Thus, for each observation, three
ratio. Secondly, the threshold between cloudy and clear sky pixels CMV fields are computed. However, due to the relatively limited view
was obtained by applying a two-group K-Means clustering algorithm, area of the sky covered by the cameras, the use of a single global vector
instead of using the cross entropy algorithm. This method is pixel- seems to be the best approach. This single vector is computed as the
dependent and applies to those pixels which are not labeled a priori average vector from the most populated group resulting from a 2-group
as null values. K-Means clustering algorithm (Fig. 2d) applied to the three CMV fields.
Fig. 3 shows the results of the cloud detection procedure for a This single vector is considered as CMV for each pixel of the three
stratocumulus cloudy-sky image. Fig. 3a shows the raw image. Null images. Fig. 5 shows an example of CMV field.

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

Fig. 3. Example of the cloud detection algorithm results corresponding to a stratocumulus cloud sky type registered at 2015-06-15 14:47 UTC. (a) Raw image along with the pixels
labeled as null values (in black). (b) The normalized histogram with the threshold value (red line). (c) Final cloud detection image with cloudy pixels (blue represents cloud-free
pixels). The total cloud fraction (CF) value of the image is displayed at the top of the figure.

Fig. 4. As in Fig. 3 although in this case for a cirrocumulus cloud sky image registered at 2015-07-01 14:48 UTC.

image. The position and shape of that area depends on three param-
eters: the sun position, the relative location of the evaluation station
from the camera, and the forecasting horizon. Note that, conceptually,
only the pixels of the images located in the trajectory from the sun rays
to the station location affect the DNI forecasts. Thus, for each single
camera, at the time that the forecast is issued (i.e., when the image
is captured), the area of interest is located just over the evaluation
station. To derive the DNI forecasts, this area is moved according to
the forecasting horizon, the future sun positions and the global vector
of displacement (Fig. 2e). Despite the fact that the relative position of
the evaluation station from the camera is fixed, the amount of pixels
in the area of interest changes between nowcasting events according to
the length/pixel ratio of the image, thereby according to the CBH.
GHI nowcasts are derived following the procedure proposed by
Urquhart et al. [54]. This method, graphically described in Fig. 2f,
uses the GHI measurements registered for 30 min before the nowcast is
Fig. 5. (a) Example of a CMVs field derived from the camera images. Red crosses issued. Firstly, at the time each forecasts is issued, the clearness-index
indicate non-valid pixels. Image correspond at 2015-06-15 13:00 UTC. (𝐾𝑐 ) values for the previous 30 min are computed. These values are
obtained for every minute as the ratio of the GHI measurements to
the clear-sky GHI estimation. Then, by means of a K-Means clustering
3.1.5. GHI and DNI nowcasting algorithm, two groups are obtained and the centroids of each group
For each sample, 1-min-time resolution GHI and DNI 90-min-ahead are selected as representative 𝐾𝑐 values. If the CF value is greater or
nowcasts are computed. Only valid simultaneous forecasts from the equal (lower) to 0.4, the lowest (highest) 𝐾𝑐 value is selected. Finally,
three ASIs were evaluated. the GHI nowcast is computed as the product of the representative 𝐾𝑐
The DNI nowcasting procedure is outlined in Fig. 2e. A DNI nowcast and the corresponding clear-sky GHI estimation (the latter also derived
is directly derived as the product of the clear-sky DNI estimation and (1 from the ESRA model).
- CF), where CF is a cloud fraction value. The European Solar Radiation
Atlas (ESRA) clear-sky irradiation model [52], complemented by the 3.1.6. Combining the three camera nowcasts
monthly Linke turbidity parameter [53], is used to derive the clear- Following the procedures described above, GHI and DNI nowcasts
sky estimation. The CF value is computed as the ratio of the numbers are obtained independently for each of the three cameras. The use-
of cloudy pixels to the total amount of valid pixels inside a certain fulness of having three independent ASI-based nowcasts was explored
sun-shape area, computed on the distortion-corrected cloud-detection in this work. To this end, firstly, we tested two different approaches

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

Fig. 6. Outline of the forecasting procedure based on the three ASIs. The figure show the images captured by three cameras at 2015-07-31 10:35 UTC. The orange circle shows
the sun position and the area considered to derive the DNI nowcast. The upper-most green dot shows the location of the evaluation station in each image. This green dot is
delimited by a green circle that accounts for the sky area used for deriving the DNI forecast. The successive green dots show the centroid of this area for the successive nowcasting
horizons. Every dot corresponds to a 1-min step in the forecasts. Note the first camera will provide forecast from 1 min to 25 min ahead, the second camera will provide forecasts
from 1 min to 21 min, while the third camera will provide forecasts from 2 min up to 28 min ahead.

for combining these predictions. The first approach (hereinafter Cam

Mean) consists in averaging the three individual nowcasts at each
forecasting horizon. This simple procedure, nevertheless, presents some
issues. The three forecasts might not be available for the whole forecast-
ing period (1–90 min) due to null values produced when pixels out of
the bounds of the image are requested. This is caused by the different
portion of the sky accounted by each camera when the forecasts are
issued, which is determined by the location of the camera and the
shared CBH. As a result, the evaluation station area might not be visible
in the images of every ASI at the same time. Therefore, for a certain
lead time, some of the cameras may not provide a valid nowcast. Fig. 6
displays an example of ASI nowcasting showing this problem. As can
be observed in the images, there is a difference in the portion of the sky
observed by each ASI when the forecast is issued. In this work, for the
Cam Mean approach, only nowcasts available for the three ASIs were
processed to obtain the average value.
The second combination approach evaluated in this study is based
on the concatenation of the nowcasts (hereinafter Cam Nearest). In this
case, for each forecasting horizon, one nowcasting value is selected
among the up-to-three available (one from each camera). The selected
value corresponds to the camera with the minimum distance from
the camera center to the pixel corresponding to the location of the
evaluation station. This ensures the minimum error in the image pro-
jection procedure, which can affect the forecast quality. Note that the
selected camera changes with the forecasting horizon and the clouds
movement. In the Cam Mean approach, the same CMV is used for the
three cameras and, therefore, just one CMV value is involved in each
nowcast (see Section 3.1.4). However, in the Cam Nearest approach,
the CMV from each camera was used. To this end, the same K-means
algorithm described in Section 3.1.4 was applied to the CMV field of
each camera separately. Therefore, 3 different CMVs are involved in
the Cam Nearest nowcasting approach at each forecasting event.
Fig. 7. (a) Example of a CMV vector field derived from MSG HRV images. The red
line shows the streamline of interest. (b) Example of raw streamlines derived from MSG
3.2. Satellite-based nowcasting methods channels 1 and 2 images. Images correspond to 2015-06-15 13:00 UTC.

The procedures involved in the satellite-image-based GHI and DNI

nowcasting are explained in this section.
Coimbra [56]. The initial streamlines are computed using a Python
3.2.1. CMV for satellite images and streamline algorithm routine [57]. Each streamline accounts for the trajectory and velocity of
CMVs are derived for the low resolution images (MSG channels 1 the flow displacement (clouds). The streamline of interest is computed
and 2) using the OpenPIV algorithm [55]. A 41-pixel square searching from the initial ones using an advanced iterative weighted averaging
window is employed. For the images of MSG HRV channel, CMVs are method. Once this streamline is computed, the pixels located over the
derived using the Deep Flow approach [50].
validation station at each lead-time can be identified in the satellite
Unlike the case of the ASI-based nowcasting (Section 3.1.4), the
whole CMV field was used to compute the predictions. Then, the image. One-min time step is used to match the time resolution of the
streamline passing through the evaluation station for each forecasting prediction with that of the ASI-based nowcasts. Fig. 7a (7b) shows
experiment (hereinafter streamline of interest), is obtained from the the streamline of interest (raw streamlines) for a high (low) resolution
CMV field by means of a method inspired in Nonnenmacher and satellite image.

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

3.2.2. GHI and DNI satellite nowcasting RMSEforecast (𝑡)

The Heliosat-2 method [19] is used to derive the GHI forecasts. As in FSRMSE (𝑡) = 1 − , (4)
RMSESmartPersistence (𝑡)
the ASI-based predictions and as a part of Heliosat-2 method, the ESRA
where N is the total amount of available samples and
clear-sky irradiation model and the monthly Linke turbidity parameter
RMSESmartPersistence (𝑡) is the RMSE corresponding to the Smart Persis-
are used to this end. By using 1-min time steps in the streamline of
interest, 1-min time resolution GHI forecasts are derived. DNI predic- tence model.
tions are computed applying the DirIndex method [58], using as inputs For the Cam Mean model evaluation, and given the availability of
the GHI predicted values at 15-min steps. For instance, 15-min ahead four different predictions (one provided by each camera plus the mean),
DNI forecasts are computed, based on the GHI predictions at lead-times a spread range is computed. This range is obtained, at each lead time,
0 min, 15 min, 30 min, 45 min, etc.; 16-min ahead DNI forecasts are as the minimum and maximum corresponding score derived from the
computed based on the GHI predictions at lead-times 1 min, 16 min, four nowcasts.
31 min, 46 min, etc.
Following the above-described procedure, 1-min time-resolution 3.5. PV solar generation nowcasting assessment
satellite predictions are obtained, matching the time-resolution of the
ASI-based nowcasts. Nevertheless, there is still a mismatch between the Finally, the performance of the GHI and DNI models for PV solar
image upgrading time of ASI-based (1 min) and the satellite-based (15 energy nowcasting is assessed based on a PV model. The GHI and
min) nowcasts. This mismatch causes the latencies of the forecasts to be DNI measurements (taken as ground truth) and nowcasts from the
different, limiting the comparison between ASI and satellite nowcasts. different models were transformed into normalized (capacity factor) PV
To overcome this problem, the latency of satellite-based nowcasts was generation values using Eq. (5),
artificially increased to match that of the ASI-based one. To this end, PV GHIpoa
and for every minute between satellite images upgrading (14 min), = ⋅ (1 − 𝛾(𝑇cell − 25 ◦ C)) (5)
nowcasts derived from the previous available image are used. The
procedure works as follows: at minute zero, when the satellite image where:
is available, a 2-h-ahead 1-min time-resolution forecast is obtained, 1. PMPV is the nominal power (maximum power of the PV cell
covering, particularly, period 𝑡0 to 𝑡90 (where the subscripts indicate the under standard conditions),
forecasting lead-time). One minute later, at minute 1, no new image is 2. GHIpoa is the global irradiance in the plane of the PV array in
available, and previous forecasts from minutes 𝑡1 to 𝑡91 are used instead. W/m2 ,
his procedure is repeated every minute until minute 15, when a new 3. GHIref is a reference irradiance defined as 1000 W/m2 ,
satellite image is available and the process starts again. 4. 𝛾 is the temperature coefficient,
Based on the former procedures, the satellite-based nowcasting time 5. 𝑇cell is the operation temperature of the PV cell given by the Ross
resolution and their latency are increased to match those of the ASI- thermal model [60]:
based nowcasting, allowing for a better comparison between the two
approaches. GHIpoa
𝑇cell = 𝑇surface + TONC − 20 ◦ C ⋅ , (6)
3.3. Smart persistence method where 𝑇surface is the surface temperature in ◦ C and TONC is the nominal
operation temperature of the cell. Monocrystalline module ISF-145/150
A smart persistence nowcasting model is used for benchmarking the features for PMPV (145 W/m2 ), temperature coefficient (0.00464 ◦ C−1 )
ASI and satellite based models. The smart persistence model uses as a and TONC (45 ◦ C) were used. Available in http://bk.net.my/materials/
fixed feature the current ratio of the ground-truth measurement to the isofoton/ENG%20ISF%20145-150.pdf.
corresponding clear-sky estimate. Every minute, at the corresponding The GHIpoa is obtained following the approach of Liu and Jor-
forecasting horizon, the prediction is computed as the product of this dan [61], Iqbal [62] and Myers et al. [63] for a surface tilted or
current fixed ratio and the corresponding clear-sky future estimate inclined with respect to the horizontal and assuming the isotropic
(Eq. (1)), approximation to obtain the diffuse irradiance in the tilted plane.
𝐼0 Two system simulations were conducted: (1) a fixed tilted PV system
𝐼(𝑡) = ⋅𝐼 (𝑡) (1) with an optimal inclination (34◦ ) and (2) a 2-axis tracking PV system.
𝐼clear-sky (𝑡0 ) clear-sky
Based on Eq. (5), capacity factor PV forecasts, with one-minute time
where 𝐼0 is the current ground truth measurement, 𝐼clear-sky (𝑡0 ) rep- resolution and up to 90 min lead-time, were obtained and assessed.
resents the current clear-sky estimate, and 𝐼clear-sky (𝑡) is the clear-sky The same scores discussed in Section 3.4 were used.
irradiance estimate at forecasting horizon t. The time step is one
minute. To this end, as in the case of ASI-based and satellite-based
4. Results
nowcasting methods, the ESRA clear-sky model plus the monthly Linke
turbidity parameter are used. 𝐼 represents both GHI and DNI. This
The results of the evaluation of the different nowcasting models
approach ensures that the smart persistence model error at lead 0 min
are presented in this section. The assessment was conducted separately
(time at which the forecasts are issued) is 0.
for each sky type (altocumulus, cirrocumulus, cumulus, stratocumulus,
multi-cloud and all samples) and for GHI and DNI. Table 1 shows the
3.4. Evaluation procedure
number of samples analyzed for each sky type for some representative
forecasting horizons. Only samples available for every camera and
The scores used in this work are the mean absolute error (MAE)
satellite method at a given horizon were considered.
(Eq. (2)), the root mean squared error (RMSE) (Eq. (3)) and the so-
The number of samples greatly varies depending on the sky type
called forecast skill (FS) in terms of RMSE of the Smart Persistence
and forecasting horizon. Regarding the sky type, cirrocumulus skies
method [59] (Eq. (4)),
are the poorest represented due to two main reasons: (1) this type of
1 ∑
cloud is relatively uncommon in the study area and (2) it is unusual to
MAE(𝑡) = |𝐼 − 𝐼measured(𝑡),𝑖 | (2)
𝑁 𝑖=1 forecast(𝑡),𝑖 capture the whole celestial dome with just this type of clouds. On the
√ contrary, the multi-cloud type has the maximum number of samples.

√1 ∑ 𝑁
RMSE(𝑡) = √
This is not by chance, since the multi-cloud skies are the most common
(𝐼 − 𝐼measured(𝑡),𝑖 )2 (3)
𝑁 𝑖=1 forecast(𝑡),𝑖 in the study area [46].

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

The number of available samples usually decreases as the forecast- of the forecasting window. The main reason is that, for these first
ing horizon increases, mainly due to the fact that, for long forecasting horizons, the pixels involved in the forecast are over the evaluation
horizons, the pixel of interest is more likely to be out of the bounds of station and at a similar distance from the three cameras. Consequently,
some of the ASI images. Given this limitation, the assessment is carried the forecasts provided by the three cameras are similar. However,
out just for up-to-90-min ahead nowcasts. when the forecasting lead time increases, the areas of the cameras
involved are at the edge of the image. This is a challenge, especially
4.1. Assessment of ASI-based nowcasting combination procedures for clouds characterized by vertical development and sharp borders
(e.g., stratocumulus) or in multicloud skies. In these cases, the relative
The two procedures (Cam Mean and Cam Nearest) for combining position of the sun, the clouds and the camera may lead to considerable
the three ASI-derived nowcasts (presented in Section 3.1.6) are eval- differences in the cloud analysis for each camera image. In these cases,
uated in this section. Figs. 8 and 9 show the MAE values for the the error compensation capabilities of the Cam Mean model seems to be
two combination approaches, depending on the forecasting horizon, especially valuable. Unlike the other sky types, for the cumulus clouds,
respectively for the GHI and DNI. For the Cam Mean approach, the the performance of both models are similar along the whole forecasting
spread of the forecast is also displayed. window. This seems to be related to the nature of these clouds, which
The GHI nowcasts error values (Fig. 8) show, firstly, a notable show smooth borders and tend to move slowly.
variability among the evaluated sky categories. Cirrocumulus (Fig. 8b) Additional analyses (not shown) were conducted using other evalu-
and Stratocumulus (Fig. 8d) skies show the highest errors and an ation scores (e.g., RMSE), and similar conclusions were derived. Given
upward trend. However, it should be highlighted that data sampling for the former results, only the Cam Mean approach was used in the
both types of clouds is low for lead-times longer than 1 h (41 samples analyses presented in the following sections, which compare ASI-based
for cirrocumulus and 51 for stratocumulus clouds at 1-h lead-time, and satellite-based nowcasts. An additional advantage of the Cam Mean
Table 1). This can be explained based on the characteristics of these approach is that it allows obtaining an estimation of the uncertainty of
clouds. On the one hand, stratocumulus clouds are low-level clouds the nowcasts by comparing at each forecasting horizon the predictions
that tend to move very fast. Therefore, long lead-times forecasts are derived from the three cameras.
unlikely to be obtained from the ASIs, due to their reduced field of
view. On the other hand, cirrocumulus clouds are high-level clouds, 4.2. Evaluation of ASI-based and satellite-based GHI nowcasting models
which makes it easier to obtain forecasts at long lead-times, although
they are an infrequent type of cloud in the study area. Summarizing, Fig. 10 shows the RMSE values for GHI forecasts derived from the
results at forecasting lead-times longer than 1 h should be considered four models and for the different sky conditions.
cautiously for these two cloud types. As expected, a common feature for all the sky conditions is the
Aside from the cirrocumulus and stratocumulus skies, for the rest of notable performance of the Smart Persistence model at the first fore-
the sky categories, errors are stable along the forecasting period. The casting horizons, after which the Cam Mean model tends to provide
lowest errors are found for the cumulus clouds (MAE values lower than the best predictions. Note that the Smart Persistence approach used
150 W/m2 most of the time, Fig. 8c). Regarding the two combination here ensures no error at the evaluation time (horizon of 0 min).
approaches, the Cam Mean model performs as the best for all of the sky- Fig. 10 also shows a notable dependence of models performance on
categories evaluated and for all lead times. Nevertheless, differences in the sky-conditions. Overall, the highest RMSE values are observed for
performance are notable among the sky-categories. On the one hand, cirrocumulus and stratocumulus skies (about 300 W/m2 at 45 min lead-
maximum differences are observed for cirrocumulus (about 30 W/m2 time, Fig. 10b and d), followed by multi-cloud skies (about 250 W/m2
at 45-min lead time Fig. 8b) and multi-cloud categories (Fig. 8e). On at 45 min lead-time, Fig. 10e). On the other hand, cumulus clouds show
the other hand, differences might be negligible for the cumulus clouds the lowest RMSE values. A notable feature is the remarkable spread
(Fig. 8c). The results for the all samples case are similar to those of of the ASI-based nowcasts associated with cirrocumulus, cumulus and,
the multicloud case. Notably, the Cam Mean model perform as the particularly, stratocumulus clouds.
best for all lead times. Nevertheless, the differences between the two For the altocumulus skies (Fig. 10a), particularly, the Smart Per-
approaches are lower than in the mulitcloud case. The spread of the sistence model shows an outstanding performance: the Satellite model
Cam Mean increases with forecasting lead time for all the cases, and is provides lower errors only at forecasting horizons greater than 20 min.
maximum for the cirrocumulus and stratocumulus skies. An interesting At lead-times greater than 1 h, Smart Persistence, Satellite HRV and the
feature in Fig. 8 is that the Cam Mean model tends to provide lower Cam Mean models show a similar performance. For the cirrocumulus
forecasting errors than any of the three single ASI-based models (Cam skies (Fig. 10b), two break-even points can be observed. The first one,
Mean forecasting scores tend to be located at the bottom of the spread between the Smart Persistence and Satellite models, occurs at 6 min
interval). Since the Cam Mean model is based on the averaging of ahead, and the second one at about 20 min ahead, when the Cam
the solar nowcasts derived from the three ASIs at each lead time, this Mean algorithm outperforms the satellite models. Cam Mean is the
indicates that the forecast error of the three ASI tends to compensate best performing model between 20 and 60 min ahead, approximately.
each other. For the cumulus cloud skies (Fig. 10c), two break-even points are
DNI results (Fig. 9) are qualitatively similar to the GHI case, with also observed: one at about 3 min ahead, when the Cam Mean model
the main difference being the DNI nowcasting errors to be consid- outperforms Smart Persistence, and the other one at about 9 min
erably higher than their GHI counterparts. The differences are about ahead, when the two satellite models outperform Cam Mean. Note
100 W/m2 , although they vary depending on the forecasting horizon the outstanding performance of the Satellite HRV model at forecasting
and sky type. As for the GHI, the Cam Mean approach proves to be horizons greater than 60 min. The performance of the Cam Mean model
superior. Differences in the performance between the two approaches is particularly remarkable for the stratocumulus case (Fig. 10d), being
are considerably higher for the DNI than for the GHI, especially for the best model for lead-times greater than 3 min. Nevertheless, the
the cirrocumulus and multi-cloud skies. In addition, the spread of the high spread observed (the highest among all the analyses, reaching 100
Cam Mean forecast is also considerably higher than in the GHI case. W/m2 at 30 min ahead) reveals the challenge of the solar nowcasting
Nevertheless, as in the GHI case, the Cam Mean model tends to provide under these sky-conditions. For the multi-cloud sky-type (Fig. 10e),
lower forecasting errors than any of the three single ASI-based models. the performance of Smart Persistence is superior up to 6 min ahead
For both the GHI and DNI, and for some specific sky types and (approx.). For the rest of the forecasting horizons, the differences in the
forecasting lead time, the differences between the two approaches are models performance are relatively low. Finally, when analyzing all the
negligible. For most of the sky types, this is observed at the beginning samples altogether (Fig. 10f), Smart Persistence shows to be the best

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

Table 1
Number of nowcasting samples available for some representative forecasting horizons. The values are displayed for each sky type.
Altocumulus Cirrocumulus Cumulus Stratocumulus Multi-cloud All samples
0 m 590 78 264 277 1040 2249
5 m 599 78 329 317 1151 2474
10 m 583 77 401 269 1026 2356
15 m 451 55 367 226 676 1775
30 m 342 48 216 129 231 966
45 m 226 45 183 84 198 736
1 h 142 41 183 51 169 586
1 h 15 m 135 37 176 29 136 513
1 h 30 m 134 27 176 20 105 462
1 h 45 m 125 23 171 17 93 429
2 h 6 3 11 1 5 26

Fig. 8. MAE values, depending on the forecasting horizon, of the GHI nowcasts based on the Cam Mean and Cam Nearest approaches. Values (in W/m2 ) are shown for the four
types of cloudy skies, for multi-cloud skies and for all the samples altogether. The light purple shadow describes the uncertainty of the Cam Mean approach. The uncertainty is
computed as the range (ASI-based-maximum, minimum) derived from four ASI-based nowcasts: the three single-camera and the camera mean.

performing model up to 5 min ahead (approx.), then, Satellite provides 4.3. Evaluation of ASI-based and satellite-based DNI nowcasting models
the most accurate forecast up to 60 min ahead, after which Satellite
HRV shows the best performance. Similarly to Figs. 10, Figs. 12 shows the RMSE values, although for
In order to gain additional insight on the different models’ perfor- the DNI forecasts. By comparing these figures, three conclusions can be
mance, the FS score was computed for the Cam Mean and the two drawn. Firstly, DNI RMSE values are about 50% higher than their GHI
satellite approaches. Fig. 11 shows the results for GHI. The skill of counterparts, although there are considerable differences depending on
the models varies greatly depending on the sky type and forecasting the sky-type and model. Secondly, the DNI Smart Persistence model
performs as the best model for longer periods (from the beginning of the
horizon, as expected. The most noticeable skill values were obtained
forecasting window). Finally, the spread of the DNI Cam Mean model
by the cumulus and stratocumulus skies. For the altocumulus sky-
is considerably higher. This fact shows the additional difficulty posed
type (Fig. 11a), particularly, the satellite models show positive skill at
by the DNI nowcasting.
intermediate lead times, as well as the Cam Mean model at the end
For the altocumulus skies (Fig. 12a), and as in the GHI case
of the forecasting period. Cumulus cloud skies show the most relevant
(Fig. 10a), Smart Persistence and Satellite models show outstanding
skill values. For lead times higher than a few minutes, all the models results. The performance of the Cam Mean model is lower than in
show a notable positive skill, especially the satellite models at lead the GHI case: RMSE values are about 100% higher and the spread is
times between 30 and 60 min. For stratocumulus skies (Fig. 11d) the considerably wider. It can be concluded that DNI nowcasting under
Cam Mean model shows notable positive skill values at all lead times, altocumulus sky conditions is particularly challenging. The results of
and the two satellite approaches at lead times greater than 35 min. cirrocumulus skies (Fig. 12b) differ considerably from those of the GHI
Multicloud (Fig. 11e) and all samples (Fig. 11f) show modest but case. The Cam Mean algorithm shows an outstanding performance,
positive skill for almost the entire forecasting period. The performance being the best model between 9 and 60 min ahead. Contrary to the GHI
of the two satellite approaches are particularly outstanding for the all case (Fig. 10b), the two satellite models provide a poor performance for
samples case. this lead range. As for the previous case, the results for the cumulus

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

Fig. 9. As in Fig. 8 although in this case for the DNI nowcasting.

Fig. 10. RMSE values, depending on the forecasting horizon, for GHI nowcasts. The results derived from four nowcasting models are displayed: Cam Mean (ASI-based model),
Satellite (MSG standard visible channels 1 and 2 images based model), Satellite HRV (MSG HRV channel images based model) and Smart Persistence (data driven model). The
values (in W/m2 ) are displayed for six sky conditions independently (altocumulus, cirrocumulus, cumulus, stratocumulus, multi-cloud skies and all-samples). Vertical lines are
displayed every 3 min in the first 15 min interval. Purple color is used to describe the performance of ASI based model. The dark purple line is used to represent the camera
mean nowcast and the light purple shadow describes the uncertainty as the range (ASI-based-maximum–minimum) derived from four ASI-based nowcasts: the three single-camera
and the camera mean.

skies (Fig. 12c) differ considerably from the GHI case (Fig. 10c). No- most accurate nowcasts. Results for the stratocumulus skies (Fig. 12d)
tably, the Cam Mean model does not provide an added value, since for are qualitatively similar to the GHI case (Fig. 10d), although the RMSE
lead-times greater than 9 min, the two satellite approaches provide the values are about 50% higher. As in the GHI case, stratocumulus skies

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

Fig. 11. RMSE forecasting skill (FS) values. The Cam Mean, Satellite and Satellite-HRV models nowcasts are compared with those derived from the Smart Persistence model in
terms of the RMSE. FS skill is displayed as function of the forecasting horizon for each type of sky condition, as in Fig. 10. The same layout was used.

show the highest forecasting errors among all the analyzed cases, and performance of the Cam Mean model for capacity factor forecasting,
they also show the greatest spread for the Cam Mean model. The Smart compared to GHI forecasting (Fig. 10b) at lead times below 15 min.
Persistence algorithm performs as the best model up to 9 min ahead Similar conclusions can be derived from the analysis of the 2-axis track-
under multi-cloud skies (Fig. 12e), this is 3 min more than in the GHI ing system forecasts (not shown). In general, result obtained regarding
case (Fig. 10e). At lead-times greater than 9 min, Satellite, Satellite HRV the performance of the different models in GHI nowcasting can be
and Smart Persistence perform as the best models. Note that the Cam assumed for PV solar energy nowcasting.
Mean model performance is worse than in the GHI case. Finally, when
analyzing all the samples altogether (Fig. 12f), Smart Persistence shows 5. Discussion
to be the best performing model up to 12 min ahead (5 min for the GHI
case, Fig. 10f). Then, Satellite provides the most accurate forecast up to The first contribution of this work is the proposal of two methods
about 20 min ahead, after which Satellite HRV and Smart Persistence (Cam Mean and Cam Nearest) aimed at combining single-ASI-derived
perform as the best models. As in the multi-cloud case, the performance nowcasts. The results from the previous section reveal that the Cam
of the Cam Mean model is worse than in the GHI case (Fig. 10f). Mean approach provides a superior performance. The proposed hypoth-
The DNI FS scores are presented in Fig. 13. Overall, the skill values esis is that this result is related, mainly, to an error compensation effect.
are considerably lower than in the GHI case (Fig. 11), although notable The cloud detection process in the ASI-based nowcasting procedure is
differences are observed among sky types. On the one hand, and prone to errors, particularly at the borders of the clouds, which strongly
similarly to the GHI case, the Cam Mean model shows a remarkable affects the final nowcast values. By using slightly different images of the
skill for the cirrocumulus and stratocumulus skies, and Satellite and same cloud, taken by the three ASIs, these errors can be compensated.
Satellite HRV models for the cumulus clouds. On the other hand, and This compensation effect can be observed in the results (Figs. 8 and
contrary to the GHI case, almost no skill is observed for the altocumulus 9), as the Cam Mean model tends to provide lower forecasting errors
and, more importantly, multi-cloud skies (Fig. 13a and e, respectively). than any of the three single ASI-based models (Cam Mean forecasting
The cumulus cloud case results are particularly relevant: contrary to scores tend to be located at the bottom of the spread interval). Note that
the GHI case, the Cam Mean model does not show any relevant skill the Cam Mean model is based on the averaging of the solar nowcasts
(Fig. 13c), even at the first forecasting horizons. Only the satellite derived from the three ASIs at each lead-time.
approaches provide positive skill values. Finally, when all the samples Another contribution of this work regarding the ASI-based now-
are considered (Fig. 13f), only a modest skill is observed associated casting is the proposal of a methodology to evaluate the uncertainty
with the Satellite model at lead times between 30 and 60 min ahead of the ASI-based nowcasts. Results from the previous section show a
(approx.). considerably higher spread for the DNI than for the GHI nowcasts,
revealing the higher uncertainty associated to the DNI prediction. The
4.4. PV nowcasting models evaluation results also show the spread to be highly dependent on the cloud type,
with the stratocumulus showing the greatest spread.
Results of the evaluation of the models performance in the fore- A notable feature observed in Figs. 10 to 13 is the remarkable
casting of PV solar energy are here presented. For a fixed PV system variability of all the error values along the forecasting window. This
(Fig. 14) the relative performance of the different models are similar feature is observed for all the models and both for the GHI and DNI.
to the GHI case (Fig. 10). However, some differences are observed. For some sky types, forecasting error values increase as the lead time
For instance, for cirrocumulus skies (Fig. 14b), there is an enhanced increases, as may be expected. However, at a certain lead time, errors

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

Fig. 12. As in Fig. 10, although in this case for the DNI nowcasts.

Fig. 13. As in Fig. 11, although in this case for the DNI nowcasts.

reduce or stabilize. For instance, for the altocumulus clouds, and both same cloudy sky type during the whole forecasting window (90 min).
for the GHI and DNI (Figs. 10a and 12a), errors increase up to 30 For instance, in the study area, altocumulus and cirrocumulus clouds
min lead-time (approx.), and then decrease. This variability can be tend to be grouped in packages [46], accounting for a relatively small
explained in light of the characteristics of the assessed dataset and portion of the sky and with the rest of the sky dome cloudless. This
the temporal horizon of the forecasts. In particular, each forecasting may cause the forecasting errors to decay after a certain lead time,
experiment is classified according to the type of sky conditions ob- when, as the clouds move, clear sky conditions arrive over the area
served at the time the forecast is issued. This feature is known through of the evaluation station. To sum up, for these sky types, and along the
the ASI images. Nevertheless, this does not ensure the presence of the 90-min forecasting window, patches of clouds tend to be followed by

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

Fig. 14. RMSE values, depending on the forecasting horizon, for capacity factor nowcasts for a fixed PV system. The system has a tilt angle of about 34◦ . The results are displayed
for four models and different sky conditions. The values are in capacity factor units.

clear-sky conditions, causing the observed variability in the forecasting best performing model up to 12 min ahead, and then Satellite performs
error values. Cumulus, stratocumulus and multi-cloud skies, on the as the best model. To summarize these results, Table 2 shows, for both
contrary, tend to appear over extensive areas. Then, the whole sky the GHI and DNI and for each of the sky types, the best performing
dome is usually covered by the same type of clouds at the time the models for the different lead times. As can be observed, the Cam Mean
forecast is issued, making the forecasting error values much more stable model contribution is valuable only for some cases.
(Figs. 10c, d, e and 12c, d, e). The results also reveal that the Satellite-HRV model does not pro-
The results from the previous section show that the performance vide enhanced nowcasts compared to the Satellite model. Some ad-
of the different models varies greatly among sky types. This is clearly ditional benefit is only observed for cumulus cloud skies and long
reflected in the break-even points, i.e., the forecasting lead times at lead-times (60 min ahead) (Figs. 10c and 12c). The special features
which some forecasting models outperform others. The break-even of these clouds, which are relatively small (typically less than 300
points summarize the relative performance of the different models meters in diameter), may explain this result. In particular, the nominal
involved in the analysis. The number of break-even points, their cor- resolution of the HRV images seems to better account for the spatial
responding lead time and the models involved change according to variability of cumulus cloudy skies compared to the low resolution MSG
the variable (GHI or DNI) and the sky type. For GHI, particularly, images, then providing enhanced nowcasts.
smart Persistence proves to be very competitive at the beginning of The results from the previous section clearly reveal the great chal-
the forecasting period in all the cases except for the cumulus and lenge posed by the DNI nowcasting. Forecasting errors are considerably
stratocumulus skies, for which the Cam Mean model proves to be higher and the performance of all the models is remarkably worse than
superior even for low lead-times. Cam Mean performance is particularly in the GHI case. Valuable model skills are observed just for some sky
outstanding for the stratocumulus case (Fig. 10d), performing as the types and forecasting windows. The Cam Mean model only provides
best model from lead-times greater than 3 min. This seems to be related benefit compared to the Satellite approach for the cirrocumulus and
to the highly complex nature of these clouds, characterized by sharp (to a lesser extent) stratocumulus skies. Satellite approaches provide a
borders, and the error compensation capabilities of the Cam Mean valuable, although modest, skill for cumulus and all samples skies. For
model. In general, the Cam Mean model shows to be valuable only for altocumulus and multi-cloud skies, Smart Persistence provides the most
cirrocumulus, cumulus and stratocumulus sky types. On the contrary, accurate forecasts at almost all lead times.
for the multi-cloud (Fig. 10e) and all samples (Fig. 10f) cases, the Cam Finally, it is concluded that the performance of the different models
Mean model does not provide any added value. The Smart Persistence, are similar in forecasting PV generation and GHI. Nevertheless, it
up to about 5 min ahead, and then the two satellite models, proved to should be highlighted that the performance of the Smart Persistence
be superior. This result is relevant, since multi-cloud skies are the most model for PV forecasting may be enhanced if the plane of the array
common cloudy skies observed at the study area (about 25%, [46]). For measurements are used, instead of the GHI data used in this study.
DNI, similar conclusions can be drawn, although the Cam Mean model
shows lower importance than in the GHI case. 5.1. Comparison with other similar studies
To summarize the results, the all samples case results can be used.
For the GHI nowcasts (Fig. 10f), Smart Persistence is the best perform- To date, and to the best of our knowledge, the extension of the fore-
ing model up to 5 min ahead, approximately. Then, for a few minutes, casting horizon of the ASI-based nowcasts and the direct comparison
Cam Mean provides the best results, and then Satellite performs as the between ASI and satellite nowcasts have not been addressed in previous
best model. For the DNI (Fig. 12f), Smart Persistence shows to be the works. Nevertheless, some of the results presented in this study can be

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

Table 2
Summary of the models’ performance evaluation analysis. For both the GHI and DNI and each of the sky types analyzed, the best performing model at each lead-time is indicated.
Altocumulus Cirrocumulus Cumulus Stratocumulus Multi-cloud All samples
GHI Smart persistence Smart persistence Smart persistence Smart persistence Smart persistence Smart persistence
up-to-15 min ahead up-to-5 min ahead, up-to-3 min ahead, up-to-3 min ahead, up-to-6 min ahead, up-to-3 min ahead,
then satellite then satellite up to then Cam Mean then Cam Mean then satellite then satellite
20 min, then Cam up-to-6 min, then
Mean satellite
DNI Smart persistence Smart persistence Smart persistence Smart persistence Smart persistence Smart persistence
up-to-20 min ahead, up-to-9 min ahead, up-to-9 min ahead, up-to-3 min ahead, up-to-6 min ahead, up-to-9 min ahead,
then satellite then Cam Mean then satellite then Cam Mean then satellite then satellite

assessed in light of the evaluations reported in other works. In any case, nowcast reveals to be a valuable tool, providing competitive fore-
the direct comparison of these results should be taken with care due to casts compared to the ASI-based nowcasts. Finally, predictions from
the differences in the datasets (study area climatology, length of the high-resolution satellite images were also evaluated.
datasets) and metrics used. These contributions allow to properly compare and assess ASI-based
Peng et al. [40] used a set of three co-located sky-cameras that al- and satellite-based nowcasts. The results of an assessment using a set
lowed extending the forecasting horizon of GHI nowcast up-to-15 min. of cloudy-sky days, specifically selected for being representative of the
This method can provide improved accuracy compared to Persistence. most challenging conditions regarding solar radiation nowcasting, are
Nevertheless, the relative position of the three sky-cameras and the presented. The results reveal that the use of ASI-based models provides
validation stations did not allow obtaining a longer nowcasting horizon. low benefits compared to the use of satellite-based models for point
Alonso et al. [15] evaluated ASI-based point nowcasts for both GHI solar radiation nowcasting. Only for specific cloudy-sky types the ASI-
and DNI at 1-min time resolution and on forecasting horizon up-to-3 based model provides enhanced nowcasts. Furthermore, the use of
h ahead. The results for the partially-cloudy skies that they reported high resolution satellite images does not provide additional benefits,
are in close agreement with the ones presented in this study for the compared to the use of low resolution images, except for cumulus
all samples case. Schmidt et al. [16] evaluated ASI-based GHI nowcast clouds.
on horizons up-to-20 min ahead. They reported almost no skill for GHI Given the frequency of occurrence of the different sky types in
point forecasts compared to Persistence, which is in agreement with the study area, the results suggest that the use of a simple smart
the results presented in this study. Alonso and Batlles [64] assessed persistence algorithm, in combination with a low resolution satellite
ASI-based and satellite cloudiness nowcasts at 15-min time intervals. nowcasting model, could be an adequate choice. Nevertheless, it should
They found the performance of the ASI-based nowcast to be superior for be highlighted that ASIs, unlike satellite images, are able to provide
the first 40 min. Nevertheless, no comparison between solar irradiance high spatial resolution solar radiation nowcasting maps. In applica-
nowcasts derived from the ASI and the satellite images was reported tions requiring spatially resolved nowcasts, the use of ASIs may be
in this work. Moreover, Scolari et al. [65] proposed a method to infer preferable. Satellite-derived nowcasts may overcome the important
the GHI estimates from ASIs that were benchmarked against satellite challenges associated with the use of ASI based nowcasts, such as the
images derived estimates. The result showed the ASIs method to be acquisition and maintenance costs of the sky-cameras and ceilometers.
superior, with a RMSE relative improvement between 20 and 45%.
The ASIs proved to be superior, particularly during partly cloudy CRediT authorship contribution statement
conditions, when the satellite lacks the spatial and temporal resolution
to capture local changes in the cloudiness. These results are in close Francisco J. Rodríguez-Benítez: Software, Methodology, Data cu-
agreement with the ones obtained in this study for the first minutes of ration, Writing - reviewing. Miguel López-Cuesta: Software, Methodol-
the forecasting window. ogy, Data curation. Clara Arbizu-Barrena: Software, Writing - review-
Other studies used real-time measurements for deriving solar ra- ing. María M. Fernández-León: Data curation, Resources. Miguel Á.
diation nowcasting, instead of ASI or satellite images. For instance, Pamos-Ureña: Software, Visualization. Joaquín Tovar-Pescador: Su-
Lorenzo et al. [66] evaluated GHI forecast, up to 2 h ahead, based on pervision, Conceptualization. Francisco J. Santos-Alamillos: Valida-
measurements collected in a network of sensors. The results showed the tion, Methodology. David Pozo-Vázquez: Conceptualization, Method-
method to have significant skill compared to Persistence for lead times ology, Writing, Supervision.
between 1 and 120 min. Similarly, Elsinga et al. [24] used power data
from 202 rooftop PV systems to derive short-term GHI and PV forecasts. Declaration of competing interest
The method was based on the analysis of the variability of the power
associated with transient clouds. The author found valuable forecasting The authors declare that they have no known competing finan-
skill usually between 5 to 8 min. cial interests or personal relationships that could have appeared to
influence the work reported in this paper.
6. Conclusions
This work proposes several innovative contributions aimed at pro-
viding enhanced solar radiation nowcasting models based on all sky This work has been financed by the Spanish Ministry of Economy
cameras (ASI) and satellite images. Firstly, two methods for extending and Business, project MET4LOWCAR (PID2019-107455RB-C21/AEI/
the forecasting horizon of ASIs-based nowcasts are presented. These 10.13039/501100011033), and by the Junta de Andalucía, Spain,
methods prove to be able to derive up-to-90 min ahead ASI-based project PROMESOLAR (Programa Operativo FEDER Andalucía 2014–
predictions, with one of them including an estimation of the uncer- 2020 ref. 1260136). The authors thank Abengoa Co. (plant operators)
tainty of these nowcasts. Secondly, methods for improving the temporal and Atlantica Sustainable Infrastructure Co. (plant owners) for pro-
resolution and latency of satellite-images-based nowcasts from 15 min viding the dataset used in this work. The authors are grateful to
to 1 min are proposed. These methods aim to match the temporal EUMETSAT for providing the MSG data used in this study. The authors
resolution of ASI-based predictions and are based on the use of the are supported by the Junta de Andalucía, Spain (Research group
streamlines of the atmospheric (cloud) movement. The satellite-based TEP-220).

F.J. Rodríguez-Benítez et al. Applied Energy 292 (2021) 116838

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